A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 7

The ride to Black Rock City began with magic. First, there was the glorious desert sunset over the mountains. The sunset faded to a brief dark interlude, only to be replaced with a riot of colored lights as they approached their destination. Keeley had heard people talk about Burning Man as a temporary city in …

A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 6

In the quiet of the bus’s dark bedroom, Keeley let her whole world be the sounds of Trish’s heartbeat and breath. There was something amazing about a first time with a lover, no matter how many first times Keeley had had. Sharing their naked bodies had bared their hearts as well. Nothing matched the intimacy …

A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 4

The Bus was moving before Keeley awoke for the first time. Bleary-eyed, she took in the dim bedroom beyond her crib bars. Her nannies had added a pair of nightlights while she slept. Light was glimmering at the edges of the back window’s curtains too, making it easy for Keeley to spot the bedroom’s other …

A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 3

The interstate highway was a pair of grey strips, surrounded by rows of trees in their full summer green. From the bus’s elevated deck, the lounge’s couch was a great place to watch the scenery. Keeley took a seat and wished that view offered something more interesting than trees. Looking out the windshield from the …

Adult Changeling: Chapter 12

If there was anything to praise about humans, it was their adaptability. Roan’s adopted household settled into their new normal in the space of a day. Though Corey and Bless were still quite intense in the attention they paid to Roan, she found the fuss a worthy trade for always having a packmate around. Bless’ …

A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 2

Keeley couldn’t believe her phone alarm was going off while it was still dark. Especially considering that it was August. Despite the summer heat outside, she was swaddled in blankets and pajamas. Mom believed in keeping the house super cold at night and claimed it was healthy. The cold hadn’t given Keeley any health benefits …

Getting Little: Chapter 22

Astra grabbed a tissue from the decorative box on Sarita’s dresser and blew her nose. Astra bought those for me to pretty up the room. Or to make it more like her apartment. Sarita realized she could hardly recognize her apartment after all of Astra’s changes. Sarita’s brow furrowed as she stared up at Astra, …