Little Lady Briana 4: Ava

Ava’s wrists ached from the pressure she was putting on them – she ignored the discomfort and kept up her quick strides. Her irritation at Briana was ridiculous, she knew. Slightly nosy curiosity and an offer to help Ava pack had to be the mildest way someone had pointed out her disability. She could easily …

Adult Changeling: Chapter 14

The sound of Roan’s messy accident had faded away, but the smell was only growing stronger. Time seemed to slow and attenuate as it did in Faerie.  Roan tried to will herself to vanish, perish, or anything else that would get her out of her current situation. An incongruously happy sound shattered the illusion of …

A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 10

Keeley’s night had been one of the roughest she’d known – including those during her worst benders. As her sunburn settled in, every waking moment was painful, itchy agony. Dreams were no escape either, the three headed bird person was waiting for her there. On another occasion Keeley might have felt bad about how many …