Site Memberships & Ream

Hi folks! Some of you may encounter this message after realizing that your user access on this site is different than it used to be. After I lost all my Patron data during the ABDL purge, I wasn’t able to be sure who should and shouldn’t be able to read early access and vault stories …

Find me on Ream!

Hi folks! Now that the dust has settled from the Patreon debacle, I’ve found what I hope is a permanent home on Ream. It’s a site designed for writers and readers – and they’re pro-ABDL in a way I’ve never seen a subscription site be! In my opinion, that’s worth supporting them all on its …

Patreon Removed all ABDL

Hi folks! I have some annoying news to report. Patreon banned every ABDL account they could find this week. For some reason, you’re still getting emails from Patreon for the chapters I set to automatically post. I would check your credit card statements to see if Patreon is also billing you. I do not have …

I’m back!

The hiatus is ending soon. For my Patrons, new stories are coming as soon as November 30th. For everyone else, look for a new chapter of Little Lady Briana on December 14th.


Hi folks. Due to some physical and mental medical issues, I’m going on hiatus. I don’t have a date for when I’ll be back posting, but of course I hope it’ll be soon. In the meantime, thank you all for reading and enjoy the many stories that are up on the site! -Sol

Schedule Update

Over the course of the last year, I’ve been publishing around 50,000 words per month. While I’m glad I did that, the pace turned out to not be sustainable for more than a year. For those who don’t have good context for word counts, that was me doing the NANOWRIMO challenge every month, or publishing …