Book 2 of the Found Family Trilogy:

Masters student and part-time baby girl Briana is happy with her new family until her adopted mom tells her that they're bringing a new roommate into the house. Terrified of how this new person will react to her secret, Briana is determined to deal with it the only way she can, making sure that she and Melody will be best friends! Playing with her new friend leads to mixing her big and little sides more than she's used to doing. With the line between big and little vanishing, Briana is beginning to wonder if she can keep her adult life at all.

Melody was looking for a good deal on a room and found a complicated living situation instead. Briana is cute at first, even sexy, but her situation is a lot to deal with. On top of that, it's making Melody more curious than she wants to be about the ABDL life. She'll have to choose between joining a strange family or retreating back to her comfortable but lonely life of coding and e-sports.
  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 01

    Melody paused in front of the old faux Victorian house, her hand hovering above the door knocker. What had started with a simple ad for a roommate in the campus classifieds had led her to a very uncomfortable meeting. On the plus side, room’s price was a steal, and the live-in landlord had a good reputation on campus.

    The number of meetings for renting a room had been ridiculous though. Veronica, the landlord, had questioned her about her tolerance to the entire range of tumblr diversity before dropping the bass. There was a girl in the house wearing diapers.

    Melody had heard some big drama about a girl in a diaper on campus. Supposedly another girl got hauled in front of the honor committee for bullying her. Standard woke politics #justiceboner stuff. The way Veronica described the situation it was way more than some plastic pants. There was a big long explanation about it being a psychological thing, and a game that everyone in the house was in on.

    It sounded like a sex thing. Melody had been on the internet more than long enough to know that it was 99% a sex thing. It’s not that it grossed her out, she had secret bedroom stuff herself. The big concern was mostly how obsessively weird people could get in the fetish scene. Did she want to live in a fetish house?

    After another couple moments of deliberation, Melody raised her hand to the door and knocked. She might as well meet her fellow freaks. Waiting had Melody flipping back and forth between anticipation and regret like a messed up logic gate.

    Veronica opened the door, looking as goth as ever in her straight black dress and dark makeup. She might not shit bats, but she probably cried tiny ones. “Hey,” Melody said, reminding herself to smile. “I’m ready for the house interview, I guess.”

    “I’m glad you decided to come,” Veronica said, motioning Melody in. “I thought we’d start with a quick look around the house and any questions you have. If you’re still feeling comfortable then you’ll meet our special roommate.”

    “Yeah, okay,” Melody said, nodding and dropping her backpack next to the door. A look around the living room was a little intimidating. The place was immaculate by Melody’s standards, not merely clean but all the mess picked up and put away too. Did anyone here know that grad school still counted as college?

    This being an interview Melody had her blonde hair pulled back but not washed. It had passed the sniff test this morning after all. The first time she’d met Veronica she’d been wearing an XKCD shirt that hadn’t gotten as much of a chuckle. Today she’d tried out her “There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand Binary and those who don’t.” shirt. That one didn’t get a laugh either.

    The classy living room didn’t need explanation, just a pinky extended. The kitchen was also self-explanatory and even cleaner than the living room. Melody did notice the lack of a rice cooker and shook her head.

    They got to the fetish stuff at the more casual living room. It had a bigger coffee table, more chairs than couches, and some bookshelves. It could be a gaming room, but there was good money on them calling it something fancy like the drawing room.

    Boldly placed was an adult size changing table tucked into a corner. The top had a pad covered in kiddie-print plastic, while the shelves below were loaded with diapers, pullups, boxes of gloves, wipes. There was even a little diaper bag hanging from a hook. For taking the diaper girl out? Bold-A-F.

    “As you can see we don’t have the changing table in view of the front door, but it is an important part of life here and so we do want one on the main floor,” Veronica said.

    “Makes sense I guess,” Melody said. “So you take turns and stuff? She doesn’t ever … take care of it herself?”

    “She certainly can, and she does from time to time,” Veronica said. “But we enjoy taking care of her and she likes being taken care of that way. It’s working for us.”

    “And if I moved in, I’d have to participate,” Melody said.

    “Hmm, I would rather say that we are looking for someone who wants to participate,” Veronica said. “We don’t want to push anyone into it, we’re looking for someone who would also enjoy doing it. If that’s not you, that’s completely understandable.”

    “I’m not opposed to it,” Melody said. “I mean I’ve done a bunch of fetish stuff or whatever. For me it’s more about um, if I connect with a person, I guess?”

    “I’m actually really glad to hear you describe it that way,” Veronica said. “The connection bit, at least. I want to steer you away from the fetish a little. While it’s true that there’s some of that going on, there’s also a component of this being how our roommate is.”

    “I’m not scared off anyway,” Melody said. “I’m still up for meeting her.”

    “Let’s finish the tour and we’ll do that,” Veronica said. The next surprise was the size of Melody’s potential room. The pictures hadn’t done it justice, it was a giant f-off room with a closet for days. The only other thing of note in the house was the adult-sized playpen folded up in the supply closet. Melody had to chuckle at that one, it seemed like some hardcore roleplay. Maybe the diaper girl was an elf too.

    “So where are the rest of the roommates?” Melody asked, taking a seat in the kitchen. She accepted a cup of tea from Veronica and sniffed it. Black tea, not her favorite.

    “It’s only Briana and I home right now, she’s on her way down,” Veronica said. “Everybody else is busy with the start of the quarter.”

    “Tell me about it,” Melody said. “I have like, five apps I have to make for class already. My freelance work is going to take a hit.”

    “I didn’t realize you freelanced,” Veronica said, sipping her tea. She took her tea without any sugar, and a single drop of milk, like a psychopath.

    “There’s a lot of automation work that companies are looking for,” Melody said. “I managed to get a little bit of a rep for it in undergrad so now I have a pretty steady stream of requests.”

    “That’s great,” Veronica said, “I’m genuinely impressed. In that case, are you pursuing a masters for your own research or–“

    “Hi,” said a short girl from the doorway. After a long pause she added, “Veronica.”

    “Hello Briana,” Veronica said, with surprising warmth, considering how businesslike she’d been so far. “This is Melody.”

    Melody looked Briana over, from her short red hair to her super petite frame, clad in a blue pleated skirt and white blouse. She was in an over the top kawaii pose with her hands clasped behind her back.

    “Oh no,” Melody thought, “she’s hot.”

     “Yeah, I’m Melody, nice to meet you,” Melody said.

    “Thanks!” Briana flounced to the table and sat next to Veronica. Did people still flounce? Was that legal?

    “So, I guess you’re the person I’m supposed to meet?” Melody asked.

    “That’s right,” Veronica said, answering for Briana. “If you don’t decide to join us, as I said, that’s no problem. But please leave anything you find out in this conversation at the door if that’s the case.”

    “Yeah, no worries,” Melody said. “I don’t have a ton of friends and I don’t spread people’s business around.”

    “Thank you,” Veronica said. “Briana, do you want to start off?”

    Briana nodded, but without much confidence. There was a wait while Briana powered up, or whatever. Eventually, she managed to say, “Veronica has probably talked to you a little, but I wanted to be very up-front. There’s two things about me that you’d have to know if you lived here. The first one is that I have a medical problem, I’m incontinent sometimes, especially at night.”

    “Oh,” Melody said, “I didn’t realize you had uh… that issue. Is that why you’re a diaper girl?”

    “Sort of,” Briana said, squirming. She looked at Veronica, and got an encouraging squeeze on the arm before continuing. “The other thing is um, kind of a game, but kind of not. It’s hard to explain but I have a special relationship with the people in this house. Especially Veronica and Jane. They take care of me, and I don’t always um, act adult.”

    “Yeah it’s like a whole ABDL thing right?” Melody said, figuring she might as well name it out loud.

    “A what?” Briana asked, obviously confused.

    “Briana isn’t part of that community,” Veronica said. “Not for any bad reason, but it’s not something she found on her own.”

    “Mom,” Briana said, a bit of a whine creeping into her voice. “what community?”

    “Briana,” Veronica said, “we agreed you’d call me Veronica while Melody is here. Can you do that for a bit longer please?” Briana bit her lip and nodded.

    “Um, it’s okay with me if it’s okay with you two,” Melody said. Briana looked like she was about to cry. Part of Melody’s SOP was that hot girls shouldn’t cry. “It doesn’t bother me.”

    “I suppose it does help show you a bit more what the dynamic is like,” Veronica said. “Okay, Briana, you can refer to me normally, but please stay with us in this conversation.”

    “Yes Mom!” Briana visibly brightened, and turned back to Melody. “So what’s the ABDL community?”

    “It’s um, people like you I guess?” Melody said, wondering why she was the one explaining this to a girl with a changing table in her back room. “Mommy daddy baby stuff, diapers, uh, it stands for Adult Baby Diaper Lover. But I don’t know how much you do here. Or how much I’d be expected to be a part of it.”

    “Mom!” Briana accused, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

    “Briana,” Veronica’s mom voice was sharp and firm, easily Weirding Way level. “Let’s talk about that later. For now, stay on track, we’re explaining to Melody what it would be like to live with us.”

    Briana pouted, sighed, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Melody, I was trying to be in a better state of mind for talking about this but I kind of got caught up.”

    “That’s okay,” Melody said. “Like Veronica said before, it kind of lets me see how things would go. Are you wearing a diaper right now?”

    “Nope!” Briana said eagerly. “A pullup! Do you want to see? It’s a really pretty one, because I thought you might want to see it.”

    “Sure,” Melody said with a wry chuckle. Sure enough, Briana was up out of her chair and flipping her skirt up. The pullup was pale blue, Frozen themed, with Elsa at the top of an ice tower that extended down to the crotch. The pullup fit Briana like panties, with a touch of extra bulk. They were actually sexy, which Melody hadn’t expected. She looked up to see Veronica watching her like a hawk, which felt a little unfair. Melody laughed again, nervously.

    “Hey that is really pretty,” Melody said. Complimenting girls on their diapers was apparently a thing that thirst could make her do. “Thanks for showing me.”

    “You’re welcome,” Briana said, dropping her skirt.

    Melody turned to Veronica to ask, “What else?”

    “Well the minimum to move in would be a willingness to be tolerant of Briana even in her younger moods,” Veronica said. “You’d need to be accepting of her need to have her undergarments changed, and be kind to her about all of this. We are hoping for more, though. We’re hoping for someone who’s willing to join in by watching over Briana when she needs it, supporting her in a familial way, and taking on the tasks of cleaning her up and disciplining her when that’s needed.”

    “Disciplining her?” Melody asked. “Like, time out?”

    “We use time outs with Briana, as well as grounding her from her phone and other measures” Veronica said. “But if her behavior gets extreme or dangerous to her, we usually discipline her with a spanking.”

    “You what? Briana, you’re okay with this?” Melody asked, knowing that for her part she was very, very okay with it.

    Briana pouted and said, “I don’t like to be spanked, but it’s okay if Mom does it. Or Dad.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Or the other people in the house if Mom says it’s okay.”

    “So basically, you’re talking about babysitting her as if she were a toddler?” Melody asked Veronica.

    “Pretty much exactly,” Veronica said.

    “Is it a fetish thing for you guys too?” Melody asked.

    “I really don’t like to think of it that way,” Veronica said. “I know we have at least one roommate that enjoys it in that respect. We have another person outside the house who plays with Briana that way when he babysits her. My girlfriend and I really do feel a parental connection to Briana.”

    “Huh, intense,” Melody said.

    “Too intense?” Veronica asked.

    “I don’t think so,” Melody said, “but I guess I need more information. Can I hang out with Briana sometime, make sure we like spending time together?”

    “You can right now if you have the time,” Veronica said. “She’s pretty young at the moment and maybe going younger. Now would be a good time to show you what you’d be getting into.”

    “Yeah I don’t have anything specific I have to be at, let’s try it,” Melody said. Because why not, let’s play babysitter with a girl who’s probably older than me.

    Veronica caught Briana’s hands and pulled the girl onto her lap. “Briana, would you like to play with Melody for an hour or so?”

    “Yes please!” Briana said, bouncing on Veronica’s lap. “She doesn’t seem scary at all.”

    Veronica chuckled. “We’re testing out if Melody can join the house and help take care of you. If she tells you to do something, you have to do it, like if she was a babysitter, understand?” Briana nodded. “And if anything scary happens, come get me right away, I’ll be in the living room.”

    “Okay Mom!” Briana squirmed out of Veronica’s grasp and hurried over to Melody. “What are we going to do?”

    It was a little surreal, looking up into Briana’s eager eyes. “She’s not going to kiss you, idiot,” Melody told herself. “Uh, well I’m trying to get to know you better. Why don’t you show me your room?”

    “Oh yeah, you can meet Alanna!” Briana said enthusiastically. She grabbed Melody’s hand and tugged. What would have been a little pull on a toddler yanked Melody right out of her chair. Small but feisty.

    “I am looking respectfully,” Melody reminded herself.

    Briana’s bedroom wasn’t exactly a surprise after everything Melody had seen, but it was extreme. Another fully stocked changing table was set up by the window, and there was no sight of an adult bed. Instead there was a f-ing crib along one wall, a massive affair that would make Briana look kid sized for real.

    The walls sported posters, glow in the dark stars, and stickers. There were stuffed animals everywhere. The only thing that wasn’t toddler-chic was the desk.

    A stuffed lion was thrust at Melody’s face. “This is Alanna,” Briana declared.

    “Hi Alanna,” Melody said. “Hey Briana, do you still go to school?”

    “Yeah, but I can’t play like this there,” Briana said.

    “You sure do like to play like this,” Melody said. “Do you know why?”

    “It helps me,” Briana said. “I was really stressed and sad for a while. It was making me sick. But Mommy figured out that playing like this could make me better, and it did. I’m doing way better in school than I was when I got sick!”

    “Huh,” Melody said, looking the desk over again.

    None of the chaos in the room had touched it, something that an actual toddler would not have been able to keep up. Veronica was in neuropsych, and was a big deal, at least on campus. Lab rat or ABDL fetish girl, tune in on moving day to find out!

    “You play with all your roommates like this then?”

    “Well everyone is different.” Briana said, plopping down on the floor. “I have Mom, and Dad. Suzie is a really good babysitter but she’s always busy. Erin is busy too, she’s going to be a doctor and she makes sure I’m okay. Then there’s Casey, she’s my girlfriend.” Briana blushed and pulled her feet up, rolling back on her back and flashing her pullup at Melody again.

    “Girlfriend like… sex?” Melody asked, too disappointed to be subtle.

    “Yeaaaah.” Briana squirmed on the floor, rocking back and forth.

    Melody sat down on the floor against the wall, her head spinning. There was probably a German word for the feeling, Melody decided to call it con-fu-rous-ted.  Hanging out with Briana was fun right now, but would it still be fun in a week? In a year?

    The arrival of a hot girl in Melody’s lap neatly stopped her train of thought. Briana had crawled up on Melody while she was distracted and was pulling Melody’s shirt taut so that she could read it. “That’s a good one!” She said, giggling.

    Putting her hands on Briana’s waist, Melody felt her heart go thump. Briana smelled of baby powder and was warm, soft, and supple in Melody’s grip. The plan had been to slide Briana off aside but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Briana, on the other hand, took that as an invitation to snuggle up to Melody.

    “Tell me about the ABDL thing some more,” Briana said.

    “I uh um…” Melody took a moment to regain her equilibrium. “I don’t know a ton about it, but it’s a pretty big community. There are different levels of involvement, some people get more into it than others.”

    “Are you in the community?” Briana asked. “Is that why you want to live here?”

    “Me?!” Melody shook her head. “No, I don’t do that stuff.” Because of course she didn’t have a diaper girl on her lap, no, not at all.

    “Then how do you know about it?” Briana asked, squirming upright and looking right into Melody’s eyes.

    “Well I’m on the internet a lot,” Melody said. “And uh, sometimes you stumble across stuff.” Stumbling was a perfectly good metaphor for the fringe effects of googling ‘sluts’ and ‘watersports’.

    “Oh, could you show me?” Briana asked.

    “What, right now?” Melody asked.

    “Yeah! Please? Please Melody, please?” Briana tried a whole puppy dog eye look that was, unfortunately, quite effective.

    “Well there’s a lot of sex stuff on those,” Melody said. “Didn’t talking about sex make you kind of embarrassed?”

    “No,” Briana said, her blush and squirm immediately outing her as a liar.

    “I’ll show you another time. I don’t even know the names of those sites offhand,” Melody said, as a lying liar herself.

    “Okay, can we play something then?” Briana said. “An hour is a LONG time.”

    “What do you want to play?” Melody asked.

    “A new game!” Briana said. “What do you like to do?”

    “Uh, it’s been a while since I did any kid stuff but, oh, I’ve got my Switch with me. Do you play video games?” Melody asked.

    “I don’t usually have the money for them,” Briana said.

    “You’ll really like Animal Crossing,” Melody said. It was time to test her authority over diaper waifu. “My bag is downstairs by the door, go get it for me okay?”

    “Okay Melody,” Briana said, hopping off Melody’s lap and scampering out the door.

    Melody took a second to breathe and look around the room a bit more. Microbiology textbooks on the desk, so Briana’s classes weren’t airhead stuff. A fair number of adult books on her bookshelf but a lot of new kids’ books too. All the nicer stuff in the room was pretty new, and kid themed. The adult stuff was old, and well cared for.

    Briana burst back into the room and held the backpack out to Melody. “Here you go!”

    “Good girl,” Melody said, taking the pack and chuckling at Briana’s big grin.

    “Okay, that was fun,” Melody thought. “She is stupid adorable, and it is nice having a minion to fetch stuff.”

    They sat back down on the floor together while Melody booted up Animal Crossing on her Switch. Briana was instantly enchanted, which meant that she needed to scoot herself between Melody’s legs. Doing an impromptu Lets Play for Briana helped keep Melody from being horny on main. Not that it ever felt completely normal to have an OnlyFans girl on her lap.

    By the end of the hour Briana was begging Melody not to leave. Giving in to the power of puppy dog eyes (and diaper girl tiddy), Melody signed the lease and dropped the deposit before she left.

    “It’s weird,” Melody thought as she drove away to finish packing, “but I’ve seen weirder.”

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 02

    Melody’s moving day arrived with Briana in a tizzy. She stood nervously in her room in naught but a pair of pullups, contemplating the two outfits on her bed. One was a sensible pair of jeans and a boring, grown up t-shirt in solid forest green. The other was an excitingly little outfit, a white empire waisted dress decorated in cartoon dinosaurs with white tights and a sparkly hairband.

    It wasn’t so much about the outfits, of course, but if she should be little or not when Melody arrived. The anxiety was enough to force her into the potty dance to keep her pullups dry. The door opened behind Briana, and she turned, flinging herself into Veronica’s arms.

    “Ooof,” Veronica grunted, pulling Briana into a tight hug. “Are you okay sweetie?”

    “Mom, I can’t decide if I should be little or not when Melody gets here,” Briana said, burying her face in Veronica’s chest.

    “Well it might be an easier choice if you had a cuter big-girl outfit,” Veronica said. “It looks like you spent a lot of time on the little outfit but not the big one.”

    “Can you help me please?” Briana asked, raising her head to give Veronica a plaintive look.

    “I think there are a lot of signs pointing toward the decision already being made,” Veronica said. “Spending more time on the little outfit, needing help from me, the way you’re acting now. It’s okay if you want to be little.”

    “But, I don’t want her to think I’m weird, and I want to help move stuff, and be a good roommate,” Briana said, unable to control the whine in her voice.

    “One thing I’m not going to let you do is spin yourself up into a tantrum,” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “So the choice isn’t yours anymore, I’m putting you in the little outfit.”

    “But mom!” Briana protested. “When I’m little I won’t be able to help with moving stuff.”

    “Darling,” Veronica said with an amused smile. “You are a hundred pounds soaking wet. You are good at lots of things but you are nobody’s first choice to move furniture.”

    “I guess so,” Briana said and squirmed her way out of Veronica’s grasp.

    “You can help by making Melody welcome,” Veronica said, picking up the dress and holding it up.

    “Yeah, I can do that!” Briana lifted her arms and wiggled into the dress, obediently stepping into the tights so Veronica could pull them up. With the sparkly purple headband on as a final touch, she beamed up at Veronica and did a little twirl. “How do I look?”

    “Good enough to eat,” Veronica chuckled and grabbed Briana to tickle her.

    Briana shrieked and climbed on the bed to escape the tickles, still giggling. A little bit of wet escaped into her pullup, but she managed to clamp down on it in time. Too excited about her outfit to request a change, Briana decided to ignore it until she could get to the bathroom.

    A deep rumble and the squeak of breaks outside announced the arrival of Melody’s moving truck. In a flash Briana was out of her room and stampeding down the stairs. “She’s here! She’s here everybody!”

    On the living room couch, Jane looked up at the commotion, only to be pounced and hugged around the neck by whirlwind Briana. “Daddy get up, she’s here! Melody’s here!”

    “I heard,” Jane said dryly and planted a kiss on Briana’s cheek.

    “Get uuuuup we have to say hi!” Briana grabbed Jane’s arm and pulled, managing to stir Jane out of the seat after the third or fourth tug.

    “Casey, Erin, Suzie, she’s here, come on!” Briana called out, running to the door and throwing it open. Bemused roommates made their way to the living room, with Veronica watching from the upstairs balcony.

    “You’re pretty worked up today kiddo.” Suzie said with a grin. She followed Briana out onto the front porch to watch Melody get out of the U-Haul and fiddle with the lock on the back door. “Give us some time to say hi and maybe make coffee.”

    “Then come say hi!” Briana waved at her roommates, gathering them out the door by sheer energy and excitement.

    “Melody!” Briana said, scampering down the porch and walkway. “Hi Melody, welcome to the house!”

    “Hey Briana,” Melody said, still looking a little sleepy. She was scruffier than last time, probably from all the packing. Briana resolved to make sure that Melody knew there would be plenty of help.

    “Did you meet everybody yet?” Briana asked. Without waiting for an answer she launched into introductions. “This is Jane, she’s strong and can help with a lot of stuff, and this is Casey, she has the really big muscles, and this is Erin, she’s super organized, and this is Suzie, she’s really nice and a good decorator. Veronica is inside, she’s probably getting stuff moved out of the way to your room.”

    “Yeah, I did get a chance to meet everybody at least once on campus,” Melody said, chuckling at her new roommates over the head of a very bouncy Briana. “Hi everybody.”

    “Welcome,” Jane said. “You have your own personal fan club for today it looks like.”

    “Sounds good, I bet she’ll be a big help,” Melody said, handing Briana an envelope stuffed with papers. “This is the stuff for the truck, can you set it by the TV for me so it’s out of the way?”

    “Okay Melody!” Briana said brightly, taking the envelope and sprinting up the porch and back into the house. She carefully set the papers in front of the TV, but before she could dash out again, she heard Veronica calling her from the kitchen.

    In short order Briana had the job of making coffee for everyone, flitting around taking orders and then precisely preparing each cup. To Briana’s surprise Melody liked her coffee the same as she did, super sweet but not much milk. Melody was going to be the best big sister ever!

    By the time all the coffees were done the furniture had been moved into Melody’s room. Briana peeked in to see a huge rug covered in cool looking video game characters. A twin size bed with a black metal frame was set up in one corner, and there was a small dresser next to it. An absolutely huge desk dominated the room, Melody and Jane were still putting the beast together. It looked like an executive desk with enough space for three monitors, built in shelving, and a surface that partially wrapped around the chair.

    Room investigation was cut short by Suzie, who sent Briana out to the truck to help with boxes. Under Erin’s direction the rest of Briana’s morning consisted of carrying a series of small boxes from the truck to the room, one or two at a time. By the end of it, Briana was tired of boxes and her pullup was wet.

    Trying to catch anyone’s attention for a change as a lost cause. Veronica and Jane were cooking lunch, Erin and Casey were moving big boxes, and Suzie was breaking down cardboard as fast as she could. Melody was up to her eyeballs in assembling a scary amount of computer hardware. Briana found herself setting the table, putting out the pasta salad, and filling glasses of water. Once she’d managed all that, the pullup had done its job and Briana had forgotten she’d even wet. A clamminess in her pants was not something she worried about too much, especially on the weekends.

    After lunch there were dishes to wash, it was getting to be a lot of chores for a Saturday! Briana was feeling beat, but gamely made her way to Melody’s room to see if she could help. It was a good thing too, because with the moving done, everyone had abandoned Melody to deal with the pile of boxes on her own.

    “Need help unpacking?” Briana asked eagerly, plopping down on the floor next to Melody.

    “Yeah, if you don’t mind,” Melody said, opening the box next to her to reveal dozens of wrapped figurines. “I’ve got a lot of these to put up on shelves.”

    “She’s pretty!” Briana said, snatching a scantily clad girl with spikey hair out of the box. “What’s her name?”

    “That’s Momo Yaoyorozu from My Hero,” Melody said.

    “What’s this one’s name?” Briana said, grabbing an androgynous blue-clad figure.

    “That’s Rimuru Tempest from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime,” Melody said.

    “Oooh, who’s she?” Briana asked, grabbing yet another figure, this one blonde, buxom, and dressed in a yellow school uniform.

    “How about you help me put them on the shelves first?” Melody asked. “We’ll be here for a week if I tell you about all of them.”

    “Okay!” Briana hopped up and started moving figurines to shelves. A few of them she recognized but most she gave her own names to, or at least gave them an imaginary relationship with the figurines next to them. There were a whole group of figurines in witches hats that were in love with some boys in suits.

    Box after box after box, Briana helped Melody fill up her shelves. The walls of the room had been devoured by shelving. From figurines to blue ray discs to video games to manga volumes, every shelf was crammed full.

    “You have so much cool stuff!” Briana said as she shelved some brightly colored manga according to Melody’s strict insistence on keeping series together.

    “Thanks,” Melody said. “It took a while to collect it all. You can come borrow the manga or blue rays whenever you want.”

    “Can I play with the dolls?” Briana asked. “I’ll be super careful!”

    “They uh, aren’t really toys,” Melody said with an awkward grimace. “They’re decorations.”

    “Oh, okay,” Briana said, putting a little extra pout into her lip.

    “Well I guess you can if I’m here, and they don’t leave the room,” Melody said, “but you have to be gentle with them.”

    “Thank you Melody!” Briana grabbed the other girl in a big hug, getting a somewhat stiff hug in return.

    “Yeah no problem,” Melody said, patting Briana’s head. “Thanks for helping with all this stuff. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to done without you.”

    “You’re welcome!” Briana squatted down to pick up some more manga, and felt the need to go again. Saturday was always diaper time, so she let herself go right away. She giggled as the warmth flowed around her crotch, only realizing her mistake when she felt liquid soaking into her tights and down her thighs.

    Reflexively, she looked up at Melody to admit her accident. But Melody wasn’t one of the people that she could ask for a change. It was little time, but she was in a pullup instead of a diaper. She was at home, but with a sort of stranger. Tears sprang into Briana’s eyes as she floundered between her needy little-state and embarrassed big state.

    “What’s wrong?” Melody asked, reaching into the same box that Briana had.

    “I… I… I…” Briana’s lip quivered. She thought about excusing herself but her little instincts were too strong. She’d never been big around Melody. “I had an accident.”

    “Oh,” Melody said, recoiling a little. Briana sank to the floor with a crushing weight in her chest.

    “I’m not upset or anything,” Melody said. Briana looked up at the other girl fearfully. “I didn’t expect it, I’m not used to this stuff yet.”

    “I’m sorry,” Briana said, “I’ll go.”

    “Hold up, I’m really not upset or whatever,” Melody said, reaching out for a hug. Briana gingerly leaned into it, resting her teary face on Melody’s shoulder.

    “There there,” Melody said, patting Briana’s head. “um, do you need me to uh, change you?”

    “You don’t hafta,” Briana said. “I can go get Mom.”

    “I’ll do it,” Melody said, with sudden firmness. “I told Veronica I would, I didn’t know it’d be the first day but it’s no big deal.”

    “Are you sure?” Briana asked, curling up to hide her face even more.

    “Heh, yes.” Melody managed to struggle to her feet while pulling Briana up as well. “Come on, there’s a changing table in the back room right?”

    Briana nodded, and followed Melody silently, holding her hand. She hoped to run into someone she’d be more comfortable with, but the house was cleared out. It made sense, she guessed. They had been helping Melody all morning, and they had their own Saturday stuff to do. Nervously, Briana climbed up onto the changing table and pulled the skirt of her dress up over her face.

    She felt fumbling fingers at the waistband of her tights and huffed in annoyance when Melody pulled down the tights only instead of getting the pullup along with. At least the pullup came off next, followed by the now familiar cold feeling of the wipes. Usually it was a soothing feeling, but Melody was missing big sections of Briana’s butt and especially crotch, leaving her feeling half sticky and not at all comfortable.

    “You’re not doing it right,” Briana complained from under her skirt.

    “Well this is my first time doing it,” Melody said, sounding a little irritated.

    Briana sighed again and bunched her skirt around her waist. She craned her head to look at Melody. “I’m sorry, wasn’t trying to be mean. It’s that there’s a bunch of spots that didn’t get clean and I’ll feel icky.”

    “Oh, yeah,” Melody said nervously. “I was um, trying to not get all up in your business.”

    “But you’re changing my diaper,” Briana said.

    Melody laughed. Briana wasn’t sure if it was okay at first, but it went quickly from an awkward laugh to the good funnies kind of laugh. She grinned, and wiggled her butt at Melody.

    “Fair enough kiddo,” Melody said. “I wasn’t expecting to see this much of you today, but I guess we’re good friends now, huh?”

    “We’re good friends?” Briana asked hopefully.

    “Well I’m about to wipe your crotch so we better be,” Melody said.

    Briana held her arms out. For a long scary moment it looked like Melody might not hug her. After a brief hesitation Melody found a place to put down her wipe and leaned in, crushing Briana in a surprisingly satisfying tight hug. With a happy murmur, Briana relaxed into the hug so much that she felt a trickle down her crotch and butt.

    When Melody returned to cleanup, she was quick and efficient at cleaning up Briana’s butt and the puddle she’d made, despite all her fumbling before. “I think you need a diaper, Bri,” Melody said. “A pullup is not going to cut it if you keep wetting like this.”

    “I usually get a diaper on Saturday,” Briana said, happily holding her feet while Melody finished cleaning her crotch.

    “So why not today?” Melody asked.

    “I was going to be a big girl for you,” Briana said. She squeaked in surprise when Melody added powder without putting a diaper under her first. Since they were friends now, she decided not to mention that it was another wrong step.

    “You don’t have to be a big girl around me,” Melody said.

    “Really?” Briana asked. “You won’t mind even if I’m always little?”

    Melody shrugged and said, “I don’t know why I would. I like you like this.”

    “Okay!” Briana said with a grin. She lifted her hips and settled into a diaper. Melody’s tape job was pretty clumsy but Briana barely noticed, the prospect of having a permanent little-friend was too exciting.

    “I got your tights in a laundry basket,” Melody said. “Anything else you need?”

    “Ice cream!” Briana declared, hopping down from the changing table.

    “Ice cream?” Melody asked.

    “I’ve been a good helper!” Briana insisted. “I should get a treat.”

    “Uh huh,” Melody smirked. “Okay, but only because you’ve been such a good helper.”

    Briana followed Melody to the kitchen, overjoyed that Melody held her hand the whole way. She could feel herself sinking more and more deeply into her little thoughts, and after all the work during the day it felt great. She tucked into the rocky road ice-cream that Melody served her, mixing it into a soup that she managed to smear across her face and drip onto her dress.

    “You’re going to stain your dress,” Melody said, a lot later than Mom or Dad would have. “Need to get it in the laundry.”

    “Don’t wanna!” said Briana with a naughty giggle.

    “Briana, don’t make me put you in time out on my first day in the house,” Melody said, starting to sound grumpy. Briana winced, she didn’t want her new friend to be upset.

    “Okay, sorry Melody!” Briana hopped out of her chair, and shucked her dress. She grinned at Melody was staring wide eyed at Briana in just a diaper. Briana bet that Melody hadn’t expected her to switch to being a good girl so quickly!

    “Laundry room is downstairs right?” Melody said. “I’ll be right back.”

    “Kay!” Briana left the ice cream mess on the table and wandered back into Melody’s room. The figurines were tempting, but she resisted the desire to touch and looked at them, making up more names for the dozens and dozens of cool characters.

    Melody came back into the room after more than a sec, and Briana spun around on her smooth diaper to beam at her new friend, asking, “Can I play with the dolls?”

    “You need clothes first,” Melody said with a sudden grin. “I have an idea actually, stay there.”

    Briana flopped on her belly and watched Melody dig through the boxes until she found one full of weird bits of foam and cool toys like a sword and some future guns. A clothing box contained a pretty sailor top and super short skirt. Briana hardly ever got to play dress up, so she was the best girl she could be to help Melody get her into it.

    The sailor top was cut for girls, and it fit perfectly over Briana’s small chest with a pretty soft-pink bow in the front. The skirt was too short to cover her diaper, but luckily the diaper was a pink that matched. She sat on the floor and happily bounced at how pleased Melody looked.

    “Do I look good?” Briana asked.

    “You look… wow.” Melody said.

    “Is this a Halloween costume?” Briana asked, hoping she might get to wear it then as well.

    “No, it’s for a cosplay I wanted to do,” Melody said, “but when it came it was too small for me. Fits you really well though, you can have it.”

    “Oh my gosh, really?” Briana crawled excitedly into Melody’s lap. Melody seemed to really like it, getting a little grin like last time.

    “Yeah, I can’t wear it, but I didn’t throw it away because it was so expensive,” Melody said, resting her hands on Briana’s hips. This time the contact was skin to skin. Melody staring like she was mesmerized; Briana felt lovely sexy warmth spread over her skin.

    “Briana!” Veronica’s voice echoed through the house. Feeling a touch of guilt but not sure why, Briana slid off Melody’s lap.

    “I’m in Melody’s room Mom!” Briana called back.

    “Do you need to go?” Melody asked, seeming disappointed. Briana rushed to reassure her, and said, “No, it’s fine.”

    “Hi Melody, how’s the unpacking going?” Veronica asked from the doorway.

    “Pretty good,” Melody said, gesturing at the shelves. “Making good progress so far.”

    “Briana isn’t distracting you, is she?” Veronica asked.

    “No way, I’m helping!” Briana burst out before Melody could answer.

    “Briana, I don’t see you helping. I see you playing dress up and – are you in a diaper? Melody, I’m sorry if you had to change her when you’re trying to move in,” Veronica said, shaking her head.

    “Ah, it was a little awkward but it was going to happen eventually so it was fine,” Melody said with a sheepish grin. “Her dress got a little messy from some ice cream, so I put her in one of my cosplay outfits, hope that’s okay.”

    “Thank you so much for doing all that, but you really didn’t need to,” Veronica said. “Please, if you’re ever busy, especially with work or school, you can always ask me to take care of her.”

    “MooOOOoom,” Briana whined. “She said I was a help, and she was really nice, we’re having fun playing.”

    “Well play time is over for now,” Veronica said firmly. “Melody wants to get her room put together so she can relax, I’m sure.”

    “Nuh uh!” Briana exclaimed, turning to Melody and putting on her best puppy eyes, “Can I stay please Melody? I’ll be a big help and super good!”

    “Briana,” Veronica said, her tone growing more sharp by the second, “that is not fair to do to Melody on her first day. You come out of her room right now.”

    Melody looked confused or sad, Briana didn’t know which, but she was sure that Melody still wanted to play. She glared at Veronica and exclaimed, “No!”

    “One,” Veronica said, her brows knitting into a frown.

    “Mom, it’s not fair!” Briana said, though her stomach dropped.

    “Two,” Veronica said, really angry now.

    “I don’t wanna!” Briana said, fear of being in trouble and her anger at having to stop playing whirling around together until she could feel herself on the edge of a tantrum.

    “Young lady if you make me say three you are going to be glad you have so much padding on your butt,” Veronica said, then took a deep breath…

    With a nervous waddle around the bulk between her legs, Briana scurried over to the door. Veronica’s hand closed around her wrist with an iron grip. She gave Briana The Look, sending a shiver down the girl’s spine and turned to Melody, “I’m sorry Melody, I think Briana got a little spun up. We’ll give you some space and if you want to join us for dinner we’d love to see you then.”

    “Sounds good,” Melody said, watching them curiously? Sadly? Briana was too little to be anything but frustrated at Mom.

    “Upstairs,” Veronica said to Briana, pulling behind a fast walk. The padding made it hard to keep up, but when she tried to pull away, Veronica squeezed her wrist even more tightly. Frustration was giving way to guilt fast. It had been a while since she’d been in trouble and nervous butterflies made her stomach feel icky.

    Brought to her room and dumped in her crib, Briana looked up at Veronica apologetically and said, “I didn’t mean to–“

    “Briana, I am genuinely upset with you,” Veronica cut her off. “This is a hard move and an exhausting day for Melody. Helping her was fine but asking her to play was not okay. She’s not used to it yet, and she might have had trouble saying no on her first day.”

    “But she was having fun!” Briana protested.

    “That doesn’t mean that’s the way she wanted to spend her time,” Veronica said. “I’m not very impressed with your tantrum either. You haven’t had an episode like that since the end of spring quarter.”

    “I’m sorry Mom,” Briana said, looking down in genuine guilt.

    “I think you need a reset. You are grounded to your room for the rest of the night,” Veronica said.

    “Mom, no!” Briana looked up in shock. “What about dinner?”

    “I’ll bring a bottle up, since you’re being such a baby today,” Veronica said.

    “No please!” Briana pleaded with tears in her eyes. “I want to be there for Melody’s first dinner! She’s my friend!”

    “Briana, you are moving way too fast with all of this. If you can’t snap out of this behavior then you’re going to get appropriate discipline for it,” Veronica said.

    “Please Mom, please!” Briana begged, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Please just dinner, please Mommy!”

    “No, and that’s final,” Veronica said, softening a bit with a sigh. She sat down next to Briana and put her arm around her. “I don’t know what’s going on but you are way too spun up over this. You need to cool down and that’s what you’re going to do.”

    “But – I want – to be with – everybody,” Briana said through hiccupping sobs.

    “What you really need is a nap. Come on, let’s get out of these clothes,” Veronica gently peeled the costume off a limp and crying Briana. “Goodness sweetie, what’s going on? You never get this worked up.”

    “We were having fun – and she’s a new friend – and – and…” Briana, stripped down to her diaper, hugged Veronica tightly and wailed.

    “Oh honey, my little Briana,” Veronica said softly, gently rocking the sobbing girl back and forth.

    By the time her crying jag was over, Briana was exhausted, laying on the crib with her head in Veronica’s lap and having her hair stroked. She sighed and rubbed her eyes.

    “I’m sorry I didn’t realize that today would be too much for you,” Veronica said. “I should have noticed when you were so super excited this morning. You really want this to go well, don’t you?”

    “Yes,” Briana said plaintively.

    “It’s nap time my darling,” Veronica said, slipping Briana off her lap and helping her under the covers. “If you wake up you can play on your phone or with your toys, but you have to stay in your room. I’ll come up and feed you a bottle for dinner, and then we can spend the rest of the evening together. Just me and you and maybe Dad, okay?”

    “Really?” Briana asked fretfully, pulling Alanna into an overtight hug.

    “Really,” Veronica smiled and kissed Briana on the cheek, pulling the covers up to her chin. “I love you Briana.”

    “I love you Mommy,” Briana said with a yawn.

    Veronica smiled fondly and stroked Briana’s hair a few more times before raising the rails on the crib and slipping out of the room. 

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 03

    Melody had a few days reprieve before she saw Briana again. After the second day she started wondering if Veronica had grounded the girl from talking to her. The quiet was nice but she didn’t want Briana in trouble, and she found herself missing the girl’s chaotic energy. Overall, there were way too many feels.

    On the third day Melody started keeping her room door open. On reflection moving in and keeping her door closed for days was probably making her seem like an antisocial emo. The worst part being that was that emos were over.

    Regardless, an open door had Briana peeking into Melody’s room within a couple of hours. Good thing too, because if Melody had to answer one more stack overflow question she was going to freak out.

    “Hey Bri!” Melody said, spinning her chair to face the door. “What’s up?”

    Briana looked a little different, meaning that she was actually dressed like an adult. Melody watched the girl walk uncertainly into her room in jeans and a t-shirt, gripping her right forearm behind her back.

    “Hey Melody,” Briana said.  “You got your room all set up?”

    “Yeah, no,” Melody said, chuckling. “I did a little more and then pushed the rest of the boxes into my closet.”

    “Oh, do you need help?” Briana asked eagerly.

    “Maybe this weekend?” Melody said. “I’m trying to concentrate on work and school right now.”

    “I never asked what your program is.” Briana said, still standing in a uncomfortable looking way.

    “PHD. Computer Algorithms centered on sound processing. Trying not to narrow it down any further until they make me,” Melody said. “Are you okay?”

    “What?” Briana asked. “Oh um, I’m just not sure if uh.” She paused for a moment then added, “Kinda having a mental conflict.”

    “You want to do your little kid thing?” Melody asked. “Go ahead if you want, but don’t pee on the carpet.”

    “That’s mean!” Briana said, her voice already shifting. “I don’t pee on the carpet.”

    “You had an accident last time you were in here,” Melody said, “Maybe I should put down one of those puppy-pads.”

    “Nuh uh!” Briana said, smiling and squirming at the same time.

    “Don’t you want to be my puppy?” Melody said, grinning at how fun Briana was to tease. “I could teach you tricks, and take you on walks, and feed you treats. You even have a little cage already.”

    “That’s a crib!” Briana protested. She blew a raspberry at Melody and they both burst out in giggles.

    “Actually I was wondering, you go to school dressed like an adult and all that, but if you sleep in a crib every night does that mean you’re little every night?” Melody asked.

    “Um, Mom was going to put my big girl bed back in my room but it’s the smallest one and there isn’t room for it,” Briana said. “Plus I usually wet at night so I always have to go to bed with protection.”

    “Aww, cute,” Melody said.

    “You think it’s cute?” Briana said, an odd look of surprise on her face.

    “Why not? You curling up in a crib is an adorable image,” Melody said. “You look cute in a diaper too.” “Wait no, why did I tell her that last part?” Melody wondered nervously. “My stupid mouth is on a Do: While loop.”

    That train of thought was interrupted by Briana throwing herself into a hug with Melody. She hugged back awkwardly at first, then held Briana more tightly as it sank in that the girl was hanging on for what seemed like dear life.

    “Hey there, are you okay?” Melody asked, patting Briana gently on the back.

    “You’ve been so nice to me,” Briana said. She sighed and buried her face in Melody’s shoulder. The angle she was leaning over seemed uncomfortable, Melody tried to shift Briana closer, and ended up with the girl in her lap again.

    “Aw, uh, well I like you, I’m glad that um, you feel like I’m being nice,” Melody said. “People don’t uh, always understand me I guess.” “Damnit I’m babbling again.”

    Briana sat up a little and looked Melody in the eye with a frighteningly intense expression. “We’re going to be good friends.”

    “Oh um, yeah, cool,” Melody said, unable to stop her embarrassed smile. “Did I get friendzoned?” Melody wondered, immediately rejecting the idea. “No, bad Melody. Stop trying to date your roommate. You’ll end up as the ‘This is Fine’ dog.”

     “Can you show me those websites?” Briana asked out of nowhere.

    “Uh, which ones?” Melody asked, feeling a blush creep up her neck.

    “The baby ones,” Briana said.

    “Oh. Yeah, totes can,” Melody said. “But uh, maybe better close the door because some of them are a little uh, porn-y.”

    “Okay!” Briana said, up to the door in a flash and then back to Melody’s lap before Melody had a chance to figure out an alternate seating arrangement.

    “So uh, here’s one that–“ Melody managed to bite down on the phrase ‘that I like’ before it escaped her mouth, “seems pretty good and uh, has pretty pictures.” As the site pulled up Briana either didn’t notice or didn’t mention that Melody was auto-logged in for it. That was one small favor, Melody doubted she was a good enough liar to claim she had bought a membership to show Briana.

    “Oh wow,” Briana leaned forward, staring at the screen in rapt attention. “all the girls are really pretty, and they have such cool clothes!”

    “Yeah, if you want you can click…” Melody trailed off as Briana took the mouse and enthusiastically browsed the site. Melody had picked a site with pretty tame images up front, but it wasn’t long before Briana found the sexy stuff with vibrators, plugs, and bondage.

    “Oh, I used to use one of those!” Briana said, pointing to a sparkly princess plug being inserted into a baby that was enjoying things. Closing the door had made the room a little warm, Melody thought. It was definitely heating up a bit.

    “How come they’re tying her?” Briana asked, popping the picture up to full size, “She looks upset.”

    “That’s uh, called forced diapering I think,” Melody said. “She’s been a bad girl and so they’re putting her in diapers.”

    “Uh oh!” Briana said with a giggle. “I usually just get spanked, but I get diapered because I need it. I guess maybe it felt like a punishment at first. Oh, those two girls are having fun!”

    Melody squirmed, acutely aware of Briana’s soft rear on her lap. She’d expected Melody to be interested in the diapers and the baby toys, not to go straight to the porn. Luring Briana into her room so easily had been a socially awesome penguin moment, but had taken a hard left turn into awkward penguin.

    “I didn’t realize that sometimes both people playing would have diapers,” Briana said, turning to look at Melody. “Do you want to play like that sometime?”

    “Me?!” Melody squeaked. “Um, Briana, I don’t wear diapers.”

    “I know you don’t need to, silly,” Briana said. “But you could if you wanted. I have a whole bunch and they’re really comfy.”

    “I don’t know–“

    “Please Melody? Pretty please?” Briana asked.  She trained her most devastating set of puppy dog eyes yet on Melody. “You can dress me up in one of your costumes again!”

    “Did she figure out how hot she was in that fuku?” Melody wondered in a minor panic. Whatever the answer to that, she was crumbling fast in front of those eyes. “Maybe a pullup,” Melody said, hardly believing she was agreeing to it.

    “Really?! Yes, thank you Melody, thank you!” Briana said. She hopped off Melody’s lap and did a silly little happy dance Once again there was no stopping the train of excitement that was Briana dragging Melody up to her room.

    “I have trains, and bears, and Elsa, and ponies and stars!” Briana said, grabbing a pullup from the top of each neat stack in her changing table to show to Melody. “Which one do you want?”

    Melody stared at the pullups. Was she going to put one on? Why was she excited? This was stupid, putting on a pullup because she wanted to see Briana in some hot cosplay.

    “I have a Raven costume.” Melody thought. The thought wiped away her hesitation and before she knew it, she had the star pullup in her hand.

    “Good choice!” Briana said, putting the others away. Melody waited for her to turn around, close her eyes, something, but Briana watched her in excited anticipation.

    “Um, a little privacy please?” Melody asked.

    “Whaaaat?” Briana asked. “No way, you never give me privacy.”

    “That’s because I changed your wet diaper.” Melody said, not sure why she was arguing about this. She could go to the bathroom, she supposed, but then she’d have to walk there with a pullup in her hand.

    “I want to see you put it on!” Briana declared.

    Melody sighed. She slid her jeans down and lay them on the bed. Turning back to see Briana staring at her plan gray panties brought a big blush to her face.

    “Those are boring, we should go shopping for prettier panties for you,” Briana said.

    “Uh, I don’t usually show them to people so it doesn’t matter,” Melody said.

    “Nuh uh, it feels great to have cool panties on, see?” Briana dropped her own jeans, revealing white panties with little red hearts on them.

    “Those are cute, but you should get in a pullup too,” Melody said. While Briana had her back turned to pick a pair, Melody dropped her panties and donned the pullups as quickly as she could. It wasn’t that much different than wearing a pad, but Melody hadn’t used one of those since sixth grade. Diaper or pad, either way it was going to make her feel like a kid.

    Upon seeing Melody in the pullup, Briana gave a little squeal of delight and danced around her, naked from the waist down. She even patted Melody’s butt, which made for a sensation so weird that Melody’s brain went full Equations Lady.

    “I’ve never seen anyone else in those before,” Briana said. “It’s so cool to have somebody else to play like this!”

    “You should put yours on too,” Melody said, pulling up her jeans. There was enough bulk in the pullup that she couldn’t forget it was there.

    “And then we play dress-up?” Briana asked, finally donning a pair of the bear pullups.

    “Yeah,” Melody said. “I have to find something else to trade than diapers for putting her in cute cosplay,” she thought.

    Back down in her bedroom, with pullups on and her panties stuffed in a jeans pocket, Melody helped Briana into the Raven costume. In gray leggings, a black sleeved leotard, and the cape she looked incredible. The wig was too ratty from being in the box to be worth putting on, but the little red gem had enough stick left to stay on Briana’s forehead. Even the pullup was hidden, adding a bit of curve to Briana’s rear.

    “Am I pretty?” Briana asked, doing a twirl that set her cape flowing around her.

    “Yeah, you look great,” Melody said, feeling giddy at Briana’s answering grin.

    “Briana,” Jane called from the kitchen. “I still see a pile of dishes here. Come finish your chores.”

    “Daddy I’m playing with Melody!” Briana shouted back.

    “You can play with her after,” Jane called out. “Get in here and finish right now.”

    “Okaaaaay.” Briana sighed and shrugged at Melody. “I’ll be back okay? And then, can we play some more?”

    “Sure, what do you want to do?” Melody asked.

    “I hafta do chores and then probably homework,” Briana said with a pout. “But maybe, if it’s okay, you could put me to bed tonight? Read me a story and stuff?”

    “Sounds boring.” Melody thought. She was remembering why she didn’t babysit much. On the other hand, it was still pretty much impossible to say no to Briana, especially when she was in sexy Raven cosplay.

    “Yeah okay,” Melody said. She chuckled and ruffled Briana’s hair. “You better go do the dishes or you’re going to get grounded again.”

    “Okay, thank you! See you tonight!” Briana scampered off, cape trailing behind her.

    The prospect of returning to assignments seemed ridiculous to Melody, and doing some of her freelance work only slightly less so. In fact she wasn’t going to get anything done until her ladyboner was gone. At least there was an easy and fun way to deal with that!

    With her door firmly locked, Melody plopped down at her computer and cleared the screensaver. Diaper girls covered the screen, with a pair of them making out front and center. Normally Melody had to be pretty deep into pornhub to jill off to that kind of stuff, but after playing with Briana for the last hour…

    “Damn it, I think this DID awaken something in me,” Melody thought.

    She unbuttoned her jeans and slipped a hand down to her sex, smirking at the feel of the pullup on the back of her hand. It was going to make cleanup a lot easier at least. Rubbing her hood in slow circles, Melody browsed through the site.

    “What is it that makes this sexy?” Melody wondered. Normally she’d look at the girls in pullups and diapers and get a naughty imagined thrill of them being embarrassed. But now she was picturing herself with Briana. She delved deeper into the site, into the pictures of diaper changes, wet diapers, and videos of girls wetting. The wetter they were, the wetter she got.

    With a massive moan into the crook of her elbow, Melody leaned back in her chair, panting. That was the third one at least. It had been a while since she’d come three times without a wand or at least a bullet vibrator. Panting and sweating, Melody tried to relax until she realized that she needed to pee. She groaned. Getting to the bathroom was going to require some cleanup unless she wanted to advertise what she’d been doing to her roommates.

    Suddenly, a wild solution appeared! She could use the pullup for its intended purpose.

    Obviously, that was a stupid, silly idea. Melody wasn’t about to wet herself like some kind of… her train of thought derailed as the next video clip played, cutting right to a mortified girl wetting her pants.

    “Briana would be so hot wetting like that. Look at this girl, she’s getting off on it. I wonder if Briana gets off on it.” Melody thought. “I wonder… if I can get off on it.”

    Melody resisted a bit longer, biting her lip and plunging a pair of fingers slowly in and out of herself. Later she’d realize the decision had already been made, she was stalling. The first couple of dribbles that flowed over her fingers made her pussy catch fire. Melody had to ball up her shirt and shove it into her mouth to cover the shrieking moans that she couldn’t hold back. Hot and wet sprayed across her fingers and into her pullup, bulking it up immediately.

    It all felt so dirty, so wrong, and so good. She almost choked on the wad of shirt in her mouth when wave after wave of orgasms hit her. When she came back to herself she had a dry mouth full of shirt that she had nearly bitten a hole in. Taking in big, panting breaths through her nose she looked down at her jeans, twin lines of wet starting to ring her thighs. The embarrassment of that and her sticky, sopping hand surged desire through her again. Too tired to start up again, Melody sat and processed the strange, filthy feelings.

    Faster than she expected, Melody found her wet pullup uncomfortable. It took stripping completely and rubbing down with a towel from the morning’s shower before Melody felt like she could step out of her room. Even then, she cracked a window while she put on a new outfit, same as the old outfit.

    “That was fucked up.” Melody thought. “Why was that so stupid hot?”

    Desperate to bury the evidence, Melody wrapped the pullup tightly in a plastic bag. Her jeans she shoved to the bottom of her laundry hamper. By the time she came back to her room freshly showered she had finally put the experience out of her mind.

    Later that evening Briana was still in her costume. Melody herded the girl into her room and helped her get the costume off. The pullup, or a wonder, was dry. Surprising herself with how daring she was being, Melody patted Briana’s crotch, and was even more surprised at Briana’s near-lack of reaction.

    “Good girl, staying dry,” Melody said. “Do you have to go now?”

    “I’m not sure,” Briana said. The tone was playful, way too playful.

    “Go to the bathroom and try,” Melody said, pointing to the upstairs bathroom.

    “Can you come with me?” Briana asked, snuggling up to Melody in her pullup. “I need help with the potty and brushing my teeth and stuff.”

    “Okay, okay, put on a nightgown or something,” Melody said.

    “How come?” Briana asked, apparently into her game enough to be totally unconscious of her slim waist, her smooth freckled skin, her bangin’ perky tits–

    “Bad Melody, no biscuit!” She said to herself.

    “Because I told you too,” Melody said, swatting Briana on the rear.

    That had the instant and interesting effect of turning the girl completely docile. She put a nightgown on and came over quietly to take Melody’s hand.

    In the bathroom, Melody turned away after putting Briana on the toilet, but hearing the girl go stirred up some feelings from her spank session in the afternoon. It was weirdly, confusingly intimate to brush out Briana’s hair, and even brush her teeth for her, since Briana claimed she couldn’t do it at all.

    Feeling a bit mischievous, Melody made Briana drink two big glasses of water. Briana did it without much complaining, leaving Melody with back of the mind fantasies about how wet the girl was going to be that night.

    Back in the room she got to play with a naked Briana on her changing table, stroking the girl’s body gently before sliding a diaper under her butt. With a lot more care this time, Melody wiped Briana down and powdered her. It took a couple of shakey-handed tries but she got the tapes on nice and snug as well.

    Briana in a onesie was a thing that Melody didn’t know she needed, but she did. Briana in a onesie, in her crib, snuggled up to her stuffed animal was beyond adorable.

    “Also, still hot somehow,” Melody thought. FBI OPEN UP rang through her head.

    With a story read, a pacifier in her mouth, and the covers tucked up to her chin, Briana drifted off instantly. It would be nice to fall asleep that fast, to be that safe. Melody shook her head and turned off the light, walked out of the room.

    “How did it go?” Veronica asked, leaning against the upstairs rail.

    “Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Jesus Christ on Toast!” Melody said, jumping what felt like a foot in the air. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

    “I’m sorry,” Veronica said, though her amused smile didn’t look all that sorry.

    “It was uh, stupid sweet,” Melody said, rubbing the back of her neck. “She’s a good kid. Really cute.”

    “Wonderful,” Veronica said, stepping in for a hug. “Welcome to the family.”

    “Hey, what?” Melody squirmed out of the hug like a fussy cat. “Hey, I’m uh, you know, she wants to play and she’s having a good time and whatever.”

    “I think you’re having a good time too,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah maybe, way to call me out on it,” Melody said, though she couldn’t help but smile.

    “I think it’s great for Briana to have a big sister relationship in her life,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah that doesn’t make me your kid though,” Melody retorted.

    “I didn’t say it did,” Veronica said. “I’m not taking applications for another daughter right now.”

    “Now I’ve got to figure out where the nearest burn center is,” Melody thought.

    “Anyway, I’m going to go finish my freelance work,” Melody said. “Um, thanks for checking in and all.”

    “I want to make sure that both of you are okay with this,” Veronica said. “Goodnight Melody.”

    “Goodnight Veronica,” Melody headed downstairs, wondering why she felt like she had been sent to bed.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 04

    On the second week of classes, Briana skipped along the gravel path on campus, trying to keep the rocks she was kicking inside the path. She should probably be getting a start on her homework, but it was hard to think about anything but going home and playing Little with her new friend. Evenings had been so fun lately, even when she was sitting in Little clothes hanging out in Melody’s room.

    Occasionally she’d worry that she was doing it too much, especially since Veronica had already pulled her out of Melody’s room on a couple of evenings to sit her down for homework. On the other hand, with Mom watching out for her, what did she have to worry about? Obviously this was something that was fun and new, and things would be back to normal by midterms.

    In the meantime, oh my gosh! Melody said that she could play on the Switch tonight if she was a good girl, and so she’d been super good all last night! It was no big deal to help Melody clean her room a bit. This afternoon she could surprise Melody by doing her laundry for her, the basket in her room was super full. Melody was always great about telling her what a good girl she was, but tonight would be supercharged!

    “Watch out where you’re kicking those,” said someone right in Briana’s path. She looked up in surprise and ran right into Gary’s arms. He was as muscly and cute as ever, with his brown hair cut back super short now.

    “Gary!” Briana said excitedly, “How’s the new quarter been? I like your new haircut!”

    “Thanks,” Gary said, grinning. He didn’t seem to mind keeping his arms around Briana, and she didn’t mind either. “You’re really fired up today.”

    “I’m really excited about our new roommate,” Briana said.

    “I heard you had someone moving in. Glad to hear she’s working out,” Gary said. He tugged lightly at the back of Briana’s jeans, craning his head over to peek. “You going back to wearing pullups at school?”

    “Not always, I just really wanted to today,” Briana said, with a playful butt wiggle.

    “Hmm, you in the mood to play?” Gary asked. “We’re at school but I have some supplies on me.”

    “I have a study group I hafta go to in like an hour, but until then it’d be fun,” Briana said, slipping into her little voice more than effortlessly, unconsciously.

    Gary chuckled and said, “Yeah, looks like you need it. Come on, little one.” He took Briana’s hand and led her across the school lawn to the looming faux-gothic administration building.

    “Where are we going?” Briana asked.

    “I have an office now!” Gary said proudly. “It’s more of a closet than anything else but it has a door that closes.”

    “Ooh, fancy,” Briana said.

    Gary had not been kidding about the size of the office. Briana had to squeeze past Gary behind the desk so he could close the door. Space was so tight that Gary had been forced to choose between having an unblocked window and having a bookshelf. The bookshelf had won out, though the shelf at window height was clear to let some light in.

    It was a little worrisome from a fire-code standpoint, but that kind of big-girl worry was hard to focus on at the moment. Double so when Gary took Briana’s backpack off her without asking and set it aside.

    “Bend over the desk kiddo.” Gary said, rummaging in his backpack.

    “I don’t wanna,” Briana said, pouting.

    “Come on now, be a good girl,” Gary said.

    “I am a good girl, I don’t need a spanking!” Briana said.

    “I wasn’t going to give you one, but if you don’t hurry up and do what you’re told I don’t have a problem giving you one,” Gary said.

    Pouting her very strongest pout, Briana bent over the desk. Unfortunately Gary was immune. With a resigned sigh, Briana held on to the desk, still not convinced she wasn’t going to get a spanking.

    She felt Gary unbutton her jeans and work them down her legs. He even popped her shoes off and took the jeans off completely. Had he locked the door? Strong, warm hands stroking back up her legs felt good, until they were patting all over her pullup.

    “Nice and dry, good girl!” Gary said.

    Briana blushed and squirmed, it’d been a while since she’d been inspected like this. It only got worse when Gary took her pullup off and spread her cheeks. Squirmy feelings were rapidly becoming butterflies in her stomach.

    “Gary, what are you doing?” she asked quietly.

    “I’m checking to make sure you’re cleaning yourself properly when you’re being a big girl,” Gary said. Apparently he wasn’t completely satisfied because Briana felt him wipe her tight ring with a baby wipe. That sent her into a huge round of blushies and heat between her legs.

    “Hmmm, I think you might need to come by for regular checks,” Gary said. Something cold touched her rear, Briana gasped when she felt Gary work a finger inside her along with a generous glob of lube.

    “Nuh uh, I’m fine being a big girl at school,” Briana protested, trying to keep from moaning.

    “You know you don’t get to decide that kind of stuff, that’s why you have so many people looking out for you,” Gary said. Briana gasped as the smooth metal of a butt plug pressed against her ring and gently slid in. It was a nice small one, but was still a presence she couldn’t easily ignore.

    “When do I hafta come to your office?” Briana asked.

    “You get done with classes around now, right?” Gary asked. “Come by after classes and I’ll make sure you’re doing well.”

    The thought of regular little time at school was thrilling and scary at the same time. Again, she pushed the scary off onto her caretakers. If there was a problem they would let her know. In the meantime it would make school a lot more fun. “Okay Gary, I will,” Briana said.

    After taking a moment to wipe his hands, Gary lifted Briana effortlessly into the crook of his left arm. She grinned and squealed as he rained kisses on her cheeks, lips, and forehead. Briana reveled in the feeling of being hoisted by Gary one-armed. It was something only he and Casey were buff enough to do and it gave the best little feelings ever.

    Gary draped a changing blanket on his desk and set Briana down on it. With a happy sigh, she held on to her feet and relaxed into the change. It’d been way too long since Gary had changed her! She’d missed the tender touches that turned her on as he applied lotion. He always put on the right amount of powder, and taped the diaper up nice and snug. Only Mom could do a better job changing her.

    After the change she sat in Gary’s lap, squirming around to hear her diaper crinkle. “Do we hafta be quiet in here?” Briana asked, big enough to worry about things like that.

    “Not really,” Gary said. “I mean, don’t scream or anything, but the office is right between two store-rooms and we’re in a back corner of the building. If you get too loud I can always put a pacifier in your mouth.”

    Briana grinned and nodded, snuggling up to Gary. He was so strong, and warm, and safe-feeling, she wished she could blow off her stupid study group.

    “Tell me about your new roommate,” Gary said.

    “Her name is Melody, and she’s really cool!” Briana gushed. “She has all kinds of cool toys, and dolls and stuff. Oh, and she has super cool costumes that she lets me wear! We’ve played dress-up like, five times already.”

    “Wow, that’s fun,” Gary said with a grin. “Is she Little like you, or a big girl?”

    “She’s a big girl, but she did wear a pullup once when I asked her to,” Briana said. “Oh, and she knows about all kinds of cool websites for little girls, some of them doing some really sexy stuff.”

    “I bet you liked that,” Gary said, gently tickling Briana until she squirmed in his lap. “Why’d you ask her to wear a pullup?”

    “Because on the websites there were girls in diapers cuddling and stuff and it looked really fun,” Briana said. “She hasn’t worn one again but maybe someday we can just sit and cuddle together.”

    “I like that idea, I’ll even babysit for you two if you need me to,” Gary said.

    “Really?” Briana asked. At Gary’s answering nod, she gave him a big kiss on the lips. That kiss lingered, and turned into a hot and sweaty session of Gary stroking her body and making out. She kinda wished she needed to pee, so that Gary could change her again.

    “I think regular checks are a good idea for sure,” Gary said with a grin. “I can stock the office a little better for playing too, as long as it is something that fits in a drawer or isn’t really obvious. What kind of stuff do you want when you come by?”

    “Snacks?” Briana asked hopefully.

    “You hungry?” Gary asked. Briana nodded. All he was able to round up was a protein bar (yucky), some dried fruit (yummy!) and a soda which was nice to wash down the fruit with. “I’ll get some better snacks in, maybe even some formula. I’ve got a kettle so I can mix it with hot water.”

    Briana giggled and said, “But only Mom gives me that stuff.”

    “Well I don’t my baby girl going hungry, what if you forget lunch?” Gary asked.

    “It’s such a baby thing,” Briana said. What if she couldn’t snap out of being little after having a bottle? The worry slipped away when Gary stroked her cheek and brought his thumb to her mouth. Closing her eyes, Briana sucked on the thumb gently.

    “I like you when you’re a baby. It should be okay if you’re done with classes, and Veronica has you taking morning ones,” Gary said. He clearly wasn’t in a mood to hear a no, and that honestly made Briana feel safer.

    “Oh, I almost forgot, I have a present for you,” Gary said.

    “Ah pweahsaht foah meh?” Briana said around Gary’s thumb. A belly laugh from Gary rocked Briana up and down, she giggled and hung on through the Garyquake.

    “Yes, a present for you,” Gary said, hefting Briana up and setting her down on his desk. “Close your eyes hon.”

    Briana closed her eyes and kicked her legs gently, until she accidentally booted Gary in the side with her toe. That earned her a bap on the foot. She giggled and let her feet hang idle.

    After some sounds of rummaging and the chair shifting around, Briana felt a couple of flat objects placed in her hands. Cruelly, Gary made her wait while he got back in his chair. Thirty intolerable seconds of Briana vibrating passed before Gary finally said, “Okay, open your eyes.”

    Briana opened them and gasped. On top was a huge set of colored pencils with four or more shades for every color. Under that was a coloring book of faeries and flowers that were super detailed. Every page would be easily a couple of hours of coloring fun.

    “Oh my gosh Gary, thank youuuuu!” Briana bounced on the desk, her diaper crinkling like crazy.

    “You’re welcome hon,” Gary said. “I know you get stuck on campus a lot waiting for a ride so this will give you something to do if you come visit me and I’m working.”

    “You really wanna make sure I come over to visit you,” Briana said.

    “Well, I like you a lot,” Gary said.

    “I like you too,” Briana said, carefully setting her present to the side. She slid off the desk into Gary’s lap and kissed him gently, pulling herself to him as close as she could.

    Another long, slow kiss left Briana glowing, and a little damp in the crotch. Instead of heating things up, Gary held her close. It was wonderful quiet cuddle. There definitely had not been enough Gary in her life recently.

    After a while, Gary peeked at his phone and said, “I probably need to let you go to your study group. Do you need help changing back into your pullups?”

    “Aw, you did such a nice job on the diaper,” Briana said. “I’ll just wear that.”

    “You sure?” Gary asked. “It’s going to be a lot bulkier.”

    “If my jeans fit over they should squoosh it down,” Briana said. “Can you help me?”

    “Of course,” Gary said. He set Briana down and helped her into her jeans. Getting them up over the bulk of the diaper was a bit of work, but with some jumps and Gary pulling the managed it. Once they were on, zipped and buttoned, you could hardly tell that there was padding under there.

    Briana wiggled her butt at Gary and asked, “How do I look?”

    “Like an adorable secret baby girl,” Gary said, hugging Briana from behind. “I’ll be setting up my office all day so drop by if you need anything, okay? Otherwise I won’t always be here, but I’m probably going to use it a lot while I have it.”

    “Okay Gary!” Briana said. She got up on tiptoes to give him another kiss and collected her backpack. With a wave and a little bounce, she was out the door.

    On her way out of the admin building, Briana tried to clear her thoughts and get back into big-girl mode. It was tough, extremely tough while wearing a diaper and with her rear plugged. She finally managed it by the time she reached the library. By then she was regretting the diaper. She hadn’t worn one in big girl mode in a long time. For the first time in quite a while it felt naughty and embarrassing to be wearing one.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 05

    “Hey Briana!” Tamira, her main study-buddy, flagged her down from the door of one of the study rooms. Briana waved back but didn’t hurry over, anything above a slow walk made her crinkle. It probably wasn’t that loud but to Briana’s paranoid ears it sounded like everyone could hear it.

    “Hey Tamara,” Briana said. “Are we the first ones?”

    “Yeah, and probably the only ones today,” Tamara said. “Thanks for not letting me down!”

    “No problem,” Briana sat carefully across from Tamira. “Are you letting your hair grow out?”

    Tamira nodded, proudly patting the thick curls around her head. “Yeah, actually got a job where the dress code doesn’t prohibit my natural hair.”

    “That’s awesome!” Briana said. “It looks really pretty.”

    “Thanks hon,” Tamira said, beaming.

    Digging into the material for their Advanced Topics in Biotechnology course was enough to wipe pretty much all the little-feeling from Briana’s mind. It wasn’t until the second hour that the soda kicked in and Briana felt caught between mindsets again. Going back to being little was a long, long way from talking to Tamira about synthetic bacteria production. Since getting everything sorted out over the summer, she hadn’t wet at all while in big-space.

    Hoping Tamira wouldn’t notice, Briana bit her lip and carefully relaxed. It wasn’t a ton of wetting, but enough to soak her crotch and run back across her rear. Squished as it was by her jeans, the diaper couldn’t expand, which meant the wet feeling wasn’t going away any time soon.

    Tamira didn’t seem to notice at all. They continued on with the studying while Briana reveled in her little secret. By the end, both women were rubbing their eyes from the strain of going back and forth between books, notes, and online journals on their phones.

    “That’s probably enough for today,” Tamira said. “We should catch up a little anyway. You kinda vanished over the summer.”

    “Yeah I uh, had a lot of stuff going on,” Briana said, squirming in her wet diaper.

    “Yeah, I heard that you got like, assaulted after a biochem final,” Tamira said with a sympathetic frown. “Are you okay?”

    “That was really bad,” Briana said, looking down. “But my roommates were super cool and helped me out a ton. It’s better now, thanks.”

    “Well I want you to know that whatever issues you’re having, I’ve got your back, okay?” Tamira said.

    “Oh uh, thank you,” Briana said. A nervous knot was growing inside her. How much had Tamira heard anyway?

    “No problem, really,” Tamira said. “If you need anything, I’m right on campus in the graduate dorms. You can always borrow a pair of pants… or whatever.”

    Briana blushed profusely, there’s no way that spare pants were being offered as a coincidence. She should have expected that the story would spread after Lisa flipped up her skirt during her biggest, worst accident.

    “Seriously, I’m not judging your or anything!” Tamira said. “I want to help if I can.”

    “Um, thanks,” Briana said. “Look, I should go…”

    “Oh sweetie, I’m really sorry I said anything,” Tamira said with a worried expression. “I wanted you to know that it’s more than your roommates that got your back.”

    Briana squirmed, in no small part because the squashed diaper was STILL not absorbing everything. “I… okay, yeah. It’s just um, an embarrassing problem.”

    “I totally get it, and I’m not saying that I understand your issues or whatever, because I’m sure I don’t,” Tamira said. “I want to be supportive.”

    With a big sigh, Briana banished the butterflies in her stomach. “Okay, thank you Tamira.”

    “And for real, if you need help right now…” Tamira said, giving a gentle smile. “I’m only saying because there’s a little bit of a smell hon.”

    Going scarlet down to the collar of her shirt, Briana put her hands in her lap and curled in on herself. Unfortunately, Tamira wasn’t giving her any reason to make a scene, she was waiting patiently like a good friend, or something. After a few minutes the position was uncomfortable enough that Briana had to uncurl and face her friend.

    “I mean I can just go home, my ride is picking me up in an hour or two,” Briana said.

    “You don’t have to sit in it for that long, come on, let me get you some spare protection,” Tamira said.

    “Wait, why do you have dia – um, protection?” Briana asked.

    “I’ll tell you why when we get to my dorm, okay?” Tamira said with a wink.

    Confused and embarrassed, but curious too, Briana packed up her books and followed Tamira out of the library. It was a quick trip, across one lawn and around a building before she was heading up the elevator to Tamira’s place. She had to admit that two more hours in the diaper didn’t feel like a good idea, her skin was already gross and rashy.

    Tamira’s dorm was basically a studio apartment, even with a tiny kitchenette. Small, sure, but everything was nice and newish. There was a cool coral and brown color scheme going on that almost looked like it was out of a magazine.

    “Wow, your place is nice!” Briana said, setting her bag down.

    “Aw, thank you hon,” Tamira said. “So, I know this is going to be a super big ask, but can I see your diaper?”

    Briana looked down and dug a hole in the carpet with her toe. “I don’t know…”

    “Oh right, I didn’t tell you yet!” Tamira said. “Here’s the deal, I’m trying to get my boyfriend to wear them, so I have most of the stuff but I wanted to see how somebody else was wearing them. To see how it goes.”

    “You are?” Briana cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

    “Cause I think it’s super hot,” Tamira said with a big grin. “We have a whole kinky thing going on, and I think it’d be a great add. Don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you, I’m not into girls. This is for research.”

    Briana dithered, chewing her lip. Apparently the whole school knew about her, which she probably should have guessed. Tamira was being nice and maybe it would be okay, especially if Tamira was excited about it.

    Looking Tamira in the eyes she saw the same, goofy nerdy expression that Tamira had when she got excited about virus interactions. With a shy smile, Briana unbuttoned her jeans and slowly unzipped them. After another moment to gather her courage, she slid her pants down and stepped out of them.

    Tamira’s face lit up, she did a quick circle around Briana and grinned. “Girl, those are cute! Where did you get those?”

    “I don’t know, my uh… Veronica buys them for me,” Briana said. “Oh um, except these came from uh… someone else.”

    “Well they are really pretty, I like the skateboarding unicorns,” Tamira said. She was holding her hands away from her side like she didn’t know what to do with them. Briana rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Tamira.

    “You can touch them if you want,” she said. The words were hardly out of her mouth before Tamira was patting her butt, and giving the rest of the diaper a quick once-over. True to her word, it wasn’t a sexy touch, but it still made Briana feel little. Standing in front of someone in her diapers had always meant being little.

    “Okay, I’ll stop,” Tamira said reluctantly. “There’s a bunch of them in the bathroom cabinet, behind the towels.”

    After being released from her jeans, the diaper had finally absorbed all the liquid, but Briana still wanted to clean off. She tried wetting, figuring she might as well get it all out, as she slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. A good sized trickle flowed into her diaper, properly absorbed this time.

    The towels were on the bathroom counter and Briana was investigating Tamira’s diaper stash before she realized she could have used the toilet. Giggling softly to herself, Briana popped the tapes on her diaper and dumped it in the trash. Tamira was right, there was a bit of a smell, and the diaper padding was dark yellow. Briana resolved to drink more water.

    There was a single box of wipes, so Briana took one and did her best, reaching under herself with her foot on the toilet. Immediately she felt bad for criticizing Melody, it was not easy to make sure she’d wiped everywhere.

    “You okay in there hon?” Tamira asked.

    “Yeah uh, I’m just not used to um, doing this myself,” Briana said, managing to get that embarrassing info out only because she had a door between her and Tamira.

    “Are you saying you need some help?” Tamira asked. “Because I could really use the practice for my boyfriend.”

    “No, I wouldn’t expect you to…” Briana said, unable to make herself complete that sentence.

    “Seriously, I want it to go well when I do it with him, so I do need practice. I’ve tried putting them on myself but it’s not the same,” Tamira said. “Don’t say yes if you’re uncomfortable, but I’m offering.”

    Briana hesitated for a while, then tossed the wipe in the trash. The limits of her big girl patience was already stressed to the limit. She wanted to be little badly, and she knew she couldn’t do that with Tamira. Maybe she could at least be taken care of instead.

    “Yes please,” Briana said, opening the door shyly. “Um, I guess there’s no point in me covering up…”

    “Not if I’m about to change you,” Tamira said. She stepped into the bathroom and gave Briana a warm, friendly hug. There was nothing romantic about it and her eyes hadn’t even dropped down to Briana’s crotch. Breathing a bit easier, Briana returned the hug.

    “Uh, got another big favor to ask,” Tamira said. “Do you mind putting the old one back on? So I can do the whole process?”

    Briana shrugged and nodded, pulling the diaper out of the otherwise clean trash. It was a bit awkward to get the tapes set, but with Tamira’s help, she managed it.

    “Okay, I’m going to get you out of that quick, promise,” Tamira said. Grabbing a towel and Briana’s hand, she led Briana back to the bed and had her lie back on the towel. “Tell me if I’m messing it up, okay?”

    Lying back with her legs spread, Briana was surprised she wasn’t nervous when Tamira ripped the tapes open. There had been enough diaper changes to make it feel normal even with an unexpected person.

    “Nice plug,” Tamira said. “Do you want to leave it in?”

    “Yes please, it’s not uncomfortable,” Briana said.

    The businesslike way that Tamira wiped her down helped too, her study buddy obviously had babysitting experience. Thinking about being babysat made her want one of her stuffed animals.

    “I can’t be little with Tamira,” Briana reminded herself. “She doesn’t play that game with me.”

    The soiled diaper was replaced with a fresh one, probably the biggest one anyone had tried to put on Briana. She’d never met Tamira’s boyfriend but they must be for him. A soft sprinkle of powder and the ticklish sensation of having it patted down on her made Briana giggle.

    “Sorry this is so big, you could probably wear actual pampers, as tiny as you are,” Tamira said.

    “Yeah, I think we used a box of those once,” Briana said.

    “I’ll grab one and have it on hand in case you need help,” Tamira said in a pleased tone.

    “I should say no,” Briana thought. “But then she’ll ask why, and I shouldn’t tell her about Gary, I don’t know if he wants anyone to know he plays like this.”

    Tamira seemed fine taking silence for a yes, and anyway she was busy taping Briana up. It wasn’t exactly a snug fit, but it was pretty good considering how big the diaper was. She sat up cross legged and poked at her diaper.

    “How did I do?” Tamira asked.

    “Good,” Briana said sincerely. “Um, it’s good to use a little lotion before the powder, just in case of rashes. The diaper is too big, but even so you did a good job taping it.”

    “That was fun, I’ll take care of you any time you need it,” Tamira said, giving Briana another hug. Briana clung back, holding on to the last shreds of her big girl mode with some difficulty. As the hug separated she had to fight to keep her thumb out of her mouth.

    “I probably should go home, but uh, Tamira, thank you,” Briana said.

    “I told you, any time. I need the practice, I don’t want ta screw up after I convince my boyfriend,” Tamira said.

    “I’ll think about it, okay?” Briana said, grinning and working her way into her jeans. The bad fit on the diaper actually made it easier to squeeze in, but made for an instant worry about leaks.

    “I don’t actually need to use a diaper during the day,” Briana reminded herself. “I can be a big girl and stay dry!”

    Even so, going straight home seemed like a good idea. She even remembered to text Mom to let her know that she was taking the bus home. Mom was proud of her for that, which put a nice happy glow on the trip.

    Back at the house Briana was the first one back, which was super weird. The two-story living room was always a little echoy, but this time there were no other noises to cover it up.

    “Boo!” Briana cried out, giggling when the echo came back.

    Melody’s door was partway open, so Briana headed straight in and grabbed the laundry basket. It was a bit of a struggle to get it downstairs, the thing was overflowing with more than a week of laundry. Briana sorted the laundry into piles, pausing when a familiar scent hit her nose.

    A pair of jeans and a couple of pairs of leggings had clearly been soaked with pee. Briana stared at them curiously, surprised that Melody would be having accidents. It didn’t seem to be a very common thing, only three accidents in what looked like two weeks. Still, it was worth showing Melody that it was okay to wear protection if she needed it!

    Excited to be able to help her friend, Briana put those clothes in the laundry first. She added the special soap that Veronica had bought to deal with Briana’s accidents to make sure the smell would be gone. With the clothes washing, Briana headed upstairs to watch some TV.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 06

    Melody arrived home late after a stupid brutal Wednesday and staggered to her room. There was a lot of regret going on at the moment. In theory it was a good idea to have only three days a week of on-campus stuff, in practice, three labs in the same day was a little bonkers.

    Dropping her backpack, Melody barely caught it in time to keep the laptop inside from hitting the hardwood floor. Not having carpet was still taking some getting used to. The room looked weird beyond the lack of carpet. It was clean, with the bed made and all her laundry folded on the comforter.

    Melody took a moment to be a surprised Pikachu. Sitting on top of the laundry was a stuffed animal, a pretty clear calling card. That brought a smile to her face. The little gray cat plushie was stupid soft, Melody found she couldn’t put it down right away.

    Homework could wait for tomorrow, Melody only had enough brain left for something mindless, like a couple rounds of LoL ARAM. While her computer booted up she shed her pants and her hoodie, freezing in mid-stretch at the sound of her door opening.

    “Hi Melody! You’re back super late, do you want me to heat up some dinner for you?” Briana said, with an impossible amount of energy.

    Melody was feeling a little more gross than usual after being stuck on campus all day, for some extra cringe she hadn’t showered that morning either. Briana was in her little girl mode already, diaper only from the waist down and a white shirt with a tiger puking rainbows on it. “Uh hey Briana,” she said. “I uh, should probably clean up a little.”

    “Oh I don’t mind,” Briana said, infuriatingly. “But if you wanna shower do you want me to heat up some bao?”

    Melody’s stomach rumbled, making the decision for her. “Okay, thanks,” she said. How she was supposed to stay upset with Briana, she didn’t know. The kid, and she couldn’t think of her as anything other than a kid, was trying to be helpful and nice.

    Warm bao and cold coke were bringing Melody back to life. She didn’t load up a game, she didn’t even realize that Briana was gone until the girl came back into Melody’s room with a couple of diapers and a package of wipes in her hands.

    “Oh hey Briana, let me finish eating and then I can change you,” Melody said.

    “No, I’m still dry. They’re for you!” Briana said eagerly.

    “What?” Melody’s brain was still feeling foggy, but she didn’t see why she needed diaper delivery.

    “Yeah, because you’ve been having accidents,” Briana said. “It’s okay, I won’t tell anybody.”

    “What do you mean I–“ Melody froze, her eyes drifting over to the laundry. She’d forgotten about the soiled clothes she’d shoved to the bottom of the bin. Briana had found them, obviously, and now was trying to be helpful in an embarrassing way.

    “What do I tell her?” Melody wondered in a minor panic.

    The truth felt out of the question, way too embarrassing. On the other hand, the way she’d dealt with the clothes, or rather not dealt with them was pretty sus. Three pairs couldn’t be written off as a single bad day either.

    Briana was still staring at her, with the stupidest kind expression Melody had ever seen. Anybody else would have felt the awkward silence and backed off, but nope, Chuck Testa.

    “Yeah um, it’s not really that big of a deal,” Melody said, unconvincing even to herself. “Thanks for the offer but I think I’ll pass.”

    “Just try them for one night, okay?” Briana asked. “You look super tired and that’s the kind of thing that can totally make an accident happen.”

    “Um, yeah, okay, maybe,” Melody said. The will to argue with Briana was not there. Besides, it meant she could go for round four after Briana got off to bed. “Probably should grab me a pullup instead though, those look awkward for me to put on by myself.”

    “Actually um…” Briana said, blushing shyly at Melody, “I was thinking I could put it on you. I’ve never put one on anybody, but tons of people have changed me.”

    “Wat.” Melody felt like her brain was glitching out.

    The caffeine hadn’t kicked in yet, so she couldn’t formulate an argument fast enough to beat Briana’s overwhelming puppy dog eyes. Refusing her felt like drop-kicking the poor girl’s heart.

    “Okay,” Melody said in defeat. “I’m kinda gross from not showering though…”

    “That’s okay, you’ve changed my wet diapers,” Briana said, bouncing to her feet. Melody regretted finishing her bao, good as it had been. With her plate empty there was nothing to stop Briana from hauling her out of her computer chair and walking her to the bed.

    “I know you’re tired, I’ll take care of everything,” Briana said, falling to her knees in front of Melody. A wonderful fantasy scene from Melody’s dreams played out as Briana unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down with her underwear. Being pushed down on top of a diaper was not part of the fantasy, but maybe it would be now.

    “God dammit, this better not awaken anything else in me,” Melody thought.

    Briana insisted on the whole thing, leaving Melody splayed out on a diaper while she ran off to get lotion and powder. It felt good, and made Melody glad that she preferred hardwood to carpet in some areas of her life. She didn’t know what lotion and powder would look like in hair and didn’t want to find out. Briana taped the diaper up, leaving Melody wanting some private time. Well, wanting some more explicit Briana time but that obviously wasn’t going to happen.

    With boundless energy, Briana even insisted on helping Melody back into her pants. “See? Now you don’t have to worry,” Briana chirped.

    “Yeah, yeah, thanks,” Melody said, chuckling. “Hey, uh, not to be that chick, but I never see you up this late. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”

    Briana giggled and said, “Yeah, but don’t tell Mom! She’s at a conference thing and won’t be back until around midnight!”

    “Briana, sweetie, it’s like, eleven twenty right now,” Melody said.

    “Oh shit!” Briana said, then clapped her hand over her mouth. “Please don’t tell Mom I said that, or that I was up late!”

    “I’m not a snitch,” Melody said. “I’m glad you were up, I probably wouldn’t have had any dinner if you hadn’t brought me some.”

    “I’m glad I was too! Okay, I gotta go, see you tomorrow Melody!” Briana said, grabbing the spare diaper and supplies. “Oh, and I’ll put these in your bag, so you’ll have them just in case you have an accident at school. Those are SUPER embrassing.” She shoved the handful of baby gear into Melody’s bag and scampered out the door.

    Shaking her head, Melody collapsed back into her computer chair. The diaper felt weird and pillowy around her rear. Kind of nice, not that she was worried about an accident. With dinner giving her a boost of energy there wasn’t much point in going to bed right away. A few quick games, and bed.

    None of her LoL friends were on, Rocket League was still a ghost town, and even Fortnite didn’t have anyone cool on. Melody was about to give up on gaming and go straight to the porn when Beatrix messaged her on Discord.

    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – bitch, LAN, now
    • Ocarina – WTF. Dude I’m so tired
    • bbXXX – fu. get over here, finally got other 4 to agree to LAN.
    • bbXXX – i no you class <> tomorrow
    • bbXXX – LAN
    • bbXXX – LAN, BITCH

    Melody stared at the Discord channel. Beatrix was unstoppable when she was like this. There seemed to be a lot of hot ladies that Melody couldn’t say no to in her life. “Am I a f-ing harem anime protagonist now?” she asked herself.

    • Ocarina – Fine thot. Be there in like 20.
    • bbXXX – finally! move that thicc ass

    “Ugh,” Melody said, heaving herself out of her chair. She tossed a couple of red bulls in her bag, and after reflection, her Adderall prescription. A protein bar and a bag of M&Ms followed. Books were chucked to make room for her headset, and her portable gaming mouse and keyboard. The laptop could handle Overwatch. Her cell phone could probably handle Overwatch.

    Standing in her room, Melody felt like she was forgetting something. The front door opened, breaking her precarious concentration. With a shrug Melody picked up her pack and headed into the living room.

    “Hey Veronica, Jane,” Melody said.

    “Hello Melody, you’re headed out?” Veronica asked. “You look exhausted.”

    “Yeah well, no class tomorrow,” Melody said, “Did your um, conference or whatever go well?”

    “It did, thank you!” Veronica said with rare broad smile.

    “How did you know we were at a conference?” Jane asked. “Was Briana up late?”

    “I dunno, she must have been in bed when I got home,” Melody said, glad her foggy brain could quickly cover with a lie. “Weren’t you talking about it yesterday?”

    “Probably,” Jane said with a shrug.

    “Well, have fun,” Veronica said. “Try to get some sleep eventually.”

    “Sleep is for the weak,” Melody scoffed. With a quick wave she was past them and out the door. As she made her way down to her car she couldn’t shake the feeling that Veronica had been super judge-y. All that diaper-mom stuff must be going to her head. Maybe it was the age difference, but first year in grad school was an adult by any measure that Melody cared to respect.

    Grumbling to herself about having a den mom on her way across town, Melody was parking her car when she realized what she’d forgotten. The diaper she was wearing. She face-palmed her greasy forehead and sighed. At least she had baggy pants on, nobody should be able to tell. Not that Beatrix ever looked at her butt anyway.

    Beatrix lived in a cookie cutter house in a cookie cutter housing development. Her roommates would gag at it, especially Veronica. It was a nice cookie cutter though, and there was something to be said for a house that was built recently enough to have Ethernet in the walls. Melody was two steps from the door when Beatrix flung it open.

    Beatrix was especially ridiculous today. She’d never caught on that she was a nerd and didn’t have to dress like all her webcams were 4k. Beatrix was yoga-fit and had gorgeous blonde hair in short ringlets, ringlets! As if that wasn’t enough, the wings of her eyeliner could cut steel. She was wearing a baby blue halter top and a black miniskirt. Hell, maybe she did Cam, she could probably make bank at it.

    “Mel, finally, get in here, everybody else is all set up!” Beatrix said.

    “Step on me, Senpai,” was all Melody’s brain could come up with. Luckily her brain was too tired to transmit its stupid to her mouth.

    “Mel, what the fuck?” said Beatrix, and snapped her fingers at Melody. “You’re only here because you can play Pharah at 4.5k SR. Wake up, juice up, whatever you’ve got to do.”

    “Yeah, sorry, long day,” Melody said, ducking her head. Of all the times to be a complete grease-ball, with a diaper on to boot, it had to be when Beatrix was dressed to kill.

    “Yeah, yeah, and kids in Syria are getting bombed, come on,” Beatrix said, leading Melody into the living room.

    The rest of their e-sports crew waved. They were Yesenia, Gurpreet, Mikhail, and because some parents have a sick sense of humor, Ginger. Everyone else was dressed chill. That helped the tension run out of Melody’s shoulders. She took her seat at the long table that had displaced all the other furniture to the walls and set up her gear.

    “So are we going to–“ Melody began.

    “STOMP THE LADDER!” cheered the rest of the group.

    Melody took only a second to recover from the shock and laughed out loud. New accounts with a nice crispy appetizer of noobs to warm up on, and then some real meaty try-hards to bite into afterward. She chugged the first of her redbulls and settled into the chair.

    “Hell yes, let’s snap some noob necks,” Melody said.

    As team after team fell before them, Melody was glad she’d come. The placement rounds were so easy they could try out silly stuff like getting Mercy a sextuple kill, or Reinhardt as ‘support’.

    Once they’d ranked up a bit they got serious, which was its own kind of fun. Melody and Gurpreet had a God-tier Pharmercy combo, while Beatrix lead the rest of the team as Reaper as a deadly brawler group. Bea could be a huge bitch pretty much all the time, but she might be a pro-tier shot-caller. She could keep the whole battle in her head and direct her team instantly to an advantageous position. It was all being streamed from Beatrix’s computer, and the number of viewers was climbing fast despite the non-prime-time slot.

     When three am rolled around, Melody was high on caffeine and sugar but feeling uncomfortable pressure. She tried to call a break, but before she could Beatrix declared them to be on a ‘hot streak’ and told her Twitch chat that there would be no more commercials for the next three games.

    By now the group was in the Master level rankings pushing for Grandmaster. AFKing out for a potty break was not an option. Melody resigned herself to being in pain for the next hour until she shifted in her seat and was reminded of the padding swaddling her.

    Her eyes flashed to her friends. They were laser focused on the game. Nobody was so much as glancing her way. With a nervous tremble in her hands, Melody took a sip of her drink and shifted her legs apart. Still, nobody noticed.

    As the game exited the lobby and loaded the map, Melody tried relaxing her bladder a little. That didn’t work out. Once she opened up, there was no stopping the stream from flooding her diaper with sopping wet that soaked her crotch and rear. Her face burned and her hands trembled on the controls; she fell behind her teammates. But still, nobody noticed. Some quick work with Pharah’s jets and she was caught back up to her team. The game was on and she was in a well soaked diaper. She gave her team some WTF Girl side-eye and actually caught Gurpreet’s gaze. Nothing happened, a quick nod and they were both back into their screens.

    Determined to not give anyone cause to ask her what was up, Melody threw herself into the game. High-explosive death rained down on their enemies until even Beatrix was cackling in glee. The match ended with an embarrassing loss for what Beatrix’s viewers told her was another highly ranked streamer team.

    The next two games were not quite as one sided but still solid wins. It was great to be recognized as MVP by Beatrix, but Melody was looking forward to that commercial break where she could finally get out of her soggy diaper. Hiding it in Beatrix’s bathroom would be a challenge. Hopefully there would be enough stuff in the trash can to cover it over, or she could pitch it out the window, or something.

    When the commercial break hit, everyone stood up and stretched, groaning through the happy grins. “Stream is on mute,” Beatrix said.

    “Damn, those were some great games. Too bad it’s not prime-time, we might actually get matched against pros,” Yesenia said.

    “Pros on their off-heroes maybe,” laughed Mikhail.

    “Guys I’m running commercials for fifteen minutes, get your break done and come back on time, got it?” Beatrix said.

    “Girl, are you paying us out of the donations you’re getting? Because you’re talking like you’re my boss,” Gurpreet said.

    “Actually I am, there’s a little over six hundred tonight from subs and bits already. You’re all getting a fair chunk of it,” Beatrix said.

    “Well shit. Then aye-aye captain,” Gurpreet said.

    Melody had been working her way around the group with her backpack in hand, hoping nobody would notice the sag in her pants. She dashed for the bathroom and closed the door. Everyone else was going to need to use the bathroom too, she had to find a spot to ditch the diaper, and fast. Dropping her pants, she investigated the window. No good, there was a bush pressed right up against the window, with her luck she’d end up framing the thing for whoever walked in.

    “Hey Mel we gotta talk about your Pharah,” Beatrix said on her way down the hall.

    “Yeah, give me a sec,” Melody called back.

    “Since they nerfed the infinite flying I think our strat is weak on low maps, we need to switch it up and start having you and Preet swing around,” Beatrix said. Without the slightest regard for privacy, she opened the door. Melody froze, as did Beatrix as soon as she realized what she was seeing. Even worse, Beatrix stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

    “Is that a fucking diaper?” Beatrix asked.

    “Shhh!” Melody said, trembling under a massive wave of embarrassment that threatened to compress her chest.

    “Holy shit, it’s got little bears and stuff on it. Well, not that many anymore because you really used that sucker,” Beatrix said. She locked the door and advanced on Melody with a smirk.

    “I uh, knew we’d be streaming for a long time and–“

    “Bullshit,” Beatrix said. “You live with that diaper girl, and you’re into it.

    “No, no this isn’t–“

    “Mel, shut the fuck up,” Beatrix put a hand casually on Melody’s mouth. “I know you’re super hot for me, that’s why you came over tonight on no notice. Course, I’m not into girls.”

    Beatrix slapped the soggy padding over Melody’s butt and said, “But this might make things interesting.”

    Melody tried to back up and only managed to corner herself between the toilet and the tub. Beatrice was right in front of her, trapping her in. “Bea, no, please, don’t tell anyone,” Melody begged. The sheer weight of panic was making her break out in sweat all over like a fever.

     “Don’t worry, baby,” Beatrix said. “This is your dream come true. Because I don’t like girls. But this whole thing? This whole scared bunny thing you have going on? Yeah, it’s fun, so you and me are gonna play.”

    “What?” Melody asked. It was too much, she was feeling dizzy, hollow inside.

    Beatrix leaned in close and wrinkled her nose. She said, “Damn, you are pretty gross tonight. You’re never squeaky clean but you stink even without the diaper.”

    Melody blushed again, her stomach in free-fall.

    “Hah, I was right, you’re embarrassed and you like it,” Beatrix said. “Your nipples are about to poke right out of your shirt.”

    Melody threw her arms around her chest and bowed her head, still quivering. Quivering for a lot of reasons, she realized, one of them being that she would do anything to be under Beatrix in bed right now.

    “This is amazing,” Beatrix said. “We don’t have a lot of time here, but we have enough for one quick thing. Get down on the floor.”

    “What? No,” Melody protested. Everything was spinning, and the aching heat in her crotch was not helping.

    “Lie down on the floor Melody,” Beatrix said, grinning like a vampire. “I’m going to step on you.”

    “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening…” Melody thought. The floor honestly sounded good, as dizzy as she was. Besides, all Beatrix had to do to make her friendless was open the door and call the rest of the group in. She could even tell her stream viewers. Melody half-tumbled to the floor, rolling over on her back.

    “Maybe you’ll catch a look at my panties,” Beatrix said. “Try not to get a nosebleed, weeb.” Beatrix raised a foot, and to Melody’s shame she craned her head to see a flash of red lace up Bea’s skirt. The foot came down on Melody’s abdomen, right over her bladder.

    “Let’s see if you’re done,” Beatrix said, pressing down none too gently. Melody groaned, gasped, and to her even greater shame, finished emptying herself into the diaper. When Beatrix crouched down to feel the warmth in the diaper all Melody could do was cover her face and quiver.

    It was, without question the most horribly embarrassing moment of her life. She was also one good squeeze on that diaper from loudly orgasming on Beatrix’s floor.

    “Nasty,” Beatrix said, giving Melody’s chest a light slap. She giggled at Melody’s soft moan. “Alright, get up, put your pants on, and go back to your laptop.”

    “Let me get rid of this thing,” Melody whimpered.

    “Oh no honey, that’s not happening. You’re doing the rest of the stream in that diaper, and then you’re staying after with me for some extra curriculars,” Beatrix said.

    The smart thing would have been to run home, but extra curriculars burned in Melody’s ears like a promise of paradise. There was still the matter of figuring out a way to get Beatrix to promise to be quiet too. With a whimper, Melody pulled her pants back on over the soggy diaper. Beatrix even helped her yank them up nice and high, and cinched up the built-in belt.

    “Get back to your seat, baby,” Beatrix said. “We’ve already hogged the bathroom for most of the break.”

    Trying not to feel the squish in her pants, or trying not to enjoy the squish in her pants, Melody gingerly walked back to her seat and sat on her soggy padding.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 07

    The rest of the LAN stream was a hormone infused nightmare. Melody played as best she could, while constantly being goaded by Beatrix. Every mistake she made warranted the use of the word baby.

    “Don’t be such a baby, get in there.

    Spit out your pacifier and shoot those guys.

    Don’t baby the jetpack, get up on that point!”

    Not that the absolutely drenched diaper she was wearing was going to let her forget either. All the while Beatrix taunted her, Melody’s mind raced with dread and excitement about what was going to happen after the stream. She couldn’t forget the feeling of being cornered in the bathroom, mocked by a disgusted Beatrix. Her lips tingled from the touch of Bea’s hand, her heart was squeezed by the humiliation.

    Not a moment too soon and far too early, Beatrix called an end to the stream. Financially it was a huge success. Even paying for the new accounts they were all going to walk away with a few hundred bucks on top of the fun they’d had. As the other four teammates left one by one, Melody sat in her soggy, rashy diaper and waited for Beatrix to tell her what was to come.

    “I thought they’d never leave!” Beatrix said after closing the door behind Ginger. “Alone at last, baby girl.”

    “Beatrix please,” Melody said. “I’ll do whatever you say, but please don’t tell anybody okay? It’s not a regular thing for me, I was doing it cause my roommate wanted to uh, play around.”

    “Oh good, you’ve already got rule one figured out!” Beatrix said, spinning Melody’s chair to face her and leaning on the armrests. “You do whatever I say, or your secret is out.”

    Melody whimpered and said, “Please, Bea…”

    “Let’s see what’s in your bag,” Beatrix said, snatching it off the floor. She peered inside and cackled. “I fucking knew it. Another diaper and all kinds of baby supplies. You wanted to get caught, didn’t you?”

    “No! I–“ she was cut off by Bea’s hand on her mouth again.

    “Hush,” Beatrix said. “You’re cute when you beg but I want you quiet for a moment. I still don’t want to fuck you. This is about the control for me. We’re not girlfriends. If you get off, it’s because you’re a dirty freak who is really into this stuff. Most likely you’re going to have to jill-off when you get home.”

    Beatrix plopped down in an armchair against the wall. She looked Melody over and said, “If I feel like jilling-off with you around, I will, because you’re here to be my toy and get stepped on. But I’m not all bad. If you’re a really, really good baby and you do everything I say, maybe someday I’ll let you eat my pussy.”

    Melody’s mouth hung open. Having to sit and listen to that speech was almost as humiliating as being forced down on the floor and being stepped on. Getting turned on by that speech while in a wet diaper topped the bathroom experience for humiliation by a long shot. It was the absurdity that was the worst part. She could walk out of Bea’s house right now. Nobody would believe Bea about the diaper without proof. Melody could laugh it off.

    But she wanted it. She wanted to be the focus of Beatrix’s attention. She wanted those beautiful hands on her body. God help her, she desperately wanted to bury her mouth in Beatrix’s heavenly snatch. Even if it would never, in a million years actually happen. It was an obvious carrot dangled in front of her and she was going to pull the cart anyway.

    “It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything,” Beatrix said. “That dumb fish-look you have tells me plenty. It’s early and I’m tired as hell, so let’s get going. Strip. Clothes off, but leave the diaper on.”

    Melody stood up and fumbled at her pants with trembling hands. As she slid them slowly down, Beatrix leaned over and whispered, “Come on baby, I want to see you naked.”

    A sort of whimpering moan came out of Melody before she could stop herself. There wasn’t much to take off anyway, her shirt and socks, it hadn’t been a day for a bra. She tried covering her chest but Beatrix pulled her arms to her sides.

    “You know, you have some pretty nice tits,” Beatrix said. She pushed Melody into turning in place, poking and prodding her at random intervals.

    “How’s that diaper feeling?” Beatrix asked.

    “Feels gross,” Melody said.

    “Aww, you want it off, baby?” Beatrix asked.

    “Yes please,” Melody said.

    “I don’t know,” Beatrix said. “As dirty and gross as you are right now, it kind of fits you. I mean look at this hair.” She grabbed a clump of Melody’s hair, it was greasy enough to clump, and let it flop down to her shoulder.

    “I – I’m sorry,” Melody said.

    “Damn I wish the guys I get with would be half as good at subbing as you are,” Beatrix said. “You beg nicely, you apologize, you’re obedient…” She stepped in front of Melody and lifted Melody’s chin with a fingertip, staring into Melody’s eyes. “Are you my gross little diaper slut?”

    Tears leaked out of Melody’s eyes, she trembled between humiliation and desire, “Yes Beatrix.”

    “Yeah, this is a turn-on,” Beatrix said. “I was a little worried it wouldn’t be hot enough. Congratulations baby, you finally got me wet.”

    Melody hoped she wouldn’t have to answer, she closed her eyes and whimpered softly.

    “Oh, you liked that,” Beatrix said. “Alright, you can ditch the diaper. And no going all cross-legged. I want to see this pussy that’s been so hot for me.”

    It was a relief to rip open the tapes and let the diaper drop. Even to Melody’s saturated nose, the smell made itself known, but the air was nice and cool on her skin. Beatrix leaning back to inspect her naked body sent another thrill through Melody.

    “Not bad, you keep it shaved I see. Probably a good thing for a diaper slut,” Beatrix said. “Now, bend over my lap.” She patted her skirt.

    Melody laid herself over Beatrix’s legs. This was a dream come true, but it was happening in such a messed up way. Beatrix didn’t wait, she started spanking Melody’s ass like it was free real estate. The slaps weren’t bad, in fact they barely stung. Melody had expected punishment from the spanking, not sexy slaps. Which was a punishment of its own, she supposed. It wasn’t as if Beatrix was going to finish her off. Throwing whatever last tatters of dignity she had to the wind, Melody moaned and squirmed on Beatrix’s lap, panting as the light spanking drove the heat between her legs to a furnace fire.

    “That’s probably enough,” Beatrix said, stopping the spanking and laughing at Melody’s extended whine. “Damn, you’re all sticky with piss. My skirt is probably super dirty. Let’s check and see how turned on you are…”

    A finger sliding up Melody’s slit nearly slipped into her soaking sex on its own. Her head came up as she shamelessly cried out, with tingles all over her crotch.

    “Oh wow, you probably are going to come at some point when we’re playing,” Beatrix laughed. “My finger’s gunky now though, and you know this isn’t my thing.” She shoved Melody off her lap and to her knees. After taking a moment to admire Melody’s sweaty, flushed face, Beatrix put her wet finger to Melody’s lips.

    At this point the humiliation was a constant. In her obedient, horny haze she licked the finger. She’d never been a fan of her own taste, but this time it was heaven. Panting, she waited for more. A little bit more, and as Beatrix said, she’d be able to come.

    “That’s enough for now,” Beatrix said, dashing all of Melody’s hopes into a deep darkness. “Go to the kitchen and drink two tall glasses of water.”

    Melody obeyed. When she returned, Beatrix had her spare diaper laid out on the floor. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what Bea wanted next. Melody laid down on the diaper. Lotion and powder rained down from a height, the lotion mostly landing in Melody’s diaper area, but the powder drifting everywhere, sticking to Melody’s sweaty skin. Bea taped the diaper up tight, and looked down at Melody.

    “You look tired. You tired, diaper slut?” Beatrix asked.

    She was tired all the way to her bones, Melody realized. The Adderall and the red bull had worn off a long time ago. The horny rush was running down. She was crashing in three or four different ways.

    “Put your clothes back on and take a nap. You have until I finish adding up the money and clipping the stream for previews. I don’t want you dying in a car crash on your way home,” Beatrix said, nudging Melody with her toe.

    Melody complied, half asleep by the time she was in her clothes, crashing out on the couch almost immediately. When she woke, she had a massive headache, and her bladder was screaming. She looked up to see that it was Beatrix that had shaken her awake.

    “Wakie, wakie,” Beatrix said. “Need to pee?”

    “Yes…” Melody said, only half aware of the diaper she had on.

    “Then do it,” Beatrix said. When Melody hesitated, she got a light slap across the cheeks. “Piss yourself, slut.”

    Melody bit her lip and let go, soiling herself for the second time in Beatrix’s house. There wasn’t any buildup to make it feel sexy, she was ashamed, tired, and wet.

    “Good baby!” Beatrix said. “I’d kiss you but your breath smells like dogshit. Go home.”

    Melody nodded and grabbed her bag, shuffling toward the door.

    “Hey, diaper slut!” Beatrix called out, halting Melody in her tracks.

    “Wh-what is it?” Melody asked.

    “Shouldn’t you thank me?” Beatrix asked, hands on her hips.

    “Sorry. Thank you, Beatrix,” Melody said, hanging her head.

    “Good girl, now go home and beat off,” Beatrix said.

    Melody blushed, knowing she was going to do exactly that. Shuffling due to the uncomfortable wet padding around her crotch, she slipped out the door and was free from Beatrix at least for the moment.

    When Melody got home, the house was mercifully empty. She waddled to her room and flopped down on the bed. The first orgasm reignited the fire that Beatrix had lit. It took two more to douse it. When she finally came down and could relax, Melody realized she was crying. It didn’t make any sense why, her brain was John Cena level confused about it, but she couldn’t stop either. She finally got to fool around with Beatrix, even if it was in a weird way, and still, sobs. Sobs that wouldn’t subside for half an hour.

    In her exhaustion, Melody gave serious consideration to passing out. Only the thought of Briana finding her tear streaked, stinking of sex, and in a soggy diaper gave her pause. Imagining Briana fetching Victoria to ‘help’ with the situation was enough to get her out of bed.

    The shower did feel good, all forty minutes of it. The diaper was hidden away, deep in the outside trash. For some reason pajamas seemed like the pro-gamer move, so Melody put on her only pair. Clad in a Transformers PJ set, Melody crawled into bed and crashed hard.

    The problem with having roommates was that they would make noise whenever they felt like it. Like in the middle of the afternoon, at like, four. Melody glared at the door but her laser-eyes failed to activate. They never activated when she woke up grumpy. Or any other time. Maybe she could do a return on Amazon.

    Melody blew out a long sigh that ended in a raspberry. It was probably enough of a nap. She hauled herself out of bed and gave herself a quick look in the mirror. The evaluation came back at probably cleaner than she normally was, considering she’d showered. With a shrug she ventured out of her room in search of carbs.

    Casey was in the kitchen looking all big and sporty. A light blue athleisure outfit and a perfect sheen of sweat were the outfit for the day. Big himbo energy for sure.

    “Hey Melody, cute PJs,” Casey said.

    “Oh, thanks, I needed some comfort after a super long day and an all-nighter. Do we have Kraft dinner?” Melody asked, poking her head into the pantry.

    “I could make you something way healthier than that,” Casey offered.

    “Would it taste exactly like Kraft dinner?” Melody asked. “Or would it break my comfort food needing heart?”

    Casey laughed and walked over to the pantry, reaching into the back of the top shelf to produce two blue boxes of happiness.

    “Thanks!” Melody said, grabbing butter and milk from the fridge.

    “Why the all-nighter, isn’t it early in the quarter for that?” Casey asked.

    “Not school related,” Melody said. “I have a friend who’s a streamer. She and I and a few others have a high level Overwatch team. We made a ton of donations last night rocketing up the ladder.”

    “I didn’t realize we had an e-sports celebrity in the house,” Casey said.

    “Ha-ha. I know better than to go pro e-sports,” Melody said. “Big stress and tiny money.”

    “Yeah, it’s the same in physical sports,” Casey said. “I could have gone for the Olympics but honestly, it can chew you up even if you do get gold. And if you don’t get gold, no one remembers you did it.”

    “Exactly. Champions eat cake, everyone else eats shit,” Melody said.

    “What are you going to do when you finish your program then? With that outlook you probably don’t want to teach,” Casey said.

    “Hell no, seems like they’re only adding adjunct positions nowadays,” Melody said. Ingredients assembled, she stirred her double-batch of MSG and Cheese. “Freelancing is actually working okay right now, but at some point stable income would be nice. Maybe I can go through hell at a startup at some point and save all the money. Not sure really!”

    “You’ve got a better setup than me if you’re already making money,” Casey said.

    Melody nodded and stirred the pot. There was a question trying to escape her brain, but no good way to ask it. She didn’t have many fucks to give on a good day, and the field was completely barren right now. With a shrug Melody gave in to temptation and asked, “So, uh, what’s the deal between you and Briana?”

    “Why, you interested in her too?” Casey asked, way too casually for such a quick clap back.

    “No! No, I uh, am trying to figure out relationships and stuff here. It’s a lot of people to keep track of, and I’m not good at that,” Melody said.

    “Yeah fair enough,” Casey said, apparently not bothered. “It’s kind of a friends with benefits thing I guess. I like her a lot, and we have a good time, but I have another girlfriend that I see a lot more often in a romantic way.”

    “Can I ask uh, how you got into her whole thing?” Melody asked.

    “Sure. I was always attracted to Briana, and we ended up flirting when she was going through her whole transition. The way we play kind of evolved with her needs. It turned out to be hot and so I kind of went with it,” Casey said.

    “Okay, sorry for being nosey,” Melody said.

    “I really don’t mind,” Casey said, chuckling. “You sure you don’t have any interest? You two play a lot. More than anybody but Veronica and Jane do with her.”

    “She comes to see me mostly. I’m a shiny new toy, she’ll get tired of me and calm down eventually,” Melody said. It sounded a little too true. So true that she had to pretend to inspect the pot to hide a wince at the cold sharp feeling in her gut.

    “I don’t know, she’s a pretty genuine person,” Casey said.

    “Hey Casey, hi Melody!” Briana chirped on her way into the kitchen. “Whatcha guys talking abou– Oh my gosh is that mac and cheese?!” Briana was in her grown up clothes but as always, she didn’t sound it. It was hard to imagine her being adult in class.

    Casey intercepted Briana’s dash toward Melody, picking her up with comical ease and dangling Briana upside down by her ankles. Briana shrieked and giggled, holding on to her plain blue t-shirt to keep it from falling.

    “Slow down you, that’s Melody’s dinner,” Casey said.

    “She can have some if she wants,” Melody said, pulling the pot off the stove. “I have a bunch, and I can always make more if I need to.”

    “But she hasn’t even asked you yet,” Casey said. She pulled Briana up into her arms and tickled her, eliciting more shrieks and squeals.

    “Sorry! Sorry Casey!” Briana gasped and giggled. “Melody, can I AUGH! Can I have some of the mac and cheese, please?”

    Melody poured a pair of bowls and carried them to the table. “Sure, it’s actually way too much now that I look at it.”

    Casey put Briana down and she scampered away from those powerful arms, panting and disheveled. She stuck her tongue out at Casey and plopped down next to Melody. “Thank you Melody.”

    “You’re welcome,” Melody said, grinning at the obvious delight on Briana’s face.

    “I’m going to bounce, need to do my second round of running,” Casey said. “You two play nice.”

    “Hey, I’m not the kid here,” Melody replied, surprising herself a little at the sharpness of it.

    “Didn’t say you were,” Casey said, waving and jogging out the kitchen door.

    “I like your PJs,” Briana said. She scooted her chair close enough for her shoulder to touch Melody’s.

    “Thanks,” Melody said. Was she going to be a kid in the house because she hung out with Briana a lot? That didn’t feel good.

    “Do you wanna play this evening?” Briana asked.

    “Uh, I would love to, but staying up all night burned a lot of time that I should have been working,” Melody said.

    “Oh, okay,” Briana said.

    “Maybe this weekend though?” Melody asked.

    “Oh, not until the weekend?” Briana asked.

    “Depends on how much I get done,” Melody said, feeling guilt sink in on top of the mac and cheese in her belly. “I really am behind.”

    “I understand, I have homework and stuff too,” Briana said.

    “Cool, sorry, you know how grad school and work and stuff gets,” Melody said.

    “Yeah, of course,” Briana said, nodding but with no enthusiasm. “Thanks for making mac for me. I’ll clean up the plates and pot and stuff if you want.”

    “You don’t have to–“

    “I don’t mind!”

    “Okay, okay, thanks Briana.”

    Melody got up awkwardly from the table and shuffled out of the kitchen. The whole conversation had been a Kobayashi Maru. Worst of all, there was a ton of work waiting for her. It was sorted into categories of mandatory, sort of optional, and actually optional. Unfortunately those categories were only for her school program. The ‘optional’ stuff was the paying work.

    Melody whipped her pajamas off in a sudden flash of anger. In a few minutes she was back in leggings, a t-shirt, and her door was firmly closed. With the lights off and a red bull on the desk, it was time to get back to business.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 08

    “So how’s the new girl?” Suzie asked, briefly letting go of Briana’s hand to scratch her ear. “I feel like I’ve hardly seen her.”

    “You’ve been super busy this quarter,” Briana said, squeezing Suzie’s hand. “She’s pretty busy too. But she’s super fun to play with! We got to play dress-up a bunch!”

    “I heard she has some pretty interesting costumes,” Suzie said.

    “Yeah, they’re kind of sexy, and really accurate to the characters. Oh, and she’s got a ton of cool dolls, and movies and comics and stuff!”

    “I didn’t realize you were so into that stuff,” Suzie said.

    “Well I always liked it but you know, I never had very much money,” Briana said softly.

    “You’ve made your birthday and Christmas so easy!” Suzie said with a grin.

    “Oh, I hadn’t even thought about Christmas break,” Briana said.

    “You know most of us don’t get to go home for it,” Suzie said. “So don’t worry about being lonely. In fact… Ronnie might kill me for telling you this but I won’t spoil much. Prepare yourself for Christmas to be a super big deal this year.”

    “Really?” Briana asked. She’d stopped in her tracks without realizing it. Suzie was blurry in her vision. It wasn’t sadness though, her chest felt tight, like her heart was going to burst.

    “Oh hon, yes, really for real,” Suzie said, stepping in to give Briana a breathlessly tight hug. “See, this is why I wanted to tell you. Anticipation is half the experience when you’re a kid!”

    “Am I a kid right now?” Briana asked, genuinely wondering.

    “Do you want to be?” Suzie asked.

    “I mean, I kind of always want to lately,” Briana said. “But we’re out of the house and I don’t want to make you take care of me if you don’t want to.”

    “I haven’t gotten a chance for a while,” Suzie said. “Oooh, I’ll cast a spell on you to make you little.” She brought a finger to Briana’s nose and bounced it from nose to cheek to forehead to nose to cheek as she chanted,

    “Wink a bink

    a bottle of ink,

    Briana is five,

    As soon as she blink!”

    Suzie finished the chant with a light clap in front of Briana’s face. She blinked, of course, and as she opened her eyes with a goofy smile. Five sounded fun. More fun than the dumb black shirt she was wearing, and the boooring green shorts. Even her shoes were dumb. White, with no designs. Suzie looked cool though! Her hair was super rainbow-y, fresh from the salon. Her shirt was even pink with sparkles.

    “Well, how do you feel?” Suzie asked.

    “Good,” Briana said, picking at her shirt. “What are we gonna do?”

    “We were on our way to the park, let’s see if they have any ducks. After that, I’m sure we can find something fun.”

    The park had a few ducks, paddling in circles with occasional dives for… whatever ducks ate off the bottom of a pond. Briana was sad that they didn’t have any bread, then decided that was a good thing when Suzie reminded her that bread was bad for ducks. There were crows too, which were fun to chase across the gently sloping, grassy bowl of the park.

    She came back to Suzie at a full sprint after sending a particularly large flock of crows into the sky, panting and pink-cheeked. “Suzie, Suzie did you see how many?!”

    Suzie turned, and Briana realized in horror that her friend wasn’t alone. There was a tall, skinny man with a little mop of brown hair at the front of his head and ochre skin. He was standing with his arm around a short, equally slim woman with crazy long black hair.

    “Hey kiddo!” Suzie said boisterously. “These are my friends, Kariwase and Amie. Guys, this is Briana, my roommate. She’s trying out method acting for a Freaky Friday type play where a babysitter gets switched with the kid. So far she’s doing a great job staying in character, do you mind helping her out?”

    Briana stood frozen, trying to process what Suzie had said. Before she quite had it figured out, Kariwase had leaned over and ruffled her hair.

    “Chasing birds huh, did you catch any of them?” he asked.

    Briana blushed, and took a step sideways to half-hide behind Suzie. “Uh no, but there was a big flock of them that just went up.”

    “Oh my god she’s shy?” Amie asked. She stepped around to Briana and took her hand. “How old are you?”

    “Fuh-five.” Briana said, squirming and looking down. There was a guilty, wrong feeling in her chest. She wanted nothing more than for these scary adults to go away and stop asking her things.

    “What’s your favorite stuffed animal?” Kariwase asked. Suzie, traitor that she was, took Briana’s shoulders and trotted her out into the middle of the group.

    “a-alanna,” Briana said in a tiny voice.

    “Is she a bear?” he asked, relentlessly.

    “No she’s a lion,” Briana said, indignantly. The desire to defend Alanna’s honor broke through her shyness like a floodgate. “She’s a magic lion, and a knight, and she goes on adventures and fights bad guys.”

    “That sounds awesome,” Amie said. “You’re very creative!”

    “Really?” Briana asked, squirming. Kariwase lightly pinched her cheek and she giggled. Cackled more like. She felt like she was falling down a rabbit hole, settling deep into her little persona. They asked her a couple more questions, then Suzie sat her down on the log next to them while she finished her conversation about the upcoming theatre schedule.

    Briana busied herself with sticks and rocks, making a couple of pretty cool little houses, both of which she announced to the group. They were all nice, Kariwase even crouched ALL the way down from his tallness to look at her second house.

    While she was down there, Briana felt the need to go. It came on suddenly, with no warning at all! Or anyway it didn’t seem important until it was already pretty bad. She squeezed her legs together and looked up at Suzie, but they were all still talking.

    Concentrating on making an elaborate house to take her mind off it turned out to be a mistake. Briana bit her lip and squeezed her legs as hard as she could when the first few splashes hit her panties. She felt it spread down toward her butt and hoped maybe people would think the log was wet. After that, all she could do was sit and try to hold it, losing the battle a second time to another damp splash in her pants.

    Finally, the endless conversation… ended. Suzie waved to her friends, who waved to her and Briana, and they walked off. Suzie said something that Briana didn’t catch with all her concentration on her bladder.

    Suzie crouched down and said, “Hey Briana, you okay?”

    Briana looked at Suzie with wide eyes, “I had an accident…”

    Suzie sighed. “Hon, you are not a baby right now, you’re a little girl right? You need to tell me if you have to go and need help going to the bathroom.”

    “I’m sorry,” Briana whimpered. “I still hafta go but…”

    “I don’t have a car here,” Suzie said. “Come on, lucky for you we’re all carrying changing supplies when we go out with you. I’ll change you in the park bathroom.”

    “But I…” her protests couldn’t hold against Suzie tugging her arm. What recourse was there anyway? Even if Suzie did have a car, she couldn’t drive it up over the grass to pop Briana into it. She hesitated anyway, reluctantly pulled to her feet. Shame blossomed pink and hot across her cheeks as a big splash of liquid hit her panties.

    Though she trailed Suzie at first, she caught up fast as the wet patch spread further across her crotch and butt. There was a steady trickle she couldn’t stop, so she ran, outpacing Suzie and darting into the park bathroom. She skidded to a stop on the greasy tile floor, face to face with an older woman she’d nearly run over.

    The woman stared at Briana out of weepy, wrinkled eyes and looked down at the dark stain on Briana’s shorts. She chuckled, which hit Briana in the chest. The old lady started for the door, stopped for Suzie’s more sedate arrival, and then grabbed the door. She took a look at Briana and chuckled again.

    “You’re still peein’ hon. Better get yourself on a toilet. Don’t-cha have any sense?” she asked, and didn’t wait for a reply, stumping out the door. It was a good thing too, for her, because Suzie had drawn herself up and looked like she was ready to unleash the rough side of her tongue.

    With a sigh, Suzie turned to Briana, noting the steady trickle down the girl’s legs. “Let’s get you on a potty hon.” Suzie pushed Briana bodily into a bathroom stall and yanked her shorts down, setting her down on the dubiously clean seat. The tiny trickle became a brief, crashing stream with Briana finally able to let go.

    Suzie left the stall door open and grabbed a door stopper off the floor. She wedged it between the door and frame, giving it a couple of sharp kicks for a makeshift lock.

    “All done with your potty?” Suzie asked. Briana nodded. “Stay on there in case,” Suzie added, removing Briana’s shoes, socks, and her soggy shorts.

    Briana waited while running water sounded. A little more came out of her, but she decided not to tell Suzie about that. Returning with wet paper towels, Suzie stood Briana up and wiped her legs, butt, and crotch down.

    “There isn’t much room here but you’re petite,” Suzie said, “Hop up on the sink counter and I’ll put you in a diaper.”

    “Suzie, I wanna pullup.” Briana said.

    “And why’s that?”

    “Because I’m not a baby.”

    “But you wet your pants like one,” Suzie said. Briana blushed and whined. “Get up on the counter Briana, right now.”

    Briana plodded over to the sinks with sulky steps and climbed on top of the counter. Suzie had wiped it down, and there actually was a lot of space on the cold sheet metal. Her head hung over one of the sinks and her heels dipped into the other but it easily supported her weight.

    Suzie’s purse had a tiny, thin changing blanket that didn’t cover more than Briana’s butt. The counter was icy cold through her thin shirt. Whatever Suzie had started, Briana had convinced herself. Baby Briana would be fussy and crying, but five-year-old Briana grumped and flopped her legs.

    “Hold your legs for me,” Suzie said, putting an ankle into each of Briana’s hands. She felt like letting go, but remembered in time that Suzie definitely knew how to spank. The embarrassing baby diaper went under her, along with lotion and powder for dumb babies. Briana sighed, pouted, blew air through her lips. Suzie ignored her protests.

    With the diaper taped up, Suzie let her sit, and fished Briana’s shorts out of a sink sopping wet. It took a long, annoying, loud time under the hand dryer before they were dry enough to wear. Finally dressed, Briana looked at herself in the mirror and was horrified to see her diaper peeking out of her shorts. Her shirt left a good two inches of skin visible, so there was no help there.

    “Suzie, it shows! Gimme the pullup instead!”

    “It’s a tiny bit sticking up, you’ll be fine,” Suzie said. “Now, what do you say when somebody helps you?”

    “I’ll say thank you if you give me the pullup!”


    She hemmed and hawed, whined and puffed up her cheeks before blowing the air out. Suzie stood with her arms crossed, unimpressed. Finally Brianna looked to the side and sighed. “Thank you Suzie.”

    “Good girl,” Suzie said, and gave Briana a hug, which Briana endured but didn’t return, as an act of rebellion.

    “I think it’s time to take you home.”

    “But, you said we could do something fun after!”

    “Well we can, if you’re okay going in your diaper.”

    Briana blew a raspberry and said, “Let’s go home.”

    Suzie told a lot of dumb jokes on the way back to the bus, and by the time it picked them up Briana wasn’t really mad at her anymore. There was a bit of a bad moment when her diaper crinkled as she climbed the bus steps and she thought the driver saw it, but nothing was said.

    At least there was ice cream when they got home and time to play. Melody wasn’t around, so Briana amused herself with a coloring book. At Veronica’s reminder to start homework she belted out “Yes Mom!” but obviously she had to finish the page she was on.

    When dinner came, there were three more pages of the book colored, but no homework. Everybody was busy, it was one of those chaotic, Jane calling out leftovers from the fridge and people claiming them to warm up nights. Briana helped ferry the leftovers and stuck close to Jane, even sitting on her lap when everyone was done eating.

    Melody was back after dinner but still couldn’t play. This time she didn’t even cave to Briana’s best puppy dog eyes! Those eyes got her Melody’s Nintendo Switch to borrow, so Briana took that victory and curled up on the couch.

    When Veronica found her, it was late and Briana was sleepy, with a soggy diaper. She’d completed yet another task for Tom Nook and was starting to understand why nobody liked the cute little raccoon.

    “Briana, honey, are you still up?” Veronica looked tired, she had the frazzled, low makeup look that always accompanied a big project.

    ‘Yeah mom,” Briana said with a yawn. “I’m gonna have my house paid off soon though!” She showed Veronica the switch.

    “Looks like you’ve put a lot of work in, you haven’t moved since I saw you after dinner,” Veronica said. “You got all your homework done before dinner?”

    “Um…” Briana bit her lip. Out of nowhere, the homework leapt back to mind.

    “Briana!” Veronica put her hands on her hips. “Have you done any of it?”

    “No, sorry.”

    “Honey, you have a report due tomorrow.”

    “Sorry mom.” Briana said. She probably should be worried about the report, but she wanted to get done with being scolded so she could play some more, or go to bed.

    “When I told you to get started on your homework, what happened?” Veronica asked. She sat down on the couch, taking the Switch out of Briana’s hands.

    “I just wanted to finish the page I was coloring,” Briana said. “Then uh, I guess I forgot.”

    “That’s not like you, are you feeling okay?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah, I’m fine Mom!” Briana sighed.

    “You’re going to have to finish the report now,” Veronica said.

    “But I can’t,” Briana said, with a quick lie. “I need my lab partner’s notes and she’s in bed by now.”

    “So she had to do her report by herself?” Veronica frowned with her lips pinched tight. Briana immediately regretted the lie. “That’s even worse.”

    “I’m sorry!” Briana said, again.

    “We’ll work on fixing this tomorrow. For right now, it’s bedtime.”

    There was, surprisingly, no spanking or big punishment. Mom looked frustrated but still did one of her super skillful, loving diaper changes. She even got some extra attention, swaddled in a nice warm onesie and tucking her in. Briana fell into a dreamy sleep, wondering what else being little could get her out of.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 09

    Melody squirmed nervously outside Beatrix’s door. On one hand, Beatrix. On the other hand, Beatrix. Horny memories of being stepped on were interrupted when Beatrix flung the door open and dragged Melody in by the front of her shirt.

    “Dolly, you made it!” Beatrix said, with a chilling smile.


    “Well Baby doesn’t seem right, because I’m sure not going to be your mom,” Beatrix said. “But I do like the idea of having a doll to play with.”

    “You don’t need to–“ Melody grunted around the pacifier that Beatrix had suddenly smushed against her face. Aggressive persistence won over Melody’s resistance, and Melody found herself with the rubber nub on her tongue and Beatrix’s hand over her mouth.

    “Dolly, hush,” Beatrix said. “Now, let’s look you over. Hmmm, boring, boring, boring, and wrong!” Beatrix plucked at Melody’s T-shirt, bra, jeans, and panties in turn.

    “Lucky for you I went out and got some dolly clothes last night! Don’t worry, they’ll still be gloomy. We don’t want people asking too many questions and your secret getting out, do we?”

    Melody could only whimper behind the pacifier. Heart pounding, she let Beatrix yank the backpack out of her hands, and strip her down until she was naked in the middle of Bea’s living room. She desperately hoped that Bea’s roommates were already out for the day.

    Suddenly, Beatrix had her arms around Melody, pressing her whole body against Melody and whispering in her ear. Melody was intensely conscious of Beatrix’s thin, soft blouse, her tiny shorts, the way her bare leg felt, and how her hair smelled.

    “This is the part that you’re here for, right Dolly?” Beatrix asked breathily. “It’s okay, you can hold me.”

    Melody set her trembling hands on the small of Beatrix’s back. Gaining confidence, she stroked the soft skin there and pressed tightly against Bea.

    “You have pretty nice hands, Dolly,” Beatrix said, nuzzling Melody’s neck. “I think I’ll have you give me a foot rub when you come by this evening.”

    As suddenly as Beatrix had initiated it, the hug was over. Despite herself Melody let out a frustrated whine. Beatrix laughed.

    “Mmm, love how much you worship me. I mean, I always knew you had a big old lady boner for this business but I didn’t realize how bad you had it.”

    Beatrix dug around in Melody’s backpack and pulled out a pair of pullups, tossing some side-eye at Melody. “What’s this shit? I told you to get enough for the week, and real diapers.”

    Melody mumbled into the pacifier. She felt bad about taking those from Briana, and she couldn’t walk off with five or six of them. There were a lot more pullups than diapers, it was easier to get those without anyone noticing.

    None of it came out clearly. Beatrix wasn’t putting in the effort to translate paci-garble, she shrugged and brought one pair of pullups to Melody’s feet, tapping her leg. “Step into it, Dolly.”

    Melody obeyed, biting down on the pacifier and blushing as Beatrix dragged the pullup along her legs and yanked it up over her rear.

    “You’re chunkier than the girl who normally wears these huh?” Beatrix asked. “That’s oaky Dolly, I don’t mind if you’re a fattie. Thick thighs save lives, right?”

    Melody flinched. No thigh gap didn’t mean she was fat! Again, Beatrix ignored her reaction. She was grabbing some clothes off the couch which actually looked pretty promising. Skirts were kind of yuck, but it was a black skirt at least. The shirt had skulls on it, looked like some hot-topic type gear.

    Her first red flag went up when Beatrix put the shirt on her without a bra. The second was when Bea had to tug, hard, to get the shirt down over Melody’s shoulders and belly. It was baby doll cut, too tight, but long enough to not completely ride up her belly. It also did a great job of pushing her tits out and giving the whole world a barometer to how cold she was or how hot her motor was running.

    The skirt fit at least, though there was a bit of a muffin top peeking out. It covered the pullup too, but not by a lot. Bending over was not going to work and there would be no manspreading today. When Beatrix added a pair of cat-face pantyhose Melody’s only reaction was SMH.

    Melody whimpered and tried a pleading expression on Beatrix. That only brought back Bea’s scary grin.

    “Oh yeah, look at you all turned on and embarrassed,” Beatrix said, cupping one of Melody’s breasts. Humiliating as it was, Melody moaned loudly from behind her pacifier. After all, Beatrix seemed to enjoy getting to see her reactions, the more extreme the better.

    “Yeah, good start to the day. Okay, here’s the deal, between every class I want you to go to a bathroom and do a diaper selfie for me. After all, we need to keep track in case you piss yourself again.”

    Bea popped the pacifier out of Melody’s mouth with a rough tug. “Your line here is, ‘Yes Beatrix’.”

    “Y-yes Beatrix,” Melody said.

    “Good Dolly!” Bea said, patting Melody’s cheek. “You can have your clothes back when you come here after classes to give me my foot rub. Try to keep your pants dry, okay?”

    Melody blushed. The pullups were already a tiny bit damp from how much Bea had manhandled her. Dolly-handled, whatever.

    “Yeah, you’re a lot of fun. Keep this up, be a good dolly for me, and we’ll see if we can get that spaghetti wet, okay?”

    Melody licked her lips and leaned forward, bringing face close to Beatrix. She got pushed away, softly at least, for her troubles.

    “Nah, not right now. Maybe this afternoon, Dolly. Now get that cute ass to class.”

    Melody picked her backpack up, which Beatrix added the extra pullup to. She felt ridiculous, standing on the steps in her tight little shirt and skirt. It was going to be impossible to forget that she was Beatrix’s ‘dolly’ now. That thought kept her warm between the legs all the way to her car.

    For her first check-in, Melody snapped a quick shot with her skirt up in the bathroom and fled to her Machine Learning Bioinfomatics class. Not that she wanted to be there. The first class of the day had actually been a lab, which gave her the opportunity to hide out in a different computer lab and submit things remotely.

    As she took her usual spot in the back of the class, there were a lot more eyes on her than usual. Especially from guys, yuck. There was one cute girl that did a double take. Cute girls were looking at her, but only when she was all tarted up by Beatrix and wearing a pullup. Mojo Jojo would be proud of Bea.

    As she sat down and the professor took the podium, a notification popped up on her phone.


    • bitch, wtf was that
    • worst selfie ever
    • take another one
    • I’m in class
    • i don’t care
    • upskirt yourself and take one right now
    • dude no
    • wtf, worst dolly
    • u better make it up with next one

    “Melody?” asked Dr. Phan.

    “Huh? Uh, sorry…” Melody said, blushing. Half the class was looking at her.

    “Everything okay? You’re not usually a phone watcher in class.” Dr. Phan said.

    “Uh, yeah, had to take care of uh, some money stuff.” Melody squirmed, freezing when her pullup crinkled.

    “Okay, glad to hear it. I was asking about your AI project. Got any progress to report?”

    “Oh! Yeah uh, sorry. It’s going fine. The basic learning algorithms are up and I’m working on the learning dataset. I’ve already run tests from a limited set of data, and done some preliminary tweaking on my algs.”

    Dr. Phan smiled, “Great! I figured you’d be ahead. Don’t make me institute a phone rule, okay?”

    “Yeah, gotcha,” Melody said, ducking her head. At least the attention finally came off of her. She buried her phone in her bag to be safe.

    By the time class ended, Melody had managed to mostly forget her predicament, though she got a reminder from the odd feeling of her pullup as soon as she stood up. Her plan to go straight to the bathroom to deal with Beatrix was cut short when Ms. Doubletake from earlier put a hand on her arm.

    “Hey Melody, I like your new look,” Rosa said, shrugging her backpack higher on her shoulder. Rosa had the short cropped hair and athleisure look that screamed ‘I am a rugby and roller derby lesbian’.

    “Uh, yeah, well, I dunno if I’ll wear it again, it was um, kinda a spur of the moment thing,” Melody said.

    “Well I think you should, the femme look suits you,” Rosa said.

    Melody swallowed around a lump in her throat. Femme? That was even more yuck than getting checked out by guys. “Oh uh, cool, thanks.”

    “You want to get together and compare project notes sometime?” Rosa asked.

    Melody didn’t. Well, she didn’t if a skirt needed to be involved. On the other hand, Rosa was pretty cool and decently smart. There wasn’t any need to get the U-Haul rented yet. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind bouncing around some ideas. Maybe like, Thursday evening?”

    “Perfect, can we do it at your place?” Rosa asked.

    “Oh uh, yeah, that would probably work,” Melody said, trying to calculate how she could keep Briana and all her ABDL stuff contained. It should be possible for one evening, right?

    “I’ll hit you up on the class Slack,” Rosa said. “Gotta go if I’m going to make it to racquetball.”

    “Yeah, I’ve got to go too, later,” Melody said with a hesitant wave. There was a pit in her stomach that wouldn’t go away. It doubled when she realized she was way past the end of class and still hadn’t looked at her phone.

    Beatrix had blown up Melody’s phone like she was trying to seize oil. Most of the messages were a demand for a response, but the last one was a bit ominous.

    • Fine, you’re in class. I got something prepared for you when you do your next selfie. Don’t send and go, check in before you send it.

    Punctuation and capitalization from Beatrix meant she was legit pissed. Melody scurried off to the nearest bathroom, glad that she had a good forty minutes left before her next class.

    • Hey I’m here, Dr. Phan was on my case.
    • whatever
    • give selfie, then wait for more instructions

    Melody looked around nervously, but the bathroom was empty. She hiked up her skirt and quickly took a picture of the mirror before dropping the skirt down.

    • There you go.
    • terrible selfie
    • don’t even try again
    • go to a stall, sit down, do upskirt shot
    • fine

    The stall felt a lot safer anyway, Melody was glad to throw the lock on it and sit down. She took a couple of shots of her sheer pantyhose with the kiddie-print pullup underneath. After a moment’s hesitation she rolled the pantyhose down a bit and took a clearer shot of the pullup. Looking at the pictures felt weird. For one thing, they could easily be on Tumblr tagged ABDL.

    It was more than that though. Seeing the crinkled plastic of the pullup between her legs was getting her hot all on its own. Being dominated by Beatrix remotely was honestly not that hot. In person it was great, because Bea was there in all her ridiculous sexy thottness. Over the phone it was more annoying than anything else.

    The pullup though, that was feeling sexy. Which was weird, obviously. Super weird, and dumb, and not something she should worry about too much. With a sigh, Melody sent the pictures and wiped them from her phone memory.

    • finally
    • not bad on last one
    • k, next task
    • u rdy?
    • No
    • good
    • use the pullup
    • ur punishment for ignoring me
    • use it and take video
    • No! Gross!
    • do it dolly
    • ur my diaper dolly
    • This is too far. No.
    • whatever you have a spare
    • I can’t, it’s too weird.
    • I’ll send nudes

    Melody stared at the phone screen. Her breath caught in her throat and she lightly licked her lips. The thought of Beatrix naked was bringing a whole lot of sexy back into the game. She squirmed on the toilet seat. Honestly she was already having to hold it in a bit. Sitting on a toilet was triggering her body to get ready to go.

    • preview

    Beatrix sent through a selfie of her own, expertly posed and shot. Her blouse was unbuttoned and her bra pulled down to almost expose her nipples. Melody felt a quiver in her belly.

    • Okay
    • good dolly!
    • send now

    Melody positioned her phone looking between her legs and got it ready to record. For a long few minutes she hesitated, unsure if she could go through it. The heat between her legs was building despite the increasing pressure there. Finally she felt herself release and hastily hit the record button in time to catch the small, ‘Ah!’ as the first splash of pee hit her pullup.

    Warmth flooded her crotch, erasing the firetruck designs that had covered it. From a minor wet feeling in her crotch she was suddenly wet everywhere. The entire pullup was soaking and wet against her skin. Melody had to bite back a moan of desire. Forcing her fingers to stay out of her pants, she sent the video to Beatrix.

    • Here’s the vid.
    • omg you did it
    • does it get u hot?
    • huh? you turned on right now?
    • yes
    • omg
    • nasty dolly
    • but good dolly, keep obeying and you can get more of this

    Melody watched with trembling anticipation as a picture loaded. Beatrix, naked, turned to be mostly a teasing shot. She could see a good amount of Bea’s left breast, but the rest was covered by the angle of the shot. It was still way more than she’d seen before.

    She had a hand in her pullups and was stroking her sopping sex before she realized it. Even when she did realize, her hand was already dirty.  Melody clapped a hand over her mouth and bit back moans as she gently worked her clit. Panting through her nose, she kept her eyes fixed on Beatrix’s picture. It took only moments before she was shuddering and slumping on the toilet seat.

    In the meantime, Beatrix was still sending texts.

    • well?
    • u like?
    • that’s an old shot
    • u have to come by in ur pullup today
    • rub my feet and look up my skirt
    • dirty dolly
    • say yes
    • say yes Beatrix
    • Yes Beatrix
    • good, say yes mistress
    • Yes Mistress
    • good, say ur a diaper dolly
    • my diaper dolly
    • I’m your diaper dolly

    That last one hurt a little to type, but it was hot too. Now that she’d come, everything was confusing again. Sitting in a school bathroom stall in a soaking pullup, leaking all over the seat. Tears sprang into Melody’s eyes, her chest felt squeezed.

    Beatrix seemed to be done with her for the moment. Melody got up and began the slow, nerve-wracking process of cleaning herself up and disposing of her pullup in public. She managed to get a wad of wet paper towels and flee back to the stall without being seen, but after that it seemed like there was always someone in the bathroom.

    Wiping off her crotch and rear was awkward enough while hearing women chatting by the sinks. Every tiny crinkle of the fresh pullup as she put it on felt like it echoed through the bathroom. The paper ended up in the toilet, even if it wasn’t supposed to. There was no way the pullup would flush though, not without a poop knife or something equally hardcore.

    Melody hunched by the door of her stall, trying to ignore the smell of the pullup in her hand. Already late for her next class, Melody wished her psychic powers would manifest so she could will the other women out of the bathroom. Why did people keep coming in?

    Finally, there was a real break. Nobody in the bathroom for over a minute, no sound of people in the hallway outside. Melody opened the door and made for the trash with her pullup ready to toss.

    For the first time, Melody had the experience of the world going into slow motion before her eyes. The door to the bathroom began to open. She knew she should hide the pullup behind her back, duck back into the stall, hurl the pullup over the walls of one of the stalls, anything but keep walking slowly. Her muscles wouldn’t obey. The door swung completely open with Melody still a few steps from the trash can.

    She had a brief, wild hope that it would be someone she’d never seen before. At least the dumb outfit would keep them from recognizing her on another day. No such luck. It was Jane, her roommate, partner to her landlord, and ‘Dad’ to Briana. They locked eyes for a moment and then Jane’s darted over to the pullup.

    Having Jane see the pullup induced enough panic to break Melody’s frozen state. She flicked the pullup into the garbage can and hurriedly turned on the sink.

    “Hi Melody,” Jane said, stepping into the bathroom proper.

    “Hi Jane.”

    “Was that one of Briana’s pullups?” Jane asked.

    A hot blush crept up Melody’s neck. Anything but the truth would do. “Uh, yeah, um, super heavy flow today, and all I had were some little pads.”

    “No worries, I was curious,” is what Jane said with her mouth. Her face was doing a perfect Maury, ‘I have determined that was a lie’.

    Melody grabbed extra paper towel to dry her hands and tossed the wad over the pullup. “Gotta get to class, see you at the house!” she said, as she fled the bathroom.

    It was way late for class, and Melody wasn’t feeling it. She wasn’t feeling any of it, the only expression she could manage at the moment was a Hide the Pain Harold. Even the prospect of another session with Beatrix soured her stomach.

    Taking refuge in her car, Melody sent a text to Beatrix to say she felt sick and couldn’t come over, muting the conversation immediately against the inevitable flood of angry texts. There was enough energy to get home, strip out of the dolly outfit, and hide under the covers.

    The heavy guilt of the assignments, professor she’d blown off, and freelance work that all needed doing pressed down on her. Melody shoved her face into her pillow and pretended not to care. She did the same when her roommates knocked on her door at dinnertime. After all, she might as well disappoint everyone in her life at once.

    The only thing she hadn’t taken off was the pullup. As the evening wore on and her roommates were still wandering the house like they lived there or something, a certain pressure reminded Melody of the garment. It’d be handy for continuing to avoid the world. She shook her head. Did she want to avoid her roommates enough to pee herself?

    The answer turned out to be complicated. Even when she tried, she couldn’t make herself release. Laying in bed was a far cry from sitting on a toilet. Her body didn’t believe that she wanted to do it any more than Jane had believed her in the bathroom. Of course, she had made it happen one other time without being completely desperate or in a bathroom.

    Figuring she might as well disappoint herself too and go full foul bachelorette frog, Melody reached into her pullup with one hand and turned her phone on with the other. The peeing video was still on there. She watched it again, remembered the slow damp trickle that had become a flood of hot liquid. Her hand worked across her sex while she tabbed over to Pornhub. A search for diaper punishment got her an endless stream of fantasies of being forced into her humiliating predicament.

    The relief when she came was twofold, pressure and anxious sexual energy taken care of together. Taking only the barest effort to clean up, Melody merely wiped her hand off on the dolly top she’d tossed to the floor. There hadn’t been enough to overwhelm the pullup, so she left it on and doomscrolled while she waited for her roommates to finally go to bed.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 10

    Briana murmured softly as Gary’s lips released her again. A half hour of making out on his lap had her ready for anything. He’d told her to be ready for a surprise, and at this point she was hoping that surprise was sex on his desk. Or in his chair. Or on the floor, against the wall, wherever!

    “It’s been great having you come over every afternoon,” Gary said.

    “I’ve been a good girl, I should get a reward!” Briana declared.

    “If you’re going to ask for sex, sorry, no,” Gary said, kissing a pout off Briana’s face. “I have office hours in like twenty minutes and I can’t have my office smelling like sex.”

    “Just spray some air freshener,” Briana said.

    “Uh huh. Do you want your reward or not?”

    “Oh, I get one?”

    “Yes, lie down on the desk,” Gary hefted Briana’s butt up on the desk, and she obediently lay down on it.

    The familiar crinkle of a diaper made Briana groan. “Gaaary. I like being changed by you but we do that all the time, it’s not a surprise.”

    “You’re right, the diaper isn’t your surprise,” Gary said. He pushed Briana’s skirt up and slid her panties down. “Now be a good girl and cooperate or you’ll have a surprise and a spanking.”

    Briana giggled and held her feet. As soon as the diaper went under her hips she could tell it was going to be a very sexy change. Gary was spreading lotion across her in slow, sensual strokes, with lots of focus around her rosebud and sex. The plug slipping into her rear wasn’t much of a surprise, even if it was a bit softer than usual. Something else rubbing against her slit until it slid slickly in certainly was though!

    “Ooh, Gary, what’s that?”

    “Wait and see.”

    Whatever it was had a thick bulb-like bit that slipped inside Briana, and a tail like bit that lay alongside her clit. She gave Gary a little trouble powdering and taping her up, but it was hard to sit still with such a full feeling giving her the squirmies. After that she had to wait while Gary did something to her phone. The wait got annoying enough that Briana drummed her feet on the desk until a nose-bap from Gary shut her down.

    Finally, she had her phone back in her purse, her skirt back on properly, and was sitting on Gary’s lap, expertly padded. She stared into his eyes on the edge of a glare, willing the surprise out of him. Gary touched the screen of his own phone, and the thing in Briana’s sex rumbled!

    “Ahh!” She cried out, caught totally off guard. Gary held her close and another rumble hit, then another. The vibrator buzzed to life and hummed merrily inside her, turning her insides to quivering goo. The little tail bit was even humming against her clit until the diaper had developed a genuine wet patch.

    Suddenly, it ended. Briana caught her breath, leaving her head on Gary’s chest for the moment. “What was that?”

    “Remote vibrator,” Gary said. “But that’s not all.”

    The buzzing started again, in Briana’s rear this time! She cried out again with a squeal instead of a moan. It felt good but funny and ticklish at the same time.

    “Hah! That was definitely worth it,” Gary said. “How’s your surprise?”

    “G-gary, that’s so intense,” Briana said. Her cheeks were hot. The heat was desire now but thinking about that happening on campus was bringing the embarrassment fast.

    “Those were both on the highest setting. I have lots of little patterns programmed, most of them are a lot softer,” Gary said.


    “I can’t do what I’d like to do with you today, but I can play with you remotely. You like me putting you in a diaper so you have a little secret on campus, well now you have three secrets.”

    Briana giggled, and nuzzled Gary’s neck. “But what if there are people around?”

    “If I don’t know where you are, I’ll keep it on low,” Gary said. “But you can also turn it off on your phone if you need to.”

    “Can I try the low oh OH–“

    The vibrator quivered to life again, this time a nice, soft buzz that was sending wonderful waves through her sex. She could manage this without moaning, probably. It was a distraction. A devastatlingly sexy distraction.

    “Of course you can make it more intense on your own,” Gary said. “If you wet, the diaper is going to transmit a lot more vibration.”

    Briana swallowed hard, and nodded. “This is… a really fun surprise. Can we go on a date soon?”

    “Tomorrow if you want,” Gary said. “This is a warmup for the date.”

    Briana grinned and leaned up to kiss Gary hard on the mouth. She didn’t let go either, pressing against him for a long, sweaty kiss and grinding her diaper against his crotch. When she finished, he had some nice bright spots on his cheek.

    “Well, I better let you prep for your office hours,” Briana said, hopping off Gary’s lap.

    “You’re leaving right after that?” Gary asked.

    “You’re not the only one that can tease,” Briana said.

    “Heh, I should have put you in Little mode first, you’re pretty sassy like this,” Gary said.

    “I guess you’ll have to do that next time,” Briana said. She flounced to the door and blew Gary a kiss. He caught it, and she sneaked out.

    As good as it felt to get a tease in on Gary, Briana realized she was pretty much at his mercy. Sure, she could turn off the phone, but that would make her a party pooper. Already pretty turned on, in a diaper, and with a vibrator that could start up any time, Briana was feeling jittery.

    Studying clearly wasn’t going to happen. It would be good to have someone to talk to, especially Melody. Nobody had seen Melody for a few days. She’d asked Mom to check on her, but Mom said that she’d gotten a text from Melody and that they had to respect her privacy. With the rest of her roommates in class or at work, there was nobody to see! Nobody except Tamira, she realized!

    Briana’s happy walk across campus was interrupted a few minutes in by the vibrator buzzing away in her diaper. Low setting or not, it sent her stumbling against a tree and leaning there while the soft rumble set her crotch tingling. Pink cheeked and panting, Briana got moving again as the vibrator died down.

    It hit a second time before she reached her destination, short staccato pulses that alternated between her sex and rear. That was confusing, ticklish, and had her sex as slick as a Slip & Slide. “No fair, Gary,” she mumbled.

    By the time she reached Tamira’s dorm she wasn’t sure she wanted her friend to be home. The vibrator buzzed to life again as Briana buzzed the intercom, harder this time, and for a few seconds. Moaning out loud before she could catch herself, Briana wondered if maybe Tamira would give her a corner to uh… lay down in.

    Unlike the vibrator, the intercom buzzer got no response. It was the same the second, and third time Briana pushed it. She felt the vibrator in her rear rumble and whimpered softly, Gary’s instructions about turning off her phone had fled her mind completely. Pulsing in soft waves of low to medium, the sustained sensation quickly overcame the ticklishness and created a whole new kind of pleasure.

    “Gaaaary!” Briana whined aloud to the empty courtyard. He had clearly underestimated the strength on the toys. Either that or he was playing a mean prank, but that didn’t seem like him. She wanted him so badly, wished with all her might that he would appear, throw her down on… anything, and take care of the feelings he’d created.

    As she dimly realized that she might actually come while leaning against the dorm door, Briana looked around desperately for somewhere to hide until the sensations stopped, or uh, resolved themselves.

    Hiding places were scarce next to the dorm, a good thing normally. There weren’t many people around though, a couple of guys walking toward the science buildings, a girl wearing a skimpy outfit and – was that Melody?!

    Briana blinked, biting back a moan though the vibrator had stopped. It was Melody, looking sad. A corset top, half-jacket, and short skirt made her look sexy, but were so out of place on her friend.

    Forgetting at least a little of her predicament in her concern, Briana jogged to catch up. “Melody! Melody!”

    Melody turned, and the look she gave Briana brought tears to Bri’s eyes. She looked haunted, and scared, with huge bags under her eyes. Briana didn’t bother to ask what was wrong, she grabbed Melody in a tight hug.

    Trembling and resisting at first, Melody suddenly hugged back hard. Briana held her friend until her arms started cramping. When they pulled apart, there were tear-trails on Melody’s cheeks.

    “Melody, what’s wrong?” Briana asked.

    “It’s noth – um, well obviously it’s something, uh, it’s complicated and I don’t want to –“

    “You can tell me! You look really sad!” Briana took Melody’s hand and held it tightly.

    “I don’t want to, I’m sorry Briana, I – “ Melody broke off suddenly, sniffing back a sob.

    “Well can I help?” Briana asked gently.

    “I don’t know uh, sorry I um, are you okay? You seem different.”

    “Oh, uh, I guess I’m not uh, ‘little’ right now,” Briana said, chuckling. “I don’t think you’ve ever seen me like this. Weird huh?”

    “Yeah uh, it is kinda, but not like, bad.”

    “Are you going somewhere? You’re not in trouble, are you?”

    “I’m always kind of in trouble lately,” Melody sighed. “You know what? Fuck it. No, I’m not going anywhere. You want a ride back home?”

    “You sure?” Briana asked, frowning. There was something super wrong with Melody, no matter what Mom said.

    “Yeah, come on, my car is over in G lot.”

    They walked quietly together for a few minutes before Briana realized the crinkling sound had gotten loud. She stopped for a second to try and pull her diaper up tighter, and the crinkling continued, a bit more softly. Eyes wide, she looked down at Melody’s skirt to see that it bulged a lot more in the back than it probably should.

    A couple of skipping steps had her caught up to Melody. There wasn’t any good way to say it, so after a deep breath, Briana said, “Melody? Can I ask about your outfit? I’ve never seen you wear stuff like that and uh, do you have protection on?”

    Melody froze. Briana stumbled to a stop and turned to face her friend. It wasn’t the embarrassed or even slightly scared expression she was expecting on Melody’s face, it was sadness again.

    “Uh yeah, uh, I guess you of all people would notice. It’s a whole um, thing.”

    “You don’t have to justify anything to me!” Briana said with a grin, pouring on every bit of positive energy that she could muster. “Me of all people, right?”

    To her delight, Melody cracked a small smile. Briana gave her another hug, which Melody relaxed into right away this time. As they resumed walking, Briana took hold of Melody’s hand. There was no objection.

    It was a quiet walk the rest of the way to the car, but a more comfortable one. Melody seemed a little better. They were off campus and plodding through city traffic when the forgotten vibrator kicked on again, catching Briana totally off guard. It was on low power, but the tail had settled perfectly against her clit and Briana couldn’t help but gasp and arch her back.

    “Woah, you okay?” Melody asked.

    “Uh, yeah,” Briana said, giggling softly. “Sorry, you’re not the only one with something unusual on. I hope this isn’t Tee-Em-Eye but Gary put two vibrators in me today and uh, one of them just went off. They’re remote triggered.”

    Melody was quiet, but when Briana looked over she had hot cheeks and nipples showing prominently through the thin satin of the corset top. Surprised and intrigued, Briana turned forward and slyly asked, “Uh, since you’re not doing whatever thing you were gonna do, wanna hang out when we get home?”

    “Yeah, um, okay. Uh, cool.” Melody said, her voice slightly husky.

    Briana grinned and settled down in her seat to prepare for any more random vibrations. There were two more before they got home. Gary was having a lot of fun with that little button of his!

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 11

    “No, absolutely not!” Melody stared at Beatrix in shock.

    “I told you, you messed up when you blew me off.” Beatrix was looking especially cute in short shorts and a tank top that showed off flashes of bra, but even that wasn’t going to be enough to get her what she wanted today.

    “The selfies I’ve sent are bad enough. There’s no way I’m doing a whole photoshoot!” Melody shook her head emphatically. Internet was forever, and for all she knew the stuff she’d sent was on there already. At least she’d been able to hide her face, no way was she giving Beatrix control of the camera.

    “You sure you want to do this?” Beatrix frowned. “Remember our deal?”

    “If you’re going to tell everyone, then you might as well do it now before you have photo proof!”

    Beatrix sighed and rolled her eyes. “Damnit Mel, I didn’t expect you to break so easily. Do you really think I’m going to revenge-porn you?”

    “You’ve been crazy about this whole thing!”

    “Yeah, because that’s what you wanted.” Beatrix chuckled. “Hell, diapers are probably the perfect thing for this little game of ours, since it’s got you as wet as a faucet.”

    “Bee Ess!” Melody tried to ignore the heat in her cheeks. “You’ve had fun being mean to me.”

    “Yeah, that’s the part of the game that I wanted.” Beatrix shrugged. “You really want to end this, and go back to being just friends, but with a bunch of extra awkward?”

    “But that’s not, it isn’t…” Melody’s head was spinning. Was Bea really topping her awkwardly? Her train of thought derailed hard when Bea stepped in close and grabbed Melody’s face.

    “Oh hey, you brushed your teeth this time, good dolly.” Beatrix landed a hard kiss on Melody, making a possessive fist in Melody’s hair.

    Without thinking, Melody reached out for Bea and put her hands on the other girl’s butt. Beatrix didn’t push away. Drowning in the ecstasy of making out with Beatrix, Melody’s inner thoughts were reduced to the sound a microwave makes.

    The kiss ended, but Beatrix wasn’t done. Melody gasped as Bea’s hand went down her sweatpants, firmly cupping the wet patch in her panties.

    “See? You’re soaked. Now, you’re going to get dressed in the stuff I have for you, get down on the floor, and let me take pictures. You’re going to be embarrassed, and wet as hell. Especially because I’m going to take something off every ten pictures.”

    “I uh.. Bea uh…” Melody tried to remember why this was such a bad idea. She couldn’t let this happen, right? All she was able to come up with was, “Haha, Beatrix go brrr.”

    When Beatrix started stripping her, the last of Melody’s resistance was gone. She was down on Bea’s living room carpet and spread in no time at all. A bright blue diaper went on with no powder or lotion, something that Melody almost protested before she realized how crazy that would be. The cream-colored sundress that Bea pulled over her head really did deserve protest but the more clothes the better for this activity.

    The first few pictures were of Melody on the floor, face flushed, with a stiff smile on her face. It wasn’t quite hide the pain Harold, but Bea wasn’t happy. Unfortunately, Beatrix’s instruction to “Look cute” was light on specifics.

    “Fine, we’ll try some where your face doesn’t show. Get on your hands and knees, dolly.”

    Melody rolled over gratefully, only to freeze when Beatrix flipped the sundress’ skirt up over her waist.

    “Bet you dreamed about this pose with me before, huh dolly?” Beatrix slipped a hand along Melody’s inner thigh on her way to standing up. It got the moan she wanted, if Bea’ amused chuckle was anything to go by.

    A few more pictures snapped, and Melody was back on her back, with the skirt still flipped up. The growing nervous pit in her stomach wasn’t helped by Beatrice slipping off her tank top, but it was a hell of a distraction.

    “There you go dolly! If we can’t get you smiling, that soft horny look you’ve got going on will work.”

    Beatrix pushed a pacifier into Melody’s mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and took a few more shots. “How’re you feeling, dolly? Embarassed?”

    Melody nodded, whimpering softly behind the pacifier. That whimper became a gasp when Beatrix straddled Melody’s hips. “It’s hot, isn’t it?” Before Melody could answer, Beatrix leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I’m pretty hot right now too.”

    With another soft moan, Melody nuzzled Beatrix’s neck, daring to kiss along it. Her lips tingled, more at that she’d been allowed the kiss than the contact itself.

    “That’s right, good dolly. You don’t worry about what exactly we’re doing. You just think about being a good dolly, and how much you want my body.” Beatrix sat up and slipped her bra off, drawing it slowly away from her chest. Melody sat mesmerized until Bea pulled her hands up from her sides to place them on her bare breasts.

    Feeling heaven under her hands, Melody gently caressed Bea with eyes wide, the pacifier falling out of her mouth. Beatrix sighed happily, arching her back. Then she was gone, standing up suddenly enough to make Melody cry out softly.

    “Maybe more later, for now, let’s get that dress off. Don’t show your tits yet, give me some sideboob.”

    With shaking hands, Melody complied, getting up on her knees and turning her face away from the camera as well. Some shots of her bare back followed, and then she was cross-legged on the carpet with her hands covering her chest.

    Her heart was pounding for two reasons as Beatrix’s shorts came down and her hands were ordered away from her breasts. The last few shots were torture, but nothing compared to watching Beatrix put the camera down and slide a hand into her panties. Desire and embarrassment built in Melody as she watched Bea play with herself. The sounds she made, the way she shook at the end, it was all too much. Something had to give. Melody had her hands down her pants… no, her diaper. The threat of the camera couldn’t stop her. It didn’t matter what Beatrix might think.

    Pleasure exploded in Melody’s mind. Not once, twice, or even three times. Five explosions left Melody panting on the carpet, coming to the slow realization that she still had her hand in a sopping wet diaper. Wetting and masturbating was becoming a pretty normal thing, obviously too normal. Maybe she could summon the strength to get up before Beatrix noticed…

    That was as much a fantasy as actually having Bea for a girlfriend. Melody caught Beatrix’s eyes and blushed. The camera flashed again, a heart stopping strobe. “No, not that picture!”

    “Can’t believe you used it. You really like this stuff.” Bea slid her panties off with a languid, satisfied energy that pushed the sight from amazing to sexiest thing Melody had ever seen. So hot, right? Somehow Melody barely felt it.

    “Dirty dolly. Clean me up,” Beatrix said, offering fingers only ,which Melody sucked on obediently. The taste made her shiver. So many things she wanted to do with Beatrix were happening, but it was so wrong. All the sounds in the room felt muted.

    “You seem pretty out of it, I’m going to send you home in that diaper just for fun. Go ahead and put your clothes on and head out, Dolly.”

    With shaking hands, Melody pulled on her sweatpants and sweatshirt. Beatrix was already out of the room, didn’t even watch her go. She slunk off to her car and squished into the driver’s seat. She didn’t want music. The sounds of traffic were very quiet on the way back. Her cheeks were still hot, and wet too. No matter how many times she wiped them, her eyes wouldn’t stop leaking.

    Melody staggered into the house and nearly bumped into Jane. It took a moment to process that Jane was staring at her, along with Veronica. After a while she realized they’d said something.


    “Are you alright Melody?” Veronica asked. “I got a call from one of your professors, Dr. Phan? He’s really worried about you, he hasn’t seen you in over a week.”

    “Uh, yeah, that’s probably right.” Melody said softly. More hollow feelings inside. Her backpack felt heavy so she dropped it.

    “This might not be the time but we need to talk to you about your room at some point.” Jane said. “It’s… there’s a smell. We’re getting worried about bugs.” Another lump sank in Melody’s stomach.

    “Melody, is there something the matter? It looks like you’ve been crying. I’m not trying to pry but you seem really disassociated right now. Are you okay? Can we help?”

    “Is fine.” Melody mumbled. The lights in the room were going funny, colors and dark spots swirling around.

    “Melody!” Jane yelled. Or anyway her mouth was open big, but the sound was soft. She was tilting sideways too. Everything was going side…

    It was dark. Melody’s mouth was dry to the point of being sticky. Her chest felt tight. She was lying down on something soft, wrapped in a blanket. Her bed, but it didn’t smell like her bed. It smelled clean. The whole room smelled cleaner than it had been for a while.

    She sat up, feeling the diaper squish under her. It wasn’t soggy anymore, merely squishy. She had to go again too. Something had happened when she’d come home…

    “Melody, are you feeling alright?” Veronica asked gently.

    “Uh, oh, hey, I didn’t see you.” Melody tapped the lamp next to her bed, blinking at the soft orange light. Late afternoon then, if the smart-lamp had already switched away from blue-light. Veronica was sitting in the computer chair, gothy as ever.

    “Oh good, you’re awake this time,” Veronica said. “You got up a bit ago but collapsed again.”

    “I did?” Melody frowned. “What happened?”

    “Well when you came home you passed out. I hope you don’t mind that we cleaned up your room a little. We had to get the dishes out at least, and I didn’t want to put you back into a bed with dirty sheets.”

    “Um, no it’s cool, thanks.”

    “Melody, you don’t have to tell me what’s going on, but as your roommate and friend, I’m worried. You are not alright.”

    Melody’s heart sank, and kept sinking. She felt dizzy again, and let herself fall back on the pillow. “Yeah, maybe not.”

    “Can I help?”

    “I don’t think so. I uh, just have to figure some stuff out.”

    “I wouldn’t be this pushy if you hadn’t just fallen over in the living room, but it doesn’t seem like you are able to figure it out on your own. There’s no shame in asking for help.”

    “Well uh, this isn’t something I’d be able to go to a counselor for. I just um, yeah, no.”

    “Is that because of the diaper you’re wearing?”

    It should have been embarrassing, but Melody was too damn tired for blushing. “You noticed I guess.”

    “I did. It would have been hard not to when Jane and I carried you in here. I’m sorry you had to wake up in a wet diaper, but I didn’t know if you would be okay with me changing you.”

    “Thanks for uh, not.” Melody sat up again, rubbing her eyes.

    “I thought so. Melody, please ask for help from someone. It doesn’t have to be a counselor, or me. Before you get hurt physically, and hurt worse emotionally, please ask someone.”

    “What could you even do?”

    “Lots of things,” Veronica said. “But first I would just listen.”

    Melody sat there for a bit, staring at the floor. Like Kermit in the rainy window meme. The thought didn’t make her laugh, but it opened some space in the tightness in her chest at least.

    “I’m over my head I guess. Uh, there’s a relationship thing, and it’s sort of fucking up all my classes and work and everything. I don’t really know how to stop it.”

    “Sounds awful.” Veronica scooted closer and gently stroked Melody’s shoulder.

    “Yeah uh, well sometimes I like it, that’s the problem.”

    “I thought so, that’s what makes that kind of thing so awful.”

    “I tried to stop going to her, I really did. It’s not like she really has anything on me.”

    “Who doesn’t?”


    “Tell me about her.”

    “She’s hot,” Melody blurted out, blushing. “Uh, she’s such a bitch. She started doing this dom-thing and I uh, can’t resist it.”

    “Have you talked to her about how this is causing problems for you?”

    “She doesn’t care, she thinks its funny. I know I’m not super touchy feely, but Bea is kinda a um, zero empathy person.”

    “That’s really scary,” Veronica said. “Someone like that can cause a lot of havoc, maybe even on purpose.”

    “Yeah, but all I have to do is stop and uh, I can’t. I’ve never blown off class like this before. I even blew off a freelance job, I think I lost that client. I don’t know what to do.”

    “Well, the campus has addiction counseling services.”

    “No.” Melody shook her head. “I’m not uh, going into a group and telling people that a smoking hot bitch turned me into a diaper sub.”

    “I can see how that would be embarrassing,” Veronica said. “I’m not licensed but I have a therapy that could help.”

    “Yeah?” Melody asked, looking up hopefully.

    “It’s a little intense, but it’s quite private to people outside this house. It’d be a treatment similar to what helped Briana.”

    “Woah, wait, what?” Melody pulled back onto the bed, acutely aware of her diaper again. “I don’t want to be a baby.”

    “I’m not suggesting that.” Veronica said. “The program is based on giving up control to others and being supported so that you can rebuild your life. Diapers are an excellent way to do that because of how basic the control you’re giving up is. It doesn’t have to come with an age-play element. Briana stumbled into that bit on her own. The treatment might be even more effective without it.”

    “You are for real suggesting that I let you put me in diapers?” Melody scoffed.

    “Would it be better than I did it than Beatrix did?”

    Melody winced. “That was low.”

    “That was honest.”

    “I don’t know, what proof do you have that this works? Briana is your first person you’ve tried it on right? She’s still got problems.”

    “Briana came back from the brink of a total breakdown. It’s not surprising that she’s not at one hundred percent, but she’s doing pretty well. I’m proud of her, and the work that I did with her.”

    “It’s still hard to believe.”

    “I agree that it’s still a mostly untested therapy. How about if I compensate you for participating? That way even if it doesn’t help you, you still get something out of it.”

    “Compensate me?”

    “Six months rent. I’ll suspend your rent payments for six months, you try the therapy for at least three.”

    Melody blinked. That would instantly solve the money worries from any clients that were pissed. If only the whole idea wasn’t like, 4chan furry weird. She still had to go too, and would probably have used the diaper by now since it was already dirty. Except that would be proving Veronica’s point, or something?

    “I don’t know.”

    “Would you like more information about how it would work?” Veronica asked. She smiled a little when Melody nodded.

    “You would wear diapers when directed to, and not when you were told not to. I think you have some tangled up associates with those too, so the therapy could also help you get some understanding in that area. You’d be subject to my monitoring in terms of getting your work done, and your free time. If I told you not to go see Beatrix, you would have to obey.”

    “What happens if I break a rule?”

    “You get punished with a loss of privileges or a spanking, same as Briana does.”

    “And if I decide this whole thing is bonkers and want out?” “Spankings, really?”

    “Then you’re out. This only works with your consent. As an incentive to stay in, I’d only offer the full six months off rent if you finish your three months. Otherwise I’d reduce the rent suspension to three months.”

    Melody chewed on her lip. “I don’t know why I’m even considering this.”

    “Because you don’t want to use traditional counseling services.”

    Melody sighed indecisively.

    “How about a quick test run?” Veronica asked.

    “Like what?”

    “You need to be changed and cleaned up. You can do it, but I have plenty of practice in that area. Let me take charge of you for long enough to get you changed, cleaned up, and fed. After that, you’ll be in much better shape to make a decision.”

    “I don’t want to start the same kind of thing with you,” Melody said softly. Bea was bad enough, having that complication at home… no.

    “It will be non-sexual, I promise,” Veronica said. “But it will be caring. So probably the opposite of what you’ve had so far.”

    Melody winced. The tightness in her chest crept in a little. “O-okay.”

    “Thank you for trusting me,” Veronica said. “Now, hop up, I’m going to take you to the bathroom.”

    Melody took Veronica’s offered hand in amusement and followed along. To her surprise Veronica lead her to the changing table instead of the toilet.

    “I can just…”

    “Not your choice right now, up on the table, be a good girl.”

    Melody frowned, but the energy to resist didn’t appear. With Veronica’s help she climbed up on the table and lay down.

    “Now, do you need to potty again?” Veronica asked. “If so, go ahead.”

    “I uh, sure.” Melody said. It was hard to believe that it was happening until she felt the liquid hit her crotch. What happened to it being so difficult to go in a diaper? Veronica pressed down on her bladder and Melody grunted as the last of it came out, soaking the poor diaper until she felt a trickle escaping along her legs.

    That somehow pushed it over the line into embarrassment again, Melody clapped her hands over her face. “I’m sorry, look just let me clean up and…”

    “Hush, I’ve changed hundreds of diapers, this is not a bother.” Veronica’s clinical tone, combined with the crisp way she took off Melody’s sweats and tore open the diaper tapes pushed a bit of the embarrassment away. It certainly wasn’t sexy, even when Veronica got all up in her bits to clean them.

    It was relaxing, for a surprise. The wipes were cold, but applied with a firm, gentle touch. Veronica sat Melody up and stripped her down the rest of the way, popping her into a nice warm tub. She couldn’t remember the last time someone washed her hair, or her body for that matter. Veronica reaching around her with the washcloth was almost a hug. Melody found tears pouring down her cheeks again.

    With the same gentle care, Veronica wiped the tears away and hugged Melody, heedless of her wet and soapy state. A couple of big sobs against Veronica got the worst of the sad out. The tightness was starting to give way to a warm inner glow, boosted when Veronica toweled her off and put her back on the changing table.

    It didn’t even occur to Melody to wonder why she was getting another diaper, she relaxed into the gentle application of lotion and powder, and the snug feeling of the padding. She’d been wearing them enough the past week or so that it didn’t feel all that strange.

    There was a bit of a nervous moment when Veronica left her in the bathroom for a few minutes, but she was back in no time to dress Melody in her softest pajamas. Jane had a hot plate of nachos ready, which Melody devoured in record time even for her!

    With a full stomach and feeling warm all over in more ways that pajamas could account for, Melody flopped back on her bed. A dreamy smile floated on her lips. Noticing it made the smile vanish, but it was more than she’d had for a while.

    “Thank you,” Melody said.

    “I’m so glad, you look happier,” Veronica said.

    “Yeah, this helped.”

    “You don’t need to make the final decision now. It also won’t be all getting fed and taken care of. There’s work for you to do too, and I’ll be strict about it.”

    “Yeah, I know. But um, you were right about me needing help. Maybe this could fix some stuff.”

    “It was my pleasure, even if you don’t want to do the treatment. I like taking care of people.”

    “I can tell.” Melody said.  

    “I’ll get your answer tomorrow,” Veronica said. “Do you have anything urgent that has to be done tonight?”

    “No, I screwed up badly enough that I can’t fix anything tonight,” Melody said. Her heart felt squeezed again, but she was comfortable enough to push it aside for a bit. “I’ll have to talk to people tomorrow, figure out what I can do to move forward and how much of a hit my grades and projects took.”

    “While you’re doing that, I’ll see if I can get you some leniency for a mental health concern. You get cut slack for that, same as if you had a bad illness.”

    “Thanks.” Melody sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m tired, but not really sleepy. I guess I could find something to work on.”

    “Not right now I think,” Veronica said. “You still need to recover a bit. Why don’t you play Animal Crossing with Briana?”

    “Sounds fun.” Melody chuckled. “Uh, I didn’t agree to be your other kid did I?”

    “Certainly not. I’m still going to double check if you even want to do the therapy tomorrow.”

    “Okay, I’ll go find Briana then.”

    “Have fun Melody.”

    “Thanks again.” Melody stood up, and hovered awkwardly until Veronica gave her a hug. Melody made it a quick one, in case Veronica hadn’t been into it. With a weird kind of nervous happiness, Melody climbed the stairs to Briana’s room.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 12

    Briana caught herself doodling on her lab report for the third time. It was a pretty cute kitty at least, unlike the weird bird she’d tried to draw earlier. But that wasn’t the point! She shook her head to clear it, to no avail. Her eyes slid off the numbers without making sense of them.

    “Are you okay Briana?”

    Briana looked up at her lab mate, Hakam. He had funny glasses on, all thick and super bright red. She grinned at him, then bit her lip when his question sank in.

    “Uh, I dunno, I’m having trouble thinking.”

    “Are you sick, or just a late night last night?” Hakam asked, chuckling.

    “Oh no, I went to bed even before my bedtime last night.” Briana said confidently.

    “Oh-okay.” Hakan shrugged. “Well, this isn’t due until Monday anyway – you want to just meet on the weekend to finish?”

    “Sure!” Briana nodded brightly. “I won’t draw kitties all over it then, promise.”

    “You sure you’re okay?” Hakan asked. “I could drive you home, or call one of your roommates or something.”

    “No, it’s okay, I just can’t concentrate. Not sure why.”

    “Well, feel better then.” Hakan packed his notes into his bag with a frown. Whatever was bothering him, Briana hoped it got better soon.

    After making sure that each of the margins of the lab report had at least two kitty faces, Briana wandered out of the chemistry building. It was a crisp fall day, with most of the leaves in big piles along the walkways. A little too crisp, really. Briana snuggled up in her coat, enjoying the warmth that wrapped her torso, and even extended down her legs.

    The campus was always beautiful in the fall, especially near The Grove where a big mass of trees blocked off the city from view. The walk was marred by the fact that every group of people she passed stopped talking and stared at her. It got worse when her legs went from warm to uncomfortable and cold.

    Briana looked down and whimpered, biting her lip. A huge wet patch spread from her crotch and down the insides of her legs. The wet was all the way down to the cuff of her jeans! Tears welled up in Briana’s eyes – bad memories of accidents on campus crowding their way into her thoughts.

                Help! She needed help! Gary was in class right now, everyone else was far away at home… but Tamira’s dorm was close! Briana sprinted across the lawn, her wet jeans making a zip-zop sound with each stride.

    At the door to Tamira’s dorm, Briana frantically pushed the intercom. Nothing was happening, other than a faint buzzing from the panel. Briana whimpered, feeling the wet spreading across the back of her pants. She kept at the button until finally, she heard Tamira’s voice!

    “Hey, lay off the button!”

    “Tamira! Tamira, it’s Briana!”

    “Oh shit honey, are you okay?”

    “I had a… I need help!”

    The door buzzed open, and Briana ducked inside. She scurried across the lobby and up the stairs, feeling the squish in her socks now. Tamira already had her door ajar. Briana burst through the door and crashed into Tamira. The two of them staggered back, with Tamira breaking out of Briana’s desperate grasp to close the door and slam the deadbolt.

    “Woah girl! Somebody chasing you? Do we need to call the cops?”

    “No, I uh, I didn’t know what to do, and Gary is teaching a class, and Mom is busy, and everyone is out of the house and I, I…” Briana’s words tumbled out between panting breaths that left her light-headed.

    “Slow down girl, deep breath, come on.”

    Briana nodded, and managed a deep, shuddering breath, followed by a little sob.

    “Tell me what’s wrong, honey.”

    “I hada accident.” Briana whimpered, tears spilling down her cheeks.

    Tamira blinked, and looked down at Briana’s legs. She pursed her lips and nodded. “Okay, okay, just keep breathing, I can help you out.”

    “Thank you Tamira I didn’t know what to do and there wasn’t anybody to call and I know I’m not supposed to get other people involved but everyone was going to see and last time everybody was so mean and…”

    “Briana!” Tamira grabbed the panicking girl in a tight embrace.

    It helped a little, some of the panic was dying down. A few deep breaths and the spots were vanishing from her vision too. “Thank you, cu-can I sit down?”

    “Um, let’s get you into the bathroom. This is kind of an awkward time.” Tamira guided Briana through the nearby bathroom door, and gently sat her on the toilet.

    “What? What’s the…” Briana looked at Tamira again and blinked. There was a lot more skin showing than usual. Tamira was in a bra and panties, and not just ‘round the house’ ones. They were lacy, with the seafoam green perfectly offsetting her friend’s dark skin.

    “My boyfriend is here and I finally got him to try that thing. But don’t worry honey, I’ll help you out. I just don’t think he can handle seeing someone else right now. Or someone seeing him, really.”

    Briana’s eyes went wide. Tamira’s boyfriend wasn’t going to want to play in diapers with her any more, and it was all her fault! A huge sob rippled up from her belly and came out loud and ugly. She pressed her face to her knees, tears streaming into the already wet denim.

    “I’m sorry Tamira, I’m sorry I messed it up for you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

    “Woah, Briana, what’s going on? Hon, nobody is mad at you!”

    “I need my mommy! Please, please call my mommy.” Briana hugged her knees and squinched her eyes closed as tight as she could.

    “Okay hon, I am going to help you. Nothing is ruined, I promise. I’m going to check on Arthur, and be right back here. I think you need a second. Just sit there and keep breathing.”

    Briana sniffled, as wet and miserable as she could remember being since… since that time she didn’t think about any more. With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see or remember those two bad days again. The door slammed on her memories of accidents at school but the effort left her heart heavy.

    She was still crying when Tamira got back. Nothing was said, just a hand on her back, rubbing in slow circles. Eventually the tears dried up, leaving behind hiccups.

    “Everything is fine hon. Arthur is fine, I’m fine, and you’re going to be fine, okay?”

    “But I messed up three times! *hic* I had an accident at school, *hic* and then I messed up your playtime, *hic* and also I’m not supposed to be little around you.”

    “You’re not supposed to be little around me? Little how?”

    “I can’t… I don’t know how to… *hic* I’m little, I can’t… Mommy!”

    “Woah girl, deep breaths, remember?” She brushed Briana’s hair out of her eyes and gently stroked her head.

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

    “Briana, are you not able to be an adult right now?”

    “No! I mean, y-yes.”

    “Oh honey, you must be so scared. It’s okay, I’m going to take care of you and find your mom, okay?”

    “Really?” Briana peeked over her arm. Tamira’s face was friendly, full of genuine concern. A nice mommy-face, even if it wasn’t her mommy.

    “Of course. I’m your friend, right? Remember, I said you could come here if you had uh, potty problems.”

    “That’s why I came.” Briana nodded.

    “Then why are you so upset?” Tamira smiled gently. “You’re fine. I’m going to get you cleaned up, okay?”

    “Okay.” Briana sniffed, and wiped her nose, dragging a huge trail of snot across her arm.

    “I have to go get the supplies and stuff, they’re in the bedroom with Arthur.”

    “No, don’t leave!” Briana grabbed Tamira’s arm. “I’ll come with you.”

    Tamira sighed. “Honey, I don’t think that Arthur…”

    “Tammy, it’s okay.” A deep male voice sounded through the bathroom door.

    “Arthur?” Tamira glanced over at the door.

    “Sorry, I got curious, uh, I think it’s okay. She sounds pretty freaked out and uh, little and whatever. I don’t want her to be more upset.”

    “Okay, we can take a break.” Tamira said, wincing regretfully. “Do you want to change first or…”

    “No I mean um… it’s fine, okay? It’s fine we’ll just uh… do the thing.”

    Tamira sat still for a moment, staring at the door in puzzlement. Briana watched her, too foggy-brained to be sure what was going on, but glad that Tamira wasn’t leaving her alone in the cold bathroom again.

    “Are you telling me that we’re still playing?”

    After a pause, a quieter reply came back, “Uh, yeah, we are.”

    “In that case, little boy, you know better than to be listening at doors.”

    There was a very sheepish-sounding squeak from the other side of the door. Briana giggled.

    “Go back to the bedroom, we’ll be there in a minute. You behave, hear?”

    “Yes mommy.”

    Tamira turned back to Briana. “Are you sure you want me to change you with Arthur watching? I’ll have to take your clothes off.”

    Briana frowned at Tamira. “How else would you change me?”

    “It doesn’t bother you if he sees you naked?”

    Briana shook her head. “Not if it’s just your kid.”

    Tamira gave Briana her ‘interested scientist’ face, searching the girl’s eyes for something. Whatever it was, Briana wished Tamira would figure it out, and change her already.

    “You’re a sweet kid Briana.” Tamira said, kissing her friend on the forehead. “Okay, take my hand, we’re going to get you changed.”

    Gratefully, Briana slipped her fingers into Tamira’s and waddle-walked to the bedroom. The jeans had lost a lot of their give, every step was stiff, clammy, and gross. The bedroom was small, like any dorm, but it had a bed with a big fluffy polka-dot blanket on it. There were some baby toys on the floor, but it was Arthur that caught Briana’s eye and froze her in the doorway.

    He was huge! Bigger than Casey even. Like Tamira, he wasn’t wearing much. From his short-cropped dark hair, down to his huge bare feet he was wearing only one thing. A diaper. A big, shiny white diaper. She felt Tamira tug her hand, and stumbled into the room, still staring. He might be huge, but his eyes had a cautious shyness that Briana recognized instantly.

    “Hi Arthur, I’m Briana.” She said, with all the little-gravitas the moment demanded.

    “Hi Briana.” Arthur pulled some of the blanket up to cover his diaper. “Uh, nice to meet you?”

    “Yeah!” Briana said, with genuine excitement that wiped away the last of the crying feeling.

    Arthur chuckled and smiled bashfully. “Cool.”

    “I’m glad you two like each other, but we need to get you cleaned up, Briana. Lie down on the blanket here.”

    “Okay!” Briana dropped onto a changing blanket with a happy sigh. Things were starting to feel familiar again.

    While Tamira stripped off her shoes, socks, and jeans, Briana grabbed one of the plastic ring toys and amused herself by sliding the rings around each other. Sometimes they got stuck, but that wasn’t a problem for a smart girl like her!

    Some rustling on the bed heralded Arthur’s face peeking over the edge. His expression as he watched Briana play was weird, like he was sad, or curious, or puzzled. Naked from the waist down and unconcerned, Briana grinned up at Arthur.

    “Wanna play?”

    “You’re getting changed.” Arthur said, cautiously.

    “Yeah but it takes forever.” Briana said. In a sudden burst of generosity, she held the plastic rings out to Arthur, “Here, you can play with this one if you want!”

    Weirdly, Arthur looked at the rings almost like he was afraid of them. Briana resolved not to make fun of him. Mom would be proud! It took a while, but he reached out tentatively and took the rings out of Briana’s grasp. He swung the rings around, watching the red, blue, and yellow spin around on the larger purple ring. At first he seemed bored, but his face broke in to a sudden, goofy grin.

    “Thanks Briana.” Arthur worked the red ring carefully through the yellow one.

    “Sharing makes playing more fun!” Briana said brightly. She grabbed a couple of plastic blocks and banged them together. They made exactly as satisfying a clacking noise as she’d hoped.

    “Well, you two don’t seem to be fussed, and Briana, all your clothes could use some cleaning. Let me get your shirt and I’ll put it all in the wash for you.”

    “Okay!” Briana raised her arms and let Tamira strip her shirt, and after some deliberation, her bra.

    As soon as Tamira was out of the room, Arthur seemed unsure again. The thought made Briana wish for her own mommy. Biting her lip to keep back the sad thoughts, she sat up and hugged Arthur’s arm.

    “It’s okay, she’ll be back soon. I’ll keep you company.”

    Arthur looked at Briana in shock, then laughed deeply. The rumbly laugh climbed in pitch until it was a giggle.

    “You uh, know how to play really good.”

    Briana nodded. “Yeah, I can help you if you need it! I always wanted another kid to play with.” Somehow that thought touched something even darker than the school-accident memories. A deep, dark nasty place that Briana flinched away from with wild eyes.

    “Aww, well come up here then.” Arthur flexed that big arm, hoisting Briana up onto the bed like she was made of paper.

    “Oh my god!” Briana giggled, squirming over to Arthur and pouncing on his broad chest while he giggled “That was fun! Can I see your diaper?”

    Arthur chewed on his lip, crossing his legs nervously when Briana patted the bulky padding around his crotch.

    “It’s uh, only the second time for me wearing one.”

    “It’s pretty!” Briana declared. “It’s all white but it’s shiny and fits you super good.”

    “Yeah, Tamira did a good job putting it on.”

    “That’s how a good mom does it, like my mom.”

    Arthur smiled shyly. “I’m still kind of getting used to all this stuff.”

    “Do you think we can play more, like, after today?” Briana asked. “I have lots of fun games and stuff at my house.”

    “You play like this there a lot?”

    “Yeah, almost every day!”

    “Briana!” Tamira’s voice came sharp from the doorway, making both littles start and duck their heads sheepishly. “What are you doing up on the bed? You still need to be cleaned up.”

    “We were playing!” Briana said defiantly.

    “Yeah Mom, we were having fun!” Arthur said, in a light voice that had lost it’s rumble.

    Tamira looked at the two of them with her hands on her hips and laughed. “I’m going to have to wash that comforter, but not for the reason I thought I was going to have to.”

    Briana looked at Arthur. His mouth was pursed and his cheeks were puffed, his eyes twinkling. The laugh burst out of Briana first, then Arthur. The two of them dissolved into giggles.

    The giggle fit continued well into Tamira relocating the changing blanket to the bed, and sponging Briana clean. While Briana was getting powdered and into a clean diaper, she and Arthur tried inventing some new patty-cake songs. It didn’t go very well, they kept missing and smushing each other’s faces, but it was fun! Briana felt lighter and happier than she had in ages. Little-er too. She’d forgotten all about the time, happy to be baby-sat with her new friend.

    “Briana, that’s your phone I think.” Tamira said, breaking Briana’s concentration. That got her another huge Arthur palm to the face.

    “Okay, thanks Tamira.” Briana said, ignoring the jingle and going back to the game. Happily, Tamira took care of it.

    “Hi there, Veronica? Yeah, this is Tamira, I’m a study-buddy for Briana.” There was a pause, then, “Chill back, Briana is fine, let me just ask you something. Are you Briana’s mom?”

    Briana looked up, and grinned. “Mom will be here soon!” She confided in Arthur.

    Arthur had only a flicker of unease before he answered Briana’s grin. “Cool. But will you have to go home?”

    “Probably.” Briana said. “But I bet we can play again.”

    “Yeah, we should.” Arthur nodded.

    Meanwhile, Tamira was still talking on the phone. Briana’s ears pricked up at the sound of her name. “Briana is fine, in a manner of speaking. She’s very little right now. No, don’t worry about it, it’s a funny story and… are you driving?”

    Tamira frowned at the phone. “Woman, she is just fine. Do not get a in a wreck on the way here. She’s playing with another kid and she’s happy and clean. I’ve got her clothes in the wash. Yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ll make them a snack or something.”

    “Ooh!” Arthur said, his stomach rumbling.

    “What do you get for snack?” Briana asked.

    “I don’t know, she never made me snack before when I was uh, like this.”

    “A surprise!” Briana said, grinning.

    “Your mom is on the way,” Tamira said, sitting down on the bed. “I see you two didn’t miss the part about a snack. If you want to go to the living room, I’ll put on a show and make you something, okay?”

    “Okay!” Briana hopped up, bouncing off the bed.

    Arthur got up more gingerly, sitting on the edge of the bed and blushing.

    “You okay?” Briana asked.

    Tamira peeked in the waistband of Arthur’s diaper, deepening his blush. “Need a change, hon?”

    “Not yet… I mean uh, no, but I kinda…”

    “Arthur, come on!” Briana said, “If you don’t need to be changed then let’s go watch Kipo!”

    Tamira eyed Arthur in amusement, watching him get up and take little steps to follow Briana.

    Those little steps put him just about Briana’s pace, or they would have if she wasn’t trying to run to the TV. With a lot of tugging on her new friend’s wrist, Briana finally managed to get Arthur to plop his diapered butt down next to hers, in front of the TV.

    “Your mom has Netflix, right?” Briana asked. When there was no answer, she looked up at Arthur, who had a kind of worried, scrunchy look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

    “I uh… um… potty.”

    “Oh, okay.” Briana shrugged. “Tamira can help you in a sec, she’s super good at it. But does she have Netflix? Kipo is on Netflix.”

    Arthur’s face suddenly relaxed, worry replaced by another deep blush. “Uh, yeah she does. Um, what’s Kipo?”

    “You haven’t seen KIPO?” Briana stared at Arthur with wide, shocked eyes. He blinked back at her, the blush slowly fading in the face of Briana’s intense surprise.


    “Oh my god we have to watch it.” Briana furiously attacked the remote, getting the TV onto Netflix with just a few wrong presses. The shows were all boring adult stuff, but the search got her to the bright colors of Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts.

    Arthur squirmed next to Briana but seemed to settle down well when the first episode started. Briana had seen this one like a hundred times, but it was still fun. It was cool to hear soft oohs and giggles from Arthur as he watched the show.

    Snacks came in the form of pizza-bagels, which Briana totally remembered to thank Tamira for, after the first three had been gulped down.

    “Somebody had a bit of an accident.” Tamira said, tugging at Arthur’s diaper in surprise.

    “Ummm…” He blushed and shoved another pizza bagel in his mouth to keep from having to talk.

    “You okay, baby?” Tamira asked, stroking Arthur’s side. He licked his lips and seemed like he was getting a different kind of blushy. The kind of blushy that Briana felt around Gary.

    She grinned, excited for her friend. On further thought, she blushed a bit as well. Hopefully they weren’t going to do those kinds of things with her sitting right there…

    A knock on the door saved Briana from having to decide if she would be okay by herself or if Tamira and Arthur should pause their sexy-times. Tamira opened it, and let Veronica past her after the briefest of greetings.

    Veronica rushed up to Briana and crouched down, stroking Briana’s cheek. “Sweetie, are you okay?”

    Briana rolled her eyes, of course she was okay. “Yeah Mom! This is Arthur, we played, and then we watched Kipo. He’d never seen Kipo before, so we started on the first episode.”

    Veronica sighed and shook her head. She took the scene in, including the suddenly-hesitant Arthur.

    “Hello Arthur. I’m Briana’s mom. Did you have a good time with Briana today?”

    “Uh, yeah.” Arthur said, squirming in his squishy diaper.

    “Were you a good girl Briana? Did you share and play nice?”

    “Yeah!” Briana nodded vigorously at Veronica.

    “Thank you so much Tamira, I’m sorry that this intruded on your afternoon, or scene.”

    “Don’t worry about it. It ended up being a good thing. Can I get your number? I think it’d be fun to do a play-date at some point.”

    “Here’s my card.” Veronica said, fishing one out of her purse. “But Briana is… special, it’s not the same kind of playing for her.”

    “Well, it was magical for Arthur, wasn’t it kiddo?”

    Arthur ducked his head bashfully but peeked up with a tiny smile.

    “I think we can probably do that.” Veronica said. “Are her clothes dry yet?”

    “They should be pretty close.”

    Briana leaned against Arthur. “Come play at my house okay?”

    Arthur nodded. “Okay, sounds fun.”

    “I have a friend Melody who lives there too, she’s fun to play with.” Briana bounced excitedly on the floor.

    “Okay, okay.” Arthur laughed. “I said I’d go.”

    “But you gotta convince your mom, in case she changes her mind.”

    The conversation was cut short by the arrival of Briana’s blouse, warm from the dryer, unceremoniously stuffed over her head by Veronica. Briana squirmed into the blouse, and helped get the jeans up over her diaper.

    “Thank you again, Tamira.” Veronica said, holding Briana close.

    “No worries, she’s a friend, I was happy to help.”

    “Say goodbye, Briana.”

    Briana sighed. She was sad, but she’d already cried a lot today, over way bigger stuff than this. With a resolute expression, she waved at Arthur, and belatedly at Tamira.

    “Bye bye!”

    “Bye!” Arthur said.

    “See you later hon.” Tamira said, walking them to the door. “And thanks for… jumpstarting things.”

    “Huh?” Briana asked.

    “Never mind, I’ll tell you when you’re in a different headspace.” Tamira winked at Briana. With one last wave at Veronica, she closed the door to her apartment.

    Veronica didn’t let go of Briana all the way down to the car. She even sat Briana in the back seat and put Briana’s seatbelt on for her. All the attention felt great, her bad afternoon was a faded memory at this point.

    It wasn’t until Veronica got in the driver’s seat that Briana looked around and realized they were parked right on the dorm lawn. She giggled, Mom was being naughty! The drive home was quiet, with soft music playing. Briana dozed off, and came to with Veronica unbuckling her in their driveway.

    Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she followed Veronica not back to her own room as she expected, but to Veronica’s room. Jane was there too, looking concerned. Briana got a big hug from Jane as well, so she wasn’t worried about being in trouble. Well, not too worried.

    “Do you feel up to telling us what happened, sweetie?” Veronica asked.

    “I had an accident.” Briana said, with a downcast sigh.

    “That’s okay, it happens. You seem very little though, and Tamira said you were little when you got to her place. You’re normally a big girl at school.”

    “Oh, I was little all day.” Briana said, with a confident nod. She realized it was true, though she didn’t know during the project with Hakam.

    “Really?” Jane asked, “Was that the first time?”

    “No, um, I think it happened before, but I didn’t know.”

    “How did you know this time?” Veronica asked.

    “I didn’t really, until I had the accident and got to Tamira’s.” Briana said. “But then I remembered doing my project with Hakam, and it was really hard to do. So I drew kitties instead.”

    Jane and Veronica exchanged a look. That wasn’t the good kind of look.  Briana felt worry creep in again.

    “Am I in trouble?”

    “No, little one.” Jane said, hoisting Briana up and sitting her on the bed. “We’re just trying to figure something out. Thank you for being honest and telling us what happened.”

    “Okay.’ Briana nodded.

    “Briana, I think it’s a good idea for you to take a break from school. How does that make you feel?” Veronica asked.

    “Uh, okay I guess.” Briana said cautiously. “I mean, I like going to school, there’s pretty leaves, and cool birds, and Gary is there. Oh, and Tamira and Arthur now too.”

    “And if you could still see them, but didn’t go to your classes, how would that be?”

    “Really?!” Briana grinned. “Those are really hard, a break from just those would be okay.”

    Veronica looked at Jane and nodded. Jane nodded back. Briana watched their faces, but it didn’t seem like she was in trouble. Reassured of the important stuff, she snuggled up to Jane.

    “I’ll make a call right now.” Veronica said. “It’s well before five, the offices are still open.”

    “I’ll let the housemates know and see who’s up for some extra sitting.” Jane said.

    “Thanks love.” Veronica said. She hesitated, and what was more weird, had a nervous expression. Mom was never nervous.

    “It might not be a bad time to start up… you know. If that’s something you’re still okay with.” Veronica said.

    “I know you’ve really wanted to do it.” Jane said. “I’m here to support you, love.”

    “It might cause permanent changes, you’re really sure…”

    “I love you.” Jane said. “The you that is, at whatever moment is happening. We’re both going to change our whole lives. If this is something you want, go for it.”

    Veronica smiled radiantly. She touched Jane wordlessly on the cheek. It was the softest Briana had ever seen her, except those times when Mom had been helping her out of some big sad time.

    In a moment, the softness was gone, replaced by Mom’s usual strength. Briana squirmed into Jane’s lap while Veronica dug around in her bedside table and decisively swallowed a couple of pills from a bottle there.

    “Hello, this is Veronica.” Mom said into her phone. “I’d like to speak to Susan Hayes please. Mmm hmm, that’s the one, the head registrar.”

    Mom tapped her foot on the floor, listening. “I know you can’t normally call up there, but I’m not at my office right now and I don’t have her direct number on my personal phone. Please dial her and tell her that Veronica is calling. She will pick up, I assure you.”

    More waiting, though it wasn’t boring. She hadn’t snuggled with Dad in a long time. Briana tucked her head on Jane’s collarbone. Dad’s arms wrapped around her, firm and comforting in a way that nobody else could quite do.

    “Susan, hi!” Mom chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure I gave the poor receptionist anxiety, I’m sorry, but I needed to talk to you before you got off work. I need you to process a hardship withdrawal for a student.”

    Mom rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know it’s past that point in the quarter, that’s why it’s a hardship withdrawal. I’ll send the paperwork over tomorrow morning. Hmm? Oh, her name is Briana. Student number 9234782.”

    Mom smiled, finally. “Thank you Susan, I knew I could count on you. Please say hi to your husband for me.”

    A few more pleasantries, and the phone call was done. Briana reached her arms out toward Mom, and was delighted to have her come right over.

    “Was that about my school?”

    “Yes sweetie, your break is all set up. You won’t be going over there every day anymore, but we’ll make sure you get to see your friends, okay?”

    Briana nodded.

    “You’ve had a rough day, I hear.” Dad said. “Let’s get you into bed for a nap.”

    “Can I have a story?” Briana asked, looking up at Dad with her best, cutest puppy dog eyes.

    “Of course you can, kiddo. Hop up now.” Dad patted Briana’s diapered bum. “Looks like you need a change too.”

    “Okay, but I still get a story, right?” Briana asked.

    “As long as you hurry.”

    Briana squeaked, and ran straight to her room!

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 13

    The discordant blare of the techno-remix of Strawberry Panic’s opening song could only mean one thing, it was time for Melody to wake up. She grunted and fumbled at her nightstand, tossing her phone at her laundry pile. Instead of landing in a pile of sound-dampening clothes, the phone clattered across the floor. The polished hardwood amplified the song’s annoying bridge and forced Melody out of bed.

    Staring sadly at her bed, Melody tucked her phone into the waistband of her boxers. She’d been dumb enough to accept help from Veronica and here she was, in a perfectly clean room like some kind of preppie chick.

    That was really bitchy. Melody thought. I must be tired.

    It had taken a lot to catch up on her classwork and what freelance jobs she could salvage. Going dark on everyone she knew to grind homework had honestly felt good though. No people meant no complications.

    Melody chugged the dregs of her Monster from last night and reluctantly faced her bedroom door. An envelope taped to the inside of her door signaled an end to the quiet. Opening it revealed an actual handwritten letter in Veronica’s pristine script.

    Melody, please come find me this morning when you get up. We need to have a short conversation about the treatment we discussed.

    Melody chuckled. “I’m in danger.” She wasn’t sure what it was about Veronica’s offer that scared her so much. Six months of free rent would be amazing, and all she’d have to do is wear a couple of diapers. No, there’s no way that was all there was to it. Veronica kept calling it therapy. She was going to want to talk, and make Melody do stuff. Or not do stuff. Probably make her stay away from Beatrix.

    Beatrix. Melody shivered at the name. She could still remember the first time she’d met Bea in person. Her heart had thudded painfully, like her ribs were crushing it. It was thudding in her chest now with the memories of Bea’s soft lips on hers, her hands on Bea’s perfect breasts.

    “Fuuuuuuuck.” Melody sighed. “I am the simpiest simp that ever simped.” She threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie. “Okay Veronica, we can talk, but I have demands.”  

    Willy Wonka mocked Melody in her thoughts. Oh, you’re a badass now? Tell me again how you’re going upstairs to be diapered by your landlord like a little kid.

    “Come in, Melody.”

    Melody stared at the door she’d just knocked on. Did Veronica have cameras up? Was she an actual witch? That second option might be cool if Melody could get some powers out of it too. Unfortunately, Briana was probably the protagonist.

    I’m the weirdo nose-bleeding friend who keeps trying to look at her panties. Melody thought as she entered Veronica’s room.

    Expecting to find herself in a bedroom, Melody blinked in surprise at the small living room. Veronica had a whole suite, with an office, a bedroom, and her own bathroom as well. She was sitting in a black velvet armchair like the Queen of All Goths. Fuck it, maybe she was. Melody couldn’t argue against it.

    “Hey uh, I got your note.”

    “I thought so.” Veronica said, a smile on her black painted lips. “Please sit.”

    How did she have time for her makeup to always be on point? The wings on Veronica’s eyeliner could cut glass.  Melody took a seat on the black leather armchair, feeling like she should be in the trash can instead.

    “Rent is due today, so this is a good time to make a decision one way or another on the therapy I suggested. You’ve had a few days to think about it, have you made a choice?”

    “I don’t know uh…” Melody sighed. “I guess it just feels really weird. Can we talk a little more about it?”

    “Of course, feel free to ask me anything. I don’t want you to agree to something that makes you unhappy or feels violating.”

    “So uh, why diapers?”

    “In general, the therapy focuses on removing some control from the participant and replacing that control with a strong support network. Diapers intersect with one of the most basic types of control a person has. In Briana’s case, she had incontinence issues, so the diapers were practical as well. In your case, you seem to have some complicated associations with diapers. Having rules around when you do and don’t wear them would help you unravel those.”

    “I don’t…” Melody shook her head. “Okay, maybe I do have weird stuff going on with diapers, but I can just stop wearing them. It was dumb how it all got started anyway.”

    “Is that something you want to do?” Veronica asked.

    “What? Why would I want to wear diapers?”

    “I can’t answer that. Why would you want to wear them?”

    “I don’t… I’m not…” Melody fidgeted, curling up in the chair. “It’s not like I… this is stupid.”

    “Did Beatrix ask you to wear them?”

    “Yes.” Melody looked down at her lap.

    “Your sexual relationship with her is very recent I think. Did it start with diaper-play?”

    Melody’s face felt unbearably hot. She mumbled down at her legs. “Bea doesn’t like girls, but she likes humiliating people. It gets her off.”

    “Do you like being humiliated?”

    “It was really hot.” Melody whispered.

    “But something was wrong. Beatrix hurt you, didn’t she?”

    “Y-yes.” Hot tears were dripping onto Melody’s sweatpants. How was she already a stupid crying mess? Her chest was tight, like there was a belt cinched around it.

    “There’s nothing necessarily wrong with someone wanting to be embarrassed and someone else doing it for them.” Veronica said softly. “But just like with games that involve potential physical harm like impact play or restraints, there have to be safety measures in place.”

    Melody laughed bitterly. “Yeah we didn’t have any of that. She just uh, went for it.”

    “So at least one thing that diapers mean to you is access to someone you want to be intimate with. But they also represent a way that person hurt you.”

    “I guess.” Melody said, wincing at Veronica’s ruthless accuracy.

    “Is that all? You’ve played a lot with Briana, do you have some associations there?”

    “I’m not trying to date her.” Melody said, looking up quickly. “I mean, she’s super hot but uh… fuck, forget I said that. For real Veronica, I’m not trying to… you know.”

    “I wouldn’t be upset if you were, as long as you were kind about it and respected Briana’s boundaries.” Veronica said, unruffled. “As far as I know you haven’t done more than flirt with Briana. That doesn’t mean you don’t have some other associations with diapers related to her.”

    “I don’t think so.” Melody said, her traitorous mind pulling up a bunch of images of Briana being childlike and happy in diapers.

    “That’s fine, I’m just trying to get a sense of how you feel. Do you have any other questions?”

    “I don’t want to wear pink!” Melody blurted out, surprising herself as much as Veronica.

    “That’s not a question, but I can answer it anyway by saying that there’s no reason you would have to.”

    “You dress Briana up in baby stuff and it’s always pink and frilly and I just can’t do that, I can’t.” The words spilled out like her mouth was on autopilot.

    “That’s reasonable.” Veronica said, unruffled. “It sounds like the color and ‘girlyness’ of the clothes are the biggest problem for you. Or does children’s clothing bother you in general?”

    “Um…” Melody had to consider that one. Pink was a no, lace was an even bigger no. Skirts were dumb, and tutus could go straight into a fire. Overalls though… that was probably fine. She already wore shirts with anime characters and stuff on them, so a kid’s shirt should be fine if there was something cool on there, like space or weird monsters.

    “I guess kid’s clothes are okay?” Melody said, wondering why she was admitting it.

    “So if you were asked to wear clothing that is coded for young boys, you would feel comfortable?”

    The thought of being dressed up by Veronica was just, weird, especially because it didn’t feel bad. “Uh, yeah, that’d be um, fine?”

    “If you don’t have another pressing question, may I tell you what I’ve observed about you?”

    “Go ahead.”

    “I think you are someone who draws her self worth from her work. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, I think you actively reject the idea that any support can come from people in your life, which is less healthy. I think you are lonely, and not happy about it, but unsure how to make that aspect of your life change. Because you feel powerless socially, you neglect self-care. It’s also the reason you were unable to push back against Beatrix, even though she was violating your boundaries.”

    “Wow.” Melody squirmed in her chair. “That’s a lot.”

    “We’ve been roommates for a few months now. You’ve shared some things with me, and I do like to observe people. I don’t claim to know everything about you though. Is there something in my observations that you feel is wrong?”

    “No.” Melody blew hair out of her face. “You’re bang-on with that stuff.”

    “Would you like me to help you?” Veronica asked, folding her hands in her lap. “As I said before, there are alternatives. I do think you should get help from somewhere, but it doesn’t have to be me.”

    Melody looked away, eyes wandering over Veronica’s bookshelves without focusing on any of the books. “Yeah uh, okay. Let’s um, let’s do the thing.”

    “That was a big decision. How do you feel?”

    “Kinda relieved. Scared. Uh, embarrassed.”

    “Melody, would you like a hug?”

    “Yes.” Melody said, her voice cracking.

    Veronica patted her lap. Melody stared for a few moments. When she got up from the chair, it was with an awkward shuffle. She came to a stop next to Veronica, twisting her hands together behind her back.

    Slowly and gently, Veronica drew Melody down on to her lap. She tucked Melody’s head against her shoulder with a practiced motion and closed her arms around the girl.

    Oh fuck. Melody thought, as the first sob rose up in her chest. There was no chance to suppress it. She ugly-cried into Veronica’s shoulder like a stupid baby while Veronica stroked her hair and made soothing noises.

    “Melody,” Veronica asked softly, “would you like a haircut?”

    “What?” Melody sniffed and looked up at Veronica in confusion.

    “You never take care of your hair, and I’m wondering if that’s because you don’t like how it looks.”

    “I uh…” Melody wiped her nose with her sleeve. “I guess I could get it cut.”

    “I’m offering to cut it for you.” Veronica said.

    “You know how to cut hair?”

    “I’m not a professional, but I think I can do a cut that you’ll like.” Veronica grinned. “How do you feel about an undercut on one side, and the rest a lot shorter?”

    Excitement bubbled up in Melody’s chest, catching her off guard. “That could be cool…”

    “Maybe some color too. Do you need blue hair? Anime-blue?”

    Melody giggled despite herself. “Yeah. Um, yes please.”

    “I think we can do that. Jane is out at the store, I’m going to text her and ask her to pick up some clothes that will go with the treatment, but that you should like.”

    “Ugh, I don’t want to do some girly makeover thing.”

    “It doesn’t have to be girly. In fact, if I ask Jane to buy you something butch, I promise you it will be very butch.”

    “So a haircut, and new clothes, and… diapers?”

    “Actually I was going to put you in a pullup today. My plan is to save the diapers for when you’re taking a mental break from your stressors.”

    “Do I have to uh, use it?”

    “Only if you want to, which will be a signal that you need that part of the treatment to be more intensive. Otherwise it’s just there as a reminder that you have exchanged some control for support.”

    The loss of control was pretty intense. The first time Veronica had taken care of Melody, she’d been so exhausted that didn’t process what was happening. This time she was fully present as Veronica lead her by hand to the bathroom and stripped her out of her clothes.

    One thing that was familiar is that nothing felt sexy, but everything was still intimate. Veronica ran a bath and scrubbed Melody down with very mom-like determination, even cleaning her ears. After the bath, Melody sat on a stool in one of Veronica’s old nightgowns, watching her hair disappear under clippers and scissors.

    Nervousness gave way to excitement as she watched her shapeless short hair transform into a side-swept undercut. It transformed her face into something new and somehow way more familiar than anything she’d seen in the mirror before.

    By the time Melody’s hair was soaking in dye under a plastic cap, Jane was back. To Melody’s relief, Jane made herself scarce after delivering the clothes. She didn’t need the entire house to know what she looked like naked.

    The pullup that Veronica tugged up Melody’s legs was very childish, with its planets and stars, but there wasn’t a dot of pink on it. A sports bra with a definite training-bra look to it made Melody shiver. It was a deliberate step toward childhood, as was the blue and white striped shirt that went on over it. By the time Veronica put her in a pair of overalls, they felt inevitable.

    “Alright, let’s get your teeth brushed and check your hair.” Veronica said.

    Melody wordlessly obeyed, her eyes avoiding the mirror. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see what Veronica had created. The final step of toweling her hair dry and combing it out felt amazing. Melody closed her eyes and let the caring attention soak into her.

    “Open your eyes Melody.” Veronica said, taking Melody’s shoulders and turning her to face the mirror.

    Reluctantly, Melody looked, and gasped. The person in the mirror was not a stranger at all. It was herself, Melody, feeling more Melody than she had ever felt. Her hair glittered an absurd shade of blue and it was short-short! It had actual style to it too, framing her face in a totally different way than ‘standard female haircut’ had done.

    Even the clothes felt good, though the kiddyness of them was a little weird. There wasn’t a girly color in the outfit, and she was sporting pockets galore. Melody’s eyes drank the mirror in eagerly. She was smiling like an idiot and for once she didn’t care.

    “I take it that the change is a hit?” Veronica asked.

    “Wow.” Melody said. “Yes, thanks. Uh, it’s really cool. Well, kinda kiddy, but the hair is awesome. Yeah, it looks good.”

    “The childishness is part of the treatment, but you’ll be able to wear more adult things too. If you want we can go shopping for some wardrobe upgrades.”

    “Maybe.” Melody nodded, turning so she could see the short-cropped back of her hair.

    “In the meantime, I’m pretty sure you have class soon.”

    “Huh? Not until the afternoon.” Melody said.

    “How long do you think all this took?” Veronica chuckled and patted Melody’s padded rear. “Come on now young… hmm, what pronouns do you want to use?”

    “Uh, it doesn’t really matter, that stuff is all a bunch of dumb woke bull-“

    “Melody!” Veronica said sharply. Melody froze in mid-word, her eyes wide.

    “I do not want to hear you curse while you’re under treatment, and I certainly do not want to hear you parroting anti-queer sentiments from the internet.”

    “Uh, sorry Veronica.” Melody looked down, feeling an odd mix of guilt and comfort.

    “You’ve just made a big move away from looking feminine. If you want, you can absolutely ask people to acknowledge that by changing how they refer to you.”

    “I don’t want to do weird pronouns.” Melody said. “No Zir or whatever. I don’t like how that sounds.”

    “How do you feel about masculine pronouns?” Veronica asked.

    “No, gross. I’m not a guy.”

    “Fair enough, how about feminine pronouns?”

    Melody hesitated. People had been calling saying she and her forever, why mess it up now? Still, she couldn’t make herself be enthusiastic about it.

    “Um… I guess they’re uh… okay.”

    “They don’t sound very okay.” Veronica said, tilting Melody’s chin up to make eye contact. “How about neutral? They and them?”

    “I like that.” Melody said, surprising themself. “But then you can’t say what you were going to say. Young lady, right?”

    “That is what I was going to say. Do you want to be called young lady?”

    “No.” The response came out as a gut reaction.

    “How about, Little One?”

    Melody’s breath caught in their throat. “Oh. Yes please.”

    Veronica smiled and kissed Melody’s forehead. “In that case, little one, you better get your butt downstairs and get ready for school.”

    “Yes Veronica.” Melody said. There was an odd feeling in their chest. It was soft and warm, like their heart was full of kittens. It stayed all the way through their breakfast, and the drive to school.

    In fact, the feeling lasted all the way until their Machine Learning Bioinfomatics class. Getting to class early for once, Melody was setting up their laptop when they realized someone was standing right next to them. They looked over to see Rosa staring at them with a wondering expression.

    “Wow Melody. Great new look.” Rosa said.

    “Um, thanks. It’s not very femme though.” Melody said, rubbing their neck.

    “No worries, I stand super corrected.” Rosa said. “Femme has nothing on this look.”

    “You think so?” Melody asked, warmth rising to their cheeks.

    “Oh yeah.” Rosa grinned. “Mind if I sit next to you today?”

    “Uh, yeah, go ahead.” Melody said, taking their seat as their heart thumped in their chest.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 14

    After a week of being literally and figuratively pampered by Veronica, Melody was feeling better than they had in a while. There were still some weird moments of catching their new self in the mirror and feeling uncertain if they could pull off being the cute soft butch they saw there. Having their wardrobe controlled by, and getting diaper-checks from Veronica was awkward as hell, but they had to admit that Veronica’s strict control was helpful. Melody had never had trouble with their work ethic. They wanted to be super clear about that. Combining that with a schedule that mandated getting all the important stuff done first was supercharging Mel’s life like a Tesla. Even with some extra household chores, they had more time than ever for relaxing. Playing, Veronica would have said, but since Melody wasn’t a kid they didn’t play unless it was a video game.

    Totally not playing, Melody re-affirmed, as they carried a second handful of stuffed animals into the living room. Briana was having a 2007 Brittany Spears time of things and needed a lot of babysitting right now. Babysitting was one of Melody’s chores, and so obviously they were not running a stuffed animal tea party for fun.

    “Hurry up Melody!” Briana said, kneeling at one end of the coffee table with her stuffed animals already arranged for formal seating. She was looking a little too cute in a pastel-yellow sundress and an extra-thick diaper. The loose dress left a bit more of the petite girl exposed than Melody was comfortable with, but putting extra clothes on Briana right now was just asking to do a bunch of laundry later.

    “I had to hand out the invitations.” Melody said, gravely. “This is a super fancy event, we can’t just have anybody show up.”

    Briana giggled, accepting the explanation. It was a little weird to see their roommate so babyish all the time. While Melody set up their half of the coffee table with stuffed animals, Briana grabbed her feet and rocked back and forth on the floor, exposing her diaper without a care in the world. Melody squirmed a bit in the pullup they were wearing. Super not interested in becoming some drooling kid, they thought.

     Briana hopped up as soon as Melody finished and carefully mimed pouring tea for each of the stuffies. Melody had quickly learned that letting Briana have actual tea in the pot meant a huge mess later. Plus it didn’t seem to hurt Briana’s experience at all. She was totally into the pouring, even carefully wiping up fake spills and apologizing to the stuffie she’d spilled near.

    Melody could have blamed Briana’s total concentration on the girl not noticing as the back of her diaper filled out, but that seemed to be the one thing that Briana couldn’t pay attention to at all.

    “Briana, honey, come here.” Melody said, with a quick sigh for the nice button-up shirt they were wearing.

    “I’m almost done!” Briana protested. Her defiance crumbled almost immediately into a pout at Melody’s serious expression. With impressive theatre-kid drama, Briana clunked the teapot down on the coffee table and waddled over.

    “You had an accident hon.” Melody said.

    “Huh?” Briana pulled her skirt up and looked at her slowly sagging diaper in surprise.

    “You didn’t notice at all?” Melody asked, snagging the changing bag off the couch.

    “No, sorry Melody.”

    “It’s okay, I don’t mind changing you.” Melody said, spreading out the changing blanket. “I thought your mom said you were working on noticing when you have to potty.”

    “I notice sometimes!” Briana protested, plopping her butt down on the blanket with a squish.

    “Well, keep trying.” Melody said. “Do you have any more to go? I can take you to the potty before I change you so you can finish there.”

    “No, all done.” Briana said, laying down on the changing blanket and kicking her feet impatiently.

    “Mm hmm.” Melody said, narrowing their eyes into a skeptical Fry. “What about number two? You know you just do that one in the potty.”

    “Noooo!” Briana whined. “Come on Melody, you’re taking forever!”

    Melody rolled their eyes and pushed Briana’s skirt up. Considering the number of times they’d changed her, it shouldn’t be exciting at all. Something about Briana’s complete surrender to being a baby was fascinating though. It didn’t hurt that she was so petite, so femme, so hot. It made them feel strong and butch, while reminding them of being helpless and diapered at the same time.

    I am that sicko in the fursuit staring into the window. Melody shook their head ruefully, trying to ignore the heat between their legs. They tore the tapes on Briana’s diaper open and pulled the soggy mass away.

    “Dang, you really wen- Briana!” Melody hopped back too late as a stream of pee arced out of Briana and onto the knee of their jeans.

    “Huh?” Briana asked, pulling the stuffie she’d been nuzzling away from her face.

    “I thought you said you were done.” Melody couldn’t keep the frustration off their face or out of their voice this time.

    “Oh, guess not.” Briana shrugged.

    “You need to pay more attention when someone asks you about that.” Melody said, really annoyed now.

    “I just wanna do our tea party!” Briana whined, heedlessly splashing a few more times on the blanket.

    “Why are you such a brat today?” Melody asked. Especially today, of all days, when they was supposed to hang out with Rosa.

    “I just wanna play!” Briana yelled.

    For the first time, Melody felt genuinely upset with Briana. They were already babysitting her until right before they had to go see Rosa, and now they had to change too.

    “That’s it, you’re getting a spanking!”

    The moment of silence that followed that statement was broken by Briana nervously giggling. “Nuh uh! You don’t spank me.”

    “I sure can when I’m your babysitter.” Melody said. Briana straight-up laughing at her was the last straw. They reached out to grab the tiny girl by the waist and flipped her around on her stomach. Briana had no resistance to offer, only a squawk of surprise.

    Melody raised their hand, hesitating for a moment. As if she could sense the weakness, Briana tried to squirm away on the wet changing blanket. Horrified by visions of cleaning up after a wet Briana crawling all over the living room, Melody brought their hand down fast. Briana shrieked, but it sounded more playful than pained. Melody slapped Briana’s rear three more times, alternating on either side of the girl’s twinkling princess plug.

    “You going to be a good girl?” Melody asked, awkwardly.

    “Yes Melody.” Briana’s tone was contrite. It sounded like a rote response, clearly note the tone of somebody hurt or upset. Melody breathed a sigh of relief.

    “Okay, we better get you cleaned up…”

    Melody was saved from immediate wrangling of their squirmy roommate by the front door opening. Suzie bopped in, popping her Bluetooth earbuds out and closing the door with her hips.

    “Hey Mel, Bri!” She waved as she divested herself of various bags and outdoor clothes.

    “Hey Suzie.” Melody said, echoed a moment later by Briana.

    “Dang Mel, you’re looking sharp.” Suzie said. “What’s got you wearing a button up and suspenders and all?”

    “Oh uh, just trying to not be a scrub. I’m meeting a friend in a few.”

    “Oooh?” Suzie waggled her eyebrows. “But just a friend, right?”

    “Dude, shut up.” Melody blushed. Obviously it would be awesome if it was a date with Rosa, but they were pretty sure their pretty classmate didn’t think of them that way.

    “Well when are you leaving?” Suzie asked.

    “She’s not!” Briana said brightly from the changing blanket. “Rosa is picking her up.”

    “Oh yeah?” Suzie grinned. “What are you two doing?”

    “Uh, I dunno.” Melody said. “She said it was a surprise. She’ll be here in like, twenty minutes though.”

    “Oh my god it is totally a date, dummy.” Suzie said.

    “I wish.” Melody said, squirming.

    Suzie looked her two roommates over. “Briana’s got you all messy right before your uh, totally not date. I’ll take over for you. Veronica won’t be back until right before you have to leave.”

    “You sure?” Melody asked.

    “Hey, you hafta finish playing!” Briana protested at the same time.

    “Yeah, go, I’ll handle the munchkin.” Suzie squatted down by Briana, pre-empting any further protests by stuffing a pacifier in the girl’s mouth.

    “Okay, cool, thanks.” Melody hurried off to their room and stripped out of their stained jeans. Thanks to Veronica, they had a crisp spare pair to change into. It was nice to not always be sniffing their laundry pile, they had to admit.

    Feeling ridiculous, Melody checked themselves out in the mirror. It was not a date. Pretending it was would just get their hopes up and creep Rosa out. Melody twisted to peer at their rear in the mirror. No sign that they were wearing a pullup, despite the tight jeans. Rosa super didn’t need to know about that part of their life.

    They found themself lingering on the mirror. The memory of spanking Briana resurfaced, but this time they imagined that they were the ones getting spanked. It was stupid hot. Wearing the pullup was hot too, which is why they weren’t taking it off. If they weren’t going to get any romance, they might as well have something sexy to enjoy.

    Beatrice really did awaken something in me. Melody sighed guiltily. It’d been over two weeks since they’d even talked to Beatrice. Bea had stopped sending messages. Veronica said that was for the best, and Melody agreed, mostly. Still, Bea’s last messages had sounded hurt, and asking for an explanation. Melody didn’t see the harm in giving that explanation.

    They squared their shoulders and focused on the mirror again. Dark blue button up, black suspenders, black jeans, sideswept hair combed a little flat. Probably the most butch Rosa would ever have seen them. Melody wondered what her reaction would be. Not that it mattered, because it wasn’t a date.

    Rather than keep going in circles, they ventured back out into the living room to wait. Melody was grateful to see that Suzie had moved Briana and all the baby-changing stuff out of the living room.

    “Hi Melody.” Veronica said, entering from the kitchen.

    Melody suppressed an urge to jump. “Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were back. Suzie took over the last bit of my babysitting.”

    “She let me know, but thank you for making sure I knew.” Veronica said. “I hear you’re going out tonight.”

    “Yeah, all my stuff is done.”

    “I believe it. You’ve been much better about that than Briana was.” Veronica smiled. “Are you going to be out late? Do we need to do our nightly check-in before you go?”

    “I dunno. I guess so, if we can do it right now. Rosa’s going to be here soon.”

    “Of course.” Veronica deftly slipped her fingers into Melody’s waistband, checking their pullup while Melody squirmed. “How are you doing emotionally? How’s your energy?”

    “Energy’s fine.” Melody said. “Emotions aren’t really a thing. I’m kinda nervous tonight I guess.”

    “Hmm, so not much improvement emotionally over the last week? Let’s keep an eye on that. We can try changing things up if there’s not any more progress.”

    “Okay.” The sound of a car caught Melody’s attention, they looked at the window to see headlights. “Gotta go, my ride is here.”

    “You’re not going without a coat, are you?”

    “What? Veronica!” Melody protested, trying to ignore how much like Briana they were  sounding.

    “Your outfit is extremely handsome but you need to put a coat on over it. It’s November already. I don’t want you to freeze.”

    “Ugh, I can’t believe you made me care about clothes and then ruin my outfit.” Melody smirked. Veronica chuckled behind them as they struggled into their coat.

    Melody hopped down the steps of the house, hoping they didn’t look as eager as they felt. Opening the door of Rosa’s car, Melody was devastated by what they saw. Rosa was in a pair of black leggings, diagonal striped with the orange and pink lesbian flag across her thighs. An orange jacket gave a tantalizing flash of the ribbed black claudia bra underneath.

    As soon as they were able to recover from the unfair hotness in front of them, Melody climbed in. “Hey Rosa.”

    “Hey Melody.” Rosa said. “You eat dinner yet?”

    “No, I was busy with chores and homework and stuff all afternoon.”

    “Perfect.” Rosa grinned unsettlingly wide. “Dinner first then!”

    “So where all are we going?” Melody asked, buckling up as the car pulled out of the drive. “You said you had something you wanted to show me.”

    “I also said it was a surprise.” Rosa replied.

    “Fiiiine.” Melody chuckled.

    Dinner was apparently at a Korean fried chicken place that wasn’t afraid to blast K-Pop at a level that kept you from hearing conversation at the next table over. Melody shucked the jacket Veronica had forced on them and adjusted their suspenders when the waitress guided them and Rosa to a booth.

    “Oh dang, you look good!” Rosa beamed at Melody.

    “Uh, th-thanks.” Melody could feel their face flaming. They knew they should return the compliment, say something smooth.

    “You uh… pretty.” Was the burning disaster that came out of Melody’s mouth.

    “Thanks.” Rosa said, stepping up to Melody with a confidant strut. She drew a finger down Melody’s jaw. “You handsome.”

    A massive wave of lesbian panic froze Melody where they stood. Their heart was pounding with a deafening noise that drowned out the music. After a moment or two Melody realized that Rosa had taken a seat in the booth. With their ears still roaring a little, Melody took the other side.

    “Have you been here before?” Rosa asked with a sly smile.

    Oh shit, what is she planning? Melody licked their lips and forced themself to reply. “No, but uh, I think I’ve gotten delivery from here a couple of times.”

    “You like it spicy?” Rosa grinned.

    “Y-yeah.” Melody shifted in their seat, brought down to earth a little by the oddly comforting padding on their rear. Rosa had never been so weirdly flirty before. It was super hot, of course, but what did it mean? Did Rosa want something? Was she just having fun messing with Melody?

    “Awesome. You know, Koreans and Mexicans are natural friends.”

    “They are?”

    “Yeah! We both like spicy stuff, and there was that thing with the world cup.”

    “I uh, what thing?”

    “Right, right, you’re not sporty.” Rosa winked. “There was a World Cup where Korea won an important game that helped Mexico’s position in the tournament. A huge crowd in Mexico city went down to the Korean embassy with some tequila. The Korean ambassador pounded that stuff with the crowd like a champ!”

    Melody giggled. “I don’t really follow soccer, but that’s an awesome story. I’ve never really been uh, sporty. Unless you count e-sports.” Melody shrugged self-deprecatingly.

    “Yeah? What e-sports do you do?” Rosa was doing a really good job of pretending to be interested.

    “Uh, I play with an Overwatch team that gets matched against pros sometimes.” Melody shrugged again, shrinking in on themself. “And uh, I pretty regularly make it to the Immortal rank in DOTA 2. It’s uh, the top one and a half percent or so.”

    “Really?” Somehow Rosa was looking genuinely impressed. “Isn’t that kind of huge? I mean, I’m not bad at derby but I don’t play in the regionals or anything.”

    “Well uh, kinda?” Melody bit their lip. “I could probably go pro if I wanted, but it’s not really a good gig.”

    “Oh shiiiii-“ Rosa grinned brightly. “Seriously, that’s really cool.”

    “You think so? I mean, I wouldn’t last like a minute in roller derby.”

    “Probably not even thirty seconds.” Rosa teased. “Doesn’t matter. That doesn’t take away from what you do.”

    “So you’re really into derby?”

    “Yeah! You’re looking at Jaguar Star, badass pivot.”

    “Oh, so you’re not just one of the grunts.” Melody felt themself breathe a bit more easily as the evening began to make more sense. Rosa was looking for a new friend. That was cool, after all, ditching Beatrice had cut Melody off from four other friends.

    Melody half listened while Beatrice sport-splained her position on the roller derby team. They might not be sporty, but they had watched a ton of derby. They found themselves watching Rosa’s lips as she talked. Fuller, darker lips than Beatrice’s. Melody swallowed around a guilty lump in their throat. Why did they suddenly feel like they were cheating on Bea? This wasn’t a date, and they was never really dating Bea.

    Luckily, the waitress showing up saved Melody from awkwardly explaining to Rosa that they knew how penalties worked in roller derby. With food on the way, the conversation fell to discussing the sauces they’d picked (Rosa – Super Spicy and Spicy; Melody Spicy and Sweet Spicy) and the class they shared. By the time the food arrived the delicious burn of the sauce on the crispy chicken pushed Melody into feeling fully relaxed.

    “So when are you going to tell me what the main thing we’re doing tonight is?” Melody asked, licking gotchu sauce off their fingers.

    “I’m going to let you figure it out when we get there.” Rosa grabbed the check and handed it back to the waitress with her card before Melody realized what was happening.

    “You don’t have to do that, I can totally get my half.” Melody protested.

    “I didn’t even let you pick the restaurant, totally not fair to make you pay under those circumstances.” Rosa replied, snagging her card back from the waitress and hastily filling out the tip.

    “Okay, I guess. I’ll get next time.” Melody offered. A little bit of unease grew in their belly. That was another very date-like thing. But… naw.

    “Sound good, now, come on.” Rosa took Melody’s hand and pulled them toward the door. “We’re a little past the optimal time for our next stop.”

    “Ack!” Melody managed to grab their jacket in time and let Rosa drag them out to the car. They were quiet on the drive, glancing over at Rosa and trying to read her expression. Unfortunately, Melody had never been any good at doing that. Rosa’s face was easy on the eyes, so that part was nice. If only Melody didn’t get the occasional guilty flash to memories of worshipfully gazing at Beatrice.

    Ugh, why did everything with Bea have to get so messed up? Everything was just fine, I was simping in horny jail, and then bam! She made me her diaper slave, I got to see her naked, and touch her, and…

    Melody pinched themself hard, maybe too hard on the leg. The pain washed away the humiliating images and guilt, at least for now.

    “We’re here!” Rosa pulled into a parking lot. A pretty familiar lot. Melody climbed out of the car into the chaotic neon glow of the Reset Arcade.

    “Oh, cool! You totally could have just said we were going here.” Melody said.

    “I figured you’d been here before. But did you know that for some reason, the head-to-head DDR machine is totally free every Thursday night until nine?”

    “That’s probably because they have a tournament over at Super Plus Arca…” Melody smirked at Rosa. “Hold up, are you seriously challenging me to DDR? Sporty is NOT going to save you against how many hours I have on that machine.”

    “I’m not a total noob either.” Rosa said. “I guess we’ll have to see!”

    Melody cracked their neck and ascended the platform, wishing they had less cute shoes on for this. Leggings instead of jeans would be nice too. Not that it mattered. The handicap would only keep Rosa’s humiliation from being total.

    “Ready?” Rosa asked, queuing up a baby song for babies.

    “No way, you don’t get off that easy.” Melody said, cranking the selection wheel up to a Challenge level song. “Ready or not,” they said in time with the machine’s announcer, “here we go!”

    As predicted, Melody destroyed Rosa at their opening song. The next one was a clear victory too. By the third or fourth song, Rosa was warmed up and it was clear she’d had some practice. Eight songs in, Melody was sweaty and starting to stumble, but Rosa’s feet were hitting the pads just as crisply as ever. She barely edged Melody out on that song, and took a clear victory on the ninth.

    Gasping, Melody waved Rosa down. “Okay, okay. You’re not a noob.” They panted, gasping. “Need a break.”

    “Haha, told you!” Rosa said, helping Melody down off the platform. The half-dozen people waiting for a shot at the game gave them a round of enthusiastic applause. “Jesus. I did not expect you to be that good though.”

    Melody found a bottle of water and a quiet patch of wall to lean against. It wasn’t long before their lungs stopped burning and the ache went out of their side. Rosa seemed a bit winded too, more than she’d let on up at the machine.

    It was Melody’s turn to be watched, apparently. Every time they glanced over at Rosa they caught her looking at them. They were trying to think of something to talk about when Rosa suddenly leaned in close. Really, insanely, in Melody’s bubble close.

    “You’ve got a little bit of sauce on your cheek.” Rosa said. Before Melody could respond, Rosa leaned all the way in and delicately kiss-licked the spot away.

    Full-Metal Lesbian Panic. Melody stared at Rosa with wide eyes. Their heart was pounding again. It WAS a date! Right? You wouldn’t just kiss someone if it wasn’t a date. Melody was suddenly very aware of the closeness of Rosa’s wide hips, the clean sporty smell of her deodorant and sweat, the proximity of her lips…

    There were other sensations too. Heat that coiled down through Melody’s belly. Tingling on their lips. Dampness that was wicked away by the padding between their legs…

    The pullup! Regular panic joined the gay panic to completely lock Melody up. What if Rosa grabbed their butt and felt the padding? What if… other things happened? Oh god, oh god, oh god.

    “Melody, was that okay?” Rosa asked, sounding concerned and maybe even nervous. “I should have asked first.”

    Talking was not possible, and Melody felt it was very unfair of Rosa to request a response. On the other hand, seeing Rosa’s expression grow progressively more upset and even scared was unbearable.

    So Melody did something insane.

    They leaned in, bringing trembling lips against Rosa’s. The kiss made fireworks go off in Melody’s brain. Pullup forgotten. Beatrice forgotten. For a glorious moment there was only the feeling of Rosa’s lips on Melody’s, her strong hands on their shoulders, her taut back under their hands.

    As they came apart Melody felt a little dizzy. There was a huge, goofy grin plastered across their face and absolutely nothing they could do about it.

    “Good answer.” Rosa said huskily. “I was uh, kind of worried that you didn’t realize this was a date.”

    Melody laughed their least-cool, braying laugh. “Oh shit, sorry Rosa. I totally didn’t think it was.”

    Rosa giggled heartily. “I knew you were one of those useless lesbians!”

    “Shut up,” Melody pushed Rosa playfully, delighted for any excuse to touch her. “We can’t all be super confident dykes.”

    “That’s true. Because you are ridiculously adorable when you get blushy.”

    Of course, that made Melody blush, and the blushing made them blush more, and then everything was resolved when Rosa kissed them again. Rosa’s hands slid down Melody’s back to their sides, and as they reached their waist Melody jumped a bit, catching Rosa’s hands.

    Stupid pullup!

    “Too fast?” Rosa asked, as concern warred with frustration in her tone.

    “Sorry, I uh,” Melody searched hard for an explanation. “You’re really hot!” They blurted, since that was apparently the best their brain could do.

    “You too.” Reluctantly, Rosa withdrew her hands. “I’ll be good. For now.”

    “More kisses?” Melody asked, a lot more plaintively than they’d intended.

    Rosa answered that with a kiss, and then several more kisses, and then some tricks with her tongue that left Melody sure that their blush was now a permanent feature. Even with the pullup things got hot and wet between Melody’s legs. That only made things sexier, and Melody didn’t fight the feeling. Everything was going too well for worries.

    The rest of the evening was a blur. Not the heavy, gray, awful blur that the end of a session with Beatrix had been. It was cotton candy clouds and rainbow lights. The air smelled like bliss and there were probably unicorns involved somewhere.

    They held hands on the ride home, and shared one last kiss in the car. Melody was practically floating as they made their way inside.

    “Well, I don’t think I have to ask how your night went.” Veronica said, looking up from the book she was reading on the couch.

    “Yeah.” Melody said, the goofy smile resurfacing.

    “Do you want someone to talk to about it?”

    Obviously, the answer was no. Sharing stuff with their roommates was dumb. The Melody thing to do was to go hide in their room and freak out about their date.

    Instead they found themself on the couch, gushing to Veronica. Even being teased about not realizing it was a date didn’t bother them. The only thing that put a tiny crack in Melody’s mood was when Veronica unbuttoned Melody’s jeans and quickly peeked at their pullup. It happened so fast, Veronica had her hands back in her lap by the time Melody had theirs on their waistband.

    “I can see you either had a really good time, or a small accident.” Veronica said, lightly. “You’ve lost one of your comets.”

    “We uh, we kissed a LOT.” Melody blushed.

    “How did you feel about wearing that while you were with Rosa?”

    “It made things more complicated.” Melody pouted. “I was worried about her finding out about it.”

    “Well you don’t have to wear one on your dates with her, if you don’t want to. At least not unless there were some good reason.” Veronica said in a perfectly reasonable tone. As if there was some kind of reason where it would make sense to be diapered on a date!?

    “Uh, good.” Melody nodded.

    “And that’s all there was, just worry that you’d be discovered?”

    “Uh, I enjoyed having it on.” Melody said, looking away bashfully.

    “So you still have that association with wearing padding.” Veronica said. “But now with a much better memory to attach to it.”

    “Yeah.” Melody giggled.

    “In that case, it might make sense for you to wear them when you’re with Rosa.” Veronica said.

    “But… but…” Melody squirmed. “She’ll find out!”

    “Everyone has been in a situation where they don’t have the ‘right’ sort of underpants for things taking a romantic turn. I’m sure you could direct attention away from them if you got to the point of taking off clothes.” Veronica said. “You could also just tell her about them.”

    “No way!” Melody’s lip quivered. “She’ll think I’m gross, and weird!”

    “Will she?” Veronica cocked her head to the side. “She doesn’t sound like a very understanding person.”

    “You don’t even know her, she’s super nice!” Melody protested, practically hopping on the couch in agitation. “She’s always really considerate, and she was interested in my e-sports stuff.”

    “Oh, then it doesn’t sound like a big problem.” Veronica said, with a very subtle smile.

    “That’s not… it’s different!” Melody sighed, crossing their arms over their chest.

    “Maybe, maybe not.” Veronica gently stroked Melody’s hair. “I’m not saying I’ll make you wear them, but it may be helpful. If you do wear them, it doesn’t have to be a disaster.”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said.

    “You don’t have to right now. I’m glad your evening was so good.”

    “It really was.” Emboldened by the hair pats and their post-date fuzzies, Melody leaned over until they were tentatively resting their head on Veronica’s shoulder.

    Veronica deftly pulled Melody in to more comfortably rest on her. “I haven’t seen you actually happy like this… I think ever. It’s good to see.” Her hand resumed lightly stroking Melody’s hair.

    A super satisfied, relaxed sigh flowed out of Melody. They realized in the next moment that that wasn’t all that was flowing. Though it was small, there was a definite patch of warm and wet on Melody’s crotch. At first they had a moment of panic. Melody didn’t want to have sexy thoughts about Veronica. Examining their feelings didn’t make the situation much better. No sexy thoughts were being had, but that meant the wet was something even more embarrassing.

    “Uh, I think I’ll go to bed.” Melody said suddenly. “Stuff to do tomorrow.”

    “Alright, let’s get you in a fresh pullup before bed.” Veronica said.

    “Oh uh, no need.” Melody stammered. “It was just a little bit of sexy thoughts, no big deal.”

    Veronica craned her head around to look Melody in the eyes. Melody stared back, feeling a bit like a bunny staring at a hawk. Even though they expected it, Melody couldn’t make their hands move to block Veronica’s from checking their pants again.

    “I see. You really did relax.” Veronica said. “Well, this kind of thing can happen with this therapy. You are getting a new pullup for certain, unless you think you need something a bit more protective.”

    “No! No, that’s okay, don’t need to go there.” Melody said.

    “Okay, but I’m going to check you in the morning too.” Veronica said. “I know we’ve skipped that the last couple of days but I think it’s time to bring it back. Also, this settles the issue of you wearing protection on your dates.”

    “Veronica!” Melody said, in a whine to rival even Briana’s best.

    “No arguing.” Veronica said. “Your issues obviously coming up in connection with dating. More importantly, you don’t want to have a little accident like that around Rosa without protection, do you?”

    Melody swallowed and shook their head.

    “Good girl.” Veronica said. The words were far more soothing than they had any right to be. “Now, let’s get you changed and in bed.”

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 15

    “Are you sure you’re going to be okay by yourself for the afternoon?” Veronica asked.

    Briana nodded. “I’ll be fine. I know I’ve had a lot of little time lately, but I’m feeling a lot better because of it.”

    “Alright, I’m trusting you to be good. I asked Melody and they said you could use their Switch. You’ve got snacks in the fridge.” Veronica fussed with Briana’s short hair. “I have a doctor’s appointment and a meeting at school. I’ll be back but not until after dinner time.”

    “I’ll be fiiiine.” Briana said, snuggling in to Veronica for a hug.

    “I’m sure you will be hon.” Veronica said. Briana was delighted to have her snuggles earn a kiss on the top of her head. Less delightful was Veronica tugging at the waistband of Briana’s skirt.

    “Mom! I’m dry, I’m in big kid mode.” Her pullup, because again, she was a big girl this afternoon, was completely dry.

    “Just checking.” Veronica smiled fondly. “I’m off, be good.”

    Briana nodded and waved as mom headed out the door. Preparing herself with a deep breath, she looked around the house. It had been AGES since she’d been alone.

    “Time to finally pay off Tom Nook!” Briana declared, popping into Melody’s room to search for the Switch. She found it quickly enough, next to Melody’s computer which was beeping every few seconds.

    Curiosity burned hot and Briana flicked the monitor on before she really thought about what she was doing. Nothing seemed wrong with the computer, there were just a lot of Discord messages coming in.

    Briana squirmed. It’d be wrong to look at Melody’s messages, but it’s not like she’d never seen messages pop up when Melody had let her use their computer before. Whatever was going on seemed pretty urgent, three more messages had come in while Briana had hesitated.

    Opening up Discord revealed a flood of messages that were all variations on “answer me!” over and over. They were just one or two words each in text-speak abbreviations. Whoever it was, ‘bbXXX’, seemed pretty frantic. Briana hesitated only a little before putting her hands on the keyboard.

    • bbXXX – dude answer rn
    • Ocarina – Hi, this isn’t Melody. It’s her roommate. Is everything okay?

    The flood of messages came to an abrupt stop. Briana bit her lip, hoping she was doing the right thing.

    • bbXXX – you surprised me looking 4 Melody
    • bbXXX – worried about her
    • Ocarina – I think Melody is okay. They should be home soon.
    • bbXXX – need to talk to her rl bad
    • bbXXX – i always forget how to get there, can u give me address for phone
    • Ocarina – You don’t know where she lives?

    Briana frowned, wondering if she should tell this person her address. A quick look at the chat history showed it was extensive. The messages went back years, with what looked like at least weekly, sometimes daily messages.

    • bbXXX – just bad with directions lol
    • bbXXX – got new phone, don’t have places saved address plz
    • bbXXX – super important need to talk to her
    • bbXXX – plz, i have to say in person
    • bbXXX – too important for txt

    Briana stared at the screen, chewing on her lip. Something about this seemed off, but it was hard to think. Not as bad as it’d been in the couple of weeks since meeting Tamira’s boyfriend, to be sure. It just felt like there was cotton behind her eyes.

    • bbXXX – plz, need to see her right away
    • Ocarina – Okay. It’s 1920 DeLarverie Dr.
    • bbXXX – thx
    • bbXXX – 4 real
    • bbXXX – see u soon

    Briana blinked as the person signed off immediately. “Wow, they must really need to see Melody.” She shrugged and headed back out to the living room.

    There was barely enough time to check her shops and farm the money-rock before Briana’s Animal Crossing session was interrupted by a knock at the door. She wondered who could possibly be knocking. It took an awkwardly long pause and another knock on the door before she remembered the Discord conversation.

    “Coming!” Briana hopped up and yanked the door open. There was a model-pretty woman on the other side with curly blonde hair and a cut outfit on. Cuter than Mom would ever let Briana wear, that’s for sure. Since ‘adopting’ her, Veronica had put a stop to crop-tops and mini-skirts. Even Briana’s current outfit of a skirt above the knee and a blouse tied in front had needed negotiation.

    “Uh, hi.” Briana said.

    “Hey. I’m Beatrix.” Beatrix said with a kind-of scary smile. “Can I come in? It’s hella cold out.”

    “Oh, sure.” Briana stepped aside to let Beatrix in. “Did your mom forget to get you your coat?”

    “My mom?” Beatrix asked, peering at Briana with a hand on her hip.

    “Yeah! Sometimes I go out without a coat but mom usually reminds me to take one.”

    Beatrix’s eyes widened. She smiled again, much more friendly than the last smile. “You’ve gotta be Briana, right?”

    “Yeah, that’s me!” Briana said, smiling back. “Do you want some hot cocoa? Mom left me a ton of snacks.”

    “Yeah, that’d be great.” Beatrix said. “You the only one home right now?”

    “Until Melody gets back.” Briana said, heading into the kitchen and putting the electric kettle on.

    “When’s that?”

    “Maybe like an hour?” Briana shrugged. “Ooh, which mug do you want? I want the kitty one, but you can have any other one except for the one with the poem on it.”

    “Let me guess, that’s your mom’s mug?” Beatrix asked. Her eyes were wide and fixed intensely on Briana whenever she met them.

    Briana decided that she liked Beatrix. She was obviously a good friend of Melody’s and was perceptive. Best of all she was paying way more attention to her than people usually did.

    “She’s the only one that can use it, and she only uses it for tea.”

    “You’re a sweet kid, aren’t you Briana?” Beatrix said, lightly brushing a hand through Briana’s hair.

    “I think so. Thanks!” Feeling a little self-conscious at the effusive praise, Briana squirmed and stretched. Beatrix’s eyes flashed downward. Following the gaze, Briana realized the waistband of her pullup was showing.

    “I have big girl undies on today.” Briana smiled proudly.

    “Oh yeah? Let me see.” Despite her bold manner, Beatrix hesitated for a second before grabbing the hem of Briana’s skirt.

    Diaper checks were pretty much constant nowadays, so Briana let Beatrix lift her skirt without protest. “See? All the flowers are still on there.”

    Beatrix shook her head and laughed. “Good girl, I guess.”

    “Yeah!” Briana grabbed the now-boiling kettle and filled the mugs. She handed one to Beatrix who bravely took a sip without waiting for it to cool down.

    “So do you wear diapers all the time?” Beatrix asked.

    “I’m not wearing one now.” Briana protested.

    “But you usually do?”

    Briana looked down and blushed slightly. “I always wear them to bed, and sometimes in the day.”

    “Does Melody wear them too?”

    “She only wears pullups, but she’s wearing them every day now.” Briana said, risking a sip of the hot cocoa.

    “Oh yeah? She really likes them huh?”

    “I’m not sure, I think so, but she has to wear them because she’s doing mom’s therapy thing.”

    “No shit?” Beatrix set her cup down, even more intent on Briana now. “Tell me more.”

    “I don’t know exactly how it works but it’s a therapy thing that mom does. She has to wear them for a while to help work out some stuff.”

    “That is crazy. Like, legit crazy.” Beatrix chuckled. “You know, she wears them for me too, but not for therapy. She does it because it turns her on.”

    “Really?” Briana asked. “They don’t do that for me, but uh, sometimes I do sexy stuff in them.”

    “Hah, I bet you do.” Beatrix said, backing Briana up against the kitchen counter. “Cute blush.”

    “Oh uh… thanks.” Briana’s heart fluttered, more scared than exited. Something about Beatrix was getting less friendly and more pushy.

    “So are you and Melody girlfriends?”

    “No. I don’t think she likes me that way.”

    “You sure? Mel is pretty dumb about picking up on that kind of…”

    The front door opened and Beatrix walked away from Briana in mid-sentence. Briana followed in confusion.

    “Let me just get my stuff and we can head back out.” Melody said, shuffling in with their backpack. A strong looking woman was behind them. Melody’s face twisted in fear as soon as they caught sight of Beatrix.

    “Where the FUCK have you been Mel?” Beatrix shouted, the sheer fury in her voice driving Melody back a step and sending Briana scampering back to the kitchen doorway.

    “Bea? What are you doing here?”

    “Who’s this bitch?” Beatrix waved a hand aggressively at Rosa. “You don’t quit this, Mel. NOBODY quits this!”

    “Who the fuck are you?” Rosa asked, squaring her shoulders.

    Melody looked horrified, their face had drained of all color. “Rosa, uh, can you like, bounce for a second. I’m super sorry about this…”

    “What the hell is going on Melody?” Rosa asked. She tried to push past Melody, her expression turning to shock and hurt when Melody pushed back.

    “I’m really sorry but can you just go…”

    “Yeah, get out of here, bitch.” Beatrix had advanced within grabbing range of Melody, and didn’t hesitate to grab their jeans and yank downward. She didn’t have the angle to pull Mel’s pants down, but a big chunk of Melody’s blue pullup was exposed. “My little diaper dolly and I need to have a talk.”

    Panic was written across Melody’s face as they flailed out of Beatrix’s grip. “I’m so sorry babe I will text you please go.” They stammered and shoved Rosa out the door, closing it.

    There was a shouted, “What the fuck!” From the other side of the door and then the sound of someone angrily stomping away.

    Briana stared in horror, wishing there was something she could do to help Melody. Fear and guilt churned in her stomach.

    “What are you even doing here?” Melody asked. “Why are you in my house?”

    “The other diaper-baby let me in.” Beatrix smirked. “Now, let’s talk about how you’re going to apologies for ignoring me.”

    “Apologize? What are you talking about…” Melody squeaked as Beatrix pushed them up against the wall. They were squirming in what was clearly a potty-dance.

    “Remember? You’re my diaper dolly. Except you’re going to have to do a LOT of work to get back to seeing me naked.” Beatrix grabbed Melody’s ear and twisted.

    “STOP IT!” Briana shrieked. “You’re hurting her!”

    Beatrix turned slowly to Briana. It was the coldest look Briana had ever seen. She whimpered and backed up another step.

    “You see? She’s pissed all over herself.” Beatrix whipped out her phone and snapped a picture. “You’re turning into the same thing. You think you can date a regular girl? No way. You’re my diaper dolly or you’re just jilling off.”

    Briana looked down at the wet patches on her skirt and the streaks down her legs. She fell to her knees and wailed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

    “Leave her alone.” Melody said.

    “You don’t give orders, remember?” Beatrix grabbed Melody’s crotch. “Pretty warm, diaper dolly. You peed too, huh?”

    “I said leave her alone!” Melody looked more angry than scared now. Briana’s surprise was nothing to the shock on Beatrix’s face when Melody pushed her away with enough force to make her stumble.

    “Just, get out. Don’t ever talk to me ever again.” Melody’s eyes were full of tears but they still looked angry and determined.

    “You don’t want to do this. I have that whole photoshoot, remember? You think I can’t find out who your girltoy was? Hell, I’ll set up a fucking Only Fans for you.” Beatrix’s tone was harsh, hateful.

    “Bea, get out of my house before I either break your nose or call the cops.” Melody said, their fists balled up and shoulders shaking.

    “You little…” Beatrix’s breath came fast, her face a mask of rage. “Fine, you’re done. You’re done here, online, at school, everywhere. You fucked up, diaper baby. You fucked up bad.”

    “GET. OUT.” Melody yanked the door open.

    Beatrix stormed out. Melody slammed the door and locked it. They sank to the floor, silently crying.

    Briana sniffled and watched Melody for a few minutes. Tentatively, she crawled over to her roommate.

    “M-melody. I’m suh-sorry. I thought she was your friend.”

    “Doesn’t matter now.” Melody said, shuddering with another silent sob.

    “I’m really sorry!” Briana wailed. “I… I didn’t know that was going to happen!”

    “Briana…” Melody shook their head. “Just… forget it for now.” They sounded terrible, flat, beyond sad.

    Guilt threatened to crush Briana, but she pushed it aide in the face of Melody’s sadness. For lack of anything better to do, she reached out and wrapped her arms around her roommate. Surprisingly, Melody hugged back tightly.

    “I just couldn’t let her bully you.” Melody said softly into Briana’s shoulder.

    “It’s my fault.” Briana said, sniffling. She couldn’t believe that Melody was still being nice to her after what she’d done.

    “She’s a horrible bully.” Melody said, raising her head and wiping her eyes. “Believe me, I know.”

    “And I brought her here.” Briana whimpered. “Melody, I’m so sorry.”

    “I know.” Melody patted Briana’s back. “Let’s get you cleaned up okay?”

    “No! You don’t hafta take care of me after what I did. I’ll figure it out on my own. I’m being a big girl today anyway.”

    “Not in those potty-pants you aren’t.” Melody said, surprising Briana with a chuckle.

    “You’re really not mad at me?” Briana asked in a whisper.

    “I really wish you hadn’t brought Beatrice over.” Melody said. “But I know how she is. She’s a really good liar. A lot of stuff sucks right now but it also felt good to tell her off.”

    “But what about all the stuff she said she was going to do?”

    “I think she’ll calm down.” Melody said. “I guess I have to start talking to her again, but I’m sure she knows she was getting a little crazy.”

    “Really?” Briana asked, peering skeptically at Melody.

    “Oh, calming her down is going to suck too.” Melody said with a shrug. “Maybe I did go to far this time, maybe not. But either way, we can’t change it now. What we can change is your pullup.”

    “You’re all kinds-a more confidant and stuff since you changed your pronouns.” Briana nuzzled close to Melody, wishing they were a big sibling for her instead of just a roommate.

    “Is that right?”

    “Yeah, you’re different than when you moved in.”

    “Thanks kiddo.” Melody kissed Briana on top of her head, just like Veronica! Briana squirmed extra close to get every last bit of snuggles out before she had to go get changed.

    Lying on the changing table, Briana let her mind drift away while Melody applied their now-expert changing skills. There had to be something she could do to fix the problems she made for her big… for Melody. First thing she could do was be a good girl for Melody, so she didn’t object when her pullup was replaced with a diaper. Even when Melody swapped out her cute blouse and skirt for a onesie, Briana didn’t make a fuss.

    When Melody lead her to the playpen though, Briana felt she had to say something. “Melody, I wanna play Animal Crossing. I don’t need to be in my playpen.”

    “Briana, I said I wasn’t mad at you, and I’m not, but I think you know you screwed up. Don’t make me put you in an actual time out.”

    Pouts and puppy-dog eyes were powerful weapons in Briana’s arsenal, and she’d used them effectively against Melody before. Unfortunately just the thought of turning on the baby-charm on Melody made her feel guilty. With a sigh, she climbed over the wall of the playpen and picked up one of her stuffies.

    “You won’t leave me alone in here, will you?”

    “Naw.” Melody said. “I’m going to be on my phone for a bit though, I have to see if I can fix things with Rosa.”

    Briana nodded, and flopped down on the pen’s padded floor. She was good at make-believe, super good! So good that she pretended to play-pretend with her stuffies and watched Melody while they texted.

    It didn’t look like it was going well. There were a lot of creases in Melody’s brow, even some tears in her eyes at one moment. Briana wished with all her heart that she could fix things, or say something to help Melody, but there was nothing. Very quietly, so that Melody wouldn’t notice, she cried. Beartholomew was kind enough to wipe away the tears with his fuzzy brown paw.

    The afternoon had been a lot. Though she wanted to be there for Melody, Briana found herself waking from a nap with Veronica crouched down next to her.

    “Wake up sleepy-head. I hear you had a rough afternoon.”

    Briana nodded sadly. “I did a bad thing. I didn’t mean to though! But it was still really bad for Melody.”

    “She told me a little bit about what happened. Why don’t you tell me your side of things?”

    Veronica sat next to the playpen with it’s side folded down and listened while Briana went through her story. She tried to stress her good intentions in answering the Discord messages, and talking to Beatrice, but she knew it sounded bad.

    “Honey, I think we need to talk about rules a little bit. I didn’t think I needed to tell you this, but you can’t invite people over when you don’t have someone from the house or a babysitter here.”

    “Not anybody?” Briana frowned. “But you said I could still see my friends.”

    “You can see them when I’m here, or when one of your other roommates are here. What happened this afternoon has me really worried about your judgement.”

    Briana sighed but nodded. “Okay Mom.”

    Veronica smiled, one of her secret radiant smiles that she only shared with Briana and Dad. “I was hoping you’d still be thinking like a big girl when I got back. There’s something I want to talk to you about, even more so because of what happened today. It’s a talk for a big girl.”

    “I can do it!” Briana said, sitting up and wishing her diaper wouldn’t crinkle so loud. “I’ll pay attention, and really listen, I promise.”

    “I need more than that for the talk though.” Veronica said. “I need you to make a decision, and it’s a big girl decision. You had some pretty bad decisions today. How are you feeling right now?”

    Briana looked down at her crossed legs and considered that seriously. It was true that she was having trouble thinking about anything. Especially grown-up stuff. But if she was being honest with herself, and her guilt over Melody was forcing her to be honest, she also hadn’t tried very hard. As soon as things felt fuzzy, she’d gone with her instincts instead of really thinking things out.

    She looked Veronica in the eyes, and forced all the kiddy-tone out of her voice. “I can handle a serious talk, Mom. I’m listening and present.”

    “That was much more grown up.” Veronica said, cupping Briana’s cheek. “Is it hard for you to do?”

    Briana nodded, with the added benefit of nuzzling Veronica’s hand. “Yes, but I can do it for a while.”

    “Very good.” Veronica took Briana’s hand and lead her up to her bedroom suite.

    She sat in her office chair and pulled Briana into her lap, just as she had at the start of the therapy sessions. It seemed so long ago, but the memories came rushing back. Crying on Veronica’s lap in a wet diaper. Feeling like nothing could get fixed. Finally trusting Veronica to help her, and eventually to be her mom.

    It was a big chunk of emotions all at once, especially after the afternoon. Briana wiped her damp eyes and tried to keep thinking clearly.

    “It’s emotional coming back to this spot, isn’t it?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes.” Briana paused while she tried to figure out what she wanted to say. “It was really hard to trust you, really scary. I wanted you to help me, really badly. What you were asking was scary though. Not just the trust but also doing something that people would think was weird.”

    “You are doing so well with this right now. I’m really proud of you.” Veronica gently smoothed Briana’s hair. “Not only are you articulate, but you’ve correctly guessed what we’re going to talk about. This is about continuing your therapy.”

    “We haven’t been really uh, deliberate about it in a while.” Briana said, nodding.

    “That’s true. I’ve been letting you use your little-time as a comfort, a way to blow off steam and recover. I think you may have gotten kind of tangled up in switching back and forth though.”

    “I was doing okay for a while, but having little time with Gary at school got confusing.” Briana said. It wasn’t until the words left her mouth that she remembered she’d never told Mom about Gary’s additions to the game.

    “What’s this?” Veronica sounded firm, but Briana was sure she could wiggle out of answering. That is, if she were still little she could. Unfortunately, a big girl would answer the question.

    “Um, he set up changing stuff and some coloring books and stuff in his office. So that I could come by and play.” Briana bit her lip. “Don’t be mad at him! He likes to play with me that way, and I didn’t say no!”

    “Hmm.” Veronica didn’t look like she was going to cooperate on not being mad at Gary. Before Briana could plead his case again, Veronica continued. “I can see how that might have lead to some of your problems, but I think he probably only accelerated something that was going to happen anyway.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Well, in the extreme version of the therapy, the patient has an emotional crisis and then sharply regresses.” Veronica searched Briana’s eyes, and nodded, apparently satisfied that she was still paying attention. “Like you did. The journey back up is supposed to be gradual, but you snapped back out of it pretty quickly.”

    “Isn’t that good? You said you were proud of me?” Briana asked tentatively.

    “I am proud of you.” Veronica said emphatically. “But we’re doing field research on this in real-time. I think you missed out on a clean transition out of being a baby, and it has you stuck flipping between states.”

    “So that’s why it’s hard for me not to be little right now?”

    “I think so.”

    “And… it’s bad for me to be little?” Briana twisted her hands in her lap.

    “Briana, sweetheart.” Veronica kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, and I love having you for a daughter. I like taking care of you when you’re little, but I want it to be your choice, not something you can’t help.”

    “So even if I never HAD to be little again, I could still…”

    “Be my baby girl, get your diapers changed, and get tucked in to your crib with a story?” Veronica said. “Yes.”

    The sigh Briana let out released a weight on her chest she hadn’t realized was there. “Okay, so um, what do you think we should do? Or uh, what does the therapy call for?”

    “Going back to being a baby, and transitioning out of it slowly, step by step so that it feels like a natural progression.”

    “But, last time I had to be really upset to um, be mentally there.” Briana said. She found herself fidgeting and kicking her legs, and willed herself to stop. The brain-fog was creeping back in. She thought she could hold it together for the rest of the conversation, but hopefully that wouldn’t be too long.

    “Yes, but you’re having similar cognitive confusion.” Veronica said. “I also have a sensate-trigger that should help you regress back. Ultimately though, you making a choice to give in to a regressed mental state and surrendering to that cognitive mode may be the key to you being able to choose to not be little when you need to.”

    Briana didn’t answer right away. The words Veronica was using seemed to be getting longer and more tricky. After going over Veronica’s words a couple of times, she felt confident that she knew what she wanted to say.

    “Yes please.” Briana said, making calm, purposeful eye contact. “I hate being stuck where I can think but not well. I trust you Mom. And um, being a baby sounds kind of nice right now.”

    “You’re sure?” Veronica asked. “We are talking about no more adult privileges until you get mentally old enough to have them back. No more privacy, and no more using the toilet.”

    “After what I did today, it’s not like I deserve any adult stuff anyway.” Briana said sadly.

    “This isn’t a punishment.” Veronica said. “You have to choose to do it, not be forced.”

    Briana stuck her tongue out at Veronica. “You couldn’t just let me pretend it’s a punishment?”


    “I know, I know.” Briana sighed. “Having to be grown up and take responsibility is the real punishment. I’ll be a baby again. But um, I don’t know how to just go back to that.”

    “Well, like I said, I have a certain trigger that I think will do it for you.” Oddly, Veronica’s voice cracked a little. Briana looked at her mom and was surprised to see uncertainty, maybe even embarrassment in her face.

    “Um, are you okay?”

    “This is just very personal.” Veronica said softly. “It’s a big thing for me to ask of you, and I feel selfish for asking. I really, genuinely think of you as my daughter. But I know I’m not, actually.”

    “What!?” Briana surprised them both by the amount of upset in her voice. “You said you were, I asked you and you said you would be my mom.”

    “Oh honey, I’m sorry.” Veronica bit her lip and clasped Briana’s hands. “That’s not what I meant. I just don’t want to assume that you’re as attached as I am. I don’t want to take anything away from you.”

    “Mom…” Briana took a deep breath. “Mommy. I love you. I never had a real mom until you.”

    She squeezed Veronica’s hands tightly. “You’re my real mommy.”

    Caught off guard and with her hands pinned, Veronica couldn’t catch the tears that welled in her eyes. From her expression she didn’t seem to mind, even as two uncharacteristically messy trails of black eyeliner darkened her cheeks.

    “Thank you, sweetie. My Briana.” Veronica kissed Bri gently on the forehead. “I guess I should tell you the trigger now. It’s one of the most primal, baby things a person experiences. You’d be breastfeeding. From me. Obviously, I can’t completely feed you like I could a tiny baby but I’ve been doing treatments and…”

    Veronica’s words faded into a roar of sound that washed over Briana’s ears. She stared at Veronica as the world disappeared into a tunnel that left only her Mom’s face in front of her. Something quivered inside her, threatening to scatter her thoughts to the winds.

    “Mommy.” Briana interrupted, attempting to touch Veronica’s cheek but more-pawing it instead. “I’m hungry.”

    “Oh.” Veronica chuckled. “You’re sure you want to…”

    A very little-brained giggle welled up in Briana. She patted Veronica’s chest. “I didn’t have dinner cause I was asleep.”

    “Well, we better get you fed then.” Veronica said. She lead an impatient and squirmy Briana to the bedroom, sitting on the bed and laying Briana across her lap.

    Briana watched raptly as Veronica unbuttoned her shirt and unclasped her maternity bra. When Veronica cradled her back to lift her into position, a massive shiver ran down her body. They both hesitated for a moment. Briana put her mouth firmly on Veronica’s nipple.

    The taste was sweet and deeply comforting in a way that a bottle of formula had never been. Briana peeked up to see if Mommy was crying again, but instead she saw a pure glow of contentment on Veronica’s face.

    Closing her eyes, Briana let the same glowing expression overtake her as she sucked away on her dinner. The fog came crashing down into her brain, and she let it in without resisting. There wasn’t any need for thinking. She was wrapped on all sides by her mommy’s love.

    As her last choice for a while, Briana let herself fall down deep into little-space. All the way down, to soft comfortable bottom of the well that she’d only touched before while in extreme distress. Now she let herself be carried gently by it, be welcomed by it.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 16

    Melody was feeling sick to their stomach. It had taken a lot of effort to calm Beatrix down. An entire weekend and a lot of scary promises. The feeling of being free that had been so nice when they’d kicked Beatrix out of the house was gone. Melody was Mr. Incredible gone uncanny now.

    Making the feeling worse was that they had no energy to patch things up with Rosa. That’s the person they should have talked to first, the person they actually wanted to fix things with. Beatrix didn’t make idle threats though. Melody had seen Bea follow through on nasty threats in the past.

    The sick feeling in their stomach was making their head spin. The only thing that had stopped Beatrix from demanding full-on diaper slave sessions was Melody quipping, “I thought you weren’t a lesbian.”

    It had been a nice win in the moment, but like all wins against Beatrix, Melody was going to pay for it. They were sure of that. Bea’s first punishment was bad enough. Melody had to wet a diaper in the morning before school, and wear it wet all day. This being a Beatrix punishment, they also had to provide video evidence of the morning’s wetting, and stay hydrated all day. Finally they’d have to “report” to Bea when they were done with classes.

    “That’ll be fun.” Melody said to themself with a quiet sigh. “I’m sure she just wants to yell at me when I can’t talk back to her.”

    Melody checked their phone. They were out of time to stall. They’d already bluffed their way through their morning session with Veronica, claiming to just be tired. It had been easy to sneak a diaper from Briana’s stash to replace the pullup Veronica had put them in. For some reason Briana was in super baby mode at the moment and taking up a lot of everyone’s time.

    Deliberately, Melody relaxed and let herself wet. They looked down to see the diaper slightly expand, feeling again the sexy shame along with warm and wet. It felt weird now to be feeling hot and bothered over something to do with Beatrix. Melody wondered what it would be like to do this in front of Rosa. They flinched away from the thought immediately. Rosa would be grossed out, of course. She didn’t want a baby to date, she wanted a woman. Or a genderfluid butch, or something. Anything but a baby.

    Wiping away tears, Melody shut off the video recording on their phone and pulled on their heaviest period-pants. Black and almost canvass-y in texture, they did a great job of hiding the diaper. For now anyway.

    The ride to school was weird. Melody hadn’t driven in a wet diaper since those awful sessions with Beatrix. The wet squish felt better than they wanted to admit, even when it got clammy. By the time they got to school, even that feeling was gone. The superabsorbent diaper was doing its job, despite being compressed by Melody’s pants.

    Classes were a hazy dream. Luckily Veronica’s strict organization had gotten Melody way ahead. They cruised through lectures and labs without paying much attention to the intricacies of AI behavior. Keeping their stomach full of water was slowly but surely filling their diaper as well.

    Melody’s second wetting in their first class brought back the squishy feeling immediately, spreading it out from their crotch to their rear. It took longer to fade too, leaving Melody feeling a little damp on the way into the next class.

    What genius decided to pack all their classes into three days? Melody grumped to themself as they finished the first two and a half hour lecture of the day. Getting up and moving created a whole new set of distracting sensations. Every step squeezed some liquid out of the padding, creating little damp spots.

    Wetting in their lab created a new worry. It was getting way too easy to just let go. As Melody reviewed code they realized they’d started peeing without any kind of conscious decision that they could remember. The diaper was struggling for sure. This time the predominant feeling was just wetness, squishiness had faded to the background. It never managed to absorb everything before Melody wet yet again near the end of the four hour lab session.

    The final wetting was pushing the diaper to it’s breaking point. Melody felt like their waist, crotch, and butt were swimming in pee. They began to seriously worry about leaking, though at least they had on the best possible pants for that kind of thing.

    Even so, Melody took ultra slow, careful steps out of the lab. Merely moving made liquid flow across their crotch or rear. Melody’s skin itched, and they wondered in horror how they were going to explain diaper rash to Veronica.

    “Melody!” A voice they’d been longing to hear put terror in Melody’s heart.

    “Hi Rosa.” They said, turning and carefully holding their backpack at waist level. Was there a smell? Melody had put on a bunch of baby powder but it seemed like there had to be a smell at this point.

    “Hey.” Rosa paused a couple of feet away, standing as awkwardly as Melody felt. “So uh, I was bummed that you didn’t text me last weekend, but I didn’t either so I’m not throwing blame or anything.”

    “I’m really sorry.” Melody said, more quietly than they’d been intending.

    “No, I am.” Rosa rubbed the back of her neck. “Look uh, I was all pissed off when you shoved me out of your house yesterday. But then I actually thought about it and I realized that wasn’t the right way to go.”

    “I don’t blame you!” Melody said quickly.

    “I’m not like, apologizing for being mad.” Rosa said with a nervous grin. “But I just wanted to let you know I got over it fast. I mean, you got assaulted, of course you had a weird reaction. I really wanted to let you know that I get it, okay? Like, Me Too.”

    Melody gulped and shivered. That’s not what happened, they told themself. I don’t need to call what happened assault. That would just make everything worse.

    Rosa plowed on, “So we’re cool, at least as far as I’m concerned, okay? You look super upset and I just hope it’s not with me. If you need time to figure stuff out or whatever, that’s fine, just uh…”

    “Y-you’re not going to break up with me?” Melody squeaked out. They immediately regretted saying it. Always the Virgin, never the Chad they admonished themself.

    “Woah, no!” Rosa reached out for Melody, then backed off hesitantly when she bumped int the backpack between them. “I don’t want to.”

    “Oh, cool.” Melody’s stomach churned again. There was way too much going on. Wet diaper, shame and arousal, wanting to throw themself into Rosa’s arms sobbing and wanting to do a happy dance. Their vision closed into a tunnel with Rosa at the center.

    “Does that mean I’m your girlfriend?” Rosa asked shyly.

    Girlfriend. The word pushed the emotional blender inside Melody over to a happy floaty feeling. Things still felt unreal, but they didn’t feel like they had to puke at least.

    “I like that.” Melody reached out to grab Rosa’s hand. “My girlfriend.” A doofy grin spread across their face, overfull diaper be damned.

    “What do I call you?” Rosa asked. “You’re going kinda non-binary lately right? Is uh, Joyfriend okay?”

    Melody giggled in spite of themself. “That sounds so fucking twee.”

    “But you didn’t say no.” Rosa stepped up, lightly pushing the backpack to the side. Despite the terror of Rosa finding their diaper, Melody couldn’t stop her.

    “My joyfriend.” Rosa pulled Melody into a light embrace, kissing them gently.

    The diaper squished, Melody was sure it had leaked this time. Their heart thundered in their chest. Part of them wanted so badly for Rosa to find out. To pull down their pants and expose their diaper for Rosa instead of Beatrix. It would be so embarrassing, and sexy as the fury of a thousand suns.

    The survival part of Melody’s brain said, don’t you fucking dare. Losing this sweet, happy moment was not worth even a super sexy fantasy. Fear hit Melody’s horny brain like the cold pee splashing against their crotch.

    “I have to go, I have to be at a thing.” Melody said regretfully. “But um, can I call you tonight?”

    “Call me? Like a boomer?” Rosa pretended to be confused for a moment before she chuckled loudly. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

    “Cool.” Melody stole another quick kiss, then squirmed out of Rosa’s grasp. It was a lot easier to do with the countdown from their diaper leaking into the crotch of their pants.

    “Aww, okay.  You really gotta go, huh?” Rosa said wistfully.

    “You have no idea.” Melody said, holding back yet another urge to pee on top of the disaster she’d already made of her diaper. “Tonight, okay?”

    “Tonight!” Rosa grinned, sappy enough to rival Melody’s own lovestruck looks.

    It hurt to hurry away from that smile. Hurrying made the situation in their pants a lot worse too. Twin rings of wet were making themselves known on Melody’s pants. Luckily they weren’t visible yet, but it was only a matter of time.

    Melody crossed the Quad, crunching through leaves with every step. The sky was already dark, and the wind cut cold through their hoodie. It was especially cold where they’d leaked, and the liquid in their diaper was feeling frigid.

    For a wild moment Melody considered wetting again, just to warm their diaper up. That wasn’t a long term solution though, and it would probably leave their pants soaked and freezing. Anyway, they were almost at the lecture hall that Beatrix had ordered them to get to after lab.

    The building was mostly undergraduate classes and at this hour it was empty except for cleaning staff and the occasional TA. Beatrix was in one of the empty classrooms, a heavy coat she’d set aside her only concession to the fall cold. She was wearing a white blouse that would have been completely see-through but for the pattern of tiny embroidered flowers on it. Her pants were shiny green vinyl that looked like it had been painted on.

    Melody’s stomach flopped again. Though the vibe was totally different than with Rosa, (With her GIRLFRIEND) there was no denying the pure sex that Beatrix exuded.

    “There you are dolly.” Beatrix looked Melody over. “Oooh, you’re starting to leak. Looks like you did like you were told. Good dolly.”

    Bea stalked over to Melody and snatched the backpack out of Mel’s hands, tossing it to the floor. “That’s what today is about dolly. A little lesson about obedience.”

    Melody squirmed, wishing their nipples weren’t getting hard under their shirt. “Yes Beatrix.”

    “Lucky for you, you’re getting off pretty light today. All I’m going to do is change your nasty baby diaper and send you home. I got shit to do tonight.”

    “H-here?” Melody looked around the classroom worriedly. “The doors to these classrooms don’t lock.”

    “Then I guess you better hope you get lucky that a janitor doesn’t come by.” Beatrix smirked. “One went by not too long ago. But if you want you can cry and whine about it like the baby you are. You might draw this out long enough to have somebody come in and check on us.”

    Melody swallowed around the lump in their throat. Best just to get this over quickly, they thought.

    “Uh, fine. How do you want to um…”

    “Let’s get you out of those wet pants.” Beatrix said with a vicious smile. “Just the pants. Let’s see the diaper my dolly has been working on all day for me.”

    It was a relief to unbutton their pants and pull them down. The diaper expanded a little, taking a lot of the clammy wet feeling, though the rashy-itch remained. That relief lasted until Melody looked up to see Beatrix’s scornful expression.

    “Damn, you are soaked. Look at this pathetic dolly, pissing herself all day like a little baby.” Beatrix reached down and squished the crotch of Melody’s diaper, sending rivulets of pee down Melody’s legs.

    “Yeah, you need a change. Lie down on this table here.”

    Numbly focused on getting out of the situation as fast as she could, Melody obeyed. Their butt made a big wet spot on the table, but it wasn’t like there was anything they could do about it.

    “Now, how do you feel dolly? Enjoying that wet diaper?” Beatrix leaned over Melody, showing off tantalizing flashes of skin through her nearly-sheer shirt.

    “Um, it’s pretty uncomfortable.”

    “Good.” Beatrix snarled. “That’s what you get for trying to cut me off. That’s the first part of your lesson.”

    Bea tore the tapes off Melody’s diaper and let it flop down on the table. Without warning, she dug the heel of her hand into Melody’s abdomen, right over her bladder. Melody’s control, already tested by the amount of water she’d been drinking, failed instantly. A torrent of humiliating piss flowed out of her. The diaper caught most of it, but the pool of wet across the table was growing until it reached Melody’s hoodie.

    “Haha, look at you go! I should have been taking video for that.”

    Melody thanked themself for the small mercy that Bea hadn’t thought to record things. They did begin to worry about the mess being made when Beatrix yanked the diaper out from under them and let it splat to the floor.

    The change was anything but gentle. Beatrix mopped Melody roughly dry with a towel. There was no lotion for the pre-rash prickle on their rear. Another diaper went on right away, carelessly taped. Melody stared at the ceiling and hoped it would be over soon.

    Unfortunately for that hope, Beatrix put something else under Melody’s diapered butt. It wrapped around like a second diaper and Melody thought she was being double-diapered at first. When they looked down, they realized it was a pale-pink cloth garment. Not a cloth diaper, it was made of thick material, thicker than Melody’s pants. It had a heavy strap sewn into it around the waist and another down around the crotch. It looked like a straightjacket-styled diaper cover.

    To Melody’s horror, Beatrix threaded the metal pin through the metal eyelets on the straps and snapped a padlock through it. Without the key, or some kind of serious cutting tool, those were not coming off Melody’s hips.

    “No!” Melody cried out, too scared to be quiet. “I can’t wear pants over that! People will see, my roommates will find out, I can’t, you can’t…” They were hyperventilating, the room was starting to spin.

    “Oh, you don’t like your new booty shorts?” Beatrix smirked. “Calm DOWN dolly. You really are going to get us caught.” She slapped Melody across the face.

    The threat of being caught and the slap were enough to keep Melody from passing out, though they were still dizzy.

    “Now, I’m NOT leaving these on you today. They are the second part of the lesson.” Beatrix tugged hard on the diaper cover to emphasize how sturdy and immovable it was. “The next time you disrespect me like you did on Friday, I WILL put these on you. At school. You’ll just have to figure it out, or let the whole world know you’re a diaper dolly.”

    Melody panted, looking at Beatrix in terror. They’d know it was going to be something bad, but they hadn’t expected Bea to go this far.

    “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.” Beatrix said, smiling and running her hands over her breasts. “There’s my diaper-dolly in the headlights. You’re hot when you’re helpless.”

    Melody had nothing they could say to that. They sat motionless on the table while Bea unlocked the diaper cover and stripped it off, shoving it in her bag.

    “Alright, I’m done with out and almost late to my evening. You can clean up all the piss and diapers. Might want to do it fast, they actually haven’t cleaned this room yet.”

    Melody whimpered, while Bea laughed. It was what Beatrix wanted, but they couldn’t hold it in anymore. Beatrix liked to win, and she had won.

    As soon as Beatrix was out of the room Melody pulled their wet pants on and ran to the nearest restroom. It was a nightmare cleaning up the mess with just paper towel and a few squirts of hand soap, but after a half hour it was mostly managed.

    Silent tears flowed down Melody’s cheeks as they walked to their car. Calling Rosa tonight seemed impossible. Not calling her would be impossible too. Stuck between a Rosa and a Beatrix-place, Melody stopped off at the grocery store. The vodka was burning down Melody’s throat before they even made it home. The heat of it padded the pain in their heart and brought some silly feelings back.

    I can do this, Melody told herself. This Is Fine.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 17

    Briana woke in her crib, from a troubling dream. She couldn’t remember what had been happening, but somebody had been chasing her and – Melody as well? The last tattered images of the dream fled before her waking thoughts. That was sucky, because the dream seemed important. Melody hadn’t wanted to talk to her about that bad day when Beatrix showed up, and nobody in the house wanted to talk about it either. Briana didn’t want to let it go and her dreams seemed to agree with her. Not that there was anything to do about it in her crib.

    It’d be easy enough to slide the side of the crib down and get up, but Briana didn’t bother with that these days. Her diaper was soaked, as per usual, and Mom would be along soon anyway. All getting out of bed would accomplish is making her waddle or crawl in a wet diaper until she had to go back to her room for the changing table.

    She squirmed into a more comfortable position, feeling the heavy diaper squish around her rear. Alanna, her favorite lioness stuffie, was at the ready to hold boredom at bay. It was still dark and honestly a little scary outside what with the wind making weird noises through the trees. Luckily Alanna was a VERY brave lion and wasn’t bothered at all. Briana didn’t want to disappoint her friend by being a crybaby so she put on a brave face while they played.

    Disappoint her friend. Briana frowned and flopped over restlessly. That’s what she’d done to Melody. More than disappointed. Melody had a really sad day because of Briana. The worst part was that lots of Melody’s days seemed to be sad now.

    “There has to be something I can do to fix it.” Briana said to Alanna.

    Alanna didn’t reply (she never did), but she had a wise and comforting expression on her face. If Alanna believed in her, then Briana had to believe in herself. But how was she supposed to fix something when she didn’t know what was broken?

    “Up already?” Veronica’s voice was like a warm, loving blanket to banish the cold, sad thoughts of the morning.

    “Hi Mommy!” Briana sat up cross legged and never mind the clammy diaper.

    “Hello BumbleBri!” Veronica said, in a way cuter tone than she would ever let most people hear. Only Dad and Briana were allowed to see Mom being so silly.

    “BumbleBri?” Briana giggled.

    “You like that one?” Veronica tucked her hair behind her ears in a way that Briana knew meant that she was nervous. She was wearing one of the jillion floor length black dresses she had. A lot of people found them intimidating (like Briana at first!), but all they really meant is that Mom wanted to be comfy.

    “Yeah, it’s super cute.” Briana put her hands and chin on the crib’s rail. “Mommy, I need a change. Bad.”

    “You always do in the mornings.” Veronica kissed Briana on the head and pulled open the back of her diaper. “You’re not messy back there, just wet. Good girl!”

    Briana beamed at the praise, her face falling a little at Veronica’s next statement.

    “Let’s get you your morning snack and then changed.”

    “But it’s cold and gross.” Briana pouted.

    “The last three mornings you’ve wet again during your snack, and then your nice clean diaper isn’t clean anymore.” Veronica said, putting Briana back on her butt so she could lower the crib side.

    “I won’t this time!” Briana said, snatching up her lioness. “Alanna believes me.”

    “Does she now?” Veronica helped Briana down out of the crib. “Isn’t Alanna a knight? She must be pretty sure if she’s putting her honor on the line.”

    Briana briefly panicked, squeezing her legs together, though there was no warmth that would indicate she was wetting. “Well uh – she is. She knows I can do it.”

    “Alright, we can try it.” Veronica said. “If you can manage it, then maybe it’ll be time to start potty training.”

    Briana hesitated by the changing table, even though Veronica was motioning for her to climb up. Potty training was scary, she didn’t want to disappoint more people by not being able to do it.

    “Of course, if you’re not ready, and you get your new diaper wet, you’ll have to take Alanna’s punishment.” Veronica declared. “I’m not her mom so I can’t discipline her.”

    “What punishment?” Briana asked, scrambling up on the changing table.

    “Knights who are caught breaking their word are usually jailed or whipped.” Veronica said. “You’re not a knight, so it’d be a spanking or a big time out for you.”

    Briana bit her nip and nodded seriously at Veronica. “I won’t let Alanna down.”

    Veronica smiled and stroked Briana’s cheek. “I’m proud of you, standing up for your friend.”

    As Veronica tore the tapes on her diaper, Briana felt pressure building up in her chest. She had to say something about Melody. It wouldn’t be right to stand up for Alanna and not Melody, especially since Melody’s problems were Briana’s fault.

    “Mommy.” Briana said, lifting her legs and catching her toes so that Veronica could wipe her bum. “There’s something wrong with Melody. They’re sad almost all the time now.”

    Veronica sighed, getting the wipes right up in Briana’s tender spots with a little more force than Briana thought necessary. “I know sweetie. I’m helping them the best I can, but until they decide to accept more help we can’t force anything on them.”

    “But – what if that horrible Beatrix person is hurting them?” Briana wrinkled her nose Veronica switched out the wipes for cold lotion.

    “I assume that’s the root of her current issues.” Veronica said. “I agree that what she did was wrong, but as far as I know Beatrix hasn’t done anything that would break the law or school policies. Until she does, I can’t help unless Melody lets me.”

    “She probably is though! She’s a really bad person.” Even the soothing feeling of the baby powder on Briana’s skin couldn’t undo the butterflies in her tummy.

    “I can’t just go around accusing her of things or spying on her.” Veronica said, pulling the fresh diaper snug on Briana and taping it up. “Darling, I know you feel guilty about what happened to Melody. The truth is that Beatrix is a very scary person who took advantage of you when you were too little to stop her. I entered a formal trespass order with the police and if she ever enters this house again I will happily have her arrested.”

    Veronica helped Briana down from the changing table and over to the big fuzzy armchair she’d added to Briana’s room. Once Veronica was settled in, Briana obediently crawled into her mom’s lap.

    “In the meantime, we need Melody’s cooperation to do anything more.” Veronica shrugged off one her dress sleeves and unsnapped the cup on her maternity bra.

    “But I want to help!” Briana protested.

    “Then be a good baby, work on your potty training, and help out around the house. Everyone will have more time to help each other if you help too.”

    “That’s not what I – “ Briana found herself cut off as Veronica pressed Bri’s lips against her breast.

    With one last grumpy look, Briana relented. She didn’t want to make a fuss while Mom was feeding her. There was something magical about it that made her feel so close to and loved by Veronica that she sometimes got a little teary-eyed.

    Mom cried too sometimes, though the conversation this morning had put her in a less fun mood than usual. Briana closed her eyes and snuggled as close as she could, sucking gently and savoring the sweet milk filling her mouth.

    Little by little she relaxed. When Veronica turned her around to nurse at the left breast she was nearly in a doze. What little attention she could spare she used to peek up at Mom. She was a lot happier too, which just soothed Briana even more.

    The magic feeling, along with a soft song from Veronica, carried Briana off to the fantasy land where her stuffies could reply to her and move around without needing her help. The world was called Cloudland, because it was on the top, sunny side of the clouds. They had a castle there, and everybody was good friends together. Sure, there were some arguments about where to put the pond for the new mermaid stuffie, but everybody agreed that she needed one, they just disagreed on where it should go.

    “Did you fall asleep sweetie?” Veronica asked, stroking Briana’s hair.

    “Hmm? No Mommy, I was in Cloudland.”

    “I see. Did they ever pick a spot for the pond?” Veronica had her bra and dress put back together and was maneuvering Briana up on her thigh for a horsey ride.

    “Ugh, not yet!” Briana complained, taking Veronica’s hands. “Arnold the Pangolin is being stubborn.”

    “Oh dear. That’s community politics for you.” Veronica said with a smile.

    Veronica bounced her leg up and down, bouncing Briana along with. Bounce bounce bounce! Briana giggled and burped. Burps were the real reason for the horsey ride, but Briana liked to pretend that it was knight training so she could join Alanna on adventures in Cloudland.

    Squish squish squish! Briana’s diaper mushed warm against her crotch. Apparently satisfied that Briana was out of burps, Veronica brought the horsey ride to an end and guided Briana off her lap.

    “Briana.” Veronica said, her tone much less fun than before. Briana looked down to see that Veronica had her fingers in the crotch of Bri’s diaper. “You’re wet.”

    “I’m sorry!” Briana said frantically. “I didn’t even notice, I swear!”

    “I believe you,” Veronica said, pulling Briana facedown across her lap. “But now Alanna is forsworn.”

    “I didn’t mean it.” Briana sniffled, wincing as her diaper was pulled down off her rear.

    “I’m not spanking you because you couldn’t tell if you needed to pee.” Veronica said. “I’m spanking you because you made a promise involving someone else, and you knew you probably wouldn’t be able to keep it.”

    Briana whimpered and hung her head. First Melody, now Alanna. She was making trouble for everybody.

    Veronica’s hand came down in a half-dozen quick swats. They left Briana’s rear stinging, but even Briana had to admit the punishment was light. Not that she wanted more!

    “I’m putting you back in your crib for a while.” Veronica said, pulling Briana’s diaper back up. “If you really need something, the baby monitor will be on, but no climbing out, not even to get a book or a toy.”

    “I get a spanking AND a time out?” Briana wailed, though she didn’t resist as Veronica herded her back into the crib.

    “Yes, and the only stuffie you get is Alanna.” Veronica said, removing Arnold the Pangolin (who always had to be referred to by his full name), two kittens, and a rhinoceros named Daisy. “I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”

    “But what about breakfast?” Briana whined as Veronica lifted the crib side and locked it into place.

    “You just had your snack, you’ll be fine until Gary gets here.”

    “Gary is coming over?!”

    “Yes, he’s babysitting you today. Jane and I are doing Thanksgiving shopping for the house today. We’re way behind, it can’t wait any more.”

    “Okay I guess.” Briana grumped and fell back on her padded butt.

    “I’m so glad you agree with your punishment.” Veronica said wryly. “Remember, no leaving your crib, or the next spanking will be with my hairbrush.”

    Briana winced and ducked her head. “Yes mommy.”

    Time out was boring. It was supposed to be boring, sure, but that was no reason for it to be so super awful stupid gross boring! Alanna wasn’t really speaking to her right now, so they couldn’t play much. Briana lay in her crib, occasionally drumming her heels against the mattress. She felt herself wet again, and resolved to try to pay more attention to when she had to go. Maybe that would help fix Alanna’s honor.

    After an impossible-seeming amount of time, her door opened. Briana hopped up instantly, throwing herself against the side of the crib. Her face lit up when she saw who it was.


    “Hey there Briana.” Gary grinned back. He looked so good! All muscly and a little bit stubbly and that shirt was nice and tight across his chest.

    “Ohmygod I’m so happy to see you.” Briana bounced on her knees.

    “I can see that.” Gary laughed and freed Briana by lowering her crib’s wall. “Does that have anything to do with you having been in time-out?”

    As soon as the crib was open Briana rushed Gary, squealing in delight when he lifted her into his arms.

    “Maybe a little!” Briana hugged Gary close. “But I missed you too, it’s been like – super long.”

    “I missed you too, sweetie.” Gary lowered his head and kissed her. Another magic feeling, different than the one with Mom, swept over Briana. Gary was so big and strong, so sturdy and he smelled so good. The kiss made Briana’s heart race and diaper a little wetter than it already was.

    “I hear you need breakfast, but first do you need a change?” Gary asked.

    “Yes please.” Briana wiggled cutely against Gary. “But Gary, can you help me with something please?”

    “Anything hon.” He set Briana down on the changing table.

    “I wanna try to use the potty. Can you help me?”

    “Sure, we can work on that.” Gary’s hands were nice and warm as he expertly changed Briana. “I’ll start by taking you to the potty regularly, and we’ll see if you can go. Also, tell me right away if you feel wet, okay?”

    Briana nodded. “I will, promise!”

    Gary and Casey were the only ones big enough to carry her around, so whenever they were sitting her Briana tried to walk as little as possible. Luckily Gary seemed to be in a mood to carry her, she didn’t even have to ask to be picked up and carried downstairs.

    The house was a whirlwind of activity. Veronica and Jane were nowhere to be seen, but Suzie and Erin were scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom respectively. Casey was singing to herself outside. From the glimpse Briana caught through a window, it looked like she was doing some gardening.

    “We’re not going to be in the way, are we?” Gary asked, setting Briana down in her high-chair.

    “Naw, we’re obviously going to use the kitchen between now and Thursday.” Suzie said.

    “Anything I can do to help?” Gary asked, as he checked the fridge.

    “Babysitting her is a big help.” Suzie said. “Just clean up your dishes and we’re golden.”

    “Roger that.” Gary produced eggs and milk from the fridge, as well as butter and bread from the counter. “You ready for French toast, Bri?”

    “Really?!” Briana bounced in her chair.

    “You better clean up the mess she’s about to make.” Suzie chuckled.

    “I got it, no worries.” Gary said. “Since I’m going to have to do that anyway, why don’t you leave the floor for me? I’ll mop it when we’re done.”

    “Works for me, thanks man.” Suzie left the mop in the corner and walked over to Briana. “Hey Bribri, how’s our favorite baby this morning?”

    “Pretty good.” Briana said. She considered explaining the things that hadn’t been good about the morning, but realized Suzie might be able to help her with her main problem. “Uh Suzie, do you know Beatrix? The scary lady that was here and yelled at me and Melody?”

    “I didn’t until that day.” Suzie said. “I asked around a little after. She’s doing an Econ masters, and I guess she thinks that being good looking makes her hot shit on toast.”

    Briana giggled at Suzie’s use of the naughty word. Gary didn’t seem to have noticed, but then again he wasn’t babysitting Suzie, and was pretty busy cooking breakfast. “Does she live on campus?”

    “No, she’s off-campus, I don’t know where.” Suzie shrugged. “Why, you worried you’re going to run into her?”

    “I just want to help Melody.” Briana said. “They’re so sad all the time, and I think Beatrix is hurting them.”

    “I’m sure she’s horrible to be around.” Suzie said. “Not a lot you can do about people like that. Melody should just stay away from her, and report her for harassment if Beatrix won’t leave her alone.”

    “But what if Melody won’t do that?” Briana furrowed her brow. “We hafta help her.”

    “She’s got to make decisions for herself.” Suzie said. “Don’t worry about it so much. We’ll help her if she asks for it.”

    “Sometimes people can’t ask for help though and that’s the whole thing they need help with.” Briana sighed. “Like me, before Mom helped me.”

    “You’re a good kid.” Suzie said, ruffling Briana’s hair. “You let us help you though. Melody has to do the same.”

    “There has to be something we can do.”

    “Not everything works out like a cartoon episode hon. Sometimes all you can do is be there for your friend.”

    She’s not just my friend, Briana wanted to say. Melody had always been super nice to her, and joined in on her games. They were getting help from Veronica, same as Briana, and wearing diapers too. It didn’t seem right for Melody to just be a friend. They were family for sure.

    Probably she should tell Suzie all that, Briana thought. But those words were full of scary emotions that made them hard to say. She ended up just giving Suzie a pleading look, hoping for a miracle where Suzie figured it all out somehow.

    Unfortunately Briana was fresh out of miracles. What she got from Suzie was a pat on the cheek and a poke on the tummy, before her roommate headed out to run some errands. Hot on the heels of Suzie’s exit was the arrival of the French toast, which left little time for more planning.

    With a full tummy, freshly scrubbed face, and her clothes exchanged for ones that weren’t saturated in syrup, Briana lounged in Gary’s lap. He was encouraging her to nap, but full tummy or not, she needed to figure out how to help Melody.

    “Gary, do you think we could go to campus sometime?”

    “Like this?” Gary asked curiously. “You wouldn’t be embarrassed?”

    Briana considered. “I have clothes where my diaper doesn’t show. If I was with you it would be okay.”

    “I’ll see what your mom says.” Gary said. “What do you want to see there?”

    “I wanted to talk to Tamira.” Briana said. “See my other friends too maybe.”

    “Is Tamira the one that babysat you once?”

    “Yeah! She was super nice and good at it. Almost as good as you!” Briana grinned and sat up fully, wrapping her arms around Gary’s neck.

    “Well she might be a good one, but your other friends might not understand how little you are. It could be confusing for everybody.”

    “Can we just see her then?” Briana asked. “Ooh, or she could come babysit me.”

    Gary chuckled. “I’m not sure if she’s up for doing that regularly. Veronica thinks it’s a special thing for her and her boyfriend.”

    “No way, she totally liked babysitting me.” Briana declared. Gary didn’t look convinced, but at least he was open to taking her to see Tamira.

    “Well, if you’re not going to nap, let’s do a check on the potty.” Gary said.

    He got up and got Briana into his arms in one smooth motion. Briana felt her cheeks go pink, that was hot! His legs looked bigger than before, almost too big for his pants.

    “You’ve been working out, huh?” Briana asked, running her hands over Gary’s bicep.

    “Thanks for noticing.” Gary beamed. “Yeah, I’ve really gotten into it lately.”

    “I like it, you can carry me super easy now.”

    Gary laughed. “That’s not exactly the reason I’m doing it, but it’s a good benefit.”

    With her diaper pulled down and her butt on the potty, Briana tried to make something happen. Gary waited, a lot more patiently than Briana was able to. After a good five minutes, which was a long dang time to be on the potty, Gary stood Briana up.

    “No luck right now. That’s okay.” He deposited her on the changing table and discarded the unused diaper. “You want to try something special?”

    “Hmm? Like what?” Briana asked, her eyes going wide when Gary held up a pullup.

    “Those are big girl panties.” Briana said cautiously. “If I have a big accident…”

    “You’re going to tell me as soon as you feel wet, remember?” Gary said. “But just in case…”

    Briana felt a lotion-covered finger press against her anus, coating it and even pushing in a little. She took a deep breath, relaxing for the plug she knew was coming. Gary was taking his time, working the smooth metal in slow circles more than pressing it in.

    Heat prickled across Briana’s skin and raised all the little hairs up. Her hands wandered down to her breasts, kneading them gently.

    “Gaaary.” Briana whimpered.

    “Did you think I wasn’t going to give you at least one fun change?” Gary winked. “I take better care of my girl than that.”

    “Ah!” Briana gasped as the plug finally popped in. She had no respite, Gary’s fingers were already sliding across her sex and sending tingles across her whole body.

    “My sexy baby.” Gary said lovingly, leaning down to kiss Briana.

    She surrendered to the kiss the way she wanted to surrender every part of herself to him. It HAD been a long time since she’d seen him and she’d been feeling too little to take care of herself in that way. In no time at all she was gasping and clawing at the changing table while fireworks went off in her head.

    Panting, Briana lay back to enjoy the feel of Gary gently stroking her belly as well as the occasional quick kiss. To her surprise, she didn’t get a pullup or a diaper while she was cooling off. Instead Gary put her back on the potty and instructed her to push.

    To Briana’s delight, there was a little tinkling sound! She looked up at Gary with a glowing smile.

    “I did it! I did it!”

    “You sure did, good girl!” Gary gave her another big kiss, unbothered that she was sitting on the potty.

    Once he had her cleaned up, Gary pulled a pullup up Briana’s legs, even doing it when she was standing. She felt like a super big girl. As much as she could, she tried to clamp down on her crotch. Gary and Mom and Dad would be so super proud if she could get to the potty before she wet.

    “Casey just sent me Tamira’s number, I can ask her if we can come over if you want.” Gary said.

    “Yes please, you should meet her, she’s super nice.” Briana bounced on the balls of her feet, heedless of the fact that a pullup was all she was wearing.

    “In the meantime, you should get dressed. Do you need help with that?”

    Getting dressed on her own? Briana knew she’d done it plenty of times. Right now though she was concentrating so hard on not wetting her pants. Dressing sounded like way too much.

    “Uh, maybe a little help?” She said.

    “No worries hon. Come on.”

    In-between texts, Gary helped Briana pick out a long skirt, some warm tights, and a pretty blouse and sweater combination. He got her into them too, teasing her whenever she got too squirmy. Even though it wasn’t super cold, Gary insisted on putting her in a warm woolen hat and mittens.

    At this point Briana was over the moon to be seeing Tamira and going out with Gary, so she would have agreed to anything. Carefully keeping everything clenched, at least when she could remember, Briana let Gary bundle her into the back seat of his car.

    As they drove, Briana kicked the empty passenger seat in front of her. “Gary, do you know Beatrix?”

    “The lady you and Melody had a run-in with?” Gary asked. “Can’t say I do. That’s probably for the best. I don’t think I’d be able to be polite to her.”

    “You don’t hafta be polite to her.” Briana said emphatically. “She’s super mean.”

    “Yeah, but I might cross a line and get in trouble myself.” Gary said with a bit of a growl in his voice.

    “Mom said that she can’t do anything about Beatrix unless she’s breaking the law or school rules.” Briana sighed. “But I bet she is! I mean, she was a super big liar when she was talking to me.”

    “Here we are.” Gary said, pulling the car up into the dorm parking lot.

    Briana noticed Gary’s evasion, but he was being so nice to her that she didn’t want to push it. Instead she dutifully followed him with her hand in his big strong one, even though it’d be way more fun if he carried her.

    “Briana!” Tamira was as awesome as always, giving Briana a super big hug as soon as she came in the door. “You must be Gary.”

    “That’s me.” Gary said, shaking Tamira’s hand. “Weird ask, but can I take Briana to the bathroom right away?”

    “No problem, I get it.” Tamira said, leading the way. She didn’t leave the bathroom either, even when Gary pulled down Briana’s tights and pullup and set her on the potty.

    It could have been embarrassing, but it was a happy thing, Briana decided. It meant she could count on Tamira to take care of her. Plus, it meant she had been right and mom had been wrong. Tamira could totally be a babysitter!

    “So how’s she doing?” Tamira asked.

    “She’s working on potty-training right now.” Gary said, petting Briana’s head.

    Which of course is what she was working on. Briana hastily tried to relax, now that Gary had reminded her why she was on the potty.

    “That’s wild. Cute, but wild.” Tamira grinned. “So you two are uh…”

    “Dating.” Gary said firmly.

    “Right on. I don’t know if my boyfriend will ever get quiet the way Briana is, but so far we’ve had a lot of fun with this stuff.”

    “She’s a bit of a special case, but you never know.” Gary said. “Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like we’ve had a class together at some point.”

    “Yeah, you look familiar too.” Tamira said. “Selective Microbe Breeding series?”

    “Hmm, that could be…”

    “I pottied!” Briana interrupted proudly.

    “Good girl!” Gary chuckled.

    He made sure she was done, then pulled Briana onto her feet and wiped her crotch gently. Tamira watched the whole process in fascination, raising her brows when she caught sight of the plug in Briana’s rear.

    “Can you watch her for two seconds?” Gary asked Tamira while he pulled her pullup and tights up. “I’ve been so focused on her that I didn’t use the bathroom myself.”

    Tamira chuckled. “My pleasure.”

    Briana found herself tugged along by the hand to Tamira’s living room. It didn’t look like there were any toys or anything out, which was a little sad.

    “Tamira, I need your help.” Briana said.

    “Oh? What’s going on?”

    “Do you know Beatrix?” When Tamira shook her head, Briana continued quickly. “She’s this super mean person in the Econ department. She tricked me to get into my house, and she was super awful to Melody. I think she’s doing bad stuff to Melody all the time, but nobody knows what.”

    “Melody is your roommate?” Tamira asked, rubbing her head when Briana nodded. “I mean, it sounds like it’s Melody’s thing to deal with.”

    “But she’s like me!” Briana said desperately. “They wears diapers, and Mom, uh, Veronica is helping them out, just not as much as me. Everyone is waiting for them to tell them what they need, but I don’t think they can.”

    Tamira sighed. “Don’t you think Veronica probably knows best about this?”

    “Usually, but sometimes she’s wrong.” Briana said. “Like she was wrong about you.”


    “She said that you wouldn’t want to babysit me, because it’s just a thing for you and your boyfriend. But she doesn’t know how nice you were to me that day, and today too. You’d totally be a good babysitter.”

    “I uh…” Tamira stared at Briana for a moment, a weird expression on her face paired with a flush in her cheeks. “Well, I guess you are right about that. I’d babysit you any time, cutie.”

    As Gary rejoined them, Briana found herself wrapped in a super fierce hug with Tamira. She grabbed her friend back, feeling the world become a little safer around her.

    “I can’t believe you two are so close, and I never met you before.” Gary said, grabbing a seat on the couch.

    “We’ve been friends for a while, but things kind of accelerated lately.” Tamira said, disengaging from Briana to sit on the opposite side of the couch.

    “She has a way of doing that to you.”

    Briana looked at the two of them hesitantly. It would have been so much easier if they had just sat next to each other, she could have been in both laps. Luckily Gary saved the day by motioning toward Tamira.

    “Go ahead and sit with her hon, you and I are going to be hanging out all day.”

    Briana rushed over to Tamira and straddled her friend’s lap, wrapping her arms around Tamira’s neck.

    “Well hi there!” Tamira chuckled and pulled Briana close. “I wish I’d known you were this snuggly a while ago. It would have been nice on those marathon study sessions.”

    “The temptation to take a picture is huge right now.” Gary said.

    “Ooh, totally do.” Tamira said. “Just send it to me. I won’t share it around and I’m sure that you won’t either.”

    “Alright.” Gary snapped a couple of shots, choosing the best and texting it to Tamira. He was about to put his phone away when something caught his eye and made him frown.

    “Oh hell. Dr. Zafra is locked out of his office again. He wants me to come down there and unlock it for him.” Gary shook his head. “I told him I had the whole day off today.”

    “Is he your advisor?” Tamira asked, wincing when Gary nodded. “You better go, you know how he gets. I’ll watch Briana for you.”

    “I don’t know.” Gary said. “I don’t think Veronica would like that, and she’s not super happy with me as it is.”

    Briana frowned. Why would Mom be mad at Gary? One more thing she was going to have to fix. She had to do everything it seemed!

    “I will text her myself. I’m not intimidated by her like the rest of ya’ll. Any fire comes down, it’ll come my way.”

    “So you say,” Gary said, but he was already getting up and grabbing his coat. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

    “Take your time, calm the old man down. Your baby girl will be just fine when you get back.”

    “Thanks Tamira!” Gary said, rushing out the door while texting his advisor.

    “I’ve got you all to myself now!” Tamira said, rubbing noses with Briana. “What do you want to do?”

    “We hafta save Melody.” Resistance to intimidation or not, Tamira was obviously taken aback by the intensity of Briana’s gaze.

    “I’m not so sure about that. I was thinking more about playing with blocks, or working on your potty training.”

    “Tamira, this is important.” Briana set her hands firmly on her friend’s shoulders. “I know I’m really little, in the head. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know when something is wrong, or when it’s important. Melody is like my friend. They’re… they’re like my sibiling.”

    “Please?” Briana begged. “Please help them? I can’t do it alone. It’s my fault that they’re hurting, but I can’t fix it.”

    Tamira sighed. “Okay, IF, and only if there’s something I can do that doesn’t also cause a problem.”

    “Thank you!” Tears in her eyes, Briana squeezed Tamira with all her might.

    “Oof! You’re welcome, you’re welcome.” Tamira pried Briana off of her and set her on the couch. “Let’s figure out where we can start. Tell me what you know.”

    “Okay, well I was helping with some stuff and I heard a thing going off on Melody’s computer, so I checked because it sounded like a bad thing.” Tamira was giving her some side eye so Briana rushed forward. “She had like, a ton of messages from someone that sounded like they were in trouble. I replied but I totally told them I wasn’t Melody. The person on the messages was Beatrix, and she lied to me a ton. She made me think that she was worried about Melody, and asked how to get to my house.”

    “Hold up.” Tamira facepalmed. “Briana, you know that all of that was a bad idea, right?”

    “Yeah, I know now!” Briana sighed in distress. “That’s the whole point, this is my fault!”

    “Okay, wow, you really are having some impairment issues. Go ahead, then what happened.”

    “So then Beatrix came over, and she pretended to be really nice but when I looked back on it, it was actually creepy. And then Melody got home and Beatrix turned into this horrible rage monster and started yelling. She showed Melody’s girlfriend their diapers, and Melody had to tell her girlfriend to go away. Then there was more yelling, and finally Melody threw Beatrix out of the house.”

    Briana came to a stop, panting. Tamira was staring at her with wide eyes.

    “Girl – this is some extremely hot tea.” Tamira rubbed her eyes. “One thing first, Melody doesn’t tell people that they wear diapers? They aren’t ‘out’ as much as you are? Heck, you aren’t really out either.”

    “No, it’s a super big secret! They don’t want anyone to know, it’s super embarrassing.”

    Tamira gave Briana a stern look. “But you told me anyway?”

    Briana whimpered and gulped. “Uh, I didn’t think about that. I’m sorry! But it’s super important to the story.”

    “Oh kiddo.” Tamira pulled Briana’s head into her lap. “So maybe Melody is worried that Beatrix will tell other people about their diapers, like they did with Melody’s girlfriend?”

    “Yeah, and I bet she’s just being mean and nasty all the time to them.” Briana said, curling up on the couch. “You weren’t there, she was super scary and mean. She was so angry she didn’t even look like a person anymore.”

    “I’m so sorry you had to see that Bri.” Tamira stroked Briana’s head gently. “I’m sorry Melody has to deal with it too. I don’t care about any loud-mouthed bitches, but I know that’s not everybody.”

    “So you’ll help?” Briana asked quietly.

    “Yeah, I’ll help. Don’t get too excited, I don’t know what I can do. But I’ll look into it, and if I see anything abusive, I will report it.”

    “She’s blonde, and like, really pretty if you don’t know how mean she is.” Briana said. “She’s in the Econ department and she does esports stuff with Melody.”

    “That might be enough to find her.” Tamira said. “Beatrix is an unusual name.”

    “Will you tell me if you find anything out?” Briana asked.

    “Of course hon. But you have to not go off half-cocked on this okay? You really shouldn’t have told me about Melody’s diapers.”

    “Okay, I’m sorry.” Briana looked up at Tamira. “Do you hafta punish me?”

    Tamira chuckled. “Well, I’m not your official babysitter, so we’ll let it go this time. What kind of punishments do you get anyway?”

    “Spankings.” Briana said. “Or time out. Sometimes I get grounded from my phone.”

    “Veronica lets your babysitters spank you?”

    “Yeah.” Briana reflexively put a hand over her rear.

    “Heh, maybe it helps. You do get pretty spun up.”

    “Do you spank your boyfriend?” Briana asked.

    “Hmmm, not yet.” Tamira was blushing again, no, it was the fun kind of hot cheeks, she was flushed.

    “You should if he’s naughty!” Briana said with a giggle.

    “Oooh, and what if I tell him you said that?”

    Briana hid her face in response.

    “Haha, maybe he’ll tell me to spank you.”

    Briana stuck her tongue out at Tamira. “Do you think I could play with him again?”

    “I think we could do that. I’ll ask him, okay?”

    “Yay! Maybe we could do it at Thanksgiving!”

    “Are we invited to your Thanksgiving?”

    “You are now!” Briana doubled down in the face of Tamira’s skeptical look. “You are so! I live in the house too and I can totally invite someone. Plus Mom said there was room for more.”

    “Okay, well, I’d like to come but I have to ask him about that too. And I don’t know if he’d be okay being little around so many people.”

    “It could be a secret thing!” Briana said eagerly.

    “We’ll see. Just don’t pout and whine if it doesn’t happen, okay?”

    “But it would be so cool!”

    “Girl, let it go or I’ll give you that spanking.”

    “I thought you said you weren’t my official babysitter.”

    “Looks like I promoted myself.” Tamira said firmly. “Now, let’s put you back on the potty.”

    “But I don’t hafta go.” Briana said, snuggling into Tamira’s lap as cutely as she could.

    “Do not test me Bri.” Tamira punctuated her words with a quick swat on Briana’s rear.

    “Ack, okay, I’m going!” Briana got up and scurried to the bathroom.

    “Now I see why your mom uses spankings.” Tamira said, following her in and pulling Briana’s pullups down. “It works pretty good on you.”

    “No fair.” Briana said, sitting down on the potty.

    “Uh huh. It’s almost lunch time. You want some chicken nuggets?”

    “Oooh, yes please!”

    Tamira laughed heartily. “That’s what I thought. You stay there while I get them in the oven. If you manage to go potty you can have a cookie for dessert.”

    As Tamira left the bathroom Briana tried her hardest to go pee. While she waited, she imagined herself up to Cloudland. She had an apology to make to Alanna and wanted to show the lioness that she was finally starting to fix things.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 18

    “How would you say that things are going with the treatment?” Veronica asked Melody.

    “Everything seems to be going good.” Melody said with a shrug.

    “Are you sure?” Veronica eyed Melody critically.

    “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be? All my class and work stuff is getting done.”

    “As I recall, your meltdown that resulted in problems with school and work was just the trigger that got you to ask for help. It’s not the core issue.”

    “Everything’s fine.” Melody sighed. They hated lying to Veronica, but they’d hate having diaper pictures plastered across the internet even more. Those would NEVER go away.

    Veronica sighed as well. She focused an unrelenting gaze on Melody. “To be clear then, you’re not engaging in any self-destructive behaviors, you’re using the pullups you’ve been told to wear, exactly as you’ve been told to wear them, and there’s nothing about your relationship with Beatrix that I need to know about?”

    “I don’t have a relationship with Beatrix.” Melody said, which was true enough. Whatever messed up thing the two of them had, it wasn’t something Melody wanted to call a relationship.

    Veronica’s mouth set in a disappointed line, crooking down at the corners. She wasn’t buying it. Melody fidgeted in their chair. Pressure to come clean to Veronica was building up inside of them. They clamped down on that feeling.

    Melody’s eyes darted around the room as they fought to stay quiet. If they could just ride out this moment, they could get out of this uncomfortable moment with Veronica. If they could endure just a couple more weeks of Beatrix, she’d feel like she got her revenge, get bored, and drop it.

    If Melody could just hold out a little longer, with all of it, then everything would be fine. They could ‘graduate’ from Veronica’s program, put Beatrix behind them, and have a normal relationship with Rosa. Everything was fine. Everything was going to be fine. Soon.

    “Melody.” Veronica said tiredly. “This is disappointing. I think it is obvious that you’re not being honest with me. Therapeutic treatment can’t work if you’re not engaged and honest.”

    “I’m not!” Melody protested. “Everything is fine. Five by five. Yeah.”

    “You’re much stronger willed than Briana.” Veronica shook her head. “At least in regards to hiding things. I’m not left with a lot of options here.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I’m going to give you a choice. Tell me the truth, exit the program, or accept a spanking. I really hope you’ll choose the first one.”

    “I AM telling the truth.” Melody protested, guiltily.

    “Melody, the last time I checked your pullup you had obvious diaper rash all the way up your rear. How did that happen?”

    “Uh, I don’t know, I get all sweaty I guess…” Melody looked away.

    “Little one.” Veronica said, all patience gone from her voice, “Come over here and lie face down on my lap.”

    Melody flinched. A spanking? Really? They could just stop this whole ridiculous thing right now. But if they did there wouldn’t be any more excuse for wearing the diapers that Beatrix insisted they wear.

    Plus, Veronica’s help was a big factor in stuff not falling apart. A lot of days Melody came home feeling drained and ugly after a session with Beatrix. Veronica’s pushing and reminders were keeping her from dropping important assignments and jobs.

    Hesitantly, Melody stood and walked over to Veronica. Before they could get up the nerve to do it themself, Veronica pulled them down over her lap. They felt their pants and pullup yanked down, exposing their red, rashy rear.

    “Melody.” Veronica exclaimed. “This diaper rash is even worse than I expected.”

    That was because Beatrix never bothered to use any of the lotion or powder, Melody thought. Plus they had to sit in their wet diapers for hours in class. The one time they’d complained about the rash, Bea had laughed and told them they deserved it.

    None of that was something Melody could tell Veronica, so they just lay quietly over her lap, eyes closed.

    “Nothing to say?” Veronica shook her head. “Then I think it really is time to move the program up to the next phase. You are going to be taken care of, if you like it or not.”

    “What does that – ow!” Melody cried out as the first slap hit her rear.

    “Spanking first, then the rest of the changes.” Veronica said firmly. She brought her hand down again and again. Quick slaps that stung and painted Melody’s whole rear the color of their rash.

    Gritting their teeth and breathing through their nose got Melody through the first half-dozen spanks. After that the real pain started. Veronica wasn’t hitting any harder, but the guilt was. They were getting free rent for playing along with Veronica’s program. She was really trying to help Melody too.

    Melody whimpered, yelping a little in time to the smacks. It was humiliating in addition to the guilt. A reminder that they couldn’t handle their life. Proof that they could even mess up getting help.

    Twenty spanks in, tears were dripping down Melody’s nose. At thirty, a genuine sob popped out involuntarily.

    Veronica relented, gently stroking Melody’s rear. “I’m sorry to have had to do this. I wish you would just talk to me so that we could resolve thing that way.”

    Getting nothing in response but sniffles, Veronica patted Melody’s back. “Stand up, and leave your pants and pullup around your knees. Stand in the corner while I prepare the next bit.”

    Melody shuffled into the corner. Staring at the faux-Victorian wallpaper and feeling the sting on their rear, they had never felt like such a little kid. Not even when they’d been a little kid. Melody’s mom hadn’t spanked, and they’d certainly never been in a corner with a pullup around their knees.

    Was there an opposite of the Success Kid meme? There would be now if someone took a picture, Melody thought. That thought brought Beatrix’s pictures back to mind, making Melody clutch their gut in distress.

    Rustling sounds and Veronica walking on the hardwood floor in her witchy boots were Melody’s only clue to what was going on. When Veronica finally turned them around, Melody winced. A changing blanked was spread on the floor. There were bottles of baby products next to it, as well as a diaper and what looked like a booster pad.

    “What?” Melody asked.

    “To begin with, you’re clearly wearing diapers during the day.” Veronica said. “Don’t argue with me, your rash extends up past the waistline of a pullup. If you’re going to wear those, they’re going to become part of the program.”

    Melody squirmed. It was embarrassing, but in a way it would solve some of their problems with Beatrix’s demands as well.

    “You’ll be wearing them full time until I say otherwise or we have an honest breakthrough.” Veronica crouched down and pulled down Melody’s pullup and pants. “I’ll be changing you into a fresh diaper each morning and in the evening. If you’re wet during the day I’ll change you then as well. You’re not to do it yourself.”

    That might conflict with Beatrix’s little game. Melody’s heart raced anxiously. Maybe there was a way to fit both together. If they complained about something embarrassing Beatrix always wanted to do it more. It was one of the few ways that Melody had any control over the game, but it meant they had to make it more extreme.

    “I’ll also be applying medication for your rash.” Veronica continued. “If I’m not able to clear it up, we’ll get Erin involved, which will mean she’ll be seeing you naked from the waist down.”

    Melody blushed, still silent. They would have to figure out a way to comply with Veronica. No way she wanted another person in on the program.

    “That’s all for now, for this next phase. Do you understand?”

    “Um, yeah.”

    “You don’t sound enthusiastic. How about you open up to me instead?” Veronica searched Melody’s face, shrugging when they turned away.

    “Alright. Lie down on the changing blanket.”

    Blushing, Melody lay down. They turned their head away from Veronica.

    “I want you to understand that if this doesn’t resolve the problems I’m seeing, it’s not the end of the possibly restrictions by any means.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “We haven’t even gotten into your changes in emotional affect. Not to mention the fact that while it’s true that you’re keeping up on your responsibilities, you’re also relying on me much more than you were just two weeks ago.”

    Melody bit their lip and closed their eyes. There was nothing to say that wouldn’t be another lie, and they were sick of lying.

    “If you continue this way or deteriorate, we’ll move to more childish clothing and more monitoring. You’re honestly not far away from sharing a babysitter with Briana.”

    “What!?” Melody’s eyes snapped wide, they looked at Veronica in shock.

    “I’m not saying you need it quite to the extent that she does.” Veronica said, lifting one of Melody’s leg and applying a thick rash cream. “But you’d need some monitoring and it’d be silly to have two separate babysitters.”

    Melody went scarlet and turned away again. They hadn’t expected Veronica to go that far. There had to be a way out. Just a few more weeks, and Beatrix would be bored for sure. Then everything would be normal.

    Veronica had nothing left to say as she powdered Melody and taped them into a thick diaper, complete with booster. Melody flexed their legs experimentally against the bulk and sighed. No more cute pants, maybe no more period-pants even. At least they still had some overalls from Jane’s wardrobe update.

    “Melody.” Veronica said, scooting up by Melody’s shoulders and stroking their hair. “I am really worried about you. You made great progress but you’re backsliding fast. You started this program in a scary place.”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody said softly. “I just can’t – “ They stopped themselves before any scary admissions could escape.

    “I’m sorry too. For what’s happening to you, and that you can’t properly accept help.” Veronica leaned down and kissed Melody on the forehead. “I care about you a great deal. Please let me help you before it’s too late. Just – think about it.”

    Melody bit their lip and nodded slightly. It seemed to calm Veronica down a little.

    “Go get yourself dressed and get to class.” Veronica said. “I’m going to check in on you and your diaper at some point today.”

    “Th-thanks.” Melody scooted out of the room, racing down the stairs as fast as they could. It didn’t look like anyone had seen their mad, crinkly dash to their bedroom. With a sigh of relief, they threw on some overalls and grabbed their bag.

    Today was going to be packed. Classes were piling on extra work due to the week being cut short. Melody was supposed to meet Beatrix and Rosa at school, and now Veronica too. Thanksgiving was going to be a welcome break, even if they had to spend it in a huge diaper.

    Melody licked their lips and shivered at the little tingle between their legs. Maybe the diaper was even going to make Thanksgiving more fun. What would it be like to be babysat?

    They let themself consider that only for a moment before banishing the thought in embarrassed horror. Of course they didn’t want to be babysat. That was dumb, and so, so embarrassing. Anyway, there wasn’t any more time for stupid out-of-the-shower shower-thoughts. Melody raced out the door to their car.


    As predicted, the day was a stressful mess. Melody was trying to concentrate on a test review when their bladder made itself known. Impatiently, they released, letting it flow into the bulk between their legs. It wasn’t until the next review topic came up that Melody blushed, realizing that Beatrix hadn’t demanded that they wet themselves today.

    Oh well. Melody sighed. It wasn’t as if they had time to find a bathroom between classes anyway. The booster pad had wicked away the moisture impressively, Melody couldn’t even tell that they’d wet. It was convenient. Way too convenient. It made Melody want to wear a big diaper every day. Which would be hot.

    No, not hot. Embarrassing, they reminded themself. Super embarrassing and would eventually get them caught by their girlfriend. Not an option.

    Beatrix had to be having just as busy a week, but she still found time to harass Melody between classes. With a heavy heart, Melody presented themself in the small lab room Bea had ordered them to meet in. Beatrix was already there, wearing her one of her usual over-the-top outfits.

    A red skirt cut up the side nearly to Bea’s hip rode low on said hips. Her midriff was deliciously bare as her top was a white halter, apparently without a bra. A puffy jacket in black sat on one of the lab tables as Bea’s only concession to the frigid fall weather.

    “Dolly!” Beatrix said, with an odd, unfamiliar tone in her voice. “Lock the door behind you.”

    Melody braced themself for whatever madness Beatrix had cooked up today. Something about her eyes was even more manic than usual.

    “First up, let’s check to see if you’re following orders.” Beatrix stalked over and popped the snaps on Melody’s overalls, letting them fall open to their waist. She peeked down and smiled.

    “Good! You remembered that you always have to wear one of those.” Beatrix smirked. “Did you use it?”

    Melody blushed. They couldn’t fool Beatrix with a lie any more than they could Veronica, and unlike V, getting caught in a lie by Bea would make her even more vicious than usual. “Yeah. Um, just a little.”

    “Haha, seriously?” Beatrix smiled broadly in an expression that would have been delight on anyone else. Her eyes were too wide, even dilated. The smile didn’t fit the rest of her face.

    “You didn’t have to, but you did anyway? Was that for me? Did you do it because you know you’re my little diaper dolly?”

    “Uh – yes.” Melody whispered. There was one kind of lie that Beatrix wouldn’t catch, and that was when it was exactly what she wanted to hear.

    “You’re so fucking obedient.” Beatrix said, grinning more genuinely now. She pushed Melody hard, up against the wall. “I’ve never had such a submissive toy.”

    Melody swallowed nervously and stayed quiet. They’d learned the hard way that it was best to just let Beatrix rant whenever she was spun up like this.

    “You’ve got this whole butch thing going on.” Beatrix ran her hands over Melody’s hair.

    The touch was tender, which was terrifying. Whatever Bea had planned, it was going to be some 4chan /b hell with all this buildup.

    “Butch on girls is fucking stupid.” Beatrix said, running her hands over Melody’s face and shoulders. Her eyes followed her touches, apparently fascinated. “Somehow you are making it work. Makes sense, you got fashion so fucked it came out the other end and turned good.”

    Was – was that a compliment? A backhanded, Beatrix compliment sure, but it sounded like a real compliment. Butterflies whirled in Melody’s stomach. What was going on?

    “You even smell good today.” Beatrix leaned in, nuzzling Melody’s neck while Melody stood in rigid terror. “Maybe I shouldn’t make you piss yourself all the time. You’re showering now huh?”

    Melody swallowed another lump in their throat. Her heart was picking up pace, and her nipples were up at attention. Thankfully they were trapped behind a thick sports bra and couldn’t betray her reaction to Beatrix.

    “Sports bra is working with the look, even if you do have nice tits.” Beatrix ran her hands over Melody’s chest, squeezing casually. “Maybe I should get you a chest binder, huh? I’m seeing some dress-up possibilities.”

    What the hell was going on? Melody shifted nervously, their diaper crinkling. It was too quiet to give them away in class or the halls, but it was plenty audible in this intimate scene. The reminder that they were padded combined with Beatrix’s affectionate touches drove heat between Melody’s legs.

    That heat was nothing compared to Melody’s reaction when Beatrix’s lips pressed against theirs out of the blue. The kiss wasn’t tender, but it wasn’t brutal like previous ones had been either. It was passionate, even hungry. Melody had been kissed like that before, most recently by Rosa. Beatrix was more than into this, she was hot for Melody.

    That realization lit a fire in Melody’s brain. Melody feel kiss, neuron activation. The fire burned away all rational thought, using their ladyboner and embarrassment for fuel. A delicious soup of happy brain chemicals was left in its wake.

    Through the fog of lust, Melody realized that they had their hands on Beatrix’s chest. More than that, her halter had been swept aside, putting Melody in direct contact with those perfect breasts. Melody braced for an explosion of anger or at least sarcastic annoyance from Beatrix, but it never came. Bea moaned into the kiss like a teenager on her first makeout.

    The next twinge was guilt. What would Rosa think if she saw Melody with Beatrix halfway down their throat? The feeling was too good though, Melody couldn’t stop. Though they couldn’t push their girlfriend out of their mind entirely, the guilt remained as a mere bit of heartburn.

    They were trapped after all, right? They had to do anything Beatrix said, or wanted. If that thing happened to be galaxy brain level makeouts well, it was a hell of a lot better than being humiliated in a puddle of piss on a lecture hall table.

    Beatrix broke the kiss, flushed and glorious. She was objectively, seriously beautiful. In the throes of passion her Hepburn-esque features were elevated to a work of art. Melody half expected things to take a nasty turn, but it still didn’t come. Bea kissed them again, more slowly this time, savoring Melody’s lips and tongue.

    One of Bea’s hands was wandering over Melody’s side and back, the other was down the back of their diaper, grabbing their butt. Trembling with daring, Melody tweaked one of Beatrix’s nipples and slid her other hand into the waistband of her skirt. Bea’s only response was to moan in Melody’s ear, and press the entire length of her body against Melody.

    “Good idea.” Beatrix said breathlessly, flexing her rear against Melody’s hand. “But I have a better one.”

    Bea took Melody’s wrist and pulled it around her front, sliding it under the slit in her skirt. Without preamble, she pressed Melody’s hand against the damp fabric of her panties.

    “Hold me up.” Bea said, resting her arms on Melody’s shoulders. “Touch me.”

    Melody trembled. This was a literal dream come true. Minus the diaper. They settled their forearm on Beatrix’s lower back and found her folds with her other hand. She was slick and hot under Melody’s fingers. It took only a brief touch at Bea’s entrance before their finger was wet enough to glide across Bea’s clit.

    Beatrix panted, biting her lip and trembling in Melody’s grasp. Whenever she couldn’t bite back the moans she’d kiss Melody again, moaning through the tangle of their tongues. They were breathing each other’s air. Their hearts thundered against each other, chests separated only by Melody’s bra.

    It was surprisingly quick. Melody cried out when Beatrix bit her lip. Bea was shaking all over, whimpering out little choaked moans. She let her legs give out, and Melody had no choice but to sink to the floor. They lay together in a curled up pile, Bea’s face tucked into the curve of Melody’s neck. Her breath was hot as she panted.

    “Oh fuuuuuck.” Beatrix smiled and stretched, pulling Melody’s hand out of her panties.

    She put Melody’s wet finger to their lips, and they complied instantly, sucking it clean.

    “Wow, who knew huh?” Beatrix sat smiling, flushed and radiant. It lasted for all of a minute before she hopped up and dusted off her skirt. “I needed that! I was stressed as shit.”

    Melody got hesitantly to her feet. Okay, so Bea had needed some stress relief. The embarrassing part of the game was going to start now.

    “Anyway, I have to get to class.” Beatrix shrugged on her coat and her designer satchel. “I’ll see you tomorrow dolly. It’ll have to be in the afternoon though. I’ll text you what time, and where.”

    “Okay.” Melody’s voice was hushed, lusty. They were way past trying to conceal their arousal. There was no point after what had happened.

    To Melody’s shock, Beatrix leaned in for another kiss. This was even tender. “You’re really worked up. It’s cute. If you’re still a good dolly, I’ll take care of you next time. You know, after me.” Beatrix winked. “We’ll have more time tomorrow.”

    Melody watched Beatrix go in total confusion. There was no punishment. No humiliation. No blackmail, not even many orders given. They were left with the taste of Bea on their lips and a body that tingled from head to toe.


    There was no making sense of it. The only thing to do was to enjoy the feeling. Not the memory though. The memory was spicy, too-tinged with girlfriend betrayal. A long code review session in Melody’s next class pushed that problem away, left them feeling merely happily amped. Didn’t they deserve one happy afternoon, anyway?

    It’s a question that they should have asked Veronica. Walking into Veronica’s beautiful, corner office, Melody had a lot of questions. What the hell reason did a graduate student have to get an office like this one? It wasn’t big, but it had been remodeled recently, and it had windows. Big ones!

    There were more relevant questions too, like what they were supposed to do with Beatrix now that the game had turned upside down. Now that she was acting like a second girlfriend. Well, female friend with benefits anyway.

    Melody decided not to be Comrade Questions. They stood awkwardly on Veronica’s fancy carpet and got a hug instead.

    “Melody, you look a little better this afternoon.” Veronica smiled, flicking her fingers through Melody’s hair to fix the windblown bits.

    “I guess so.” Melody managed a small smile. Only they were suppressing a big one instead of forcing a little one this time.

    “Good. I’m hoping that means that the changes are already helping.” She guided Melody over to her desk It was teak, or mahogany or something. Expensive dark wood for sure.

    “If I check your diaper, will I find that you used it?”

    The question was so blunt, Melody had to blush. “Uh, a little.”

    “Really?” Veronica did that little eyebrow twitch that meant she was filing away an observation. “Well, we’re not working on potty training you, so you’re not in trouble for that. It does mean you’re getting a change.”

    Melody squirmed. They didn’t need potty training, it was just a busy day. Nevertheless, they let Veronica strip them out of the overalls and put them on a changing blanket on the floor.

    “If you need to go more, you might as well do it now. I want to keep you as dry as possible during the day until that rash is gone.”

    Melody squirmed, shifting her legs further apart. The diaper crinkled quietly as they filled it. A lot of it was still being absorbed by the booster, but there was enough flow that some of it hit the diaper proper. Even with a full wetting, Melody didn’t feel much liquid on her skin. The setup Veronica had put them in could hold a lot, easily a whole day’s worth it seemed.

    It wasn’t sexy. It never was with Veronica. It still felt good though, to know that she was padded and wet. Comforting or soothing, or some other good -ing.

    I have really turned my brain into a mass of spaghetti-code, Melody thought. This should be way weirder than it is. Wetting myself on my roommate’s office floor should not pass an assert().

    “That’s a good Little One.” Veronica said. “How is your day going?”

    “Busy.” Melody said, staring at the ceiling while Veronica tore the tapes off their diaper. It still felt weird to look at Veronica while she was changing them, at least.

    “I bet.” Veronica wiped Melody clean, really scrubbing with the wipes to get rid of all the wet and rash ointment before applying a fresh layer of the medicine.

    “What else do you have for today?”

    “Um, one more class and then I’m meeting Rosa.” Melody said.

    “Very good.” Veronica slid a fresh diaper under Melody and dusted them generously with powder. “I want you to come home right away after that, unless you have some lab work that has to be done on campus.”

    “Uh, I don’t.” Melody said. “I’ll come back after.”

    Veronica chuckled, pulling Melody’s diaper closed with caring touches.

    “You know that you need my help, right Little One?” Veronica asked, sitting back on her heels. “You’ll let me spank you and put you in this big diaper because you don’t want to step away from the program, but you won’t let me in so we can do the real work.”

    “I won’t judge you for whatever is going on. I will only help you, and care about you.”

    Melody sat up and looked sorrowfully at Veronica. Guilt was coming back, reinforced by more of that very-valid Rosa guilt. “I uh, I want to but I just can’t.”

    “Melody.” Veronica said, in a loving tone that took Melody’s breath away. “I’ll give you time if that’s what you need. I won’t let you fall, do you understand?”

    “Yu-yeah.” Melody turned away from the too-intense emotion, only to have Veronica caress their cheek and pull them back into eye contact.

    “I need you to understand how earnestly I mean that.” Veronica’s gaze bore into Melody, filled with total sincerity. “I. Will. Not. Let. You. Fall.”

    “Oh.” Melody’s eyes were suddenly full of tears, mercifully blurring out the look that had shot straight to their heart. They fell forward into Veronica’s arms. There were no sobs or even sniffles. Melody gently trembled, clinging to Veronica and being held in return. Tears poured continuously down their face, collecting in the crushed velvet shoulder of Veronica’s shawl.

    “Little one.” Veronica said softly. “You are not alright.”

    “I know but…”

    “Shhh.” Veronica patted Melody’s back. “I can see that it’s hard. You don’t have to tell me now. Can you promise to tell me later?”

    “Yes. I c-can do that.” Melody said softly and was rewarded by a warm squeeze.

    “That’s my good Melody.” Veronica sat them back up and carefully wiped Melody’s face with a handkerchief. “Are you going to be okay for your last class?”

    Melody nodded. It was true too. Their heart felt a little lighter. Things didn’t feel quite as doom-y as they had been.

    “Do you want to stay here for a bit?”

    “No uh, I got to move. My last class is across campus.”

    “Sorry for making you go so far out of your way.” Veronica said. “But I thought you’d appreciate the discretion that a private space affords.”

    “Yeah um, thanks.” Melody hopped up and scurried out of the room. They hesitated just for a moment at the door for a quick parting smile.


    Last class of the day had Rosa in it. Rosa who was not wearing model gear and didn’t have one of the five most beautiful bodies on campus. Instead she was rough, still crazy hot, and actually cared. Stealing glances at their girlfriend during the review session, Melody drew comfort from the distinct lack of manic intensity. The smiles they got back were genuine, not plastered on like Patrick Bateman.

    When class ended they walked together, arm in arm, because Rosa wasn’t ashamed to be seen with Melody. She should be, Melody thought, trying to keep the guilt off her face while they cuddled and talked on a bench in the Quad.

    Sooner than they wanted, Melody made her excuses and headed home. It was because Veronica had told them to come right home, of course. Melody wasn’t avoiding her girlfriend. Doing that on top of cheat – having complicated makeouts with another girl would be really shitty. So it wasn’t happening.

    As soon as they could get out of the mandatory portion of her evening (chores, dinner, and diaper check), Melody retreated to their room. The plan was to do some quick overachiever homework and lose themself in a video game. Something single-player and full-screen that could be an escape for a few hours. Starting a new Elden Ring character would be the perfect thing.

    Harri the Naturist Hand-axer was never to be born, however. Melody logged on to their computer to a pile of messages that were for once, not from Beatrix. Cute little quips from Rosa filled their DMs, every fourth one or so asking Melody to respond when they got a chance.

    >>Ocarina – Hey Rosa, everything okay?

    >>JStar – Hi hon!

    >>JStar – Really glad you’re online. Nothing’s bad. Just wanted to chat.

    >>Ocarina – Sorry things were short this afternoon. This week is crazy.

    >>JStar – I get it, me too. I’m glad we could still meet.

    >>Ocarina – Yeah. I miss you.

    >>JStar – Aww! Really?

    >>Ocarina – Yeah.

    >>JStar – I was worried you were getting tired of me.

    >>Ocarina – No! I like you. A lot. Really a lot.

    >>JStar – I like you too. I worry sometimes though.

    Oh boy. Here it goes. Melody thought. They hesitated for a bit before responding.

    >>Ocarina – What about?

    >>JStar – Sometimes you feel far away from me.

    >>JStar – Or you get really flinchy when we’re making out.

    >>JStar – If I’m doing something wrong, you’d tell me, right?

    >>Ocarina – I would. You’re perfect. Sorry I’m being weird.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to apologize. Just talk to me.

    >>Ocarina – About what?

    >>JStar – Like, the makeouts are great. Really great.

    >>JStar – But you always get flinchy when I try to go below the waist.

    >>JStar – Is that a boundary? Is there something else going on?

    >>JStar – I don’t want to hurt you.

    >>Ocarina – It’s complicated. I guess it’s a boundary for now. Not forever though.

    >>JStar – Is it because you’re wearing diapers?

    Melody stared at the screen. They reached for the power button on their computer twice, and the close button on the Discord window once. They didn’t close anything down, not from any determination but just from general confusion. Melody felt like a wild animal trapped between the desire to eat and something scary near the food, dancing back and forth senselessly.

    >>JStar – You there? I’m sorry if that wasn’t okay.

    >>JStar – Melody?

    >>Ocarina – I’m here.

    >>JStar – Are you mad? I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be mean. I want to understand.

    >>Ocarina – Are you talking about that day with Beatrix?

    >>JStar – Hon, it’s not just that day, right?

    >>JStar – They’re not exactly subtle, and we get really close when we’re kissing.

    Melody caught themself making a sort of keening, whining noise. Panic set their heart racing and their vision swimming.

    >>JStar – Melody?

    >>JStar – I’m not upset, or freaked.

    >>JStar – I like you. A lot. I just think we should acknowledge it? Is that okay?

    Melody’s hands trembled on the keyboard. It took ages of backspacing typos to finally get a clean message out.

    >>Ocarina – I know it’s weird. I’m sorry.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to be sorry. You don’t even have to explain.

    >>JStar – Unless you want to.

    >>Ocarina – It’s a whole thing. I don’t know how to explain.

    >>JStar – Is it medical?

    >>Ocarina – Not really. I can stop, maybe.

    >>Ocarina – If you want to take a break until after we get back from Thanksgiving.

    >>Ocarina – I could stop by then.

    >>Ocarina – I think.

    >>JStar – Melody, it doesn’t bother me.

    >>JStar – Please don’t break up with me. Or shut me out over break.

    >>JStar – Please?

    Melody sighed. There may come a day when the Melodys of The West do not give in to a pretty girl saying please, they thought. But today was is not that day.

    >>Ocarina – I didn’t mean for you to find out.

    >>JStar – Did you have one on during our first date?

    >>Ocarina – yes

    >>JStar – I didn’t notice. It must be something important then.

    >>JStar – Even if it’s not medical or whatever. You don’t have to stop.

    >>JStar – I don’t understand, but I’m not mad. I like you. This doesn’t change that.

    >>Ocarina – Why?

    >>JStar – I don’t know. It just doesn’t. I like you.

    >>Ocarina – So it’s not anything that would keep you from renting a U-Haul?

    >>JStar – Did you just ask me to move in with you?

    >>Ocarina – I was making a joke. : /

    >>JStar – U-Haul is still good to go.

    >>Ocarina – Why are you so nice to me?

    >>JStar – You’re hot, dummy.

    >>Ocarina – Simp 😛

    >>JStar – For you? Always.

    Melody stared at the screen in wonder. Warm fuzzies filled their chest. Whatever they’d done, it was not enough to deserve this girlfriend. Especially with the Beatrix bullshit. Double-especially because of that.

    >>Ocarina – Now what?

    >>JStar – We can talk about it more here, or in person? If that’s okay.

    >>Ocarina – I guess so.

    >>JStar – Is that really okay, or is that a soft-no?

    >>Ocarina – It’s really okay. I’m embarrassed.

    >>JStar – You don’t have to be embarrassed.

    Melody hesitated. Were they really going to respond to that with – aw hell, looks like they were.

    >>Ocarina – Sometimes I like to be embarrassed. It’s a turn-on.

    >>JStar – oh

    Melody squirmed in their seat, rubbing their rear into their diaper. Their heart pounded anew.

    >>JStar – Okay, now some stuff makes more sense.

    >>JStar – That turn-on is not a problem, FYI

    >>Ocarina – Do you like it?

    >>JStar – I don’t like being embarrassed.

    >>JStar – But I like it sometimes if my girlfriend is.

    >>JStar – When I’m topping.

    Oh god. Melody’s face flamed. They were nearly as hot between their legs as they had been making out with Beatrix.

    >>Ocarina – oh fuck

    >>JStar – That sounded good?

    >>Ocarina – Um yes

    >>JStar – Hot.

    >>JStar – Can I see them?

    >>Ocarina – Right now?

    >>JStar – No, cutie. In-person.

    >>Ocarina – That’s embarrassing.

    >>JStar – So we should be at my place, got it.

    >>Ocarina – bitch

    >>JStar – You love it.

    >>Ocarina – Maybe. To both.

    >>JStar – I’m excited.

    >>Ocarina – Me too. I guess.

    >>JStar – Melody? Thank you.

    >>Ocarina – For?

    >>JStar – Sharing something personal. Being honest with me.

    Big oof. Melody felt the knife twist. Not that it was Rosa’s fault, she didn’t know about Melody’s drama. That being the whole problem.

    >>Ocarina – YW

    >>Ocarina – I have to go. Homework. See you tomorrow?

    >>JStar – Looking forward to it. <3

    >>Ocarina – <3

    Melody sat back from the computer and took a deep breath. Tomorrow just got way more complicated. Beatrix, Rosa, and Veronica meetings, on top of last day of classes before the break. Oh, and a ton of Thanksgiving prep because of course this house went all out for Thanksgiving.

    Melody’s eyes snapped wide as she remembered the thing she was supposed to have asked Rosa.

    >>Ocarina – Hey real quick, want to come to Thanksgiving at my place?

    >>Ocarina – It’s a whole big thing here. All the food.

    >>JStar – YES

    >>JStar – Um, I mean yes.

    >>Ocarina – Haha, awesome. I’ll tell my roommates.

    >>JStar – See you tomorrow, joyfriend.

    >>Ocarina – Tomorrow, girlfriend. 😛

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 19

    Thanksgiving was finally here! Briana was so excited, that Veronica accused her of having already gotten into the cookies. Mom didn’t understand. It was Thanksgiving. That meant amazing food, and a big party, and friends! Friends everywhere, all over the house.

    When Jane told her how many people were going to be at dinner Briana had almost burst on the spot.

    “Seventeen.” Briana informed Alanna, her stuffed lioness. “That’s how many people are going to be here.”

    Alanna understood how amazing that was, of course. She had some other stuff to say though, like how it was going to be extra hard for Briana to keep up her potty training when she was so excited. Briana pouted at her lion. Alanna was right, but that didn’t mean she had to bring the mood down.

    “It’s okay.” Briana assured Alanna, “I can do this. I’m a big girl now. See?”

    Briana pulled up the cute skirt Mom had put her in and showed Alanna her pullups. (Yes they were dry!) Tucking Alanna under her arm, Briana checked herself out in the mirror. She was wearing a pale purple skirt, pleated and falling just over her calves. Her blouse was a very grownup black with a red heart on the chest.

    Mom had helped her paint her nails purple, and even let her put some chapstick on. The most grown up thing of all though was the silver chain with a garnet pendant around her neck. Even Briana’s fiery hair was done up. It had gotten long since Veronica had taken over as her mom. Suzie had styled it up for her in curls that were carefully held in place by barrettes with violets on them.

    “We got this, Alanna.” Briana said. “For the honor of Cloudland!”

    Now transformed into her knight persona, Briana flounced downstairs. Everything was so cool and special for the holiday. All the furniture was out of the big living room, replaced by a huge table. That table was decked out with pretty plates, crystal glasses, and Jane’s best silverware. Orange, red, and brown flower arrangements contrasted perfectly with the cream colored tablecloth.

    Briana inspected the place settings carefully. She’d been entrusted with most of the table setting. Everything was still in place. A few of the name cards had fallen over, but those were quickly set upright. Arranging the seating had been agonizing. Everybody should get to sit with their friends of course, but Briana had so many of them at this dinner. Who was she supposed to sit with? Gary, Tamira, Melody, Mom, Dad, Casey?

    Eventually she decided on sitting next to Tamira, because she didn’t know a lot of the people who would be here. On her other side she placed Melody’s girlfriend, after a LOT of debating. She really wanted to sit next to Melody, but she also wanted to get to know Rosa. Melody would still be close enough, she thought.

    Gary had to sit on the other side of Tamira, so he could be close too. After that the pieces mostly fell into place. The final hurdle was that Veronica insisted on sitting at the head of the table, and Jane at the other end. It still worked out, even if Suzie’s friends got split up a little.

    Alanna was not as interested in the seating arrangements as Briana had hoped she’d be. The lioness-knight reminded Briana that she had a duty. Tamira might have some information on how to help Melody.

    “I know, Alanna.” Briana said, exasperated. “I didn’t forget.”

    Alanna had some more stuff to say about the last time Briana forgot things and besmirched her honor. Briana stuffed the lioness’s head into her side to quiet her and went to find her mom.

    “Can I do anything else to help?” Briana asked as she crossed into the kitchen.

    Veronica looked over from her conversation with Jane, and smiled at Briana. Lots of people’s kitchen would be in total chaos an hour before Thanksgiving dinner. Not Veronica’s and Jane’s! Everything was either done or finishing up in the oven. A few things were staying warm on the stove but most of the food was already in bowls and on plates, standing ready on the regular dining table.

    “You look so darling!” Veronica said, leaning down to smooth Briana’s shirt. Mom didn’t have to lean down to fix her clothes, but Briana loved it when she did. It made the little-feelings all happy inside her. For a while she hadn’t liked being the shortest one in the house, (shortest by far!) but now she loved it.

    “Am I really pretty?” Briana did a twirl so her skirt would flare out.

    “Prettiest little girl ever.” Jane said with a smile.

    Briana beamed. Alanna’s nose pressing into her side reminded her to be a big girl. “Can I help?”

    “You’re such a good girl for asking.” Veronica said. “Table looks good, food is mostly ready. You could pour water into the glasses if you want and if you’re super careful.”

    “I can do it!” Briana declared. “I won’t spill a drop.”

    “That’ll be easier if Alanna supervises from in here.” Jane said, holding out her hand.

    Briana pouted, but she was a knight right now and couldn’t refuse Dad’s request, not when it made so much grownup-sense. With Alanna safely deposited in Jane’s arms, Briana carried the heavy water pitcher back to the living room.

    As she was pouring water (without a spill!), the door opened. Melody and Rosa stepped through, bundled up and stamping snow off their boots.

    “Melody!” Briana exclaimed. She remembered to set the water pitcher down carefully and raced over to the new arrivals.

    “Hey kiddo.” Melody said, with a fond smile.

    Melody was wearing diapers all the time now, and Briana was so happy. She really hoped they would get a chance to play together as Littles before the break was over. The only reason she figured they might not was that Melody was spending a lot of time with Rosa. That was okay, because Briana was super happy for that too.

    “I’m Briana.” She announced to Rosa, curtseying like the proper Knight she was.

    “Hi, I’m Rosa.” Rosa said. She wore a light coat even in the snow just like Casey did. Melody and Rosa were both dressed fancy, Melody in an almost-suit and Rosa wearing a really pretty dress that showed off her shoulders.

    Rosa seemed pleased to be greeted, but maybe a little flustered too. That was okay, lots of people were nervous around knights. Briana would just have to make double-sure that Rosa had a good time.

    “I’m so glad you came! Melody really likes you, they talk about you all the time. So it’s great you could come to our dinner.”

    “Oookay that is a thing you just said.” Melody said, blushing. They scooted Briana back toward the table. “We interrupted you in the middle of pouring water, right?”

    “Right!” Briana hurried back to her task, tongue protruding slightly from her lips as she concentrated on pouring the water. She heard Rosa laugh behind her, which was a great sign for her having a good time.

    The next one to arrive was Gary, just as Briana finished filling glasses. He was hardly in the door before Briana collided with him, squeezing him tightly.


    “Hey Bri.” Gary laughed and scooped Briana up, kissing her tenderly on the lips. “Sorry I’m late.”

    “You’re late? It’s like, forty minutes until people are supposed to get here.”

    “Look at you keeping track of time.” Gary smiled. “I’m your official-unofficial babysitter tonight. I was supposed to be here about a half hour ago to help you before the party.”

    “I didn’t need help, I’m a big girl!” Briana said, holding her arms up in victory.

    “I can see that. You look very pretty tonight.”

    Briana grinned, kissing Gary again. She wiggled until he set her down. “Suzie did my hair, and Mom did my nails, but I put the outfit together.”

    “You did a great job. Is there anything you’re working on right now?”

    “I just finished filling water glasses.”

    “Good girl.” Gary took a quick look around the living room. It was clear for the moment. He flipped Briana’s skirt up and peeked in front of her pullup. “Very good girl.”

    Briana beamed and nodded. “I’m doing really good right now.”

    “You’re also pretty excited. I think this is a good time to get you on the potty, just in case, okay?”

    Briana nodded, taking Gary’s hand and letting herself be lead to the bathroom. Anything for him, especially if he was giving her such nice compliments. Gary helped her get her skirt up and her pullups down, and set her on the potty. She didn’t think she had to go, but even with all her work that wasn’t something she could always be sure about.

    While they waited, Briana looked up at Gary, unselfconscious about her situation. “Gary, you’re sitting next to Tamira and Casey.”

    “Did you do the seating chart?”

    “Yeah!” Briana grinned. “I’m sorry I couldn’t sit you next to me but I needed to sit next to Tamira on that side.”

    Gary laughed easily. He reached out to ruffle Briana’s hair out of habit, but pulled back just in time to avoid messing up her fancy do.

    “That’s okay, I’m sure we’ll spend plenty of time together tonight.”

    “Can you stay over?” Briana asked hopefully.

    “I don’t think so sweetie. This party is a big event for everybody here. I don’t think they want to host overnight guests on top of that.”

    “Can I go home with you then?”

    “Have you been missing me?”

    “Lots!” Briana nodded. There was finally a tinkle in the potty under her, which was a relief for worries about staying dry at dinner. “I used to see you every day.”

    “I’m not sure if you can come over but I can ask, okay?”

    Briana nodded. Even though she was sure she was done, she waited until Gary got her up and wiped her clean. He fixed her pullup with lots of flirty touches that made her really hope she could have a sleepover. A sexy sleepover. Briana giggled to herself.

    When Gary whisked Briana off to her room, she began to suspect that Mom may have asked him to keep her out of the way. Ordinarily that would be an uncool-mom move, but right now it was resulting in awesome Gary time. Mom got a pass. (this time)

    Sitting in her crib with the side down, Brian got to hear all about what was going on at school. Gary had it kind of tough, his advisor was dumping a ton of work on him.

    “I know what could help.” Briana said, trying and failing to conceal a grin.

    “Oh? What’s that?”

    “You could take me to your place for the weekend!” Briana said, bouncing. “I know it’d be some work taking care of me, but you’d be on break, so you wouldn’t have school stuff or work stuff.”

    “We could play pretend, and color, and eat all kinds of junk food.” Briana said, then shifted her tone lower. “And I’d make sure you’d forget all about school for a while.”

    Gary blushed. Gary! Blushed! Briana’s eyes sparkled to see him shifting with sudden nervous energy.

    “Wow. Um, yeah, that could be pretty fantastic. We’ve never done anything long-term like that.”

    “You always take care of me so good Gary.” Briana hopped out of her crib and pressed herself gently against him. “I could take care of you a little too.”

    “Huh.” Gary grabbed his belt and adjusted his pants. “Yeah, let me talk to Veronica. I think this is something we have to work out.”

    Briana held out her arms. Gary obliged by picking her up. As soon as she was in his arms, she kissed him sweet and slow. That kiss went on for a while, until they both had nice pink cheeks.

    “You are amazing.” Gary said with a dreamy look on his face. “My Briana.”

    “Yours.” Briana agreed, clinging close.

    “All mine?” Gary asked curiously.

    “All yours. Casey has a steady girlfriend.” Briana wasn’t sad at all, and she made sure her tone let Gary know.

    “So for right now we are exclusive.” Gary said, satisfied.

    That didn’t satisfy Briana though. She sat up a bit in Gary’s arms to meet his eyes. “Gary, I don’t know what my heart does. I’m not saying forever. But I feel stuff about you that I don’t feel for anybody else.”

    “Yeah?” Gary searched Briana’s eyes curiously.

    “Yeah. I love Mom, and Dad, and – Melody, but it’s family love.” Briana kissed Gary again. “I love you different. Special.”

    “I love you too.” Gary had to blink a few times to clear the shine from his eyes before he pulled Briana in for a long kiss.

    Did it get more perfect than kissing Gary in a pretty dress, on a party day, with his hands on her butt? (It did not) Briana relaxed into the kiss and snuggled close to Gary for a long while after.

    Finally, Gary cleared his throat and put Briana down gently. “Sounds like most people have arrived, we should head downstairs.”

    “You’ve gotten so strong.” Briana said appreciatively, smoothing her skirt and taking Gary’s hand. “You held me that whole time!”

    “What do you think I’ve been working out for?” Gary chuckled.

    Pink cheeked and feeling loved, Briana let Gary lead her out of her room and down the stairs. The soft rumble Gary had heard from her room was fun and boisterous up close. Everybody was standing around laughing and talking, with drinks and hors d’oeuvres in their hands.

    Gary said something about going to get them drinks and food, which Briana acknowledged with a nod. She was off like a shot, excited to make sure that everyone was here.

    Suzie and her friends were in a corner of the living room by the door, chatting away about theatre stuff. Maybe it was a good thing the table split them up a little. Briana stopped long enough to say hello and get a hug from Suzie before moving on.

    Casey and her new girlfriend were like palate swaps of each other. Not really, of course, but from a distance you could see it. Almost the same haircut, nearly the same build, same big laugh. Casey was dark haired with light skin and liked to wear blues. Maryam had super bleached platinum hair with darker skin and liked to wear browns. They were the only ones dressed for the gym.

    The two of them paused their discussion on who had the most soccer goals (apparently it mattered what league the goal was in) to say hi to Briana. She left the himbo giants behind in search of more friends.

    Briana had said hi to everyone and was beginning to worry that Tamira wasn’t going to show when she saw her friend exiting the bathroom. With a huge grin, she skipped over to Tamira and held out her skirt.

    “Hi Tamira! I’m glad you’re here! Do you like my outfit?”

    “Hey cutie.” Tamira said, giving Briana a proper look over. “You look great. And you sound really excited.”

    “Of course!” Briana said. “It’s a huge party with food and all my friends. And there’s PIE!”

    Tamira laughed and hugged Briana. “Glad to hear it. Hey, I’ve never been to your house before. Mind giving me the tour?”

    “Course!” Briana took Tamira’s hand and flounced off. The kitchen was busy, with dinner about to start, so they went through that one fast. Briana stopped in the drawing room, showing off the TV, extra comfy couches, and her changing table.

    “Wow, you’ve just got it out here in the open all the time?” Tamira asked.

    “Yeah. Ooh, except, I’m working on potty training!” Briana said, pulling her skirt up. “See? Big girl undies.”

    Tamira blinked, seemed a little off-balance, but she recovered fast. “Yeah, they are. They look dry too, good job.”

    Briana beamed at the praise. “I still get diapers at night. Oh and uh, if I need to go to the potty can I ask you?”

    Tamira raised her brows, “Ask me what?”

    “Sometimes I need help.” Briana said bashfully.

    Tamira chuckled and stroked Briana’s cheek. “This is a little crazy sometimes, but it’s fun. You’re feeling okay with everything?”

    “Of course!” Briana said, leaning into the caress.

    “I really should get you and my boyfriend together again.”

    “How come he’s not here?”

    “I told you sweetie. He flew back to see his family in Atlanta.”

    “Oh right.” Briana pouted, though it was brief. “Okay, I can’t show you everyone’s room but I can show you mine upstairs!”

    “Lead on.” Tamira said with a smile.

    Sadly, the room tour was fated not to happen. They emerged into the living room to see Veronica getting everyone up to the table. A bemused Gary wrangled Briana over to her place setting which already had her glass of sparkling cider and the cut fruit he’d picked up for her hors d’oeuvres.

    Dinner began with a toast to friends, which Briana happily toasted with her bubbly. Then plates and bowls started passing, a dizzying dance of stoneware that left Briana wondering when they would actually eat.

    Tamira and Rosa were both awesome, helping Briana get her plate loaded up, though Tamira ignored Briana when she said she didn’t want salad. It was okay, she was a babysitter after all. Rosa helped her sneak extra cranberry sauce and candied yams so she picked up a ton of cool points on that one.

    Finally, it was time to dig in! Briana wanted to join the conversation, especially with Rosa, but she needed to at least have a taste of everything first. Once she’d had a bit of each dish on her plate (and three of the yams), she turned to Rosa.

    “Hey Rosa, how did you and Melody meet?”

    “We have a class together.” Rosa said. “It took a while of me hitting on them to notice, but they finally did.”

    “Babe!” Melody protested.

    Briana grinned. “Cute! Have you been on lotsa dates?”

    Rosa furrowed her brow a little. Briana realized she was slipping too much into little talk. She wished she had Alanna to remind her to be big.

    “Uh, a few. It’s been busy at school. We see each other a lot though. Are you at the college?”

    “Yeah, Microbiology.” Briana said, oblivious to the bit of cranberry sauce on her nose. “But I’m taking a break.”

    “Let me get that, sweetie.” Tamira said, reaching over to wipe Bri’s nose. “Tamira.” She said in response to Rosa’s look.

    “Rosa. Are you and Briana…”

    “No, I’m just a friend, and I watch out for her.”

    “Gary is my boyfriend.” Briana said brightly, pointing him out.

    Gary chuckled and waved. “Hi.”

    “You’re friends with everybody here, huh?” Rosa asked.

    “Mmm, not everybody. I don’t know Suzie’s friends very well, and Casey’s girlfriend is pretty new.” Briana squeezed Rosa’s arm. “And I don’t know you super well yet. That’s why I wanted us to sit together.”

    “Huh? Why me?”

    “Melody is my… is a… um, Melody is my good friend.” Briana managed, then added hastily, “Not dating!”

    “Hah, okay.” Rosa seemed uncomfortable.

    “They’re important to me. A lot.” Briana said, trying to be as big as she could to salvage the situation. “You seem important to them, so I want to be your friend.”

    “Shit, you are adorable.” Rosa was smiling now, crisis averted! Melody looked like they wanted to crawl under the table, but Melody was always getting blushy about stuff.

    “Thanks! You’re in the same program as Melody?”

    “Yeah, but our classes really only converge in one area.” Rosa said. “Otherwise I would have snatched them up a long time ago.”

    “Are you two going to embarrass me the whole dinner?” Melody said, though they didn’t look too upset about it.

    “I hope so!” Briana and Rosa said in unison. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Melody’s bashful protests only made them laugh harder.

    “I like you.” Briana said, looking earnestly up at Rosa.

    “Thanks.” Rosa smiled gently. “I like you too. You’re really sweet. More genuine than most people I meet.”

    That compliment warmed Briana all the way down to her toes. While she was distracted by warm fuzzies, Melody got their girlfriend’s attention back.

    With a happy sigh, Briana put serious attention to the matter of dinner. As the happy conversations rumbled around her, Briana cleaned her plate. (Except for the salad of course)

    “You need to eat your salad, Bri.” Tamira said, bumping her elbow against Briana.

    “No I don’t.” Briana pouted. “You’re not my babysitter.”

    “Oh yeah?” Tamira asked. “Who is?”

    “Gary.” Briana said, reaching for more yams.

    “Gary, does Briana need to eat her salad?” Tamira asked.

    A big Gary hand caught Briana’s wrist and pulled it away from the yams. “Yes she does.” He said.

    Shocked, Briana felt her jaw drop. Gary was supposed to be the fun babysitter. “But, but Gaaary.” She batted her lashes at him.

    “If you want to spend a whole weekend with me, I’m going to have to be a little more strict.” Gary said.

    “Oooh, are you two doing that?” Tamira asked.

    She put a fork in Briana’s hand and maneuvered it into the salad. Briana resolved to be careful about asking Tamira to babysit. She was turning out to be way strict.

    “I hope so. With Veronica’s blessing.” Gary said. “How are things going for you and Arthur?”

    “Really well.” Tamira smiled slyly. “Like, amazingly well. Mostly thanks to Briana here.”

    “Yeah?” Gary asked curiosly.

    “She kind of kicked things into high gear for us.” Tamira said. Catching Briana’s curious look, Tamira added. “That day when you came over and played with Arthur.”

    “Oh yeah! She was super nice. I was really sad, and she helped me.” Briana nodded to Gary.

    “Hey, thank you for that. I knew Briana had an episode on campus but I didn’t hear the details.”

    “It was my pleasure. She’s darling, and a good friend.” Tamira said.

    “Briana.” Veronica called from the head of the table. “Can you start clearing plates?”

    “Yes Mom!” Briana hopped off her chair.

    “I’ll give you a hand.” Tamira said, rising with her own plate in hand.

    A few other people got up to help too, including Rosa and Melody, but Tamira was helping Briana specifically. It was a good thing too, Briana almost forgot to take the silverware out from between the plates she was stacking. With Tamira’s help it was a way more manageable load.

    After a couple of trips back and forth from the kitchen, Tamira pulled Briana aside. “Bri, I have some information on that thing you wanted to know.”

    “Really!” Briana threw herself into Tamira’s arms. “Thank you!”

    “Don’t thank me yet, there isn’t a ton of information. Nothing that proves Beatrix has done anything illegal or that breaks school rules.”

    “Can you show me what you have?”

    Tamira nodded, taking out her phone and swiping through some screenshots. There was a picture of Beatrix (boo!), some information about her, and a picture of her house from Google Maps that showed the address.

    Before she’d been little, Briana had been at the top of the Microbio program. One of the things that had kept her there was her ability to instantly memorize a chemical sequence or a configuration of molecules. Her vision focused in on the address and clicked the sequence into her memory.

    Tamira kept swiping, revealing some chat logs, tweets, and other online stuff. “All of this stuff is her behaving badly, but it’s just her being a huge bitch to people. Not something that gets anyone kicked out of school.”

    Briana drew herself up to her full five feet. She had her information, it was time for her to redeem herself as a knight.

    “That’s okay Tamira. Thank you for looking up that stuff for me.”

    “No problem hon. I’ll let you know if I find anything bigger, but I wanted you to know I was working on it.”

    “You’re a good friend.” Briana hugged Tamira again. “You can babysit me any time, even if you are a strict babysitter.”

    Tamira laughed heartily. “Thanks for the endorsement. Speaking of strict, you better get back in the kitchen and finish helping.”

    Briana nodded and scooted like it was Dad herself that had told her to go.

    Luckily the dishes didn’t need to be washed, just stacked for now. The table had converted from dinner to desert. There was pie everywhere! Briana managed to score three kinds of pie and a huge pile of whipped cream before she was sent back to her seat. With only a quick look at the cookies, Briana devoured her pie.

    Only a couple of bites in Gary put a napkin around her neck. It saved her shirt from the berry pie, but not her skirt. With all three pieces of pie down Briana was as full as she could remember being. She wanted more pie, and cookies, and those little candies down on the end of the table, but her tummy was not wiling to cooperate.

    Instead she sat back and watched her friends. Everyone was having such a good time. There were grown-up drinks in almost everyone’s hands, everyone was laughing or smiling. Briana caught sight of Rosa, who mimed something around her face.

    Briana touched her face and came back with a hand slick with pie. She giggled and shrugged at Rosa.

    “You’re a bit of a mess honey.” Veronica said, scrubbing Briana’s face with a wet washcloth.

    Mom was there! Briana grinned up at her. It had been a long busy day without much Mom time. Even better, Gary was standing next to her.

    “Veronica approved our weekend.” Gary said with a smile.

    “Oh my gosh really?!” Briana hopped in her seat.

    “Yes, really.” Veronica crouched down, discreetly checking Briana’s pullup. To her surprise and Briana’s both, it was dry.

    “You’ve been such a good, big girl tonight honey. I’m really proud of you.” Veronica said.

    Briana’s grin was so big she thought her face might split. “Thanks mom. Oh and for the weekend!”

    “Do you need to use the potty now?”

    “Actually um, I’m full and kinda sleepy.” Briana said. “I was going to ask Gary, but since I get a whole weekend with him, can Tamira put me to bed?”

    “You want to go to bed?” Veronica said, surprise or suspicion in her voice.

    “At least a nap?” Briana yawned (and she didn’t have to fake it).

    “Oh, you want to be up later when we play cards?” Veronica asked.

    “Please mommy?” Briana asked. “I’ve been good.”

    “That should be fine. But we have to ask Tamira. If she is busy, Gary or I will take care of you, okay?”

    “I’ll ask her.” Gary said, heading off.

    Veronica nodded. She was about to say something else when Jane called from the kitchen.

    “Ronnie, can you get another bottle of cognac from the basement?”

    “I’m on it hon.” She patted Briana’s shoulder and swept away to the stairs.

    Briana found Rosa in the crowd and tugged on her hand.

    “Huh? Oh, hi Briana.” Rosa said.

    “Tamira is going to put me to bed, but I wanted to say thanks for coming again.” Briana said.

    “Put you to…” Rosa shook her head. “Right, cool. Uh, goodnight? And you’re welcome.”

    “Goodnight!” Briana said brightly, giving Rosa a quick hug. Melody was making weird faces, but if they weren’t going to say anything about it, they could talk to Briana about it later.

    “Bedtime for Briana?” Tamira asked, taking Briana’s hand.

    “Yes please. And I can show you my room!”

    Tamira was impressed by the room, Briana could tell. Heck, she was looking around with her mouth open like a fish.

    “This – is your normal room?” Tamira asked. “You sleep here every night?”

    “Yup!” Briana nodded emphatically. “Mom has it all fixed up for me.”

    “Wow, this is intense. Goals I guess.” Tamira smiled.

    “Do you know what stuff you hafta do to get me ready for bed?” Briana asked. Alanna was in her crib giving her an impatient look.

    I know, I’m trying to get to bed! Briana thought at the lioness.

    “I’m not sure, Gary didn’t know exactly what Veronica does.”

    “I hafta brush my teeth.” Briana said, feeling herself slip more and more little. “And jammies. And a diaper. Probably a big one tonight.”

    “Is that so?”

    “I drank a whole bottle of cider.” Briana said with a giggle.

    “Fair enough, come on, let’s get you set.”

    Tamira made Briana brush her own teeth, which Briana only let slide because she was on a deadline. There was a long wait on the potty too, though it turned out Briana did have to go so she couldn’t protest that one too much.

    At least Tamira knew to strip Briana’s clothes off, and put her naked on the changing table. Her diapering skills were top notch, she must have really been practicing with Arthur. It was hard not to ask questions about how that was going, or about setting up a play date, but Briana persevered.

    Once she was wrapped in warm pajamas and warmer blankets, Briana smiled sweetly at Tamira. “Thank you. You’re a good babysitter.”

    “How are you this cute?” Tamira asked with a grin. “You need a bedtime story or anything?”

    “That’s okay.” Briana said sleepily. “Maybe next time. You should go back to the party.”

    “What a considerate baby.” Tamira said. “I’ll see you if you wake up from your nap. Otherwise, I’ll text you to set up something with Arthur, okay?”

    “Yay!” Briana said, yawning again and closing her eyes.

    “Night hon.” Tamira chuckled one last time and turned off the lights on her way out.

    Briana waited until a count of sixty, listening carefully for anyone else coming up the stairs. The only sounds were the party, still going strong. Gary and Mom were both distracted, good.

    Quiet as a mouse, Briana climbed over the top of her crib and shimmied down to the floor. She shucked her pajamas and pulled on thick tights with her heaviest skirt over. Pants would have been nice but they weren’t going to fit over her thickest diaper. A diaper that she was probably going to need before her quest was over.

    Briana wiggled into a shirt and sweater. All her coats were downstairs, so she put a hoodie on over the sweater instead. Alanna fit snugly in the hoodie pocket. Her snow boots had made it upstairs and they were perfect for this. Finally a thick belt went loose over her skirt, and Briana thrust her plastic Sword of Protection into it.

    “This is it, Alanna.” Briana whispered. “We’re going to save Melody.”

    The idea of running into Beatrix was scary, but not as scary as losing her honor, or letting Melody stay sad forever. Briana drew herself up, feeling the comforting weight of the sword at her hip. She drew the plastic blade and held it aloft.

    “For the Honor of Cloudland!” It should have been shouted, but Briana had to settle for a whisper. Good enough for now.

    With sword tucked back in her belt, Briana opened her window. The roof slanted away from it, covered in crunchy snow. Pretending she wasn’t scared (knights are brave!) Briana climbed out the window and closed it behind her. One scooch at a time, she slid on her butt down to the gutter.

    The cold metal of the gutter made Briana wish she’d brought gloves. It bit into her hands and bent alarmingly as she swung herself over. Luckily, icicles had been falling off the gutter all day with no more of a soft cracking sound than Briana made as she dropped. The snow below caught her and drove her breath out at the same time.

    The sounds of happy friends drifted over Briana. Muffled by the windows and snow, they still called to her. She was a little scared now, even pretending to be brave. If she went back inside now she’d be in trouble, but just a little. Out in the snow was a lot more trouble and other scary things too.

    Beatrix. Briana shuddered and pulled herself up out of the snow. She couldn’t leave her sibling to face that monster alone. The monster she had brought into the house. Checking her sword and her lioness, Briana squared her shoulders.

    Beatrix had to answer for her behavior, and stop hurting Melody. The quest couldn’t end in failure. Briana wouldn’t let it.

    “Let’s go, Alanna.” Briana said, trudging into the snowy night with determined steps.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 20

    It was getting hard to be a Scrooge these days. Melody liked to think that they were too cool for celebrations and parties and normie holiday stuff. Sitting on their girlfriend’s lap, with a glass of limoncello in their hand and full of food, they were willing to admit that they were wrong. There might be something to this whole found-family and friends holiday thing after all.

    Everyone was gathered in the drawing room, which was crowded with people and furniture both. When the living room had been cleared for the table, Casey and Jane had put as much seating as they could fit in the drawing room. It was a good call, though Melody wished they’d removed the changing table. That had been a fun thing to have Rosa see. The most Melody had been able to make herself say about it was that it wasn’t hers.

    When Melody had first sat on Rosa’s lap a few people had teased them. Leaning against Rosa was comfy, warm, and worth every friendly joke. Besides, Rosa knew that embarrassment was a turn on for them now so – she’d probably just use that against them later.

    The thought made Melody squirm, which in turn prompted Rosa to wrap her arm around Mel’s waist. That was a nice serotonin hit. Melody calmed immediately, laying their head on Rosa’s shoulder.

    “You getting sleepy babe?” Rosa asked quietly.

    “Naw.” Melody shamelessly nuzzled Rosa’s shoulder. “This feels good.”

    Rosa made a happy sound and stroked Mel’s back. It did feel good, especially now that the diaper was out of the – diaper bag? That analogy worked way too well for Melody’s comfort. In any case, it was nice to not have to constantly worry that Rosa would find out every time she touched Melody or leaned against them. There’s no way they’d be sitting in her lap if the secret hadn’t come out.

    Casey dropped into the armchair next to Rosa and Melody with a mighty thump. “Hi Mel. Hey Rosa, Casey.”

    “Rosa.” She smiled. “You’re one of the roommates right?”

    “Yeah.” Casey nodded. “Maryam and I have a bet on what sport you play. Wanna settle it for us?”

    “Derby.” Rosa said with a laugh.

    “I knew it! In your face Mar!”

    “Shut up, you only won that because you said it first and I had to pick another one.” Maryam walked up behind Casey and sort of loomed there.

    “Naw, I picked it because those are serious Derby hips on Rosa.”

    “Hey!” Melody glared at Casey. “She’s mine.”

    That got a good laugh out of Casey and Maryam, but a kiss on Melody’s cheek from Rosa.

    “That’s sweet. Are you jealous, babe?”

    “I don’t like to share.” Melody said

    “Me either.” Rosa squeezed Melody tightly.

    What am I making Rosa do, if not share? Melody asked themself, taking the evening’s first stab of guilt to the heart.. But, I don’t have a choice. Right?

    “So when’s the wedding?” Maryam teased. Melody responded good-naturedly with a single finger.

    “Speaking of sports.” Rosa said, mercifully shifting the topic, “Let me guess Casey, you play literally all of them.”

    “That’s not true!” Casey protested. “I don’t play cricket.”

    “Only because there isn’t a women’s team in the area.” Maryam leaned on Casey’s chair and kissed the top of her head.

    Melody giggled. “Cricket? That’s the ONE sport you don’t play? You do everything else, even super obscure stuff like…”

    “Jai alai?” Rosa completed Melody’s question.

    “Uh actually I do.” Casey said bashfully.

    “No shit?” Maryam came around the side of Casey’s chair with a big grin on her face. “Dude there’s a Fronton in Newport.”

    “Really? We gotta go!”


    Melody giggled helplessly at the himbos and sipped their drink.

    “You’re not sporty, huh Melody?” Maryam asked, taking the laughter with good grace.

    “Excuse me, I have my L sticker and therefore I sport.” Melody said. “But I do e-sports.”

    Maryam looked skeptical.

    “They’re super good at it.” Rosa said proudly.

    “Really?” Maryam said, skepticism fading in favor of curiosity.

    Melody blushed and shrugged. “I have 5.5k DotA2 MMR. When I’m actually training.”

    “What does that mean?” Casey asked for herself and her girlfriend.

    “It means they’re just below the rank where they stop using ratings and actually count down from the top player in the world.” Rosa beamed.

    “No shit?” Maryam seemed impressed. Apparently being sufficiently competitive outweighed the lack of physical activity.

    “Yeah. But like, it burns so much time to compete at that level. It’s not worth it unless you go pro.”

    “That’s super cool.” Casey said, Maryam nodding agreement. “Plus it obviously impressed your girlfriend so that’s a big plus.”

    Melody chuckled and fiddled with their hair. “Thanks.”

    “I’m convinced.” Maryam said with a grin. “You’re an official sporty dyke.”

    Melody winced. “I know I dress butch now but can we not do the d-word?”

    “Sorry!” Maryam said quickly. “I use it for myself and I forget sometimes.”

    “No it’s cool.” Melody said equally quickly. “I’m not trying to police the word, I just don’t want it as a label for me.”

    “Fair play.” Maryam nodded.

    “Hey Maryam.” Casey said. “Your drink is empty.”

    “So’s yours.” Maryam said with a sly smile.

    “Let’s get after it!” Casey hopped up with a terrifying level of energy after the huge meal. She waved to Melody and Rosa as Maryam linked arms with her and dragged her off to the kitchen.

    “I like your roommates.” Rosa said with a chuckle.

    “Do not go full himbo on me.” Melody said, snuggling back into Rosa.

    “Don’t worry, I’m still a nerd. I write code. Beep boop.”

    “Dork.” Melody laughed.

    They sat quietly for a bit. It was heavenly. Melody had never felt so comfortable before. Not in their social life, not with a girlfriend, not even in their own skin. Even the stupid diaper was contributing to the general feeling of goodness.

    “I know I said this before, but I really love how confidant you are now.” Rosa said.

    “Huh? What brought that on?”

    “You straight-up confronted Maryam about the label she used. You were nice, but firm. It was great.”

    “Part of that is changing my look. My gender expression.” Melody from even two months ago would have gagged on the words gender expression. Melody from two months ago was kind of dumb.

    “It did you a lot of good.” Rosa nodded. “And it’s hot.”

    Melody smiled. “Part of it is you.”

    “Really?” Rosa craned her head to look at Melody.

    “Yeah. You called me handsome. You believed in me. You’ve been super understanding even with my really weird stuff.”

    “I think you’re amazing.” Rosa said. She sounded totally sincere.

    Normally this kind of heart to heart would have Melody squirming or sarcastically quipping. Maybe it was the food baby in their belly or the alcohol, but either way they were just mellow enough to take it at face value.

    “I really do. You’re not just handsome. You’re really, kind of scary smart. A hard worker too. You have your own consulting business. I don’t know what I’m going to do for work when I get out of school, but you could drop out today and be fine for money. Like, do you even have loans?”

    “Not anymore.” Melody admitted. That was a new development. They’d been close to finishing off their loans, but Veronica’s offer to drop rent had been a huge boost to get over the last of their balance.

    “See? That’s awesome.” Rosa kissed Melody sweetly, mingling the taste of her brandy with Melody’s limoncello.

    “You know uh, if you did have a hard time after graduation, I’d uh – take care of you.” Melody said, finding something interesting on the carpet to stare at.

    “You want to be my sugar-parent?” Rosa asked, only half-teasing. “I’ll be okay, you don’t have to do that.”

    “I know you will, but if there was like, a hump to get over. I know from friends that sometimes it’s rough right when the payments start coming due.” Melody kicked her feet and tunneled her vision in on the carpet pattern. “I would like taking care of you.”

    Rosa’s hug was fierce enough to drive the breath out of Melody. “I really appreciate that. I want to take care of you too.”

    “I’d like that.” Melody said quietly, cuddling close to Rosa.

    “Speaking of taking care of people – what’s up with your roommate?”



    Melody sighed. “It is a whole complicated thing. I’m not sure how much I’m even supposed to say, except that Veronica left the changing table out in this room so I guess it’s all on the table?”

    “That’s hers?”

    “Yeah. She uh, is pretty much always wearing diapers. Uses them and stuff.”

    “Like you?” Rosa ventured in a whisper.

    “No.” Melody squirmed. “It’s different. I don’t… it’s a different thing.”

    “I’m sorry if this is the wrong time.” Rosa said. “I just don’t understand.”

    Melody looked around. Everyone was winding down into quiet conversations in twos, threes, and fours. The super sports duo were nowhere to be seen, probably burning off energy with a barefoot snowball fight or something. They certainly couldn’t hear anyone else’s conversation, so no one should be able to hear theirs.

    “I can try to explain.” Melody said softly. “What do you want to know?”

    “Does it turn you on?”

    Right to the jugular. She really is Jaguar Star, Melody thought ruefully. “Yeah, it does.”

    “Just because it’s embarrassing or…?”

    “I don’t – I can’t really answer that. It’s all mixed up together. But I do uh,” Melody buried her face in Rosa’s shoulder.

    Rosa said nothing, just let Melody finish her sentence, or not while stroking Mel’s hair.

    “I use them, sometimes. Uh, just for one thing.”

    That’s a thing they’d said to their girlfriend now. It would be super convenient if the ground would open up under them and swallow them up. Or maybe the sun could explode and just erase the whole world. Either one would work.

    “Hmm.” Rosa said. There was a long pause. “I’ve never done um – watersports stuff?”

    “We don’t have to.” Melody said. “We super don’t have to if you don’t like it.”

    “I didn’t say that.” Rosa said. “I’m just processing. So what do you like to do with um – another person?”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said. “I really don’t. It’s new for me. This whole thing.”

    “Is there a reason you started wearing them around me, before we talked about any of this?”

    “Are you mad?” Melody winced.

    “No, hon, I’m not.” Rosa stroked Melody’s head. “Caught off guard? Yeah. Not mad. Processing.”

    “There’s a reason but it is weird. Like, even weirder than me wearing them.” Melody said, hoping Rosa would take the warning.

    “I want to hear it. I want to be in on the Melody news.”

    “Ugh, okay. Um, there’s some backstory.”

    Rosa waited patiently. They both took a sip of their drinks, sat quietly for a bit while Melody worked up their courage.

    “There was a thing that happened. I kind of got assaulted.” Melody shied away from the spicey feeling of that word. Not really assaulted. Not exactly. That’s the word that Rosa would need to understand, but it wasn’t – couldn’t have been assault. They decided not to use the word again.

    “The day I was here?”

    “No uh, way earlier and uh, way worse.”

    “Melody.” Rosa said, holding her close.

    “Don’t start with that.” Melody said. “You’ll make me cry and I won’t be able to finish.”

    “Okay, okay.” Rosa took a deep breath and went back to stroking Melody’s hair.

    “Anyway uh, it was a really hard day. Kinda bad, and things had been bad for a while.” Melody sighed. “I uh, sorta passed out when I came home.”

    Rosa made a concerned noise but managed to keep it just to a noise. Melody took a deep breath, pausing before she continued.

    “Part of the whole bad thing was uh – me finding out that I like wearing – this stuff.” Melody said in a whisper. “Veronica is in psych and she volunteered to untangle my crazy head. Part of it is imposing structure around um – when I wear them. Right now it’s all the time.”

    Melody let out a big breath with a shudder. “So uh – that’s the whole long story. That’s why I had them on around you.”

    “This bad thing.” Rosa said softly, carefully, “Was with Beatrix?”

    “Yeah.” Melody felt Rosa’s whole body tense, and actually heard her teeth grinding.

    When she spoke, Rosa’s voice wasn’t angry, which was a relief. Melody wasn’t sure they could take angry with all the other scary emotions right now.

    “I’m so sorry hon.” Rosa hugged Melody carefully. “I – I really care about you.”

    “I feel it.” Melody said softly, shuddering again. She tucked herself as closely into Rosa as she could. “It’s great. It helps.”

    “I think I mostly get it now.” Rosa said. “I’m sorry I dredged all that up.”

    “No, it’s okay. It actually feels a little better to have told you stuff.”

    “Okay.” Rosa held Melody tightly and kissed her forehead. “Look um, if you don’t want to do stuff with the diapers, we don’t have to. We can just pretend they aren’t there. I didn’t realize how much was going on.”

    Melody sighed. “I kind-of do though.”

    “You set the pace. Whatever you want, babe.” Rosa said. There was another long pause, then a sort of change in the tension in Rosa’s body. She felt more relaxed, like the mood was lightening.

    “Okay, I can’t help it, I have to ask.” Rosa asked with a mischievous tone. “Does it bother you when I call you babe – or do you like it? Should I call you baby?”

    “Oh god, what are you doing?” Melody flushed all the way down her neck, burying her face in Rosa’s shoulder. “Stop it.”

    “You’re that embarrassed?” Rosa giggled. “Which means you’re also just about as turned on?”

    “Rosa you’re terrible. Worst girlfriend ever.” Melody said, muffled by Rosa’s dress. Was she suddenly horny as hell? Did she want Rosa’s hand down the front of her diaper? Yes to both things. Was it fair? Obviously not.

    “I’ll let up, for now.” Rosa patted Melody’s butt, quite deliberately Melody was sure. “But I think if we can tease about it, it’ll be okay.”

    “Ugh. Maybe. Okay.” Melody peered up at Rosa, squirming at her girlfriend’s broad smile.

    Veronica came striding into the room. She’d left at some point with Jane, Melody remembered, but now she looked upset. Frowning, Melody sat up.

    “Everyone, I’m very sorry to interrupt your evening, but we have an emergency. Briana is missing.” Veronica had her cool and in-control thing going on, but there was an edge to it. She was wound tight, like she might shatter at any moment.

    “Missing?” Gary stood up, dumping his cookie plate on the floor.

    “I don’t know why, but it looks like she went out her window and off the roof. On purpose. Her footsteps lead away from the house. I need help looking for her.”

    Melody hopped up, swaying as the full extent of their buzzed state made itself known. “Uh, I don’t think I can drive right now, but I’ll get my coat and start looking.”

    “Thank you Melody.” Veronica said gratefully. “I’m sorry to ask this of you all. All of you know something about how Briana is a little different, but most of you don’t know the full picture. She is an adult, but isn’t thinking like one at the moment. There is a real danger that she could hurt herself, or even – even get too cold in the snow and…”

    “That’s not going to happen.” Jane squeezed Veronica’s shoulder, already dressed in a thick coat and boots. “I’m good to drive, Ronnie and I will be on the streets and she’ll be on her phone. You should all have her number. Text her if you find out anything. Please don’t call unless you actually find Briana. We’ll be fielding a lot of messages.”

    “Maryam and I will check the arboretum.” Casey said. “I found her there once, and I know a couple of other panic-places she goes on campus.”

    “Are you okay to drive?” Gary asked.

    “It’s a seven minute run there.” Maryam said, shrugging on a light jacket. “We got this.”

    Seven minutes to run to campus sounded – fast. Thank goodness for sporty girls, Melody thought to herself.

    “Well I’m sober.” Gary said. “I can take one person, I’m here in my pickup.”

    “All yours, G-Man.” Suzie said, hopping up from the couch.

    Suzie’s friends were gone, some time during her long conversation with Rosa, Melody realized. Who else wasn’t here? Briana’s friend was gone too, Tammy or something?

    Everyone made their way to the living room to pick up their coats and boots. Casey and Maryam were already out the door, running fast. Erin and her girlfriend were the next ones out, Erin’s keys jingling in her hand.

    “Lots of people with cars.” Melody said. “Rosa and I can check around the neighborhood.”

    “Thank you Melody.” The desperate gratitude in Veronica’s voice was hard to hear.

    As vehicles rumbled to life in the driveway, Melody retrieved a sweater and some leggings for Rosa from her room. Rosa put them on gratefully and they both bundled into coats, hats, and gloves.

    “Was there anything that gave an idea of why she snuck out?” Melody asked. “Or something besides footprints for a guess where she went?”

    “I searched her room.” Veronica said. “Her phone was still there. She took her stuffed lion, and I’m not sure what else. There weren’t any clues that I could see.”

    “Okay, we’ll start looking.” Melody flashed an encouraging smile at Veronica and headed out the door.

    Briana’s footprints were easy to find. There was a Briana-sized crater in the snow under her window, along with a trail of footprints. Melody followed them down the lawn to the sidewalk, Rosa in tow.

    At the sidewalk things started to get complicated. Using her phone as a flashlight, Melody tried to identify which of the dozens of imprints in the snow belonged to Briana. Luckily her prints were recent, and her feet very small.

    “Everyone is really freaked.” Rosa said. “Does Briana have some kind of mental issue?”

    “Yeah uh, there’s a lot more going on with her than the diaper thing.” Melody said. “Best thing to do is to pretend that there’s a six year old missing, because that’s about where Bri’s head is at.”

    “Oh my god.” Rosa froze in place with that revelation, catching back up to Melody with a few jogging steps.

    “I’m sure we can find her.” Rosa said. It was meant to be reassuring, but even the minor uncertainty in that statement made Melody’s stomach churn.

    “We have to. We HAVE to find her.” Melody could feel panic building up in her chest.

    It was pure luck that Briana had decided to walk on the grass for a bit, and even more luck that Melody was able to spot where she’d crossed the street. The other side of the street was a parking lot, and that’s where the luck ran out. The 7-11 was still open and there were cars and people coming in and out regularly. A mass of tire tracks and footprints obliterated any trace of Briana’s steps.

    “Briana!” Melody shouted at the top of her lungs. “BRIANA!”

    Rosa jogged back from inside the convenience store. “She’s not in there.”

    “She can’t be lost.” Melody said frantically. “We have to find her. Please Bri, don’t be lost or hurt.”

    “Hey, hon, it’s okay, there are tons of people looking for her. We’re going to find her.” Rosa gripped Melody’s shoulders gently.

    “You don’t understand.” Melody stared at Rosa with wild eyes. “She was the first person in the house I made friends with. She never judged me, for anything. If it hadn’t have been for her I never would have – I would have just stayed in my room – I wouldn’t have you.”

    Rosa pulled Melody close. The emotional roller coaster that Melody had been on all evening reached it’s peak. They sobbed, hard, into their girlfriend’s shoulder.

    “I love that stupid ditzy bitch. She’s like my little sister.”

    “Oh honey.” Rosa held Melody close. “I got you. And you got her. Come on, it’s big brain time. Where would Briana go?”

    “It doesn’t make sense. She doesn’t have any reason to just ditch. Everyone she knew was at the…”

    Melody looked up at Rosa. “Tammy. No, not Tammy, T something. Fuckin’ T-whatever, Briana’s friend.”

    “Tamira I think?”

    “YES.” Melody broke away from Rosa and grabbed her phone. “I’m telling Veronica to call Tamira.”

    “You think she went to visit a friend?” Rosa still sounded confused.

    “It’s a whole thing, she’s like a baby a lot of the time. Veronica is literally her mom. Takes care of her just like a mom would. When Veronica is busy or isn’t around someone has to babysit her.”

    “Woah. That’s uh, where that diaper game ended up?”

    “What?” Melody blushed. “No uh, it doesn’t have to go like that. There’s a whole community, it’s a thing on the internet. But uh, Briana is extreme.”

    “Veronica is on the phone with the cops but Jane gave me Tamira’s number.” Melody set it dialing without hesitation.

    “Hi Tamira. It’s Melody from dinner tonight, don’t hang up.”

    “Hi Melody, this is a surprise, what’s going on?” Tamira sounded a bit put-off by the sudden stranger call.

    Melody could feel her limbs shaking. “No time for small talk, something crazy happened. Briana is missing.”

    “Missing? What do you mean?”

    “I mean she snuck out of her room, off the roof, and we don’t know if she’s freezing to death or what out here.” Melody said, panic flooding her tone. Rosa made a calm down motion. It was a good idea, but not one Melody was sure they could make happen.

    “Oh. OH. So she’s really, like really not able to be an adult right now?” Tamira sounded like she got it, maybe. There was more concern in her voice than there had been with Rosa at first. Melody gave thanks that she wouldn’t have to explain Briana’s mental state again.

    “You got it. I take it she’s not there with you? We can’t figure out where she would go.”

    “I don’t know where she’d go either. She was supposed to have a big sleepover with Gary. She wouldn’t leave the house and miss out on that.”

    “Something was apparently important enough to make her jump off a roof.” Melody said, exasperated.

    “I can’t think of what unless. Oh god.”

    “WHAT.” Melody barked at the phone.

    “I think maybe – oh fuck. I think she might have gone to confront Beatrix.”

    Melody stared at their phone like it had become a live snake. “Fucking, BEATRIX? Why?”

    “She uh, asked me to dig up some information on Beatrix for her.” Tamira said. “Said she wanted to make things right after what happened at your house. I didn’t come up with anything though, just some basic twitter receipts that wouldn’t get anyone arrested.”

    “Did you show her Bea’s address?” Melody asked, forgetting that they were using Beatrix’s nickname in front of their girlfriend.

    “For like four seconds.” Tamira said. “She’s probably just trying to find Beatrix on campus somewhere.”

    “No, she can reason better than that, even if it’s all through the lens of being a kid. How did she act when you showed her that stuff?”

    “I don’t know, puffed out her chest and got kind of serious I guess?”

    “Fuck. Okay, that’s where she is.”

    “You’re sure?”

    “Yeah.” Melody was. They had spent a lot of time with Briana, and it was exactly the kind of thing that big-hearted kid would do. That Briana could memorize an address on the fly didn’t surprise her, the kid wasn’t dumb.

    “Hey, Tamira, thanks. I’m going to hang up and call Veronica now.”

    “I’m sorry, I had no idea this would happen.” Tamira sounded remorseful, but Melody had no time for any of that touchy-feely crap.

    “Bye.” Melody closed the call.

    “You seriously think she’s at Beatrix’s house?” Rosa asked with wide eyes.

    “Bri’s not so good at giving up on stuff.” Melody said.

    “She must really care about you.” Rosa smiled. “Where’s Beatrix live?”

    “Too far from here to walk.” Melody shook her head. “Briana has to be frozen if she walked that far.”

    As if to underscore Melody’s point, snow began to swirl down, carried on a cutting wind. Rosa stood by in supportive concern while Melody dialed Veronica’s number.

    “Melody!” Veronica said in desperation. “You found her?”

    “I know where she is.” Melody said. “Beatrix’s house.”

    “What? How? Why?”

    “Tamira told me that Briana decided she had to fix what happened between me and Bea at the house.” Melody tried their best to keep the emotion out of their voice. Veronica needed facts to act on, not their baggage. “She asked Tamira to look up dirt on Bea, or something?”

    “And she DID?” The fury in Veronica’s tone was not something Melody ever wanted to be the target of.

    “I guess she did. Including Bea’s address.” Melody sighed. “I’ll text it to you so you can put it in Maps. I can’t think of anything else that would make Briana climb out a second story window in the snow.”

    “You’re right, thank you Melody.” Veronica’s voice was trembling. “Send me that address as soon as we’re off the phone. I’ll let you know when I find her.”

    “I’m going to start walking that direction just in case.” Melody said. “Maybe she stopped on the way or something. I – I’m not going to let anything happen to her.”

    “I love you, Melody.” Veronica said gratefully.

    “Uh… th-thanks.” Melody squirmed. There was not room for another big emotion tonight. “I’m sending you that address. Good luck.”

    The moment they ended the call, Melody’s fingers flew across her phone’s keyboard. They sighed with relief when the message was marked as sent.

    “I don’t know if you caught that, but I’m going to walk the route in case Briana stopped somewhere or uh, you know, something happened before she could get there. If you need to go home…”

    “Which way do we go?” Rosa asked.

    Melody smiled gratefully. “Down Main, we’ll turn right at Spruce.”

    Rosa took Melody’s hand in a tight grip and strode along at their side.


    It was so cold. Briana hadn’t expected it to be this cold. She really wished she’d been able to grab her coat from the downstairs. Some mittens would be nice too. It’d been a while since she had much feeling in her fingers. Her back was especially bad too. The hoodie had gotten damp when she landed in the snow and now it was covered in ice crystals.

    She peered at the street sign in front of her. Just one more block to go. Without her phone (dumb!) she had no way to know what time it was. The walk had been long enough that she’d wet twice. Each time had made some nice warmth, but now her diaper was cold and clammy.

    “B-beatrix had b-better be there.” Briana told Alanna through chattering teeth.

    Alanna was worried about the cold. That made sense, lions were from Africa. Briana tucked the lioness a little further inside her hoodie pocket. Her lioness had additional worries about the lack of a plan for when Briana found Beatrix.

    “I’ll tell her that she has to tell me what she’s doing.” Briana said, trudging forward into a sudden wind-driven snow flurry. Alanna’s only response to THAT was a skeptical snort.

    “If she doesn’t tell me, then I’ll challenge her to a duel.” Briana declared, patting the hilt of her plastic sword.

    That answer seemed to satisfy Alanna. The lioness liked duels, she was good at them after all. If only it wasn’t such a long journey to get to the duel. Briana slipped on the sidewalk for the tenth or so time, freshly scraping her hands and bruising her knee.

    Tears sprung immediately to her eyes. She took a moment to cry and collect herself. All around her were cozy houses. Most of them were dark but a few had lights on and lots of cars parked in front of them. Those people had phones. Briana knew they’d probably call her mom if she asked.

    But then the quest would be a failure and Melody would be sad forever. Gritting her teeth, Briana climbed to her feet, shivering down her entire body. Alanna was warning her that her fingers had turned blue.

    “It doesn’t matter.” Briana said. “I’m a knight. I have to do this.” Alanna was worried, but supportive. She always supported Briana, eventually.

    When Briana finally made it to the house she had to double-check the address. Not because she’d forgotten it, or had trouble reading it, but because she was so disappointed at what she’d found.

    The house was dark, no cars in the driveway. Of course, Beatrix was evil. Evil people don’t host Thanksgiving. They couldn’t make a house full of light and laughter and good food. Beatrix had to go somewhere else and leech off those people’s happy night. Like a joy-vampire. Briana cursed her stupidity.

    She stared at the house for a while. It was so sad. Like every year in foster care, or the orphanages. Assuming there even was a Thanksgiving, it was never at home. There wasn’t enough love at home to make a Thanksgiving, or a Christmas. Briana always had to go somewhere else.

    “Now I have a home with love in it.” Briana told Alanna. “Melody is part of that home. We have to help her.”

    Briana rose to the full height of her pixie-like frame. Her teeth were chattering constantly now and her body wouldn’t stop shivering. She couldn’t feel her hands at all. With Melody’s face in her mind, Briana drew her sword. It took her a moment to make her hand close around the handle. With some work, she held it aloft.

    “FOR THE HONOR OF CLOUDLAND!” Briana’s voice rang across the driveway.

    The invocation gave her the strength to approach the house. It looked pretty well locked up, but you never knew. One by one, Briana tried the windows on the house. The third one was the charm.

    It was a nightmare of sharp ice and physical effort to pull herself up and through the open window. Her arms burned and almost gave out on her. Halfway in, she balanced her belly on the windowsill. She tried to tip gracefully in and fell unceremoniously through. A bedside table came up in her vision way too fast. There was a bright pain in her forehead. Briana’s vision was nothing but stars.

    Time was already a big unknown. However long she lay on the floor, bleeding and crying, Briana wasn’t sure. The sheer drafty cold coming through the window was what eventually got her up. It was warmer in the house but cooling off fast. With a grunt, Briana managed to slam the window closed.

    Something was warm in her diaper. Briana gingerly touched the wound on her head and dizzily tried to take stock. After a few moments, she wished she hadn’t. As out of it as she was, the effort of closing the window had pushed a little number two out.

    “So much for potty training.” Briana wanted to cry again, but was too exhausted to do it. At least Alanna had the good graces to not mention the honor problems in failing her potty training.

    Squishing unpleasantly, Briana explored the house. It looked like several people lived there, but her worries about finding the right room were unfounded. It was super, double obvious which room was Beatrix’s.

    Expensive stuff was all over the place, sitting out to be as on-display as possible. There were a lot of mirrors in the room. The Evil Queen from Snow White had nothing on Beatrix, Melody’s nemesis even had a mirror on the ceiling over her bed!

    Briana limped over to Melody’s computer. She was ready to try guessing passwords like “Beatrix” or “Beautiful” but she didn’t have to. Moving the mouse removed the screensaver and gave her access to the desktop.

    Things were finally going Briana’s way, even if sitting in her mess at Beatrix’s desk was pretty gross. The computer’s files were hyper-organized. Totally devoid of shame, Beatrix had a folder labeled “Blackmail – Melody”.

    With trembling fingers, Briana opened the folder. What she saw set her crying anew. Pictures of Melody in baby clothes, in a diaper, naked. Her sibling looked SO SAD in all of them. How could Beatrix not look at those pictures and feel terrible?

    There was more too. Some small video files that Briana didn’t have the heart to open. A word document with the same name as the folder. Briana shook her head in disgust. A quick search of the desk revealed a thumb drive labeled “Reports – Econ 522”. Popping it into the computer showed it had plenty of space, there were just a few Excel files on a drive with dozens of gigabytes of space.

    The entire blackmail folder copied to the thumb drive in pretty quick order. Briana left the folder selected and hovered her finger over the delete key. It would be great to destroy the evidence, but what if Beatrix had a backup? Looking more closely at the pictures, Briana realized they’d been taken on a phone. Not just that, but downloaded from a cloud service.

    There wouldn’t be any way to destroy the pictures for good. Briana’s shoulders slumped. Still, she had the proof she needed. She might be little-brained and have a big lump on her head, but she knew this was go to the police type stuff.

    “BRIANA!” Her name shouted outside made Briana literally jump out of the chair and crash to the floor.

    “BRIANA, ARE YOU IN THERE?” Someone was pounding on the front door.

    Briana froze in terror. Was Beatrix here? All bravado about dueling Beatrix fled out of her head in the face of a real physical conflict.


    Of course, it was Mom. Beatrix wouldn’t bang on the door, she’d just come in. It hadn’t sounded like Mom at first. It was way too frantic. Briana’s stomach churned, threatening to push the rest of the mess into her diaper.

    She was in big, big trouble.

    Hastily, Briana closed the folders, leaving the computer at a blank desktop again. She yanked the thumb drive out of the computer and shoved it into her hoodie pocket.


    “I’m here!” Briana yelled, hurrying toward the front door.

    “Briana, is that you?” Mom sounded even more frantic, if that was possible. “Open the door, come out of there right now!”

    Trouble or no, Briana was ready for this whole nightmare to end. The quest was over, successful even. She was hurt and shivering and her hands were tingling unpleasantly. Her heart was torn in two for Melody. Briana needed her mommy, right now.

    It took just a few moments of fumbling with the locks to get the door open. Veronica yanked Briana through the door and into her arms like she was teleporting the girl. Briana clung tightly to her.

    “I’m going to close this up from the inside.” Dad said. “No reason to let anyone know that our little girl spiced up her Thanksgiving with B&E.”

    “Thank you Jane.” Veronica said.

    Somehow, Veronica hoisted Briana up in her arms. It was a shock. Mom never picked her up, she just wasn’t strong enough. Tonight Mom was strong enough not to just pick Briana up, but to carry her all the way to the car and set her in the back seat.

    Buckled up and with Veronica next to her, Briana shivered. The car was running, the heater going, but she was cold all the way down inside her bones. The cold was deep inside her chest.

    Veronica looked up from her phone as she finished a text. “I just let Melody and the others know that you’re safe. Everyone was really worried for you. Melody especially.”

    That was a good feeling, but bad at the same time. Briana hadn’t been trying to make people worried.

    Jane climbed into the driver’s seat and slammed her door closed. “Let’s get out of here.”

    “What were you doing in there?” Veronica said. “We have a LOT to talk about tonight but what made you break into a house?”

    “I got it!” Briana said triumphantly, grabbing the thumb drive and holding it up “I found the proof that Beatrix is bad!”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “Pictures Mom! Really bad, illegal pictures of Melody.”

    Veronica’s eyes hardened. Briana could tell that this particular anger was not directed at her. It was for Beatrix.

    “What kind of pictures?” Veronica asked, as Jane pulled away from Beatrix’s house.

    “Melody um, naked and in diapers and stuff.” Briana bit her lip as the hurt for her sibling came back. “They look so sad in them Mom, it’s really bad!”

    Veronica sighed. “Briana, my darling. I know what you were trying to do, but we can’t use those pictures unless Melody says she didn’t want them taken.”

    “They’re in a folder literally labeled Blackmail mom!”

    “It’s not illegal to name a folder blackmail.” Veronica rubbed her nose. “Beatrix would also say that we named the folder that.”

    “But it’s called that on her computer.”

    “She could change it, and anyway, we can’t get access to her computer without a warrant. To get that we’d have to explain that you broke into her house. It would be a lot easier to send you to jail over that than to convict Beatrix.”

    Briana felt hot behind her eyes. “But, but I did it. I finished the quest. I s-saved Melody.”

    “I…” Veronica took a deep breath. “Your intentions were good but honey, this is why I asked you to let me and Melody handle it. Without their cooperation there is no case. Now you’re potentially in trouble too.”

    “But I saved them.” Briana blubbered. “I had to. They can’t be sad forever. They’re my sibling. My big sibling. Please Mommy. Pleaaaase. They have to be okay.”

    Mom had no reassurances for her. The rest of the car ride was quiet, except for Briana’s crying. Gary and a couple other people were at the house when they got home, but it was mostly empty. All the happy laughing and warm Thanksgiving was gone.

    Veronica permitted only a few quick hugs before taking Briana up to her room. She carefully washed the cut on Briana’s forehead while Jane checked Bri’s extremities and got her out of the wet clothes.

    “Are you going to yell at me?” Briana said. She deserved it, was ready for it even.

    “No.” Veronica said tiredly. “This is too big for that.”

    Briana gulped. “What do you mean?”

    “I’m so upset with you Briana. I…” Her fingers trembled and she took a step away, letting Jane finish applying the bandage to Briana’s cut.

    “We were all out in the snow looking for you. We didn’t know what had happened, if you were safe, if you were freezing in the snow.” Veronica wrapped her arms around herself, shaking all over now.

    “Then we found you – you broke into a house. If the police had found you…” Veronica’s voice cracked. “Briana, they could take you away from me.”

    A howl broke out of Briana. She sobbed uncontrollably as Veronica fell to her knees and grabbed her.

    “Never again.” Veronica shuddered. “Never again, promise me. Don’t ever run away again Briana. I can’t bear to lose you.”

    “I’m sorry mama. I’m sorry.” Briana rocked back and forth, sobbing apologies over and over again. Jane leaned in to hold them both, strong arms steady as a rock. But even Dad’s breathing was rough, there were tears on her cheeks too.

    “I need a minute.” Veronica said when Briana’s sobs finally wound down.

    “Go ahead.” Jane said gently.

    Veronica kissed Briana and slipped out of the room.

    “She’ll be right back.” Jane said, pre-empting Briana’s concerns. “She just needs to blow her nose.”

    “I’m sorry daddy.” Briana sniffled.

    “I know.” Jane said kindly. “Let’s finish getting you cleaned up.”

    Dad didn’t usually lift her either, though she’d done it before. She did this time, hefting Briana up and onto her changing table.

    “You’re a mess kiddo.” Jane said as she tore Briana’s diaper open.

    “I messed up my potty training.”

    “That doesn’t matter tonight.” Jane shook her head. “Briana, I need you to really listen to me for a minute, okay?”

    “Yes Daddy.”

    “Your mom and I love you very much. We are here to help you, and protect you.” Jane wiped away the mess and wet on Briana as she talked with her usual methodical care. “I’m proud that you care about Melody so much. I’m proud that you love your family.”

    “But you need to come to us for help with grown up things.” Jane dumped the diaper into the pail, immediately improving the smell in the room. “Part of being a family is working together and relying on each other. I need you to do that with us. Tell us what you want to do to help people. We will make sure you can do it safely.”

    Briana took a deep, rattling breath. “I understand. I will. Thanks Dad.”

    “I love you so much.” Jane leaned down and kissed Briana on the cheek, fiercely.

    “I love you too.” Briana’s heart felt leaden, she’d caused so much pain for people she loved so much.

    “You are grounded.” Jane said, calmly but firmly as she put a fresh diaper under Briana. “And potty training is suspended.”

    “C-can I still stay the weekend with Gary?” Briana asked with a trembling lip.

    “Absolutely not.” Jane said.

    Briana sniffled and her breath caught in her chest, but she didn’t cry. It hurt to lose the weekend with Gary, but she knew she deserved it.

    “When I say grounded, I don’t mean just to the house. You are grounded to your room until Mom or I say otherwise. We will bring your playpen in here tomorrow morning, and you’ll go between your crib and your playpen unless we take you somewhere else in the house.”

    “But, I’ll be all alone.” Briana whimpered, unable to hold tears back at that one.

    “We’ll have someone with you a lot of the time, but sometimes it will just be the baby monitor.” Jane said, pulling the tapes tight and crisp across Briana’s diaper.

    “Don’t leave me alone.” Briana sobbed.

    “This is a punishment, Briana.” Jane said softly. Veronica joined her and nodded her agreement.

    “You can and I’m sure will have visitors, but we need to impress on you how serious this is.” Veronica said.

    “Mommy!” Briana wailed.

    “I will be here every morning when you wake up, and tuck you into bed every night, unless Dad does.” Veronica said gently. “You’ll see me during the day too.”

    “Lets get you into your pajamas.” Jane said, bringing Briana’s thickest, fuzziest unicorn pjs.

    Briana managed to get her crying under control while she was put to bed, but just barely. She’d resigned herself to crying all night; when Veronica sat down on the edge of Briana’s crib and pulled her dress off her shoulders.

    “It’s been so busy today, you haven’t gotten any snacks.” Veronica said lovingly. “How about some warm milk to give you sweet dreams?”

    Briana nodded desperately. Jane sat on the other end of the crib, propping Briana up into a lounging posture. Veronica scooted in and brought her breast to Briana’s lips.

    Closing her eyes and gently sucking on Veronica’s nipple drove the horrors of the night out of Briana’s mind. By the time she’d finished off both breasts she was sleepy and limp. Exhaustion like she hadn’t known in years sapped everything from her. Briana was asleep as soon as she was tucked in, before Veronica even raised her crib bars.

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 21

    Melody flipped through their phone while they waited for Rosa to get home from work. They hadn’t seen Briana since Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully their little sister was okay. Melody wondered if Briana would be okay with them calling her that. It felt good to do privately at least, felt right.

    Briana was on some kind of super mega lockdown, she was probably upset and needing a friend. Veronica could probably use more babysitting help too. Instead of helping, Melody was sitting in Rosa’s apartment, doom-scrolling. They couldn’t face the house after the text Veronica had sent.

    >> Briana retrieved something from Beatrix’s house. Please let me know if you want to talk about what’s going on with her.

    Melody touched the reply box with their thumb and tried to think of a response for the sixth time. Nothing came to mind. Nothing that they would be able to press send on. At least reading it didn’t grip their chest with panic like it had when Veronica had first sent it.

    Rosa had been awesome. She didn’t ask any questions, just let Melody grab stuff from their room at the house and stay with her. Even though Melody knew she was burning with curiosity about what had spooked Melody out of the house. Not to mention that being cooped up together with no school had made their above-the-waist-only make outs even more stressful.

    “She’s so great.” Melody said to the empty living room.

    Better than I deserve, they thought.

    Rosa’s roommates were away for break. It was nice, but made the whole no sex thing even more difficult. That was one thing Melody could fix. They’d grabbed diapers as well as clothes from home when they’d packed, but Veronica wasn’t here. They didn’t need to wear protection every single minute.

    When Rosa went to work her shift at Red Retail Hell, Melody determined that she’d have a nice welcome back. Eight hours was a long time. Long enough to grocery shop, do some cleaning, and fix dinner. A lot of cleaning had gotten done, actually. Anything was better than dwelling on what she was going to tell Veronica, or worse, the whole situation with Beatrix.

    Outfit choices had been super limited by what they’d packed Thanksgiving night. The best Melody could do was a button up shirt, jeans, and panties. Rosa didn’t need to deal with Melody’s weird fetishes on their first time.

    It felt weird not being padded after so many weeks. Worse than that, Melody had wet themselves a little while scrubbing the kitchen. Letting go any time the urge came up had become way too easy. Luckily, they’d been wearing yesterday’s clothes while cleaning. Those clothes were in the wash now, with extra detergent.

    The door opened, Rosa stepped listlessly in, wearing her store’s trademark unflattering red shirt. Melody was pretty sure they’d rather be wearing that color on the Enterprise then at Target.

    “Hey Rosa.” Melody hopped up from the couch with an eager smile.

    “Hey babe.” Rosa set her bag down and did a double-take on Melody’s outfit. Her eyes wandered around the living room, growing wide. “Did you clean? Did you cook?”

    “I did. I hope that’s okay. I wanted stuff to be nice for you when you got back.”

    The fierce hug that lifted Melody off the floor was a pretty good indicator of Rosa’s reaction. Melody smiled and kissed their girlfriend eagerly.

    “This is awesome. Thank you hon.” Rosa squeezed Melody’s rear and raised a brow. “You’re not…”

    “Not tonight.” Melody said softly. “I uh, didn’t want it to get in the way if we ended up um, doing stuff.”

    “This is the best way to come home from work.” Rosa said with a grin. “I can’t decide what to eat first!”

    “Uh, the dinner probably won’t taste as good as…” Melody blushed profusely. “I mean uh – I’m not saying that I taste um – oh god.”

    “I bet you taste delicious.” Rosa said, tickling Melody out of their bashful cringe. “I’m sure dinner will too. What’d you make?”

    “Shepard’s pie. It’s not fancy. Just like uh – ground beef and carrots with boxed mashed potatoes on top.”

    “Sounds amazing. I’m starved. I just need to change out of my uniform, okay?”

    “I’ll get stuff on the table.”

    All they had to do was pop the casserole out of the oven and put it on the table. Nice place settings were already set up, something they’d learned from lots of roommate dinners at Veronica’s. After a bit of internal debate, Melody lit the candles they’d picked up at the grocery store.

    “Did you clean the whole apartment?” Rosa asked excitedly from her room.

    “Uh, I didn’t go into your roommates’ rooms.”

    “I get a candlelight dinner too?” Rosa said, returning from the bedroom with a pair of shorts and a tank top on. “You are awesome. Thank you.”

    “I’m not – I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Melody said.

    “I love it.” Rosa pulled Melody in for a short kiss before eagerly taking a seat at the table.

    Melody watched Rosa carefully as they ate. She seemed to like it, especially after Melody suggested putting more salt on the casserole. Dinner was low on conversation and high on Rosa stuffing her face. Melody figured that must be a compliment.

    Even with Rosa home, Melody couldn’t stop their anxieties from creeping into their thoughts. If anything, it was worse. Dinner cleanup happened in a daze. Melody found themselves under their girlfriend in bed, exactly where they wanted to be. Unfortunately, the worries still piled on.

    What does Veronica know about Beatrix?

    What happens when Rosa finds out about Beatrix?

    What if I get so into this that I wet myself again?

    What if Rosa doesn’t have fun and breaks up with me?

    “Hey, Melody?” Rosa said, pulling away from a kiss. “You okay?”

    “Uh, yeah, sorry, uh, I was distracted. I’ll be better.”

    “That’s not what I’m asking for.” Rosa said, sitting up.

    She looked so good straddling Melody with her top off. Melody couldn’t believe they had something this good and kept trying to screw it up.

    “I’m sorry Rosa.” Melody said hastily. “I just have a lot of stuff on my mind with the whole Briana thing and…”

    “And whatever is happening at home that makes you not want to go back?”

    Melody bit their lip. “It’s not that exactly – I mean, it is kinda but…”

    “Melody.” Rosa’s smile was at once concerned and caring. “Hey, you can stay here the whole break if you want. After that I’d have to talk to my roommates, but I want you here.”

    Melody nodded, feeling a bit less frantic. “The break is more than fine. Thanks.”

    “Are you nervous because you’re not wearing a diaper?”

    Yes. The thought leaped into Melody’s mind and almost to their lips, before they managed to stop it. Unfortunately, their face must have given them away.

    “I thought that might be happening. Is it kind of like a security blanket?” Rosa asked, unbuttoning the last buttons on Melody’s shirt and pushing it open so she could stroke their belly.

    “It’s not – that makes me sound like a baby.”

    “Oh of course.” Rosa’s voice was still kind, but a smirk was invading the corner of her mouth. “I don’t want to make you feel like a baby when we’re talking about your diapers.”

    “That’s not what it’s about!” Melody protested.

    “No? Hon, you told me it’s called Adult Baby Diaper Lover.” Rosa planted her hands to either side of Melody’s shoulders and gazed down at them. “Please tell me what this means to you. I want to know. I want to be a good girlfriend, a good lover for you.”

    “I’m not trying to be confusing.” Melody said softly. “I’m confused too.”

    “Would you feel better if you had one on? Honestly.”

    If they were going to lie to their girlfriend about Beatrix, the least they could do was be honest about everything else. Especially when she was asking. Melody took a deep breath and nodded.

    “Yes. I don’t know about a security blanket but it is um – comfortable. Comforting.”

    It was Rosa’s turn to hesitate, her own voice soft. “Can I put it on you?”

    Melody shivered. The idea sounded amazing. Being diapered by someone who actually cared about them, but wasn’t just a caregiver like Veronica was a dream. A sexy, enticing dream that sent little bolts of electricity down Melody’s spine.

    “I would – like that.” Melody said. It was a massive relief to see compassion and desire on Rosa’s face. No disgust or hesitation crossed her features at all.

    “Let’s do it.” Rosa said.

    While Rosa was searching the bag they’d brought, Melody squirmed out of their shirt and bra. After a moment’s hesitation they shucked off their jeans, but left their panties on.

    “You’re so hot.” Rosa said, returning to the bed with an armload of diaper supplies.

    Hearing that while Rosa was holding a diaper, untwisted something anxious and painful in Melody’s belly. They hadn’t realized how much they needed to hear that from Rosa. Not in general, but during the kink stuff.

    “I see you’ve got all the supplies.” Rosa said. “I’ve done this for kids but never um – like this.”

    “It works basically the same.” Melody said, propped up on their elbows.

    “The part I don’t know is – the sexy part is a game right? Like BDSM? But I don’t know how this game goes.”

    Melody’s belly and parts lower heated up at the image of being tied up by Rosa. Melody mentally bonked themselves into horny jail. They needed to concentrate on what was happening now.

    “It’s uh – well I’ve never done it properly. With a – lover. But usually with the stuff online um – they sort of play pretend. L-like one person is y-younger and needs – needs some help.”

    Melody’s heart was pounding. Even after saying all that, they didn’t know if they wanted it. What was Rosa thinking right now? At what point did she get tired of this and decide to get a normal girlfriend that didn’t need special pronouns and diapers and all kinds of other…

    “I like your panties.” Rosa said.

    Her fingers and palm gently stroked Melody’s mound. The dark blue fabric was immediately damp against Melody’s slick folds. The touch drove the heat from Melody’s belly into their crotch and obliterated all thoughts from their mind.

    “They do seem a little wet though. I know you don’t normally wear adult stuff like this.” Rosa said hesitantly, watching Melody’s face carefully.

    Melody nodded in answer to Rosa, shyly biting their lip.

    “Let’s get you out of these and into a diaper, okay? Then you won’t have to worry about having an accident.”

    “Okay.” Melody whispered.

    “Good girl.” Rosa said. She was probably pulling that phrase from BDSM, but it worked just as well in ABDL. Well enough to elicit a needy whine from Melody.

    Rosa pulled Melody’s legs up and slid their panties up and off. She laid them back down apart and took a moment to inspect Melody. At least, that’s all Melody thought she was doing. A stroke of Rosa’s soft tongue caught them completely off guard and drove a loud moan out of them.

    “I just had to have a little taste.” Rosa said, lifting her head and grinning. “I was right. You’re delicious.”

    Melody had heard that at some point in BDSM, pain and pleasure merge into the same thing. They’d never been enough into that scene to find out. The same thing was happening now with their embarrassment and arousal. Their whole body was trembling, but it just felt good. The anxiousness was replaced with anticipation. Flush and blush merged into one.

    “Hmm, is this – Melody, you have diaper rash.” Rosa said.

    “Um, yeah, it’s getting better.”

    “It is? Because it looks pretty bad.” Rosa lifted Melody’s hips to better inspect their rear, driving Melody deeper into a little role. “Veronica didn’t notice?”

    “She did but…” Melody couldn’t finish without uttering the forbidden name.

    “I know she has her hands full with Briana right now but this isn’t okay.” Rosa set Melody’s butt down on the diaper. “You need someone to take better care of you. I’m going to get this cleared up for you, okay?”

    Along with the warmth in her crotch and along her skin, Melody felt warmth blossom in her chest. “Really?”

    “Of course baby.” Rosa said, leaning over so she could stroke Melody’s hair. “I’m going to take good care of my uh…”

    “Little one.” Melody supplied hesitantly.

    “Little one.” Rosa said, trying the phrase on for size. She smiled broadly. “Yeah, my little one. You lie back and let me help you, okay?”

    Smiling dreamily, Melody flopped back and closed their eyes. Rosa was just as thorough in applying the medicated lotion as Veronica, but this time every touch was a caress. The order that it was applied was a little different too, with Rosa saving Melody’s sex for last. Soft silky touches across their labia set Melody shamelessly moaning and flexing their hips upward.

    “I think you need a little more than medicine.” Rosa said, wiping her hands on a washcloth. “Let’s get all those moans out of my little one.”

    Melody squirmed as Rosa snuggled up next to her, one hand in Melody’s crotch and their lips nearly touching.

    “What about you?” They asked, cupping Rosa’s breast.

    “Little ones always get taken care of first, right?” Rosa said, pushing Melody’s hand back down on the bed. “Relax baby.”

    With any guilt at going first out of the way, Melody let themselves become lost in the feeling of Rosa’s fingers sliding up and down their slit. Soft, whimpering moans were devoured by Rosa’s lips and interrupted by her tongue. When those touches became soft circles around Melody’s clit, they broke the kiss to moan and gasp at the ceiling. Little by little Rosa built tension with her fingers and Melody’s back arched to match. With a shout they collapsed against their girlfriend, sweaty and quivering.

    “Good girl.” Rosa said, licking her fingers clean.

    Melody couldn’t answer. There was only warmth and bliss without room for thoughts. Their limbs felt almost numb. The scent of powder wafted up to Melody’s nose, a simple smell that had become oh-so complicated recently. It picked up yet another emotion as Rosa wrapped the diaper around Melody’s hips and fussed with the tapes.

    It wasn’t smooth, like being changed by Veronica, but it was perfect as far as Melody was concerned. The fumbling fingers that took several tries to get the tapes set were proof of how much effort Rosa was putting into this.

    The moment Rosa was finished, Melody rolled over and clung to their girlfriend. Rosa made a surprised sound and held Melody tightly.

    “You okay? Was this just intense or is there something else?”

    Melody couldn’t answer verbally. They tried holding on to Rosa even more tightly, hoping she’d understand. Nothing was said for a while. Melody clung to Rosa, and she held them tight.

    “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t need to.” Rosa said softly. “You need somebody to take care of you, don’t you?”

    “Yes please.” The need was strong enough to push worries about scaring their girlfriend off out of their mind.

    “I uh – did a little research. I don’t know how I feel about you calling me Mommy. I like the idea of being a caregiver though.” Rosa kissed the top of Melody’s head. “Can I take care of you?”

    Melody nodded into Rosa’s shoulder.

    “Melody,” Rosa said, pulling them away with some effort. “I need you to use your words on this one. Do you want me to be a caregiver for you when you’re being Little?”

    “I do.” Melody said quietly. “But uh – it could be too much, so you don’t have to.”

    “I’m not saying we should go twenty four seven, or lifestyle or whatever right now.” Rosa said. “We can take it slow. Right now I was thinking the rest of the night.”

    “Yes please.” Melody pleaded, in the littlest voice she’d used since she was in grade school.

    “You got it, Little One.” Rosa said. The warm smile that broke over her face was like the sun. “I guess we should set some rules.”

    Melody waited quietly.

    “Heh, I guess you want me to set them, huh?” Rosa nodded. “Just tell me if uh – there’s something that’s not okay about a rule. That’s different from you not liking a rule.”

    Melody squirmed. “O-okay.”

    “If you have an accident,” Rosa patted Melody’s butt, “I’ll change you. But you usually don’t have number two accidents, right?”

    “Right.” Melody said, nodding emphatically.

    “Okay, so for that just tell me, so I can help you get your diaper off.” Rosa watched Melody hesitantly, gaining confidence when she got another nod.

    “You have to do as I say. No uh – watching TV without permission.”

    Melody tried to pout at that, but it was half-smile. They nodded in agreement to the latest rule.

    “Finally um – I decide your bedtime.” Rosa said.

    “Okay Rosa.” Melody said, squirming again. Getting rules from Rosa was a lot more fun than getting them from Veronica.

    “Great.” Rosa said, looking relieved. “Now, what do you want to do?”

    “Can we play?” Melody asked, blushing. Their hand reached out to caress Rosa’s side. “Can we play uh – something that makes you feel good?”

    “You want to do that even – when we’re doing this?”

    “Is it okay?” Melody asked.

    “Yeah, it’s super okay.” Rosa said. “I uh, am still pretty worked up.”

    “Well, you know how babies are.” Melody said with a giggle. “We put everything in our mouth.”

    “Dios mío.” Rosa said as Melody’s lips met her breasts.

    Melody spared a few minutes for Rosa’s breasts, but was soon wiggling their way down her body, kissing all the way. Above the belt had already happened a lot. They were excited about the new territory they were kissing now.

    Melody’s lips wandered across Rosa’s hips and tracked up and down her thighs. They were having a lot of fun teasing, until Rosa grabbed their head gently with a frustrated groan.

    “Okay, that feels good baby. Let me uh, show you another place to kiss.”

    Melody let Rosa guide their head down to her soaking sex. As they gently licked in time to Rosa’s moans, Melody was in heaven. It didn’t take long to make Rosa flop back on the bed and quiver, not that Melody had any intention of stopping.

    Happy blissful sounds from Rosa rose in pitch to desperate moans and back down again. Three times, until Rosa weakly pushed Melody’s head away from her crotch.

    “Come snuggle me. Now.”

    Melody crawled back up their girlfriend, crinkling all the way. They fit perfectly together. Comforted by the heat radiating off of Rosa and feeling safe in her arms, Melody dozed. It was a soft, dreamy feeling that never quite became sleep. They came back to waking tucked under a sheet, little spoon to Rosa’s big.

    “Oh man,” Rosa yawned. “We passed out.”

    “Yeah.” Melody giggled softly.

    “It is way past your bedtime.” Rosa said, releasing butterflies into Melody’s tummy.

    “We’re already in bed.” Melody observed.

    “But you need to brush your teeth and stuff.” Rosa said, sitting up and tossing the sheet aside.

    “Don’t wanna.” Melody yawned. “Come sleep with – eep!”

    Rosa laughed and released the waistband of Melody’s diaper. “Still dry, good little one!”

    “Don’t.” Melody whined.

    “Don’t what? Embarrass you? Turn you on?” Rosa smirked. “Get your butt up so I can get you ready for bed.”

    Melody put up a good front of grumbles when Rosa lead them to the bathroom. They were a little worried that Rosa would start finding the game weird, but she seemed more into it than ever. She set a timer and made Melody brush her teeth for a full two minutes. Rosa even insisted on scrubbing Melody’s face herself.

    Most embarrassing of all was having her diaper pulled down and put on the potty by Rosa. Not the potty, the toilet, Melody tried to correct themself. Unfortunately, that’s what Rosa was currently calling it, just to twist the embarrassment a little higher.

    After all that, Rosa made Melody drink a huge glass of water, teasing them gently about wetting the bed. The thought of doing that was at once horrifying and enticing. It was a very conflicted little one that Rosa lead back to bed and tucked in alongside her.

    “Sorry I don’t have a binkie for you to suck on.” Rosa teased.

    “Shut up.” Melody protested, snuggling closer to Rosa’s big spoon.

    “Hmm, maybe I should impose some language rules too. You’re awfully lippy for a little one.”

    “Goodnight Rosa.” Melody said hastily, closing their eyes and fake-snoring.

    “Uh huh.” Rosa giggled and kissed Melody’s neck. “Goodnight little one.”

    If the fake snores were quickly replaced by real ones Melody didn’t know. They didn’t remember anything else from that night, so snores or not, sleep came immediately.


    Melody woke up more comfortable than they’d ever been in their life. Rosa was spooning them again. The bed was warm and the air outside the covers nice and chilly. Even their diaper was a nice comforting presence. The only problem was that they had to go. Badly.

    Their attempt to get out of bed was foiled by Rosa, who was already awake. Melody struggled sleepily against Rosa’s arms for a moment until they realized that they were being deliberately held.

    “Good morning Melody.” Rosa said blissfully.

    “Morning Rosa.” Melody squirmed against Rosa’s grip again, to no avail. “Uh, I have to go.”

    “Just pee right?” Rosa said quietly into Melody’s ear. “If that’s all, no reason we should stop snuggling.”

    Melody swallowed a lump in their throat. “Are – are we still playing?”

    “If you want to.” Rosa said. “You’re still diapered and I still want to take care of you.”

    “But you really want to deal with…” Melody couldn’t finish the sentence, so they tried to escape the bed again. Rosa pulled them closer, putting dangerous pressure on their belly.

    “If we play like this I’ll have to sooner or later.” Rosa said. “Now’s a good time as any. If you want me to let you go, you have to say ‘Rosa, I want to stop playing now.’ Otherwise I’m holding you here.”

    “Rosa…” Melody began. They hesitated, the rest of the sentence hanging on their lips. A tiny spurt of liquid escaped into their diaper and Melody let the choice be made. They whimpered as their full morning flow poured hot into the diaper. The padding was super soggy right away. The physical feeling was good, but the embarrassment was knife-sharp.

    “What’s that, baby girl? Oh, were you telling me that you had an accident?” Rosa reached down and cupped Melody’s padded crotch. “Wow, you really did. And you still are.”

    Melody whimpered, a flash of heat traveling across their skin. Their nipples crinkled immediately and they realized they were panting. Getting so turned on by wetting in front of Rosa was even more embarrassing. The loop fed back on itself until Melody’s squirms were from horny distress rather than an attempt to escape.

    “This really does it for you, doesn’t it, little one?” Rosa kissed Melody’s neck, eliciting a moan.

    “Is it okay for – for you?” Melody said, hiding their face.

    “It’s still pretty new for me, but watching you get this turned on is hot. Really hot.”

    Rosa shifted, pressing her breasts against Melody’s back. One hand wrapped around their chest to hold a breast, the other dipped into the diaper and slipped a finger between Melody’s folds.

    “Oh, Rosa!” Melody pressed back against their girlfriend. They fell back to the state of embarrassed bliss they’d felt when Rosa first diapered them.

    “You know what else is hot?” Rosa asked, gently stroking Melody’s clit. “Thinking about how you’re going to need to pee every morning. I could wake up next to you every morning, wetting your pants and getting crazy horny. That is hot like the sun.”

    Melody writhed happily against Rosa, already nearly to their climax. They hadn’t thought through the morning wakeup implication of being Rosa’s diapered little one, but she wasn’t wrong about how hot it was.

    “Come for me, baby doll.” Rosa said gently, rubbing her finger a bit more firmly. “That’s my dolly…”

    “NO!” Melody screamed the word before they fully registered what Rosa had said. They had thrown themself out of her grasp at the same time. Last night’s clothes made a lumpy landing zone as Melody pitched out of bed.

    “Melody?” Rosa peeked over the bed with a worried expression. “What happened?”

    “Can’t say that.” Melody whimpered, shaking. “Can’t call me that. Please don’t say that.”

    Rosa nodded urgently. “I promise I won’t. It was the last thing I said? D – “

    “Yeah that one.” Melody said, cutting Rosa off. “Not from you.”

    “Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’ll never say that again.” Rosa climbed out of bed and hesitantly reached for Melody.

    Now that Rosa felt safe again, Melody threw themself into her. Just like when they’d been unable to open up to Veronica, there were no sobs. Tears poured silently down their cheeks. Rosa didn’t say anything, just held them and stroked their back. It was perfect. Sooner than they would have expected, Melody wiped their eyes and sat back with a squish.

    “You don’t have to tell me what that was all about unless you want to.” Rosa said gently. “Do you want to stop playing for now?”

    “No.” Melody whimpered. “But I’m not feeling sexy anymore. I can make you feel good though.”

    “Shh.” Rosa kissed Melody tenderly on the lips. “That’s not what either of us needs right now. You need a shower, a fresh diaper, and breakfast. Sound good?”

    “Yes please.”

    A nuclear hot shower smoothed out the panic-driven knots in Melody’s muscles. A non-sexy diapering from Rosa was another first. A good one that made them wish they were at the point of saying the L word. Wearing Rosa’s pajamas was nice too, even if they were kind of girly. That was okay because they weren’t Melody’s. They belonged to their girlfriend.

    After breakfast they were snuggled on the couch in a happy tangle. The clouds that had descended with Beatrix’s pet name for Melody had finally been banished.

    “Do you hafta go to work today?” Melody said, catching the baby talk only after they’d already said it.

    “Yeah, but you can stay here and I’ll take care of you when I get home.” Rosa didn’t seem to mind it, but she didn’t say anything either.

    “I should go home.” Melody said sadly.

    “You sure?”

    “Yeah, people will be worried. Veronica has a lot to worry about already.”

    “I like having you here.” Rosa said. “I don’t mind taking care if you.”

    “We have to talk about that.” Melody said reluctantly. “You come home from work tired. You shouldn’t have to take care of me then.”

    “I’d do it for you.” Rosa said.

    “That’s sweet but…” Melody sighed and sat up, shrugging off the fuzzy PJ top leaving them in just the plain undershirt. “I don’t want it to be a chore. I want it to be a fun thing we do. Plus, you’re my girlfriend. I want to take care of you sometimes too.”

    “You did last night.” Rosa said, smiling. “Seriously, my chores for the week are done, dinner was great, and I have leftovers to take to work.”

    “I’m glad.” Melody said with a soft smile. “I can come see you more over break. But I should go home and spend at least one night there.”

    “Just one night?” Rosa grinned. “How many clothes are you going to leave here?”

    “No way! If we move in together, you should move into my house.”

    “Oh?” Rosa considered. “That makes sense actually. You’ve got that nice convenient changing table just down the hall from your room.”

    “Rosa!” Melody disappeared behind their hands.

    “Haha, I’m never going to get tired of that. You’re adorable.” Bit by bit she pried Melody’s hands apart so she could deliver a kiss.

    “It’s Briana’s stupid changing table.” Melody insisted.

    “So Veronica never changed you on it?”

    “Well uh – that’s not the point!”

    “Wanna sit on my lap and watch cartoons?”

    “You’re changing the subject.” Melody said.

    “Yep. Go get us a couple of those lemonades that are in the fridge. The bag of kettle corn too.”

    “Why do I have to get everything?”

    “Because until you tell me otherwise, we’re still playing and that means I’m in charge.” Rosa leaned over and squeezed a nice crinkle out of Melody’s diaper. “Go on, diaper butt.”

    Blushing and smiling despite their grumbles, Melody retrieved the snacks. It was nice to be smaller than their girlfriend, they fit almost as perfectly on Rosa’s lap as snuggling in bed. By the time the third episode rolled around Melody had abandoned all pretense and was singing along with the theme song.

    “We, are the crystal gems…”

  • Little Sister Briana: Chapter 22

    There was nothing worse than being lonely. Except, of course, being lonely and deserving it. Briana sat against the corner of her playpen and listlessly batted her stuffies back and forth. The Round Table of Cloudland had been demoted from proud knights to pillows, chew toys, and stuff to toss around the playpen.

    All of them except Alanna. She sat on the other side of the playpen, perched on a cloud-blue blanket. Leading the Round Table made strong like Mom and Dad. She was a merciless lioness. Alanna didn’t blame Briana for what she’d done, but she insisted that the little girl take her punishment without complaint.

    So she had. Briana had done her best to smile at anyone who came to visit her, saving the tears for the times that only the baby monitor was watching. Obviously Mom and Dad had the other monitor and knew she was crying, but she couldn’t keep from crying all the time.

    “I was just trying to help.” Briana whispered to Alanna. She didn’t understand how it had gone so wrong. There was proof now that Beatrix was doing horrible stuff and they still couldn’t help Melody. What was the point of all the stupid grown up rules if you couldn’t help your big sibling?

    In a soft sad voice, Briana sang the Cloudland Anthem to Alanna.

                There’s a place in my mind,

                No one knows where it hides,

                And my fantasy is flying,

                It’s a castle in the sky.

    Her voice stilled after the first verse. She couldn’t bear to sing the parts about taking up her sword and fighting dragons right now. Briana sighed and crawled over to a different spot in the pen for some variety.

    It’s not like she hadn’t had any visitors. All her roommates had come to see her. Even Gary had come, though just to fill in the babysitting schedule. She’d wanted to ask about Tamira, but Mom got angry every time her name was even mentioned. Briana didn’t have her phone to text anybody with.

    There was one glaring hole in the list. Technically not all her roommates had visited, because Melody hadn’t. They weren’t even in the house. Nobody knew why, or would say, but Melody hadn’t been home in over a day.

    That was her fault too, Briana guessed.

    With a sigh, she flopped over on her back. Being grounded to her room was a really intense, little-time experience. Especially with Mom visiting her two or three times a day for snacks. If she wanted to she could easily let all her grown up thoughts melt away and be a babbling baby for while. It was hard not to, really.

    That wouldn’t be facing up to her punishment though. Alanna would be disappointed in her. Briana would be failing her knighthood, again. Worst of all, she wouldn’t know when Melody came home.

    The door opened and Briana eagerly spun around to see who it was. She didn’t have to fake a smile when she saw it was Mom. Since Briana’s promise to never run away, she felt like she needed Veronica around all the time.

    “Hi there Bumblebri.” Veronica said. She was wearing fancy clothes, a pretty black dress with decoration on it and jewelry and stuff. It looked great, but it meant she was going out soon.

    “Hi Mommy.” Briana said, pulling herself up to her knees on the side of the playpen.

    “How are things going?” Veronica pulled a chair up to the playpen and gently rubbed Briana’s back.

    “It’s okay.” Briana said, trying to make her voice as cheerful as possible.

    “You having fun playing with your stuffies?” Veronica asked.

    “Uh, not really.” Briana shrugged.

    “Do you need something more enriching to do?” Veronica said. “I thought by now you’d be extremely little and the stuffies are usually all you want when you’re like that.”

    “I want to be.” Briana said with a sigh. “But I can’t.”


    “It wouldn’t be right.” Briana said. “I’d be avoiding my punishment.”

    Veronica’s brow furrowed. “You need some more activities for sure then. I don’t want you sitting here with nothing to do but to castigate yourself.”

    “It’s okay.” Briana said. “I have a lot of stuff to think about. I’m not sorry that I tried to help Melody. But I am sorry that I made a lot of trouble and worry when I did.”

    “You are such a good girl in your heart, do you know that, Briana?” Veronica asked.

    “You think so?”

    “I know so, darling.” Veronica leaned down to kiss Briana’s forehead, carefully so as not to smudge her lipstick. “I’m proud of the thinking you’re doing, and I’m proud of your good heart. I have to go to a meeting at school, but when I come back we’ll set you up with some games and coloring books.”

    Briana looked over at Alanna, then back up at Veronica. “It’s okay. I know I did a bad thing.”

    “There’s a fine line between processing a mistake you made and hurting yourself.” Veronica said. “I don’t want you having nothing to do and getting depressed. I’ll read you a story tonight too, okay?”

    That made Briana light up genuinely. The holidays had been way too busy for nighttime stories. “Can it be the first Alanna book?”

    “Again?” Veronica asked. “We never got further than the third book. We could finish the series.”

    “I want to start over.” Briana said.

    “We can do that. I’ll make sure that I make time so we can finish this time.”

    “Is Dad going with you to the party?” Briana asked.

    “No, she’s going to be here. It’s a work meeting, Jane isn’t invited.”

    “Mom.” Briana said, leaning on Veronica’s knees through the playpen mesh. “When you have time can we think of ways to help Melody?”

    “Sweetie, Melody has to ask us for help with this.”

    “But what if the whole thing they need help with is asking for help?”

    “That’s one of the hard things about helping someone who’s grown up.” Veronica said. “Sometimes you can’t.”

    “But, they aren’t grown up, are they?” Briana looked up, meeting Veronica’s gaze.

    “Well, Melody and I don’t have the same kind of relationship that I do with you.” Veronica said. There was doubt in her voice and uncertainty in her expression.

    “You do kind of.” Briana pressed. “You didn’t with me, until it happened.”

    “I – would like to be doing more than I am doing.” Veronica said. “I guess we can have this discussion, since you’re feeling pretty grown up right now. I tried to start that conversation with Melody, and their response was to stay with a friend instead of here.”

    “That’s why they aren’t here?” Briana frowned. “That just proves that they need help to get help!”

    “I agree with you.” Veronica said. “I don’t want to push them away. Then they’d really be on their own.”

    “Then I’ll do it!” Briana said. “They won’t run away from me.”

    “Are you sure?” Veronica said in a cautionary tone. “I didn’t expect that big of a reaction from my message either.”

    “I’m sure.” Briana said. “I’m going to tell them that I love them, that they’re my big sibling, and that we want to help.”

    “That could be a lot to put on Melody all at once.”

    “They have to know.” Briana said. “Mom, Melody has to know that they’re family. No guessing, no maybe. They’re super bad at believing that someone cares about them.”

    Veronica smiled fondly. “You are amazing. If anyone can do it, you can. Just – don’t force Melody into anything, okay? Encourage, but don’t demand. Support, but don’t make choices for them.”

    “Yeah okay.” Briana sighed. “That sounds smart. Thanks Mom.”

    “You’re welcome. I love you very much, Briana.”

    They shared a long, extra tight hug and then Mom was gone. Dad didn’t come up either, she was probably busy with school or house stuff. Briana stared at her ceiling and tried to figure out the best way to tell Melody that they were part of the family.

    Once she had a good script figured out, Briana was at loose ends again. Nobody had come up to visit her since Mom. She was wet, but not so much that she needed to cry for Dad. Maybe she should have asked Mom to put some coloring books in her playpen before she left for the party.

    With nothing else to do, Briana forced herself to face up to Alanna again. She was surprised and gratified to see the lioness was proud of her. Briana felt good about what she was going to do, Mom had agreed with it, and now Alanna was in full support too. For the first time since she’d invited Beatrix in, Briana was feeling some hope that everything would be all right.

    Briana broke into the Cloudland Anthem again, in its usual happy tone this time. She followed the first verse up with the second right away.

                It’s a world of our past,

                Where the legend still lasts,

                And the Queen wears the crown,

                But the magic spell is law.

    An answering voice from the hall jumped in with the third verse. Briana fell silent in surprise.

                Take your sword and your shield,

                There’s a battle on the field,

                You’re a knight and you’re right,

                So with dragons now you’ll fight.

    The door opened to reveal Melody, singing beautifully. Tears in her eyes, Briana joined her sibling for the next two verses.

                And my fancy is flying,

                It’s a castle in the sky,

                Or there’s nothing out there,

                These are castles in the air.

                Fairytales live in me,

                Fables coming from my memory,

                Fantasy is not a crime,

                Find your castle in the sky.

    “Melody!” Briana cried out as they both trailed off for the instrumental bit of the song.

    “Hey Briana.” Melody said. They looked peaceful, better than Briana expected.

    Melody walked over to the baby monitor and shut it off. Briana looked at them curiously, but no explanation was offered. Instead, Melody leaned on the corner of the playpen and smiled shyly at Briana.

    “Can I hang out with you for a while?”

    “Of course! Please!” Briana bounced, squishing her diaper.

    “I’m babysitting you right now.” Melody said. “But I was thinking there’s enough room for two in there if you don’t mind.”

    “Yeah, tons!” Briana scooted over to give Melody room.

    After a few moments’ hesitation, Melody kicked off their shoes and stripped down their jeans. They were wearing a diaper, but the tapes were all messed up to Briana’s expert eye.

    Melody climbed over the playpen wall and sat down gingerly, like they expected to be bitten. Briana was all for letting her sibling relax, but the urge to hug was literally overwhelming. She tackled her sibling, holding on as tightly as she could. To her delight, Melody was hugging back just as tight.

    “I missed you.” Briana said. She was worried she was going to cry and make it a whole sad thing, but the tears didn’t come.

    “I missed you too.” Melody said. “I was worried about you.”

    “I’m sorry.” Briana reluctantly eased off on the hug, staying within touching distance of Melody. “I didn’t think about how I would make everyone worry. I’ve been thinking about it a lot while I’ve been grounded.”

    “I forgive you.” Melody said. “You’re safe and that’s the important part.”

    Briana nuzzled Melody’s shoulder. It was amazing, she’d literally dreamed about this exact thing so many times. Her in her onesie and diaper, Melody in a t-shirt and diaper, snuggling together in her playpen. For once the reality was as good as the dream.

    “I didn’t know you liked that song.” Melody said.

    “It’s the anthem of Cloudland!” Briana declared proudly.


    “Cloudland. It’s a big castle in the sky, so the song is perfect. There’s a round table there with a bunch of knights. Alanna is the head knight.”

    “Oh, this Alanna?” Melody asked, patting Alanna on the back.


    “I wish I had a place like Cloudland.” Melody said wistfully.

    “Well until you do, you can join up!” Briana said. “Can you grab my sword?”

    Melody looked around until they spotted the plastic Sword of Protection on a shelf. Curiously, they leaned out of the playpen and handed it to Briana.

    “Kneel.” Briana said, tucking Alanna under her left arm and coming unsteadily to her feet. The playpen was a bit too squishy for a lot of standing.

    With a bemused smile on her face, Melody braced herself on the side of the playpen and went down on one knee.

    “Melody, do you swear to uphold the honor of Cloudland, The Round Table, and your own honor for as long as you live?”

    A thoughtful expression crossed Melody’s face, surprising Briana. She’d expected Melody to just humor her, but it looked like they were really thinking about the oath.

    “I’ll do my best.” Melody said.

    Briana touched Melody on the left shoulder with the sword, holding it above them again. “And do you swear to defend Cloudland and your family from whatever dangers they face?”

    “Yes.” Melody said in a determined tone.

    Briana brought the sword down gently on Melody’s right shoulder. “Then by my authority as a knight of Cloudland, in the name of Knight Captain Alanna, all the knights of the round table, and the Queen, you are a knight of the realm of Cloudland.”

    “You’ll have to get your own sword.” Briana said apologetically. She plopped down on her butt.

    “I have a couple actually.” Melody said, shifting to a cross-legged sit.

    “Really? How come you never showed me?”

    “Uh, cause they’re metal and I thought your mom would be mad if I let you play with them.”

    “Oh, yeah, probably.”

    Briana set her sword carefully on the cloud blanket and restored Alanna to her seat atop it. With that done, she corrected the problem of not snuggling Melody by worming her way into her sibling’s lap. Melody got the same goofy grin on their face that they had the first time she’d done that, but bigger this time.

    “Feeling snuggle-deficient?” Melody asked, putting their arms around Briana to support her.

    “So much.” Briana sighed. “I don’t know if you heard but I’m super mega ultra grounded.”

    “Yeah, I did.” Melody said. “I uh – anyway, thanks for what you did. Even if it got me really scared, I know you were doing it for me.”

    It was time! Briana pulled Melody close for a quick hug and then sat back so she could see Melody’s face as she spoke.

    “I love you.” Briana said. That was the first bit out. Strong start, simple and clear.

    “I uh…” Melody stared at Briana in surprise. Just as Briana was about to speak again, Melody beat her to it. “I love you too. Like a sister. My uh – my little sister.”

    It was Briana’s turn to hesitate in shock. There went the script. (It only lasted one sentence!)

    “Really? Me too! I mean, I already said I love you, but you’re my big sibling.”

    The glow on Melody’s face was the happiest Briana had ever seen her sibling. It was amazing to see.

    “That’s awesome.” They said. “Poggers.”

    Briana giggled. “I had a whole thing I was going to explain to you. A speech! But you already understand.”

    “You can still say it if you want.”

    “I don’t think I have to. The only part I haven’t said is that sibling isn’t like, a word I use for you. I mean that you’re my family.” Briana said. “I know you don’t think of Dad and Mom as family but…”

    “I mean maybe I do.” Melody said softly.

    “Buh? You do?!”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said. “Honestly. But I’m not uh – against it.”

    “That makes me so happy!” Briana squealed, throwing herself in to a hug that knocked them both over.

    Melody seemed happy enough to let Briana lie on them. They were also super warm, prompting Briana to tangle their bare legs together.

    “I don’t know how they feel about it.” Melody said.

    “They care about you.” Briana interjected.

    “I know.” Melody said. “But the family thing is like another level. And I’m still not totally sure about my feelings.”

    “Good enough for now.” Briana declared. “Okay, next part. You have to ask for help. We can’t help you with your bad stuff unless you ask.”

    Melody’s tight hug went limp and listless. They didn’t push Briana off of them though, so she clung to her sibling with all the love and warmth she could offer.

    “Bri, Veronica told me you found something in Bea’s house.” Their voice was halting, pained.

    Briana nodded against Melody’s shoulder, giving them as much time as they wanted to talk.

    It was almost a minute before Melody spoke again. “I guess um, you know some of what’s been happening. Veronica does too.”

    “I don’t want you to be sad if I can help.” Briana said.

    “I – I can’t.” Melody said, their voice quavering. “I can’t with Veronica. I know, I know it’s bad. But it’s almost over. I just have to hold out a little longer and Bea will go away.”

    “Are you sure?” Briana didn’t think that would happen at all.

    “She gets bored, she’ll move on.” Melody said. “If I confront her she’ll put that stuff on the internet forever. She – you saw a little of what she’s like, but you don’t know everything. It’s better to just wait it out.”

    “I don’t think that’s right.” Briana said, surprised at the depth of her own conviction. “That sounds like running away from your problem. That’s not what a knight would do.”

    “I’ve only been a knight for five minutes.” Melody said. “There’s some stuff I can’t do, and I can’t do this.”

    “But we’ll help.” Briana insisted.

    “Please, let me do it my way.” Melody said. “Please Bri. Don’t tell Veronica anything I told you here. Just, let me figure it out.”

    “That’s not how a family works.” Briana said, frustrated. When Melody didn’t answer, she huffed and added. “I won’t say anything. To other people. I’ll still talk about it with you.”

    “That’s okay.” Melody said, sighing in relief. “If it’s with you it’s okay. Just you.”

    “You didn’t tell Rosa?” Briana asked.

    “No! Super no. Especially not her.” Melody said. “Things are going really good. I can’t lose her.”

    “But why would she…”

    “Trust me.” Melody said. “Just, yeah, it would be bad.”

    “I don’t think she’d be mean about your diapers.” Briana said.

    “She’s not. Uh, I told her about that and she uh – she was nice. More than nice.” Melody was blushing quite a bit.

    Briana’s butt wiggled at the idea of Melody not only having a family to be little in, but a Gary-friend as well.

    “But then why can’t you talk to her?”

    “There’s other stuff going on with Beatrix. It’s a whole – look, promise me you won’t say anything at all to Rosa.”

    “I promise on my honor as a knight of Cloudland.” Briana said. “She’s your girlfriend anyway. I think you should tell people though.”

    “Yeah I didn’t think you’d changed your opinion in the last three minutes.” Melody said sourly.

    That wasn’t very nice at all. Briana got her revenge by blowing a huge raspberry into Melody’s unprotected neck. Her sibling shrieked and giggled, thrashing to no avail. Briana clung to them like a crab.

    “Augh, stop, I give up!” Melody panted on the playpen floor, inexpertly poking at Briana’s sides.

    Pleased that she’d made Melody laugh, and that they didn’t know her ticklish spots yet, Briana relented. A warm sensation on her leg made her think her diaper was leaking, until she realized there was no wet feeling.

    “Did you just wet?” Briana asked, pressing her leg more firmly against Melody’s diaper.

    “M-maybe.” Melody said with a blush. “I’m wearing a diaper, in a playpen, it’s not weird.”

    “It’s not.” Briana agreed. “Too bad your girlfriend isn’t here to change you. Maybe I should call her.”

    “Stop that!” Melody blustered, their face beet red. “Teasing is mean. And – and it is too bad she’s not here.”

    “She put on the one you’re wearing right?” Briana asked.


    Briana gave Melody a gentle hug. She shifted off them and rested her head on Melody’s chest. “I’m glad for you.”

    “Thanks.” Melody was calming down. They had another doofy grin on their face. Briana decided not to call attention to it.

    “Are you gonna be over at her place a lot?”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said. “The last two nights were the first time I’d stayed over. Everything is still new.”

    “Don’t forget your little sister.” Briana said. It came out more worried than she’d intended.

    “Never.” Melody squeezed Briana to punctuate the word. “When I thought you were lost I freaked out.”

    “I’m sorry.” Briana said.

    “No, it’s okay. I wouldn’t have been able to talk with you like this otherwise. I figured out some stuff when I realized how worried I was.”

    “You’re so different than when you moved in.” Briana said.

    “Thank you. It’s a lot because of you.”

    “You’re going to make me cry, dummy.”

    “Isn’t that what big siblings do to little sisters?”

    “Only mean ones. You aren’t a mean one.”

    Melody smiled and leaned against Briana. They sat quietly for a bit. (it was awesome!)

    “You know, I thought you were really hot when I moved in.” Melody said.

    “Really?” Briana sat up a little.

    “Yeah. I’m glad we have – this now, instead.”

    “I’m not hot anymore?” Briana teased.

    “You are, but you’re also my sister. My little, bratty sister.”

    Melody reached for Briana’s sides again, and this time they hit a spot. Briana shrieked and squirm-rolled away as far as the playpen would allow. It wasn’t far enough to avoid being pinned under Melody.

    “I’m glad we have this too.” She said, hoping to be too sweet to be tickled again.

    “Brat.” Melody said, relenting on the tickles. (it worked!)

    “I’m the little one.” Briana said in the best innocent tone she could muster.

    “Double brat.” Melody chuckled and sat up, padded hip pressed against Briana’s leg.

    “What do you wanna play?” Briana asked.

    “Uh – you don’t have a lot in here.” Melody said looking around. “I guess we could assemble your round table.”

    Briana’s response was forestalled by Dad’s entrance. “Dad!” She cried out in excitement, sitting up.

    “Hi Bri, Melody.” Jane said. “I hope I’m not interrupting. Briana probably needs a change. I know you can do it, Melody, but since you want to hang out I thought I’d do it for you.”

    “Melody needs a change too!” Briana said triumphantly.

    Jane looked down at Melody. Briana did too, hoping for a big reaction. They were bashful but not really blushing or otherwise super embarrassed.

    “Do you need one?” Jane asked.

    “Uh, well so far only Veronica has in the house. You don’t have to do that.” Melody said softly. “I can take care of it later.”

    “Nonsense, I’m happy to. Give me your hand.” Jane held out her hand to Melody. They took it and let Jane guide them to the changing table.

    “They get changed first? I’ve been wet longer.” Briana said incredulously. “Daddy!”

    “Briana, that is not the attitude of a baby who wants her grounding to end any time soon.”

    Briana whimpered.

    “She’s fine.” Melody said, lying down on the changing table. “My uh – my – little sister is a brat. I don’t – I d-don’t mind though.”

    Jane raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment. She expertly tore the tapes off Melody’s diaper and wiped them down with her usual efficient strokes.

    “You see what a good example Melody is setting for you?” Jane said to Briana. “Don’t you want to be a good little sister?”

    “That’s not fair!” Briana said, her mouth hanging open. Dad wasn’t supposed to use her new sibling against her!

    She squirmed for a bit, casting glances up at Dad who was placidly putting Melody in a new diaper. They were lying on the changing table way more calmly than Briana had expected. What happened to Melody being super blushy about diaper stuff?

    “I’ll be a good sister.” She conceded, grumpily.

    “I’m glad to hear it.” Jane said. “Then I guess you can come downstairs to watch a movie with us tonight.”

    “Really!” Briana shot to her feet and fell to her knees, betrayed by the playpen’s squish.

    “As long as you play nice with your sibling.” Jane said.

    “I will, I will!” Briana practically climbed Jane when she returned Melody to the playpen. Dad gave her a big hug before putting her on the changing table.

    “Of course, that goes for you too Melody.” Jane said. “This isn’t a license to get your little sister in trouble.”

    “I’ll take care of her.” Melody said gently. Dad smiled at them.

    Briana felt like her heart was going to burst. She knew she was being fussy and squirming a lot through her change, but she couldn’t help it. All she wanted was to be in Dad’s lap or snuggling Melody, preferably both at the same time. If Mom could be there too it would be perfect.

    Freshly powdered and diapered, she had to settle for a quick hug with Dad and cuddling up to Melody. When Dad left to make dinner, Melody surprised Briana by pouncing her and pinning her to the floor of the playpen.

    “You thought you were going to get me in trouble telling Jane I needed a change, huh?”

    “Noooooo…” Briana giggled. “I was trying to embarrass you because your blush is cute.”

    “Oh yeah? Well then this is because I like your laugh.”

    Briana shrieked at the top of her lungs as Melody expertly found her ticklish spots. Her big sibling was learning fast. No fair!