• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 21

    Melody flipped through their phone while they waited for Rosa to get home from work. They hadn’t seen Briana since Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully their little sister was okay. Melody wondered if Briana would be okay with them calling her that. It felt good to do privately at least, felt right.

    Briana was on some kind of super mega lockdown, she was probably upset and needing a friend. Veronica could probably use more babysitting help too. Instead of helping, Melody was sitting in Rosa’s apartment, doom-scrolling. They couldn’t face the house after the text Veronica had sent.

    >> Briana retrieved something from Beatrix’s house. Please let me know if you want to talk about what’s going on with her.

    Melody touched the reply box with their thumb and tried to think of a response for the sixth time. Nothing came to mind. Nothing that they would be able to press send on. At least reading it didn’t grip their chest with panic like it had when Veronica had first sent it.

    Rosa had been awesome. She didn’t ask any questions, just let Melody grab stuff from their room at the house and stay with her. Even though Melody knew she was burning with curiosity about what had spooked Melody out of the house. Not to mention that being cooped up together with no school had made their above-the-waist-only make outs even more stressful.

    “She’s so great.” Melody said to the empty living room.

    Better than I deserve, they thought.

    Rosa’s roommates were away for break. It was nice, but made the whole no sex thing even more difficult. That was one thing Melody could fix. They’d grabbed diapers as well as clothes from home when they’d packed, but Veronica wasn’t here. They didn’t need to wear protection every single minute.

    When Rosa went to work her shift at Red Retail Hell, Melody determined that she’d have a nice welcome back. Eight hours was a long time. Long enough to grocery shop, do some cleaning, and fix dinner. A lot of cleaning had gotten done, actually. Anything was better than dwelling on what she was going to tell Veronica, or worse, the whole situation with Beatrix.

    Outfit choices had been super limited by what they’d packed Thanksgiving night. The best Melody could do was a button up shirt, jeans, and panties. Rosa didn’t need to deal with Melody’s weird fetishes on their first time.

    It felt weird not being padded after so many weeks. Worse than that, Melody had wet themselves a little while scrubbing the kitchen. Letting go any time the urge came up had become way too easy. Luckily, they’d been wearing yesterday’s clothes while cleaning. Those clothes were in the wash now, with extra detergent.

    The door opened, Rosa stepped listlessly in, wearing her store’s trademark unflattering red shirt. Melody was pretty sure they’d rather be wearing that color on the Enterprise then at Target.

    “Hey Rosa.” Melody hopped up from the couch with an eager smile.

    “Hey babe.” Rosa set her bag down and did a double-take on Melody’s outfit. Her eyes wandered around the living room, growing wide. “Did you clean? Did you cook?”

    “I did. I hope that’s okay. I wanted stuff to be nice for you when you got back.”

    The fierce hug that lifted Melody off the floor was a pretty good indicator of Rosa’s reaction. Melody smiled and kissed their girlfriend eagerly.

    “This is awesome. Thank you hon.” Rosa squeezed Melody’s rear and raised a brow. “You’re not…”

    “Not tonight.” Melody said softly. “I uh, didn’t want it to get in the way if we ended up um, doing stuff.”

    “This is the best way to come home from work.” Rosa said with a grin. “I can’t decide what to eat first!”

    “Uh, the dinner probably won’t taste as good as…” Melody blushed profusely. “I mean uh – I’m not saying that I taste um – oh god.”

    “I bet you taste delicious.” Rosa said, tickling Melody out of their bashful cringe. “I’m sure dinner will too. What’d you make?”

    “Shepard’s pie. It’s not fancy. Just like uh – ground beef and carrots with boxed mashed potatoes on top.”

    “Sounds amazing. I’m starved. I just need to change out of my uniform, okay?”

    “I’ll get stuff on the table.”

    All they had to do was pop the casserole out of the oven and put it on the table. Nice place settings were already set up, something they’d learned from lots of roommate dinners at Veronica’s. After a bit of internal debate, Melody lit the candles they’d picked up at the grocery store.

    “Did you clean the whole apartment?” Rosa asked excitedly from her room.

    “Uh, I didn’t go into your roommates’ rooms.”

    “I get a candlelight dinner too?” Rosa said, returning from the bedroom with a pair of shorts and a tank top on. “You are awesome. Thank you.”

    “I’m not – I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Melody said.

    “I love it.” Rosa pulled Melody in for a short kiss before eagerly taking a seat at the table.

    Melody watched Rosa carefully as they ate. She seemed to like it, especially after Melody suggested putting more salt on the casserole. Dinner was low on conversation and high on Rosa stuffing her face. Melody figured that must be a compliment.

    Even with Rosa home, Melody couldn’t stop their anxieties from creeping into their thoughts. If anything, it was worse. Dinner cleanup happened in a daze. Melody found themselves under their girlfriend in bed, exactly where they wanted to be. Unfortunately, the worries still piled on.

    What does Veronica know about Beatrix?

    What happens when Rosa finds out about Beatrix?

    What if I get so into this that I wet myself again?

    What if Rosa doesn’t have fun and breaks up with me?

    “Hey, Melody?” Rosa said, pulling away from a kiss. “You okay?”

    “Uh, yeah, sorry, uh, I was distracted. I’ll be better.”

    “That’s not what I’m asking for.” Rosa said, sitting up.

    She looked so good straddling Melody with her top off. Melody couldn’t believe they had something this good and kept trying to screw it up.

    “I’m sorry Rosa.” Melody said hastily. “I just have a lot of stuff on my mind with the whole Briana thing and…”

    “And whatever is happening at home that makes you not want to go back?”

    Melody bit their lip. “It’s not that exactly – I mean, it is kinda but…”

    “Melody.” Rosa’s smile was at once concerned and caring. “Hey, you can stay here the whole break if you want. After that I’d have to talk to my roommates, but I want you here.”

    Melody nodded, feeling a bit less frantic. “The break is more than fine. Thanks.”

    “Are you nervous because you’re not wearing a diaper?”

    Yes. The thought leaped into Melody’s mind and almost to their lips, before they managed to stop it. Unfortunately, their face must have given them away.

    “I thought that might be happening. Is it kind of like a security blanket?” Rosa asked, unbuttoning the last buttons on Melody’s shirt and pushing it open so she could stroke their belly.

    “It’s not – that makes me sound like a baby.”

    “Oh of course.” Rosa’s voice was still kind, but a smirk was invading the corner of her mouth. “I don’t want to make you feel like a baby when we’re talking about your diapers.”

    “That’s not what it’s about!” Melody protested.

    “No? Hon, you told me it’s called Adult Baby Diaper Lover.” Rosa planted her hands to either side of Melody’s shoulders and gazed down at them. “Please tell me what this means to you. I want to know. I want to be a good girlfriend, a good lover for you.”

    “I’m not trying to be confusing.” Melody said softly. “I’m confused too.”

    “Would you feel better if you had one on? Honestly.”

    If they were going to lie to their girlfriend about Beatrix, the least they could do was be honest about everything else. Especially when she was asking. Melody took a deep breath and nodded.

    “Yes. I don’t know about a security blanket but it is um – comfortable. Comforting.”

    It was Rosa’s turn to hesitate, her own voice soft. “Can I put it on you?”

    Melody shivered. The idea sounded amazing. Being diapered by someone who actually cared about them, but wasn’t just a caregiver like Veronica was a dream. A sexy, enticing dream that sent little bolts of electricity down Melody’s spine.

    “I would – like that.” Melody said. It was a massive relief to see compassion and desire on Rosa’s face. No disgust or hesitation crossed her features at all.

    “Let’s do it.” Rosa said.

    While Rosa was searching the bag they’d brought, Melody squirmed out of their shirt and bra. After a moment’s hesitation they shucked off their jeans, but left their panties on.

    “You’re so hot.” Rosa said, returning to the bed with an armload of diaper supplies.

    Hearing that while Rosa was holding a diaper, untwisted something anxious and painful in Melody’s belly. They hadn’t realized how much they needed to hear that from Rosa. Not in general, but during the kink stuff.

    “I see you’ve got all the supplies.” Rosa said. “I’ve done this for kids but never um – like this.”

    “It works basically the same.” Melody said, propped up on their elbows.

    “The part I don’t know is – the sexy part is a game right? Like BDSM? But I don’t know how this game goes.”

    Melody’s belly and parts lower heated up at the image of being tied up by Rosa. Melody mentally bonked themselves into horny jail. They needed to concentrate on what was happening now.

    “It’s uh – well I’ve never done it properly. With a – lover. But usually with the stuff online um – they sort of play pretend. L-like one person is y-younger and needs – needs some help.”

    Melody’s heart was pounding. Even after saying all that, they didn’t know if they wanted it. What was Rosa thinking right now? At what point did she get tired of this and decide to get a normal girlfriend that didn’t need special pronouns and diapers and all kinds of other…

    “I like your panties.” Rosa said.

    Her fingers and palm gently stroked Melody’s mound. The dark blue fabric was immediately damp against Melody’s slick folds. The touch drove the heat from Melody’s belly into their crotch and obliterated all thoughts from their mind.

    “They do seem a little wet though. I know you don’t normally wear adult stuff like this.” Rosa said hesitantly, watching Melody’s face carefully.

    Melody nodded in answer to Rosa, shyly biting their lip.

    “Let’s get you out of these and into a diaper, okay? Then you won’t have to worry about having an accident.”

    “Okay.” Melody whispered.

    “Good girl.” Rosa said. She was probably pulling that phrase from BDSM, but it worked just as well in ABDL. Well enough to elicit a needy whine from Melody.

    Rosa pulled Melody’s legs up and slid their panties up and off. She laid them back down apart and took a moment to inspect Melody. At least, that’s all Melody thought she was doing. A stroke of Rosa’s soft tongue caught them completely off guard and drove a loud moan out of them.

    “I just had to have a little taste.” Rosa said, lifting her head and grinning. “I was right. You’re delicious.”

    Melody had heard that at some point in BDSM, pain and pleasure merge into the same thing. They’d never been enough into that scene to find out. The same thing was happening now with their embarrassment and arousal. Their whole body was trembling, but it just felt good. The anxiousness was replaced with anticipation. Flush and blush merged into one.

    “Hmm, is this – Melody, you have diaper rash.” Rosa said.

    “Um, yeah, it’s getting better.”

    “It is? Because it looks pretty bad.” Rosa lifted Melody’s hips to better inspect their rear, driving Melody deeper into a little role. “Veronica didn’t notice?”

    “She did but…” Melody couldn’t finish without uttering the forbidden name.

    “I know she has her hands full with Briana right now but this isn’t okay.” Rosa set Melody’s butt down on the diaper. “You need someone to take better care of you. I’m going to get this cleared up for you, okay?”

    Along with the warmth in her crotch and along her skin, Melody felt warmth blossom in her chest. “Really?”

    “Of course baby.” Rosa said, leaning over so she could stroke Melody’s hair. “I’m going to take good care of my uh…”

    “Little one.” Melody supplied hesitantly.

    “Little one.” Rosa said, trying the phrase on for size. She smiled broadly. “Yeah, my little one. You lie back and let me help you, okay?”

    Smiling dreamily, Melody flopped back and closed their eyes. Rosa was just as thorough in applying the medicated lotion as Veronica, but this time every touch was a caress. The order that it was applied was a little different too, with Rosa saving Melody’s sex for last. Soft silky touches across their labia set Melody shamelessly moaning and flexing their hips upward.

    “I think you need a little more than medicine.” Rosa said, wiping her hands on a washcloth. “Let’s get all those moans out of my little one.”

    Melody squirmed as Rosa snuggled up next to her, one hand in Melody’s crotch and their lips nearly touching.

    “What about you?” They asked, cupping Rosa’s breast.

    “Little ones always get taken care of first, right?” Rosa said, pushing Melody’s hand back down on the bed. “Relax baby.”

    With any guilt at going first out of the way, Melody let themselves become lost in the feeling of Rosa’s fingers sliding up and down their slit. Soft, whimpering moans were devoured by Rosa’s lips and interrupted by her tongue. When those touches became soft circles around Melody’s clit, they broke the kiss to moan and gasp at the ceiling. Little by little Rosa built tension with her fingers and Melody’s back arched to match. With a shout they collapsed against their girlfriend, sweaty and quivering.

    “Good girl.” Rosa said, licking her fingers clean.

    Melody couldn’t answer. There was only warmth and bliss without room for thoughts. Their limbs felt almost numb. The scent of powder wafted up to Melody’s nose, a simple smell that had become oh-so complicated recently. It picked up yet another emotion as Rosa wrapped the diaper around Melody’s hips and fussed with the tapes.

    It wasn’t smooth, like being changed by Veronica, but it was perfect as far as Melody was concerned. The fumbling fingers that took several tries to get the tapes set were proof of how much effort Rosa was putting into this.

    The moment Rosa was finished, Melody rolled over and clung to their girlfriend. Rosa made a surprised sound and held Melody tightly.

    “You okay? Was this just intense or is there something else?”

    Melody couldn’t answer verbally. They tried holding on to Rosa even more tightly, hoping she’d understand. Nothing was said for a while. Melody clung to Rosa, and she held them tight.

    “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t need to.” Rosa said softly. “You need somebody to take care of you, don’t you?”

    “Yes please.” The need was strong enough to push worries about scaring their girlfriend off out of their mind.

    “I uh – did a little research. I don’t know how I feel about you calling me Mommy. I like the idea of being a caregiver though.” Rosa kissed the top of Melody’s head. “Can I take care of you?”

    Melody nodded into Rosa’s shoulder.

    “Melody,” Rosa said, pulling them away with some effort. “I need you to use your words on this one. Do you want me to be a caregiver for you when you’re being Little?”

    “I do.” Melody said quietly. “But uh – it could be too much, so you don’t have to.”

    “I’m not saying we should go twenty four seven, or lifestyle or whatever right now.” Rosa said. “We can take it slow. Right now I was thinking the rest of the night.”

    “Yes please.” Melody pleaded, in the littlest voice she’d used since she was in grade school.

    “You got it, Little One.” Rosa said. The warm smile that broke over her face was like the sun. “I guess we should set some rules.”

    Melody waited quietly.

    “Heh, I guess you want me to set them, huh?” Rosa nodded. “Just tell me if uh – there’s something that’s not okay about a rule. That’s different from you not liking a rule.”

    Melody squirmed. “O-okay.”

    “If you have an accident,” Rosa patted Melody’s butt, “I’ll change you. But you usually don’t have number two accidents, right?”

    “Right.” Melody said, nodding emphatically.

    “Okay, so for that just tell me, so I can help you get your diaper off.” Rosa watched Melody hesitantly, gaining confidence when she got another nod.

    “You have to do as I say. No uh – watching TV without permission.”

    Melody tried to pout at that, but it was half-smile. They nodded in agreement to the latest rule.

    “Finally um – I decide your bedtime.” Rosa said.

    “Okay Rosa.” Melody said, squirming again. Getting rules from Rosa was a lot more fun than getting them from Veronica.

    “Great.” Rosa said, looking relieved. “Now, what do you want to do?”

    “Can we play?” Melody asked, blushing. Their hand reached out to caress Rosa’s side. “Can we play uh – something that makes you feel good?”

    “You want to do that even – when we’re doing this?”

    “Is it okay?” Melody asked.

    “Yeah, it’s super okay.” Rosa said. “I uh, am still pretty worked up.”

    “Well, you know how babies are.” Melody said with a giggle. “We put everything in our mouth.”

    “Dios mío.” Rosa said as Melody’s lips met her breasts.

    Melody spared a few minutes for Rosa’s breasts, but was soon wiggling their way down her body, kissing all the way. Above the belt had already happened a lot. They were excited about the new territory they were kissing now.

    Melody’s lips wandered across Rosa’s hips and tracked up and down her thighs. They were having a lot of fun teasing, until Rosa grabbed their head gently with a frustrated groan.

    “Okay, that feels good baby. Let me uh, show you another place to kiss.”

    Melody let Rosa guide their head down to her soaking sex. As they gently licked in time to Rosa’s moans, Melody was in heaven. It didn’t take long to make Rosa flop back on the bed and quiver, not that Melody had any intention of stopping.

    Happy blissful sounds from Rosa rose in pitch to desperate moans and back down again. Three times, until Rosa weakly pushed Melody’s head away from her crotch.

    “Come snuggle me. Now.”

    Melody crawled back up their girlfriend, crinkling all the way. They fit perfectly together. Comforted by the heat radiating off of Rosa and feeling safe in her arms, Melody dozed. It was a soft, dreamy feeling that never quite became sleep. They came back to waking tucked under a sheet, little spoon to Rosa’s big.

    “Oh man,” Rosa yawned. “We passed out.”

    “Yeah.” Melody giggled softly.

    “It is way past your bedtime.” Rosa said, releasing butterflies into Melody’s tummy.

    “We’re already in bed.” Melody observed.

    “But you need to brush your teeth and stuff.” Rosa said, sitting up and tossing the sheet aside.

    “Don’t wanna.” Melody yawned. “Come sleep with – eep!”

    Rosa laughed and released the waistband of Melody’s diaper. “Still dry, good little one!”

    “Don’t.” Melody whined.

    “Don’t what? Embarrass you? Turn you on?” Rosa smirked. “Get your butt up so I can get you ready for bed.”

    Melody put up a good front of grumbles when Rosa lead them to the bathroom. They were a little worried that Rosa would start finding the game weird, but she seemed more into it than ever. She set a timer and made Melody brush her teeth for a full two minutes. Rosa even insisted on scrubbing Melody’s face herself.

    Most embarrassing of all was having her diaper pulled down and put on the potty by Rosa. Not the potty, the toilet, Melody tried to correct themself. Unfortunately, that’s what Rosa was currently calling it, just to twist the embarrassment a little higher.

    After all that, Rosa made Melody drink a huge glass of water, teasing them gently about wetting the bed. The thought of doing that was at once horrifying and enticing. It was a very conflicted little one that Rosa lead back to bed and tucked in alongside her.

    “Sorry I don’t have a binkie for you to suck on.” Rosa teased.

    “Shut up.” Melody protested, snuggling closer to Rosa’s big spoon.

    “Hmm, maybe I should impose some language rules too. You’re awfully lippy for a little one.”

    “Goodnight Rosa.” Melody said hastily, closing their eyes and fake-snoring.

    “Uh huh.” Rosa giggled and kissed Melody’s neck. “Goodnight little one.”

    If the fake snores were quickly replaced by real ones Melody didn’t know. They didn’t remember anything else from that night, so snores or not, sleep came immediately.


    Melody woke up more comfortable than they’d ever been in their life. Rosa was spooning them again. The bed was warm and the air outside the covers nice and chilly. Even their diaper was a nice comforting presence. The only problem was that they had to go. Badly.

    Their attempt to get out of bed was foiled by Rosa, who was already awake. Melody struggled sleepily against Rosa’s arms for a moment until they realized that they were being deliberately held.

    “Good morning Melody.” Rosa said blissfully.

    “Morning Rosa.” Melody squirmed against Rosa’s grip again, to no avail. “Uh, I have to go.”

    “Just pee right?” Rosa said quietly into Melody’s ear. “If that’s all, no reason we should stop snuggling.”

    Melody swallowed a lump in their throat. “Are – are we still playing?”

    “If you want to.” Rosa said. “You’re still diapered and I still want to take care of you.”

    “But you really want to deal with…” Melody couldn’t finish the sentence, so they tried to escape the bed again. Rosa pulled them closer, putting dangerous pressure on their belly.

    “If we play like this I’ll have to sooner or later.” Rosa said. “Now’s a good time as any. If you want me to let you go, you have to say ‘Rosa, I want to stop playing now.’ Otherwise I’m holding you here.”

    “Rosa…” Melody began. They hesitated, the rest of the sentence hanging on their lips. A tiny spurt of liquid escaped into their diaper and Melody let the choice be made. They whimpered as their full morning flow poured hot into the diaper. The padding was super soggy right away. The physical feeling was good, but the embarrassment was knife-sharp.

    “What’s that, baby girl? Oh, were you telling me that you had an accident?” Rosa reached down and cupped Melody’s padded crotch. “Wow, you really did. And you still are.”

    Melody whimpered, a flash of heat traveling across their skin. Their nipples crinkled immediately and they realized they were panting. Getting so turned on by wetting in front of Rosa was even more embarrassing. The loop fed back on itself until Melody’s squirms were from horny distress rather than an attempt to escape.

    “This really does it for you, doesn’t it, little one?” Rosa kissed Melody’s neck, eliciting a moan.

    “Is it okay for – for you?” Melody said, hiding their face.

    “It’s still pretty new for me, but watching you get this turned on is hot. Really hot.”

    Rosa shifted, pressing her breasts against Melody’s back. One hand wrapped around their chest to hold a breast, the other dipped into the diaper and slipped a finger between Melody’s folds.

    “Oh, Rosa!” Melody pressed back against their girlfriend. They fell back to the state of embarrassed bliss they’d felt when Rosa first diapered them.

    “You know what else is hot?” Rosa asked, gently stroking Melody’s clit. “Thinking about how you’re going to need to pee every morning. I could wake up next to you every morning, wetting your pants and getting crazy horny. That is hot like the sun.”

    Melody writhed happily against Rosa, already nearly to their climax. They hadn’t thought through the morning wakeup implication of being Rosa’s diapered little one, but she wasn’t wrong about how hot it was.

    “Come for me, baby doll.” Rosa said gently, rubbing her finger a bit more firmly. “That’s my dolly…”

    “NO!” Melody screamed the word before they fully registered what Rosa had said. They had thrown themself out of her grasp at the same time. Last night’s clothes made a lumpy landing zone as Melody pitched out of bed.

    “Melody?” Rosa peeked over the bed with a worried expression. “What happened?”

    “Can’t say that.” Melody whimpered, shaking. “Can’t call me that. Please don’t say that.”

    Rosa nodded urgently. “I promise I won’t. It was the last thing I said? D – “

    “Yeah that one.” Melody said, cutting Rosa off. “Not from you.”

    “Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’ll never say that again.” Rosa climbed out of bed and hesitantly reached for Melody.

    Now that Rosa felt safe again, Melody threw themself into her. Just like when they’d been unable to open up to Veronica, there were no sobs. Tears poured silently down their cheeks. Rosa didn’t say anything, just held them and stroked their back. It was perfect. Sooner than they would have expected, Melody wiped their eyes and sat back with a squish.

    “You don’t have to tell me what that was all about unless you want to.” Rosa said gently. “Do you want to stop playing for now?”

    “No.” Melody whimpered. “But I’m not feeling sexy anymore. I can make you feel good though.”

    “Shh.” Rosa kissed Melody tenderly on the lips. “That’s not what either of us needs right now. You need a shower, a fresh diaper, and breakfast. Sound good?”

    “Yes please.”

    A nuclear hot shower smoothed out the panic-driven knots in Melody’s muscles. A non-sexy diapering from Rosa was another first. A good one that made them wish they were at the point of saying the L word. Wearing Rosa’s pajamas was nice too, even if they were kind of girly. That was okay because they weren’t Melody’s. They belonged to their girlfriend.

    After breakfast they were snuggled on the couch in a happy tangle. The clouds that had descended with Beatrix’s pet name for Melody had finally been banished.

    “Do you hafta go to work today?” Melody said, catching the baby talk only after they’d already said it.

    “Yeah, but you can stay here and I’ll take care of you when I get home.” Rosa didn’t seem to mind it, but she didn’t say anything either.

    “I should go home.” Melody said sadly.

    “You sure?”

    “Yeah, people will be worried. Veronica has a lot to worry about already.”

    “I like having you here.” Rosa said. “I don’t mind taking care if you.”

    “We have to talk about that.” Melody said reluctantly. “You come home from work tired. You shouldn’t have to take care of me then.”

    “I’d do it for you.” Rosa said.

    “That’s sweet but…” Melody sighed and sat up, shrugging off the fuzzy PJ top leaving them in just the plain undershirt. “I don’t want it to be a chore. I want it to be a fun thing we do. Plus, you’re my girlfriend. I want to take care of you sometimes too.”

    “You did last night.” Rosa said, smiling. “Seriously, my chores for the week are done, dinner was great, and I have leftovers to take to work.”

    “I’m glad.” Melody said with a soft smile. “I can come see you more over break. But I should go home and spend at least one night there.”

    “Just one night?” Rosa grinned. “How many clothes are you going to leave here?”

    “No way! If we move in together, you should move into my house.”

    “Oh?” Rosa considered. “That makes sense actually. You’ve got that nice convenient changing table just down the hall from your room.”

    “Rosa!” Melody disappeared behind their hands.

    “Haha, I’m never going to get tired of that. You’re adorable.” Bit by bit she pried Melody’s hands apart so she could deliver a kiss.

    “It’s Briana’s stupid changing table.” Melody insisted.

    “So Veronica never changed you on it?”

    “Well uh – that’s not the point!”

    “Wanna sit on my lap and watch cartoons?”

    “You’re changing the subject.” Melody said.

    “Yep. Go get us a couple of those lemonades that are in the fridge. The bag of kettle corn too.”

    “Why do I have to get everything?”

    “Because until you tell me otherwise, we’re still playing and that means I’m in charge.” Rosa leaned over and squeezed a nice crinkle out of Melody’s diaper. “Go on, diaper butt.”

    Blushing and smiling despite their grumbles, Melody retrieved the snacks. It was nice to be smaller than their girlfriend, they fit almost as perfectly on Rosa’s lap as snuggling in bed. By the time the third episode rolled around Melody had abandoned all pretense and was singing along with the theme song.

    “We, are the crystal gems…”