• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 16

    Melody was feeling sick to their stomach. It had taken a lot of effort to calm Beatrix down. An entire weekend and a lot of scary promises. The feeling of being free that had been so nice when they’d kicked Beatrix out of the house was gone. Melody was Mr. Incredible gone uncanny now.

    Making the feeling worse was that they had no energy to patch things up with Rosa. That’s the person they should have talked to first, the person they actually wanted to fix things with. Beatrix didn’t make idle threats though. Melody had seen Bea follow through on nasty threats in the past.

    The sick feeling in their stomach was making their head spin. The only thing that had stopped Beatrix from demanding full-on diaper slave sessions was Melody quipping, “I thought you weren’t a lesbian.”

    It had been a nice win in the moment, but like all wins against Beatrix, Melody was going to pay for it. They were sure of that. Bea’s first punishment was bad enough. Melody had to wet a diaper in the morning before school, and wear it wet all day. This being a Beatrix punishment, they also had to provide video evidence of the morning’s wetting, and stay hydrated all day. Finally they’d have to “report” to Bea when they were done with classes.

    “That’ll be fun.” Melody said to themself with a quiet sigh. “I’m sure she just wants to yell at me when I can’t talk back to her.”

    Melody checked their phone. They were out of time to stall. They’d already bluffed their way through their morning session with Veronica, claiming to just be tired. It had been easy to sneak a diaper from Briana’s stash to replace the pullup Veronica had put them in. For some reason Briana was in super baby mode at the moment and taking up a lot of everyone’s time.

    Deliberately, Melody relaxed and let herself wet. They looked down to see the diaper slightly expand, feeling again the sexy shame along with warm and wet. It felt weird now to be feeling hot and bothered over something to do with Beatrix. Melody wondered what it would be like to do this in front of Rosa. They flinched away from the thought immediately. Rosa would be grossed out, of course. She didn’t want a baby to date, she wanted a woman. Or a genderfluid butch, or something. Anything but a baby.

    Wiping away tears, Melody shut off the video recording on their phone and pulled on their heaviest period-pants. Black and almost canvass-y in texture, they did a great job of hiding the diaper. For now anyway.

    The ride to school was weird. Melody hadn’t driven in a wet diaper since those awful sessions with Beatrix. The wet squish felt better than they wanted to admit, even when it got clammy. By the time they got to school, even that feeling was gone. The superabsorbent diaper was doing its job, despite being compressed by Melody’s pants.

    Classes were a hazy dream. Luckily Veronica’s strict organization had gotten Melody way ahead. They cruised through lectures and labs without paying much attention to the intricacies of AI behavior. Keeping their stomach full of water was slowly but surely filling their diaper as well.

    Melody’s second wetting in their first class brought back the squishy feeling immediately, spreading it out from their crotch to their rear. It took longer to fade too, leaving Melody feeling a little damp on the way into the next class.

    What genius decided to pack all their classes into three days? Melody grumped to themself as they finished the first two and a half hour lecture of the day. Getting up and moving created a whole new set of distracting sensations. Every step squeezed some liquid out of the padding, creating little damp spots.

    Wetting in their lab created a new worry. It was getting way too easy to just let go. As Melody reviewed code they realized they’d started peeing without any kind of conscious decision that they could remember. The diaper was struggling for sure. This time the predominant feeling was just wetness, squishiness had faded to the background. It never managed to absorb everything before Melody wet yet again near the end of the four hour lab session.

    The final wetting was pushing the diaper to it’s breaking point. Melody felt like their waist, crotch, and butt were swimming in pee. They began to seriously worry about leaking, though at least they had on the best possible pants for that kind of thing.

    Even so, Melody took ultra slow, careful steps out of the lab. Merely moving made liquid flow across their crotch or rear. Melody’s skin itched, and they wondered in horror how they were going to explain diaper rash to Veronica.

    “Melody!” A voice they’d been longing to hear put terror in Melody’s heart.

    “Hi Rosa.” They said, turning and carefully holding their backpack at waist level. Was there a smell? Melody had put on a bunch of baby powder but it seemed like there had to be a smell at this point.

    “Hey.” Rosa paused a couple of feet away, standing as awkwardly as Melody felt. “So uh, I was bummed that you didn’t text me last weekend, but I didn’t either so I’m not throwing blame or anything.”

    “I’m really sorry.” Melody said, more quietly than they’d been intending.

    “No, I am.” Rosa rubbed the back of her neck. “Look uh, I was all pissed off when you shoved me out of your house yesterday. But then I actually thought about it and I realized that wasn’t the right way to go.”

    “I don’t blame you!” Melody said quickly.

    “I’m not like, apologizing for being mad.” Rosa said with a nervous grin. “But I just wanted to let you know I got over it fast. I mean, you got assaulted, of course you had a weird reaction. I really wanted to let you know that I get it, okay? Like, Me Too.”

    Melody gulped and shivered. That’s not what happened, they told themself. I don’t need to call what happened assault. That would just make everything worse.

    Rosa plowed on, “So we’re cool, at least as far as I’m concerned, okay? You look super upset and I just hope it’s not with me. If you need time to figure stuff out or whatever, that’s fine, just uh…”

    “Y-you’re not going to break up with me?” Melody squeaked out. They immediately regretted saying it. Always the Virgin, never the Chad they admonished themself.

    “Woah, no!” Rosa reached out for Melody, then backed off hesitantly when she bumped int the backpack between them. “I don’t want to.”

    “Oh, cool.” Melody’s stomach churned again. There was way too much going on. Wet diaper, shame and arousal, wanting to throw themself into Rosa’s arms sobbing and wanting to do a happy dance. Their vision closed into a tunnel with Rosa at the center.

    “Does that mean I’m your girlfriend?” Rosa asked shyly.

    Girlfriend. The word pushed the emotional blender inside Melody over to a happy floaty feeling. Things still felt unreal, but they didn’t feel like they had to puke at least.

    “I like that.” Melody reached out to grab Rosa’s hand. “My girlfriend.” A doofy grin spread across their face, overfull diaper be damned.

    “What do I call you?” Rosa asked. “You’re going kinda non-binary lately right? Is uh, Joyfriend okay?”

    Melody giggled in spite of themself. “That sounds so fucking twee.”

    “But you didn’t say no.” Rosa stepped up, lightly pushing the backpack to the side. Despite the terror of Rosa finding their diaper, Melody couldn’t stop her.

    “My joyfriend.” Rosa pulled Melody into a light embrace, kissing them gently.

    The diaper squished, Melody was sure it had leaked this time. Their heart thundered in their chest. Part of them wanted so badly for Rosa to find out. To pull down their pants and expose their diaper for Rosa instead of Beatrix. It would be so embarrassing, and sexy as the fury of a thousand suns.

    The survival part of Melody’s brain said, don’t you fucking dare. Losing this sweet, happy moment was not worth even a super sexy fantasy. Fear hit Melody’s horny brain like the cold pee splashing against their crotch.

    “I have to go, I have to be at a thing.” Melody said regretfully. “But um, can I call you tonight?”

    “Call me? Like a boomer?” Rosa pretended to be confused for a moment before she chuckled loudly. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”

    “Cool.” Melody stole another quick kiss, then squirmed out of Rosa’s grasp. It was a lot easier to do with the countdown from their diaper leaking into the crotch of their pants.

    “Aww, okay.  You really gotta go, huh?” Rosa said wistfully.

    “You have no idea.” Melody said, holding back yet another urge to pee on top of the disaster she’d already made of her diaper. “Tonight, okay?”

    “Tonight!” Rosa grinned, sappy enough to rival Melody’s own lovestruck looks.

    It hurt to hurry away from that smile. Hurrying made the situation in their pants a lot worse too. Twin rings of wet were making themselves known on Melody’s pants. Luckily they weren’t visible yet, but it was only a matter of time.

    Melody crossed the Quad, crunching through leaves with every step. The sky was already dark, and the wind cut cold through their hoodie. It was especially cold where they’d leaked, and the liquid in their diaper was feeling frigid.

    For a wild moment Melody considered wetting again, just to warm their diaper up. That wasn’t a long term solution though, and it would probably leave their pants soaked and freezing. Anyway, they were almost at the lecture hall that Beatrix had ordered them to get to after lab.

    The building was mostly undergraduate classes and at this hour it was empty except for cleaning staff and the occasional TA. Beatrix was in one of the empty classrooms, a heavy coat she’d set aside her only concession to the fall cold. She was wearing a white blouse that would have been completely see-through but for the pattern of tiny embroidered flowers on it. Her pants were shiny green vinyl that looked like it had been painted on.

    Melody’s stomach flopped again. Though the vibe was totally different than with Rosa, (With her GIRLFRIEND) there was no denying the pure sex that Beatrix exuded.

    “There you are dolly.” Beatrix looked Melody over. “Oooh, you’re starting to leak. Looks like you did like you were told. Good dolly.”

    Bea stalked over to Melody and snatched the backpack out of Mel’s hands, tossing it to the floor. “That’s what today is about dolly. A little lesson about obedience.”

    Melody squirmed, wishing their nipples weren’t getting hard under their shirt. “Yes Beatrix.”

    “Lucky for you, you’re getting off pretty light today. All I’m going to do is change your nasty baby diaper and send you home. I got shit to do tonight.”

    “H-here?” Melody looked around the classroom worriedly. “The doors to these classrooms don’t lock.”

    “Then I guess you better hope you get lucky that a janitor doesn’t come by.” Beatrix smirked. “One went by not too long ago. But if you want you can cry and whine about it like the baby you are. You might draw this out long enough to have somebody come in and check on us.”

    Melody swallowed around the lump in their throat. Best just to get this over quickly, they thought.

    “Uh, fine. How do you want to um…”

    “Let’s get you out of those wet pants.” Beatrix said with a vicious smile. “Just the pants. Let’s see the diaper my dolly has been working on all day for me.”

    It was a relief to unbutton their pants and pull them down. The diaper expanded a little, taking a lot of the clammy wet feeling, though the rashy-itch remained. That relief lasted until Melody looked up to see Beatrix’s scornful expression.

    “Damn, you are soaked. Look at this pathetic dolly, pissing herself all day like a little baby.” Beatrix reached down and squished the crotch of Melody’s diaper, sending rivulets of pee down Melody’s legs.

    “Yeah, you need a change. Lie down on this table here.”

    Numbly focused on getting out of the situation as fast as she could, Melody obeyed. Their butt made a big wet spot on the table, but it wasn’t like there was anything they could do about it.

    “Now, how do you feel dolly? Enjoying that wet diaper?” Beatrix leaned over Melody, showing off tantalizing flashes of skin through her nearly-sheer shirt.

    “Um, it’s pretty uncomfortable.”

    “Good.” Beatrix snarled. “That’s what you get for trying to cut me off. That’s the first part of your lesson.”

    Bea tore the tapes off Melody’s diaper and let it flop down on the table. Without warning, she dug the heel of her hand into Melody’s abdomen, right over her bladder. Melody’s control, already tested by the amount of water she’d been drinking, failed instantly. A torrent of humiliating piss flowed out of her. The diaper caught most of it, but the pool of wet across the table was growing until it reached Melody’s hoodie.

    “Haha, look at you go! I should have been taking video for that.”

    Melody thanked themself for the small mercy that Bea hadn’t thought to record things. They did begin to worry about the mess being made when Beatrix yanked the diaper out from under them and let it splat to the floor.

    The change was anything but gentle. Beatrix mopped Melody roughly dry with a towel. There was no lotion for the pre-rash prickle on their rear. Another diaper went on right away, carelessly taped. Melody stared at the ceiling and hoped it would be over soon.

    Unfortunately for that hope, Beatrix put something else under Melody’s diapered butt. It wrapped around like a second diaper and Melody thought she was being double-diapered at first. When they looked down, they realized it was a pale-pink cloth garment. Not a cloth diaper, it was made of thick material, thicker than Melody’s pants. It had a heavy strap sewn into it around the waist and another down around the crotch. It looked like a straightjacket-styled diaper cover.

    To Melody’s horror, Beatrix threaded the metal pin through the metal eyelets on the straps and snapped a padlock through it. Without the key, or some kind of serious cutting tool, those were not coming off Melody’s hips.

    “No!” Melody cried out, too scared to be quiet. “I can’t wear pants over that! People will see, my roommates will find out, I can’t, you can’t…” They were hyperventilating, the room was starting to spin.

    “Oh, you don’t like your new booty shorts?” Beatrix smirked. “Calm DOWN dolly. You really are going to get us caught.” She slapped Melody across the face.

    The threat of being caught and the slap were enough to keep Melody from passing out, though they were still dizzy.

    “Now, I’m NOT leaving these on you today. They are the second part of the lesson.” Beatrix tugged hard on the diaper cover to emphasize how sturdy and immovable it was. “The next time you disrespect me like you did on Friday, I WILL put these on you. At school. You’ll just have to figure it out, or let the whole world know you’re a diaper dolly.”

    Melody panted, looking at Beatrix in terror. They’d know it was going to be something bad, but they hadn’t expected Bea to go this far.

    “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.” Beatrix said, smiling and running her hands over her breasts. “There’s my diaper-dolly in the headlights. You’re hot when you’re helpless.”

    Melody had nothing they could say to that. They sat motionless on the table while Bea unlocked the diaper cover and stripped it off, shoving it in her bag.

    “Alright, I’m done with out and almost late to my evening. You can clean up all the piss and diapers. Might want to do it fast, they actually haven’t cleaned this room yet.”

    Melody whimpered, while Bea laughed. It was what Beatrix wanted, but they couldn’t hold it in anymore. Beatrix liked to win, and she had won.

    As soon as Beatrix was out of the room Melody pulled their wet pants on and ran to the nearest restroom. It was a nightmare cleaning up the mess with just paper towel and a few squirts of hand soap, but after a half hour it was mostly managed.

    Silent tears flowed down Melody’s cheeks as they walked to their car. Calling Rosa tonight seemed impossible. Not calling her would be impossible too. Stuck between a Rosa and a Beatrix-place, Melody stopped off at the grocery store. The vodka was burning down Melody’s throat before they even made it home. The heat of it padded the pain in their heart and brought some silly feelings back.

    I can do this, Melody told herself. This Is Fine.