• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 14

    After a week of being literally and figuratively pampered by Veronica, Melody was feeling better than they had in a while. There were still some weird moments of catching their new self in the mirror and feeling uncertain if they could pull off being the cute soft butch they saw there. Having their wardrobe controlled by, and getting diaper-checks from Veronica was awkward as hell, but they had to admit that Veronica’s strict control was helpful. Melody had never had trouble with their work ethic. They wanted to be super clear about that. Combining that with a schedule that mandated getting all the important stuff done first was supercharging Mel’s life like a Tesla. Even with some extra household chores, they had more time than ever for relaxing. Playing, Veronica would have said, but since Melody wasn’t a kid they didn’t play unless it was a video game.

    Totally not playing, Melody re-affirmed, as they carried a second handful of stuffed animals into the living room. Briana was having a 2007 Brittany Spears time of things and needed a lot of babysitting right now. Babysitting was one of Melody’s chores, and so obviously they were not running a stuffed animal tea party for fun.

    “Hurry up Melody!” Briana said, kneeling at one end of the coffee table with her stuffed animals already arranged for formal seating. She was looking a little too cute in a pastel-yellow sundress and an extra-thick diaper. The loose dress left a bit more of the petite girl exposed than Melody was comfortable with, but putting extra clothes on Briana right now was just asking to do a bunch of laundry later.

    “I had to hand out the invitations.” Melody said, gravely. “This is a super fancy event, we can’t just have anybody show up.”

    Briana giggled, accepting the explanation. It was a little weird to see their roommate so babyish all the time. While Melody set up their half of the coffee table with stuffed animals, Briana grabbed her feet and rocked back and forth on the floor, exposing her diaper without a care in the world. Melody squirmed a bit in the pullup they were wearing. Super not interested in becoming some drooling kid, they thought.

     Briana hopped up as soon as Melody finished and carefully mimed pouring tea for each of the stuffies. Melody had quickly learned that letting Briana have actual tea in the pot meant a huge mess later. Plus it didn’t seem to hurt Briana’s experience at all. She was totally into the pouring, even carefully wiping up fake spills and apologizing to the stuffie she’d spilled near.

    Melody could have blamed Briana’s total concentration on the girl not noticing as the back of her diaper filled out, but that seemed to be the one thing that Briana couldn’t pay attention to at all.

    “Briana, honey, come here.” Melody said, with a quick sigh for the nice button-up shirt they were wearing.

    “I’m almost done!” Briana protested. Her defiance crumbled almost immediately into a pout at Melody’s serious expression. With impressive theatre-kid drama, Briana clunked the teapot down on the coffee table and waddled over.

    “You had an accident hon.” Melody said.

    “Huh?” Briana pulled her skirt up and looked at her slowly sagging diaper in surprise.

    “You didn’t notice at all?” Melody asked, snagging the changing bag off the couch.

    “No, sorry Melody.”

    “It’s okay, I don’t mind changing you.” Melody said, spreading out the changing blanket. “I thought your mom said you were working on noticing when you have to potty.”

    “I notice sometimes!” Briana protested, plopping her butt down on the blanket with a squish.

    “Well, keep trying.” Melody said. “Do you have any more to go? I can take you to the potty before I change you so you can finish there.”

    “No, all done.” Briana said, laying down on the changing blanket and kicking her feet impatiently.

    “Mm hmm.” Melody said, narrowing their eyes into a skeptical Fry. “What about number two? You know you just do that one in the potty.”

    “Noooo!” Briana whined. “Come on Melody, you’re taking forever!”

    Melody rolled their eyes and pushed Briana’s skirt up. Considering the number of times they’d changed her, it shouldn’t be exciting at all. Something about Briana’s complete surrender to being a baby was fascinating though. It didn’t hurt that she was so petite, so femme, so hot. It made them feel strong and butch, while reminding them of being helpless and diapered at the same time.

    I am that sicko in the fursuit staring into the window. Melody shook their head ruefully, trying to ignore the heat between their legs. They tore the tapes on Briana’s diaper open and pulled the soggy mass away.

    “Dang, you really wen- Briana!” Melody hopped back too late as a stream of pee arced out of Briana and onto the knee of their jeans.

    “Huh?” Briana asked, pulling the stuffie she’d been nuzzling away from her face.

    “I thought you said you were done.” Melody couldn’t keep the frustration off their face or out of their voice this time.

    “Oh, guess not.” Briana shrugged.

    “You need to pay more attention when someone asks you about that.” Melody said, really annoyed now.

    “I just wanna do our tea party!” Briana whined, heedlessly splashing a few more times on the blanket.

    “Why are you such a brat today?” Melody asked. Especially today, of all days, when they was supposed to hang out with Rosa.

    “I just wanna play!” Briana yelled.

    For the first time, Melody felt genuinely upset with Briana. They were already babysitting her until right before they had to go see Rosa, and now they had to change too.

    “That’s it, you’re getting a spanking!”

    The moment of silence that followed that statement was broken by Briana nervously giggling. “Nuh uh! You don’t spank me.”

    “I sure can when I’m your babysitter.” Melody said. Briana straight-up laughing at her was the last straw. They reached out to grab the tiny girl by the waist and flipped her around on her stomach. Briana had no resistance to offer, only a squawk of surprise.

    Melody raised their hand, hesitating for a moment. As if she could sense the weakness, Briana tried to squirm away on the wet changing blanket. Horrified by visions of cleaning up after a wet Briana crawling all over the living room, Melody brought their hand down fast. Briana shrieked, but it sounded more playful than pained. Melody slapped Briana’s rear three more times, alternating on either side of the girl’s twinkling princess plug.

    “You going to be a good girl?” Melody asked, awkwardly.

    “Yes Melody.” Briana’s tone was contrite. It sounded like a rote response, clearly note the tone of somebody hurt or upset. Melody breathed a sigh of relief.

    “Okay, we better get you cleaned up…”

    Melody was saved from immediate wrangling of their squirmy roommate by the front door opening. Suzie bopped in, popping her Bluetooth earbuds out and closing the door with her hips.

    “Hey Mel, Bri!” She waved as she divested herself of various bags and outdoor clothes.

    “Hey Suzie.” Melody said, echoed a moment later by Briana.

    “Dang Mel, you’re looking sharp.” Suzie said. “What’s got you wearing a button up and suspenders and all?”

    “Oh uh, just trying to not be a scrub. I’m meeting a friend in a few.”

    “Oooh?” Suzie waggled her eyebrows. “But just a friend, right?”

    “Dude, shut up.” Melody blushed. Obviously it would be awesome if it was a date with Rosa, but they were pretty sure their pretty classmate didn’t think of them that way.

    “Well when are you leaving?” Suzie asked.

    “She’s not!” Briana said brightly from the changing blanket. “Rosa is picking her up.”

    “Oh yeah?” Suzie grinned. “What are you two doing?”

    “Uh, I dunno.” Melody said. “She said it was a surprise. She’ll be here in like, twenty minutes though.”

    “Oh my god it is totally a date, dummy.” Suzie said.

    “I wish.” Melody said, squirming.

    Suzie looked her two roommates over. “Briana’s got you all messy right before your uh, totally not date. I’ll take over for you. Veronica won’t be back until right before you have to leave.”

    “You sure?” Melody asked.

    “Hey, you hafta finish playing!” Briana protested at the same time.

    “Yeah, go, I’ll handle the munchkin.” Suzie squatted down by Briana, pre-empting any further protests by stuffing a pacifier in the girl’s mouth.

    “Okay, cool, thanks.” Melody hurried off to their room and stripped out of their stained jeans. Thanks to Veronica, they had a crisp spare pair to change into. It was nice to not always be sniffing their laundry pile, they had to admit.

    Feeling ridiculous, Melody checked themselves out in the mirror. It was not a date. Pretending it was would just get their hopes up and creep Rosa out. Melody twisted to peer at their rear in the mirror. No sign that they were wearing a pullup, despite the tight jeans. Rosa super didn’t need to know about that part of their life.

    They found themself lingering on the mirror. The memory of spanking Briana resurfaced, but this time they imagined that they were the ones getting spanked. It was stupid hot. Wearing the pullup was hot too, which is why they weren’t taking it off. If they weren’t going to get any romance, they might as well have something sexy to enjoy.

    Beatrice really did awaken something in me. Melody sighed guiltily. It’d been over two weeks since they’d even talked to Beatrice. Bea had stopped sending messages. Veronica said that was for the best, and Melody agreed, mostly. Still, Bea’s last messages had sounded hurt, and asking for an explanation. Melody didn’t see the harm in giving that explanation.

    They squared their shoulders and focused on the mirror again. Dark blue button up, black suspenders, black jeans, sideswept hair combed a little flat. Probably the most butch Rosa would ever have seen them. Melody wondered what her reaction would be. Not that it mattered, because it wasn’t a date.

    Rather than keep going in circles, they ventured back out into the living room to wait. Melody was grateful to see that Suzie had moved Briana and all the baby-changing stuff out of the living room.

    “Hi Melody.” Veronica said, entering from the kitchen.

    Melody suppressed an urge to jump. “Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were back. Suzie took over the last bit of my babysitting.”

    “She let me know, but thank you for making sure I knew.” Veronica said. “I hear you’re going out tonight.”

    “Yeah, all my stuff is done.”

    “I believe it. You’ve been much better about that than Briana was.” Veronica smiled. “Are you going to be out late? Do we need to do our nightly check-in before you go?”

    “I dunno. I guess so, if we can do it right now. Rosa’s going to be here soon.”

    “Of course.” Veronica deftly slipped her fingers into Melody’s waistband, checking their pullup while Melody squirmed. “How are you doing emotionally? How’s your energy?”

    “Energy’s fine.” Melody said. “Emotions aren’t really a thing. I’m kinda nervous tonight I guess.”

    “Hmm, so not much improvement emotionally over the last week? Let’s keep an eye on that. We can try changing things up if there’s not any more progress.”

    “Okay.” The sound of a car caught Melody’s attention, they looked at the window to see headlights. “Gotta go, my ride is here.”

    “You’re not going without a coat, are you?”

    “What? Veronica!” Melody protested, trying to ignore how much like Briana they were  sounding.

    “Your outfit is extremely handsome but you need to put a coat on over it. It’s November already. I don’t want you to freeze.”

    “Ugh, I can’t believe you made me care about clothes and then ruin my outfit.” Melody smirked. Veronica chuckled behind them as they struggled into their coat.

    Melody hopped down the steps of the house, hoping they didn’t look as eager as they felt. Opening the door of Rosa’s car, Melody was devastated by what they saw. Rosa was in a pair of black leggings, diagonal striped with the orange and pink lesbian flag across her thighs. An orange jacket gave a tantalizing flash of the ribbed black claudia bra underneath.

    As soon as they were able to recover from the unfair hotness in front of them, Melody climbed in. “Hey Rosa.”

    “Hey Melody.” Rosa said. “You eat dinner yet?”

    “No, I was busy with chores and homework and stuff all afternoon.”

    “Perfect.” Rosa grinned unsettlingly wide. “Dinner first then!”

    “So where all are we going?” Melody asked, buckling up as the car pulled out of the drive. “You said you had something you wanted to show me.”

    “I also said it was a surprise.” Rosa replied.

    “Fiiiine.” Melody chuckled.

    Dinner was apparently at a Korean fried chicken place that wasn’t afraid to blast K-Pop at a level that kept you from hearing conversation at the next table over. Melody shucked the jacket Veronica had forced on them and adjusted their suspenders when the waitress guided them and Rosa to a booth.

    “Oh dang, you look good!” Rosa beamed at Melody.

    “Uh, th-thanks.” Melody could feel their face flaming. They knew they should return the compliment, say something smooth.

    “You uh… pretty.” Was the burning disaster that came out of Melody’s mouth.

    “Thanks.” Rosa said, stepping up to Melody with a confidant strut. She drew a finger down Melody’s jaw. “You handsome.”

    A massive wave of lesbian panic froze Melody where they stood. Their heart was pounding with a deafening noise that drowned out the music. After a moment or two Melody realized that Rosa had taken a seat in the booth. With their ears still roaring a little, Melody took the other side.

    “Have you been here before?” Rosa asked with a sly smile.

    Oh shit, what is she planning? Melody licked their lips and forced themself to reply. “No, but uh, I think I’ve gotten delivery from here a couple of times.”

    “You like it spicy?” Rosa grinned.

    “Y-yeah.” Melody shifted in their seat, brought down to earth a little by the oddly comforting padding on their rear. Rosa had never been so weirdly flirty before. It was super hot, of course, but what did it mean? Did Rosa want something? Was she just having fun messing with Melody?

    “Awesome. You know, Koreans and Mexicans are natural friends.”

    “They are?”

    “Yeah! We both like spicy stuff, and there was that thing with the world cup.”

    “I uh, what thing?”

    “Right, right, you’re not sporty.” Rosa winked. “There was a World Cup where Korea won an important game that helped Mexico’s position in the tournament. A huge crowd in Mexico city went down to the Korean embassy with some tequila. The Korean ambassador pounded that stuff with the crowd like a champ!”

    Melody giggled. “I don’t really follow soccer, but that’s an awesome story. I’ve never really been uh, sporty. Unless you count e-sports.” Melody shrugged self-deprecatingly.

    “Yeah? What e-sports do you do?” Rosa was doing a really good job of pretending to be interested.

    “Uh, I play with an Overwatch team that gets matched against pros sometimes.” Melody shrugged again, shrinking in on themself. “And uh, I pretty regularly make it to the Immortal rank in DOTA 2. It’s uh, the top one and a half percent or so.”

    “Really?” Somehow Rosa was looking genuinely impressed. “Isn’t that kind of huge? I mean, I’m not bad at derby but I don’t play in the regionals or anything.”

    “Well uh, kinda?” Melody bit their lip. “I could probably go pro if I wanted, but it’s not really a good gig.”

    “Oh shiiiii-“ Rosa grinned brightly. “Seriously, that’s really cool.”

    “You think so? I mean, I wouldn’t last like a minute in roller derby.”

    “Probably not even thirty seconds.” Rosa teased. “Doesn’t matter. That doesn’t take away from what you do.”

    “So you’re really into derby?”

    “Yeah! You’re looking at Jaguar Star, badass pivot.”

    “Oh, so you’re not just one of the grunts.” Melody felt themself breathe a bit more easily as the evening began to make more sense. Rosa was looking for a new friend. That was cool, after all, ditching Beatrice had cut Melody off from four other friends.

    Melody half listened while Beatrice sport-splained her position on the roller derby team. They might not be sporty, but they had watched a ton of derby. They found themselves watching Rosa’s lips as she talked. Fuller, darker lips than Beatrice’s. Melody swallowed around a guilty lump in their throat. Why did they suddenly feel like they were cheating on Bea? This wasn’t a date, and they was never really dating Bea.

    Luckily, the waitress showing up saved Melody from awkwardly explaining to Rosa that they knew how penalties worked in roller derby. With food on the way, the conversation fell to discussing the sauces they’d picked (Rosa – Super Spicy and Spicy; Melody Spicy and Sweet Spicy) and the class they shared. By the time the food arrived the delicious burn of the sauce on the crispy chicken pushed Melody into feeling fully relaxed.

    “So when are you going to tell me what the main thing we’re doing tonight is?” Melody asked, licking gotchu sauce off their fingers.

    “I’m going to let you figure it out when we get there.” Rosa grabbed the check and handed it back to the waitress with her card before Melody realized what was happening.

    “You don’t have to do that, I can totally get my half.” Melody protested.

    “I didn’t even let you pick the restaurant, totally not fair to make you pay under those circumstances.” Rosa replied, snagging her card back from the waitress and hastily filling out the tip.

    “Okay, I guess. I’ll get next time.” Melody offered. A little bit of unease grew in their belly. That was another very date-like thing. But… naw.

    “Sound good, now, come on.” Rosa took Melody’s hand and pulled them toward the door. “We’re a little past the optimal time for our next stop.”

    “Ack!” Melody managed to grab their jacket in time and let Rosa drag them out to the car. They were quiet on the drive, glancing over at Rosa and trying to read her expression. Unfortunately, Melody had never been any good at doing that. Rosa’s face was easy on the eyes, so that part was nice. If only Melody didn’t get the occasional guilty flash to memories of worshipfully gazing at Beatrice.

    Ugh, why did everything with Bea have to get so messed up? Everything was just fine, I was simping in horny jail, and then bam! She made me her diaper slave, I got to see her naked, and touch her, and…

    Melody pinched themself hard, maybe too hard on the leg. The pain washed away the humiliating images and guilt, at least for now.

    “We’re here!” Rosa pulled into a parking lot. A pretty familiar lot. Melody climbed out of the car into the chaotic neon glow of the Reset Arcade.

    “Oh, cool! You totally could have just said we were going here.” Melody said.

    “I figured you’d been here before. But did you know that for some reason, the head-to-head DDR machine is totally free every Thursday night until nine?”

    “That’s probably because they have a tournament over at Super Plus Arca…” Melody smirked at Rosa. “Hold up, are you seriously challenging me to DDR? Sporty is NOT going to save you against how many hours I have on that machine.”

    “I’m not a total noob either.” Rosa said. “I guess we’ll have to see!”

    Melody cracked their neck and ascended the platform, wishing they had less cute shoes on for this. Leggings instead of jeans would be nice too. Not that it mattered. The handicap would only keep Rosa’s humiliation from being total.

    “Ready?” Rosa asked, queuing up a baby song for babies.

    “No way, you don’t get off that easy.” Melody said, cranking the selection wheel up to a Challenge level song. “Ready or not,” they said in time with the machine’s announcer, “here we go!”

    As predicted, Melody destroyed Rosa at their opening song. The next one was a clear victory too. By the third or fourth song, Rosa was warmed up and it was clear she’d had some practice. Eight songs in, Melody was sweaty and starting to stumble, but Rosa’s feet were hitting the pads just as crisply as ever. She barely edged Melody out on that song, and took a clear victory on the ninth.

    Gasping, Melody waved Rosa down. “Okay, okay. You’re not a noob.” They panted, gasping. “Need a break.”

    “Haha, told you!” Rosa said, helping Melody down off the platform. The half-dozen people waiting for a shot at the game gave them a round of enthusiastic applause. “Jesus. I did not expect you to be that good though.”

    Melody found a bottle of water and a quiet patch of wall to lean against. It wasn’t long before their lungs stopped burning and the ache went out of their side. Rosa seemed a bit winded too, more than she’d let on up at the machine.

    It was Melody’s turn to be watched, apparently. Every time they glanced over at Rosa they caught her looking at them. They were trying to think of something to talk about when Rosa suddenly leaned in close. Really, insanely, in Melody’s bubble close.

    “You’ve got a little bit of sauce on your cheek.” Rosa said. Before Melody could respond, Rosa leaned all the way in and delicately kiss-licked the spot away.

    Full-Metal Lesbian Panic. Melody stared at Rosa with wide eyes. Their heart was pounding again. It WAS a date! Right? You wouldn’t just kiss someone if it wasn’t a date. Melody was suddenly very aware of the closeness of Rosa’s wide hips, the clean sporty smell of her deodorant and sweat, the proximity of her lips…

    There were other sensations too. Heat that coiled down through Melody’s belly. Tingling on their lips. Dampness that was wicked away by the padding between their legs…

    The pullup! Regular panic joined the gay panic to completely lock Melody up. What if Rosa grabbed their butt and felt the padding? What if… other things happened? Oh god, oh god, oh god.

    “Melody, was that okay?” Rosa asked, sounding concerned and maybe even nervous. “I should have asked first.”

    Talking was not possible, and Melody felt it was very unfair of Rosa to request a response. On the other hand, seeing Rosa’s expression grow progressively more upset and even scared was unbearable.

    So Melody did something insane.

    They leaned in, bringing trembling lips against Rosa’s. The kiss made fireworks go off in Melody’s brain. Pullup forgotten. Beatrice forgotten. For a glorious moment there was only the feeling of Rosa’s lips on Melody’s, her strong hands on their shoulders, her taut back under their hands.

    As they came apart Melody felt a little dizzy. There was a huge, goofy grin plastered across their face and absolutely nothing they could do about it.

    “Good answer.” Rosa said huskily. “I was uh, kind of worried that you didn’t realize this was a date.”

    Melody laughed their least-cool, braying laugh. “Oh shit, sorry Rosa. I totally didn’t think it was.”

    Rosa giggled heartily. “I knew you were one of those useless lesbians!”

    “Shut up,” Melody pushed Rosa playfully, delighted for any excuse to touch her. “We can’t all be super confident dykes.”

    “That’s true. Because you are ridiculously adorable when you get blushy.”

    Of course, that made Melody blush, and the blushing made them blush more, and then everything was resolved when Rosa kissed them again. Rosa’s hands slid down Melody’s back to their sides, and as they reached their waist Melody jumped a bit, catching Rosa’s hands.

    Stupid pullup!

    “Too fast?” Rosa asked, as concern warred with frustration in her tone.

    “Sorry, I uh,” Melody searched hard for an explanation. “You’re really hot!” They blurted, since that was apparently the best their brain could do.

    “You too.” Reluctantly, Rosa withdrew her hands. “I’ll be good. For now.”

    “More kisses?” Melody asked, a lot more plaintively than they’d intended.

    Rosa answered that with a kiss, and then several more kisses, and then some tricks with her tongue that left Melody sure that their blush was now a permanent feature. Even with the pullup things got hot and wet between Melody’s legs. That only made things sexier, and Melody didn’t fight the feeling. Everything was going too well for worries.

    The rest of the evening was a blur. Not the heavy, gray, awful blur that the end of a session with Beatrix had been. It was cotton candy clouds and rainbow lights. The air smelled like bliss and there were probably unicorns involved somewhere.

    They held hands on the ride home, and shared one last kiss in the car. Melody was practically floating as they made their way inside.

    “Well, I don’t think I have to ask how your night went.” Veronica said, looking up from the book she was reading on the couch.

    “Yeah.” Melody said, the goofy smile resurfacing.

    “Do you want someone to talk to about it?”

    Obviously, the answer was no. Sharing stuff with their roommates was dumb. The Melody thing to do was to go hide in their room and freak out about their date.

    Instead they found themself on the couch, gushing to Veronica. Even being teased about not realizing it was a date didn’t bother them. The only thing that put a tiny crack in Melody’s mood was when Veronica unbuttoned Melody’s jeans and quickly peeked at their pullup. It happened so fast, Veronica had her hands back in her lap by the time Melody had theirs on their waistband.

    “I can see you either had a really good time, or a small accident.” Veronica said, lightly. “You’ve lost one of your comets.”

    “We uh, we kissed a LOT.” Melody blushed.

    “How did you feel about wearing that while you were with Rosa?”

    “It made things more complicated.” Melody pouted. “I was worried about her finding out about it.”

    “Well you don’t have to wear one on your dates with her, if you don’t want to. At least not unless there were some good reason.” Veronica said in a perfectly reasonable tone. As if there was some kind of reason where it would make sense to be diapered on a date!?

    “Uh, good.” Melody nodded.

    “And that’s all there was, just worry that you’d be discovered?”

    “Uh, I enjoyed having it on.” Melody said, looking away bashfully.

    “So you still have that association with wearing padding.” Veronica said. “But now with a much better memory to attach to it.”

    “Yeah.” Melody giggled.

    “In that case, it might make sense for you to wear them when you’re with Rosa.” Veronica said.

    “But… but…” Melody squirmed. “She’ll find out!”

    “Everyone has been in a situation where they don’t have the ‘right’ sort of underpants for things taking a romantic turn. I’m sure you could direct attention away from them if you got to the point of taking off clothes.” Veronica said. “You could also just tell her about them.”

    “No way!” Melody’s lip quivered. “She’ll think I’m gross, and weird!”

    “Will she?” Veronica cocked her head to the side. “She doesn’t sound like a very understanding person.”

    “You don’t even know her, she’s super nice!” Melody protested, practically hopping on the couch in agitation. “She’s always really considerate, and she was interested in my e-sports stuff.”

    “Oh, then it doesn’t sound like a big problem.” Veronica said, with a very subtle smile.

    “That’s not… it’s different!” Melody sighed, crossing their arms over their chest.

    “Maybe, maybe not.” Veronica gently stroked Melody’s hair. “I’m not saying I’ll make you wear them, but it may be helpful. If you do wear them, it doesn’t have to be a disaster.”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said.

    “You don’t have to right now. I’m glad your evening was so good.”

    “It really was.” Emboldened by the hair pats and their post-date fuzzies, Melody leaned over until they were tentatively resting their head on Veronica’s shoulder.

    Veronica deftly pulled Melody in to more comfortably rest on her. “I haven’t seen you actually happy like this… I think ever. It’s good to see.” Her hand resumed lightly stroking Melody’s hair.

    A super satisfied, relaxed sigh flowed out of Melody. They realized in the next moment that that wasn’t all that was flowing. Though it was small, there was a definite patch of warm and wet on Melody’s crotch. At first they had a moment of panic. Melody didn’t want to have sexy thoughts about Veronica. Examining their feelings didn’t make the situation much better. No sexy thoughts were being had, but that meant the wet was something even more embarrassing.

    “Uh, I think I’ll go to bed.” Melody said suddenly. “Stuff to do tomorrow.”

    “Alright, let’s get you in a fresh pullup before bed.” Veronica said.

    “Oh uh, no need.” Melody stammered. “It was just a little bit of sexy thoughts, no big deal.”

    Veronica craned her head around to look Melody in the eyes. Melody stared back, feeling a bit like a bunny staring at a hawk. Even though they expected it, Melody couldn’t make their hands move to block Veronica’s from checking their pants again.

    “I see. You really did relax.” Veronica said. “Well, this kind of thing can happen with this therapy. You are getting a new pullup for certain, unless you think you need something a bit more protective.”

    “No! No, that’s okay, don’t need to go there.” Melody said.

    “Okay, but I’m going to check you in the morning too.” Veronica said. “I know we’ve skipped that the last couple of days but I think it’s time to bring it back. Also, this settles the issue of you wearing protection on your dates.”

    “Veronica!” Melody said, in a whine to rival even Briana’s best.

    “No arguing.” Veronica said. “Your issues obviously coming up in connection with dating. More importantly, you don’t want to have a little accident like that around Rosa without protection, do you?”

    Melody swallowed and shook their head.

    “Good girl.” Veronica said. The words were far more soothing than they had any right to be. “Now, let’s get you changed and in bed.”