• Little Sister Briana: Chapter 01

    Melody paused in front of the old faux Victorian house, her hand hovering above the door knocker. What had started with a simple ad for a roommate in the campus classifieds had led her to a very uncomfortable meeting. On the plus side, room’s price was a steal, and the live-in landlord had a good reputation on campus.

    The number of meetings for renting a room had been ridiculous though. Veronica, the landlord, had questioned her about her tolerance to the entire range of tumblr diversity before dropping the bass. There was a girl in the house wearing diapers.

    Melody had heard some big drama about a girl in a diaper on campus. Supposedly another girl got hauled in front of the honor committee for bullying her. Standard woke politics #justiceboner stuff. The way Veronica described the situation it was way more than some plastic pants. There was a big long explanation about it being a psychological thing, and a game that everyone in the house was in on.

    It sounded like a sex thing. Melody had been on the internet more than long enough to know that it was 99% a sex thing. It’s not that it grossed her out, she had secret bedroom stuff herself. The big concern was mostly how obsessively weird people could get in the fetish scene. Did she want to live in a fetish house?

    After another couple moments of deliberation, Melody raised her hand to the door and knocked. She might as well meet her fellow freaks. Waiting had Melody flipping back and forth between anticipation and regret like a messed up logic gate.

    Veronica opened the door, looking as goth as ever in her straight black dress and dark makeup. She might not shit bats, but she probably cried tiny ones. “Hey,” Melody said, reminding herself to smile. “I’m ready for the house interview, I guess.”

    “I’m glad you decided to come,” Veronica said, motioning Melody in. “I thought we’d start with a quick look around the house and any questions you have. If you’re still feeling comfortable then you’ll meet our special roommate.”

    “Yeah, okay,” Melody said, nodding and dropping her backpack next to the door. A look around the living room was a little intimidating. The place was immaculate by Melody’s standards, not merely clean but all the mess picked up and put away too. Did anyone here know that grad school still counted as college?

    This being an interview Melody had her blonde hair pulled back but not washed. It had passed the sniff test this morning after all. The first time she’d met Veronica she’d been wearing an XKCD shirt that hadn’t gotten as much of a chuckle. Today she’d tried out her “There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand Binary and those who don’t.” shirt. That one didn’t get a laugh either.

    The classy living room didn’t need explanation, just a pinky extended. The kitchen was also self-explanatory and even cleaner than the living room. Melody did notice the lack of a rice cooker and shook her head.

    They got to the fetish stuff at the more casual living room. It had a bigger coffee table, more chairs than couches, and some bookshelves. It could be a gaming room, but there was good money on them calling it something fancy like the drawing room.

    Boldly placed was an adult size changing table tucked into a corner. The top had a pad covered in kiddie-print plastic, while the shelves below were loaded with diapers, pullups, boxes of gloves, wipes. There was even a little diaper bag hanging from a hook. For taking the diaper girl out? Bold-A-F.

    “As you can see we don’t have the changing table in view of the front door, but it is an important part of life here and so we do want one on the main floor,” Veronica said.

    “Makes sense I guess,” Melody said. “So you take turns and stuff? She doesn’t ever … take care of it herself?”

    “She certainly can, and she does from time to time,” Veronica said. “But we enjoy taking care of her and she likes being taken care of that way. It’s working for us.”

    “And if I moved in, I’d have to participate,” Melody said.

    “Hmm, I would rather say that we are looking for someone who wants to participate,” Veronica said. “We don’t want to push anyone into it, we’re looking for someone who would also enjoy doing it. If that’s not you, that’s completely understandable.”

    “I’m not opposed to it,” Melody said. “I mean I’ve done a bunch of fetish stuff or whatever. For me it’s more about um, if I connect with a person, I guess?”

    “I’m actually really glad to hear you describe it that way,” Veronica said. “The connection bit, at least. I want to steer you away from the fetish a little. While it’s true that there’s some of that going on, there’s also a component of this being how our roommate is.”

    “I’m not scared off anyway,” Melody said. “I’m still up for meeting her.”

    “Let’s finish the tour and we’ll do that,” Veronica said. The next surprise was the size of Melody’s potential room. The pictures hadn’t done it justice, it was a giant f-off room with a closet for days. The only other thing of note in the house was the adult-sized playpen folded up in the supply closet. Melody had to chuckle at that one, it seemed like some hardcore roleplay. Maybe the diaper girl was an elf too.

    “So where are the rest of the roommates?” Melody asked, taking a seat in the kitchen. She accepted a cup of tea from Veronica and sniffed it. Black tea, not her favorite.

    “It’s only Briana and I home right now, she’s on her way down,” Veronica said. “Everybody else is busy with the start of the quarter.”

    “Tell me about it,” Melody said. “I have like, five apps I have to make for class already. My freelance work is going to take a hit.”

    “I didn’t realize you freelanced,” Veronica said, sipping her tea. She took her tea without any sugar, and a single drop of milk, like a psychopath.

    “There’s a lot of automation work that companies are looking for,” Melody said. “I managed to get a little bit of a rep for it in undergrad so now I have a pretty steady stream of requests.”

    “That’s great,” Veronica said, “I’m genuinely impressed. In that case, are you pursuing a masters for your own research or–“

    “Hi,” said a short girl from the doorway. After a long pause she added, “Veronica.”

    “Hello Briana,” Veronica said, with surprising warmth, considering how businesslike she’d been so far. “This is Melody.”

    Melody looked Briana over, from her short red hair to her super petite frame, clad in a blue pleated skirt and white blouse. She was in an over the top kawaii pose with her hands clasped behind her back.

    “Oh no,” Melody thought, “she’s hot.”

     “Yeah, I’m Melody, nice to meet you,” Melody said.

    “Thanks!” Briana flounced to the table and sat next to Veronica. Did people still flounce? Was that legal?

    “So, I guess you’re the person I’m supposed to meet?” Melody asked.

    “That’s right,” Veronica said, answering for Briana. “If you don’t decide to join us, as I said, that’s no problem. But please leave anything you find out in this conversation at the door if that’s the case.”

    “Yeah, no worries,” Melody said. “I don’t have a ton of friends and I don’t spread people’s business around.”

    “Thank you,” Veronica said. “Briana, do you want to start off?”

    Briana nodded, but without much confidence. There was a wait while Briana powered up, or whatever. Eventually, she managed to say, “Veronica has probably talked to you a little, but I wanted to be very up-front. There’s two things about me that you’d have to know if you lived here. The first one is that I have a medical problem, I’m incontinent sometimes, especially at night.”

    “Oh,” Melody said, “I didn’t realize you had uh… that issue. Is that why you’re a diaper girl?”

    “Sort of,” Briana said, squirming. She looked at Veronica, and got an encouraging squeeze on the arm before continuing. “The other thing is um, kind of a game, but kind of not. It’s hard to explain but I have a special relationship with the people in this house. Especially Veronica and Jane. They take care of me, and I don’t always um, act adult.”

    “Yeah it’s like a whole ABDL thing right?” Melody said, figuring she might as well name it out loud.

    “A what?” Briana asked, obviously confused.

    “Briana isn’t part of that community,” Veronica said. “Not for any bad reason, but it’s not something she found on her own.”

    “Mom,” Briana said, a bit of a whine creeping into her voice. “what community?”

    “Briana,” Veronica said, “we agreed you’d call me Veronica while Melody is here. Can you do that for a bit longer please?” Briana bit her lip and nodded.

    “Um, it’s okay with me if it’s okay with you two,” Melody said. Briana looked like she was about to cry. Part of Melody’s SOP was that hot girls shouldn’t cry. “It doesn’t bother me.”

    “I suppose it does help show you a bit more what the dynamic is like,” Veronica said. “Okay, Briana, you can refer to me normally, but please stay with us in this conversation.”

    “Yes Mom!” Briana visibly brightened, and turned back to Melody. “So what’s the ABDL community?”

    “It’s um, people like you I guess?” Melody said, wondering why she was the one explaining this to a girl with a changing table in her back room. “Mommy daddy baby stuff, diapers, uh, it stands for Adult Baby Diaper Lover. But I don’t know how much you do here. Or how much I’d be expected to be a part of it.”

    “Mom!” Briana accused, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

    “Briana,” Veronica’s mom voice was sharp and firm, easily Weirding Way level. “Let’s talk about that later. For now, stay on track, we’re explaining to Melody what it would be like to live with us.”

    Briana pouted, sighed, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Melody, I was trying to be in a better state of mind for talking about this but I kind of got caught up.”

    “That’s okay,” Melody said. “Like Veronica said before, it kind of lets me see how things would go. Are you wearing a diaper right now?”

    “Nope!” Briana said eagerly. “A pullup! Do you want to see? It’s a really pretty one, because I thought you might want to see it.”

    “Sure,” Melody said with a wry chuckle. Sure enough, Briana was up out of her chair and flipping her skirt up. The pullup was pale blue, Frozen themed, with Elsa at the top of an ice tower that extended down to the crotch. The pullup fit Briana like panties, with a touch of extra bulk. They were actually sexy, which Melody hadn’t expected. She looked up to see Veronica watching her like a hawk, which felt a little unfair. Melody laughed again, nervously.

    “Hey that is really pretty,” Melody said. Complimenting girls on their diapers was apparently a thing that thirst could make her do. “Thanks for showing me.”

    “You’re welcome,” Briana said, dropping her skirt.

    Melody turned to Veronica to ask, “What else?”

    “Well the minimum to move in would be a willingness to be tolerant of Briana even in her younger moods,” Veronica said. “You’d need to be accepting of her need to have her undergarments changed, and be kind to her about all of this. We are hoping for more, though. We’re hoping for someone who’s willing to join in by watching over Briana when she needs it, supporting her in a familial way, and taking on the tasks of cleaning her up and disciplining her when that’s needed.”

    “Disciplining her?” Melody asked. “Like, time out?”

    “We use time outs with Briana, as well as grounding her from her phone and other measures” Veronica said. “But if her behavior gets extreme or dangerous to her, we usually discipline her with a spanking.”

    “You what? Briana, you’re okay with this?” Melody asked, knowing that for her part she was very, very okay with it.

    Briana pouted and said, “I don’t like to be spanked, but it’s okay if Mom does it. Or Dad.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Or the other people in the house if Mom says it’s okay.”

    “So basically, you’re talking about babysitting her as if she were a toddler?” Melody asked Veronica.

    “Pretty much exactly,” Veronica said.

    “Is it a fetish thing for you guys too?” Melody asked.

    “I really don’t like to think of it that way,” Veronica said. “I know we have at least one roommate that enjoys it in that respect. We have another person outside the house who plays with Briana that way when he babysits her. My girlfriend and I really do feel a parental connection to Briana.”

    “Huh, intense,” Melody said.

    “Too intense?” Veronica asked.

    “I don’t think so,” Melody said, “but I guess I need more information. Can I hang out with Briana sometime, make sure we like spending time together?”

    “You can right now if you have the time,” Veronica said. “She’s pretty young at the moment and maybe going younger. Now would be a good time to show you what you’d be getting into.”

    “Yeah I don’t have anything specific I have to be at, let’s try it,” Melody said. Because why not, let’s play babysitter with a girl who’s probably older than me.

    Veronica caught Briana’s hands and pulled the girl onto her lap. “Briana, would you like to play with Melody for an hour or so?”

    “Yes please!” Briana said, bouncing on Veronica’s lap. “She doesn’t seem scary at all.”

    Veronica chuckled. “We’re testing out if Melody can join the house and help take care of you. If she tells you to do something, you have to do it, like if she was a babysitter, understand?” Briana nodded. “And if anything scary happens, come get me right away, I’ll be in the living room.”

    “Okay Mom!” Briana squirmed out of Veronica’s grasp and hurried over to Melody. “What are we going to do?”

    It was a little surreal, looking up into Briana’s eager eyes. “She’s not going to kiss you, idiot,” Melody told herself. “Uh, well I’m trying to get to know you better. Why don’t you show me your room?”

    “Oh yeah, you can meet Alanna!” Briana said enthusiastically. She grabbed Melody’s hand and tugged. What would have been a little pull on a toddler yanked Melody right out of her chair. Small but feisty.

    “I am looking respectfully,” Melody reminded herself.

    Briana’s bedroom wasn’t exactly a surprise after everything Melody had seen, but it was extreme. Another fully stocked changing table was set up by the window, and there was no sight of an adult bed. Instead there was a f-ing crib along one wall, a massive affair that would make Briana look kid sized for real.

    The walls sported posters, glow in the dark stars, and stickers. There were stuffed animals everywhere. The only thing that wasn’t toddler-chic was the desk.

    A stuffed lion was thrust at Melody’s face. “This is Alanna,” Briana declared.

    “Hi Alanna,” Melody said. “Hey Briana, do you still go to school?”

    “Yeah, but I can’t play like this there,” Briana said.

    “You sure do like to play like this,” Melody said. “Do you know why?”

    “It helps me,” Briana said. “I was really stressed and sad for a while. It was making me sick. But Mommy figured out that playing like this could make me better, and it did. I’m doing way better in school than I was when I got sick!”

    “Huh,” Melody said, looking the desk over again.

    None of the chaos in the room had touched it, something that an actual toddler would not have been able to keep up. Veronica was in neuropsych, and was a big deal, at least on campus. Lab rat or ABDL fetish girl, tune in on moving day to find out!

    “You play with all your roommates like this then?”

    “Well everyone is different.” Briana said, plopping down on the floor. “I have Mom, and Dad. Suzie is a really good babysitter but she’s always busy. Erin is busy too, she’s going to be a doctor and she makes sure I’m okay. Then there’s Casey, she’s my girlfriend.” Briana blushed and pulled her feet up, rolling back on her back and flashing her pullup at Melody again.

    “Girlfriend like… sex?” Melody asked, too disappointed to be subtle.

    “Yeaaaah.” Briana squirmed on the floor, rocking back and forth.

    Melody sat down on the floor against the wall, her head spinning. There was probably a German word for the feeling, Melody decided to call it con-fu-rous-ted.  Hanging out with Briana was fun right now, but would it still be fun in a week? In a year?

    The arrival of a hot girl in Melody’s lap neatly stopped her train of thought. Briana had crawled up on Melody while she was distracted and was pulling Melody’s shirt taut so that she could read it. “That’s a good one!” She said, giggling.

    Putting her hands on Briana’s waist, Melody felt her heart go thump. Briana smelled of baby powder and was warm, soft, and supple in Melody’s grip. The plan had been to slide Briana off aside but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Briana, on the other hand, took that as an invitation to snuggle up to Melody.

    “Tell me about the ABDL thing some more,” Briana said.

    “I uh um…” Melody took a moment to regain her equilibrium. “I don’t know a ton about it, but it’s a pretty big community. There are different levels of involvement, some people get more into it than others.”

    “Are you in the community?” Briana asked. “Is that why you want to live here?”

    “Me?!” Melody shook her head. “No, I don’t do that stuff.” Because of course she didn’t have a diaper girl on her lap, no, not at all.

    “Then how do you know about it?” Briana asked, squirming upright and looking right into Melody’s eyes.

    “Well I’m on the internet a lot,” Melody said. “And uh, sometimes you stumble across stuff.” Stumbling was a perfectly good metaphor for the fringe effects of googling ‘sluts’ and ‘watersports’.

    “Oh, could you show me?” Briana asked.

    “What, right now?” Melody asked.

    “Yeah! Please? Please Melody, please?” Briana tried a whole puppy dog eye look that was, unfortunately, quite effective.

    “Well there’s a lot of sex stuff on those,” Melody said. “Didn’t talking about sex make you kind of embarrassed?”

    “No,” Briana said, her blush and squirm immediately outing her as a liar.

    “I’ll show you another time. I don’t even know the names of those sites offhand,” Melody said, as a lying liar herself.

    “Okay, can we play something then?” Briana said. “An hour is a LONG time.”

    “What do you want to play?” Melody asked.

    “A new game!” Briana said. “What do you like to do?”

    “Uh, it’s been a while since I did any kid stuff but, oh, I’ve got my Switch with me. Do you play video games?” Melody asked.

    “I don’t usually have the money for them,” Briana said.

    “You’ll really like Animal Crossing,” Melody said. It was time to test her authority over diaper waifu. “My bag is downstairs by the door, go get it for me okay?”

    “Okay Melody,” Briana said, hopping off Melody’s lap and scampering out the door.

    Melody took a second to breathe and look around the room a bit more. Microbiology textbooks on the desk, so Briana’s classes weren’t airhead stuff. A fair number of adult books on her bookshelf but a lot of new kids’ books too. All the nicer stuff in the room was pretty new, and kid themed. The adult stuff was old, and well cared for.

    Briana burst back into the room and held the backpack out to Melody. “Here you go!”

    “Good girl,” Melody said, taking the pack and chuckling at Briana’s big grin.

    “Okay, that was fun,” Melody thought. “She is stupid adorable, and it is nice having a minion to fetch stuff.”

    They sat back down on the floor together while Melody booted up Animal Crossing on her Switch. Briana was instantly enchanted, which meant that she needed to scoot herself between Melody’s legs. Doing an impromptu Lets Play for Briana helped keep Melody from being horny on main. Not that it ever felt completely normal to have an OnlyFans girl on her lap.

    By the end of the hour Briana was begging Melody not to leave. Giving in to the power of puppy dog eyes (and diaper girl tiddy), Melody signed the lease and dropped the deposit before she left.

    “It’s weird,” Melody thought as she drove away to finish packing, “but I’ve seen weirder.”