• Little Lady Briana 9: Diapers in the Dark

    By the ninth hole, both girls’ slushies were dangerously low. Briana wasn’t sure why she was doing her best to hold back an accident – she’d expected to spend her birthday pleasantly damp. Instead she was fidgeting uncomfortably as Ava lined up a shot through a mass of confusing neon loops. Wetting might be a betrayal of the bet she and Ava had made, or a loss, it wasn’t clear. Either way, Briana was determined to hold on for dear life.

    An argument between Melody and Rosa had stalled the golfers behind Briana and Ava, and had pulled Mom away from the birthday girl to mediate. They were alone in the dark, had just become better friends, and were at the end of the golf course. All the excitement had Briana bouncing on her tiptoes – which only made the pain in her bladder worse.

    “Come ON Ava, just hit the ball.”

    “I’m not letting you break my concentration. Nice try.” Ava’s gaze was really focused, but her hips were wiggling a lot more than they had been on previous holes.

    “Oh, I get it.” Briana folded her arms and smirked. “You can’t afford another sip from your slushie.”

    “Hush you.” Ava’s squirms got worse, making Briana giggle as her guess was confirmed.

    The Indian girl gave her ball a whack, sending it bouncing through the tangled lights of the final hole. Briana squinted, unsure if the ball had gone in or not. She hoped not. The only reason she’d done well on the first few holes is that she’d gotten to practice them when she and Mom had scoped the place out for her party. A lucky shot in the middle of the course had made Ava take a big drink of her slushie – but all the bet-enforced sips after that had been Briana’s.

    “You wouldn’t have to pee so bad if you didn’t keep drinking when you don’t have to.”

    “It’s tasty, okay? I – just like it.” Ava grabbed her crutches and scurried off after her ball in a huff.

    I hope she’s not really mad at me – that’s just competitiveness, right? Briana’s teeth worried at her lip as she tried to line up a shot. It was no use. Between her need to potty and worrying about hurting Ava’s feelings, she couldn’t concentrate at all. Hoping for birthday luck was the only strategy she had left as she gave her ball a mighty whack.

    “Hey!” Ava’s indignant cry came out of the darkness. “You almost hit me!”

    “Sorry! Did you see where it went?” Waddling forward with inward turned knees, Briana could barely see Ava moving toward a corner of the room.

    “Out of bounds. Might as well finish your slushie now, I’ll get the ball.”

    “You don’t have to do that….” Briana winced, her knees buckling. The battle with her bladder was over. Bladder 1, Briana 0 – which was the normal score, but this time it bothered her a bit. As her diaper grew warm and saggy, Briana finished off her slushie with a loud slurp.

    “Okay, you win. See? I drank it all.” Briana looked around, but there was no response, nor movement from her friend. “Ava? Where’d you go?”

    When she reached the end of the course, Briana found Ava’s ball sitting in a depression near the final hole. With the glaring neon of the hole mostly behind her, she spotted her own pink ball gleaming in the corner, with Ava’s shadowy figure leaning against the wall next to it. Sudden worry for her friend had Briana scrambling off the course and up to Ava, heedless of the discomfort of jogging in a wet diaper.

    “Ava, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? I would have gotten the ball, honest!”

    “It’s not my disability, okay?” Ava’s tone was somewhere between anger and crying, there were tears shining in her eyes. “Stop trying to manage it for me.”

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Briana wrung her hands, shifting her weight from leg to leg with a squish in her pants each time. “I wasn’t trying to – I was just worried about you.”

    “Sorry – I’m not trying to yell – it’s just – I’m too Little to handle what just happened.”

    “What happened?” Briana looked up at Ava with her most compassionate, soulful look. When she got no response, she snuck closer, until they were nearly touching. “Ava, what…”

    “I had an accident.” Ava’s voice was hushed and tearful. A tear blazed in the blacklight as it spilled down Ava’s cheek.

    “Oh! I didn’t know you had those for real.”

    “I don’t! But I drank all that slush and I had to take a big step to get over the course baffles and – and – I couldn’t hold it.”

    Briana went with her instincts and enveloped Ava in a hug. The other girl was rigid at first, but quickly relaxed and joined the hug in earnest. Ava was warm and smelled good – like berries and vanilla. Looking up to see if Ava was okay revealed that the other Little girl had a surprising expression on her face. It wasn’t one Briana had expected to see, though she hadn’t ruled it out either. For certain, she knew what that expression meant. Briana let her eyes flutter closed and parted her lips.

    The softness of Ava’s lips sent a thrill down Briana’s spine. Her heartbeat was pounding to match Melody’s club music at the delicate touch of Ava’s tongue tip on hers. She walked her lips in a trail of kisses down Ava’s jawline and was rewarded by a soft moan that made her tummy flip flop.

    “What, what are we doing?” Ava squirmed away, but only few inches – she was apparently unwilling to relinquish her hold on Briana. “You have a boyfriend.”

    “Gary is okay with this much for sure.” Briana smiled mischievously, batting her eyelashes at Ava. “I’d have to negotiate with him to do much more.”

    “M-more?” Ava swallowed hard, leaning in for a kiss on Briana’s ear before she pulled away again. “Wait, please, I need a minute.”

    “Of course!” Briana let Ava go with a lingering caress. “You smell good.”

    “I smell like baby powder.” Ava grumped.

    “That’s a good smell!” Briana grinned.

    “I’m going to smell like pee in a minute anyway.”

    “I’m sure Mom would change you. Or Dad. It might be weird for you with Gary, but Rosa is good with diaper changes too, and so’s Tamira. Oh, and Grama is super good!”

    “Are you crazy? I’m not – not going to get my diaper changed.”

    “Well you don’t have to.” Briana shrugged. “There’s plenty of bathrooms, you can do it yourself if you want.”

    Ava wrapped her arms tightly around herself, staring at the floor. The silence stretched out until Briana had to reach out to touch her friend’s arm. Ava flinched – then leaned into the touch.

    “Ava? What’s wrong? I’m sorry if the party is turning out weird.”

    “I didn’t bring a spare.” Ava whispered, sorrowfully.

    “Oh.” Briana snuggled up to Ava, feeling the other girl relax gratefully against her. “Um, I could change you. Or you could borrow a spare I guess but you seem um – kinda Little to be changing your own diaper.”

    “I don’t know what to do.” Ava sighed. “I don’t want you to see me naked yet.”

    Briana giggled. “Yet?”

    “Shut up!” Ava giggled grabbing for Briana’s sides. As a veteran of many tickle attacks from her older sibling, Briana batted Ava’s arms away and wrestled with the other girl until they were both panting and laughing.

    “What are you two up to, in the corner?” Mom loomed out of the shadows, her pale skin luminous in the black light, her dress invisible. She looked cool and gothy – though it would have been nice for her to wear something a little more festive for the party.

    “We were just trying to figure out who won the bet, Mom!” Briana disengaged from Ava and tucked her hands behind her back. “Turns out Ava did.”

    “Mmm hmm.” Veronica put her fingertips to Briana’s cheek. “It looks like that discussion involved a lot of kissing.”

    “What?!” Briana looked at Ava guiltily, and realized she could see lip marks glowing faintly on the other girl’s cheeks. “Um – Mom, the thing is…”

    “It’s fine for you to – get involved with someone – as long as you’re being honest with Gary,” Veronica said. “However, you shouldn’t hide in a corner and make out with someone when you have a bunch of guests at a party.”

    “We weren’t making out – it just – happened.” Ava shifted her stance awkwardly.

    Briana realized that Ava looked more than awkward, she looked uncomfortable. If she hadn’t been planning to use her diaper at the party, she might have worn one that couldn’t hold much.

    “Ava, do you want – help?” Briana nudged the other Little gently.

    “I – I – don’t know…”

    Mom’s voice was as soft and gentle as it had been the first time she’d taken care of Briana. “Ava, if it’s the help I’m guessing it is, we can be quick and discreet. No one will notice if I help you while Briana goes back to the party.”

    A soft whimper escaped Ava’s throat. She hovered nervously, glancing between Briana and Veronica. Though it was hard to the point of being painful, Briana resisted her impulse to give Ava one more push. Just like Mom, she let Ava figure it out on her own.

    Finally, Ava nodded. “Yes – please Ms. Rasmussen…”

    “I’ve got you, Ava-bean.” Veronica put an arm around Ava, ignoring the Little girl’s soft sound of confusion at the nickname. For her part, Briana was beaming from ear to ear as she watched Mom guide Ava along the dark wall and out of the course.

    “Briana, when do we get cake?” Fabiola’s voice came out of the darkness at Briana’s elbow, making her jump.

    “Ack! Uh, whenever I want I guess, I’m the birthday girl!”

    “You should want cake now, then.” Fabiola bit her lip and gazed at Briana with eyes so wide open that they were easily visible in the dark.

    “Um, Fabi, I do that to my parents all the time. It’s not gonna work on me.” Briana smirked.

    “Then do it for yourself! You don’t have any cake right now. It’s like it’s not even your birthday.”

    “Oh! I can’t believe you’d go there.” Briana grabbed Fabiola’s arm and marched her out of the golf course exit. “I have so much cake!”

    “I’ve seen it.” Fabiola hurried her steps, pulling Briana to the dining room. “Let’s do something about it.”

    Two sheet cakes and a glorious triple-decker cake dominated Briana’s vision as they dominated the round table they’d been placed on. No one would miss a corner piece off one of the sheet cakes… Walking side by side with a girl who’s diaper was crinkling more loudly than her own had Briana in a blissful baby state. With a trembling hand, she picked up a cake knife and let it hover over the white chocolate sheet cake with blueberry filling.

    “No, not that one, the big one!” Fabiola pointed at the triple decker cake.

    It wasn’t just the fanciest of the cakes, but the most chocolate rich. You could see it from the outside plainly, in the chocolate shards that were stuck into the chocolate ganache that dripped over chocolate icing. Inside was a rich chocolate sponge with separate filling layers of raspberry, cream, and caramel. There was just one problem with cutting into the best birthday cake ever.

    “I don’t know how to cut into a triple decker cake.” Briana huffed. “If it falls over, I’d cry.”

    Fabiola considered Briana’s words reluctantly, finally nodding her acceptance of Briana’s flawless logic. “Okay, then cut that one fast before the Bigs show up.”

    There was already more chatter outside than Briana was comfortable with – even though it was totally okay and justified for her to cut a piece off her own birthday cake. She hacked a messy corner off the cake and onto a plate, then a generous chunk for Fabiola. The creamy sweetness and berry flavor had Briana up on her tiptoes with excitement. Briana and Fabiola raced to finish their slices – they were ten bites in when they were caught.

    Kiara loomed over the Little girls, raising her brows. Briana’s aunt was as intimidating as ever in a one-shouldered blue dress with a tulip skirt. The next closest big was Dad – who would be at least as stern about early cake pilfering, if not more so. Briana hastily dropped her plate on the table and grinned up at Kiara with cake-covered lips.

    “Hi Auntie! I know it looks like I’m being a bad girl, but I was just sharing with a friend – even on my birthday!”

    “Mmm hmm.” Kiara smirked, and reached for Briana’s rear, giving it a squish. “Your butt’s a little soggy.”

    “Haha!” Fabiola’s braying laugh bounced off the walls of the dining room. Her laughter quickly became a shocked gasp as Kiara pulled open the front of her waistband and peeked in.

    “You too, potty-pants.” Kiara had a hand from each of the Little girls firmly gripped before they could protest. Well, before Briana could protest. A litany of excuses and reasons why she didn’t need a diaper change spilled from Fabiola’s mouth as Kiara marched them to the bathroom. An adult-sized changing table in the family restroom was already deployed, with changing supplies pre-set out by Veronica.

    “I want my daddy to do it!” Fabiola cried out, stamping her feet.

    Briana hardly had time to register that Kiara had let her hand go when her aunt bent Fabi over one of her forearms and yanked the Little girl’s diaper down. Fabiola got a resounding smack on each cheek. The bathroom was very quiet in the echo of those smacks.

    “Y-you spanked me?!” Fabiola whimpered.

    “I don’t want to have to spank you more. You already agreed to be changed by whoever was available at the party, and Briana’s birthday isn’t the place for a temper tantrum.” Kiara physically lifted Fabi onto the table with a grunt. “Can you be a good girl for me?”

    As Fabiola nodded, Briana piped up with, “I’m a good girl too!”

    “We’re going to talk about the cake in a moment when I’m changing you.” Kiara hoisted Briana up onto the bathroom counter and fished a pacifier out of her purse to pop into the Little girl’s mouth. Briana sat nervously, kicking her feet while Kiara changed Fabiola.

    It doesn’t sound like she believes I’m a good girl – but she wouldn’t spank me on my birthday, would she? Fabiola got her face and butt wiped while she lay passively on the changing table. Kiara took a moment to clean off her hands and popped a red lozenge in Fabi’s mouth.

    “Not that you need more sugar, but you are being a good girl.”

    Briana sucked her pacifier aggressively as she dared at her aunt’s back. It was annoying that Fabi got a candy to suck on while she only had a dumb old pacifier. It was also a bad sign for Kiara’s assessment of her being a good girl. Her fears were confirmed when Kiara finished with Fabi and set Briana on the changing table – face down with her butt in the air. Normally, Briana wasn’t allowed to spit out her pacifier if a Big had put it there to keep her quiet, but this was an emergency!

    “Auntie, you’re not going to spank me on my birthday, right?”

    “Why do you think I’m going to spank you? Is there something you did?”

    “I’m sorry I cut the cake early! I know mom told me not to but – but…”

    Whop! Kiara gave Briana a whack on her diapered rear. Instinctively, Briana looked toward Fabiola. The two Littles locked gazes as Kiara rained loud smacks on Briana’s wet diaper. As spankings went, it wasn’t really painful – but it was embarrassing as heck.

    “Twenty seven,” Kiara said, patting Briana’s back after the last swat. “Now you’ve gotten your birthday spankings.”

    “Huh? But you said…”

    “It still wasn’t a good girl thing to cut the cake early. I let you think you were getting a real spanking because you need boundaries, don’t you?”

    “What do you mean?” Briana wiggled herself into place once Kiara rolled her over to her back.

    “No one in the family is going to let you be a bad girl.”

    Kiara kissed Briana’s forehead before getting down to changing her diaper. The Little girl kept her toes curled the whole time from the warm fuzzy feeling she had in her heart. Even better, she got a candy afterwards! Hand in hand with Fabiola, Briana returned to her party.

    “I thought your aunt was going to whop you.”

    “I thought she was going to do the same to you.” Briana bumped shoulders with Fabiola. “Are you okay?”

    “Yeah – it was a lot like how Daddy spanks – just shorter. I’m glad she didn’t make me cry.” Fabiola squeezed Briana’s hand. “I didn’t want to cry at your party. This is the most fun I’ve had in – a long time. I don’t have a lot of Little friends.”

    “Me either! But we both have one more now.” Briana giggled. “Maybe I can get in trouble at your house sometime.”

    “I’ll ask Daddy!” Fabiola nodded vigorously.

    With everyone done playing mini-golf, Briana was swept away into the party. To her delight, she ended up in Gary’s arms. He was in a mood to carry her that she hoped would last for the rest of the party. Certainly, she wasn’t going to let him go while they ate pizza. Princess Briana of Cloudland had her Royal Gary feed her slices of pizza while she sat on his lap  – nearly drifting off to Cloudland out of sheer happiness.

    “Gary – I have a thing to tell you about dating stuff.” Briana blocked the next bite of pizza with her hand. Gary wiped her hand and mouth with a napkin before nodding for her to continue.

    “I kissed Ava. She kissed me – whatever, we kissed.”

    “Oh? Is that something you want to pursue more?”

    “If it doesn’t hurt you.”

    “I don’t think it does, but I’ll have to think about it – we’ll have to talk a lot if you want to keep something going with another person.”

     “I understand. I don’t want to hurt you, or lose you.” Briana snuggled up against Gary’s broad chest. “She could never replace what we have – but it was really fun to kiss another Little.”

    “Does she know about me?” Gary asked.

    “Yes.” Briana sat up and looked at Gary seriously. “I don’t know if she’s interested in boys, or would ever be interested in you, but would you want to hang out as the three of us some time?”

    “I’ll have to think about that. You’ll need to ask her too.”

    Briana nodded. “I will! Maybe we could start slow, with you babysitting us.”

    Gary laughed. “So now I’d have to take care of two little troublemakers?”

    “Ava doesn’t make trouble, you’re thinking of when you have to babysit Fabi and me.” Briana giggled.


    Pizza was followed by presents, which were themselves followed by cake. Despite pilfering some cake early, and eating as much pizza as Gary insisted she should, Briana managed an entire big slice of the super chocolate cake. The struggle to avoid a nap after that silky chocolate bomb was real. However, simply passing out would be a criminal waste of party time. More importantly, she’d seen Ava watching her warily while she was seated on Gary’s lap. Briana retrieved her stuffed Lion, Alanna, from her mom and wove her way through the crowd to find Ava. The Indian girl had a conflicted expression on her face – scary! – but Briana was a brave princess and had her Knight Captain tucked under her arm.

    “Ava, I really like the present you got me, do you want to help me try it out?”

    “Oh – um, if it’s okay with your mom and stuff.” Ava looked like she was falling out of Littlespace, which was an emergency if Briana had ever seen one.

    “It’s my birthday, of course I can play with my presents!” Briana’s attempts to tear open the tape on the large cardboard box were less successful than her resolve would have liked. Luckily, Dad was there to wield a knife and pop the box open.

    Pop was exactly the right word for opening Ava’s present. A compressed spring tube wrapped in brightly colored fabric lead to a pop-up mini fort big enough for a few kids – or a pair of ABDL girls. Briana squealed with excitement – putting on a bit of a show for Ava’s benefit. It worked, getting the other Little hyped enough to crawl down the tube and join Briana in the fort at the end. Plastic windows in primary colors gave the interior surreal lighting that relaxed Briana and hopefully helped Ava feel Little again.

    “I talked to Gary about kissing you.” Briana settled into a cross-legged sit.

    “Oh uh – how did it go? I mean, I’m not sure if we should do that again but um, I don’t want anyone to be mad or – or …”

    “It went fine.” Briana smiled encouragingly at her friend. “He wasn’t upset. He does want to think about things, but he even considered babysitting the two of us.”

    “Uh – babysitting? Like, do you want me to hook up with him too?” Ava’s face took on a look of panic, she scooted toward the tube.

    “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Briana leaned over to squeeze Ava’s leg. “Even if that means I don’t get to kiss you again. When I said babysitting – I really meant babysitting. Just so you can get to know him. But you don’t have to!”

    “I’ll think about it.” Ava bit her lip. “But I can’t – I’m not attracted to men.”

    That’s kinda sad to hear – but not for me to be sad about! Briana smiled and nodded. “That’s fine. It might make things easier anyway – if you and I keep kissing.”

    Ava curled up around her knees and grabbed her feet. “I want to – but I wish it was less complicated.”

    “I can wait. I want to keep hanging out with you, kisses or no kisses.” Briana scooted over until she was shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip with Ava. “Do you want to be the first one to snuggle with me in here?”

    “Briana, we can’t have sex here, there’s people all around!”

    “I didn’t mean that! I’d get in so much trouble – and I’d never do that anyway…” Briana’s jaw dropped to see Ava peek out from behind her knees with a sneaky smile. “Oooh, you’re terrible! Just for that, you get Alanna-bonked.”

    Briana gave Ava a solid thump on the head with her stuffed lion, sending both Littles into a giggle-spasm that ended with them cuddled together. They gazed up through the distorted green plastic of the fort’s skylight and said nothing. It was enough to relax in each other’s warmth. In a minute, it’d be time to go back to the party and try out the arcade machines or another one of the golf courses. Having Ava’s fingers laced through hers, listening to the other Little softly breathe, knowing that her friend had been brave enough to let Mom change her – all these things were as good as any birthday present.

    First birthday with my family – and already the best birthday ever. I can’t wait for next year!