The Ebook version of this story is a whole new addition with a revised plot and bonus content. At 25% longer, it's the definitive edition of the book!

Book 1 of the Found Family Trilogy:

From foster kid to microbiology graduate student, Briana has had to do everything on her own. When her advisor's grant is revoked, she has to face that skill and willpower can't keep her from going broke. Overcome by stress and guilt at relying on her roommates, Briana finds herself losing control in very basic ways. The embarrassment that follows only makes it worse. 

When her roommates offer her a solution, she's just desperate enough to take it. Relying on other people is terrifying, especially for a woman who's never had a family. Briana will have to learn to accept love or spiral down into homelessness and failure.
  • Baby Briana: Chapter 01

    Brianna lifted her head and let out a yawn that stretched her jaw. Discomfort made her squirm in the bed. She slid a hand under the covers and immediately teared up. The bed was wet again. She froze in bed, listening and hoping that the house would be silent. No luck.

    By the sounds of it at least two of her roommates were already awake. The sun blazed through her white daisy curtains; a sign that it was likely they were all awake. For a few minutes she burrowed back into the covers despite the dampness. She wished she could vanish into the bed and disappear. Or better yet, that the stain would.

    “I don’t know why this is happening!” Briana despaired. “I haven’t wet the bed since I was six. It’s been ten times this month, and it’s happening more and more often.”

    With a groan she crawled out of bed and stripped off her soaked panties and nightshirt. She was able to scamper to the bathroom to shower without running into anyone. Scraggly red hair greeted her in the mirror. She sighed and tied it up. Haircuts were another thing that weren’t happening. At least the rest of her looked good. A smattering of freckles across a slim body. “Nothing like being poor to keep you trim.”

    Back in her room she dressed in dry clothes and faced her bed grimly. The comforter was too bulky to launder easily and seemed to be barely damp. She stripped the sheets and wrapped them in her wet bath towel. With the window open and a bit of febreeze on the mattress, she hoped no one would notice.

    Her feet creaked on the old wooden floors. Normally she loved an old house with tons of character. Now it was a traitor reporting her every move. Since quiet wasn’t an option, she made her way down the stairs quickly to the living room.

    Her roommate Suzie was there, curled up on the green antique couch. Brianna froze for a moment, but the blonde girl didn’t look up from her phone. Brianna rounded the wall that supported the stairs and opened the basement door. Another flight of creaky stairs and she was on nice quiet concrete. Even better, the washing machine was free. A huge wave of relief washed across Brianna when she set the washer running.

    Briana checked her bank balance for the hundredth time while she leaned on the kitchen counter. Only a couple hundred dollars left. Her roommates had been generous enough to let her skip the rent. They even let her eat from the groceries they bought. It was a lifesaver, but a guilt-inducing one. The college’s work study wasn’t taking any new student workers mid semester either.

    “There’s nothing online for jobs.” Briana sighed. “I’m sending out three applications a day but nobody replies.”

    “Hey, Bri?” Suzie startled Briana out of her thoughts. “Can you come to the living room? We wanted to talk to you about something.”

    “This is it. They’re kicking me out.” Briana’s mouth went dry, her stomach knotted. She managed a nod but couldn’t speak. Her fears redoubled when she saw her other four roommates sitting in the living room.

    Suzie led her to the armchair and took a seat on the right-hand couch next to Jane. As a film school student she was the most quirky of the group, short blue hair and a lot of tattoos. When she’d first moved in everyone called her Manic Pixie Dream Girl until it got to be too much. Anything but plain Jane was still in pajamas, her long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had striking German features with a resting bitch face that was legendary in the Economics department.

    Erin and Casey were on the left-hand couch, still dressed for their morning run. The only sporty members of the house, Erin was freckled and burnt, while Casey tended to evenly tan. They always seemed to sit together; Erin was the only one in the house who wouldn’t be dwarfed by Casey’s six and a half feet.

    Across the coffee table in the other armchair was Veronica, dressed in her usual black house dress. She had a quiet, commanding presence most of the time. At a meeting like this she had the look of royalty. Not condescending, just the assumption that she was in control. She didn’t even need to flex her wealth or Postdoc status to have authority in the house, but they certainly helped. Brianna sat at Veronica’s direction, eyes already brimming with tears.

    “I think you probably know why we wanted to talk.” Veronica said.

    “I’m sorry!” Briana burst into tears. “I can have my stuff packed up in a couple of days.”

    “What? Huh? No!” Several of the girls responded in unison.

    “Briana, no.” Veronica said with a concerned frown. “Nobody is kicking you out.  I’m sorry you thought that’s what this was!”

    “What then?” Brianna sniffled.

    “You have been… having to do a lot of laundry lately.” Veronica said.

    Briana flushed. “That was really kindly worded. Carefully worded. I wonder if she learned that in the counseling program.”

    “We’re worried about you, and we want to help.” Veronica continued when Briana didn’t seem like she was going to reply.

    “Help how?” Briana sighed. “I don’t have insurance, or money for a doctor. I can’t ask you to cover me on that too!”

    “That’s not what we were offering.” Veronica said kindly. “We did get you a couple of things that might help though.”

    Erin hopped up and grabbed a package from behind the couch. A package of incontinence undergarments. Brianna’s heart sank and her face flamed again.

    “I uh, I don’t know why it’s happening but I’m not sure that I really need…” She stammered.

    “I know it’s rough even thinking about wearing those!” Erin said. “So I got you some different ones too.” She placed a second package on the coffee table.  This one had bright colors, proudly proclaiming the efficacy of its pullups.

    “Uh, I’m pretty slim but I don’t think I can fit into pullups.” Brianna said, confused.

    “They’re adult sized!” Casey chimed in.

    “I know they look kind of kid-y.” Erin said. “But they’re way prettier than the Depends.”

    “I don’t think…” Brianna began.

    “Please think about it.” Veronica said. “Use them until you figure out what’s going on.”

    “Veronica’s the one covering my rent…” Briana hesitated, “Those things probably weren’t cheap either. This is actually really nice of them, even if it’s embarrassing.”

    “Um, okay. I’ll try them for at least a couple of days.” Briana said. She blushed and sank back in the chair as the other girls applauded.

    “We want you to be okay.” Jane said.

    “We’re here to help you, okay?” Suzie smiled at Briana.

    “It takes a lot of courage to accept help, especially about something like this.” Veronica said.

    Briana wiped away tears. Her roommates rose up en masse and helped her out of the chair. Surrounded in warm group hug, Brianna sobbed a couple of times and took a deep rattling breath.

    “Thanks everybody.” The hug closed tightly around her again. “You’ve all been really nice.”

    “We’re friends!” Suzie declared.

    “Just because we’re not a sorority doesn’t mean that I don’t think of you all as my sisters.” Veronica said. “We’ve had this house together for three years.”

    Brianna nodded, wiping her eyes. Jane helped her carry the supplies up to her room, giving her another hug before she left. Briana put the packages in the far back of her closet and realized there was a third one as well.  A plastic mattress cover, that had been sitting under the depends.

    “I can’t afford to replace my mattress.” Briana thought grimly. She slipped the cover on her mattress and made the bed with new sheets. You couldn’t tell by looking at it, and when she crawled under the covers, the feel wasn’t too bad. “I sure have good friends. I wish I knew why this was happening!”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 02

    As a thank you, Briana made dinner for the house. At least she hoped it was a thank you, since she was making it with food she hadn’t bought. Everyone seemed appreciative, especially Veronica.

    “Movie night!” Casey declared.

    “I’ll do the dishes too.” Briana said. “You all get set up.”

    With a chorus of “Thanks Bri!” her roommates piled into the living room.

    The dishes went fast, Briana smiled happily at the clean kitchen and dining room. “At least I can contribute this way!”

    The living room had been re-arranged to face the TV. Everyone had converted to pajamas. Veronica had one armchair, Suzie the other. The rest of the girls were gathered in a pile of blankets on the two couches.

    “Hey Bri, we need a fashion show!” Suzie said.

    “You’ve seen my pajamas like a million times.” She said, confused.

    “We want to see you in the pullups!” Erin grinned.

    “What?” Briana blushed.

    “We don’t want you to be embarrassed around us.” Veronica said. “We didn’t get them for you to shame you. We’ve all seen each other in underwear or swimsuits. We want you to know that this isn’t anything different.”

    “I don’t know…” Briana dug at the old wood floor with one toe.

    “You’ll feel way better about it if you don’t feel like you have to hide it.” Erin said.

    “Show off a little and let us support you!” Suzie nodded.

    “Uh, this is weird.” Briana chuckled nervously.  “But okay, just for tonight.”

    “Of course, you don’t have to walk around in them every night.” Veronica smiled. “We really do want to normalize it for you.”

    “Okay okay.” Brianna nodded and hurried upstairs.

    She pulled both packages and opened them, placing the garments side by side. There was no getting around how ugly the incontinence panties were. No getting around how childish the adult pullups were either. It was going to be embarrassing to show them off either way.

    “At least the pullups are pretty. The ones with flowers on them aren’t as bad as the ones with little bears and stuff I guess.” Briana looked at them ruefully. She’d have to wear one or the other eventually. With a sigh, she dropped her panties and slipped on a pair of the adult pullups. They felt odd, soft and bulky. She squirmed in them, trying to get used to the feel.

    “They’re pretty quiet, that’s nice.” Briana thought. She selected a long nightshirt and pulled it over her head. It fell to her mid thigh.  She twirled a little, and was glad to see that the pullups didn’t show. “Quick fashion show, and then I don’t have to show them any more.”

    Briana was greeted by cheers as she came down the stairs. She blushed, “You guys are making too big a deal of this.”

    “We’re making a big deal of you, we support you!” Said Erin. “Now flash us!”

    Briana laughed and flipped her nightshirt briefly up. Her roommates cheered and catcalled her. She giggled and lifted her shirt again, did a quick turn before dropping it.

    “They look good!” Suzie said.

    “Are they comfortable?” Casey asked.

    “Yeah actually.” Briana smiled shyly. It actually was helping to talk about it in a normal way.

    “Walk through!” Erin grinned.  “Everyone gets to pat the butt!”

    Feeling giddy and silly, Briana lifted her shirt and walked through the half circle of girls. The pat she got varied from a simple touch, to a squeeze, to a surprisingly firm spank from Veronica. Everyone giggled when Briana jumped at the swat.

    Hunkering down for the movie with some popcorn, Briana felt herself finally relax. An action comedy and a hard lemonade pushed all the stress away. By the time she went to bed, she’d almost forgotten the pullups. She found they didn’t really bother her either. She pulled them down and up like panties as she went about her nightly routine.

    “That was smart of Veronica.” Briana thought. “It was embarrassing, but the ‘fashion show’ did help.”

    In the morning, Briana stretched out in bed. She was delighted to not wake up in a soggy puddle. A little less delighted when she felt the increased bulk between her legs. With a sigh she prodded at the pullup.  It was soaked, but her sheets weren’t. Briana decided to take that for a minor victory.

    Without the stress of having to sneak laundry downstairs, the rest of the week seemed to go by in a flash. She was even completely dry the second morning of wearing the pullups. Happiness at a normal wakeup carried her through the day. Biochemistry labs were a breeze when she could concentrate on them!

    Every other day of the week she woke to wet padding between her legs. By Friday it was getting hard to keep the enthusiasm. Her problem was accelerating.

    When she arrived home on Friday, the house was quiet. Briana poked her nose into the kitchen and library, but no one was there. There wasn’t any noise upstairs among the bedrooms either. Briana was surprised to see Veronica’s door open, she was usually really private about her space.

    “Veronica?” Briana called at the door.

    “Briana? Come in please.”

    Veronica had more than a room, she was the only one with a suite. Even before she’d covered Briana’s rent, she was paying twice as much as anyone else in the house. Briana found Veronica past the suite’s living room in the office. It was nicely set up with a vintage desk and two chairs. It boasted a bookshelf full of psychology texts and a file drawer. A woven rug from a trip to Asia was the only decoration.

    “Hi Briana.” Veronica smiled slightly. She was seated at her desk in her usual black dress. Neat notes on the desk were being transcribed to digital.

    “Hi Veronica.” Briana smiled shyly. “I saw your door was open, I think we’re the only two home.”

    “Great, that will give us a chance to talk, can you sit for a second?” Veronica motioned to the chair next to her.


    “How are things going with your medical issue?” Veronica asked.

    “Oh uh…” Briana blushed, “I don’t want to bore you.”

    “You don’t bore me.” Veronica said gently. “I know you’re worried about it, and I know you’re not able to see a doctor right now. If your problem is psychological instead of physical, I could try to help.”

    “Do you think it is?” Briana bit her lip.

    “It could be.” Veronica shrugged. “We could at least try. Erin’s in med school but she can’t prescribe anything yet. She can’t really diagnose, and I can’t either.  But she and I were talking about it, and we’d like to help if we can. We can’t offer anything official, but we can help with advice.”

    Briana swallowed around a lump in her throat. “It’d be nice if you don’t mind. I actually… Well, the truth is, I had my issue every morning for the past four days.”

    “It’s getting more serious, isn’t it?” Veronica asked, gently putting her hand on Briana’s leg.

    “Yeah.” Briana rubbed at her eyes.  “I don’t know what to do.”

    “Do you want me to try to help?”

    “Yes please.” Briana nodded vehemently.

    “Okay, let’s touch base daily.” Veronica said. “Right after you wake up. Don’t change your garments, come to my room however you are when you wake up, and we’ll talk about how you’re feeling.”

    “Uh, are you sure you don’t want me to clean up?” Briana wrinkled her nose.

    “I think it’s best to try to get as close to the state where it happened.” Veronica said. “If you’re willing to try.”

    “Can’t hurt I guess.” Briana sighed. “Okay, I’ll try it. Can I stop if it’s too embarrassing?”

    “Of course!” Veronica patted Briana’s leg. “This is all unofficial, all up to you how you want to engage with it.  I want to offer help if I can.”

    “What about Erin?” Briana asked.

    “She can’t order labs or prescribe medicine yet, so she didn’t see a lot that she could do to help as it stands.” Veronica said. “She’s on the lookout for any programs that could get you in for a free appointment though.”

    “Thanks Veronica.” Briana wiped away grateful tears.

    “Of course!”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 03

    Briana wiggled in bed the following morning. She tried to put off inspecting her pullup, but it was no use. She could already feel the swollen padding between her legs. Worst night yet; the pullup had barely been able to catch it all.

    She sat up and frowned at the floor. Going directly to see Veronica didn’t seem as reasonable as it had been yesterday. She had gone to bed in a cute blue pajama set, so modesty wasn’t too big a problem. Or rather it wasn’t a problem other than for the pullup.

    “I have to get this solved.” Briana thought as the pullup squished clammy and damp around her crotch. “Veronica doesn’t have to do this for me, I should do whatever makes it easiest for her.”

    She slipped out of her room and took in the buzz of her roommates downstairs.  As usual, she was the last to rise. Knocking lightly on Veronica’s door didn’t get a response. The prospect of standing in the hall in a soggy pullup gave her the courage to enter without permission. Veronica wasn’t in her office, but there was a note.

    Briana – If you’re here and I’m not, I’m down at breakfast. Please text me and I’ll come right up so you don’t have to come downstairs.

    Minutes after texting, Veronica arrived with Erin in tow. “Good morning Briana.” She said.

    “I thought it was going to be the two of us.” Briana said.

    “If you don’t mind I was going to take your vitals.” Erin said. “That way if anything is way off we can do something about it, or at least research.”

    “Oh, okay.” Briana sat at Erin’s direction, wiggling a bit as the soggy pullup made its presence known again. Erin was quick and professional, taking down notes as she measured Briana’s blood pressure, heart rate, and listened to her lungs. So much so that she dropped her pajama bottoms to her ankles when Erin asked without thinking about it.

    “This looks pretty full.” Erin said, gently prodding Briana’s pullup. “Has it been like this every morning?”

    Briana flinched back. “Uh, no, not every morning. I didn’t have the problem at all on Monday. And this is um, I guess the most it’s been so far.”

    “Thanks.” Erin smiled. “That’s all I need right now. I’ll come check each morning and see if there’s a pattern.”

    “Oh uh…” Briana began.

    “In that case it’s my turn. Go ahead and sit back down.” Veronica said. “Please leave your pajamas as they are.” She waved briefly to Erin as the other woman left.

    “Why?” Briana hesitated, reluctantly taking a seat before Veronica answered.

    “My initial guess is that there’s a lot going on for you subconsciously that’s causing this.” Veronica said. “I want to pull the issue into your conscious so that we can examine it and fix it.”

    Briana licked her lips and fidgeted.. She felt weird, embarrassed and uncomfortable. There was more too, a nervous, guilty feeling. The pullup was very distracting, the sensation of it kept intruding on her thoughts.

    “Is this something that’s been a problem for you before?” Veronica asked.

    “No, not since I was really little.” Briana sighed. “It happened all of a sudden, and it’s getting worse really fast.”

    “When would you say it started? When was the first time you were incontinent at night?”

    Briana blushed at the word ‘incontinent’. “Uh, three weeks ago.”

    “What was going on for you around that time?”

    “I had a really bad day the day before. My advisor lost his grant, and I’d been out of a job for a while. I tried participating in a paid study, but the payout was really bad. The day after they paid me I woke up uh, you know.”

    “You don’t have any contact with your family, correct?”

    “Yeah. I uh, don’t have anyone to rely on.” Briana looked down. “I want to thank you for helping me out. I know I’m not contributing right now, but so far nothing I’ve applied for is getting back to me.”

    “Of course, of course.” Veronica smiled kindly. “The picture that I’m seeing is that you have a lot of stress about your situation. Would you say you’re feeling financial, housing, maybe even food insecurity?”

    “Yes.” Briana said in a small voice. “I don’t know how long you can keep helping me but obviously not forever. I don’t have any alternatives right now.”

    “Well first, please, don’t worry about accepting my help, and the help of the rest of us in the house.” Veronica leaned over and squeezed Briana’s arm. “My situation is that I’m very lucky financially and it’s not a problem for me to help you out. I want to try to reduce your stress in that area.”

    “Thank you.” Briana smiled sadly. There was some relief from hearing that, but more guilt piled on too.

    “Stress can do terrible things to a body.” Veronica said. “Temporary incontinence is actually a mild consequence for extreme stress, though I’m sure it doesn’t feel mild to you.”

    “That makes sense,” Briana said, more to convince herself than because she believed it. She shifted in the chair, winced as she felt wetness on the seat. The pullup really was at its limit, her squirming was making it leak.

    “I want to reduce your stress, especially before you get more, nastier symptoms.” Veronica said. “I think the biggest problem is the lack of a support network. Most people have a family to turn to, and you don’t have that right now. We aren’t the same thing as family, but the rest of us in the house are willing to help you. Will you let us be your support system?”

    “You already are.” Briana said. “Everyone has been really nice, and supportive.”

    “In a friend way.” Veronica said. “We can support you more, but it means a greater intrusion into your life. The level of support and interference that a family would have.”

    “I can’t ask that of you.” Briana said. “Everybody has their own life to live, stuff going on. We’re all busy with grad school, and everyone but me has a job on top of that.”

    “That’s why it would be spread out over the five of us.” Veronica said. “We can all pick an area of your life to help support you. That way, it’s not too much for anyone. If it does become a problem, I’ll make sure that we all feel comfortable talking about that.”

    “I don’t really understand. What do you mean ‘pick an area of my life’?” Briana frowned. “I’m doing okay other than the job. I’m getting my schoolwork done, I made it this far.”

    “Of course.” Veronica nodded. “I’ve always been really impressed by you. You got through undergraduate with no support at all, and from what you’ve told me, that was pretty much true of high school too. You’ve done a tremendous job with no one to lean on. But when I look at you the last few weeks, you’re exhausted. Emotionally, physically.”

    Briana hung her head, tears dripping onto her thighs.

    “You need someone to lean on, for a little while.” Veronica said. “Isn’t that right?”

    Briana could only manage to nod while she held back a sob. Veronica took Briana’s hands, and pulled her to her feet.  Veronica pulled her closer, Briana pulled back in hesitation.

    “You need the emotional support of a family member.” Veronica said gently. “Come here.”

    Briana’s heart thudded and her stomach twisted.  She was a whirlwind of emotions. Shame, rage, sorrow, relief, joy all warred in her. Eventually the numbness of exhaustion flattened the storm out. She let Veronica pull her forward, gingerly sitting in her roommate’s lap. Veronica’s arms closed tightly around Briana. A seal had been broken; Briana clung to Veronica. Tears flowed down her cheek but she wasn’t sobbing. There was more relief than anything.  Relief, and warmth in her pullup. With a gulp she clamped her muscles down, glad that the flow had been a mere trickle. The shock did help her stop crying, she wiped her cheeks with the sleeve of her pajamas.

    “A little better?” Veronica asked, stroking Briana’s hair.

    “Yes. Thank you. This is all… I don’t know how I can thank you.”

    “This is something I’m offering, happily.” Veronica said. “In order for this to be effective for more than this morning, I’m offering to take over keeping track of your schedule too.”

    “What?” Briana asked, confused. “You mean my classes and stuff? I can do that fine.”

    “Under ordinary circumstances, of course you can.” Veronica said, holding Briana firmly around the waist. “But your stress level isn’t going to go down if you have to do everything on your own. So what I want to do is go over your schedule. You’ll check in with me when you go to class and get back. I’ll make sure that nothing is missed, and that you can relax a little. Let things go, knowing you have a backup.”

    “So you’ll basically be my mom?” Briana said, giggling nervously.

    “A small part of one, in a way.” Veronica said. “You never really got to lean on an adult that did that for you. Right now I think you need it.”

    “I don’t know.” Briana said reluctantly. It was hard to protest it too much when she was cradled on Veronica’s lap. She didn’t want the embrace to end either.

    “You don’t have to accept.” Veronica said. “But I think your stress will stay, or get worse if you don’t put some of your burden on someone else.”

    “I guess we could try it.” Briana said in a small voice.

    “Good.” Veronica squeezed Briana. “Now, here’s my plan. I’ll handle your schedule. Erin will make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically. Suzie will make sure you’re leaving yourself time for entertainment and relaxation. Jane will keep track of your contributions to the household. Casey will look after you when you’re out of the house.”

    “Woah, wait!” Briana struggled to face Veronica, still held tightly in the hug.

    “Everyone is going to take a small piece, remember?” Veronica said. “You were right, it’s too much for any one person to handle. But together we can support you until you can overcome the stress.”

    “It’s… that’s a lot.” Briana frowned.

    “A lot like having parents watch out for you.” Veronica said. “It will feel invasive at first because you’ve never really had it. But I think you’ll enjoy the support more than you think.”

    Briana bit her lip and considered. She was exhausted a lot of the time, there was no denying it. She’d put it up to simple unemployment blues. “Is it really that bad? Everyone is acting like it is. I guess I did start wetting the bed out of nowhere. Maybe I can try it.”

    “Okay.” Briana took a deep breath. “I can try. It’s hard for me to imagine.”

    “Good!” Veronica smiled.  “We’ll help you. The last thing we need to talk about is one form that help might take. In order for us to help you this way, we need to be able to impose consequences.”

    “Like what?”

    “Depends on where you fall short, if you do.” Veronica said. “It could be grounding you, or taking away your phone for a bit. For something minor it could be a quick swat on your bottom.”

    “This is going too far.” Briana struggled against Veronica’s arms, in earnest this time. Veronica released her, and Briana hopped to her feet. “You are seriously talking about spanking me!?”

    “The important thing is that it’s a consequence that impresses itself on you.” Veronica continued in a calm voice. “You’re right that all this structure is foreign to you. For you to really rely on it, on an instinctual level, you need to accept us as an authority in your life. Otherwise you’ll never be able to really relax and trust us.”

    “I don’t think that getting a spanking is going to make me trust anyone.” Briana folded her arms.

    “You don’t think so?” Veronica said. “You’ve trusted me a lot so far, and I gave you a pretty good swat during your fashion show.”

    “That’s different!” Briana flushed.  “That was playing around!”

    “So is this.” Veronica said. “You can end it any time you want to opt out. It’ll end naturally when you regain control at night. It’s designed to provoke an emotional response that will reach your subconscious. If your problem was rational we could talk it out, but I think you know it isn’t rational.”

    “I guess.” Briana wrung her hands. “Are you basing all this on uh, data? Clinical studies?”

    “Actually yes.” Veronica motioned to her notes. “My thesis was on behavior modification for self improvement. There’s a lot about people that isn’t rational, and it can have huge implications. Look at the placebo effect. Sometimes you have to trick your mind to get the best outcome.”

    “So it’s a spanking… placebo?” Briana sighed.

    “In a way.” Veronica nodded. “And it should work even if you know why we’re doing it. Are you ready to accept our offer?”

    “You’ve already talked about this with everyone?” Briana whimpered.

    “Only the basics. That we would split up the work of helping you out.” Veronica said. “I’ll go over it with them in detail, but I’m sure they’ll agree. And if someone doesn’t, we’ll split out that responsibility to the rest of us. We all really care about you, and we’re willing to do a lot to help you.”

    “Alright.” Briana nodded resolutely. “I’ll do it.”

    “Good girl!” Veronica said, chuckling when Briana flushed. “Go get cleaned up and bring me your schedule.”

    “Yes Veronica.” As she returned to her room, Briana marveled at how good that felt to say. “Someone is watching out for me now.”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 04

    Giving Veronica her schedule was a load off. Getting a lunch packed by Erin was amazing. She found herself enjoying her labs in a way she hadn’t been able to for months. Even the most annoying of the other grad students couldn’t get under her skin. Casey checking in by text to make sure she was getting home okay was a little weird. It did provide a nice feeling of security though. She’d always envied the girls in undergrad who’d had a parent they could call to make their walk home a little safer.

    She checked back in with Veronica when she got home. When Veronica praised her for doing a good job at school Briana nearly cried again. Being released from the responsibility of homework for the evening was a surprising weight off. Jane enlisted her to help with dinner, which turned into a silly catch up session on each other’s lives. Suzie took over her evening, and the two of them cackled at a terrible horror movie.

    By the time Erin came to collect Briana to send her to bed, she was glowing. She realized she’d been avoiding everyone, too worried about the rent and food to enjoy her friends. Everyone had been imposing on her all day. Far from being stifled, she felt as free as she’d ever been. Erin set out a pair of teddy bear pullups for her, and even that made putting them on easier to swallow. It was less than ten minutes from her head hitting the pillow to blissful sleep.

    The next morning she woke to Erin’s gentle voice. “Good morning Briana. Time to get up.”

    “Ugh, what time is it?” Briana whined in protest. It felt early, way too early.

    “Time to get up. Come on, let’s get your vitals.”

    Briana sat up with a great groan, obediently presenting her arm for Erin to check her blood pressure. “Isn’t it bad to do this so early?”

    “Actually, one of the best times to take someone’s BP is right after they’ve woken up and urinated.” Erin said. “Or in your case, urinated and woken up.”

    Briana blushed slowly as she processed the sentence. Now that she was paying attention, she could feel the bloated pullup on her rear, as full as yesterday. Erin took Briana’s hand and led her to Veronica’s office. Briana blinked sleepily at Veronica.

    “Is she wet?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah, looks about the same as yesterday.” Erin pulled Briana’s pajama pants down, eliciting a squeak from Briana.

    “I see.” Veronica said, looking the sodden pullup over. Briana’s face flamed again, the embarrassment was waking her up and making her want to crawl under the covers at the same time. “Go ahead and sit down, Briana.”

    “I’ll get the chair wet again.” Briana protested.

    “Briana.” Veronica looked up into Briana’s eyes. “Sit please.”

    Briana pouted and sat. The sun was barely up, it was way too early to be awake, especially on a Saturday.

    “Now, how do you feel this morning?”

    “Sleepy.” Briana said sourly.

    “And a little bratty too?” Veronica smirked. “That’s a good sign actually. It means you’re letting go a little, letting yourself be vulnerable.”

    “Not that it helped.” Briana sighed, pointing to her crotch.

    “You have to expect that this won’t help right away. In fact, it will quite likely get worse before it gets better.”

    “Worse? What worse could happen than waking up wet every morning?” Briana gave Veronica a horrified look.

    “You may see other symptoms.” Veronica said. “You’ve been under a lot of stress for more than a month, and never really had a solid foundation before that. I want you to know that that’s natural, and it doesn’t mean you should give up. You’ve had months of the problem, and only a day of the cure.”

    “Potential cure.” Briana said.

    “Yes, but it’s the one we’ve got right now so let’s give it a shot.” Veronica said crisply.

    “I wish you could hypnotize me and fix it that way.” Briana pouted.

    “That doesn’t really work. I do know how to hypnotize people though, it’s a good party trick. We can do that if you want when it’s my turn to watch you in the evening.”

    The end of Veronica’s last sentence was breathtakingly infantilizing. Briana swallowed nervously and squirmed in her pullup. A little puddle collected on the seat under her, but she couldn’t make herself stop.

    “Let’s finish off the morning evaluation.” Veronica said. “You’re fidgeting a lot, which you also did yesterday. Are you uncomfortable in the pullup? Is it painful in any way?”

    “It’s embarrassing.” Briana ducked her head, feeling a fresh wave of shame.

    “But physically it doesn’t bother you much.” Veronica said. “You’ve felt embarrassed every morning that you woke up wet?”

    “She doesn’t have to say it like I’m a baby.” Briana stared straight down at her thighs. “Yes, of course.”

    “What’s important is that kind of embarrassment is strong negative feedback. Your subconscious is trying to get something that feels important enough to bring on that much embarrassment.” Veronica lifted Briana’s chin. “How did you feel yesterday, with everyone taking some responsibility for you? We were very invasive.”

    “It was really nice.” Briana whispered. “I was really happy.”

    “Are you worried that we’ll stop doing that if you stop waking up wet?” Veronica asked.

    That idea hadn’t even occurred to Briana. The thought shot a spike of ice into her chest.

    “Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s cheek. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I want to reassure you that we’ll help you for as long as you need.”

    Briana nodded, her heart still pounding. Already feeling vulnerable freed her to shamelessly lean her cheek against Veronica’s hand.

    “Do you want to sit on my lap again?” Veronica asked.

    “Oh uh, that’s okay. I’ll get your dress all wet.” Briana smiled sadly. “I’ll clean the chair when we’re done.”

    “I have a lot of these plain black dresses.” Veronica said, smoothing out her skirt and patting her lap. “Come here sweetie.”

    Hesitantly, Briana stood. She sidled close to Veronica, giving her a chance to see the glistening wet surface of the pullup and the little puddle on the chair. She melted into Veronica when she was pulled close anyway, tucking her head into Veronica’s neck.

    “There’s a good girl.” Veronica’ stroked Briana’s back. The touch didn’t dredge up sadness for Briana this time. It was comforting. She wrapped her arms around her roommate and closed her eyes. “One more question and we’ll get started on the day. Why did you pick the styled pullups instead of the plain ones?”

    “They were prettier.” Briana said softly. She lay against Veronica, half dozing, enjoying the other woman’s warmth while Veronica entered her notes.

    “Okay, let’s talk about the schedule for today. You have homework to do, and a few chores.”

    “Homework?” Briana sat up and pouted. “But I usually do it on Sunday. There’s not that much.”

    “All the better reason to get it done today, so you can enjoy your afternoon and all of Sunday.”

    Briana rolled her eyes. “Not everyone is type-A like you.”

    “Attitude, young lady.” Veronica tapped Briana on the nose. “You do get a choice, chores first or homework first.”

    “What’s the chore?” Briana yawned.

    “Sweeping the floors downstairs, and cleaning the kitchen surfaces.”

    “I’ll do that first.”

    “Alright. Erin is making breakfast for you, so get cleaned up and dressed.  When you’re done with breakfast, Jane will get you started on your chores. After all that, come back up to my office.”

    “I have to do my homework here?” Briana asked, surprised.

    “You have to check in with me at least.” Veronica said. “I can see you really don’t want to do your homework this morning.”

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana pouted.

    “What a dramatic pout.” Veronica kissed Briana tenderly on the cheek. “And how do you feel right now?”

    Briana looked down at the floor with a secretive smile. “Safe.”

    “Good girl. Off you go, you’re wiffy, and not only from the pullup.” Veronica gave Briana’s rear a gentle swat.

    Giggling, Briana scampered off to her room.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 05

    Breakfast and chores were a breeze. Briana was used to tidying up early on the weekend anyway. Jane even pitched in a little, which more than made up for her supervising Briana’s work. Veronica had a homework schedule all laid out. Briana was regretting having been so candid with her roommate about what assignments there were. In addition to everything due on Monday, Veronica had time set aside for working on an end of quarter paper, and all the optional readings her professor had suggested. Her easy half-day of homework had ballooned into a nine-hour nightmare.

    She trudged, stomped if she was being honest, back to her room. The essential stuff was prioritized and Briana agreed with that much.  She hoped that meant there was some flexibility on the optional parts. Being forced into homework was a lot like having a deadline. Once Briana got going the work went by fast. She had all her Monday assignments done as well as the paper prep that Veronica assigned her by lunch.

    Down the rickety stairs, she entered the wood and tile kitchen to the smell of bacon. She sidled up to Erin with a grin on her face. “Whatcha makin’?”

    “Sliders.” Erin said. “Want to help?”

    “Sounds fun!” Briana set up a toppings station, quickly assembling the little burgers as Erin dished them up. Jane and Casey drifted in to join them. The kitchen table was soon piled with a variety of sliders, lemonade, and a big bowl of chips.

    “Is anyone else joining us?” Jane asked as she sat. “That’s a lot of food.”

    “Ronnie is crunching on her thesis this weekend.” Erin said. “Suzie is at an event for her advisor.”

    “Briana.” Casey caught Briana as she came to the table. “Make up a plate for Veronica and take it to her please.”

    “Okay.” Briana smiled and arranged a plate. “She could have done it herself. Everyone really is treating me like I’m the kid.” The thought didn’t bother her, but it was odd. She delivered the plate to Veronica’s office and got a terse nod of thanks in response. Erin hadn’t been kidding, Veronica’s normally pristine desk was covered in notes.

    She raced back to the kitchen and loaded up her own plate. A round of laughs traveled the table as Briana gulped down her first two sliders.

    “I think that’s the most excited about food I’ve seen you in a while.” Erin said.

    “You look a lot happier.” Casey said. “How are you feeling about this whole thing? Okay?”

    “Yeah actually.” Briana blushed a little, focusing her gaze on her plate. “It’s been kind of amazing so far. Thank you. I know it’s a lot of work for all of you.”

    “It’s really not that much work.” Jane chuckled. “Especially since we get to boss you around.”

    “I was worried at first.” Casey said. “You like that part too, being bossed around?”

    “Yeah.” Briana made little circles in the ketchup on her plate with a shard of chip.

    “Who knew you were so subby?” Casey laughed and stroked Briana’s hair.

    “Shut up.” Briana buried her face in her arms.

    “Okay we’ll lay off.” Jane laughed. “Did you get your homework all done?”

    “Yeah!” Briana nodded, glad to face her roommates on a different topic. “Everything due on Monday and more!”

    “Veronica is a taskmaster.” Erin stood and stretched. “I’m going to do the Costco run. Jane, you mind coming with me?” Jane nodded and got up as well.

    “I’ll watch Briana.” Casey said. Briana blushed, but couldn’t find the motivation to protest.

    “Great!” A flurry of cleaning up later, Erin and Jane were out the door.

    “Is everybody assigned to ‘watch’ me?” Briana asked Casey.

    “We’re not supposed to leave you alone except when you’re in bed.” Casey said. “I thought it was extreme, but it seems to be doing you a lot of good.”

    “So now what?” Briana sat on the edge of the table. “Since you’re the one in charge.”

    “You really do like this stuff.” Casey approached Briana curiously. “What do you like so much about it?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana kicked her legs. “It feels nice, I feel taken care of.”

    “Is that all?” Casey raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t turn you on?”

    “Woah what!?” Briana stared at Casey in shock.

    “I’ve seen girls squirm like you and they were usually running pretty hot.” Casey leaned in as Briana opened her mouth to protest. “Also your nipples have been popping up every time we take charge.”

    Briana closed her mouth and swallowed.  She tried to squirm away from Casey but her roommate had grabbed the table to either side of her. “It’s not that.”

    “What is it then?” Casey asked. “I’ve got you trapped here and you’re all squirmy but not trying to get out. You don’t seem too upset, in fact, you look like you’re enjoying yourself.”

    “I… I don’t know.” Briana gasped, twisting her hands in her lap.

    “Well, think about it.” Casey said, backing off. “It’s got you really worked up.”

    Briana folded her arms and frowned. It was all she could do to maintain the façade. This whole experience had made her hypersensitive to any wet feeling in her pants. There was definitely some dampness down there at the moment.

    “We’ve both had a long week so let’s veg out for a bit.” Casey deliberately took Briana by the wrist and set out for the living room. She raised a brow to see her roommate follow along, docile as could be.

    They took over a couch and scrolled through the Netflix selections. The list was as always simultaneously endless and frustratingly limited. Without thinking about it, Briana scooted up close to Casey, hip to hip and leaning on the larger woman. She even pressed closer when Casey wrapped an arm around her.

    “Bri, do you want me to treat you like a kid, or a date?” Casey asked gently.

    Briana stopped scrolling, looked away. “I’m sorry, it was comfy and I wanted to…”

    “Hey, I’m not judging.” Casey said. “You’re cute. And if all you want to do is snuggle, that’s fine. But you did put your hand on my inner thigh.”

    Briana snatched her hand back; tried to pull away from Casey. The arm around her easily held fast. “I’m really sorry, I’m confused right now.”

    “It’s okay to be confused.” Casey said, stroking Briana’s cheek.  “It’s okay to chill. It’s also okay to ask for something you want, at least have a conversation about it.”

    Briana felt moisture spread across her panties again. She licked her lips, swallowed to clear the dryness in her throat. “We’re roommates, and we’ve been friends forever, and I don’t want to mess anything up.”

    “I’m not saying I’m going to take you right here on the couch.” Casey said, grinning when Briana softly gasped. “You are turned on by this.”

    “I guess so.” Briana lightly clung to Casey. “I didn’t think about it until you said something.  There was too much other stuff going on. Now it’s impossible to not think about it.”

    “I’m flattered that you think I’m sexy.” Casey smiled. “I don’t want to rush into anything, especially if you’re not sure what you think. I’d like to learn more about you, and this. For instance, I learned that my roommate likes to be told what to do so much that she’s turned on by it.”

    Briana bit her lip. “I guess that’s true.”

    “You learn anything about me?” Casey asked.

    “You smell really good.” Briana said softly. She shivered as Casey caressed her neck.

    “What’s a show you’ve seen a hundred times on Netflix?” Casey asked, then pressed when Briana’s only reply was a confused look. “Come on, there has to be one you’ve watched a bunch of times.”

    “L-lost.” Briana said. “Why?”

    “Because you’re not going to be able to pay attention to a new show.” Casey said. She queued up the first episode of Lost and pulled Briana into her lap. A hand slid under Briana’s shirt and stroked her belly.

    “Ohhh.” Briana put an arm around Casey’s shoulders, arched her back.

    “Been a long time, sailor?” Casey teased.

    “Really long.” Briana squirmed. The damp between her legs was rapidly turning to wet. She wished she was wearing a pullup for a moment, before dismissing the thought as crazy.

    “The problem with subby girls like you.” Casey said. “Is that what you want is for me to take charge. But I want to make sure that you don’t get uncomfortable or hurt.”

    “I’m sorry Casey.” Briana said. “I’m not sure what I want.”

    “And you don’t have to be, at least not right away.” Casey said. She continued her feather touches over Briana’s skin, grinning at the soft moans that followed. “We’ll talk about this more another day, okay? For right now, we’ll watch a couple of episodes and pet each other.”

    “Sounds good.” Briana squirmed up against Casey and nuzzled her cheek.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 06

    Briana made it two episodes before she had to completely untangle herself from Casey. Neither of them wanted to take things further, but holding back wasn’t really an option any more. She climbed the stairs to her room, lips still tingling with the taste of Casey’s kisses. Her panties were soaked, even leaving a spot on her shorts.

    Heart pounding, she flopped down on her bed. “I never expected to find that with Casey. I hope it doesn’t make living with her weird.” Her hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts; she closed her eyes and trembled. She kept the fire inside stoked with slow circles while she relieved the past couple of hours.

    The door opened, Briana looked over in surprise. Veronica stood there, apparently as surprised. “Taking a break?”

    “Uh, what?”” Briana asked in confusion. “No I was watching some TV and came upstairs uh…” She stopped her hand with some effort.

    “What about your homework?” Veronica didn’t show any signs of backing off, despite what she’d walked into.

    “It’s all done.” Briana pulled her hand out of her shorts and sat up.

    “Impossible, no way you had time to do all those readings.”

    “Well no, but those are optional.” Briana said. “I got all the assignments done and the paper prep too.”

    “Once I assigned them to you, they weren’t optional anymore.” Veronica put her hands on her hips. “You knew that.”

    “I don’t feel like doing them!” Briana shouted. Her emotions had swung from shy to horny to angry. She was feeling out of control. A little scared really.

    “Not. Your. Choice.” Veronica stepped forward and grabbed Briana’s arm. “Bend over the bed young lady.”

    Briana struggled against the hold. She could probably break it, even push Veronica out of the room.  The wild feeling resurfaced, she felt a surge of fear weaken her legs. Everything was too out of control. Panting and trembling, she lowered her head. She bent over her bed and closed her eyes.

    The first swat came about as hard as it had during the fashion show.  Enough to give her a push, but it didn’t hurt through shorts and panties. There was another, and another.  Pressure built across her rear and blossomed into a slight sting. Pressure built in her mind too, the wild feeling against embarrassment. Briana was panting, she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

    Another smack caught her in a tender spot, sending a shot of pain through Briana’s rear. The pressure popped like a balloon. Embarrassment and wild feeling both were gone; replaced by energy-sapping relief. Her arms and legs felt like lead, her breath slowed, relaxation flowed down her neck through her muscles.

    Hot and wet blossomed in her shorts. A little too much relaxation had opened the floodgate. She knew she should do something, try to stop it, apologize, but she couldn’t. She lay on the bed and let herself flow.

    Veronica spanked Briana two more times then stepped back. “I didn’t expect that, but maybe I should have.” When she didn’t get a response, she leaned over the bed to look at Briana’s face. “Hmm, okay, can you move?”

    Briana nodded in distraction, her mind elsewhere. She felt Veronica pull on her and complied, shakily getting up.  Veronica tugged on Briana again, she followed, lagging a few seconds behind. They left the bedroom and walked down the balcony hall that overlooked the living room. Something about doing that with wet pants seemed like it should bother her, but Briana couldn’t think of why it would.

    In the bathroom Briana let Veronica strip her down, not even protesting when her shirt and bra came off too. She let Veronica wipe her down with a wet towel, then sat quietly on the edge of the tub. Veronica left with her dirty clothes and came back with a pullup, which Briana obediently stepped into.

    Going back into the hall in a pullup was weird, but Briana didn’t let it bother her. She sat on a blanket in Veronica’s office and curled up on it. Eyes closed and listening to the sound of Veronica’s keyboard, Briana fell into a doze.

    Briana sat up a few hours later, yawning. Still confused, she tried sorting out where she was. Veronica’s office felt familiar enough by now. Even wearing a pullup was a fairly familiar feeling. Being on the floor was disorienting, naked was alarming.

    “Veronica, what the hell?” She pulled the blanket over herself to cover up.

    “You’re back.” Veronica finished the sentence she was typing and swung her chair around to face Briana. “You had a bit of an experience there.”

    “I did?” Briana remembered an argument, things were still fuzzy.

    “You did. We should talk about it. How do you feel about me right now?”

    “Um, I don’t know.” Briana fidgeted. “I trust you. I like you.” “I hope you like me.”

    “I was hoping it would be something like that.” Veronica got out of her chair and squatted next to Briana. “Take the blanket off.”

    With a little reluctance, Briana slid the blanket off her shoulders, leaving her topless again.

    “You didn’t want to do that, did you?”

    “No.” Briana shook her head.

    “Why did you do it?”

    “You told me to.”

    Veronica smiled, and ruffled Briana’s hair. “Good girl. I think we had a breakthrough.” Briana beamed.

    “I had a little chat with Casey.” Veronica said. “She’s worried about how things got between you.”

    “Oh.” Briana bit her lip.

    “I’m not upset with either of you, but I’m going to monitor your relationship. Casey was glad to hear that and agreed right away.”

    “Okay!” Briana nodded happily.

    “That makes you feel safer about being with her, doesn’t it?” Veronica asked, getting another nod from Briana.

    “Now let’s talk about the rest of the afternoon. You finished lunch, and lied to Casey, Erin, and Jane about being done with your homework. You and Casey played with each other a bit, and you went up to your room to masturbate before it went too far. Is that right?”

    Briana blushed and hung her head. “I’m sorry Veronica.”

    “There’s room for you to make mistakes, but I am glad you’re sorry. There will be consequences. You’re grounded from your phone and computer tomorrow. I’ll print out the readings you didn’t do today, and you’ll have to take care of those and your chores before you can do anything else.”

    Briana sighed, but nodded. She looked up at Veronica, feeling the embarrassment slip away. Whatever she’d done wrong, it was getting fixed.

    “If you do a good job and stay on task, there will be time to play with one of your roommates afterwards. If Casey is up for it, you can play with her. If not, I’m sure someone will watch TV or play video games with you.”

    Brianna grinned. “Okay!”

    “You have the rest of the evening off.  What do you want to do?”

    “Uh, can I stay here? I won’t bother you.”

    “Of course you can.” Veronica smiled. “Feeling tired? You had an emotional day, I’m not surprised. I’ll get you a pillow and some snacks.”

    Briana sank back into her doze, curled up in the blanket next to Veronica. Occasionally she’d grab a cracker or a piece of fruit, but for the most part she slipped in and out of sleep. She was still sleepy when the night got late, grumbling as Erin untangled her from the blanket.

    “She’s been like this all afternoon?” Erin was asking Veronica.

    “Yes, had a bit of an event, and she’s recovering.”

    “We were able to get all the stuff.” Erin unzipped a bag and laid a thick, plastic coated blanket on the floor.

    “Lay down there.” Veronica said to Briana, indicating the new blanket. “Erin is going to change you.”

    “Change me?” Briana frowned, poked at her pullup. It was still dry.

    “Come on now, be a good girl.” Veronica said.

    Briana lay down on the changing pad, arms casually over her head. “I still don’t understand.”

    “I’m going to put you in a little bit heavier-duty garment.” Erin said. “You’ve been right at the limit of the pullups every morning, and you wet yourself today too.”

    “That’s because… it was a whole situation.” Briana protested.

    “I agree.” Veronica said. “But I think this is a good idea, and not because I won’t get damp when you sit on my lap tomorrow.”

    Briana let Erin pull the pullups down, and shivered when a wet wipe caressed her legs. She was vaguely aware that she was completely naked in front of two of her roommates, with her legs spread open. She couldn’t trace the logic that had gotten her here, but something about it felt reasonable.

    She lifted her hips when asked, then looked down at the thing that had been placed under her. “A diaper?”

    “It’s an incontinence garment.” Erin said.

    “That’s right, a diaper.” Veronica corrected, nodding at Erin’s questioning expression.

    Briana blushed. “But, that’s. Isn’t that a little extreme?”

    “No.” Veronica said firmly.

    “You are being a really good girl.” Erin said, spreading lotion across Briana’s thighs and rear. “You’re getting the full treatment tonight, I’m a little worried about your skin down there.”

    Briana tried to respond but had to bite her lip when Erin rubbed lotion across her sex. Erin’s tone was businesslike, but it really felt like she lingered down there. The smell of baby powder wafted up at Briana. She looked down in time to see her powdered crotch disappear under the expertly taped diaper.

    “All better.” Erin said, helping Briana up. “Let’s get your teeth brushed and get you into bed.”

    “Is this going too far?” Briana looked at Veronica and all she could feel was warmth. Erin’s strong arms invited her to relax and be taken care of. “Goodnight Veronica.”

    “Goodnight sweetie.” Veronica said.

    Once again, Briana was out like a light when her head touched the pillow.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 07

    Sunday morning, Briana woke to a puzzling bulk between her legs. She reached down and felt a thick soggy padding that crinkled at an alarming volume. Pulling back the sheets the memory of the last night came back. A diaper. They’d put her in a diaper. She blushed scarlet recalling Erin laying her down on Veronica’s floor and changing her like a baby. The diaper was the most childish one she’d worn so far. Fire trucks and kittens, though precious few of the shapes were left.

    “How much did I go?” She wondered. The pullups had been enough before, and she usually had to go to the bathroom when she took her morning shower. Today she didn’t feel like she had to go at all. “I lost control completely last night? This is getting scary!”

    She sat in bed and poked at the diaper. She really felt like she should get up and change, but Veronica had told her not to. It made her wonder how far she was willing to let this go. No more being changed like a baby, she decided. She clearly had to wear something at night, a full diaper if she was being honest. But that didn’t mean she needed to be naked on Veronica’s floor. “It might be time to stop going to Veronica’s in a diaper as well. I’ll let them see today’s diaper, but I can clean myself up after this.”

    Her little pep talk made her feel better. She sat for a bit more, then realized she didn’t have to wait for Erin to wake her up. “I really am starting to think like a kid!”

    Briana hopped out of bed and walked confidently to Veronica’s room. At least she tried. There was enough wet padding between her legs to force a slight waddle. Every step sucked out a bit of her confidence, by the time she reached Veronica’s office she peeked in the door rather than assertively opening it.

    “There you are sweetie.” Veronica said, motioning her in. “Let’s see how last night went.”

    “I had my problem again.” Briana said, giving her diaper a quick crinkle through her pajama bottoms. “A lot.”

    “I need to see hon, come over here.” Veronica motioned and Briana reluctantly obeyed, dropping her pajamas. “You wet a lot. Do you have anything left in your bladder?”

    “I don’t think so.” Briana sighed sadly.

    “At least you’re not leaking this morning!” Veronica said brightly, patting her lap. “Take a seat and we’ll get started.”

    Briana hesitated, but the close contact had felt really good. She sat, wincing as the padding squished wet against her skin. “I think I should start cleaning up in the mornings, before I come over.”

    “Oh? How come?” Veronica put her arms around Briana and pulled Briana’s head to her shoulder.

    “This stuff has gotten crazy really fast.” Briana said softly. “It’s too weird.”

    “That discomfort you’re feeling is a good thing.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “We want to bring this problem out of your subconscious, and force you to face it consciously, remember? Part of your stress was having to hide this from your roommates.”

    “But it’s getting worse!” Briana said. “You said I could stop coming in my uh… garments if I wanted.”

    “That doesn’t mean that I won’t disagree with you if I think it would be helpful.” Veronica said. “Of course you can if you want. You can stop all of this, any time you tell us to. Some of this has been really helpful for you though, you’ve said that. I realize that some of this is also uncomfortable, but that’s probably the part that is most helpful.”

    “It was really embarrassing to be changed on your floor last night.” Briana whimpered, a couple of tears leaking from her cheeks.

    “You mean that it’s embarrassing to remember it now?” Veronica asked. “At the time you weren’t embarrassed. You looked content.”

    Briana sniffled. “How could it not be embarrassing? I was naked, getting powdered and diapered.”

    “Oh, I see.” Veronica tilted Briana’s head up and used her sleeve to dry her roommate’s tears. “Is the problem that you think you should have been embarrassed, and you’re worried that you weren’t?”

    “I don’t think so.” Briana frowned, confused. “It’s really embarrassing to think about.”

    “Sure, it’s a very intimate experience, and it made you very vulnerable. At the time it’s what you needed, but afterwards, you’re worried that we judged you. That we weren’t in the same emotional place that you were.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana whined. “I don’t understand why it should be okay for me to be treated like one.”

    “As long as you consent, and we consent, I don’t see a problem.” Veronica shifted Briana further upon her lap. “You’re sitting in my lap right now, and I know you like this. But you were worried about that too this morning. You’re worried about a lot of this, and it’s natural to be worried, because it’s new, and yes a little extreme.”

    “It’s too scary.” Briana sniffled again, tears running down her cheeks. “Scary? I was going to say weird.”

    “Now we’re getting to the heart of it.” Veronica said. “If you make yourself vulnerable, we could hurt you. If you give up control, you could lose everything you’ve worked for.”

    Veronica’s words cut like a knife. Briana buried her face in her roommate’s neck, trembling. “No, I can’t, I can’t. I worked so hard. I got out. I can’t go back.”

    “Oh sweetheart.” Veronica stroked Briana’s back. “We really do care about you.” She held her roommate gently, stroking her until the tears and trembles stopped.

    “Wh-what now?” Briana took a long, shuddering breath, wiped her eyes.

    “I’m personally a fan of progress myself. I don’t like to stay stagnant. I think we should either keep going with what we’re doing, or back off or try something else.”

    “What else would we try?” Briana sniffled.

    “What we’re doing now is my best idea so far, and I don’t think a watered down version would feel good at this point. If we try something new I think that needs to come from you telling us what you need.”

    Briana clung to Veronica, trying to think. Her thoughts swirled around, confused, chaotic. A lot of what Veronica had suggested had been good, but the spanking, the diaper, it felt like too much.  “How did a simple request to change out of a wet diaper in the morning get so spun up? She’s not telling me I have to do it. Why don’t I tell her no?”

    “I think maybe there’s too much of a power imbalance here.” Veronica said. “The imbalance is part of why this is working, but I think it’s gotten big enough that you’re starting to lose trust.”

    “I trust you.” Briana said. “It’s …”

    “I understand.” Veronica said. “You made yourself very vulnerable, very fast, and I didn’t. So how about I tell you something embarrassing about me?”

    Briana sat up, blinking away tears as she looked at Veronica. “Like what?”

    “I like this too.” Veronica said, smiling gently. “That’s right. I enjoy having you on my lap. I enjoy the closeness we’ve had this past week. I even enjoyed seeing you get changed on my office floor. I like taking care of you.”

    “But that’s, are you…” Briana’s eyes searched Veronica’s face in a near-panic.

    “I’m not hitting on you, if that’s what you’re asking.” Veronica said, nodding when she felt Briana relax. “I enjoy the relationship we’re building. I don’t mind that you got my skirt wet the last few mornings. I like helping you, and I like that my relationship to you is much more maternal now.”

    Briana looked down, lost in thought.  Every once in a while she’d shudder as the last of the sobs left her. Her rear and crotch were swimming in wet. She didn’t know why she wasn’t desperate to get the diaper off. It felt really good to be on Veronica’s lap. “This is the most confusing thing that has ever happened to me. Coming out as bi was easier than this.”

    “Briana?” Veronica stroked her roommate’s hair. “Would you like me to change you?”

    Briana hesitated for a long time. Veronica let her sit there in silence. “I… I don’t need a diaper during the day.”

    “It worries you to wear it when you don’t need it, doesn’t it? We don’t have to put you in a new one, but I can get you cleaned up.”

    Briana sighed, nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

    “Let’s do that then.” Veronica said, brushing Briana’s hair out of her face. “I’ll get you ready for the day.”

    Veronica ran a bath in her private bathroom, and undressed Briana while the tub filled. She put Briana down on the changing blanket, and popped the tapes on the wet diaper. Briana lifted her lips when the diaper was pulled away. She didn’t bother to close her legs.

    “I see you keep yourself shaved.” Veronica said, dumping the diaper. “That’s probably good with what you’re wearing at night.”

    “Veronicaaaa!” Briana put her hands over her crotch.

    “You seem to like it when I treat you like a fussy kid.” Veronica said, ruffling Briana’s hair. “Into the tub with you.”

    Briana didn’t have much modesty left when Veronica was done washing her. It was another layer of trust, she supposed. It also felt good to have her hair shampooed and her body washed. When Veronica left her to soak for a bit, she even blew some bubbles in the water.

    After the bath Veronica insisted on dressing Briana. The outfit seemed designed with a purpose. Cotton panties and leggings, a skirt, a blouse, and a sports bra that felt like a training bra with the rest of the outfit.

    “Now, how do you feel?” Veronica asked.

    “Like a kid.” Briana chuckled.

    “Good.” Veronica smiled. “Does that feel better? You were pretty sad this morning.”

    Briana smiled. “Yeah.”

     “Good girl. Now, go get your phone and come back to my office.  We need to go over what you’re doing today.”

    Briana nodded. “Yes Veronica!”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 08

    Briana returned to Veronica’s office with her phone in hand. She cocked her head curiously when Veronica held her hand out for it.

    “You’re grounded from your phone today, remember?” Veronica said. “Your computer too.”

    “Oh yeah.” Briana reluctantly handed over the phone. “How am I supposed to do those readings if I can’t get on my computer?”

    “I’m glad you remember those. I printed them out for you. You’ll do them here, in my office.”

    Briana made a face.

    “Yes Veronica.” Veronica prompted.

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana rolled her eyes.

    “If you need a spanking, keep going in that direction, young lady.” Veronica said.

    “Okay, MOM.” Briana smirked.

    “Aww, that’s really sweet.” Veronica’s words and tone distracted Briana enough that she couldn’t dodge the swat Veronica laid on her rear.

    “Ow!” Briana hopped.

    “Do I have your attention now?” Veronica asked? Briana nodded.

    “Good girl. Okay, chores first, then up here to do homework. Jane is going to bring you up here herself, so there’s no chance for you to skip out.” Veronica folded her arms. “Don’t pout at me. You weren’t reliable yesterday. When you’re done with your homework you can play. Do you want to spend time with Casey? Or would you rather not deal with that today?”

    “Casey sounds fun but uh, you said you were going to talk to her?” Briana’s stomach had butterflies.

    “I will. What would YOU like to do with her? It’s okay if it’s hanging out, nothing physical.”

    “Physical is okay.” Briana blushed lightly. “No um, sex? Maybe nothing under the clothes below the waist?”

    Veronica chuckled. “You two are going to be very worked up after that. I’ll talk to Casey, and see if she agrees.  I’ll let you know when you’re back for your homework, okay?”

    Briana nodded. “Um, Veronica?”

    “Yes hon?”

    “Is this all… really okay? I’m not weird, or going crazy, or bad? You’re not humoring me, because I can’t get straightened out by a doctor?”

    “You are a good girl.” Veronica gave Briana a gentle hug. “This is very unusual, but if it’s what you need, that’s okay. I think about the happy Briana who moved in here, and the wounded girl who cried when she thought she was being kicked out. After cleaning you up this morning, dressing you, and taking charge of your day, I see way more of the first Briana.”

    “Okay.” Briana smiled shyly. “I worry.”

    “I know you do. We’re working on that.” Veronica patted Briana’s cheek. “Now get your butt down to Jane. She’s got a bunch of stuff for you to work on today.”

    “Bleh.” Briana sighed, blowing her bangs out of her face. Without further complaint, she headed downstairs.

    Veronica had not been kidding about the list of chores. Jane had her mop the kitchen, then handed her off to Suzie to dust the furniture. Suzie sent Briana to Casey, who put her to work pulling weeds in the flower beds. From Casey she went to Erin, who had her rotate and fold the laundry.

    “She has me doing everyone’s Sunday chores.” Briana realized. “Well, helping them with their chores.” It wasn’t all bad, she got a chance to catch up with everyone at least. Chores carried her to lunch, and after washing the dishes Briana was marched to her room by Jane.

    “Okay, last thing for today.” Jane said, looking around. “Let’s get this room totally clean. Everything put away, bed made, surfaces wiped down.”

    Briana sighed. It looked to her like Jane was going to stand and watch. She started with the bed, wincing when the plastic sheet crinkled.

    “How are you doing Bri?” Jane asked. “Are you okay?”

    “Yeah, kinda. I mean, I wish this wasn’t all happening.” Briana said.

    “Veronica said you’re enjoying her program.” Jane said curiously. “Does it help you?”

    “I think it does.’ Briana sat down on her bed. “It makes me happier at least. It hasn’t helped with the uh… problem yet.”

    “Do you want to talk about it?” Jane sat beside Briana.

    “Uh, about waking up wet?” Briana blushed.

    “No, I mean, anything you want to talk about.” Jane leaned gently against Briana’s shoulder. “Veronica says we’re taking kind of a parental role for you. Is that how it feels?”

    “Sort of?” Briana pulled her feet up and picked at her toes. “It does take a lot of stress off to have someone else in charge.”

    “Veronica said you gave us permission to spank you. Is that true? And I mean, true for me?”

    “Well uh…” Briana blushed and stared at her toes. “Uh… yeah?”

    “You don’t sound very sure.”

    “It’s a weird thing to talk about with my roommate.” Briana said. “But I did give permission. It includes you.”

    “Well you’ve been really obedient so far, maybe I won’t have to.” Jane chuckled.

    “Are you okay with it?” Briana asked.

    “Yes.” Jane grinned. “Maybe it is weird but if it helps you then it’s okay. Sounds kind of fun too.”

    “I bet it does.” Briana stuck out her tongue.

    “There’s something about you that makes this feel okay.” Jane shrugged. “Maybe how well you’re taking to it.”

    “You think so?” Briana asked.

    “You do seem happier.” Veronica nodded. “If what you need to be happy and productive is a spanking now and then, I don’t see the harm and I’m happy to help.”

    “Oh my god you’re so German right now.” Briana giggled. “Anything to make work more efficient!”

    “Speaking of work, you can clean and talk.” Jane motioned. “I know you still have homework to do.”

    “Aww come on, it’s clean enough. I’m not a slob.”

    Jane cocked her head to the side. “This is something Veronica told me to expect. Bratty-ness, she said.”

    “Yeah?” Briana asked challengingly. Veronica’s discipline wasn’t too bad, and getting dominated by Casey had been a lot of fun. “Veronica said this is like playing. Let’s see how Jane plays.”

    “Huh, you actually do want me to spank you.” Jane reached over and took hold of Briana’s wrists.

    “Hey!” Briana squirmed, though not in earnest.

    “She said you need this to believe that we are in charge.” Jane pulled with surprising power, dragging Briana over her lap. “Or does it spoil it for you when I talk about it?”

    Briana tried to get up, only to be pushed down with a heavy push on the middle of her back. “Oof! I don’t really understand it. I don’t know if Veronica is right.”

    “But you’re not stopping me or withdrawing your permission.” Jane grabbed the clothes at Briana’s waist, pulling down skirt, leggings, panties and all.

    “Woah, hey!” Briana froze.

    “If I’m going to spank you I’m going to do a proper job.” Jane said, raising an arm.

    “Wait!” Briana yelped as Jane’s hand came down. The sudden pain in her rear took her breath away. An equally hard slap followed on her other cheek. Briana gripped the comforter. Four more slaps rained down, spreading a hot blush across Briana’s cheeks. Tears leaked out of her eyes, she was shocked at the sheer intensity of it. She’d been spanked for bondage play before, but this wasn’t playful. There had been no lead up, no easing into it.

    Briana trembled and awaited more strikes, feeling very punished. She panted as her hot tears dripped onto the comforter.

    “Do we know who is in charge now?” Jane asked sternly.

    “Yes Jane.” Briana whispered.

    “Louder.” Jane said. “Who is in charge?”

    “You are, Jane.” Briana said, tensing her rear again.

    “That’s right.” Jane stroked Briana’s rear. It soothed and stung at the same time. Briana whimpered.

    “If you try to get out of your chores again, you’ll get another one.” Jane said. “When you get sent to me for chores, you need to come right away and tell me that you’re ready.”

    “O-okay.” Briana nodded.

    “If you forget, I’ll spank you in front of everyone, wherever we are.” Jane slid Briana across her lap, helping her roommate stand.

    “I understand.” Briana hung her head. She stood there, covering her crotch with her clothes around her knees. After a while she peeked up to see Jane looking at her curiously.

    “You are still okay with this?” Jane asked.

    “Yes Jane.” Briana nodded submissively.

    “It helps you?”

    Briana hesitated. She nodded.

    “I will be as strict as you need me to be, Briana.” Jane stood up and hugged her roommate. “Now, pull up your clothes and get this room done.”

    “Yes Jane!” Briana set about dusting and putting things away, moving quickly despite the sting in her rear. She kept catching Jane watching her in surprise, and had to admit she was a little surprised herself.

    “I had better be careful being bratty with anyone else in the house.” Briana thought. “Some of them are taking this really seriously.”

    Jane delivered Briana to Veronica and gave a report on Briana’s work. Veronica’s only comment on the spanking was a thanks for ‘taking care of that’. Briana was handed a stack of printed readings and pointed to the blanket on the floor.

    “Can I sit on the couch in the next room?” Briana asked. “My butt still hurts.”

    “Are you saying you need some padding there?” Veronica asked.

    Briana shut her mouth and laid down on her stomach, opening the first packet.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 09

    “Briana, let’s talk for a minute.” Veronica said.

    Briana looked up right away, sitting up cross legged and putting her reading aside.

    “Casey agreed to your restrictions for a date. Are you still up for it?”

    “Yes.” Briana grinned. “When can I go?”

    “When you finish your reading.”

    Briana sighed and got back to work. She had only two articles left and they were the least interesting ones. Her attention kept wandering to her date. She started to skim the pages. Skimming became turning pages at roughly the same pace she had when she was reading.

    “Done!” She said triumphantly to Veronica.

    “Good job.” Veronica said. Briana felt a little guilty but consoled herself that she’d already read way more of the optional stuff than she normally would have.

    “Can I change clothes for the date?” She asked, lightly bouncing on the floor.

    “Of course. Do you have an outfit in mind?” Veronica asked.

    “A simple one but um… can I wear a pullup?” Briana asked.

    “Yes, if you want. Are you worried about having an accident?”

    “No, but uh, I got really wet last time we played, and it would be nice to have something on since uh, nothing down there will be coming off.”

    Veronica smiled. “Whatever reason you have is fine. Make sure you wear a decent top. Don’t go wandering around the house in your bra, or topless.”

    “I would never!” Briana protested.

    “Your behavior has been a little off lately, it’s a reminder.” Veronica said. “When your date is done, check in with Erin. She’s in charge of you until bed tonight.”

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana hopped up and fled the office.

    The date outfit was simple indeed. She wasn’t going to wear a bra with her loose blouse. Pullups and leggings. The shirt should be easy to remove. Briana stared at her pullups, trying to decide which were the most ‘adult’. The answer was the gray ones for seniors, but she dismissed them out of hand. Eventually she settled on a pair with cars printed on it. Pulling them on during the day felt weird. Especially since she was preparing for a date. That had its own set of weird, she wasn’t sure why she was going ahead with dating Casey.

    “I guess because Veronica is taking control of it?” Briana thought. “If anything looks like it’s going wrong, she should stop it. She can fix it if we get upset at each other.”

    She did a turn in front of her mirror, the cobalt blue top flared out and settled enticingly on her chest. Her black leggings were immaculate, no stains or tears. Barely suppressing a giggle, she walked down the balcony-hall and knocked on Casey’s door.

    Casey had clearly not gotten the same talk from Veronica. She was wearing bike shorts that left little to the imagination. Her only top was a swimsuit top with a zipper in the front. Briana had enough time to smile in surprise before she was pulled into the room. She gasped when Casey pushed her up against the wall, moaned when Casey pinned her there.

    “I have been thinking about you all day.” Casey grinned. “I heard what you wanted from Veronica, but I want to hear it from you. Nothing under clothes that are below the waist. No outright sex. Is that right?”

    Briana nodded, reaching out to run her hands over Casey’s flat belly. “Yes, that’s what I want. She didn’t tell me what you want.”

    “She didn’t need to. If I stay in your bounds, I can do anything I want to you.” Casey smiled and kissed Briana’s neck. “I can control you, play with you however I want.”

    Briana answered that with a moan.

    Casey picked Briana up, and effortlessly carried her to the bed. Briana barely had time to roll over before Casey was on her, kissing her deeply. Both Briana’s hands went up; Casey pinned them under one hand. The other caressed Briana through her blouse.

    Delighted, Briana wiggled against Casey and struggled to free her hands. Discovering that she genuinely couldn’t escape stoked heat between her legs. Their lips parted, Casey pulled Briana’s top up and off.

    “No bra? You want this as badly as I do.” Casey grinned at Briana.

    “Yes.” Briana said breathily. “Do whatever you want.”

    “Oh, I will.” Casey’s free hand pushed Briana’s legs apart, cupped her crotch. Casey paused, surprised.

    “You’re wearing a diaper?”

    “No, a pullup.” Briana squirmed, rubbing her crotch against Casey’s hand.

    “Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?” Casey obliged by pressing the heel of her hand against Briana, eliciting a loud moan.

    “No, see?” Briana panted. “And this way I won’t be all uncomfortable and wet.”

    Casey laughed. “Nice strategy.” She pulled Briana into the center of the bed and released her. “Lie still.” She commanded.

    Briana let herself lie sprawled out, quivering as Casey inspected her. Casey lifted her legs one by one, stroking up each of them. She ran her strong hands over Briana’s chest, lifted her to stroke her back. There were little tingles of electricity up and down Briana’s body as she wriggled against Casey’s touch.

    “You’re beautiful.” Casey said. “Now, take my top off.”

    “Okay.” Briana sat up and unzipped Casey’s swimsuit. She took her time peeling it off; ran her hands down Casey’s sides. Her hands caressed Casey’s rear, sliding around to her crotch. Her hand found a damp patch in Casey’s shorts, making her glad she was wearing pullups. Briana pressed her fingers gently against the damp.

    “Oh, it is going to be hard to keep to the rules if you’re doing that.” Casey pushed Briana onto her back and wrapped around her, pinning arms and legs. Their lips met, Casey spent a long time exploring Briana’s mouth with her lips and tongue.

    Casey grinned at the dazed look on Briana’s face. She stroked along the smaller girl’s body, casually manhandling her. Casey’s eyes sparked with delight at the squirms and moans she got out of Briana each time she was rearranged.

    Casey’s chest was heaving. She pulled Briana’s ankles up and played her fingers over the layers of leggings and pullup. She spread Briana’s legs out, sliding her hands up and down Briana’s padded crotch. Turning her head into the comforter muffled Briana’s moans only a little.

    “You really like that.” Casey pulled Briana’s arms behind her back, forcing her to arch upward. “You like being in a diaper.”

    “No I don’t.” Briana whined. The whine became another wanton moan when Casey gripped her crotch.

    “You do.” Casey whispered in Briana’s ear. “That’s why you wore it for our date. Because you wanted me to play with you while you were wearing one.”

    “It’s a pullup.” Briana protested.

    “Call it whatever you want.” Casey presented one of her breasts to Briana’s mouth, sighed in pleasure when Briana started licking. “You’re my diaper sub, aren’t you?”

    Briana closed her eyes and sucked on Casey’s nipple so she wouldn’t have to answer. She devoted herself to worshipping Casey. A strong hand pushed her from one breast to another, or down Casey’s belly with Briana happily obeying.

    “I was going to have you kiss right around the legs of my shorts.” Casey panted. “But I don’t think I’d be able to stop from shoving your face in my crotch.”

    “I wouldn’t stop you either.” Briana thought. “I’m glad Veronica made us have rules… kind of.”

    Another long session of kissing left Briana so soaked she could feel it even with a pullup on. The room, she was sure, reeked of sex. She wished it would go on forever, but at the same time, nervousness was building in her belly.

    With a shuddering sigh, Casey disengaged from Briana. The crotch of her shorts were soaked. Casey stood up and opened a window, taking another deep breath to steady herself. “I think we need to call this here.”

    Briana pouted, then nodded. Relief and frustrated disappointment made a strange combination. “I had a lot of fun.”

    “Me too.” Casey grinned. “One more thing before I let you go. Take down your leggings. I want to see your pullup.”

    Briana blushed, and peeled her leggings down. The pullup was not as pristine as it had been when she put it on. A couple of the cars were even missing over the crotch.

    “Stand up, turn around.” Casey ordered. Briana crawled off the bed and complied.

    “That doesn’t look bad at all. You’re pretty cute in it.” Casey walked over and grabbed Briana’s rear through the pullup. “Feels good too.”

    “Thanks.” Briana nuzzled Casey’s chest.

    “From now on, you need to be wearing a pair of those every time we go on a date.” Casey declared.

    “What?” Briana blinked.

    “That’s right, even if it’s not making out in my room.  Even if I take you out somewhere.”

    “But Casey!” Briana frowned.

    “I’m not saying you’ll have to use them, yet.” Casey said. “That’s an order, no discussion. If we’re playing, you’re in pullups, understand?”

    Briana felt like she was blushing down to her toes. She licked her lips and nodded.

    “Does it turn you on?” Casey asked relentlessly.

    “Yes.” Briana said in a tiny voice.

    “I thought so.” Casey palmed Briana’s crotch. “You look good in them. Very fuckable, my subby diaper girl.” Briana buried her face in Casey’s chest.

    “You hungry?” Casey teased.

    Briana pushed Casey away and stuck out her tongue. “Meanie.”

    “Yeah, so mean that some of your cars are faded.” Casey pressed.

    “Stop it!” Briana giggled, pulling on her leggings and blouse.

    “Looking forward to playing with you again.” Casey said.

    “Me too.” Briana said. “With less rules maybe.”

    “Or rules that I make.” Casey said.

    Briana shivered and nodded. She kissed Casey again, tenderly, and slipped out of the room.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 10

    The week was going well. Briana was still waking up to a wet diaper, but the morning cuddles with Veronica were good. Once those were out of the way things were normal. She had micro-bio classes and labs, homework to do, and chores around the house. The interference in her life from her roommates was much less than on the weekend, just checks that she was getting everything done. Veronica even caught an assignment that Briana had forgotten.

    The week was going well, that was, until Wednesday. Briana could barely drag herself out of bed. She managed to forget the lunch that Erin had packed her on the bus to school. Nothing in her labs was working, all the specimens were either indifferent to the solutions she put them in or died off immediately.

    She tried the experiment again, checking to see that the bacteria in the petri dish were stable. Slowly, she introduced a dissolved plastic solution. She leaned on the lab table and stared at the readout that showed the gas mixture coming off the petri dish. The bacteria exhalations crept up toward the expected mark. Briana smiled; she hadn’t been able to contribute data to the lab project for the whole day so far.

    The reader beeped, indicating that exhalations had fallen.  Fallen off a cliff. The pale green liquid in the petri dish turned brown as the bacteria died off en masse. Briana suppressed a scream. It was an hour and a half from starting a new bacteria culture to introducing the dissolved plastic. There was less than an hour left in the lab shift.

    She stood up, dreading the report she’d have to make. In a single step she felt a flush of wet across her crotch. Briana froze, clamping down on her bladder. The pressure was so strong it was painful. She hadn’t noticed it at all before. Another splatter of wet hit her underwear before she could control it.

    “Sorry, got to go!” Briana threw her notebook in her bag and raced for the door, feeling liquid spurt out with every step.

    “We’re not done here yet!” The professor called from across the room.

    “Sorry, female problem!” Briana was glad to see him blanch as she bolted through the door.

    There was a slight but steady trickle in her pants now, punctuated by larger gushes whenever she a large step. Her panties were sopping, and a big wet patch was already growing on her jeans. Briana silently begged that the flow would stop, but her pleas went unanswered.

    There was a bathroom a few doors down the hall, Briana tried sprinting for it. She got stares from a few people in the halls, her face burning with shame. The wet patch had spread down her thighs and up her rear, even streaking down her legs. She burst through the door of the bathroom and made a mad dash for a stall. As she ran, her bladder gave up completely, the wet spread across her thighs and dripped through the denim around her crotch. She landed on the toilet, totally empty, dripping from her jeans into the toilet.

    Briana buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She could feel the wet spreading further and further. She was soaked, way beyond what wrapping a coat around her waist could hide. Tears dripped onto already saturated jeans; Briana sat in the stall in defeat. The most she could do was kick her shoes off so they wouldn’t get wet as well.

    After a few minutes she pulled her phone out of her purse. Her heart was still thudding with panic and embarrassment. A text message with a single word was all she could manage to send.

    Briana – (Help.)

    Veronica – (What’s the matter?)

    Briana – (I had an accident.)

    Veronica – (Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. Do you need someone to pick you up?)

    Briana – (Yes please.)

    Veronica – (Erin will be on her way in a minute.)

    Veronica – (Where are you?)

    Briana – (Jackson Hall, first floor, women’s bathroom.)

    Briana sat in the stall and sniffled. Her pants were getting cold and uncomfortable. She tried to play a game on her phone, but she only watched the clock. It was a five minute drive to school, but she didn’t know how long it would take Erin to get ready.

    Five minutes went by fast. The door opened, and someone came in. Briana knew she shouldn’t hope it was Erin, and she was right.

    “Oh gross!” A woman’s voice she didn’t recognize. “Someone peed all over the floor. Don’t we have janitors in this building?”

    Briana suffered in shamed silence while the stranger did her business. She’d never been so happy to hear someone leave the bathroom without washing their hands.

    It had been ten minutes, Briana started crying again. She focused on being quiet, only soft sniffles escaped. Five more minutes crawled agonizingly by.

    Finally, the door opened. Briana’s heart leapt in her chest. “I hope it’s not someone else using the bathroom…”

    “Briana?” Erin’s voice! Something rattled, and the door was firmly shut.

    “Erin!” Briana cried out.

    The stall door opened. Erin looked at Briana, smiling sympathetically. “You are a mess. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

    Briana nodded, wiping her nose on her sleeve. Erin helped her up and out of the stall. In front of the row of sinks was a duffel bag and the changing blanket Erin had been using at home.

    “Wait, Erin, what if someone comes in?” Briana shied away from her roommate in fear.

    “I put an out of order sign on the door.” Erin said, “We should be good as long as we’re quick. Let’s get those pants off.”

    “Isn’t there something else we can…” Briana flinched as Erin grasped her jeans and unbuttoned them.

    “If we do this fast, it’ll be done before anyone finds out.” Erin said firmly, jerking Briana’s sopping jeans down a few inches at a time.

    “I don’t think the blanket is necessary.” Briana pouted, stepping out of her jeans.

    “Please cooperate.” Erin said, squeezing Briana’s arm. “I know you’re upset, I’m going to fix everything, okay?”

    Briana sighed and pulled her panties down. Erin motioned at the blanket and Briana reluctantly lay down. She trembled when she felt the cold wet-wipe on her leg. Her ears strained for any sign that someone might be opening the door, or even walking out in the hall.

    Erin lifted Briana’s legs to wipe her rear and crotch. The comfort and public exposure roiled in Briana’s mind. She shivered across her whole body like a fever, breaking out in a sweat. Another gush of urine flowed out, down her butt. Her arms went limp on the blanket and she let Erin bear the weight of her legs.

    “Aww, you’re having all kinds of trouble today Bri.” Erin said, gently wiping her rear again. She set Briana’s legs down, then lifted her rear to slide a diaper underneath.

    “I’m so sorry.” Briana whimpered softly.

    “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Erin said. “I’ve got it taken care of.”

    The tickling sensation of powder was followed by its soft smell. Briana trembled again. Erin taped the diaper up expertly.

    “Okay Bri, I’ve got a skirt for you.” Erin pulled Briana up to her feet and braced the distraught girl against a sink. The skirt was a long full one. A plain ugly brown that would cover anything. Briana nodded gratefully to see it. She didn’t resist Erin putting the skirt on her; simply glad that the dancing pandas on her diaper were well hidden.

    Erin moved quickly and efficiently. The soaked clothes went into a plastic bag. The changing blanket likewise rolled up and put in another bag. Everything went back into the duffel. Erin washed her hands and popped the duffel on her shoulder.

    “Feeling okay to walk?” She asked Briana.

    “Yes, let’s get out of here please.”

    Briana leaned on Erin, holding her roommate’s arm. She winced at every crinkle and crackle the diaper made as she walked. She got a few more looks, but hoped they were staring at her tear stained face.

    In the passenger’s seat of Erin’s Civic, Briana sat down with a sigh. Erin stowed the bag and Briana’s purse and squatted down by Briana.

    “Open up Bri.” She held out a square of chocolate.

    Briana frowned in confusion. Opening her mouth to ask about it got the chocolate popped into her mouth. Erin pressed a water bottle into Briana’s hands and closed the car door. The chocolate was delicious and dark.

    Erin had the car out of the school parking lot before Briana finished her chocolate. “Thanks for coming to get me Erin.”

    “My pleasure.” Erin said. “Sorry that happened.”

    “I don’t know why it happened!” Briana whimpered. “I lost control in the middle of lab! I lost the lunch you made me too, and the Tupperware. I’m really sorry Erin!” Briana’s chest heaved, tears running down her face again.

    “Woah, you’re okay Bri.” Erin patted Briana’s leg. “You had a really shit day, and you’re hungry and thirsty. Drink the water, we’ll get you something to eat when you get home, and you’ll feel better, okay?”

    “O-o-o-kay.” Briana said. She concentrated on the water bottle, feeling better but hungrier as she got hydrated.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 11

    Sitting in Veronica’s office, eating some chicken strips that Suzie had heated up for her, Briana felt ridiculous. The diaper she was wearing was far more bulky than a pullup, too much so for her to ignore its presence. “I feel like I’m waiting for the principal to scold me. Or my mom.”

    “Thank you for taking care of her so quickly.” Veronica said from the next room, giving Erin a hug.

    “Let me know if I can do anything.” Erin squeezed Veronica tightly, then stepped out of the room.

    Veronica came into the office and stroked Briana’s hair. “You look very sad.”

    “Wouldn’t you be?” Briana forlornly munched on a chicken strip.

    “It’s okay if you are.” Veronica said, taking a seat. “Today was embarrassing and I’m sure worrying too.”

    Briana nodded. “Everything was going wrong, I totally blew my lab work, I lost my lunch and a bunch of our Tupperware, it was hard to even get up today. Then I just… I just lost control. I didn’t even feel that I had to go until I was…”

    “Wetting?” Veronica asked, nodding when Briana blushed. “I told you before, extreme stress does terrible things to people. We’re doing our best to help you, but I’m not surprised that it’s getting worse before it gets better.”

    “I hate this.” Briana screwed up her eyes in frustration.

    “I’m so sorry hon. We’re here to help. First of all, stop worrying about the Tupperware. They were cheap store brand ones anyway. Okay?” Veronica smiled gently at Briana. “Second, I think it’s time to have you wear pullups during the day.”

    “What!?” Briana stared at Veronica in a panic. “No, I don’t need that! This was a one time thing!”

    “Well, it happened for the first time today. If it is a one time thing then that is great.” Veronica said. “But if it follows your pattern so far, it will get a bit worse before it gets better. You don’t want a repeat of today, do you?”

    “Veronica, please, please don’t make me.” Briana whimpered.

    “I’m not making you do anything.” Veronica said. “I’m telling you what I think is best.”

    “Please don’t.” Briana’s voice fell to a whisper. “No, please.”

    Veronica stared at Briana curiously, letting the silence drag out. She gently took the plate out of Briana’s hand and set it aside. “Come here and sit on my lap.”

    Briana took the seat without protest, leaning her petite frame against Veronica.

    “Do you need me to make you wear the pullups?” Veronica asked. “Would that make it better for you?”

    “I don’t want to wear them.” Briana whimpered into Veronica’s neck.

    “But you’re afraid that you need to. And it’s a choice that would hurt you to make.” Veronica stroked Briana’s hair and held the girl close. She let Briana sit there quietly, gently caressing her, until she felt Briana’s shoulders relax.

    “Briana?” Veronica said.


    “I’ve made a decision. You’re going to need to wear pullups for a while.”


    “No arguing, young lady. If you can keep them dry for a solid week, you can go back to underwear. I won’t count nighttime wetting against you, only daytime.”

    Briana buried her face further into Veronica’s neck, but didn’t answer.

    “I’d like to hear a, ‘Yes Veronica’.”

    It took a minute, but Briana managed a muffled, “Yes Veronica.”

    “Good girl.” Veronica patted Briana’s back. “If you do wet, you have to come tell me. If you make it to the bathroom, you can tell me that too, but you don’t have to.”

    “Okay.” Briana sighed.

    “I’m not trying to embarrass you. I want to keep track of this for you. I imagine that would be some pretty depressing data for you to collect.”

    “If it happens at all.” Briana said.

    “And I hope it won’t.” Veronica said. “But, if you lie to me about it, you will be in really big trouble. We can only help you if you’re being honest. A spanking would be the least of your worries if you lie about this, understand?”

    Briana winced. “Yes Veronica.”

    “Now, how do you feel?”

    “Tired. Sad. Embarrassed.” Briana sighed. “I’m scared about this. I’m falling apart, and I can’t make it stop.”

    “We’re here to catch you.” Veronica said. “You need a break for tonight. I’ll look over your homework but I don’t think you have anything due tomorrow. You’re excused from chores as well.”

    “Really?” Briana sat up, looking gratefully at Veronica.

    “Really.” Veronica slid Briana off her lap, patted her rear. “Go play with Suzie. You need a distraction, and she’s great at them.”

    “Okay, thank you Veronica.”

    Briana found Suzie in her room, and got a huge hug as soon as she arrived. Suzie lung to Briana until she squeaked a little. “Ronnie sent you to me huh?”

    “She said I needed a distraction.” Briana said.

    “I bet you do, I heard what happened.” Suzie said. “Well I have a great idea! I’ve been working on it all week. Ronnie hasn’t let me be in charge of you much.”

    “You’re sorry you didn’t get to babysit me?” Briana stuck her tongue out.

    “Yeah, pretty much!” Suzie grinned maniacally. “I used to love to babysit, but all the film projects I have running don’t leave any time.”

    “I was being sarcastic.” Briana said. “You’re not actually babysitting me.”

    “Well I kind of am.” Suzie smirked. “I’m the one in charge of you right now, right?” She looked at Briana challengingly.

    “She wouldn’t spank me as hard as Jane did.” Briana thought. Something about Suzie’s manic attitude didn’t give her much confidence in that idea. “Fine, yes, you are.”

    “Good! So let’s get you good and distracted!” Suzie hopped in excitement. “Take a little break from yourself. Do some make-believe. You’re getting baby-sat, I’m the coolest baby sitter ever, and we’re going to have a great time.”

    Briana shook her head, bemused. “Coolest baby sitter ever, really?”

    “Lots of kids have been skeptical!” Suzie declared. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you. Come on, let’s check out your room.” She took Briana’s hand and led her enthusiastically around the upstairs balcony.

    Briana had to admit the excitement was infectious. She followed along, trying to ignore the crinkles from her diaper.

    “Now, let’s play dress up!” Suzie threw Briana’s closet door open.

    “Dress up?” Briana asked.

    “That’s right.” Suzie plucked at Briana’s old brown skirt. “These clothes are a depressing reminder of a sucky day.  Off they go!”

    “You want me to strip?” Briana shook her head.

    “Oh please, everyone in the house has seen you naked at this point!”

    “That’s not true!” Briana protested. “Uh… Veronica, and Erin, and sorta Casey… and I guess Jane had my pants down.”

    “So everyone in the house but me.” Suzie smirked. “Babysitter says strip!”

    Briana sighed and shucked her shirt. She dropped the skirt as well and sat on the bed to yank off her socks.

    “Oh, this is cute!” Suzie hopped over and patted Briana’s diaper. “You can leave this on.”

    “It’s so babyish!” Briana looked down at the purple pandas.

    “So what? We’re playing dress up!” Suzie reached behind Briana and popped open the clasp on her bra. Briana shrugged it off and sat shyly on the bed.

    “Now you’re a blank slate!” Suzie hopped in front of Briana, brimming with endless energy.

    “Almost blank.” Briana poked the diaper sourly.

    “So cover it up.” Erin ruffled Briana’s hair. “Get in that closet and pick out a crazy outfit. Something clashy and dumb and silly. Bonus points if it involves a tutu!”

    Briana laughed and rummaged in her closet. She couldn’t stay down in the face of Suzie’s relentless cheer. There were no tutus in her closet, but she did find an old cat-costume from Halloweens past. It went on as a slinky leotard, wire-stiffened tail protruding from the back. A rainbow skirt from a folk fair went over the cat costume, with the tail sticking out over the skirt..

    “Awesome!” Suzie giggled. “Do you still have the ears for that costume?”

    “Yes, but I have a plan.” Briana set a plastic tiara from another costume on the ears and then set the whole thing on her head. She posed for Suzie with a silly grin.

    “Hail! Rainbow Princess Kitty Briana!” Suzie said, taking a knee.

    “Your Rainbow Princess Kitty demands snacks!” Briana giggled.

    “As your Rainbow Majesty commands!”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 12

    The next morning’s session with Veronica was a reminder about wearing pullups and reporting any accidents she’d had. She sat in her heavy, soaked diaper on Veronica’s lap and wondered how things had gotten to where they were. She couldn’t even protest wearing incontinence gear, especially at night.

    There was always the option of taking back the ‘permission’ she’d granted Veronica to force her into pullups during the day. Briana wasn’t sure what that would accomplish though. She would feel more in control, right up to the point where she had another accident in her pants.

    “Honestly, everyone has been doing crazy stuff to help me. Erin totally rescued me yesterday. Suzie cheered me up. Nobody has made me feel bad about it at all.” Briana thought as she had her post-counseling shower.

    Feeling hopeful, she gamely put on a pair of alphabet pullups. Leggings and jeans were a little too risky, especially if she leaked. Briana searched her skirts. Everything seemed either too long for early summer or too short for a pullup. She settled on a blue pleated skirt with a roll of her eyes.

    “Why don’t I put my hair in pigtails while I’m at it?”

    A low-cut blouse in pale green and a cute jacket helped restore some of her confidence. She took extra care with her makeup, eyeing herself in the mirror. “I look hot! Nobody will think I’m in a pullup. Might as well go all the way and complete the look.”

    Briana pulled on a pair of thigh high stockings and grinned. The outfit was sure to turn some heads. Exactly what she needed! She hurried down the stairs to gulp down some breakfast.

    Jane was in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea. “Good morning Briana. Can you come here for a minute?”

    Briana set her toast cooking and head over. “What’s up?”

    “A quick check.” Jane slid her hand up Briana’s skirt and patted her pullup. “Good.”

    “Hey!” Briana shouted.

    “Veronica asked me to check.” Jane said. “I think it’s a good idea too.”

    “You could ask me.” Briana said.

    “I could, but I didn’t.” Jane shrugged. “That’s quite the outfit you have on. Do you have a date with Casey today?”

    “No.” Briana buttered her toast. “I wanted to look good.”

    Jane raised a brow. “Well let’s not take it any further than what you’ve got on.”

    “Why do you care what I wear?” Briana asked, biting her toast aggressively at Jane.

    “Veronica asked us to watch out for mood and behavior swings.” Jane said. “I’ve seen the club-wear you have. You’re not leaving the house in any of that right now.”

    “Oh my god!” Briana scoffed.

    “Don’t push it, or you’ll get a spanking and a change of outfit.” Jane declared.

    Briana hesitated on the edge of a retort. The memory of being spanked by Jane was still fresh enough to make her butt tingle. She elected to finish her toast instead.

    “Smart girl.” Jane said. “Don’t forget a spare pullup.”

    “Bye Dad!” Briana rolled her eyes as she snagged her lunch and hurried to the door. The spare pullup was in her purse, Veronica had put it there last night.

    There were no labs today. Briana breezed through her lectures, feeling much more relaxed than the day before. She even managed to forget her pullup. After a couple of hours sitting in class, the sensation faded to the background.

    After class, she decided to stay on campus for a while. It was a beautiful day, soft breeze and brilliant sun. The quad was packed but Briana found an outdoor table next to the cafeteria and watched the butterflies flirt with the flowers.

    “If Veronica asks where I was, I’ll tell her I decided to do some of my reading here.” Briana thought. “That way I can get out of some of the optional readings too!”

    “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A guy stood by the table with a tray in his hands. Briana took in his messy brown hair and bulky build. Gary, from her Virophage class.

    She looked around to see all the other tables packed. With a smile, she shook her head at Gary. “Nope, go ahead.”

    “Thanks!” Gary dumped a heavy bag of books on the ground and set his tray down. “You look great by the way.”

    “Thank you.” Briana grinned.

    “I mean it. You’re super cute today.” Gary winked.

    Briana’s heartbeat picked up. They’d kissed once, at a party about a year ago. He was a nice guy, and smart. They never seemed to connect enough to hook up or date, but Briana had certainly fantasized about it a few times.

    “You’re looking good too.” She swept her gaze over Gary, realized she wasn’t being nice. He’d put on some muscle and gotten trim since she last saw him. “You’ve been working out.”

    “Thanks for noticing!” Gary smiled. “Hey have you eaten? I’m not really a strawberry guy but a fruit cup comes with the burger.” He slid the fruit over to Briana.

    “I’ll take them.” She popped one in her mouth and grinned. “Ripe fruit at the cafeteria? You sure you want to give me this?”

    “Very sure.” Gary took a bite of burger and stretched. “So how come we never dated?”

    “Uh.” Briana blushed. “I don’t know.  You never asked.”

    “I was going to when we were both in DNA reconstruction.” Gary shrugged. “Then I got sick for a week and you were with Scott.”

    “Ugh, that was a disaster.” Briana said.

    “You seeing anyone now?” Gary asked.

    “I don’t think I can tell him that I’m my roommate’s diaper sub.” Briana thought, squirming a bit as she recalled the pullup she was wearing. “No, not really. You asking?”

    “Yes I am.” Gary smiled. “How’s walking through the arboretum sound?”

    “It sounds great!” Briana nodded. “When?”

    “We’re at 50% burger.” Gary said, taking another large bite. “When we get to zero burger I think we’re good to go.”

    “I should tell Casey if I’m going somewhere else. She’s supposed to be in charge of that.” Briana felt a twinge of guilt, doubled since she and Casey hadn’t talked at all about being okay seeing other people. Instead, she found she’d already replied, “That sounds great!”

    Gary gave an enthusiastic whoop and followed it with another big bite of the burger. “I haven’t seen you around campus much, you’re always going straight home after classes. Is the workload getting to you?”

    “I wish.” Briana sighed. “Dr. Schaefer lost her grant, which means I lost my research job. I still have the lab I took on for Vaughn, but he doesn’t have anything left in his budget to hire me.”

    “That sucks.” Gary said. “Maybe next quarter something will open up though.”

    Briana nodded. “I hope so.”

    With the burger vanquished, Gary wasted no time getting them down to the arboretum. The flowering bushes and soft ground combined to a scent that could only be called summer. Gary put his arm around Briana as they set out onto the loop trail. His hand shifted upwards while they walked until it was just under Briana’s breast. Ordinarily she would have said something, but better his hand go up than down at the moment.

    The trees swayed gently overhead. Sunlight fell in fractal patterns across the trail. Occasionally they’d hear a bike or a jogger behind them before being overtaken. Those interlopers quickly vanished around the next bend of the trail, leaving Gary and Briana alone again.

    Gary nudged Briana down a side trail while narrating the adventures of a particularly annoying student in his Environmental Microbiology course. “I swear, he does everything but push his glasses up and say ‘Well ACTUALLY.’ The professor slaps him down every time, it’s amazing to watch.”

    Briana laughed, her heart racing as she walked the trail. They were on track to an infamous make out spot. She’d certainly been there with enough people over the years. Not that it had ever been Gary. She had an impulse to make a snarky joke about where he was leading her and pull away from him. With dreamlike detachment, she watched herself keep walking, even bump hips with him along the way.

    “Why not Gary?” She wondered. “I like him. He’s handsome, he’s funny. Why do I always want to back out before we get together?”

    The trail looped to the right, circling around to a crystal-clear lake. Trees pressed in close, leaving a small space to peek out at the water. A screen of cattails and reeds enhanced the sense of privacy and quiet. Briana’s first thought was again to pull away. Take a few steps back and cross her arms. For the second time she felt like she was a passenger, watching someone else move her body.

    She turned to Gary and slid his hand onto her breast. Her heart fluttered, she licked her lips and parted them. The wild feeling came back; she felt the world spinning around her.

    Gary paused in mid-sentence, meeting Briana’s eyes. He cupped her breast gently and smiled. “Alright.” Gary pulled her close by the small of her back, squeezing her breast. Their lips met; his tongue tantalized hers.

    Briana was lost to the wild feeling. She moaned wantonly into the kiss, squirming against Gary. Her hands clutched at his shirt, finding the taut muscles underneath. There was nothing else in the world except her need for him.

    Gary traced his fingers across Briana’s neckline and down. She gasped, fumbling her blouse buttons open until the blouse hung open. His hands played across her chest and belly. She cupped his crotch, stroking the growing thickness there. Gary knelt, pulling her bra cups until her breasts bounced free. His tongue caught a nipple and Briana’s mind caught fire. She cried out with another moan, tangling her hands in Gary’s hair.

    His hands wandered up her thighs, she gasped and shifted her legs apart. Her sex felt like it was on fire, a fire drowned by the wetness in her crotch. Gary slid her skirt up, and stopped. Briana panted for a few more moments, caressing his shoulders.

    Icy cold terror shot through her when she realized he was looking at her pullup. A pullup she could feel was wet with far more than desire could account for. She hadn’t even noticed the accident. She’d forgotten the pullup entirely. Now Gary was staring at it. Funny Gary, smart Gary, the Gary she wanted to throw her down on the forest floor and plunge inside her.

    Briana ran. Blindly, into the underbrush. Branches whipped her exposed chest. She came up against a tree and stopped, sinking down to the ground, head in her hands. There were no tears. The embarrassment was beyond tears. Shame held every fiber of her being taut. She sat frozen, barely daring to breathe.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 13

    Footsteps crunched in the underbrush. Twigs snapped; leaves rustled. The sounds stopped in front of Briana. It was obviously Gary, but she couldn’t bring herself to look. More rustling, he’d sat near her. She was still frozen. Outside the underbrush faint voices floated on the wind. Where Briana was, time was stopped.

    Eventually the spell-like feeling broke. Even the most intense tension couldn’t last forever. Her body ached from her muscles straining against themselves. The shame had moved to a heavy lump in her chest that pressed down on her stomach.

    Still Gary said nothing. He simply sat. She could hear him softly breathing. Finally curiosity and boredom conquered embarrassment. Briana peeked up from her hands to see Gary sitting a few feet away with a calm look on his face. Her purse was sitting next to him.

    “Hey there.” Gary said in a quiet, gentle voice. “Welcome back.”

    “I…” Briana froze again.

    Gary reached out and gently stroked her leg. “Hey, you seem pretty upset, and embarrassed. Which, yeah, I get it. I’m not going to be shitty to you about this.”

    Briana took a deep breath that came out more as a gasp. “I’m sorry, I ruined everything, you must be so grossed out…”

    “Woah!” Gary waved his hands in front of Briana’s face. “Slow down. I’m not grossed out, or angry, and nothing is ruined.”

    “You can’t seriously tell me that…”

    “Briana.” Gary grabbed her hands. “Chill. Take a breath. Do you want to know what I think? It’s going to be better than what you’re making up in your head right now.”

    Briana stared at Gary for a few moments, panting, she nodded.

    “Good. Okay, so, it looks like you have a medical issue of some kind. A pretty rough one to have. Probably haven’t had it for this long if you’re this embarrassed.” Gary smiled gently. “You were apparently so into me that you totally forgot about it, which is a huge compliment by the way. Then you panicked when I found out. Is that about right?”

    “I guess…” Briana shuddered. “I mean, it’s not what it looks like.”

    “It looks like you have an issue with incontinence.” Gary said. “You put on some protection that looked cute to match your cute outfit.”

    “I…” Briana frowned. “Why is he so calm about this!?”

    “I’m not freaked out. Medical stuff happens.” Gary shrugged. “I get why you were so upset. I want you to know that I’m not upset. I’m not grossed out. I still think you’re damn hot.”

    “What? How?”

    “Are you kidding? Do you think seeing one thing made me forget finally having my hands all over your sexy body? What it felt like to hear you moan like that for me?”

    Briana blushed and looked down. “I… really liked it.”

    “Yeah! Me too. Mood’s a little changed right now, but I would absolutely be up for round two at some point.”

    Briana looked at Gary curiously. The world began to spin again, she felt her control slip. She crawled over to him, whispered. “I’ll do anything you want.”

    “Oh, wow.” Gary took a deep breath, put his hands on Briana’s shoulders. “Okay, that was hot. You still seem pretty freaked out though. I saw you have a uh, spare in your purse. Do you want to switch it out for the one you have on? Also, your phone was blowing up. It was vibrating the whole time I was walking over here.”

    “Oh shit.” Briana dug in her purse and pulled out her phone. Texts from Casey. From Veronica, Suzie, Jane, and Erin. More from Casey and Veronica. Missed calls. “I uh, have to answer at least a couple of these.”

    “No problem. I’ll be here…” Gary shifted, adjusting his jeans.

    Briana squeezed Gary’s leg apologetically and unlocked her phone. Most of the texts were the same thing over and over again, variations on ‘Are you okay?’, ‘Where are you?’, and ‘Briana, answer me!’. She winced at the last type, coming from both Jane and Veronica.

    With a sigh, she composed a mass text. It said simply, [I’m okay. Messaging Casey and Veronica now.] The next text was to those two. (I’m sorry I didn’t let you know. I’m still on campus. I was studying and met a friend. We’re in the arboretum.)

    Veronica’s reply was fast, to the whole-group message. [I’m sending Casey to pick you up right now.]

    Casey’s reply was right behind it, to the three-way chat, (Where in the arboretum?)

    Briana swallowed nervously and replied. (By the lake. The short trail.)

    Casey responded, (Make out loop?)

    Briana bit her lip, texting back. (Sorry! I can explain!)

    Casey – (I’m not upset. I’ll be there soon.)

    Briana looked up at Gary nervously. “So uh, one of my roommates is on the way.”

    “They’re worried about you?”

    “Yeah, it’s uh, complicated.” With a sigh she shrugged her bra back into place, buttoned up her blouse.

    Gary chuckled. “Aww. Not saying you shouldn’t button up. Uh… yeah, wow. Still really into you.”

    “I’m so sorry about all this.”

    “Hey, it really is okay. I can handle a little disappointment.”

    The sound of pounding feet on the trail made them both look toward the lake. Gary hopped to his feet, helped Briana up. She waved when Casey came into view on the trail. “Hey Casey, I’m over here.”

    Casey hurried over, looking the two of them over in concern. “Briana, are you alright?”

    “Yeah, I’m fine. You uh, got here really fast.”

    “I was already on campus, looking for you.”

    “Hey,” Gary said. “I’m Gary.”

    “Casey.” She nodded to Gary, then turned back to Briana. “Can I talk to you privately for a minute?”

    “I’ll be right back.” Briana said to Gary. She followed Casey back to the lake access.

    “Briana, what is going on?” Casey looked down at Briana’ blouse, which was haphazardly buttoned.

    “I uh, look, I’m really sorry. I messed up, I know. Gary and I were hanging out, and then we were making out, and he uh, saw under my skirt and I freaked out.”

    “He doesn’t seem very freaked.”

    “No, he was super nice about it.”

    “I’m not mad at you. Really.” Casey said. “I’m worried about you. We’re all worried about you. Do you know this guy?”

    “Yeah, I’ve known him for a long time. Erin knows him. We never really dated before but today…” She shrugged.

    “And now he’s looking at me like I’m crazy, because I ran over here to interrupt you two like a jealous girlfriend.”

    “I’m really sorry!” Briana said.

    “I’m not jealous.” Casey said. “But you are in trouble.”

    Briana looked down at her feet. “I know. I realized I was going to get a spanking when I saw all those texts.”

    “You might still from one of the others.” Casey said. “I have a way worse punishment for you.”

    “Huh?” Briana looked up, worried.

    “You’re going to call Gary over here, and explain the whole thing to him.”

    “What!?” Briana said, loudly enough for her voice to carry to Gary.

    “You heard me. He’s looking at me like I’m a crazy stalker. You ‘re going to explain this to him, the whole thing, your issue, your underpants, and the program you’re doing with Veronica.”

    “I can’t!” Briana whined.

    “You have to. Right now this is making me look really bad, and that’s not fair. You knew you had people keeping track of you, and you still wandered off without saying anything. Of course we were worried.”

    “Please, no, I’ll do anything else.” Briana squirmed.

    “No you won’t. You’ll do what I told you to do, right now.” Casey waved to Gary. “Hey Gary, thanks for giving us some space. Briana is going to explain what’s going on.”

    Briana’s stomach flopped. She felt what was left in her bladder give as Gary walked over. She tried to meet his eyes, but couldn’t. She tried to speak, but it took Casey tapping her on the shoulder to get Briana going.

    “I uh, well I have a problem. You saw. And I have to wear… that stuff.” Briana wrung her hands. “It’s kind of serious and came on really suddenly. I guess I’m uh… stressed out. Like, dangerous level stressed.” She looked up at Gary hesitantly. He looked concerned and was waiting for her to finish.

    “So uh, my roommates are helping me out by taking some of my responsibilities and keeping track of me. I sorta… didn’t check in when I was supposed to. So, they were worried.”

    “I think I get it.” Gary said. “Casey, do you mind if I ask the same favor? Can you give Briana and I some space?”

    Casey nodded. “No problem.” She jogged off around the bend of the trail.

    “Briana, are you really okay? With what your roommates are doing?” Gary caressed her cheek.

    “Yeah.” Briana sighed deeply. “It actually, it’s something I like. It’s really weird, I know, but I like it. It’s helping me.”

    “You’re sure about that?” Gary pressed. “No one is forcing you?”

    “Only when I ask them to.” Briana blushed.

    “I see.” Gary coughed. “You and Casey, are you a couple?”

    “No but we uh, do stuff?” Briana sighed. “I’m sorry I’m so weird.”

    “I’m not!” Gary said. “I like weird. You’ve always been a little weird. More weird is fine.”

    “Gary, that’s really sweet but I’m standing in a wet pullup. My roommates boss me around, and I let them because it makes me feel… good.”

    “Doesn’t bother me.” Gary said. “Look, if you don’t want to see me again, that’s fine. I like you a lot, and this isn’t more than I can deal with.”

    “You can’t really…”

    “I’m sorry, did you assume my weirdness level?” Gary interjected. “Please believe what I’m saying.”

    Briana blinked. “You’re really not grossed out?”

    “Do you want me to be? No, Briana, I’m not. The whole thing is weird, and kind of interesting.”

    Briana nodded.

    “So, if I want to date you again, do I text you or one of your roommates?” Gary chuckled.

    Briana blushed. “Uh, actually you probably should text one of them.”

    “Wow, okay.” Gary nodded. “Which one? Other than Casey.”

    “Veronica.” Briana unlocked her phone, texted Gary the number. “She uh, is kinda managing my relationship with Casey. So I guess it makes sense for her to manage ours too? Are you going to hate this?”

    “I don’t think so, but if it becomes a problem, I’ll tell you, okay?” Gary cupped Briana’s cheek.

    “Thank you,” Briana said softly.

    Gary pulled her close for a kiss. Briana closed her eyes, letting her body relax against him. She stiffened again when his hand grabbed her rear, squishing the soggy pullup against her butt.

    “Hey, what are you doing?” She squirmed in his arms but he held her close.

    “This is going to be part of us doing stuff.” Gary said. “I was trying it out. Turns out it doesn’t bother me.”

    Briana squirmed again, feeling heat building between her legs. “You are so weird!”

    “Yeah, that’s why I like you.” Gary brought their lips together again, squeezed Briana’s pullup until it dribbled a bit down her thighs. She half-whimpered, half-moaned into the kiss. Her arms still pushed away, but her crotch was rubbing his leg.

    “You are a crazy sexy, crazy confused little thing.” Gary said as he released Briana.

    “You’ll text Veronica?” Briana asked, panting.

    “You better believe it.” Gary grinned.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 14

    The trip back to the car was uncomfortable, and not only because Casey didn’t let Briana change her pullup. In the car, Casey sent a text letting Veronica know they were coming back.

    “Casey, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to run to somebody else…”

    Casey chuckled as she pulled out of the parking lot. “Hon, we are not exclusive as far as I’m concerned. I’m not upset that you thought the same thing I did.”

    “Really?” Briana asked timidly.

    “Really. I have a date day after tomorrow with a girl from my volleyball team. I was going to tell you tonight.”

    “Oh.” Briana nodded.

    “Still really worried about you though. It’s not like you to run off to make out loop in the middle of the day. Or to ignore your phone when you know we’re trying to stay in touch with you.”

    “I’m sorry I… I keep saying that.” Briana sighed. “I don’t know why I did it.”

    “Well, there’s going to be more consequences.” Casey said. “I’m taking you straight to Veronica when we get home.”

    Casey hadn’t been exaggerating. Briana’s heart sank when she saw her roommates gathered in the living room. She had to sit on the coffee table in front of Veronica while the rest of them sat around her.

    “Briana, you gave us a scare.” Veronica said.

    “I didn’t mean to!” Briana protested. “I was on campus the whole time.”

    “But we didn’t know that, or who you were with.” Veronica said.

    “Why does someone have to be with me all the time anyway?” Briana asked.

    “Briana, we’re not worried for nothing.” Veronica leaned forward. “You’re having mood swings, physical changes, changes to your relationships and routines. You’re a candidate for depression, anxiety disorders, maybe even PTSD.”

    “You… think I would hurt myself?” Briana furrowed her brow.

    “I think it’s possible.” Veronica said. “Do you think what you did today was normal?”

    Briana thought back to the wild surge of passion she’d had with Gary. “I was ready to have sex with him right there, in the middle of the afternoon.” She looked up at Veronica. “No, uh, it was pretty out of control.”

    Veronica nodded. “This time it’s… something with a guy on campus. Luckily one you know well, who seems to be pretty decent. Next time it’s a stranger? Or running across a busy street because you think you can make it? Or trying a new substance, to see if it’ll fix what’s hurting you?”

    Briana shook her head. “No I…  I…” She thought back to the wild feeling. The world spinning around her. “Maybe pot would fix this. Maybe something else would…” She recoiled from the thought. “I’m scared.” She said, deflated.

    “We are too. There’s going to be consequences, and they are mostly going to be around reinforcing the control that we have over you.” Veronica tilted Briana’s chin up. “Is that something you agree that you need?”

    “Yes Veronica.” She shivered. The fear was retreating.

    “The first thing you are going to do is turn on location sharing on your phone, and share the location with all of us.” Veronica said. “Right now.”

    Briana nodded, pulling out her phone to comply.

    “You still have to let us know where you are going, and what you’re doing. Unless she’s busy, you report to Casey whenever you’re leaving.”

    “Yes Veronica.”

    “Further, you will let the nearest roommate know if you wet yourself during the day, it doesn’t have to be me.” Veronica eyed Briana, who winced but nodded. “Any roommate can check your pullups, any time they want. Finally, you’re going to get a spanking in front of the entire group. Bend over the table.”

    Briana whimpered, and looked around. Her roommates all had serious looks on their faces. She gulped, and bent over the table, gripping it with her hands.

    Veronica stood and flipped Briana’s skirt up. She pulled the sodden pullups down and off. “Don’t let go of the table, or the spanking doubles. You’ll get a whole other spanking, every time you let go.”

    Briana grit her teeth and grabbed the table more tightly. Veronica’s hand came down on her rear with a hard smack. Not to Jane’s level, but harder than before. Briana cried out. Again, again, and again, six hard strikes in total. Briana’s face flamed every time she caught a glimpse of her roommates watching.

    “Casey?” Veronica said, stepping aside.

    “What?” Briana craned her neck back, catching a glimpse of Casey stepping into position.

    “Don’t let go of the table Briana.” Veronica said sharply. “Or I’ll start over and everyone else will go double.”

    Briana let out a long whine, gripping the table until her knuckles were white. Casey’s hand came down, large enough to smack across both cheeks. Briana yelped. Five more came in quick succession, Briana’s hips were bucking, her cheeks turning bright red.

    “Suzie next.” Veronica said. The six Briana got from her pixie roommate were not at all light! Every one felt like Suzie was putting her back into it, with her fingers splayed open for less air resistance. Briana sobbed, tears dripping onto the coffee table.

    “Erin.” Veronica said. Briana braced herself. Mercifully, the half dozen from Erin weren’t as hard as any that had come before. Her ass was so tender that she still yelped, but it felt like a reprieve.

    “Jane.” Veronica said. Briana immediately started crying again, hugging the table and squirming her hips.

    “Hold still.” Jane said sternly. When Briana wouldn’t, couldn’t obey, she kneeled down and grabbed Briana’s knees. Pulling them up sharply and over her lap, Jane pinned Briana against the table and herself.

    The first strike made Briana howl in pain. Only the threat of starting all over kept her hands on the table. Her rear, pulled taut by Jane, felt like it’d been branded. The next strike was as bad, Briana was shouting and crying at the same time. She cried herself hoarse through the final four slaps, collapsing on the table and whimpering when it was done.

    “We’ll get you straightened out.” Erin rolled Briana over and applied lotion to her bruised butt. The cool feeling helped in some places, revived the tingling in others. Briana squirmed, more-so when Erin rubbed lotion across Briana’s sex.

    “I told you I would be as stern as needed.” Jane said. She kneeled by Briana and gently lifted her legs, sliding a diaper under her rear. Briana swallowed and nodded, tears leaking from her eyes.

    “Sorry to have to do that.” Suzie said. “But I’d do it again to save you.” She kissed Briana on the cheek, gently wiped away her tears. The soft smell of talcum powder floated up as Suzie sprinkled a generous dusting over Briana’s crotch.

    “We’re going to take care of you, but you need to trust us and let us do it.” Casey pulled the diaper up snuggly, taping it off. She stroked Briana’s legs gently.

    “You’ve been very good through your punishment.” Veronica said. “I’m going to put you to bed now. You need to rest.”

    Casey lifted Briana effortlessly, following Veronica up the stairs. Veronica pulled back the covers and stripped Briana’s blouse and bra as she sat on the bed. With Briana tucked under the covers, Veronica sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Briana’s hair. Briana sniffled, but snuggled up to Veronica’s hip.

    “I got some concerned texts from Gary.” Veronica said. “I think I was able to explain things to him, but he wants to talk to me in person, and you too.”

    “I like him.” Briana mumbled into Veronica’s skirt. “I didn’t mean to scare everybody.”

    “I know. You scared yourself too.” Veronica said. “I don’t mind him seeing you, he can even take you out on a date after I get a chance to talk to him. Assuming that you still want to go, and that we all talk about some rules.”

    “Yes please.” Briana said softly.

    “Okay, we’ll get that set up for you.” Veronica stood up, turned off the bedside light.

    “It’s only like, five.” Briana said around a yawn. “Do I have to stay in bed?”

    “You are emotionally and physically exhausted.” Veronica chuckled, kneeling by the bed. “You’re going to be out like a light. If you wake up, you can come get me, or text me, okay?”

    Briana yawned, nodded, closing her eyes. “Okay.”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 15

    Briana woke, confused in the dark. She felt disoriented and even a little dizzy. Her sore butt made itself known as soon as she sat up. Fumbling her phone off the bedside table revealed that it was past three in the morning. The diaper was bulky between her legs, but not heavy. It didn’t register as something to be disappointed about.

    “What am I supposed to do?” Briana fretted. “It’s too early to get up, and I’m supposed to let people know what I’m doing. I still feel tired, should I change my diaper? I’ve been using way more than they expected, maybe that would be a waste?” She sat fretting for a bit, then threw on a nightshirt. She crept out to the bathroom and poured herself a big glass of water. Thirst taken care of, she at loose ends again. “Maybe Veronica is up, she gets up in the middle of the night sometimes.”

    Briana snuck to Veronica’s room and gently knocked. There was no response. She tried the door and stepped into Veronica’s front room. The office door was closed. Opening it produced a low groan from the hinges but no Veronica. The old wooden floor creaked under Briana as she walked back toward the hall.

    “Someone there?” Veronica’s sleepy voice came from her bedroom.

    “Um, it’s Briana.” She winced. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, sorry.”

    “Are you alright?” Veronica asked. “Come here hon.”

    Briana obediently opened Veronica’s bedroom door. Her roommate was in bed, sitting up on one elbow. Veronica was nude from the waist up, making no effort to cover her pale breasts. “Oh uh, I’m sorry.” Briana blushed. “I’ll uh, go back and…”

    “Briana.” Veronica cut the babbling girl off gently. “What do you need?”

    “Nothing really.” Briana sighed. “I woke up, and I don’t know what to do, and I just came to see if you were up working…”

    “Come here hon.” Veronica scooted over, patting the bed next to her. “You can sleep with me until morning.”

    “Oh, I couldn’t…”

    “Briana. Come to bed.”

    Briana walked shyly over. “I wet a little, I don’t want to mess up your bed.”

    Veronica reached out to pat Briana’s padded crotch. “It’s only a little, you should be fine.”

    Briana crawled into bed, blushing a little when she realized Veronica was completely naked. Veronica chuckled. She rolled Briana over, and pulled her close, spooning Briana from behind. Briana relaxed, the knot in her stomach unwinding. She yawned loudly.

    “Feel better?” Veronica hugged Briana gently.

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana settled herself into the embrace.

    “Goodnight Briana.”


    Briana woke when Veronica climbed out of bed. She lay there, trying to remember why she was in bed with someone. The night slowly came back to her. “I should be embarrassed.”Briana thought. She found she wasn’t. With a shrug she scooted a bit into the warm spot that Veronica had left.

    She must have drifted off again. Veronica shook Briana gently awake, pulling the covers off of her. As Veronica sat her up, Briana realized there was a huge bulk between her legs. She’d managed to soak the diaper thoroughly.

    “Let’s get you cleaned up hon.” Veronica took Briana’s hands, half-helped, half-dragged her out of bed.

    “I’m tired.” Briana groaned. She followed Veronica slowly, wincing at the soaked padding that was forcing her to waddle.

    “Don’t be fussy or I’ll get you a pacifier.” Veronica said, smirking.

    Briana blushed, standing quietly while Veronica drew a bath. She let Veronica strip her down and stepped into the bath when directed. She sat back to enjoy the delightfully hot water, closing her eyes.

    “Do you need me to help you wash?” Veronica asked after a few minutes.

    Briana blushed! “No uh, sorry, I was just uh, waking up.” She grabbed the shampoo and hastily rubbed it into her hair. “No wonder they keep treating me like a baby, I’m just sitting around waiting for them to do everything.”

    When she got out of the tub there were clothes waiting for her. Briana dressed quickly, without sparing much thought for the unicorn pullups she tugged on. They were feeling more like underwear after nightly diapers in any case.

    “Don’t forget to brush your teeth!” Veronica called from her office. “There’s a toothbrush for you on the sink.”

    “I wasn’t going to forget.” Briana squirmed. “I didn’t know she had a toothbrush for me.” She brushed and took her seat on Veronica’s lap, getting her hair ruffled affectionately.

    “It’s nice having you all clean in the morning.” Veronica said, hugging Briana.

    “I said I could clean up first, before I come over.” Briana said.

    “The way things are progressing, I think I’ll start coming to you.” Veronica said.

    “Huh? Why?”

    “Trust me.” Veronica pulled Briana’s head down to rest on her chest.

    “Did she just tell me to shut up?” Briana squirmed a bit to re-seat herself. Veronica’s dress was low-cut today, Briana had her cheek half on Veronica’s dress and half on her breasts. It didn’t feel sexual at all, rather comforting. She decided not to protest.

    “If you wake up again you can always come sleep with me if you need it.” Veronica continued.

    “Um, thanks. I don’t know if I’ll need to.” Briana said.

    “Of course sweetie, so you know it’s okay.” Veronica stroked Briana’s hair. “You have classes and lab today, Casey will drive you to and from school. You’ll have to wait after your last class, Casey doesn’t get done until about an hour after you’re finished.”


    “Casey wanted to talk to me about another date with you, and I have a meeting with Gary about you today too.” Veronica smiled, “You’re a very popular young lady.”

    “Even though they both know I’m wetting my pants. Are they the weird ones, or is it me?” Briana chewed her lips. A thought bubbled up, “Um, Veronica, aren’t we supposed to be doing counseling in the mornings?”

    “Well, I can’t do formal counseling, but I’m always happy to talk with you. Is there something you wanted to talk about?”

    Briana lifted her head, shifting to lean against the arm of Veronica’s chair. “Just… where is this all going? Do you have a plan? Everyone is treating me more and more like a baby. And I’m letting you!” Briana realized her voice was rising, but couldn’t stop herself. “I slept with you last night, you changed me this morning. I let everyone spank me yesterday!” Briana’s eyes brimmed with tears.

    “I do have a plan. I revise it as I learn more about how you’re doing.” Veronica said, meeting Briana’s eyes calmly.

    “Well what’s the plan?!” Briana grumped. “Do you want a baby around for some… weird reason?”

    “You came to me for help.” Veronica reminded gently.

    “Are you even helping?!” Tears sprang to Briana’s eyes. “I don’t want to be a freak! I want to be normal, and finish my masters, and get a job, and get back to my life!”

    Veronica held Briana, watching her calmly. Briana’s chest heaved. She tried meeting Veronica’s gaze but had to look down as the anger left her.

    “Are you finished?” Veronica asked.

    “I’m sorry Veronica.” Briana sighed.

    “This is very hard for you, the occasional outburst isn’t unexpected.” Veronica said. “To answer your question, yes, I have a plan, and I can share some of it with you, but I’m afraid that you’ll get upset again.”

    “I’ll try not to.” Briana said plaintively. “Please tell me?”

    “You need to focus on some pretty basic goals.” Veronica said. “Goals that will be embarrassing to you because they’re so basic. But if you can do them, and be genuinely proud of your progress, I think you’ll be able to do more.”

    “What kind of goals?”

    “Staying dry during the day is the first one.” Veronica said. “Being a good girl, and doing as your roommates tell you is another.”

    “But that’s…”

    “Yes, very basic.” Veronica said. “We will take on the big goals for you, and make sure you can make progress toward your degree. You have to work on the smaller stuff.”

    “I can do more than that!” Briana protested.

    “So you say. But you’re upset about this, and you’re not committing to those smaller goals.” Veronica shook her head. “If you go that way, we’ll need to create even more structure for you. Which we can do, and we’re all happy to do if it’s necessary.”

    “You’re saying I can’t do it?” Briana stared at Veronica incredulously.

    “Well if it’s so easy, then knock it out of the park.” Veronica said. “Be a good girl for a week, keep yourself dry. Don’t worry about anything else.”

    “Fine, I will!” Briana scoffed.

    “Good girl.” Veronica chuckled, patted Briana’s rear. “Now, go get your breakfast. Casey needs to head out soon.”

    Briana hopped up. “Veronica I… I’m not trying to sound ungrateful.”

    “I know sweetie.” She poked Briana in the side, grinning as Briana shrieked. “Now go.”

    Briana scampered down the stairs. “She makes a really good mom.”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 16

    Being a good girl was easy. Briana’s day went by in a flash. She did chores when she was told, went to classes, sat in the library reading until Casey picked her up. A whole day doing whatever she was told, and lounging in her room on her phone otherwise. At the end of the day she proudly reported her success to Veronica, along with her nice dry pullups.

    Briana’s diaper was wet again the next morning, but she didn’t care, the previous day had felt like a victory. Veronica had woken her and sat by her bed to talk. That was a nice change too, not having to sit in a wet diaper. It always squished unpleasantly where she rested on Veronica’s legs.

    Friday went as well as Thursday had. For the second day she let Veronica know that everything had gone well, along with staying dry! It was the first time Briana had really felt like positive progress was happening. She went to bed happy, and even woke up less wet than usual. Briana was out of bed and hugging Veronica like a happy puppy when she realized she still had something in her bladder.

    She was feeling so normal that she pulled open her underwear drawer on autopilot when she was getting dressed. She stared down at the carefully folded panties, soft hues from white to pink to yellow. “They’re probably dusty by now!”

    Briana picked up her favorite pair of panties, white cotton with red lace roses embroidered across the top. She pulled them on to feel them. They felt good, barely there compared to a pullup. She pulled a pair of jeans on over them. Her heart pounded with excitement. “I’ve stayed dry for a few days now. A week if you don’t count the thing with Gary. That was just part of the freak-out.”

    She pulled on a bra and a button up blouse. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt more grown up than she had in ages. “Veronica told me to work on this problem and I’m doing it! I’ll just make sure I use the bathroom often. She’ll be so proud when I told her there were no problems!”

    Briana threw herself into her assigned chores, and earned all of Saturday afternoon and evening off. She spent the time texting Gary and Casey; while frequently visiting the restroom. She was a little nervous when she had to pee twice that she hadn’t noticed anything, but told herself that of course she wouldn’t feel anything if she was going so often.

    When evening came, Briana gave herself a big high-five in the mirror. She had her report to make to Veronica. Even more, she was hoping she might wake up dry. She doffed her jeans and panties, grinning from ear to ear. They were still nice and dry!

    Instead of the panties, she slipped on a pullup with jeans on top. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise for Veronica.”

    “I had another great day!” Briana burst through the door to Veronica’s office.

    “Congratulations sweetheart!” Veronica smiled, getting up to give Briana a big hug.

    “I got everything done, and I was dry all day.” Briana beamed proudly.

    “I’m really proud of you.” Veronica sat, pulling Briana into her lap. “Do you want me to diaper you tonight, or do you want to try a pullup tonight? You still have the plastic on your bed I think.”

    “Can I?” Briana’s eyes went wide. “You think it’s okay if I do a pullup?”

    “You would have been fine in a pullup last night, I think it’s worth the try. You’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple of days.”

    “Yay!” Briana bounced on Veronica’s lap.

    “How are you feeling?” Veronica asked, putting her arms around Briana to stabilize her.

    “Really grown up!” Briana said confidently.

    “I see.” Veronica nodded. “Interesting choice of words. Is that why you’re a little more dressed up than usual?”

    “Yep!” Briana nodded. “I wanted to look like a big girl today.”

    “Ah, then you probably don’t want me to put you to bed.”


    Veronica smiled. “I do enjoy it. Will you do it for me?”

    “Okay!” Briana bounced on Veronica’s lap again.

    “Oof, careful there sweetie.” Veronica gently slid Briana off her lap. “Let’s get you put to bed.”

    Briana scampered to her room, pausing to brightly call goodnight to her roommates. Jane and Erin gave her funny looks, but she got an enthusiastic wave from Suzie. Once in the bedroom, she let Veronica take her clothes off with only a little squirming. Down to her pullup, she stood totally unselfconscious while Veronica put her clothes in the hamper.

    “Did you brush your teeth?” Veronica asked, looking Briana over with a calculating gaze.

    “Oops!” Briana walked out of the room without bothering to put on pajamas or cover her chest. She returned, flashing a clean minty smile at Veronica.

    “You sure you’re feeling okay, sweetie?” Veronica caressed Briana’s cheek.

    “Yeah, I feel really good.” Briana stretched. “Actually I’m not really sleepy yet. Can you stay and talk?”

    “Okay, but get in bed first.” Veronica pulled back the covers, dragging them back over Briana when she hopped in.. She sat on the edge of the bed. “Is there something bothering you?”

    “No, I don’t want to go to sleep yet.” Briana said, sitting up bare-chested.

    “Do you want me to read you a story?” Veronica asked curiously.

    Briana’s eyes lit up excitedly, but she quickly shifted to a frown. “That’s not very grown up!”

    “You’re right, but we’ve already talked a couple of times today, I don’t have anything else right now either.” She gently poked Briana’s nose. “Bedtime.”

    “I’m not sleepy yet!” Briana protested.

    “You’ve been so good, don’t blow it now.” Veronica said. She pulled the covers up to Briana’s chin as Briana reluctantly slid back down in bed. She was almost out the door with the lights out when Briana spoke again.

    “Would you really have read me a story?”

    “I would have, do you want one?” Veronica turned, silhouetted by the hallway light.

    “No, that’s okay.” Briana let her head fall on the pillow.

    Briana woke what seemed like moments later to Veronica shaking her awake. She reached down between her legs and cried out in joy. Nothing had leaked! She still had a mostly full bladder! Sure, the pullup was wet, but it was nothing compared to what had been happening recently.

    With her rose-panties rescued from the laundry bin, Briana felt like she was floating through the day. She was sure that her wetting problems would be over soon. That meant dates that wouldn’t be weird with Gary. Maybe some weird dates with Casey, but wearing pullups had been fun with her so that could be okay.

    Homework and chores took a chunk of the day but she barely noticed them. Everything was less important than her excitement for the future. Her work on the Microbio homework was really rushed, but there was no one in the house qualified to check it. Briana simply pretended there was no problem.

    Dinner prep was Briana and Suzie, everyone else had yet to get home. Briana had a nice mindless task chopping onions; her mind wandered to the rest of the week. She had a test coming up, and she hadn’t put in any job applications recently. Maybe she could talk to Dr. Grove about getting on his lab team.

    Her train of thought was interrupted by a weird tightness in her skinny jeans. She looked down to see a huge spreading wet-patch. “Oh no,” she cried, “Oh no no no no no!” It kept coming with no control at all. It was as big an accident as an early morning wet, soaking her jeans and through them, actually dribbling audibly on the floor.

    “Woah, you okay?” Suzie came over, staring at Briana in shock. “What’s going on… are you not wearing pullups?”

    Briana stared at Suzie, shocked and shamefaced. She managed to slightly shake her head.

    “Why not? Briana, it’s all over the kitchen floor!” Suzie took a couple of bare-footed steps back, wrinkling her nose. “I’m standing in it.”

    “S-s-s-s-s-or-or-or-y” Briana whimpered.

    Suzie sighed and rolled her eyes. She grabbed a dish towel and threw it on the floor, then went for the mop. Briana hobbled to the side, too shocked at what had happened to help.

    “You are going back in diapers.” Suzie said as she mopped in short quick strokes. “You’re getting a spanking, and you’re grounded for a while if I have anything to say about it.”

    “No!” Briana wailed. “Everything was going really well! It was almost over!”

    Suzie dumped the mop and dish towel into the mop bucket. “Briana, I’m a little upset with you. You get up to your room right now while I put dinner on hold. You wait there until I come up to change you.”

    “No!” Briana screamed. “No! This isn’t fair! It’s not! I was done!”

    Suzie grabbed a wooden spoon from the jar and grabbed Briana’s arm. Briana struggled, her feet slipping on the slick floor. With surprising skill Suzie twisted Briana’s arm behind her back and up. Briana was bent over the table with a whimper of pain.

    “You are being a very bad baby right now.” Suzie said. The swish of the spoon left Briana no time to retort. She let out a cry of pain as the spoon caught her across her wet jeans. Four more times the spoon came down, each time it was a shock that blossomed out into red hot pain.

    “I’ll be good, I’ll be good.” Briana sobbed, tears dripping on the table. She gratefully shook her arm out as Suzie let her go.

    “Take your pants off.” Suzie said. “You heard me! We’re not even done with your spanking yet.”

    Briana whimpered, cowering when Suzie raised the spoon again. She fumbled her jeans open and down, then her panties. She sobbed again to see her rose panties dripping as she rolled them down her thighs.

    Suzie sat, and dragged Briana over her knee. She stroked the spoon over Briana’s bare butt.

    “N-no please.” Briana blubbered. “Suzie please, not the spoon.”

    “You should have thought about that before you skipped wearing your pullups.” Suzie brought the spoon down, forcing a yelp out of Briana. Nine more times, while Briana sobbed until the snot flowed out of her nose onto the floor. She felt herself wet again, helpless to stop it as pee flowed in spurts down her legs or splattered on Suzie’s pants.

    Suzie walked Briana upstairs and put her in the shower. Briana sat under the hot water, keeping her butt out of the stream. She wished she could fall into that floaty state she’d been in with Veronica’s first spanking, or after her roommates had all spanked her. It wasn’t to be, the feeling of shame and disappointment was too real.

    Pulled out of the shower and gently dried off by Suzie, Briana obediently went to her bedroom. The changing blanket was on her bed, and Briana lay down on it without protest. The lotion was a merciful relief, even if Suzie didn’t give her sex the extra attention that Erin usually did. The talcum powder was soothing, but something about the diaper under it felt funny.

    “What’s that?” Briana asked, staring at the large rectangular pad in the middle of the diaper.

    “Booster pad.” Suzie said, pulling the diaper up and taping it.

    Briana flushed but lay back. She didn’t want to try Suzie’s temper right now. The flower petal blouse Suzie put on her seemed babyish but Briana kept quiet about that as well. It wasn’t until she realized that the ‘blouse’ was being snapped around her crotch that she protested.

    “Suzie, what… you’re putting me in a onesie?”

    “That’s right. It’ll make you a lot easier to change.” Suzie said.

    “I don’t want to wear this!” Briana reached for the snaps only to have Suzie slap her hands away.

    “You’re not in any position to choose.” Suzie said. “Did you forget you’re supposed to be doing what we say?”

    “This is totally unreasonable!” Briana shouted.

    “Good thing Veronica anticipated you having a meltdown.” Suzie said. She picked up something off the bedside table and shoved it in Briana’s mouth.

    Briana froze in embarrassed shock as her mouth closed reflexively over the rubber nipple. The pacifier’s ring tapped lightly against her lower lip. She felt her nipples harden and her crotch warm, at the same time that she was trembling with shame.

    “Now, I’m not strong enough to lift you.” Suzie said. “So you can come with me and sit on a blanket in the kitchen like a good girl. Otherwise I have to tie you up and put a baby-monitor up here.”

    Briana looked at Suzie in disbelief.

    “I told you, Veronica figured something like this would happen. Please come downstairs.” Suzie sighed. “I don’t even know where the batteries are for the baby monitor, and I have to finish dinner.”

    Briana could only whimper behind the pacifier. She didn’t resist when Suzie pulled her wrist and followed her roommate downstairs. A crib blanket on the kitchen floor was the final, humiliating touch. Briana lay down on it to spare her aching rear. All her plans and hopes were washed away with the pee that Suzie was mopping up. She was torn between dreading the return of the rest of her roommates and wanting Veronica to be home.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 17

    Briana was feeling exceptionally fussy. She wished there was any other word to use for it, but it was the one that fit the best. She spit out her pacifier for the tenth time, watching Suzie to see when she’d notice. “Am I trying to piss her off or do I just want attention?” Briana wondered. “I want Veronica.”

    Suzie looked down at the discarded pacifier and sighed. “You can’t cooperate on one thing?” Instead of shoving it back in Briana’s mouth, she went to the fridge. A few minutes later she had a water bottle filled with orange juice. She pressed the bottle into Briana’s hands and the rubber spigot into Briana’s mouth.

    Briana pouted and considered rolling the bottle across the floor. Her stinging butt made her shy away from the idea. She sipped, and sighed at the sweet taste. It did soothe her a little. She didn’t really want to think about why.

    There was plenty of time to finish the bottle of juice off before the rest of Briana’s roommates came home. As soon as she heard the door open, she was up off the blanket and running. Truthfully, it was more of a fast waddle with the overstuffed diaper she was wearing, but Briana didn’t care.

    “VERONICA!” Briana hurled herself tearfully against the black-clad woman. Veronica folded her arms around Briana. Casey, Erin and Jane looked askance at each other, shrugged, and continued on to the kitchen.

    “What’s the matter?” Veronica asked. She pulled back gently and looked Briana over. “You’ve had a bit of a transformation since this morning.”

    “Suzie hit me with a spoon!” Briana wailed. “She made me wear this.”

    “I’m sorry to hear that sweetie. Was she giving you a spanking?”

    “Yes.” Briana sniffled. Briana looked down as Veronica let the silence drag out. “I had an accident on the kitchen floor.”

    “Oh dear.” Veronica hugged Briana gently. “That must have been really upsetting for you. I know you were really excited about your progress.”

    “Yeah! It’s not fair!” Briana said. “Everything was going really well.”

    “I’m going to go talk to Suzie.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “Can you wait here for me?”

    Briana nodded, sitting down on the couch with a loud crinkle. She watched Veronica go then rested her head on her knees. A few minutes later, Veronica came back out, Briana looked up at her expectantly.

    “It seems like you weren’t wearing any protection, so you ended up making a big mess with your accident.” Veronica said, sitting on the couch next to Briana.

    “I didn’t mean to!” Briana pouted. “I was going to surprise you, show you that I was wearing panties for a couple of days without a problem.”

    “I see. I can tell why you’re really upset, but that wasn’t our deal, remember? You were going to wear protection until you’d been dry during the day for a week.”

    “The thing with Gary doesn’t count!” Briana whined. “That was a weird, stressful situation. Other than that, I had been dry for a week.”

    “Weird stressful situation describes the whole issue.” Veronica said. She patted Briana’s cheek gently. “I see why you’re so upset, but I also see a good reason that you got a punishment.”

    “She hit me with a spoon!” Briana said incredulously.

    “Suzie said she wasn’t spanking any harder than Jane has. I’ll take a look.” She pulled Briana’s legs, sliding her down on her back on the couch. Briana squirmed as Veronica undid the snaps on her onesie, and loudly pulled open her diaper tapes. Erin walked over and craned her head to look as Veronica folded the diaper open and lifted Briana’s legs.

    “A little bit of bruising.” Erin said. “No imprints. I think it’s still within what we discussed.”

    “I agree. Thank you Erin.” Veronica said.

    “You discussed how hard to spank me?” Briana whined, reaching down to cover her crotch.

    “Of course, we didn’t want someone going overboard or really hurting you.” Veronica lowered Briana’s legs and pushed her hand out of the way.

    “Wait, I don’t need the diaper.” Briana said. She sat up only to be pushed back down by Erin.

    “You need some kind of protection and you’re already in this one, we might as well use it.” Veronica taped Briana back up and snapped the onesie in place.

    “I don’t want to wear this baby stuff!” Briana kicked her legs, pouted when Veronica grabbed them and held them in her lap.

    “That’s not a choice you have right now.” Veronica said firmly. “Suzie said you misbehaved even after she punished you, but you’re going to be a better girl for me, aren’t you?”

    Briana sighed and looked away. She crossed her arms over her chest but nodded her head.

     “Good girl. I need you to be quiet while we’re finishing dinner.” She fished the pacifier out of her cleavage and popped it in Briana’s mouth.

    Briana glared at Veronica. Nevertheless, she chewed on the pacifier instead of spitting it out.

    “You can sit by me at dinner tonight, and we can spend some time together after as well, okay?”

    Briana nodded, curled up on the couch. There wasn’t much to do, so she spaced out until dinner time. She noticed warmth in her diaper once, and she wondered if she’d wet. If she had, it wasn’t much. That wasn’t something she wanted to dwell on anyway.

    Waddling in to dinner was extremely awkward. She felt like all eyes were on her as she set her thickly padded bottom on the chair. Veronica passed her plate around and her roommates loaded up with chicken, spinach casserole, salad, and fries.

    “You’re looking cute.” Casey said, bumping shoulders with Briana.

    Briana put her pacifier down next to her plate. “I look like a baby.”

    “A cute baby.” Casey chuckled.

    “Briana, do you have something to say to Suzie?” Veronica asked.

    Briana glared at Veronica. Her anger wilted under Veronica’s calm gaze.  She hung her head and said, “I’m sorry.”

    Suzie nodded. “I did lose my temper with you a little bit kiddo, I’m sorry too.”

    “Kiddo?” Briana sighed. She wasn’t sure how to protest that one when her puffy diaper was giving her an inch of height.

    “Thank you for getting everything done so quickly and so well today.” Jane said.

    “She even did extra.” Erin said. “Thanks for washing my scrubs for me.”

    Briana blushed, nodded. “You’re welcome.” She shoveled food into her face to hopefully head off any other conversation.

    The table talk turned to classes, jobs, and politics. Briana’s head hurt trying to process any of that. She concentrated on her meal, and let the soothing voices wash over her without comprehension. One word did penetrate the fog, dessert.

    “Oh, what’s for dessert?!” Briana looked up excitedly.

    “Pie.” Veronica laughed. “As soon as you finish your casserole you can have some.”

    Briana made a face but gulped down the uneaten half of her casserole. Jane got up to serve the pie and enlisted Briana’s help, giving her plated slices and directing them to each roommate in turn. When she finally sat down with her own slice Briana devoured it, finishing well ahead of the rest of her roommates.

    “You’ve got a bit of pie on your face there.” Veronica dunked her napkin in her water glass. “I’ll get you cleaned up.”

    “Wait, as long as she’s got a messy face…” Casey picked up the spray cream and held it up. “Open your mouth Bri.”

    Briana giggled and opened her mouth, tilting her head up. Casey sprayed whipped cream into her mouth, piling it up more and more until it spilled out over her lips and down her chin. Everyone laughed as Briana struggled to swallow as much of the sweet cream as she could. As soon as Briana finished Veronica wiped her face with the napkin, matter-of-factly scrubbing Briana’s face and the front of her onesie.

    “Suzie do you mind putting her down on the blanket by the TV?” Veronica asked.

    “Putting me down?” Briana protested in confusion. “What does that…”

    Veronica popped the pacifier casually back in Briana’s mouth. “Be a good girl for Suzie now.”

    Confused and a little dazed from everything that had happened during the day, Briana allowed Suzie to take her hand and lead her into the living room. She pouted around the pacifier when Suzie gently pushed her down onto the crib blanket but didn’t feel like she could defy Veronica enough to take the pacifier out. Laying on the soft blanket and carpet with a full belly was enough to put her in a light doze.

    Briana came back to consciousness when her roommates gathered to watch TV. She wanted to get up on the couch with them but as soon as she sat up Suzie started stroking her hair. She sat and watched the show, squirming occasionally in a diaper that seemed a clammier than it had been before.

    “That pacifier was a great idea.” Erin said. “She’s been quiet for a while now.”

    “Hey!” Briana spit the pacifier out. “Don’t you think that…”

    “Hush a sec hon.” Suzie said, pushing Briana down on to the blanket. She put a hand between Briana’s legs and curled her fingers under the diaper.

    “Suzie!” Briana whined, but no one was listening.

    “She’s wet.” Suzie said. “Just wet though, and with the booster she’s fine.”

    “Guys, don’t you think this is going too far?” Briana whimpered, her face scarlet.

    “Aww, she’s getting fussy.” Casey said.

    “She’s been fussy all day.” Suzie nodded.

    “I am not fussy!” Briana protested.

    “I’ll take her to bed.” Veronica said, kneeling next to Briana.

    “Veronicaaaaa!” Briana whined. “I don’t want to go to bed. I want to hang out with everyone, I’m not really a baby!”

    “Come on now, be a good girl.” Veronica helped Briana up and patted the bulk between her legs. “You’re wet and cranky.”

    Briana squirmed in embarrassment. She softly replied to her roommates’ goodnights and waddled up the stairs with Veronica following. Every step reminded her of the swollen bulk between her legs. She couldn’t remember when she’d wet. It must have been while she was dozing.

    “Am I totally losing the ability to know when I have to go?” Briana worried to herself while she brushed her teeth at Veronica’s direction. She let Veronica put her in bed and tuck the covers around her. When Veronica headed to the light switch she called out, “Wait, aren’t you um… Veronica, you aren’t going to leave me uh…”

    “What is it sweetie?” Veronica asked. “What do you need?”

    Briana blushed. “Can you change me please?”

    “You don’t technically need it but I suppose I can. You’ve had a rough day after all.” Veronica pulled back the covers and unsnapped Briana’s onesie. The diaper crinkled as it expanded a bit. “Then again, I guess you really do need a change. Do you think you have it all out?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana whimpered. “I’m scared. I don’t know when I need to go a lot of the time now.”

    “Well it’s a good thing I’m here to take care of you.” Veronica said. She pressed her hand gently but firmly down over Briana’s bladder.

    “Augh, why?” Briana blushed. “I’m wetting again.”

    “That’s a good girl!” Veronica said kindly. “Want to make sure you’re dry for as long as possible tonight.”

    She should feel humiliated at being called a good girl, especially for wetting, but Briana felt a sort of warmth at the praise. Veronica gathered the rest of the changing supplies, and popped the tapes on Briana’s diaper. It felt good to have fresh air on her crotch, though the smell wasn’t great. She’d gone a lot this time.

    The smell started to clear as soon as the diaper hit the lidded diaper pail. Veronica wiped carefully around Briana’s abdomen, crotch, rear, and thighs with a warm washcloth. It wasn’t embarrassing anymore to be splayed out in front of Veronica, Briana realized. She closed her eyes and rested a hand on her face to block the overhead light.

    “I don’t think you’re getting any diaper rash, but if it happens don’t worry, Erin will get you taken care of.” Veronica said. Briana sighed contentedly as she felt warm lotion spread across her rear and sex. The lotion application was almost a massage, Briana relaxed so much that she let a finger slip into her mouth. Without thinking, she idly sucked on it.

    Briana felt her hips lifted and smelled the talcum as she was powdered. It was somehow a relief to have the diaper pulled up snugly and the tapes secured. Even having the onesie snapped up felt right. Only because the garment fit correctly that way, Briana told herself. She looked up as Veronica leaned over her, stroked her hair.

    “You need something to occupy your mouth, sweetie?” Veronica asked.

    “Nuh…” Briana blushed and pulled the finger out of her mouth.

    “It’s alright.” Veronica fished the pacifier out of her cleavage again and pressed it into Briana’s mouth.  

    “Now, let’s get you tucked in and I’ll read you a story.” Veronica pulled the covers up to Briana’s chin and fetched a book.

    She’d wanted to protest the pacifier in her mouth, but the prospect of a story was nice enough to put up with it. Sucking on the pacifier,  Briana listened to a story about a little princess who found a dragon egg. Not long after the dragon hatched, Briana was fast asleep.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 18

    The morning came early for Briana. She woke before her alarm, or Veronica’s visit. The soggy bulk between her legs was familiar, but the pressure in her bladder was a welcome surprise. Feeling refreshed in a way she hadn’t for weeks, Briana climbed out of bed and stretched. Checking the clock revealed that it was still before seven, some of the early risers might be up as well but the house was quiet.

    Getting out of her wet diaper and showering on her own felt great. Putting pullups on when she dressed didn’t dampen her mood either. The thin, soft padding made her feel safe and comfortable, not resentful. With fifteen minutes or more until Veronica was due to arrive, she sat cross-legged on her bed and reviewed her class notes. Finals were coming up soon and Briana hadn’t been thinking ahead to them much.

    “Oh, good morning.” Veronica stopped in the doorway in surprise. She had on her usual black dress, but with more makeup than she normally bothered with. She looked Briana over and said, “I see you’ve gotten yourself all ready. Studying?”

    “Yes.” Briana smiled. “I feel really good today!”

    “That’s great sweetheart.” Veronica hesitated at the door. “Well if you don’t want me to interrupt you…”

    “Please come in.” Briana said. “Can we talk about yesterday?”

    “Of course.” Veronica took a seat on the bed. “What’s on your mind?”

    “I don’t really know what happened yesterday. I was acting like a little kid. Maybe even a baby.” Briana set her notes down. “I couldn’t stop myself.”

    “We noticed, but if you’re worried that we’re upset, we aren’t. This is all part of taking care of you.” Veronica said.

    “No, it’s not that. I uh, didn’t really consider that you might be mad.” Briana ducked her head shyly. “I feel great today, I’m not stressed at all. But yesterday was bad and then I sort of… escaped into being a kid I guess?”

    “I think maybe you needed it.” Veronica said. “It seems to have recharged you.”

    “And you’re really not upset? Even Suzie? I mean, I was a huge brat. I’m sorry for that.” Briana sighed.

    “We really aren’t. Especially after everyone sees you like this today. You aren’t like a kid at all today, you have yourself all put together without help.” Veronica sighed.

    Briana wondered if she was really sensing disappointment from her roommate. “Do you miss it?”

     “Oh sweetie, don’t worry about that. This is about what you need.” Veronica smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

    Briana lay down on the bed, putting her head in Veronica’s lap. “Well, I miss being close with you in the morning.”

    Veronica smiled, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks. She stroked Briana’s hair gently. “You are darling. Thank you.”

    “It’s true, I was missing it.” Briana closed her eyes. “I feel good today, I have the energy to get up, and get ready, and start thinking about finals. But I still need your help I think.”

    “How so?” Veronica asked.

    “It’s hard for me to think about other things, I’ve been trying not to. Jobs, and fixing my problem, and maybe needing a new graduate advisor.” Briana snuggled up against Veronica. “I… I really want you to be in charge, please.”

    “I can do that, of course.” Veronica said happily. “You’ve already got a great start on the day, I’m very proud of you.”

    “I’m a good girl?” Briana asked.

    “A very good girl.” Veronica stroked Briana’s cheek. “It’s Sunday, so we have the usual chores and homework to do. I’ll get you sent to Jane for the chores, you can come do the homework in my office.”

    “Yes Veronica.” Briana smiled softly.

    “We also have a visitor today. Your friend Gary is coming over.”

    “Huh? Why?” Briana looked up at Veronica.

    “He wants to talk to me and understand what’s going on a little better. He’d also like to talk to you and make completely sure that you’re okay with everything.” Veronica said.

    “Oh, okay.” Briana closed her eyes again. “Just let me know when he’s ready to talk to me.”

    “You don’t want to be present for the conversation that he and I have?”

    “No, I you can do it.”

    “Very well. Go downstairs and help Jane.” Veronica sat Briana up and kissed her head.

    “Yes… Veronica.” Briana hesitated in the door before heading downstairs. “I can’t just call her Mom, she’s not really my mom.”

     Briana presented herself to Jane, who gave Briana and amused look. “Ready to work?”

    “Yes Jane.”

    Jane hooked a finger in the waistband of Briana’s shorts and pulled them open, peeking down. “And you have protection on, good girl.”

    Briana beamed. “Thank you.”

    “You look a lot better than yesterday.” Jane said. “I have a small list for you today, do you think you can do them without me hovering over you?”

    “Yes, I can!” Briana nodded vigorously.

    “I’m impressed.” Jane said, patting Briana on the head. “Let’s get started.”

    The morning stayed as upbeat as it had started. Even getting diaper checked by every one of her roommates couldn’t bring Briana down. She was dry, her roommates were happy with her, and everything was going well. A lot of little things could have bothered her, but Briana wasn’t letting the stressful thoughts in. Usually, that was easier said than done, but today her mind stayed on task.

    After chores, Jane sent Briana to her room. There wasn’t much to do besides homework, but that was on hold until Veronica called her to the office. With a relieved sigh Briana curled up on her bed with a soft blanket.  Sunday naps had been her favorite before everything got bad, she was happily dozing in minutes.

    Briana was delighted to wake up dry from her nap. She pulled down her shorts and poked at the firetrucks on her crotch. It was hard to believe she was so excited about something so simple. She shook her head and banished the thought from her mind. No stressful thoughts today.

    “I could go see what people are doing.” She thought. “But Jane did tell me to go to my room, maybe I should stay here until someone comes to get me.”

     Opening a window to let in a light summer breeze, Briana fetched a book and curled up to read. She hadn’t read Alanna: The First Adventure since she was in middle school, but she’d kept the books with her with every move. Sinking into Alanna’s magical world, Briana was in bliss.

    A knock at the door startled her out of the fantasy world. She looked at the door in confusion, none of her roommates knocked anymore. “Um, who is it?”

    “It’s Gary.” His deep voice rumbled through the door. “Can I come in?”

    Briana dove for her discarded shorts and pulled them back on in a minor panic. Stumbling off the bed, she finished buttoning the shorts and pulled the door open. She wished Veronica had warned her, the shorts were plain white, fine for summer, but her shirt was an old “Tangled” t-shirt from a high school trip to Disneyland.

    “Hi Gary, yeah, you can come in.” She smiled and stepped out of the doorway. He looked really good in a pale blue button up, short-sleeve shirt. His butt looked even better in fitted jeans shorts.

    “Hey Briana.” Gary grinned, going in for a hug. He held her close for a moment, then pulled back to look into her eyes and stroke her cheek. “How are you doing?”

    “Really good!” Briana nuzzled Gary’s hand. “Today has been really great.”

    “Just today?” Gary asked in concern.

    “Well, you know I’m having uh… a problem.” Briana looked down. “Some days are better than others.”

    “Yeah, Veronica and I had a long talk about it. Are you okay to chat a little about it?” Gary took a seat on the desk chair. “I don’t want to pry, but I feel like I have to make sure you’re okay.”

    Briana nodded, hopping up on the bed. She took a deep breath. “Yeah, I don’t exactly love to talk abut it, but I understand why you’re worried.”

    “What Veronica laid out for me was pretty extreme. Everyone in the house is treating you like a kid. Grounding you, ordering you around, even spanking you. Are you really letting them do it? You don’t feel pressured?”

    “I really am.” Briana blushed. “I think I need it. I really don’t mind what they’re doing.”

    “That’s the part I don’t really get.” Gary said, “Veronica said you liked it, but I can’t figure out why.”

    “I don’t totally understand it either. It’s more than help being organized and stuff. It’s more than just help with my uh… problem.” Briana thought back to yesterday, blushing profusely. “Yesterday was a bad day. I um, I had a lot of my problem and I got treated like a really little kid. But today I feel really good, and capable.”

    “You think you feel good today because of what happened yesterday?” Gary asked curiously.

    “Maybe? Yeah? I… it’s hard to think about, it stresses me out.” Briana looked down. “I’m not trying to be vague.”

    “So when Veronica says she’s acting as your mom…”

    “She said that?!” Briana looked up excitedly. “She thinks of herself like my mom?”

    “I think she kinda does.” Gary said, confused. “You’re happy about that?”

    “Yeah!” Briana beamed. “I had my head in her lap when she was taking care of me this morning, and it felt really good.”

    “So you really want to be treated like a kid?” Gary furrowed his brow when Briana answered with a nod. He thought for a moment, then asked, “And Casey treats you like a kid, but you’re dating her, right?”

    Briana licked her lips. “Uh, yeah. I kind of like that. It’s not like um, a gross incest thing, or underage or whatever. It’s really different than normal dating, I know.”

    “Do you want me to treat you like a kid?” Gary asked. “And I guess I should ask separately, do you still want to date?”

    Briana looked down, blushing furiously. She tried to answer a couple of times, but nothing came out. Her thoughts spun in circles. “He’s going to think I’m so weird if I tell him both answers are yes! But I shouldn’t lie to him either. Maybe I should just tell him we can’t date. But, I don’t want to do that either.”

    “Briana?” Gary had gotten up and knelt in front of her. “Are you worried that I’m going to judge you or make fun of you?”

    “No.” Briana squeaked. “Yes. I don’t know!”

    “I know this is hard, but you have to tell me what you want.” Gary gently rubbed Briana’s leg.

    “I… I…” Briana could feel stress building. Nothing wet between her legs, but she knew it would follow. “I have to say it. Just say it, and whatever happens, Veronica will fix it.”

    “Yes.” Briana said with a heavy sigh. “I want to be treated like a kid, at least a little. And… I want, I want you.”

    Gary nodded. “I thought so, but I needed to hear you say it.” He stood, pulling Briana to her feet. She had a moment to look up at him in worry before their lips met. She closed her eyes and melted against him, feeling the stress vanish. Gary held her close after the kiss, stroking Briana’s hair while she rested her head on his chest. A slight draft on her rear was followed by the waistband of her shorts rebounding onto her skin.

    “Did… did you just diaper check me?” Briana asked.

    “I did.” Gary chuckled. “Looks like you’re still protected and dry, that’s good.”

    “Gaaaaaary.” Briana hid her face in his chest.

    “Do you want to go out to lunch?” Gary asked, tilting Briana’s chin up.

    “Yeah but uh, I have to ask permission.” Briana shuffled her feet.

    “I already got permission from Veronica.” Gary said. “She had some conditions, and so did I. My conditions were this conversation, mostly.”

    “Oh, what were the conditions?” Briana squirmed.

    “Nothing for you to worry about, I’ll take care of it.” Gary said. “Now, let’s get you dressed for the date.”


    “We’re not going somewhere super fancy but you should still have something better than a t-shirt.” Gary said. “And I think we’ll switch your shorts out for a skirt in case I need to change you.”

    “Gary!” Briana pouted. “I can pick my own clothes.”

    “Not according to Veronica you can’t.” Gary chuckled. “Now do you want to go out to lunch or not?”

    Briana blushed and squirmed. Finally she nodded. “Yes please.”

    “Arms up!” Gary said. Briana giggled and complied. He pulled her t-shirt up and off, kneeled down to unbutton her shorts. As Gary looked through her closet, Briana stood shyly in her pullup and bra. A cream colored blouse and a dark red pleated skirt were Gary’s picks. He even insisted on putting on her socks, and tying her shoes.

    “Where are we going?” Briana asked, kicking her feet idly.

    “Chicchetti’s.” Gary said, handing Briana her purse.

    “Oh, down by the water!” Briana smiled. “Thanks Gary.”

    “You’re welcome. Do you need to go to the bathroom before we go?”


    “You sure?”

    “Yes I’m sure!” Briana stamped her foot.

    “Okay, let’s go then.” Gary took Briana’s hand.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 19

    Going on a date with Gary was definitely exciting. Telling him she wanted to be treated like a kid had been exciting and scary. Veronica handing Gary a diaper bag that was now in the back seat of his Prius was embarrassing. All of those feelings left Briana squirmy and hyperactive, bouncing in the seat as Gary drove.

    “I guess I picked a good restaurant if you’re that excited.” Gary chuckled.

     “Everything kind of feels new again.” Briana said. “There’s a lot to figure out.”

    “Yeah, I feel that too.” Gary smiled, reached over to squeeze Briana’s arm. “You look great, by the way.”

    “You dressed me!” Briana laughed.

    “That was fun. I’m liking this more than I expected.” Gary said.

    “Really?” Briana asked. “Me too. It was crazy when Veronica proposed it but I’m glad she did.”

    “Us dating?” Gary asked.

    “No, I mean, everything. The pullups and the kid treatment and stuff.”

    “It’s brave of you to try something like this.” Gary said.

    “You think so?” Briana clasped her hands.

    “Yeah, I do.” Gary smirked. “I’m glad you’re brave, because I’ve got some plans for lunch.”

    “Like what?” Briana frowned.

    “You heard Veronica when we left, I’m in charge.” Gary said. “I’ll be checking in with her so that she knows you’re okay… and so that she knows you’re behaving.”

    Briana blushed. “Oh. Okay.”

    “Good girl.” Gary grinned, pulling the car into the restaurant’s parking lot.

    The walk to their table was awkward for Briana, she barely paid attention to the restaurant; her attention was consumed by the diaper bag in Gary’s hand. No one seemed to react, but she was sure someone was judging them. Once at their table with the bag stowed under it, she could relax again. The window next to their table looked out on the marina, showcasing well kept boats in the summer sun.

    After a few minutes of watching the water she realized Gary was absorbed in the menu. She looked for hers, and reached over to Gary’s side of the table to grab it.

    “Hey!” She said, as Gary slid the menu away from her.

    “I’m ordering for you.” Gary said, folding his menu up and putting them both on the windowsill.

    “But, I wanted to pick.” Briana pouted. “And I can’t believe you brought that stupid bag.”

    “Veronica warned me you might be bratty but I didn’t expect it to start this fast.” Gary smirked.

    “I’m not bratty!” Briana protested. “I’m frustrated.”

    “Or you’re testing to see if I’ll really treat you like a kid, even if you protest.”

    Briana squirmed in her seat. “No fair dissecting my motivations.”

    Gary laughed. “Fine, I won’t spoil it for you.”

    Briana had to hold her retort with the waiter approaching their table. Gary ordered a salmon Alfredo for himself, and then macaroni and cheese for Briana.

    “I’m sorry sir, that was yesterday’s special, we don’t have the truffle macaroni today.” The waiter said.

    “No, the plain one, from the kid’s menu.” Gary pointed it out for the waiter.

    “Oh of course.” The waiter nodded and took their menus. “Anything to drink?”

    “I’ll have your Pole Brewery apricot beer.” Gary said. “She’ll have an apple juice.”

    The waiter hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. “I’ll bring the drinks right out for you sir.” He poured their glasses of water from the pitcher on the table, and left for the kitchen.

    Briana felt her cheeks warm and her nipples harden. She squirmed in her seat, mock-glaring at Gary. “Are you going to embarrass me the whole time we’re out?”

    “Only if being a kid embarrasses you.” Gary said. “Be a good girl, and I’ll get you ice cream after.”

    “Really?” Briana asked, hiding her face when Gary laughed at her eagerness. “Well what if I’m not a good girl?”

    “Veronica put a change of clothes in the bag for me.” Gary shrugged. “We could always go from here to the park… with you in a onesie.”

    “You wouldn’t!” Briana stared at Gary in shock.

    “Try me.” He smirked.

    Briana blushed scarlet, and even more-so when the waiter brought her apple juice. She sipped the juice slowly, savoring the sweetness.

    “Don’t forget to drink water as well.” Gary said.

    Briana nodded, absently reaching for her glass and taking a big gulp. She froze, and glared at Gary. “Are you trying to…”

    “Am I trying to what?” Gary asked disingenuously.

    “Make me wet.” Briana whispered.

    “It’s some water and juice.” Gary chuckled. “You should be fine. If not, we can get you changed, they have a family restroom here.”

    Briana shuddered, through she could feel heat building between her legs. “Why is this so hot?” She wondered. She imagined looking at Gary between her legs, a diaper in her hands, and even felt a bit of dampness in her pullups.

    “So uh, how are classes going?” She said, taking another big drink of the ice water.

    “Really good. I should be able to knock my finals out.” Gary said. “How about you? Feeling confidant, or have you been a little derailed?”

    “I feel pretty good. Veronica has been keeping me on track.” Briana said. Mercifully, her body was cooling down.

    “That’s great. Let me know if I can help as a fellow microbio mad scientist.” He grinned, and Brianna giggled.

    The food arrived. Briana’s little bowl of mac and cheese looked so plain next to Gary’s plate of Alfredo, drenched in salmon and cream sauce. It smelled good though and Briana dug in right away. The simple, homey taste of the mac and cheese hit the spot. It was rich, enough so that she kept having to drink between bites. Gary was a good eater as always, and well on the way to polishing off his huge plate by the time Briana was coming to the end of hers. She looked wistfully over at his dish, the smoked salmon crumbled into the sauce looked perfect.

    “Do you want a bite?” Gary asked.

    “Yes please!” Briana smiled shyly.

    Gary wrapped a generous amount of pasta and sauce on his fork, and held it across the table. Briana reached for it, but he pulled away from her hand and back to her mouth. Obediently, she opened her mouth and took the pasta, licking her lips to get the extra sauce that had ended up on her mouth.

    “Mmm, that’s good! Messy!” She laughed.

    “You’re a fine one to talk.” Gary chuckled. “How much mac and cheese did you get on your blouse?”

    “I didn’t get any…” Briana looked down and bit her lip in embarrassment. She’d dribbled at least a half dozen noodles on her blouse, along with quite a spattering of sauce. Her lip quavered. “Gary… I didn’t mean to.”

    “Don’t worry, we’re almost done here, and I’ll get you cleaned up.” Gary squeezed Briana’s hand.

    She was quiet for the rest of lunch, concentrating on finishing her apple juice. Once that was gone, she worked on her glass of water to keep from having to talk. By the time Gary had paid the bill, she was feeling definite pressure in her bladder.

    “Gary.” She whispered as they stood up from the table. “I have to go.”

    “Number one or two?” He asked casually.

    “What… what does that matter?” She asked. “It’s just… pee but I have to go.”

    “I’ve got everything to change you.” Gary said. “Go ahead.”

    “I… no!” Briana pouted. Gary took her hand and led her toward the door, she followed along reluctantly. As soon as they exited the restaurant, she tried again. “Please, just let me go to the bathroom!”

    “You could have gone.” Gary said, “But you didn’t, you asked permission. And the answer to that is no. You can use your pullup.”

    “I don’t want to!” Briana whimpered, as Gary lead her by the hand to the car.

    “Then hold it like a big girl until the date is over.” Gary half-helped, half-pushed Briana into the car, buckled her in, and closed the door.

    “Gary!” Briana said. “Why are you doing this?”

    “I’ve actually been looking forward to changing you since Veronica and I talked about it.” Gary said, maneuvering the car out into the street. “Go potty Briana. Be a good girl and I’ll buy you some ice cream.”

    Briana blushed scarlet and pressed her hands against her crotch. “I can’t just… I don’t usually go in my pants on purpose! It just happens.”

    The car rumbled over a crumbling speed bump. Briana looked up to see that Gary had pulled into the old mall parking lot. Closed down for over a year, the mall had gone through a couple of revitalization projects that never took hold. Now the parking lot had only idle construction equipment and broken pavement.

    “Why are we here?” She asked.

    “It’s a good place to change you.” Gary said, hopping out of the car.

    “But I’m not wet!” Briana protested when he opened her door.

    “You will be soon.” Gary said, unbuckling Briana and pulling her out of the seat. “We have to change your blouse too.”

    “No! D-don’t make me wear the onesie!” Briana said in a panic. She could feel the first squirts of liquid into her pullups, but managed to clamp down on it.

    “I won’t if you’re a good girl.” Gary said. “I have two changes of clothes for you.” He pushed her up against the side of the car and put his hand flat over her bladder. Even the first soft push made the pressure unbearable.

    “No, please!” Briana whimpered, tears springing to her eyes. She trembled, and when Gary pushed again she lost all control. Warm and wet flooded her pullups, it bulked right up under her skirt. She sniffled, but felt relieved in more ways than one. She put her arms around Gary’s neck and rested her head on his chest.

    “Good girl!” Gary stroked Briana’s head. His other hand searched under her skit and cupped her pullup. “You really had to go.”

    Briana nodded. “Yeah. I need a change please.”

    “Of course. Good girl.” Gary kissed Briana gently on the lips, deepening the kiss, exploring her with his tongue. She moaned through the kiss, pressing her wet crotch against his leg.

    She was panting when he laid her in the back seat on the changing blanket. Gary bunched her skirt up and had her hold it for him. Her shoes and socks came off first, then the wet pullup. Gary wiped her abdomen and crotch down gently with wipes.

    “That was a lot, Briana. Do you think you’ll be okay changing into a pullup? Or do you need a diaper? I have both.”

    “Wha-what clothes am I going to wear?” Briana asked.

    “You’ll keep the skirt, I have a new blouse for you.” Gary said.

    “Then um… a diaper. Please.” Briana blushed and turned her face away.

    “No problem.” Gary lifted Briana’s legs and wiped her rear, getting right to her rear star without any fear. When the lotion came, she got a cursory wipe over her rear and thighs, and a slow massage of lotion over her sex.

    “Oh, oh!” Briana arched her back. “Oh Gary…”

    “You looked really worried when I asked you which number you needed to go.” Gary said, sliding a finger between Briana’s folds to rub her clit. “I have a toy to help reduce your worry in that area.”

    Something smooth and metallic slid into Briana’s sex. She gasped, rolling her hips to get the most out of Gary’s fingers on her clit. She wondered what kind of toy Gary was talking about, but had no concentration for that. Embarrassment, desire, and the feeling of being taken care of had her floating in a sea of endorphins. Gary withdrew whatever it was from her sex, and increased the pace on her clit. Every time his fingers slid up and down the length of it, she shuddered and moaned out loud.

    “Hmm, you are getting a little noisy, even for this parking lot.” Gary fumbled in the bag, producing a pacifier which he popped in Briana’s mouth. She felt a surge of desire, moaning nearly as loudly through the pacifier as she had without it.

    There was pressure on her anus, wet, goopy lotion worked all over it, around it, into it. More pressure, whatever had been inside her sex was sliding smoothly into her ass. Briana gasped, legs straining against the car. She cried out, the pacifier fell from her lips. Her head fell back and she panted, quivering on the changing blanket.

    “Mmm, that looked delicious.” Gary said huskily. “Let’s get your change finished.”

    Briana lay placidly as Gary popped the pacifier back in her mouth, falling into a dreamy haze as she was powdered and diapered. Even when her blouse came off, she sat quietly in the car, unconcerned about sitting in her bra in public.

    Gary fished a white crop-top out of the bag and looked Briana over. He smiled and stroked her cheek. “You went away a little there. I bet you’d let me put you in the onesie right now.”

    “Ifh yoo aant.” Briana giggled, smiling behind the pacifier. Gary laughed.

    “Well I told you I wouldn’t. Arms up!” He wrestled the crop top down on Briana, adjusting it to make sure it covered her bra. The supplies went back in the bag and Briana into the front seat. They were a good mile from the parking lot by the time Briana came out of her fog.

    “Uh, Gary?” She asked. “What did you put in me?” She squirmed, trying to figure out what was making her rear feel full.

    “A butt plug.” Gary said, “It’ll come in useful with you wearing protection all the time.”

    “Was that Veronica’s idea?” Briana asked, squirming some more.

    “Mine actually.” Gary chuckled, “But she thought it was a good one.”

    “Thanks for um… the change.” Briana giggled. “It was really hot. Can I help you out?”

    “I wish, but it’s against Veronica’s rules for today, and I agree with her.” Gary said. “Besides, I did enjoy it.”

    “I’m glad.” Briana beamed. “I like being taken care of by you.”

    “Good! I’ve been asked if I can babysit you sometimes, and I said I would.”

    Briana blushed. “I’d like that. But uh, I didn’t expect today to go like this. I was a lot more uh, grown up this morning.”

    “I guess you got a lot of babying yesterday.” Gary said. “And you felt better today, right?” Briana nodded and Gary continued. “Well I think Veronica plans a lot of babying for you tonight, to make sure you’re feeling good for classes tomorrow.”

    “Oh.” Briana thought about that for a bit, then smiled. “Can I get ice cream now? I was a good girl!”

    “You sure were.” Gary laughed. “We’re headed there now.”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 20

    Gary lead Briana up the walk to her house. There was a bit of a waddling wobble to her step and her skirt looked very full. Unconcerned with that, Briana hurried ahead of Gary to open the door.

    “Hi Veronica!” She said enthusiastically.

    “Hello Briana, Gary.” Veronica smiled from the living room’s gray armchair.

    “Hi.” Gary said, following Briana in and padding her bulky rear. “Got her back safe and sound. Go see Veronica hon.”

     Briana obediently sat on Veronica’s lap. “I had a good date! We had a good lunch, and ice cream!”

    “I see the ice cream.” Veronica smirked, plucking at the pink blotches on Briana’s crop-top. “On your top and your mouth.”

    “I could have cleaned her up.” Gary said, dropping the diaper bag and sitting on the couch. “But I thought you’d enjoy seeing how much fun she had with the ice cream.”

    “You guessed right.” Veronica said. “I see she went through at least one top and one change?”

    “Oh, yeah he did it was really…” Briana was already blushing at the memory, but her cheeks went bright pink when Veronica interrupted her by popping a pacifier in her mouth.

    “Shh sweetie, I’m talking to Gary right now.” Veronica pulled Briana closer on her lap, laying Briana’s head on her shoulder.

    Briana squirmed, overcome with embarrassment. The clammy feeling in her diaper that she’s been trying to ignore came to the forefront of her attention. Without thinking about what she was doing, she cuddled up to Veronica, holding on to her roommate’s neck and breast.

    “That’s right.” Gary said. “We didn’t end up using the onsie, or the spare pullup. I think she’s a little wet, but she probably doesn’t need to be changed right away.”

    “You’re taking this very well.” Veronica said. “You had a good time too?”

    “Yeah.” Gary smiled and shook his head. “More than I thought I would. I’ll be happy to babysit her any time.”

    “That’s great to hear, we might need you after finals.” Veronica said. “She was a good girl overall?”

    “Yeah she was fine. A couple of bratty moments but nothing to worry about.” Gary said. “She didn’t like it when I made a meta-comment about our little game. She wanted to be immersed in it I think.”

    “I’ve been noticing that too.” Veronica said. Briana squirmed in her arms, and Veronica bounced her gently until Briana snuggled up again. “Did she take you up on the microbiology help?”

    “Kind of?” Gary shrugged. “Looking at her right now I’m not sure how much you’d let her choose anyway. Let me know when she’s got more serious studying or homework and I’ll come tutor.”

    “Sounds great.” Veronica smiled. “Okay Briana, you can hop up now and say goodbye to Gary.”

    Briana hopped off Veronica’s lap and stood between her and Gary as he rose from the couch. She couldn’t say anything with the pacifier in her mouth, so she  waited, looking up at him expectantly.

    Gary smiled and gently took the pacifier. “You’re pretty little right now. I think you’re going to have a fun evening.”

    Briana smiled broadly. “Thanks! And thanks for the ice cream, and the date.”

    “You’re welcome cutie.” Gary pulled Briana close, kissing her gently and squishing her rear. She pressed up tightly against him, feeling heat build in her crotch again. Gary popped the pacifier right back in Briana’s mouth as he pulled away.

    “See you later Veronica. Got to say, this is pretty interesting.” Gary waved and headed for the door.

    “I’m sure you have some other adjectives for it too.” Veronica chuckled, waving. When Gary was gone, she turned to Briana, plucking at the messy crop top. “Let’s get you a change of clothes sweetie.”

    “Do I get to pick my outfit? Gary said you were going to baby me so I can do good tomorrow?” Briana pulled away, dropping her pacifier on the coffee table.

    “I could give you a choice of onesies.” Veronica said. “You’re right, we’re going to give you the full baby treatment tonight. It did you good yesterday, I want you to be ready for school tomorrow.”

     “Onesies are boring, and too babyish.” Briana pouted. “I want to wear something pretty.”

    “I think they’re pretty.” Veronica said, tugging at Briana’s crop top. “Arms up, right now.”

    Briana sighed and raised her arms. She stayed put while Veronica took her bra off, wiggling a bit. “I don’t want a onesie though.”

    “I know sweetheart, but I think you need it, and I think you’ll like it when you get a bit more into it.” Veronica pulled Briana’s skirt down and guided her feet out of it. “You let me strip you down to your diaper in the living room. Your wet diaper.”

    Briana blushed and covered her chest. “But that’s because…”

    “Because I told you to.” Veronica said. “So be a good girl and listen to me.”

    “Like…” Briana asked in a quiet voice. “Like uh, you’re my mom?”

    Veronica beamed. “Yes sweetie. Just that way.”

    “Okay mom.” Briana blushed and looked down, letting her arms drop.

    “Such a good girl.” Veronica kissed Briana on the head. She pulled a white onesie with green trim out of the diaper bag. Briana wrinkled her nose at the frog and lily pad print.

    With the onesie pulled on and snapped firmly over her crotch, Briana was feeling foggy headed again. More than foggy, actually, she was suddenly dizzy. She reached out to Veronica for balance or a hug, she wasn’t sure which, lightly holding Veronica’s left breast again.

    “Sorry to say, there isn’t a snack for you there hon.” Veronica chuckled.

    Briana looked down at her hand in confusion, then blushed, snatching it back. “I didn’t mean…”

    “Shh, it’s alright.” She stroked Briana’s cheek. “I’m going to put you down for a little nap before dinner, but you can nap here in the living room if you want.”

    “But mom, I’m not tired.” Briana sighed.

    “I think you will be. Lie down on the couch.” Veronica crouched down by the couch and pulled a blanket over Briana. “I have a friend for you.”

    “What?” Briana blinked sleepily. The warmth of the blanket and the onesie pulling her diaper against her were pushing her more into her daze.

    “Here you go.” Veronica reached under the couch and retrieved a stuffed lioness that she tucked into Briana’s arms.

    “It’s so soft!” Briana said, stroking the golden fur and admiring the cutely-painted blue eyes.

    “I’m glad you like it. You’ll have to think of a name for it after your nap.” She stroked Briana’s hair. “Sleep now sweetie. I’ll be right here, okay?”

    “Okay mom.” Briana yawned, snuggling up to her new friend. She could feel warmth in her crotch again and vaguely realized she was wetting. It didn’t bother her, instead contributing to the warm, sleepy feeling.

    When Briana woke she could hear her roommates bustling around the house. The pacifier was back in her mouth, she’d been sucking on it as she slept. She smiled behind the pacifier to see that her lion was still cuddled in her arms. It was delightfully warm under the blanket, or at least it was everywhere but her diaper. Her crotch and butt were way beyond clammy, they were wet.

    She stirred on the couch as Jane walked by. The smell of ginger and garlic wafted in from the kitchen. It seemed like a shame to get up and ruin the wonderful warmth she’d built up under the blanket.

    Spitting the pacifier out on the floor, Briana called out. “Moooom! I need a change.”

    “Jane, can you change her?” Veronica called from the kitchen. “I’m in the middle of making dumplings.”

    Jane rounded the couch and looked down at Briana. She had an odd expression on her face. Curious, but something else as well. “Well, look at you. Climb down on the floor and I’ll get you changed.”

    “I asked for mom!” Briana pouted, holding her lion defensively.

    “You mean Veronica?” Jane cocked her head. “Well, she is busy right now, so I’ll be the one taking care of you.”

    “No.” Briana said. “I’ll wait until she’s done.”

    “Briana.” Jane said sternly. “Veronica might be your mother right now but we’re all in charge of you. If you don’t get down on the floor right now, you’ll find out exactly how much discipline I learned from my father.”

    Briana squeaked, reluctantly climbing off the couch with her blanket and lion. Jane wasted no time pulling Briana on top of the blanket and unsnapping the crotch of her onesie.

    “You were really wet.” Jane said, tearing the tapes off Briana’s diaper and pulling it aside. She hefted the soggy thing with raised brows before dumping it in a diaper pail.

    “Well I used it more than once.” Briana said. She squirmed as Jane wiped her down with the cold wipes.

    Jane lifted Briana’s legs to wipe her rear. “I see you have something new here.”

    Briana squirmed as Jane wiggled the plug in her rear. “Gary gave that to me. It’s for um, so I don’t do number two I guess?”

    “Useful.” Jane nodded. “It’s not uncomfortable for you?”

    “I forgot it was there.” Briana giggled.

    “Cute plug!” Suzie said, hopping up on the couch.

    Briana blushed, hoping that everyone wouldn’t crowd around her while she was getting changed. “Thanks, I have a lion too!”

    “What’s her name?” Suzie asked.

    “Uh, Alanna!” Briana nodded.  

    Jane slid a new diaper under Briana’s rear. There was no lotion this time, just a quick sprinkle of powder before Jane taped the diaper in place.

    “Mom gave her to me!” Briana nodded, wiggling her butt against the fresh dry padding. As soon as Jane snapped up her onesie she sat up, legs slightly splayed from the bulk between them.

    “Cool!” Suzie exclaimed.

    “That was very nice of her.” Jane said, patting Briana’s cheek. She wiped the pacifier off and popped it back in Briana’s mouth. “Suzie, can you watch her until dinner? I have to send an email to my advisor before five.”

    “Is she high maintenance today?” Suzie asked, coming over the couch to sit in front of Briana.

    “I think we’re getting to the phase that Veronica was talking about on Friday.” Jane nodded.

    “Mmm?” Briana tugged at Suzie’s leg, getting only an absent minded pat on the head rather than an answer.

    “Okay, I got it. I’m good to go for the evening and I like playtime with her anyway.” Suzie grinned.

    “Thanks.” Jane nodded, and leaned over to hug Briana. “Be good for Suzie, understand?”

    Briana rolled her eyes and nodded.

    “Tell me about your lion! Why’s she named Alanna?” Suzie popped the pacifier out of Briana’s mouth.

    “What phase was Jane talking about?” Briana asked, her brow furrowed.

    “Don’t worry about that hon. Let’s play with your lion.” Suzie grabbed a blown-glass seashell from the coffee table. “Here come the evil space mermaids in their shell-ship!”

    “Alanna’s not in space.” Briana pouted. “What about that phase?” she thought.

    “Why not?” Suzie asked. “Is she a magical lion?”

    “Well maybe she could be in space. She does have magic.” Briana walked Alanna across the coffee table toward the shell.

    By the time dinner was ready Briana had forgotten the phase. She wasn’t paying much attention to what her roommates were talking about at all, Alanna was far more interesting. Getting put to bed by Veronica and having a story read to her was even more blissful than it had been the last night.

    The morning dawned on a Briana who felt great! She was out of bed and put together well before Veronica’s usual visit. She even went to meet Veronica so they could talk about the day. Classes were back to being a breeze, it was good to be back to her usual honors student self.

    In her plastics-bacteria lab, Briana got up the courage to approach the professor while one of her samples were cycling. “Hey Dr. Vaughn, I don’t know if you heard but Dr. Schaefer lost her grant. Do you know if there are any other open lab jobs?”

    “I did hear.” He said, frowning. “I was really sorry for Sara. You too. I don’t know of anything right now, but if something comes up I’ll recommend you. You’ve done good work here.”

    “Thank you!” Briana smiled brightly.

    “Of course. How are you set for finals? I know there’s not always a lot of time to focus on class while you’re doing grad work.”

    “I’m pretty good actually.” Briana said. “It’s my thesis that’s lagging behind.”

    “Well those always do.” Vaughn chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it.”

    Briana froze in the middle of a nod. There was a warm, wet sensation in her pants. “I didn’t feel anything at all this time!” She tried to clamp down on her bladder but it didn’t seem to make any difference. Luckily she had on some baggy green shorts, she wasn’t brave enough to wear leggings over her pullups.

    “Are you okay?” Vaughn asked.

    “Oh uh, yeah.” Briana said nervously. “I um, have a bit of a medical condition it uh, makes my breath catch sometimes.” The trickle into her pullup had stopped, but not due to any effort on Briana’s part. She could feel the padding bulking up between her legs and shifted uncomfortably.

    “Oh no! Have you been to see someone for it?”

    “Yes actually, but it’s kind of an ongoing process.” Briana shrugged.

    “I understand. I’m diabetic myself.” Dr. Vaughn nodded. “I hope you stay well. Will you be able to finish out today’s lab?”

    “Yes but, I think I’ll run to the bathroom and take my medication.” Briana said. “If you don’t mind?”

    “Oh of course, go ahead.” Vaughn smiled kindly.

    Briana scurried to the bathroom. The pullup gave her enough time to find one of the private ones, at least. Once inside with the door firmly locked she stripped off her shorts and looked down at her pullup. The puppies and kittens that had been there in the morning were gone for good. It wasn’t full to leaking, but it couldn’t take her wetting again.

    With a sigh, Briana shucked the pullup and wrapped it in paper towels before trashing it. Eyeing the spare pullup after giving herself a wipe-down, Briana fidgeted. “What if I wet this one too?”

    “It doesn’t really matter.” She realized, “It’s not like I have a choice. I can’t skip out on lab right after I asked Dr. Vaughn to recommend me to a job.”

    The pullup went on with a now-familiar feeling. Briana checked herself out in the mirror, craning her head over her shoulder to see her rear. “My butt does look pretty good in it. The stars on it are pretty too.”

    With a laugh at the absurdity of it all, she pulled her shorts up and left the bathroom. The rest of the lab went well, in terms of Briana’s results. By the time she finished, however, there was definite sogginess between her legs. Her body wasn’t even waiting for her bladder to fill up anymore. It was scary, Briana could feel a cloud of stress looming over her. Stress had only made wetting worse though, so she tried to force the worry out of her mind. The pullup held until the end of her lab, and that’s all that mattered. When she went home she knew she’d be diapered and babied, with nothing to worry about.

    Briana marveled at how comforting that all sounded. She hurried to Casey’s car, eager to get back to her little self.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 21

    Briana knew she was doing well. It was Thursday afternoon and she’d already finished all her course and lab work. Like the rest of the week’s evenings she’d be diapered and taken care of. Being little gave her enough energy every day to be the best graduate student she could be. Finals were coming up next week, but with Gary’s help she figured she had it handled. Even with all her success, she couldn’t shake a few fears. There was the issue of getting another job, Dr. Vaughn hadn’t found anything for her yet, but she was hopeful that he would.

     More important than that was her reliance on her roommates to take care of her in the evenings. She wasn’t sure how long they could keep it up, though everyone seemed to be having fun. Even more surprising, she was really looking forward to being diapered and babied every evening. She wasn’t sure if she was afraid of needing the attention or afraid that her roommates would stop.

    “I wonder if they’re going to keep me in diapers the whole weekend.” The thought thrilled her, triggering a blush that she’d be excited at that. “What’s going on with me? What’s that phase they mentioned before? Veronica isn’t talking to me about plans anymore, even since she… became my mom.”

    Briana sighed and put that thought away, only to be confronted by her biggest worry. Her pullups would not stay dry to save her life. She was taking two spares to school every day, and coming home with the last pair damp. Taking a third spare to school had crossed her mind, but the package of colorful pullups was nearly gone. Someone had removed the ugly gray ones, probably to return them to the store.

    Casey hadn’t been able to take her home and Briana was excited that she’d been given permission to ride the bus. It felt good to sit and watch the familiar route again. “It feels good to be a big girl too.” Briana thought.

    At home she climbed the stairs and went straight to Veronica’s room. “Hi Mom, I’m home!” She said as she entered the suite.

    “Hi Briana!” Veronica smiled and gave Briana a big hug. “How was school?”

    “It was good! I met Gary on campus, we got all the homework out of the way. There’s nothing left except studying for finals!” Briana grinned.

    “Good girl.” Veronica stroked Briana’s cheek. “Now, show me your pullup.”

    Briana blushed and lifted her simple blue skirt. Veronica cupped Briana’s crotch, squishing the wet padding against her skin.

    “This is your third one for the day again?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah.” Briana sighed. “Sorry mom, I don’t even feel it.”

    “That’s okay, you have nothing to apologize for.” Veronica said, taking a seat on the couch and pulling Briana down next to her. “However, we need to talk a little. I bought you a new package of pullups today, but you’re going through them too fast.”

    Briana nodded. “I know, but I don’t know what else I can do.”

    “We’re going to have to put you in diapers during the day now too.” Veronica said.

    “What? No, mom, please!” Tears leaped to Briana’s eyes. “They’re too big, everyone will notice!”

    “I’m sorry hon, but pullups are obviously not the solution at this point. You have some skirts that should cover them pretty well, and we can get you some more.” Veronica patted Briana’s hand. “You will have to stop wearing pants and shorts, I’m sorry, I know you don’t like wearing skirts every day.”

    “But, but…” Briana whimpered. “School is my grown up time.”

    “It still can be.” Veronica said. “Nobody is talking about sending you to school in baby clothes.”

    “Just a baby diaper.” Briana hung her head.

    “I am sorry hon, but those pullups aren’t cheap. We need to conserve a little, and diapers during the day are part of that.”

    “Part of it?”

    “Yes. We also aren’t going to be changing you every time you wet.” Veronica said. “It’s happening several times a day now. If it’s a little, you won’t need a change. Whoever checks you when you’re wet will change you or not, depending on if you need it.”

    “Depending!?” Briana stared at Veronica in shock. “Mom, no!”

    “Briana, be a good girl.” Veronica said firmly. “We are happy to help you, but you need to help too.”

    Briana sobbed, balling her fists up and slamming them down on her legs. There was a moment of struggle when Veronica pulled her in to a hug and then she held Veronica close, crying with abandon. Veronica let her cry, pulling Briana up on her lap and stroking her back.

    “Shhh, shhh.” Veronica said softly. “It’s going to be okay, my little lion.”

    “E-e-e-everyone is going to know.” Briana cried, clinging to Veronica.

    “You’re going to be okay. I love you.” Veronica said, gently bouncing Briana on her lap.

    “M-m-m-mommy.” Briana buried her head in Veronica’s shoulder, crying until she had nothing left. As she panted in the aftermath she realized she’d wet again, the pullup felt full and squishy, probably leaking on Veronica. It didn’t matter, nothing did at the moment.

    “Lets get you changed up.” Veronica said. “All this worry can wait for tomorrow. Right now you’re my baby girl, you can even sleep with me tonight, okay?”

    Briana nodded, her face tear-streaked and snotty.

    Veronica grabbed a cloth from the nearby changing supplies and gently wiped Briana’s face. The cloth went over Briana’s nose and Veronica said, “Blow.”

    It was a little better already, Briana had to admit. Getting out of the pullup and into a dry diaper was nice. Veronica was determined to baby her, and Briana dove into the sensation completely. The only thing she remembered from that evening was falling asleep cuddled up to Veronica, her head on her roommate’s bare chest.

    The morning was disorienting. Waking up with Veronica was good, but unusual and earlier than she liked to get up. Baby treatment hadn’t refreshed her the way it had the rest of the week. Veronica’s help getting cleaned up in the morning didn’t help either. She stood in her room in front of her mirror, staring at the knee-length black skirt she was wearing.

    “Mom, it looks bad! It’s already as bulky as a used pullup.” Briana pouted as cutely as she could at Veronica.

    “It will be fine. People aren’t going to look at your butt as much as you’re worried they will.” Veronica checked Briana’s bright yellow blouse where it tucked into the skirt. “Your blouse should draw attention away from it anyway.”

    “I look like a bumblebee.” Briana sighed.

    “Young lady, you picked this blouse.” Veronica swatted Briana’s rear. There was no sting through the diaper, only a reminder of how padded she was.

    “As if I could forget. These are way bigger than pullups.”  Briana sighed. “And I have to wear it all day?”

    “Unless you have a really big accident.” Veronica said. “Casey will be on campus with the diaper bag if you need her.”

    “Why can’t I just carry the spare?”

    “Because you didn’t want to.” Veronica sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry you’re in such a bad mood hon, I know this isn’t fun. But Casey is waiting, you need to go.”

    Briana hung her head and headed to school with Casey, trying not to waddle. The diaper was thick enough that she couldn’t tell if she was wetting in her first class. By her second class she was sure she was, though only because of the padding bulking up.

    The third class was a nightmare. A two hour review on the final, which normally Briana would welcome. It was hard to concentrate on taking notes when she could feel her diaper filling little by little. By the middle of class it sagged between her legs when the professor called a five minute stretch break. Sitting back down on that sopping padding was hard, she wanted to be home, curled up on the couch or in her bed.

    No matter how much Briana shifted in the hard wooden seat, there wasn’t a comfortable position. She wished she could at least be sure that her bladder was empty, but she hadn’t any way of knowing for almost a week. There was a teary-tightness behind her eyes when the review session mercifully ended.

    Trying not to make eye contact with anyone, Briana gathered her stuff and hurried for the door. A few murmurs and even a giggle followed her, paranoia crept cold into her belly. Once in the hall she swung a hand back to check how full her skirt was, and discovered to her horror that her skirt had ridden up. Her diaper was so full it was damp, she must have leaked as well.  Her skirt was stuck halfway up the back of her diaper, showing it off to the world.

    Briana looked back and saw her classmate Lisa smirking at her. The smirk became a full on laugh when Briana yanked her skirt down to cover her diaper. With a pounding heart Briana watched Lisa turn to another student and say something. Briana wasn’t about to wait around to hear what Lisa was going to tell everyone outside the door. She ran down the hall, legs half-open and squishing with every step.

    Out of the building she hid behind some trees, tears running down her cheeks. The diaper was heavy on her hips, not letting her forget it for a second. Sniffling, Briana sank down between the trees. No one would pay much attention to a student sitting off by herself, or so she hoped. Lisa at least hadn’t followed her.

    Briana sat there, miserable and wet, until Casey came to find her. First Casey, then each of her roommates in turn asked her what was wrong. She couldn’t bear to tell them, not even Veronica. Eventually they seemed to accept that she was upset at wearing diapers to school. Everyone assured her that they would take great care of her over the weekend. Briana was glad to hear it, she planned to take full advantage of her little-self to escape her humiliation for a couple of days.

    By Monday she was feeling a little better. Being diapered in big girl clothes was still a blow, but she managed to make it through the day. A long, wet day of tests to be sure, but she was careful not to let her diaper show again. She wouldn’t see Lisa until her last test on Wednesday.

    Wednesday’s test was a brutal one. Briana arrived bright and early, still dry and dressed in a cute green sweater and cream colored skirt. Everybody was nervous, which thankfully kept Lisa from paying attention to Briana. As soon as the test began, Briana dove in to it, precisely calculating molecule interactions. Two and a half hours of math and memorization stretched out in front of her, but she could do it!

    She was so focused on the test that she didn’t notice the creeping wetness. By the time she realized she was wet, the test was nearly over. It wasn’t as bad as it had been on Friday and Briana took that for a victory.

    “I can handle a little sogginess.” She thought ruefully. “And the test is handled too!”

    With her test turned in she felt good enough to gather with a few other classmates in the hall. They traded answers, Briana was glad to hear that hers had been on track.

    “Hey freak show.” Lisa said, from right behind Briana. “How’d the test go?”

    “What?” Briana turned around, blushing. “Don’t call me that!” The rest of the group was staring.

    “What should I call you?” Lisa smirked. “You know, I was wondering why you’ve been smelling like pee for a while but I didn’t expect you to be in diapers!”

    “Hey, cut it out.” Said another student. “If she’s got a medical condition…”

    “It’s not a medical condition!” Lisa laughed. “She’s wearing adult-baby stuff, fetish gear.” Before Briana could stop her, Lisa yanked up on Briana’s skirt. A full, shiny diaper greeted the group, adorned with pastel clouds and rainbows. There was no hiding the fact that it drooped between her legs, and hung heavy off her rear.

    Briana’s face flamed. She felt cold inside like she was going to be sick. Her stomach churned, and to her horror a grumble came from her rear as well. The students backed in shock as a dark blotch spread across Briana’s diaper. The warm, wet mess spread thick and sticky across her rear and sank to her crotch. Her breath was coming so fast she felt like she would hyperventilate.

    “See!” Lisa said, waving a hand in front of her nose. “What a freak show!”

    Some of her classmates looked sympathetic, but their noses were already wrinkling at the smell. Briana ran, slamming up against someone and spinning out into the hall. Every step squished gooey and gross. She dodged the next person, almost slamming into the wall in her haste.

    On pure panic, she left the building and kept running. Running was pushing the mess all over her diaper, but she didn’t care. She had to run. Into the arboretum and off the trail, Briana found a thick cluster of bushes and crashed through them, flopping down on the other side. She couldn’t even cry, she let the world carry her away. Lisa’s mocking tone rang in her ears over and over.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 22

    Casey was calling for her. Briana’s name echoed off the trees again, and again, and again. Briana lay behind and under the bush, wallowing in misery and mess. The smell had stopped bothering her a while ago. The mess felt caked on at this point. Finals were over but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Life didn’t seem worth it.

    The bush shuddered and shed leaves all over her. Casey grunted as she pushed her way past it. She looked down at Briana, tears in her eyes. Seeing Casey cry gave Briana a guilty twist in her gut.

    “Briana!” Casey kneeled and grabbed Briana’s shoulders. “I’m so glad you’re okay! What happened?”

    “Everybody saw.” Briana looked at Casey hopelessly. “Everyone saw my diapers, and… and I had a big accident. A big, gross one!”

    Casey gently lifted Briana’s skirt, nodded at the dark stain on the diaper. “Oh hon, I’m really sorry. Let’s get you out of here.” Briana shrugged in response. Moments later she was being lifted up as easily as a child.

    “Casey don’t, I’m gross, I smell.” Briana whimpered.

    “Do you think I care if you smell?” Casey pushed through the bushes with brute force, making sure she was stable with each step before taking the next.

    “I’m a freak show!” Briana wailed.

    “You are not!” Casey frowned. “Don’t say that.”

    “That’s what they said. That’s what she said about me.” Briana sobbed and hiccupped.

    “Who said that?”

    “Lisa, in molecular bonds.” Briana found the motivation to wrap her arms around Casey’s neck.

    “We’ll deal with Lisa later.” Casey said.

    “It’s not just her, there were a bunch of people that saw.”

    “We’ll deal with all of that later.” Casey said. “Right now we are going to get you home.”

    Home meant a shower, and Veronica, and friends. It also meant everyone seeing her in a thoroughly messed diaper. It meant showing them all that she’d completely failed, the diapers had won. She lay against Casey, limp and staring off into nowhere.

    She was as despondent when Casey carried her into the house, when Veronica stripped her down and washed her. She said nothing when she was diapered again, or put into a onesie with a pacifier in her mouth. She sat on the floor in the middle of another house meeting with her knees up against her chest, her lion Alanna held in her crossed arms.

    “Briana isn’t talking right now but I think we need to go over a few things.” Veronica said to the rest of the roommates. She was looking extra authoritative in a black pantsuit. “We don’t need to go into details but she had a really rough incident at school today.”

    “Oh, that’s what you’re going to call it.” Briana thought darkly. “What you mean is that I can’t control myself at all anymore.”

    “When I found her she was really upset and kind of non-responsive.” Casey said. “I’m really worried about depression or worse.”

    “What can we do to help?” Jane asked.

    “We will need to watch her really closely. She can’t be left alone for a while. Even when she’s asleep. I know that some of us still have finals but between all of us we can make it work. We can also use Gary as a babysitter when needed.” Veronica said.

    “Babysitter. Baby baby baby. I’m sick of being a baby!” Briana’s thoughts roiled angrily.

    “I’m done with finals.” Casey said. “I can watch her as much as needed.”

    “I’m done with them too.” Suzie said. “I still have evening commitments but I can watch her during the day.”

    “I’m not sure how everyone else feels about it.” Jane said. “But I don’t have a problem if she has an accident like she did today. If that’s too much for you when you’re changing her, I can take over.”

    “THAT’S IT!” Briana screamed. Everyone turned to her in shock. “I’m done with this!” She stood up and threw Alanna across the room. “I’m done being a baby!” She yanked the snaps of her onesie open, pushing her way out of the circle when Veronica reached for her.

    “I’m done wearing diapers, and I’m done being a baby! None of this has helped!” With rage-driven strength, Briana tore her diaper apart and off. “We’ve tried all this stupid bullshit, and I still ended up laughed at by everyone at school! I hate it! I HATE IT!”

    Erin, and Jane looked at Veronica. She sighed. “Briana, if you really want to stop this you can, but you need to be able to talk to us like an adult. I understand that you’re upset but you can’t scream at us like this. We have been trying to help you, and you’ve agreed to all of this so far.”

    “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!” Briana screamed. She wiggled violently out of the onesie, until she was naked and panting.

    “Do you think this is… the meltdown phase?” Jane asked.

    “It seems like it is.” Erin said. “It’s a partial break at least.”

    “It’s worth noting that she waited to do this until finals were over.” Veronica said. “I think this is a very extreme ask.”

    “I DON’T WANT ANYTHING!” Briana’s voice was ragged. “LEAVE ME ALONE!”

    “Casey, Jane, grab her.” Veronica ordered. “Suzie, Erin, clear the coffee table. Put Briana facedown on it.”

    Briana ran for the front door, only to be clotheslined around the waist by Casey. “We’re not letting you run out naked!” Jane joined in, grabbing Briana’s legs, holding them as best she could against Briana’s flailing. They carried Briana over to the coffee table and set her down with a pillow under her hips. Casey held Briana’s shoulders down, while Jane pulled back on her legs, immobilizing the girl with her bare butt sticking up.

    “LET ME GO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” Briana screamed until her voice cracked shrilly.

    Veronica crouched down by Briana, stroking her cheek. “I want to give you one more chance to snap out of this. That means talking to us in an adult way. If you can’t do that, we’re going to punish you and baby you until you recover.”

    Briana screamed incoherently at Veronica in response.

    “Well, that was pretty clear.” Veronica said. She stood and slipped the slim belt out of her pantsuit and doubled it over. Briana thrashed, getting nowhere against Casey, but nearly freeing her legs from Jane. Suzie stepped in to hold down Briana’s knees, reducing the thrashing to mere wiggles.

    “You’ve been a very bad girl Briana.” Veronica said. “You’ve lost all your computer and phone privileges. You are grounded, and restricted to diapers until I say otherwise, but at least for a week. You are not to run off from whoever is assigned to babysit you even when you’re inside the house. You must do what you are told, eat and drink what you are told, and be quiet when you are told. If you break any of these rules, there will be more punishments.”

    Briana whimpered, giving one last struggle. She cried out with a noise somewhere between a sob and a scream.

    Jane brought the belt down on Briana’s butt. A resounding smack filled the room, with a crack from the two parts of the belt coming together after. Briana howled. The belt came down again, and again, and again. Bright red lines popped up across Briana’s butt, she heaved against Casey but it was useless.

    Crack crack! Crack crack! Jane lashed Briana’s butt again and again, until she had painted both cheeks entirely in bright red. Briana hung her head and sobbed, no longer fighting her restrainers.

    “Briana, are you ready to be a good girl?” Veronica asked.

    “Muh-muh-muh-mommy!” Briana sobbed.

    “Oh, sweetie.” Jane crouched by Briana again and stroked her hair. “I’m sorry I have to do this but you need it. Are you ready to start being good?”

    Briana nodded, panting through her tears. “Yes mommy.”

    “Okay. For that to work you have to accept a punishment, not be forced into it.” Veronica sat down on the couch. “Come sit over my lap so I can finish your spanking.”

    Casey, Jane, and Suzie released Briana, standing by. Briana rolled off the coffee table and knelt by Veronica. “Mommy no, please.”

    “Right now Briana.” Veronica patted her lap again. “Don’t be a bad baby.”

    With a shuddering sob, Briana got up and draped herself over Veronica’s lap. The spanking started almost immediately, light but continuous slaps that worked their way all across Briana’s left cheek and then her right. Her butt went from bright red to a deeper, even red, fading pale at the edges. Briana cried quietly, tears pouring out the corners of her eyes and dripping down her nose onto the floor.

    “You did that very well baby.” Veronica said. “I’m proud of you.” She rolled Briana over, and held her gently, kissing her on the cheek.

    Erin set up a changing blanket on the coffee table and took Briana from Veronica, setting her down there. Despite Erin’s gentle touch Briana still whimpered when Erin rubbed medicinal cream across her rear.

    “You’re a tough one.” Casey said, smiling at Briana. She leaned down to gently kiss Briana’s lips. “We’re going to take care of you, and it’s not going to be all punishments. You and I can still have some fun when you’re being good.”

    Briana smiled weakly, reaching up to stroke Casey’s hair and face. They kissed again while Erin slipped a diaper and stuffer under Briana’s hips. “Casey.” Was all she said.

    “If you need help you need to ask us.” Jane said, kneeling on Briana’s other side. “You can tell us if you have to go to the bathroom, or if you are hungry or thirsty. Even if all you do is cry, that’s something. Don’t be sad in silence.”

    Briana nodded. She wiggled as Erin generously powdered her, and sighed, relaxing when the tapes closed firmly. Suzie returned from somewhere, Briana hadn’t seen her go. She looked up at her roommate curiously, Suzie had a bunch of pink cloth in her hands.

    “I got you footie pajamas!” Suzie enthused. “They even have a hood! I’ve got some new pacifiers for you too, they’re really pretty.”

    Briana nodded, smiling broadly. There was no blush, no feeling of embarrassment, even when she discovered that the pjs had mittens, and snaps that went all the way down her front, over her crotch and up her rear. She accepted it all, murmuring happily when she was passed back to Veronica.

    “You did a great job finding these.” Veronica said to Suzie. “Where in the world did you find those pajamas?” She slipped a white pacifier with a rainbow-star bead handle into Briana’s mouth.

    “Oh there are websites, if you know where to look and have kinky friends to ask.” Suzie grinned.

    “We’re learning so much about you today.” Casey laughed.

    “I’m not the one who set up a date with her. I’ll get you those links so you can do your own shopping, Casey.” Suzie smirked.

    Everyone laughed at Casey’s blush, even Briana, though she went back to sucking her pacifier and snuggling Veronica after.

    “I’ll watch her for now.” Veronica said. “Erin and Casey, would you mind setting up that furniture in my room?” Erin nodded.

    “No problem!” Casey said, blushing when she got another laugh at her eagerness.

    “I’ll help too.” Suzie smiled. “I can’t wait to help decorate.”

    “Do you want to do the meals we talked about still?” Jane asked.

    “I think it will make… certain things easier on us.” Veronica said. “If you don’t mind.”

    “Not at all.” Jane stood up. “I’ll get a few started and then make sure we have a supply in the fridge.”

    “As for you, little one.” Veronica turned to Briana, pulling the cat-eared hood of the pajamas up on her head. “I have a story for you.”

    Briana smiled, snuggling into the warmth of the pajamas and being held by Veronica. Her rear ached, but it was a dull pain, far away at the moment. She rested a cat-paw mitten on Veronica’s breast and her head on Veronica’s shoulder.

    “There was once a little girl who was scared all the time. She didn’t know what to do, and didn’t have anyone to help her. What this little girl didn’t realize is that she had a mommy that loved her very much…”

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 23

    It wasn’t clear when story time had become naptime, but Briana didn’t care. All that mattered was that she woke up still in Veronica’s arms. She murmured happily through her pacifier, sitting up to straddle Veronica’s lap. It was really warm in her pink head-to-to pajamas, she could feel little spots of sweat all over. The bulk between her legs made her wonder if she was wet, but squirming her crotch against Veronica’s leg left her feeling dry. She vaguely remembered getting a larger diaper and a booster pad or two.

    “Hello darling.” Veronica said with a soft smile. “Look at those bright pink cheeks. I think we need to air you out a little.” She pulled back cat-ear hood of Briana’s pajamas, and unsnapped part of the front. That left Briana’s chest a little exposed but all she cared about at the moment was the cool air coming in.

    “Mmm mmph.” She mumbled through her pacifier. Veronica pulled it gently out of her mouth. “I’m hungry.”

    “Let’s get you fed then.” Veronica nodded. “A snack for now okay? We’ll have dinner later.”

    Briana followed Veronica to the kitchen. The house looked a little different, some of the living room furniture had been moved. Along the side of the stairs was a good sized wooden table with a padded top. Diapers and other supplies were stashed on the table’s built-in shelves. She awkwardly waddled past it, grateful for the non-slip surface on her pajama’s feet.

    The kitchen had a new addition as well. A square platform on the floor with metal-pipes rising from the corners. The pipes were padded, and white plastic webbing that looked fairly heavy-duty was strung between them at about rib-height on Briana. The platform had a thick blanket on it that was tucked into platform’s edges. There were a few stuffed animals inside the pen, including a pillow-sized squishmallow.

    Instead of leading her to a chair, Veronica led Briana to the pen. There was a metal rail running from the platform to the top of the mesh which Veronica unlatched and pulled to the side, making an opening in the mesh. After a little prodding, Briana ducked under the plastic-coated cable that held up the mesh and into the pen. The blanket under her slid a little and Briana decided not to risk standing, especially with the splayed-leg stance the diaper was forcing on her.

    Veronica was heating up some water in a kettle, Briana investigated the stuffed animals. There was a mouse, a stegosaurus, and the dog-faced squishmallow. “What’s for snack?” Briana asked, picking up the mouse and nuzzling it.

    “I have a nice warm drink for you.” Veronica said, pouring a packet of powder into a plastic bag. Hot water went in after, and the bag was fitted into a clear bottle. “Don’t worry, it’s filling, kind of like a shake.”

    “I want chips.” Briana said.

    “Have you forgotten how much trouble you’re in?” Veronica asked sternly. She checked the temperature on the bottle and added a couple of chips of ice.

    “Okaaaaaay.” Briana sighed. “Where’s Alanna? Can I have Alanna?”

    “Your lion is up in your bedroom.” Veronica said. Another temperature check and Veronica screwed a top with a rubber nipple onto the bottle. “We can see her later, you have some new friends there.”

    Briana accepted the bottle from Veronica and stared at it for a moment. There was something about it, about the pajamas, and the pen, and everything that she felt should bother her. Veronica was watching her expectantly. Giving up on the odd feeling, Briana tilted the bottle up and sucked on the nipple. It was sweet and milky. A bit of a strange taste. She pulled the nipple from her mouth, getting a few drops on her chin.

    “Go on sweetie, drink up.” Veronica said, patting Briana gently on the head.

    The second time the taste was a little better. The more she drank the more she got used to the taste, and the sweetness was nice. With genuine enthusiasm now, Briana leaned against the plastic mesh and kept working on her bottle.

    Jane walked into the kitchen, stopping when she saw Briana. “Wow.”

    “Are you alright with this?” Veronica asked. “It’s one thing to talk about it, another to see it.”

    “I think I am.” Jane said, smiling wryly. “I think I get what you like about it.”

    “There’s something special about having her like this.” Veronica said. “Though I don’t think it will last.”

    “You still think this will come out on the other side?” Jane asked.

    “That’s what Erin and my models predict.” Veronica said. “Though we’ve had to revise them a few times. It looks like there will be some permanent changes even when she’s cured.”

    Jane pulled a chair up to the pen and leaned over to fix Briana’s pajamas, closing up the lowermost open snap. “Looks like you’re hanging out of your front a little there. Is that a good snack?”

    Briana nodded, unwilling to let go of the nipple to talk. Jane chuckled and draped an arm over the top of the pen, running her fingers through Briana’s hair.

    “You’re a good baby, Briana.” Jane said softly. “Veronica and I are going to take care of you.”

    Briana grinned, gurgling a little with the formula in her mouth. It splashed out across her lips and cheeks. She ignored the mess, focusing on the nipple again. Jane gently pried the bottle out of her mouth and wiped her face with a cloth. While Briana got back to drinking, Jane opened the mesh and the bottom snaps on Briana’s pajamas. Unconcerned and obedient, Briana spread her legs so that Jane could slip a finger under the leg-band of her diaper.

    “She’s got her snack and she’s still clean.” Jane said. “I’ll watch her for a while. You get some rest.”

    “Oh I’m fine.” Veronica said.

    “Yeah but you don’t know how tonight will go with her in your room.” Jane walked over and put her arm around Veronica “Take a load off, you don’t have to be super-mom.”

    “Alright, thank you.” Veronica leaned over, her lips sweetly meeting Jane’s. They kissed slowly, drawing it out until Veronica reluctantly pulled away. “Thanks for supporting me through this. Not everyone would take this on.”

    “I’m not everyone, and neither are you.” Jane kissed Veronica once more, squeezing her waist.

    Briana stood up in the pen, leaning on the corner pipe. She watched Veronica go and stared at Jane with wide eyes. “You were kissing mom!”

    “That’s right.” Jane said, stepping over to take the empty bottle from Briana. “How does that make you feel?”

    “Does that make you dad?” Briana asked.

    “Maybe. Do you want to call me dad?” Jane asked.

    “Okay Dad!” Briana giggled. “How come you and mom have two rooms?”

    “This is pretty new for us still.” Jane said. “Like being a baby is new for you. What do you want to do now?”

    “Can I play with my new stuffed animals?” Briana asked.

    “Yes.” Jane smiled, helping Briana down onto her butt. “I’ll be here if you need anything.”

    “Okay!” Briana rolled over on her stomach and picked up the dinosaur and mouse. After a moment’s thought, the two animals made their way up the slippery slopes of Mount Dog.

    When dinner came, Briana found herself in a highchair at the corner of the table. She had Veronica to one side and Jane to the other. The evening sun had made the kitchen too hot for pajamas, especially fuzzy cat pajamas, so she sat in the chair naked except for her diaper. The diaper was a bit more soggy and clammy than it had been, but nothing that registered as uncomfortable.

    Her roommates were all talking about the end of finals and other stuff that didn’t seem very important. Briana focused mostly on the fact that Veronica and Jane had nice looking salads with bacon and boiled egg on them, and she had some green mush in a bowl.

    “Mom, can I have some salad?” She asked, for the third time.

    “Honey, you need to be quiet and eat your dinner, I don’t want to have to tell you again.” Veronica said. “We made that special for you.”

    “But…” Briana whimpered.

    “Briana.” Jane said sternly. “Listen to your mother.” She loaded up a spoon with the green stuff and lifted it to Briana’s lips.

    Grumpily, Briana barely opened her mouth. The spoon went in, leaving about half its contents on her upper lip. The taste was pretty good, sweet and a little earthy. She opened her mouth to say so only to get another spoonful in her mouth. Before she was done swallowing there was another full spoon waiting at her lips.

    “Da-“ Was all the further she got, another spoon into her mouth and on her face. Briana gave up and let Jane feed her, opening her mouth more or less as the spoonfulls came in. A good three quarters of the bowl ended up inside Briana, with the rest smeared across her mouth or spattered across her breasts.

    The mush had been filling, but there was nothing else coming after Veronica had wiped Briana down. She sat in the chair, bored and uninterested in the conversation. Briana started kicking her legs, then drumming her hands on the wooden table of the high chair.

    “Honey, please stop that.” Veronica put her hands on Briana’s. “Casey, would you mind putting her down for a nap?”

    “Are you sure?” Casey asked. “Isn’t it kind of late for a nap?”

    “We want her to sleep as much as possible right now.” Erin said. “That’s going to keep things moving for her mind.”

    Casey nodded and released Briana from the high chair, cradling Briana in her arms. “See you all in a bit,” Casey said.

    “I don’t want to nap.” Briana sighed at Casey.

    “Don’t worry.” Casey smiled. “We’re going to play first.”

    “Oh, what are we going to play?” Briana asked.

    “We’re going to play, make the baby feel really, really good.” Casey kissed Briana at the bottom of the stairs, climbing up them with a hand firmly holding Briana’s butt.

    “Oooh!” Briana’s eyes sparkled, she massaged Casey’s breast gently through her blouse.

    To Briana’s surprise they ended up in Veronica’s room, not her own. The once-spacious bedroom looked smaller now with the addition of an adult sized crib along one wall. Made of sturdy wood painted black, the bed portion stood at what would be hip height on Veronica. Tall rails projected up three more feet, and looked like they could be slid down along the legs of the crib. Diaper supplies were stashed underneath, allowing it to double as a changing table.

    “Crib?” She asked, looking up at Casey curiously.

    “That’s right kiddo.” Casey grinned. “That thing was fun to help build, sorry if it kept us from having some time together, but I think it’ll be worth it.” She dropped the rails on the room side of the crib and set Briana down on the soft bedding.

    Alanna the stuffed lion was here, contrary to what Veronica had said. Unless this was her room now? She snatched the stuffie close to her and looked up at Casey. “You said we were going to play?”

    “Doubting me already?” Casey chuckled. “Sit back for a bit, I have to get you ready, okay?”

    Briana shrugged and lay back, reacquainting herself with Alanna. When the tapes tore open on her diaper she relaxed, preparing herself for another change. Instead of wipes, she got a slick hand caressing her sex. Briana moaned in surprise, arching her back. It wasn’t like Casey to go straight there, but the surprise and touch had her tingling. She gasped at the second surprise of something pressing gently into her sex.

    “What?” Briana moaned.

    “A little toy to give you some fun feelings.” Casey said, tucking the exposed antenna of the vibrator against Briana’s clit. Casey wrapped the diaper tightly around Briana, re-seating the tapes. She leaned down to kiss the diapered girl, slowly exploring Briana’s mouth with her tongue and Briana’s breasts with her hand.

    Briana put Alanna aside, taking a moment to face her toward the wall. Desire washed over her, she stroked every bit of exposed skin on Casey that she could reach, tugging at Casey’s blouse. Breaking the kiss, Casey fumbled open the buttons and brought her breasts to Briana’s face. Her own moans filled the bedroom as Briana kissed and licked her way across them.

    The vibrator trembled and sent a shock through Briana. It wobbled again, and again, then settled in to a pulsing rhythm. Briana writhed in the crib, moaning and sighing, letting out a long satisfied groan as her bladder gave way and she gushed into the diaper. The humming in the wet diaper was magical, it made the whole garment vibrate around her sex. Casey was holding Briana down, roughly stroking her breasts and belly.

    Briana surrendered to Casey, to her diapers, to the world. She let herself feel the pleasure with pure uncomplicated thought. There were fireworks in her brain. Once, twice, five times. Her skin was hot and sweaty. Her throat was hoarse from yelling. She shuddered and lay limp in the crib as the vibrator came to a stop.

    “Oh my, that is a happy looking baby.” Casey said, her voice husky. She wiped Briana down with a soft towel. “Feeling ready for a nap now?”

    Briana nodded slowly. “Yes Casey. Thank youuuuuu.”

    Casey tucked Alanna into Briana’s arms, and put a blanket over her. She lifted the rails on the crib, locking them into place. Briana’s eyes were already closed, she wasn’t quite asleep, but her breathing was slow. Casey set a baby monitor next to the crib and turned it on.

    “Hey Ronnie, can you hear me?” Casey asked quietly.

    “Yes Casey, can you hear me as well?”

    Briana stirred slightly. “Mommy?”

    “It’s working fine, she recognized your voice, it’s really cute. But don’t send back, she’s drifting off.” Casey said quietly. “Have a good nap, Bri.”

    Briana nodded sleepily, cuddling up to her lion.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 24

    Soft scraping noises pulled Briana the rest of the way into consciousness. The room was dim, but not dark. She was covered in a blanket and wearing a completely soaked diaper. Feeling Alanna’s whiskers at her cheek made her smile. There was pressure in her rear, she knew she should be doing something about that. Nothing really came to mind, so she relaxed. More warm and wet flowed into her diaper, a bit more solidly this time. She felt sticky, messy, not the same now-comforting feeling of wetting. She frowned, this was something she felt bad about. It wasn’t something she wanted to remember.

    As soon as the smell hit her she began to cry. Whatever memory she was avoiding was still sharp even without bringing it up. A little sniffle and sob at first, then a full on wail. “Moooooooom!”

    “I’m here hon.” Veronica put down the broom she’d been using on the floor and put an arm through the crib bars to stroke Briana’s head. “You’re okay.”

    “Mommy, I feel gross.” Briana pouted, sniffled.

    “I can smell that.” Veronica said. “You’re a bit of a poopy baby, aren’t you?”

    Briana blushed, whimpered, tears leaking from her eyes. She remembered Lisa making fun of her, the horrible feeling of having her classmates recoil from her stink.

    “It’s alright my love.” Veronica dropped the bars on the long side of the crib and the section at Briana’s feet. “There’s nothing wrong that mom can’t fix. I’ll get you all cleaned up.”

    “You don’t think I’m a freak?” Briana whimpered.

    “Not at all. I think you’re my precious Briana.” Veronica leaned over to kiss Briana’s forehead. “You had a little accident and it’s not a problem.”

    The tapes came off, and the smell redoubled. Briana screwed up her face and whimpered again. She felt her legs and rear lifted, a wet towel mopped across her. The towel and diaper went into separate bins and as soon as their lids closed, the smell began to improve. Briana relaxed as the changing returned to something she was familiar with. She even giggled a little when Veronica popped the vibrator out of her sex. Gentle and thorough wiping caressed every bit of skin that had been under the diaper until Briana was clean and lemony.

    “Did you have fun with Casey?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah!” Briana grinned. “Can we do it again?”

    Veronica chuckled, lifting Briana’s legs one at a time to coat her in diaper cream. “Not right away. You can stay up for a few more hours but then it’s back to bed. I need to get you up early tomorrow.”

    “What for?” Briana made Alanna dance across the bars of the crib.

    “We’re going to start your potty-training tomorrow.” Veronica said, sliding a diaper under Briana’s butt.

    “Oh.” Briana paused, turned Alanna to look her in the eyes. “Does that mean I’m bad?”

    “No sweetie, you’re not bad.” Talcum powder’s soft smell drove away the last of the smelliness in the room. “You’re a good baby. Mom is going to teach you how to use the potty like a big girl. Everyone’s going to help.”

    “Okay.” Briana nodded, unconcerned.

    Erin and Jane came in, Jane making a beeline to give Veronica a hug. Briana remembered there had been something else embarrassing. A time when Erin and Jane had been changing her. She didn’t feel embarrassed now though. That thought faded away as well. She wiggled to test the fit of the diaper after the tapes were secured. Veronica… mom, had done an excellent job as always.

    “Can you hold still for a moment for Erin?” Veronica said.

    “Yes mommy.”

    Erin stepped over to Briana and briefly shined a light in each of her eyes. She checked Briana’s pulse and took her temperature through a thermometer in her ear. “Did you know that you needed to poop, Briana?”

    “Yeah, I could feel it, so I did it.” Briana said. “Was that okay?”

    “Yes, that’s fine.” Erin said, patting Briana’s cheek. “Can you follow the light on the end of my pen?” She moved the pen side to side, watching Briana’s eyes.

    “I need you to play with Alanna for a bit.” Jane said, sliding a fresh pacifier into Briana’s mouth. The crib sides came up and locked into place. Briana was only too happy to roll over and send Alanna on adventures over the rumpled blanket hills.

    “Well almost-doctor, what do you think?” Veronica asked.

    “I don’t think there’s any neurological deterioration.” Erin said. “Her voluntary and involuntary reaction times are normal. Pulse is good, temp is good. She looks perfectly healthy.”

    “So, it’s all psychological?” Jane asked.

    “It must be.” Veronica said. “The arc she’s taken suggests that she’ll come out of this eventually, but if she’ll be fully adult after I’m not sure.”

    “Is that something you’re okay taking on?” Erin asked.

    “I own the house.” Veronica said. “Financially it’s not an issue. Time and emotion wise…” Veronica looked over at Jane.

    “If we have enough help, we’ll be fine.” Jane replied, kissing Veronica on the cheek. “I’m in.”

    Veronica sighed happily. “Then I don’t have any worries. Honestly, I think she will get back to a better version of herself, eventually.”

    “What do you mean by that?” Erin asked.

    “I don’t want to share yet.” Veronica said slyly.

    “In case your theory is wrong?” Jane smirked.

    “In case I want to publish and not list either of you as authors.” Veronica retorted. They all chuckled.

    “Do you think we still need to watch her every second?” Erin asked.

    “She’s not full of rage and grief anymore, so I don’t think so.” Veronica said. “The baby monitor should be enough in a lot of cases.”

    “Then let’s go downstairs and drink to new couples.” Erin said with a grin.

    Jane and Veronica looked at each other and blushed. The blush became a pair of smiles, and the smiles a tender kiss. “We’ll take you up on that.” Veronica said.

    Briana didn’t mind them leaving. Without them all chattering it was a lot easier to keep track of Alanna’s adventure.

    The day dawned with Briana wet. She was messy too, as soon as she realized she had to go. Veronica was right there to help again, though Briana only fussed, instead of crying at the mess. Once her messy rear was cleaned, Briana got a bath before a new diaper. She splashed happily in the tub while Veronica shampooed her hair.

    “We’re going to start your potty training today hon.” Veronica said. “You won’t have to do much today except what we tell you to, but eventually we’re going to ask you to try to figure out when you need to go potty or poop.”

    “I can tell the second one.” Briana said. “But I can’t really tell the first one.”

    “That’s okay, we’re asking you to try.” Veronica said. “Start by paying attention to when you wet, okay?”

    “Okay mom!” Briana smiled.

    Out of the tub and back on the changing table, Briana was enjoying the generous amount of lotion Veronica was wiping on her. She felt pressure in her rear, and craned her head up curiously. “What’s that?”

    “The plug that Gary got for you.” Veronica said. “It’s going to be part of your training. Be a good girl and relax your butt.”

    Briana lay back and relaxed, squirming a bit as Veronica worked the plug in. She sighed happily at the feeling of a dry diaper wrapping around her crotch. Having it on felt safe, and comfortable.

    Breakfast was formula and oatmeal. The morning went by quickly with Briana being passed from roommate to roommate, either playing with them or on her own. It was the most relaxed she’d ever felt, there was no need to worry about anything, not even clothes. She started the day in full body pajamas, but as the day heated up she shed those for a onesie. By afternoon she was napping in a sunbeam, naked except for her diaper.

    Every couple of hours, whoever was watching Briana would take her to the bathroom, remove her plug and diaper and sit her on the toilet. Nothing happened the first few times, but Briana found it fun anyway. It was great getting a lot of extra changes and attention.

    After lunch in the bathroom with Veronica, Briana remembered to hold against the pressure she could feel when the plug came out. She let go when Veronica put her on the toilet, beaming when Veronica smiled at her.

    “Good girl!” Veronica gushed. “Very good girl. You had some potty in there too. I’m really proud of you!”

    Briana had a lollypop to suck on while Veronica wiped her down and put her in a fresh diaper. The sugar tasted great, but even more she loved the extra cuddles and hugs she got from Veronica.

    Through the evening Briana did her best to try and pay attention to her wetting. Naps were a lost cause, she always woke up wet from those, but while awake she could manage to at least notice it. By the time she was ready for bed she had some potty left in her every time someone put her on the toilet. Every time she managed that she got a reward, including a very sexy change from Casey.

    Two more days of potty training and Briana was sometimes even dry when she was taken to the bathroom! Everyone was super proud of her, Briana felt like she was glowing. The news that the butt plug wasn’t going to be used the next day wasn’t a cause for concern. She was excited to show everyone what a big girl she was!

    Briana’s belly rumbled at breakfast. The formula was good, and with the oatmeal it was really filling. It didn’t hold a candle to Veronica’s bacon though. “Mom, can I have some bacon?” She asked, reaching for it at the same time.

    “Not right now sweetie.” Veronica smoothly moved her plate out of Briana’s reach. “You can have some melon though, and I’ll make you a deal. If you keep your diaper dry or wet, no mess, all the way until lunch, I’ll make you a BLT.”

    “Okay, I can do it!” Briana grinned, taking a slice of melon from Veronica’s fork and eating it with her hands.

    Briana set out to playtime resolutely. She lined up her stuffed animals, Alanna the lion, Edgar the mouse, and Steve the stegosaurus. They all agreed to help her keep from messing. After that there was a tea party to be had on the floor of Jane’s bedroom while Jane did something on her computer for work.

    Edgar had made a terrible faux pas when Briana felt pressure in her rear. A trickle of liquid flowed into her diaper but the squeezing she was doing for the poo managed to halt the pee as well. For a few moments she sat, concentrating on holding everything in. The need subsided a little, giving Briana the space to look up at Jane.

    “Daddy?” She said, tugging at Jane’s pants. “I hafta go.”

    Jane patted Briana’s cheek, smiling. “Really? You’re a really good girl for noticing!”

    A hurried trip to the bathroom later, Briana was on the toilet with her diaper in Jane’s hands. After working so hard to hold on, it was hard to relax. She fidgeted on the seat, playing with the front flap of her onesie.

    “Relax Briana.” Jane said, setting the diaper on the sink. “Your diaper is barely wet! I’m so proud of you. Relax now and let it all out, that’s the final step.”

    Something felt strange. Shouldn’t it be a bad thing that Jane was standing, watching her on the toilet? She couldn’t see why, Jane had done this before, and changed lots of her diapers. A memory or worry nagged at her, forgotten when her control broke. With a loud gush and splash Briana let go into the toilet.

    “Good girl!” Jane kissed Briana on the head, and pressed a hand over her bladder, making sure that everything was out. “If you keep this up we might be able to use pullups during the day again.”

    Briana jumped up excitedly, only to get reined in by Jane. A wipe down and a fresh diaper delayed Briana’s mad dash out of the bathroom. Once freed, she ran to each of her roommates to tell them how well she did, saving Veronica for last.  All of them had praise for her but telling Veronica was worth a whole hour of cuddles, with Jane joining in as well. Sandwiched between the two of them, Briana had never felt so loved and so safe.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 25

    A few days after her potty training breakthrough, Briana could safely say that she was a big girl who did not make messes in her diaper. Wetting was an issue that still came up daily, but more than half her trips to the bathroom were with a dry diaper. With her accomplishment came the privilege of eating at the table and having the same meals as her roommates. Anything too spicy or bitter on her plate would get ignored, to the point that Veronica made up a batch of formula when Jane made curry for lunch.

    As an official big girl she was also allowed to wear clothes other than footie pajamas and onesies. Fun leggings with rainbows, gold stars, or brightly colored birds printed on them were definitely in rotation. Diapers were pretty obvious under her leggings but Briana didn’t mind. On the rare occasion that she took a car ride Veronica usually put her in a pair of shorts anyway. A series of cute animal and dinosaur shirts were her usual tops and she was currently engaged in a struggle with Jane over the shirt with the lioness on it. In Briana’s opinion that was always the right shirt to wear, no matter the state of its cleanliness. Jane unfairly insisted that the shirt only be worn when clean, and at most three times a week.

    The quiet thumps and grunts of furniture being moved caught Briana’s attention that morning. She climbed the stairs with Alanna the lion under her arm to see her crib being moved out of Veronica’s suite.

    “What’s going on?” Briana asked, her brows furrowed in worry.

    “Moving this to your room.” Casey said, hefting the crib over the rail so it would fit through Briana’s door.

    “Jane is moving in with me.” Veronica said, supervising Casey and Erin from a few feet back. “We need a little extra room and you’re doing well enough that you can be back in your own space.”

    Briana hurried up the stairs and hugged Veronica. “Mommy…”

    “You’re a big girl now, right?” Veronica stroked Briana’s cheek. “You can still come sleep with us if you need it, we’ll have the monitor in your room, okay?”

    Briana nodded reluctantly. “Are you and dad getting married?”

    “Maybe.” Veronica chuckled and ruffled Briana’s hair. “We’re not sure yet. Either way we’ll be here to take care of you, darling.”

    “I hope you do!” Briana said. “Oh, can we watch a movie tonight?”

    “You can watch a movie if you want.” Veronica said. “Jane and I are going out tonight. It’s a very grown up place, I don’t think you’d have fun there.”

    “Oh. Well can Suzie watch it with me?” Briana asked.

    “Suzie is coming out with us. So are Casey and Erin. We’re actually going to have Gary babysit you tonight.”

    “Gary?” Briana bit her lip and looked down.

    “What’s the matter?” Veronica asked. “You had fun with him before, and he wanted to babysit you.”

    “It’s uh….” Briana’s heart felt heavy. Bad memories swirled at the edge of her thoughts. Being laughed at, not feeling safe. “But he’s not… he’s not somebody who lives here. It’s um, well, what if…”

    “Briana, it’s okay.” Veronica kissed Briana’s cheek. “He’s not going to make fun of you. He likes you, and he’s seen you in diapers before. You two are going to have lots of fun. I got all kinds of chips and ice cream for tonight.”

    “Okay Mom.” Briana smiled bravely. “But, what if something bad happens?”

    “You can call me or text me any time you want.” Veronica said. “I think you’ll be having too much fun to want to do that though.”

    Briana nodded, sighing in relief. There was still a nagging worry that she couldn’t shake. She stuck close to Veronica while her room was set up and through the rest of the day. The nervousness increased when she watched Jane and Veronica get ready from her seat on their bedroom floor. By the time everyone had gathered in the living room in their fancy dresses Briana was in a mild panic. Warmth gushed into her diaper, but she didn’t care. All she could do was fidget and fret.

    Gary came in and grinned at the well dressed ladies. “Wow, everyone looks great. Especially you two!” He said, looking Veronica and Jane over. “Congratulations.”

    “Thank you.” Jane smiled. “Briana is a little nervous, so you know. We have a lot of snacks and a pizza ready to cook for dinner.”

    “Please call us or text us if there’s any need.” Veronica said. “Briana’s phone is on the coffee table, it’s ready with our number if she needs it.”

    “I’ll take care of everything.” Gary said. “Go have a great time.”

    Veronica and Jane both kissed Briana and hugged her. She clung to them and sadly watched everyone walk out the door.

    “Hey kiddo.” Gary squeezed Briana’s arm. “You don’t look excited about movie and pizza.”

    Briana squirmed. “Hi Gary.”

    “I heard you’ve been doing a great job going to the potty!”

    Briana blushed and looked down, a little whimper escaping her lips. The slowly cooling wet in her diaper felt like a betrayal for the first time in ages. “I-I was but I had an accident and I hafta go number two…”

    “That’s okay.” Gary hugged Briana gently. “Do you need help?”

    “I don’t want you to hafta…” Briana looked up in surprise as Gary took her hand and lead her into the downstairs bathroom.

    “Oh, they put a changing table in here.” He said, positioning Briana in front of the toilet and peeling down her leggings. “That’s handy.” The diaper came down off next and right into the diaper pail. Gary sat Briana down on the toilet and waited.

    “Is it really okay?” Briana looked up at Gary fearfully.

    “Hon, Veronica and I had a long conversation on the phone about what babysitting you meant.” Gary unfolded a new diaper on the changing table. “It’s not a problem, go.”

    Briana relaxed, tears springing into her eyes. There was a knot in her stomach that wouldn’t go away. She let Gary stand her up, trembling when Gary spread her cheeks to wipe away her mess. He caught her completely off guard when he put his arms around her and kissed her tenderly on the lips. At first she froze, but as the kiss deepened she relaxed, leaning into Gary.

    Their lips parted, but before Briana could say anything she was lifted up onto the changing table. Gary kissed Briana again, slowly exploring her mouth with his tongue. She moaned softly when he cupped her breast and gently stroked it, running her hands over his broad shoulders.

    “Not a big enough girl for a bra?” Gary asked with a smile, pulling Briana’s shirt up to her collarbone.

    “I guess I didn’t think about it… for a while.” Briana arched her back, her nipples pressing firm into Gary’s hands. “You don’t… you don’t think I’m gross?”

    Gary looked Briana directly in the eyes, his face hovering inches from hers. “I cleaned you up. I’m going to make love to you, right on your changing table. Then I’m going to put a diaper on you, and we’re going to watch a movie and eat pizza. Sound good?”

    Briana quivered, there was wet between her legs that had nothing to do with her bladder. “And ice cream?”

    Gary chuckled. “Yes. Ice cream and chips for my diaper girlfriend.”

    Briana threw herself at Gary, wrapping her bare legs around his waist. They fumbled through another kiss, hands running over each other everywhere they could touch. Briana lost her shirt right away and Gary worked himself out of his clothes as fast as he could to catch up.

    Lying back on the changing table, Gary lifted Briana’s legs up into a changing position before parting them and running his tongue over her sopping sex. She cried out and grabbed the top rail of the changing table, flushing all along her body. Her pussy ached to be filled and she didn’t have to wait long. Gary pulled Briana’s hips to the edge of the changing table and slid into her, slowly but steadily filling her until his hips met her rear.

    Briana moaned again, her voice echoing off the bathroom walls. A pacifier bumped up against her mouth and she took it in obediently, chewing recklessly on the rubber nipple. Their hips moved together frantically, the changing table squeaking and shuddering under them. Diapers and wipes fell to the floor when Gary slammed his hips forward hard. Briana vision popped full of stars, she felt warmth spreading inside her as Gary loudly groaned.

    She hardly had time to come down from that when she felt Gary’s thumb on her clit, rubbing in slow circles. He was still hard inside her, she shuddered and moaned again. The pacifier fell out of her mouth as she cried out once, twice, arching her back high off the changing table. Briana collapsed into a sweaty mess, panting happily.

    There was no need for words while Gary cleaned himself off and wiped the sweat off of her. He diapered her up with his warmth still leaking out of her, she giggled at that.

    “What do you want to wear?” He asked. “Same outfit? Something else?”

    “Do you want me to be a baby for you?” Briana asked, kicking her legs.

    “I haven’t gotten to see that yet, could be fun.” Gary nodded.

    “I have footie pajamas upstairs.” She held out her arms and Gary picked her up, carrying her up the stairs as easily as Casey did.

    As he climbed the stairs Briana felt something like clouds parting in her mind. There wasn’t any shame, or shyness about being carried by Gary and wearing a diaper, but she remembered why there might be. She let him put her in her favorite pajamas, the full body pink ones with the cat hood and paw mittens.

    Gary brought a pacifier to Briana’s lips but she gently pushed it aside. “Gary, can I talk to you for a minute?”

    “Of course.” He looked Briana over curiously. “What’s up?”

    “I feel um, adult all of a sudden. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to play, but I wanted to let you know.” She rubbed her mittens against her thighs. “It’s been a couple of weeks of me being, I don’t know. Half asleep? I want to thank you, and let you know that I really like everything we’ve done, in case you’re worried at all.”

    “That’s terrific!” Gary smiled. “Veronica was hoping this would happen for you. She was a little worried when it hadn’t so far. Are you sure you want to play? You don’t have to be a baby tonight if you don’t want to.”

    Briana nodded. “I want to be your baby, and Veronica’s, and Jane’s. I think I can go back to my baby thoughts if I want. I’m not scared of it any more. Do you still want a baby to play with tonight?”

    “Yes.” Gary said, blushing a little to admit it without joking. “I’d like that.”

    Briana relaxed, closing her eyes and letting sensation overtake her. The luxurious feeling of the soft pajamas, the thick diaper swaddling her crotch. She breathed in the scent of talcum powder and Gary, reached out to pick up Alanna. The clouds didn’t come back, there wasn’t a daze or dizziness. Her perspective shifted, she was small, Gary was big. Worries like jobs, money, embarrassment, and going to the bathroom weren’t something she had to care about. She giggled and held her lion up for Gary.

    “Gary, this is Alanna.” She looked at the lion. “Alanna, this is Gary. He’s the babysitter, so you have to be a good lion and do what he says.”

    Gary grinned, his eyes sparkling. “Hello Alanna. Why don’t we all go down and get the pizza started?”

    Briana and Alanna were in unanimous agreement.

  • Baby Briana: Chapter 26

    Jane and Veronica came back home late from their date, Briana was already tucked in bed. The new Briana knew that they would have been busy after the date anyway, and was glad for them. She woke up in the morning with a soaked diaper and lay back to enjoy the feeling. It wasn’t to the itchy rashy stage yet, and she didn’t need to poop. The crib felt comforting, she braced herself against the bars, relaxing against the solid feeling.

    It was Jane that came to get her, dropping the rail on the side of her crib and giving her a hug. “Good morning Briana.”

    “Did you have a good date?” Briana asked.

    “We did.” Jane smiled. “Did you have fun with Gary?”

    “Yeah!” Briana nodded vigorously, then turned serious. “Dad? Jane? Can I talk with Mom? With Veronica? The way I used to in the mornings.”

    “Is everything okay?” Jane asked in concern.

    “Yes, it is. Can I talk to her please?” Briana sat up, taking Jane’s hand in hers.

    “Of course.” Jane helped Briana out of the crib and walked her to Veronica’s office.

    Seeing Veronica working away at her computer in her basic black house dress felt like walking into a lifetime ago. Veronica looked up in surprise, offering her lap when Briana came over.

    “Good morning sweetie, what’s going on?” Veronica asked.

    “Can you please stay, Jane?” Briana said, catching Jane turning away. Jane nodded, and leaned against the wall. “Veronica, I sort of, woke up last night with Gary.”

    “Woke… oh, I see. I’m sorry I didn’t notice right away. You’re feeling adult again?” Veronica said.

    “I am, and I want to thank you for everything you did. You were both so nice, so helpful. I felt really safe and loved the whole time.”

    “You are loved.” Jane said softly.

    Veronica smiled in delighted surprise at Jane, then turned back to Briana. “That’s right, you are loved.”

    Briana smiled, her cheeks pink. “I think I have a better handle on my problem now, or at least, it doesn’t upset me. I have something I want to ask you though.”

    “Go ahead.” Veronica said.

    “I want to still play our game. I want to be little sometimes and be taken care of. I think I still need diapers at night, and maybe during the day too. Pullups at least. I want to know if it’s okay if you still help me.”

    “We’d be happy to.” Jane said. Veronica nodded.

    Briana took a deep breath, smiling nervously. “Thank you! I have one more thing to ask. I uh, started calling you two mom and dad when I was… cloudy. I want to know if I can still call you that.”

    Shifting on Veronica’s lap, Briana looked Veronica in the eyes. “Will you be my mom? Please?”

    Tears fell down Veronica’s smiling face. She crushed Briana close to her, hard enough to make the smaller girl squeak a little. “Yes dearest, yes.”

    Briana freed one arm and motioned Jane over. “Jane, will you be my dad?”

    Jane enveloped them both in a tight hug. They held there for a while, until Veronica shifted uncomfortably on her desk chair.

    “I didn’t think I was going to cry this morning.” Veronica chuckled, wiping her eyes. “We should get you changed and tell the others.”

    “Can we tell them right now?” Briana asked. “It’s not like they haven’t seen me wet before.”

    Jane laughed. “Good news shouldn’t wait. Come on, daughter.”

    Briana took Jane’s hand and followed her downstairs, Veronica behind them. Casey, Erin and Suzie were already up; they looked over in surprise when Briana climbed up on the coffee table.

    “Excuse me! Emergency house meeting!” Briana called out. Her roommates laughed and gathered at the couches. “I want to thank everybody for helping me. I’m myself again but I really liked being taken care of. I think I want to be little like that sometimes, maybe a lot of the time. Veronica and Jane well…”

    Briana paused, blushing. She looked out over the expectant faces in front of her. “Veronica and Jane are my mom and dad.”

    Casey cheered! Suzie let out a huge whoop, jumping into the air! Erin grinned, clapping loudly. Veronica and Jane gathered around Briana for another family hug. The rest of the roommates piled on them, creating a dangerously swaying hug-tower.

    “So what brought on the change?” Erin asked.

    “Gary and I uh, had sex.” Briana giggled. “Right after he cleaned me up. I think it was that extra bit of acceptance. I knew I could trust all of you, but for somebody out of the house to accept me too, well, it was amazing.”

    “I’m in to keep helping.” Suzie said. Erin and Casey nodded as well.

    “Thank you everybody. I guess I’ll try to tell you if I’m little or not? Or maybe it’ll be obvious.”

    “If you can be little when you want, then I think you should be little when we want sometimes too.” Casey said.

    “Yeah!” Suzie said. “If I want a little sister to play with, you’re it!”

    “I will still be coming by to do tests.” Erin said. “You’re a fascinating girl, Briana.”

    “You don’t get to make us your parents without us having some say in what you do.” Veronica said.

    “That’s right.” Jane said. “This is your mother’s house and you will follow our rules, understand?”

    Briana blushed, squirmed. “Okay, okay!”

    Casey stepped up to the table and put her arms around Briana. Even with Briana on the coffee table, Casey was a touch taller. “Are you still my diaper sub?”

    Briana grinned, pulling Casey close. “Yes Casey.”

    “Then I’m taking you upstairs.” Casey effortlessly lifted Briana. “We’ve got a dirty little girl here. I’ll bring her down after I get her dirtier, and clean her up.”

    When Casey tossed Briana on her bed, her heart started pounding. She plucked at the tapes on her diaper, only to have her hands swatted away by Casey.

    “No, you’re not getting that off until we’re done.” Casey said, pushing Briana down and kissing across her breasts.

    “Oooh, but how will we…”

    “You’ll see. Hush now.” Casey snagged a pacifier off the bedside table and popped it in Briana’s mouth.

    Sweat broke out across Briana as Casey manhandled her, kissing and stroking all over her breasts, belly, back, legs. She was alternately pinned or posed by Casey, surrendering to the control with a delighted shiver. A tug at her hair was followed by the pacifier being pulled out of her mouth, and Briana’s face pulled up to Casey’s breast.

    Briana didn’t need any encouragement, sucked Casey’s nipple, pulling forth a gasp of desire. Her lips and tongue wondered around Casey’s breast in a spiral, then over to the other. Another tug on her hair, and Briana’s mouth moved lower, kissing and worshipping Casey’s flat abs. There was nothing stopping her from going lower, Casey had shucked her leggings and panties. A little push brought Briana’s mouth to the soft hair on Casey’s sex, full of Casey’s scent.

    Tentative licks brought husky moans and before long, Casey firmly pushed Briana’s face into her crotch. Briana lapped and sucked gently on Casey’s clit, sliding a pair of fingers up inside her dom. Casey groaned, letting go of Briana’s hair but capturing the diapered girl with her powerful thighs.

    Briana kept licking, curling her fingers inside Casey until it was all she could taste and smell. The diaper’s sag forced Briana’s legs apart, adding to the domination. She felt her dom shudder and kept licking through shock after shock. Powerful thighs pulled Briana away on Casey’s final shout, pinning her on the bed, in a sweaty, musky mess.

    The pin only increased Briana’s desire, she felt like she was burning up between her legs. Begging and whimpering was the most she could get out of her mouth when Casey pulled her taut on the bed and pressed a heavy wand vibrator to her crotch.

    The wand slammed to life and the vibrations went through the entire saturated diaper. Briana threw her head back and howled a moan as the sensation assaulted her crotch. Her back arched when Casey’s lips returned to her breasts, but the sensation was faint, the vibrator was all consuming. It took the fire in her pussy and spread it through her body, following it with electric shocks that made her flail.

    There were stars, Briana was gasping. She struggled against the hand pinning her arms but might as well have fought an iron bar. Spasms wracked her again, and again. Briana lost count after six. She thought maybe twelve, maybe fifteen when she started begging for it to stop. Tears flowed down her face when the vibrator turned off, stars exploded in her vision two more times.

    Limp as a noodle, Briana lay with Casey for a long time. The luxurious feeling of being passive was so good she almost fell asleep when Casey bathed her. Briana’s tender nerves jangled when Casey spread cool lotion over her crotch. The soft smell of powder shifted her down, far down. Casey was big, and she was tiny. An empty-headed giggle escaped her lips when the diaper closed around her.

    There was a mostly naked baby at brunch. Briana sat happily in her highchair, sucking on a bottle of formula. Somewhere, deep down inside, there was a Briana who knew she could come out and talk to her roommates. That Briana was happy to rest for now. The Briana in the chair giggled and spilled formula across her breasts.

    “Casey, did you break her?” Suzie teased.

    “I guess being with me is that good.” Casey laughed.

    “I’ve been meaning to ask, is it really okay to replace so many of her meals with formula?” Jane asked.

    “It should be fine.” Erin said. “It’s basically a protein shake. Which reminds me, Veronica, have you thought at all about that conversation we had?”

    “Inducing?” Veronica bit her lip. “I still haven’t decided.”

    “She would love it.” Casey chuckled. “She’s after our breasts all the time as it is.”

    “We could always induce you.” Erin said to Casey.

    Casey blushed. “Uh, that might get weird with my other girlfriend.”

    “We have plenty of time.” Veronica said. “Our baby is here to stay.”