• Baby Briana: Chapter 05

    Breakfast and chores were a breeze. Briana was used to tidying up early on the weekend anyway. Jane even pitched in a little, which more than made up for her supervising Briana’s work. Veronica had a homework schedule all laid out. Briana was regretting having been so candid with her roommate about what assignments there were. In addition to everything due on Monday, Veronica had time set aside for working on an end of quarter paper, and all the optional readings her professor had suggested. Her easy half-day of homework had ballooned into a nine-hour nightmare.

    She trudged, stomped if she was being honest, back to her room. The essential stuff was prioritized and Briana agreed with that much.  She hoped that meant there was some flexibility on the optional parts. Being forced into homework was a lot like having a deadline. Once Briana got going the work went by fast. She had all her Monday assignments done as well as the paper prep that Veronica assigned her by lunch.

    Down the rickety stairs, she entered the wood and tile kitchen to the smell of bacon. She sidled up to Erin with a grin on her face. “Whatcha makin’?”

    “Sliders.” Erin said. “Want to help?”

    “Sounds fun!” Briana set up a toppings station, quickly assembling the little burgers as Erin dished them up. Jane and Casey drifted in to join them. The kitchen table was soon piled with a variety of sliders, lemonade, and a big bowl of chips.

    “Is anyone else joining us?” Jane asked as she sat. “That’s a lot of food.”

    “Ronnie is crunching on her thesis this weekend.” Erin said. “Suzie is at an event for her advisor.”

    “Briana.” Casey caught Briana as she came to the table. “Make up a plate for Veronica and take it to her please.”

    “Okay.” Briana smiled and arranged a plate. “She could have done it herself. Everyone really is treating me like I’m the kid.” The thought didn’t bother her, but it was odd. She delivered the plate to Veronica’s office and got a terse nod of thanks in response. Erin hadn’t been kidding, Veronica’s normally pristine desk was covered in notes.

    She raced back to the kitchen and loaded up her own plate. A round of laughs traveled the table as Briana gulped down her first two sliders.

    “I think that’s the most excited about food I’ve seen you in a while.” Erin said.

    “You look a lot happier.” Casey said. “How are you feeling about this whole thing? Okay?”

    “Yeah actually.” Briana blushed a little, focusing her gaze on her plate. “It’s been kind of amazing so far. Thank you. I know it’s a lot of work for all of you.”

    “It’s really not that much work.” Jane chuckled. “Especially since we get to boss you around.”

    “I was worried at first.” Casey said. “You like that part too, being bossed around?”

    “Yeah.” Briana made little circles in the ketchup on her plate with a shard of chip.

    “Who knew you were so subby?” Casey laughed and stroked Briana’s hair.

    “Shut up.” Briana buried her face in her arms.

    “Okay we’ll lay off.” Jane laughed. “Did you get your homework all done?”

    “Yeah!” Briana nodded, glad to face her roommates on a different topic. “Everything due on Monday and more!”

    “Veronica is a taskmaster.” Erin stood and stretched. “I’m going to do the Costco run. Jane, you mind coming with me?” Jane nodded and got up as well.

    “I’ll watch Briana.” Casey said. Briana blushed, but couldn’t find the motivation to protest.

    “Great!” A flurry of cleaning up later, Erin and Jane were out the door.

    “Is everybody assigned to ‘watch’ me?” Briana asked Casey.

    “We’re not supposed to leave you alone except when you’re in bed.” Casey said. “I thought it was extreme, but it seems to be doing you a lot of good.”

    “So now what?” Briana sat on the edge of the table. “Since you’re the one in charge.”

    “You really do like this stuff.” Casey approached Briana curiously. “What do you like so much about it?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana kicked her legs. “It feels nice, I feel taken care of.”

    “Is that all?” Casey raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t turn you on?”

    “Woah what!?” Briana stared at Casey in shock.

    “I’ve seen girls squirm like you and they were usually running pretty hot.” Casey leaned in as Briana opened her mouth to protest. “Also your nipples have been popping up every time we take charge.”

    Briana closed her mouth and swallowed.  She tried to squirm away from Casey but her roommate had grabbed the table to either side of her. “It’s not that.”

    “What is it then?” Casey asked. “I’ve got you trapped here and you’re all squirmy but not trying to get out. You don’t seem too upset, in fact, you look like you’re enjoying yourself.”

    “I… I don’t know.” Briana gasped, twisting her hands in her lap.

    “Well, think about it.” Casey said, backing off. “It’s got you really worked up.”

    Briana folded her arms and frowned. It was all she could do to maintain the façade. This whole experience had made her hypersensitive to any wet feeling in her pants. There was definitely some dampness down there at the moment.

    “We’ve both had a long week so let’s veg out for a bit.” Casey deliberately took Briana by the wrist and set out for the living room. She raised a brow to see her roommate follow along, docile as could be.

    They took over a couch and scrolled through the Netflix selections. The list was as always simultaneously endless and frustratingly limited. Without thinking about it, Briana scooted up close to Casey, hip to hip and leaning on the larger woman. She even pressed closer when Casey wrapped an arm around her.

    “Bri, do you want me to treat you like a kid, or a date?” Casey asked gently.

    Briana stopped scrolling, looked away. “I’m sorry, it was comfy and I wanted to…”

    “Hey, I’m not judging.” Casey said. “You’re cute. And if all you want to do is snuggle, that’s fine. But you did put your hand on my inner thigh.”

    Briana snatched her hand back; tried to pull away from Casey. The arm around her easily held fast. “I’m really sorry, I’m confused right now.”

    “It’s okay to be confused.” Casey said, stroking Briana’s cheek.  “It’s okay to chill. It’s also okay to ask for something you want, at least have a conversation about it.”

    Briana felt moisture spread across her panties again. She licked her lips, swallowed to clear the dryness in her throat. “We’re roommates, and we’ve been friends forever, and I don’t want to mess anything up.”

    “I’m not saying I’m going to take you right here on the couch.” Casey said, grinning when Briana softly gasped. “You are turned on by this.”

    “I guess so.” Briana lightly clung to Casey. “I didn’t think about it until you said something.  There was too much other stuff going on. Now it’s impossible to not think about it.”

    “I’m flattered that you think I’m sexy.” Casey smiled. “I don’t want to rush into anything, especially if you’re not sure what you think. I’d like to learn more about you, and this. For instance, I learned that my roommate likes to be told what to do so much that she’s turned on by it.”

    Briana bit her lip. “I guess that’s true.”

    “You learn anything about me?” Casey asked.

    “You smell really good.” Briana said softly. She shivered as Casey caressed her neck.

    “What’s a show you’ve seen a hundred times on Netflix?” Casey asked, then pressed when Briana’s only reply was a confused look. “Come on, there has to be one you’ve watched a bunch of times.”

    “L-lost.” Briana said. “Why?”

    “Because you’re not going to be able to pay attention to a new show.” Casey said. She queued up the first episode of Lost and pulled Briana into her lap. A hand slid under Briana’s shirt and stroked her belly.

    “Ohhh.” Briana put an arm around Casey’s shoulders, arched her back.

    “Been a long time, sailor?” Casey teased.

    “Really long.” Briana squirmed. The damp between her legs was rapidly turning to wet. She wished she was wearing a pullup for a moment, before dismissing the thought as crazy.

    “The problem with subby girls like you.” Casey said. “Is that what you want is for me to take charge. But I want to make sure that you don’t get uncomfortable or hurt.”

    “I’m sorry Casey.” Briana said. “I’m not sure what I want.”

    “And you don’t have to be, at least not right away.” Casey said. She continued her feather touches over Briana’s skin, grinning at the soft moans that followed. “We’ll talk about this more another day, okay? For right now, we’ll watch a couple of episodes and pet each other.”

    “Sounds good.” Briana squirmed up against Casey and nuzzled her cheek.