• Baby Briana: Chapter 10

    The week was going well. Briana was still waking up to a wet diaper, but the morning cuddles with Veronica were good. Once those were out of the way things were normal. She had micro-bio classes and labs, homework to do, and chores around the house. The interference in her life from her roommates was much less than on the weekend, just checks that she was getting everything done. Veronica even caught an assignment that Briana had forgotten.

    The week was going well, that was, until Wednesday. Briana could barely drag herself out of bed. She managed to forget the lunch that Erin had packed her on the bus to school. Nothing in her labs was working, all the specimens were either indifferent to the solutions she put them in or died off immediately.

    She tried the experiment again, checking to see that the bacteria in the petri dish were stable. Slowly, she introduced a dissolved plastic solution. She leaned on the lab table and stared at the readout that showed the gas mixture coming off the petri dish. The bacteria exhalations crept up toward the expected mark. Briana smiled; she hadn’t been able to contribute data to the lab project for the whole day so far.

    The reader beeped, indicating that exhalations had fallen.  Fallen off a cliff. The pale green liquid in the petri dish turned brown as the bacteria died off en masse. Briana suppressed a scream. It was an hour and a half from starting a new bacteria culture to introducing the dissolved plastic. There was less than an hour left in the lab shift.

    She stood up, dreading the report she’d have to make. In a single step she felt a flush of wet across her crotch. Briana froze, clamping down on her bladder. The pressure was so strong it was painful. She hadn’t noticed it at all before. Another splatter of wet hit her underwear before she could control it.

    “Sorry, got to go!” Briana threw her notebook in her bag and raced for the door, feeling liquid spurt out with every step.

    “We’re not done here yet!” The professor called from across the room.

    “Sorry, female problem!” Briana was glad to see him blanch as she bolted through the door.

    There was a slight but steady trickle in her pants now, punctuated by larger gushes whenever she a large step. Her panties were sopping, and a big wet patch was already growing on her jeans. Briana silently begged that the flow would stop, but her pleas went unanswered.

    There was a bathroom a few doors down the hall, Briana tried sprinting for it. She got stares from a few people in the halls, her face burning with shame. The wet patch had spread down her thighs and up her rear, even streaking down her legs. She burst through the door of the bathroom and made a mad dash for a stall. As she ran, her bladder gave up completely, the wet spread across her thighs and dripped through the denim around her crotch. She landed on the toilet, totally empty, dripping from her jeans into the toilet.

    Briana buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She could feel the wet spreading further and further. She was soaked, way beyond what wrapping a coat around her waist could hide. Tears dripped onto already saturated jeans; Briana sat in the stall in defeat. The most she could do was kick her shoes off so they wouldn’t get wet as well.

    After a few minutes she pulled her phone out of her purse. Her heart was still thudding with panic and embarrassment. A text message with a single word was all she could manage to send.

    Briana – (Help.)

    Veronica – (What’s the matter?)

    Briana – (I had an accident.)

    Veronica – (Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. Do you need someone to pick you up?)

    Briana – (Yes please.)

    Veronica – (Erin will be on her way in a minute.)

    Veronica – (Where are you?)

    Briana – (Jackson Hall, first floor, women’s bathroom.)

    Briana sat in the stall and sniffled. Her pants were getting cold and uncomfortable. She tried to play a game on her phone, but she only watched the clock. It was a five minute drive to school, but she didn’t know how long it would take Erin to get ready.

    Five minutes went by fast. The door opened, and someone came in. Briana knew she shouldn’t hope it was Erin, and she was right.

    “Oh gross!” A woman’s voice she didn’t recognize. “Someone peed all over the floor. Don’t we have janitors in this building?”

    Briana suffered in shamed silence while the stranger did her business. She’d never been so happy to hear someone leave the bathroom without washing their hands.

    It had been ten minutes, Briana started crying again. She focused on being quiet, only soft sniffles escaped. Five more minutes crawled agonizingly by.

    Finally, the door opened. Briana’s heart leapt in her chest. “I hope it’s not someone else using the bathroom…”

    “Briana?” Erin’s voice! Something rattled, and the door was firmly shut.

    “Erin!” Briana cried out.

    The stall door opened. Erin looked at Briana, smiling sympathetically. “You are a mess. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

    Briana nodded, wiping her nose on her sleeve. Erin helped her up and out of the stall. In front of the row of sinks was a duffel bag and the changing blanket Erin had been using at home.

    “Wait, Erin, what if someone comes in?” Briana shied away from her roommate in fear.

    “I put an out of order sign on the door.” Erin said, “We should be good as long as we’re quick. Let’s get those pants off.”

    “Isn’t there something else we can…” Briana flinched as Erin grasped her jeans and unbuttoned them.

    “If we do this fast, it’ll be done before anyone finds out.” Erin said firmly, jerking Briana’s sopping jeans down a few inches at a time.

    “I don’t think the blanket is necessary.” Briana pouted, stepping out of her jeans.

    “Please cooperate.” Erin said, squeezing Briana’s arm. “I know you’re upset, I’m going to fix everything, okay?”

    Briana sighed and pulled her panties down. Erin motioned at the blanket and Briana reluctantly lay down. She trembled when she felt the cold wet-wipe on her leg. Her ears strained for any sign that someone might be opening the door, or even walking out in the hall.

    Erin lifted Briana’s legs to wipe her rear and crotch. The comfort and public exposure roiled in Briana’s mind. She shivered across her whole body like a fever, breaking out in a sweat. Another gush of urine flowed out, down her butt. Her arms went limp on the blanket and she let Erin bear the weight of her legs.

    “Aww, you’re having all kinds of trouble today Bri.” Erin said, gently wiping her rear again. She set Briana’s legs down, then lifted her rear to slide a diaper underneath.

    “I’m so sorry.” Briana whimpered softly.

    “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Erin said. “I’ve got it taken care of.”

    The tickling sensation of powder was followed by its soft smell. Briana trembled again. Erin taped the diaper up expertly.

    “Okay Bri, I’ve got a skirt for you.” Erin pulled Briana up to her feet and braced the distraught girl against a sink. The skirt was a long full one. A plain ugly brown that would cover anything. Briana nodded gratefully to see it. She didn’t resist Erin putting the skirt on her; simply glad that the dancing pandas on her diaper were well hidden.

    Erin moved quickly and efficiently. The soaked clothes went into a plastic bag. The changing blanket likewise rolled up and put in another bag. Everything went back into the duffel. Erin washed her hands and popped the duffel on her shoulder.

    “Feeling okay to walk?” She asked Briana.

    “Yes, let’s get out of here please.”

    Briana leaned on Erin, holding her roommate’s arm. She winced at every crinkle and crackle the diaper made as she walked. She got a few more looks, but hoped they were staring at her tear stained face.

    In the passenger’s seat of Erin’s Civic, Briana sat down with a sigh. Erin stowed the bag and Briana’s purse and squatted down by Briana.

    “Open up Bri.” She held out a square of chocolate.

    Briana frowned in confusion. Opening her mouth to ask about it got the chocolate popped into her mouth. Erin pressed a water bottle into Briana’s hands and closed the car door. The chocolate was delicious and dark.

    Erin had the car out of the school parking lot before Briana finished her chocolate. “Thanks for coming to get me Erin.”

    “My pleasure.” Erin said. “Sorry that happened.”

    “I don’t know why it happened!” Briana whimpered. “I lost control in the middle of lab! I lost the lunch you made me too, and the Tupperware. I’m really sorry Erin!” Briana’s chest heaved, tears running down her face again.

    “Woah, you’re okay Bri.” Erin patted Briana’s leg. “You had a really shit day, and you’re hungry and thirsty. Drink the water, we’ll get you something to eat when you get home, and you’ll feel better, okay?”

    “O-o-o-kay.” Briana said. She concentrated on the water bottle, feeling better but hungrier as she got hydrated.