• Adult Changeling: Chapter 7

    Wind ruffled the faerie garden like a great hand ruffling fur. Mariah woke to the sound of tiny bells. Silver flowers had bloomed at the top of her cage; their crystalline stamens clattered musically against the metallic petals. It would have been a soothing escape from having to think about her predicament, if Mariah didn’t feel urgent pressure.

    Being put in diapers made it seem like her whole life revolved around bathroom needs. It didn’t help that the place she was in had no sense of time. Going to sleep in afternoon light and waking up in the same, made a full sleep seem like a nap. It was impossible to tell how long she’d slept, other than that she felt rested.

    Sitting up in her cage or crib, Mariah tested the bars again. The bush that had been grown over her was as unyielding as ever. Another urgent surge of pressure brought tears to Mariah’s eyes. There was pressure in more than her bladder; Mariah bit back a scream. She’d been dreading that need ever since she’d first been diapered.

    Her only consolation was that Podra hadn’t shown much interest in micro-managing her. Mariah had imagined she could sneak off and hide her stink somewhere in the garden. It wasn’t a great plan, but it was far better than using her diaper. Now she was stuck in a cage, and a small one at that. Miserably, using her diaper was actually the better option than having to sit next to her mess.

    She tried crying out for Podra, using the fairy’s name, as well as calling her mommy. There was no answer, which was gut-wrenchingly terrifying. Podra was the only one who knew she was in a cage. If she’d gotten bored with her duties, or been taken away in one of the Court’s weird games, a dirty diaper would be the least of Mariah’s worries.

    The fear and distracting worry undid Mariah’s resistance. In the grossest moment of her life to date, she squatted down in her beautiful flowering bush cage and pushed a mess into her diaper. It was worse by far than being surprised by her first period in middle school. There was so much of it, too much hot, sticky, smelly mess.

    Mariah sobbed, holding herself gingerly on her knees so she wouldn’t have to sit on her diaper. Though she still didn’t enjoy doing it, wetting her diaper was something she had gotten used to. The faerie diapers absorbed well. Other than the embarrassment, the experience wasn’t bad.

    I’m NEVER going to get used to this. I have to get out of here! I have to escape this insane place!

    The sound of a familiar voice made Maria’s heart leap in hope. Podra was somewhere nearby. Desperately, Mariah rattled the wooden limbs of her cage. “Podra! Mommy! Help!”

    As if by magic – and on second thought, quite possibly by actual magic, Podra emerged from around a tree. Mariah had never been so happy to see one of the inhuman fae. It didn’t matter that Podra was one of her jailers, or that she had dangerous magic that could make Mariah dizzy. All that mattered was that Podra could get her out of her messy diaper and back to being clean.

    “Mommy’s here, baby Mariah. What do you need?” Podra smiled with a blessedly human-like expression on her green face.

    “Mommy please, I need my diaper…” Mariah’s jaw dropped as two more figures came into view. Humans. A man and a woman, older than Mariah but not exactly middle-aged were trailing behind Podra in a daze. They were pale skinned, but their clothes marked them as something other than American.

    The new arrivals looked at Mariah in shock. She knew what they were seeing, a full grown woman in a bower cage or crib, wearing a baby dress and a filthy diaper. As first impressions went, it was apocalyptic. Not only that, but as soon as Podra realized that Mariah needed a change, she’d be stripped in front of them.

    Mariah sobbed. Her control was gone. She fell to the ground on her side, not caring that there was some squish where her butt landed. Terrible shudders wracked her body as she cried in despair.

    The cage peeled away as Podra lifted Mariah, making soothing noises. When that lame attempt to calm Mariah failed, there was a rustling noise in the green woman’s bosom. Pale pink blooms opened up across Podra’s cleavage, releasing a soporific fragrance. The magical scent stopped Mariah’s sobs, leaving her listless in Podra’s arms.

    She was glad to be dazed and away from herself when Podra put her on the changing table. Slow thoughts made it easy to concentrate only on the slowly curling clouds in the sky. Dimly, she was aware of her diaper being removed and the muck being cleaned off her rear. Mariah closed her eyes as the fragrant enchantment intensified.

    When she was aware of herself again, Mariah was in a clean diaper. Someone was holding her with arms too soft to belong to Podra. She opened her eyes to see the human man that had been following Podra. He was kneeling in front of her, looking over her head. She was leaning back against the woman. They were speaking English, though they trailed off before Mariah could make out what they were saying.

    “I think she’s waking up.”

    “Jaysus, they’ve got her in bits, haven’t they?”

    “She’s wrecked, poor thing.”

    “What – where’s Podra? Are we alone?” Mariah wormed her way out of the woman’s arms and sat on her knees, doing her best to pull her ruffly infant’s skirt over her diaper.

    “Aye, we’re alone for now, as far as we can tell. I’m Connor, this is Molly.” Connor had a worried frown on his freckled face and an unmistakable Irish accent.

    “Are you alright, lass?” Molly asked, putting a hand on Mariah’s knee. “You were out of your head for a bit there.”

    “No, I’m not alright, and neither are you. Though at least you two aren’t wearing a diaper.” Tears welled up in Mariah’s eyes again, she pressed the heels of her hands against them to hold back any more sobs.

    “Well, yeah, sorry to see it.” Connor rubbed the back of his neck. “Did they put you in a nappy because there’s no jacks here, or do ya need them?”

    “I don’t need them!” Mariah could feel her body trembling, unbridled rage was ready to pour forth. These are the only other human people around. I need to get it together! “I’m sorry – it’s just been so awful. All these faeries think I’m a baby for some weird reason. I didn’t have a choice about using my diaper. You saw! I was in a cage!”

    “Leave it out, Connor. Don’t go antagonizing the poor girl.” Molly looked around the garden, with its impossibly green grass and jewel-fruited trees. “Ya said faeries. So it’s true then. Never thought they were real, but here we are.”

    “Me either.” Mariah sighed, slumping down. “They’re insanely strong. Physically, but their magic too. They can knock you out with a flower.”

    “We haven’t seen that yet, but we got our fill of hound-men and nightmare horses.” Connor rubbed his face. “They ran us down like a fox hunt. I’d say I should have listened to my nan, but she never believed in this rubbish either.”

    “There has to be a way to escape.” Mariah said. “I haven’t been able to explore much, but maybe you two can walk around. I’m not sure why they even brought you.”

    “Oh that.” Molly winced awkwardly. “They want us ta be a surrogate ma and da for ya.”

    Mariah blinked. “What? Why? Podra is already playing mommy.”

    “They stole us away to be consultants, like.” Connor shrugged. “I think ta nanny ya too, when they’re busy.”

    “Great!” Mariah grinned at the other two. When they stared at her blankly, she said, “If you’re supposedly in charge of me, we can explore and try to find a way out.”

    “We came here on a horse that moved like lightning through a screamin’ forest,” Connor said. “I didn’t see a road to speak of.”

    “Then we steal one of the horses. Mariah’s right, we can’t stay here forever.” Molly crossed her arms. “Your plan’s a good one. If they ask what we’re doing, we can say we’re taking the wain for a walk.”

    “As long as we’re careful.” Connor nodded his agreement. “They’re dangerous creatures, and no mistake.”

    “Agreed.” Mariah shivered. “Did you see the Queen? Or the Lord Huntsman? Those two are haunting my nightmares.”

    “Not the Queen. It figures there’s one of those even here.” Molly sniffed disdainfully. “The Huntsman though, he was a terror. You’re speaking of the cat-eyed fellow with the eagle hands, I’m thinkin’. He was waiting for us when they brought us back.”

    “He spit when he saw us, the posh bastard,” Connor said. “Not that I want to have a go at him. He’s a proper monster, that one.”

    “The Queen is worse.” Mariah shuddered. “Be glad you didn’t see her.”

    “Aye, can’t say I need to meet that one.” Molly shifted position on the thick moss spread over the little clearing. “We should get ta know each other, don’t you think? We’ve got nothing to go on but names. I suppose you can guess it, but Connor and I are Irish.”

    “I’m American.” Mariah said, to nods from Molly and Connor. “I’m from New Hampshire – I guess the closest city you might know is Boston.”

    “We’re from a little village outside Cork,” Connor said. “Pleased to meet you.”

    “I like your tattoo.” Molly smiled kindly.

    Mariah stared back a the other woman. I don’t have any tattoos. Did those faeries put something on me? “I don’t have a tattoo – or I didn’t until I came here. Where is it?”

    “Across your collarbone. It’s a necklace, like.”

    Mariah put her hands to her throat and chest. A patch of her skin warmed under her hand as if it were fevered. Light shone from under her chin; Molly and Connor gasped. There was a necklace of delicate gold in Mariah’s hand. She tugged at it, disbelieving. A half a locket slipped into her hand.

    As soon as the cool glass of the locket touched Mariah’s hand, she heard a song. Transfixed, she listened while a soothing melody was sung by some unknown woman. The music stirred something in her, strange feelings or memories of cuddling in a pile of other children. There was something else too, a whiff of scent that brought with it a heartbreaking reminder of her roommates back home.

    For a moment Mariah thought she could see Hannah’s face. A scene of the living room intruded on her vision, but it was oddly annotated. There was a candle that blazed frighteningly, and every metal item evoked dread. The glass door to the backyard was boarded up. As if she was looking through someone else’s eyes, the scene turned – and faded with the end of the song.

    “Shite, she’s out her head again.” Connor was gently shaking Mariah.

    “Cop on, she just had a necklace pop out of her skin, how’d you be?” Molly grabbed Connor’s arm in time for Mariah to sway into the Irish woman’s arms.

    “Ugh, magic.” Mariah’s head was spinning from the abrupt transition out of the vision of her home. Laying across Molly’s lap, she gagged a few times until the nausea passed. Her limbs felt like wet noodles. When Molly cradled Mariah’s head in her lap and stroked her hair, Mariah was content to stay there and take the comfort.

    “Does it wreck ya like that every time? That’s nasty, so it is.” Connor patted Mariah’s leg gently.

    “I think I saw my house. Like I was in somebody else’s head. The door was boarded up and – the metal was scary?”

    Connor and Molly exchanged a look. Molly shook her head and said, “Couldn’t be.”

    “What?” Mariah looked up at them in distress.

    “Well, just because we were sensible folk that didn’t believe the old stories doesn’t mean we haven’t heard them. An’ in those stories, often the faeries will leave behind one of their own when they take a human child. A changeling.” Connor rubbed his face. “This is mad, it is. We’re stuck in a children’s tale.”

    “There’s some fae pretending to be me?” Mariah tried to rise but her limbs weren’t having it, she sank back onto Molly’s lap.

    “Well that’s bleedin’ grand, isn’t it? Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here one way or another. No way am I getting’ stuck in faerie for a hundred years or the like.” Molly reached down and flipped Mariah’s skirt up. Too shocked to react, Mariah watched the woman she’d just met tuck a pair of fingers in her diaper and lift the waistband.

    “What was that?!” Mariah’s face burned, doubly so when she realized she was wet. When did that happen? While I was enchanted by the locket?

    “I’m sorry – I don’t know what came over me. I felt a compulsion to check yer nappy and couldn’t stop myself.” Molly was blushing as well, not that that was any comfort to Mariah.

    “That plant woman – Lualdina, didn’t she say we were ‘charged’ ta take care of Mariah? Seems like she put the come-hither on us.” Conner tugged angrily at a silver chain around his wrist. Molly had a matching one, Mariah realized.

    “I – I’m feeling a strong need ta change yer nappy Mariah, now that I know you’re wet. I don’t think I would if the fae hadn’t done something to me.” Molly was wringing her hands anxiously.

    “I’m not sure I can walk right now, and the changing table is back – wherever the main clearing is.” Mariah was glad a change was impossible, even if it’d mean Molly would be uncomfortable for a while from the magic.

    “Actually, Podra left us with some supplies. I never thought we’d use them.”

    “Liar, you said you didn’t want to use them.”

    “Because I was hoping the girl didn’t use her nappies except when the faeries made her.”

    “It’s not like – I don’t have to use them. I don’t have accidents!” Besides the one I just had… “I don’t know if it was the locket or what, but it’s not like I have a choice. They won’t let me go anywhere else.”

    “Well, I’m sure you want a change.” Molly’s voice was strained, like she was trying to resist the words coming out of her mouth. “Lie down a tick and I’ll take care of ya.”

    Mariah sighed. She was sure Molly had seen her at her worst, in a filthy diaper. The little accident she’d just had was nothing in comparison. On top of that, her limbs were still feeling lethargic. She wasn’t sure she could manage changing herself. Then there was the problem that whatever spell was on Molly might actually hurt her if she didn’t let the other woman change her diaper…

    I think that’s enough rationalizations. I can’t believe I’m going to ask a stranger to change my diaper. “Okay – Molly I’m really sorry about this.”

    “Me too, lass. We’ll do what we have ta do to get out of this place.”

    “I think I’ll take a quick walk around the grove.” Connor stood up suddenly.

    “That’s a fine way to treat it, is changin’ nappies to be women’s work only then?” Molly asked sharply.

    “I thought Mariah would prefer to have less of an audience you daft woman!” Connor stared at Molly, and she back at him. They had clearly not been grabbed randomly, Mariah realized, they knew each other, and might be a couple. She couldn’t decide if the two of them being married would make being their ‘baby’ more or less awkward.

    “Sure, look,” Molly said. Connor threw up his hands and strolled out of the clearing.

    A basket behind Molly held the changing supplies. Mariah covered her face and lay back on the soft moss. From being enchanted or simply her practical nature, Molly didn’t pussyfoot about her task. She tore Mariah’s diaper open and had it off her right away.

    Mariah was torn between protesting how thorough Molly was with the wipes and being glad she wouldn’t get a rash. She considered striking up an unrelated conversation to take away some of the embarrassment. As she was picking a topic, Molly spread her cheeks and wiped Mariah’s ring, humiliating her into silence. Lotioned, powdered, and re-diapered, Mariah lay on the moss and wondered when the nightmare would end.

    She hadn’t even noticed she was crying until Molly hugged her. Tears had become a near-constant in Mariah’s life. Too distraught to care about how it infantilized her, Mariah snuggled into Molly’s embrace and held on to the other woman.

    “There, there, lass. I’m so sorry for the cruel game they’re playing with ya.”

    “Thanks for not being mean to me. I know that was disgusting. I’ll do better about holding it when you’re around.”

    “I’ve three nieces and a nephew, that was nothing.” Molly hugged Mariah tightly. “I think we both know you might not get a choice, any more than I had about checking ya. Let’s just call it something that has to be done and not dwell on it too much.”

    Mariah shuddered. She couldn’t summon the energy to disagree, nor lower her pride enough to agree with Molly. When Connor came back, he owned up to feeling the compulsion as well. Luckily, it turned out that he merely had to do any sort of caregiving for Mariah. It wasn’t necessary for him to change her diaper too. That was as far as the luck went though, since the only other baby item they had on hand was a bottle of fairy milk.

    Too weak and emotionally exhausted to hold herself up, Mariah leaned against Connor and let him feed her the bottle. All three of them felt better afterwards. Mariah had some of her strength return from the incandescently delicious milk and the care she’d gotten. Molly and Connor were obviously happier too, they’d lost the agitated energy they’d shown after Molly had diaper-checked Mariah.

    It could be worse. They’re nice people at least. I’m not doing this because any of us want it. It’s humiliating enough to have Connor feed me a bottle, but it’d be so much worse if I actually enjoyed it.