Monserrat has no idea what to expect when she joins the gig-app EscortQuest. All she knows is that she doesn't want to be a regular escort.

Her first job pairs her with an adorable Adult Babygirl who opens her eyes to the ABDL world. 

As she discovers her hidden talent for babysitting adults, her popularity grows. No job is too weird, too intense, or too messy for Monserrat to handle.

Her clients quickly discover that they should be careful what they wish for in a babysitter. 'Monchi' is ready and willing to give them everything they were afraid to ask for.
  • AB Sitter: Amira

    “Tell me again how it isn’t prostitution.” The voice on the phone was more than a little sarcastic. Not that Clarissa had a lot of tones that weren’t sarcastic.

    Monserrat glanced in irritation at her phone, hanging on the dash of her car. With an effort she forced her eyes back on the road. “Because, bitch, I’m not having sex with anyone. It’s companionship.”

    “Monchi, you think they aren’t expecting it?” Clarissa asked. Notifications flashing on the phone caught the corner of Monserrat’s vision. She rolled her eyes. How many times had she told Lyssa she couldn’t look at memes while driving?

    “The client puts up what they’re expecting on the job posting. I don’t pick the ones that are asking for sex.”

    “Yeah, you and all the other women on that app. I’m sure dudes learned early not to check that box.”

    “I’m not even visiting a guy today. The client is a woman.”

    “Uh huh, and I’m sure her boyfriend won’t just ‘happen’ to be there when you show up.”

    “If that happens I’ll cancel the job and leave.” Monserrat said, exasperated. “I’m girl bossing this, you don’t have to worry about me.”

    “I’m pretty sure that worrying about you is in the best friend job description.” Clarissa said. “Just be careful okay?”

    “I am, that’s why we’re talking on the way to the job. You have the address and everything. If I don’t text you in forty five minutes, call the cops.”

    “Yeah, I know the plan. The fact that you’re on a job with that kind of plan is what’s making me worry.”

    “It’ll be fine. It’s a better way to pay for college than stripping.”

    “We should move to Europe so that’s not even a choice we have to make.”

    “Yeah, I’ll get right on that multi-year immigration process. Love you Lyssa. I’m pulling into the driveway now.”

    “Love you Monchi. Don’t be late on that text, be safe.”

    Monserrat swiped the call closed and let her call roll to a gentle stop in the client’s driveway. The house looked normal enough, painted a sort of algae blue. It was a nice neighborhood too. She sighed and checked the escort app on her phone. EscortQuest made a lot of promises about the amount of money you could make, and how you wouldn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to do.

    “Here’s hoping that’s actually true.” Monserrat said to herself. She checked in on the app and knocked on the door.

    There were some odd shuffling sounds before the door was hesitantly opened to reveal a dark skinned woman in a floral top.

    “Hi, are you from EscortQuest?”

    “That’s me.” Monserrat said, smiling her best customer service smile. “I’m Monserrat. Are you Amira?”

    “Yes, I’m Amira. I have my ID here, you need to see it, right?”

    “Yes please.” Monserrat checked Amira’s ID, it seemed legit. She showed her own as well. Neither of them were able to legally drink, but Amira was a couple of years older, and doing pretty well to have a house. Or maybe she was just renting it.

    “Okay uh, come on in.” Amira stepped back, still shy or hesitant. The fact that she wasn’t straight to business was reassuring. After all, Monserrat still didn’t know exactly what to expect from these escort jobs.

    “Thanks.” The house was very clean, with tasteful art up on the walls. It didn’t look like it had been cut into a bunch of tiny rooms for college students. The living room was set up for a kid, with toys and coloring books on a shelf next to the TV.

    “Is this a babysitting job?” Monserrat asked in surprise. “There have got to be cheaper babysitting services.”

    “Uh, it is.” Amira smiled, blushing cutely. “But I can’t use a regular babysitter. I’m uh, I’m the baby you’re sitting.”

    Monserrat blinked and looked Amira over more carefully. She was wearing shortalls that on further examination had been embroidered with teddy bears. The floral top had very short sleeves and was smoothly taut down well past the waist of the shortalls. An adult-sized onesie, but in a kiddie print instead of the usual solid colors.

    “Oh.” Monserrat chuckled. “Not what I was expecting, but not necessarily a problem. I guess we should talk about what you want me to do?”

    Amira nodded. “It’s pretty easy to explain, but let me know if you have any questions about the details. I want you to treat me like I’m a baby. Well, toddler I guess. Watch me, give me stuff to play with, make a lunch for me, all the regular babysitting stuff.”

    “You want to do it like make-believe?” Monserrat asked. “Should I babytalk you? Are you going to babytalk?”

    “Yeah.” Amira said with another blush, and a little squirm. Said squirm was accompanied by a suspicious rustle from Amira’s rather bulky rear.

    “Are you wearing a diaper?” Monserrat asked, amused.

    “Yes but uh, you don’t have to deal with that part if you don’t want to.” Amira said, blushing even more.

    “Of course I do.” Monserrat said, taking Amira’s hand to the other girl’s surprise. “If you’re too little to be potty trained you’re going to need some help, aren’t you?”

    “Yeah, but I don’t really use them…” Amira began.

    “Come on sweetie.” Monserrat interrupted, leading Amira into the living room. She had over a foot on the other girl, and her frame was a lot bigger from the basketball and volleyball workouts. It made it easy for her to slip into the game. From Amira’s expression she was getting into it too, but still had some reservations.

    “You can call me Monchi.” Monserrat said, manhandling Amira down to a sitting position on the carpet. “We’re going to have a lot of fun today, okay?”

    Amira giggled, squirming as embarrassment and delight warred on her face. “Okay Monchi. I wanna watch TV.”

    “Hmm, maybe in a bit.” Monserrat said. “Let’s get to know each other a little bit first and do some coloring. If you’re a good girl we can watch an episode of something after lunch.”

    “But I want to watch Octonauts!” Amira pouted. It would have been cute except for the more adult expression of annoyance in her eyes.

    “Creature Report!” Monserrat said, crouching down by Amira and grabbing her sides. “Creature report! We have encountered a fussy baby. Check Check Check!” She dug her fingers in lightly, tickling Amira under her ribs.

    “Ack, hey!” Amira giggled helplessly. She briefly batted at Monserrat’s hands but fell back as the tickling overwhelmed her.

    “Creature Report, tickling seems to improve the baby’s mood, check check check!” Monserrat grinned, relenting on the tickling. She stroked Amira’s belly gently, while sneaking her other hand up the leg of the shortalls.

    Amira was clearly caught off guard, lying on the floor with a happy grin until Monserrat dug her fingers deftly under the crotch of her diaper. The little girl squeaked and blushed until her face was several shades darker. Amira froze on the carpet, staring at Monserrat with wide eyes.

    “Seems like you’re still dry, good girl!” Monserrat said excitedly. She made it more than a perfunctory check, sweeping her fingers across the bulky padding toward the back. Amira was wearing a real diaper, just sized up a bit for an adult. It otherwise felt exactly like what the actual babies she’d sat had been wearing.

    “If you can behave and stay dry until after lunch we’ll watch Octonauts for sure.” Monserrat withdrew her fingers and hauled the smaller girl into a sitting position.

    Amira didn’t answer right away. Monserrat watched her carefully. She needed a good review from her first client, after all. The other girl was trembling a little, but she didn’t seem upset. Her breath was coming fast, and her eyes were dilated. She kept her eyes on Monserrat but refused to meet her babysitter’s yes.

    She’s turned on by this. Really turned on. Monserrat grinned. This was going to be fun after all. Teasing had always been something she’d enjoyed doing in the bedroom. Now she was going to get paid for it.

    Monserrat stretched and deliberately grabbed her chest, hefting her breasts. “Are you staring at these, baby? They’re big, huh?”

    Amira jerked her eyes up to meet Monserrat’s in the horniest panic the babysitter had ever seen. “Sorry, I can’t feed you the same way your mommy does, but if you need a snack I can get one started. Do you want a snack, Mira? Huh? Snackies?”

    Even through her bra, Amira’s nipples were clearly visible. She nodded.

    “Use your words, sweetie.” Monserrat said, patting Amira’s tightly curled hair. “Do you want a snack?”

    “Y-yes pwease.” Amira said, shuddering.

    “Good girl! Find something to color, I’ll be back in a bit.” Monserrat beamed. She put a coloring book and a small pack of crayons into Amira’s hands before making her way to the kitchen.

    There were a variety of items set out on the counter. A baby bottle was present, but so was a sippy cup. There was a child-safe bowl and an oversized kid’s spork as well. Monserrat wondered if Amira hadn’t been able to decide how young she wanted to pretend to be, or if she had been worried that her escort wouldn’t be willing to take the game to a certain level.

    I bet it’s the second one, Monserrat thought.

    A search of the cupboards and fridge didn’t yield and baby formula. Monserrat resolved to bring some herself if Amira hired her again. She’d certainly be able to afford extras like that with the rates on the app.

    There was milk, at least, which Monserrat put in a saucepan to warm. While she waited, she peeked into the living room to see how her baby was doing. Amira was lying on her stomach, coloring away. Monserrat grinned.

    I should have gone for an even more baby activity, She thought. Maybe after lunch and the show. Her phone dinged, letting her know that it was time to text Clarissa. She shot off a quick, ‘all clear’ message and put her phone away.

    Monserrat tested the bottle full of warm milk on her wrist to make sure it wasn’t too hot. If Amira was going to commit to the role, she certainly was as well.

    “Snack time!” Monserrat said brightly, sitting down next to Amira.

    Amira looked at the bottle. Another big blush crossed her cheeks. Then she shook her head. “I want chips.”

    “That’s not a good snack for a baby!” Monserrat declared dramatically. “Does your other babysitter let you eat those?”

    Amira rolled her eyes. Monserrat could feel the other girl sipping out of the game. “Just get me some chips.” She said, sourly.

    Monserrat brought her hand down to swat Amira’s bottom. The thick diaper made a satisfying POW sound. Amira stared at Monserrat in disbelief.

    “There’s more where that came from, little girl.” Monserrat said firmly. “Now come here so I can give you your bottle.”

    Contritely, Amira crawled over to Monserrat. She seemed a lot more into the game again.

    So she likes it when I take charge, or discipline her, Monserrat thought. I can do that. I’ll have to give her opportunities to misbehave.

    In short order Monserrat was braced against the couch with Amira lying on her lap. She had an arm firmly around the smaller girl, with Amira’s ear pressed against her breast. Monserrat could feel Amira’s heart pounding through the embrace as she lowered the bottle to the girl’s lips.

    It was clearly a new, or at least unusual experience for Amira. She inexpertly sucked on the bottle, spattering milk on her cheeks and swallowing air. Though she quickly tried to squirm out of Monserrat’s hold or turn her face away, Monserrat held firm.

    “Sit still little girl. You’re making yourself such a messy baby.” Monserrat said, relentlessly guiding the bottle’s nipple into Amira’s mouth.

    Though she never stopped squirming, Amira resigned herself enough that she didn’t try to dodge the bottle anymore. She still swallowed air, or spit a bit of milk up onto her cheeks. Every time she did, she’d blush some more. It was adorable.

    As the bottle was finishing, Monserrat caught Amira sneaking a hand down her shortalls, rubbing at the crotch of her diaper. She took the bottle out of Amira’s mouth and grabbed her arm.

    “Bad baby! No playing with your diaper. You’re going to make a really big mess!”

    Amira squirmed, “But I…”

    “No, I don’t want to hear it.” Monserrat said, lightly swatting Amira’s hand. She spit on a washcloth and rubbed the milk off Amira’s lips and cheeks in a businesslike fashion.

    Unable to hide her state any longer, Amira moaned and reached for her crotch again. Monserrat grabbed the girl’s wrists and pulled Amira up to sit straddled on her left thigh.

    “Uh oh, feeling too full? Is that it, baby girl?” Monserrat lightly bounced Amira on her thigh, still holding her wrists pinned.

    Amira gasped and moaned again. “Oh, Monchi, please, just let me… oooh… BRAP.”

    A massive burp sounded out of Amira as the air she’d swallowed was released. Her face froze in an expression of embarrassed horror. Monserrat kept on bouncing Amira on her leg as if nothing had happened.

    “That’s it baby, let it all out. That’s a good girl.”

    Amira struggled weakly at the hold on her wrists, hiding her face in her shoulder. Her moans were getting louder, all pretense of subtlety abandoned. A few smaller burps escaped, prompting an embarrassed wince every time.

    Monserrat bounced the girl until her skin was just starting to shine with sweat and her moans were coming fast and desperate. Abruptly, she stopped and lowered Amira onto her back on the carpet.

    “What? No, no, don’t stop!” Amira whined.

    “We’re all done burping you.” Monserrat said. “But you look a little bit hot. Let’s get baby cooled off.” She firmly set Amira’s arms over her head and unbuckled the girl’s shortalls.

    While Amira writhed in frustration on the floor, Monserrat peeled her shortalls off and popped open the crotch snaps of the girl’s onesie. This time she was even less subtle about the diaper check, hooking her fingers into the rumpled crotch of the Amira’s Rearz diaper. It was more than damp, but not exactly wet.

    Monserrat pulled the onesie up while Amira was distracted and arching her hips up. It was a bit of a tussle to get it over the girl’s shoulders and head, but the principle was the same as with a wiggly toddler.

    Amira panted, looking at Monserrat, now in just her bra and diaper. “What are you going to do?”

    “I’m just making sure you’re comfortable, sweetie.” Monserrat said. “Looks like you got into Mommy’s bras, no wonder you’re all sweaty.”

    Brooking no disagreement from Amira, Monserrat unsnapped the bra and tossed it on the couch. “There you go, babies don’t need to wear those.”

    “Please.” Amira said. “Please…”

    “Please what, sweetie? What do you need?” Monserrat rubbed gentle circles on Amira’s bare belly. She was a beautiful girl, her small breasts heaving and perky. Monserrat was beginning to wonder how strict she wanted to be about the no-sex rule she’d established.

    “Please.” Amira begged. “I need. I… I need to cum. Please.”

    “Oh no!” Monserrat said with a vicious grin. “That would be a SUPER good girl reward. You haven’t exactly been bad, but you have been fussy.”

    “But…” A whine that was almost a cry came out of Amira.

    “Oh dear, are you getting overwhelmed, sweetie?”

    Monserrat gathered Amira up, pleased to discover that she could lift the smaller girl without having to make a huge show of effort. She sat them both on the couch, Amira on her lap facing forward.

    “Let’s watch your show, okay?” Monserrat put an arm around Amira, carefully settling her hand just below Amira’s breasts. She felt the girl stiffen and then snuggle back into her as she turned on the TV.

    “This isn’t how I thought we would play.” Amira said. Interestingly she reached for her diaper but pulled her hands away guiltily, without Monserrat having to admonish her.

    “No? Am I a bad babysitter?” Monserrat asked quietly into Amira’s ear.

    “No, you’re a good babysitter.” Amira said breathlessly.

    “Is baby Amira having a good time?” Monserrat asked, shifting her hand up onto Amira’s breast.

    “Ahh! Yes Monchi.”

    “What a good girl.” Monserrat squeezed Amira’s breast gently before sliding her hand away. “But you still want your super good girl reward, don’t you?”

    “Yes please!” Amira squirmed against Monserrat until the larger girl had to hold her tightly to keep her on the lap.

    “Silly baby, you know that your babysitter isn’t going to take your diaper off until you’ve used it. Your mommy would be very upset if I wasted the diapers she bought.”

    A gasp interrupted Amira’s now-constant whining. “I don’t… really use them though.”

    “Sure you do.” Monserrat said. “I don’t see a practice-potty around here anywhere. You’re telling me you’ve never peed in your diapers?”

    “Ju-just once.” Amira whispered.

    “And how did that feel?” Monserrat asked.

    Amira couldn’t answer that one. She squirmed again until Monserrat had to hold her with both arms.

    “You know what I think?” Monserrat asked. “I think you’re just pretending to be a big girl. Of course you’ve pottied in your diapers more than once. Let’s watch your show. Don’t worry, babysitter Monchi will change you when you need it.”

    As the Octonauts theme song played, Amira calmed down a little. She even started sucking her thumb as the show progressed. Despite her outward calm, Monserrat could feel the girl’s heartbeat and the warm glow on her skin. Baby’s motor was still running pretty hot. The more turned on she was, the more she seemed to want to act like a baby.

    On the other hand, Amira didn’t seem to be able to commit to the role fully. That made sense, Monserrat thought. After all, this was their first scene together. It would be hard to relax.

    Determined to get Amira the best experience she could, Monserrat gently engaged her about the show, asking her questions about the characters and the sea-creature of the week. She lightly stroked Amira’s body while they watched, soothing her without letting her wind down her desire too much. It seemed to work, Amira’s responses to questions became much more babyish.

    As the show was wrapping up with a creature report, Amira suddenly became very squirmy again.

    “What’s the matter sweetie?” Monserrat asked, tightening her grip on the girl.

    “Nu-nothing.” Amira said. “I wanna get up.”

    “Oh?” Monserrat asked with a mischievous grin. “Just wait a bit hon, we’re almost done with the show.” She shifted her grip to firmly hold Amira over her bladder.

    “Ugh, Monchi, don’t!”

    “Don’t what, baby?”

    “I hafta… I hafta…”

    “What hon?” Monserrat pushed down more firmly on Amira’s diaper.

    “No! I gotta, Monchi, pwease!” Amira thrashed, only to be caught tight in Monserrat’s strong grip.

    “You have to tell me what it is or I can’t help you.”

    “POTTY!” Amira cried out.

    It was too late. Monserrat felt the girl sag in her arms. Shifting her hand to Amira’s crotch, she felt warmth in the diaper as it expanded.

    “Oooh, you should have said something before, we could have tried getting to the potty.” Monserrat said, kissing Amira on the temple. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you.”

    Monserrat lay Amira on the floor. The girl had an unreadable mix of emotions on her face. She wasn’t getting up or trying to do anything with her diaper, and by the looks of it she was still filling it.

    Next to the shelf of toys was a very well stocked chest with changing supplies. Monserrat returned to Amira, her heart melting when she saw tears in the girl’s eyes.

    “Oh oh, I think baby wasn’t being honest with me.” Monserrat said, unrolling the changing blanket. “Look at all this diaper changing stuff your mommy has for you.”

    She scooted Amira onto the changing blanket and dabbed away the tears in her eyes as tenderly as she could. For a few moments she just sat and watched Amira’s face, stroking her hair.

    “Are you alright, Mira?”

    “I pottied.” Amira said, something like fear or sadness in her voice.

    “That’s okay. Babies use their diapers for potty.” Monserrat hesitated for a bit. Deliberately, she leaned down and kissed Amira’s lips.

    “You’re a good girl Amira.” Monserrat whispered, looking into Amira’s eyes from mere inches away.

    “I am?” Amira trembled, flushing with desire again.

    “A very good girl.” Monserrat grinned slyly and cupped Amira’s breast with one hand. “An especially, extra, SUPER good girl.”

    Amira’s eyes went wide. She shivered, nodding eagerly at Monserrat. “Good girl get reward?”

    “That’s right. You’re my very good girl.” Monserrat firmly grabbed the crotch of Amira’s diaper, squishing it. Amira whimpered, closing her eyes.

    “Here you go baby.” Monserrat pressed a set of interlocking plastic rings into Amira’s hands. “Be a good girl while I change you.”

    Amira giggled nervously and put one of the rings in her mouth.

    Monserrat slid her hands slowly down Amira’s body, tearing the tapes open on the girl’s diaper when her hands reached Amira’s waist. With all the meticulous care she’d give an actual baby, she cleaned Amira with a wet wipe.

    Amira was batting at the rings, moaning softly. Monserrat added a generous dollop of lotion to her hands and worked it slowly into Amira’s abdomen. Using the girl’s rising moans as a guide, she spread the lotion across Amira’s rear, her thighs, and finally onto the girl’s crotch.

    Sweaty and disheveled, Amira lay on the floor, surrendering to Monserrat. On a whim, Monserrat picked the girl’s ankles up, holding her legs up while she worked the lotion into the girl’s crotch.

    Amira arched her back, grabbing her breasts and moaning. The little girl’s breath came faster and faster with each deft circling motion of Monserrat’s fingers. The scream that Amira finally let loose was decidedly not babyish, but the thumb that went straight to her mouth was proof that the game had held.

    Monserrat found Amira limp and pliable as she powdered and then diapered the girl back up. She pulled the thick padding snug on Amira and made sure the tapes were set tight and firm.

    “It looks like you might need a nap, sweetie.” Monserrat said, brushing Amira’s sweaty forehead.

    Amira nodded. “Yes pwease.”

    “Okay, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Monserrat checked her phone. The session only had about fifteen minutes left. “By the time you wake up, your mommy should be back.”

    It took a while for that to register on Amira, but when it did she focused a genuinely sad look on Monserrat. For a moment Monserrat considered extending the session, then clamped down on her puppy-dog-eyes induced guilt.

    “Will you come babysit me again?” Amira asked plaintively.

    “Of course sweetie. You’re a good baby. You just need someone to remind you to be good sometimes, don’t you?” Monserrat smiled and patted Amira’s cheek. Her heart filled with warm fuzzy feelings when Amira nuzzled into the pat.

    “Yes Monchi. Thank you” Amira said.

    “Okay little one, let’s get you to bed.”

    Driving away, Monserrat tapped Clarissa’s contact on her phone.

    “Girl! I have been sitting here so damn curious! How did it go?”

    “It was really sweet actually. Like, I was surprised at the scene, but everything was legit. No hidden boyfriends or weird surprises.”

    “For real? No sex either?”

    “Uh, not exactly, no.”

    “Hah! I knew it was going to be a sex thing. Did you seriously…?”

    “No! Look, I’ll meet you for coffee and tell you all about it okay?” Monserrat laughed. “It was unusual all the way down.”

    “You buying?”

    “You better believe it. Payment already cleared to my account.” Monserrat said.

    “Dang, maybe I should get in on this.” Clarissa said.

    “Wait on that until I tell you what went down.” Monserrat said. “See you at the Black Drop?”

    “Be there in twenty!”

    Monserrat swiped the phone call off and smiled as her car rolled down the road. The road was gorgeous with about half the fall leaves on the trees still and the rest scattered across the sidewalks and lawns in a riot of colors.

    A notification popped up on her phone as Monserrat pulled into the coffee shop’s parking. She parked and thumbed it open.

    “I already have another job?” She said to herself in surprise. “Looks like the client is a guy but I’d be working with just his girlfriend? Ugh, it’s just like one of those Lyssa was warning me about.”

    She was about to reject the job when she saw a little star notification on the page. Touching it popped up a message.

    • You came highly recommended by a friend, Amira Hulbale. I’m hoping you’ll be willing to watch my girlfriend for an evening.

    Monserrat blinked at the message and chuckled. “I’m getting a reputation I guess! Hmm, maybe I should add some stuff to my profile. These kinds of jobs are pretty fun.”

  • AB Sitter: Ava – Monserrat Emergency Services

    The ABDU undergraduate library was a haven of warm wooden panels, natural light, and book smell. Monserrat was enjoying a rare moment of studying within the bounds of her hectic life. It wasn’t enough to be an engineering student; she also had to play sports. On top of both, she had a highly demanding job for her ABDL clients and an equally demanding ABDL wife named Jenna – or Jenny, depending on how Little she was feeling.

    Of all of those, Monserrat’s wife was the priority. Picking a second priority was tricky, however. It wasn’t always clear if excelling in school or her job supported Monserrat’s priorities the best. At the moment, she was dealing with the unwelcome feeling of struggling in her Basic Architectural Principles class. So much so that when an urgent request came through her work app – for a prior client at that – Monserrat hit decline without even looking at the name.

    No sooner had she turned back to studying the formula for the strength of an arch than her phone buzzed again. The same client had upgraded their request to an emergency. Rolling her eyes, Monserrat deigned to read the client’s name.

    Brianna Rasmussen. Damn. Her mom is why I can flex my class times to whatever I need. Can’t exactly turn down a red alert from her.

    “This is Monserrat.” Monserrat tried to pitch her voice low and got a few annoyed looks from her fellow students for answering a call in the study center. With a sigh, Monserrat threw her book in her backpack and headed for the nearest exit.

    “Monserrat? It’s Briana Rasmussen. Thank you so much for picking up.” Briana sounded seriously distressed.

    “You have a babysitting emergency?” Monserrat shouldered out the exit door into a beautiful spring day. Part of her wished she could have finished studying – another part was glad to be out of the library and into the sun. Saving some baby girls would be a bonus on top of that.

     “Yes, it’s an emergency. My girlfriend got hurt and had an accident. The EMTs just left, but we need a babysitter for the second part.”

    “EMTs? Briana, are you sure you need me? Should you be at the hospital?”

    “Ava won’t go to the hospital; she says they can’t help, and she looks much better. But she had a potty accident, and she’s really sad.” Briana had started out sounding Big, but she was getting more Little in tone by the second. “Please, Monchi, Mom and Dad are in a big meeting. We need the best babysitter ever.”

    Monserrat chuckled. “Well, you called the best babysitter ever. I’ll be there in five minutes if you’re at the map pin you sent with your request.”

    Excited Little girl noises followed. Monserrat indulged Briana until she reached her car. Verbally prying the Little girl off the phone was accomplished by the simple method of promising that they could, in fact, have cookies. After an ambulance-worthy injury, providing cookies was the least Monserrat was prepared to spoil the girls.


    There was no ambulance with the Little girls when Monserrat arrived, but a police car was parked next to the little bus stop they’d taken shelter in. Monserrat parked behind the officer, stepping out of her white SUV to survey the scene. They were in the downtown center, surrounded by picturesque buildings alternating between red brick and colonial white. Happily, there wasn’t too much of an audience – just a few onlookers peering over from a few buildings down. An Indian girl that Monserrat presumed was Ava was sitting on the ground in a gray sweatsuit with a wet patch on her crotch. A pair of brace crutches sat neatly next to her. She looked miserable.

    Briana was surprisingly all in black, including some dramatic gothic makeup that had made tear trails down her cheeks. She was addressing the police officer, who was listening with a surprisingly deferential expression.

    “He pushed her right over, even though he could see that she was on crutches. He wanted to hurt her, Officer.” Briana drew herself up to her full five-foot-nothing. “And I did not like that! My mom and dad aren’t going to like it either when I tell them. Neither is my aunt or my grandma. The whole Rasmussen family will be upset about this and want that man found.”

    Despite Briana’s childish, almost petulant tone, the police officer tipped his hat to her. “I hear you loud and clear, Miss. I will radio this report straight to the Captain; he asked to be notified.”

    “Thank you, Officer…” Briana went up on tiptoe to get a better look at the policeman’s name badge. “Jameson. You’ve been a big help. I won’t forget, and I’ll make sure to tell my family how good a policeman you are.”

    “I appreciate that, Miss Rasmussen.” The policeman looked over Briana at Monserrat as she approached. “Ma’am, can I help you?”

    Briana turned and grinned at Monserrat, throwing herself into a hug around Monchi’s waist. “This is Monserrat, Officer, she’s a friend. She’s going to take Ava and me home.”

    “That’s good to hear. I’m pleased to meet you, ma’am.” The officer’s manner was polite to the point of obsequiousness. As a woman of color, Monserrat didn’t know how to handle it. She’d had interactions with the police before, but never as remotely polite as her current situation. The most Monserrat could manage was a polite nod back.

    “Let’s get you taken care of,” Monserrat said to Briana. “Can you introduce me to Ava?”

    Monserrat put him and his manner out of her mind, with the policeman heading back to his car. She knelt by Ava and held out her hand.

    “Ava, this is Monserrat. Monserrat, this is Ava. She’s my girlfriend, and she’s feeling Little and had the worst, scariest day ever.” Briana plopped down next to Ava and put an arm around the anxious-looking girl.

    “Hi, Monserrat.” Ava had more than Littlespace nervousness on her face. She’d had a genuine scare and looked defeated on top of the rest of it all. Simply shaking Monserrat’s hand looked like it took a lot of bravery.

    “Hi, Ava.” Monserrat took Ava’s hand in both hers, making it as warm a handshake as possible. “The first thing to do is to get you girls somewhere more comfortable than this.”

    “We can go to my house!” Briana nodded excitedly, but Monserrat caught Ava wincing.

    “Ava is the one who had the extra bad day, so I think she should decide.” Monserrat put a finger to Briana’s lips when she tried to protest. “Ava, would you like to go to Briana’s house? I can also take you back to your house or my house. I know Briana’s house has some supplies for babysitting, and mine does, too. I’m not sure how yours is set up.”

    “Is your house – do you live alone?” Ava asked, her lip trembling.

    “No, sweetie. My wife and my roommates live with me.”

    “What’s wrong with my house?” Briana whined, sounding hurt.

    “Briana, you’re not helping your friend right now. Please let her decide.” Monserrat fixed Briana with a stern look, much to the Little girl’s surprise.

    “I don’t want people to – see me like this,” Ava said softly. “Is it okay if we go to my apartment? Briana can come too.”

    “Of course it is.” Monserrat stroked both Little girls’ hair. “I can see you two don’t want to be separated. Ava, is it alright if I pick you up and put you in my car?”

    Ava looked at her crutches, sighed bitterly, and nodded. “Yeah.”

    “I asked because I don’t touch people without asking if it’s okay,” Monserrat said, scooping Ava up. Though she had half a foot on Briana at least, Ava was as light in Monserrat’s arms as Briana had been. “I like carrying around the girls I babysit. It makes them feel more Little, I think.”

    Ava blushed, clinging to Monserrat until she was set down in the back of the SUV. Briana hopped in on her own, carrying Ava’s crutches. Monserrat stowed both girl’s backpacks in the cargo area before climbing into the backseat with them.

    “Um, Monchi, how will you drive from back here?” Briana asked.

    “Ava needs to be cleaned up first.” Monserrat reached over Briana to pull an opaque privacy screen over the window, going around the back of the car window by window until they were all blacked out. She clicked the dome light on and finished sealing off the back of the SUV with a small fold-out screen inset into the driver’s seat.

    “Y-y-you’re going to change me right here?” Ava whimpered.

    “If you let me. It’s private enough with the screens down.”

    “But when we get out, I’ll be in a diaper.” Ava’s shy whisper and the fact that she assumed she’d be put in a diaper lowered Monserrat’s assessment of the girl’s mental age.

    “I have some emergency skirts I keep on hand in case I have to rescue a Little girl. There won’t be anything for people to see.” Monserrat stroked Ava’s cheek, lowering the girl’s seat back until it was almost flat. “Be a good girl and lie back, okay?”

    “Monserrat’s a good babysitter; she was extra nice to me when I had a bad nightmare about Melody.” Briana took Ava’s hand. Ava looked comforted but was throwing nervous glances at Briana, too.

    “Would you rather that Briana not watch you get changed?” An immediate nod from Ava answered Monserrat’s question. Monchi reached into her rescue bag, pulling out a beanie. It was far too big for Briana’s tiny head at regular size. That made it perfect for pulling over the Little girl’s eyes.

    “Monchi!” Briana giggled.

    “Be a good girl, Briana. Leave that hat where it is, but keep holding Ava’s hand.”

    Finally comfortable, Ava smiled weakly and lay flat. Monserrat popped the Little girl’s shoes off, followed by her sweats. They were wetter than they looked, and poor Ava’s panties were soaked up to the waistband. She was visibly happy to get them off and didn’t seem to mind having a changing blanket scooted under her butt.

    Ava closed her eyes and relaxed as Monserrat wiped her clean. She was so relaxed that she dribbled a bit on the changing blanket. Monserrat didn’t say a word. The extra liquid was as easy to clean up as Ava’s spindly legs were to lift. Cleaning Ava’s rear segued perfectly into slipping a diaper under her rear. A bit of lotion and powder didn’t generate any protests. Monserrat kept the products light in case Ava wasn’t a fan of one or the other.

    With the Little girl snugly diapered, Monserrat lifted the seat and Ava together, ending with the girl in her arms for a hug. Ava was trembling again, but it seemed to be from intense emotion rather than anxiety. Monserrat kissed the darling girl atop her head.

    “You’re such a good girl, Ava. I’m going to put a skirt on you, then buckle you and Briana up. While I’m getting the window screens up, your only job will be to tell me your address and snuggle with Briana, alright?”

    “Okay, Monchi.” Fully Littled-out, Ava was as pliable as any girl Monserrat had babysat. She had them all on the road in minutes. Shortly after, they arrived at a charming brick apartment building whose courtyard boasted dogwood trees with lovely white flowers.

    “Do you want me to carry you to your apartment, Ava?” Monserrat hadn’t expected a yes but was surprised by the intensity of the Little girl’s head shake.

    “It was an anti-ABDL protestor that knocked me over.” Ava bit her lip. “I don’t want people to see any baby stuff outside my apartment.”

    “Oh, sweetie, that’s terrible.” Monserrat kept her face calmly sympathetic – despite the turmoil in her heart. She’d heard that ABDL was negatively in the news, but she hadn’t expected protests in Ardenthill. That someone had even gotten violent at a protest was terrifying for her wife, Jenna.

    I can warn her as soon as I get these Little girls inside. The last thing they need is for me to freak out and get them both scared again.

    Ava had to take three breaks on the way into her ground-floor apartment. It was a charming place, small even for a one-bedroom, but tidy and full of homey decorations from her childhood and family connections to India. Once inside, Ava grateful to be picked up by Monserrat and deposited on the couch.

    “Can you let my bird out?” Ava pointed to a big cage that took up a corner of the living room. “His name is Mango.”

    “Mango! Mango!” The bird hopped excitedly next to one of his cage doors. It took a finger-flick to open the cage – Mango was out and flying around the room, making happy trilling sounds. He landed on Ava’s shoulder right away, nuzzling her cheek.

    “I love you too, Mango.” Ava’s face lit up with the first genuine smile Monserrat had seen on the girl. “You remember Briana?”

    “Briana, Briana, treat!” Mango fluttered his wings at Briana, who sat beside Ava and giggled delightfully at the bird.

    “Treat later. This is Monchi. She’s a friend.” Ava pointed at Monserrat.

    “Monchi! Monchi! Treat! Treat!”

    Monserrat chuckled. “I think everyone should get a treat after what happened today. What do you think?”

    “Yeah!” The Little girls said in unison. “Treat! Treat!” Mango bobbed his head in an excited nod.

    Much to Mango’s distress, the Little girls got cookies before he got his date chunks. Monserrat’s go-to cookies for rescues were soft sugar cookies, liberally frosted and as big across as her hand. Once he finally got his bits of date, Mango snuggled into the crook of Ava’s neck. The Little girls were wholly focused on their cookies, giving Monserrat some time to take the lay of the land.

    While she explored, Monserrat shot off a text to Jenna – and a separate one to the rest of her polycule. She kept it as light as possible with the text to Jenna while ensuring the warning about ABDL protestors came through. For her polycule – Jenna’s other caregivers – Monserrat felt she could be a bit more explicit about the violence.

    Hoping that she hadn’t worried the women she loved too much, Monserrat concentrated on assessing the apartment. Ava’s space had no obvious ABDL touches besides an abundance of stuffies on her bed. If she had diaper supplies, they were well hidden. Monserat didn’t poke around for them.

    “That cop was weird with you,” Ava said while Monserrat filled sippy cups with water.

    Briana shrugged. “The police treat my family differently than other people – I know it’s not right, but what happened to you was way worse. I’m glad I could get them to pay attention to you, and Mom could do the same when Melody was in trouble.”

    Ava’s thoughtful look turned into a smirk when Mango hopped on Briana’s shoulder and declared, “Stinky! Stinky, stinky!”

    “What?!” Briana’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t – it’s just potty – Mango, you tattletale!”

    Ava giggled. “He loves tattling when somebody wets their diaper.”

    “How’d he even know?” Briana grumped as Monserrat laid out a changing blanket.

    “He hears the crinkles.” Ava nudged Briana. “Now we both had an accident.”

    “Yeah, but I’m only wearing a pull-up,” Briana squeaked when Monserrat picked her up. “Oh, thanks, Monchi.”

    “You’re welcome, Briana.” Monserrat set Briana down on the blanket. “Ava, turn away.”

    “I don’t mind.” Briana laid back and attended to her cookie like a true diaper-change veteran.

    “It doesn’t matter if you do; Ava doesn’t want you to see her, so she doesn’t get to peek either.” Monserrat gave Ava a pointed look and made a turning motion. “You turn toward that wall right now, young lady.”

    Briana was just as much fun to change as she had been the first time Monserrat babysat her, wanting to be played with the whole time and properly squirmy when Monserrat tickled her. While she had the girl and wipes to hand, Monserrat cleaned the Little girl’s makeup streaks up. Putting her back on the couch with Ava and tucking a blanket around the girls resulted in some blissful-looking Littles.

    “I think you two are properly rescued at this point. I need to get back to my Little girl and the rest of my day.” Monserrat kissed each girl on the forehead and petted Mango’s neck. “Can I do anything for you before I go?”

    “Do you really have to go?” Briana trained her devastating puppy-dog eyes on Monserrat. Thoughts of Jenna scared at the text she’d received, kept Monserrat strong.

    “I do, but I’d happily babysit either of you cuties – or both of you – another time.”

    “Briana was right; you’re a good babysitter.” Ava reached out to squeeze Monserrat’s arm and got a whole hug instead. “Thanks for being so gentle with me.”

    “It’s what you needed, sweetie.” Monserrat gathered her bag and ensured Ava had her crutches close to hand. “Briana, are you going to be able to get home on your own?”

    “I’m going to have Mom and Dad pick me up,” Briana said. “Thanks, Monchi.”

    “And Ava, you’re going to be okay with just Briana here?”

    “Yeah, I’ll be okay.” Ava snuggled up close to Briana. “I’ll have to go to the doctor and stuff, but I’ll be fine the rest of today.”

    “Good. If you have another emergency on campus, and I’m at school, I’ll rescue you at no charge, okay, Ava? Make sure you get my phone number from Briana.”

    “Okay, Monchi.” The sad gratitude on Ava’s face was hard to see.

    “Hey Monchi, when do I get to meet Jenna?” Briana settled in alongside her girlfriend, holding Ava tenderly in her arms.

    “It could be soon. If you want, I can give her your phone number and see if she wants to contact you.”

    “Yeah, do it!” Briana grinned.

    “It’s a plan. Bye girls. Be good while I’m gone.”

    “We will, Monchi!” Grinning at the adorable chorus, Monserrat stepped out of the apartment – and hurried to her car.

    Someone would have texted me by now if something terrible had happened – but I need my Little girl in my arms.

  • AB Sitter: Briana

    “It’s not that she’s necessarily unsafe at home.” Veronica said. “I would just feel better if she had a babysitter for overnight.”

    Monserrat considered the woman in front of her. She was pretty intimidating, to be honest. Not physically, but she had a lot of sheer presence packed into her gothic fem presentation. It didn’t hurt that she had her own office at the university, which was both well-decorated and large. They’d had to meet on no notice at all. She had good taste in coffee though, which Monserrat considered a sign of a civilized woman.

    “Okay, I’m just trying to understand what exactly I’m doing. This sounds like it’s not necessarily like the work I’ve been doing before.” Monserrat said. “It’s more like actual babysitting, in that I need to worry about her like I would an actual child.”

    “It’s complicated to explain.” Veronica said, taking a sip of her coffee. “But if you want to err on the side of taking precautions as if she were actually a toddler, that would be better than going too much the other way.”

    “In that case, I want to go over the emergency numbers you gave me. You said the closest emergency contact will be an hour away?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yes. Believe me, I’m not happy about it either. Normally when I need a babysitter for Briana, I just ask someone in our circle of friends. Unfortunately, it’s the holidays and people have already postponed things to watch her last week.” Veronica rubbed her temples. “If you’re not comfortable with this, I can figure out a way to make it work taking her with me.”

    “I just want to be sure I do a good job. Believe me, Veronica, I will take excellent care of Briana.”

    “Ms. Rasmussen would be better.” Veronica said.

    “Of course, Ms. Rasmussen.”

    That was chilly. Monserrat kept a straight face, she could tell that Veronica had a lot on her shoulders. She had that sort of hollow-eyed look that only came from emotional baggage.

    “Did you tell Briana why you’re leaving?” Monserrat asked.

    “I don’t want to worry her. It’s my mother.” Veronica said. “She has to go in for a procedure. It should be just routine, but we’re all a little nervous. I want to introduce Briana to her, but I think you can see why this wouldn’t be the best time.”

    “So, she’s your daughter in more than the…” Monserrat steered her thoughts away from the word fetish, “ABDL sense?”

    “She’s my daughter. Full stop.” Veronica said primly.

    “Look, I’m not trying to upset you, I can tell that this isn’t a great time for you. What can I do to reassure you? I’m really only asking questions because I want to make sure I know my clients and can give them what they need.”

    Veronica sighed. “I’m sorry, I’m being awfully bitchy, aren’t I? You’re right, it’s a tough time. I just have trouble trusting people with someone so precious to me. You have excellent references, but it’s a bit strange to trust a family member with someone from an app.”

    “You can run a background check on me if that would make it easier for you.” Monserrat said.

    “Oh, I already did that.” Veronica countered. “You came back clean as a whistle, if you’re curious.”

    Monserrat blinked. “Oh, like a credit check or…”

    “Full background. Credit, criminal, social, and so on.” Veronica said. “I can email you a copy of the report if you want one.”

    “Uh – yes, yes I would like that.” Monserrat said. “If you’ve done all that, I don’t know what I could say to help you trust me.”

    “I want to know why you do this.” Veronica said. “You’re on an escort app, but from your history it looks like you only take ABDL jobs.”

    “I just sort of fell into that niche, and I’m good at it.” Monserrat said. “Are you worried that I’m doing it just to sleep with a bunch of diaper girls? You specified no sex in your client survey.”

    “That’s one thing that I’m worried about, yes.” Veronica said. “Briana is special, even within the ABDL community. It’s not a fetish for her. It even goes beyond what people in the community call ‘lifestyle’.”

    Monserrat studied Veronica. There were several flavors of worry weighing her down, if Monserrat was any judge. Taking at least one of them off Veronica’s shoulders was going to be the key to nailing this job.

    “I think I get it.” Monserrat said. “You want to know if this is just something I do for kicks, or if it’s only for the money. Well, I do enjoy the work, and I love the money. There’s more though.”

    “Yes?” Veronica asked.

    “It’s kind of magical, watching these girls and the occasional boy turn into a baby or a little kid. Can I tell you about a recent client?”

    “Please do.” Veronica nodded.

    “I was trying to get the client to take a nap, and she was fussy.” Monserrat said. “She ended up falling asleep on my lap, hugging me. What I probably should have done was transfer her to the couch and give myself a break.”

    Monserrat smiled fondly remembering Fabiola’s warm snuggly body against hers. “I couldn’t do it though. I kept her on my lap the whole time, helping her adjust position when she started waking up. It’s probably my favorite moment from these jobs so far,”

    “You have the job, Ms. Navarrete.” Veronica said.

    “Thank you, Ms. Rasmussen.” Monserrat said with a pleased grin. “So, you said I had to pick Briana up off-site and bring her back to the house?”

    “Yes, she’ll be at the campus administration building. Spencer Hall.” Veronica picked up her phone and started tapping on it as she spoke. “She should be in an adult frame of mind when you pick her up, but she will likely not be able to maintain that for long. I am guessing you’ll have a little girl in your car before you get back to the house. Please ask her to sit in the back seat.”

    “Got it. Then it’s overnight, and you’ll be back when you can.” Monserrat said. “I have nothing going tomorrow or the day after, so if you need to extend to afternoon or evening, I’m flexible.”

    “Her boyfriend and babysitter should be back in the morning regardless but thank you for being flexible.” Veronica set her phone down. A few seconds later, Monserrat’s phone chimed as EscortQuest let her know the job had been accepted and paid out.

    “Any final bits of information?” Monserrat asked. “You can always text me when I’m on the job as well.”

    “It’s possible that Briana’s sibling will show up. Their name is Melody. If that happens, please call me immediately.” Veronica said. “Melody may also be in a little frame of mind. I would ask you to treat them as gently as possible.”

    “That’s a little vague, is there something going on with Melody that I should know about?” Monserrat asked.

    “Not unless they arrive at the house.” Veronica said. “Just put them with Briana and call me. I will pick up.”

    “Okay.” Monserrat nodded. “I really appreciate you trusting me here.”

    “I think you’ll be worthy of it.” Veronica said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    “See you then, Ms. Rasmussen.” Monserrat downed the last of her coffee and stood. She knew when she’d been dismissed.

    “Girl that was brutal intense.” Monserrat said, as she drove away from the university.

    “You got grilled huh?” Clarissa asked, coming in clearly on the phone for once.

    “You have no idea. It was like applying for a job at the White House.” Monserrat said. “I think she finally got to trusting me, but we never even touched on friendly.”

    “You think the job is going to be a pain?” Clarissa asked. “You can still back out.”

    “Naw, I got this.” Monserrat said. “Maybe Veronica was a little over the line, but she was worried about her family. Her mom’s going into the hospital.”

    “Oh damn, that sucks.” Clarissa said.

    “Exactly. So now it’s a challenge. I’ve got to make sure that she doesn’t have to worry about her little girl while she’s taking care of her mom.”

    “Trying to be super nanny again?” Clarissa asked. “You know, you’re taking a lot of these jobs. You’ve been missing classes.”

    “The money is that good, and the work suits me.” Monserrat said.

    “Yeah, but you are only taking one class next quarter.”

    “Doesn’t matter, these jobs pay for way more than my financial aid does, and none of it is loans.”

    “You’re never going to graduate taking one class a quarter. Are you thinking about dropping out and doing this full time?” Clarissa asked.

    “I don’t know.” Monserrat said. “Maybe? Whatever it ends up as, I want to give it my all while I’m starting out. See what the potential really is.”

    “Just be careful, okay? What if the work dries up?” Clarissa asked.

    “I don’t think it will. There are a lot of ABDLs in the area. Like, a serious statistical anomaly.”

    “Huh. Any idea why?”

    “No, but I expect I’ll find out at some point. Maybe Veronica is that video game boss I’ve got to get past to unlock the secret.”

    “Nerd.” Clarissa laughed. “Okay, tell me how it goes, and call me if you need your safety call, okay?”

    “I shouldn’t for this one, but I’ll let you know.” Monserrat said.

    “Love you, bitch.” Clarissa said, chuckling.

    “Love you too, bitch.” Monserrat grinned and swiped the call closed.

    The job had her nervous for sure. Monserrat had never had someone judge her so thoroughly. Reading the background check that Veronica had sent her had been a trip. There was Department of Homeland Security stuff in there. It’d be scary, if it wasn’t so sweet that she was worried about her daughter. Well, it was a little scary anyway.

    Nerves had her sitting outside Spencer Hall a good thirty minutes before she was supposed to pick up Briana. She had a picture of the girl open in EscortQuest and kept looking at it whenever someone would leave the building. There wasn’t much else worth looking at. The snow covering the ground had gone crusty and gray. Spencer Hall wasn’t one of the nice faux-gothic buildings either. It had that Brutalist concrete thing going on.

    Not that the picture was a lot of help. Briana looked adorable in her overalls in the picture, but it wasn’t overalls weather now. Monserrat shivered and tucked her scarf closer around her neck.

    Finally, she spotted a tiny woman walking down the broad concrete stairs. Calling her five feet would be generous. She was bundled up in all kinds of winter gear, but the bit of her face peaking out was on the extra-pale-end of white.

    Monserrat hopped off the concrete bench and walked briskly over to the girl. “Hi there. Briana Rasmussen?”

    The girl turned, and it had to be Briana. When her face lit up with a smile, she looked just like her picture.

    “That’s me! Are you Monserrat?” Briana asked, quickly closing the distance.

    “I am. It’s nice to meet you. Do you know why Veronica hired me?” Monserrat asked. That was always the awkward part when there was a secondary client.

    “You’re my babysitter, right?” Briana asked brightly. There wasn’t anyone around to hear, but she didn’t have even a hint of embarrassment in saying that out in public.

    “That’s right. I’m going to take care of you overnight while Veronica is out of town.”

    “Yup. You can call her my mom if you want.” Briana said. “But I bet she made you call her Ms. Rasmussen when you met her.”

    Monserrat chuckled. “Yeah, she did. You can call me Monserrat or Monchi, no need for my last name unless you really want to use it. You fine if I call you Briana?”

    “Yup! Though if you want to use my last name, I just kinda got it so it’s still fun to hear.” Briana blushed a little. It was dangerously adorable. “Oh! I almost forgot, I’m supposed to check your ID before I go to your car.”

    “Right here.” Monserrat said, sliding her license out of her phone case. “You want to go straight to the car? It’s pretty cold out here.”

    “Yeah, let’s go please.” Briana said, handing Monserrat her license back.

    Briana clutched a black portfolio cover to her chest as she walked. Monserrat was crunching along through the old snow and ice, but Briana was so light she mostly walked atop the crust. Like an elf. Monserrat snorted at the image.

    “Something funny?” Briana asked.

    “Just that you’re such a little thing you don’t break through the snow.” Monserrat said.

    “Yeah, it’s handy!” Briana said, giggling. “You’re the opposite. You’re almost as big as my roommate Casey.”

    “Wait, is this the Casey that plays Volleyball? She’s the setter for the ABDU team?”

    “Yeah, do you know her?”

    Monserrat coughed. “Uh yeah, I know her.”

    “Oooh, were you two daaating?” Briana asked in a singsong tone.

    “No uh, we didn’t really go on dates.” Monserrat chuckled, hoping her blush wasn’t too obvious.

    “I get it.” Briana giggled. “She’s an orgasm friend.”

    Monserrat choked on some spit, taking three coughs to clear her throat. If Briana was deliberately trying to find her buttons, she was doing a decent job of it already.

    “That’s not really the word I use. I guess it describes it okay though.” Monserrat said.

    “Sorry.” Briana said. The twinkle in her eyes made Monserrat sure that Briana was not at all sorry. “I actually stole that line from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’ve been watching it because Mom says it’s essential media.”

    “Isn’t that kind of a scary show for a little girl?” Monserrat asked. She didn’t know much about the show herself. Other than there were vampires that got slayed, and it was one of those ‘early queer rep’ shows.

    “I watch it when I’m big. When I’m practicing. Like right now, except I guess I’m not practicing today. This is for real.” Briana nodded sagely.

    “Well, even if you’re feeling big, Veronica – your mom, asked me to have you ride in the back seat.” Monserrat said, hitting the button to unlock her car.

    “That’s okay, but it might make me feel little.” Briana said. “Actually, I’m already kind of heading that way. Is it okay if I stop being big?”

    “You can just turn it off like a faucet?” Monserrat asked curiously. She opened the back door for Briana.

    “That’s part of my superhero secret.” Briana said with a wink. She hopped in the back.

    Monserrat got in and got the car started. Blessedly, the heater was pretty good from a cold start. “Go ahead and be little, I guess. Don’t forget to buckle up.”

    “Okay Monserrat!” Briana said. “Oh, and don’t worry. I’m wearing a pullup, so I won’t pee on your seats.”

    Monserrat gave the girl the side-eye, especially when Briana giggled. This kid was trouble. Cute trouble though. Or maybe that was the part that made her trouble, instead of just a brat.

    Briana’s transformation on the ride to her house was decently dramatic. She went from a composed young (older than Monserrat) woman to a carefree girl kicking her feet in the back of the car. The portfolio she’d been so careful with on the walk over, was carelessly slung onto the neighboring seat, with some of its papers sliding out.

    Monserrat made sure to scoop that portfolio up as part of the process of getting Briana into her old Victorian style house. It was a little awkward. She was carrying her bag of supplies, Briana’s papers, and a small backpack of her own overnight stuff. On top of that, Briana handed her the door key, rather than just opening it herself.

    Nevertheless, Monserrat managed to get them inside. She noticed immediately how immaculate the entryway and living room were. Note to self: the house should look like this when Veronica comes back.

    “Heloooo!” Briana called. She deflated a little when the only response was the echoes off the wall.

    “Veronica said it’d be just us tonight.” Monserrat said, stowing her bags by the couches.

    “I know, I was just hoping that somebody would be back.” Briana pouted and kicked at the stairway banister. “Especially Melody.”

    “That’s your sibling, right?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yeah, and they’re in trouble right now. Not like, rule breaking trouble, though there’s that too. Like, real life trouble.”

    Briana looked like she was about to cry. Second note to self: the kid had big mood swings going on. Monserrat would have to keep her distracted.

    “Hey Briana, can you show me around the house?” Monserrat asked.

    “Okay!” Briana said brightly.

    She gave a pretty good tour. It was obviously not the first time she’d showed someone around. Monserrat was struck by how proud Briana was of everything, especially anything connected to Veronica. She was making a big deal of stressing the word ‘our’ whenever she talked about something that belonged to either Veronica or herself.

    “And this is my room!” Briana said excitedly.

    “Wow, you are set up.” Monserrat said, genuinely impressed.

    Briana was dripped out as hell with a crib and all kinds of nice baby stuff. Not to mention the copious amount of diapers on hand in the bedroom as well as on the changing table downstairs. Monserrat had been pricing those lately to have a sort of standard kit ready for jobs, and the high end ones weren’t cheap.

    “Thanks!” Briana said, bouncing excitedly. “Do you want to meet my stuffies?”

    “I do, but I think we need to get you into some better clothes first, and maybe a diaper.” Monserrat said. “Looks like you might be leaking a little.”

    Briana slumped down to her butt and rested her head on her knees. “I’m supposed to be working on potty training, but Mom is busy with Melody and she’s gone tonight and it was so hard being big today. I didn’t wanna have an accident in my big girl clothes.”

    “It’s not your fault sweetie.” Monserrat said, kneeling next to Briana. “It’s my fault actually.”

    “Huh?” Briana looked at Monserrat in confusion. The happy bouncing from a few moments ago seemed like it had been a thin façade. The poor girl’s eyes were already teary.

    “I should have gotten you into some more appropriate clothes right way. That’s a basic babysitter mistake.” Monserrat tutted at herself.

    “You’re gonna lose Santa Points.” Briana said, a small giggle breaking through her sad expression.

    “Santa points?” Monserrat asked.

    Monchi had enough experience with littles now, that she herded Briana onto the changing table without waiting for the conversation to get somewhere. Briana didn’t seem to mind.

    “Yeah, I got in super big trouble recently, but it was for a good reason!” Briana said urgently. “Mom and Dad talked to Santa, and he agreed to reset everything for me. So now I hafta earn a lot of Santa points really fast.”

    Monserrat got Briana’s pants down and inspected her pullup. It wasn’t even over-full, it had just been bunched up too much by Briana’s jeans to protect her properly. Briana was totally passive, letting Monserrat do whatever she wanted. It made her want to push the little girl’s boundaries a little to see where they even were. Monserrat dismissed that thought. Briana was not a toy, and she was having a tough time emotionally.

    “So how many Santa points do you have so far?” Monserrat asked, mildly curious about the system Briana had come up with.

    “I…” Briana stared at Monserrat in horror. “I haven’t been keeping track! I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten more of them than I’ve lost though.”

    “Well, you’re being a very good girl for me so far. You’re also really sweet with how you’re worried about your sibling. As your babysitter, I award you three Santa Points.” Monserrat lifted Briana up on her changing table and set to stripping the girl down.

    “Babysitters can’t award Santa points!” Briana said indignantly. “It’s moms and dads that talk to Santa.”

    “Shows how much you know.” Monserrat said. “Sure, it used to be that way, but Santa closed that loophole back in ‘03. Kids were getting away with all kinds of stuff when there was only a babysitter around. Now we have an elf division that checks in with us babysitters.”

    “No, you don’t, that’s silly. You’re making that up.” Briana said, giggling. She lay back on the changing table naked while Monserrat was prepping a diaper.  Out of the corner of her eye, Monserrat could see Briana watching her nervously.

    “Hey, it’s up to you if you want to risk it. You can do an experiment. Just be a bad girl tonight, and then see what happens to your presents.” Monserrat shrugged.

    “Nu uh.” Briana said, squirming. “If you talk to Santa, then what presents am I getting?”

    “I can’t believe you think I would betray Santa’s confidence.” Monserrat said, shaking her head. “I’m taking off one of your Santa points just for asking that.”

    “No!” Briana whimpered. “I didn’t mean it!”

    “You’re still up two points this evening.” Monserrat said. She took her time getting the girl nice and clean before taping up her diaper. “Just be good and you’ll be fine.”

    “I will! I’ll be a good girl, Monchi, I promise.”

    “I believe you. You seem like you’re usually a good girl.” Monserrat said. “You have so many cute outfits. Do I get to pick one for you, or is there one you want to wear?”

    “You can pick!” Briana said with a big grin.

    Not one to pass up a chance to dress a cute girl up, Monserrat looked through the dresser. She settled on a white one-piece-pajama with a drop seat flap. As soon as she was dressed, Briana ran off excitedly. Chuckling, Monserrat gave chase.

    Briana was in the room she’d identified as Melody’s during the tour, when Monserrat caught up to her. She was just about to sit down at Melody’s computer when Monserrat scooped the girl up and put her on her hip.

    “Hey, put me down!” Briana said, wiggling.

    “That’s not your computer, what do you think you’re doing?”

    “I just want to check on something really quick.” Briana said. “Melody might be sending messages that show up on their computer.”

    “I’m sure they might be.” Monserrat said, carrying Briana out of the room and closing the door. “And those would be their private business.”

    “But they need my help!” Briana said, whimpering.

    “Hon, I don’t know what’s going on with Melody, and I don’t need to.” Monserrat said. “I do know that it’s not okay to break into someone’s private messages like that.”

    “My sibling’s in trouble.” Briana said, frowning. She tried to push out of Monserrat’s arms but didn’t accomplish much. Her wiggles had been more effective at making her hard to hold.

    “Is it the kind of trouble that we should call the police about? Or Veronica?” Monserrat asked. “Remembering that Veronica is doing something difficult right now, and we shouldn’t bother her if we don’t need to?”

    “The police won’t do anything.” Briana said. “Mom already knows. And I know what she’s doing. She’s visiting my – her mom.”

    “Your grandma?” Monserrat asked.

    “I don’t know if I can call her that.” Briana said, her lip trembling. “I just want Melody home. I don’t know if they’re safe. I want my mommy!”

    Monserrat sighed softly and held Briana close. The smaller girl hesitated, then grabbed Monserrat tightly, sniffling into her shoulder. It was always the shoulder. Monserrat wondered about getting some shoulder coverings to soak up snot.

    “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry you’re having a tough time.” Monserrat gently stroked Briana’s back. “I know that your mom loves you very much. You wouldn’t believe how much she grilled me, to make sure I was good enough to take care of you.”

    “Was she mean?” Briana asked softly.

    “Kind of,” Monserrat chuckled. “But I could tell she was having a tough time. She’s worried about your grandma. She’s worried about Melody. She was even worried about you. If there’s nothing we can do to help your grandma or Melody right now, let’s at least let your mom know that she doesn’t have to worry about you.”

    “How?” Briana asked, leaning back to look at Monserrat with teary eyes.

    “Set your worries aside for a bit. Let’s have some fun, and then try a video call with your mom later, okay?” Monserrat stroked Briana’s hair. “If she sees a happy, safe baby, that’s one less worries for her.”

    “It’s hard though.” Briana said. “It’s all I can think about.”

    “We need a project to distract us.” Monserrat said. “The house is all decorated for Christmas, but I don’t see any homemade cookies. Let’s make some polvorones de canela.”

    “What are those?” Briana asked. Her interest was piqued, and her expression was less cloudy already.

    “Sugar cookies with lots of cinnamon.” Monserrat said. “You ready to be my good kitchen helper?”

    Briana managed a small smile. “Yes please.”

    It was fun to micromanage Briana around the kitchen. She really was like a kid, excited to please, but not moving on to new tasks without encouragement or permission. It seemed to be a good distraction for Briana too. By the time the cookies went into the oven, Briana was smiling genuinely again.

    Monserrat was working on her own cooking project in the meantime. Investigating the fridge for ingredients had revealed bottles labeled “Breast Milk” that were obviously from a pumping kit. Along with the baby food and powdered formula in the pantry, it was a little intense. Veronica had said Briana could eat regular food, so Monserrat didn’t bring any of those discoveries up with her charge.

    “How come you have chocolate in a pan?” Briana asked curiously. “What’s in this other pot?”

    “Careful with that one, that’s hot oil.” Monserrat said. “Can you come mix up this leftover cinnamon and sugar for me?”

    “Okay, are we making two kinds of cookies?” Briana set to vigorously mixing the cinnamon and sugar into a light brown mélange.

    “Nope, we’re having breakfast for dinner.” Monserrat said.

    Briana looked around. “Like pancakes or…”

    “Churros con chocolate.” Monserrat said. “We don’t really do pancakes in Mexico. You dip the churros in the chocolate, and then drink the leftover.”

    “Ooooh.” Briana said, her eyes huge.

    “Yeah, and I make great churros, so prepare yourself.” Monserrat said with a grin.

    Churros and chocolate got Briana over the hump. She was back to her happy, excitable self, but without the undercurrent of constant worry that she’d had before. A video call to Veronica on Briana’s tablet helped both the baby girl and the mom. Monserrat watched proudly as Veronica visibly relaxed on the call. Briana was downright bouncy on Monserrat’s lap by the end of it.

    All in all, it was turning out to be a pretty easy job. Briana was nicely obedient in getting ready for bed, despite her early bedtime. She was either used to it or was on a sugar crash from the churros and cookies. Monserrat read Briana a chapter from a magical-school book called Nevermore, totally lost since she was jumping in on chapter eighteen.

    Briana seemed to like the voice she did for the giant housecat at least. The kid was quite sleepy by the end of her story. It was so much like babysitting an actual kid, that Monserrat had ceased to think of Briana as an adult at all. She could understand Veronica’s worries now.

    On her way out of the bedroom, Monserrat caught sight of a baby monitor. Veronica hadn’t said anything about using it. Something about how little Briana seemed made turning it on seem like a good idea. If she noticed the monitor coming on, Briana didn’t say anything.

    Veronica had offered her own bed for Monserrat to sleep in. She decided to settle in for the evening to make sure she’d be up early in case Briana was an early riser. Veronica’s room was a trip, a full suite with a living room, bath, and big bedroom. It was obviously a room for two. Whoever Veronica’s partner, wife, whatever was, they looked like a cute couple in their pictures.

    It felt too early to read in bed, so Monserrat dialed up Clarissa after dressing down for bed.

    “Hey girl! You panic-calling me already?” Clarissa asked.

    “No, it’s been smooth as silk really. Latest client really is like a kid, like REALLY.”

    “Yeah? How so?”

    “It’s hard to describe. Literally imagine a kid in an adult body. She’s sleeping in a crib right now, with her stuffed animals. There isn’t a bed in her room. The crib is it.”

    “Wow. Wait, is that her snoring?”

    “Yeah, on the baby monitor that’s set up in her room and on her mom’s bedside table.”

    “Is it weird having like a normal babysitting gig?” Clarissa asked.

    “Yeah, I don’t know how I feel about it.” Monserrat said.

    “Aww, are you all upset that you don’t get to bang her?” Clarissa said. Monserrat could hear her friend’s smirk over the phone.

    “You are such a bitch.” Monserrat chuckled. “First off, I don’t ‘bang’ them. Second, there is something missing. I guess it’s like, for these girls so far, it’s been scary for them to do kink stuff in front of a stranger. It pushes their boundaries, and there’s this really cool sense of intimacy that comes from that. Like you get to see someone open up to you a little.”

    “And with this girl, everything is just routine?”

    “Yeah, she doesn’t mind wearing diapers, she’s happy to be treated like a kid. Not a peep about being put to bed at eight thirty.”

    “Kinda sounds like you’re complaining about work being work. It’s easy money, girl.”

    “Yeah, I know.” Monserrat laughed. “I guess I liked being the special addition to someone’s relationship, not just a random babysitter.”

    The conversation turned to Clarissa’s family drama. With parents that had split and both remarried, holidays were always a battle. Monserrat did her best to console her friend, but she knew better than to offer advice. Nobody could fix all that mess in a phone call.

    Still feeling discontent after the call, Monserrat read a couple of chapters of her book and decided to call it a night. It was possible Clarissa was right. This job was just a job, like any other. It was too bad though, she’d really started to like the little windows she got into people’s lives. Cutting back on babysitting for more engineering classes didn’t appeal much either.

    Monserrat woke out of a sound sleep to heart-pounding terror. The shrill scream that had woken her up was still ringing in her ears. It took a minute to snap out of flight-panic and assess the situation. She might be up, but her brain was not really awake.

    There was somebody crying in the room. No, not in the room, on the baby monitor. The baby girl! Terrified that Briana had hurt herself somehow, Monserrat jumped out of bed and ran to Briana’s room.

    She found the girl curled up in her crib, crying softly. A lot more softly than the baby monitor had made it sound. Monserrat winced and wished she’d tested the volume on that thing before falling asleep next to it.

    “Hey, Briana, what’s wrong hon?” Monserrat asked soothingly.

    “I hada bad dream.” Briana sniffled. “Beatrix kidnapped Melody and took them away and I was never going to see them again.”

    Monserrat was more curious than ever about the Melody situation, but now was not the time. She lowered the crib side and gathered Briana into her arms, blanket and all.

    “I’m sorry, baby girl. It’s okay, it was just a bad dream.”

    “But what if it wasn’t?” Briana said, sniffling. “What if I never see my sibling again?”

    “Oh sweetheart, I’m sure that won’t happen.” Monserrat said. “Your mom wouldn’t let it.”

    “I want my mommy.” Briana said, whimpering. “Please call mommy.”

    “Hon, it is – four am.” Monserrat said, checking the baby monitor and wincing. “It’s just a bad dream. It’s going to be okay. Let’s let your mom sleep.”

    “Please Monchi.” Briana whimpered. “Please, I’ve been a good girl. Please let me talk to mommy.”

    “Oh honey.” Monserrat could feel her heart breaking for the kid in her arms. The last thing she wanted to do was wake Veronica up, when she was probably exhausted from staying up with her own mother.

    “How about some warm milk?” Monserrat asked gently. “Your mom has some of her milk in the fridge downstairs, would that help?”

    “M-maybe.” Briana said. When she Monserrat tried to put her back in the crib, she grabbed her babysitter’s bare back so tightly that her nails dug in. “Don’t leave me!”

    “Ow! Okay, okay. Just hang on to me gently, please.”

    Monserrat drew a relieved breath when Briana relaxed her death-grip. Giving up on changing into clothes for now, she carried Briana on her hip down the stairs. It was a good thing none of the rest of the house was around to see her parading through in nothing but her panties.

    It was a bit of a challenge to get the milk out of the fridge and on the stove without putting Briana down. Monserrat thanked her university gym access as she hefted Briana’s squishy diaper onto her forearm.

    “You’re naked.” Briana said suddenly.

    Apparently, she was waking up. Monserrat’s brain was feeling a little less fuzzy as well. She did have a bit of a headache from the brutal way that scream had woken her up.

    “This is how I sleep.” Monserrat said.

    “You’re pretty.” Briana said, in the same sleepy tone she’d said goodnight with a few hours ago. “I can see why Casey dated you. I dated her for a while. We’re both orgasm friends for Casey.”

    Briana’s ditzy giggle and sleepy rambling made Monserrat revise her opinion of the girl’s wakefulness. Apparently, she was good at pushing people’s buttons even when she was half-asleep. Monserrat shrugged off her blush and hefted Briana into both arms.

    “Thanks for the compliment, I think. You’re pretty too, but you’re also a potty-pants right now. Let’s get you changed while the milk is warming up.”

    Briana giggled again. “I can’t help it. I always wet a couple of times a night. Momma thinks that even if I potty train during the day, I might never be night-potty-trained again.”

    “Yeah?” Monserrat asked, carrying Briana to the drawing room and setting her on the changing table. “You seem pretty okay with that.”

    “I was really sad about it at first, but mom helped me.” Briana said, yawning and stretching. “I thought everyone would laugh at me. My friends have been really nice though, lots of people have, like you.”

    Monserrat popped Briana’s diaper open and set to gently wiping her down. Briana sighed softly and closed her eyes. It was a comfort thing for her to be changed, Monserrat realized. She smiled and stroked Briana’s cheek.

    “You’re easy to be nice to. You’re a very cute little girl.” Monserrat said.

    “You’d be a good momma.” Briana said, nuzzling Monserrat’s hand.

    “You uh – think so?” Monserrat asked.

    She hadn’t expected that statement from Briana and it had hit hard. Monserrat couldn’t understand why. It wasn’t like she hadn’t gotten a compliment on her babysitting skills before. Except that this wasn’t exactly a babysitter compliment. Was this something she wanted? To have somebody like Briana to care for?

    It seemed like a lot of work. There had to be a ton of complications that went along with it. Monserrat’s stomach churned. Her mouth felt dry. In all the jobs she’d done so far, she’d never imagined herself as the full time caregiver. Or even thought about what it would be like to have on of her little girls or little boys as babies all the time.

    “Yeah. I already have a momma. But I bet some other little girl would like having you for a mom.”

    “Heh, I think I’m a little young for that.” Monserrat said, concentrating on getting a new diaper on Briana. “I’m younger than you, in regular years.”

    “Someday.” Briana nodded decisively.


    Monserrat picked the freshy diapered girl up and carried her back to the kitchen. She didn’t even bother trying to put Briana back in her crib. Briana wouldn’t want to sleep alone, and neither did Monserrat.

    It was the sweetest thing to snuggle Briana up to her in bed and feed her the bottle. The kid was out like a light as soon as it was done. Heck, she barely made it to the end of the bottle. Cuddling Briana close, listening to her soft breathing, Monserrat never got back to sleep herself. There were way too many confusing feelings bouncing around in her head.

    Monserrat was a tired babysitter when she greeted Veronica the next morning. Despite her fatigue, she had Briana changed, fed, and in a cute dress. The house was immaculate. Even Monserrat’s abuela would have been impressed.

    Seeing Briana squeal in delight and throw herself into Veronica’s arms was a great capstone to the job. I did it, Monserrat thought. I totally nailed this job.

    “Hi, I’m Jane.” The woman from the pictures in Veronica’s bedroom held out her hand.

    Monserrat shook with a tired smile. “Monserrat. You probably knew that though.”

    “Good to meet you. I’m Veronica’s girlfriend, and Briana’s father. How was the night? You look tired.”

    “She had a nightmare last night.” Monserrat said. “We got it sorted out though.”

    “Thank you for doing that.” Veronica said. “You could have called me.”

    “You were either busy or sleeping. I hope it was the second one.” Monserrat said. “I used some of the milk you had in the fridge, I hope that’s alright.”

    “Of course. That was perfect.” Veronica said, smiling.

    “It was really nice, mommy.” Briana said. “She let me sleep in your bed with her, an’ she held me all night long.”

    Both Veronica and Jane were favoring Monserrat with big smiles. She rubbed her hair bashfully.

    “She’s a really sweet kid.” Monserrat said, surprised at the amount of emotion in her voice. “I’d uh – be happy to babysit her whenever. I’ll give you a heavily discounted rate.”

    “I’ll see your rate and raise you.” Veronica said, chuckling. “I’d love to have you back again sometime.”

    “Yay!” Briana said, grinning at Monserrat.

    “I’ll get out of your hair, but thanks again for the job.” Monserrat said. “I hope your trip went well.”

    “It did, thank you.” Veronica said. “I can introduce you to some people, if you’re interested. You seem like a very capable woman. What are you studying at the university?”

    “Thank you, introductions would be great.” Monserrat said, sincerely. “I’m majoring in engineering. I don’t really have a concentration yet. I might put school on a break for a while – these jobs take up a lot of time.”

    “Oh no, that won’t do.” Veronica said, putting her arm around Monserrat. “You need to finish your degree. I think you have a lot of talent in this, but you never know where life will carry you, and the degree will be very valuable.”

    “I mean, I get that and all, but it’s hard to do classes when I have clients asking for multi-day sessions.” Monserrat said. She wasn’t sure why she needed to justify her decisions to Veronica.

    “I’m sure that can be figured out with your professors.” Veronica said.

    That was news to Monserrat, the engineering profs were not the most flexible bunch in her experience.

    “Trust me, you can make it work. We’ll talk, alright?” Veronica gave Monserrat a motherly squeeze around the waist. “You have each other’s phone numbers. Is it alright if I contact you later?”

    “Sure – okay.” Monserrat said hesitantly. Briana and Jane both had oddly expectant looks on their faces. She really wished she was in on the joke.

    “Wonderful, then have a great Christmas.” Veronica said. “Are you visiting family?”

    “Yeah, actually these jobs have made enough that I can fly back to see my family in Casas Grandes.” Monserrat said, grinning at the thought of not only being able to fly out, but all the presents she’d be able to bring.

    “Is that in Sonora?” Veronica asked curiously.

    “No, Chihuahua.” Monserrat said.

    “Please tell your family Merry Christmas from us.” Veronica said. “Thank you again.”

    “I will. Thank you. ¡Feliz Navidad!” Monserrat waved, got a hug from Briana, and made it out the door.

    “What do you mean you caught feels again?” Clarissa asked over the phone. “You have to stop being such a slave to your pussy.”

    Monserrat rolled her eyes as she steered the car out of Veronica’s driveway. “It’s not about sex at all this time. It was like, mommy feelings. My biological clock or something.”

    “You want to have a kid? Monchi, you are all over the place with this shit.”

    “Not a baby – a baby girl – you know, like the ones I babysit. One that would be just mine.” Monserrat said.

    “For real?”

    “I don’t know, maybe.” Monserrat sighed.

    “So, you and Jenna would adopt or whatever?” Clarissa asked. “You said that your last client had a whole mom and dad thing going on with their partner.”

    “Hah – no. Jenna is not the mommy type. Or the daddy type.”

    “You’re right.” Clarissa said. “She’s kind of cute and a little irresponsible though…”

    “Do NOT even bring that up with her. I’m sure she’s not into that stuff.”

    “How do you know? Did you ask her?”

    “Did I ask my girlfriend if she’d like to wear a diaper and wet herself?” Monserrat asked. “No, no, I did not.”

    “Maybe one of your other partners then.”

    “Why are you so horny for this?” Monserrat asked. “I’m not just going to drop this kink on my partners.”

    “Why not?” Clarissa asked. “I thought ya’ll were open about stuff.”

    “This is different though.” Monserrat said. “I told them I’d keep this job separate from our circle.”

    “It sounds to me like it’s more a problem of you being honest with yourself. Isn’t that basically poison for poly relationships?”

    “Ugh! I just want to get through Christmas without any drama, okay?”

    “Just think about it. That’s all I’m saying. Anyway, you get a good review on this one too?”

    “Yeah, and then some. My client has some kind of political mojo at the school and she’s offering to set me up with – I don’t even know what yet.”

    “So, you’re back to full classes?”

    “Yes – but how did you guess that?”

    “Those school politics types are always horny for people staying in school. I’m glad to hear it!”

    “Yeah, yeah, see you in class after the break.”

    “Have a Merry Christmas Monchi.”

    “Feliz Navidad, Lyssa.”

  • AB Sitter: Fabiola

    “I get everything you’re saying, Mr. Nguyen.” Monserrat said. “But I can’t really take your word for it one hundred percent, because Fabiola isn’t here.”

    “Just call me Nick.” He said. “You’re never going to hit that pronunciation anyway.”

    “Sorry.” Monserrat winced. “I thought I was pretty close.”

    “You are about as close as white people – “ It was Nick’s turn to wince at Monserrat’s raised eyebrow. “Sorry, as non-Vietnamese can get. Anyway! The whole point is that it’s part of the fantasy that you don’t talk with her about it beforehand.”

    “Uh huh. But if she doesn’t actually agree, what you’re asking me to do is criminal.” Monserrat said. “Big downer, I know, but I’ve gotta inject some practicality into the discussion.”

    “It’s not really that bad.”

    “Really? You’re asking me to enter her home, treat her like a child, strip her clothing off, and physically overpower her if necessary.” Monserrat said.

    “Keep it down.” Nick gestured downward with his palm. “Let’s not let the whole coffee shop in on this.”

    “You picked the spot.” Monserrat said, though she dropped her volume considerably. “We have to be able to talk about the specifics of this.”

    “I agree. I swear I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble or give anyone a bad time.” Nick sighed and took a long drink from his frothy caramel monstrosity. “Look, I specified a couple of safewords in the job description, right? They are posted on the wall, right in the foyer. You can ask her if she knows what they mean when you arrive.”

    “That’s – a little oblique.” Monserrat said.

    “It’s not easy setting up a CNC-adjacent scene.” Nick said. “Look, full-disclosure, she doesn’t actually know what you’ll be there for, or even that you’re coming.”


    “Shhh!” Nick glanced nervously at the coffee drinkers that had glanced their way. “That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t expect stuff like this to happen. It’s not the first time that I’ve brought someone in without her express knowledge. She has explicitly agreed to extra people and scenes like this in general.”

    “I don’t know if I feel okay with that.” Monserrat said, which was softening her real feelings by a lot. She was two more statements like that from being out the door and refunding the deposit on the job.

    “You said in your profile and in the DM you sent me that your goal is to give the client exactly what they want.” Nick said. “Fabi and I are both your clients, and it’ll ruin things for her if you have a big consent discussion up front.”

    “That’s unfortunate but it doesn’t mean that discussion isn’t needed.”

    Nick stared Monserrat down. He might as well have stared down a mountain lion. Stare downs from slick dudes with business haircuts had never been a thing in her book. Monserrat held Nick’s gaze calmly, drumming her fingers on the table.

    “Okay, fine, I didn’t want to do this because it involves having to trust you more than I’d like, but getting what I want is worth it.” He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times.

    “Do what?” Monserrat asked. Nick said nothing, just put his phone down and waited.

    Just as Monserrat was ready to verbally tear a strip off of Nick, her phone beeped with a notification from EscortQuest. Narrowing her eyes at Nick, she picked up her phone and checked the notification.

    “Wait, what’s going on?” She looked up at Nick in confusion.

    “I paid out the job and marked it as completed. I also tipped you 100%, doubling your payday. You’ve got a five star rating for the job too. The app doesn’t let me take that stuff back after twenty four hours, and your date with Fabi isn’t until after then.”

    “Why?” Monserrat frowned.

    “Because now you can go in there the way I’ve asked you to, and if anything seems off, you can walk.” Nick said. “You still get paid and you keep your high rating. The only thing you’d lose is me recommending you to other clients.”

    “You are trying to bribe my principles out from under me.” Monserrat said, her tone full of irritation at the fact that it was working.

    “I am trying to make sure that a cute little girl gets to make believe exactly the way she likes to.” Nick said with a smarmy grin. “She’s probably going to be a total brat, by the way.”

    Monserrat rolled her eyes. The payout number was still sitting there on her app, taunting her. Nick had just paid her rent. Twice.

    “Let’s say I was willing to do this…” Monserrat said, trying to ignore Nick’s triumphant expression. “It’s for almost twenty four hours? Afternoon, overnight, morning, and then early afternoon again?”

    “And maybe slightly longer.” Nick threw up his hands at another glare from Monserrat. “Hey, I don’t control planes. If my flight gets delayed I’ll be late. I’ll come home as soon as I can, and if I’m delayed by more than an hour or two, I’ll contact you so you can end the scene.”

    Monserrat sighed, and said quietly. “Okay, and you’re positive she is okay with me diapering her, treating her like a toddler, spanking her, and generally controlling her entire life?”

    “I do all that stuff myself.” Nick said. “Spank her until she cries if she’s bad. Otherwise it’s not a real punishment.”

    “She has her safeword, and I WILL verify that sign with her.” Monserrat said. “What’s the point of me having one?”

    “You use yours if she’s going too over the top. An adult acting like a full-on toddler can kind of spiral out of control, or make you do stuff that’s too extreme. So if you safeword, she’ll know to dial it back.”

    “But let me guess, that ruins the game for her too.”

    “I wouldn’t say it ruins it.” Nick shrugged. “But yeah, it’d be perfect if you didn’t have to do that. Obviously it’s hard to do a note-perfect scene with someone you just met. But hey, Amira said you knocked hers out of the park first time.”

    Now he’s flattering me. Monserrat stopped herself from rolling her eyes, for fear they’d roll completely around.

    “Alright… deal.”

    “I knew you’d come around.” Nick said with a huge grin.

    “Do you always get what you want?”

    “Yeah, why not?” Nick chuckled. “Anyway thanks. See you in two days. I’ll be heading out the door when you arrive, so don’t be late.”

    “You got it.” Monserrat said with a sigh.

    She sank back into the booth as Nick waved and left the coffee shop. Her conscience pinged at her. Another notification popped up on her phone, this time from her bank. Nick’s payment had been transferred to her account.

    “Why’d I try to be an ethical whore?” Monserrat asked the air with a chuckle.


    At 3:25 on the dot, Monserrat pulled up to the address Nick had given her. It was an even nicer place than Amira’s had been. They were all going to be nice places, she realized. High end fetish jobs paid well.

    Her boots crunched on the immaculate white path up to a huge oak door with inset stained glass. For this job she’d gone with her ‘butch librarian’ outfit. The pants from her pantsuit were topped by a sleeveless black blouse with sheer gray chevron cutouts. Low-heeled, dressy doc martins on her feet complimented the leather overcoat.

    On her big frame, the outfit was impressive. Once the coat came off, her muscular shoulders would make it downright intimidating. More casual clothes were stashed in a leather satchel she carried primly in her left hand. These adult babysitting jobs promised to get more messy the longer they went.

    With one more look at the manicured, shrub-fenced lawn that she was sure Nick didn’t maintain himself, Monserrat rapped her knuckles on the door. There was a doorbell and a door knocker, but Monserrat ignored them. If she wasn’t going to get to dent Nick’s smarmy face, she could at least rough up his pretty door.

    “Come in!” The door opened to reveal Nick and a short girl standing in a very nice tile-floored foyer.

    Nick was dressed in a suit, with a briefcase and carry-on bag next to him. The girl was in a pair of fuzzy My Little Pony pajamas with a diaper peeking out the top. She had a baby-doll t-shirt on top with a puppies and kitty theme. No bra, Monserrat noted.

    Seeing the diaper made her feel a little better about the whole thing. Even more-so the framed plaque on the wall that said, “Tectonic” and “Oceanic”. A little grandiose, but they matched the safewords that Nick had given her.

    “Who the hell is this?!” Demanded the girl, Fabiola, Monserrat assumed.

    “She’s your babysitter.” Nick said, picking up his bags. “I’ve given her all the info she needs to take care of you while I’m gone.”

    “Hi Fabio – “ Monserrat began.

    “NO!” Fabiola screamed. “This is bullshit! I was going to get a break from this while you were gone.”

    “I don’t know why you’d think that hon.” Nick said, totally calm in the face of Fabiola’s tantrum. “You know you need help with all kinds of big-girl stuff.”

    “I am not a baby!”

    “Of course you aren’t, you’re my adorable little girl, and that’s why I got Monserrat here to watch you while I’m not able to.”

    Monserrat stepped in and took Fabiola’s hand. As soon as she had the girl’s attention, she smiled. “Hi, Fabiola, right?”

    “Yeah…” Fabiola frowned. Before she could start screaming again, Monserrat physically turned the girl to face the plaque.

    “Do you know what those words mean?”

    “Duh, obviously.” Fabiola grumped.

    “I think we’re all set here Nick.” Monserrat said pleasantly. “Have a great trip.”

    “I knew I could count on you.” Nick said with a grin. “See you sometime tomorrow Fabi.”

    “Wait, I am not doing this!” Fabiola yelled. Nick was already out the door.

    Fabiola moved for the door and Monserrat casually blocked her with an arm across her waist.

    “Say goodbye to your daddy.” Monserrat said.

    “He’s not my daddy he’s my fiancé and if he doesn’t get back in here he won’t be that anymore!” Fabiola raged.

    “This is no way for a little girl to behave.” Monserrat said in a severe tone, closing the door. “You’re going to be sorry later that you didn’t say goodbye to him.”

    “I don’t know what Nick told you but – uh – “ Fabiola trailed off her rant as Monserrat took her coat off and hung it and her bag on the coat rack.

    Seizing her advantage, Monserrat grabbed Fabiola’s upper arms and leaned down to the smaller girl’s face level.

    “Fabi, your daddy put me in charge of you for the rest of today and tomorrow until he comes home. Now you can be a good girl, and we’ll have a really fun time together. Or you can be a bad girl, and it won’t be so fun. You can choose that part, but not if I’m in charge or not.”

    “You – you can’t make me.” Fabiola said, her lip quivering.

    “Sure I can!” Monserrat said brightly, like she would to a kindergartener. “I might have to spank you a couple of times but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

    Fabiola whimpered, drawing in on herself. Monserrat wondered if she really should have a more explicit discussion with the girl, until she saw Fabiola’s nipples poking prominently through her shirt.

    This is what she wants. Monserrat reminded herself. Don’t ruin it for the client. I could really use another payday like the one I just got, and I don’t have any regulars yet.

    Fabiola had gone from quiet and scared to blushing furiously. Either way, with the clothes and the diaper she was feeling a lot like a little kid to Monserrat. Even the tantrums helped the illusion. She’d been hesitant to treat Amira like a kid, but that girl had loved it.

    “Okay!” Monserrat said in her best elementary school teacher voice. “Ready to have fun Fabi?”

    “Please don’t make me.” Fabiola squirmed, hanging her head.

    “Please don’t make you have fun?” Monserrat chuckled. “Okay! I guess I’ll watch the movies and eat the ice cream, and you can do some chores or something.”

    Despite her bad mood, Fabiola perked up a little at the mention of ice cream. Monserrat stood up and patted Fabiola on the head.

    “Yeah, ice cream sounds fun, huh? Daddy says you don’t get it until after dinner, but we won’t tell him, okay?”

    A tiny smile cracked at the corner of Fabiola’s mouth. “I guess.”

    “Then it’s decided! We just need to check if you’re poopy or not.” Monserrat unceremoniously spun Fabi about, and pulled open the back of her pjs and diaper. There was no evidence of a mess, though a scent that was either a lot of sweat or a bit of pee did waft up.

    “Hey!” Fabiola squealed. “I don’t do… that.”

    “Oh sweetie, I know you want to be a big girl.” Monserrat took Fabiola’s forearm and lead her toward what she figured would be the kitchen. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind changing cute little girls like you.”

    “No, really, I don’t! I don’t do number two in my diapers!” Fabiola stumbled along with Monserrat, her voice a little panicked.

    “Shh sweetie, it’s okay. I know accidents happen.”

    Pleased that she found the kitchen, and by extension the dining room, Monserrat took stock of what she had to work with. There was an adult high-chair in the kitchen, tucked into a corner. Opening the fridge revealed pretty normal contents, except for a row of jars of baby food on the top shelf. The freezer had ice cream, as well as various chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, and other kiddie treats.

    “Looks like we’re all stocked up!” Monserrat said enthusiastically. “Now, if you can be a good girl for me we’ll make all kinds of nummy stuff for dinner. If you’re going to be fussy about every thing I say, then I’m sure the baby food is plenty nutritious.”

    Fabiola looked at Monserrat in horror.

    “Hmm, what do we have here? Strained carrots, split peas, oooh, pureed broccoli.”

    Fabiola whimpered and deflated a little. “Okay Monserrat. I’ll be good.”

    “That’s great news!” Monserrat beamed. “You can call me Monchi if you want.”

    Fabiola giggled, a little hysterically perhaps, but Monserrat took it as a good sign that the little girl was on the verge of breaking into little-space. “Okay Monchi.”

    “Good girl! What a good girl!” Monserrat grabbed Fabiola and tickled her sides.

    Caught off guard, Fabiola dissolved into helpless shrieks. Monserrat kept up the assault until the girl was writhing on the floor. She relented, giggling along with Fabiola’s final pants and squeaks.

    Figuring there was no better time to test her ability to keep up with the fantasy, Monserrat scooped Fabiola up and lifted the little girl onto her hip. It was an effort, but not as much as she’d feared. Fabi was a waif-y little thing.

    Fabiola clung to Monserrat’s neck, a confused, disoriented look in her eyes. That look only intensified when Monserrat bounced Fabiola lightly on her hip, squishing the girl’s diaper against her hipbone. There was definitely some bulk there, either some extra padding, or the girl had had an accident.

    “What’s your favorite ice-cream, Fabi?” Monserrat asked.

    “Uh, strawberry.” Fabiola said, squirming in apparent discomfort.

    Wet for sure, Monserrat thought. She grabbed the strawberry and chocolate ice cream out of the freezer and carried Fabiola over to the high chair.

    “No, that’s for babies!” Fabiola protested.

    “It looks like it’s for you, so what does that make you, little miss potty-pants?” Monserrat asked.

    Fabiola blushed profusely, halting her protests long enough for Monserrat to plant her in the chair.

    “It’s not my fault.” Fabiola whimpered. “It’s because – “

    “I know sweetie,” Monserrat secured the waist strap for the chair around Fabiola’s waist, locking it in the back where the girl wouldn’t be able to reach. “It was an accident, that’s okay.”

    Fabiola whimpered and pouted as the chair’s tray came down and was locked into place. “I have a booster seat.” She managed to say, though she was obviously embarrassed by the admission.

    “Oooh, I see.” Monserrat grinned. “Well, if you can be a super big girl for me this afternoon, we’ll use your booster for dinner, okay?”

    Fabi could only shamefacedly nod and kick her feet idly while she waited for Monserrat to prepare the icecream. When the bowl was placed on her tray with no spoon, in contrast to Monserrat’s bowl of chocolate, Fabiola opened her mouth to make another big protest.

    “Ah ah!” Monserrat admonished Fabiola. “You were going to be a good girl for me, remember?”

    With a sigh, Fabiola gabbed her ice-cream and tried to eat it as delicately as she could. For the first few bites she managed to confine the mess to her hands. As the ice-cream melted, her efforts became more and more futile. Monserrat watched in amusement as Fabiola raced against the clock. All the little girl succeeded in doing was getting sticky strawberry all over her lips, nose, and the front of her shirt.

    I am really enjoying myself, Monserrat realized. There was something about the mix of taking care of these girls with pushing them around that really appealed. It was more fun than she’d ever expected. It was like BDSM, but instead of embarrassing the sub with all kinds of degrading talk, she was telling the girls how cute and little they were.

    Monserrat approached Fabiola with a warm glow. “Goodness you’re a mess! Let’s get you cleaned up and changed.”

    “Wait uh, only uh, daddy does that second part.” Fabiola said. “I can do it real quick and then we can go back to playing.”

    “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m here to take care of you.” Monserrat freed Fabiola from the high chair and picked her up again. It was getting easier as she got used to where the girl’s center of gravity sat. “I’ll be changing all your diapers tonight and tomorrow. If we have a good time together, your daddy said I might get to watch you for a whole week when he’s on a longer trip.”

    Fabiola’s eyes got as wide as dinner plates at that last statement. It wasn’t exactly true, but it might become so. After all, Monserrat reasoned, business trips could easily last that long, and she fully intended to get a good evaluation from Nick.

    Down the hall from the dining room, second door on the right was a changing room, right where Nick had described it. Fabiola squirmed and hid her face in Monserrat’s shoulder when they entered.

    “Aww, no need to be embarrassed sweetie.” Monserrat lay Fabiola down on the changing table. “I’ve got everything here to take care of you, even if you turn out to be a poopy pants.”

    Fabiola hid her face behind her hands when Monserrat pulled her pajama pants off and tore open the tapes on her diaper. A few light tickles on Fabiola’s belly got her to peek out from behind her hands enough for Monserrat to press a pacifier against the girl’s lips. The reaction was more surprise than acceptance, but either way Monserrat got the rubber nipple in Fabiola’s mouth.

    She handed the girl a stuffed elephant that was tucked into a corner of the changing station and Fabiola’s blushing face promptly disappeared again behind the stuffie. Monserrat pulled the diaper back to reveal a large yellow stain. She’d have to get some water into this little girl.

    “Do you still need to go?” Monserrat asked, rubbing Fabiola’s tummy.

    “Mph mooh.” Fabiola grunted from behind the pacifier. It sounded like a no.

    “Are you sure? Now’s the time, before we get you into a nice fresh diaper.” Monserrat chuckled, putting on an even more babyish tone. “Of course, if you can’t tell when you need to go, that’s okay too.”

    “I can too!” Fabiola declared, spitting the pacifier out.

    “Then are you sure you’re all done? Big girls can tell when they have to go, and they can sit in a booster seat. Babies can’t tell, and they sit in a high-chair.”

    Fabiola stared at Monserrat for a moment before taking refuge behind the stuffie again. A wiff of ammonia reached Monserrat’s nose, and she looked down to see fluid trickling out of the girl, down her butt, and into the diaper. The experience should have been gross, but Fabiola’s helplessness and cute embarrassment gave Monserrat another glow in her chest.

    “Monchi is here sweetie.” Monserrat said, working the pacifier under the elephant and back into Fabiola’s mouth. “I’ll take good care of you.”

    The only response was some rather aggressive sucking on the pacifier. With a giggle, Monserrat checked that Fabi was done and carefully wiped her down, just as she’d done for any number of babies she’d taken care of.

    Fabiola was surprisingly passive as the dirty diaper was taken away and a fresh one slid under her hips. There was a lot of squirming as Monserrat applied the lotion, especially when her hands rubbed it into the girl’s crotch. Fabiola was wet for reasons that had nothing to do with the potty, which elicited another grin from Monserrat. Getting the girl powdered up was fun, as was tenderly pulling the diaper tight and fixing the tapes in place.

    “I need your stuffie for a moment hon.” Monserrat said. “We need to get you a new shirt.”

    It took some negotiation, and eventually switching the elephant from one hand to another as Monserrat worked the shirt off, but she finally had Fabiola in just her diaper. It was tempting to leave her that way, after cleaning her up of course. On the other hand, there were some pretty cute looking things on a shelf that Monserrat assumed were onesies.

    The process of wiping Fabiola’s hands and face down seemed to really slide the girl into a little mindset. There were no protests at all when Monserrat presented Fabiola with a white onesie with pink flowers on it. It was a bit of a struggle still to get it on the girl, as she’d gone non-verbal and wasn’t doing anything to help Monserrat put the onesie on.

    “You look kind of tired, cutie.” Monserrat said, stroking Fabiola’s shoulder-length dark hair. “Do you want to go down for a nap?”

    That suggestion didn’t meet disagreement exactly, but Fabiola did grab Monserrat’s belt and blouse as tightly as she could.

    “Okay, okay. Well how about you and your friend and I go to the living room and watch some TV?”

    Fabiola nodded vigorously at that. Monserrat picked the girl up again, this time holding Fabiola to her chest. She was rewarded with Fabiola snuggling into her, laying her head on Monserrat’s shoulder and draping an arm around the other shoulder. Her other arm hung limp but for her hand firmly holding the elephant by its trunk.

    This is way too cute, Monserrat thought, as she easily carried the girl down the hall. It took some doing to find the living room, and by the time she did, Fabiola was looking very sleepy indeed. Though she turned the TV on, Monserrat didn’t select a streaming service. Instead she sat on the couch and bounced Fabiola gently in her lap, humming a lullaby in Spanish.

    One line into the lullaby, and Fabi’s eyelids were fluttering. Three verses and the girl was out like a light. Monserrat considered putting the girl down on the couch and getting her a blanket. It’d be nice to have a break from the constant scene. Somehow, she couldn’t bear to let go of the warm, adorable girl in her arms.

    With a shrug, Monserrat sat back and turned one of her own shows on. She kept the volume way down and the subtitles on. It was an episode she’d already seen, which was good. Having Fabi softly snore in her arms and drool on the shoulder of her blouse took up a lot more attention than she’d expected.

    From time to time she’d feel Fabiola get restless. Monserrat just shifted the girl to her other shoulder and hummed more of the lullaby. Eventually Fabiola relaxed completely, going bonelessly-limp in Monserrat’s arms. Monchi cradled Fabi gently, smiling down at the girl’s peaceful face.

    The show was long over. Monserrat let herself enjoy the quiet of the house. She could hear Fabiola’s soft breathing and the rustling of the trees in a nearby park. It was the most she’d ever been paid to just relax, that was for sure. A soft crinkling noise drew Monserrat’s attention. At first she thought Fabiola was getting restless again, but the girl was still flopped out in deep dreamless sleep. To Monserrat’s surprise, Fabi’s diaper was crinkling as it tried to expand against her onesie.

    She’s a bedwetter? Monserrat wondered to herself. Was that what got her started on this kink, or was it the other way around?

    Monserrat found herself slipping into a light doze. She wasn’t tried enough to go to sleep, but Fabiola’s relaxation was contagious. It was a perfect time for a little meditative shut down. So thoroughly did Monserrat empty her mind, that when Fabiola jerked awake it scared them both.

    “Uh, uhhhhh!” Fabiola cried incoherently. She was clearly still half-asleep and thrashing around at the unfamiliar situation in which she was waking.

    “Shhh, it’s okay.” Monserrat pulled Fabiola close. She gave the girl room to wiggle but not thrash. After a minute or so of being firmly held, Fabiola calmed down, nuzzling her face into the crook of Monserrat’s neck.

    “Welcome back sweetie.” Monserrat said softly. “That was quite the nap you took.”

    Fabiola mumbled some nonsense in reply, snuggling closer to Monserrat. Little by little her breathing picked up to normal levels and she yawned, sitting up to look at her babysitter.

    Whatever Monserrat expected from the sleepy cutie on her lap, it wasn’t a yelp of terror and Fabiola leaping off her lap so quickly that she tripped over the coffee table and sprawled out on the carpet.

    “Fabi, are you okay?!”

    “Fine, I’m fine.” Embarrassment and confusion warred on Fabiola’s face. She stared at the onesie she was wearing and flinched. “I just need a break. We gotta take a break.”

    “What we need to do is get some food in you. We’re almost past dinner time.” Monserrat stood up, brushing the dried drool off her shoulder.

    “Not hungry.” Fabiola said, immediately betrayed by a growl in her stomach.

    “Be a good girl and come to the kitchen with me.” Monserrat said, holding a hand out to Fabiola.

    “I can do it myself!” Fabiola scrambled to her feet, taking several steps away from Monserrat.

    “Sweetie, are you fussy because you’re wet? It wasn’t too big of an accident. We’ll get you changed after dinner okay?”

    “I’m not – “ Fabiola looked down and patted her diaper. Her eyes bugged out in horror. “No, that’s never happened before!”

    “Mmm hmmm.” Monserrat advanced on Fabiola and took her hand. “Come on hon, we’ll get you some yummy chicken nuggets.”

    “I’m not hon, or sweetie!” Fabiola raged, pulling unsuccessfully at Monserrat’s grip. “Call me Fabiola. I need a break from this game, NOW.”

    “Is that all you have to say about it?” Monserrat asked, looking meaningfully at the foyer and then back to Fabiola.

    Fabiola frowned and yanked hard, ripping her hand out of Monserrat’s grip. “I SAID LET GO!”

    Monserrat sighed. “Fabi, I was really hoping we could just have a nice time together. Your daddy warned me that you might be a bad baby, I’m sorry to see he was right about that.”

    “Well too bad!” Fabiola glared hatefully at Monserrat.

    Until that moment, Monserrat hadn’t had any reason to use her full strength on Fabiola. The size and leverage advantage, plus Fabi’s general passivity had made things pretty easy. If she was going to assert her authority the way Nick had outlined in the job, she was going to make it absolute, Monserrat decided. Any illusions of being able to physically resist would be gone, and Fabiola could either safeword or go back to being a sweet little girl.

    From Fabiola’s point of view, it must have been very confusing. One moment she was raging defiantly against her boyfriend-appointed babysitter, and the next she was hoisted by her crotch on Monserrat’s forearm. Volleyball wasn’t the only sport Monserrat played, it had been a while since women’s wrestling, but she remembered the moves just fine.

    Fabiola’s thrashing only got her arms tangled behind her back in Monserrat’s unyielding grip. The little girl had enough time to wail in distress before they were back on the couch with Fabi bent over Monserrat’s lap.

    It was effortless for Monserrat to pin Fabi’s arms behind her back with one hand. With the other she popped the snaps on the girl’s onesie and yanked her diaper down to expose her bare, damp butt.

    “Last chance to say something specific before you get your punishment.” Monserrat said, raising her hand.

    “STOP!” Fabiola screamed. “You can’t do this!”

    SMACK! Monserrat’s hand came down hard. Fabiola screamed. Before she was done yelling Monserrat was spanking her again, and again. Though she’d thought she was going to hate having to spank Fabi, Monserrat found a certain amount of satisfaction in knocking the brat out of her charge via the bottom.

    Fabiola went through some fascinating phases as the spanking continued. Her initial scream gave way to breathless shock. When she found her breath again she went back to protesting interspersed with yelps as each smack made its sting known. Protests were abandoned in favor of begging Monserrat to stop.

    A quick look at Fabiola’s rear showed it was warmed up to a nice pink color. Remembering Nick’s advice on spankings, Monserrat increased the tempo, painting Fabiola’s butt in a progressively deeper blush.

    It took only ten more spanks to push Fabiola into tears. She blubbered apologies, no longer fighting Monserrat’s grip on her arms. Determined to really drive the point home, Monserrat delivered six more of the hardest slaps yet, leaving her own palm stinging a bit.

    When Monserrat pulled Fabiola’s diaper back up, the girl was a snotty, blubbering mess. Gently stroking Fabi’s hair, Monserrat rolled the girl over and cradled Fabi in her arms.

    “There there little one.” Monserrat said. “I’m sorry I had to do that, but you were being a very bad baby. Are you going to listen to your babysitter now?”

    The answering nod from Fabiola was very quick. Nick had been right about spankings snapping her out of brat mode. She stroked Fabiola’s hair gently. As the girl’s hiccupping sobs were calming down, Monserrat grabbed some tissue from the coffee table and brought it to Fabiola’s nose.

    “Blow.” She commanded. Fabiola obeyed with a mighty honk. A few more tissues got Fabiola’s snotty face wiped clean.

    “Ready for dinner?” Monserrat asked gently.

    “Are you gonna make me eat baby food?” Fabiola whimpered miserably.

    “Hmm, I don’t think so. You certainly haven’t earned using your booster seat, but I think we can have chicken nuggets and fries. Does that sound good?”

    Fabiola sniffled and nodded.

    “There’s my good girl.” Monserrat stroked Fabiola’s face. “You were such a good snuggler with me earlier.”

    That brought out another blush, Fabi turned her face away.

    “Aww, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m here to take care of you, just like your daddy.”

    “You’re meaner than daddy.” Fabiola said petulantly.

    “Fabi, are you already getting fussy?” Monserrat asked, bapping the girl on the nose. “You mean I’m more strict than daddy.”

    “I guess so.” Fabiola hid her face again, this time against Monserrat’s blouse.

    “Let’s get your onsie off and get you in your high-chair.” Monserrat said, pulling the garment up Fabiola’s torso.

    “What? Why?” Fabiola whimpered but didn’t offer any resistance, even lifting her arms.

    “Because you’re a messy eater and I don’t want to try to get barbeque sauce and ketchup out of this cute onesie.”

    Obviously embarrassed and conflicted, Fabiola squirmed in Monserrat’s grip. By this time Monserrat was well used to carrying a squirmy girl and got Fabi into her high chair without any trouble. As an experiment, she left the waist-strap off and the tray up. Fabiola didn’t seem to even consider escape, she just shifted a bit in her chair to take the pressure off her sore rear.

    Though the onesie certainly helped make Fabiola look young, even topless she made a very little sight. Monserrat never thought she’d be having the time of her life making dinner for a girl sitting in a high-chair in nothing but a loose diaper, but here she was.

    Dinner was a burger, beer, and fries for Monserrat, nuggets, an extra big glass of water, and fries for Fabiola. Despite nuggets being far more of a finger food than ice-cream, Fabi managed to get a fair amount of sauce on her chin and bare chest. When they were done, Monserrat left Fabi behind the locked-down high-chair tray and cleaned up the dishes.

    Just as the dishwasher was loaded, Monserrat heard a distressed squeak from Fabiola. The girl was struggling with her high-chair’s tray and having little success. The bolt-lock was in an awkward spot for anyone sitting in the chair, especially if they had short arms.

    “Monchi!” Fabiola cried out in a near panic. “I need to go!”

    “Just a second sweetie, I’m just finishing here.”

    “No, I really need to – “ Fabiola gasped as her stomach made a mighty rumble. In the time it took Monserrat to walk over to her from the dishwasher, there was a rumble of a different kind coming from Fabiola.

    Shocked with her mouth hanging open, Fabiola stared ahead as toots and grumbles heralded her pants filling at a record pace. When it was finally over, Fabi stared at Monserrat, lip trembling.

    “Whew! You’re a poopy girl!” Monserrat said cheerfully. “That’s okay, Monchi will get you all cleaned up.”

    “No this is – this isn’t – I can’t have – I’ve never – no, no!” Fabiola trailed off into a wail, tears pouring down her face for the second time in an hour.

    “Oh sweetie.” Monserrat’s heart went out to the little girl. She clearly had some issues, or was just having a bad night. Whatever the case, she was determined to make everything better.

    The first order of business was to get Fabiola onto her changing table, with a pacifier in her mouth and her elephant for company. Monserrat left briefly to get a bath started, coming back to Fabi still whimpering softly.

    Steeling herself, Monserrat opened the girl’s diaper. It was not really the same as a toddler, there was a level of biohazard that toddlers could only aspire to going on in Fabi’s diaper. Having her mess exposed started another crying fit for Fabi.

    With soothing words and gentle touches, not to mention a large quantity of wipes, Monserrat got the girl cleaned up. She managed to separate Fabiola from her elephant with a little difficulty and picked the girl up, depositing her in the warm bath.

    “Let’s get some bubbles going, huh?” There wasn’t any bubble bath, a huge oversight on Nick’s part, but some strawberry scented shampoo and a bit of dish soap did a good enough job. Bubbles managed to stop the tears, but not Fabi’s haunted expression.

    The introduction of a rubber duckie along with a thorough scrubbing got Fabiola smiling again. By the time Monserrat was rinsing the girl’s hair with a bowl of warm water Fabi was downright giggly. It was a good, if slightly slippery baby that was wrapped in her prettiest unicorn diaper.

    “What do you want to wear for watching TV?” Monserrat asked, popping the pacifier out of Fabiola’s mouth. “Pajamas? Do you have a cute outfit you like?”

    “You’re not going to put me in another onsie?” Fabiola asked.

    “You can wear whatever you want little one.” Monserrat said. “Even just your diaper if you like.”

    “Nooo.” Fabiola blushed and giggled. “I have some pajamas.”

    To Monserrat’s delight and surprise, Fabi didn’t go for pj pants and a t-shirt like she’d had on when Monchi had arrived. Instead it was an adorable one-piece pajama with feet and a hood. The whole of the suit was covered in whisps of rainbow ‘fur’ and the hood sported cat ears. Monserrat’s heart melted for probably the tenth time. Doubly so when Fabiola held her arms out to be picked up.

    Ensconced on the couch with a chips for Monserrat and a bottle for Fabiola, the babysitter marveled at the range she’d seen out of Fabiola. One thing was for sure, she seemed happiest as a baby. The pajamas were out-of-control adorable. Monserrat had felt the need for a change herself, and was nearly matching her charge for comfiness in a soft cotton t-shirt and a pair of terrycloth shorts.

    “How’s your tummy doing?” Monserrat asked, stroking Fabiola’s belly through the pajamas.

    “Uh, okay I guess.”

    “I’m sorry sweetie.” Monserrat smiled. “In that case, let’s not worry about getting you to the potty for anything.”

    “What?” Fabiola dropped her bottle in consternation. “But then uh…”

    “But then it won’t be an accident, it’ll just be something that your babysitter helps you with. You can go back to normal with daddy when you’re feeling better tomorrow.”

    The little girl’s only response was to bury her flushed face against Monserrat, pressed right into her babysitter’s breast.

    With a smirk, Monserrat retrieved the bottle and turned Fabiola’s face enough to get the nipple to her lips. Out of nervous reflex, Fabi went back to sucking on the bottle. After a few minutes Monserrat watched the a realization dawn in Fabiola’s eyes. She was pressed against Monchi’s breast sucking on a nipple. The conflicted expression between comfort and embarrassment was delicious.

    They settled into a comfortable rhythm of watching short cartoons and snuggling. With nine-o-clock rolling around, Monserrat unzipped Fabiola’s pjs and squished the girl’s diaper. As expected, she was wet. Soaked in fact.

    “It’s about bedtime Fabi.” Monserrat said.

    “I’m not sleepy!” Fabi protested. It seemed true too. Fabi’s eyes were alert. She wasn’t actually a toddler, and had already had a big nap earlier that day.

    “Your daddy was very firm about your bedtime.” Monserrat said. “But I think I can help you get sleepy.”


    Fabi’s eyes went wide when Monserrat reached down by the end-table for the little surprise she’d grabbed from Fabiola’s room earlier. The little girl licked her lips as Monserrat pressed the head of the vibrating wand against her padded crotch.

    “Oh, I see you’ve done this before, with daddy?”

    Fabiola squirmed and nodded. “But, is it okay to uh – with you?”

    “It’s been a stressful day having someone new take care of you, hasn’t it?” Monserrat said. “Just relax and let me take care of you, okay Fabi?”

    No sooner had Fabi nodded then Monserrat fired up the wand on low. The vibrations through the soaked diaper had the girl moaning immediately. Working the wand in slow circles over Fabiola’s crotch, Monserrat worked the girl up until she was panting and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

    Monserrat’s hand slipped into Fabiola’s pjs and found her breasts. Her fingers wandered over Fabi’s soft skin, lightly tweaking her nipples as Monserrat came across them. With the wand flipped to high, Monserrat abandoned teasing circles and pressed it firmly into Fabiola’s ever-wetter crotch. If the girl was wetting again, squirting, or just that turned on didn’t matter, she was obviously having the time of her life.

    The babysitter kept up the vibration and caresses until Fabiola’s gasps and moans had become little yelps and her breathing was ragged in her throat. A long quiet cuddle got Fabiola calmed down. She was back to a limp noodle, albeit a much sweatier one than last time.

    “We have so much fun when you’re a good girl.” Monserrat said, caressing Fabiola’s cheek. “Let’s get you into a nice thick nighttime diaper and to bed, okay?”

    “Where are you going to sleep?” Fabiola asked hesitantly.

    “Your daddy got the guest room ready for me.” Monserrat said. “Why?”

    “Maybe you could sleep with me.” Fabi said bashfully. “Uh, like a sleepover?”

    Monserrat laughed. “I’m not going to sleep right now. Will you be able to go to sleep if I have a light on so I can read?”

    Fabiola nodded vigorously. “Yes. I can do it, please!?”

    “Okay, okay.”

    Tickled pink, Monserrat got Fabiola changed and wiped down. The little girl even let herself be lead to bed in nothing but her diaper and a pair of plastic pants. They got situated under the covers, Fabiola’s head on Monserrat’s lap, pacifier in her mouth and elephant firmly clutched in her arms.

    Though Monserrat worried that the light would keep Fabiola up, the girl was snoring in minutes. After a few hours of enjoyable reading, Monserrat doused the light and cuddled up to the little diaper-clad furnace next to her. The soft sigh Fabiola gave at being embraced as the little spoon relaxed Monserrat right to sleep.

    When morning came, Monserrat was excited to see if she could keep Fabiola in her happy little baby state for as long as possible. That the girl woke up wet helped. Monserrat had Fabiola on the changing table well before the girl had managed to finish waking up. Being diapered as she got her bearings went a long way to enforcing the right attitude.

    Breakfast was pancakes, scratch-made by Monserrat, of course. Fabiola dug in with gusto, managing to get syrup in places that her babysitter would never have expected.

    How exactly does someone get syrup in their armpit, Monchi wondered, as she cleaned Fabi up and got her into the day’s outfit of shortalls and a long sleeved nightshirt. Monserrat needed a change of clothes herself after that. With her authority firmly established, she went with the comfort of some jeans and a racerback sports top.

    The rest of the day flew by, Fabi was even up to play little games like hide and seek, dolls, and putting together building blocks. Everything was smooth as silk until after lunch when Fabiola dropped the stuffies she was playing with and stared at Monserrat in consternation.

    “Uh oh.” Fabiola’s lip quivered. “I hafta…”

    Without missing a beat, Monserrat gathered Fabi up to her chest and stroked the girl’s hair. “It’s okay, go ahead. Monchi’s here.”

    “But I…” Fabiola whimpered and shivered in Monserrat’s arms.

    “You’re SUCH a good girl.” Monserrat said, rubbing firm circles on Fabiola’s back. “And you’re being a good girl right now. Go ahead and go, that’s my good little baby.”

    Twin tears popped out of Fabiola’s eyes and trailed down her cheeks. Monserrat deftly wiped them away and kissed the girl on the forehead. Fabiola grunted, gasped, and buried her face in Monserrat’s chest as she made another mess.

    Monserrat cooed praise to Fabi until she was done and all the while she carried the girl to the changing table. Rather than changing her right away, she tickled Fabiola and blew raspberries on her belly until she’d managed to get a few giggles out of the girl even in a dirty diaper.

    No sooner had the tapes come off Fabi’s diaper than they heard the front door open. “I’m home!” Nick called.

    Fabi looked ready to panic, but Monserrat was quick to put a pacifier in the girl’s mouth and tickle her tummy again.

    “We’re in the changing room!” Monserrat called cheerfully.

    “How did things – “ Nick stopped dead in the doorway of the changing room when the smell hit him. Not that it was as bad as a moment ago, with the diaper already in the pail.

    “Come on in Nick.” Monserrat said, briskly wiping Fabiola down as if everything were perfectly normal.

    “Wow, this is a transformation.” Nick said, stepping up to look down at his squirmy girlfriend who was frantically sucking her pacifier.

    “She’s been such a good girl!” Monserrat said gleefully. “A little bit poopy right now but you’re just about cleaned up, aren’t you Fabi?”

    Fabiola just blushed and hid behind her elephant.

    Since Monserrat was having too much fun to not show off, she put a cute onesie over Fabiola’s fresh diaper and left her clothes at that. Nick looked quite impressed when Monserrat lifted Fabi onto her hip with apparent ease.

    “She’s all ready for her daddy, aren’t you Fabi?”

    This time Fabi retreated into Monserrat’s chest. Nick and Monserrat both laughed, though Nick’s sounded a touch nervous.

    “I need to talk to your daddy for a bit.” Monserrat said. “If I put you in the living room with your stuffies, will you be a good girl?”

    Agreement came in the form of a nod, still firmly pressed into Monserrat’s bosom.

    “She looks absolutely incredible.” Nick said, as Monserrat was gathering up her things in the kitchen.

    “I pride myself on doing a good job, and you paid well.” Monserrat said.

    “Yeah, no complaints there.” Nick peeked into the living room. “I’ve NEVER gotten her that uh – “

    “Little?” Monserrat suggested. “She’s having a blast right now. You can let her have a break or just keep it rolling until tomorrow if you want.”

    “Yeah, I think I will, thanks again.” Nick grinned.

    “Don’t forget to like and subscribe, and smaaash that notification bell.” Monserrat said with a wink.

    “Haha, no worries. I’ll recommend you to some people I know.” Nick took another look at Fabiola in wonder. “Would you be willing to come back some time?”

    “I’d love to.” Monserrat said. “She’s a good baby.”


    “So you are fucking them.” Clarissa asserted with her usual tact. She really should be nicer, considering the very expensive coffee in her hand, courtesy of Monserrat.

    “Not exactly. Kinda. Look, it’s part of the service.” Monserrat shrugged. “Honestly, it’s fun, and since I’m in charge I don’t do anything I don’t want to do.”

    “I guess the money doesn’t hurt your feelings either.” Clarissa said with a smirk.

    “Girl, I paid for your coffee but off that last job I could pay your rent.”

    “Dang, why don’t you?”

    “Hah, you wish.” Monserrat grinned. “Honestly though, this last girl was so cute. Like, little kid cute.”

    “Oh no, is somebody’s bio-clock going off?”

    “Very funny.” Monserrat chuckled. “Anyway, it’s hard to describe. It’s like getting a chance to be Disney for someone. I made a whole day magical for a super cute girl, and maybe made her sex life with her boyfriend better too.”

    “Is that what Disney does?” Clarissa teased. “Honestly it sounds cool. Maybe I’ll get in on it.”

    “If you do, there’s hella research you should do.” Monserrat said. “I did a ton after the first girl, probably would have wiffed it with the second one if I hadn’t.”

    “So you’re making this your specialty?”

    “Yeah, I think so.” Monserrat shrugged. “I put some key phrases in my bio, my last client pretty much said he’d be a regular, and I already have a job lined up.”

    “You’re a busy lady! What kind of people are they anyway? The ones that sign up for this.”

    “Hah, you’ll never believe it, but the next client is in one of our classes.”

    “Whaaaat?” Clarissa leaned forward eagerly. “Spill that tea, who is it?”

    “Uh uh, client confidentiality.” Monserrat smirked in the face of Clarissa’s pout. It had nothing on a practiced little’s pout. “If you start up yourself I can recommend you to the client, but that’s the only way you’re finding out.”

    “Dang, there’s some random diaper girl in the engineering department?” Clarissa shook her head.

    “I’m beginning to think it’s a lot more common than I ever would have guessed.”

  • AB Sitter: Flora’s Ride Along & Skye

    The Ardenthill mall was in a sorry state, Monserrat counted at least half the storefronts closed, as her heels clacked on the vinyl flooring. Being dressed in her babysitter gear in public was a strange feeling, one that the stares of the daytime mall-goers didn’t let her forget. A particular woman’s eyes were as wide as saucers, upon taking in the black power suit Monserrat wore. Her gaze seemed especially drawn to the open front that framed Monserrat’s white bandeau top. Innocent though the woman’s expression was, she stared so overtly that Monserrat felt compelled to stop. Meeting the woman’s gaze, Monserrat posed with her hand on her hip. The woman blushed and ducked her head – even clasped her hands in front of her waist.

    I should order business cards to give out in this kind of situation, Monserrat thought in amusement. She smiled at the woman, hoping she was at least peeking upward to see it, and moved on. It was a strange job that had brought her to the mall, and it would be an awkward job too if Monserrat’s client had given her directions to the wrong restroom. Luckily, awkwardness had rarely deterred Monserrat in the past – potential awkwardness even less so.

    Monserrat knocked on the family bathroom door firmly and called out, “Flora, are you in there? It’s Monserrat.”

    “Oh my god keep your voice down!” Despite the panic that distorted the girl’s voice on the other side of the door, it was clearly Flora. Monserrat relaxed as confidence washed over her. A flustered Little girl is the easiest thing in the world to deal with.

    It took Flora quite a bit of rattling at the lock to get the door open. As the door swung inward, Flora cowered behind it, frantically waving Monserrat inside. “Come in quick before somebody sees you!”

    “Lots of people have seen me – we’re in a mall, sweetie.” Monserrat took the door from Flora, closed it, and deftly threw the lock. “It won’t be the same group of people that see us come out though, so it’ll be fine.”

    “D-Denise said you were coming but that was ages ago and I’ve been in here the whole time and I don’t know what to do!”

    Flora looked an absolute mess. Her dark hair was disheveled to the point that Monserrat couldn’t tell if she still had the layered cut that Monserrat had last seen her in. What little makeup she had on was streaked from crying, but the biggest issue was obviously the large wet spot on her pants. It would have been more actuate to say that Flora’s jeans had a few dry patches on the outer thighs, actually.

    “I have everything here to take care of you, let’s get you up on the changing table and into a nice dry diaper.” Monserrat lowered the changing table and patted it invitingly.

    “No, I don’t want a diaper, not at the mall!” Flora whimpered. “Everyone will know, it’ll be humiliating, you can’t make me! I just need new pants.”

    “Flora, Little one, you had a really big accident.”

    “No I didn’t!” Flora stamped her foot. “I had a tiny accident, and then it was only a little bigger when I got to the bathroom. But then I started crying and I forgot to take my pants off and they got soaked the rest of the way.”

    Monserrat smiled gently at Flora. “Looks like I was wrong. The first thing you need is a hug.”

    “But my pants are wet and – and…”

    “Flora,” Monserrat took her tone from kind to firm. “Come give your babysitter a hug.”

    The Little girl stepped up to Monserrat and held her tightly, resting her head on Monchi’s shoulder. That didn’t stop her from petulantly saying, “You’re not my babysitter.”

    “Is that so?”

    “No. I mean, yes, it is so. Denise can’t just call you up and let you babysit me on no notice like this.”

    “Actually, sweetie, she can.” Monserrat stroked Flora’s back gently. “It costs extra, but if I agree, she absolutely can call me for an emergency rescue of her Baby girl.”

    “I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl.”

    “Not right now. Relax, Flora. If you let me take care of you, I’ll make everything better, okay?”

    “Everyone’s going to laugh at me! It’ll be awful!” Flora sobbed. “I wanted Denise to come. Why didn’t she come? I told her not to send you but she said she couldn’t leave work.”

    “Oh honey. It’s going to be okay, I promise. You can cry if you need to, just hang on to me.” I’m going to have to contact my client. Monserrat could see that merely changing Flora was not going to count as a rescue. She tucked the Little girl against her side and held her close while texting Denise with her free hand. Once the message was sent, Flora’s sobs had subsided.

    Monserrat tried lifting Flora onto the changing table without asking her – Flora didn’t make a peep of protest. I thought so, she wants to be taken care of, she just doesn’t want to admit it. In her diaper bag, Monserrat had a Chinchilla stuffie, who’s microfiber fur rivaled the real animal for softness. She put the stuffie gently on Flora’s belly and wrapped the Little girl’s hands around it. “This is Suki. I’m not sure I can watch her and you at the same time, so can you hold her for a bit?”

    “I g-guess so.” Flora wrapped her arms around Suki, cuddling the soft rodent into the crook of her neck.

    “Thank you Flora.” Monserrat worked Flora’s wet jeans off and rolled them up into a plastic bag. The Little girl’s panties were sopping and reeked of ammonia, making Monserrat wonder if she was cleaning up Flora’s first accident of the day. They quickly followed Flora’s jeans into the bag.

    Wishing she could do something to warm the bathroom up, Monserrat wiped Flora down from her waist all the way to her ankles. By the time she’d finished, the poor girl was shivering. A diaper and a generous dusting of powder was a good start on getting Flora covered, though Monserrat decided to put the Little girl in leggings and baggy jeans against the cold.

    “How come you don’t have a jacket?” Monserrat buttoned Flora’s new jeans up. “Did you leave it somewhere when you had your accident?”

    “I didn’t need a jacket when I left the house.” Flora sniffed. Monserrat raised a brow. It was doubtful that the girl’s clothes had been warm enough at any point during the day. Besides her jeans, Flora had on only a thin cardigan over what looked like a camisole top. A message popped up on Monserrat’s Escort Quest app – Denise had signed off on Monserrat’s suggestion and extended the session, as well as paying the overlap fees.

    “I’m going to take you home, Flora. Neither your Mommy nor I think you’ll be okay out in the cold by yourself.”

    “She’s my girlfriend, not my mommy.”

    Monserrat sat Flora up and scrubbed her cheeks clean of makeup streaks, before declaring her makeup unsalvageable and wiping it all off. “I bet you’d hurt her feelings if she heard you say that.”

    Flora frowned and tightened her grip on the stuffed Chinchilla. After setting the Little girl on her feet, Monserrat gave the bathroom a quick wipe-down and packed up her bag.

    “Will you come to my car with me?”

    “If I say no you’ll just make me do it anyway.” Flora pouted.

    “That’s not true. I’m here to take care of you, not kidnap you or hurt you.”

    Flora frowned and kicked at the bathroom tile. “O-okay, I’ll ride home with you.”

    “Great! Are you excited to see your mommy?”

    “Is Mommy going to be home?” Flora gazed up at Monserrat with wide, shining eyes.

    “By the time we get there, she will be. Take my hand.”

    On the walk to the car, Flora had a firm grip on Monserrat’s hand and a death grip on Suki. She was out of protestations about being a big girl too, allowing Monserrat to buckle her into the back seat without complaint. Monserrat turned up the heater and pulled out of the parking lot, double-checking her next destination in Escort Quest.

    “You’re not going to take the highway?” Flora was slumped against the window, staring listlessly at the side of the road. As they passed Main street, she sat up in alarm. “This isn’t the way back to my house!”

    “We can’t go straight there. I have another Little girl I promised to help today.” Monserrat glanced at the rear-view mirror to catch Flora’s gaze. “You wouldn’t want me to leave her scared and wondering where I am, would you?”

    “No.” Flora pulled Suki to her cheek. “It was awful waiting in that bathroom.”

    “I’m sorry sweetie. I got there as fast as I could.”

    “I know – thank you Monchi.” Flora smiled, though the expression wavered on her face. “I feel a lot better now.”

    “I’m glad to hear it.” Monserrat wound her brand new SUV through the Ardenthill streets until she pulled into the shared driveway for a trio of townhouses. She was barely out of the car and gathering her diaper bag when Flora’s door opened and the Little girl hopped out.

    “Flora, I need you to wait in the car.”

    “I don’t want to be alone.”

    Monserrat patted Flora’s head. “You have Suki there with you, and the doors will be locked.”

    “It’s uh – it’s actually Suki that’s scared and doesn’t want to wait in the car.” Flora looked up at Monserrat with the same teary expression she’d had when she asked if her mommy would be home. Monserrat sighed and pulled Flora into a side-hug while she sent off another text. Happily, the answer came back as a yes, and instantly at that.

    “Skye says you can come in, but you’ll be a guest in her house so I need you and Suki to be well behaved. Understand?”

    “Yes Monchi, we can do it.” Flora followed Monserrat into the townhouse like a little shadow. The interior of the townhouse was tidy but dusty, its stack of dishes by the sink emblematic of a bachelorette who worked long hours. They found Skye in her studio, sitting cross-legged under hot lights in front of her streaming equipment. Skye was down to a t-shirt and diaper as usual, the latter looked to be at-capacity.

    “Hey everybody, I’m going to an ad break, back in ten.” Skye turned to Monserrat and grinned. “Monserrat, you’re right on time!”

    “Aren’t I always? Skye, this is Flora. Flora, this is Skye.”

    “I like your light-up headphones,” Flora said with a wave. “The kitty ears are cute.”

    “Yeah, you want to try them on?” Skye popped her headphones off and held them out to Flora, who took them but looked at Monserrat for approval.

    “Go ahead. You can take Skye’s chair for a bit, she won’t need it while she’s getting changed.” Monserrat scooped Skye out of her chair, chuckling at the girl’s usual “whee!” sound at being picked up.

    “Did you bring lunch?” Skye laid back on the changing table and stretched until her back audibly popped.

    “You mean a bottle? Yes, but you should have more lunch than just that.” Monserrat frowned at the stains on Skye’s shirt and her greasy hair. “Give me your shirt.”

     “We don’t have time for the whole thing today, Monserrat.” Skye sighed, the bags under her eyes looked terrible. “I only put on ten minutes of ads and anyway I have a sponsored stream to do soon.”

    “Did you forget rule number one?” Monserrat pulled Skye’s t-shirt over her head, overcoming the Little girl’s resistance with a few firm tugs.

    “I hired a babysitter, which means you’re in charge.” Skye’s tone was resigned but her facial expression was relieved. Monserrat stripped the girl out of her bra as well, before attending to her soaked diaper.

    “You’re getting a shower too. No argument.”

    “Fine but uh…” Skye rolled over and peered at her streaming setup. Flora was kicking her feet in Skye’s streaming chair, watching the chat scroll by. “Hey Flora, there should be three buttons right in front of you, blue, green, and black. Can you press the blue one for me please?”

    “Like this?” Flora reached for the desk and looked back at Skye. “The green one was sticking in, it popped out when I pressed the blue.”

    “Perfect. The camera is shooting you from your shoulders to waist now. Don’t duck down unless you want my audience to see your face.”

    “I’m on camera?!”

    “Not yet, but when that ad window in the upper right goes away, you will be.” Skye put her arms around Monserrat as the tall babysitter picked her up for a naked trip to the bathroom. “It’ll be fine, just say hi to people and respond to messages by talking. Don’t tell them your last name.”

    “Monchi!” Flora whined.

    “I think you’ll be fine for a few minutes. You can get out of the chair if it’s too scary, but I suggest introducing the chat to Suki. I bet they’ll have lots of questions about her.” Monserrat watched Flora for a moment to make sure the girl wasn’t panicking, and carried Skye to the shower.

    “Monserrat, I appreciate this but seriously, I can’t miss that sponsored stream.” Skye’s languid expression vanished with a shriek as a blast of cold water hit her. Monserrat laughed.

    “Silly girl, you get yourself with the cold water every time.” Monserrat handed Skye her shampoo. “I won’t make you miss your stream, though you might get fed while it’s starting. Give your hair a good scrub or I’ll spank you on stream.”

    “I’m so gonna get banned someday, because of your antics.”

    “Not if you’re a good girl and do as you’re told.” Monserrat shut the shower door and peeked in on Flora. She was bouncing excitedly in Skye’s chair, trying to find the perfect angle to hold Suki for the camera. With a fond smile, Monserrat went to the kitchen and threw some tortillas in a pair of pans.

    “Hi everybody! I’m not Skye, I’m Flora!” Flora sounded excited enough that Monserrat stopped listening to what she said and merely kept an ear out for a change in tone. She covered both tortillas in shredded cheese, topped each with a second tortilla, and had them flipped before she heard Skye get out of the shower.

    “Let me see that hair, Skye.” Monserrat grabbed a towel on her way into the bathroom and rubbed Skye down. The streamer girl showed her clean head off proudly, for which she was rewarded by Monserrat brushing out her dark locks.

    “They want to know what my streamer name is!” Flora called anxiously from the studio.

    “Tell them that whoever donates the most subs gets to pick one for you.” Monserrat called back.

    “I knew there was a reason I liked you.” Skye grinned at Monserrat in the mirror.

    “It’s not because of how much you like being taken care of?” Monserrat carefully brushed the last of the tangles out of Skye’s hair and scooped her into a princess carry.

    “You’re great at that too. What’s Flora’s deal?”

    “That’s up to her to tell you, other than that she’s another client of mine who needed some rescuing today.”

    “Monserrat, you have to be the nicest hooker the world has ever seen.”

    “Call me that again and you’ll get your on-stream spanking.” Monserrat pinched Skye’s rear, not bothering to be gentle about it.

    “Ow, sorry!”

    “Just for that you can wait here for a bit while I check on lunch.” Monserrat took a quick look at chat to make sure they were being nice to Flora and left Skye naked on her changing table, ignoring her squawk of protest.

    The quesadillas were still in fine shape on low heat. Monchi covered both pans and turned the burners off before returning to the studio. “What name did they pick for you, Flora?”

    “Um, TST2012 donated like… a hundred subs. Isn’t that five hundred bucks?” Flora stared incredulously up at Monserrat.

    “I think so.” She scrolled quickly through chat and nodded. “Looks like that person picked ChillyGirl for your name. Did you tell chat that you’re cold?”

    “No, it’s cause of Suki. She’s a chin-Chill-a.” Flora grinned at Monserrat’s laugh. “Is it okay if I turn on the face cam? Everyone wants to see me.”

    “That’s up to you, sweetie, but you need to realize that if you do that, there will be pictures of you on the internet forever. If you’re okay with that, and you think these are nice people that won’t say something bad, you press the green button to switch the camera up.” Monserrat patted Flora on the shoulder and returned to Skye, who was glaring daggers at her.

    “Monserrat, you jerk!” Skye hissed under her breath. “You know I can’t climb off this table naked, my cooch would end up on the diaper-stash cam.”

    “Maybe next time you’ll think before you speak.” Monserrat put a diaper under Skye’s butt and spread lotion across the girl’s crotch. “I hope your sponsor is okay with you streaming in a onesie because I’m putting you in your teddy-bear outfit.”

    “Why do I keep hiring you again?”

    “Flora’s naming challenge pulled down something like two hundred gifted subs.”

    “Ah – right.”

    Once Skye was securely diapered – with a booster pad to get her through her sponsored stream, Monserrat dressed her in a light brown onesie with a plush bear across Skye’s ample chest.

    “Nobody’s going to be able to see my diaper in this thing.”

    “If your sponsor was expecting a diaper, then I’m sure the onesie is fine. You can tell chat your babysitter won’t let you take your onesie off, they’ll love it.”

    “Is that an actual rule for today?”

    “It is.” Monserrat scooped Skye up and carried her to her streaming chair. “Flora, scoot over. There’s enough room for both baby girls if you get friendly.”

    Both girls whinged and wiggled as Monserrat set Skye down. They managed to find a position with Skye half-on Flora’s lap that had them happily tangled together. Flora introduced Skye to Suki, to the streamer girl and chat’s mutual delight. While the girls were getting acquainted, Monserrat sliced the quesadillas into triangles, dressing them up with sour cream, salsa, and chopped green onion. She returned to the studio to find Skye’s sponsored stream starting.

    “The onesie stays snapped down there, JukeDog99, babysitter says so. Okay, sponsored stream in five, four, three…” Skye counted the last two off silently and beamed at the camera. “Hey everybody, I have a guest star today for our stream of NETHERBEAST. Say hello to ChillyGirl.”

    “Netherbeast sounds scary.” Flora peeked around Skye’s shoulder and gasped. “Oh who’s that cutie?”

    “That’s the Netherbeast. I don’t play scary games, this one is super cartoony.”

    “She has toe beans?!” Flora was so starry eyed that she almost refused her plate of quesadillas.

    With a bit of wrangling, Monserrat got both girls eating and returned to the kitchen to wash the dishes. When she was done, she collected the girls’ empty plates and took a minute to watch them play. Flora was every bit as animated and giggly as Skye. Either she’s enjoying the thrill of being on camera, or – damn it, I should have checked if she was hungry after I changed her.

    The chat audience nearly staged a revolution when Monserrat extracted Flora from the chair. Skye’s message feed was nothing but, “ChillyGirl or riot!” and emojis of tables being flipped. The unruly chatters were only pacified when Skye promised to invite Flora over as a guest on another stream. Skye’s audience responded by posting links to streaming setups that Flora could buy to set up her own stream, until Skye had her moderators step in and ban the worst offenders.

    Monserrat briefly exposed an arm and flexed to give the audience their usual “goodbye gun show”, then gathered Flora up and waved farewell to Skye. They were at the door when frantic footsteps cued Monserrat to look back in surprise.

    “What’s this, Skye out of her chair when she’s not being changed?”

    “There’s an ad reel on, I wanted to say bye to Flora.” Skye gave Flora a quick, exuberant squeeze. “Also – this was really fun. You can bring Flora by again sometime, right?”

    “That’s up to Flora and her mommy. I have a Little girl of my own, I could bring her by for a playdate, though I don’t thinks she’d want to be on stream.”

    Skye sighed. “Everybody has a mommy but me.”

    “Maybe if you occasionally left your house, it’d be easier to find someone.”

    “Or maybe there’s an app.” Skye stared intensely into Monserrat’s eyes. “You know, an app where I can request a mommy to come right into my house.”

    “I’m sorry, sweetie.” Monserrat kissed Skye on the forehead. “I’m poly-amorous but I’m mommy-monogamous.”

    “Bleh, fine. I have to get back to streaming but I’ll book you soon.” Skye waved at Flora. “Bye ChillyGirl, you have my contact info. Hit me up if you want to put together a streaming rig – or just talk or whatever.”

    “I’ll tell Mommy to let me come see you soon!” Flora waved vigorously at Skye, double-checked that she had her stuffed chinchilla, and followed Monserrat out the door.


    Monserrat arrived at Denise and Flora’s house just behind Denise’s black Mercedes S-Class. The three story mini-mansion was a far more typical of the sorts of houses Monserrat’s clients lived in than Skye’s townhouse, though Monchi hadn’t seen the inside. Thus far she’d only been contacted by Denise to rescue Flora.

    “You had quite the adventure, didn’t you Buttercup?” Denise looked haggard in her executive suit as she pulled Flora in for a hug. Monserrat was pleased she’d been able to spare Denise from having to bail on work and stress herself out even more.

    “I made a new friend, Mommy! Two new friends! But the main one’s name is Skye, she’s a streamer, and she let me get on camera. Everybody was really nice and they sent Skye a bunch of money – because of me!” Flora bounced on her toes. “Can I be a streamer too, Mommy? I already have a streamer name. I’m ChillyGirl.”

    “You can tell me all the details at dinner and we can certainly discuss you streaming.” Denise patted Flora on the head. “We should let Monserrat get to her dinner. Do you need to give her back her stuffed mouse?”

    “She’s a chinchilla, her name is Suki and – and she said she doesn’t want to go back in Monserrat’s bag. She wants to stay with me, because I’m a good hugger.” Flora squeezed Suki and looked back and forth between Denise and Monserrat nervously.

    “Flora is welcome to keep Suki.” Monserrat said with a smile.

    “Can you add a stuffie to the invoice after I’ve already paid you?” Denise asked.

    “I can, but new friends are always on the house.” Monserrat shook Denise’s hand. “I’ve got a Little girl of my own who’s been curious about meeting other Littles, and some other clients that are asking about playdates too, if you’re interested in booking Flora for a playdate.”

    “Yes please Mommy, can I do a playdate?”

    “What’s this? Where’s my Little girl who complains about having to wear diapers out of the house? I don’t think playdates are something a big girl does.”

    “Mommy!” Flora jumped up and down, slamming her feet into the decorative stone walk with every landing.

    “She’s probably hungry again. I fed her a quesadilla, but that was a couple of hours ago.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “I think you’re right. Thank you again for helping out. I try to keep this one occupied but she’s getting more little all the time. Are you available during the day? I know you’re a student…” Denise corralled Flora into a hug, to which the Little girl responded by burying her face in her mommy’s chest.

    Monserrat shrugged. “I’m an athlete too, and I have a lot of clients, but I’ll see what I can do. I’ve recently gotten some flexibility on when I do my class time, so check my schedule and see.”

    “You’re a busy woman, especially with your own Little girl at home. Good luck.”

    “Thanks Denise. See you next time.”


    Driving home, Monserrat had just begun to work the kinks out of her back with the help of her heated seat, when her phone rang. That’s weird, I didn’t schedule an after-job call with Clarissa this time.

    “Hi, this is Monserrat,” She said, swiping the phone screen without taking her eyes off the road.

    “Navi?” Her girlfriend’s sad voice on the other end of the line had Monserrat tensely gripping the steering wheel.

    “Jenny? What’s wrong?”

    “Navi – I had an accident. At school.”

    “I’m on my way, baby girl.”

    “No, Navi I – I’m home already. Usha picked me up. It’s been a rough day but – I waited until the app said you were off your job.”

    “Jenny-bear, you can always call me, even if I’m on a job.”

    “Usha’s one of my babysitters, and she was on campus. I didn’t want to mess up your work.”

    “I’ll be home soon and I’ll take great care of you all evening. I’m sorry you had a bad day.” I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.

    “Thanks Navi – I just needed to hear your voice. See you soon. Rachel’s making dinner.”

    “I love you Jenny-bear.”

    “I love you too, Navi.”

    A sudden rain squall made Monserrat skid to a stop at the next light, compounding her frustration. What am I working so hard for? My own Little girl has trouble at school, and feels like she can’t call me, because I’m rescuing a client?

    Monserrat drove home as aggressively as she dared, given the freshly wet roads. Embracing a New England style of driving – with liberal use of her car’s horn – got her home quickly, though not as fast as she’d desired.

  • AB Sitter: Keeley

    Monserrat took a moment to take in the view from her latest client’s corner office. The top floor of Ardenthill’s second tallest building commanded a gorgeous view of the trees rising from the river confluence that had long been known simply as “The Branch”. As one of the only two buildings in town that could remotely be considered as skyscrapers – the Keene building and the slightly taller Erasmus Tower were synonymous with money in the minds of the townsfolk. Anyone with a corner office in Keene was likely to be used to getting her way. That was too bad for Dominika Galvez, because though Monserrat wasn’t used to disappointing people – she’d resolved to set some very firm boundaries in her business.

    “Dominika, I won’t do what you’re asking.” Monserrat focused on keeping her voice polite but firm. “My session can’t be a surprise to Keeley. I did that once for another client and decided I wouldn’t do it again. It creates too much ambiguity.”

    “Oh come on.” Dominika sighed and stared Monserrat down. She was dressed in a black women’s power suit, with her highlighted brown hair brushed back into what Monserrat thought of as a “business mane”. If there were any hints of the Hispanic heritage that Dominika’s surname implied in her face, her careful makeup job had hidden them. Everything about the woman exuded precision, from her personal presentation, to the neatness of her desk. On Dominika’s desk there was a single laptop, two neat stacks of paper, and one pen.

    In contrast, Monserrat was making more of a point of leaning into her ethnicity as she gained confidence in her business. Her mass of natural black curls had recently been dreaded and decorated with rainbow beads. The only concessions the babysitter was making to the heavy business aspect of her client meeting was a blazer over her athletic tank top and trading out her track pants for loose fitting black cotton pants. It was a great feeling – realizing she could walk away from the client meeting and probably be happier for it. Monserrat met Dominika’s gaze calmly, leaning into the power of her resting bitch face.

    Dominika leaned back in her chair, ceding the staring contest. “With as much experience as you have, you must have met Littles that want to protest that they aren’t Little. In my experience that’s the majority, even.”

    “From the second session on, I’m happy to play any game the client requests. I have a Little girl I regularly watch who starts every session telling me that I’m not her babysitter, she’s not Little, and that her caregiver isn’t her Mommy.” Monserrat shrugged, annoyed at the way her blazer went taught at the smallest motion of her shoulders. They didn’t make off the rack blazers big enough for someone with Monserrat’s shoulders. “I don’t mind doing that for her and her Mommy – but the first session has to be free of ambiguous language and the Little has to clearly consent to being babysat.”

    “God, that’s a pain in the ass.” Dominika rubbed her temples. “She’s going to say no, even though she had a great time being Little full time for two weeks. If you need me to sweeten the pot, I can connect you with an entire sorority and fraternity of ABDLs.”

    “I’m sorry, Dominika.” Monserrat rose from her chair, smiling to soften some of the bluntness of the gesture. My principles aren’t for sale, only my time. “Let me know when Keeley wants to be babysat and I’ll be glad to help out.”

    “Wait!” Dominika slapped her hand on the table. “I might still be able to meet your terms. I haven’t said I don’t want to hire you yet.”

    But I might not want to be hired by you. Monserrat folded her arms and said, “We’re both busy women…”

    Please.” Dominika looked up at Monserrat with concern that made the babysitter hesitate. “I need your help. Keeley’s situation is complex, but there are times when she’s not okay on her own – and one of those is coming up.”

    “I’m listening.” Monserrat resumed her seat, hoping Dominika’s concern was really genuine – and that she wasn’t about to get a hard sales pitch.

    “Keeley has a boyfriend named Zach. He’s a drug addict. When Keeley’s parents aren’t home, he takes her to unsafe places, and gives her hard drugs.” Dominika sighed. “She can’t say no to him. But she’ll ignore him the minute one of her Nannies says she has to.”

    “But you’ll be out of town this weekend?” Monserrat cast her thoughts back to the client inquiry Dominika had sent her. It had been a lot more vague than what Dominika was telling her now, but what little detail she’d gotten matched Dominika’s current story.

    “Yes, and so will Vidette, her other Nanny. Keeley has another caregiver, who’ll also be out of town.” Dominika frowned. “I want you to know, this isn’t a case of me needing you to help salve my conscience. I have a business deal I’d really rather not miss out on, but if you can’t help me, I’ll ditch that deal and stay with Keeley to keep Zach away from her.”

    “I want to help – genuinely. That doesn’t mean I’m going to break my rule about consent.”

    “Can you help me convince her? I’ll have Vidette help me convince her, but when you show up, can you do the final leg of the journey if needed?”

    “As long as I can be completely clear and up front about what I’m there for, yes.”

    “Deal.” Dominika reached across her desk and shook Monserrat’s hand. “Thank you, seriously. Now, let’s talk details. There are some things you should know about Keeley’s home life.”


    Mansion was a good word for Keeley’s house. Small palace would have fit as well. Acres of riverfront property had confronted Monserrat when she navigated to the address she’d been given. It was also the most boring expensive building she’d seen. The entire exterior was white with a hint of cool gray. All the windows were rectangular, without any interior panes. A tower seemed to be added for opulence alone – it certainly didn’t fit the luxury ranch style theme of the rest of the house.

    And yet, this ugly thing has to be worth at least five, maybe ten million, Monserrat thought, as she waited for someone to answer the white pine door. It didn’t surprise her at all to see a man in suit and black tie open the door. For the ultra-high-end babysitting gig, Monserrat had gone for black and white herself, in a knee length gathered skirt and a translucent black silk top over a white satin camisole.

    “Good morning. Ms. Navarrete, I presume?” The butler stepped back graciously, indicating that Monserrat should enter with a sweeping gesture.

    “That’s me. You’re welcome to call me Monserrat if you like, Mr….?”

    “Renault. No relation to the car company. I was told you’d be here for Miss Hartwell. Please follow me, Ms. Navarrete.” Mr. Renault – or is it just Renault, like he’s a vampire minion? – was off and up a pristine white set of stairs. The whole house was done in white, with the occasional break for a pale yellow accent or white pine paneling.

    “I don’t know if Dominika told you that Zach is planning to come over,” Monserrat said, as they walked down the cavernous halls, nearly empty of decoration. “I’d appreciate it if you could turn him away at the door.”

    “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to send that young man packing,” Renault said. “However, if Miss Hartwell asks me to admit him, I can’t take your instruction over hers.”

    “I think I can handle Keeley, she’s been prepped for my arrival. As long as she doesn’t send you instructions to the contrary, can you tell Zach she’s not available?”

    “Consider it done.” Renault knocked once on a white doorway, the same as all the rest in the hall. Without waiting for an answer, he gently opened the door and announced, “Ms. Navarrete to see you, Miss Hartwell.”

    “UGH.” The groan that came out of Keeley might not have been the brattiest Monserrat had ever heard from a Little – but it was in contention for the top certainly. Keeley’s noise of displeasure was issued casually enough that Monserrat was sure the girl had more bratty depths to plumb, and that she had a for-sure Little on her hands.

    Monserrat stood at the doorway, waiting with Renault for something more conclusive than a single guttural noise. After a minute, there was a soft thump in the room, followed by a blonde girl rolling across the carpet. Keeley stopped on her back, looking up at Monserrat and Renault. “You can come in, I guess.”

    “I’ll leave you two to it.” Renault deftly closed the door behind Monserrat, leaving the babysitter in a true horror of “upscale” decoration.

    The walls were white, as was the couch, the carpet, and the side table. The lamp shade was white, and its base was platinum. It’s probably actually made of platinum. The room’s curtains were gauzy white, which made the armchair the only thing in the room with a hint of color. It was yellow pine, upholstered in white.

    Keeley, on the other hand, was dressed in a rainbow skirt of gauzy synthetic material and had on a hot-pink shirt. The shirt clashed violently with the skirt, but in a way that could be considered a modern look, especially with each of Keeley’s nails painted a different color. She was cute and sexy in a carefree way that made Monserrat certain that the girl had options beyond rich burnouts – though she wouldn’t be the first girl who stuck with a useless boyfriend.

    “Good morning, Keeley. I’m Monserrat, but you can call me Monchi. I’ll be your babysitter all day.”

    “I already have a babysitter.” Keeley sat up, putting her back to Monserrat. “Her name is Trish, and I love her. You can go.”

    “Then why’d you invite me in?” Monserrat took a seat next to Keeley, deliberately in the Little girl’s vision. “I heard from Dominika and Vidette about Trish, but she can’t be here today.”

    “It’s weird doing this dumb baby game with a stranger.” Keeley huffed. “I don’t want a babysitter.”

    “Are you sure?” Monserrat patted Keeley on the leg. “If that’s the way you feel, I’ll go.”

    “You will?” Keeley frowned at Monserrat in surprise.

    “I will. You need to consent to this, or the session is off.”

    “You’re just like Trish.” Keeley rolled her eyes. When Monserrat shifted, she quickly grabbed for the babysitter’s arm. “Wait! I – I told my nanas that I’d let you babysit me. I consent, okay? But that doesn’t mean the game isn’t dumb, or that this isn’t weird.”

    “I’m glad to hear that you consent. Hopefully I can put together a day that won’t be dumb or weird, but that part will be up to you.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “Let’s just get it over with.” Keeley wrinkled her nose at Monserrat. “Go ahead.”

    “Go ahead with what?” Monserrat tilted her head curiously.

    “Putting me in a stupid diaper.”

    “I wasn’t going to do that, unless I have your permission.”

    “You’re not?” Keeley’s jaw dropped.

    “Vidette gave me Trish’s contact information. She and I had a very productive discussion that helped me be more comfortable with this job – and gave me a better idea of what you need.” Monserrat held out her hand. “I am going to take your phone, though. You’re going to be out of contact with Zach for the rest of the day.”

    “I always have to wear a diaper when I play the baby game.” Keeley fished her phone out of her ample cleavage and handed it to Monserrat without a whisper of rebellion.

    “Not today, unless you ask for one, or have an accident.” Monserrat tucked Keeley’s phone away in her diaper bag.

    “That’s weird.” Keeley frowned.

    “Is it?” Monserrat smiled slyly. “I thought the baby game was weird, and dumb. It’s a surprise that you want to be diapered.”

    “I don’t!” Keeley shouted.

    “Keeley, don’t shout at me. It’s rude to shout in general, but as your babysitter, I won’t tolerate it.” Monserrat was impressed at how quickly her correction cowed the Little girl, Keeley shrank in on herself and even blushed.

    “I’m sorry na… uh, what do I call you?”

    “I told you, you can call me Monchi.” She patted Keeley’s cheek. “If you really want to be formal, you can call me Ms. Navarrete, but you don’t have to do that unless you’re in trouble.”

    “I’m a good girl! I never get in trouble.” Keeley’s voice had regressed substantially, as had her expression. Considering how effortless the Little girl’s transformation was, Monserrat could sympathize with Dominika’s frustration – but was glad she’d stood her ground.

    “That’s not what I hear from your nannies, or your girlfriend.”

    “No fair.” Keeley wrinkled her nose. “You’re really not going to put me in a diaper?”

    “Not right now.”

    “Well – I’m going to put a pullup on.” Keeley shot to her feet in a poof of rainbow skirt. “Don’t watch, Monchi!”

    “Go ahead.” Monserrat stood with considerably less explosive energy, and more grace. “I need to get something from my car.”

    The saving grace of the mansion’s ultra open, austerely simple design was that it made the house easy to navigate. A side trip to the kitchen revealed an extravagance of a professional setup in gleaming stainless steel. It was a kitchen that belonged in a restaurant that fed a hundred people a night – and while Monserrat didn’t know how many servants lived on the property, she was certain the Hartwell family numbered only three. As she was shaking her head at the opulence, a man in a chef’s coat moved to intercept her.

    “Hi, I’m Louis, the estate’s chef.” Louis was short, slender, and dark of hair – with a very French nose to go with his light French accent.

    “Monserrat.” Monchi smiled, and shook Louis’ offered hand. “I’m entertaining Keeley today.”

    “And keeping her boyfriend out of the house, I hear. That earns you plenty of points with the staff.”

    “It sounds like nobody likes Zach except Keeley.”

    “If she liked him, we’d still be concerned but have less of a problem with him.” Louis shook his head. “As far as I can tell, Ms. Hartwell doesn’t like Mr. McGovern. She sees him mostly on inertia, and because he irritates her parents.”

    “I confiscated her phone, and asked Renault to tell Zach that Keeley isn’t available if he shows up.” Monserrat grinned. “Does that get me enough points to buy a fancy lunch for Keeley? Something tea-party appropriate?”

    “It does more than that. I’ll prepare lunch for two. Do you want to know the menu ahead of time?” At Monserrat’s nod, Louis continued, “For a tea party – but still to be substantial – I’ll make miso butter daikon steaks. The protein should be light – hmm – let’s do seared ahi tuna, crusted with sesame and Szechuan spices. I’ll put a fresh snow pea salad with Pecorino Romano cheese on the side – as well as some house-made shortbreads for dipping in your tea.”

    Monserrat swallowed, chuckling as her stomach quietly rumbled. “That sounds – beyond my expectations. When will it be ready for me to pick up?”

    “The earliest I can have it done is one o’clock. My staff will bring it up then, or any later time you prefer.”

    “One will be perfect. Thank you. I’m getting the feeling that Keeley needs a lot of TLC, and this will help.”

    “She does. Despite her parents, Keeley is a sweet girl – she’s got a lot of sympathy from the staff, and she could bother us a lot more than she does.”

    Monserrat chuckled. “You’re not afraid to speak your mind about your employer.”

    “I have two Michelin stars.” Louis snorted. “I’m employed here at my convenience, not that of the Hartwells.”

    “I’m getting to know how that is myself. It feels good.” Monserrat smiled, exchanged another warm handshake with Louis, and finished her trip out to her car.

    The trip back was a bit of a bear – even Monserrat’s bulky arms strained a bit with the weight of the blue canvas duffel she hauled to Keeley’s room. By the time she tracked Renault down, she had a healthy glow in her cheeks.

    “Renault!” Monserrat took a deep breath. “I’m glad I caught you. Can I ask another favor?”

    “It depends.” Renault turned crisply, approaching Monserrat and coming to a stop just out of arm’s length. “What do you need?”

    “I’m going to help Keeley paint a wall in her room.”

    “Oh, lovely! Miss Hartwell will be enchanted with the idea.”

    “I’m not asking anyone to lie to their employer, but I’ve heard that Keeley’s mother doesn’t want the room redecorated.” Monserrat hefted the heavy bag on her shoulder. “All I’m asking is that no one volunteer that Keeley painted her room, without being asked.”

    “I think it would be entirely inappropriate for anyone to raise that subject with Ms. Hartwell.” Renault said. “I won’t breathe a word, and you can be sure that the rest of the staff will follow suit.”

    “Thanks, Renault.”

    “Thank you for taking care of our Miss Hartwell, Ms. Navarrete.”


    Monserrat found Keeley back in the front room of her suite, artfully posed on the floor with her feet toward the door. The shortness of the Little girl’s skirt and the way she was idly kicking her feet guaranteed Monserrat a glimpse of the pastel purple pullup Keeley was wearing.

    “I see you put a pullup on.” Monserrat smirked as Keeley flipped herself over, with a “shocked” expression on her face. “You might want to change the rest of your clothes too, we’re going to get messy.”

    “What do you mean?” Keeley eyed the heavy bag as Monserrat set it on her carpet with a thump.

    “I brought some paints, quite a few different colors. We’re going to paint one of your walls.”

    “Really?!” Keeley’s eyes were full of stars – until she slumped and they brimmed with tears. “I can’t. Mom won’t let me.”

    “I hear from Vidette that your mom never comes to your room.”

    “The housekeepers will tell her.”

    “They will not.” Monserrat unzipped the duffel to reveal a double-row of quart sized paint cans, along with brushes, drop cloths, and other supplies. “I talked to Renault and he said that telling your mother would be entirely inappropriate.”

    “That’s as close as he ever comes to cursing.” Keeley giggled. “Okay, I’ll change – but what about your clothes?”

    “Don’t worry, I have some coveralls in the bag.” Without further ado, Monserrat stripped down to her bra and panties, while Keeley stared in awe. It was a nice ego boost – having the body she’d worked so hard to sculpt ogled by a cute girl – but more importantly Monserrat hoped it’d set a tone and a comfort level for the Little girl.

    After Keeley had recovered from staring at Monserrat’s abs – mostly because they were tucked away behind denim coveralls – she seemed to take the hint. Keeley left her bedroom door open, changing in full view of the suite’s front room, despite having plenty of space with which to be out of sight. She beamed like a happy puppy to be praised for her choice of a dusty t-shirt and even more dusty overalls. Whatever hell those clothes had been through, it had left them with an acrid smell and sun-faded spots. Paint splotches would be an improvement over the dingy grey tone the dust gave them.

    All three caregivers that Monserrat had talked to had praised Keeley’s artistic abilities, and if anything, they’d been downplaying the Little girl’s skill. They’d hardly put brush to wall before Monserrat realized that the best she could do was fill in spaces within Keeley’s design. She coaxed the Little girl into painting outlines – which turned out to be a rainbow of curved shapes that looked like a cross between a fireworks explosion and the outreaching leaves of a snake plant.

    While Monserrat diligently filled in the “leaves”, Keeley was busy with a detail brush creating mice that peeked out from slivers between the colored shapes. Under Keeley’s seemingly effortless brush strokes, a few curved or crooked lines would resolve into a cute mouse with a ton of personality in its expression. As one o’clock approached, Monserrat diverted Keeley to the bathroom to wash her hands – which the Little girl did obediently, despite a bit of grousing. Lunch arrived right on schedule, with a knock at the suite door and smells that set both girls’ bellies rumbling.

    “Lunch time, Keeley – and tea-time too. Do you have any stuffies that could join us for tea?”

    Keeley giggled in delight, her expression shifting in a way that gave Monserrat the rare opportunity to visibly see a Little girl descend into Littlespace. With a whale, a lobster, and a rat that had been loved to shabbiness in her arms, Keeley’s steps took on the trademark stompiness of a true Adult Baby. She plopped down on the floor hard too, enough that Monserrat had to wonder if Keeley had forgotten how thin the padding on her rear was.

    “Oh, Louis made three of my favorites!” Keeley clapped her hands excitedly.

    “Of course.” Monserrat smiled, stroking Keeley’s hair. “Everybody wants you to have a good day today.”

    “Instead of the day I would have had with Zach, you mean.” Keeley looked soulfully up at Monserrat. At her babysitter’s answering nod, she scooted over until she was hip to hip with Monserrat, clutching her stuffed rat in her arms.

    “Do you want me to feed you?” Monserrat cut a creamy slice of daikon radish and held it up to Keeley. The Little girl leaned forward to take the bite.

    It took Monserrat a while to feed Keeley, with the Little snuggled up against her. Though her own lunch was lukewarm at best by the time Keeley was done eating, the flavors still danced on her tongue. I wonder if Louis would ever cater a dinner – and if his contract with the Hartwells would even let him. The way Monserrat’s jobs were still ramping up, and with Dominika’s information about the Delta Lambda Gamma and Beta sorority and fraternity, she might well have enough money to blow on a super special meal for her polycule. Not that I could tell them how much it cost, if I was able to work it out. They wouldn’t think it was worth it – but at a certain point, I’m realizing that the money matters less than the experience.

    With her own lunch done, Monserrat was introduced to Bertha the Whale and Gordo the Rat. The lobster’s name seemed to be in flux – it was clearly only there to round out the numbers. She politely raised her cup to each of the stuffies in turn and took a sip, discovering a blueberry rooibos tea that was almost as delightful as the meal.

    “I have to hide Gordo when Mom’s around,” Keeley said, gulping down her third cup of tea.

    “From the house’s – aesthetic – I’m guessing she doesn’t like how old and well loved he is.” Monserrat put an arm around Keeley and was rewarded with the Little girl cuddling even closer to her.

    “She hates anything that’s old, or colorful, or common.” In apparent total comfort with Monserrat, Keeley rested her head against her babysitters bosom. “She’d FLIP if she saw what we’re doing to the wall.”

    “That’s why we picked a wall in your bedroom, in case she looks into your suite.” Monserrat gave Keeley a gentle squeeze. “I’m sure that no one will tell her, anyway. The house staff seem to really like you.”

    “I don’t know why.” Keeley sighed. “I mean, I try not to be mean to them like Mom and Dad are, but it’s not like I really know them or anything.”

    “Getting to know them is tricky – since they’re at work when they’re around you – but just being nice to them is enough, I think. You’re a good girl.”

    “Even if – if I um…” Keeley squirmed. “If I kind have wet pants?”

    Monserrat chuckled. “Since you were responsible enough to put a pullup on – yes. What do you say to a diaper and a nap?”

    “That sounds good except um – I’m not sleepy but – there’s this thing that Trish showed me and uh – it could help me fall asleep.” Keeley was wiggling almost constantly; her cheeks were bright pink.

    Monserrat had a good idea of what Keeley wanted, but pressed the Little girl anyway. “Oh? What’s this thing?”

    “Um, uh, using a vibrator on um – where I’m wet.” Keeley giggled, hiding her face against Monserrat’s breast. “Is that okay, Monchi? I looked up the site you’re on and it’s for sex stuff but then they say not everyone does sex stuff and…”

    “Shh.” Monserrat put a finger to Keeley’s lips. “I don’t go as far as sex with the Littles I babysit, but I can do that for you.”

    “Okay, thanks – woah!” Keeley squealed happily as Monserrat picked her up in a princess carry and rose to her feet. “Oh that’s hot.”

    “It is, huh?” Monserrat grinned, shifting Keeley to her hip – as a deliberate flex, but also to get a free hand for her diaper bag. “You looked pretty turned on before too. Is being in a wet diaper hot?”

    “Yeah – it doesn’t make sense and it’s dumb and weird – and really sexy.”

    With a couple of awkward hefting motions to keep the Little girl on her hip balanced, Monserrat managed to lay a changing blanket out of Keeley’s bed and set her on it. The blonde girl’s flush was undimmed as Monserrat peeled her out of her dusty, painted overalls and t-shirt. “Does it have to make sense? It can just be a good feeling.”

    “I like that – you’re smart.” Keeley was already running her hands along her bare body – she arched her back and moaned softly when the vibrator touched her soggy crotch. The conversation came to an abrupt end with the vibrator buzzing to life. Moans and gasps were the extent of Keeley’s vocabulary as she alternately squirmed away from the vibration and pressed her crotch hard against it.

    The scream Keeley gave wasn’t timid or quiet at all, its lusty energy put a lot of pink in Monserrat’s cheeks to match the baby girl’s. Keeley looked docile – and blissfully happy as Monserrat tore the sides of her pullup and cleaned her up. When the smooth, fresh clean of the wipes gave way to heavy padding under Keeley’s rear, and silky lotion on her skin – the Little girl put her thumb in her mouth. She was drifting off when Monserrat applied the powder; barely awake by the time her diaper was secured.

    Seeing no point in waking the girl to put her in pajamas, Monserrat slid the changing blanket and covers out from under Keeley and tucked her in. The small break gave Monserrat time to return their dishes to the kitchen and get the paintbrushes in order for round two. When she woke Keeley, the Little girl was thirsty – and a little damp in her diaper. On a whim, Monserrat tried giving the baby girl cool water in a baby bottle, which Keeley took to eagerly.

    It was a heck of a journey the cherubic blonde had made, from pouty rich girl to mostly-naked baby sucking on a bottle. Monserrat had a bubbly, ditzy Little on her hands who preferred to communicate in monosyllables for most of the afternoon. The only thing Littlespace didn’t downgrade for Keeley was her artistic ability. If anything, her art was better when she was Little, though Monserrat had to admit she wasn’t qualified to judge.


    Hours later, Monserrat made her way out of the mansion after tucking Keeley into bed for a second time. While the setting sun splashed gold over the pristine white driveway, Monserrat listened to Renault explain that Mr. McGovern had been very upset when he was turned away from the mansion. His pleased smile matched the warm glow in Monserrat’s heart, which in turn matched the pink hues settling into the clouds. She wants to be someone her world won’t let her be – I hope she finds a way to be the Little girl she’s meant to be – soon.

  • AB Sitter: Selena

    “You should share your location on your phone for these jobs.” Clarissa’s voice was a little crackly over the phone. The gated community Monserrat was driving into apparently had crappy cell coverage.

    “Oh yeah, and why’s that?” Monserrat asked.

    “For safety reasons, obviously.” Clarissa said. “I’m your safety buddy on these jobs.”

    “Uh huh.” Monserrat smirked. “You suggesting this for the first time today has nothing to do with the fact that you really want to know who my current client is, right?”

    “Come ON girl!” Clarissa laughed. “You can’t tell me we have a diaper girl in the Engineering department and expect me to not be curious.”

    “Oh, it’s not just Engineering.” Monchi said. “I hear there’s one in the Microbiology grad program too.”

    “Is this some big connected secret society thing?” Clarissa asked. “Did you just become the John Wick of diaper girls?”

    Monserrat laughed, but Clarissa wasn’t done yet. In a faux British accent she said, “Welcome to the Continental Ms. Navarrete. Will you be checking any diaper girls into the daycare?”

    “The way these jobs are paying I wouldn’t be surprised.” Monserrat chuckled. “Though somebody did contact me about a group rate. I guess they want to split the cost.”

    “For adult babysitting?” Clarissa asked in surprise. “Girls you haven’t had as clients yet?”

    “Yes and yes.” Monserrat said. “Or maybe it’s a pair of couples? I’m not super sure, I haven’t answered yet. I want to encourage more clients but I don’t want to undercharge for groups. Seems like it would be a lot of work.”

    “Well if you ever need a backup singer…”

    “But then who will be my safety buddy?” Monserrat teased. “Also, I thought you were against all my shameless whorin’.”

    “You’re going to keep on me about that huh? Not like you never called me a slut before.”

    “Lyssa, you tore a path through the Newport Storms. That baseball team was never the same again.”

    “Shut up, bitch.” Clarissa laughed good naturedly.

    “You brought it up, not me.” Monserrat pulled into the driveway of a dreadfully generic McMansion. Did it have to be beige? “Anyway, I’m here. Talk to you after.”

    “Be safe and have fun. See if this one can get you off for a change.”

    “Very funny, that’s not what they’re hiring me for. Bye hon.”

    Monserrat closed the call and stepped out of the car. She was excited to see Selena Rai in baby-getup. Her client was one of those right up in the front of the classroom types and had probably never noticed Monserrat in the back. That was to be expected considering the size of the lecture halls.

    To be fair, Monserrat had hardly recognized Selena on the app until she looked a bit more closely. On the app Selena was all done up in Bollywood glamour style which she definitely didn’t do for class. The picture had the same golden cord that the girl used to tie her hair back at school though. Once Monserrat noticed the cord, the face clicked.

    Something she was probably going to have to work out with her clients was how they wanted her to look. Taking a cue from the profile picture Selena had chosen, Monserrat had gone with the most compatible outfit she could manage on short notice. A British nanny look with a matching skirt and blazer in plum. She had on black nylons with an obvious seam up the back and was wearing pumps.

    Stepping out of the car, Monserrat completed the outfit with a pair of cream colored gloves to match her blouse and a black hat. After the Fabiola job she had more than enough funds for a bit of cosplay.

    “Mary Poppins, but a dominatrix.” Monserrat said with a smirk at her reflection in her compact. It was easy to slip into the role as her heels clicked in the stone walkway. She primly rang the doorbell and waited with her hands crossed at the wrists.

    The door was opened by a very disheveled Selena who looked up at Monserrat in her immaculate outfit and gasped. The Indian girl was wearing Victoria’s Secret PINK sweats and a t-shirt that both should have gone into the laundry yesterday. Her hair was a mess and there was a bit of an odor. Selena looked a little ill too. Her brow was furrowed like she had a headache and her skin looked a bit clammy.

    “Ms. Rai, I assume?” Monserrat said, excited that her chosen role was perfect for the situation but keeping her tone formal and almost severe.

    “Uh, who are… oh shit, I totally forgot I hired you.” The girl smacked herself on the forehead, flinching in pain. “I was wicked drunk last night.”

    “Perhaps it was a cry for help.” Monserrat said dryly. “You could certainly use my services from what I’ve observed so far.”

    “I uh.” Selena blinked bloodshot eyes at Monserrat. There was a tiny bit of recognition in her eyes but she didn’t seem to have figured out who exactly was at her door.

    “Yes, you ‘uh’.” Monserrat said, wishing she had some glasses to glare over. “Now, shall I come in and put you back in order?”

    “Uh, sure.” Selena shuffled out of the way as Monserrat strode in boldly. “What exactly did I hire you for again?”

    “I’m your babysitter, Ms. Rai.” Monserrat took off her hat and gloves and hung them on the coat rack at the door. “You may refer to me as Ms. Navarrete.”

    “Oh. Hot.” Selena licked her lips.

    Monserrat looked Selena over deliberately, taking note of the girl’s blush as she was inspected. “You are a wreck. This won’t do at all.”

    “S-sorry. I’m still super hung over and I just woke up like ten minutes ago.”

    “I can see that. Come on, first order of business is to put things back in order, and then we’ll get you cleaned up.”

    “Wait!” Selena hung back by the door. “What uh, what were you hired for like, specifically.”

    “You want to discuss what authority I have?” Monserrat stepped close to Selena, forcing the girl up against the wall with sheer presence.

    “From reviewing the job I was given, I’m here to take charge of you and enforce age-appropriate behavior. Appropriate to the age you’re behaving. While I’m here I’m in charge of your living environment, your clothing choices, your hygiene, feeding you, and discipline.”

    Selena’s eyes were wide and her blush had extended all the way down her neck. “That’s a lot.”

    “It is, but it’s what was requested. Believe me, young lady, I fully intend to personally make sure that you are clean and well behaved while I’m here. Also there was something about you having accidents. If that happens while I’m here, I’m prepared to take care of those as well.”

    Selena was breathing heavily at this point. Monserrat smiled a little and put a finger under the girl’s chin.

    “I am at the correct house, yes? You are Selena Rai? Do you agree that I’ve been hired for all of those things?”

    Selena nodded a little against Monserrat’s finger in response to each question.

    “In that case, if you know what is good for you, you’ll do as I say. Understood, Ms. Rai?”

    With a gulp, Selena nodded again. “Yes Ms. Uh…”

    “Navarrete.” Monserrat tapped Selena lightly on the cheek. “See that you remember it.”

    From the horny, intense gaze in the girl’s eyes, Monserrat was sure she had made quite the impression. She snapped her fingers in front of Selena’s face to bring the girl out of her fantasies and pointed down the hall.

    “Let’s see what state the house is in. Give me a tour Ms. Rai.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.”

    Selena shuffled down the hall. Her posture was nervous and her head hanging down. Small wonder, considering that almost every room they went to was a mess. Most simply had a few belongings or clothes thrown carelessly around, but the kitchen, media room, and Selena’s bedroom were trashed.

    The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off and somehow dirtied every plate and pot in the place. Half-eaten food and spilled drinks dominated the media room. The bedroom was on another level however. There was way more than a single night’s debauchery worth of mess there. There were piles of clothes on the floor, wet towels, and almost nothing in its place. It didn’t stink though, which meant this was a recent development.

    “Surely you don’t live like this all the time.” Monserrat said disapprovingly.

    “No uh, my parents are out of town for a week.”

    “Lucky for them that you hired me.” Monserrat said. “Well, you have a lot of work to do. No time like the present.”

    When Selena just stood there like a lump, Monserrat gave her a resounding smack on the rear. “Start with the clothes. Armful at a time to the laundry.”

    “I have to clean it up all by myself?” Selena whimpered, rubbing her rear.

    “If you’re a good girl I’ll help.” Monserrat said. “I haven’t seen much in the way of you being good yet though.”

    If Selena thought her resentful glare would have any effect on Monserrat she was mistaken. It took four trips to get all the clothes down to the laundry. In light of the girl’s attitude, Monserrat confined her help to loading the washing machine and turning it on.

    Next on the chores list was stripping the sheets from the bed and cleaning up the mess Selena had made of her makeup and nail polish. On her way back from yet another trip to the laundry room, Selena tried to take a detour. Monserrat grabbed the girl’s arm and sharply pulled her back toward the bedroom.

    “We’re not even done with your bedroom yet, don’t go wandering off.”

    “I have to pee.” Selena said petulantly.

    “You have a lot of chores to do.” Monserrat corrected. “I’m sure you can hold it a while longer.”

    Selena’s eyes widened in what was rapidly becoming Monserrat’s favorite expression on the girls she was sitting. A mixture of anger, disbelief, and arousal as they realized that Monserrat was not only serious about being in charge but was going to push their boundaries as well.

    “Was I unclear? Get moving. You still have to pick up your shoes, put your books back on the shelf, and dust.”

    “Dust?” Selena whined. It earned her another smack on the butt, hard enough to force yelp out of her. She scurried to her room.

    “Can I go to the bathroom when my room is done?” Selena asked while she listlessly picked up her shoes.

    “Perhaps if you get it done well, and quickly.” Monserrat stressed. “We don’t have all day for you to sandbag.”

    With a gulp, Selena picked up the pace. It was amazing how fast she could move when she was properly motivated. Shoes were flying onto the shoe rack in the closet. Even so, in the short time it took her to pick them up she was already crossing her legs in discomfort.

    It was a struggle for Selena to pick up her books, every time she had to bend down her control was tested. Monserrat waited until the last book was on the shelf and called Selena over to her.

    “We’re almost ready to dust, but I think I saw some more mess under the bed. Get under there and grab those things please.”

    “Uhhhh!” Selena whined in distress.

    All it took was Monserrat raising her spanking hand for Selena to gingerly step over to her bed and carefully crouch down. The items that came out from under the bed should have earned Selena a spanking all on their own. A couple of soda cans, an ancient looking Tupperware container full of moldy something, and a pair of panties that were stained dark yellow at the crotch.

    “Give me those.” Monserrat stood in the doorway, blocking Selena’s exit from the room.

    Selena complied, standing slightly bent over in front of Monserrat with her hand pressed between her legs.

    “This is disgusting.” Monserrat said. “This food has to be over a month old. And these panties. Don’t you have any control over yourself at all?”

    “I’m sorry.” Selena whimpered, now in a full-on potty dance. “I really have to go, please.”

    “You still have to dust.” Monserrat said. “Really there should be a spanking what was under your bed as well.”

    “Noooo.” Selena flinched, her face turning scarlet. She writhed in place for a few more moments before her accident escaped her hand and blossomed across the crotch of her sweats.

    Monserrat stood in judgmental gaze while Selena wet herself. The dark patch spread fast even though the absorbent sweat pants. It covered Selena’s crotch, butt, and her inner thighs completely. From the panting and pawing at her crotch that she was doing, Selena was clearly turned on.

    Monserrat shook her head and sighed. “I can see you’re not a big girl at all. I’m not sure what your parents were thinking, leaving you home alone. Next time they’re out of town perhaps I should be here full time.”

    “Oh god.” Selena squirmed, obviously turned on at the idea.

    “In the meantime, we need to switch jobs now that you’re the dirtiest thing in the house.” Monserrat said, enjoying Selena’s blush.

    “I believe I saw diapers hidden in your closet. Your parents don’t know that you can’t manage to be a big girl, do they?”

    “Nu-no.” Selena said.

    Monserrat squatted down and unceremoniously pulled down Selena’s sweat pants and panties. Ignoring the girl’s outraged squawk, she grabbed Selena’s hand and pulled her down. Finding Selena obedient enough at the moment, Monserrat arranged the girl into a cross-legged sit and put her arms behind her back.

    “Now, while I get things ready to clean you up, you sit here and think about what you just did.” Monserrat put Selena’s sopping panties on one of her knees and the old stained ones on the other.

    Selena wrinkled her nose and opened her mouth to protest.

    “Hush.” Monserrat said. “You sit right here and be quiet. If you can’t be quiet, one of those pairs of panties is going in your mouth. If you move from this spot, your rear will be a lot darker color than these.” Monserrat held up the darker pink of the wet sweats for emphasis.

    Mouth open in disbelief but eyes wide with arousal, Selena managed to swallow whatever she was going to say. Monserrat patted her approvingly on the head and left to run a bath.

    It was pleasing to see that Selena hadn’t moved from the spot when Monserrat returned, though it might have been fun to make good on that spanking. It was still a good time to march the girl down the hall and dunk her in the bath.

    Ignoring Selena’s protests, Monserrat took off her blazer and set to washing the girl thoroughly. From toes to hair, every inch of Selena got scrubbed. She was fussy when Monserrat cleaned her ears with a washcloth and squirmy when her privates were washed.

    Once the little girl was clean Monserrat insisted on drying her as well, and standing her naked at the sink. The thing that finally made Selena protest was Monserrat putting paste on a toothbrush and ordering the girl to open her mouth.

    “I can brush my own teeth!”

    “I didn’t ask if you could, I told you to open your mouth.” Monserrat said, holding the brush to Selena’s lips.

    “NO!” Selena screamed, the sound echoing off the bathroom’s tiled walls.

    Monserrat dropped the toothbrush on the counter and grabbed Selena’s arm. The girl was trying to pull away but she was off guard and slow. She was totally unprepared for Monserrat’s next move. Yanking Selena off-balance, Monserrat stepped over to the toilet and sat on the closed lid. The downward motion pulled Selena further off balance and threw her downward to land on Monserrat’s lap.

    Well before Selena could register what happened, Monserrat had both of the girl’s arms behind her back. As soon as Monserrat established a firm grip on the girl’s forearms with one hand, she pinched Selena’s butt with the other.

    “Ow! Hey! Let me go!”

    “When I arrived you were acting about thirteen.” Monserrat said. “Your accident lowered that to about six. If this tantrum keeps up I’ll treat you like the two year old you’re behaving as.”

    Selena quivered but stopped fighting Monserrat. “A-are you going to spank me?”

    “That’s right. You’ve more than earned a punishment. If you can take it like a good girl then I think we can stop at six. I’d prefer that, since there’s a lot more games we can play and it’s a pain to puree the vegetables for your dinner.”

    “Puree…” Selena made a very little-sounding yuck sound.

    “Are you going to be a good girl?”

    “What’s the punishment?” Selena asked petulantly. “Is it just a spanking?”

    “Yes, though after your accident I’m going to have to put you in diapers as well.”

    “And then I have to clean more?” Selena pouted.

    “Toddlers don’t usually do too many chores, though I think you could at least pick up your clothes and toys you have scattered around.”

    That brightened Selena’s expression. She even lifted her rear a little. “Okay, I’ll be good.”

    That happy spark vanished fast in the face of the spanking. Monserrat started slow, working her hand evenly across the girl’s cheeks. Even as mild as it was, Selena whined and yelped a lot. As the spanking grew more intense, those yelps became moans. The whining became less about begging Monserrat to stop and more about begging her to touch Selena differently.

    By the time Selena’s butt matched the shade of her sweats she was desperate. Her sex glistened and she was panting.

    “Please, Ms. Navarrete, please, please let me come.”

    Monserrat stroked Selena’s butt gently. “Oh no, not during a punishment. If you’re a good girl later, Selena, that could be a fun reward.”

    “What happened to Ms. Rai?” Selena asked. Severe frustration from the denial was obvious in her tone.

    “Oh no, you’re much too little for me to address you that way. Now, let’s get you in a diaper so that you don’t ruin the furniture with your next accident.”

    This time Selena allowed Monserrat to brush her teeth for her. Pouting for all she was worth, the little girl obediently followed Monserrat back to her bedroom. Since there was no changing blanket, Monserrat put down a towel instead. One of Selena’s secret diapers went under her while Monserrat rubbed lotion over her pink rear.

    “Now, as I understand it you only have potty accidents. So if you need to go number two, just tell me and I’ll take you to the potty.” That had been specified as a hard boundary in the job description, which was fine with Monserrat. It had pushed her own boundaries a bit to deal with Fabiola’s mess.

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Selena said.

    “What a good girl you’re being right now.” Monserrat said as she applied the powder. “Perhaps I should have spanked you right when I arrived.”

    “You can spank me whenever you want.” Selena said with a horny squirm.


    “If it’s not a punishment then I can get my reward after, right?”

    Monserrat pulled the diaper closed and set the tapes. She was getting good at it. The diaper was nice and taut across Selena without being too tight.

    “Does that mean I can spank you even if I’m not babysitting you?” Monserrat teased, figuring she should really alert her client to the fact that she was going to run into Monserrat in class.


    “At school.” Monserrat said. “We’re both in Dr. Rencher’s Solid Mechanics.”

    Selena froze momentarily. As her blush started she clapped her hands to her face, belatedly bringing one down to cover her breasts.

    “It’s okay hon. I won’t tell anyone about our session.” Monserrat said. “Also, I’ve already seen – and touched everything.” She lightly tugged on Selena’s arm, without uncovering the girl.

    “I can’t believe I hired a classmate.” Selena said in a strangled voice.

    “You hired Ms. Navarrete, who is a nanny trained in the British style.” Monserrat said. “Ms. Navarrete is going to get you dressed and make you clean up the clothes you threw everywhere while she puts the kitchen in order. Then she’s going to make you some lunch.”

    Selena peeked hesitantly at Monserrat. “You really won’t tell?”

    “Of course not. What kind of a babysitter would I be if I did that?”

    “Would you really spank me um, other times?”

    Monserrate chuckled and gently rubbed Selena’s belly. “I think that might be a problem for our working relationship. I’m poly, but mixing two kinds of relationship is still a bad idea. I was teasing you before.”


    It was quite flattering to hear Selena so disappointed. Monserrat pulled the girl closer and sat her up for a hug.

    “You’re free to hire me to sit you any time your parents are out of town.”

    “You’d do it – a lot?”

    “I’m having fun so far.” Monserrat said. “Seems like you are too.”

    “Yeah.” Selena smiled shyly. “Um, what can I do with you?”

    “Mmm, good question. We didn’t work that out when the job was set up.”

    “I didn’t realize you’d be hot.” Selena said, turning her face to Monserrat with a look of longing. “Can I kiss you?”

    “Let’s set some overall boundaries for behavior.” Monserrat said. “I know, it’s not sexy, but it will prevent problems. Are you asking to turn this scene from a discipline and caregiving scene into a sexual one?”

    “I don’t know.” Selena looked down. “I just really want to kiss you. You’re really good at pushing my buttons by being dominant. I like making a top feel good.”

    Monserrat pulled Selena onto her lap and thought about it seriously. That the girl was sexy was not in doubt, but it was also the least important factor. She had explicitly gotten into EscortQuest because of the promise of not having to sleep with her clients. It was one thing to get someone off in a wet diaper during a scene, but a whole other to have actual sex.

    For one thing, there were her partners to think about. She’d alerted them to what she was planning to do when she signed up for EscortQuest and they’d talked about boundaries. It wouldn’t be the end of the world to do a post-sex renegotiation for them, but it also wasn’t the way that Monserrat liked to do things.

    “I think for today for sure the answer is no.” Monserrat said. “It will probably be no in the future as well, but it’s something we can talk about.”

    “I wish I’d asked you out instead of hiring you.” Selena grumped.

    “If you had, we wouldn’t have been totally focused on your fantasy and we would have had to have a long talk about my lifestyle, the other people in it, and what our expectations for each other were.”

    Selena sighed, bumping her head against Monserrat’s shoulder.

    “I know, it brings things down to talk about it, but it also keeps people safe.” Monserrat said. “Do you want to go back to the scene? Do you have any changes you want to make when we do?”

    “Is it okay if I get off?” Selena asked.

    “That is totally okay.” Monserrat agreed. “I can help you get there too, within my limits.”

    “I really like wetting.” Selena said softly.

    “I noticed. I can keep you hydrated.”

    “I like it when you’re bossy.” Selena said, squirming a little. Her voice was falling into the slightly higher tone she’d used after Monserrat had initially taken charge.

    “I am not bossy.” Monserrat declared. “I am your babysitter and I am in charge.” She was rewarded by seeing Selena’s nipples perk up.

    “I want to wear my swimsuit.” Selena said defiantly.

    “That’s not an appropriate outfit. You’ll wear a nice skirt and blouse or I’ll put you in those footie pajamas I saw in your closet.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Selena said in faux disappointment.

    It took a while of combing through Selena’s extensive wardrobe to find something suitable. Monserrat was able to find a simple white blouse and blue skirt that were nicely childish. With Selena forbidden to wear makeup and her hair in pigtails the illusion was very good indeed.

    Setting Selena to clean up the odds and ends left Monserrat with a lot more dishes than she’d anticipated doing. It was a good reminder though that as much fun as these gigs had been, they were still work. Things had escalated from Amira to Fabiola. Monserrat was glad she had pulled back from escalating yet again with Selena.

    All in all, getting the house clean and some lunch into Selena was a good reset for the scene. One of Ms. Navarrete’s strict rules include a bottle of water that Selena had to carry with her everywhere and drain hourly. When Selena started up her potty dance again, Monserrat pretended not to notice.

    “Alright, that’s lunch cleaned up, I think we can finally do something fun. What would you like to do, Selena?”

    “Can we play dolls?” Selena asked.

    “Of course sweetie.” Monserrat said with a smile. “How do you like to play? Tea party? House? Adventure? Something else?”

    “Adventure?” Selena asked, intrigued.

    “Well I don’t know about you, but when I was your age, my dollies went on adventures.” Monserrat said as Selena guided her over to a bin of dolls.

    There were barbies, some plastic dinosaurs, and some assorted baby dolls in the bin. It was clearly supposed to be an ‘old toys’ bin, but too well organized for discarded toys.

    “Adventure sounds fun, let’s do adventure!” Selena plopped down on her padded butt, biting her lip and crossing her legs for a moment.

    Monserrat continued to ignore what she figured was a minor accident and pulled the dinosaurs out of the bin. “I think these are a decent size to play with the barbies. Do you think the barbies found a time machine?”

    “Ooh yeah!” Selena eagerly grabbed several barbies. “This one is Kendra, she’s a scientist.”

    “Is everyone impressed with her time machine, or did she send them back in time by accident?”

    “Accident!” Selena said with a giggle. That giggle quickly ended when Selena blushed and grabbed her crotch.

    “Uh oh, did you have an accident too?”

    Unable to respond right away, Selena squirmed and spread her legs.

    “Oh my, you’re still going.” Monserrat scooted closer and pushed Selena’s legs further apart. The diaper was bulking up fast, as expected after Selena had polished off three bottles of water.

    “There’s so much!” Selena whimpered with desire.

    “You are quite the potty-pants.” Monserrat said. “Maybe you should at least be in daycare when your parents aren’t around.”

    The diaper began to sag and fill in the rear as well as the crotch. Monserrat half-guided, half-lifted Selena to her feet and made the girl hold her skirt while they watched the diaper fill up.

    “It’s sagging way down between your legs.” Monserrat said, enjoying the little moans she was getting out of Selena with each of her prodding comments.

    “I’m sorry, it was an accident.” Selena whined.

    “That’s okay hon, you’re only in trouble if you have an accident in your panties. If you have an accident when you’re wearing protection it just means you should be in diapers a lot more.”

    That idea clearly appealed to Selena. She leaned into Monserrat and rubbed gently against her babysitter.

    “Do you have a toy that you like to play with when you’re wet?” Monserrat said, guessing the answer would be yes.

    A very horny Selena lead Monserrat to her bedroom as fast as she could waddle and squish in the saturated diaper. While Monserrat got the wand plugged in, Selena sat on the floor and rubbed at the swollen padding on her crotch.

    “Now, now, none of that.” Monserrat said. She sat spread-legged and pulled Selena between her legs, facing outward. “Give me your hands.”

    Monserrat tied Selena’s arms back with a length of bathrobe-belt and wrapped an arm around the girl’s torso to hold her firmly.

    “Oh god, please Ms. Navarrete. Please let me come.”

    “What kind of girl gets that sort of reward?” Monserrat asked, lightly rubbing the wand against Selena’s crotch without turning it on.

    “Good girls!” Selena cried out desperately.

    “Are you a good girl Selena?” Monserrat pressed in with the wand, still refusing to turn it on.

    “Yes, I’m a good girl!”

    “Really? Are you a good girl for your babysitter? Are you a good girl for me?”

    “Yes! Oh please yes!” Selena arched her back and struggled against Monserrat’s hold. “I’m a good girl for you. Please let me come.”

    “You’re right.” Monserrat said low in Selena’s ear. “You’re my good girl.”

    The vibrating wand snapped on and buzzed into the soaking padding. Instantly Selena was moaning and writhing in Monserrat’s grasp. All it took was Monserrat to pinch one of Selena’s nipples through her blouse for the girl to scream and shudder. Sensing that she had a lot more in her, especially after all the buildup, Monserrat pressed harder with the wand. She stroked and lightly pinched Selena’s chest through the blouse, even nipped at the back of her neck lightly.

    Three more times Selena shuddered and cried out. Hearing Selena’s voice go hoarse on the fourth orgasm, Monserrat turned the wand down, waited a few moments and shut it off entirely. She held the girl tight while they rode out Selena’s aftershocks or additional little orgasms together.

    “Oh my god, that was amazing.” Selena said, sweaty and disheveled. She turned around in Monserrat’s grasp to rub her chest against Monchi’s. “Are you sure you don’t want me to do something for you? I can go down on you, fuck you, whatever you want.”

    Hearing that from a bound, radiant, thoroughly dominated girl was a hell of a temptation. For just a moment Monserrat entertained the idea of pulling her skirt up, her panties aside, and shoving Selena’s face between her legs. More than a moment, really.

    Instead, she got her breathing under control and stroked Selena’s hair. “That – sounds incredible, but we can’t do it today.”

    “Any time you want.” Selena said, resting her head on Monserrat’s chest.

    Monserrat laughed and untied Selena’s arms. She lowered the girl until her head was resting in the babysitter’s lap and went back to stroking her head.

    “Do you want me to clean you up?”

    “Actually no, if that’s okay.” Selena sighed happily, beyond embarrassment in her afterglow. “I like to sit in the wet for a while.”

    “Whatever you want.” Monserrat smiled. “Our time is almost up though.”

    “I know.” Selena sighed and nuzzled Monserrat’s leg. “You’re turned on, I can smell you. Are you sure you don’t want me?”

    “I DO want you, you little minx.” Monserrat said. “I told you it’s not happening today. Stop asking.”

    “Yes Mistress.” Selena said. “Someday though?”

    “Maybe. Very maybe. Don’t push your luck.”

    “Yes Mistress. Sorry.”

    “You’re fine. I know you’re a little dazed right now.”

    Selena relaxed and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of Monserrat and luxuriating in the happy chemicals.

    “When do your parents get back?”

    “Tonight.” Selena said.

    “I totally saved your butt with the cleaning.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “Yeah, you did.” Selena caressed Monserrat’s leg.

    “You obviously are not responsible enough to be on your own. You’d better hire me next time they’re out of town.”

    “Is that an order?”

    “Yes, it is.”

    “Yes Mistress.” Selena said. “They have a long weekend in a couple of weeks.”

    “Send me the details so I can put it on my calendar.”

    “I will.”

    Reluctantly they disengaged. Monserrat collected her blazer and purse. Selena waited by the door, arms out for a hug. To the little girl’s surprise and delight, Monserrat lifted her up, squishing her diaper against her butt and holding her close.

    “You’re the best babysitter.”

    “I’m trying to be. Tell your friends.”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.”

    “Good girl. Be good until your parents come home, you hear?” Monserrat smiled at Selena’s answering nod and kissed her on the cheek.

    “See you in class.” Selena said with a giggle.

    “See you in class, little girl.”


    Back in her car, Monserrat took a big swig of her gross, stale coffee to clear the traitorous demands of her body from her mind. It had been hard to walk out of there right down to the end.

    “Right on time girl!” Clarissa said, picking up Monserrat’s call.

    “Yeah, another job aced.”

    “You okay? You sound kinda off.”

    “I caught feelings. Horny feelings.”

    “What’s this? Didn’t you watch Pretty Woman? Don’t kiss them on the mouth.”

    “I said horny feelings, jackass.” Monserrat chuckled.

    “She was that hot huh?”

    “I’d love to see how much control you have listening to a submissive girl beg to eat your pussy.”

    “Fuck.” Clarissa grunted. “Are you sure you can’t tell me who you just saw?”


    “Well maybe you will get to see me in that situation. Do you want me with you on the group job? I signed up for the app.”

    “No shit? You’re really serious about this?”

    “Yeah, I turned in the STD test results and everything.”

    “And they still cleared you?”

    “Oh shit, Monchi has claws! You are choked for that girl.”

    “Shut up. Maybe I am. I’m going straight home and I’m going to pounce Jenna.”

    “Haha, I’d warn her but it’ll be way funnier if I don’t.”

    “Anyway, text me your name on the app and I’ll friend you.”

    “Will do. Hey uh, can we meet to talk for real about the stuff you do?”

    “Feeling nervous?”

    “Yeah, a little.”

    “No worries, I got you.”

    “Thanks girl. Go wear out your girlfriend.”

    “Oh, I will.” Monserrat laughed, closing the call.

  • AB Sitter: Slumber Party

    “It should be an easy job, Lyssa. They’re all newbies. I need you because there are five of them, but it shouldn’t be too intense.” Monserrat said. It was the third time she’d had to reassure Lyssa during their pre-job briefing. Her patience was wearing thinner than her long-neglected nail polish.

    “Five is a lot of people.” Lyssa said.  “You know there’s a freaky weird one in the group. Or one that’s going to get all shitty.”

    Lyssa was sitting cross-legged at the foot of Monserrat’s bed. In retrospect, that was another red flag or Lyssa being unready. She had refused to have the ‘briefing’ in the living room for fear that Monserrat’s roommates would overhear.

    “If they try to go past the job’s established boundaries, then we enforce those. Disrespect gets fixed in-scene with a spanking, or by stopping the job altogether if it’s too much.” Monserrat sighed, leaning back on the pile of pillows she’d made against her headboard. “If you can’t do this, say so. Because if you flake out on me in the middle of the job, I will spank your ass, diaper you, and sit you down with the other Little Girls.”

    “Oh shit, is THAT your persona when you’re doing these babysitting jobs?” Lyssa asked.

    Monserrat looked down at Lyssa. Her friend was biting her lip, nipples clearly visible through her tank top. That was new. Well, old, but new lately. Monserrat and Lyssa hadn’t been lovers since high school.

    “What’s got you all turned on about this? It can’t be my dom-voice. You’re a top too.”

    “I’m a switch.” Lyssa said, squirming.

    “Since when?”

    “Since Fiona cornered me at a party and made me eat out of her hands.”

    “Hot.” Monserrat said, then smirked at Lyssa. “I’m imagining myself as Fiona there, not on my knees in front of her.”

    “It was so hot.” Lyssa shivered.

    “I was joking about topping you at this thing. We can talk about that later, if you want.” Monserrat said. “But on this job I seriously need someone to help me keep track of all the clients.”

    “I can do it.” Lyssa said. “I’m not as fearless as you.”

    “Okay, instead of splitting the clients three and two between us, why don’t we split duties?” Monserrat said. “You can focus on food and clothing. I’ll ask you if I need help with crowd control and diaper changes.”

    “Kind of like I’m your assistant?” Lyssa said. “Yeah, that’s how I was hoping the first one would go anyway. I’ll follow your commands, Mon Capitan!”

    “I swear to God Lyssa, if this is some elaborate plot to test out your newfound sub-side with me…”

    “It’s not! I promise. I’m nervous.” Lyssa shrugged. “But yeah, if you want to have that conversation later…”

    “You thirsty bitch.” Monserrat laughed. “Come on. The job is tomorrow and we have to buy a bunch of stuff for the clients.”

    “Are you floating them the cash?” Lyssa asked.

    Clarissa hopped up from the bed and stretched. Though it might be more accurate to say she was posing. Monserrat rolled her eyes. This was exactly why she had hesitated to bring Lyssa in on these gigs.

    “No, they paid me upfront for the materials. I get to keep the overage and I’m splitting it with you, so let’s shop smart, okay?”

    “Gotcha. Send me the list? We can split up and shop faster.” Lyssa said.

    “Here you go.” Monserrat said, fingers flashing across her phone.

    “Huh, nothing too weird on here. Well besides the diapers. Where do we get those on short notice anyway?”

    “There’s a store that caters to that kind of stuff in town. It’s the back room of a medical supplies store.” Monserrat said. “My last client clued me in on it. I’ll hit that one, you get the snacks and the baby powder.”

    “They don’t have baby powder at the place you’re going?”

    “They do but it’s way expensive.” Monserrat said. “It’s not worth buying stuff there that you can get in the grocery store.”

    “Gotcha.” Lyssa stepped in and bumped her head gently against Monserrat’s shoulder. “Thanks for helping me get into this. I’ll be a help.”

    Monserrat looked down at Lyssa. Her friend was still leaning against her, looking up through her extended lashes.

    “Girl stop flirting with me, I mean it.” Monserrat said, going full babysitter tone.

    “Yes Monchi.” Lyssa scooted out of the room.

    This is getting complicated. I better not end up with six babies, instead of five and a helper. Monserrat thought grumpily.


    Monserrat pulled up to the job site with Lyssa next to her in the passenger seat. Thankfully there hadn’t been any sign of Lyssa treating the job like a date. Monchi was still on edge. She had an unbroken streak of perfect job ratings and she didn’t intend to break it.

    “What are the names again?” Lyssa asked.

    “Geneva , Brittany, Isabelle, Xitali, and Angela” Monserrat said. “Geneva is the one that contacted me.”

    “Right. Damn, you’re good at this.”

    “I’m taking it seriously. Please Lyssa, this is important to me.”

    “I can’t even compliment you now? Come on Monchi, give me a chance. I’m sorry about yesterday.”

    “Fine, it’s water under the bridge. Let’s do this.”

    Monserrat put on her ‘friendly but firm’ nanny expression and hopped out of the car. The door was eagerly opened before she and Lyssa had the supplies they’d bought out of the back of Monserrat’s SUV. Monserrat waved as she approached. It looked like their contact, Geneva King, was the one at the door.

    “Hi, Geneva right?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yeah, you’re Monserrat? You have to be! You’re huge!” Geneva said, grinning. A chorus of giggles sounded behind her.

    “That’s me.” Monserrat smiled ruefully. “I guess my reputation includes a physical description now. Do you mind telling me who you heard about me from?”

    “Amira Hubale is a friend of mine.” Geneva said. “All of ours. She convinced us to do this crazy thing with her, but she’s hardcore into it. We wanted to try our first time without her, so it’d all be newbies.”

    Monserrat blessed that girl from her first job. She kept giving out the recommendations. It was funny to hear Amira described as hardcore, though, after what Monserrat had seen from other clients. She was going to have to go gentle with these girls.

    “Alright, well, your babysitters need to come inside. Mind showing us in and introducing us?” Monserrat said.

    “Oh, right! Sorry!”

    Geneva backed up from the door and bumped into a couple of girls behind her. There was another burst of wild giggles. It was funny hearing adult voices giggling as much as kids. Either the girls were nervous, or they were already in the mood.

    “Thanks. I’m Monserrat, as I’m sure you heard. As long as you girls are good you can call me Monchi. Bad girls get a time-out and end up addressing me as Ms. Navarrete.” Monserrat said. “This is Lyssa. She’s my assistant today. I want you to all be good girls for her too.”

    Lyssa grinned. “Hi girls!”

    “I’m Geneva!” Geneva said.

    “I’m Isabelle.” Said the shortest girl of the bunch.

    “I’m Xitali.” Said another of the girls, shyly.

    “I’m Brittany.” Said a girl who was either hoping this was a sex party, or was a less-is-more kind of person about her clothes. Her cami-top might as well have been underwear, and her booty shorts left very little to the imagination. It was a stark contrast from the rest of the girls’ casual dress.

    The last girl was silent. They all looked at her, babysitters and other girls alike, but still she didn’t say anything. Monserrat was about to ask if the girl was deaf or something before Geneva piped up.

    “That’s Angela! She needed a little convincing, but she still wants to play, right?”

    “Hi.” Angela said quietly. Monserrat couldn’t tell if it was extreme nerves or if the girl genuinely didn’t want to be there.

    “If you don’t want to play, that is okay.” Monserrat said. “I want to make sure everyone here is having a good time.”

    “No, it’s fine, I’ll do it.” Angela said softly.

    “We’re all on board, really!” Geneva said. “Plus you’re super good, right Monchi? I’m sure Angela will be more psyched after you work your magic.”

    That was the only problem with her flawless reputation. Every client seemed to raise the bar on what they expected. Monserrat caught Lyssa smirking at her and gave her friend The Look.

    “Alright, first thing to do is to get you girls more appropriately dressed. Especially you, Brittany.” Monserrat said.

    “Huh? Why me?” Brittany asked.

    “You are not dressed appropriately for a little girl.” Monserrat said. “You and Angela are coming with me. Lyssa, you can get the other girls dressed.”

    Lyssa looked a little overwhelmed at having three of them right off the bat. It would be pretty intimidating, Monserrat had to admit, but she’d picked the two that were likely to be the most trouble.

    “Geneva, Isabelle, Xitali, I know you’re going to be good girls for Lyssa. Don’t disappoint me, or you’ll get time-outs instead of cookies.”

    All three of the girls giggled madly and nodded at Monserrat. Brittany was giggling a little at her friends too. She was also sidled up to Monserrat, on the verge of rubbing up against her babysitter like a cat. Angela was still withdrawn.

    Monserrat gave Brittany a little swat on the rear and motioned toward the hallway. “Lead the way to a bedroom for us, Brittany.”

    “Sure thing Monchi!” Brittany said, her eyes lighting up at the word bedroom.

    Shaking her head a little, Monserrat gently took Angela’s hand. She gave the girl a questioning look. Angela barely nodded and fell into step behind Monserrat.

    “Okay girls, we got suuuper cute outfits for you!” Lyssa said behind them. Monserrat had to give her points for hyping the clients up. She was going to do fine. Probably.

    The house was a big rambling mansion like most of the others Monserrat had worked in. She’d hardly noticed the exterior on the way in. The inside was as generic. White fixtures on white furniture on white walls.

    They didn’t have to go far before Brittany found them a guest room. She scurried in and planted herself on the end of the bed, leaning back on her hands, legs parted. Dios Mio. Monserrat thought. Even Lyssa isn’t that obvious. Not even when she’s drunk.

    “Do you want to watch Brittany go first, Angela?” Monserrat asked, guiding the quiet girl over to the other end of the bed to sit.

    “Okay.” Angela said softly.

    “Angela.” Monserrat knelt down, stroking the girl’s shoulder. “We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to do, okay? You can trust me. I’ll take care of you.”

    Angela bit her lip and nodded. A slight flush rose to her cheeks. It was the first sign of any emotion besides reluctance. Monserrat wasn’t sure if it meant that Angela was into it, or if she was embarrassed, but it was nice to get a reaction at least.

    Returning to Brittany, Monserrat found the girl already topless and grinning expectantly. This needed to be nipped in the bud immediately.

    “Brittany, what exactly do you think I’m here for?” Monserrat asked.

    “You’re an escort right? I know we’re doing a whole adult baby thing. That’s cool! I think it’s hot. Amira said she had a super good orgasm with you.” Brittany said, twirling her hair around a finger.

    “I guess she didn’t tell you that she had that orgasm during a diaper change.” Monserrat said. “Or that she got it by being a super good girl. You are about as far from being a good girl as you are from being properly dressed.”

    “Don’t be that way, Monchi.” Brittany said. “I’m good in bed. We can put Angela out in the hall if that’s what you’re worried about. She likes to listen anyway.”

    Angela made a strangled, embarrassed noise that didn’t sound like a refutation. Monserrat considered the girls in front of her. Each client had had to indicate their preference separately on the app. Monserrat had despaired of keeping track of them all until she realized that they’d ticked the same box on most of the items. Making a grid of the exceptions had helped differentiate the girls in her head.

    Brittany was the only one to have marked spanking as not only permissible, but something she wanted. It was hard to tell this early if the girl was trying to brat for a punishment, or if she was spoiled in general, but either way Monserrat could give her something she wanted while keeping the game going.

    Flipping the girl around turned her smug tone to a shocked whoop. Monserrat didn’t give Brittany any time to struggle, pinning her wrists together behind her back and yanking her shorts down to her knees.

    “Hey! I haven’t been that bad a girl – OW!” Brittany’s head jerked up at the first slap on her rear.

    Monserrat kept up the pace, delivering sharp stings on alternating cheeks. A red blush was spreading fast across the girl’s pale skin.

    “Ow! Ow! Stop! Ow! Nobody’s ever spanked me that hard!” Brittany protested.

    Monserrat paused. Brittany’s chest was heaving. She was visibly wet between her legs. Moreover, she wasn’t using the group safeword.

    “You’ve never had me as a babysitter before either.” Monserrat said. She doubled down on the force of her smacks, leaving slowly-fading handprints with every swat.

    Brittany howled and struggled to the point that Monserrat had to sit down and drag the girl over her lap. A few more spanks after being immobilized and Brittany was in tears. Figuring this brat had a lot in common with Fabiola, Monserrat kept spanking until her charge was limp and whimpering.

    “Let’s start over.” Monserrat said. “Are you going to be a good Little Girl, Brittany?”

    “Yes Monchi.” Brittany whimpered.

    “That’s Ms. Navarrete to naughty girls like you.” Monserrat said.

    “Okay, sorry.” Brittany said, with a sniffle.

    “Not good enough. I want to hear, ‘I’m sorry, Ms. Navarrete.” Monserrat said.

    “I’m sorry, Ms. Navarrete!” Brittany said quickly.

    “Much better.” Monserrat stood Brittany up and put her in the corner facing the wall, shorts still around her knees.

    A quick look at Angela showed that the girl had enjoyed the show and was sporting a smug smirk. If she liked watching others get punished, maybe there was a way to get her excited about the wardrobe change.

    “I think Brittany needs to stay in the corner for a bit.” Monserrat said. “Angela, I’m going to change you first. You’re going to be a super good girl, not like Brittany, right?”

    “Yes Monchi, I’ll be a good girl.” Angela said. That had to be deliberate to wind Brittany up. Monserrat liked this devious girl already.

    “But I wanted to see Angie get changed!” Brittany whined.

    “Brittany McFadden! You keep your nose in that corner or you won’t be able to sit down with a diaper on, do you understand me?” Monserrat snapped.

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Brittany whimpered.

    Monserrat stroked Angela’s hair gently. “Is it that you’re shy, or is this something you’re having trouble finding the fun in?”

    “I’m nervous – and embarrassed.” Angela said quietly.

    “I told you I’d take good care of you.” Monserrat said. “You want an outfit that covers your diaper well?”

    Angela nodded urgently. Monserrat smiled and stood the girl up, stripping her clothes off with tender care. Though Angela would periodically go into fast, anxious breaths, Monserrat was able to soothe her with gentle caresses on her hair or cheek each time.

    Laying Angela on her back on the bed got a huge blush out of the girl. Maybe she was nervous about being caught enjoying herself by her friends, instead of the activity. Monserrat kept up a soft patter of talk as she diapered the girl, continuing on with putting her in opaque white tights, a long childish dress, and a bow in her hair.

    “You look precious.” Monserrat said, kissing Angela on the forehead. The Little Girl looked up at Monserrat with the slightly nervous, slightly drifty expression that Monchi had come to associate with someone slipping into Little space.

    “Sit here with this friend while I take care of Brittany, okay?” Monserrat said, handing Angela a teddy bear out of the outfits bag. Angela cuddled the bear up to her cheek and closed her eyes.

    “Alright Brittany, your turn.” Monserrat said. With the girl temporarily cowed and already naked, Monchi could be a lot more brusque. In short order, Monserrat got Brittany in a diaper, a onesie, and fuzzy socks. Monserrat thought it prudent to put a pacifier in the girl’s mouth as well.

    Monserrat lead two very obedient girls back to the living room. Lyssa was having a little less success it seemed. Geneva was in a onesie and diaper, sitting excitedly on the couch. Xitali was in the process of being diapered, but seemed very squirmy. Meanwhile, Isabelle was diapered and dressed, but running around the room, giggling.

    Intercepting Isabelle, Monserrat scooped the girl up, threw Belle over her shoulder, and smacked her diapered butt with a resounding POW sound. The Little Girl let you a yipe sound like a purse dog. Everyone stopped what they were doing, turning to stare up at Monserrat.

    “You’re all probably wondering if Isabelle has earned herself a time-out. Especially Belle.” Monserrat said. “That’s up to Lyssa. She was the babysitter in charge here.”

    Here’s your chance, Lyssa. Monserrat thought. You can be the fun babysitter, or assert authority, but either way you can lean on me and let me know if you were overwhelmed or not.

    “I don’t think she needs a time out.” Lyssa said, taking a chance to finish taping up Xitali while the girl was still. “But it’s a good thing for you Belle that Monchi stopped you when she did. You were getting a little wild.”

    “What do you say, Belle?” Monserrat said, patting Isabelle’s butt meaningfully.

    “Uh, sorry Lyssa. Thanks for not putting me in time out.” Belle said, a bit awkwardly given that her upper half was hanging upside down.

    “Good girl!” Monserrat said, setting Isabelle on the ground and patting her head. The girl blushed, but looked genuinely pleased to be praised. “Take note girls. Good girls listen to their babysitters and understand that we are here to help you be good girls.”

    Monserrat plucked the pacifier out of Brittany’s mouth, leaving the girl blinking in surprise. “Isn’t that right, Brittany? You had behavior problems, but you’re going to be a good girl for me now, aren’t you?”

    “Yes Ms. Navarrete.” Brittany said contritely. She opened her mouth obediently for the pacifier when Monserrat presented it again too.

    “Oooh.” Geneva and Xitali giggled at Brittany. Geneva asked, “Did she get spanked?”

    “That’s none of your business.” Monserrat said, bapping Geneva on the nose.

    The girl bit her lip and lowered her head. Managing four girls who all wanted to be various flavors of brat was a bit like having a tiger by the tail. It was working so far. A little bribery wouldn’t hurt though.

    “Okay, it’s time for cookies and juice! I want everybody to gather around me, here on the floor. Lyssa will bring the snacks while we have a sharing session.”

    Monserrat took a seat on the floor, pulling Angela down next to her. She was pleased to see the rest of the girls obey, making a little circle on the floor.

    “Geneva!” Monserrat said, figuring she was the most likely to want to go first. “What’s it feel like to be in a diaper?”

    “It feels good.” Geneva said, squirming. When Monserrat motioned for more, she added, “Comfier than I expected. Kind of exciting.”

    “Good girl.” Monserrat said, smiling when Geneva beamed at the praise. “Isabelle, what surprised you the most so far?”

    “I didn’t know that Lyssa was going to put baby powder on us.” Isabelle said, blushing.

    “In case you have an accident.” Monserrat said with a wink. Isabelle hid her face while the other girls giggled.

    “Xitali, why did you pick a romper for your outfit?” Monserrat asked.

    “Um, I never wear them normally, because of my belly.” She said. Xitali seemed to be pretty comfortable around her friends, she wasn’t embarrassed at all to talk about her body. “But I think they’re cute, so it seemed like a good time to wear one.”

    “That’s great. You’re adorable in it.” Monserrat said. Xitali got a hug from the friends on either side of her.

    “Xitali, can you take Brittany’s pacifier out for a second?” Monserrat asked. Xitali complied. The lustful flush on Brittany’s face was enough to convince Monserrat that Brit was having fun despite all the punishments. Because of them, more likely.

    “Brittany, how hard do I spank?” Monserrat asked, to a fresh round of giggles.

    “Really hard!” Brittany whined. “My butt hurts, even with the diaper padding.”

    “You can put it back in, Xitali.” Monserrat said. “See what a good girl Brittany is now? I bet you’ve never seen her so well behaved!”

    The giggles were more nervous this time. Especially from Angela. She was trembling a little, with her turn at sharing coming up. Monserrat put her arm around Angela and tucked the Little Girl into her side.

    “Angela’s a little shy right now and that’s okay. I’ll take her turn and share that I think she makes a super sweet Little Girl. I’m glad she’s here.”

    Lyssa was back right on time with a big chocolate chip cookie and a sippy cup of apple juice for each girl. Monserrat sat back a bit, taking a mini-break as the girls ate their snacks and laughed at their attempts to drink out of the childish cups.

    Monserrat helped Lyssa take the cups and plates back to the kitchen, letting the girls chat a bit and get comfortable. The noise level took a sharp jump up after ten minutes and she judged it time to take the reins again.

    “Okay, snack time is over, let’s play a game.” Monserrat said, hands on her hips. “We’re going to play hide and seek. When you’re found, you have to come back to the living room and drink a glass of water for every girl that’s found after you.”

    “I don’t know this house at all, so you girls have the advantage! If it takes me more than an hour to find the last one of you, we can do whatever that person wants for the next activity!”

    The clients were grinning up at Monchi like little jackals. It felt like a good idea introduce a bit of a cooperative element, and lay down rules.

    “I’m going to count to one hundred. No locked doors, no hiding in, under, or behind appliances. The garage is off limits! You have to help Lyssa hide. If I find her first, then all you Little Girls are going down for a nap!”

    “But we don’t know where you’re going to look first!” Geneva complained.

    “Then you’d better hide her good, and maybe have a sacrificial girl hiding somewhere easy.” Monserrat said. She put her hands over her eyes and began counting. “One – two – three…”

    Shrieks and the sounds of scrambling accompanied the mad dash of the sugared up girls from the living room. She could hear them competing for Lyssa to follow one of them or the other. The voices faded, in favor of the deeper thumps of girls running through the huge house.

    Everything had gone silent around the time Monchi counted eighty. Dutifully, she finished her count and called out as loudly as she could. “READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!” Her voice bounced off the walls with a very satisfying echo.

    As expected, the living room was empty, though Monserrat checked behind the couches anyway in case of an especially cheeky girl. The kitchen didn’t leave many places to hide with the rules in place; Monserrat cleared it easily.

    The bedrooms were obvious choices, though boring ones. The three guest bedrooms on the ground floor were also easily cleared, as was the guest bathroom. Monserrat didn’t know if the shower curtain was normally drawn in that bathroom, but if someone had closed it to delay Monserrat, they deserved a gold star for that.

    Angela was her first find, barely hidden under the grand piano by the stage in the house’s theatre room. Monserrat pulled the girl gently out from under the piano and gave her a pat on the butt.

    “Gotcha! Go to the living room and wait for – honey, what’s the matter?” Monserrat asked, catching sight of the tear-tracks on Angela’s cheeks.

    “Nothing.” Angela said in a tiny voice. “I’ll go wait in the living room.”

    “In a minute.” Monserrat said, taking a seat on the piano bench and scooping Angela into her lap in one motion. “Tell your baby sitter why you were crying.”

    “I saw Brittany kissing Geneva.” Angela said, blubbering a little.

    “Oh dear. Brittany probably kisses a lot of people. Is it the Geneva part that upset you?”

    Angela nodded, sniffling. “I only came to this because she invited me. I thought – it was going to be just her and me.”

    “Sweetie, I’m sorry.” Monserrat said. “Do you want me to help you with Geneva?”

    “I guess so, but what can you do?”

    “Trust your babysitter. I’ll think of something.” Monserrat kissed Angela on the head. “Now scoot to the living room. Don’t forget to drink a glass of water every time another girl shows up.”

    “Okay Monchi.” Angela said, in a very little voice.

    Moving through the rest of the ground floor, Monserrat started relying on her ears. The rooms had gotten huge and seemed to have an endless supply of closets. As she’d suspected, at least some of the girls had chosen places to hide that were becoming uncomfortable as they waited.

    Brittany revealed herself with a groan in a control closet for the in-wall vacuum cleaner, and a swat on the butt for technically hiding around an appliance. Xitali outed herself when she bumped against a drum in the music room. She wanted to know how many had been found before her, and grinned wickedly at the thought of Brittany and Angela having to drink water when she got to the living room.

    Isabelle and Lyssa were both in a big dumbwaiter on the second floor. Monserrat eyed them wryly, hands on her hips. At least it didn’t look like they’d been making out.

    “You’re not supposed to hide together.” Monserrat admonished.

    “She got scared.” Lyssa explained, an oddly gentle expression on her face.

    “Oh?” Monserrat helped Isabelle out of the closet. She was looking pretty dazed, almost on Angela’s level.

    “I don’t know why.” Isabelle said softly. “But when I closed the door and it was dark – it was scary.”

    “Good thing you had a babysitter with you.” Monserrat said, giving Belle a gentle hug. “Go back to the living room with Lyssa. Though because you hid with her, you have to drink an extra glass of water when I find Geneva.”

    Isabelle followed Lyssa, holding the babysitter’s hand. Monserrat checked her watch. She had less than a half hour to check the rest of the cavernous house, and she’d barely started the second floor. It was Geneva’s place, or her family’s anyway. Wherever she was hiding had to be good.

    Monserrat knew she wasn’t going to win by brute force searching. Asking the other girls or Lyssa would be a big rule violation. She pulled out her phone and reviewed the notes and requests that Geneva had sent. There was nothing there that helped. As she considered, Monserrat kept looking, opening closets and rooms as she went.

    Two doors past a maintenance closet, Monserrat got a wicked idea. In a flash she retraced her steps, grabbed a pack of lightbulbs and a trash bag. She hurried to her best guess as to Geneva’s general location. The master suite area on the third floor.

    With ten minutes left on the clock, Monserrat had no time to search the whole suite, let alone everything she’d skipped on the floor below. She did easily spot a beautiful porcelain vase, and took up a position next to it.

    The lightbulbs made a terrific crashing sound through the bag when Monserrat hurled them to the floor and stomped on them.

    “Oh shit!” Monserrat said. “I hope my insurance can cover that vase!”

    “Oh no, which one was it?!” Geneva said, stumbling out of what looked like a library or study.

    “Gotcha.” Monserrat said, stepping out from in front of the vase to reveal it in pristine condition. “You’re the last baby girl.”

    “That’s… no fair!” Geneva said, shocked. “You cheated!”

    “Nope.” Monserrat said. “No rule against what I did.”

    “But… I wanted the special prize for making you go over an hour.” Geneva said with a mighty pout.

    “I might have a special prize for you anyway.” Monserrat said. “You seem into this. Do you want to help me change one of the other girls?”

    Geneva blushed, smiling nervously. “It sounds – really fun but – would it be okay? Is anyone even um – do they need a change?”

    “Angela might soon.” Monserrat said, watching Geneva’s face carefully. “She was the first one I found.”

    “Oh.” Geneva’s eyelids fluttered. “I wouldn’t mind, if Angie is okay with it.”

    Jackpot. Monserrat thought.

    “I’ll need you on hand to be her emotional support.” Monserrat said, gathering up the bag and putting an arm around Geneva. “Come on, let’s get back to the other girls.”

    Monserrat and Geneva walked into a happy group of little girls, each with a water cup ready. They gave a good-natured groan when Monserrat announced that she’d managed to beat the hour timer. Then they all drank. Brittany and Angela were already looking a little uncomfortable, but every girl had nervous giggles.

    Keeping the pressure up, Monserrat organized the girls into a game of Duck Duck Goose. Other than the regular rules of the game, she let them know that they could only ask to use the restroom when they’d been tagged and were temporarily ‘out’.

    Geneva had a huge advantage, having only drunk anything at snack time. It was hilarious to watch the other girls try to chase each other around the circle, while keeping their legs pressed together as much as possible. Brittany was the first to succumb, to Monserrat’s surprise. The girls laughed when Brittany announced her accident, but hugged her and cheered her for being the first one.

    Almost immediately after, Monserrat noticed Angela running full out. The shy girl hadn’t said anything, and Monserrat let her keep her secret for a little longer. The rest of the girls managed to earn a turn in the center of the circle, as well as a bathroom break.

    “Okay, that’s it for Duck Duck Goose. Good job everyone!” Monserrat said. “We’re running out of babysitting time. I’m going to do a diaper check on everyone, including those of you that went to the potty. After I’m sure everybody is taken care of, we’ll get you set up for the rest of your sleepover.”

    Lyssa checked Geneva and Xitali without being asked, moving to setting up the dinner right after. Monserrat almost felt bad for doubting her friend would be a help on the job. Almost. There was still her new sub-flirtiness to deal with.

    “Brittany, I know you’re wet but I’m going to check how much.” Monserrat said. Brittany blushed, squirming against Monserrat as her diaper was squished against her crotch. “Yeah, you need a change for sure. Lyssa, do you want to take care of Brittany?’

    “Gotcha Monchi.” Lyssa said, giving the macaroni in the pot a final stir before leading Lyssa to a spare room.

    “Looks like you’re dry, Isabelle, good girl. Your potty training is going great!” Monserrat grinned at Isabelle’s bashful squirm. The Little Girl’s friends loved it too.

    Angela was staring at Monserrat in fear, squeezing her stuffie tightly. Monserrat wrapped Angie in a gentle hug, tugging up the girl’s skirt and checking the back of her diaper.

    “Looks like you had an accident, Baby Girl.” Monserrat said softly.

    “I couldn’t hold it.” Angela whimpered.

    “That’s okay. Monchi is going to take care of you. So will Geneva, if that’s okay with you.”

    “W-what?” Angela gasped.

    “She wants to try assisting me. Is it okay if she helps me change you?”

    As nervous as the girl was, Monserrat was expecting a no. Despite trembling and blushing, she nodded vigorously. Monserrat wished she’d been in on Geneva and Angela’s conversation about the baby sleepover. Whatever Geneva had meant to communicate, she’d set Angela up with big desires and expectations.

    “Geneva, come with us.” Monserrat said, taking her hand as well as Angela’s. “The rest of you girls get the table set please. No dessert if it’s not done when I get back.”

    The rest of the girls didn’t register what Monserrat was leading Angela and Geneva away for. They’d gotten used to following orders without question, like kids. Especially Isabelle, who still had a floaty look about her.

    In the spare bedroom, poor Angela’s heart was beating so fast that Monserrat could see the pulse in the girl’s neck. She set the nervous girl on the bed and stroked her hair.

    “Everything’s going to be okay, baby girl. I promise.”

    “Geneva, Angela needs to be changed.” Monserrat sat Geneva on the bed next to Angela. “She’s had a big accident. I’m worried that she might need your help at some point in the future.”

    “Would you like to help Angela out if she has another accident some time?” Monserrat asked, gazing directly into Geneva’s eyes.

    “Yes. Yes – I’d like that.” Geneva said in a hushed tone.

    “Angela, do you think that it would be okay if Geneva helped you with your diapers?” Monserrat lifted Angela’s chin to catch the shy girl’s age.

    “Yes.” Angela whispered.

    “It’s a special thing when you help someone like that.” Monserrat said to both girls. “So special that you should talk to each other before you – help someone else out. Do you understand?”

    “Oh! Oh my god!” Geneva said. “Angie, you saw me and Brittany, didn’t you? I wasn’t trying to make out with her, I swear. She was getting even more handsy than usual.”

    “It’s okay if you like her.” Angela said sadly. “We don’t have to be exclusive.”

    “I don’t though.” Geneva said. “I mean, I like hanging out with her, but I don’t want to hook up with her. I think that’s why she’s always after me.”

    “Really?” Angela asked. “Because – at first – I thought tonight was you and me.”

    “It was supposed to be.” Geneva said. “Then Amira told everyone else and – I didn’t know how to say no.”

    “You’re both super sweet girls.” Monserrat said. “I’m proud of both of you. Angie, I want you to lie down on the bed. Geneva, can you lie down next to her? Angie gets nervous during her changes, I need you to snuggle her.”

    Geneva and Angela lay down on the bed, gazing raptly into each other’s eyes. The spell of the baby-sleepover had them out of whatever their usual dynamic was, and kept them in the moment.

    When Angela trembled and teared-up as Monserrat stripped off her tights and diaper, Geneva nuzzled Angie’s nose. They were smiling and whispering to each other as Angie was wiped down. By the time the powder was going on, the girls were gently kissing.

    They were lost in their own little world while Monserrat set the tapes on Angie’s diaper. Monchi gave them a minute as she packed up the diaper supplies, then sat the lovebirds up.

    “Angie, you know Geneva might need help with her diapers too, sometime. Do you think you could help her?”

    “I’d like that.” Angela said, still gazing at Geneva in adoration.

    “I uh, might not make it the whole night without an accident.” Geneva said nervously.

    “Then you tell Angie if you need a change.” Monserrat said. “Angie, you let Geneva know if you need to be changed, understand.”

    Both girls nodded, giggling and clasping hands.

    “Lyssa and my time is almost up.” Monserrat said. “We’ll finish up your mac and cheese and let you enjoy the rest of your sleepover.”

    “Thank you Monserrat.” Geneva said, wide-eyed and teary-eyed. “This was amazing. Maybe if we do something with Amira, if you’re not busy…”

    “Check my schedule on the app.” Monserrat said. “If I’m available, I’d love to babysit for you sweet girls. Even if it’s just the two of you.”

    Amira nodded so hard at that last, Monserrat worried the girl would make herself dizzy.

    “Okay, take your time coming back to the group.” Monserrat said. “I’ll see you girls another time.”

    “Bye Monchi!” The girls said in unison.


    “That was crazy.” Lyssa said as they drove away.

    “It was a pretty mild one, except for the number of girls.” Monserrat said.

    “That was the crazy part.” Lyssa said with a laugh.

    “How was the diaper change?”

    “Actually N-B-D.” Lyssa said. “Brittany wanted to hook up during it though.”

    “Yeah, her motor was running hot the whole session.” Monserrat said. “Did you take her up on it?”

    “No – I see why you don’t.” Lyssa said. “Not that I wasn’t tempted.”

    “She was cute.” Monserrat agreed.

    “I don’t think I’m going to do jobs like this on my own though.” Lyssa said, staring out the passenger window.

    “No?” Monserrat asked, curiously.

    “I’ll do another group job with you, but being a top for a whole session, even if it was a babysitter top was exhausting.”

    “You turning into a sub on me?”


    Lyssa let that revelation sink, falling quiet. Monserrat let her think, driving quietly.

    “I don’t know. I might be excited about discovering that I like subbing too. Maybe I’ll go back to topping more after the shine wears off.”

    “What about the thing where you hit on a friend that’s not part of your dating circle?”

    “I miss being with you.” Lyssa said softly. “It’s okay if it can’t happen.”

    “I have to talk to my polycule first.” Monserrat said. “Some of them will want to talk to you. It’s a whole thing. Might make it less sexy to do all that work.”

    “Maybe.” Lyssa said. “Might be worth it.”

    “Okay, I’ll talk to people.” Monserrat said, squeezing Lyssa’s arm.

    “You’re good with girls like that.” Lyssa said. “That client who told you that you’d be good as a mommy was right.”

    “Don’t you start with that too.” As much as she tried, she couldn’t stop herself from sighing.

    “I’m serious. Jenna seems like she’d be a good fit for it too.”

    “Do not bring it up with her.”

    “I won’t.” Lyssa said, finally turning to face Monserrat. She had her usual, confidant expression back. “Because you will.”

    “Why is that?”

    “Because you’ll be breaking your own relationship rules if you don’t. I heard your voice when I brought it up. You think this stuff is hot and I can see why. You need to talk to Jenna.”

    “You’re gonna be my shoulder-angel now?”

    “Always have been, girl.”

    “I know.” Monserrat smiled and reached over to clasp Lyssa’s hand. “I love you, Clarissa.”

    “Which flavor? Eros, Ludus, or Philia?”

    “Pragma.” Monserrat said. “You’re a forever in my life kind of person.”

    “Fuck, bitch, you’re going to make me cry.”

    “I figured I would, I just thought it would be with a wooden spoon on your ass instead.”

    “That is not fair to say before you’ve talked to your circle!”

    Monserrat snickered. “What’s the matter? Getting wet? Maybe I should have put you in a diaper…”

    “Monchi! I will get you for this. I know where you sleep.”

    The two of them burst out laughing. Chuckles and shoulder-bumps carried them the rest of the way to Lyssa’s house