• AB Sitter: Ava – Monserrat Emergency Services

    The ABDU undergraduate library was a haven of warm wooden panels, natural light, and book smell. Monserrat was enjoying a rare moment of studying within the bounds of her hectic life. It wasn’t enough to be an engineering student; she also had to play sports. On top of both, she had a highly demanding job for her ABDL clients and an equally demanding ABDL wife named Jenna – or Jenny, depending on how Little she was feeling.

    Of all of those, Monserrat’s wife was the priority. Picking a second priority was tricky, however. It wasn’t always clear if excelling in school or her job supported Monserrat’s priorities the best. At the moment, she was dealing with the unwelcome feeling of struggling in her Basic Architectural Principles class. So much so that when an urgent request came through her work app – for a prior client at that – Monserrat hit decline without even looking at the name.

    No sooner had she turned back to studying the formula for the strength of an arch than her phone buzzed again. The same client had upgraded their request to an emergency. Rolling her eyes, Monserrat deigned to read the client’s name.

    Brianna Rasmussen. Damn. Her mom is why I can flex my class times to whatever I need. Can’t exactly turn down a red alert from her.

    “This is Monserrat.” Monserrat tried to pitch her voice low and got a few annoyed looks from her fellow students for answering a call in the study center. With a sigh, Monserrat threw her book in her backpack and headed for the nearest exit.

    “Monserrat? It’s Briana Rasmussen. Thank you so much for picking up.” Briana sounded seriously distressed.

    “You have a babysitting emergency?” Monserrat shouldered out the exit door into a beautiful spring day. Part of her wished she could have finished studying – another part was glad to be out of the library and into the sun. Saving some baby girls would be a bonus on top of that.

     “Yes, it’s an emergency. My girlfriend got hurt and had an accident. The EMTs just left, but we need a babysitter for the second part.”

    “EMTs? Briana, are you sure you need me? Should you be at the hospital?”

    “Ava won’t go to the hospital; she says they can’t help, and she looks much better. But she had a potty accident, and she’s really sad.” Briana had started out sounding Big, but she was getting more Little in tone by the second. “Please, Monchi, Mom and Dad are in a big meeting. We need the best babysitter ever.”

    Monserrat chuckled. “Well, you called the best babysitter ever. I’ll be there in five minutes if you’re at the map pin you sent with your request.”

    Excited Little girl noises followed. Monserrat indulged Briana until she reached her car. Verbally prying the Little girl off the phone was accomplished by the simple method of promising that they could, in fact, have cookies. After an ambulance-worthy injury, providing cookies was the least Monserrat was prepared to spoil the girls.


    There was no ambulance with the Little girls when Monserrat arrived, but a police car was parked next to the little bus stop they’d taken shelter in. Monserrat parked behind the officer, stepping out of her white SUV to survey the scene. They were in the downtown center, surrounded by picturesque buildings alternating between red brick and colonial white. Happily, there wasn’t too much of an audience – just a few onlookers peering over from a few buildings down. An Indian girl that Monserrat presumed was Ava was sitting on the ground in a gray sweatsuit with a wet patch on her crotch. A pair of brace crutches sat neatly next to her. She looked miserable.

    Briana was surprisingly all in black, including some dramatic gothic makeup that had made tear trails down her cheeks. She was addressing the police officer, who was listening with a surprisingly deferential expression.

    “He pushed her right over, even though he could see that she was on crutches. He wanted to hurt her, Officer.” Briana drew herself up to her full five-foot-nothing. “And I did not like that! My mom and dad aren’t going to like it either when I tell them. Neither is my aunt or my grandma. The whole Rasmussen family will be upset about this and want that man found.”

    Despite Briana’s childish, almost petulant tone, the police officer tipped his hat to her. “I hear you loud and clear, Miss. I will radio this report straight to the Captain; he asked to be notified.”

    “Thank you, Officer…” Briana went up on tiptoe to get a better look at the policeman’s name badge. “Jameson. You’ve been a big help. I won’t forget, and I’ll make sure to tell my family how good a policeman you are.”

    “I appreciate that, Miss Rasmussen.” The policeman looked over Briana at Monserrat as she approached. “Ma’am, can I help you?”

    Briana turned and grinned at Monserrat, throwing herself into a hug around Monchi’s waist. “This is Monserrat, Officer, she’s a friend. She’s going to take Ava and me home.”

    “That’s good to hear. I’m pleased to meet you, ma’am.” The officer’s manner was polite to the point of obsequiousness. As a woman of color, Monserrat didn’t know how to handle it. She’d had interactions with the police before, but never as remotely polite as her current situation. The most Monserrat could manage was a polite nod back.

    “Let’s get you taken care of,” Monserrat said to Briana. “Can you introduce me to Ava?”

    Monserrat put him and his manner out of her mind, with the policeman heading back to his car. She knelt by Ava and held out her hand.

    “Ava, this is Monserrat. Monserrat, this is Ava. She’s my girlfriend, and she’s feeling Little and had the worst, scariest day ever.” Briana plopped down next to Ava and put an arm around the anxious-looking girl.

    “Hi, Monserrat.” Ava had more than Littlespace nervousness on her face. She’d had a genuine scare and looked defeated on top of the rest of it all. Simply shaking Monserrat’s hand looked like it took a lot of bravery.

    “Hi, Ava.” Monserrat took Ava’s hand in both hers, making it as warm a handshake as possible. “The first thing to do is to get you girls somewhere more comfortable than this.”

    “We can go to my house!” Briana nodded excitedly, but Monserrat caught Ava wincing.

    “Ava is the one who had the extra bad day, so I think she should decide.” Monserrat put a finger to Briana’s lips when she tried to protest. “Ava, would you like to go to Briana’s house? I can also take you back to your house or my house. I know Briana’s house has some supplies for babysitting, and mine does, too. I’m not sure how yours is set up.”

    “Is your house – do you live alone?” Ava asked, her lip trembling.

    “No, sweetie. My wife and my roommates live with me.”

    “What’s wrong with my house?” Briana whined, sounding hurt.

    “Briana, you’re not helping your friend right now. Please let her decide.” Monserrat fixed Briana with a stern look, much to the Little girl’s surprise.

    “I don’t want people to – see me like this,” Ava said softly. “Is it okay if we go to my apartment? Briana can come too.”

    “Of course it is.” Monserrat stroked both Little girls’ hair. “I can see you two don’t want to be separated. Ava, is it alright if I pick you up and put you in my car?”

    Ava looked at her crutches, sighed bitterly, and nodded. “Yeah.”

    “I asked because I don’t touch people without asking if it’s okay,” Monserrat said, scooping Ava up. Though she had half a foot on Briana at least, Ava was as light in Monserrat’s arms as Briana had been. “I like carrying around the girls I babysit. It makes them feel more Little, I think.”

    Ava blushed, clinging to Monserrat until she was set down in the back of the SUV. Briana hopped in on her own, carrying Ava’s crutches. Monserrat stowed both girl’s backpacks in the cargo area before climbing into the backseat with them.

    “Um, Monchi, how will you drive from back here?” Briana asked.

    “Ava needs to be cleaned up first.” Monserrat reached over Briana to pull an opaque privacy screen over the window, going around the back of the car window by window until they were all blacked out. She clicked the dome light on and finished sealing off the back of the SUV with a small fold-out screen inset into the driver’s seat.

    “Y-y-you’re going to change me right here?” Ava whimpered.

    “If you let me. It’s private enough with the screens down.”

    “But when we get out, I’ll be in a diaper.” Ava’s shy whisper and the fact that she assumed she’d be put in a diaper lowered Monserrat’s assessment of the girl’s mental age.

    “I have some emergency skirts I keep on hand in case I have to rescue a Little girl. There won’t be anything for people to see.” Monserrat stroked Ava’s cheek, lowering the girl’s seat back until it was almost flat. “Be a good girl and lie back, okay?”

    “Monserrat’s a good babysitter; she was extra nice to me when I had a bad nightmare about Melody.” Briana took Ava’s hand. Ava looked comforted but was throwing nervous glances at Briana, too.

    “Would you rather that Briana not watch you get changed?” An immediate nod from Ava answered Monserrat’s question. Monchi reached into her rescue bag, pulling out a beanie. It was far too big for Briana’s tiny head at regular size. That made it perfect for pulling over the Little girl’s eyes.

    “Monchi!” Briana giggled.

    “Be a good girl, Briana. Leave that hat where it is, but keep holding Ava’s hand.”

    Finally comfortable, Ava smiled weakly and lay flat. Monserrat popped the Little girl’s shoes off, followed by her sweats. They were wetter than they looked, and poor Ava’s panties were soaked up to the waistband. She was visibly happy to get them off and didn’t seem to mind having a changing blanket scooted under her butt.

    Ava closed her eyes and relaxed as Monserrat wiped her clean. She was so relaxed that she dribbled a bit on the changing blanket. Monserrat didn’t say a word. The extra liquid was as easy to clean up as Ava’s spindly legs were to lift. Cleaning Ava’s rear segued perfectly into slipping a diaper under her rear. A bit of lotion and powder didn’t generate any protests. Monserrat kept the products light in case Ava wasn’t a fan of one or the other.

    With the Little girl snugly diapered, Monserrat lifted the seat and Ava together, ending with the girl in her arms for a hug. Ava was trembling again, but it seemed to be from intense emotion rather than anxiety. Monserrat kissed the darling girl atop her head.

    “You’re such a good girl, Ava. I’m going to put a skirt on you, then buckle you and Briana up. While I’m getting the window screens up, your only job will be to tell me your address and snuggle with Briana, alright?”

    “Okay, Monchi.” Fully Littled-out, Ava was as pliable as any girl Monserrat had babysat. She had them all on the road in minutes. Shortly after, they arrived at a charming brick apartment building whose courtyard boasted dogwood trees with lovely white flowers.

    “Do you want me to carry you to your apartment, Ava?” Monserrat hadn’t expected a yes but was surprised by the intensity of the Little girl’s head shake.

    “It was an anti-ABDL protestor that knocked me over.” Ava bit her lip. “I don’t want people to see any baby stuff outside my apartment.”

    “Oh, sweetie, that’s terrible.” Monserrat kept her face calmly sympathetic – despite the turmoil in her heart. She’d heard that ABDL was negatively in the news, but she hadn’t expected protests in Ardenthill. That someone had even gotten violent at a protest was terrifying for her wife, Jenna.

    I can warn her as soon as I get these Little girls inside. The last thing they need is for me to freak out and get them both scared again.

    Ava had to take three breaks on the way into her ground-floor apartment. It was a charming place, small even for a one-bedroom, but tidy and full of homey decorations from her childhood and family connections to India. Once inside, Ava grateful to be picked up by Monserrat and deposited on the couch.

    “Can you let my bird out?” Ava pointed to a big cage that took up a corner of the living room. “His name is Mango.”

    “Mango! Mango!” The bird hopped excitedly next to one of his cage doors. It took a finger-flick to open the cage – Mango was out and flying around the room, making happy trilling sounds. He landed on Ava’s shoulder right away, nuzzling her cheek.

    “I love you too, Mango.” Ava’s face lit up with the first genuine smile Monserrat had seen on the girl. “You remember Briana?”

    “Briana, Briana, treat!” Mango fluttered his wings at Briana, who sat beside Ava and giggled delightfully at the bird.

    “Treat later. This is Monchi. She’s a friend.” Ava pointed at Monserrat.

    “Monchi! Monchi! Treat! Treat!”

    Monserrat chuckled. “I think everyone should get a treat after what happened today. What do you think?”

    “Yeah!” The Little girls said in unison. “Treat! Treat!” Mango bobbed his head in an excited nod.

    Much to Mango’s distress, the Little girls got cookies before he got his date chunks. Monserrat’s go-to cookies for rescues were soft sugar cookies, liberally frosted and as big across as her hand. Once he finally got his bits of date, Mango snuggled into the crook of Ava’s neck. The Little girls were wholly focused on their cookies, giving Monserrat some time to take the lay of the land.

    While she explored, Monserrat shot off a text to Jenna – and a separate one to the rest of her polycule. She kept it as light as possible with the text to Jenna while ensuring the warning about ABDL protestors came through. For her polycule – Jenna’s other caregivers – Monserrat felt she could be a bit more explicit about the violence.

    Hoping that she hadn’t worried the women she loved too much, Monserrat concentrated on assessing the apartment. Ava’s space had no obvious ABDL touches besides an abundance of stuffies on her bed. If she had diaper supplies, they were well hidden. Monserat didn’t poke around for them.

    “That cop was weird with you,” Ava said while Monserrat filled sippy cups with water.

    Briana shrugged. “The police treat my family differently than other people – I know it’s not right, but what happened to you was way worse. I’m glad I could get them to pay attention to you, and Mom could do the same when Melody was in trouble.”

    Ava’s thoughtful look turned into a smirk when Mango hopped on Briana’s shoulder and declared, “Stinky! Stinky, stinky!”

    “What?!” Briana’s jaw dropped. “I didn’t – it’s just potty – Mango, you tattletale!”

    Ava giggled. “He loves tattling when somebody wets their diaper.”

    “How’d he even know?” Briana grumped as Monserrat laid out a changing blanket.

    “He hears the crinkles.” Ava nudged Briana. “Now we both had an accident.”

    “Yeah, but I’m only wearing a pull-up,” Briana squeaked when Monserrat picked her up. “Oh, thanks, Monchi.”

    “You’re welcome, Briana.” Monserrat set Briana down on the blanket. “Ava, turn away.”

    “I don’t mind.” Briana laid back and attended to her cookie like a true diaper-change veteran.

    “It doesn’t matter if you do; Ava doesn’t want you to see her, so she doesn’t get to peek either.” Monserrat gave Ava a pointed look and made a turning motion. “You turn toward that wall right now, young lady.”

    Briana was just as much fun to change as she had been the first time Monserrat babysat her, wanting to be played with the whole time and properly squirmy when Monserrat tickled her. While she had the girl and wipes to hand, Monserrat cleaned the Little girl’s makeup streaks up. Putting her back on the couch with Ava and tucking a blanket around the girls resulted in some blissful-looking Littles.

    “I think you two are properly rescued at this point. I need to get back to my Little girl and the rest of my day.” Monserrat kissed each girl on the forehead and petted Mango’s neck. “Can I do anything for you before I go?”

    “Do you really have to go?” Briana trained her devastating puppy-dog eyes on Monserrat. Thoughts of Jenna scared at the text she’d received, kept Monserrat strong.

    “I do, but I’d happily babysit either of you cuties – or both of you – another time.”

    “Briana was right; you’re a good babysitter.” Ava reached out to squeeze Monserrat’s arm and got a whole hug instead. “Thanks for being so gentle with me.”

    “It’s what you needed, sweetie.” Monserrat gathered her bag and ensured Ava had her crutches close to hand. “Briana, are you going to be able to get home on your own?”

    “I’m going to have Mom and Dad pick me up,” Briana said. “Thanks, Monchi.”

    “And Ava, you’re going to be okay with just Briana here?”

    “Yeah, I’ll be okay.” Ava snuggled up close to Briana. “I’ll have to go to the doctor and stuff, but I’ll be fine the rest of today.”

    “Good. If you have another emergency on campus, and I’m at school, I’ll rescue you at no charge, okay, Ava? Make sure you get my phone number from Briana.”

    “Okay, Monchi.” The sad gratitude on Ava’s face was hard to see.

    “Hey Monchi, when do I get to meet Jenna?” Briana settled in alongside her girlfriend, holding Ava tenderly in her arms.

    “It could be soon. If you want, I can give her your phone number and see if she wants to contact you.”

    “Yeah, do it!” Briana grinned.

    “It’s a plan. Bye girls. Be good while I’m gone.”

    “We will, Monchi!” Grinning at the adorable chorus, Monserrat stepped out of the apartment – and hurried to her car.

    Someone would have texted me by now if something terrible had happened – but I need my Little girl in my arms.