Friends-turned-nannies Dominika and Vidette are back to meddling in Keeley's life, and right out of the gate they want to treat her like a baby again!

It's not like Keeley needs their "help", she has everything under control. Sure, she hates living in her parents' house with her sterile white room and mom and dad ignoring her, but she can deal with it, she always has! And maybe there's some drama with her drug-obsessed boyfriend and her new girlfriend, but that's fine too.

When Dominika pushes and Vidette shoves - Keeley has to admit that she's not fine. Of course, it would be nice take a trip to Burning Man with her friends... but why does she have to be in diapers to get some attention?
  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 1

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  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 10

    Keeley’s night had been one of the roughest she’d known – including those during her worst benders. As her sunburn settled in, every waking moment was painful, itchy agony. Dreams were no escape either, the three headed bird person was waiting for her there. On another occasion Keeley might have felt bad about how many times she woke Trish up with her crying and fussing, but her constant distress had her completely self-focused. Even the bed felt weird. Trish’s bunk had enough space for the two of them to sleep comfortably, if closely, so space wasn’t the issue. Instead, Keeley found when she woke from a bad dream, she missed her crib bars keeping her safe.

    When morning came, Trish fed Keeley a bottle, covered her in sunburn cream, and changed her diaper, before they both fell asleep in Keeley’s playpen. A more proper wake up came later, with a drowsy Keeley letting Trish feed her a baby-food breakfast. As tired as she was, she couldn’t remember what exactly she’d eaten, but it’d been tasty enough. Breakfast was followed by coffee for Trish and another nap for Keeley. Finally – with multiple naps, two meals, and a baby bottle under her belt, Keeley was ready to face the Playa again.

    Trish dressed in a lovely sunflower print dress, and put Keeley in a pale yellow dress to match. It was, deliberately, the most covering thing Keeley had in her Little wardrobe. Trish had slathered her with sunscreen underneath it. Her babysitter even worked sunscreen into Keeley’s scalp, which left the Little girl’s hair greasy but was very welcome. The idea of having a sunburn peel under her hair was too gross to contemplate.

    Though Keeley was eager to get back to her statue, that wasn’t their first stop. Trish pulled Keeley along by her hand to their neighbor’s camp. Shamefacedly, the diapered girl stood by Trish’s side while Jose, Carmen, Maria, and Joe ambled over to greet them.

    “Hey everybody, there was some drama yesterday, which I’m sorry for.” Trish smiled ruefully. “I wanted to apologize for freaking out a little, but Keeley also has to apologize for her behavior.”

    Trapped by the hand Trish was holding, and under her babysitter’s intense gaze, Keeley felt incredibly small. It took her a few tries to work up the courage, helped along by keeping her eyes firmly on the dusty ground. “Um – I’m not supposed to do any drugs, or drink while I’m here. I took some edibles from Jose without letting him know that and made a problem. I’m sorry.”

    The apology felt terribly over the top, but it earned Keeley an encouraging squeeze on her hand from Trish. This is the most like a kid I’ve felt since my nannies started the game up. I hope Trish doesn’t ground me.

    “Can I ask for some clarification on you two’s whole thing?” Maria asked. “I heard from Jose that you said it’s some kind of baby game – and I’m not judging or whatever – I’m just curious.”

    “It goes a little bit beyond being a game,” Trish said. “Keeley, please tell Maria what you agreed to.”

    I thought I got out of being punished, but I would WAY rather be spanked than have to go through this! Keeley whimpered and fixed a pleading gaze on Trish, but her babysitter was implacable. Having gone deeper than ever before into the baby game – at least as far as surrendering to authority was concerned – Keeley couldn’t conceive of openly defying her babysitter. Trish’s authority felt as absolute as her mom’s had when she was a toddler, but without the emotional recklessness that had driven her to defiant tantrums at that age.

    “I agreed – in writing – that Trish is my babysitter and my girlfriend.” Keeley said with a sigh.

    “There were three things you wrote down. Please say them all, Keels.”

    All of them?! Keeley squirmed, but there was no mercy in Trish. “She – she gets to decide if I’m wearing diapers, and if I get to use the bathroom or not. Also…”

    Keeley had to take a deep breath, she could feel her blush even under her sunburn. “Also Trish is allowed to discipline me like I’m a child. To – to teach me to be a better girl.”

    “Wow.” John blinked. Jose shrugged at him. Carmen’s expression was the least welcoming of everyone’s, but she wasn’t saying anything.

    Maria nodded, chewing on her lower lip. “Sounds intense, but it’s between you two, and that’s pretty clear how you spelled it out. Thanks, that makes stuff make more sense. Nobody here will give Keeley anything, even if she asks for it, right?” There was easy agreement from the rest of the neighbors in response to Maria’s question.

    “We’ll tell Pedro and Carmen too.” Maria said. “I don’t know about everybody else, but I’ll keep an eye out for Keeley when I’m around the camp. It looks from her sunburn like she needs some extra help.”

    “There should always be a babysitter with her…” Trish grimaced, “But that’s really appreciated, thank you Maria.”

    Trish was talking about Keeley with someone else like she wasn’t there – or at least wasn’t in the conversation. It felt different than when Mom did it though, probably because of the concern Trish was showing. She still hadn’t let go of Keeley’s hand either. Far from being annoyed by it, Keeley relished the care her babysitter was taking. While the neighbors and Trish chatted about their first couple days of the festival, Keeley tuned the conversation out, just as she had when she’d been a kid and the adults were talking. She was so spaced out that she didn’t notice Jose leaving the group and returning until he tapped her on the shoulder. He had a leather satchel around his shoulder that looked like it held tools.

    “You want to finish up our sculpture?” Jose asked with a grin. It was a relief to see he wasn’t upset over having his shroom time interrupted the day before. One thing Keeley didn’t miss about partying was being yelled at by people who were upset and high.

    She tugged on Trish’s hand. “Trish, can I work on my sculpture with Jose?”

    In response, Trish gave Keeley’s diaper a squeeze through her skirt, nodded, and pulled out her phone. “I’m setting an alarm for thirty minutes. You’re going to spend a max of thirty minutes in the sun, then I want you in the shade for fifteen, understand?”

    “Yes Trish.”

    “Good. Go play.” Trish released Keeley’s hand and patted her on the rear.

    “You know, I thought your whole thing was super weird.” Jose said as they reached the statue. He bent down to unroll his satchel on the small table. “But it’s wild how much your girlfriend is taking care of you. It’s obvious she cares.”

    “Yeah.” Keeley squirmed. “I love her.”

    “She loves you too, kiddo – uh, sorry if that’s not okay to call you.”

    Keeley giggled and shrugged. “I guess I am a kid, at least here. Okay, we HAVE to finish our sculpture today, or she won’t be able to protect us from the bird people.”

    “I’m on it, what’s next?”

    “You can do the bird heads, stick them where the wings meet. I’m going to make the face.”

    With Trish’s insistence on constant sun breaks, it took all afternoon to finish the statue. Keeley stood back and admired her handiwork, doubly glad that Jose had joined her. Not only would she not have finished as quickly without him, but having a collaborator had brought the project to a whole new level. The statue’s face was fierce and commanding, but motherly as well. Her plastic flashed gorgeously in the sun, smooth in some places, pointy in others.

    The most dynamic part of the sculpture was the three headed bird being torn apart in the statue’s hands. Jose had done an amazing job of making the bird faces look distressed, while keeping them cruel enough that it was obvious they deserved their fate.

    “Trish! Trish, come look, she’s finished!” Keeley lifted onto her toes with pride when Trish hurried to look. “Behold! Burnidette, defender of our camps! She’s watching over Jose’s camp too, that’s why we turned her to face that direction.”

    “Burnidette huh?” Instead of an amused grin or a dismissive laugh, Trish looked genuinely intrigued. She walked all around the statue, wide-eyed. Her jaw even dropped when she examined Burnidette’s face. “Keeley, this is amazing. You too, Jose.”

    “It’s mostly my lead artist at work.” Jose smiled as he packed up his tools. “It’s a cool vision and a great execution. I can trip in peace now, no more worrying about bird men.”

    If she hadn’t been so dried out – despite drinking water almost continuously – Keeley would have cried. As it was, her eyes felt puffy and itchy. Pride swelled in her, more than she’d ever felt before. She didn’t know what to do with it, didn’t have a place to put it all. Eventually it came out in a leap into Trish’s arms and a shower of kisses all over her babysitter’s face.

    “I’ll leave you two to it.” Jose winked, waved, and ambled back to his camp.

    Trish spun Keeley around, too enamored with her Little girlfriend to even say goodbye to Jose. “You’re an amazing girl.”

    “I love you.” Keeley said. “You don’t have to say it back!”

    “I – I’ve never said that to a girlfriend before, I’m not saying I don’t feel that way – it’s just that I don’t really know…”

    “It’s okay, really. You do so much for me, I wanted you to know. Thanks, Trish.” Keeley sank into a kiss with Trish that connected their souls as much as their tongues. Their embrace went on and on, like a kiss at the end of a movie, until Trish’s alarm went off and sent them laughing into the shade.

    “Trish, I want to be a good baby girl for you for the rest of the festival. We have four days after today, right?”

    “You’re usually a good girl, Keeley. I think you learned your lesson this morning.”

    “I did but – I mean for you and my nannies. Don’t worry about making me do baby or kid stuff, I’ll do whatever you want. I trust you.” Keeley took Trish’s hands in hers, squeezing them excitedly. “It’s really fun to play here. Also – just for you – the offer to have my body any time is still good.”

    “Wow.” Trish’s blush was as cute as ever. All it took was a little slutty talk to get her all flustered. Keeley grinned, hoping her girlfriend stayed that way for a long time.

    “Well um – we’re already dressed so uh, want to wander around some more? We haven’t seen a quarter of the festival yet.”

    “Yeah!” Keeley bounced on the balls of her feet. “Can we stop by the meditation place on our way back?”

    “Sounds good to me.” Trish grinned. “What do you say to running a lemonade stand tomorrow?”

    “Oh my gosh! Really?”


    The great thing about running a lemonade stand at Burning Man was the rule against selling things. Keeley didn’t have to worry about collecting money or giving change, all she had to do was pour lemonade and give it to grateful people. Once word got out, Keeley was inundated in “customers”, most of which had a kind word for the oddly cute girl offering them a cool drink. Dressed in a simple child’s dress that kept her diaper from being too obvious, Keeley had a blast playing up the kiddie angle. She’d never had so much wholesome attention before. When the mob of thirsty people discovered Burnidette, the collective attention was almost too much.

    Keeley’s statue was adopted as a mascot for her whole street, some people even stayed around to pray or meditate at the statue’s base. The pilgrims – as Dominika called them – were the rare ones. Most people simply enjoyed the statue, with a few offering flattering or interesting artistic criticism. Though the lemonade ran out early during the first day, the art patrons were a renewable source of visitors. At any time, Keeley could explore the wild festival with one of her caregivers, or she could sit in the shade outside the bus and chat with the steady stream of people coming by. If it wasn’t for the climate, Keeley would have wanted to build a house on her Black Rock city camping spot.

    The Playa didn’t let anyone forget that they were in a desert. No matter how many wet rags her nannies wiped her down with, Keeley was beginning to feel like she was growing a crab shell. Even a shower could only hydrate her so much. She was drinking constantly and yet hardly using her diapers. All the liquid seemed to come right out of her pores, to crust up in little salt drifts among the omnipresent dust. It could have been far too much for Keeley to handle, but for the gently weird sense of community that pervaded the place. Her friends at the meditation center were temporary, but more than real enough in the moment. The neighbors had nearly become family, with Maria coming in regularly to check on Keeley like a backup caregiver.

    When the final night fell on the playa, the competing pulls of the terrible environment and the beautiful community were balanced in Keeley’s heart. She was enchanted with the festival – but ready for it to end. Down the road a ways was a constructed set of bleachers that promised an excellent view of the final burn. Normally, Keeley avoided looking at the central sculpture, but she was eager to watch it burn.

    Preparations for the final night were intense, with Dominika and Vidette putting on their most elaborate costumes yet. Rainbow sparkle fabric wrapped Vidette from head to toe, too sheer to conceal anything. Dominika was awesome in a dress constructed entirely of tiny golden mirrors. Her babysitter had stepped up the costume game as well, abandoning her apocalypse costume for a body paint job. In the quiet of the bus’s bedroom, Keeley knelt in front of a freshly-showered Trish to finger-paint her girlfriend from head to toe.

    It was such an intimate gesture, not just to touch every part of Trish, but to have her babysitter’s final look entirely in Keeley’s hands. She stuck to primary colors and childish finger painting motifs, glowing with pleasure when her handprints and swirly teddy-bear drawings on Trish’s legs met with the girl’s approval.

    “This is amazing, is this so we match?” Trish twisted around in front of the mirror, giggling when she spotted the birthday-cake painting on her butt.

    “I thought I’d go totally baby tonight – nothing covering my diaper, whatever you want on top – even nothing.”

    “You don’t have to do that just because I’d think it was hot.”

    “But I want to – and not just because you think it’s hot.” Keeley carefully painted clouds and rainbows on Trish’s belly, licking her lips as her girlfriend’s muscles tensed in anticipation. There was a single spot just in front of Keeley that was bare – Trish was planning on covering her kitty with a pastie. Which means there’s no art to muss there…

    “As fun and sexy as it would be – you in just a diaper is a little plain.” Trish ran her hands through Keeley’s hair, making the Little girl shiver. “You’ll feel left out, I bet.”

    “Then pick out a cute top for me. Oh, and I can wear the booties.”

    “The little pink cotton ones? You can’t walk on the playa in those hon, not even at night. They’ll be shredded by the dirt and sand.”

    “There’s – there’s a stroller. I know there is, I found it when I was looking for more plastic to fix Burnidette’s arm.”

    “Are you really okay with that?”

    “I want to try spacing out as a baby. But you should let nanny Vi push the stroller. I’m pretty sure she’s the one that bought it.”

    “That’s fine with me. I think all three of us are going to want to take care of you tonight, it’s our last big – oh! – day.” Trish’s face flushed beautifully as Keeley took her time drawing flowers on her babysitter’s breasts, dragging her fingers across Trish’s soft skin with more pressure than the paint required.

    “Damn Keeley.” Trish’s fingers closed involuntarily around a clump of the Little girl’s hair. “It’s not fair for you to get me worked up when I’m painted like this. We don’t have time for a repaint.”

    “There’s one part of you that’s not painted.” Keeley leaned away from Trish’s hand, her eyelids fluttering at the self-inflicted tug on her hair. “I’ll paint it with my tongue – but only if you make me.”

    “What?” Trish’s flush spread down her neck and all the way up her ears, she let out a needy moan as Keeley rubbed extra pink paint onto her babysitter’s nipples.

    “You wanted a kinky girlfriend – right? Why else did you pick a diaper girl?” Keeley was almost as naked as Trish, with nothing on but a diaper – and those didn’t feel much like clothes anymore, more like a necessity. She arched her back, pleased to see Trish’s gaze bob down to her chest – then back up – before going right down to her breasts again.

    “I love how sexy and kinky you are.” Trish’s voice was a reverent whisper. “Only, I don’t always know what to do or say.”

    “We’re alone. I love you. I love how much you think I’m sexy.” Keeley rubbed the bright flower colors off her hands and globbed on some white. Sensual inch by inch, feathers spread over Trish’s shoulders and down her upper arms. “Say whatever you want. Let out all your horny, perverted thoughts.”

    “I want to grind your mouth into my pussy.” Trish whispered. Keeley looked up to catch Trish’s gaze and licked her lips. Emboldened, Trish managed to add, “But I want you to be really turned on – so hot that you’re having trouble doing a good job on me.”

    “How’re you going to make that happen?” Keeley braided silver and gold down Trish’s forearms, putting a sun and moon on the backs of her hands.

    “You have to wet yourself. A lot. I’ll put a vibrator in your diaper.” Trish’s breath caught in her throat, she hesitantly continued with, “and you’ll have to grind your crotch against my foot.”

    “You’re in charge.” Keeley circled around to Trish’s back, painting a tree with a smiling face up her girlfriend’s back in broad strokes. “I have to do anything you say – and everything you say.”

    “Are – are you done?” Trish was quivering all over. It was marvelous, Keeley had never felt so powerful while giving up control to her partner before. Rolling her knuckles across Trish’s back painted sprays of leaves around the tree’s branches.

    “I just finished with your back – and wetting my diaper.”

    With growing boldness, Trish ordered Keeley onto her knees. Already panting, Trish ran the buzzing bullet vibrator over Keeley’s breasts, before dropping it down the front of the Little girl’s diaper. Direct stimulation took Keeley from fantasies of arousal to wanton moaning in moments. The warm up on her breasts had spread lovely tingles over her skin – the vibrator made a lake of lust in her crotch and belly that sloshed up through her nerves whenever she moved. Trish grabbed Keeley’s hair – the baby girl had a single moment to cry out, “Pull harder”, before Trish yanked and drove Keeley’s mouth into her crotch.

    With Trish’s taste and smell consuming her world, Keeley tried her best to find Trish’s button and lick. Pressure between her legs felt amazing, Keeley was already grinding away before she realized it was Trish’s foot pressed against her crotch. The maddening sensations of inconsistent pressure and constant vibration made concentration impossible. Time and time again, she’d realize she was supposed to be licking her girlfriend, only to fall into moans again. It was the realization that Trish didn’t care what she did with her tongue, that her babysitter was brazenly grinding her kitty on Keeley’s face like she was a sex toy, that sent the Little girl over the edge. Her sudden cries and trembling face pushed Trish over as well, the babysitter’s shout was like a thunderclap against the metal walls.

    After her aggressive orgasm, Trish wasn’t in a cuddling mood. Instead, she had Keeley on her back, wiping the diapered girl down like an infant. Either Trish didn’t respond to anything Keeley said, or the Little girl only imagined incoherently mumbling at her babysitter. Whichever it was, Keeley gave up on communication and floated on a happy baby-daze that sent her sailing into Littlespace. Trish put a massive diaper with several booster pads on Keeley, dumping baby powder into the padding until the smell would carry above the acrid smell of the playa and the human smell of unwashed burners.

    A shirt that was mostly ruffles went over Keeley’s top without the benefit of a bra. Trish put her baby-girl’s hair in high pigtails and festooned it with ribbons. There’d been a pacifier in Keeley’s mouth since her diaper change – when Trish tried to remove it she whined and shook her head. It was only when Trish presented a baby bottle full of water that Keeley let her babysitter take her paci out temporarily.

    They were quite the sight – Keeley later imagined – three sexy ladies in bright costumes walking down the street with a baby girl in a huge pink stroller. At the time, Keeley’s awareness was limited to kicking her feet and cooing at the neon lights that lined the street. When they reached the bleachers, they found a thoughtfully-constructed section for wheelchairs that hadn’t had any takers. The stroller fit perfectly in a wheelchair spot, putting Keeley face to face with the triple-headed bird man. Already there were fires at its base – plus, she had Burnidette watching over her. Keeley stared down the scary wooden sculpture without fear.

    The catharsis of watching that sculpture go up in a towering pillar of flame was incredible – especially because it was collective. Keeley’s roar of delight was part of a unified human cry seventy thousand strong. As parties went, the final revel was a riot of music, dancing, and a swelling sound of joy. There was always a caregiver nearby – Trish with her vulnerable devotion, Vidette with her exuberant mothering, and Dominika with her fierce protection. Though Keeley’s booties didn’t survive the dancing, she had a stroller to head back to camp in.

    As her final act as a Burner – while wobbling spread-legged around her massive wet diaper – Keeley hacked Burnidette apart with a rebar mooring stake. The pieces went into the bus’s cargo compartment, but the arrangement of them – the part that had made them a statue – was forever in Keeley’s heart. Not just hers, either, it lived in her nannies, her babysitter, her neighbors, and dozens upon dozens of visitors. The triple headed bird, the meditation garden, and the spiral dancers were all in Keeley as well, along with hundreds of other costumes and sculptures she’d seen.

    In the final emotional high of the festival, the notion of Burning Man art being temporary was ridiculous. The things they’d made would be carried forever – to all the corners of the earth. That includes the baby game, Keeley realized, as Vidette cleaned her up and put her to bed. She wouldn’t be a baby all the time – her life didn’t allow for that kind of existence. But for the right people, in the right circumstances – she had another self she could be. A baby Keeley who didn’t have an emotionally distant mother or an absent father. Instead, she had a sexy babysitter-girlfriend and two adoring nannies.

    Much later – back in New Hampshire – her nannies and Trish would complain to Keeley about inching their way through the hours long line out of the festival. For Keeley, the wait had been even longer. She hadn’t mentally left the festival until she was in her airplane seat in the Reno Airport, dressed like an adult and surrounded by the world’s mundanities again.

    Nothing was left of the baby game – except the pullup Keeley slipped on in the airport bathroom. None of her caregivers discovered her padded panties. If they had, she would have told them they were for luck. And it’d be the truth.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 2

    Keeley couldn’t believe her phone alarm was going off while it was still dark. Especially considering that it was August. Despite the summer heat outside, she was swaddled in blankets and pajamas. Mom believed in keeping the house super cold at night and claimed it was healthy. The cold hadn’t given Keeley any health benefits that she’d noticed, she was pretty sure it was a case of her mom being crazier than her nannies.

    The alarm went off again. My stupid nannies set multiple alarms? Keeley hurled the phone at her bathroom door and tucked her head under the blankets. She was too sleepy to know how many more minutes of shut-eye she managed to steal, but it wasn’t enough. Vidette and Dominika were relentless when they arrived, with horribly loud non-morning voices.

    Fighting against wakefulness, Keeley whined when Dominika pulled her blankets away. She managed to keep hold of Gordo, her stuffed rat, but Bertha the plush whale bounced away with the comforter. Going limp seemed like a good strategy, and Keeley had reason to be happy with the results.

    Sure, her nannies had taken advantage of her limp state to exchange her pullup for a diaper and swap her pajamas for what were probably dumb baby clothes, but Keeley hadn’t had to open her eyes yet! That indignity came when Dominika and Vidette hauled Keeley bodily out of bed and set her on her feet.

    They put a pacifier in her mouth – Not that I wanted to talk anyway – and tucked Bertha into her free arm. With a vigorous pat on the diaper, Dominika sent Keeley out of her room, arm-in-arm with Vidette. There were already servants up, but they didn’t register to Keeley’s sleepy brain. She concentrated on putting one footie-pajama clad foot in front of the other until she was outside and confronted with a massive vehicle.

    The RV that her nannies had procured for the trip was as big as Dominika’s ego and as ostentatious as Vidette’s party dresses. The nannies herded Keeley aboard and past luxury furnishings that she barely looked at. In the back of the RV, Vidette helped Keeley into a bed that was built into a wall. At last, her nightmare of pre-dawn activity was over.

    A thump followed by a lock-clicking sound was suspicious enough for Keeley to peek at what Vidette was doing. There were padded bars separating Keeley and her nanny. A crib, really? Keeley rolled her eyes before she closed them, making sure that Vidette wouldn’t miss her annoyance.

    That a crib would make an appearance seemed inevitable, and a crib was still a bed. Keeley made a comfy nest in her blankets and curled up around her stuffies. She took advantage of her diaper to relieve the last bit of discomfort she was feeling, and promptly fell asleep.


    Keeley woke to soft roaring sounds. The rhythmic noises, combined with her wet diaper and crib bars, had Keeley mentally back at the beach house. She stretched and shifted, arranging her butt comfortably on her squishy padding and waited for her nannies to come get her. The RV went over a bump, shaking Keeley’s mind fully awake. She was sleeping in a wall alcove the size of her mattress, with enough height to sit in but not stand. Crib bars covered the open wall completely, caging Keeley in.

    As a reminder of the night she’d almost killed Dominika with a thrown bottle and had been locked in her crib, it was devastating. An ashamed cry wailed out of Keeley. Crying without restraint felt primal and cathartic. Dominika arrived on the other side of the crib bars gratifyingly quickly.

    “Baby girl, what’s the matter?” Dominika slid the crib bars down and reached in to stroke Keeley’s forehead.

    “I’m sorry I was bad! I don’t know what I did to get locked in, but I’m sorry nana!”

    “Sweetie, calm down! You’re not bad and you’re not being punished. Nobody locked you in. The bars just latch when they’re up, and you can reach the latch from both sides, see?” Dominika raised the bars a bit and ran her fingers over the simple push-latch.

    “Oh.” Keeley sniffle-snorted and wiped her sleeve across her snotty nose. “I woke up and it was like the beach house and I thought – I’m sorry I’m dumb.”

    “Hey now, no more putting yourself down. The crib bars are because you’re a baby girl, but also so you don’t fall out of bed while we’re driving. We didn’t mean to scare you.”

    “Nana.” Keeley swung her legs out of her crib and reached for her nanny.

    “Aww, honey. Are you going to be a baby today?” Dominika’s answering hug was fiercely tight. The hug made Keeley feel wanted, which in turn made her weak all through her torso.

    “No, I want to be a big girl! I wanna wear pullups and hang out with my nannies.”

    “You SEEM a lot more little than you were yesterday, but maybe that’s the way you woke up.” Dominika laughed. “And the fact that you’re a potty pants.”

    “No fair. I have to use my diapers if you put me in them, don’t I?”

    “That’s true. I’m teasing you anyway. You’re very tease-able.”

    Keeley responded by pouting as cutely as she could. To her delight, Dominika’s expression cracked immediately. It was difficult to wait to smile until Dominika was hugging her again, but Keeley had the sneakiness to manage it.

    “Let’s get you changed, cutie.”

    “Into a pullup, right? Please nana.”

    “I don’t know…” Dominika said with exaggerated reluctance. She pulled Keeley to her feet and opened the door to what looked like a smushed-up bedroom in Keeley’s quick assessment. “Will you be a good girl for me today?”

    “I’ll be the best girl for you nanny Dominika. I want to have fun and hang out. I want you to like me.” Keeley blushed as soon as the last part was out of her mouth. She’d been too eager; her lingering sleepiness had her filter askew.

    “Keeley.” Dominika’s serious expression matched the way she’d dropped the cutesy nicknames. “I love you, and I like you. I don’t think you have any idea how much. This baby game isn’t something I would play with just anybody.”

    “Nana! You’re going to make me cry again.” Smiling through a storm of emotions, flaming cheeks, and tear-filled eyes, Keeley cuddled up to Dominika and kissed her on the cheek.

    “You’re going to do the same to me if you stay that sweet.” Dominika’s voice was thick with emotion as she mirrored a kiss to Keeley’s cheek. “Let’s take a break from feels and work on your wet diaper.”

    Giggling euphorically, Keeley followed Dominika through the bedroom door. The back half of the RV was a narrow hallway that opened up halfway to let light in through lots of windows. Up ahead she could see a kitchen area, a dining area, and a lounging space with couches. Up at the front, Vidette took a quick look back to wave at them from her driver’s seat that clashed luxury and industrial aesthetics.

    At her right elbow was the object of their current activity, a changing table just like the beach house had had, wedged between the bedroom and another walled-in area. Keeley was surprised to find herself totally without resentment as she climbed onto the changing table. I guess I feel like I got to agree to the baby game this time. I’d still do without the diapers if my nannies would let me, but it’s silly to hate on the changing table. That’s where I get out of my wet diapers.

    Wasting no time, Dominika stripped Keeley of her pajama bottoms and wet diaper. Keeley looked up and out the window, watching the clouds go by. It was a much nicer experience than the closet-like changing area at the beach house, even if there was less room overall. She especially appreciated that the lower half of the windows were frosted so that no one would see her getting changed. Even truckers wouldn’t sit high enough to peer down through the window’s upper half.

    Dominika didn’t seem inclined to put a shower on the morning’s list of activities. She wiped Keeley’s diaper area clean, washed her face with a washcloth, and gave her armpits the same treatment. Dry shampoo got Keeley’s hair under control. Keeley approved of the hair treatment, considering how much of a beating her hair had taken from spending the previous day in her pool.

    True to her word, Dominika put a pullup on Keeley and sat her up, otherwise naked. “What kind of Little girl clothes do you want to wear?”

    “Do you have overalls?” Keeley bounced on the changing table excitedly at Dominika’s nod. “Can I wear those and a t-shirt? That way I could still go out of the bus if we stop.”

    “Sure sweetie.” Dominika ducked into the walled off area in front of the changing table and came back with a pair of pink overalls, a baby-blue t-shirt, and a pair of socks with kitties embroidered on them. “I’m surprised at how eager you are to play. I thought we’d have to work on you for a few days like we did at the beach house.”

    “I got to choose it this time.” Keeley lifted her feet for the socks before sliding off the changing table into the overalls. “Some of the beach house trip was – rough – but I like how you take care of me.”

    “I – I’m sorry we pushed so hard at the beach house. We didn’t think you’d agree to play with us no matter how we explained it.”

    “I probably wouldn’t have. That doesn’t…” That doesn’t make it right, but you forgave me for throwing a bottle at your head, so besties forever, Nika. Keeley shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. We’re playing now and I’m glad.”

    “Me too. Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the bus.” Dominika began with the room across from the changing table, the RV’s bathroom. She couldn’t resist adding a quip about how Keeley wasn’t going to need that room much. Har. Har. Past the bathroom, changing table, and storage room were the kitchen and dining room, across the hall from each other. Keeley shot back a quip about how she wouldn’t need to use the kitchen area either, and got a good-natured swat on the butt.

    Truthfully, Keeley had little interest in the kitchen, even if she hadn’t had her nannies cooking for her. The dining area on her right was much more interesting, with a classy red-leather upholstered booth setup that wrapped around the table in a u-shape. The utilitarian commonness of it would have made her mom scream in disgust. Keeley loved it immediately.

    “No high chair this time?”

    “We have one packed, but there isn’t room on the bus.”

    “You said you wouldn’t make me be a baby in public!”

    “Burning Man isn’t really public. You won’t be the only one wearing diapers at the festival.”

    “What?” Keeley grabbed Dominika’s arm to keep her nanny from continuing the tour. “What are you talking about? Other adults, wearing diapers?”

    “Other Little girls and Little boys – most of them won’t want to be called adults.”

    “You mean – this is a thing? Vidette and your weird game is – is…”

    “There are lots of Littles in the world, they have nannies and mommies and daddies and caregiver boyfriends and girlfriends that take care of them.”

    Keeley gaped like a fish. Trying to process what Dominika had said shut her brain down like a bricked phone. Correctly interpreting Keeley’s dumbstruck expression, Dominika pulled the Little girl along the hall.

    “The couches and beanbags on your left are the lounge. You can see the TV on the right, that block under it folds out into a bar. Under no circumstances are you to get into the bar, do you hear me?”

    A terrible shiver crawled down Keeley’s spine at the memory of her drunken rampage. She couldn’t nod obediently at her nanny fast enough. “I promise, nanny Dominika.”

    Dominika’s expression softened; she caressed Keeley’s cheek. “Good girl. Right past the bar is your playpen. We wanted you up front so you’d be close when you’re playing.”

    “How do you like it, Keeley?” Vidette glanced over her shoulder briefly. “We went all out on comfort and baby stuff for the trip.”

    “I – I – nanas, I really like it.” Keeley went pigeon-toed, squirming.

    There was still the matter of Dominika’s revelation, but she was in no mood to process something that big. Keeley was busy holding back tears at the care and thought her nannies had put into building a bus. Other “Littles” in the world or not, Keeley was sure that there was no way to buy a Baby-RV off a lot. The converted bus was proof that her nannies had spent dozens of hours thinking and caring about Keeley.

    “I’m so happy to hear that!” The nannies said in unison. There was as surprising amount of relief in their voices. Dominika gave Keeley yet another hug – the third one this morning, not that I’m counting – and helped her over the playpen’s elastic netting.

    “You need some breakfast, and then some Little girl toys to play with. Do you want to start with a coloring book?” Dominika smiled at Keeley’s eager nod and made her way to the kitchen. “After you’ve had a chance to color for a while, I’ll check your pullup, or you can tell me when you’re wet.”

    “Um – nanas?” Keeley picked at the padded floor of the playpen, too bashful to watch their expressions. “Do Little girls ever like – potty train and not have to wear pullups anymore even if they still play with coloring books?”

    The silence that followed Keeley’s question made her wince. Dominika was the first to answer. “I think you make a delightful baby.”

    “Even if that was a possibility,” Vidette said slowly. “There’d be a fourth person to involve in the discussion. Trish.”

    Keeley’s cheeks burned in squirmy embarrassment at the thought of her babysitter-turned-girlfriend getting to weigh in on the discussion. She’s not coming on the trip, so I guess that’s the end of that for now. Dismissing her question let Keeley avoid wondering how Trish would feel if she never got to see Keeley in her pullups again. Nor did she have to think about missing out on all the sexy compliments Trish had given her when she modeled those pullups on their online dates.

    Instead, Keeley focused on the hollowness in her belly. “Nana, what’s for breakfast?”

    “The Little girl breakfast is maple sausages, a blueberry muffin, and apple juice in a sippy cup.”

    The hungry growl that issued from Keeley’s stomach saved her the trouble of replying to Dominika. Exploring her playpen revealed that she could see out the windshield if she leaned on the front corner. To her delight, Vidette could reach just far enough to pat Keeley’s head when she leaned out of the driver’s seat.

    They were moving down the road at a good clip. Keeley marveled at the huge pedals, various dials, enormous gearshift, and CB radio in front of Vidette. Never the most confidant driver herself, she couldn’t imagine driving a vehicle as big as the bus. It was hard to remember what it looked like on the outside, but she knew she’d walked well over twenty feet from her crib to the playpen.

    “I can’t believe you can drive this thing, nanny Vidette.”

    “I couldn’t believe it either when I started that CDL class.”

    “You got a commercial driver’s license?” How? When?

    “It was a pain, but there was no way we wanted to share this trip with a driver. Nika didn’t have time to get one with the business she’s running, so I did it.”

    “I practiced a little. I can drive on the highway well enough, just don’t tell anyone.”

    Keeley giggled. “I won’t. You nannies are nuts.”

    “What do we have all this money for if it’s not to play around sometimes?” Vidette asked.

    “Ask my parents.” Keeley flopped on her back. Discovering that the ceiling above the playpen was painted with stars helped with the inevitable sadness that always accompanied talking about her mom and dad. “I don’t know what they think money is good for, except having more.”

    “We’re not going to turn into your parents,” Dominika said.

    “Even if Nika tries to, I won’t let her become your mom,” Vidette said. “That’s part of why this is a road trip. There’s not enough cell towers to have business meetings in flyover country.”

    “I SAID I was sorry about missing meeting your new girlfriend.” Dominika’s tone had the sound of a well-worn argument.

    “You literally promised me, and broke that promise. That’s why I didn’t give you a choice on this trip.”

    “And I apologized for blowing you off. I wish I hadn’t done it, that’s what an apology means.”

    “Maybe someday you’ll apologize enough to make up for not being able to warn me what a psycho Rhonda was.”

    Both nannies laughed, in an easy, friendly way. The argument – which had never sounded serious in the first place – evaporated on that laughter. It was as far from the screaming matches that Keeley’s parents had as pullup-clad Keeley was from skank-skirt Keeley. The first one was in a playpen, with nannies that loved her. The second would typically be in a warehouse party, with Zach.

    I wish they were my parents. Keeley sighed in gentle melancholy. It was silly to be sad about bad parents when she had her nannies on hand to take care of her. Already, she had trouble believing she’d fought them about restarting the baby game by the pool. She’d laughed and snuggled more in the last twelve hours than she had in the previous twelve days. I still don’t think I need them to take care of me, but it’s good. It’s really good.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 3

    The interstate highway was a pair of grey strips, surrounded by rows of trees in their full summer green. From the bus’s elevated deck, the lounge’s couch was a great place to watch the scenery. Keeley took a seat and wished that view offered something more interesting than trees. Looking out the windshield from the lounge didn’t offer visuals other than a long strip of road. The empty passenger seat next to Vidette, on the other hand, would let Keeley look everyway but behind the bus.

    Vidette put her arm out, stopping Keeley before she could reach the passenger seat. “Stop there for a sec, baby girl.”

    “Huh? Why?”

    “Nika,” Vidette called back to the kitchen. “If you’re going to let her roam around, can you put the gate up please?”

    “What are you talking about?” Keeley got no answer from Vidette and turned to Dominika with a questioning look. Her nanny left the breakfast dishes and met Keeley at the front of the bus.

    “Let me scoot by you, hon.” Dominika unlatched a thin panel behind the passenger’s seat and pulled a folding gate out from the compartment. As she latched the panel, Keeley felt her cheeks grow hot.

    “You put in a baby gate?!”

    “Safety first, Little girl.” Dominika patted Keeley’s rear patronizingly. “While we’re driving, we don’t want you past the playpen without permission.”

    “What do you think I’m going to do, fall down the stairs?” Keeley sputtered.

    “Not with the gate in place you won’t. Be a good girl and sit on the couch or in your playpen until I’m done with the dishes. You and I can sit together up front later.”

    Dominika returned to the kitchen, leaving Keeley to stare at the waist-high gate in disbelief. In terms of embarrassing, infantilizing things her nannies had done, installing a baby gate was near the top of the list. I’m surprised they don’t have child locks on the kitchen cabinets. As soon as the thought struck her, Keeley realized she didn’t know for certain if the cabinets had child locks or not. She retreated to the couch without glancing back to find out.

    Back at the window with the addition of a fine pout, Keeley leaned on the back of the couch and stared out without registering the continuous scroll of green. A wedgie in her pullup reminded her that she was going to have to wet herself and get changed again, probably before too long. Humiliation and helplessness made Keeley squirm.

    If someone had asked her how she’d like to be taken care of, Keeley would never have suggested what her nannies were doing to her. She couldn’t deny that for all the emotional and physical discomfort that came with her nannies’ baby game – she did feel cared for. Being made helpless made it easy for them to find things to do for her. But is the care I’m getting worth all the frustrations?

    Grumpily, Keeley considered throwing a tantrum. It was rare she got to throw a proper one. Her mother’s reaction to tantrums had been dire, and her dad ignored Keeley more than usual while she tantruming. She hadn’t gotten to throw more than a tiny tantrum at the beach house – unless she counted the night she got drunk, which Keeley did not.

    The only time I get to really be a brat is when Zach and I are partying. Nobody can say anything because we’re bankrolling all the drugs. Keeley sighed and pushed away her anger. She knew how Dominika would react to a tantrum, and Keeley didn’t want to ruin her nice morning with a big spanking.

    “Enjoying the scenery, baby girl?” Dominika put her arms around Keeley from behind.

    “No. It’s just dumb trees over and over.” Keeley saw no need to moderate her tone. Grumpiness was clearly distinct from tantruming, after all.

    Luckily, Dominika seemed to agree with Keeley, and gave her a squeeze instead of admonishing her. “Let’s play a game. Can you spot a word on a sign that has an A? If you see it first, I have to find a different A word, and you start looking for words with a B. First one to Z wins, you can only get one letter per sign.”

    “That’s a baby game – Amsterdam!” Keeley pointed at the exit sign looming up next to the bus.

    “Good job!” Dominika kissed Keeley on the cheek, sending a happy glow through the Little girl. Nice as Dominika’s praise was, it didn’t change the fact that they were playing a game for little kids. Not that Keeley was going stop playing – losing at a baby game would be even more embarrassing.

    Dominika got her A off a real estate sign, because of course she was on the lookout for boring signs. The joke was on Nika, because calling Keeley’s attention to that sign earned Keeley her B and sustained her lead. Not only that, but the next sign – “Coaches for Sale” – had a C but no B. Keeley was blowing her nanny out of water on the sign game!

    Keeley stalled a bit at the letter K, though the Mohawk river got her past that hurdle. Q was a brutal letter, allowing Dominika to easily catch up to Keeley. When Keeley finally spotted a sign for Quilts she pushed her nanny over on the couch.

    “Quilts, quilts! I got it!” Keeley’s triumph was short lived. Dominika yanked the Little girl down on the couch and mercilessly attacked her sides. Caught off guard, Keeley had no tickle resistance – she was reduced to shrieks and giggles.

    “No, Nika stop, stop, I hafta…” Keeley thrashed out from under her nanny but it was too late – the bladder pressure she’d been ignoring was gone, leaving her with a wet pullup.

    “Did you have an accident, baby girl?” Dominica asked, panting.

    “It’s not an accident! You make me use them.”

    “Uh huh. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Dominika took Keeley’s hand and lead her not to the changing table, but to the bathroom across from it.

    “Um, Nana? I already went.”

    Dominika pulled Keeley’s shortalls and pullup down, putting her on the toilet before answering. “I’m making sure you’ve got all your potty out. Try and potty for me, baby girl.”

    “That’s not – I don’t have to – what’s this all of a sudden?” Keeley squirmed on the toilet, feeling hot from her cheeks to the back of her neck.

    “Do you need help?” Dominika put a hand over Keeley’s bladder and pushed.

    “No I don’t!” Keeley batted Dominika’s hand away – and since her Nanny wasn’t going to give up, tried bearing down. She wasn’t sure if the few drops that hit the water had embarrassed her further, or if they were proof that she’d been right about being done.

    Either way, Dominika stood Keeley up and wiped her down, ignoring Keeley’s offers to wipe herself. The diaper game’s new wrinkle left Keeley confused and annoyed. Being put on the potty – the toilet – was easily as humiliating as having a diaper changed. The comfort level was way less than being changed on the table, however.

    If Dominika noticed Keeley’s withdrawn attitude, she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she sat Keeley down at the dining booth for lunch. Louis’ famous bacon wrapped dates and quinoa salad restored Keeley’s spirits, as they always did. After lunch, Keeley and Dominika went past the baby gate to share the passenger seat and chat with Vidette.

    “Where even are we?” Keeley peered at the road. Her knowledge of New York state was fuzzy – while she recognized the city names, they didn’t fall into a mental map for her.

    “We just passed Rochester. Lake Ontario is off to the right but you can’t see it from here.” Vidette said. “Buffalo is coming up next.”

    “Oh, then we can see Lake Erie at least.” Keeley leaned happily against Dominika. It’s been ages since I’ve been to Erie.

    “Sorry kiddo, the interstate doesn’t have a view of the lake.” Vidette sighed and twisted in her seat, audibly popping her back.

    “Nana, can’t we go on the highway that goes by the lake? Please?”

    “I’m not sure if we have time. Nika?”

    Dominika swiped the screen open on a tablet that was fixed to the passenger’s seat. She fiddled with the navigation the tablet was running and nodded. “It’ll only add a half hour. We can easily make our dinner reservations. Do you want to take a break to stretch your legs before we switch roads?”

    “Yeah, I think there’s a rest stop coming up…”

    “Nanas! What dinner reservations? Where are we going to eat?”

    “Don’t interrupt, sweetie.” Dominika swatted Keeley’s rear. “We have reservations at a steakhouse in Columbus.”

    “We’re going to eat in Ohio?” Keeley wrinkled her nose.

    “I know, I had the same reaction, but our first day of driving ends just past Columbus. We have a private dining room reserved at Herbert’s Wood Fired Grill.” Vidette shrugged.

    “Private dining…” Keeley grabbed Dominika’s arm for reassurance. “You’re not going to make me use a high chair – or a diaper – or…”

    “Baby, it’s okay.” Dominika stroked Keeley’s hair. “We have a cute outfit for you that is not a onesie. It’s Little but not too obvious. There won’t be any high chair. We did have them prepare a special meal for you though.”

    “What’s the special meal?”

    “A surprise from me.” Vidette said with a grin. “Also, you don’t have to wear a diaper but you might want to. The dinner’s going to last two or three hours. You can wear a pullup, but it might leak.”

    “No! No diaper! You said I didn’t have to.”

    “I just said it again. You can change your mind later if you want. Three hours is a long time for you to be in one pullup.”

    “I’ll bring a change in case, okay baby girl?” Dominika pulled Keeley close.

    “Okay.” Keeley huffed and snuggled into her Nana’s embrace. They’d driven in silence for ten minutes before Keeley wondered why she hadn’t asked to not wear a pullup or a diaper. My nanas would say no anyway, Keeley thought, quickly dismissing the idea.

    On their way into Buffalo, Dominika revived the alphabet sign game. She gave Keeley a coloring-book map of the United States and a box of crayons as well. Between checking signs for letters and coloring in each state for which she spotted a license plate, Keeley was a busy girl.

    Driving through downtown Buffalo to get to the highway cleared the rest of the sign game, which Keeley easily won. Her slacker nanny had barely gotten to P by the time Keeley reached Z! The abundance of cars in the city helped Keeley fill in a lot of her map too, though progress there slowed way down once they were on the two-lane highway.

    Keeley watched the water whenever the trees permitted a view of Lake Erie. Her nannies were chatting about business stuff – Keeley immediately tuned that nonsense out. The hum of the bus’s engine and the peaceful water had Keeley in a drowsy cuddle with Dominika. After a pullup change, Dominika put Keeley in the playpen for a nap. Keeley  had no objection and promptly made a blanket nest.


    Waking up under a pile of blankets and stuffies made Keeley want to ignore her nanny’s persistent calls. It was the prospect of fancy food that convinced Keeley to crawl out of her nest and stumble down to the bedroom with Dominika. She let her nanny strip her naked, not questioning that Dominika put her on the potty.

    “Are you sure you want to wear a pullup at dinner?” Dominika bent Keeley over and wiped her crotch clean. “Nobody will see a diaper under your outfit, and you won’t have to worry about leaks.”

    “I’m a big girl,” Keeley insisted, with a sleepy yawn.

    “Of course you are, sweetie.” Dominika kissed Keeley on the forehead. “Pullup it is. You’re going to be fully babied out tomorrow though, the whole day.”

    “I am?” Keeley stepped into the pullup Dominika was holding, bracing herself on her nanny’s shoulders.

    “There’s not much happening tomorrow on the road, we’re driving from Ohio to Nebraska. It’s a good day for it.” Dominika pulled pastel yellow tights up Keeley’s legs and patted her rear.

    “Okay nana.” Keeley lifted her arms to accept the pink polka-dot dress Dominika was offering. She didn’t want to spend a whole day like a baby – obviously – but there was no use arguing with her nannies. It’ll be harmless enough in the bus anyway, and it sounds like we don’t have any stops. I can’t imagine there’s anything interesting in Ohio or Nebraska.

    As Dominika put a hairband with a bow on it in Keeley’s hair, she blinked at the bedroom mirror. Her dress’ top was cut for a woman, but the skirt was way too full for a grown up dress. A bow to match the one in her hair adorned the top of her skirt. She fiddled with the skirt, and glanced down at Dominika. Her nanny was putting Keeley’s shoes on, which gave Keeley a chance to smile at the mirror unnoticed. The girl in the mirror looked like a Little princess – dressed far more frivolously than Keeley’s mom would have allowed. I can’t believe mom bought me my first pantsuit when I was five.

    “What do you think?” Dominika asked.

    “It’s pretty.” Keeley belied her casual tone with a quick spin to make her skirt poof out. Dominika’s beaming smile was a joy to see. It wouldn’t do to encourage her nannies too much, but it was fine for them to know when they picked something nice.

    Without warning, they arrived at the steakhouse. Vidette had apparently picked a place that was right off the highway. Keeley hoped that didn’t spell doom for the quality of its food. The restaurant’s décor didn’t encourage her much either. It was a mess of old photos, sculpted wood, and over-fancy carpet for a place that was serving food. They want to look like old money really badly – too bad they don’t know that being old money sucks.

    Keeley was shocked out of her restaurant critique when her nannies seated her at the head of their private table. Dominika always sits at the head of the table. The three of them were seated end of a table for twelve while nice but overly solicitous staff hovered around them. Idly, Keeley wondered how much her nannies had overpaid for their dinner.

    “The menu is already set for the most part,” said a waitress, as she presented Keeley with a small menu. “As the guest of honor, your friends wanted you to choose the appetizers.”

    The nannies looked like a pair of cats who’d swallowed canaries. Keeley rolled her eyes, before favoring them with a warm smile. It was sweet for them to call her a guest of honor, even if they were being upper-class dorks about it.

    “We’ll have the shrimp cocktail, the blue cheese potato chips, an order of the pretzel onion rings, and some crab cakes.” Keeley handed the menu back to the waitress without looking at her. She might not like high society, but her mom had ensured that Keeley could navigate fancy affairs in her sleep. A restaurant in Ohio was easy mode compared to a country club in upstate New York anyway.

    “Good picks.” Vidette smiled eagerly. “Now, a toast. To a well earned vacation with our favorite girl!”

    They all lifted their champagne flutes – Keeley’s drink was a slightly different color than her nannies’. Her suspicions were confirmed by the sweet taste of sparkling cider. She stuck her tongue out at her nannies and laughed. “Thanks Nika, Vi.”

    “We love you, sweetie.” Dominika reached over to squeeze Keeley’s leg.

    Conversation flowed pleasantly over appetizers and bubbly drinks. As guest of honor, Keeley banned all work and business talk, with Vidette seconding the motion. It was heavenly to catch up on her nannies’ social lives and families. The food was good too, and the staff were polished. No-one’s glass was ever more than two thirds empty.

    “Trish is excited to start at ABDU. Last time we talked, she confirmed she was going to Rush too.” Vidette handed her appetizer plate off to the small army of waitstaff that were clearing the table.

    “She’s going to join a sorority?” Keeley pouted. “They’ll ruin her.”

    “Trish hasn’t committed to my sorority pick yet, but if she goes with Delta Lambda Gamma they’ll do nothing of the sort.” Dominika tasted the glass of wine the head waiter handed her, nodded, and motioned for him to pour for Vidette.

    “I don’t want Trish to be a sorority girl. Even if it’s your sorority.” Keeley sighed. “I like that she’s different.”

    “She’s a confident and strong-willed woman, I wouldn’t worry so much about her.” Vidette accepted her glass of wine and a plate bearing a gorgeous steak. “Especially since her supposed girlfriend never visits her.”

    “That’s not fair.” Keeley ducked her head, concentrating on the plate of ravioli that had been set in front of her. The smell of them picked at old memories of Keeley’s.

    “Vidette could have said many less fair things, and you know it.” Dominika nodded to the waiter. He quietly informed her on the best way to get the staff’s attention before withdrawing with the rest of the staff, to give the diners some privacy.

    “You have to help fix it.” Keeley waited out Dominika and Vidette’s incredulous expressions until the last staff member was out of the room. “You’re my nannies, its your job.”

    Vidette laughed. “Be careful what you ask for. If it’s in our job to fix things with Trish, we can fix things with Zach too.”

    “I’d love to fix his little red wagon.” Dominika grumbled.

    Keeley shrugged. “You don’t let me hang out with him when you’re being my nannies anyway.”

    “Vidette is talking about a long term fix to the Zach problem, hon.”

    Keeley crossed her arms and stared down at her plate. Her kiddie plate with its stupid raviolis, instead of the nice steaks her nannies had. What’s the point of coming to a steakhouse and not getting steak? “You don’t understand.”

    “You’re right, we don’t.” Vidette said. “We’d like to, though.”

    “Zach is – a jerk, and a druggie, and he’s not always nice to me.” Keeley shot Dominika an annoyed look as her nanny loudly scoffed. “But he’s hot, I’ve known him forever, and he makes mom and dad really mad.”

    “Baby girl, did it not occur to you that your parents wouldn’t like Trish either? She’s nice to you, not a drug addict, and I promise your mom will hate her.” Vidette took a bite of her steak and sighed happily.

    “That’s the point! Zach is from a super nice family. Mom and dad could never insult his parents by kicking him off the property for good.” Keeley trembled, wiping at her eyes. They were filing faster than she could clear them. “They can’t take him away.”

    “Keeley, sweetheart.” Dominika got out of her chair and pressed her napkin gently to Keeley’s eyes in turn. “We wouldn’t let them take Trish away from you.”

    “Why do you think we want her to attend ABDU and join a sorority?” Vidette asked. “Do you know who the Delta-Gs are connected to in New England?”

    “I don’t know anything about your stupid sorority.” Keeley whimpered. Dominika put her napkin to Keeley’s nose – the Little girl obediently blew.

    “We don’t need to get into details on Delta Lambda Gamma now,” Dominika said. “All that matters for this conversation is that there are people sponsoring the Delta-Gs, who’s influence makes Zach’s parents look middle-class. Your parents wouldn’t want to upset them either.”

    “B-b-but other than you two, he’s my only friend.”

    “Sweetie, don’t you think there’s a reason for that? People don’t like Zach. It would be a lot easier for you to make and keep friends if he wasn’t around.” Vidette squeezed Keeley’s arm gently.

    “I don’t know.” Keeley sniffled.

    “Nothing’s getting decided tonight. Eat your dinner, baby girl.” Dominika gave Keeley a quick hug and resumed her seat.

    Listlessly, Keeley speared a ravioli and stuffed it in her mouth. The taste exploded, illuminating long forgotten memories. Keeley chewed and swallowed, staring at Vidette in wonder. Her mouth was full of the taste of smugly winning against her mother. The sauce texture brought back memories of laughing with Vidette and Dominika while the adults were drinking. Her dish’s aftertaste was a memory of falling asleep with Gordo in her arms, on the long ride home.

    The happiest years of Keeley’s life had been in preschool and kindergarten, when her parents and her nannies’ parents had been inseparable. They were constantly going to dinner at a country club on lake Erie, trying to cut deals with important New York families.

    Mom’s insistence on a bland upper-class lifestyle was already closing around Keeley at the time, though her mom’s lifestyle aesthetic hadn’t felt like a noose, yet. The Erie Country Club was where she’d first learned how to frustrate her mother in an “acceptable” manner. Keeley’s Mom sneered at the duck-bison-rabbit ravioli the moment the dish was mentioned. Too bad for her that she insisted on Keeley ordering her own food. Keeley ordered the “vulgar” dish every single time.

    “How? That country club closed!”

    “The head chef here worked there before it closed down, and he’s still friends with the former head chef from the Erie Country Club.” Vidette was smiling fit to break her face in half. “He knew the recipe as soon as I asked!”

    “Nana…” Keeley sobbed. Both her nannies were holding her in seconds – she clung to them desperately. She would have held them forever, but it wouldn’t do to ruin her nannies’ dinners. After squeezing them both tightly, Keeley sent Dominika and Vidette back to their seats and tucked into her ravioli.

    The overwhelming care they’d shown for her had Keeley desperate to return the favor. She decided right away that she wouldn’t complain about having a baby day and used her pullup without making a fuss. It wasn’t even weird to sit in a wet pullup – not while Keeley was brimming with happiness.

    Vidette checked Keeley’s pullup before dessert and offered to change her – Keeley put the matter in her nanny’s hands. Seeing Vidette smile and declare that Keeley was fine until they got back to the RV was a tiny repayment for her nanny’s thoughtfulness. Keeley doubled down by asking Vidette to get her ready for bed.


    The sun was setting when the bus pulled into an RV park for the night. While Dominika was busy extending the bedroom’s pop-out wall so the nannies’ mattresses could lie flat – Vidette took Keeley to the bathroom and washed her up for bed. Keeley didn’t complain about her nine-o-clock bedtime – she joked with Vidette and picked out a cute baby diaper to wear. After Vidette had put Keeley in a soft lavender onesie, she held her nanny as tightly as she’d wanted to at the restaurant.

    “I love you, Nana. Thank you.”

    “I love you too, baby girl.” Vidette was in no hurry to end the hug, holding Keeley just as tightly, before tucking her into her wall-alcove crib.

    “Will you read me a story?”

    “I’d love to. You’re being such a darling girl tonight.”

    “When somebody does something super nice for me like you did today – it’s the least I can do.” Keeley wrapped her arms around her scruffy plush rat and tucked him under her chin. “Maybe – I could use some help with Zach.”

    “We’ll work on that another day.” Vidette ran her fingers through Keeley’s hair. “Ready for your story?”

    “Yes, Nana.” Keeley closed her eyes and pulled her nanny’s love around her like a weighted blanket. She was out like a light before the bear in Vidette’s story made it to her train.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 4

    The Bus was moving before Keeley awoke for the first time. Bleary-eyed, she took in the dim bedroom beyond her crib bars. Her nannies had added a pair of nightlights while she slept. Light was glimmering at the edges of the back window’s curtains too, making it easy for Keeley to spot the bedroom’s other addition, a baby monitor. The monitor sat across the bedroom’s narrow walking space, in a wall-mounted bracket that was purpose-made for it.

    Keeley remembered resenting the baby monitor at the Beach House. It had appeared after her terrifying fight with her nannies and was an extra embarrassment when Trish had come to babysit her. The second time around, she found the monitor comforting. Keeley waved to the monitor, used her diaper, and drifted off to sleep.

    The second time Keeley awoke, it was to Vidette ruffling her hair. “Wake up baby girl. Even on a baby day, you can’t sleep all day.”

    “Says who?” Keeley climbed out of bed despite her protest. Her tummy was hollow and her throat dry. That Vidette ignored Keeley’s bratty question, in favor of leading her to the changing table, was on par for what Keeley remembered from her baby time at the beach house. Unlike the beach house, Vidette was in a mind for multitasking.

    “Drink up.” Vidette pressed a baby bottle into Keeley’s hands before attending to her diaper. The protein shake in the bottle was a tasty strawberry-vanilla, but thick enough that breakfast promised to be a slow affair. While Keeley sucked diligently at her bottle, Vidette stripped her of her diaper and onesie. A warm sponge pressed to Keeley’s chest, making her giggle and spill some of her shake on her chin.

    “Nana, you’re giving me a sponge bath?”

    “That’s right, baby girl. We’re going to baby you as much as we want today, and that turns out to be a lot.” Vidette ran her fingers down Keeley’s sides with quick tickling taps.

    “I’m only doing this because you were so nice yesterday, though. I’m not a baby.” Wiggle and squirm as she might, Keeley couldn’t get away from Vidette’s ticklish fingers or sponge.

    “You’re a big girl, then?” Vidette smirked at Keeley’s fervent nod. “Some baby just piddled a little on the changing table, and I think that was you.”

    “No I – I…” Keeley shoved her bottle’s nipple back in her mouth as a wave of heat flowed across her face. She was only teasing, I didn’t pee! Or if I did, it’s her fault for tickling me.

    Vidette’s sponge would start out hot from the steaming tray of water she dipped it in, cooling while she scrubbed Keeley down. The repeated cycle of hot to warm combined nicely with the bus’s vibrations to relax Keeley. She was limply obedient in Vidette’s hands by the time her nanny brought a fresh tray of water to wash Keeley’s hair. Having super-hot water rubbed into her scalp took Keeley to a place she’d only achieved by getting a massage after meditating. A second dribble of pee ruined her peaceful state and sent Keeley hiding behind her hands.

    “It’s a good thing this changing table has a waterproof pad.” Vidette mopped up Keeley’s little accident and put a thick diaper under the girl’s rear. After two accidents, Keeley couldn’t object to a nighttime diaper or the thick booster pad that went inside. Walking would be a pain with that much padding between her legs, but she suspected her nannies were going to make her crawl anyway.

    Once Keeley was diapered, it was clear her nanny hadn’t been kidding about babying her. The first part of her outfit was a pair of plastic panties over her diaper, followed by a baby dress in pink with a fuzzy yellow lamb stitched on the front. The skirt flared out enough to keep Keeley’s padded butt permanently exposed. Fuzzy white knee-socks completed the outfit. The socks were Keeley’s favorite part of her outfit, owing mostly to the puppy face print on them – though the extra padding on her knees was nice for crawling.

    She was not surprised by Vidette putting a pacifier in her mouth or putting her in her playpen. At least Vidette had given her coloring books and crayons to play with instead of full on baby toys. Keeley wasn’t feeling Little enough to play with blocks and rings, though she did snatch Gordo out of Vidette’s hands when she offered Keeley the stuffed rat.

    With Gordo tucked firmly under one arm and a full belly, Keeley immersed herself in her coloring book. At the beach house, her nannies had given Keeley a faerie coloring book. This time it was packed patterns of similar objects, like a page full of flowers, or cupcakes. I bet they think I won’t be able to customize the pictures with everything so crowded. Nice try, nanas!

    Keeley started with the cupcake page, using her black and grey crayons to tuck little rats amongst the overlapping cupcakes. Rats were delighted by cupcakes, as she knew well from her friendship with Gordo. The rumble of the road and dopplered buzz of passing cars mingled with the sounds of her nannies talking to make the perfect white noise for coloring. She was doing so well with concentrating on her art that she didn’t notice Dominika joining her in her playpen until Nika set a bag of cheerios next to her.

    “Thanks Nana!” Keeley shoved a handful of cheerios in her mouth and returned to meticulously coloring the sprinkles on her page of cupcakes. When Dominika pulled Keeley’s plastic panties down and slipped a finger in her diaper’s leg-guard, Keeley was distracted enough to that her crayon slipped. “Nana! You made me smudge my sprinkle.”

    “Sorry baby girl.” Dominika chuckled. “I’m just checking. You don’t need a change yet.”

    “That’s because I’m dry, duh!” Keeley rolled her eyes at Dominika.

    “I didn’t say you were dry, just that you didn’t need a change.”

    No way, I haven’t pottied since I was on the changing table. Whatever, my nanas are just teasing me again. Keeley pouted at Dominika, “Now I have to redo all my sprinkles so they match the one with the smudge.”

    “Can I see your picture so far?” Dominika pulled Keeley’s plastic panties up and patted her rear.

    “Look! I bet you thought I wouldn’t be able to add on to the pictures, but I did.”

    Dominica laughed, patting Keeley’s head with a proud smile. “I didn’t think about that, actually, it just looked like a fun book to color.”

    “It is, but now this sprinkle is messed up and so they all have to get a smudge. It’s okay though, it’ll be kind of like they’re bleeding color onto the frosting.”

    “That’s my baby artist. We have a surprise for you when we get to the festival, by the way.”

    “What is it?” Keeley bounced on her padded butt, grinning at the ridiculous thickness of her diaper.

    “It’s a surprise, silly girl. An art related one.”

    Keeley blew a raspberry at Dominika and got back to her art. Fixing the sprinkles took forever, but she found she liked her cupcakes better with some coloring outside the lines. Moving on to the page of flowers, Keeley decided to offset her colors from the petals to give the page a watercolor look. With the flowers looking slightly blurred, the pixies that Keeley added to the page stood out all the more. Not long after her flower page was done, Vidette unceremoniously rolled Keeley over and checked her diaper. Keeley expected to be wet for her second check, and she was, though Vidette didn’t think a change was in order.

    I don’t know why my dumb nannies put me in a super big diaper if they’re just going to check me all the time, Keeley grumped. Lunchtime followed Vidette’s diaper check, which brightened Keeley’s spirits considerably.

    “Do I get another of Louis’ lunches?” Keeley drummed her palms eagerly on the table.

    “You do, if you can be a good baby and let me feed it to you.” Vidette brought Keeley a steaming bowl who’s contents Keeley identified by smell before the cover came off. Braised short ribs and black barley with mushrooms was a huge favorite. Her dumb mom always vetoed the dish, because it mostly one color.

    “I’ll be good!” Keeley fidgeted in anticipation while Vidette fixed a bib around her neck and was ready with her mouth open for the first bite! As always, Louis’s food was angelic, even reheated. He’d made the dish himself instead of delegating it, Keeley could tell. I didn’t realize he cared about me at all. It was really sweet of him to not use the other cooks, I bet it was a lot of work to make so many lunches. Keeley made Vidette scape every last bit of barley out of the bowl and leaned against her nanny while she was fed a water bottle.

    “Nana, has it been this flat the whole time?” Keeley stared at the window at the expanse of fields which was dotted by the very occasional building or tree.

    “We went through Chicago while you were coloring, though there wasn’t that much more to see since the freeway doesn’t go through the dense part of the city.” Vidette dipped a napkin in her water glass and scrubbed Keeley’s mouth and chin clean. “The Mississippi is coming up soon, I think that’s our only big landmark until our next stop.”

    “This is a good day for a baby day.” Keeley said, yawning.

    “Are you having fun?” Vidette squeezed Keeley, compressing her tummy uncomfortably.

    “Nana, don’t, I’m super full.” Keeley wiggled out of her nanny’s grasp and kneeled on the booth seat to watch the corn roll by. “Today is fun but I don’t want to do it all the time.”

    “Oh, what do you want to do all the time? Be our Little girl in pullups and play with coloring books, like you said yesterday?”

    “I said no pullups yesterday, Nana. I don’t need diapers.”

    “You liked the bath and diaper change I gave you this morning.”

    “That was like – a spa treatment.”

    “Interesting spas you’ve been going to.” Vidette chuckled as she rose to clear the lunch dishes. “Go sit on the couch and I’ll come snuggle you until we cross the river. Then it’s nap time.”

    Keeley waddled to the lounge, glad it was right next to the dining area. Her diaper had gotten heavy since morning. There was nothing new out the window, so she took a squishy seat and watched Dominika drive.

    “Nanny Nika, when do we get to the river?”

    “We’ll cross the Mississippi around two.” Dominika glanced at the navigation tablet. “In about twenty minutes.”

    “When did we start driving?” Keeley wasn’t sure where the Mississippi was, but it seemed middle-ish on the continent. A long, long way from New Hampshire, for certain.

    “We left the campground at seven am sharp,” Dominika said proudly.

    Keeley shook her head. “You’ve already been driving a really long time.”

    “The whole trip is three thousand miles, we’ll never get there unless we put in the hours.” Dominika shrugged. “Vidette and I are switching off today, so it’s not too bad.”

    “Why didn’t we just fly?”

    “We wanted a lot of private time with our baby girl.” Vidette took a seat on the couch and pulled Keeley against her.

    “Burning Man won’t be just the three of us, we’ll have servants and a ton of festival people around,” Dominika said. “Plus this is Vi’s not so sneaky way to keep me from checking my email.”

    “It’s working too,” Vidette said. “You are way more relaxed.”

    While Dominika grumbled her agreement, Keeley straddled Vidette’s lap so she could look out the window without losing her snuggles. She stared at the fields without really seeing them, focusing on the feel of Vidette’s arms around her.

    “Nana…” Keeley said softly. “I still don’t understand why you like this baby game but – I see how much work you put in. Thank you.”

    “We adore you, sweetie.” Vidette stroked Keeley’s back. “You make a great baby.”

    “You’re such a nerd, Nana.”

    “Be nice or I’ll put your pacifier in.”

    Keeley rolled her eyes and settled in for a good snuggle. She was beginning to believe that there was nothing in the world but corn and wheat, when scattered houses and stores began to appear. The sparkling waters of the Mississippi were a soothing sight. Not that the river wowed Keeley, but at half a mile across it was the largest river she’d seen. Keeley was glad to take her nap in her playpen, the crib was fine, but too far away from everyone. Vidette pulled the curtains closed and brought down the lights, which combined with the pile of blankets Keeley was under, put her right to sleep.

    Waking up in the middle of a diaper change was a bit embarrassing. Keeley’s diaper felt and smelled like she’d maxed it out. She blinked her bleary eyes to see that it was Dominika changing her.

    “What time is it?” Keeley yawned.

    “Almost six. Time for dinner and a movie if you want. Then it’ll be off to bed for our baby girl.” Dominika finished her wipe job and slid a bulky diaper under Keeley’s rear.

    “Isn’t that early?” Keeley yawned again. “I’m not sleepy.”

    “Considering how late you’ve been waking up, I think you’ll be fine.” Dominika set the tapes on Keeley’s diaper and patted the Little girl’s belly. “Babies have an early bedtime, so don’t argue.”

    “Bleh.” Keeley stuck her tongue out at Dominika but crawled obediently to the dining booth. Dinner was Louis’ award winning duck curry and another bottle of water. Figuring she might as well indulge her baby side to round out the day, Keeley chose an animated princess movie to watch while she lay her head in Dominika’s lap.

    She wasn’t sleepy at all when bedtime came – her yawns were the result of Dominika stroking her hair for the whole movie, and nothing else. Despite that, she graciously let Dominika brush her teeth and tuck her into her crib when they arrived at the night’s campground. As further proof of how not-tired she was, Keeley got through the whole story that Dominika read her. She watched her nannies extend the bedroom and lay their mattresses out, drifting off to sleep while Vidette was making the beds.

    The next day, Keeley woke to her nannies collapsing the extendable bedroom and showering. A shower sounded lovely. Keeley fiddled with the latches on her crib until she got the bars to drop and hopped out of bed.

    “Nanas, can I have a shower too? It’s not a baby day today, right?”

    “It’s not a baby day, but you are going to be in diapers.” Vidette stepped out of the bathroom in a towel. “Do you want help getting your diaper and pajamas off?”

    Keeley’s nighttime diaper was soaked, which was information she didn’t think her nannies needed. They’d just make fun of her, when it was clearly unreasonable for anyone to hold their pee for – however long it had been since her early bedtime.

    “I can do it. What time is it anyway?” Keeley closed the bathroom door and locked it, before dumping her diaper in the trash.

    “Six thirty. We’re going to get moving in a half hour, so take a quick shower if you want to have breakfast with us.” Vidette’s voice faded off with the sound of the bedroom door closing.

    A short shower was still a shower. Keeley was impressed with how much heat and water pressure the RV shower offered, though its dimensions were a bit cramped. She wrapped a towel around herself on the way out of the bathroom like her nannies had, but she might as well not have bothered. As soon as she was out of the bathroom Dominika stripped Keeley of her towel and put her on the changing table. The day’s diaper was, at least, a fairly slim one. Keeley was excited to be in an overall dress and feeding herself at breakfast. Sure, her breakfast was pre-cut waffles and came with a sippy cup, but the waffles were loaded with butter and syrup so Keely didn’t care.

    As her nannies started up the bus and set out on the endless road, Keeley reclaimed her coloring book and dug around in the art supplies she’d packed. Crayons were fun, but she wanted something with more precise control, which she found in her colored pencils. The window showed more grassy fields – Keeley was sick of those. She hunched over her coloring book at the dining table and tuned out the world.

    When Dominika joined Keeley for her morning diaper check, the Little girl had a dry diaper and several completed coloring book pages to show her nanny. She was particularly proud of the tiny mouse people that she’d worked into a page full of overlapping birds. The mice were dressed in flight suits and wearing goggles as they navigated their avian landscape.

    “Wow, you did this with colored pencils?” Dominika shook her head. “I had to double check that the mice weren’t part of the page to begin with.”

    “I matched the style of the page pretty close, I think.” Keeley squirmed proudly. “You really like it?”

    “I’m impressed, seriously. I think you’ll love how much art happens at Burning Man. I’m excited to see what you do there.”

    “Oh, I don’t know, I’ve never taken any classes or anything.” Keeley ducked her head. Matching the style of a kid’s coloring book was cake. Putting her art up next to professional artists’ work? That was too scary an idea to contemplate.

    “I don’t think making art requires classes. Anyway, why aren’t you using your diaper? You didn’t hesitate yesterday.”

    “It’s not a baby day today.” Keeley rolled her eyes. “I don’t have to go all the time.”

    “Is that how it works?” Dominika’s amused smile was irritating. Keeley wasn’t sure what her nanny was implying, but it was probably something about how Keeley was a dumb baby. “Well you’re still using your diapers for pee today, so you might as well when you need to go.”

    “I don’t need to, I’m fine.”

    “Mmm hmm. Do you want to play some more car games? We can play the sign game again, or I have some road-bingo sheets.”

    “Road bingo sounds fun.” Keeley took her sheet of paper and kneeled by the window, keeping a sharp eye out for the various car models, state license plates, and roadside events printed on her sheet. Dominika had a cocktail and offered Keeley a sippy cup with soda in it. Keeley succumbed to using her diaper, but not because her nanny had reminded her it was inevitable.

    Sharp observation skills won Keeley the game of road bingo along with a square of velvety dark chocolate. The prospect of prizes had Keeley champing at the bit to play the sign game again – at which she utterly dominated her nanny. Her second square of chocolate had to wait for lunch and a diaper change, but was all the sweeter for that. After lunch, Dominika took over driving and Keeley returned to her coloring book while she and Vidette chatted.

    Vidette checked her phone, announced it was two pm, and then said something dumb, “When you finish up that page, it’s nap time.”

    “I don’t need a nap today, it’s not a baby day.” Keeley’s pencil flew across the paper, abandoning care for speed. Starting another page before her discussion with Vidette was over would be good, in case her nanny somehow managed to sell her on the idea of a nap.

    “You’re staying up late tonight, hon. Not only do you have a nap today but it’s going to be a long one, in your crib.”

    “Nana, no!” Keeley glared at Vidette. “I stay up late all the time, I don’t need a dumb nap.”

    “Yes you do. We’re getting to Burning Man really late tomorrow. Two late nights in a row will make for a cranky baby.”

    “I’m not a baby! It’s just your dumb game!” Keeley threw her colored pencil at Vidette, she was done with that color anyway.

    Vidette watched the pencil bounce off her shoulder and got up from the dining booth calmly. “Keeley, you know you’re not allowed to throw things. You also don’t get to tell your nannies what the rules are, or shout at us.”

    “Nanny Vi, don’t be such a bitch. I’m playing along with – hey!”

    Vidette grabbed Keeley under her armpit and hauled her out of her seat with surprising strength. Keeley staggered out of the dining booth, only to be bent over the table before she could catch her balance.

    “You can’t call your nanny a bitch either, Little girl.”

    “Hey no! No spanking! Stop! Ow!” Keeley’s wild wiggles came to an end when Vidette folded Keeley’s arm behind her back.

    “You agreed to us being your nannies again, and you knew that included spankings for bad behavior.” Vidette pulled Keeley’s diaper down to her thighs, leaving the Little girl’s butt framed between her diaper and overall skirt.

    “I don’t want a spanking or a nap! Why can’t we just hang out and – ow! Ow! Ow!” Keeley had always considered Dominika the big disciplinarian, but she’d either forgotten how hard her other nanny spanked, or Vidette had hidden stern depths. From the first few slaps, Keeley’s butt was on fire and her nanny was only getting warmed up. Keeley’s yelps quickly became shrieks, which in turn became sobs. Crying didn’t stop the spanking either, Vidette brought her hand down a good ten times after she’d already drawn tears.

    Whimpering, sniffling, and hoping the spanking was done, Keeley didn’t dare move. Though Vidette stepped away from the table, Keeley kept her palms flat on it. Her nanny returned with soothing cream for Keeley’s rear that took away the bright sting but left the deep ache in her butt. With her diaper back up and skirt back in place, Keeley took a seat in response to Vidette imperiously pointing at the dining booth. Vidette took a seat on the table and looked down at Keeley with a serious expression.

    “Do you know what you did wrong?”

    “Nothing.” Keeley pouted sullenly.

    “If you think you can’t get a second spanking right after the first one, you’re about to find out how wrong you are, Little girl.”

    “I threw a pencil at you.”

    “That’s right, but it’s not the only thing. What else did I say before I spanked you?”

    “I yelled at you.”


    “I – was bossy.”

    “Good enough. We’re not going to put up with any of that kind of behavior from you, understand?”

    “I understand.” Keeley slumped in her chair. Stupid Vidette. I hate her.

    “I don’t think you do.” Vidette lifted Keeley’s chin, forcing the Little girl to meet her gaze. “Being your nannies isn’t just about having fun and playing games.”

    “Yeah, it’s about being mean to me too.”

    “What are we doing that’s mean?”

    “Making me wear diapers and spanking me.”

    “You’re wearing diapers because it reinforces that you’re the Little girl, all the time. I spanked you because you misbehaved.”

    “It hurt.” Keeley whimpered.

    “Good. Then you won’t forget it right away. Do you know what I think about you, Keeley?”

    “What?” Now’s the part where she tells me that I’m dumb and she doesn’t like me.

    “I think you act out like a brat because you want to see if anyone will care, or set boundaries. When your mom stopped disciplining you, you ended up with Zach.” Vidette let go of Keeley’s chin and patted her cheek. “That ends now. Dominika and I are going to discipline you when you act out. We won’t let you be a bad girl.”

     “That’s stupid, you’re stupid. I don’t do that.” Keeley crossed her arms.

    “Keeley, that’s enough. One more rude word out of you and you lose your big girl clothes. Next thing to go will be your potty privileges for going number two.”

    Keeley opened her mouth to retort – and thought better of it. She wasn’t giving in to her nannies’ insanity, but she didn’t want to poop in a diaper either. Vidette waited Keeley out, staring sternly at her until the Little girl sighed and looked away.

    “Sorry Nana.”

    “I want to hear you say, I’ll try to be a good girl.”

    Keeley rolled her eyes until she saw spots. Despite that, she said, “I’ll try to be a good girl.”

    “Do you mean it?”

    “I – yeah, okay.”

    “Taking care of you includes keeping you out of trouble.” Vidette leaned down and kissed Keeley on the forehead. “Now, its naptime.”

    “Okay, fine.” Keeley stumped down the hall to the bedroom – Vidette didn’t comment on her display of defiance, which was annoying. She let her nanny strip her of her overalls and climbed into her crib.

    “You’re not to get up until one of us comes to get you.” Vidette said as she raised the bars. “If you need us, you can call out, the baby monitor will be on. There’s nothing to do in bed, so you might as well sleep.”

    “You can’t make me sleep.”

    “That’s right. If you want to, you can be grouchy and bored.” Vidette closed the blackout curtains and turned off the lights. The two nightlights glowed to life automatically. “I hope you nap and wake up in a better mood. Sleep well, sweetie.”

    Keeley pouted first at Vidette, then at the baby monitor when her nanny stepped out of the bedroom. Neither pout had any effect. Worming her way into her blankets made her diaper rustle and her bottom ache. After some experimentation, Keeley managed to find a comfortable position without any pressure on her spanked rear.

    Now they’re going to try to what – raise me? Once this vacation is over, the game is done too. They’ll go back to work and I’ll be alone again. A horrible heavy feeling settled on Keeley’s heart when she completed her thought. Her nannies had been way more attentive and sweet to her on their second round with the baby game. The thought of going back to her parents’ lonely house was almost scary.

    Maybe I do act out on purpose sometimes. It’s not like I really said that Vi and Nika could parent me but – I guess it means they care what I do. Keeley sighed and snuggled her stuffed rat close. Her mind drifted to a hypothetical, where Zach invited her to a party with lots of drugs. My nannies would probably – spank me and ground me if they found out I was going. As unpleasant as the imagined punishment sounded – the thought of it made Keeley feel safe. Giving up on independence for the moment, Keeley used her diaper and closed her eyes.


    After her nap, Keeley was on her best behavior. She knew behaving after a punishment would only encourage her nannies to be strict with her – but decided she preferred that to fighting with them. She didn’t even mind when they teased her about needing to be woken up after claiming she didn’t need a nap. It wasn’t like she could protest while she was still yawning.

    “There it is, get Keeley to the window.” Vidette said from the driver’s seat.

    “Up there, Keeley.” Dominika pointed upward. Keeley followed her nanny’s finger and was shocked to see a fully assembled pterodactyl skeleton atop a post on the side of the road.

    “What is this place?”

    “Dinosaur national monument.” Dominika pointed further down the road at a life-size T-Rex statue. “It’s also got some of the best stargazing in the country. Ready to eat dinner picnic style, while we watch the stars?”

    Keeley was helpless to stop the happy giggle that bubbled out of her. She spotted more dinosaur skeletons and statues by the roadside, pointing each out to Dominika. Vidette found a quiet spot off the road and shut all the lights down while Dominika set up a blanket in the warm sunset light. The nannies wedged Keeley between them on the blanket while they all took turns feeding each other. Keeley took particular delight in “missing” her nannies’ mouths to get cheese on their chins. Vidette and Dominika took her antics in good humor, even turning dinner into a minor food fight. The only thing that would have made dinner more perfect was if Trish could have been there.

    As the last rays of light vanished from the horizon, Keeley looked up and gasped. She’d never in her life imagined that there could be so many stars in the sky. The land around them was dark for miles and miles, without a single big city to put a glow on the horizon. The night sky with scattered pinpricks of stars was gone, replaced with rivers of multicolored twinkling lights. Keeley watched the stars and picked out satellites to show her nannies until she was yawning too much to keep track of what lights were moving and which were fixed.

    Dominika put Keeley to bed without a story, which was fine. Keeley barely made it into her crib before her eyelids refused to stay open. Wrapped in blankets and a thick nighttime diaper, Keeley fell asleep feeling completely safe.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 5

    Another day on the road had Keeley waking up in her crib, getting her diaper changed, and sent to the lounge with a blanket and her stuffies. The morning passed by with cartoons and naps. Keeley didn’t know why she was so sleepy all the time, but it had been the same at the beach house. Certainly she was feeling a bit antsy after four days without so much as a sip of alcohol or a THC gummy. While her nannies were carrying the stress load that normally made Keeley crave those things, they couldn’t carry the lack of those things as well.

    After lunch, Keeley was given the choice between more car games and another nap – she came down firmly on the side of the nap, despite knowing she’d have to sleep in her crib. None of the new games that Dominika suggested seemed fun, while road bingo and the sign game felt played out. The road trip had started out with a bang, but almost three thousand miles later it was impossible to hide the fact that they simply had to grind out the miles. That her nannies felt it too was obvious, and neither of them objected to Keeley going to bed.

    For picking the baby option, Keeley got a baby bottle and something pureed for dinner. Though the unnamed food-smoothie looked questionable, it tasted amazing. It was so good that Keeley was sure it had been prepared by Louis. I hope my nannies didn’t call it baby food when they asked him to make this.

    A seemingly routine diaper change after dinner took a strange turn with Vidette struggling to get the tapes set on Keeley’s latest diaper. She sat up on her elbows and frowned at her nanny. “Nanny Vi, that one is the wrong size. We have plenty of other ones.”

    “It’s a size smaller than you normally wear but it’s for a reason. Trust your nanny.” Vidette finished securing the diaper and Keeley wiggled her butt. Her new diaper wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was tight.

    She was taken to the dining table in nothing but her little diaper where she had to sit quietly while Vidette painted her makeup on. Without a mirror, she couldn’t tell exactly what Vidette was up to, but it felt like a reasonable facsimile of her regular makeup look. When she finally got something to wear, Vidette had Keeley step into it instead of pulling it over her head. She found herself in a onesie-bodysuit, with no snaps on the crotch. There were cutesy ruffles around the leg holes and on the garment’s shoulder straps. A huge pastel pink bow covered most of her bust, while the main garment was a pattern of bunnies and strawberries on a blue background.

    The new onesie felt like lingerie, a feeling that only intensified when vidette put a blue and pink choker on her. After finally getting to look at herself in the mirror, Keeley was impressed with how well Vi had done her makeup. The baby girl in the mirror was oddly sensual, which was confusing.

    “Nana, how come you have me dressed up all sexy? I thought you and nanny Nika weren’t interested in being more than friends.”

    “We don’t want to be more than friends the way you mean, though I think nanny is a level above friend for sure.” Vidette carefully pulled back Keeley’s hair with a clasp, leaving a pair of locks dangling cutely on either side of her face. “I think you’ll want to look good when we get to the airport though.”

    “What? The airport? Why did we drive all this way just to go to the stupid airport?” Keeley whirled on her nanny as apprehension grew in her belly. “Who’s at the airport? We’re picking someone up?!”

    “Don’t get yourself in a tizzy, baby girl. Yes, we’re picking someone up at the airport. Can you guess who, that we’d get you dressed up like this?” Vidette looked Keeley up and down, apparently pleased with her handiwork.

    “You said Trish couldn’t come!”

    “I said Trish couldn’t do a whole road trip, and she couldn’t. Her boss did give her enough days off for the festival though.” Vidette had an unbearably smug grin on her face. “Her plane lands at…”

    “Seven twenty five pm.”  Dominika said from the driver’s seat. “We’re almost there. Vi, do you mind driving the airport portion? I’m not confidant enough with the mirrors and brakes for that.”

    “Find a spot to pull over and I’ll switch.” Vidette teased the clumps out of Keeley’s hair locks. “Your girlfriend has never seen you dolled up like this. Her jaw is going to hit the floor.”

    Keeley squirmed, she had a full colony of butterflies setting up housekeeping in her belly. “But I’m doing so much baby stuff, is she – I don’t think she’ll think I’m sexy even like this. Does she really want to date a – a – a girl who looks like a baby?”

    “Well let’s see.” Vidette sat Keeley down in the lounge while the bus rumbled along the highway shoulder. “She met you when you were way more babied out than this, and you wet yourself in front of her twice. She still kissed you. Since then you’ve had a bunch of video-dates, where she makes you do what, again?”

    “She – she tells me to wear pullups.” Keeley pressed her hands to her stomach as the bus lurched to a stop. It’s too sudden! I don’t have time to prepare. What if Trish doesn’t like me anymore? What if she only came for the festival and she ignores me the whole time?

    “I think you’re worried because you haven’t seen her in person since the beach house.” Dominika plopped down on the couch as Vidette took the wheel. “It’s going to be okay. That girl is crazy about you.”

    “How would you know?”

    “We’ve both been talking to her, remember? We’re helping set her up at ABDU, and hopefully with a good sorority.” Vidette kicked the bus in gear and sent it expertly roaring out onto the highway.

    “Baby girl, you have nothing to worry about.” Dominika adjusted the angle of Keeley’s big pink bow. “Trish thinks you’re great and you’re wrapped up like an adorable present for her, complete with a bow.”

    “She won’t like me – if she spends a week with me she – she’ll break up with me.”

    “Why’s that?” Dominika’s skeptical look was dumb, like the whole surprise Keeley’s nannies had thrown at her.

    In the throes of anxious desperation, Keeley was out of excuses. To her horror, she blurted out her real fear. “She’s a better person than me!”

    “Well, yeah. That’s why she’s your babysitter and not the other way around.”

    “Dominika!” Keeley’s jaw hung open. “That was the worst thing you’ve ever….”

    “Hush, Keeley. She’s a better person than everyone in this bus, I’m not sparing myself here. We really lucked out bumping into her at the Sea Witch restaurant.” Dominika rubbed the back of her neck in what seemed like a gesture of – chagrin? Embarrassment?

    “Trish had a long talk with us when we told her how we got you into the baby game,” Vidette said, sounding surprisingly subdued.

    “What nanny Vi means is that she chewed us out. She wasn’t wrong either.” Dominika sighed. “You might want to brace yourself because she’s planning to have a serious discussion with you when we pick her up.”

    “I’m sure you’ll be able to get a kiss or two first though.” Vidette chuckled. “She is seriously excited to see you, baby girl.”

    “Is that – is that why you’ve been so much nicer this time around?”

    “Uh yeah – we can’t completely take credit for our change of heart. I mean, we were still planning to convince you to take this trip, before the conversation with Trish.” Dominika shrugged.

    “We didn’t want to trick you a second time, honestly hon,” Vidette said.

    Trick? You mean force. Keeley pouted, but found it a hard expression to maintain. I’m going to see Trish in less than an hour. She cared enough about me to yell at my nannies, even though they’re giving her lots of money and whatever!

    “Is she doing the game too?”

    “She’s your babysitter for the duration of the festival.” Dominika held up a hand at Keeley’s worried frown. “We’re not abandoning you, all three of us will all be taking care of you. Trish gets you almost exclusively tonight and tomorrow, since she missed out on the drive.”

    “You’re going to let her – spank me, and everything?” Keeley shivered at the thought. The thought of Trish hitting her didn’t seem right – unless she was over her girlfriend’s lap willingly, of course. If I keep thinking down that road I’ll have a wet diaper when she gets here.

    “That’s part of what she’s going to talk to you about. Nika and I agreed to stay out of it,” Vidette said.

    “That damn girl is pushy,” Dominika griped.

    “Excuse me, I didn’t hear that nana. She’s what?” Keeley stared incredulously at Dominika, who had the good grace to blush. Her blush redoubled when Vidette loudly guffawed.

    “Shut up, both of you.” Dominika casually raised her middle finger at Vidette. “But – point taken. There’s a reason I like her enough to get her into my sorority.”

    “She’s so great.” Keeley squirmed in her seat for a moment before leaning over to peer out the windshield. The road ahead was as empty as always. There certainly wasn’t anything airport-shaped up ahead. “Nanas, when do we get to the airport?”

    “Nailed it! Nika, you owe me five grand.”

    “Fair enough.” Dominika laughed.

    “What?” Keeley whined. Stop leaving me out of jokes, nannies!

    “Vi bet me five that the first words out of your mouth – after you stopped freaking out – would be some variation of, are we there yet?”

    “I’m that predicable?”

    “When you’re being Little you are. It’s adorable and we love you.” Dominika kissed Keeley on the head, careful to neither smudge her makeup nor muss her hair.

    “Nana, you said that – there are girls like – like – there are girls who wear diapers and act Little in your sorority, right?”

    “Mmm hmm.” Dominika nodded.

    “How does it work – when they date? Like – the thing with Trish started with her babysitting me and turned sexy. But if she wanted me to be Little and to be my girlfriend would – would she always be in charge?”

    Dominika’s eyebrows shot up. “Keeley, baby girl. You have never wanted to be in charge with anyone you’ve dated.”

    “That goes double for the girls you’ve dated. All of them.” Vidette chimed in.

    “I’m in charge with Zach sometimes!”

    “No sweetie. You assert yourself with Zach sometimes. There are times you don’t let him run completely roughshod over you. That’s not the same thing.” Dominika laughed. “If you weren’t the world’s most adorable bottom, you’d see that.”

    “I – I topped a girl once!” Keeley wasn’t sure why it was so important for her nannies to know she wasn’t a complete bottom, but it was rapidly becoming a matter of personal honor.

    “Ruva Karkov, April 14th, the year Nika and I graduated from college.” Vidette said.

    “In the back of her limo, you tied her wrists up with your garter.” Dominika added.

    “But you thought it was kind of scary so you didn’t do it again.” Vidette continued.

    “You lasted twenty minutes on top and made her kiss your belly.” Dominika had a full on smirk on her face.

    “You nannies are the worst!” Keeley drummed her feet on the floor.

    “Honey you’ve told us that story a hundred times.” Dominika drew Keely in for a hug, ignoring the girl’s struggles. When she felt like she’d properly expressed her exasperation – Keeley leaned into her nanny to enjoy the hug.

    “It’s super cute how proud you are of it, but it’s one of those exception proves the rule thing, sweetie,” Vidette said.

    “What are you so worried about, baby girl?” Dominika gave Keeley a firm squeeze and sat her up. “You like your girlfriend to be in charge, Trish will be in charge. You like being taken care of, and you know Trish will take good care of you.”


    “Stop worrying so much and start fantasizing about being in her arms.” Dominika glanced to the front of the bus. “We’re arriving in Reno now.”

    As utterly unfair and mean as Dominika was – she had a point. Keeley was nigh-on vibrating in her seat while she delved through her memories of her video dates with Trish, plus their one and only kiss. It took a thousand years for the bus to make its way through the streets of Reno, and another agonizing age to navigate the loops of the city’s airport.

    When the bus finally came to a stop on the airport concourse, Keeley whirled around and stared out the window. “Is she there?! Can you see her?”

    “It’s seven twelve, baby girl.” Dominika put her phone away and went to the front of the bus. “Trish’s plane is on time but it doesn’t land for thirteen more minutes, and then she has to get out of the gate. I’ll go pick her up, I’ll be back in a half hour, I’m guessing.”

    “HALF AN HOUR?!” Keeley stared at her nannies, devastated. “Nanas what’s WRONG with you? I can’t wait that long!”

    “Keeley.” Vidette turned the driver’s seat around and leaned on the safety bar. “You’re picture perfect for Trish right now. Don’t make me ruin your look with a spanking, and don’t get yourself so spun up that you end up crying. It’s not that long a wait compared to how long it’s been since you’ve seen her.”

    Keeley was glued to the window for the entirety of the half hour. Occasionally she would catch her reflection in the window and flinch, at her overtly baby outfit. On consideration she conceded that from the waist up, her outfit looked like an especially twee dress.

    From the moment Dominika disappeared inside the airport, Keeley pinned all her hopes on each re-opening of the doors. One interminable emotional roller coaster later, Dominika stepped out onto the sidewalk with Trish at her side. Trish looked tired, but amazing in her pristine navy blue jeans and leather jacket. Keeley’s squeal echoed off the bus’s walls.

    When Trish stepped aboard the bus, Keeley was ready, standing in the center of the aisle with her fingers laced in front of her. Trish’s eyes landed on Keeley – and her pupils blew out until the green of her eyes was gone.

    “Keeley – wow.” Trish ran a hand through her dark hair. “I didn’t realize they were going to – wow – you look – wow.”

    The butterflies in Keeley’s belly moved up to her heart and exploded into fireworks. “You really like how I lo…” Keeley gasped as Trish’s arms closed around her. She closed her eyes and fitted her body to her girlfriend, parting her lips just in time for a kiss. Dominika and Vidette’s teasing about her submissiveness ruined Keeley’s attempt to surrender completely to the kiss. Fine, so I’m a bottom. I’ll be the best bottom that ever – obeyed. Or whatever. Stupid nannies.

    With a delighted tremble, Keeley let her thoughts drain away for the second kiss. Trish felt so good under her hands, all taut and war and – just Trish. It took Keeley a moment to realize she wasn’t being kissed anymore – she opened her eyes in a happy daze to see what was next.

    “I missed you.” Trish had a strong enough face that she didn’t always look as young as she was. In her vulnerable state, the decade of difference between her and Keeley was obvious.

    What does she want with an old lady like me anyway? Maybe I only seem young to her because of the baby stuff. “Kiss me again.”

    “Get a room, you two.” Dominika patted Trish good-naturedly on the shoulder and handed her a small piece of luggage. “The rest of your stuff is stowed underneath.”

    “Thanks…” Trish took a deep breath. Her cheeks were as pink as posies. “Keeley and I need to have that talk anyway.”

    My nannies were right, I got my kisses but now we have to have a talk. Is she going to say she doesn’t want me to be a baby? Or that she doesn’t want to date a baby? What if I never get to kiss her again? Tears welled up in Keeley’s eyes but she banished them by sheer force of will. I’m way too pretty to cry, Trish’s reaction proved that.

    Vidette and Dominika were buckled into their respective seats, with Vidette looking for a gap in the airport traffic. Trish shrugged her luggage strap on her shoulder and put an arm around Keeley’s waist. “Why don’t you show me around the bus? I’ve been curious ever since Vidette and Dominika told me about it. We can talk in the back.”

    “Okay Trish! This is the lounge, we hang out here a lot. The TV and booze is here – but my nannies say that the booze is only for big girls. This is uh – my playpen.”

    “I bet you’re adorable when you play in it.” Trish kissed Keeley on the cheek, sending tingles all the way down to her toes. “What’s next?”

    “Um, the kitchen and dining room is this part. Then there’s the bathroom and – and my ch-changing table.”

    Trish backed Keeley up against her changing table, putting her hands on the Little girl’s hips. “I love your outfit, you could probably tell. Are you wearing a pullup now?”

    “I’m in – a diaper.” Keeley blushed. “It’s a little one so I would look really pretty for you.”

    “You’re always pretty, but you took it to incredible today.” Keeley’s lips met Trish’s greedily. Each kiss was proof that she was still Trish’s, a hedge against something awful coming up in their big talk.

    “The bedroom is in here, I have a crib, my nannas have beds that slide out because they’re too wide for the bedroom – oh no, Trish! Where are you going to sleep?”

    “Dominika said there was a – there it is.” Trish unlatched what Keeley had taken for a storage compartment. The door swung down, then slid back into the space. A bunk the size of Keeley’s crib – but without bars or baby accoutrements – was revealed. “Looks like I get top bunk.”

    “They didn’t tell me that was there.” Keeley pouted. Her disappointment was a lot less about her nannies hiding something from her, and more from the fact that Trish wouldn’t be squeezing into her crib with her each night.

    “It would have ruined the surprise I guess.” Trish put her bag up in the bunk and retrieved a notebook from it. Keeley winced internally. This talk has notes?

    A funny expression came over Trish’s face – she sniffed her bunk. “Huh, I didn’t realize a bed could have new car smell. Let’s air that out and sit up in the back window.”

    Keeley felt dumb as a post as she climbed into the back window seat. It was even better than the one she had in her room at home, especially with the engine rumbling underneath. She had missed out on some epic naps by not paying attention to the bedroom. In my defense, I’ve been exhausted most of the time I’ve been in this room.

    “It’s kind of like the spot in your room where you do our video dates. Let me guess, it’s your favorite part of the bus.” Trish grinned, arranging herself cross-legged. It was a dangerously cuddle-unfriendly position.

    Keeley took a seat on her own with a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I spend basically all my time back here, when my nannies aren’t playing with me.” That’s kinda technically true. They’ve been playing with me or putting me down for naps the whole time.

    “Cute. I can’t wait to play with you – except that we do have to talk first.”

    “O-okay. What did you want to talk about?”

    “Keeley.” Trish took a deep breath. Her expression was stomach-churningly serious. “After you told me that your nannies “technically” forced you to wear diapers at the beach house, I had a talk with them. They told me what I think was the truth, and it didn’t sound to me like there was anything technical about it.”

    Keeley squirmed in her seat. Oh no, she’s going to say she can’t play because the game started out bad. Does that mean she wants to just date? Or – do we have to be friends only for the festival? Oh god, does she know about Zach?

    “Is it true they drugged you, held you down, and put you in diapers?” Trish’s frown was stern and would have been terrifying except that it was on Keeley’s behalf.

    “Yes but, we made up after. I agreed to wear diapers that weekend – a couple of times actually.”

    “Keeley, from what you tell me about your life it seems like you let people do whatever they want. Are you really okay with playing their baby game? Did you consent to any of this? Really, honestly consent?”

    “I don’t know about that weekend…” Keeley raised her hand when Trish tried to speak. “But I really did this time. Honestly, I promise.”

    “That’s good but it doesn’t make it right that they…”

    “I threw a glass bottle at Dominika’s face.” Keeley hung her head. “As hard as I could. It was a heavy schnapps bottle and it shattered when it hit the stereo. I – I could have killed her or blinded her or something.”

    “So that’s why the stereo was beat up. Everything else in the beach house was pristine.”

    “I forgave them for what they did, one hundred percent. It’s not like – it’s not like I’m perfect. And I really agreed to be babied on this trip. My nanas convinced me.”

    “That brings me to another thing. Dominika and Vidette told me they’re stepping the baby game up and correcting your behavior in a maternal way. Are you okay with that? Did they tell you about that part yet?”

    “Um, yeah, Vidette gave me a big spanking yesterday.”

    “What was that for?”

    “I – kinda threw a pencil at her and called her a bitch.”

    “Okay I wouldn’t have put up with that either, but…” Trish ran a hand over her face. “Keeley, that kind of stuff makes the baby game – not really a game. Are you okay with having basically your personality corrected? Like you’re really a kid?”

    It’s not such a great personality. You’ll see. “You want to know if I consent, right? I – I…” Keeley sighed and leaned back against the bus wall. “It was hard, when Vidette told me what she was doing. But I’ve already thought – don’t tell them – but I wish that they were my parents.”

    “That’s not the same thing as consenting to…”

    “I know.” Keeley groaned and banged her head against the bus wall. “I wish you weren’t making me say it but – I consent to it. I could probably use some parenting. Even if it’s from my stupid nannies.”

    “I’m sorry this is hard to talk about Keeley. We can stop if you want. I’ve thought about this a lot since I found out what was going on, but we’ve covered most of what I was worried about.”

    “No, please.” Keeley leaned forward and held Trish’s strong, warm hands. “I want you to be able to talk to me about stuff. Do we have to sit apart? Can’t we talk – and snuggle?”

    “We can now. Come here, Keels.”

    Keeley squirmed immediately into Trish’s lap, finding the perfect angle and curl of her back to fit her head under Trish’s chin. “That is the silliest nickname. I love it. What was the other stuff you wanted to talk about?”

    “I wanted to talk about you and me.” If Trish hadn’t been holding Keeley in her arms, the Little girl knew she would have cried. As it was, her tummy flopped and her heart froze.

    “All this stuff Dominika and Vidette – your nannies – are doing for you, do you want that from me? Do you want a babysitter? It feels like they have you covered.” Trish’s heart was beating fast enough for Keeley to feel. Is she actually scared?

    “You made my nannies better. This trip is so different and it’s because of you.” Keeley clutched Trish’s jacket and tried to worm her way even closer. “I need you.”

    “But do you need me as a babysitter, third nanny kind of person?” Trish pressed further when Keeley nodded. “Do you want me to correct your behavior like they’re doing?”

    “You don’t have to if it feels weird – I know I’m older. But if you want to I – I’d like it better from you than from my nanas.”

    “Keeley, I’m not asking because I don’t want to do it. I’m asking because I’m worried about you. You hide a lot of stuff from me,” Trish bapped Keeley on the nose when she tried to protest, “but what you tell me is scary. You have problems with people and drugs. If I’m on the same level as your nannies, I’m going to take that super seriously. I care too much not to.”

    A lump in Keeley’s throat made for a painful swallow in the awkward silence that followed. Trish sounded serious, and her standards were likely to be high. Both nannies had been party girls, there was stuff they were no doubt willing to let slide. If I turn myself over to Trish for this – well it’s just for Burning Man at least.

    “Yes. I want you to correct my behavior and take care of me.”

    “One more thing, and we can finally do what I wanted when I saw you standing in the front of the bus.”

    “What do you want to do?”

    Trish pulled Keeley up and kissed her. With no nannies looking on, her hands boldly found Keeley’s breast and rear. Keeley mewled greedily into the kiss, arching her body into Trish’s hands.

    “Yes please. Let’s do that.” Keeley gaze was laser-focused on the fine lines of her girlfriend’s face.

    “One thing first. I want you to write down what we talked about.”

    Keeley looked at Trish in despair. “The whole thing?!”

    “No, just a few important sentences.” Trish swung Keeley around so she was braced against her girlfriend, still on her lap. The notebook and an attached pen landed in Keeley’s lap, Trish opened it to the first page.

    “The first thing I want you to write is: I agree to be Little with Trish and that Trish is both my babysitter and my girlfriend.”

    “This is so embarrassing!” Keeley put her maximum amount of whine in her voice, and she was a champion whiner.

    “No sex until this is done. You’ve already verbally agreed that I’m your babysitter. I won’t spank, but I will put you in time-out.”

    “Okay, okay.” Keeley carefully wrote what Trish had asked, her face burning. “There, is that it?”

    “No, next sentence: I agree that Trish can choose what I wear, if I’m wearing diapers, pullups, or not, and if I’m allowed to use the bathroom.”

    “Trish!” Keeley squirmed frantically.

    “If you can’t write it, we can’t do it.”

    Everyone is always so mean to me.” Keeley whimpered, but she wrote the line just as Trish had said it.

    “You are a grade-A brat and you’re lucky you’re so cute.” Trish kissed the back of Keeley’s neck, making her gasp. “Last one. Write: Trish is allowed to shape my behavior through child-appropriate discipline.”

    “Writing this stuff down makes it too real.” Keeley whined as she penned the last sentence.

    “That’s the point, Little girl.” Trish took the pen and notebook from Keeley and set it aside. “You get what you wrote down, right? You’re mine, not just my girl but my Little girl. You put yourself, your outfits, even your ability to go to the bathroom completely in my hands.”

    “I’m yours.” Keeley found the rest of Trish’s latest speech to be unnecessary fluff. She turned around and straddled Trish’s legs. “You can do literally anything with me.”

    “Buh.” Trish put trembling hands on Keeley’s waist. “Should we put a sock on the door or something?”

    Keeley giggled. “If my nanas have any sense, they’ll listen or knock before they open the door. And if they don’t…” Keeley shrugged. “I don’t have anything that the three of you haven’t seen.”

    “Hah, fair enough.” Oddly, Trish had lost part of her confidant edge. She pulled Keeley in for a kiss possessively enough, but she was slow to get either of them out of their clothes.

    In ten minutes of making out, all Trish had managed to shed was her leather jacket. Keeley could feel her girlfriend’s hot pulse in her neck when she kissed Trish there, her babysitter moaning in a downright tormented way. So why isn’t she taking charge?

    “Is something wrong? Do you want to move to your bed or lock the door or…?”

    “No I…” Trish groaned and fought her way out of her shirt in frustration. “I wasn’t chastising you when I said you hide things from me. We haven’t been dating long, and there’s a lot that we don’t know about each other.”

    With a shy blush, Trish unclasped the front of her bra and shrugged out of it. “You’re – my third girlfriend.”

    “Ohhhh.” Keeley felt her face light up as her frustrated snarls became happy butterflies again. “You know what’s great about submissive girls? You can tell me to do things – even something super general like “Make me feel good”, and I’ll do it.”

    “But what about you?” Trish’s face was flushed with desire, she reached for Keeley’s body despite her words.

    “I’m sure you won’t leave me out. Trish, I’ve been fantasizing about giving you what you want. Please, tell me what that is.”

    “This is – you are – the hottest thing that has ever happened to me.” Trish wriggled her way out of her jeans and panties with nineteen-year-old vigor that made Keeley laugh inside. “I have this fantasy – you can say no – but I read a story once where a girl worshipped her girlfriend with her tongue.”

    “Oh, baby likes that idea.” Keeley grinned and licked Trish along her collarbone. “I want to lick you all over. But it might take me a while – to get to the center of your tootsie-pop.”

    “Oh. My. God.” Trish groaned and laid back on the window seat, arching her hips up reflexively.

    Not yet, babysitter. Keeley brushed a thigh teasingly between Trish’s legs before working her tongue across her girlfriend’s chest. She moved downward so slowly that by the time she reached her babysitter’s nipples, Trish was clawing at Keeley’s back.

    Trish, you’ve already done so much for me. Thank you for letting me do something for you. Inch by sexy, salty inch, Keeley worked her tongue across Trish’s body until she found something to parch the dryness of her tongue. As Keeley’s tongue pressed against Trish’s soaking slit, her babysitter cried out shamelessly. That was only the first time that evening that the bedroom rang with the sound of Trish’s ecstasy.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 6

    In the quiet of the bus’s dark bedroom, Keeley let her whole world be the sounds of Trish’s heartbeat and breath. There was something amazing about a first time with a lover, no matter how many first times Keeley had had. Sharing their naked bodies had bared their hearts as well. Nothing matched the intimacy breakthrough of first having sex with someone – except for the first time someone changed your diaper.

    Weird! Bad thought! Diapers aren’t like having sex. There’s nothing the same about those two things – is there? If there was, it would explain how attached she’d become to Trish after two interactions. What they’d just shared was different, because they’d both been vulnerable, but Keeley had given herself to Trish the first time she let Trish change her diaper.

    Though Trish was holding Keeley tenderly, and the bedroom was warm enough, there was something missing in the environment. Keeley listed all the sensations around her, beginning with the most important, Trish based ones. In addition to the sounds Keeley could hear, with her ear pressed to Trish’s chest, there was the warmth and softness of her babysitter’s skin. Trish’s smells were wonderful, sweat and sex on top of floral soap – with a comforting body scent as a base.

    Outside the bus there were traffic sounds, though they were soft. The bedroom’s soundproofing seemed quite good. Sounds were what were missing, sound and something else. With a start, Keeley lifted her head. The rushing wind was nowhere to be heard, nor was the engine rumbling and vibrating.

    “What’s the matter, Keels?” Trish put a soothing hand on Keeley’s bare back.

    “We’re stopped. We’ve been stopped for ages. Do you think we’re already at Burning Man?”

    “I doubt it, they’re not supposed to let us in until midnight, and we weren’t at each other that long.”

    Keeley giggled and slid up Trish’s body for a kiss, pressing their bare chests together. The way Trish’s breath caught in her throat was adorable, but her nipples crinkling against Keeley’s skin revved the Little girl’s engine to rival the bus. She slid a hand down Trish’s belly and across her lover’s inner thigh.

    “No.” Trish’s expression was one of extreme reluctance. Nevertheless, she managed to slip out from underneath Keeley. “We should see what’s going on – and give your nannies a chance to use this room if they need to.”

    “They never come back here during the day.” Keeley took advantage of Trish sitting up to lower her head onto the girl’s thighs. “I want you to feel good again.”

    “Not right now.” Trish hopped off the window seat entirely and held her hair back tightly. “No matter how much I want to.”

    “I want you to have me again.” Keeley sprawled out on the window seat. “Please, Trish? I’ll be a good baby girl for you.”

    “You’re all mine tonight and the whole day tomorrow, it’s not like this is our only chance.” Trish blushed as she tentatively added, “I can – have you any time I want.”

    “That’s true. It’s not just something I’m okay with, it’s something I want.” Keeley slid down from the window seat and posed cutely in front of Trish, with her arms behind her back. Breathily, she said, “I want you to have me any time you want. As much as you want.”

    “OH. God.” Trish took a deep breath. Her skin was flushed everywhere, she was obviously a hair’s breadth from throwing Keeley down on something. Only Keeley’s desire to be a good girl stopped her from touching Trish and pushing her over that edge.

    Refuge for Trish came in the form of putting her clothes back on. Keeley didn’t bother to touch hers, she was supposed to let Trish dress her, after all. Plus, it let her push Trish’s buttons a bit more. Seeing so much naked desire on Trish’s face was intoxicating. Much like Zach’s version of that look had been, a long time ago.

    I made the same offer to Zach, once, Keeley remembered. That he could have me any time. Ugh, he was so gross about it, touching me when there were people around, right up my skirt and everything. I had to take it back before it’d even been a week.

    Imagining Trish acting like Zach was an impossibility. Keeley let herself float happily on the feeling of offering herself to her babysitter, her girlfriend – and now her lover. When Trish left the bedroom, Keeley followed her – naked and smirking at Trish’s awkward vibe.

    “Congratulations on the sex.” Vidette called from the lounge. Trish froze by the changing table, her ears turning a shade of mortification red.

    “They’re going to try to be awful to us, but what we have is too beautiful.” Keeley wrapped her arms around Trish, kissing the back of her neck. “Thanks Nana!”

    Trish laughed, pulling Keeley into a tight hug, her belly shaking until she had to release the Little girl to wipe her eyes. “Okay Vidette, you got me. What’s going on?”

    “Oh, you mean why are we stopped?” Vidette put her book down and stretched. “We’re at a truck stop on the way to Black Rock City. They won’t let us in early, so we have a couple of hours to kill. Nika is getting the bus fuel and water topped off, unless she’s done already.”

    “Bet.” Trish looked the changing table over. “I’m going to go explore for a bit. Does Keeley have clothes she can go outside in, or is it all…”

    “Ravish-Me-Baby brand, like she was wearing when you got on the bus?” Vidette grinned.

    “Nana, that’s not a real brand – is it?” Because if it is, I know where I’m shopping when I want to get something that’s for me and Trish.

    “No, cutie. But don’t mention it to Nika or she’ll start a product line.” Vidette nodded to Trish. “That outfit was the sexiest thing we brought for her. She’s got baby clothes, Little clothes, and some of her regular outfits in the closet next to the changing table.”

    “Right. Diaper first. Hop up, baby girl.” Trish patted the changing table top, and Keeley eagerly complied.

    “Are you going to dress me sexy?”

    “Probably not at a truck stop.” Trish chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind doing that later, if it’s something you like.”

    “I like being sexy for you.” Keeley arched her back artfully and bit her lip. Trish’s reaction was everything she could have hoped for, and more. “Are diapers sexy on me?”

    Trish glanced back at Vidette. The other woman was more than twenty feet away with her book back in hand, though Keeley doubted Vidette was reading when she had such juicy drama in front of her. Wisely, Trish lowered her voice as she replied, “Extremely sexy.”

    “That’s good.” Keeley had to hug herself as a wave of happiness washed over her. “Then no matter what I’m wearing, I’ll be sexy for you.”

    “You have no idea.” Trish gave Keeley a quick kiss before rolling up her sleeves and sliding a diaper under her. The awkward cuteness of Trish realizing she should wipe down Keeley’s crotch, even though she wasn’t changing a wet diaper, made Keeley’s heart glow. That Trish might introduce some emotional distance when she was in babysitter mode had been a minor worry, but the loving touches she used with the wipes and lotion quickly dispelled such thoughts.

    To Keeley’s surprise, she was really happy to be back in a snug, properly fitted diaper. She’d briefly considered advocating for a pullup before she realized that she genuinely didn’t want one. Imagining wearing panties provoked even stronger dislike, in comparison to her diaper. Weird again. It must just be that I know Trish likes them so much. Of course I want to be sexy for my new girlfriend.

    Trish surprised Keeley by eschewing the baby clothes and dressing her in a backless romper with striking pale pink roses on a black background. Assessing herself in the closet mirror, Keeley was glad to see that the romper was breezy enough to hide her diaper – though it might be a different story if she was wet.

    “I need you to be a good girl for me and stay close, no wandering off, okay?” Trish adjusted the buckle on Keeley’s sandal and wiggled it. Keeley giggled and wiggled her feet back at Trish.

    “I’m always a good girl.”

    “Nobody in this bus is going to believe that one.” Trish smiled fondly as she poured sunscreen into her hand. “But I know you want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?”

    “Of course! I don’t need sunscreen though, it’s not like we’ll be out for a long – oof!” Keeley wrinkled her nose as Trish spread sunscreen on her cheeks. Neither her words nor her pouts, nor the squirming she did were paid the slightest bit of attention by Trish. Like it or not – and I did not – Keeley’s exposed skin was covered in sunscreen. With a bulky bag over one arm and Keeley at the end of the other, Trish made her way to the front of the bus.

    “You kids have fun. Have her back by nine thirty and don’t do anything in the truck stop that I wouldn’t do,” Vidette said, peering over the cover of her book.

    “What would you do in a truck stop?” Trish asked with a smirk.

    “Nothing, which is why I’m in here reading.”

    “In that case, I’ll pass on the advice, thanks anyway. Come on Keels, I’m sure we’ll find something fun to do.”

    “Bye Nana!”

    Keeley took a moment as she hopped off the last bus stair to squint at the sunset. Though the sun wasn’t far from the horizon, it cast a more harsh glare than she’d expected. She appreciated Trish’s concern, especially since she couldn’t remember the last time her mom had insisted she wear sunscreen, if it had ever happened at all.

    “Hey Dominika.” Trish pulled Keeley along the side of the bus and out of her reverie. “We’re headed into the truck stop, do you want anything?”

    “Pull tabs?” Dominika chuckled. “I’m kidding, I don’t even know what those are, but they’re advertised everywhere. If you want, something cold and sports drink-y would be nice. I bet Vidette would like one too.”

    They left Dominika managing a big hose that ran out of the ground and into a port on the side of the bus. Keeley was grateful she didn’t have to deal with any of that stuff. The bus was near one edge of a gargantuan parking lot, the center of which was populated by an extensive building complex. The signs sticking out of said complex advertised a burger restaurant and a casino, forcing Keeley to re-evaluate her whole idea of what a truck stop was.

    “Can I have a burger and ice cream? Oh, and fries?” Keeley skipped forward and spun around to face Trish with her best pleading expression.

    Trish smirked, then laughed when her stomach growled, “Well I guess I’m getting something so sure, you can. Didn’t your nannies feed you dinner?”

    “Baby food and a bottle.” Keeley pouted. “I’m on a date, I want fries.”

    “You’re on a date huh? I would have thought you were too fancy a girl to take to a truck stop.”

    “I hate being a fancy girl.” Keeley had meant her statement to come out joking, but couldn’t keep a hurt tone out of her voice or tears out of her eyes.

    “Oh, Keels, I’m sorry if I teased a sensitive spot.” Trish put her arms around Keeley and the Little girl sighed happily.

    “It’s okay – I didn’t mean to get all upset. Really though, I don’t want you to think of me as a fancy girl. I’m not like, above you or anything gross, just because my parents have a bunch of money.”

    “Well, I’m carrying a diaper bag for you, so there’s a limit to how fancy I can think you are.”

    “Trish!” Keeley whined. “I’m being serious. I hate all the high society crap. I like stuff that my mom thinks is low class.”

    “You think I’m not being serious? Not even a girl as cute as you looks aristocratic on a changing table.” Trish kissed Keeley gently and took her hand. “You picked the right girlfriend for a low-class date for sure. Let’s see what awesome, tacky stuff this place has.”

    The rest of the way across the parking lot, Keeley was hyper aware of how her diaper crinkled under her romper. Trish’s words trickled down her spine and gave Keeley ants in her pants. Is Trish really more comfortable around me because of the baby game? Should I try to be more of a baby? What’s the perfect amount of being a baby to make sure she likes me but that doesn’t annoy her?

    Loud and smelly was Keeley’s first impression of the truck stop restaurant. Not that the smells were bad, the restaurant was simply saturated with the odor of grilled meat and hot oil. Though, they did walk past a person who should have used the showers Keeley had seen advertised.  An excited thrill ran through Keeley when Trish put an arm around her waist while they looked at the menu. I’m on a date! A totally normal date! The burger options were a bit overwhelming, with lots of customizations. Keeley had only just processed that some of the burgers had avocado or egg on them when Trish addressed the cashier.

    “I’ll have a medium Tex-Mex with sweet potato fries and an Oreo shake. She’ll have a kid’s meal. Do you want the cheeseburger, chicken tenders, or the corn dog?”

    “I uh – the corn dog, I guess.” Keeley’s fidgeting was stalled the first time her diaper crinkled.

    “Do you want a shake?” Trish patted Keeley’s hip.

    “I want a strawberry one. Full size!”

    Trish nodded, turning to smile at the cashier. “I think that’s it for us.”

    As soon as they were seated in their booth, Keeley glared at Trish, whispering, “How come I have to get a kid’s meal?”

    “You already had dinner, Keels. I didn’t veto your shake, did I?”

    “No.” Keeley squirmed in her seat. “If you’re going to treat me like a kid, maybe you should sit next to me instead of across the booth.” In short order, Keeley was tucked against Trish. With ice cream and fries on the way, she had nothing to complain about. Besides her diaper, of course.

    “Trish, why’d you bring a diaper bag? We’re only here for a couple of hours.”

    “Are you going to be fussy the whole time we’re here?”

    “I’m not fussy, it’s just a question?”

    “It’s okay if you’re nervous about being diapered in public. Let me know if it’s too much or if you need to go back to the bus.” Trish tucked Keeley’s hair behind her ear. “To answer your question, they have huge bathrooms here for rent, with showers and everything. I brought the bag in case my Little girl needed a change.”

    Keeley ducked her head and fidgeted. When Trish got up to retrieve their food, those fidgets became outright squirms. Why does using my diaper suddenly sound fun? Do I really like Trish changing me so much that I want extra opportunities? Luckily, uncomfortable questions were easily dismissed with the application of a ketchup-saturated corn dog. The food was greasy, salty, and Keeley’s mom would have gone hungry rather than eat it. Keeley sipped her shake, made bedroom eyes at her girlfriend, and luxuriated in the experience.

    “We should try the casino next.” Keeley grinned. “I can get my wallet from the bus if you want to make a big bet.”

    “Uh, Keels, you have to be twenty one to get in there.”

    “What does that have to do with – oh, right.” Keeley giggled. “I forget sometimes because – you know.”

    “I think of you as younger a lot too.” Trish leaned in for a cookies and cream and strawberry kiss.

    “Trish do you – want to change my diaper?” Keeley bit her lip, searching Trish’s eyes. “Like, were you hoping to?”

    “Kind of, but it’s okay if you don’t want that. I’m also getting myself in the habit of being prepared.”

    “I guess I’m asking – how much do you want me to be Little?” Keeley grabbed Trish’s arm before she could answer. “And don’t say something like, as much as I want.”

    “Heh, you got me. Okay um, this isn’t the best place for this discussion but it’s pretty noisy in here.” Trish put an arm around Keeley and dropped her voice’s volume. “I really liked how playful and energetic you were when I babysat you the first time. That was in private though, I don’t expect you to want to do that here. I also – like it when it feels like you need me to take care of you.”

    She likes it when I’m helpless with basic things? Oh no, is that why this is hot? Keeley was suddenly short of breath as she reframed their date with Trish as a babysitter. She didn’t have any of her own money with her, or even her phone. Being diapered was more of an afterthought compared to Trish being the only one with adult resources.

    An embarrassing thought surfaced for Keeley, one that she’d ordinarily never be able to verbalize. Beautiful, green eyes filled Keeley’s vision, tempting her to share with her girlfriend. The pounding of her heart gave Keeley the courage to whisper, “I liked it when you changed me the first time – because you took care of me. I trusted you because I felt helpless, and you made me feel safe.”

    Watching the blush that spread across Trish’s nose until it reached her ears was fascinating. Timidly, Keeley dropped her gaze and doubled-down. “I like that you ordered for me. The only thing that confused me was that sometimes I felt like a girlfriend sometimes, and other times like a Little girl.”

     Keeley lifted her eyes to meet Trish’s, “If you want me to be Little can you – enforce it? Even if I act out a little?”

    “I think I can do that for you. For us.” Trish bumped her forehead against Keeley’s. “If I’m hearing you right, you’ll get fussy if I stray off being your babysitter too much?”

    “That’s perfect.” Keeley nodded. She yelped softly as Trish slipped a hand inside her romper leg, and a pair of fingers in her diaper.

    “Your diaper is dry, so let’s get exploring.” Trish’s voice was still pitched lower than the general babble of conversation, but much louder than their earlier whispers. She’d cavalierly put her hand on Keeley’s crotch and embarrassed her with dozens of people around. But she also made sure none of those people saw. She gets it.

    As they left the restaurant, Keeley’s diaper loomed large in her mind, but not as the embarrassment it’d been before. The padded garment wrapped her in a layer of safety as Keeley surrendered to the idea that a potty accident was a genuine concern. Between her babysitter and her diaper, Keeley was free to ignore that sort of worry and concentrate on her unusual surroundings.

    Many of the people that flowed through the crowded service center were rough looking and would ordinarily have made Keely nervous. To more naïve eyes, most of them were clearly relaxing and enjoying themselves. The truck stop transformed from a bastion of barbaric culture to a community recreation center in Keeley’s mind. She found herself scurrying ahead of her babysitter, bouncing from one surprising element to another.

    The convenience store carried a broad selection of household items, but also boasted a display case with dozens of high-end Bluetooth headphones. Finding a laundromat made sense when Keeley thought about it, but was still a surprise to discover around the corner from a massive beef jerky display. All the signs were as silly and tacky as Trish had guessed. The casino was called Sierra Sid’s, and the bar was the Atomic Bootlegger Lounge. Best of all, Trish seemed to be having just as much fun as Keeley, lighting up with a smile each time the Little girl pointed out a new thing to see.

    Neither of them were prepared for the wall of guns, however. They rounded a corner between the convenience store and the casino to find a wall display of rifles, pistols, and American flags stretching forty feet or more. It was like walking into a foreign film that had decided to discard subtly when setting a scene in the USA. Most of the weapons were displayed next to a placard, many were from a John Wayne collection – which only made the attraction more surreal.

    “That’s so many guns. Why?” Keeley wrinkled her nose at a pistol that read, “Try And Take It” on the grip.

    “Some of these are cool. This rifle is from the Mounties. Oh, and they have a Wyatt Earp Lawman revolver with the crazy long barrel.”

    Keeley stood stunned, blinking at her babysitter. “Trish – are you into guns?”

    “What? No, I only own one. Revolvers are fun at the shooting range though.”

    “You own a gun?”

    “Yeah, one of my uncles gave me a Bergera thirty-ought-six for my sweet sixteen.” Trish laughed nervously as Keeley’s eyes bugged out. “You’ve never been hunting?”

    “I’ve never even held a gun.” She got a gun for her sweet sixteen? At my sweet sixteen my parents rented a hotel convention center in Manhattan and bought me two cars.

    “I’m really not a gun nut. I keep my rifle locked up at my dad’s place. It’s good to see that it’s all American flags in this display too, no confederate stuff.”

    “Anyway, guns aren’t appropriate for Little girls.” Trish patted Keeley’s butt. “But maybe I’ll take you fishing sometime.”

    Keeley wrinkled her nose. Fishing sounded gross, and dumb. On the other hand, Keeley telling her mom she was going fishing might literally give her mom gray hairs. Ultimately, retreating into her lack of autonomy felt like the best response.

    “I don’t know how to fish but I’d go just to be with you.”

    “You’re darling, and I’m sure you’d learn fast. Anyway, this display doesn’t seem like it’s much fun for you, let’s check out those massage chairs.”

    Hesitantly, Keeley approached the pair of pleather massage chairs. The closer she got, the sketchier they looked. The sturdy black pleather on the chairs had clearly seen a lot of use. That the chairs boasted twelve forms of massage including butt massage was not a selling point in Keeley’s mind. She’d seen the butts that came through the truck stop.

    “Um, Trish, aren’t these going to be – like – sweaty?”

    “That’s what these wipes are for.” Trish yanked a disinfectant wipe out of a plastic dispenser and scrubbed the chairs down. “There, clean and disinfected. Hop on!”

    Wild giggles swept through Keeley as she took a seat. Never mind her mother, who would have a stroke upon seeing her daughter in a truck-stop massage chair – Keeley’s friends would be horrified, starting with her nannies. Trish tapped her card against the chair’s reader and Keeley was engulfed in vibration. She cackled like a fiend as the chair rumbled and undulated around her. By the sounds of Trish’s belly laugh, her babysitter was having just as much fun. As intense as the vibration was, Keeley found it difficult to hold her potty. She also found she didn’t care to make the effort.

    Vibration in a wet diaper was a new sensation that caught Keeley completely off guard. Why haven’t I been doing this the whole time? She had to literally bite her tongue to keep from moaning out loud. Other keeping her arousal quiet, Keeley lost all restraint. She released her bladder without hesitation and lay limply in the chair as if she’d downed a handful of cannabis gummies.

    When the vibration session ended, Trish needed several tries to get Keeley out of her chair. The Little girl barely registered being diaper checked while she dreamily leaned against her babysitter. Nor did she pay attention to their next destination, until Trish swiped her card to unlock a door and she found herself in a large bathroom.

    The bathroom was honestly the biggest surprise in the truck stop. It boasted two mirrors, a large sink, a stocked towel rack, and a shower. Moreover, it was spotlessly clean. There was a bench to sit on, with nearby shelves for changing clothes. Slowly, it dawned on Keeley what they were in the bathroom for – she couldn’t tell if the blush that prickled in her cheeks was embarrassed or horny.

    “I had an accident.” Keeley was delighted to see Trish’s pupils dilate in response.

    “You are soaked. Let’s get you out of that romper and I’ll change you on the bench.”

    The bathroom was pleasantly warm, which Keeley supposed made sense for a place where people would strip down to shower. An uncompromising focus on comfort was the main theme of the bathroom – which Keeley could appreciate. After traveling thousands of miles by road, she could imagine it was awful to be in a truck cab with no playpen, or kitchen, or lounge. Even with those things, Vidette looked wrung out at the end of each day and had headed straight for the shower.

    As the bench was a little narrow, Keeley found the best way to balance was to hold on to her ankles to minimize the effort required to keep herself steady. She hadn’t realized what a baby thing it was to do until she saw Trish blush, but that simply made her awkward posture a bonus. Little shivers ran across her skin as Trish wiped her down and applied lotion.

    “Can I get a cute diaper? Do you have one with animals on it?”

    “I sure do, baby girl.” Trish grinned and slipped a diaper under Keeley’s rear. “Are you having a good time? I feel like we’re back in the groove we had at the beach house after I changed you.”

    Keeley nodded eagerly. “It’s like that for me too. I thought so much about being girlfriends with you that I forgot about how good a babysitter you are.”

    “Does that mean I get to do a fully baby day with you sometime during the Burning Man? Your nannies said they were going to do one during the trip but I didn’t get a chance to hear how that went.”

    “Trish,” Keeley rolled her eyes. “Don’t be dumb. Why would I get to decide that?”

    Trish laughed, patting down the powder on Keeley’s rear and crotch before taping her into her diaper. “My mistake. I should have asked if your baby day was fun. What did you do that day?”

    “I colored a lot. Nanny Vi gave me a sponge bath. My nanas fed me all my meals and I got snuggles all day. I had to go to bed early, though.”

    “Lit. I’m going to do that with you for sure.” Trish stroked Keeley’s belly, grinning as the Little girl arched her back. “You’re amazing.”

    “Why?” Keeley sat up, putting her legs through her romper’s leg-holes as directed.

    “Shh. Take the compliment.” Trish kissed Keeley before snapping her back into her romper. Keeley’s mouth went to being occupied by Trish’s lips, to accepting a pacifier. Spacing out on the bench, Keeley didn’t notice that Trish had used the potty until she heard it flush. Having her pacifier taken away was annoying, Keeley was following Trish out the door before she realized why her babysitter had taken the soother back. I guess truckers wouldn’t understand adult babies – gosh, it’s easy to get lost playing like this.

    Into the beautiful fog that suffused Keeley’s mind came the sound of her nannies laughing. They found Dominika and Vidette by a rack of magazines in the convenience store. Vidette waved them down as they approached. “Hey you two. Did you see that gun wall?”

    “Yeah, they had a lot of interesting historical pieces,” Trish said. “Did we take too long in here? I didn’t forget the drinks you asked for, we were just about to grab them and go back to the bus.”

    “We decided to come in anyway. Where else would we find such fascinating backwoods literature?” Dominika smirked.

    “There’s an entire conference room with a TV at one end and a bunch of chairs. They’re just playing cable, and the place is packed.” Vidette’s giggle had a hint of nervousness about it.

    Both nannies were having fun, Keeley realized. It was the same fun that she and Trish had been having, but her nannies had to pretend that they weren’t having fun. Is it because they want to look cool? To who, each other? We don’t know anybody here. As someone with a boyfriend who’s whole life revolved around looking cool, Keeley was an expert on how useless that attitude was.  My nannies sure are stupid sometimes. I’m surprised they can get their pants on. Caught up in her private world, Keeley giggled before she realized she was laughing out loud.

    “Something funny, baby girl?” Vidette smoothed Keeley’s hair, though between the massage chair and lying on a bench, it was a hopeless endeavor. The conversation had moved on without her, not that Keeley cared at the moment.

    “I had a funny thought.” She yawned. Keeley had been generally unclear on what time it was for the whole trip, but the current hour felt like it was past her bedtime. “When can we go to the festival?”

    “We can probably leave now if we take the drive slowly.” Vidette sighed. “I’m looking forward to not driving for a while.”

    Dominika toasted Vidette a mug that said, “Thank you for your service”, which got a good laugh out of everyone. They each picked a drink from the coolers – Keeley surprised everyone by picking the biggest water bottle in the case – and ambled back to the bus. The nannies strapped into the front seats while Keeley snuggled up to her babysitter on the couch.

    “Did the desert dry you out?” Trish motioned at Keeley’s water bottle.

    “No uh…” Keeley looked up at her nannies. They were chatting away, and Vidette was partially distracted by threading her way around the long haul trucks. “When I wet in the massage chair it felt really good. Like uh, I don’t know if you have a vibrator, but somebody has to have one around here somewhere and I was hoping you could do that for me. When we’re alone.”

    “Oh dang.” Trish grinned and squeezed Keeley tightly. “You better drink up then, that sounds like all kinds of fun.” Serious commitment to sexy vibrating diapers had the entire liter of water inside Keeley by the time the bus reached Black Rock City.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 7

    The ride to Black Rock City began with magic. First, there was the glorious desert sunset over the mountains. The sunset faded to a brief dark interlude, only to be replaced with a riot of colored lights as they approached their destination. Keeley had heard people talk about Burning Man as a temporary city in the desert, but the sheer scope of it hadn’t sunk in until she saw light scattered across miles of playa. Most exciting of all was that more lights went up every second. The event already dwarfed Keeley’s experience and expectations, and it was only getting started.

    When they hit the line, the magic died. Their journey slowed to a crawl as they waited for the vehicles in front of them to be processed. Keeley squirmed out of Trish’s grasp to peer ahead – though she stopped at the baby gate like a good girl. From the bus’s elevated position she could see that there were at least a half-dozen cars being attended by Burning Man staff at a time. If they were just taking tickets, it made no sense that the line was moving so slowly. The bottom fell out of her stomach when she caught a glimpse of a gate-crew volunteer climbing into the back of a pickup truck.

    “She’s going through their stuff – they have to inspect the cars?” Cold sweat broke out across Keeley’s neck and shoulders. “They aren’t coming inside here, are they?”

    “They have to check that we’re not smuggling extra people in, and that we don’t have any banned stuff. It’ll be quick, don’t worry hon.” Dominika’s tone was far too casual for the terrifying gravity of the situation.

    “But – but – but – they’ll see the changing table, and my crib – and me!”

    “Sweetie, it’s going to be okay. The whole plan was that you were going to be a baby at the festival, right?” Vidette looked back from the driver’s seat with a sympathetic smile.

    “But I was going to wear stuff to cover my diapers!” Keeley’s hands flapped anxiously at her sides. “I didn’t think people would see that I get changed, and the crib – nanas, I can’t do this!”

    “Keels, sweetie, don’t panic.” Trish wrapped her arms around Keeley from behind. The gesture was comforting, but came at just the right time to overwhelm Keeley. She burst into tears, nervously wetting herself at the same time.

    Keeley twisted around in Trish’s arms, sobbing into her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Trish, help. Please don’t let them see. I don’t want anybody to see.”

    “There are going to be other ABDL girls there, Keels.” Trish pulled Keeley into a nice, tight hug, nuzzling the top of her head. “There have been in past years too. The staff here see all kinds of weird stuff. They won’t even bat an eye at you.”

    “You d-d-d-don’t know that.” Keeley whimpered. “You’ve never been here before.”

    “I did a lot of research when your nannies told me they wanted to bring you here.” Trish tilted Keeley’s chin up and kissed her tear-streaked cheeks. “It was important to me that it was a safe place for you to be a baby girl, and I really think it is.”

    “R-really? You promise?” Keeley sniffled, gazing fearfully at Trish. Her girlfriend’s reassuring nod didn’t banish Keeley’s anxiety, though it did tie her trepidation to Trish. “Th-then if they laugh at me, it’s your fault. You promised it will be okay!”

    “I can accept that. It’s my fault if they’re mean to you. I’ll be by your side the whole time too. If anyone tries to be mean, I’ll shut them down right away.” Trish pressed her forehead against Keeley’s – the Little girl shuddered and pressed back.

    Trish promised. They have to be nice to me now, because Trish promised. It took a pacifier in her mouth, and a spot on Trish’s lap to restore a sense of peace for Keeley. Though she was sure she looked happy enough – with her head tucked into the curve of Trish’s neck – her excitement at finally arriving at Burning Man was gone. It’d been replaced by vague dread and a desire to get through the line so that her private spaces would become private again.

    Hours passed while Keeley refused to play games or relinquish her spot on Trish’s lap. The sound of the bus door opening roused her from her funk, she raised her head to peer nervously at the front of the bus. Vidette got their tickets out of an envelope on the dash, while Dominika scurried down the steps. In a flash, Keeley whipped the pacifier out of her mouth and stuffed it in her pocket.

    “I’ll open the cargo compartments for you.” Dominika said, to someone’s thanks.

    A black clad woman climbed up the stairs, scanning each of the tickets. “Hey, I’m Daystar, I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can. Just four?”

     Vidette smiled at Daystar, “Four of us. I’ll give you the tour.”

    With the baby gate tucked back behind the driver’s seat, the first baby thing the gate volunteer encountered was a doozy. Keeley’s entire body tensed as Daystar stared at the playpen.

    “You have a baby with you?” Daystar asked.

    “That’s Keeley’s.” Vidette said, casually as anything. “It’s a game.”

    “Okay.” Daystar was more than unphased, she was uninterested. Keeley watched in shock as the gate volunteer expressed more interest in the tickets than she had the adult sized playpen. Daystar swiped through a screen on her scanner. “So you’re Vidette? Right. Dominika met us outside, this here is Trish and Keeley?”

    “I’m Trish.” With a smile and a squeeze around Keeley’s waist, Trish introduced them both. “This is my girlfriend Keeley.”

    “Great, welcome to The Burning Man.” Daystar flashed Keeley and Trish a genuine enough smile, though the corners of it had been worn off by how busy she looked. “Vidette, I see you’ve got a kitchen and all, you have enough water in the tank?”

    “Plenty, and room to store all the waste water. We filled up just outside Reno.” Vidette lead Daystar into the back of the bus, letting her peek into the bathroom and do a search of the bedroom. Other than pushing the clothes around in their closet, and a question about how they intended to dispose of diapers, Daystar was in too much of a hurry to make small talk. She spent her time quizzing Vidette on a bunch of rules about driving and dumping water before heading back to the front of the bus.

    “We good? Great, thanks Mike.” Daystar called down the entry stairs as Dominika squeezed past her. “This is everybody’s first time at The Man, right? When you go through the gate, take the right hand lane and stop where you see the pink and white lights. The Greeters there will give you a proper welcome and pop your cherries.”

    “Thanks Daystar!” Vidette was practically vibrating in her seat. Dominika looked excited too, but not nearly on Vidette’s level. The bus rumbled forward as soon as the door closed, leaving the sea of vehicles waiting for inspection behind.

    “How’re you doing, Keels?” Trish nuzzled Keeley’s neck.

    “We still have to see the Greeters.” Keeley did her best to grump, but Trish had fulfilled her promise with the inspection, so she nuzzled her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. There were still butterflies in Keeley’s belly when she followed her nannies and Trish down the Bus’s stairs. She exited onto a wild scene lit by fluorescent lights with people in a riot of strange costumes. Every minute or so a bell would ring, there was a big iron bell next to the bus. Without warning, a woman was up in Keeley’s face. She was wearing a gold bikini that was edged with silver tassels, and her face was painted with a horizontal scarlet stripe across her eyes from hairline to hairline.

    “Welcome to Burning Man! Can I give you a hug?” The woman was enthusiasm personified – she radiated warmth and hospitality. Keeley nodded nervously and was immediately pulled into an exuberant hug. “You’re a virgin right? First time at Burning Man?”

    “Y-yeah.” Keeley smiled hesitantly. Her nannies and Trish were both occupied with their own greeters. Before she could ask them for help or reassurance, the greeter was talking again.

    “You’ve got to anoint yourself with the playa dust, and ring the bell. You can just put some on your forehead, but the best way is to roll around on the ground.”

    Keeley giggled at the naughtiness of the idea. “But I’ll get my clothes all dirty. My nannies will be upset.”

    “Your nannies?”

    “Oh uh…” Keeley stared at the greeter hesitantly. She didn’t even know the woman’s name, like she had with Daystar. Despite that, she felt instantly comfortable with the woman in the wild bikini. “I’m a baby – I mean, it’s a game. Dominika and Vidette are my nannies – Trish is my girlfriend but she’s also my babysitter.”

    “That’s a hell of an alternative lifestyle.” From anyone else the words would have been a sarcastic or even venomous condemnation. The greeter had an appreciative grin on her face as she said it. “Fuck yeah, demolish the state!”

    “What?” Keeley giggled.

    “Never mind, just roll in the dirt! Get that Playa all over you!”

    Trish was already making a dust-angel on the ground. Vidette and Dominika were rubbing dust on their foreheads like dorks. With a wild laugh, Keeley dropped to the ground and rolled, thrashing until she was surrounded by fine gray dust and coughing like crazy. The greeter laughed and hauled Keeley to her feet, slapping the worst of the dust off her shortalls.

    “That’s the spirit, now grab this stick and hit that bell!”

    Keeley gave the iron bell a mighty strike, to a general cheer of the greeters and attendees around her. Trish was next, with Dominika and Vidette ringing the bell together to round out the group. After some more hugs and encouragement from the gaggle of greeters around their particular bell, Keeley scampered up the bus stairs.

    “Keels, you are filthy.” Trish laughed.

    “That was so fun!” Keeley spun around, giggling madly when Trish caught her to stop the spray of fine dust into the playpen and lounge.

    “Remember, you’re on Keeley duty for the rest of today and tomorrow.” Dominika said with a smirk.

    “Feeling better, baby girl?” Vidette asked as she put the bus in gear.

    “Yeah – you were right. I’m sorry I cried and made a big fuss.”

    “That’s fine, you’re our baby girl, remember?” Trish gave Keeley a swat on the butt, coughing when a cloud of dust ballooned out. “Let’s get your clothes changed and you wiped down a little, though.”

    “I don’t wanna! I want to see the festival!”

    “Don’t make me put you in time out, then you’ll really miss things.” Trish’s tone was surprisingly stern. With a squeak, Keeley hurried to the back of the bus. On her changing table, she had the dust combed out of her hair and was patted down with a damp towel. The promised clothing change was upgraded to include a diaper change when Trish discovered Keeley was wet.

    Lying on her changing table with her legs in the air, Keeley threw a glance to the front of the bus. Her nannies were engrossed in driving and trying to find a spot to set up camp. Quietly, Keeley said, “Trish – I know you don’t want to spank as a punishment for real stuff. But um, if I was just pretending to be bad, you could spank me a little.”

    Trish blinked at Keeley, her hand frozen in the act of applying lotion to Keeley’s rear. “It’s a turn-on for you? Doesn’t that make it weird when your nannies spank you?”

    “They know how to spank so that it’s not sexy – mostly.” Keeley blushed. “I like being a good girl for you, but…. Rolling in the dust felt really naughty – and that made it a lot of fun.”

    “Between all the water you drank and this conversation, I think you might be flirting with me.” Trish grinned, hoisting Keeley’s legs up nearly to her chest. She sprinkled powder over Keeley’s rear and patted it down into the lotion – with firm strokes of her hand. “I might have to practice a little to figure out what kind of spanking is sexy.”

    Keeley quivered, grabbing the rails of her changing table. “Harder than that – though that was sexy too.”

    Trish brought her hand down on Keeley’s taut rear with a couple of real slaps. Between the powder and the festival noise outside, the sound didn’t carry far. The impact, on the other hand, traveled beautifully up to Keeley’s brain, then back down to her kitty, where it had her damp in seconds. To her great disappointment, Trish followed those slaps up by taping Keeley into her diaper.

    “That’s it?” she whined.

    “We’re going to need to set up as soon as your nannies find a campsite.” Trish smiled – it seemed like an attempt at a cocky smile but it was spoiled by the blush on her nose and cheeks. “Besides, you said I could have you whenever I want. Maybe I’ll – take advantage of that when I put you to bed.”

    She’s so sweet and sexy at the same time. Keeley nodded and arched her back, grinning at the way she drew Trish’s eyes to her dust-streaked breasts. “I’ll keep my promise the same as you did. Any time you want, I’m yours.”

    Trish’s lips met Keeley’s. She had a hand in the Little girl’s hair and another on her breast. Keeley groaned happily into the kiss, finding Trish’s chest through her shirt, and her belly under it. She was a very warm Little girl by the time Trish reluctantly got her dressed in a pink sundress. When her nannies finally found a campsite, Keeley watched them work with Trish to set up an angled tarp from the top of the bus to some stakes in the ground. For her part, Keeley concentrated on turning the rest of her water bottle into a wet diaper.

    Once the tarp was set, Dominika and Vidette extended the bedroom, but they didn’t return to the bus. Keeley watched Vidette give Trish the keys to the bus, Dominika slung a pack over her shoulder, and the two nannies vanished into the darkness on their way to the festival center. Some smaller vehicles had parked nearby already, but the people from those cars were busy setting up tents and having fun among themselves.

    With the bus door closed and locked behind Trish, Keeley was truly alone with her girlfriend for the first time since she’d been babysat at the beach house. She beamed at Trish and turned her empty water bottle upside down.

    “Good girl staying hydrated.” Trish sauntered down the bus’s aisle with a twinkle in her eye.

    “My diaper is really wet.” Keeley giggled. “For more than one reason.”

    “It’s way, way past your bedtime – but I have things I want to do with you.” Trish pulled Keeley close, her desire giving her a bit of a rough edge. Lust blossomed between Keeley’s ears and legs. She slipped her sundress straps off her shoulders, letting the dress hang precariously from her bust.

    “I’m a good girl. I’ll do everything my babysitter says.”

    “You’re not always a good girl.” Trish’s trembling hand stroked the top of Keeley’s breast, sending her dress fluttering down to catch on her diapered hips.

    “I don’t know any better.” Keeley pulled Trish’s shirt up, pressing her bare chest to Trish’s body. “I might need a little spanking to teach me what’s bad.”

    “Keeley.” The raw need in Trish’s voice ignited a fire between Keeley’s legs that no amount of wet in her diaper could quench. Their lips met hungrily while they snatched Trish’s clothes off her whenever they came up for air.

    Keeley felt Trish slip a round bit of plastic into her diaper. Moments later, her guess as to what it was, was confirmed when the bullet vibrator buzzled to life. Moaning incoherently, she plastered sloppy kisses across Trish’s breasts until her babysitter pinned her to her changing table and worked her tongue across Keeley’s nipples. A new kind of orgasm bloomed in Keeley’s brain, softer and warmer than her usual blinding bursts of pleasure. What it lacked in intensity, it made up in the beautiful tingles that spread all across her body – and the easy way it chained into several more of the same.

    Without the debilitating, wrung-out sensation of a rough climax, Keeley had the presence of mind to sink to her knees in front of Trish and attend her girlfriend with her tongue. Sundress in a puddle around her waist, her crotch in a puddle in her diaper – Keeley pushed Trish against the changing table and shoved her head between her babysitter’s legs. The fists Trish made in Keeley’s hair told her what she needed to know about what Trish wanted. Keeley put her tongue to work, licking hard and fast along the length of Trish’s slit.

    Trish’s moans were already ringing off the bus’s walls when Keeley put a pair of fingers in her girlfriend and changed the tone from enthusiastic ecstasy to raw rapture. After her hips bucked against the changing table for the fourth time, Trish was begging Keeley to stop. She didn’t relent until Trish pulled her head away by her hair.

    For her impertinence, Keeley was bent over the window seat in the bedroom, with stinging slaps across her wet rear. Trish’s fingers filled Keeley from behind while the tingle of her spanking was still dancing on her cheeks. It took only a glorious moment of Trish thrusting into Keeley roughly, for a truly brain-melting climax to shoot up her spine from her sex.

    Keeley drifted dreamily through cuddles on the bedroom floor. She was half asleep when Trish put a hefty nighttime diaper on her and tucked her into her crib. Stealing a last kiss from her babysitter, Keeley was out before her crib bars had been raised.

  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 8

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  • A Trip to the Playa: Chapter 9

    Keeley woke the next day to find out that Vidette was on baby duty, and that her naughty babysitter had been up all night. It was tempting to be a brat and wake Trish up. Keeley still remembered being dragged out of bed at the start of her trip and decided to spare her girlfriend. After everything that had happened on the trip, Keeley didn’t bat an eye at her morning diaper change or the onesie that Vidette put her in. Honestly, she was delighted at the purple unicorns decorating the main component of her outfit. The white background of the onesie was a bit plain, however. The nannies said they’d brought a bunch of art stuff – Keeley hoped that included some fabric pens to spice up her baby clothes.

    Halfway through a baby-food breakfast, Keeley realized she was glad she wasn’t eating a dull slice of toast. The playa’s inevitable dust had already percolated into every part of the bus, giving it the smell of a ceramics studio or a warehouse basement. The bright taste of pureed carrots and sweet potatoes made an excellent counterpoint.

    “Finish your breakfast, baby girl.” Vidette fondly tucked Keeley’s hair behind her ear. “I have a surprise, but it’s only for babies that clean their bowl.”

    “What kinda surprise?” Keeley blushed when Vidette put a hand under her chin and deliberately closed her mouth. Maybe she hadn’t finished swallowing before she started talking, but so what?

    “An art surprise. Hurry up hon, you need finish your water too.”

    Keeley gobbled up the rest of her puree and drained her sippy cup in time for Dominika to exit the shower. In contrast to Trish and Keeley, the nannies were insisting on showers every day. It wasn’t a lack of water stopping Keeley from requesting a shower. Only a certain type of Burner had clean skin in the mornings. Regular folk were constantly smudged with dust, the ones that were pristine got held at arm’s length. Though she was too posh for her own good, Dominika lovingly gentle when she put Keeley’s sandals on.

    As soon as they were outside, Keeley danced in the morning sunlight, luxuriating in the stark heat that soaked through her skin into her bones. Her nannies were messing around with something large and loud the bus’s cargo compartment, so she figured she had time to play on her own. She frolicked her way through the neighbors’ camp, getting a few laughs and even a hug from Carmen. The simple fact that she had friendly people to say good morning to warmed Keeley’s heart more than the sun had warmed her body. When her nannies called for her, Keeley left her neighbors with a promise to bring popsicles over later.

    “You making friends?” Vidette was standing next to a pile of pink and purple plastic. The colors clashed with the metallic bronze bikini she had on – the overall effect with the burning man backdrop made her look like she was in a low budget cyberpunk movie.

    “Yeah, have you met them?” Keeley frowned at Vidette’s shake of her head. “You should! They’re really nice, especially Carmen and John. I’m going to take popsicles over for them later.”

    “Maybe I will.” Vidette shrugged. “Anyway, your surprise is ready, if Nika ever gets here with the tools.”

    “They’re heavy, bitch.” Dominika grinned as she hauled a box and a bucket over to the pile of plastic. She’d gone with a catsuit that was a wild swirl of colors from surrealist paintings mashed together.

    “Is this stuff the surprise?” Keeley peered more curiously at the plastic bits. They were all sizes, from an inch across to big two foot panels, though it was all a quarter inch thick. Most of the shapes were sharp angled, though a few circles were scattered throughout. It looked like a jumbled mess – a mess that Keeley’s brain couldn’t help but begin to piece together.

    “That’s right!” Vidette proudly stomped on a heavy metal disc with a metal pole rising up ten feet or more. “A big art project for our big baby. You get to make your first real sculpture and show it off where everyone’s doing cool art installations.”

    “The bucket has some quick acting resin, it needs to stay in the shade. We’ve got some tools to help you cut the plastic if you need to, and to put the resin on. Be careful, okay? Tell whoever’s watching you if you get the resin on your skin, and go slow with the knife.” Dominika laid out the tools on a waist height little table as she mentioned them.

    The plastic bits took on three dimensions in Keeley’s mind, whirling together in a multitude of shapes. As her gaze wandered up the pole, her eyes grew wider. Before walking around the festival, she would have been intimidated by the idea of making art, but she’d seen an incredible variety the day before. Some of it was slick and professional, but most was simply people having fun with their imaginations.

    Squealing, Keeley clapped her hands before hugging both of her nannies. “Nanas, this is so cool! I didn’t think I’d get to participate like this. Thank you!”

    “We’re glad you like it, kiddo.” Vidette gave Keeley a squeeze and turned her to face the area shaded by their netted tarp. “There’s a cooler there with water in it. I’ll remind you, but if you’re thirsty at all, drink. If you feel hot or dizzy, get in the shade, okay?”

    “I will, I will!” Keeley grinned and hugged her nannies again. “Can I get started right now?”

    “Go for it!” Dominika grinned. “I’m going to explore for a bit, but I’ll be back for lunch and I’ll take over watching you then.”

    “I’ll be on the lounge chair in the shade,” Vidette said. “I was up almost as late as Trish last night.”

    “Kay!” Keeley rummaged through the plastic without further preamble.

    She wasn’t sure what to make, yet, but whatever she made was going to need a decent sized base. The pole was nice, but looked too bendy for her to rely on it alone. Her first few tries with spreading the resin were ugly disasters, but were easily covered up by more bits of plastic. In no time she was sticking plastic bits to her sculpture or the pole with fluid motions. As she worked, a shape resolved in her mind’s eye. Without worrying too much about the end state, Keeley followed the rough idea in her head. Whenever she didn’t have a piece to match the shape in her head, it was easy to correct with another, often leading Keeley in a better direction than her first thought.

    It was under protest that Keeley let Vidette drag her into the shady area for a diaper check and a bottle of water. She was shocked to discover that it’d already been an hour and a half of working on her sculpture. Sure, there was a lot of plastic stuck to the base, but there were armloads of pieces left in the pile. The swirling bowl-shape she’d created so far was only a tiny part of the figure that now dominated Keeley’s thoughts.

    “Lie down on the lounge chair. You’re a little baked.” Vidette had apparently meant baby bottle when she’d said water bottle, which made Keeley giggle as she laid back.

    “I wish I was baked for real. Did you at least bring weed gummies?”

    “What would your babysitter say about that?” Vidette chuckled and put the bottle to Keeley’s lips. “Anyway, we didn’t. Booze only, and it’s not for babies.”

    As much as she wanted to get back to work on her sculpture, Keeley had to admit she felt a little desiccated. Her diaper hadn’t been wet enough to change, but her skin was covered in playa dust streaked by sweat. Fifteen minutes in the shade, sucking on ice cold water, restored Keeley in ways she hadn’t realized she needed. The moment the bottle was done, though, Keeley was on her feet and back at her sculpture. She took a moment to sort her materials, moving some of the plastic shapes into the shade with the resin, and spreading the others out in the sun.

    The next interruption to her work came at lunchtime, when Dominika returned and Trish stumbled sleepily out of the bus. Trish looked tantalizing in a flowing white robe of sparse fabric, that easily showed off the red bikini she had on underneath. Snuggling with her girlfriend made taking an art break bearable for Keeley, since she wasn’t hungry at all. They were all low on appetite, the sun had baked it out of them. Even so, Trish insisted that Keeley eat at least one bratwurst and some veggies. She managed half the sausage and some cauliflower before even Trish couldn’t make her eat another bite. Part of her non-appetite was her stomach full of water. They’d all gulped it down at lunch. Water tasted sweeter on the playa than Keeley could have imagined.

    “Hey Keeley, I’m going to move this plastic stuff for you. The pieces are getting soft in the sun.” Trish reached for Keeley’s art supplies, only to be stopped by a squawk from the diapered girl.

    “No! Those are there on purpose. The sun is bleaching them out extra, it changes the color.” Scurrying over, Keeley tested the plastic with her fingers. “It’s a little bendy but it’ll be okay. I can work with it.”

    “Sorry for questioning the great artist.” Trish grinned proudly at Keeley and gave her a dusty kiss on the lips. “I’m going to wander with Vidette a little, you be good for Dominika, okay? Keep drinking water and put some more sunscreen on soon.”

    “Okay have fun!” Keeley was back at her sculpture instantly, excitedly adding the pieces that would put a woman’s waist on top of the cylinder she’d created, and make it clear that the base of her sculpture was a skirt.

    “So what is it?” Dominika peered around and inside the sculpture while Trish and Vidette wandered off.

    “You’ll see! It’ll be easier to explain when it’s done.” The softened pieces turned out to be perfect for sculpting the curves of a waist, to Keeley’s delight.

    “Hah, alright. I’ll be taking a break in the shade.” Dominika hugged Keeley, right in the middle of her placing a sculpture piece. She squirmed out of her nanny’s grasp and got back to work.

    Dominika made it through an hour of trying to use her tablet reader in the dust and one water break for Keeley before she gave up in disgust. “Keeley, are you going to be okay if I hop inside the bus for a bit? The dust is driving me crazy.”

    “Yup, have fun!” Keeley spread some more plastic in the sun eagerly. A sigh of relief left her when the bus door closed behind Dominika. Without any more dumb interruptions from her nanny, she was going to be able to make real progress!

    The sculpture had acquired a torso and stumpy arms by the time Keeley had her next visitor. Jose, from the neighbor camp, wandered over as Keeley was hacking at the plastic pieces with a heavy vinyl knife.

    “Hey girl, mind if I look at your project?”

    “Go ahead.” Keeley grunted, stripping another shard off the purple triangle she was butchering.

    “This is cool.” Jose ran his fingers lightly over the skirt and squatted down to peer at it with one eye. “Proportions are bang on too. The plastic pieces are kind of like the scrap metal sculpture I do. You want help, or would you rather work solo?”

    Keeley wiped her soaked brow and came away with a cake of muddy dust on the back of her hand. It was important for the sculpture to be done before her bedtime, and the cutting work was going more slowly than she’d hoped. I’ve never shared an art project before, Keeley thought, with sudden excitement.

    “Yeah! Um, I know it’s not the super fun part, but can you help me with the cutting?”

    “Sure!” Jose held out his hand for the knife. “It’s your project, I’ll be the assistant.”

    “Deal.” Keeley grinned and handed the knife off. “I need long shards cut off purple pieces like this. They should be kind of feather shaped, but simple spikes, don’t cut detail into them.”

    “Got it, jefe.” Jose’s strong hands sent the knife through the plastic like butter.

    Delighted to have that task out of the way, Keeley set about building the statue’s arms. She gave them a huge plastic rectangle to hold, which made them droop alarmingly. Jose guffawed and made a descending “woooop” sound as Keeley tried to hold the arms up to no avail. She giggled along with him, grinning while the two of them rigged a rope around the pole to take the weight of the big panel. It was bliss to work with Jose adding feathers between the sculpture’s arms. The effect was glorious! Keeley had realized her vision of the statue tearing apart a pair of wings better than she’d hoped. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was the way the dust kept making her cough.

    “Hey, you two are getting burnt to hell. Come in the shade, come on.” Maria lead Keeley and Jose back to her tent and handed them both a bottle of ice water.

    Keeley had been irritated – unsure of why she was following Maria’s orders – until she stepped into the shade. Leaving the sun’s glare made the headache it had given her stand out in high relief. She was so parched that Maria had to stop her from chugging the whole water bottle in one go.

    “Tontos, were you trying to get heat stroke?” Maria shook her head, wiping Jose and Keeley’s foreheads with a wet cloth in turn.

    “We got caught up in the art. This baby girl is a heck of an artist.”

    “Eh, it’s just a hobby thing.” Keeley blushed, or assumed she had. It was hard to feel any heat in her cheeks over the heat in her skin.

    “What does that matter?” Jose grinned. “I’m not a professional artist either.”

    “It looks cool as hell.” Maria nodded, popping an ice cube in her mouth. “But it won’t get finished if you two fall over. Promise me you’ll take a long break, okay?”

    “I can do that.” Jose nodded. “You want to let me in on where the sculpture is going, Keeley?”

    “Yeah! But just you.” She made a shooing motion at Maria. “It’s a surprise for everyone who’s not working on it.”

    Maria laughed. “Okay, no worries. I’m going to take a nap anyway. We’re right in the middle of the afternoon heat. I’ll let you two chill here. Jose, can I use your tent?”

    “Be my guest.” Jose nodded, leaning back on Maria’s rolled up sleeping bag.

    Chatting with Jose about the sculpture – and its purpose – was almost as fun as building. He didn’t talk down to her at all, far from it. Jose was excited about the sculpture, praising Keeley for some of the decisions she’d struggled with as she’d designed it. Eventually, though, they ran out of conversation on the piece and relaxed in silence.

    “Man,” Jose sat up abruptly. “I can almost see our sculpture come alive in my head. I just need a little boost before we go back to work.” He fumbled in his pocket and produced a bag of what looked like hard candies, but the pale yellow lozenges were obviously hand-wrapped in thin wax paper.

    “What are those?” Keeley scooted closer to Jose.

    “Shroom edibles, homemade. Hey, I can share with you, but you have to be cool. There’s cops all up in this bitch. Don’t be talking about how you’re high outside the camp, cool?” Jose grinned when Keeley nodded. “You want one or two? Two is pretty hardcore, so if you’re a lightweight…”

    “I know how to party.” Keeley grinned. “Two please!”

    “Never thought I’d be handing these to someone in a onesie and a diaper.” Jose laughed, dropping a pair of lozenges in Keeley’s palm. He popped a pair in his mouth and crunched them before washing them down with water.

    “I’m not really a baby, obviously.” Keeley followed Jose’s example, wincing as she swallowed the sugary shards. “It’s just a fun game.”

    “You really like it? Even though uh – it looks like you used the diaper?”

    Keeley shrugged. “You get used to that part pretty fast, actually. It’s nice because – because my nannies take care of me. Way more than my mom ever used to.”

    “Aw, that’s sweet.” Jose nodded. “You mind if I lay quiet for a bit? I like it to kick in when I’m chilled out to make sure I have a good trip.”

    “No problem, that’s a good idea.” Keeley sighed and laid back.

    It was still hot in the tent, hotter than it had been outside her house when her nannies had showed up to spring the trip on her. The shade kept things bearable, as did the icy water, but Keeley wasn’t in a rush to get out in the sun again. With any luck, the day would at least be starting to cool by the time their trip started. Luck wasn’t on Keeley’s side. Not only did she end up with an annoying case of mushroom yawn, her babysitter arrived at the same time the yawns began.

    At first sight of Trish, Keeley was too delighted to see her girlfriend to remember that she had something to hide. She lept into her babysitter’s arms with a happy squeal. “Trish! Triiiish! Oh, you’re glowy, you’re all made of lights.”

    “I am?” Trish grinned, giving Keeley a quick kiss.

    “Yeah!” Keeley gazed dreamily at Trish. Kneeling in the doorway of the tent, her girlfriend was covered in shifting blobs of light and shadow. The light play distorted and deepened Trish’s form, revealing beautiful depths that Keeley hadn’t noticed before. “I can see all the way into you, you’re beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

    A frown sprouted on Trish’s ethereal face, creating intriguing dark crevices on her forehead. “Are you okay Keels? You didn’t get sunstroke did you? Shit, you are burnt, your skin is still hot.”

    “No it’s fine, I’ve been drinking water and hanging out with Jose.” Keeley motioned to her art buddy, who sat up and waved, before yawning hugely. That set Keeley off into another round of yawns. As best she could, she finished her explanation around her yawns. “Maria made us – come inside and – gave us water so we’re – totally fine.”

    “Something isn’t fine. Your pupils are blown out.” Trish’s frown became a scowl when Keeley giggled.

    “Shh! Trish, we’re not supposed to tell, there’s cops everywhere.”

    “Did you take something?” Trish bit her lip angrily. “Jose, did you give her something?”

    “What, are you a cop? She’s an adult, even if she’s in a diaper, right?” Jose shook his head. “I seriously need you to chill before my trip goes sour.”

    “Jose…” Trish balled up her hands and took a deep breath before relaxing them. “Keeley has problems with drugs. She needs to be sober. She was supposed to tell you that if you offered anything.”

    “Oh shit. Hey, I’m really sorry.” Jose sighed, then yawned. “Seriously, I didn’t realize.”

    “It’s not your fault, it’s Keeley’s – and Dominika’s. Where is she, anyway?”

    Keeley whimpered. “She went into the bus to read. Please don’t be mad at me, Trish, please? Please don’t break up with me.”

    “Nobody is breaking up.” Trish sighed. “Come on, I’ll get you sorted out.”

    “But we have to finish the sculpture!”

    “Not tonight you don’t.”

    “You don’t understand, it has to be done before bedtime!”

    “Keeley, I promise you that you don’t want to be grounded at a festival.”

    “Oh shit.” Jose blinked, wide-eyed. “That sounds fucked up, you better do what she says.”

    “Don’t finish it without me.” Keeley whimpered at Jose. The tent was full of sad, drippy shadows. They whispered guilt inducing stuff at Keeley, making her huddle against Trish for comfort.

    “I won’t touch it, it’s your project, promise.” Jose held up a peace sign.

    “Say goodbye Keeley. You can see Jose tomorrow, but you’ll be in the bus until morning.” Trish grabbed Keeley’s arm firmly – she hissed at the contact on her burnt skin.

    “Bye. Sorry!” Keeley stumbled out of the tent and swayed as soon as she was on her feet. There was so much going on, whirling colors, pounding sounds, the sun piercing down at her like a giant shiny bullet. She had to lean on Trish to walk fifty feet to the bus, retching once when a passing party vehicle overwhelmed her with sirens and music.

    The relative quiet of the bus was wonderful, as were the shades over its windows and the softness of the couch. Within the engine hum was the whole of the long memory of the road trip. The walls of the bus glimmered with little scenes of her playing with her nannies if she looked hard enough. She clung to those images, seeking solace in whatever happy moments she could get before Trish stated screaming at her. Of course, Keely knew she deserved to be yelled at, spanked, whatever Trish thought was right, but she wasn’t sure how she’d be able to handle it in her current state.

    To her surprise, Trish went completely off script. Keeley’s babysitter put her hands on her hips and glared down the length of the bus, calling out, “Dominika, get your ass out here.”

    It was a very surprised and slightly sunburnt nanny that stepped out of the bedroom, staring at Trish. “What exactly are you…”

    “Shut up.” Trish radiated the kind of flat anger that Keeley had only ever seen on her parents when they lost a business deal. It was a look and tone that spoke of disappointment and rage with a side order of disgust.

    “You left Keeley alone, totally unsupervised, so of course now she’s high.” Trish’s merciless gaze seemed to pierce Dominika as much as her words did, Keeley watched in disbelief as the shadows collected around Dominika and she bowed her head in shame.

    “Shit, I am really sorry. She was doing her art thing, I didn’t think…”

    “Yeah, you didn’t think. You dragged her out here, promising her and me that you were going to take care of her.” Trish crossed her arms over her chest. “On day ONE of watching her at the festival you fucked off.”

    “I uh… I’ve got nothing.” Dominika sighed and dropped into a dining booth seat. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

    “What’s all this?” Vidette stood at the top of the stairs, frowning.

    “You’re almost as deep in the shit as Dominika is, go sit with her, now.” Trish said, whirling on Vidette. Taken aback, Vidette stared in confusion at Trish – looked over at Dominica’s hangdog expression – and back at Trish before sidling awkwardly down the bus aisle.

    As she squeezed past Trish, Vidette said, “Look, Trish, I don’t know what exactly happened but you’re a little over…”

    The way Trish’s jaw muscles bulged stopped Vidette cold. Trish pointed at the dining booth. “Sit. Do NOT fuck with me right now. I‘m this close to blowing my stack on you two.”

    Again, Keeley was flabbergasted to see her nanny meekly scurry to take a seat. The sunny glow on Trish’s skin flickered like fire in the corners of her vision. She braced herself for Trish to finally turn on her, but instead her babysitter took a few steps toward the nannies.

    “Both of you totally neglected Keeley, when you explicitly promised me you would be careful with her.” Trish’s shoulders flexed angrily. “She’s high off her ass, sunburnt from head to toe, and dried out. What the fuck?”

    “Hey, I made sure she took shade and water breaks when I was watching her!” Vidette protested.

    “Yeah? And did you put sunscreen on her?” Trish seemed to swell as Vidette shrank. “Her skin is lobster pink! She’s burned under her onesie. You’re wearing sunscreen, Vidette, why isn’t Keeley?”

    “I uh – shit, I forgot.”

    “And you…” Trish shook her head at Dominika. “You already know what you did.” Dominika opened her mouth to respond, then closed it, nodding shamefacedly.

    “So what now?” Vidette asked, with a sigh.

    “I don’t know. I’m the youngest person here – it’s driving me crazy that I feel like the only adult. Do you know how much Keeley trusts and loves you two? Do you have any idea?” Trish yanked at her hair. “She wishes you two were her parents!”

    Keeley opened her mouth to yell at Trish for telling her nannies a secret – and stalled out when she saw her nannies’ expressions shift from surprise, to love – to overwhelmed tears. Hopeful, excited warmth blossomed in Keeley’s chest. Propelled by the psychedelics in her system, the feeling met the sunburnt tingles on her skin and covered her in a feeling of soft bunny fur.

    “Yeah,” Trish said softly. “So what now, Mom? Mom?”

    “I guess… there should be consequences for us.” Dominika said softly. “We impose them on Keeley – and we screwed up.”

    Trish nodded and looked at Vidette. Reluctantly, Vi nodded as well. Trish sighed. “Fine. I’ve got one for you. I’m putting you both in a diaper. You’ll wear it until you wake up tomorrow.”

    “WHAT?!” Dominika eyes bugged out, covering half her face.

    “It’s not like you never have before, if what you told me about the Delta Lambda Gamma sorority is true.” Trish crossed her arms.

    “Fuck it, sure.” Vidette giggled. “I haven’t worn since sophomore year. It’ll be a blast from the past I guess.”

    “I haven’t since halfway through Freshman year.” Dominika grumbled. “And I’m not going out in it – but I guess that’s the point. Fine. Yeah.”

    Keeley giggled, her giggles grew big and burst into laughter that pinged off the walls of the bus like a bouncy-ball. “Everybody’s a baby tonight!”

    “Except me. Somebody has to mind the store.” Trish shook her head ruefully.

    “But wait, Trish.” Keeley whimpered and tugged at Trish’s once-white robe, which was now mottled grey and brown. “I need my sculpture. It’s going to protect me from the scary bird people in the middle of the city.”

    “You’re not going back outside, sunburnt and tripping.” Trish crouched down, looking luminous and soft in Keeley’s altered vision. “I’ll be right by your side all night, and you can sleep in my bed, okay? No bad dreams will get you.”

    “O-okay.” Keeley shuddered, tears pouring out of her parched eyes.

    Trish turned back to the nannies. “Okay, who’s up on the changing table first?”

    “Keeley may wish that we’re her parents, but I kind of wish you were my sister.” Dominika snorted. “I guess you will be soon. You’re going to make a hell of a Delta-G. I’ll go first.”

    With both nannies in the biggest, fluffiest diapers Trish could find, it was an inside night for everyone. Keeley couldn’t stop grinning, even when the extra senses the shrooms had granted her faded away. It felt like a family night – not the kind of family night she’d ever had, but the kind she’d seen on TV shows and desperately longed for. They played a board game, drank juice, and laughed every time someone wet their diaper. Unlike her nannies, Keeley somehow escaped punishment and got a diaper change when she was wet. The nannies were stuck in diapers that were in no danger of leaking, but probably weren’t the most comfortable things in the world.

    Trish restricted both the nannies from alcohol that night too, they were on Keeley rules, right down to their bedtime. By the time the three diapered girls went to bed, Keeley could see that the punishment was wearing thin for her nannies – but they put up with it surprisingly well. It wouldn’t be a punishment if they like it, I guess. Keeley thought. It was fun having other diapered girls to hang out with. Maybe I really will visit Trish at her sorority.