Melody and Briana are siblings now, but that doesn't make their lives perfect. Briana is stuck as her Little self, while Melody can't get away from their abusive girlfriend.

Christmas is coming, which means Briana needs to earn Santa Points fast, to make up for her disaster at Thanksgiving. She needs to find a way to do that while helping her sibling.

What Melody really needs to do is learn to accept help from somebody - anybody. Even having Briana as a sister may not be enough for Melody to learn to trust.
  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 01

    Earlier that evening.

    Melody paused with their hand hovering over the doorknob to their house. What would they say to Veronica if she was home? Nothing came to mind. A conversation seemed inevitable. Inevitably horrible.

    Melody looked around to make sure no one was watching them stand outside their door awkwardly. There wasn’t anyone, but Veronica’s garden-statue of a naked dancer caught Melody’s eye.

    Senpai of the garden, what is your wisdom? Melody mentally asked.

    Get over yourself, the statue said in Melody’s imagination. This isn’t a meme and we aren’t anime girls.

    “Fucking weeb.” Melody muttered at themself on the way inside.

    The house was quiet, it didn’t sound like anybody was home. Melody almost missed Jane sitting in the living room reading a book. She hadn’t said anything, just looked up when Melody arrived.

    “Oh uh, hey Jane.” Melody said.

    “Welcome back.” Jane said with a little smile.

    “Yeah – I was over at Rosa’s.” Melody replied, confused as to why they felt like they had to explain that to Jane.

    “I thought so. I’m glad that’s going well.”

    “Thanks.” Melody dithered in the foyer, finally pulling their toque off as the house’s heat soaked in. “Look uh, Veronica probably told you about um – the stuff Briana found.”

    “She did.” Jane said. “Do you want to talk about it?”

    “No uh, I’m good.” Melody said, waiting for Jane to push back.

    “Then it’s none of my business.” Jane chuckled at Melody’s surprised expression. “I told Ronnie not to send that text. After your reaction to it, I forbid her from bringing it up with you again.”

    “You – forbid Veronica?” Melody blinked. Was Jane talking about the same Veronica? Queen of the goth scientists and über mommy?

    “I have a very different relationship with her than you do. She listened to me because I convinced her I was right.”

    Jane set her book down and came over to Melody. Slowly enough for Melody to pull away, she reached out for a hug. Melody leaned into it and found themself wrapped in a solid embrace.

    “I care about you a lot. If you need my help, you have it.” Jane said. She pulled back, hands on Melody’s shoulders. “Have you had dinner?”

    “Yeah, I have. Thanks. For uh, more than offering to feed me.”

    “You’re welcome. It’s not entirely altruistic. We have a lot of leftovers.” Jane squeezed Melody’s shoulders and stepped back to sit on the back of the couch.

    “Where’s Briana? Is she okay?”

    “She’s fine. Erin confirmed that she didn’t get frostbite – and that she was lucky she didn’t.” Jane shook her head in frustration. “She’s upstairs, grounded to her room. We haven’t decided how long for, yet.”

    “Are you doing the around the clock babysitting thing again? I can help.”

    “We have people rotating through, but no one is up there right now.” Jane pointed at the baby monitor. “She’s quiet at the moment.”

    “I was really freaked out when she went missing.” Melody said, unsure why they were explaining that to Jane. Something in them wanted – or more accurately needed to talk about it.

    “Ronnie and I were too. So was Gary. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen him angry with Briana.”

    “She did it for me.” Melody said, shaking their head. “If she’d gotten hurt…”

    “It still would have been her fault.” Jane said.

    “I know but…”

    “Melody, if you want to talk to me about what Briana found, or why she was trying to help you, go ahead. If you can’t, then don’t beat yourself up for it. We can’t always be perfect communicators.” Jane smiled fondly. “Ronnie is probably the most adept person I’ve met at managing emotions and communications and well, she’s not perfect.”

    “I wish – there’s a lot I want to fix.”

    “Okay. One step at a time. What do you want to do right now?”

    “I’d like to see Briana. Can I babysit her for a bit?”

    “Please do. I know she’d love to see you.”

    “I uh – can I turn off the baby monitor while I’m up there?” Melody dug at the carpet with their toe. “I’ll take care of her, but I kind of want to hang out and talk too.”

    “Go ahead. I could use a break from carting it around the house with me.”

    “Hey Jane.” Melody took a deep breath, girding themself for their next statement. “Thanks for being cool about everything. I mean – that’s not what I wanted to say. Um – thanks for watching out for me.”

    “Any time.” Jane said warmly.

    The emotion between them was way too intense. Melody smiled bashfully and scooted to their room to stow their bag. Upstairs at Briana’s door, they heard her singing Castle in the Sky, of all things. She sounded happy, despite everything that had happened.

    A warm glow spread through Melody’s chest at their sister’s resilience. Joining Briana on the next verse of the song, Melody opened the door. Bri was surprised and near tears to see Melody.

    Me too, little sister. Melody thought. Me too.


    Wearing the same diaper from yesterday was not going to be good for their rash, Melody knew. On the other hand, it was better than going to their morning session with Veronica. The third option, that they just change their own diaper, seemed as bad as dealing with Veronica.

    It was dumb. Melody knew. They’d put diapers on plenty of times on their own. After being diapered by both Veronica and Rosa though, it felt different. Doing it on their own was a lonely feeling. Plus, Jane had done an excellent job on the one Melody was wearing now. Despite being pulled down several times for a shower and using the pot – toilet, the tapes were still holding it fairly snug.

    Feeling at loose ends, Melody checked their phone. Rosa was still at work, because her supervisor was the kind of sadist that scheduled people for a morning shift following an evening shift. She’d be beat tonight and didn’t need to take care of a little one. Melody knew they might be too clingy what with inviting themself over after the Briana-pocalypse.

    Out of other options, Melody was forced to face their roommates like a regular human in the kitchen over coffee. Veronica was up with Briana, making the downstairs safe for the moment.

    It was the tail end of breakfast and people were drifting away from the table. Casey was already on a run and Jane couldn’t relax until her chores were done. Poor Erin was a legit zombie ever since her residency started. That left just Melody and Suzie relaxing among the leftover rolls turned-french-toast and what was left of the massive turkey omelette.

    “You got Briana duty today?” Suzie asked.

    “Not until tomorrow.” Melody said. “I’m on for tomorrow night, last time I checked the Google sheet.”

    “I absolutely love that Veronica made a worksheet for it.”

    Melody giggled. “It’s pure her.”

    Suzie grinned. “You watched her yesterday, right? She’s not pooping in her diapers at the mo’, is she?”

    “No, she’s Briana-normal.” Melody frowned. “If you don’t want to watch her, I can take your shift.”

    “I don’t mind, sorry if that sounded bitchy.” Suzie said with a shrug. “I just don’t want to deal with the poop. It’s a lot, you know?”

    “I get it.” Melody said. It was a fair thing to say. They still felt defensive over their sister. She couldn’t help where her brain was at.

    “You back in classes starting Monday?”

    “Yeah, full speed ahead. How about you?”

    “Technically we’re off, but it’s all-hands-on-deck to finish the sets.”

    “You have a performance coming up?”

    “I always have a performance coming up, but yeah, I’m in a show for the school that comes out just before Christmas break.”

    “Isn’t that in like…”

    “Twenty days and fourteen hours.” Suzie said.

    “What’s this, a non-STEM student is busy? I thought you all sat around drinking wine and quoting dead dudes.”

    Suzie lightly kicked Melody’s ankle under the table. “That’s just the philosophy department. English too.”

    “I’ll tell Jane you kicked me.” The joke was out before Melody could stop themself.

    “Oh yeah? Well, she’s not my dad.” Suzie looked Melody over curiously. “Are you doing the whole Briana thing?”

    “No! Not the whole thing. I mean, not really any of the thing.” Blushing furiously, Melody stared into their coffee. “I’m working with Veronica on some stuff. It’s not like – not like Bri.”

    “Nobody is like Bri.” Suzie said fondly. “Oh hey, Gare-bear is here.”

    “Gare – oh, Gary? Who let him in? Does he have his own key”

    “Door’s not locked. He’s cool to come in on his own.” Suzie turned away from Melody and called across the house. “G-Man, there’s coffee in the kitchen!”

    “Hey Suzie, Melody.” Gary said, joining them at the table with a cup. “How’s our little rug rat today?”

    “Which one?” Suzie asked slyly, sipping her coffee.

    It was Melody’s turn to kick Suzie under the table, a little harder than they’d meant to.

    “Oh shiiiii!” Suzie teased. “I’m telling!”

    “What’s going on?” Gary asked.

    “Nothing!” Melody said, glaring at Suzie. “Gary, you here to babysit or just hang out?”

    “Babysit. I was supposed to get the whole weekend.” He said wistfully.

    Suzie took a moment from her torment of Melody to check her phone. “Fuck. The roof in the prop room leaked on the costumes. I have to go see if mine is still good.”

    “You’re in the Christmas Carol show coming up?” Gary asked. “Who are you playing?”

    “The Devil’s cat familiar.” Suzie said. At Gary and Melody’s confused looks, she shrugged. “It’s student theatre, don’t think too hard about it. Anyway, see ya!”

    The two of them waved as Suzie headed away from the table. In the coffee-focused silence that followed, Melody’s diaper crinkled as they shifted in their chair. Gary’s ears perked up at the tell-tale sound, but he didn’t say anything.

    Melody winced, then sighed. He couldn’t be a bad guy if Briana was so into him, not to mention the rest of the roommates. They cleared their throat softly.

    “Yeah uh, I’m wearing.”

    “Cool.” Gary said. “Like a thing with Veronica or…?”

    “Ugh,” Melody said, in a perfect Mermista impression, if they did say so themself. “There’s a lot of backstory. It’s Veronica related and other stuff but uh, mostly it’s for me, I guess.”

    Gary nodded. “I’d be the last one to judge. I’m dating Briana.”

    “That’s kinda why I brought it up.” Melody said. “I uh, told my girlfriend about it. But it’s like, super new for both of us. Especially her. Do you have like – pro-strats?”

    “I can share what works for me and Bri.” Gary said. “But she’s special in that regard. You might have more luck talking to Tamira. She has a thing going on with her boyfriend but it’s not a lifestyle thing as far as I know.”

    “I should probably text her anyway.” Melody said. “I was kind of short with her when we were looking for Briana.”

    “We were all freaked out.” Gary said softly. “Suzie ended up taking my car keys away from me.”

    “You said you were sober that night.” Melody said worriedly.

    “I was. I was also shaking so bad that my truck spun out in the snow.”

    “She’s safe now.” Melody said, putting a hand on Gary’s forearm. “We’ll take care of her.”

    “You’re damn right we will.” Gary said with a grateful smile. “Speaking of, I should get up there. I’m sure I’ll get scolded for getting coffee first as it is.”

    “It was nice to get to know you a little.” Melody said.

    “You too.” Gary washed his cup out in the sink. “You’re important to Briana.”

    Melody sighed happily. “I love that stupid kid.”

    “Me too.” Gary chuckled and made his exit.

    Melody stared at their phone. The phone stared back also into them. Melody groaned at their own joke and opened a text message to Tamira.

    Melody >> Hi, it’s Melody. I wanted to say sorry for being all snarly on Thanksgiving. I was freaking out.

    The coffee was super good. Melody made a mental note to find out what brand it was. Something super high-end, no doubt. They finished the cup and were considering what video game to play when Tamira responded.

    Tamira >> Hi! It’s okay, I could tell from your voice. I heard you guys found her, but is she doing okay? She’s not responding to texts.

    Melody frowned, replying quickly.

    Melody >> Nobody told you? She’s fine, she’s just grounded from her phone.

    Tamira >> Grounded? I keep forgetting how lifestyle she is. I’m glad she’s okay. I tried texting Veronica, but she is FOR REAL mad at me.

    Melody >> You didn’t do anything wrong. Nobody expected her to go all Deus Vult on us.

    Tamira >> Explain that to Veronica. Like, please actually explain it to her.

    Melody >> I will.

    Melody >> Can I ask you something personal?

    Tamira >> You can ask. I’ll answer if I’m cool with it.

    Melody >> NP if you don’t. I just had some questions about you and your boyfriend. I heard that you and he do stuff like what my girlfriend and I do.

    Melody >> But we’re super new to it and she keeps asking if she’s doing stuff right. I don’t know what to tell her.

    Melody >> Sorry if this is too much.

    Tamira >> It’s not too much, but it’s too much for text. Can we meet up to talk sometime?

    Melody >> Totes. I’m free today.

    Tamira >> Today is fine. We could go to a coffee shop, it’s neutral but public. You’d be welcome at my place too. 2pm work?

    Melody >> Your place. 2 works. Address?

    At quarter to two Melody was hanging out in the doorway of Tamira’s dorm. They couldn’t believe how sweaty they were acting. The chance for some advice, to smooth things out with Rosa, was a crazy motivator.

    Melody managed to wait to press the buzzer until nine minutes before the hour. If Tamira thought they were weird for being early, she didn’t say anything. The dorm was as nice as a dorm could be, Melody thought. Full one-bedrooms were hard to get.

    Taking a cup of tea and a seat on the couch, Melody smiled at Tamira. “Thanks for talking to me about this. I know it was kinda out of the blue that I asked.”

    “I don’t mind.” Tamira said, taking the other end of the couch. “It’s good for me too, I don’t know a lot of people who do ABDL stuff locally. So are you the caregiver or the …”

    “Little one.” Melody scrutinized their coffee. “I’m the little one.”

    “Cute.” Tamira said with a smile. “I suspected. What’s going on with your girl?”

    “She just recently found out that I wear – diapers.” Melody said with some effort. “She’s been super cool and understanding, but I can tell she feels like she doesn’t know what to do.”

    “You wear them all the time?”

    “Yeah uh, I’m wearing right now.” Melody blushed.

    “Okay, that’s different than me and Arthur in a couple of ways. For one thing, I’m the one that wanted him to wear them, and he doesn’t wear them all the time. I feel you on the awkwardness thing though.”

    Tamira set down her tea and scratched her head. “It took us a while to do anything more than talk about it. We started super slow, until Briana came over and accelerated things.”

    “Yeah, she does that.” Melody said, chuckling.

    Tamira grinned. “Doesn’t she now? Anyway, not to get all up in your business, but what have you and your girl done so far? Or should I say mommy?”

    “That’s one of the things. She said she doesn’t want to be called that. I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t like the label, or if like, she’s uncomfortable with the whole thing.” Melody sighed.

    “She might be uncomfortable, but you said she’s been great about it. What stuff has she seemed to like?”

    “Um, she has uh – diapered me. Changed me. Touched me while I was wearing.” Melody stared at their tea, floundering. “I guess some other stuff. Made some rules. Washed my face and stuff at bedtime.”

    “Melody, I know ya’ll don’t know me well, so feel free to say no. This seems hard for you. Would it be easier if you could be little while we’re talking?”

    “Oh uh, wow.” Melody squirmed. “I kinda never have been. Like, a tiny bit with Veronica, and another tiny bit with Rosa. I’m not really sure uh, oh fuck.”

    The teacup was shaking in Melody’s hand enough to splash tea on the carpet. Melody managed to get it on the coffee table without too much rattling, then jammed their hands between their knees.

    “Hey, you’re okay.” Tamira said in a soft, maternal tone. “I think we should either take a break from this conversation, or you should put your head on my lap and close your eyes.”

    Putting their head on Tamira’s lap was an over the top, dumb baby thing to do. Totally ridiculous. Which is why Melody curled up on the couch with their head in Tamira’s lap a few seconds after they’d been invited.

    “Close your eyes little one.” Tamira said, stroking Melody’s hair. “Shhh, that’s a good kid.”

    Melody took a deep shaky breath. It eased the pressure in their chest. Tamira didn’t resume the conversation right away. She hummed instead, petting Melody’s head. Bit by bit, Melody relaxed. Almost too much at the end they realized, clamping down on their bladder.

    “That’s better.” Tamira said softly. “It seems like Rosa isn’t the only one who has some discomfort around this.”

    “It’s hard to do, but I want it so bad.” Melody whispered. “I want her to like me and take care of me. What if I’m too much?”

    “You aren’t too much.” Tamira said. “I didn’t get to talk to you much at Thanksgiving, but I have eyes. That girl is crazy about you.”

    Melody smiled and snuggled in closer to Tamira.

    “You jumped right in on being little with me. That could have been less scary with me since you have nothing to lose. I have to say though, if you’re like this for Rosa you are going to straight-burst her ovaries.”

    “How did you convince Arthur?”

    “At first he was just freaked, I thought I was going to have to drop it forever.” Tamira said. “We talked. Let it chill if we were feeling weird about it, brought it up later when it seemed okay. You’re wearing full time, so taking a break would be harder. The main thing is to just keep talking.”

    “She says she doesn’t know what to do, and I know it bothers her.” Melody said.

    “Well, it’s hard to help with that since I haven’t seen you together that way. What does she do easily and what’s harder for her?” Tamira brushed her knuckles across Melody’s cheek. “Tell me what Rosa’s like when she’s your caregiver, little one.”

    “She’s really touchy.” Melody said happily. “She asks me a lot of stuff, because she wants to understand what it’s like for me. I don’t always know how to answer though. And uh, she thinks it’s hot when I get turned on.”

    The last statement made Melody do a blushy wiggle.

    “I think that’s a great start. You know, when Arthur and I started he had a lot of trouble asking me to do mommy stuff. I thought it was because he didn’t like me doing that, but then he jumped into it when Briana was here.”

    Tamira moved her caresses to slow circles on Melody’s back. “When we talked after, it was because he didn’t want to ask me to do something he wasn’t sure I liked. He saw me acting like a mommy with Briana and piggybacked on to that.”

    Melody nodded. “You think maybe Rosa likes to do it more than I think?”

    “Maybe.” Tamira said. “But my point is that she might not feel comfortable asking you to be little. You need to offer stuff like that because it can feel weird to ask the other person at first.”

    “Oh.” Melody considered that. Once they’d gotten going, Rosa had been pretty into the caregiver stuff. She hadn’t been upset at all when Melody had briefly slipped into little-talk either.

    “Figuring some stuff out?” Tamira asked.

    “I think so.” Melody said.

    “If you work it out with Rosa, I’d love to do a double-date sometime. I think it really helps Arthur get into it when he’s not the only one. I’m not saying I’d like to get him to Briana’s level but…”

    “You would?” Melody asked. “Would – would he be okay – would he like that?”

    “I don’t know yet. He seems really happy when we do longer sessions though.”

    “How do you ask him? What does he say when you ask him to do it – more?”

    “Are you asking for communication tips in general or is it because you want to go lifestyle with Rosa?”

    “I don’t know if I want that.” Melody said softly. They buried their face in Tamira’s lap.

    “You’re already wearing twenty-four seven, right?”


    Tamira seemed to correctly read Melody’s noise as a yes. “Then there’s got to be a conversation about what that looks like at some point. Maybe you wear all the time but you’re only little sometimes. Or maybe Rosa really wants to take care of you, full time.”

    “It’s so much to ask though.” Melody said, coming up for air. “I haven’t even told her that I love her yet.”

    “Oh, you should tell her that right away. Next time you see her.”

    “What if she doesn’t say it back?”

    “That’s okay. She obviously cares about you. She’ll say it when she’s ready. In the meantime, she’ll know that you love her.”

    “You’re good at this.” Melody said. “The mommy thing.”

    “Thank you.” Tamira said happily. “You know why? It’s because I love doing it. I really love Arthur, and I love taking care of him. It’s not a problem, or a chore. On tough days all I want is to hold my little boy and make sure he has everything he needs.”

    “I want that.” Melody said in a shaky voice.

    “I hope Rosa does too.” Tamira said. “It’s pretty magical when I can get it to work with Arthur.”

    “Really? I wasn’t going to see Rosa tonight because she had to work shifts back-to-back. She’ll be super tired.”

    “You should let her make that decision.” Tamira said. “One, because she’s your girlfriend and you should let her decide things that affect her. Second, because she’s your caregiver.”

    “I hope she says yes.” Melody said.

    “I’m sure she’ll want to see you at least, even if she isn’t up for caregiving.”

    “I should text her right now – hey!” Melody protested as Tamira pulled open the back of her diaper. Worse, she sniffed. Sniffed!

    “How long have you been in this thing?”

    “Since yesterday afternoon.” Melody said. “But I haven’t used it.”

    “Hon, it smells like BO. Let’s get you changed.”

    “What? But we’re not – not…”

    “I’m not your mommy or your girlfriend, but I did agree to take care of you for a bit. I am not sending you to your girlfriend in a smelly diaper.”

    Melody squirmed, blushing furiously.

    “You don’t have to be so bashful with me. I’ve changed Briana out of jeans she had an accident in.”

    “I don’t have a spare with me.”

    “I guess you’ll just have to wear one of Briana’s then. Come on.” Tamira got Melody off the couch with much prodding and lead them down the hall to the bathroom.

    “Briana has diapers here?”

    “She came over once when she needed a change. Before she met Arthur. I got a box of her size after that. You two are close enough.”

    Melody stopped in surprise at the changing table in Tamira’s bathroom. It wasn’t all fancy and baby themed like the ones that Veronica had. It was just a massage bench with diapers and other supplies on the shelves for oil and towels. There was a nice blanket on it, with dinosaur print. It was super sweet.

    “Arthur is lucky.” Melody said as Tamira helped her up on the table. “You’re working really hard to make this nice for him.”

    “Aw well, that’s really nice of you to say.” It was Tamira’s turn to blush a little.

    While Tamira was stripping off their jeans, Melody wondered why they were so okay with being changed. Part of it was how many times Veronica had changed them by now and Jane just yesterday. A big part was having been little with Tamira, even if it was just a few minutes.

    Tamira tossed the diaper and produced one from her stack. It was a Briana diaper all right, bright pink and covered in ponies. Barf. Melody really hoped that Rosa would be up to change them at least so they could get into one of the less girly ones.

    “I was going to see if you needed a bath, but it looks like most of the smell is in the diaper. Silly kid! It doesn’t do much good to shower if you put a sweaty diaper back on.”

    “I have a whole thing going on with Veronica right now and she’s the one who usually changes me at home.” Melody said. “So, I just wore that one.”

    “A personality conflict with Veronica? What a surprise.” Tamira slipped the diaper under Melody and began powdering her.

    “I’m sorry she’s mad at you. I haven’t talked to her yet.”

    “I can deal with it, but if you get a chance to put in a good word that’d be nice.” Tamira said. “I got plenty of respect for the woman. I get that she’s worried about her kid. She needs to take a heart pill though.”

    “She’s nice though, really.”

    “I’m not trying to badmouth her.” Tamira said, taping Melody up snugly. “I’ll chill. Now sit up, this is my favorite part.”

    “Huh?” Melody sat up and was immediately enveloped in a hug. They sighed and rested their head on Tamira’s shoulders while she held them close.

    “Okay, are you going straight to your girlfriend’s place?”

    “Um, I guess I could. She gets home in like ten minutes and I uh, left some diapers there last time I stayed over. Why?”

    “I need to get you ready, little one.” Tamira deftly put Melody back in their jeans and took them to the kitchen.

    Attempting to protest whatever ‘getting them ready’ meant got Melody shushed. They waited while Tamira put a peeled orange and some trail mix in containers. Both went into a small bag along with a juice box.

    “What’s all this?” Melody asked.

    “You said she’d be tired. This way she doesn’t have to make you food right away if you get hungry.” Tamira put the bag’s handle in Melody’s hand and closed their fingers over it.

    “But we might not do ABDL stuff at all today.” Melody said.

    “I know that as much as you do, little one.” Tamira said. “But we’re going to set things up for the best case, alright?”

    “Okay.” Melody fidgeted until Tamira put their phone in their hand.

    “Go ahead and let her know you’re coming over. I’ll get your coat.”

    “I’m going right now?”

    “I’m not kicking you out, I’m sending you to your actual caregiver.” Tamira said. “Do you need me to drive you?”

    “No, I can do it.” Melody blushed profusely, shooting off a quick text to Rosa.

    The blush didn’t fade either, when Tamira insisted on dressing Melody in their coat.

    “There you go, all set to see your girlfriend. Feel better?” Tamira zipped Melody’s coat all the way up.

    “Yes. Thank you.”

    “You’re a darling kid. Tell Rosa to set up a play date with Arthur for you, okay?”

    “Okay.” Melody sank down into the collar of their coat.

    “See you soon, cutie.”


    It was a weird drive to Rosa’s apartment. Not so much because they’d been bundled up and sent out the door like a kid to school, but that was in there too. Rosa had replied excitedly, so it wasn’t that they were worried about her mood. It was the distraction of how little Tamira had helped them feel. Melody wanted to be curled up on their girlfriend’s lap, not driving some stupid car.

    Without thinking about it, they took the bag that Tamira had packed for them inside. After getting a big hello-hug from Rosa, they stood by the door of the apartment, clutching the bag with their coat still zipped up.

    “Earth to Melody, take off your coat and stay for a while.” Rosa said.

    “Oh, sorry.” Melody said, taking off the coat. It was a bit of an awkward process since they kept the bag in one hand or the other the whole time.

    “What’s up with the bag?”

    “It’s uh…” Melody hesitated, stuck halfway in their coat. “I went to see Tamira for some advice. She um, packed this for me.”

    “Let me see.” Rosa took the bag and grinned when she saw what was inside.

    “Is she like us?” Rosa asked. Melody trembled a little to hear ‘like us’ instead of ‘like you’.

    “I mean uh, she does a ABDL thing with her boyfriend.” Melody said. “I was asking how they worked it out. Because you have a lot of questions and stuff.”

    “That is so sweet.” Rosa said. She took Melody’s coat too, hanging it up in the closet. “Are you feeling like you want to play right now?”

    “I do but I don’t want to be a hassle for you.” Melody said. “Also, Tamira said I should tell you that – that I like the kid part of the game too. So um, when we play that’s something I want to do with you. If you can’t play now that’s okay.”

    “Little one.” Rosa said. She said it with care but firm force too. A mommy-tone that sent tingles into Melody’s belly. “Listen to me.”

    Melody bit their lip and watched Rosa attentively.

    “You realize tonight is a school night, right?” Rosa put her arms around Melody. “You don’t have your backpack with you. You’re going to have a very early bedtime tonight so you can get up in time for me to get you to Veronica’s house and back to school.”

    “I didn’t know I was coming here until Tamira and I talked.” Melody laid their head on Rosa’s shoulder.

    “Then I’m very glad you talked to her. Veronica is still too busy with Briana to get you ready properly. My roommates will be home later tonight, but they won’t bother us in my room. You’re going to help me with dinner and then we’ll watch something on my tablet in bed, okay?”

    “Okay Mom – uh, Rosa.”

    Rosa was quiet for a moment, holding Melody. When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet but calm.

    “Say it again. Please. What you were going to say.”

    “Okay Mommy?” Melody ventured.

    “Oh wow.” Rosa shivered. She whispered in Melody’s ear. “I liked that.”

    A too-strong emotion pressed outward in Melody’s chest. They cuddled close to Rosa and whimpered.

    “Shh little one. I understand. That was big.”

    The two of them stayed in the embrace until holding their posture made Melody fidget. Rosa drew back and stroked Melody’s cheek.

    “Let me take a look at you. I don’t know what kind of babysitting job Tamira does – what the hell is that?!” Rosa exclaimed. She had pulled out the front of Melody’s jeans, to see their diaper.

    “Oh uh, Tamira changed me. Was that not okay? Because uh, Veronica does, and Jane has once and…”

    “Shh baby, you’re fine. I don’t mind that she changed you, but what’s this diaper? This is horrible, it’s all pink and gross.”

    Something clicked in Melody. It went past the big feeling of Rosa wanting to be called Mommy. The world settled into place and felt right. They stared at Rosa in adoration. Their mommy understood. She GOT them.

    “It’s one of Briana’s. It’s all Tamira had.”

    “What kind of babysitter is she if she doesn’t have gender-appropriate diapers? It’s irresponsible.” Rosa said, grinning. “Too bad you don’t have to go now. You could fill this girly thing with pee before we throw it away.”

    “Actually, I kind of do.” Melody said. “I didn’t go at Tamira’s.”

    “She changed you and didn’t check if you had to go? ¿Madre de Dios, what’s she even doing over there?”

    Melody giggled. “She was nice, but I like how you do it better.”

    “You bet you do. I might use her as a babysitter sometime, but only if I’m sure she’s shaped up a little. Give me your clothes.”


    “Give mommy your clothes, little one. You had some in the washer, but they never got dried and now they’re musty. We can wash these ones at the same time, since you’re going to have to wear them tomorrow.”

    “Oh, okay.” Melody started with their shirt and found Rosa assisting them. Every bit of clothing that came off was a joint effort, leaving Melody in their pink diaper in the living room.

    “Your roommates aren’t going to be home soon, right?”

    “Two of them aren’t home until tomorrow probably. Really late tonight if they make it. The other one has a plane coming in around ten.” Rosa gathered up the clothes in a bundle and opened the closet that held the washer-dryer stack.

    “Have a seat on the couch sweetie. Mommy will change you if you need it after I get this laundry going.”

    “I only kinda have to go.” Melody said, sitting obediently.

    “Well, if you don’t that’s fine, but I’m leaving you in that pink diaper until you do.”

    Melody pouted and tried to relax their bladder. It happened fast and more than they’d expected. Take that you stupid pink diaper, Melody thought.

    “That’s a big accident for someone who didn’t have to go.” Rosa said, squishing the padding around Melody’s crotch. “Is my little one having trouble telling when they need to go?”

    The fact that they’d had a legitimate accident, which is why their clothes had been in the wash, made Melody squirm in embarrassment. Rosa leaning over them and squishing their diaper made it ramp up to humiliation. Smoking hot humiliation.

    “You look embarrassed but you’re moaning, baby.” Rosa said, rubbing Melody’s crotch through the diaper. “No wonder you wear these all the time if you like them so much. It’s a good thing Mommy likes it when you wear them.”

    “You do?” Melody managed to ask between moans.

    “I like it a lot.” Rosa said. “I like my horny little diaper baby. You’re sexy in those diapers. You’re sexy when you’re wet and embarrassed and need your mommy.”

    “Oh god.” The words came out involuntarily and there were no thoughts behind them or for quite a while afterwards.

    Later, Melody would remember the burst of pleasure that left a mark on their nerves like a sunburn. They’d have other vague memories too. Rosa straddling them topless, her generous bosom in Melody’s face. Kneeling between Rosa’s legs and hearing her muffled shouts through the thighs pressed to their ears. Snuggling their naked girlfriend while wearing nothing themself, except a wet diaper. Being changed in the middle of the living room on a smallish changing blanket with the Target tag still on.

    Dinner prep was a blur too. Melody didn’t think they ended up helping much. They only started to feel more aware later, in Rosa’s bed, wearing some fuzzy blue pajamas that looked as new as the changing blanket had been.

    Rosa was in a jogging top and fitted athletic shorts. She picked a bowl of lentils off the tray next to them and brought a spoon of it to Melody’s mouth. “Open wide.”

    “Lentils?” Melody made a face and turned away from the spoon.

    “Yes hon, that’s what we made. You were out of it, huh? Come on, open for mommy.”

    “Can’t I have some taquitos or something?” Melody vaguely remembered a package of those in Rosa’s freezer.

    “No, you can’t. You can eat your lentils or…” Rosa paused to think. “I don’t have any formula, but I do have some carrots I can puree in chicken broth.”

    “You wouldn’t.”

    “Test me and find out.” Rosa said.

    Reluctantly, Melody opened their mouth. Rosa carefully deposited the lentils in their mouth and prepped another spoon.

    “What about your dinner?” Melody said through the mouthful of lentils, hoping to slow down the rate they were being fed. The lentils weren’t bad, they were good in fact. They were also earthy and not as fun as taquitos would be.

    “Don’t talk with your mouth full, little one.” Rosa said, holding the spoon to Melody’s lips.

    Getting corrected instead of their question answered pushed Melody into the little feeling they’d been slowly losing. They opened their mouth, accepting another spoonful. Rosa was skilled, between the two of them they only spilled twice. By the time the bowl was done, Melody wished a bit more had spilled. It was more than they would have eaten on their own. Their tummy was too heavy!

    Melody spaced out a bit while Rosa ate her own dinner and cleaned things up. They were feeling a bit more awake and alert by the time Rosa finished the dishes and moved on to laundry. Actually, the best word for the feeling was refreshed, Melody thought.

    They picked up their phone and checked a few things for tomorrow. There was a message from Tamira asking how things went. Melody answered it with a gif of Jonah Hill doing his screaming happy dance. On reflection they decided to send Jane a text letting her know that they’d be staying at Rosa’s. Jane sent a thumbs up emoji back. Dork.

    “Hey babe.” Melody beamed up at Rosa when she returned to the bedroom.

    “Hey. You feeling a little more put together? You went away there for a bit.” Rosa said.

    “Yeah, I feel great. You?”

    “I’m really happy.” Rosa said with a soft smile. “Was – all of that okay? I just went for it and didn’t check in with you.”

    “It was amazing.” Melody said, nuzzling Rosa as she scooted into the bed. “Was it okay for you? I know it’s easy to get carried away when you do something new.”

    “I loved it. I was even a tiny bit disappointed when I saw you all adult again. But just a tiny bit.”

    “I think I could get there again if we watch a kids show.” Melody said.


    “Yeah, if you want. Though um, if I get really into it and the lentils kick in um…” Melody searched for the right words. How did Briana say it again?

    “I uh, might need help with the potty.” Melody said with a squirm.

    “Of course, sweetie, mommy’s happy to help.” She pulled Melody close and pushed their head down to rest on her cleavage while she fired up the tablet.

    “Now, what does my little one want to watch? More Steven Universe?”

    “I want to watch She-Ra.” Melody said.

    “Ooh, can we start on the first episode? I’ve heard it’s good.”

    “You haven’t seen it?” Melody’s adult reaction matched their little one perfectly. It gave them a big step back into their kid mentality.

    “No, I haven’t.” Rosa said, amused. “Is it on Netflix? Oh, here it is. I like the character designs.”

    “That’s Catra.” Melody said, pointing at the screen. “And that’s Mermista. She’s really cool.”

    Rosa blinked and giggled. “Oh, is she your favorite?”

    “No, Catra is.” Melody said. “Oh and this is Swiftwind, he’s dumb. This is Bow, he’s okay for a boy. This is Glimmer, she’s the best one after Catra, but only because Mermista doesn’t get enough screen time.”

    “Let’s get started then.” Rosa said. “I have a lot of catching up to do.”

    “I can’t believe you haven’t watched it.” Melody said, rolling their eyes.

    After only two episodes, Rosa declared it to be bedtime. Melody protested heavily, right up to the point that Rosa smacked them on the butt with a sandal. The bedtime routine was the same as it had been the other night, a timer for tooth brushing, getting their face washed, and being put on the potty.

    It wasn’t as embarrassing this time. Mostly it made Melody feel safe and sleepy. Rosa sleeping naked meant there were a lot of blankets. It got a little stuffy for Melody in their pajamas and diaper. The warmth, along with everything else, got Melody to sleep well before ten.

    As they were falling asleep Melody’s thoughts wandered back through the day. It had been nearly perfect. They wished they could do this tomorrow and every other day too.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 02

    Briana sat in her fluffy unicorn pajamas, on the floor of Veronica and Jane’s front room, looking up at the two of them. They were (hopefully!) at the end of a big long super serious discussion, and Briana was getting pretty squirmy. She was doing her best to pay attention and also look like she was paying attention. A reprieve from being grounded to her room, hinged on being a good girl right now.

    “Do you understand now why everyone was so upset?” Jane asked.

    Briana nodded vigorously.

    “Humor us.” Veronica said. “Explain in your words why you were grounded.”

    “Because I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing or even that I was gone.” Briana said seriously. “And because I could have gotten in trouble with the police and ended up in jail.”

    “And because you weren’t big enough to dress appropriately and you got frostbite.” Veronica said.

    “I didn’t either!” Briana protested. “Erin said I didn’t get frostbite.”

    “Erin said you got frostnip,” Jane said in a stern tone, that made Briana duck her head. “Which meant you didn’t have permanent damage, but it’s the first stage of frostbite.”

    “Okay, and because I got frostbite because I was too little to deal with the cold.” It sucked to admit that last one. It made her sound like a total baby, but she wasn’t a baby-baby. She had a cool big sibling to hang out with and she always made it to the potty for number two!

    Also she was a microbiology graduate student but even Briana didn’t remember that very often. She bit her lip and sighed. Sometimes she missed the mental puzzles and talking with other students about something they were all passionate about.

    “Briana, we want to trust you.” Veronica said. “We love you very much. We don’t want you to have to be grounded all the time. However, we’re responsible for keeping you safe, and even when you’re mentally little, you’re physically big enough to get yourself into some very scary trouble.”

    “I’m sorry.” Briana said. She’d been saying that a lot, but it didn’t feel like it was enough yet.

    “Briana.” Jane said. “You are a good girl, but I think you get carried away when you’re doing something you believe is right. You think it justifies bad things you’re doing, because the right thing is very important.”

    “Even when I’m little I want to help the people I love.” Briana said sadly. “I want to help my family.”

    “The first thing you need to do to help your family is be safe yourself.” Veronica said. “It’s like saving someone who’s drowning. If you can’t swim well enough to help them, all you’ve done is make it so two people are drowning.”

    “I know. I’m sorry Mom.” Briana said.

    “I think we are ready to trust you and end your grounding.” Jane said.

    “Really Dad?!” Briana bounced excitedly, she hadn’t expected it to happen immediately. By the look on Veronica’s face, this was news to her too.

    “On one condition.” Jane produced Alanna from behind her chair and got up to kneel in front of Briana. She set the stuffed lioness (and head knight of the Cloudland Roundtable!) on the floor next to them.

    “Do you promise to treat being safe as an unbreakable rule?” Jane asked, holding her hand out.

    Briana’s eyes were as wide as they got, her gaze flickering from Jane to Alanna to Veronica and back. She got up to her knees and put her left hand over her heart, shaking Jane’s hand with her right.

    “I promise to treat being safe as an unbreakable rule.” Briana said solemnly.

    “I’m proud of you Briana.” Jane kissed Briana on the forehead. “You’re not grounded anymore.”

    “Yay!” Briana grinned and hugged Jane tightly.

    “Honey.” Veronica said in a strained voice. “Are you sure?”

    Jane stood up and looked at her girlfriend. “I believe Briana. This is a promise she won’t break.” Jane’s tone was stern and immutable, like she was pronouncing a law.

    Briana shivered and nodded seriously at Veronica.

    “Alright, well you’re not grounded to your room anymore, but what does your new rule mean when it comes to leaving the house?” Veronica asked.

    “I would have to tell somebody where I’m going and ask if it’s okay.” Briana said. “If it’s a long way away then I’d need someone to come with me.”

    “What if there’s no one available to ask, or if there’s nobody who’s able to take you to the place you want to go?”

    “Then I’d have to go a different time.” Briana said sincerely.

    Veronica seemed to relax at that. She even smiled a little. “That’s a good answer. You’re a good girl.”

    Briana beamed!

    “This is a good time to talk about Saint Nicholas.” Jane said.

    “Santa?” Briana perked up immediately.

    “That’s right.” Veronica said. “Santa is coming in not too long. Unfortunately, you’ve recently been very naughty.”

    Tears sprung into Briana’s eyes, but she bit her lip and managed to keep her composure. “Th-that’s okay. I understand.”

    “I don’t think you do.” Jane said. “Santa has his list but he consults a lot with parents. We are going to suggest to Santa that you start over with a clean slate.”

    “That means you haven’t been good or naughty yet, as far as Santa is concerned.” Veronica said. “You’ll need to be a very good girl for the next couple of weeks if you want Santa to bring you presents.”

    “Really?” Briana was crying now, there was no stopping it. She’d gotten presents from Santa once that she could remember, and they weren’t really from Santa. They came in a plastic bag from a charity place. It had still been super awesome to get them, but she’d known they weren’t really from Santa.

    Now Santa was going to come, actually come to the house and go down the chimney and have the reindeer and eat the cookies and leave presents and say ho ho ho and EVERYTHING.

    “Of course.” Veronica said, holding out her arms. Briana was up on her lap in a flash, burying her face in Veronica’s chest.

    “I’m sure you will be a good girl for Santa.” Jane said. “But of course we have presents for you too. All your friends do.”

    Jane hugged Briana and Veronica both. Briana thought she might burst at any moment. Everybody was so nice, there was going to be a real Christmas! She wasn’t going to ruin this one like Thanksgiving. It was going to be a perfect, wonderful Christmas.

    “M-mommy. D-daddy.” Briana sniffled though her happy tears. “Thank you.”

    “We love you so much, little girl.” Veronica held Briana tightly. Jane squeezed them both.

    “I love you too.” Briana sighed happily and let the hug go on as long as Mom and Dad would let it. That turned out to be surprisingly, delightfully long.

    As usual, Mom wiped her face and made her blow her nose. Briana kept her seat on Veronica’s lap and leaned against her.

    “Can you help me get presents for everybody?” Briana asked.

    “Yes we can. Thank you for being a good girl and thinking of that.” Jane said.

    “Don’t forget to tell Santa!” Briana giggled. A thought struck her, “Oh my gosh, does Santa know about Melody?!”

    “Know what about Melody?” Veronica asked.

    “Know that they’re little now.” Briana said. “If Santa doesn’t know then he won’t bring them presents.”

    “Um, I’m not sure.” Jane said, exchanging an awkward glance with Veronica. “We’re not necessarily the ones that should be talking to Santa for Melody.”

    “You have to!” Briana said in desperation. “Please, their girlfriend isn’t their Mommy yet. They can’t go without presents on Christmas. I’ll – you can tell Santa that Melody can have my presents if you have to.”

    It hurt, like physically hurt, to give up the presents she just found out about. Even so, it was the right thing to do. If Briana couldn’t fix what was hurting Melody, maybe Santa could.

    “You don’t have to do that, darling.” Veronica said. “Santa will have enough presents for everyone.”

    “You think so?”

    “I’ll make sure of it.” Veronica said in her mommy tone.

    Briana relaxed and nodded. “Thank you.”

    “You really love Melody, don’t you?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah! They’re my big sibling! And they said they loved me, and that I’m their little sister, and they’re so cool and nice to me and it means we’re a family.” Briana had to take a deep breath after that rush of words.

    “That makes me happy.” Veronica said with a soft smile. “I guess we’ll have two little kids waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve. You’d better make sure Melody goes to bed on time. Santa won’t come if there are kids awake.”

    “I’ll make sure of it!” Briana said, in a spot-on imitation of Veronica’s mommy tone. (Santa Points +1)

                Jane and Veronica both laughed, Briana joining in with them a moment later. There were a few more cuddles, a diaper check (that Briana passed!), and Veronica scooted Briana off her lap.

    “I have to get in to school. You’re not grounded anymore, so you can have your phone back and you don’t have a babysitter. Are you a big enough girl to handle that?”

    Briana nodded. “Yes Mom! Can I invite a friend over, if there’s anybody available?”

    “As long as it’s someone we know well. No repeats of inviting over Beatrix.”

    “Never again.” Briana agreed. “Um, so it would be okay even if that friend was Tamira?”

    Veronica sighed and set her mouth in a hard line.

    Jane chuckled and squeezed Briana’s shoulder. “You’re on your own with that one BumbleBri. I’ve got to get to school too.” She gave Veronica a quick kiss and headed out of the suite.

    Briana figured her best, first tactic would be to just be as cute as possible. She fixed a hopeful gaze on Veronica, waiting for a reply.

    “Briana you know I’m upset that she helped you get information on Beatrix.”

    “But you told me it was my fault that went out in the snow. Not anybody else’s.” Briana said. “And you were right.”

    “Maybe you listened too well.” Veronica chuckled ruefully, then sighed. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t also make a bad choice.”

    “She didn’t understand about me.” Briana said. “You don’t hafta be friends, even if it would be cool if you were. You’re a lot alike.”

    “Maybe too much alike.” Briana added with a giggle.

    “Look who’s a sassy girl now that she’s not grounded.” Veronica said with a laugh. “Alright. I will message her. It’s possible I was – a little harsh.”

    “I know you feel guilty that I got hurt.” Briana said, “But Tamira didn’t understand the situation and she was just trying to do a good thing.”

    “Did you just paraphrase my lecture to you, from the time you invited Beatrix over?” Veronica asked incredulously.

    “It’s because I listened to you, and I look up to you, Mommy.” Briana said sweetly.

    “Don’t push your luck little girl.” Veronica said, smiling despite her words. “You are entirely too smart a baby sometimes.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana asserted. “I can be a little girl.”

    “You better work on your potty training then.” Veronica said.

    “Okay, I will.” Briana leaned in for another hug. “Thank you. About Tamira.”

    “You’re welcome. You’re right that it’s the right thing to do.” Veronica said, squeezing Briana in a quick hug. “Now scoot. I really do have to get to school.”

    Briana grabbed her phone and skipped downstairs, pouncing on the first roommate she found.

    “Suzie, I’m not grounded anymore! And I’m potty training again!”

    “Double good news!” Suzie grinned. “I guess that means the whole house is available while I’m babysitting you now.”

    “I don’t even have a babysitter anymore.” Briana said, bouncing. “But if you want to hang out that would be fun.”

    “I can’t right now, I have to head out in a bit to help make new costumes for the play.”

    “Sometime soon then.” Briana said, unconcerned. “Did you know it’s going to be CHRISTMAS soon?”

    Suzie giggled. “I did, as a matter of fact. You excited?”

    “So much!” Briana grinned. “You hafta help me decorate. You’re the best decorator in the house.”

    “Aww, thank you hon. This weekend you and me will be the decorating crew.”

    “Yay!” Briana hugged Suzie. “Have fun at the theatre. I’m gonna make my own breakfast.”

    “See you kiddo.” Suzie said with a laugh.

    Halfway through her third bowl (don’t tell mom!) of fruit loops, Briana got a new message on her phone. It took her a moment to notice, there were so many messages on there from having been grounded for a few days. When she opened it she was excited to see it was from Tamira.

    Tamira >> Either you or Melody must have really gone to bat for me with Veronica. Thanks! I hear you have your phone again. How’s it going?

    Briana >> Hi! It’s going great! Mom said I was a big girl who doesn’t even need a babysitter! OMG and we talked about Christmas.

    Tamira >> : D Glad to hear it. Too bad about you not needing a babysitter though. Arthur is really excited to see you again and I thought I could do a two for one.

    Briana >> Maybe I could have a babysitter just to show Arthur how it goes. : 3 When were you thinking?

    Tamira >> I actually have today off. I know it’s short notice, but I could come pick you up.

    Briana >> I can’t leave the house without permission and there’s nobody here. : (

    Briana >> Oh but I can invite people over!

    Tamira >> Arthur is up for it. He wanted to see your room after hearing about it.

    Briana >> OMG I’ll get the stuffies ready!

    Tamira >> Sounds good, we’ll be over soon. : D

    Leaving breakfast forgotten on the table, Briana scurried up to her room. It was really clean, even though she’d been spending so much time there. The playpen was still set up. Briana decided to leave that so that Arthur could see it. Some arranging of stuffies and retrieving lesser-used ones from the closet was all that was really needed.

    That left time to dress. Briana tossed her pjs in the laundry hamper (Santa points +1) and considered her wardrobe. The anxiety of so many outfit choices reminded her that she might need to pee. Outfits were put on hold while she raced naked to the potty. It was a good thing too, because she had to go.

    Barely remembering to flush, Briana hurried back to her room and grabbed a pretty red skirt with a green blouse. It was time for the Christmas colors! She arrived in the living room, breathless, and sat down to wait for Tamira.

    There was more waiting than Briana had expected. A lot more. She fidgeted on the couch. She did remember to text Veronica that Tamira and Arthur were coming over, but that only took a moment. It dimly occurred to Briana that it might take a while to pack up Arthur’s stuff and drive across town. She didn’t really care about that though. The important thing is that they weren’t at her house.

    All in all, Briana had to wait upwards of twenty five minutes, before there was finally a knock on the door. She was up in a flash, barking her shin on the coffee table and careening off a wall in her mad scramble to the door. With a bit of a rigid smile due to the pain in her shin, she threw the door open.

    “Tamira, Arthur!” Briana cried.

    Tamira had a small duffel bag in her hand, Arthur was looming behind her with a blushy look on his face. They hurried inside.

    “You okay Briana?” Tamira asked.

    “I hit my leg on the coffee table.” Briana whimpered, bouncing on her good leg and holding her injured shin.

    “You were that excited to see us huh?” Tamira smiled. “I’ll take a look at it in a second sweetie. My little boy was pretty excited too. He had an accident as soon as we got in the car.”

    “Nuh uh.” Arthur said defensively, covering his crotch.

    Briana looked at him curiously, but Arthur was wearing sweatpants and nothing was really showing. That meant he’d had protection at least.

    “That’s okay!” Briana assured Arthur. “I’m working on getting to the potty in time, so I can help you not have another accident while we’re playing.”

    “I don’t have accidents.” Arthur said in a frustrated tone.

    “So you meant to wet yourself in the car then?” Tamira asked.

    Arthur had nothing to say to that, but he looked really grumpy.

    “You be nice while we’re here or you’re in trouble little boy.” Tamira said, taking Arthur’s hand. “Is that changing table still set up in the next room?” She asked Briana.

    “Yeah, it’s always there.” Briana flounced over to the drawing room, and perching on one of the couch arms.

    “It’s really just us here?” Arthur asked. His steps were slow and hesitant as he approached the table.

    “Yeah! Everyone is out of the house. I’m super glad you guys could come over.” Briana said.

    “I told you honey. We’ll get you cleaned up and then we can go to Briana’s room if you’re worried about people coming home. Up now, be a good boy.” She guided Arthur up onto the changing table.

    The table had always made Briana look even more little, but Arthur’s legs actually dangled off the end a bit. It was really sturdy though, not creaking at all under the larger boy’s weight.

    When Tamira took Arthur’s sweatpants down his face went from grumpy back to blushy. The poor boy even covered his face and turned toward the wall. Briana hopped up and grabbed her big Orca stuffie. She touched Arthur lightly on the forearm and pressed the whale against his hands.

    “This is Olga. She’s a good friend.” Briana said.

    Arthur nodded a silent thanks and took the stuffie, hiding his face behind it. He was a lot more relaxed already.

    “That was very nice of you Briana. You’re such a good girl!” Tamira said.

    “Thank you!” Briana said, taking her seat on the couch arm again. (Santa points +1)

    Arthur’s diapers were so big and the one Tamira was taking off was really heavy. If she could handle those she could handle anything! Well not that Briana needed that kind of help right now, but just in case. She’d be great for Melody too.

    Kicking her feet while she waited for Arthur’s change to be done reminded her of the pain in her shin. Briana winced and stretched out her leg. She had a nice bump on there. Looked like a cut too. Quickly she lowered her leg. She didn’t want to cry when Arthur was feeling upset.

    Tamira left Arthur a moment to snuggle the stuffie when she had him changed and his sweats back on. Kneeling by Briana, she carefully inspected the injured shin.

    “Hmm, looks bad, it’s going to have to come off.” Tamira said grimly.

    “Tamira!” Briana whined.

    “Gotcha.” Tamira winked. “You’re going to be fine, but I’m going to put a little band aid on there okay?”

    Briana nodded. She yelped a little when Tamira wiped the cut with a baby wipe. The sticker was a cute Frozen one, it helped the pain a lot.

    “Let me check your diaper while I’m down here.” Tamira said.

    Briana obediently shifted her legs apart, while Tamira lifted her skirt and poked at the leg elastic of her diaper.

    “Nice and dry, good job.” Tamira said.

    “Thanks!” Briana said. (Santa points +1) “I’m going to be a big kid like Melody.”

    “Oh? Is Melody a bigger kid than you?”

    “Yeah! They’re super cool, they have so many awesome big kid toys! Plus they have a job and still go to school and stuff.”

    “I saw you withdrew.” Tamira said, standing up and gathering her duffel, Arthur, and finally Briana for the trip upstairs. “You’re feeling okay about that?”

    “I really needed to. I’m glad Mom helped me after I had an accident and went to your place.” Briana hopped up the last couple of stairs and held her bedroom door open. “I kind of miss it though.”

    “Yeah? You want to go back?” Tamira asked.

    “I think I do.” Briana said softly, looking down. “I dunno if I can though.”

    “I’m sure Veronica can help you figure something…” Tamira looked back at Arthur, who was standing in the doorway with his mouth open.

    “It’s really something, isn’t it sweetie?” Tamira looked around. “The playpen is new for me. Briana’s really got that baby drip.”

    Briana grinned and danced around the room. “Arthur come in! This is where I keep my stuffies, and this is my crib, and over here is my art stuff, and I think you can fit in the playpen. It’s super sturdy.”

    Arthur stepped into the room sheepishly. Tamira reached out to him but Briana got there first. She grabbed Arthur’s hand and pulled him over to the playpen.

    “Do you wanna try it with me? Melody played with me in it and it was so super fun!”

    “Yeah, okay.” Arthur said with a soft smile.

    “Not in big boy clothes you won’t.” Tamira said. “Strip down young man.”

    “Uh, right here?” Arthur asked.

    “Briana has seen you in just a diaper before and she just watched you get changed. If I have to tell you a third time, it’s a spanking.”

    Briana watched in fascination as Arthur hesitated. He liked being spanked, she realized. That was going to be fun for some mischief later. Apparently he decided against a punishment though, and shucked off his sweatshirt and sweatpants.

    While Tamira was getting the clothes out Briana took advantage of the situation and hugged Arthur. He was so big and super warm! It was cute how he awkwardly hugged her, trying to figure out where to put his arms on someone who didn’t quite reach his chest.

    “We’re gonna have a super good time.” Briana said. “Tell me if there’s anything you want to do, okay?”

    “I don’t know what stuff you have.” Arthur said.

    “In here, coloring books and my stuffies. Oh, and my sword! Plus lots of books. I bet Tamira would read us a story if we asked.”

    “I would.” Tamira said with a smile. “But right now I need this little boy back so I can get him dressed.”

    The outfit wasn’t sized-up kids clothes. It made sense, they’d have to be REALLY sized up to fit Arthur. A pair of swim trunks that somehow were a little oversized for Arthur went on. They looked good and had nice bold colors on them. The shirt was a little undersized and had Callum from Dragon Prince on it. Briana approved of the transformation, especially when the mesh ‘underwear’ of the swimsuit made Arthur’s diaper extra crinkly.

    “Now can we play in the playpen?” Briana asked. “Um – but if you don’t want to we don’t hafta.” She really wanted to see Arthur in the playpen, but knew she should be a good playmate. (Santa points +1)

    “We can try.” Arthur stepped carefully over the wall of the playpen, he didn’t even have to push it down. It squished and tilted a little under his weight, but that was it. With a surprised grin and a mighty crinkle, he settled down on his butt.

    Briana gleefully climbed in on the other side. Arthur took up about a third of the space on his own. As soon as she sat Briana discovered a definite slope in the Arthur direction. Giggling, she let herself roll against his legs.

    “So who are all of these?” Arthur motioned at the stuffies, picking up Arnold the Pangolin.

    “That’s Arnold the Pangolin.” Briana said. He always had to have his full name. (So annoying!)

    “Hi Arnold.” Arthur said.

    “Noo, you have to say Arnold the Pangolin every time.” Briana said in distress. “He’s going to be so grumpy now. Arnold the Pangolin, he didn’t know okay?”

    Arthur giggled. “That’s so silly.” He laughed again, then addressed Arnold the Pangolin. “Sorry, Arnold the Pangolin.”

    “Whew!” Briana said. “I think Arnold the Pangolin forgives you.” She took the stuffie and set him aside where he couldn’t cause more trouble.

    “This bat is Mimsey, and this giraffe is Chuck.” Briana said, putting both in Arthur’s lap.

    “Chuck?” Arthur asked.

    “He doesn’t like going by Charles.” Briana said.

    “You know them all really well.” Arthur said with a grin.

    “We’ve been together for a while. They’re all on the Round Table of Cloudland. Alanna is the head knight but – oh shit, I left her in Mom’s room.”

    “Briana! Did I just hear what I thought I did?” Tamira asked sharply.

    “Uh, oopsie?” Briana giggled.

    “Oopsie is all you have to say? What would your mom do if she heard you say that word? Be honest.”

    Briana whined and squirmed, but Tamira’s glare was relentless. She couldn’t lie with Christmas presents on the line, especially after being told to be honest.

    “I’d get a spanking.” Briana pouted.

    “Then get over here.” Tamira said, taking a seat in the armchair that Veronica sat in when it was story-time. She patted her lap.

    “Tamiiiiiiiira.” Briana whined.

    “Little girl, this spanking is getting longer and longer the more I wait.”

    With a squeak, Briana hopped out of the playpen and flopped over Tamira’s lap. She whimpered again when Tamira flipped her skirt up and pulled her diaper down. On consideration she threw a sniffle in for extra sympathy.

    Smack! If she’d garnered any extra sympathy from Tamira, Briana certainly couldn’t tell. She yelped involuntarily as the sting from the first spanking flared to life on her rear. A matching smack on the other cheek made her cry out again.

    “I’m soooorrrrry! It was an accident!” Briana whimpered.

    “Was it?” Tamira asked skeptically, “Or did you think you could get away with it because your mom isn’t here and I’m not as experienced?”

    Briana hung her head. “The second one.”

    “Wow, you’re being very honest.” Tamira said, delivering two more slaps, though a lot more lightly than the first pair.

    “Ow! I hafta. Santa is coming.”

    “I see. Well I know he won’t be happy that you said a bad word.” (Santa points -1)

    Briana whimpered, taking two more spanks gracefully enough. After the first two slaps, it wasn’t so bad, compared to Dad’s spankings.

    “On the other hand, I think being so honest makes up for it. Or it will as long as you learned that your behavior was wrong.” Tamira slapped Briana’s butt twice more.

    “I did!” She whimpered.

    “What did you learn?” Tamira asked, rubbing Briana’s rear.

    “That saying sh- that saying that word is bad.”

    “Good girl. Last spanking and then you’re done.” Two more slaps and Briana had her nice comfy diaper up on her rear again. (Santa points +1)

    “Hee hee.” Arthur chuckled. “You almost said shit again.”

    “Did you really just try to slip that by?” Tamira asked as she sent Briana back to the playpen. “Get over this knee, Arthur.”

    “What?” Arthur pouted. “No! I was just saying the thing that she said.”

    “If you think that you can be naughty just because someone else is, then you really do need a spanking.” Tamira said. “Get over here now.”

    “It’s not fair!” Arthur protested, scooting behind Briana.

    “Arthur.” Tamira said in a sharp tone that was giving Veronica’s mommy voice a run for it’s money. “One.”

    “Nooooo.” Arthur whined. “We’re here to have fun.”

    “If you make me say three you are NOT going to like what happens.” Tamira said. “Two…”

    Briana gave Arthur a sympathetic look as he climbed out of the playpen and draped himself over the chair. That look switched to horror when she saw what Tamira was pulling out of her duffel.

    “Oh no, the hairbrush!” Briana said, clapping her hands to her mouth.

    “What?!” Arthur shifted on the chair but relented when Tamira dug her fingers into his back. “Tam – Mom, please don’t use the brush.”

    “You have been such a naughty boy. It’s even worse because this is your first time at Briana’s and you’re misbehaving.” Tamira yanked Arthur’s trunks and diaper down.

    “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again!”

    “I know you won’t.” Tamira said.

    That made Briana wince. Tamira brought the brush down and peppered Arthur’s butt with rapid fire strokes from the brush. He was whimpering and squirming, but looked kind of used to it. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, Briana thought as she relaxed.

    “Alright, you’re warmed up, now it’s time for the real ones.” Tamira said. “You get six, and you have to count them off.”

    “Six?” Arthur whimpered.

    “That didn’t sound at all like Yes Mommy.” Tamira said.

    “Yes Mommy.” Arthur said quietly.

    Real ones? Briana wondered. She didn’t have to wonder long. Tamira’s arm went way up. She swung the brush down like a tennis player. The sound it made on Arthur’s butt was a resounding CRACK!

    Arthur cried out, then grunted, “One.”

    Briana’s sympathetic yelp had been lost in Arthur’s cry. She put her hands over Mimsey’s eyes. The girl-bat was too sensitive to see a big punishment like this.

    Five more times the hairbrush came down. Tamira was serious! She was putting her shoulder into every hit. Briana was glad she couldn’t see Arthur’s butt. He had to have marks for sure, maybe even bruises. By the time he counted three he was sniffling, by five he was full on crying. The sixth one left him blubbering across Tamira’s lap.

    “What did you learn?” Tamira said, gently stroking Arthur’s back.

    “Not to say b-bad words.” He sniffled.

    “And about being at a friend’s house?”

    “T-to behave.” Arthur said.

    “Good boy.” Tamira said, leaning over to kiss his shoulder. She got a tube of lotion out of her bag and gently spread it on his rear, before pulling his diaper and trunks back up.

    “You can go back and play with Briana now.”

    “Okay Mommy.” Arthur made his way gingerly back into the playpen, electing to lie down on his stomach this time.

    “Tamira, can we have a snack?” Briana asked, giving Tamira a woeful look and snuggling up to Arthur.

    “I guess so.” Tamira said, putting her spanking supplies away. “What kind of snack?”

    “There are some cookies left over downstairs that Mom said I could have. Can Arthur have some too? They’re really good and he didn’t get to have them at Thanksgiving.”

    Tamira chuckled. “Alright you beggar. Dial it down. I’ll go get some cookies.”

    As soon as Tamira was out of the room Briana nuzzled Arthur. “That was a rough spanking, but now we get cookies.”

    “I didn’t think she’d spank me so hard for that.” Arthur said.

    “I think she felt kind of guilty.” Briana said. “That’s why she gave in on the cookies.”

    “Does that work all the time?” Arthur asked.

    “Usually. My mom always looks a little guilty after she spanks me. It’s a good time to ask for something you’re not supposed to have.”

    “Wait, are you not supposed to have those cookies?”

    “Mom said I could have one.” Briana said. “But if Tamira brings me more than that, it’s not my fault. I’m not supposed to eat them in the playpen either.” She giggled.

    Arthur giggled and nuzzled up against Briana. “You know all the tricks.”

    “I’ve been a baby for a while.” Briana grinned. “But all by myself. I’m really glad I have you here. Can we be friends?”

    “Yeah. You’re a good friend.” Arthur said, hugging Briana. He gave the best big squooshy hugs.

    “It’s going to be hard to play until your butt feels better.” Briana said. “Want to get under the blanket and watch something on my phone when Tamira gets back?”

    “Yeah.” Arthur said. “I bet we can get her to give us juice boxes too.”

    Briana giggled. “You think so?”

    “Watch.” He grinned.

    Tamira arrived with the whole plate of cookies. Briana’s eyes grew huge at the sight. She started the two littles off with only a pair of cookies each, but Briana knew that was just an opening offer. If a babysitter brought a plate of cookies, they were fair game.

    “Mommy, can we have juice boxes?” Arthur said cutely. “You said I could share one of mine with Briana.”

    Tamira rolled her eyes. “You two are lucky you’re so cute.”

    Within minutes they had cookies AND juice boxes. Not only that but they had permission to watch more Kipo (Arthur hadn’t watched it without Briana!) and there were crumbs getting everywhere. It was super warm and snuggly under the blanket.

    In fact, it was so snuggly that – well Briana had only promised to work on her potty training, not be perfect at it. The original plan had been to ask for help with the potty every hour or so. Instead she just snuggled with Arthur. By the time Tamira insisted on a change of activities, Briana squished when she sat up.

    They were coloring happily away when the door opened and Veronica stepped in. She looked extra tired, and she was in her fancy clothes again.

    “Mom!” Briana said excitedly.

    “Hi darling. Hello Tamira. Hi Arthur.”

    “Hey Veronica.” Tamira said, getting up from the chair and stretching. “The littles have been playing well together.”

    “I can see that.” Veronica said. “Thank you for bringing Arthur over.”

    “He’s having a great time, it’s our pleasure.” Tamira said. Arthur gave a shy smile and a wave, immediately returning to his coloring book.

    “You’re welcome to stay longer.” Veronica said. “Even for dinner if you want. We’re having everyone’s favorite, Thanksgiving leftovers.”

    “Arthur and I didn’t get much in the way of leftovers so that would be great if it’s really no bother.”

    “Not at all. If you two join us I think we can finally finish them off.” Veronica said.

    “Great, thank you.” Tamira said. “Arthur, what do we say when someone invites us to dinner?”

    Arthur broke out of his bashful concentration and blushed. “Um, thank you Ms. Veronica.”

    “What a darling. You’re very welcome Arthur.” Veronica said. “I do need a quick word with Briana.”

    “What’s up mom?” Briana asked.

    “When I went into the kitchen there was an open bottle of milk sitting next to a box of fruit loops and a dirty bowl. The milk has spoiled from sitting out all day. Is that something you’d know about?”

    Briana squirmed a little further under the blanket. “Um, sorry Mom. Yeah, that was me.” (Santa points -2!)

    “If your friend wasn’t here young lady…”

    “Oh go ahead and spank her.” Tamira said.

    “Are you sure?” Veronica asked.

    “I already gave her a spanking for cussing.” Tamira said. “Arthur got one too. They’ve been good little lambs ever since.”

    Veronica smiled at Tamira. That was sorta great, because Briana wanted her mom smiling at Tamira. It’d just be better if the smile wasn’t related to spanking her.

    “That is actually perfect. Briana has recently had a naughty incident and while that is behind us, we did plan to be strict and immediate with punishments going into the holidays.”

    “Mom,” Briana pouted as cutely as she could. “Please don’t spank me in front of Arthur. I’m sorry I forgot the milk.”

    “Briana Hillary Cassingham!” Veronica said, in a tone that had Briana on her feet, before she realized she was moving. “You get your butt over here right now. You know better than to try to manipulate me when you’re in trouble.”

    Without a hint of further argument, Briana bent over Veronica’s lap. Veronica flipped her skirt up and patted the swollen diaper.

    “I thought you were working on potty training hon.”

    “I was!” Briana insisted. “I was doing really good for a while.”

    “That’s true.” Tamira said. (what a good friend!) “She’s been dry until now.”

    “In that case I’m proud of you. I’ll help you work on it more, especially once the break starts, okay?”

    Briana nodded. “Thanks Mom.” She winced when Veronica pulled her diaper down to her knees. So much for her brief reprieve.

    “Maybe it will help you remember to get spanked on a wet butt.” Veronica said.

    Briana whimpered and grabbed the side of the chair, bracing herself. Veronica slapped her butt at a steady pace. They weren’t hard smacks. Unfortunately, the previous spanking multiplied them a bit. Being wet on top of that, made each hit sting and spark across her rear.

    Arthur was staying mighty quiet in the playpen. He’d learned his lesson the first time. Briana wasn’t going to have a spankee-in-solidarity this time. Feeling little from her playtime with Arthur and embarrassed at being caught wet by Veronica, Briana started bawling.

    That didn’t stop the spanking, it never did. There were just a few smacks left though. When Veronica switched to gently rubbing her butt, Briana sniffled and cleared her throat.

    “I’m sorry for leaving the milk and my breakfast stuff out Mommy.”

    Veronica paused in surprise. Briana bonked her head against the chair as she realized that it was only Tamira that made her explain why she was bad.

    “Is that something that Tamira taught you to do, Bri?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes.” Briana said sourly.

    “I always make Arthur verbalize what he did wrong.” Tamira said. “I had Briana do it today too.”

    “I did as well this morning, though that was over something much bigger.” Veronica said. “I think it’s a very good idea to do it every time, don’t you Briana?”

    “Yes Mommy.” Briana grumped. Bent over Mom’s lap, with a bare butt, was not the place to pick an argument.

    “Good girl. Let’s get you changed.”

    Tamira and Veronica chatted about mommy stuff while Briana was getting changed. They were still at it when Veronica put Briana back in the playpen with Arthur.

    “Would you like to go downstairs and have a cup of tea?” Veronica asked Tamira. “I have to get dinner going.”

    “I’ll take the tea, but you have to put me to work.” Tamira said. “What about these two? They’re a little trouble-prone together.”

    “Oh that’s simple.” Veronica said. “We’ll just use the baby monitor.”

    Arthur looked at Briana in surprise, blushing profusely when Veronica turned the monitor on. For her part, Briana was still a little grumpy from her spanking. She shrugged in response.

    “You two play nice. You can let us know through the monitor if you need anything.” Veronica said.

    “Who all is going to be at dinner?” Tamira asked.

    “Just the household.” Veronica said. “Probably not all of us. Suzie is managing some theatre crisis, and we don’t even see Erin since her residency started. Probably us here, Jane, Melody, and Casey.”

    “Is that going to be okay Arthur?” Tamira asked gently. “Melody and Briana both wear diapers. Everyone in this house knows about it and they don’t make a big deal out of it.”

    “I promise that no one will make fun or be hurtful in any way.” Veronica said.

    “I don’t know.” Arthur said, curling up.

    Briana sighed. She could tell that Arthur was conflicted, but the bigs were probably going to err on the side of making him go home. She snuggled up to him and nuzzled his head.

    “You don’t hafta if you don’t want, but I think it’d be fun.” Briana said. “Everybody at the table has changed my diaper before. Even Melody.” Briana giggled.

    It was working! Arthur looked up at her hesitantly. Briana gave him a big smile and nodded.

    “Plus we can sit together and talk and not pay attention to the bigs.” Briana said, more loudly so that she was sure Tamira could hear. “It’d be a super brave thing for you to do. I bet your mom would let you eat only the stuff you want!”

    “Oh for…” Tamira shook her head and laughed. “You have to eat SOME turkey, but otherwise whatever you want, little one.”

    “Briana, what did I just say about manipulative behavior?” Veronica asked.

    “I’m not doing it while I’m in trouble this time!” Briana replied sweetly. “And it’s to help Arthur!”

    Veronica rolled her eyes. “You were right Tamira, they are trouble together.”

    “It’s cause we’re good friends!” Briana said, squirming into Arthur’s arms. He grinned and gave her a big hug.

    The cuteness worked! (Santa points +2) Both moms smiled and laughed. After another admonishment to be good while dinner was being made, Veronica and Tamira headed downstairs.

    “I’m so glad you’re staying.” Briana said. “I’ve never had a friend who was little like me before.”

    “It’s scary.” Arthur said. “But I believe you when you say people will be nice.”

    “They will.” Briana nodded. “Okay, I think we can watch at least one more Kipo episode before dinner.”

    “But Mom said that we had too much TV.” Arthur said.

    “Shh!” Briana whispered, pointing at the baby monitor. “As long as we don’t do anything too naughty, they won’t walk all the way up the stairs to get us in trouble.”

    Arthur giggles. “You are so bad.”

    “You are too, Mr. sneak a bad word past your mom.”

    Arthur grinned and draped his arm over Briana. She fired up the next video, her stinging butt totally forgotten. It smelled a little like Arthur had wet, but that was Tamira’s problem, not Briana’s.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 03

    ((Content Warning: Depiction of severe depression))

    Two major tests and a lab report completely wiped Melody’s week out. On Rosa’s side, dodging the worst of Black Friday meant she had to pull doubles, right through the weekend. A week without Rosa time felt more like a year. There was nothing to fear though. Melody’s social penguin was about to flip from blue to red.

    First, some TLC for their girlfriend. Melody had a reservation for a Board Game Restaurant and a home-spa kit for Rosa’s recovery. After that, they should be able to have some amazing ABDL time together. It was a bit of a lull at school before finals hit. Melody’s planning was worthy of Veronica.

    Pausing in the entryway of the computer science building, Melody let themself think about Veronica. They owed her a month of rent. She hadn’t said anything, but Melody had as good as dropped out of Veronica’s program. Melody hadn’t had a session or done anything with Veronica diaper-wise in a couple of weeks.

    It was okay though, because the program worked. Everything was great, especially with Rosa. Melody had the money, and their loans were paid off. They could pay Veronica for December before the fifth and give her a big thank you. A hug too, if she wasn’t mad.

    “There you are!” A sharp voice cut into Melody’s daydreams. Beatrix, coming in hot on Melody’s three o’clock.

    “Oh uh, hey Bea. Look it’s been crazy busy and…”

    “Yeah, I know.” Beatrix said, looking a little wild-eyed. “I am so choked up that I’m about to blow. Come with me, I need some sugar.”

    “Hey, I have to get to class.” Melody said.

    They almost pulled out of Beatrix’s grasp. Something in their heart stopped them. It was Beatrix. Unstoppably hot Beatrix. The girl they’d followed to this grad school after undergrad at Brooklyn College. Could Melody say no to her? Could anyone?

    Beatrix didn’t seem to notice Melody’s conflict. She was pulling hard enough on Melody’s coat that she would have expected resistance regardless. Stumbling up to an unfamiliar door, Melody watched in surprise as Beatrix produced a key and unlocked it.

    Why did Bea have a key to the CS building? Melody asked themself.

    The room inside was bare except for a ladder and some tarps in the corner. Melody caught a flash of what looked like a construction logo on the key’s chain before Bea stuffed it back in her pocket.

    “Alone at last. Shit Mel, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were avoiding me.” Beatrix wasn’t wasting any time. She had her coat off and her bag tossed aside already.

    “I wouldn’t do that.” Melody said cautiously. They had been avoiding her of course. It had been easy up until now with all the tests and holidays.

    “Oh, I know. You’re mine. The best, most obedient and fuckable toy I’ve ever had.” Beatrix grinned, shucking off her sweater. There was no blouse underneath, just a red lace bra holding her perfect breasts.

    The spiderweb pattern in the red lace made Melody double-take. Bea had bragged about that lingerie set once. It was her lucky set. The one she only broke out for boys that mattered.

    “Bea are you sure we should do this here?” Melody asked, desperate for a way out. Not that they could tear their eyes off that glorious chest.

    “All the construction is in Hunter Hall right now, nobody’s coming in here. Don’t you pay ATTENTION?” Beatrix flicked a finger off Melody’s temple.

    “I know my girls are amazing.” Beatrix continued, hefting her breasts. “But you don’t get to stand there drooling. Get your coat off and show me that body.”

    “I uh – it’s just that…” Melody stammered. They were about to cheat on Rosa. No, they couldn’t do that. There had to be a way out that didn’t involve Beatrix posting her blackmail.

    “I forget how shy and nervous you are. I’ll warm you up.” Beatrix closed on Melody and pinned them to the wall. Her mouth was all over Melody’s lips, cheeks, and throat.

    Unable to stop themself, Melody stroked the silken skin of Beatrix’s back. They moaned softly into the kiss. It was incredible to feeling real passion from Beatrix..

    Beatrix squirmed and pressed up against them with genuine desire. Her breath was hot and ragged on Melody’s ear. An insane flash of insight lit Melody’s brain up to Galaxy Brain status. Beatrix was hot for them. For Melody. Beatrix wanted THEM.

    Melody could have Beatrix as a girlfriend.

    Something literally impossible had happened. A whole new path opened up for Melody. No more diapers and weirdness, just a regular lesbian relationship. Well, a lesbian dom/sub relationship anyway. If it lasted, Melody’s tech skills with Bea’s ability to monetize things would be insane.

    They could become a hot power couple with a billion expensive cats. On Mars.

    But it wasn’t right! Rosa didn’t deserve to get hurt. They had something with Rosa that they’d never expected, might never get again. Something that Melody knew she needed, deep in their heart.

    There had to be a way to get some space, to figure thing out. Melody needed to think. The only thing running their head now was the monkey brain.

    “You’re holding back.” Beatrix said. She had Melody’s coat open and her hands on their chest. “Don’t be like that. Give me that lezzie love. I’m going to fuck you so good, someone will call campus security when you scream.”

    Melody’s thoughts did a record scratch. Hearing Beatrix beg to fuck them was brain-meltingly hot. Until that last bit, which was more like a threat. The weirdness of it gave Melody enough control to push open some space between themself and Bea.

    “Hey, Bea.” Melody said, panting. “I’ve wanted you for so long. It’s so amazing now that you want me too, that you’re so hot for me. But we have to talk about…”

    Beatrix froze. “Did you just pump the breaks?”

    “I need to think.” Melody said. “Seeing you beg is so hot it’s messing me up. But I can’t just…”

    “You think I was begging?” Beatrix’s eyes dilated until their color was gone.

    “Well you were kinda…” Melody said.

    “You fucking bitch!” Beatrix screamed. “Is that what you think? You think I’m – some fucking simp? That I’m whipped? BY YOU?”

    Melody held up their hands in shock, trying to find the words to shut off the torrent of rage that Beatrix was vomiting at her.

    “YOU’RE THE ONE THAT’S WHIPPED!” Beatrix brought her hand across Melody’s face with a resounding crack. “BY ME!”

    Fury and terror warred on Beatrix’s face in an ugly combination. She was trembling all over. Melody was trembling too. They touched their cheek, and their fingers came away damp and red.

    “You RUINED this for me.” Beatrix raged. “I just needed some goddamn stress relief and you had to fuck it up, like you always do. So now neither one of us gets anything!” Beatrix snatched up her coat, sweater, and bag.

    “You’re unbelievable. Ungrateful. Stupid. Bitch!” Beatrix was trembling more than ever. It was hard to tell from the intensity of her emotion, but she looked more afraid now than angry. “I’ll text you later and you’d better be ready to make up for this. FUCK!”

    On that last scream, Beatrix stormed out of the room. She hadn’t bothered to put her clothes back on. The door slammed behind her, hard enough to make Melody wince.

    Melody stumbled out of the room a while later. Their class was halfway done. Not that it mattered. They weren’t going to be able to understand a single thing a professor said. Rosa had a class that got out around this time. She might still be on campus.

    The magic of text messages brought them together on an icy circle of brick, at the base of a hill that sported the University’s ugliest statue. It looked like a rusty snowflake sneezing a lightning-bolt. It was especially bad next to Melody’s beautiful girlfriend, beaming when she caught sight of them.

    “Melody! Baby, what happened to your face?” Rosa asked, shifting from delight to concern.

    “It’s uh…” Melody swallowed hard, trying to figure out how they could explain.

    “Let me see.” Rosa took Melody’s face and peered at the thin cuts that Beatrix’s fingernails had laid across Melody’s cheek.

    “I um – the thing is Rosa…” Melody floundered.

    “Wait, is this lipstick all over you?” Rosa frowned. “Mel, what’s going on?”

    “Beatrix – ambushed me. Kind of.” Melody said. There was a yawning pit growing in their stomach as Rosa’s face grew more concerned. “I, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to – it wasn’t supposed to go that way.”

    “She assaulted you again?” Rosa asked in horror. “She was all over you and she hit you?”

    “It was…” Melody swallowed back a wave of nausea.

    That’s not what happened. It wasn’t assault. It couldn’t be assault.

    “No, not assault. I, I just didn’t stop it in time. I’m sorry, I won’t let it happen again.”

    “Melody, baby.” Rosa gently took Melody in her arms, patting their back. “You have a bruise and three cuts on your face. You are trembling and you can hardly talk to me. We have to do something about this.”

    “I can’t.” Melody said, their gut roiling. “I can’t. You don’t understand.”

    “I understand that this has gone way too far. We have to get help to deal with this. We should talk to campus security, or the cops.”

    “No, I can’t.” Melody said, shaking themself free of Rosa’s grasp.

    “Why not?” Rosa asked. Her cheeks were streaked with tears.

    “Don’t cry. It’s okay. It’ll be okay. She’ll give up. I just have to wait until she gives up.” Melody couldn’t make themself believe it anymore. They couldn’t blame Rosa for the disbelief in her eyes.

    “That is bullshit. Melody, honey, I want to help you. This is crazy.” Rosa took Melody’s hand gently. “Please let me help.”

    “She has pictures.” Melody said. “P-porn. Of me. I can’t. If she puts those on the internet, Rosa, it’ll be there forever.”

    “Shit.” Rosa squeezed Melody’s hand. “There has to be a way to deal with it! New Hampshire has a revenge porn law. We can shut her down!”

    “No, it’ll still be on there. I can’t – I can’t stand up to her.”

    “You can’t live like this. You have to make her stop!”

    “I can’t do that!”

    “WHY?” Rosa sobbed.

    “BECAUSE I WANT IT!” Melody screamed.

    A terrible silence descended around them. Rosa’s eyes were wide, hurt. Melody felt hollow inside. They both fell back a few steps. It felt like a chasm opening between them.

    “What?” Rosa asked, her tone shocked and disbelieving.

    “I’ve known her since undergrad.” Melody said. They knew they shouldn’t explain anything about Beatrix, but the words spilled out against their will. “I followed her to ABDU. She never, she never looked at me, but now – something happened. I can’t – I can’t make her stop.”

    “Are you and her – together?” Rosa asked. The pain in her voice shattered Melody’s heart.

    “No – I don’t think so. Rosa, I – what you and I have is amazing. I don’t understand why I can’t stop Beatrix. But I can’t.” Melody took a deep breath.

    “I tried today, but it didn’t work. She was so mad! It was my fault. I shouldn’t have made her mad.” Melody looked at Rosa with pleading eyes.

    Unfortunately, Rosa looked more upset than ever. There had to be something they could say. A dialogue option must exist, to stop this conversation from leading to a bad end.

    “Melody.” Rosa took a shuddering breath. “I don’t understand what’s happening here. But it’s not your fault. You have to stop her. If you want to be with me, you have to stop what’s happening with Beatrix.”

    “I can’t! She won’t let me.” Melody sobbed.

    “It’s not her choice, it’s yours!” Rosa’s voice was getting colder. “You have to do something. Stay away from her at least. It might have – some consequences. But this is hurting you. It’s hurting us. It has to stop.”

    “That’s easy for you to say! You’re not the one being exposed to the entire world.”

    “I know it’s not easy!” Rosa cried, her voice cracking.

    “Mel, she’s already hitting you. Are pictures going to matter if she kills you? You have to stop this!”

    “I can’t.” Melody fell to their knees. “I can’t.”

    “Then I can’t do this either.” Rosa said, putting a hand to her mouth. “Melody, I – this can’t be happening.”

    “Rosa, please.” Melody said.

    “Please what? Share my joyfriend, my Little One, with a psychopath? With someone who cuts your face? Watch you get hurt over and over again?” Rosa took several steps back.

    “It’s almost over. I just need…”

    “No, Melody. No.” Rosa shook her head. “Something is almost over, but it’s not the thing that Beatrix is doing to you. I have to go. I need space from this.”

    “Rosa!” Melody begged.

    “I can’t watch you do this to yourself, or to us.” Rosa wrapped her arms around herself. “Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Don’t come see me unless – unless you’re done with Beatrix.”

    Melody watched in horror as Rosa walked away. They were beyond tears. They didn’t feel anything at all, not even the cold. Something had snapped. A bright and beautiful thing was lying in sharp shards at the base of Melody’s heart.

    The rest of the day was nothing. There was nothing. A gray campus and a gray town. A gray bank and gray streets driving home. Melody walked into their gray house and their gray room. Their roommates said hello to them, and Melody said hello back.

    Though they gave Melody odd looks, their roommates didn’t bother them. They told Melody that Veronica wasn’t home. That was fine, if a little inconvenient. Melody put the rent money on Veronica’s table in the front room of her suite.

    By then, an oven pizza was done. It didn’t have any taste, which was fine. A single slice made the annoying hungry feeling go away. The world was calm and gray again. With no more plans for the evening, Melody could play as many video games as they wanted.

    They didn’t want to play any of them.

    With nothing to do, Melody went to bed. It was barely after five pm, but what did it matter? Nothing mattered. They took everything off, including their diaper. The sheets were soft. Their room was quiet. The blanket was heavy. It was the first good feeling since…

    Melody stopped thinking.

    Much later, they slept.


    Melody woke to a harsh sound. Someone was knocking on their door. Whoever it was kept calling their name. The sheets were still soft. The blanket was still heavy. Melody stopped listening and the sounds faded. Eventually they stopped.

    For a long time, Melody stared into the darkness.

    Then they slept.


    They woke to knocking again. It sounded frantic. The blanket was still heavy. The sheets weren’t soft anymore. They were wet, and itchy. It didn’t matter. Melody stared past the walls, into nothing. The knocking would fade again….

    Instead, the door burst open. Briana was there. She was crying.

    No, Melody thought. Not this. Not Briana. Please, Bri, go away.

    She didn’t. She kneeled by the bed in her ridiculous purple-people-eater pajamas and shook Melody’s shoulders. She was still crying. It was starting to hurt. Everything was starting to hurt. There was bright light from the doorway and sounds were roaring loud around Melody.

    A terrible sharp pain sliced down through Melody’s chest. Every moment that they stared at Briana it went deeper. They were sobbing, shaking, and crying. They couldn’t stop. The tears blurred Briana out of their vision, but they couldn’t stop her voice. Nothing could stop Melody from feeling Briana’s arms around them.

    Nothing could stop Melody from feeling.

    They screamed. The pain in their chest pierced into a terrible heartbreak and sent it howling out of Melody’s throat. They were shattered, all because their stupid sister couldn’t stop caring about them. Couldn’t leave them alone.

    Melody clung to Briana like their life depended on it.

    Two more sets of arms joined the hug. Someone had closed the door. Veronica and Jane were hugging Melody now. They were talking as well. Melody hoped the words weren’t for them. Their brain wouldn’t process whatever was being said.

    Eventually Jane took Briana out of the room. Veronica stayed, sitting next to the bed. Melody closed their eyes. They let what felt like a long-time pass. When they opened their eyes, the sun had moved. Veronica was still there.

    “Veronica?” Melody asked. What they were asking, they didn’t know.

    “Melody.” Veronica smiled gently and touched them on the shoulder. “Do you remember that I said I wouldn’t let you fall?”

    “Yes.” Melody said.

    “It’s still true. Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

    “No.” Melody said.

    Veronica nodded. “Then we will deal with your heart later. Right now, I know what’s wrong with other parts of you.”

    “What’s that?” Melody asked.

    “You need food and water. You need to get up and move a little. You also need a diaper.”

    “No diapers.” Melody said.

    “Melody.” Veronica said gently. “You wet the bed.”

    Melody considered. The bed did feel wet. That was a good enough reason, they supposed.

    “Okay.” Melody said. “Because the bed is wet.”

    “Yes, because of that.” Veronica said, stroking Melody’s head. “Sit up. I’m going to take care of you.”

    “Okay.” Melody sat up.

    Everything that Veronica asked Melody to do, they did. They helped her strip them bare and walked to the bathroom in a fuzzy robe. Melody returned to their room after a hot shower to find the bed cleaned, with new sheets and blankets.

    There was soup on Melody’s desk. There was also a Briana and a Jane on their bed. Veronica put Melody on the bed and the four of them ate. Or at least the other three ate. Melody sat quietly, listening to them talk.

    “Open up.” Veronica said, holding Melody’s spoon to their mouth.

    “Don’t want it.” Melody mumbled.

    “Do the airplane!” Briana said enthusiastically.

    Melody was surprised to feel a tiny smile on their lips. Veronica seemed surprised too.

    “Here comes the airplane.” Veronica said gently, swerving the spoon toward Melody’s mouth.

    It was so ridiculous. How could Melody not smile at least a little?

    It took a lot of airplane passes and one Top Gun reference from Briana, but Melody opened up for the spoon. The soup was really good. Something hearty and tomato-y. The airplane didn’t need to make as many passes to deliver the next spoon. Even less for the one after that. Melody was suddenly really hungry.

    When the soup was gone, it was perfectly natural to snuggle up to Briana on the bed. Melody didn’t mind that their robe had fallen off. Everyone in the room had changed their diaper before. Besides, Briana was making silly noises. Every third or fourth one was so ridiculous that Melody was forced to giggle.

    “Is this, okay?” Veronica asked Jane.

    Melody was a little confused. Shouldn’t Jane be asking Veronica? It was Veronica that was the psychologist. Anyway, Melody was feeling a lot better. The answer was yes, they thought. Right now was okay.

    “It’s more than okay, it’s the right thing to do.” Jane said.

    That was a weird way to say yes. Melody’s confusion deepened.

    “Melody.” Veronica said. “Would you like to play upstairs with your sister today? I know you don’t have class today.”

    “That sounds fun.” Melody said. They were still sad, but Briana would be nice for that.

    “I think you need a babysitter right now, and Briana can’t do it. Someone else would need to watch out for you.” Veronica said. “What do you think about that?”

    Melody considered. It was a weird thing to say, but less weird because Briana was involved. It sounded safe. It was a little piece of the precious thing they’d lost.

    “Okay, maybe that’s right.” Melody said. “Tamira kind of baby sat me once, and it was – nice.”

    “I don’t think she’s available, but I’ll check.” Veronica said. “It’d be mostly me and Jane. What do you feel about other roommates babysitting you?”

    “Suzie doesn’t like to change diapers.” Melody said quickly. “And Erin is too tired.”

    “That’s your main concern?” Veronica asked curiously.

    “For babysitting?” Melody asked. “Yeah, I think so.”

    “What if Gary were to babysit you?” Jane asked. “Even though he’s a man.”

    Melody shrugged. “He’s Briana’s boyfriend and he’s nice. That would be okay.”

    “Then that’s what I needed to know.” Veronica said. “I’m going to put you kids in the playpen. Can you play nicely together while I make a couple of arrangements? I’ll be up in about an hour.”

    “Yes Mommy.” Briana said. She looked really excited. It was starting to rub off on Melody a little.

    “Okay.” Melody nodded. “But I need something from my closet.”

    At Veronica’s nod of permission, Melody got off the bed and crawled to the closet. There was a murmur of surprise from the bed. Briana must have done something cute. Melody was sorry they’d missed it.

    With their objective rescued from a box in the back of the closet, Melody waddled back to the group on their knees.

    “This is Totoro-san.” Melody said. It was important to introduce him. He was missing an eye and half the wave lines on his belly. The trademark umbrella had gone long ago. He was soft though and filled with more than a decade of love.

    “Totoro-san!” Briana exclaimed. “Oh my gosh, you have to meet everybody in Cloudland!”

    “Then we’d better get you upstairs soon.” Jane said. “You can step out if you want Ronnie. I’ll get Melody dressed and the kids upstairs.”

    Veronica kissed Jane on the lips. She had kisses for Melody and Briana’s foreheads too.

    For clothes, Jane didn’t go to the dresser or the closet. She opened a box that Veronica had given Melody after the makeover. At the time, Veronica had mysteriously said it was for later.

    Whatever else it contained, Jane found a one-piece pajama set in dark blue. It covered Melody from feet to the hood over her head. Best of all, it had orange triangular spines sewn down the hood and back.

    Melody felt good enough in the pajama to say hello to a surprised Suzie on the way to Briana’s room. Cuddled up to their sister in the playpen, the two of them were wrapped around their primary stuffies.

    “Melody?” Briana said. There was a big question waiting behind that one word.

    “Bri don’t.” Melody swallowed nervously. “I can’t talk about…”

    “No, not that.” Briana said quickly. “Different question.”

    “Oh okay.” Melody nodded. “What is it?”

    “Are we little together, right now?”

    Melody considered. “I think so. It feels weird. Because I’m sad. And because Rosa…”

    Melody bit their lip too late. Their cheeks were wet again. Briana nuzzled the tears away, holding Melody tightly.

    “I’m sorry you’re sad, but it’s okay that you are.” Briana held Melody as tightly as she could.

    “Something bad happened with Rosa.” Briana said, quickly adding. “You don’t have to say what!”

    Briana bumped her head against Melody’s. “I’m here. I love you.”

    “I love you too.” Melody said. They still felt like crying, in a different way now.

    “Do you know how to go away?” Briana asked. “To be really little?”

    Melody shook their head. Reconsidering, they said. “I’m not sure. I think maybe, one time I got there.”

    “Do you want to try with me?” Briana asked.

    Melody nodded. “Yes please.”

    Briana grinned. “If we do it right, you’ll get to see Cloudland.”

    “What if we don’t imagine the same Cloudland?” Melody asked.

    “Silly sibling!” Briana said. “We just add them together.”

    “Oh, cool.” Melody smiled tentatively.

    “Why did you say that Suzie doesn’t like to change diapers?” Briana asked, randomly.

    “Uh, I probably shouldn’t say.” Melody said, then shrugged. “She was asking if you were using your diapers for um, poop, when we were all doing the babysitting in turns. She didn’t want to deal with that.”

    “She’s fun sometimes. I know she loves me.” Briana said. “But she’s a jerk sometimes too.”

    “Yeah.” Melody nodded. “She was teasing me about being Veronica’s kid in front of Gary.”

    “Oh, but you’re still figuring that out!” Briana said. “Well I hope that Veronica runs out of babysitters and has to use her. And when that happens, we’re both so far into being little that we BOTH poop!”

    Melody giggled. The giggles broke into a full-on guffaw. The laughter was a little hysterical, but it felt good. Melody was wheezing a little when the chuckles subsided.

    “That… is a really complicated and inconvenient way to get revenge.”

    “Stuff gets strange up here sometimes, when you’re little.” Briana said, with a smirk.

    “Yeah? Do you ever get scared?” Melody asked. Strange sounded scary.

    “Sometimes.” Briana said. “Sometimes my imagination is scary, or I get caught between big and little, and it hurts.”

    “I’ll take care of you.” Melody said, squeezing Briana tightly.

    “Really?” Briana asked. “But you’re sad, you aren’t used to being little, and…”

    “Bri.” Melody said. “You’re my little sister, remember?”

    “I’ll never forget.” Briana said, tucking her head onto Melody’s shoulder.

    “Big siblings take care of the little ones.” Melody said, as sincerely as they’d ever said anything.

    Briana sighed happily. Melody was quiet for a bit, enjoying the moment.

    “Okay, how do I go little?” Melody asked.

    “How did you do it before?” Briana asked.

    “I had Rosa.” Melody said. It hurt, but not as much as they expected. Briana hugs were a powerful anti-sad.

    “Right, there are other ways.” Briana said quickly. “Let’s play with our stuffies. It’s going to take a while to introduce Totoro-san to everyone in Cloudland. I bet you’ll be little by the time we finish.”

    “I bet he’d like to meet everybody.” Melody said, standing Totoro up.

    “Well obviously he has to meet Alanna first.” Briana said. “He’s a very important guest.”

    When Veronica came up to babysit, Melody was glad that she didn’t interrupt them. Arnold the Pangolin was in the middle of a speech and if she’d interrupted, they’d have to say Arnold the Pangolin like a hundred more times.

    Luckily, Totoro was a lot more patient that Melody was. They let him handle Arnold the Pangolin. Melody sat on their cloud-stool and sipped their cloud-wine. Mel was a little drunk off of it, but no one had noticed yet. They smiled a sneaky smile.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 04

    Briana looked at Veronica curiously. Instead of opening the dresser drawers full of onesies and pajamas, Veronica was in the back of Briana’s closet. Briana was in just a diaper, awaiting whatever outfit Mom was going to put her in.

    “How do you feel about big girl clothes?” Veronica asked.

    “Are we having people over again?” Briana asked. The last time she’d worn big girl clothes it had been at a party. The time before that – was when she was still going to school. It seemed so long ago.

    “Actually, I was wondering if you’d like to come shopping with me.” Veronica said.

    “Really?!” Briana bounced excitedly. “Yes, please Mommy! Can we get Christmas presents? I have lotsa people to buy for.”

    Veronica chuckled, emerging from the closet with a long yellow skirt. She added a blue and white checkered blouse, setting both on the bed. Briana checked out the clothes excitedly while she waited for mom to dress her.

    To Briana’s surprise, the first thing Veronica put on her was a white bralette. While dressing little, she didn’t technically need to wear a bra, and hadn’t worn one in ages. Already she was feeling like a super big girl.

    Briana helped Veronica get the skirt and blouse on her, as well as a pair of thick white leggings. Cute blue shoes that Briana had totally forgotten about completed the outfit. Spinning in front of her mirror to poof her skirt out, Briana laughed in delight.

    “You look terrific sweetie.” Veronica said.

    “Thanks for picking this outfit.” Briana said. “I love it.”

    “It’s the outfit you wore when you applied to live in the house, do you remember?” Veronica asked.

    “Oh, I do now! I’m so glad I moved in with you.” Briana took a couple of dancing steps over to Veronica and hugged her. “I love you, Mama.”

    “My little BumblBri.” Veronica said softly, pulling Briana close.

    “Are we going out right away?” Briana asked.

    “We need to get going, yes. Grab a coat, I think your blue one will be warm enough, and look nice too. You have to wear gloves and a hat as well.”

    “I bet Suzie will let me wear her blue cloche.” Briana said. “It’ll be perfect with this outfit!”

    “Just don’t spend too long asking. Can you be at the door and ready in ten minutes?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes Mom!” Briana scampered downstairs.

    As she predicted, Suzie was forced to bend her ‘don’t borrow my hats’ rule when she saw how cute it made the outfit. Briana was at the door with her coat and gloves on with five minutes to spare.

    Though Briana expected downtown to be empty, so early on a Sunday, there were cars and people everywhere. It took Veronica a while to find parking, they’d had to stop on every street to let pedestrians through a crosswalk.

    Stepping out into the softly drifting snow, Briana felt her cheeks and nose redden. It was inevitable with her super fair skin and would only add to her cuteness today. Indeed, she got a big smile out of Veronica when she took Briana’s hand and set out to the shops.

    The first stop was actually breakfast. Briana literally couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to a real restaurant, which didn’t take the campus food card. Probably back when she’d first started dating Gary.

    With a pile of pancakes in front of her, seated in a corner of a cute Chaplin-themed breakfast place, Briana could tell the day was going to be magical.

    “I will be very impressed if you eat that entire stack.” Veronica said, daintily eating her grown-up scramble. It was full of weird cheeses and pesto. “Please be careful of your outfit. I have a diaper bag but not much for spare clothes.”

    “I won’t spill.” Briana said, drowning her pancakes in three kinds of syrup. “I want to everybody to see my outfit today.”

    “Are you feeling a little cooped in?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah, I think so.” Briana said, packing an enormous bite of pancake into her little mouth. “Eh ehuh eahuh ih uhuuhl uhay.”

    “Briana Cassingham.” Veronica said sternly. “You know better than to talk with your mouth full.”

    A quick gulp of apple juice helped wash down the mighty bite. “Sorry mom. I said I didn’t realize it until today.”

    “Take smaller bites, honey.” Veronica said. “I should have realized you were too home-bound myself. We’ll make a point of taking you out more.”

    Briana cut a marginally smaller bite of pancake stack, remembering to talk before she mashed it into her mouth this time. “What about school? Is there any way I can go back?”

    “Are you missing the socialization or the classes?” Veronica asked.

    “The classes.” Briana said, after getting the second bite down. “I really like Microbiology. I was doing cool research too, with Dr. Vaughn.”

    “You’re so much more grown up in your conversation today.” Veronica said with a smile. “Is it just the clothes and being out?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana said. “That might be part of it. I also kinda feel rested.”

    “Hmm, well getting you signed up for classes isn’t a problem, we could do it tomorrow if we wanted.” Veronica said, sipping her mimosa. “My only concern is that I want you to be successful. Dropping in and out of a graduate program is pretty disruptive to research and your colleagues.”

    “If you think of a way, let me know.” Briana said. “I’ll try to think of something too.”

    “You seem happy enough wearing protection out with me right now.” Veronica said. “You’ve been worried about doing that at school before though.”

    “Hmm, maybe it would be okay.” Briana said. She pitched her voice a little lower. “But we were working on potty training too, right?”

    “Working seems to be the operative word there. Your progress has been a little uneven.” Veronica said. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to help as much as I’d like.”

    “I know you’re busy.” Briana said, giving mom a genuine smile. “Plus, you have to help Melody now. If you have to choose, help them first.”

    “You’re such a sweet girl.” Veronica said. “I’m fortunate to have you in my life.” (Santa Points +1)

    Briana beamed. The pancakes were getting cold, and Veronica was more than halfway through her scramble. She tabled further conversation for a bit so she could properly attack her four-stack of pancakes. Veronica, their waitress, and even Briana were surprised to see a clean plate at the end of breakfast.

    It was a good thing that Veronica wanted to go slowly on the icy sidewalks in her heels, because Briana was completely stuffed. The sedate pace was great for window shopping too. They got to see all the Christmas decorations and listen to the carolers that had set up on Main Street.

    Some of the presents were easy to get. A grumpy owl plushie for Arthur and a nice silver bracelet for Tamira were no-brainers. Suzie wanted chocolate for literally every occasion, so a trip to the fudge shop handled her and Erin both. Other presents were harder though. Briana had no idea what to get Gary, or her immediate family for that matter. Especially Veronica, since she could hardly buy her mom a present while she was standing right there.

    They paused to let a group of parents sort out a very squirmy group of kids. The parents were busy making sure that every kid had exactly one hat and pair of gloves, even if it wasn’t the one the kid had started with. It was cute how many of the kids were dressed like their parent.

    While they waited, Briana caught her mom looking at the nearby shop window with more than just casual interest. It was a clothing shop, and probably one of Veronica’s favorites. Out of four mannequins in elaborate dresses, only one was wearing any color at all.

    Briana smiled and squeezed Veronica’s hand, getting an answering squeeze. She looked up at Veronica and down at her outfit. It was super cute, but she didn’t match Veronica at all.

    “Mom?” Briana asked tentatively. “Would it be okay if I bought something for me?”

    Veronica smiled and nodded. “Of course, honey. You almost never get to go shopping. What caught your eye?”

    “The dresses in this shop are really pretty.” Briana said, turning to the window. “If we have time, I’d like to at least try one on.”

    “I love the dresses they have here.” Veronica said, indicating her black faux-Victorian dress with a sweep of her hand. “They’re pretty far outside your usual style though. What do you like about them?”

    “I want a dress that makes me look like you.” Briana said shyly.

    “Briana, is your goal for this shopping trip to make me cry?” Veronica asked happily, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

    “No.” Briana giggled. “Is it okay? And maybe when I wear it, you could do my makeup like yours?”

    “I guess we’re getting you at least one outfit now.” Veronica said with an uncharacteristically goofy smile.

    As Briana had suspected, the ladies in the store knew Veronica well, and greeted her by name. By her last name anyway. It was weird to see everyone address Mom as Ms. Rasmussen. There weren’t many other customers in the store, since the dresses weren’t very Christmas-y. Out of boredom or for a favorite customer, the shop owner took them back to play dress-up with Briana.

    Ensconced in the backroom so that they could do quick-changes, Briana went through at least a half dozen outfits. Each outfit was quite complicated, with multiple accessories and shoes. After seeing Briana wobble dangerously on a pair of high-heeled-witchy-boots, Veronica and Briana both banned heels from further consideration. That was fine, there were plenty of cute flats and Briana liked being short.

    “It’d be easier to evaluate these outfits if we got her out of those leggings and into some black nylons or tights.” Said Wendy, the shop owner.

    “Are you alright with that, Briana?” Veronica asked.

    Though she’d already been stripped down to her leggings and bra several times, Briana hesitated. The leggings were tight enough that it was hard to say exactly what she had on under them. The slight bulk of her daytime diaper could be mistaken for Briana having a bit more butt than she actually did.

    Figuring that Veronica would have said no if she thought Wendy would be mean, Briana put her trust in her mom.

    “That’d be fine. There are some cute ones of those too. That second dress would look better if I was bare legged anyway.”

    Veronica gave Wendy a look that was unreadable to Briana. It must have meant something to Wendy, because she hardly batted an eye when Veronica took Briana’s leggings down to reveal the pale pink diaper underneath.

    “Ugh, pastel pink?” Was Wendy’s only comment. “We’ll need something more opaque than nylons I think, here, try these spiderweb pattern tights.”

    With the tights on, Briana was starting like a complete gothy girl. In just two more outfit changes they found one that everyone agreed was their favorite. A satin and velvet petticoat dress, with a high/low skirt, fit without need for alteration. It had a solid red layer under the black lace, giving it enough color to make Briana feel good about it. Veronica was in love with the layers of black lace and the velvet panels on the corset-style top. Wendy loved how well the outfit accessorized.

     In short order Briana had opera length gloves, a lace choker, and flat-heeled shoes with pointed toes to add to her ensemble. Looking in the mirror made her feel like she was in a costume to be an evil queen or a vampire. At least, it made her feel that way until she saw Veronica stand behind her in the mirror.

    They matched! Briana’s heart fluttered. She looked like she belonged next to Veronica, could even be her daughter. If they weren’t just four years apart in age, of course. Turning to Veronica, she gazed up at her in adoration.

    “Do you like it, Mom?” Briana asked. Too late, she realized Wendy was still there. (Santa points -1)

    “You look gorgeous. I want you to know that I don’t need you to dress like this all the time; I love your regular style.” Veronica said, apparently ignoring Briana’s slip of the tongue. Wendy wasn’t reacting either. (Santa points +1)

    “I love seeing you like this though. Especially because of what you said outside the shop.” Veronica said.

    “What’d she say outside the shop?” Wendy asked, curiously.

    “That I wanted an outfit that would make me look like her.” Briana said, taking Veronica’s hand. “Because she takes care of me, and I love her.”

    “In that case you’ll want to wear it out.” Wendy said. When Briana nodded vigorously, she added, “I can do her makeup if you want, Ms. Rasmussen. I have plenty of mine here at the shop.”

    “Is it alright if I put it on her instead?” Veronica asked quietly.

    “Of course.” Wendy said. “You two are adorable. Don’t worry about hiding your relationship in this shop. I’m poly, and my business partner is too, in a different arrangement. Whatever your family looks like, it’s welcome here.”

    “Thank you, Wendy.” Veronica said, with a gentle smile.

    “I’ll give you two some space. Makeup is by that back counter. Do you just want the one outfit, or is there anything else we tried on that you want to keep?”

    “We’ll take it all.” Veronica said. “Everything that fit on her, box it up and mail it to my house.”

    Wendy chuckled. “You’re going to put my girlfriend through college, Ms. Rasmussen. Thank you very much. It was wonderful to meet you, Briana. I hope we’ll see you again sometime, so you can surprise your mom with a cute new dress.”

    “Maybe!” Briana said. “Thanks Wendy.”

    While Wendy boxed up the outfits and rang them up, Briana sat for her makeup and watched Veronica. There was so much care in Veronica’s look of concentration. The two of them had become so close, so quickly. Even so, there was still a lot she didn’t know about the woman she called Mom.

    “Mom.” Briana said when Veronica had finished her lips and moved on to her eyes. “Are you rich?”

    “Hmm, I guess I did flaunt it just a bit there, didn’t I?” Veronica asked. “I try to be a little more discreet than that. Yes, our family has some wealth that has been passed down. We aren’t Rockefellers, but we’re very comfortable.”

    “I was just wondering.” Briana said. “I feel like there’s more I should know, if you’re my mom. You can tell me if I ask something that I shouldn’t.”

    “Briana, look at me.” Veronica said.

    She paused her eyeliner painting so that Briana could open her eyes. Veronica was squatting down, looking up at Briana. It was one of the most serious looks her mom had ever given her.

    “It’s your money too, darling.” Veronica said.

    Briana’s throat suddenly had a lump. She hadn’t become Veronica’s daughter for money. What was that line from Sabrina? Everyone would say what a fine democratic thing it was for rich David to marry poor Sabrina. But nobody poor was ever called democratic for marrying somebody rich.

    “Th-that’s okay. You don’t have to do that. I’m really grateful that you took me shopping today.”

    “Listen to me, Briana.” Veronica said. “You are my precious daughter. I love you exactly like I would if you were my blood.”

    Furiously blinking away the tears that threatened her makeup, Briana sniffled. “I love you too, Mom.”

    “You’re my Briana, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re also a Rasmussen.” Veronica said. “You can be one on paper too, if you want. I could formally adopt you.”

    That did it. Tears spilled down Briana’s cheeks, shredding her eye makeup across her foundation.

    “Mommy… really?” Briana asked.

    “Yes, really. Would you want that? It’s a big deal to change your name.”

    “Not for me.” Briana said with a sniffle. “I mean, not a big deal to get rid of the old one. It’s just what the last foster family had.”

    “Do you want to keep your middle name?” Veronica asked.

    “I don’t know.” Briana said. “But I know I want to be Briana Rasmussen.”

    “Then you are.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “We’ll make it legal as soon as we can, but that is your name from today on.”

    “I’m ruining the makeup you did.” Briana said, sobbing into an ornate black silk handkerchief.

    “Easily fixed.” Veronica said. “I do makeup like this every day.”

    By the time her makeup was redone, Briana was feeling an odd discomfort. It was so unfamiliar that she had to seriously think, before she realized what the problem was.

    “Mom.” Briana said urgently. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

    Veronica looked up from the makeup she was putting away in surprise. “Oh. Oh! It’s right through that door, honey.”

    Briana dashed for it! There were a lot more layers than usual between her and her diaper. It would have been a noble, but futile attempt, if Veronica hadn’t come in to help gather her skirt and get her diaper down.

    Sitting on the potty, Briana was surprised at how much she had in her. She’d somehow held it until her bladder was totally full. Said bladder was achy at being stretched for the first time in a while.

    “I’m really impressed, Briana.” Veronica said. “You held it just like a big girl – no, really like a young lady.”

    “I don’t know how I did it.” Briana said, just as surprised. “I just realized I had to go.”

    “You’ve been very grown up, mentally, on this shopping trip.” Veronica said, helping Briana get her clothes back on.

    “It’s weird. It feels good though.” Briana said. Feeling a sudden pang of fear, she quickly added, “It doesn’t mean I don’t need you, though.”

    “I know that, Baby Bee.” Veronica said. She patted Briana gently on the cheek. “This isn’t like when we were doing this for therapy. I’ll still help you with your issues, but as your mom now.”

    Briana relaxed and smiled. “What now?”

    “We still have shopping to do, but it’s getting late in the day. Let’s try two more stores and go home.”

    “Okay Mama.” Briana said.

    It was exciting to be out, dressed to match Veronica. Tempering that excitement was the puzzle of her big behavior. It was a little scary, mostly because it was unreliable. If she could manage to do this, she could go back to class. But what if it lasted a week and she was back to being baby-minded?

    Her distraction wasn’t so total that she forgot to look for presents. Though Veronica had said only two stores, Briana dragged her into a ‘Gifts of Japan’ store they saw on the way back to the car. It took some hunting through the jam-packed walls and shelves, but Briana found the perfect gift for Melody.

    An anime figurine set of the impromptu Mother/Father/Daughter trio from “Spy x Family”, along with a figurine of Ray from “The Promised Neverland”, were both statues that Melody didn’t have. Combining them would create Briana and Melody’s own impromptu family. Briana was pleased with herself all the way home.

    Even after hiding her presents away, Briana didn’t feel the need to revert to her baby self. It would be a shame to get out of her cool goth outfit without showing her sibling, after all. Briana bet she could get Melody to take some pictures.

    A knock at Melody’s door didn’t yield any response. Baby Briana would have crashed right in, but Graduate Student Briana was a little more considerate.

    “Melody, it’s Briana. I’m coming in, okay?”

    “Fine.” Came Melody’s sad reply.

    Briana stepped into the room and immediately moved to hug her sibling. Melody looked wretched. They were standing at their desk in a very soggy diaper and a t-shirt, listlessly shoving books and electronics into their school bag. At Briana’s touch, Melody dropped the bag and leaned into their sister.

    “I got you.” Briana said.

    She got a heartbreaking whimper from Melody in response. Since she couldn’t fix Melody’s real hurt, she just held on to her sibling, gently stroking their hair.

    “You’re different.” Melody said finally.

    They pulled back to look at Briana and their eyes went wide.

    “You look like Veronica.” Melody said in awe.

    Despite her sibling’s misery, Briana broke into a huge smile at that compliment.

    “You like my new outfit?” She did a twirl for Melody.

    “You look amazing. Wow.” Melody said.

    Briana frowned. She’d expected a meme-y quip of some kind. Melody’s voice was flat and soft. Their eyes were downcast and dull.

    “Didn’t Dad check on you?” Briana asked. “You’re not okay right now. You need a change too.”

    “I didn’t answer when Jane knocked.” Melody said grumpily.

    Briana sighed in exasperation. She put her hands on her hips just the way that Mom did. It felt good, authoritative.

    “Little one.” Briana declared, “I’m going to get you cleaned up and taken care of.”

    “You’re the little one.” Melody said. It was half a question.

    “Not right now. Come with me.” Briana took Melody’s wrist firmly.

    Her sibling stared back at her in disbelief. Melody pulled back. At her size, Briana had less than zero chance of dragging anyone with her.

    “Isn’t that diaper cold, soggy, and itchy?” Briana asked. “That looks like the one you had from nighttime.”

    “I guess it is.” Melody said in a huff.

    “Then come with me so I can change you.” Briana said.

    Melody hesitated one more time. They looked down and took a tentative step forward.

    Briana might not be able to pull someone by physical strength, but she knew quite a bit about exploiting momentum. As soon as Melody moved, Briana did too, keeping Melody’s arm taut. She had her sibling stumbling over to the drawing room changing table, before Melody could change their mind.

    “Up you go.” Briana said. Melody stared at Briana in silent confusion.

    “I can’t lift you.” Briana said. “Up. Now!”

    Hearing a sharp tone from Briana looked like it freaked Melody out. It got them up on the table though, post haste.

    “Give me your shirt.” Briana said, pulling Melody’s t-shirt up.

    She managed to get it off with minimal wiggles. With that done, she tore open the tapes on Melody’s diaper and disposed of it. Relief was immediately evident on Melody’s face.

    “What’s going on?” Melody asked. “You’re never like this.”

    “I used to be like this every day.” Briana said. “I don’t know how long I can keep it up, but I do know one thing.”

    “What’s that?” Melody asked, squirming as Briana wiped them clean.

    “I can do it long enough to take care of my sibling.” Briana said confidently.

    “But – I’m the big sibling.” Melody said uncertainly. “You’re my little sister.”

    “I’m your sister, period. Lift your butt.” Briana said, sliding a blue, Melody-friendly diaper under her sibling. “Just relax, Mel. Let your sister take care of you for a hot second, okay?”

    “Okay.” Melody said.

    They were crying again. Briana held off on the powder and gently stroked Melody’s hair. It took a few minutes for them to soothe. Softly humming, Briana wiped Melody’s tears and popped a pacifier in their mouth.

    The pacifier was clearly a big surprise to Melody. Briana realized she’d never seen Melody use one before. They took to it right away though, closing their eyes and relaxing.

    Briana took her time diapering Melody, making sure to incorporate a lot of loving touches. Back in Melody’s room, she got them into one of their sets of baby pajamas. This one was a dark green and had little gold bow and arrow motifs embroidered into it.

    “Is it the clothes?” Melody asked. “Can you do this because you’re wearing Veronica stuff?”

    Briana chuckled. “Why, because goth powers and mommy powers are the same thing?”

    “Maybe they are.” Melody said. “You look so different. What’s that shade of lipstick anyway, Blood of My Enemies?”

    Briana giggled. “That’s more like my sibling. Feeling better?”

    “Yeah but, I can’t just be a baby all the time. I have to go back to school tomorrow.” Melody said sadly.

    “That’s tomorrow.” Briana said. “Right now, you’re a baby in some of the cutest pajamas ever.”

    “They are pretty cool.” Melody said, pleased. “So uh, what now?”

    “I take care of you.” Briana said. “Are you hungry?”

    “You better not be offering to feed me the way that Veronica does you!” Melody teased.

    “Very funny.” Briana chuckled. “I wasn’t, and I can’t do that anyway. I actually don’t know how mom did it, now that I’m big enough to think about it. I guess it must be some kind of maternity medicine thing.”

    Melody shrugged. “I’m hungry I guess.”

    Briana considered her sibling. They seemed to be out of steam for thinking. They might want to be really little at the moment. As Briana knew well, people often hesitated to treat her as little as she needed to be treated. They were reluctant for good reason, of course, but a push didn’t hurt.

    “Since you brought that up, do you want me to prepare a bottle for you?” Briana asked.

    “That’s baby stuff.” Melody said, blushing.

    “Are you a baby right now, Melody?” Briana asked.

    “I don’t know – I can’t…” Melody whimpered.

    “Do you wish you were one?” Briana asked softly.

    “Yes.” Melody said. After a long pause they added, “Please, Briana.”

    Briana spotted Totoro on the bed and popped him into Melody’s hands. She was to the kitchen and back as fast as she could manage, warm bottle of formula in her hands. Melody spotted the bottle and squirmed nervously.

    Closing the door, Briana smiled at Melody. She helped her sibling get propped up on some pillows and offered the bottle gently. As soon as they began sucking on it, Melody closed their eyes. They got through the bottle steadily, finishing with a quiet burp and a cute wiggle.

    “Need a nap?” Briana asked.

    Melody nodded and crawled under the covers. Briana tucked her sibling in, singing a soft nonsense song in the melody of the Cloudland anthem. She knew from her own experience, that Melody’s expression meant they were non-verbal for a bit.

    Unfortunately, as soon as Melody was asleep they didn’t need Briana anymore. Stress gathered in a tense knot at the back of Briana’s head. She felt herself wetting, without the slightest warning. It was still so hard to be big Briana. Asserting authority over Melody had taken a lot of energy too. After making sure that Melody was really asleep, Briana fled upstairs.

    “Mama?” Briana called as she searched Veronica’s suite.

    “It’s Dad.” Jane said from the bedroom. “Veronica is out.”

    Briana raced into Jane’s arms for a big hug. She pulled back and looked Briana over.

    “You look so much like your mom like that.” Jane said. “Do you like it? You’re very pretty that way.”

    “Of course I am, ‘cause you like goth girls.” Briana said, giggling.

    “Guilty.” Jane said with a chuckle. “What’s up?”

    “Did Mom tell you how I was big today?” Briana asked.

    “Yes. Are you running down from that now?” Jane asked.

    “Yeah.” Briana nodded. “Help me get little, please Daddy?”

    Jane knew exactly what she needed. In typical efficient fashion, she had Briana in a fresh diaper and a onesie in less than fifteen minutes. Even the makeup was scrubbed off, which Briana regretted a bit.

    “Can I play in Melody’s room?” Briana asked. “They were super sad today. I put them down for a nap. I want them to wake up with me there.”

    “You put Melody down for a nap?” Jane asked curiously. “Trying to steal your Dad’s job now?”

    “No.” Briana said, snuggling up to Jane. “Nobody can replace my daddy.”

    “Veronica told me you were especially sweet today.” Jane said softly. “I didn’t realize you were trying to make us cry.”

    “I’m not trying to make anybody cry.” Briana said impatiently. “I just feel really happy. Maybe it’s the holidays.”

    “OH!” Briana shouted, cutting off whatever reply Jane was about to make. “Oh Dad, can I tell you all the big girl stuff I did today?”

    “Sure honey. But calm down a little.”

    “But you have to hear it.” Briana insisted. “For Santa.”

    Jane laughed. “Alright, I understand. Go ahead.”

    Briana gave a breathless rundown of her morning, making sure to mention that she’d been super nice to Mom (Santa Points +1), used the potty like a big girl (Santa Points +1), told Mom she wanted to change her name (Santa Points +1), found the perfect gift for Melody (Santa Points +1), saved Melody from being sad (Santa Points +1), and finally stayed big long enough to help Melody get little again. (Santa Points +1)

    Once Briana was satisfied that Jane would inform Santa of all her good deeds, she had Dad help her collect some toys from her room and set her up in Melody’s bedroom. While Melody snored, Briana built more and more elaborate stuffie-towers on her sibling. (Santa Points -1)

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 05

    ((Content warning: Self Harm, descriptions of depression))

    Monday morning came on unbearably hard. Melody looked out at the snow dumping out of the sky and piling on the lawn. It would be absolute heaven to get a fresh diaper, a snowsuit and go out in the fluffy white with Briana.

    They checked their phone for the tenth time. School wasn’t cancelled. In fact, the administration had issued a statement that the roads were freshly plowed and that all classes were to go ahead. Melody’s last hope was that one or all of their professors would cancel, but no luck there either.

    “Good morning, Melody.” Veronica said. She’d let herself in to Melody’s room and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

    “Oh uh, hi.” Melody turned away from the window. “Don’t I usually go to you for the morning thing?”

    “No, lately you don’t.” Veronica said primly.

    Melody looked away guiltily. “Uh, sorry.”

    “I’m not here to push blame on you, but we are going to be honest. Now, while I get you changed and ready for the day, we have to talk about at least one thing going on in your life.” Veronica said.

    “Please don’t make me.” Melody whimpered. They were tearing up again. They hated that they were crying so much lately.

    “It doesn’t have to be about Rosa or Beatrix.” Veronica said. “Though I would be happy to talk about them. It just has to be something about how you’re feeling.”

    Melody sighed. They nodded slowly. “I guess I have some questions about the way I’ve been acting this weekend. Little, but it feels like more than a game this time.”

    Veronica whisked the covers off of Melody and scooted them onto a changing blanket. The room was a little chilly, especially when Veronica took their pajama pants down.

    “You’ve been wearing diapers for a while, even when I wasn’t directly enforcing it. It sounds like you had some little-space experiences recently, though you haven’t told me about those yet.” Veronica said kindly. She wasn’t making eye-contact, focusing instead on getting Melody out of their diaper and wiping them clean.

    “Oh right. Uh, I did it once with Tamira. A couple of times with Rosa. It was uh…” Melody whimpered. “You said we didn’t have to talk about Rosa.”

    “We don’t have to. It might help you to, though. Especially if it’s about the good experiences you had.” Veronica said, getting a fresh diaper under Melody.

    “That’s the problem though.” Melody said dully. “Those are gone now. She broke up with me.”

    Saying it out loud was a fresh stab to the barely healed wound. Melody trembled, feeling dizzy and sick.

    “I’m so sorry to hear that. I think she was very good for you. You two looked happy together.” Veronica said.

    “We were.” Melody said softly.

    “Let’s take a step back to what you were saying earlier.” Veronica said, tenderly patting baby powder onto Melody’s skin. “You said you had more than one little space experience with Rosa.”

    “Yeah.” Melody said with a heavy sigh. It was painful to think about, but nothing compared to remembering their breakup. “It felt so good. I was really safe with her. It was nothing like the diaper stuff I did with Bea. It was perfect.”

    “Did allowing yourself to be little help you feel safe here with us?” Veronica asked. She patted the tapes on Melody’s diaper, checking that the fit was snug. “Did it recapture some of that feeling?”

    “I think so.” Melody said. “Especially playing with Briana. I really appreciate you and Jane taking care of me.”

    “That’s part of our solution to your hurt, then.” Veronica said. “I’d be the last person to tell you to repress and forget a trauma. At the same time, you don’t have to examine it when it’s fresh and painful. Take a few days to recover with your support network. When you feel stronger, we’ll look at what caused this.”

    “I was doing that.” Melody said. They wanted to roll over and snuggle up to Veronica. Today had to be an adult day, so they couldn’t. “Now I have to go back to school and work and face everything.”

    “You do.” Veronica said, her tone kind but direct. “When you come home, you’ll be supported again. I will take some of the logistic worries away for you, tracking what you need to do and when. As soon as your work and homework are done, you can be little again.”

    “Like a secret identity.” Melody said. They looked up to see confusion on Veronica’s face. “You know, superheroes.”

    “I don’t know a lot about comics.” Veronica said, like there weren’t also dozens of movies in a multibillion-dollar genre of movies with superheroes in them.

    “But I imagine it would be exhausting to be someone like Superman. To be seen all the time as a literal savior and demigod. I’m sure someone like that would find a Clark Kent persona to be relaxing. To be someone who is only expected to write an article, not save the world.”

    “You’re saying that when I’m done with my work all I have to do is…”

    “Is play nicely with your sister and listen to your caregivers.” Veronica said.

    “That could be good.” Melody said. “Thanks.”

    “You’re welcome. That wasn’t terrible, was it?”

    “It wasn’t fun.” Melody said. “I feel better now, though.”

    “That’s how therapy often goes. Alright, out of bed with you. I got you showered last night but we still need to get your teeth brushed and clothes on.” Veronica said.

    Ready for school way earlier than normal, Melody decided to eat breakfast up in Briana’s room. They found their sister snuggled under a pile of blankets with a cup of hot chocolate, staring out at the snow in wonder.

    “Melody!” Briana said brightly. “It’s snowing so much!”

    Melody chuckled. “You going to go out and play in it today?”

    “Yeah! Can you play with me?” Briana asked. “After school maybe?”

    “Sorry sis.” Melody said. “I’ve got homework and regular work.”

    “Aww. Well, I’ll make a snow they/them just for you.” Briana said brightly.

    “Hah, a SnowEnby.” Melody munched on the unadorned blueberry toaster waffles she’d brought. “Thanks for the save yesterday.”

    “I’m glad I could do it!” Briana said. “I wish I could do it alla-time, but it’s so hard to be big. Are you going to be okay today, not being little?”

    “I have to be.” Melody shrugged. “But Veronica said I could be little when all my stuff is done. So, it’s kind of like being little is my secret identity.”

    “Ooh, like a superhero!” Briana said. Melody was glad to see that their sister wasn’t as uncultured as Veronica.

    “Yeah, pretty much. I do all the important stuff and then I get to hide away as someone else.”

    “That’s what I want to do. But I feel like this is me. The little Briana is the real Briana. Being Big Briana yesterday felt like playing pretend.”

    “That just makes you Shazam!” Melody said with a shrug.

    “Huh?” Briana asked. “I don’t know that one.”

    “Oh man, I really have to start showing you the Historical Documents.” Melody said. Briana gave them another blank look. Melody facepalmed.

    “You haven’t seen GALAXY QUEST?” Melody shook their head. “It’s worse than I thought. Anyway, first things first. Shazam is a hero who’s a little boy, but he can turn into a powerful adult hero when he says Shazam!”

    Briana stared at Melody in wonder. She leapt out of bed, splashing her cocoa across the rug. “Melody you’re a genius!”

    “Heh, thanks.” Melody said. They braced themself for impact, putting their free hand around Briana after she crashed in for a hug.

    “You really are, you know that right?” Briana said, half muffled by Melody’s shirt. “Your computer stuff is super impressive. I heard Mom talking about it. She said the Dean of Computer Science was talking about you.”

    “Uh yeah, I’m pretty good at that kind of stuff.” Melody said. “I’m still not clear on how knowing about Shazam! makes me a genius though.”

    “I think I really can do that.” Briana said, hopping back. “I can put on Big Briana if I know it’s just for a while. It’s trying to be Big Briana inside that makes it hard. If it’s just like transforming into a Knight of Cloudland, then it’s okay!”

    “Huh, I guess if that works for you, I like it.” Melody said. “Uh, you realize you spilled your hot chocolate, right?”

    “I did?” Briana looked behind her. “Oh no! Mom’s gonna be mad, and I’ll lose Santa Points!”

    “Santa Points?” Melody asked. “Actually, never mind that right now. I’ll help you clean it up, okay?”

    “Really?” Briana asked gratefully.

    “Anything for my little sister.” Melody said.

    Leaving Briana behind and going to school was a nightmare. Melody was sure their face was either Sad Meme Cat or Hide the Pain Harold all day. It wasn’t their long day, at least. Most of the day on Mondays could be spent hiding in an undergraduate lab, running unit tests on their thesis project.

    It was looking like there were only thirty more minutes of work, when the computer lab suddenly got very loud. Melody looked up in confusion at the cacophony of coughs, muttering, and exclamations. With all the undergrad boys looking the same direction, it was easy to spot the source. Beatrix had made an entrance.

    She was wearing a vee-necked, backless romper like she was Emma Frost, and the cold couldn’t touch her. Didn’t she realize that the undergrad labs were full of some for-real awkward nerds? Now the animals were spooked.

    Beatrix spotted Melody and strode toward her. One of the bolder undergrads slid his chair out and tried his luck with a “Hey beautiful.”

    “Not on your best day.” Beatrix said coldly. “or on my worst.”

    Bea stepped around the guy like he was a bug.

    “Melody. We have to talk.” Beatrix announced.

    Things were getting weirder and weirder with Beatrix. That had almost sounded like a request. Melody nodded a little.

    “Uh, okay. I just have to finish up here. We can meet in like thirty…” Melody blinked in surprise as Beatrix pulled the power cord out of the back of their computer tower.

    “We can talk now.” Beatrix said. That was more like the Bea that Melody knew. At least their work had autosaved.

    “Uh, fine.” They said.

    Melody picked up their bag and shuffled out of the lab behind Beatrix. Nothing to make a bad day worse like having an entire computer lab stare at them. Melody was going to have to find a new lab to be incognito in. If they came back, at least one of those guys was going to start a conversation by saying, “I’m just curious…”

    Beatrix lead Melody to another office under renovation, unlocking it with her construction key.

    “How did you even get that key?” Melody asked.

    “I stole it off some idiot’s tool cart.” Beatrix said, rolling her eyes like it should have been obvious. “It’s handy to be able to get into a private space whenever you want.”

    “Okay, kind of weird, but not a sin.” Melody said. “What do you want to talk about?”

    Beatrix sat on the desk that had been pushed up against the bookshelves. The opposite wall was all torn up. It looked like some shelves had come off that wall, but nothing had been re-plastered yet.

    “I was a little freaked out the other day.” Beatrix said. “I lost my cool. Not my fault, I was under a lot of stress. Plus, you caught me off guard.”

    “Um…” Melody felt pressure building on their chest. That day was the last day they wanted to talk about.

    “Doesn’t matter, that shit’s behind us now.” Beatrix said. “You were out of line, but you were right about one thing. I’m attracted to you.”

    Melody chewed their lip. What even was going on? Was Beatrix trying to have a relationship discussion with them? Did she not realize what she’d done, was still doing to Melody?

    “Nothing to say?” Beatrix asked in irritation. “I know you think I’m hot. After undergrad, you stayed in touch because you wanted to touch me.”

    “Uh yeah, that’s true.” Melody blushed.

    “Well now you can, but we have to get a couple of things straight.” Beatrix said.

    “We’re not going to get anything straight if this ends in us making out.” Melody said with smirk.

    “Oh god, lesbian jokes.” Beatrix shook her head. “Focus Mel! I’m attracted to you, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

    Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with that, Melody thought.

    “But you’re the submissive one!” Beatrix said sharply. “Okay? There’s nothing wrong with me being hot for you, as long as you’re the bitch.”

    “Uh Bea that’s not really…”

    “Hush!” Beatrix commanded. “You win, okay? You get all this.”

    Melody stared at Bea in confusion. Is this what it would be like to date her? The whole conversation was rough, angry, with hidden mines scattered through it.

    “You still don’t understand? Well, it’s cute that you need permission anyway.” Beatrix said. “Melody. Come here and kiss me. Now.”

    Melody swallowed hard. They didn’t want to. Except they did want to. It wouldn’t really be cheating anymore, would it? Beatrix would get nicer as time went on, surely. This was just the start of – something. The start of something that wasn’t alone.

    Melody walked forward tentatively. Beatrix kept her eyes on them the whole way, enchantingly focused on them. By the time Melody reached Bea, their heart was pounding. She smelled so good. She looked amazing.

    The kiss felt like a first kiss. It was gentle, exploratory. Beatrix held Melody’s head like a lover, not an attacker. By the third kiss, Beatrix had gently moved Melody’s hands to her chest. Shortly after she had her hands down the back of Melody’s pants.

    “You’re still wearing diapers?” Beatrix whispered in Melody’s ear. “Do you know how hot it is that you’re so obedient?”

    Melody shivered and moaned. They wasn’t wearing them for Bea, but that wasn’t a fact that needed explaining right now.

    “You don’t have to be a diaper dolly anymore.” Beatrix whispered lustily. “But if you like to play pretend you can be my puppy, or my pony, or my toy.”

    Melody gasped and kissed Beatrix harder, biting Bea’s lip gently. They got a bite back in return, forcing another moan out of Melody.

    “Get me off, toy.” Beatrix said, shedding her romper from her shoulders, and pushing Melody’s hands downward. “You haven’t earned a reward from me yet, but if you make this good for me, I’ll make you come later this week. In my bed.”

    “Oh god.” Melody said hoarsely.

    Beatrix was warm, soft, and wet under Melody’s hands. Her moans were needy and ecstatic in Melody’s ear. Between moans, Bea gave specific orders, teaching Melody how to please her. It wasn’t long before Beatrix shuddered and pressed against Melody. They were hot with desire too, panting into Beatrix’s neck.

    “Oh fuck, I needed that.” Beatrix said, taking a deep breath. “Isn’t that funny, Mel? All those useless, stupid fucking guys, and what I needed was you.”

    “You need me?” Melody asked, their voice cracking.

    “I guess I do.” Beatrix put Melody’s wet fingers to their lips. “Smart, obedient, and actually kind of – handsome?”

    Melody whimpered and licked their fingers clean. A couple of tears sprang into their eyes. That was Rosa’s word. It wasn’t right to hear it from Beatrix. None of this was right. It felt good across their skin, in their brain, and especially between their legs. In their heart it felt like a lump of ice.

    “Yeah, this can work.” Beatrix said languidly. “Come over to my house this weekend. I’ll let you touch me, I’ll make you beg, and when you’ve earned it, I’ll make you scream my name.”

    Melody swallowed around a hard lump in their throat. They couldn’t find the words to respond. They’d never wanted and not wanted something so intensely at the same time.

    “I’ll tell you what day and time.” Beatrix said. When Melody still didn’t respond, she laughed. “I like you all quiet and attentive.”

    Beatrix kissed Melody gently. She shrugged herself back into her romper and hopped off the desk. “I know you get turned on by the diapers, but I’m over them. I can find another way to humiliate you if you need that. Don’t wear them when you come over to my place, okay? I’ll let you wear them around school if you really want to.”

    “Beatrix.” Melody said huskily. Bea had been right, they needed to talk. So far it had only been Bea talking. Melody hesitated while they tried to find the words they needed, and the courage to say them.

    “I know, I box-blocked you.” Beatrix chuckled. “That’s what you get for doing it to me last week. If you’re really good tomorrow, I’ll do something for you. Plus, we have the weekend.”

    “But I…” Melody tried again.

    “That’s how it should be. With you begging.” Beatrix said in satisfaction. “See you tomorrow, Mel.”

    Bea collected her bag and her coat, stepping out of the room without a look back.

    Melody sank to the floor of the office and sobbed. Making plans with Beatrix felt like burying their relationship with Rosa for real. Could they ever go back to Rosa if they spent the night with Beatrix?

    That was assuming that they could go back to Rosa at all. Even if Melody broke away from Beatrix totally, was the thing with Rosa fixable? Melody punched the desk, welcoming the pain in their knuckles. It was hard to imagine a return to being Rosa’s little one with the hurt that sat between them now.

    Beatrix wanted them. Really wanted them. Had even tried to be nice. Honestly, had been as nice as Melody had ever seen Beatrix. Maybe Melody could fix her. Bea had some weird stuff around emotions, but Melody wasn’t the most neurotypical bear in the woods either. They could help Bea be better, at least with their relationship.

    “Our relationship.” Melody said softly.

    Beatrix was their girlfriend, for real. That hurt again, it pushed Rosa further away. It made Melody’s nerves dance in delight too. There was too much confusion. Too many conflicting chemicals in Melody’s brain. They felt like they were going to throw up again.

    Melody’s gaze fell on a utility knife that had been left on the floor of the office. Without thinking, just needing, they picked it up. The blade flicked out, shiny and new.

    For a long time, Melody stared at the razor blade. Their breathing became loud and labored. Melody’s lips were trembling, but their hands were steady.

    In a sudden flash of emotional anguish, Melody yanked their sleeve up and drew the blade down the back of their upper arm. The pain was bright and strong. It pushed all the horrible thoughts away to the edges of Melody’s mind.

    Gritting their teeth, Melody pressed a tissue to the cut. It stung and throbbed. Good, they thought. A few minutes later the cut had stopped bleeding. Melody’s thoughts were back to being flat and sad.

    It was nice to have a reprieve from the turmoil. Melody tucked the utility knife down into the very bottom of their bag. It was time to go home, do some work, and escape into being a baby.

    That night, Melody was relieved to see that their bet had paid off. Veronica didn’t spot the cut on their arm. It was just like high school; except they were hiding the cuts from someone who saw a lot more of their skin. That made it harder. At least being babied in the evening meant there was a different way to make the swirling thoughts go away.

    The next day Melody felt like they were in a dream. Everything outside the house felt unreal. It was almost like they were watching themselves make out with Beatrix instead of actually doing it. Beatrix made a Friday date with Melody. They managed to not think about what that meant, with help from their new knife.

    It was a relief to get home. Melody found Veronica in the living room and knelt down next to her, putting their head on her leg.

    “Well, hello there.” Veronica said, stroking Melody’s hair. “Somebody needs attention.”

    “Can I be little, please?” Melody asked.

    “Did your clients agree to push those last two projects back to the New Year?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes.” Melody said.

    “And you finished all the unit tests that Dr. Sorenson was asking for?”

    “Yeah, all done. They’re way faster to do on the school’s network.”

    “Then you’re all ready to be little.” Veronica said, putting away her book. “Let’s start with a bath.”

    “Do I have to?” Melody asked, unconsciously touching the arm they’d marked.

    “Yes.” Veronica said. “You managed to worm you way out of one yesterday and you didn’t shower this morning. There won’t be any stinky babies on my watch.”

    Melody followed Veronica to the bathroom nervously. They managed to pass inspection when Veronica stripped them down. Sinking into the tub, Melody let themself relax a little. Being bathed by Veronica was one of their favorite things. It was the first caregiver thing she’d done for them.

    As Veronica scrubbed their hair and rinsed it, Melody let the gross thoughts of the day melt away. In a few minutes they’d be safely diapered and dressed in some kind of fun pajamas. They could hang out with their sister until bedtime, when sleep would shut down all thinking until morning.

    “No falling asleep in the tub, little one.” Veronica said, her hand closing around Melody’s upper arm.

    Melody yelped. As soon as they did it, they realized their mistake. It was too late, Veronica already had their arm in hand, inspecting it.

    “I’m sorry hon, do you have a bruise or…” Veronica trailed off when she saw the three parallel cuts on the back of Melody’s arm.

    Melody snatched their arm back and put their hand over the cuts. “It’s just a scratch.”

    “Is that what it is?” Veronica asked heatedly. “Just three parallel scratches, one of which was obviously done on a different day than the others?”

    “Yeah, that’s it.” Melody said sullenly.

    “Get out of the tub, little one.” Veronica said tersely.

    Melody sighed and heaved themself up. They stood on the bath rug, water pouring off of them.

    “Over my knee.” Veronica said, pulling out a chair and taking a seat.

    “I’m soaking.” Melody protested at the absurdity of it. “You’ll get wet.”

    “That’s not a concern right now. You get over my lap right now, unless you want to be grounded from playing video games with Briana, until Christmas.”

    Melody was caught off guard by how serious that threat felt. Gingerly, they lowered themself over Veronica’s lap. Her forearm pinned Melody’s lower back like a vice. They winced, tensing their rear.

    “I want to be completely clear about this.” Veronica said. “I am not spanking you for cutting yourself. That’s a separate issue to deal with, but it doesn’t merit punishment. I am spanking you for lying to me.”

    “It’s none of your business.” Melody said in a surly tone. “It’s private.”

    SMACK! Veronica’s hand came down hard on Melody’s wet rear. They gasped and blushed at the sudden pain and embarrassment.

    “None of my business?” Veronica asked, spanking Melody again. “Are you trying to push me away, Melody? Is that what you want to do?”

    “Ow!” Melody cried. “It helps me! I’ve done it before. It’s fine!”

    Four more smacks came down on Melody’s rear. Veronica was either spanking harder or the fact that their butt was wet was making it worse. Possibly both.

    “Melody, if you’ve done this kind of self-harm before, then you know it doesn’t help. Not past the moment.” Veronica landed several more swats on Melody’s rear. “It’s dangerous and it leads down a very bad road.”

    “I don’t care!” Melody wailed.

    “Little one,” Veronica said. “You are going to get the most though spanking I’ve given you yet. Then you’re going right down to baby treatment, and we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

    “Don’t wanna.” Melody said. “Can’t make me.”

    “I can do anything if it saves you.” Veronica said.

    The spanking that followed seemed like it would never end. Melody went from yelping, to crying, to howling sobs. Through it all, Veronica rained down measured slaps on Melody’s butt. The pain throbbed deep into Melody’s back and legs. It erased everything else in their mind. There was nothing left in the world except Melody’s stinging butt, Veronica’s relentless hand, and the crying that wouldn’t stop.

    It did eventually end, of course. Melody was walked naked back to their room, but they barely registered it. Veronica never left them. She called orders to Jane and Briana while she put Melody down to be diapered.

    Not one, but two diapers and a booster pad went under Melody’s rear. They were limp and unresisting when Veronica spread the soothing lidocaine cream across their rear. They didn’t protest when the triple layers of padding were wrapped around them, even though it was so thick that Melody couldn’t close their legs.

    The addition of a plastic diaper-cover, which secured with a Velcro strap, caused some grumbles, which Veronica ignored. With all that bulk it took Jane and Veronica both to get Melody into an oversized black onesie.

    Briana had brought Totoro and a pacifier. She put the former in Melody’s arms, the latter she clipped to Melody’s onesie. Jane had brought a bottle full of warm formula. At Veronica’s direction, they left the room and closed the door.

    Exhausted and buried in little-paraphernalia, Melody let Veronica feed them with the bottle. She was holding them swaddled in a blanket that pinned their arms and legs. Melody could have pushed out of the blanket but didn’t have the energy.

    When the bottle was empty, Veronica wiped Melody’s lips. She secured the edge of the blanket, trapping Melody more firmly in their snuggly prison.

    “Now, little baby, we are going to talk.” Veronica said.

    “Wonika.” Melody said. They blushed. They hadn’t even been trying to use baby talk.

    “I’ll start if you don’t mind.” Veronica said gently. “What was the trigger for you to cut yourself?”

    “Beatrix kissed me.” Melody said.

    “She assaulted you?” Veronica frowned.

    “No, she did that before.” Melody said.

    “When she took the pictures?” Veronica asked.

    “No uh…” Melody sighed. “There’s a lot.”

    “I need to hear it.” Veronica said. “Letting you fall is not an option, remember?”

    “It’s hard.” Melody said. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

    “That’s not your choice right now.” Veronica said. “You’re a baby, swaddled up in my arms. You can’t go anywhere until we talk about this. If I have to sit here all night until you finally talk, and I change your poopy diaper afterwards, that’s what will happen.”

    A sudden sob burst out of Melody. It was just the one though, and they felt a little better after. If they didn’t have a choice, talking was easier. It was something they had to do, no matter what they wanted.

    “Beatrix has been – controlling me.” Melody said softly. “She makes me do stuff with her. Because of the pictures she has.”

    Veronica didn’t reply, she just stroked Melody’s back through the blanket.

    “Then Rosa and I got together. It was great, but you were making me wear diapers and Bea was making me wear them too.” Melody sighed. “But then Rosa liked the diapers. We had – some good days. She took care of me. Let me call her mommy.”

    “You’re being such a good, brave baby.” Veronica said softly. “Keep going.”

    “Then Beatrix came at me again. This was th-the day I came back really sad. The recent one, I guess.” Melody took a deep breath. “She was kissing all over me. But I made her mad, and she hit me. Rosa saw the marks on my face, and the lipstick too.”

    “Oh sweetie.” Veronica whispered.

    “Rosa told me I had to stop seeing Beatrix. But I can’t. She has the pictures and – and I like it. I like being told what to do. I wanted to be with Beatrix since freshman year.” Melody felt tears pouring down their cheeks. “Rosa said – said I couldn’t be with her, if I didn’t stop with Beatrix. She – she left.”

    “No wonder you were in crisis that day.” Veronica said. “We’re almost there, you can do it. Finish telling me.”

    “This week, Bea said she liked me. We – we’re dating now. But when I kiss her, it’s like Rosa goes away more. I don’t know what to do.” Melody started sobbing softly. “It hurts if I’m alone, it hurts if I’m with Beatrix. It hurts so much my tummy gets sick.”

    Melody buried their face in Veronica’s chest. “I remembered cutting from high school. I just needed to not hurt. I had to stop it.”

    “My dear, beloved Melody.” Veronica said, stroking Melody’s back in slow circles. “I’m so sorry you’re hurting so much. I can’t let you keep cutting yourself though. That’s only going to hurt you more.”

    “I don’t know what to do!” Melody sobbed.

    “I think you should stop seeing Beatrix.” Veronica said.

    “I can’t.” Melody whimpered.

    “You can. You’re my brave, smart, hard-working baby. You’re scared, but you can get past the fear.” Veronica sighed softly. “Melody, my darling, Beatrix hurts you. She’s hurting your heart and she’s hurting your body. It has to stop.”

    “I h-have a date with her on Friday.” Melody said. “I can s-stop it after that.”

    “No.” Veronica said firmly. “You can tell her that you aren’t coming to the date. That she can’t see you anymore. It will be scary, but you will be free.”

    “M-maybe.” Melody said.

    That hurt too. It was unfair, brutally so, that giving up on Beatrix would hurt and that giving up on Rosa would hurt too.  Inside of Melody were two wolves. It didn’t matter what either one of them was, because you’re not supposed to have wolves inside of you. Melody’s stupid wolves were going to kill them.

    “You have a very strong attachment to Beatrix.” Veronica said. “It’s not healthy. Especially considering how she treats you. I’ll take your maybe for now. Before Friday afternoon, you need to tell me what you’re going to do.”

    “What if I say I’m going on the date?” Melody asked miserably.

    “I will very strongly disagree with you. Because I love you.” Veronica said. “I don’t see anything but pain for you on that date, or any other time with Beatrix. You don’t have to have a lover who hits you. Nobody should have to endure that. You can find someone who treats you like the wonderful, beautiful person you are, even if it isn’t Rosa.”

    Melody couldn’t answer. They’d be shaking all over if it wasn’t for the restrictive blanket. Everything felt so bad, all the time. Veronica’s words sounded nice, but they didn’t feel real. Melody was at the bottom of a pit, and they couldn’t see the top anymore.

    “I’m going to stay with you tonight.” Veronica said.

    “What?” Melody craned their neck to look up at Veronica. “Really? Why?”

    “A couple of reasons.” Veronica said. “The biggest one is that I love you, and you need to be loved. The smaller one is that I haven’t found your knife yet.”

    “Why?” Melody asked. “I make so much trouble for everybody. You just wanted a renter; you didn’t need all this.”

    “I didn’t know how much my family needed you, until we met you.” Veronica said. “I’m not joking when I say I love you. Briana isn’t either.”

    Melody nuzzled Veronica’s chest until their tears were wiped away. “You’ll really stay?”

    “I won’t leave you alone for a single minute tonight. I’m even going to sleep in this bed with you.”

    “C-can Briana sleep here too?” Melody asked. “Never mind, the bed isn’t big enough, sorry.”

    “We have an inflatable mattress.” Veronica said. “She can sleep on that. It’ll be like a sleepover.”

    Melody managed their first smile of the day. They sighed and leaned into Veronica. Nothing was going to be okay, but that was later. Right now, for one night, Veronica and Briana could keep the bad things away.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 06

    Melody woke up next to Veronica, cuddled against her. That was seriously weird. They’d come to rely on her older, gothier roommate for a while, but there was still some distance. There wasn’t a lot of distance at the moment. More like a thin nightshirt on Veronica’s side, and only-slightly-thicker pajamas on Melody’s.

    Briana was snoring on an air mattress on the floor. Cutely, of course. Go Bri, even your snores are cute. They tried drawing away from Veronica and only managed to wake her up. It was odd seeing Veronica without her gothic makeup on, though her eyes were pretty intense even without their sharp outlines.

    “Good morning Melody.” Veronica said softly. “How are you feeling?”

    “Bleh.” Melody said. “Better than yesterday.”

    “Good. Hmm, you’re wet too.” Veronica said, squeezing Melody’s rear. “Did you just go?”

    “I am?” Melody frowned. “No, I woke up just now.”

    “You must have gone in your sleep then.” Veronica said. “I know we put you to bed dry.”

    I’m a bedwetter now? Melody asked themself. Great. Just put me in the trash can with the rest of the garbage.

    “Are you alright to wait for a change until after I feed Briana?” Veronica asked, with an uncharacteristically hesitant expression. “I’m a little sore.”

    “Yeah that’s okay.” Melody hesitated and bit their lip. “Um, can I ask about that?”

    “Of course, little one.” Veronica said.

    “Why?” Melody asked. They probably should have included more than a single word, but everything they came up with to expand the question sounded either insulting or stupid in their head.

    “To be closer to her.” Veronica said. “We’re almost the same age. She’s not my daughter by blood. I wanted something – primal. Something that would bind us together on a spiritual level.”

    “Did it work?” Melody asked.

    “I think so.” Veronica said. “Why, are you wanting…”

    “No!” Melody said in an urgent whisper. “I’m just curious.”

    “Okay. I mean, I considered it for a moment when I thought you were asking, but I don’t think we’re close enough yet.” Veronica kissed Melody on the forehead.

    That was a scary thought. Scary because it felt sexy in some ways, Melody realized. They didn’t want sexy from Veronica. They wanted comfort, caring, support… they wanted a mom.

    “Hah, yeah, we aren’t.” Melody said with an evasive chuckle. “I mean, I don’t even call you mom or anything, like Briana does.”

    “You would be welcome to.” Veronica said. “I think of you as my child.”

    Melody froze up. Even breathing was suspended. That statement touched a lot of emotions. Right now, emotions were like falling knives. You had to be skilled and a little lucky to grab one without getting cut. Better to not.

    “Breathe, Melody.” Veronica commanded.

    Melody gasped. They looked at Veronica through wide eyes. Behind those eyes was a lot of fear and vulnerability. All they could do was hope that Veronica would be gentle. She could break a lot of things from where she was lying.

    “I’m not asking you to call me that.” Veronica said. “It will always be your choice to define the relationship between us.”

    “I want it too much.” Melody said. “It hurts.”

    Truth came so easily to their lips now. They’d been soiled and stripped bare in front of Veronica dozens of times. With their confession about Beatrix, it felt like there was nothing secret left between them. It wasn’t much of an exaggeration to say that Veronica had saved their life. Melody felt like they had to give her anything and everything in return.

    “Why does it hurt?” Veronica asked softly.

    “Rosa.” Melody said. “I called her Mommy and she loved it. I loved calling her that. Also… my bio-mom.”

    “Tell me about her. Your biological mother.” Veronica said.

    “Her name is Charity.” Melody said with a bitter laugh. “She was always kind of freaky-religious, but she’s in the Quiverfulls now.”

    “Oh dear.” Veronica said. “I imagine she isn’t happy with your sexuality.”

    “When I fell in love with Beatrix I told her.” Melody said. “She – she turned cold, like a stone. Said she wasn’t my mom anymore. I’ve never spoken to her since. I mean, I sent a lot of texts and letters and stuff before I gave up, but she never answered.”

    “My poor Melody.” Veronica gathered Melody up to her bosom.

    It was comforting, warm and safe feeling. There was a slight odd odor, sour and soapy. It took Melody a moment to realize what it was. When they did, they blushed. Nothing like literally smelling breast milk to make them feel like a baby.

    “Did you have another parent in your life at the time?” Veronica asked.

    Oh good, that question, Melody thought.

    “You can uh, wake Briana up if you want.” Melody said. “You said you were sore, we don’t need to do my whole life’s story right now.”

    “I’m fine.” Veronica said. “No evading. I’ve learned that we often don’t come back to these topics when you say we can discuss them later.”

    “I have a bio-dad.” Melody said in a whisper. “He left when I was a kid. That’s when mom started joining scary churches. Eventually this guy showed up and married her. David.”

    Even after more than four years, Melody was surprised by the amount of venom that came out when they said that name. Apparently Veronica was too, she flinched a little.

    “I take it he wasn’t supportive either.” Veronica said, in the understatement of the year.

    “He came with some guys from the church to kidnap me. Probably to send me to conversion therapy.” Melody said. “Beatrix saved me.”

    “She did?” Veronica asked. She sounded astonished. Melody gave themself some fake internet points for making Doctor Goth drop her therapist mask.

    “Yeah uh, we’re friends. Thing have only gotten all fucked up recently. There’s advantages to having her for a friend if someone comes after you.” Melody sighed. “She uh, actually scared them. Bea is terrifying when she wants to be, and she wanted to be that day. For me.”

    “I’m impressed.” Veronica said, grudgingly.

    “It was a crazy scene.” Melody said. “It was loud enough to get the Resident Advisor of the dorms involved. After that, the church guys had to back off.”

    “And you’ve supported yourself since.” Veronica said.

    “Yeah, had to. Bea knows how to make money, she’s smart about that stuff. Some of the ways she does it are even ethical.” Melody chuckled humorlessly. “She helped me. A lot. She’s so beautiful. She’s so powerful. She’s my girlfriend now. I don’t know what to do.”

    “Thank you for telling me all this. I understand so much more now. I still think a romantic relationship with Beatrix is a bad idea.” Veronica said. When Melody protested, she cut them off, “But! If you really wanted it, I wouldn’t stop you by force. You HAVE to set boundaries with her though. That’s not negotiable.”

    “Nobody sets boundaries with Beatrix.” Melody said. “She’s – Beatrix.”

    “I’m sure people set boundaries with her all the time. I doubt she runs roughshod over Marc, the Dean of Economics. I know him well. He’s not a pushover.”

    “That’s different. He has power over her.” Melody said.

    “So do you. She wants something from you. You don’t have to provide it.” Veronica said. “If she wants what she’s getting out of your relationship, she has to respect what you need.”

    Melody shook their head.

    “If you can’t make that happen, then you have to end it with her.” Veronica said. “Not necessarily the friendship, though I suspect you don’t have many boundaries there either.”

    “What if I do that, and I never see her again?” Melody asked.

    “What if she never hits you again?” Veronica countered.

    Melody sighed. They took a few slow, deep breaths. The mix of smells in the bed should have been pretty funky. Both Melody and Veronica smelled like anybody does, waking up. On top of that, one of them was rocking a wet diaper and the other had sour-milk boobies.

    The smell wasn’t bad. It was comfort. There were smells under the obvious ones that healed some of the aches inside of Melody. The clean part of Veronica’s smell was safety. Musty odors from the wicked-old house meant happiness, Melody realized.

    They’d been happy here. Really, actually happy. Better than maybe anything since bio-dad had gone. Too-emotionally raw to worry about awkwardness, Melody rested their cheek on the exposed skin of Veronica’s upper chest.

    “Veronica.” Melody said. “Will you be my mom?”

    “Yes Melody.” Veronica said, squeezing them tightly. “I will. Forever, if you want it.”

    “I want.” Melody said, squeezing Veronica right back.

    “OHMYGODYES!” Briana squealed – from above?

    Melody had a mere moment to register the outburst before Briana crashed on top of the two of them. She latched on her mom and sibling, literally vibrating with excitement.

    “Ow! Dude, how long have you been awake?” Melody asked. “How much did you hear?”

    “Lots!” Briana said. “I love you Melody. I love you Mom! I’m so excited, and sorry for you Mel, and I couldn’t take it anymore!”

    “I’m glad you’re excited, Baby Bee, but please don’t land on us like that again. You are petite, but not baby sized.” Veronica said, scooting Briana over so that Melody was between the two of them.

    “Sorry, I couldn’t help it!” Briana pressed up close to Melody’s back.

    “Please don’t repeat the stuff I said about Beatrix to people, sis.” Melody said.

    “I won’t!” Briana said breezily.

    “Briana, I want you to take what Melody asked seriously. Nothing Melody said leaves this room, not even if it’s Gary, do you understand?” Veronica’s voice had that mommy-whip.

    “I wasn’t going to!” Briana protested. It wasn’t a very convincing protest.

    “I know you won’t.” Veronica said. “Because your sibling bravely shared something private with us. You wouldn’t hurt them by sharing it with people they don’t want to include.”

    “Okay, sorry mommy! I won’t, really!” Briana said contritely. She nuzzled the back of Melody’s neck.  “I wouldn’t hurt you Melody. I love you.”

    “I love you too, Bratana.” Melody said, chuckling.

    “What did you just call me?” Briana asked in an outraged tone.

    “It’s your superhero name. Bratana.” Melody said with a giggle. “Because I know you love me, and I love you, but you are bratty a lot.”

    “Meanie.” Briana accused good naturedly.

    “That’s my job as the older one.” Melody said, chuckling. “Anyway um – if you two want to do your morning thing, I can go take a shower.”

    “If you just wait a bit, I’ll take care of you when we’re done.” Veronica said. “Unless it bothers you to be here when I feed Briana?”

    “No, it doesn’t. Really.” Melody said sincerely. “Today’s my long day at school though. I should get going.”

    “I could call in sick for you.” Veronica said. “It’s the last day before the break, plenty of people are on an early vacation anyway.”

    “No, I can do this.” Melody said. “Thanks Mom.”

    “I’m still worried about you. What are you going to do if you run into Beatrix today?”

    “I won’t.” Melody said. “She has something she’s doing.”

    They squirmed out of bed and dug in their school bag, fishing out the utility knife at the bottom. After a moment’s hesitation, they offered the knife to Veronica.

    “You’re a good kid, Melody.” Veronica said, taking the knife. “I’m proud of you.”

    Melody blushed, squirming in their sweaty pjs and heavy diaper. “Thanks Mom.”

    “That’s coming really easily to you.” Veronica said, smiling. “Have you wanted to say it for a while?”

    “Yeah.” Melody said bashfully.

    “I’m glad we found our way there.” Veronica said. “Go take your shower while I feed your sister. I’m still going to get you dressed for school, and I’ll make you some breakfast before you go, alright?”

    “Yes Mom. Thank you.” Melody said, a little warm glow in their heart.

    That little glow was surrounded by dark and scary stuff. Like a bonfire or a site of grace was in a Fromsoft game. It was a lot better than not having one though. It made the thought of going to school bearable. For once the long, exhausting day would be a blessing. Melody’s long day didn’t allow time for dwelling on one’s thoughts.

    Back at home, Melody was just starting to relax into some little-time, when their phone buzzed angrily. It was the buzz that meant someone had tried to text them repeatedly and broken through the DND setting. There were only two people that would be messaging them that way, and Melody’s heart couldn’t take either of them in its current state.

    Grabbing the phone, they didn’t look at the lock screen to see who it was. It didn’t matter if they weren’t going to answer. Melody shoved their phone under their bed and went to find their sister.

    The first day of break started off so sweetly. Melody woke up wet again, but they refused to dwell on it. It was probably just a temporary thing and it meant they got another change from Veronica in the morning, was all. After breakfast they had an urgent invitation to play Cloudland with Briana.

    “We have to figure out a sword for you.” Briana said.

    “I’ve got one, don’t worry.” Melody said.

    “Mom said we can’t play with the metal ones, remember?”

    “Yeah, but I forgot I have a plastic one. Well, foam and resin, but basically the same.”

    “I wanna see! Go get it. Hurry sib!” Briana said, jumping up and down excitedly.

    Melody grinned and took their time. After all, they had a costume change planned as well as a sword to retrieve. Briana was so cute in her She Ra pajama top with her Sword of Protection that Melody knew they were going to have to make an effort to match their sister.

    The back of their closet held the red robe-like suiken from Melody’s Inuyasha costume. The white wig, tooth necklace, and fangs were in a box somewhere that was too much trouble to find. However, the huge Tessaiga replica was easy to spot. Melody checked themself out in the mirror, resting the fur-hilted sword on their shoulders. Not bad!

    “What is that!?” Briana asked, mouth agape, when Melody returned.

    “It’s half my Inuyasha costume.” Melody said. At Briana’s blank look, they added, “It’s an anime. Inuyasha is the title character.”

    “Oh, what’s it about?” Briana asked.

    “I’ll show you. Whenever I say Kagome, you say Inuyasha, okay?”


    “Kagome!” Melody said urgently.

    “Inuyasha?” Briana replied, still confused.

    “Kagome!” Melody repeated.

    “Inuyasha!” Briana said, following up with a giggle.

    They went back and forth ten more times before Melody let themself fall back on the couch laughing.

    “Okay, now you know what the anime is about.”

    “I really don’t though.”

    “Don’t worry, it’s a meme.” Melody said. “I’ll show you the anime and it’ll all make sense.”

    “Can we PLEASE play Cloudland now?” Briana said impatiently.

    “Sure. It’s time to duel!” Melody said, smirking.

    “You’re so weird sometimes, sib.” Briana said, giggling.

    Weird or not, Melody was victorious in their duel against their mind-controlled sister an hour or so later. Alanna herself gave Melody a medal for defeating the Space Spiders of Zartan10 and saving all of Cloudland. They received special commendation for noticing Briana’s mind-controlled state and refraining from hurting their sister in the duel.

    Briana received a medal for brokering a peace with the spider people and forgiving them for mind-controlling her. Melody’s stuffie of Kumoko from “So I’m a Spider, So What?” also joined Cloudland as an official knight and representative of her people.  Since both medals were foil-wrapped chocolate coins, the two knights ate them immediately after the awards ceremony, as was tradition.

    “Lunchtime.” Jane said, poking her head into the drawing room. She paused and looked at the couch cushions that had been strewn around the drawing room. “I see you two have had a productive morning.”

    “I saved Briana from mind control!” Melody said. They giggled, feeling a little nervous about continuing the game with Jane there.

    “And I made peace with the spider people even though they mind controlled me.” Briana said eagerly.

    “That’s very good. However, this debriefing hasn’t explained yet why you both have chocolate on your faces.”

    “We got medals.” Melody said bashfully.

    Jane looked at the bowl of chocolate coins, which had lost a lot of it’s volume since the day started. “You must have gotten a lot of medals.” She said dryly.

    “That’s because we’re such good knights!” Briana said, bouncing over to Jane. “We saved the day!”

    “Well you better have saved your appetite too, or we’re going to have to revisit whether you’re good knights or not. It’s lunchtime.”

    “What’s for lunch?” Melody asked, hesitantly walking up to join Briana.

    “Grilled cheese and tomato soup.” Jane said. “But you kids better eat your whole lunch, or I’m not taking you sledding afterwards.”

    “Sledding?!” Briana said with an excited gasp.

    “Really?” Melody asked shyly. “Both of us?”

    “IF you both eat your whole lunch.” Jane said. She spit on a corner of her shirt and rubbed Briana’s face clean. “If either of you doesn’t, we’re not going.”

    “We will!” Briana insisted.

    “Yeah, no prob…” Melody was caught off guard when Jane spit on another shirt corner and reached for them. Their attempt to back away was slow and Jane didn’t acknowledge it, rubbing their face clean with just as much brusque care as she had Briana.

    “Good, get your padded butts in the kitchen then, while it’s still warm.” Jane gave them each a firm pat on said butts to send them on their way.

    It was a relief to see that the kitchen was empty. Playing around Briana was awesome. It was almost the same with Veronica. Jane they were still a tiny bit nervous about, but it was pretty much okay. Any of the other roommates would be too much. Melody knew they wouldn’t be able to relax enough to be little with anyone else.

    Melody squished into a kitchen chair. It wasn’t their fault they were wet, exactly. Briana had suggested wetting as a representation for damage in their duel. She was surprisingly skilled with that plastic sword of hers. They chuckled and elbowed their sister, making Briana spill some soup on her pj pants.

    “Hey, what was that for!?” Briana protested.

    “For making my seat so squishy.” Melody said, sticking their tongue out at Briana.

    “Hah! I am a deadly foe, even mind-controlled.” Briana said triumphantly. “You’re lucky you had a secret weapon, or you never would have beaten me.”

    “You mean the power of love? Strongest anime weapon there is.” Melody grinned.

    Briana gave a glowing grin, like she did every time Melody told her sister that they loved her. It was dumb to hope that Briana would always grin like that in response, but Melody hoped it anyway.

    The quality of lunch made Melody drastically raise their opinion of Jane’s cooking skills. The soup was store-bought, but the grilled cheese was a real treat. The bread was cooked to a perfect golden-brown, but every bit of the cheese was melty. It was even cut into triangles AND the crusts had been cut off. A true masterpiece of little cuisine.

    As soon as they were done eating, Jane was on them to clear their plates and follow her to the bathroom. Taking Jane’s hand and having Briana take their other as they walked in a little line to the bathroom made Melody blush.

    Once there, Jane wasted no time stripping Melody of their pajama pants and diaper and seating them on the potty.

    “I don’t have to go.” Melody protested, holding their costume robe bunched around their waist. “I got it all out during the duel.”

    “We’re going out for the afternoon.” Jane said, prepping a toothbrush and diligently brushing Briana’s teeth. “This is your chance to go poop before we leave. The bathrooms at the park are locked during the winter, so if you go while we’re out, you’ll either have to stay in your messy diaper or get changed in the back of the car.”

    Melody felt their face burn scarlet and looked down at their knees. It was worse because they hadn’t been paying much attention and actually did need to go. It hadn’t been urgent or anything, but they were glad that Jane had reminded them. Like a toddler would need to be reminded.

    As quietly as they could, Melody did their business. They realized how little they were feeling when Jane got them off the potty and Melody realized that they hadn’t wiped themself. Having Jane bend them over at the potty and wipe them crashed what was left of Melody’s big-brain.

    They stood obediently for Jane to brush their teeth while Briana was on the potty, still holding their robe bunched at their waist. Jane had to take the robe out of their hands so they wouldn’t flash the household on their way to the changing table.

    Jane diapered them both in thick diapers which were normally reserved for nighttime, and included a booster pad in each one. Bemused, Melody watched as Jane added layer upon layer of clothing. From inside to out they were dressed in long underwear, thick socks, sweatpants, a shirt, a sweater, snow pants, boots, a puffy coat, and a toque. As Jane was stuffing mittens in their coat pocket, Melody started sweating.

    “It’s roasting in all this.” Melody complained.

    “You won’t think so when you’re sledding.” Jane said. “Come on now kids, we need to move if we’re going to get a good amount of play time in.”

    She took Melody and Briana’s hands and lead them into the living room. Suzie was by the door in her own coat with a carry-on suitcase.

    “Where are you going?” Briana asked. She sounded so worried that Melody was immediately on-edge.

    “To my mom and dad’s.” Suzie said.

    “But, you have to be here for Christmas!” Briana said. She was right on the brink of tears, judging from her tone.

    “I will be, I’m in the town’s Christmas play.” Suzie said. “But I have to see my mom and dad at least once on the holidays, right? I’ll be gone less than a week.”

    “I guess so.” Briana said, with a slight sniffle.

    “Come on sis, that’s fair.” Melody said.

    “Sis huh?” Suzie said with a grin. She leaned in to adjust Melody’s hat. “You two are as cute as buttons. Are you the older one, Mello?”

    “I uh…” Melody froze. They weren’t supposed to play with Suzie like this, but they couldn’t remember exactly why. “Yeah, Briana’s my littlesister.”

    “You don’t have to say it like that!” Briana whined.

    “Take care of your sis while I’m gone then, Mello?” Suzie said.

    “Okay, but why Mello?” Melody asked.

    “I have a cousin named Melody that I call Mello. Is it okay?” Suzie asked.

    “I guess so.” Melody squirmed.

    “Great!” Suzie hugged them all, including Jane. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to see Veronica. I’m out until Tuesday night.”

    “We’ll keep a lamp on for you.” Jane said with a smile. “Say hello to Beth for me.”

    “You bet. Mom always asks about you.” Suzie said. “Have fun at the park kids!”

    Melody waved hesitantly, in contrast to Briana’s frantic arm-windmilling. The door opened with a blast of cold air. All the extra layers were a good idea, Melody had to admit. Jane packed them into the backseat of her car, which already had a pair of sleds tied to the roof.

    “Daddy, is everyone going to be home for Christmas? Is anybody else leaving?” Briana asked plaintively as Jane drove through the lightly falling snow.

    “All the roommates will be.” Jane said. “Though I think Casey is going out of town this week too.”

    “What about Gary, and Tamira?” Briana asked nervously.

    “You’d have to ask them.” Jane said. “You talk to them more than I do.”

    “Hey Bri.” Melody said, clasping their sister’s hand. “Want to have a sleepover on Christmas Eve?”

    “Really?!” Briana asked. “Can we please, Daddy?”

    “It’s okay right – Jane?” Melody said, tripping over the name a little. They’d forgotten for a minute that they didn’t call Jane dad like Briana did.

    “I don’t see why not, as long as you kids go to sleep before Saint Nicholas arrives.” Jane said. “Because if you don’t, it will be Krampus who comes instead of Saint Nicholas.”

    “No way.” Melody said, giggling. Santa was one thing, they were happy to play along since Briana believed. Jane couldn’t expect them to believe in the weird devil thing from Binding of Isaac and that terrible horror film.

    “What’s Krampus?” Briana asked, worriedly.

    “He is a hairy devil creature that travels the world with Saint Nicholas. Good children are visited by Santa, as you know. But for the bad children, Krampus goes to the house instead and puts the children in his sack.”

    Jane explained it in her same dry tone that she used to talk about the news or what was happening in the house. Melody fidgeted in their seat. None of this was real, right? They were fuzzy on some things at the moment, but they were pretty sure that Santa wasn’t a real thing, so this Krampus couldn’t be either.

    “He takes children away!?” Briana said, really scared now.

    “Just for a short time. They are spanked by the birch rod that he carries, and then returned to their parents in the morning.” Jane said. “But I’m sure you kids will not have to worry, because you will help clean the house on Heiliger Abend – Christmas Eve, and go to bed when you are told.”

    “We will, we will!” Briana said nervously. She grabbed Melody’s hand and squeezed it hard. “Right Melody? You’ll help right?”

    The panic in Briana’s eyes further eroded Melody’s confidence that there was no Krampus. Something about all this felt like a weird set-up for a joke, but nobody was treating it like one. Jane still sounded deadly serious.

    “Uh, yeah, of course. We’ll clean the whole house. Promise.” Melody said with a nod. Despite their lingering disbelief, making the promise removed the bit of nervousness that had been building in their belly.

    “Okay, good!” Briana nodded in relief. “You’ll tell Krampus that there are only good kids at the house, right Daddy?”

    “Oh, he is not friendly like Saint Nicholas.” Jane said. “He doesn’t talk to parents. The Krampus can smell if a child is bad or not. Even if they have only done bad things that their parents didn’t see, he is not fooled.”

    Briana swallowed hard. “But I’m a good girl, right?”

    “You are a very good girl Briana.” Jane said. “You shouldn’t have to worry. You either, Melody, you are a good kid.”

    Melody squirmed. “Th-thanks.” They hadn’t been worried about the stupid Krampus anyway, but it was still nice to get a compliment.

    When they arrived at the park, Briana and Melody’s mad dash to the snow was delayed a bit by the fact that Jane wouldn’t give them their sleds until they had their mittens on and their coat-hoods tied about their faces.

    The snow had been steadily falling all night and morning, leaving most of the park as a pristine wonderland of gentle white slopes. There were a few college students a couple of hills over, but no families out in the middle of a workday.

    Briana floundered in the snow a bit. It was knee high on Melody but hitting their little sister at mid-thigh. With a wild whoop, Melody dashed forward, high-stepping through the snow and throwing themself down on their sled.

    They made a satisfying ‘poomph!’ sound as they hit the snow and the sled was sliding right away. As they picked up speed, Melody could hear Briana calling for them to wait for her. Their only response was a mad cackle.

    It was a good hill. Melody got up to an exciting speed and shot far past the bottom of the hill before their sled finally slowed. They jerked the sled to the side to stop and looked back for Briana. She hadn’t been nearly as brave in launching herself and was coming to a slow stop just past the base of the hill.

    Melody heaved themself up and trudged back to Briana with their sled in tow. “Hey sis, you gotta go faster than that!”

    “It’s scary!” Briana complained. “Can you push me next time?”

    “I can show you how to jump on the sled like I did.” Melody said. “It’s really fun!”

    “But what if I miss the sled?” Briana asked nervously.

    “Then you’ll fall in the snow – like this!” Melody lunched forward and pushed Briana back into the snow.

    “Hey!” Briana yelled indignantly.

    Melody’s laughs were cut off by a blast of snow in their face. Just as they were recovering from the first snowball, another one landed on their chin.

    “Oh that is IT!” Melody said. “You’re getting it!”

    They dived into the snow and wrestled their little sister into submission, pinning her and washing her face with snow. Briana shrieked and thrashed, but had to quickly surrender.

    “I give up! You win!” Briana shrieked. “Mel, staaaaahp!

    Melody converted their grip on Briana to a hug and pulled their sister close. They giggled in the snow for a bit while they caught their breath.

    “That was mean.” Briana accused good-naturedly.

    “I’m the older sibling. That’s what you get when you mess with me.” Melody said.

    “But I didn’t even do anything.” Briana protested. “You pushed me first.”

    “That’s how it goes.” Melody shrugged. “It’s the price of having a big sibling take care of you.”

    “You will, right?” Briana asked. “You’ll take care of me?”

    “Of course, dummy. I take care of people that are important to me.” Melody squeezed Briana.

    “And you won’t leave?” Briana asked softly.

    “I might not be in the house every day.” Melody said, thinking of Suzie’s trip. “But you’ll be my little sister forever, if that’s what you’re asking.”

    “Yeah, that’s it.” Briana said, grabbing Melody and holding them tight.

    “Come on, let’s sled some more.” Melody said.

    It was a bit of a pain to get up, with all the padding that Jane had put them in. Once they were up though, it didn’t slow Melody down much. They already had to sort of waddle through the deep snow, which left plenty of room for the diaper’s bulk.

    Back at the top, Briana insisted on being pushed at the top of the hill. She asked for that three times, until Melody’s excited cackles convinced her to try jumping on her sled. Hilariously, she screamed all the way down. When Melody caught up to Briana at the bottom, her sister had gone full-on goblin laugh.

    They took a lot more sled rides that way, trying their best to launch at the same time and race for distance. Melody could get faster momentum, but Briana was so light that her sled shot across the snow.

    After being beaten for the third time in a row, Melody decided to switch things up. The next time Briana ran for the hill slope, Melody followed just behind. They threw their sled out on the ground in front of them, took a trio of sprinting steps, and jumped onto it.

    For a moment it felt like they were going to pitch over into packed snow that all their previous trips had compressed. They managed to balance at the last minute, and the extra momentum shot them ahead of Briana. Determined to not only win, but to crush their little sister’s record, Melody crouched down low.

    The sled whizzed faster and faster, zipping past the fan of packed snow they’d made at the bottom of the hill, and out onto fresh powder. As soon as Melody hit the fresh snow they could feel themselves slowing, but only gradually. Far too gradually, in fact. There was a broad oak tree coming up fast in Melody’s path.

    They tried swinging their around clockwise like a snowboarder. Unlike a snowboarder, Melody was not strapped into their sled. All they accomplished with their fancy maneuver was flipping the sled over. Melody and sled tumbled over each other in the snow. The sharp edge of the blue plastic came like a bullet at Melody’s face. They cried out when it cracked across their face and left their nose feeling swollen.

    Adding insult to injury, Melody’s tumble carried them onto the light snow that covered the oak tree’s knobby roots. Everything was swirling around in a disorienting mess. Melody cried in pain, flopping themself off the root they’d come to a stop on.

    Before they could compose themself, Jane was there. Melody grabbed for Jane, pulling her into a hug. They got a comforting hug back, albeit a brief one. Jane sat Melody up and examined their face, brushing it lightly with a handkerchief before swiping the cloth under their nose. It came back bright red.

    “It looks like you have a little bit of a bloody nose.” Jane said. “How do you feel?”

    “It hurts, Dad!” Melody complained.

    “I bet it does. Here, blow very gently.” Jane replied, putting the handkerchief back under Melody’s nose.

    After giving a little blow through their nose, Melody felt a bit better. Leaning against Jane and getting gentle pats on the back was helping even more.

    “Better, Didi?” Jane asked.

    Briana was approaching slowly, a worried look on her face. Melody decided to be brave for their little sister. They nodded to Jane.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry for scaring everybody.”

    “That’s alright, we’re just glad you’re not hurt.” Jane said. “Come on Bumble Bri, Didi, we still have some time left.”

    “Why is everyone giving me nicknames today?” Melody asked, struggling to their feet with Jane’s help.

    “Because we love you.” Briana said.

    “Because sometimes are too cute for a name with three syllables.” Jane said.

    “But you call Bri, Bumble Bri, and that’s three syllables.” Melody protested. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

    “True, it doesn’t.” Jane said, unconcerned. “Pick up your sled, Didi.”

    “Okay Dad.” Melody said.

    Briana’s eyes got huge, cueing Melody to their mistake. Their second mistake, they realized. They looked at Jane worriedly, but she was unflappable as always. Briana was bouncing on her toes, but she wasn’t saying anything.

    Melody grabbed their sled and hurried up the hill as fast as their diaper-waddle would allow. Luckily, everyone seemed to forget their slip of the tongue after a couple more sled rides. Safer sled rides, at Jane’s fatherly insistence.

    When Jane declared the outing over and buckled both kids into the back seat again, Melody braced themself for Briana to bring up what they’d called Jane. She didn’t though, being way more focused on Jane’s promise of hot cocoa on the ride home. Jane didn’t say anything either, she just bought them cocoa and coffee for herself.

    By the time they were home and being laboriously stripped of their snow gear, Melody was getting frustrated. If somebody could just say something already, then the horrible anticipation could end.

    Finally, Melody decided that they’d have to be the one to say something. Briana was out of her snow gear first and had bolted upstairs to get into pajamas. Melody and Jane were alone in Melody’s room. They had their hands on Jane’s shoulders to steady themself as Jane pulled down their long underwear.

    “Nobody said anything about uh – what I called you after I crashed.” Melody said.

    “You didn’t seem like you wanted to talk about it.” Jane said. “Is there something you need to say?”

    “It’s a big deal, isn’t it?” Melody asked, pouting.

    “That depends.” Jane said, pulling the long underwear off Melody’s foot and tossing it in the laundry bin. “If it was just a slip of the tongue, that’s okay. If it is some something more, then it is a big deal.”

    “But how do you know if we don’t talk about it?” Melody asked. Whined really. They were whining, but it was Jane’s fault. She wasn’t reacting at all how she was supposed to.

    “Because I’m already committed to taking care of you.” Jane said, pulling open the front of Melody’s diaper to peek inside. “As long as you call me Dad, I will behave as your father. If I’m not your father, I will still take care of you.”

    Melody was upset. It wasn’t supposed to be that simple. They felt hot behind their eyes and their nose felt like the sled had hit it again.

    “But, that’s not, you’re not supposed to, that’s…” Melody sputtered, unable to find the words to properly express their outrage. “Dad! You’re doing it wrong!”

    Jane chuckled. “That is family, Didi. We will be frustrating sometimes. We will not always be what you expect, but we will always love you.”

    Melody bawled. Jane swooped them onto her lap on the bed. It felt almost like being picked up. They clung to Jane with all their strength, desperate to be close. Jane’s arms were warm and solid around them. Melody let themself soak in the steady comfort.

    “I have told you already, I am not the one that will talk something to death. That is Veronica.” Jane said fondly. “You are mine Kind. Good enough. Now you need a nap.”

    “I don’t need a nap!” Melody whined.

    “Doesn’t matter, I’m putting you down for one.” Jane said. She had a way of making her statements seem like irrefutable facts. It sucked the wind out of Melody’s sails, but they still didn’t like the idea of being put to bed.

    “I don’t want a nap.” Melody said. “At least – not alone.”

    “Briana’s crib is a little too small for two.” Jane said. “If I set the playpen up in her room, would that be acceptable?”

    “Yes.” Melody said, their voice muffled by Jane’s shoulder. “Thanks Dad.”

    “Gerne geschehen.” Jane said.

    When Jane tucked Melody into the playpen with their overjoyed sister, they realized they were sore in muscles they didn’t know they had. Despite her excitement, Briana was used to having a naptime and was already drifting off. It’d be boring to just lie in the playpen on their own, Melody reasoned. The smart thing to do would be to just nap a little.

    Melody woke refreshed. Shortly after they got a lesson in their sister’s hypocrisy. The little girl that had been so upset when Suzie was at the door with a bag was gallivanting off to spend the evening with Gary.

    It was fine, of course. Melody wasn’t super clingy like their little sister. Plus, it gave them time for a quiet evening with just Mom and Dad in the house. Being treated as a kid by both of them was blissful. For precious hours, Melody forgot about Rosa, Beatrix, and all the heavy feelings in their heart.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 07

    “Gary, do you know who Shazam! is?” Briana asked. She picked up her mug of cocoa for another sip.

    “Yeah, Billy Batson, he turns into an adult superhero.” Gary nodded. “Why?”

    Briana looked around the apartment, pondering her next words. Gary’s place was nice. It was just a studio, but he’d made it cozy. They were sitting on his futon next to a frosted window with the snow swirling against it. The hardwood floor had thick rugs covering it. A fake fireplace in front of one of the steam radiators made a pretty good imitation of a real fire.

    “Melody explained him to me.” Briana said. “I was thinking that I could do something similar. Not with magic but transform to being big for short periods of time. So that I can go back to school.”

    “I don’t know, you’re pretty magical to me.” Gary said with a grin.

    “Gary, this is serious!” Briana said, though she was smiling too.

    “Sorry. You seem adult right now. Are you working on your ‘transformation’ right now, or are you feeling more adult in general?”

    “It’s easier right now. What I’m worried about is that I won’t be able to sustain it. That I’ll go back to being little all the time in a few weeks.”

    “That’s kind of what happened this quarter.” Gary nodded. “So what’s different this time?”

    “Well, I know it can happen this time. I could look for warning signs and ask friends and family to watch too.” Briana smiled shyly. “I’d really like your support if I try it.”

    “Bri, you know I’d do anything for you, right?” Gary said, leaning way over for a kiss.

    Briana savored the kiss with a happy sigh and a wiggle. “Thank you. There’s another thing that made me feel like it would work.”

    Gary watched her, waiting for Briana to finish her thought. She chewed her lip nervously. There wasn’t any reason to be nervous around Gary, or there shouldn’t be, anyway. On the other hand, she was about to tell him something that might make him reconsider their relationship. The chance was small, but the bad outcome was really scary.

    “You okay?” Gary asked.

    “Gary, I love you.” Briana said, urgently.

    “I love you too hon. What’s going on?”

    Briana took a deep breath. “The thing that makes me think this might work is um, redefining myself a little. As um, not an adult. That the little me is the real me. The adult me would just be a costume I wear sometimes.”

    Gary was waiting again. Briana took a big drink of her cocoa, hoping he’d get the hint that there wasn’t any more coming.

    “That’s it?” Gary asked.

    “What do you mean, ‘that’s it’?” Briana asked. “That’s huge. We’re dating. I just told you that I’m not – that I can’t be a big girl ever. Not for real, not in my heart.”

    Gary got up from his seat and kneeled on the floor next to Briana. He was still taller on his knees than she was sitting. Gently, he took the mug out of her hands and pulled Briana into a hug.

    “Hey, Briana? I already knew that about you.” Gary said softly.

    Briana trembled. She clung to Gary like there was a cliff-edge underneath her.

    “H-how could you know? I didn’t know.”

    “I knew.” Gary said pulling back to make eye contact. “That was the only version of you that made sense. You’re my little girl, my girlfriend, and I love that about you.”

    “Gary!” Briana cried, her cheeks already wet. “Why?”

    “Because I can’t imagine loving anyone else the way I love you.” Gary said.

    There was no more holding back the water-works. Briana bawled, big-girl style. The end result wasn’t much different than if she’d been little. She finished crying as a snotty mess on Gary’s shoulder.

    Some more cuddles and four tissues later, Briana felt like she might be able to talk again. The first order of business was to get Gary out of his uncomfortable kneeling position and onto the couch, so she could claim his lap.

    “Thank you.” Briana said. “That was amazingly sweet.”

    “You’re welcome, love.” Gary said.

    “I love you so much.” Briana said, sighing out the last of the rattles in her chest.

    “Feel better?” Gary asked.

    “Yes.” Briana nuzzled his neck. “There’s something we have to talk about though – from when I was still going to school.”

    “What is it?”

    “The thing we did, playing during the school day?” Briana said hesitantly. “I think that contributed to me not being able to be big at school.”

    “Oh shit hon, I’m really sorry!” Gary said, sounding distressed.

    “It’s okay. It really is!” Briana said. “I loved doing it. It never occurred to me that playing that way might derail me.”

    “I should have thought about it.” Gary said. “You trusted me to take care of you.”

    “I still do.” Briana said. “You’re number three in the world, for the arms I feel the most safe in, right after Mom and Dad.”

    “I’d better up my game if I want to keep that high rank.” Gary said.

    “Gary, please believe me. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t tell you about this so you could beat yourself up.”

    “Okay, I’ll stop.” Gary said, squeezing Briana gently.

    “I had so much fun on those days.” Briana said, grinning. “It’s fun to be your toy for a while, to see what sexy things you want to do to me.”

    Gary shifted on the couch with a slight cough. Briana couldn’t feel much through the diaper she had on, but she was guessing that Gary’s lap wasn’t as soft as it had been.

    “So this um – transformation. Is it only for school stuff, or can it be used sometimes to spice things up in the bedroom?” Gary asked.

    “Like the equivalent of putting cat ears or a maid outfit on?” Briana giggled. “You don’t have a bedroom though, what a shame…”

    “The whole apartment is a bedroom if this couch lays flat.” Gary said, sliding a hand under Briana’s shirt to caress the small of her back.

    “Gary.” Briana said breathily. “Would you like to play with your toy in big girl mode?”

    There was no more talking after that.

    There were kisses that burned across Briana’s lips, throat, and breasts. She was free of her clothes, even the diaper. Her hands were everywhere on Gary, from the softness of his sides to the hardness of his chest and between his legs. She was a plaything in his hands, so big and strong on her petite body. The warm, wholesome scent of his skin filled her senses.

    A blazing moment of euphoria became three as she rode his lap with her fingers digging into his belly. The fullness of that feeling was nothing compared to Gary taking her from behind. All the way behind, with a lot of lube and to Briana’s delighted surprise. Her heart sang to hear him call out in passion, that echoed off the room’s high ceiling.

    Thoroughly stretched, mussed, and used, Briana lay on Gary’s chest in a blissful daze. Their smells were mingled now, and the powerful thud of his heart was up against her ear. It was a perfect moment in time.

    “Gary?” Briana mumbled, feeling the moment fade in the face of mental discomfort. “I can’t keep this up much longer.”

    “Then don’t.” Gary said, patting Briana’s bare butt. “I want my baby girl back.”

    Mentally un-Shazam-ing herself, Briana relaxed again. The incoming stress was gone. In its place was a happy, bubbly feeling. She’d made her boyfriend feel good. He’d made her feel amazing. They’d gotten all dirty, and Gary had stretched out her butt.

    Briana giggled. What a gross, wonderful boy he was.

    “Is that baby Briana?” Gary asked.

    “Gary!” Briana said happily. “That was lotsa fun. We hafta do that again some time.”

    “I’m sure we will.” He said, chuckling. “How do you feel?”

    “You stretched my butt!” Briana said, guffawing.

    “Heh, you bet I did.” Gary smirked. “I’m glad you liked it. We should probably get you cleaned up, plugged, and diapered.”

    “Don’t wanna. Can’t make me.” Briana said, unconcerned. “I’m warm and snuggly.”

    “You really think I can’t make you?” Gary chuckled.

    “No way you’d spank me after that.” Briana said smugly.

    “Who said anything about a spanking?” Gary sat up, despite the girl on his chest.

    Briana had a moment to reflect on the fact that Gary’s arms had gotten even bigger. They were some very nice, sexy thick arms. Said arms picked her up effortlessly. Gary walked to the bathroom carrying Briana with no more effort than she used to carry a larger stuffie.

    “Nooo!” Briana whined. “My snuggles!”

    Gary turned the shower on and kissed Briana. “Don’t worry, it’ll be a snuggly shower.”

    It was the snuggliest shower she’d ever had. Gary had Briana on his hip, using his free hand to shampoo her hair and scrub her down. Every time Briana thought for sure he’d have to put her down, Gary managed to shift positions or just manhandle her in his arms to reach what he needed to wash. He managed to get most of himself clean as well, with some assistance from Briana for his back.

    After the shower Briana found herself swaddled in a huge towel. Gary put her on the floor while he finished cleaning up. It was so good a feeling that it was like cake. Briana suspected that last thought wouldn’t normally make sense, but right now it did.

    “Do you have any more big girl stuff to do today?” Gary asked, cradling Briana in his arms and carrying her back to the bed.

    “No, just tomorrow.” Briana said.

    As good as being in the towel was, it was just as good to give a happy wiggle when Gary put her down on the changing blanket. The plug went into her rear easily enough, a final fun reminder of the naughty stuff they’d done while she was big.

    “What’s tomorrow?” Gary asked.

    “Mom is going to formally adopt me.” Briana said, hugging herself to hold in the glow in her heart.

    “Wow.” Gary said, with a loving smile. “That’s incredible news! Are you changing your name and everything?”

    “Yeah! I’m going to be Briana Rasmussen.” Briana said. “I need to pick a new middle name before then.”

    “What’s your middle name now?”


    “Hmm, that’s not really you. Do you want help picking one?” Gary asked, sliding a diaper under Briana’s butt.

    “Yes please.” Briana held her feet while Gary spread lotion across her rear. “I don’t even know where to start. I could look at a list of names but there’s so many. It just gets to be a blah of words.”

    “Do you want to pick something because you like the sound, or because the name has meaning?” Gary asked. He took Briana’s feet out of her hands so he could spread lotion on her front. “Or do you want a family name?”

    “A family name?!” Briana’s eyes went wide. “Oh, oh, I don’t even know Mom’s family yet, but that sounds so cool.”

    “Her family is kind of a big deal in this town, I bet there’s information online about the Rasmussens.” Gary said.

    The soft smell of powder wafted up to Briana’s nose, replacing the sexy smells that lingered on the sheets. Briana thought about grabbing her phone, but hesitated. For one thing, she was little enough that it was going to be hard to do actual research on Veronica. Even more importantly, she didn’t want to read about her family on Wikipedia. She wanted to hear it from Mom.

    “Can you look? Just tell me the names if you can find them, no history stuff.” Briana said.

    “Sure, give me a minute.” Gary said, patting the powder down.

    Those pats turned into an impromptu massage. Gary’s strong hands worked gently across Briana’s calves and thighs. He rubbed her rear gently, moving up to stroke her sides. Even her arms and shoulders got the treatment. When Gary finished by rubbing her scalp, Briana was drooling.

    It was an extra happy baby in a nice snug diaper, that found herself on Gary’s lap. He’d put her in a fuzzy one-piece pajama. The bed was back to being a couch, with the sheets in the wash. It had stopped snowing outside, but the wind had picked up and was rattling the icicles on the window ledge.

    “Nice!” Gary suddenly exclaimed. “She said yes.”

    “Huh?” Briana asked in confusion.

    “Your mom.” Gary said. “I got permission to keep you here tonight.”

    Briana took that news without a care for how things would work out tomorrow. Gary and Mom would work that out for her. She was free to cuddle extra close to her boyfriend and grin gleefully.

    “A sleepover!” She said happily.

    “Babysitting!” Gary said, equally happy. “I’m going to take care of everything for my baby girl tonight. You’re even plugged, so don’t worry about asking to go to the potty. I’ll decide when that happens.”

    “Gary!” Briana said, sighing contentedly. “You’re the best.”

    “You bet I am.” Gary said, laughing. “I’ve got a list of the women’s names in your mom’s family too. Do you want them starting from the first one in town or starting from Veronica?”

    “From Veronica.” Briana said.

    “Okay, here goes.” Gary said. “We have: Michelle, Lesley, Ashley, Nicole, Giselle, Anette, Ashley, and Tess. Well, that last one was Teresa, but she always went by Tess.”

    Briana considered. “Did Tess do something important? Don’t tell me what it was, if she did.”

    “Heh, yeah, she did.” Gary said.

    “Okay! Then that’s the one I want.” Briana said. “Huh, so Mom’s Mom is Michelle.”

    “Wouldn’t that just be Grandma?” Gary asked.

    “I’m not sure if that would be okay.” Briana said.

    “Well Veronica is adopting you.” Gary said. “I think there’s a good chance it is. Just ask her tomorrow.”

    “Okay, good idea.” Briana smiled, hugging Gary’s neck. “Soooo… on a scale of PBJ and jello to pizza and ice-cream, how good a girl am I?”

    Gary laughed a big happy belly laugh. “You are my best girl. What kind of pizza do you want?”

    “Pepperoni and onions and olives and pineapple!” Briana said. “With the crust that’s all soaked in butter and fried.”

    “You want Detroit style?” Gary said. “You’re lucky we’re not in New York, we’d be arrested.”

    “New York pizza is floppy.” Briana said. “With the other one it’s crunchy and the cheese goes all the way to the sides!”

    “Alright, but just for my baby girl. Don’t tell anybody you saw me betraying my hometown.”

    “You grew up in New York?” Briana asked.

    “In Queens.” Gary said, nodding as he filled out an online order. “Ardenthill kind of reminds me of the borough. It’s just not attached to a huge city like Queens is. I’m the first one in the family to move out of the city since great grandpa came over from Ireland.”

    “I grew up all over New Hampshire.” Briana said. “But I don’t know where my family is from.”

    “Sure you do.” Gary said, counting off on his fingers. “Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandma settled here in 1821.”

    “Oh yeah.” Briana wiggled happily. “Can I have root beer?”

    “I already ordered it.” Gary chuckled.

    Root beer in a baby bottle turned out to be a fizzy disaster. Between that and dropping a pizza slice on the floor, toppings-down, Briana was banned from feeding herself. That suited her just fine. It was the sweetest thing ever when Gary cut her pizza into tiny bites and fed them to her one at a time.

    After getting fed ice cream as well (triple chocolate!), Briana had to be changed into a fresh pair of pajamas. Gary decided she didn’t need a diaper change yet. Briana didn’t worry about that, just as she paid no mind to if she was wetting or not.

    “Gary?” Briana asked, on his lap once again. “Is there stuff that you want to do with little me that we don’t do?”

    “Like what do you mean?” Gary asked.

    “You like me like this, you think it’s fun, and hot. It was fun to make you happy as a big girl, but I want to do that as a little girl too. Is there something you’ve been wanting to do?”

    “Hmm, I really like taking care of you when you’re all helpless and need everything done for you.” Gary said. “But I don’t see you like that a lot.”

    “I could be like that for you.” Briana said. “Not all the time, but it would be a fun game.”

    “Maybe we can do our weekend during the Christmas break.” Gary said. “I uh, have thought sometimes about what I’d do to treat you like a total baby.”

    “Oh yeah?” Briana asked, licking her lips. It was getting warm under her pjs. “Tell me.”

    “Extra thick diapers, like, crazy thick.” Gary said. “Enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, if that’s possible. Baby food and protein shakes only. Yeah.”

    He was blushing. Really, super red blushing. Briana grinned and nuzzled Gary’s warm cheek. “Is that it? That’s not super different from stuff we’ve already done.”

    “Well uh, I’ve had some fantasies but they’re a little extreme.” Gary said shyly.

    “Like putting my hands in those locking mittens?” Briana asked. “They make some that keep your hand in a fist, so you can’t do anything at all.”

    “Where did see those?” Gary asked, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.

    “My big sibling has all kinds of porn websites bookmarked. Like SO many.” Briana giggled.

    “Heh. Well uh, yeah, those might have been in the fantasy. Though I only knew about the ones that are more like a regular mitten.” Gary said.

    “We might need both.” Briana said. “I’m not sure if it would get cramp-y to have my hands in a fist alla time.”

    “This is sounding a little expensive.” Gary said regretfully. “We can do a scaled down version though.”

    “Nuh uh!” Briana said brightly. “I’m a rich girl now!”

    “Is that so?” Gary laughed.

    “Yeah! I mean, I can’t buy you a house or anything but mom showed me one of the bank accounts and talked to me a little bit about an allowance. I can buy some mittens. Diapers too. You spend a lot on them for me.”

    “You don’t have to do that.” Gary said.

    “I want to though.” Briana smiled. “Gary, I was always the kid who didn’t have anything to share. Everybody shared with me. Let me share with you, please?”

    “Okay, fair enough. I have bought all the diapers we’ve used together so far.” Gary smiled.

    Briana searched her boyfriend’s eyes. He was still hiding something. (silly boy!) Something had him embarrassed and that was just dumb.

    “So what else?” Briana asked. “What’s the really extreme thing?”

    “Oh, I don’t know.” Gary said evasively.

    Briana pitched dramatically backwards, falling off Gary’s lap on to the couch. “Alas, poor Gary! I knew him, Melody! A fellow who was gonna do something super hot with his girlfriend, but he totally chickened out!”

    “You silly brat.” Gary laughed. “I’m not chickening out. I just don’t want to put pressure on…”

    “Bwok!” Briana shouted, flapping her elbows like chicken wings. “Bwok, bwok, bwok!”

    “I want you to mess yourself.” Gary said, in flustered exasperation. “And… no talking.”

    “Wow.” Briana said, contemplating that.

    “That’s why I didn’t want to…”

    “Shh!” Briana said. “Briana is thinking!”

    Gary shook his head and watched her, hands crossed over his chest.

    The times she’d messed in her diaper had been horrible, Briana remembered. They also had been accidents. The first time was a terrible surprise, in front of a cruel girl and a bunch of people. Every time after that, had put her right back at that icky day.

    That had been a while ago, though. The thought of messing in her diapers didn’t bring up the memory of that bad day, unless she consciously thought about it. It would be gross, and uncomfortable. Lots of things about wearing diapers and being really little were gross and uncomfortable. That didn’t mean she wanted to stop being little.

    The not talking thing – that was actually really hot. She wondered if Gary was thinking about a pacifier she couldn’t take off, or just having it be a rule of the game. Either way was hot, though having a paci in her mouth too long was bleh sometimes.

    It’d be intense to not be able to talk and just have to trust her caregiver to get her what she needed. It had happened before, when Mom had saved her. Briana smiled, remembering Veronica and Jane taking care of her so sweetly. She wanted to see what that looked like from Gary.

    “I like it.” Briana said. “I want you to turn me into a baby.”

    “You sure?” Gary said, still obviously uncomfortable.

    Briana held Gary’s gaze as she popped open the snaps on her pjs. It was fun to see him get all shocked when she tore open the tapes on her diaper.

    “What are you…”

    Briana reached down and grunted, popping the plug out of her butt. She giggled at the look of horror on Gary’s face when she tossed it carelessly out onto the floor.

    “Briana!” Gary said sternly. “You’re making a huge mess!”

    “Duh!” She said. “There’s going to be a mess if we do this. If what I just did isn’t okay, then we shouldn’t do that part of the game.”

    “I – yes that’s true.” Gary said, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t realize I was getting a preview.”

    “I need a new diaper.” Briana said, kicking her feet and sliding her damp diaper off her butt. “If you don’t plug me again, you’ll get a preview before bedtime.”

    Her heart was racing. She was pushing Gary pretty far. He was asking for something really big, though. If this was too frustrating, baby-mode Briana would be way too much. His face was hard to read, he had to be thinking hard, or just conflicted.

    “You’re not super far away from a spanking.” Gary said, like he was testing the waters. He’d threatened spanking a few times, but never actually done it. (big softie!)

    “Nuh uh, you’re the only babysitter that never spanks.” Briana grinned.

    “Maybe that’s about to change.” Gary said. He was smiling more now, it looked like he was getting comfortable with what Briana was doing. (yay!)

    “Even if you tried, I’d just be a full-baby.” Briana said in her brattiest tone. “Babies don’t get spanked, ‘cause they can’t help what they do.”

    “You can just turn it on like that?” Gary asked. He leaned over, propping himself up on his arms over Briana.

    “Uh – yes. Yup, sure can!” Briana said, suddenly nervous.

    “I think you need the brat spanked out of you.” Gary said. “I guess I’ll stop if you seem like too much of a baby.”

    “No, you can’t!” Briana said, squirming as she tried to make her thoughts float down to a more little state. “Cause I can just poof, be baby! So you can’t even try. Like the fill-a-butter in congress.”

    “The what?” Gary laughed.

    “Shut up!” Briana pouted. “I’m in-between. It’s hard.”

    Though a quiet corner of Briana’s mind knew Gary was being perfectly reasonable and playing along, the super-little thoughts were telling her he was being massively unfair. Quick thrashing got her arms out of her pjs. Before Gary could figure out what she was doing, Briana squirmed out from under him. He was left looming over an empty set of pajamas and a diaper.

    “Briana, are you okay?” Gary asked.

    He moved toward her and she squirmed backward, balling up her fists. It felt like a cascade of things were closing down in her mind, making explaining anything impossible.

    “You wanted this!” Briana cried fussily. “I’m trying!”

    “Baby girl.” Gary said softly, moving to scoop Briana up.

    She didn’t pull away this time. Even being cradled in Gary’s arms and pressed to his chest didn’t bring the thought-obliterating littleness that she’d felt after her gross accident at school.

    “Gawy.” Briana pouted. “I can’ do it.”

    “This is pretty cute.” Gary said, rocking Briana in his arms. “Too cute to spank at least.”

    Briana giggled. She sighed and relaxed against Gary. It didn’t last long though, he startled her by standing up with a quick jerk.

    “Gawy!” She admonished him.

    “You just peed on me.” Gary said wryly.

    “Oh, didn’t notice.” Briana said. It was true, though she could feel the wet on her legs now that she was paying attention. (it was just a little one)

    Gary was in a big hurry to get her on the changing blanket. Briana squeaked at being swung around abruptly. There was too much stuff happening, too fast. She popped a thumb in her mouth once she was settled on the blanket. (it helped)

    It was a strange diaper change. First it was all fast and super efficient, like Dad did them. Then Gary just, stopped, right after the powder. Briana looked up at him, but he was staring off at something on the floor. Following his gaze, Briana saw the plug. She rolled over and started crawling to it, only to have her legs grabbed and be pulled back onto the diaper.

    “Don’ you wan’ it?” Briana asked, pointing at the plug.

    “Not tonight.” Gary said, wrapping the diaper nice and snug around Briana’s waist.

    “Kay!” Briana said happily.

    Gary left her on the blanket to clean up the old diaper, plug, and himself. Briana crawled to the bookshelf and pulled out Gary’s old tablet. It took a few tries to get it unlocked. None of the apps had the name of the show she wanted to watch, so she tried opening them at random.

    “What are you doing?” Gary asked, advancing on Briana with her discarded pajamas.

    “Owl House!” Briana demanded, thrusting the tablet at Gary.

    “I don’t have Disney plus.” Gary said. “Lie down, I need to get you dressed.”

    “OWL HOUSE!” Briana fussed.

    Gary’s big hand came around and whopped Briana on her padded butt. It wasn’t hard at all, but it made a loud noise against the diaper. She stared at him with wide eyes. (he finally spanked!)

    “Sowwy.” Briana said, putting the tablet down.

    “I’m sure there’s something we can watch on Netflix.” Gary said. “Come on, into the pajamas. No snuggling unless you’re in pajamas.”

    (No Snuggles?!) Briana tried to thrash her way into the pajamas as fast as she could. It ended up taking almost five minutes to get her into them. She and Gary were both laughing so hard they were crying by the end.

    Finally, they were back on the couch. Well Gary was on the couch, Briana was on Gary’s lap. He’d put a pacifier in her mouth and mittens on her hands. They weren’t the locking kind, but they still helped her stay little.

    It took a few tries to get Gary to turn on Kipo, since Briana couldn’t talk, but he figured it out. For some reason he put on a totally random episode. It didn’t matter, there was Kipo, snuggles, and a full tummy.

    A couple episodes in, Briana was getting a little sleepy. She also was feeling some pressure. Opening her mouth to tell Gary she needed the potty almost ended with her dropping her pacifier. She closed her mouth around it, considering. The potty was off-limits tonight, she remembered.

    Shifting on Gary’s lap, Briana screwed up her face in concentration.

    “What’s up baby girl?” Gary asked.

    Too busy to answer, even if she’d been allowed to talk, Briana pushed. Wet and mess both filled her diaper. It was a relief at first. After wearing all the time for so long, Briana liked the feeling when she wet, as long as the diaper wasn’t too full. As soon as the muck spread across her bottom, that good feeling was gone.

    It was still so gross! The smell was on a short delay too. Gary looked shocked. (dummy!) Briana dimly remembered that she had set all this up. She wouldn’t be a poopy pants if she hadn’t pushed the evening that direction.

    The pacifier hit her lap as she cried. She knew she smelled gross, but she clung to Gary anyway. If he pushed her away in that moment it would be the worst thing.

    “Oh, baby Bri, I’ve got you.” Gary said, super gently.

    His soft tone and the gentle way he carried her to the changing blanket extinguished her sobs by the time they reached the blanket. Gary hadn’t pushed away from her even a little bit. Sure, he had to let her go to get her diaper off, but okay. She was glad to be out of it!

    One thing was for sure, he wasn’t prepared like Mom. There wasn’t a pail on hand to hide the yucky diaper in, so things were smelly for the whole change. Gary went fast rather than tender on the cleaning. (which was good!)

    The shock of it all had pushed her out of being extra-little, Briana realized. Wiggling herself into the perfect fit for her new diaper, she waited for Gary to be back from throwing away the mess.

    Gary went all the way out to the garbage in the hall with a plastic bag. (silly boy) He really hadn’t been prepared. She felt a little bad about that. Although if they did it again, he’d probably be better set up the next time.

    “How’s baby Bri?” Gary asked, returning to the blanket.

    “Not as baby anymore.” Briana said. He picked her up anyway, and she wasn’t about to complain.

    “You changed my messy diaper.” Briana said softly, resting her head on Gary’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

    “It was intense.” Gary said. “Not bad though. It was special. I feel closer to you now.”

    “That’s a big thing.” Briana agreed. “Sorry I couldn’t get all the way little.”

    “I liked you that way. I like you how you are now best I think, but that was fun. It’s okay if we can’t do the fully baby Briana.”

    “I think we can. I just need more playing. If we played a little with the super big diaper and the mittens and everything I’m sure it would work.”

    “Is it still something you want to do?” Gary asked.

    “You’re a good caregiver.” Briana said. “I love it when you take care of me. If you did all the things for me, that would be really fun.”

    “I’ll talk to your mom about a couple of days with you then.” Gary said.

    Briana nodded. She wiggled her butt and frowned. “You didn’t plug me again.”

    “Nope.” Gary said. “I want to keep using that for fun, but I don’t need it to keep you from being messy. I can handle that now.”

    “But, what if I hafta go?” Briana asked.

    “Then I guess you can tell me you need the potty.” Gary said.

    “What if I feel really little and forget?” Briana asked.

    “Then I change you.” Gary chuckled. “I’ll take care of you no matter what you need.”

    “I don’t have messy accidents.” Briana whined. “I’m a big girl.”

    “You’re the one who said you might forget.” Gary said.

    “Gary!” Briana whined again, and bit his shoulder.

    “I think that means it’s bedtime.” Gary said.

    “No, it’s a sleepover!” Briana protested.

    “You’re being babysat, and babysitter says it’s time for bed.”

    “But not alone, right?” Briana asked pitifully.

    “Of course not. I’m going to tuck my baby girl right in with me.” Gary said.

    “Okay! But I need some water first. And we hafta bush my teeth. And wash my face. And new pjs in case these got dirty. And uh…”

    “Are you trying to delay your bedtime, little girl?” Gary asked, hosting Briana up with him as he stood.

    “No, I just wanna make sure I do all my bedtime stuff.” Briana said, fluttering her lashes innocently. “Like a good girl.”

    “Uh huh.” Gary kissed Briana gently. “You are a good girl. My good girl.”

    Briana threw her arms around Gary’s neck and kissed him with all her might, while unicorns, rainbows, and shooting stars burst out of her heart.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 08

    Briana took a deep, nervous breath. For the twentieth time, she smoothed down her skirt. She looked nice, but she was in adult clothes and not her normal stuff. The dress was one of the more sedate ones that she’d picked up with Mom on their shopping trip. The red and black lace dress had been deemed too gaudy for court by both Veronica and Jane. That meant Briana was in all-black, with a more subdued version of Mom’s makeup on her face.

    Mom had been really excited when she picked Briana up from Gary’s apartment. When she told Briana that they could not only do the name change, but the whole adoption, Briana had been excited too. But going to court had meant transforming into adult-Briana, and adult Briana had questions.

    For one thing, it seemed awfully fast to get a court date. For another thing, the court clerk that had taken their papers had addressed Mom as Ms. Rasmussen before she even read the documents. They had a lawyer with them too, a grumpy-looking old guy with a horrible combover. He’d greeted Briana as Ms. Cassingham, too politely for an old, rich lawyer to greet a grad school dropout.

    “We’ll be in and out.” Simon, the lawyer, said.

    “Thank you for being here on such short notice.” Veronica said. Simon nodded and shrugged.

    Maybe Briana was supposed to call him Mr. Silverstein. Mom was calling him Simon, and he was calling her Veronica. But Jane was calling him Mr. Silverstein, and he was calling her Ms. Müller. Was she actually supposed to call the judge Your Honor, or was that too formal if it wasn’t a criminal thing? Court had a lot of rules and adult-Briana didn’t know them all. That just made the real, baby-Briana even more nervous.

    “All rise.” The bailiff said. “The New Hampshire Superior Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Miriam Wallace presiding.”

    Briana hopped nervously to her feet. Their little group were the only ones in the courtroom. Luckily, Mr. Silverstein groaned dramatically as he stood, drowning out the crinkle of Brian’s diaper. She had insisted on being fully padded, in one of her lucky pink pony diapers. The last thing she wanted to do was have an accident in court.

    “You can be seated.” The judge said, “But it’ll save time if you just come to the bench since this is a special session.”

    “Thank you Your Honor.” Veronica said, leading the four of them in front of the judge.

    “There aren’t any other petitioners, Veronica, you can call me Miriam.” Miriam said, chuckling.

    “As long as you’re comfortable with that, thank you.” Veronica said. “Simon is representing us today, but he’s mostly here to catch any mistakes I might make.”

    “Mr. Silverstein.” Miriam said, nodding to Simon.

    “Your Honor.” Simon replied, with an answering nod.

    “We might as well finish getting acquainted.” Miriam said. “Veronica, you’re the first petitioner?”

    “That’s correct.” Veronica said.

    “The second petitioner is Ms. Jane Müller?”

    “Yes Your Honor.” Jane said. “I am she.”

    “And our adoptee is Ms. Briana Cassingham?”

    “Wait, Jane, you’re adopting me too?” Briana asked in surprise. She clapped her hands to her mouth and turned to the judge, flustered. “I mean – I’m sorry Your Honor. Yes, I’m Briana.”

    Miriam chuckled. “I don’t bite, take your time. I want to be sure that you know what’s going on in this process. Ms. Müller, did you not discuss your adoption with Ms. Cassingham before now?”

    “I thought I had, Your Honor.” Jane said. “I must have not been very clear.”

    “Oh!” Briana said, realization dawning as adult-Briana parsed baby-Briana’s memories. “That’s what you were talking about when you were filling out the papers this morning.”

    Jane smiled fondly. “Yes Briana. I’m sorry I didn’t explain that we were talking more formally, and not in the ordinary way that you have called me your parent.”

    “Oh Daddy!” Briana said, throwing herself into Jane’s arms. Court decorum would have to wait, hugs were too high a priority in the moment.

    “I think that answers the consent questions for petitioner two.” Miriam said, smiling to the court recorder. “Veronica, do you intend to adopt Ms. Cassingham as your daughter?”

    “I absolutely do, Miriam.” Veronica said.

    “Ms. Cassingham, I need your attention back for a moment.” Miriam said.

    “Yes Your Honor?” Briana said, reluctantly disengaging from Jane.

    “Do you consent to your adoption by Veronica Rasmussen?”

    “Yes, yes please.” Briana said, blinking away tears.

    “Mr. Silverstein, for the court recorder, are the petitioner’s documents in order?”

    “Yes Your Honor.” Simon said. “The court has received RSA 170-B, signed by all relevant parties, copies of identification for all parties, and the adoptee’s birth certificate.”

    Briana blinked. When did mom get a hold of her birth certificate, and how? Now was not the time to ask questions and muck up the process though. She was giving Veronica the right to access her birth certificate any time, after all.

    “In that case, it is the decision of this court that Ms. Cassingham be adopted by Ms. Rasmussen and Ms. Müller, and further that Ms. Briana Hillary Cassingham will now be known as Ms. Briana Tess Rasmussen. The DVRA shall issue a new birth certificate with the new parents of record for the adoptee to be mailed to the petitioners’ address.”

    Miriam smacked her gavel down. “This session of the New Hampshire Superior Court is adjourned.”

    “I really can’t thank you enough for fitting us in like this Miriam.” Veronica said.

    “Sure you can, you can mention it to Michelle.” Miriam said, chuckling. “Congratulations on your new family, especially to the younger Ms. Rasmussen.”

    Briana squealed and grabbed her parents. Her real, actual, official parents. Parents that loved her, that she loved until her heart threatened to burst out of her chest. Jane and Veronica held her and each other while Briana cycled through bouts of crying and laughing.

    Even after she calmed down, Briana wouldn’t let go of either of them on their way out of the courthouse. They stood on the courthouse steps for another hug while Briana collected herself. It helped that she was adult-Briana. The cold was a strong motivator to get things together too.

    “Mom, Dad…” Briana wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. “I don’t have the words. Thank you. I love you.”

    “Those are excellent words. I love you.” Jane said, kissing Briana’s head.

    “I agree. I love you, Baby Bee.” Veronica said.

    “What are we even going to do with the rest of today?” Briana asked.

    “Unfortunately…” Veronica sighed. “I have a meeting at the university.”

    “Mom!” Briana said, “It’s winter break!”

    “I know, but we couldn’t schedule it another time. There’s some business I want to bring up that can’t wait as well.” Veronica said.

    “I guess you’re just stuck with your old dad.” Jane said.

    “Daddy, don’t be weird.” Briana admonished. “I want us to all be together today.”

    “We will be.” Veronica said. “After my meeting. I’ll come home as fast as I can.”

    “Okay.” Briana sighed. “I have stuff I want to talk to you about.”

    “I’m looking forward to it. Be a good girl for your dad, okay?”

    “Yes Mom.” Briana hugged Veronica tightly and watched her walk to a waiting Uber car with a sour expression.

    “Don’t be so grumpy.” Jane said, taking Briana’s hand and hustling her off to their car. “This is a good opportunity.”

    “For what?”

    “To buy some rings while your mother isn’t around.” Jane said.

    “Some rings?” Briana asked in confusion. Her confusion redoubled when Jane lead her to the front passenger’s seat.

    “It would be best if you were still an adult for this. Will that be alright?” Jane asked.

    “Yeah, I’m fine Dad.” Briana got in and buckled up. “Tell me more abut these rings.”

    “Well, the German tradition is simple gold bands.” Jane said. “We need one for myself and one for your mother, principally. I would also like to get one for you and one for Melody, though that’s not part of the normal tradition.”

    “Gold…” Briana’s jaw dropped. “Dad are you going to propose to Mom?!”

    Jane grinned as she maneuvered the car out of Ardenthill’s downtown. “Do you think that Christmas Day is a dramatic enough time?”

    “Daddy you dork!” Briana said with glee. “Do people in the economics department know that you’re a huge softie?”

    “No, they are terrified of my grim Deutsch manner.” Jane said, deadpan.

    “Silly Daddy.” Briana said, pressing her hands to her heart. “It’s really sweet, I’m excited! But what are my and Melody’s rings for?”

    “In Germany, when you are engaged you put the ring on your left hand, and during the marriage ceremony you move it to the right.” Jane said.

    “If you and Melody agree, I would like you to also put the rings on your left hand when I propose to Veronica, and move them over when we are married. I had this idea before Veronica decided to adopt you, to symbolize our family, but I think it is still good.”

    “It’s amazing. It’s so beautiful.” Briana sighed happily. “Maybe Melody and my rings should be a little different than yours though.”

    “I like this idea. We are not all getting married to each other. And since you may both get married someday, perhaps they should be rings for your small finger.”

    “Perfect!” Briana said. “Then they’ll be little compared to yours.”

    “Your thumb ring would be little compared to my regular one.” Jane said, chuckling.

    “Because I am adorable.” Briana said, smirking.

    “And sassy when you are adult.” Jane said.

    “Nuh uh! I’m sassy when I’m little too.” Briana retorted.

    “I suppose that is true. You still need to focus though. I have a job for you.”

    “Daddy! You’re not supposed to give me chores.”

    “As your father, that is exactly what I’m supposed to do.” Jane said. “This is an easy one. I need you to find out Melody’s ring size. Without telling them why.”

    “How is that easy? Do I just start sticking things on her fingers?” Briana whined.

    “It doesn’t involve physical labor. Would you rather shovel snow off the walk?”

    “I bet they have a bunch of rings for their cosplay stuff.” Briana said. “I could get one of those sized.”

    Jane smirked as she pulled into a parking spot in front of a jewelry store. “Look how creative you can be, when properly motivated.”

    “I’m just worried about screwing up something this important, if I forget when I’m little.” Briana said.

    “It’s a good test for how you’ll be able to handle remembering things if you go back to classes.” Jane said. “Just like Veronica helps you with things you have to remember, I’ll remind you too.”

    “Like I’m a kid and you’re my dad.” Briana said with a happy squirm.

    “Exactly like that, because you are my child. I have paperwork to prove it now.”

    Briana unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over to give Jane a big hug. She managed to keep her squeal to a low volume, mindful of the close quarters inside the car. The hug she got back was fierce, surprising her. She clung closer, nuzzling Jane’s shoulder until the hug finally loosened. It gave her a heart full of fuzzies to see Jane wiping brusquely at her eyes.

    “I love you, daddy.”

    “I love you too, mein Tochter.”

    In the jewelry store, Dad was all business. She didn’t get the same suspiciously good treatment that Mom had at the dress store, but Jane wasn’t shy at all about asking the jeweler to lay out a dozen rings for her and Briana to evaluate.

    They eventually settled on a pair of wider gold bands with a complicated vine pattern cast into the outside edge. The decision was helped along by the discovery of a pair of slimmer rings, with a matching but simpler vine pattern to match.

    With all the measurements except for Melody’s, the jeweler promised to start work right away. Briana was feeling a bit stressed at her part in the project, but she was sure she could get her sibling’s ring size soon.

    “That’s our business for the day done.” Jane said. “What do you want to do until your mother’s meeting is over?”

    “Oh, can we get a Christmas present from me for her?” Briana asked. “Actually I have a bunch of shopping I still have to do.”

    “We’re already downtown, I don’t see why not.” Jane said. “Do you need to use the potty? Or a change?”

    Briana blushed and squirmed. “Daddy, I’m a big girl right now, you don’t have to ask that.”

    “Let’s check anyway.” Jane said. She took Briana’s hand and made for a family restroom.

    “Daddy!” Briana protested again.

    Big Briana’s weakness was apparently diaper checks in public. She hadn’t been embarrassed at a diaper check in ages, but being big had her wanting to prove she could keep a diaper dry. She didn’t resist though. Since Dad was immune to her pout, she let Jane pull her into the family restroom and lift her gothy skirt.

    “I count less ponies than we had this morning.” Jane said, patting Briana’s crotch. “It looks like you had an accident, but just a small one.”

    “But, I was being a big girl. I was able to hold it at the dress store, and I wasn’t even trying!” Briana whimpered.

    “You are still learning. That doesn’t mean you aren’t a big or a good girl.” Jane patted Briana’s cheek. “If you didn’t notice, you probably don’t need a change. Do you want one?”

    “Getting a change would make it easier to tell if I have an accident later.” Briana mumbled. “But it might make me feel little too.”

    “I don’t see how you can learn to hold it as a big girl without some practice.” Jane said, folding down the changing table. “Hop up Briana.”

    It was weird to get up on a changing table after being called Briana, instead of little one, or any of the many nicknames her caregivers had for her. The embarrassment from wetting only ramped up when Dad opened up her diaper and wiped her down. Not because Dad was seeing her bits, that was still safe and comfortable, even in big mode.

    Big Briana couldn’t shake the sense that Dad was disappointed in her accident, even if she wasn’t making any disappointed noises. When Briana’s new diaper was covered up with a diaper cover, she whimpered.

    “It’s just in case.” Jane said. “I don’t have another spare, we didn’t bring your regular diaper bag.”

    “I’m sorry I couldn’t be a big girl.” Briana said, sighing.

    “Are you putting blame on yourself?” Jane asked. “Briana, Kindchen. This is not productive. If you are not satisfied with your result, then make an effort to improve for next time.”

    Briana hopped off the changing table (without being asked!) and nodded. “Okay daddy. I’ll try really hard to keep this diaper dry.”

    “That’s my good girl.” Jane said, kissing Briana’s forehead. “Now, we have presents to buy, and not much time before your Mother is done with her meeting.”

    Shopping with Dad was super different than with Mom. They went from shop to shop in a whirlwind. If they didn’t see much of interest right away, it was off to a new store.  It was a good method for getting the less personal presents.

    At a sports store, Briana picked up a framed picture of Portia Woodman, Casey’s favorite Rugby star. She also grabbed a US Women’s World Cup jersey for Rosa, just in case Melody could fix things with their girlfriend.

    She wasn’t going to get a present for Beatrix, Little-Briana informed Big-Briana. She wasn’t! Even briefly considering getting her some coal or fake-poop felt icky. If Melody kept dating Beatrix and brought her to Christmas – then Briana was going to actually poop in a box and give it to that horrible woman. So there!

    Melody’s porn sites had netted Briana an ABDL themed straightjacket for Gary. Well, for her, obviously, but to help make his helpless Briana fantasy come true. That left her with just Mom and Dad to shop for. Dad was out, since she was right there.

    By the eighth store they visited, Briana was starting to panic a little. It felt like her chance to shop for Mom was slipping away. It couldn’t just be any old gift for her. It had to be double-super-duper perfect.

    She looked at the tchotchkes in the touristy gift store they were visiting with an irritated glare. There was nothing here for Mom. Dad was buying something for her advisor. Briana hoped that was a joke between them, and that Dad’s taste in gifts wasn’t really that bad. She needed gift advice, and Dad had better come through!

    “Daddy.” Briana said, as they left the dumb tourist trap. “I need help. I can’t figure out what to get Mom.”

    “Are you starting to feel little?” Jane asked, pulling Briana aside on the sidewalk.

    “Because I called you daddy?” Briana snorted. “You think adult me isn’t the kind of girl what would call you daddy?”

    Jane smirked. “Perhaps so. It does seem in character.” She stroked Briana’s cheek fondly.

    “Daddy this is important!” Briana said. “Do you have any ideas?”

    “She would love anything from you, which I know is not helpful, but it is a good starting point. It doesn’t have to be expensive, or rare.” Jane said. “The best thing you could get her is something that reminds her of you.”

    Briana chewed her lip, digesting that. It was true that as cool as her parents pretended to be, they were big corny dorks on the inside. Even something dumb like a locket with a picture in it – Briana’s eyes went wide as a revelation struck her.

    “Got it! Daddy, I need to shop on my own for a bit.”

    Jane blinked. “Why?”

    “Because it’s a joint present for both of you, and you can’t see your presents ahead of time. You’ll get Krampused!”

    Jane laughed. “I don’t remember the Krampus ever coming for a father, but I agree a present should be a surprise. I don’t know about letting you shop on your own, though.”

    “Please, Daddy!” Briana said, batting her lashes and putting on her best pleading expression. “I have the perfect present idea. I have my phone with me; we can make sure the ringer is on and everything. I’ll be a big girl and make you proud! Please?”

    “Well, alright.” Jane said. “I trust you to make me proud.”

    She kissed Briana on the forehead. There was a bit of an emotional shine in her eyes. Briana grinned and filed that information away for later. Apparently all it took to make Dad melt was saying she wanted to make Dad proud.

    “Thanks, Daddy!” Briana said excitedly. “Look, my phone ringer is on and the phone has plenty of charge. Okay Daddy love you, see you soon!”

    Briana left in a whirlwind, with Jane staring bemusedly after her. Her excitement had her walking far faster than the holiday shoppers. Something about the expression on her face, combined maybe with her gothic outfit, got people to move out of her way. This was a new experience for the five-foot-nothing Briana. She felt powerful!

    The feeling helped solidify her Big-Briana mask. Little-Briana could revel in the feeling of being confidant. That in turn made her realize where the perfect place to get the lockets she wanted would be.

    Fifteen minutes of confident striding later, Briana was standing outside Black Veil, the store that had sold her the dress she was wearing. The sign had a literal black-veiled woman in mountains of black lace on it. Briana giggled. It was so Mom.

    Pushing her way into the store, Briana was greeted by the clerk. She smiled and waved. In the time it took to walk to the jewelry counter, the shop owner was already coming to greet her. Briana beamed. Things were going exactly as she’d hoped.

    “Ms. Cassingham, right?” Wendy said, smiling. “Merry almost Christmas.”

    “Merry Christmas!” Briana said. “And actually it’s Rasmussen now, as of this morning!”

    “That’s amazing!” Wendy said, sweeping her purple shawl back so she could reach out and grab Briana’s hands. “Congratulations then, Ms. Rasmussen!”

    “That sounds a lot like Mom.” Briana said, “Maybe I could be Miss Rasmussen.”

    “Perfect.” Wendy said with a nod. “What can I do for you today?”

    “I need two lockets. Really pretty ones. One can be all skulls and ravens, but the other should be more understated.” Briana said. “They’re for Mom and Dad.”

    “We have a lot of lockets, let’s get them all out.” Wendy said, looking over at her clerk. The clerk took the hint, opening the glass case and pulling out the velvet display boards one at a time.

    “I know I’m being picky, but do you have any four-picture ones, with the three pieces?” Briana asked.

    “Be as picky as you want.” Wendy said, smiling. “I won’t be happy until you walk out of here with exactly what you’re looking for.”

    “Thank you. I knew I could come here and get awesome help.” Briana said brightly.

    She could see why Mom liked shopping at the Black Veil so much. They went over more than two dozen lockets. For every one of them, Wendy knew the manufacturer and could discuss the materials without referencing her laptop. Wendy’s patience was just as limitless as it had been the last time Briana had shopped there.

    Finally, she had her selections. Mom’s locket was beautifully over the top, a silver patina pendant with a skull at the top and a thorned rose in relief on the face. Dad’s was a nice gold-enameled oval with seed pearls tucked into a geometric pattern. They would each hold four pictures, pictures that Briana now somehow had to take without giving the presents away. Christmas was getting complicated and sneaky!

    “Those are beautiful, great choices.” Wendy said. “Do you want me to put them on your Mom’s account? She won’t see it until next month, when the statement goes out.”

    “No, I can pay for them now.” Briana said. “Don’t wrap them, I still have to put the pictures in.”

    “I’ll put them in nice display boxes so they look good when they’re opened.” Wendy said. “Thanks again for thinking of us.”

    “Thank you for being so kind to me.” Briana said, with a soft smile. “It means a lot to be accepted without a lot of questions.”

    “You’re welcome. I have a lot of respect for your mother.” Wendy said, handing the pendants to her clerk to box up as she rang up the sale. “She’s not just a customer to me. I’m glad to have any family of hers in the store, and I’m proud that people can shop here without being hassled.”

    Little-Briana thought this was a perfect time for a hug, and Big Briana didn’t argue. She gave Wendy a quick, tight hug before handing over her payment. With a smile and a wave, she was out the door.

    She was just about to text Dad that she was done with her shopping, when a deep voice said, “Briana?”

    Briana looked up to see a big man. After a half-second of re-contextualizing him, she realized it was Arthur.

    “Arthur!” Briana said, gleefully hugging him. He laughed, and crushed her with his huge arms.

    “I almost didn’t recognize you in that dress.” He said.

    “I almost didn’t recognize you in pants.” Briana said, smirking. She made sure to keep her voice low enough that nobody else would hear.

    Arthur blushed. “Go easy on that. But – yeah, I get it. You look good. I didn’t expect you to dress so much like Veronica.”

    “I don’t usually.” Briana said. “Even when I’m not in little-clothes. But I wanted some outfits that make me look like Mom. Plus this is probably my most formal dress, and I had to dress up today.”

    “Okay, that makes sense.” Arthur said. “Do you have time to hang out, maybe get lunch?”

    “Maybe!” Briana said. “I have to ask my Dad.” She typed out a quick text, asking Dad if she could have lunch with a friend.

    “It’s okay if not, I just wanted a chance to talk when we’re not…” Arthur switched to a whisper. “Little.”

    “That sounds fun.” Briana said. “I might have some questions for you.”

    “You’d have questions for me?” Arthur asked, confused. “I was going to ask you. You seem like you’re a pro at it.”

    “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear about how you do it.” Briana said. “You got into this totally different than how I did.”

    A reply popped up on Briana’s phone. Dad wanted more information. It took telling dad that the friend was Arthur, as well as a promise to text Jane with the name of the restaurant when they chose one to get her permission. Briana smiled. Her daddy was so good at making her feel safe and looked after!

    “Okay, we can do it!” Briana said. “You pick the restaurant.”

    Arthur lead her to a place called Jook, which he said had some of the best soul food in town. It was a super classy-looking place with nice hardwood tables and bistro-style décor. The atmosphere was homey though, and all the staff seemed like they actually wanted to be there.

    “Do you eat here a lot?” Briana asked as they took a seat at their table.

    “Whenever I can.” Arthur said. “I can’t be eating out all the time, but this is my favorite spot. Plus, I try to support Black-owned businesses as a general rule.”

    Briana nodded. “Then you tell me what I should get.”

    “They have the best chicken sandwiches, hands-down. Go for the Jook Style one, you won’t regret it.” Arthur said.

    “They put coleslaw on the sandwich?” Briana asked curiously, peering at the menu.

    “Trust me, it’s good.”

    “Okay, I’ll try it!” Briana grinned. “Which one are you getting?”

    “Sassy and sweet.” Arthur said. “I would have suggested that one for you, but I don’t know if you like spicy.”

    “Not all the time.” Briana nodded. She gave her order and menu to the server. Once they were alone at the table, she leaned in conspiratorially toward Arthur.

    “What did you want to ask me about?”

    “Well uh, first some questions about how you do the whole little thing. I don’t want to make assumptions.” Arthur said. “You’re wearing – them, all the time? I thought you were acting little all the time too, but obviously not.”

    “Being out and big like this is new for me.” Briana said. “It’s a whole thing I can explain, but yeah, I used to be little all the time.”

    “How did that come about?” Arthur asked. “You were in Microbio with Tamira, right? So you weren’t always little.”

    “I was having medical issues.” Briana said. “Stress and incontinence. Mom helped me find a way to deal with it, which ended up with me being little. Once that happened, I couldn’t turn it off, so I was little from then on out.”

    Arthur frowned nervously. “You got stuck that way?”

    “Not stuck.” Briana considered. “This is a weird thing to tell you, but we’re already talking about it. I ended up defining myself as little. When I’m big like this, that’s the game. I’m playing pretend as a big girl. I don’t most people do it that way though. Melody doesn’t.”

    “She’s little too?” Arthur asked.

    “They.” Briana said. “They’re little sometimes. It helps them, I think they need it. But they aren’t that way all the time.”

    “Hmm, okay.” Arthur said. He sat back in his chair and chewed on his lip.

    “Are you trying to figure out how you feel about being little?” Briana asked. “I know I look like it’s all effortless now, but it was really tough for me to accept at first.”


    “Yeah. I didn’t want to be little, or wear protection, or lose my independence. It was really scary.”

    “It is scary.” Arthur nodded.

    “It’s wonderful too.” Briana said. “But it does take a lot of trust.”

    “That’s the thing.” Arthur said. “I trust Tamira now, she’s great. But what if we break up?”

    Briana considered that while the waiter brought them their food. There wasn’t a good answer, or at least not an easy one. She further delayed her answer by taking a bite of her sandwich. That turned out to be a delicious decision! Speaking of trust, she could trust Arthur to recommend food now.

    “I don’t think there’s a way to reassure you on that.” Briana said. “A breakup will feel bad no matter what but, yeah, I don’t know what I would do if I broke up with Gary. I’d feel really betrayed. And if I didn’t have a mom and dad, if he was my daddy…”

    Briana hastily wiped some tears away with a napkin. Too late, she realized she should have dabbed. The makeup mom had done turned the corner of the napkin black. It was probably smeared under her eyes like a raccoon now.

    “I don’t know what to tell you I guess.” Briana said. “I know she cares about you a lot. It takes trust on her end too.”

    Arthur nodded and sighed. He took a big bite of his sandwich. They both munched away for a bit in silence, giving themselves time to ponder.

    “I’m asking because um – I was thinking of asking her to do it more long term.” Arthur said, hesitantly.

    “Oh wow.” Briana said happily. “I’m excited for you. Like full time?”

    “Not full time. Yet anyway.” Arthur said, squirming in his seat.

    Briana recognized that squirm. There was way too much butt-wiggle for it to not be a diaper-squirm.

    “Are you wearing protection right now?” Briana asked.

    “Yes.” Arthur said softly, blushing.

    “Does Tamira know?”

    “No.” Arthur hid behind his sandwich, munching nervously on it.

    “You wanted to see what it was like.” Briana said.

    It wasn’t a question. Arthur nodded in confirmation. Briana considered.

    “It might be better for you to talk to Melody, except that they probably don’t want to talk about this right now.” Briana said. In response to Arthur’s questioning look, she added, “Relationship stuff, I can’t really say without asking them first.” Arthur nodded.

    “But I’m going to try an – experiment with my boyfriend.” Briana said. “A pretty intense one. We’re going to try it out for a couple of days.”

    “School is on break.” Briana continued, “Why don’t you start with um – doubling whatever the longest time you’ve been little is. Or doing a full day if you’ve never done a full day.”

    “I wanted to talk to her about it first.” Arthur said. “I just don’t know how to do the conversation.”

    “So do the day thing.” Briana said. “Then when you’re talking about how that went, if it was good, you can talk about something more regular.”

    “Hmm, that sounds pretty good.” Arthur said. “I still don’t know how to bring up the day thing though. I get so embarrassed when I talk to her about it. I feel like I’m asking for so much.”

    “Would you like help with it?” Briana asked. “Like if you were little?”

    Arthur blushed and put his hands in his lap, stiff-armed. “I don’t know about that.”

    “I won’t push you.” Briana said. “But if it’d be easier for you, I’d do it.”

    “You’d do what?” Arthur asked.

    “Ask your mommy for you.”

    Arthur looked like he wanted to curl in on himself. Briana waited patiently, working on her sandwich.

    “How?” Arthur asked. There was lot of sweet longing in his voice. Briana’s heart was getting more and more melty by the moment.

    “I have some inside info from a conversation that Melody told me about.” Briana said. “I’m sure she’d be happy to do it for you. You could start today, if you don’t have stuff you need to be big for.”

    “Nothing that has to be done today – or tomorrow.” Arthur said.

    Keen to shifts in people’s voices, Briana could hear the little creeping into Arthur’s voice.

    “Is that a yes to me helping you?” Briana asked.

    Arthur nodded.

    “Okay, I will before I meet up with Dad.” Briana smiled. “We should finish our lunch though.”

    Arthur relaxed a bit, returning to his sandwich with fresh vigor. Briana managed her sandwich and a few fries, but the mac and cheese side was going to have to go in a box.

    “I wanted to ask you,” Briana said, “How do you transition between big and little?”

    “So far Tamira and I have had really defined stuff.” Arthur said. “Thanksgiving at your place was the longest for sure. That one started when I got dressed for it, and ended when we got home.”

    Briana nodded. “It helps to know when it’s going to end?”

    “Yeah, and actually that one was pretty easy because I had the car ride over and back to ease into or out of it.”

    This was good information. Really good information for being able to go back to classes. Bus rides to and from campus would be perfect for slowly transitioning her thoughts. Mom could even see her out the door like a kid going to school, which is what she would be!

    With Arthur feeling off-balance and little-ish, Briana had the huge pleasure of getting to handle the check. They didn’t have enough history for her to explain it, but Arthur was the third friend she’d treated to a meal, ever.

    With a happy glow in her heart and a full tummy, Briana took Arthur’s hand and headed out of the restaurant.

    “Come here for a second.” Briana said, pulling Arthur into an alley. He followed her, already way more passive than he had been when they’d bumped into each other outside the dress store.

    In the middle of the lunch hour, it was easy to find a moment with no one passing the alley. Briana pulled on the waistband of Athur’s pants and peeked in.

    “Hey!” Arthur protested.

    Briana looked up at her bulky friend. “I thought so. You’re wet.”

    “You weren’t supposed to just – check me.” Arthur said, blushing furiously.

    “I’m the big one right now.” Briana said, opening the contacts on her phone. “And I’m going to call your mommy so she can take care of you properly.”

    Arthur’s shoulders slouched, just like they did when he was being little. He nodded, putting his hands awkwardly in his pockets.

    “Hi Briana, what’s up?” Tamira asked over the phone.

    “Hi Tamira!” Briana said brightly. “I’m out Christmas shopping and guess who I bumped into?”

    “I’m guessing my boyfriend.” Tamira said.

    “Close! Your little boy.” Briana said.


    “Well he must be.” Briana said. “He had an accident, and I don’t have any way to change him. He needs to be picked up.”

    “He wet his pants in public?” Tamira asked, shocked.

    “No, he was wearing a diaper like a good boy.” Briana looked up at Arthur. He was blushing again, squirming and standing pigeon-toed.

    “Ain’t that something?” Tamira said. “What’s going on?”

    “Nothing that his mommy can’t fix.” Briana said. “I think he’ll need some mommy time for a while though, at least through tomorrow afternoon, if you can manage it.”

    There was a soft sound of Tamira’s breath catching, over the phone. “I’ll be right down to meet you. Where are you?”

    “We’ll be on the corner of Northwest and Clover.” Briana said. “The coffee shop there.”

    “You’re going to get him hyper before you hand him off to me?” Tamira laughed.

    “That’s right. I’m the cool auntie right now.” Briana said.

    “Okay, coming your way. You’ll have to tell me how this all happened some time though.”

    “I will if Arthur doesn’t.” Briana said. “See you soon.”

    Phone back in her purse, Briana took Athur’s hand firmly. “Let’s get a hot chocolate while we wait for your mommy.”

    “But, there will be people there.” Arthur said bashfully.

    “You don’t have to talk to anybody. Just sit at the table like a good boy, okay?”

    Arthur nodded gratefully. He sat as small as he could when they got to the coffee shop, practically curled up in his booth seat. When the cocoa was ready, he hunched over it, sipping slowly and getting whipped cream on his nose.

    Briana watched in fascination. Other than the rescue she’d done for Melody, she’d never seen anyone be little when she was big. It was easy to talk to him though, she simply had to do what her favorite caregivers did. Like being little was normal, which if anyone were to ask big or little Briana, it was!

    “Careful you don’t end up leaking.” Briana said to Arthur. “I really don’t have a diaper with me, and mine wouldn’t fit you anyway.”

    “I didn’t have an accident.” Arthur said petulantly.

    “Are you forgetting that we’ve played together?” Briana asked. “I know what your potty-face looks like.”

    “I don’t have a potty-face!”

    “You do, and it’s adorable.”

    Movement at the door of the coffee shop caught Briana’s eye. “Mommy’s here, let’s go, Arthur.”

    Obediently, but with a bit of a discomforted waddle, Arthur followed Briana. They both got a hug from Tamira outside the shop.

    “Dang girl, you look like Veronica!” Tamira said.

    “It’s nice to match her sometimes.” Briana said, happily. “We have a ton to talk about, but I have to get back to Jane, and this little boy is about to leak into his pants.”

    “Nuh uh!” Arthur protested.

    “Don’t worry sweetie, Mommy will take care of it.” Tamira said. Arthur shifted closer so she could put an arm around his waist.

    “Can we get together sometime for lunch or whatever?” Tamira asked.

    “I would love that, and yes, we can.” Briana nodded.

    “You’ve really got yourself put together today.” Tamira said. “I think you’re great little, but it’s good to see this you again too.”

    “Thanks! It feels good to be able to do it. Text me about lunch, okay?”

    “I will. See you later!”

    After a group hug, Tamira put Arthur in her car and headed home. A quick text to Dad informed Briana that she wasn’t far away. Still full of happy fuzzy feelings, Briana found both her parents at another restaurant.

    They looked so cute together, and they were both still dressed nicely from the morning’s court appointment. Briana’s suggestion of some pictures to commemorate the day were accepted without any suspicion on the part of her parents. The Christmas presents were nearly complete!

    On the way home, Briana practiced Arthur’s suggestion. Instead of trying to snap out of Big-Briana mode, she looked out the window and let her thoughts drift. Big-centric stuff like signs and businesses faded away in favor of watching the snowdrift shapes and brave winter birds. By the time Jane pulled the car into the driveway, Briana was feeling comfortably little.

    “Daddy, Mommy, I need to go potty.” Briana said.

    “Come with me then, hon.” Veronica said, hurrying Briana inside while Jane gathered up her shopping bags.

    “I still want to be in a cute outfit.” Briana said, once she was off the potty and on her changing table. “Can I wear a pretty dress, mommy?”

    “Of course you can. Do you want your makeup off, or redone?” Veronica asked.

    “Redone please. Can I wear my sparkly pink eyeshadow?”

    Veronica laughed. “Against my better judgement, yes.”

    Briana grinned and stripped off the last remnants of her big self, depositing her dress and bra on the floor. Even though she’d been a big girl and used the potty, Mom gave her a gentle pass all over her crotch and bum with the wipes.

    She was getting the full, deluxe experience. Veronica stroked Briana’s legs and tickled her feet, until she was as full of giggles as she was of fried chicken. Her legs were posed for a detailed inspection. Declared rash-free and cute-bottomed by her mom, Briana got a light coating of lotion instead of the stinky medical cream.

    With another pink-pony diaper sitting soft under her butt, Veronica gently powdered her, patting it into place. Veronica leaned in so that being taped up was almost a hug. They did hug, once the tapes were set.

    Before any clothes happened, Veronica took a seat in her chair and pulled Briana into her lap. Happy to let Mom be in charge, Briana didn’t ask any questions. No questions were needed when Veronica pulled down her dress and bra strap to place Briana on her breast. She suckled away happily, eyes closed so that her whole world was Mom’s warmth pressing against her and the creamy sweetness in her mouth.

    After snacks, Veronica took just as much care getting Briana into a pink satin dress and white tights. With her makeup sparkly and pretty, Briana was delighted to discover that she had remembered the last bit of her present plan.

    “Can you take a picture of me and send it to me, mama?” Briana asked, sitting cross-legged with Alanna clutched to her chest.

    “Of course. You’re really into pictures today.” Veronica said, snapping several pictures with her phone.

    “I want to remember this day forever and ever.” Briana said. She wanted Mom and Dad to remember it too. All she needed was one more big day to get the pictures printed and put in the lockets, and they would never be able to forget!

    “You are so sweet.” Veronica said, stroking Briana’s hair. “What do you want to do with your afternoon? Do you need a nap?”

    “Can I play wherever you and Dad are?” Briana asked.

    “Of course honey. I think we’ll just be doing some chores, maybe watching something on TV. We’re finally, really on break.”

    “Okay, I’ll be on the couch.” Briana said, following Veronica downstairs. “Unless Melody wants to play.”

    One thing was for sure, she wasn’t letting her family out of her sight for the rest of the day. The only thing that could make the day more perfect was if they could get a double-bed moved into Mom and Dad’s room for her and Melody.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 09

    Melody was officially hiding from the world. But that’s what Little-space was for, right? Modern problems require modern solutions, and all that. They wondered if there was a diaper-girl version of that meme. Probably not. Not a ton of memes for ABDL stuff in general. Maybe that’s something Melody could fix.

    Elden Ring was the perfect thing for a long escape. A brand new run to sink hours into. With no work for a whole break, Melody realized they might be able to try to do a complete clear of the game. They were too far behind the rest of the community to do speed runs, but the game was so huge that almost nobody had hundred-percented it.

    Briana was back from her outing in time to watch the Godrick fight. When he grafted a dragon head to his arm, she declared it too scary. Melody gave their sister some good natured ribbing as she retreated to the living room to play on the Switch. It was okay to have a filthy casual for a sister, Melody supposed. It was great to have a sister, whoever she wanted to be.

    As Melody worked their way towards the next boss, distracting notifications kept popping up. Someone was blowing up their PlayStation Plus messages. Finally, when the distractions got their character killed, Melody teleported back to a safe spot and opened them up.

    They were all from Beatrix. Frantic messages begging Melody to respond to her. Asking if Melody was okay. Nervously, Melody sent a quick reply that they were okay. Almost instantly Beatrix replied: i’m going to call u

    Like a boomer? Melody wondered.

    It took Melody a moment to find their phone. It had a billion notifications too. Before they could check to see if there was anything more substantial in the text messages, the phone lit up with an incoming call. Beatrix.

    Melody ran their thumb over the phone to accept the call. “Bea?”

    “Melly!” Beatrix said. She sounded upset. “What’s been going on? You aren’t on discord or anywhere online. I had to track you down on the fucking PlayStation.”

    “I’ve uh – been having a hard time. I’m sorry Bea, I just haven’t been up for talking to people.” Melody said.

    “You didn’t think that I’m having a rough time, did you?” Beatrix said. “You were so freaked out when you came out as gay. Now I’m doing it, and I’m just supposed to be okay without any support?”

    Melody’s gut churned with guilt. “Oh shit, Bea, I’m really sorry.”

    “You should be. Or instead of being sorry you could be something useful, like here with me.” Beatrix said.

    “I – I’m not supposed to. I got in trouble with Veronica…” Melody stammered.

    “Melly, what the hell? This thing Veronica does is so fucked up! You’re really going to let her turn you into a baby? Like Briana?”

    “Don’t bring her into this. You – don’t get to talk about her. Ever.” Melody said with force that surprised themself. From the pause on the other end of the line, it surprised Beatrix too.

    “Okay, fine, fine. I’m just worried about you! It’s not normal to be a baby. It’s not normal to abandon your friends when they’re having a hard time. It’s not okay to avoid – your girlfriend.”

    Melody’s heart thumped hard in their chest. “You – you really want to be my girlfriend?”

    “You keep getting me off, I get turned on when I think about you, you’ve been in my life forever, what the hell else do we call it?” Beatrix asked.

    Typical Beatrix. Melody sighed. Avoiding all her emotions. A girlfriend with no emotions wasn’t going to work out.

    “Bea, that’s just sex. I – damnit, I love you. I have for a long time. Ever since you saved me from my stepdad. I can’t be the only one that has feels, if we’re going to actually date.”

    “I need you.” Beatrix said. Her voice was raw, free of all the usual control and careful tone.

    “You need me?” Melody asked, their voice cracking.

    “Yes, stupid.” Beatrix said in a shaky voice. “Is that what you wanted to hear? That it hurts when I can’t see you? Does it feel good to know that I’ve been thinking about you like ten times a day?”

    It felt really good to hear that, actually. It felt amazing. Melody’s heart thumped again. “The part about you needing me feels good, yeah. You hurting doesn’t feel good, of course.”

    “Ugh, this is retarded!” Beatrix cried. “Emotions are stupid. Relationships are bullshit! Why can’t it be like before, but better? We used to hang out all the time. You were always with me. It could be like that again, except you could be mine all the way. My Melly. My girlfriend.”

    Melody swallowed hard. It sucked a little to be called a girlfriend. That irritation was crashing hard up against Beatrix’s acknowledgement of their relationship.

    “That sounds like something I’ve wanted forever.” Melody said. “Except now uh – I don’t really use female pronouns.”

    “Oh come ON.” Beatrix sighed. “We used to laugh about woke bullshit like that. What happened to my Melly? That house fucked you up.”

    Melody sighed too. Why did this have to be so hard? Why was everything about themself a fight with Beatrix? She’d come around eventually. It was incredible how much ground she’d given up to Melody already in this one conversation. They just had to give her some time. It hadn’t been that long since they’d been railing against ‘woke’ stuff before Veronica called them on it.

    “There’s a lot of good stuff here.” Melody said. “You didn’t want me to live with you, remember?”

    “Oh come on, that’s because I only had one room left, and Gurpreet offered to pay almost half the rent on her own.” Beatrix made a frustrated growl. “That was my fuckup, okay? I should have booted Mikhail for you. I – I’m sorry.”

    An apology? From Beatrix? Any minute now Jesus was going to come down from the sky and tell everyone to get out of the pool.

    “If I’m with you, can you be cool about me being a different person than I was at Boston College?” Melody asked.

    “Let me ask you this, Melly. What the fuck are you wearing right now?”

    Melody looked down. They sighed. “A one-piece pajama.”

    “And a diaper?”

    “And a diaper.”

    “That’s who you want to be?” Beatrix snapped her fingers near the phone’s mic. “Don’t expect me to go all AOC overnight, okay? If you want to do some kind of Enby pro-gamer or programmer thing, that’s cool. Do it. You look good in button ups. Hot actually. Just don’t be a baby. What a fucking waste.”

    It didn’t feel like a waste. It felt good, safe to be little. Or at least, it did when Melody was little. When they weren’t little, like this moment, there was still some worry. Part of them couldn’t help but agree with Beatrix. What would people say if they saw Melody like this?

    “I guess I could get changed and meet you somewhere.” Melody said cautiously.

    “Come to my house, Melly, for real. Just come here. Stay with me.”

    “Overnight?” Melody asked.

    “I want you here all the time. There’s room. Just – come to me.” Beatrix hesitated for a long time, finally adding. “Please.”

    “I can’t just – Bea I have a lease and everything.”

    Not to mention the actual family they had at the house. That wasn’t something they could imagine explaining to Beatrix yet though. Not for a while. Ironically, or to be more honest, sadly, they could easily imagine explaining it to Rosa.

    “So break it. Or pay rent there until it’s done, and then you can get on the lease here. Just be my girl. Enby, whatever. Melly, I need you. Come over. Tonight.”

    Melody’s hands and lips were trembling. She was making an effort. It was such a huge thing for Beatrix to do that.

    “I can come for tonight at least.”

    “That’s my Melly.” Beatrix said in relief. “When can you get here?”

    “I have to change and stuff.” Melody said.

    “Yeah, yeah. So get all that baby crap off, shower, dress, and drive here. That’s like – twenty five minutes.”

    “Uh – it might take a little more…”

    “See you in thirty minutes. Please Melly. I need you.”

    “Okay.” Melody said. “I’m on my way.”

    Beatrix blew a kiss over the phone and hung up. Melody stared at their phone. What was even happening? Nothing about this felt comfortable. They weren’t excited like they had been to stay at Rosa’s. It’s not like there wasn’t any excitement at all though. It was a long-sidelined dream come true, in a lot of ways. Plus who else did Melody have, when it came to romance? They weren’t likely to find another super tolerant girl like Rosa who would be cool with their diapers.

    The tipping point was Bea needing them. They’d needed her, and she’d delivered. More than once. There was a lot of fucked up stuff that had happened between them since then. A lot of things that had to be talked about. Right now though, they had to be there for her. Or what kind of person were they, anyway?

    Melody stripped naked and went straight to the shower. Not like people hadn’t seen them naked in the house plenty. Briana called across the living room, asking if they were okay. Melody pretended they hadn’t heard.

    They even managed to get back to their room before Briana could confront them. Melody was in their best jeans and picking a shirt when their sister opened the bedroom door and let herself in.

    “Melody, what’s going on? Are you going somewhere?” Briana asked, with obvious worry in her tone.

    “I’m staying at Bea’s tonight.” Melody said, as firmly as they could manage.

    “Sib no!” Briana said in alarm.

    “She needs me.” Melody said. “I have to go.”

    “She’s a liar!” Briana said. “A really scary one. How can you believe her? Please, please don’t go.”

    “I’m sorry sis, I gotta.” Melody said, grabbing their wallet and stuffing some clothes in their backpack.

    “I’m telling mom!” Briana shouted. When Melody didn’t react, she sprinted out of the room in a panic.

    Melody made it to the door before Veronica called their name from the top of the stairs.

    “Melody! Do NOT leave without talking to me.”

    The doorknob was so tempting. Melody’s shoulders slumped. They turned away from the door to face Veronica. They didn’t have to wait long, she hurried down the stairs and was at the door in no time.

    “Briana says you’re going to spend the night with Beatrix. That is a terrible idea.”

    “She needs me.” Melody said softly. “I have to go.”

    “Do you still consider me your mother?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes.” Melody said, biting their lip.

    “What will you do if I forbid you to go?” Veronica put her hands on her hips.

    “You told me you wouldn’t stop me from seeing Bea by force.” Melody said.

    “I also said I’d strongly disagree with you.” Veronica said, pinching her nose. “Briana thinks Beatrix is manipulating you. I agree. Please, don’t go to see her. Talk to her on the phone if you have to, but don’t go to her house.”

    Melody shook their head. “I have to go. She was there for me when I needed her.”

    “She’s also done terrible things to you.” Veronica said. “Things that should make you re-evaluate your relationship with her.”

    “I talked to her on the phone. She was different. I even set some boundaries. It’ll be different this time.” Melody said. They hoped they were right.

    “What if she’s not? At least let’s agree to an emergency out, and an end-time for this trip over there.” Veronica said.

    “Uh, I guess that’s okay.” Melody said. “What would that be like?”

    “After you’ve been over there for two hours, you have to call me from somewhere private. In a bathroom or outside the house.” Veronica said. “Tomorrow morning you have to be back here by ten am at the absolute latest.”

    Melody shifted their weight from one foot to the other. It wasn’t a terrible plan. Comforting really, like a safety net.

    “Okay, I’ll do it.” Melody said.

    Veronica lost a little of her frantic worried look, but only a little. “I still wish you wouldn’t go. It’s not too late to change your mind.”

    “Please stay, sib.” Briana said plaintively. “For me?”

    Melody winced. “I have to go. I’ll call in a couple of hours.”

    “Be safe, Melody.” Veronica said. “Please keep your eyes open. If something feels wrong, listen to yourself. You’re a smart, wonderful kid. I know your history with Beatrix is complicated, but don’t let it blind you.”

    “Okay.” Melody nodded and turned to the door.

    Before they could open it, Veronica wrapped her arms around them from behind. “What are you going to do? Tell me.”

    “Keep my eyes open?” Melody asked.

    “Yes. If it feels wrong, LISTEN to that feeling. Promise me.”

    “I – I promise, mom.” Melody said softly.

    “You can call me any time. Not just at the two hours. Any time of the day or night. I will have my phone with me and it’ll wake me up if I’m asleep.” Veronica said.

    “It’s going to be okay.” Melody said.

    “I hope so.” Veronica said. “I’m very afraid that it won’t be.”

    There wasn’t anything left that they could say. Their will to go was teetering on the edge. It just felt impossible to abandon Beatrix when she was hurting. What if this was the thing that finally helped her be a better person? It made sense that she’d have all kinds of anger and messed up stuff if she’d been gay the whole time and didn’t realize it.

    Melody might not be the best at figuring people out, but they didn’t abandon a friend. Not when something like this was happening. Reluctantly, they disengaged from Veronica and slipped out the door. Briana’s little wail as the door closed was like a knife in the heart.

    There was no way out of this Kobayashi Maru. Somebody was going to be upset with them. Might as well go for the play that could save somebody. Beatrix was fixable. She just needed refactoring. So much refactoring.


    Melody pulled up at Beatrice’s house. Bea’s sleek blue Mazda was the only car in the driveway. That was a good sign. With some actual privacy, they might be able to work things out. As expected, they didn’t have to knock on the door. It was open before they’d set foot on the steps. Melody hoped that Beatrice wasn’t pissed off. Thirty minutes to arrive had been a pipe dream, never mind twenty five. It was a good forty five minutes since they’d hung up the phone.

    “Hey Bea…” Was as far as Melody got.

    Beatrix yanked Melody into the house, slamming the door. As Melody was bracing for a temper tantrum, Bea’s lips met theirs. The kiss lit a fire in Melody’s belly. It was hungry. Beatrix was kissing them like the world was ending. Pressing against them, like Melody was her air to breathe. When Melody joined in, tangling their tongue with Bea’s, everything went away.

    Melody’s phone and backpack were somewhere. They didn’t care. All that mattered was the intensity of the passion they shared. Bumping into pictures, stumbling down the hall, they neared the bedroom. All the while their lips were locked, never coming apart for longer than it took to gasp for air.

    Clothes came off fast and rough. Even the brief time it took to fling their shirts away left them whining in need. BOTH of them. Gloriously bare, Beatrix tackled Melody to the bed. Everywhere they touched it was skin to skin. The kisses had somehow escalated. Beatrix’s taste was liquid cocaine. There was a spark running between them like a Tesla coil, roaring and crackling to drown out all other sensations.

    It wasn’t going to be a quick romp, a tension-breaker like they’d had in their clandestine encounters on campus. Beatrix had barely touched Melody’s chest, or let them touch hers. They spent an unknowable time writhing together, breathing each other’s breath.

    Finally, Beatrix grabbed Melody’s hair, a good fistful of it. It would have hurt at the door, but that was a lifetime ago. The pain was welcome now, it sharpened Melody’s focus on the elegant curves of their girlfriend’s face. Bea was about to put them to work. Unlike their school encounters, Melody was one hundred percent up for it. They were eager to please the elemental sex spirit that had somehow agreed to date them.

    Except that wasn’t what happened. Beatrix held Melody’s gaze for a moment, then dipped her head to their neck. Teasing kisses, tantalizing licks, and rough bites alternated from Melody’s jawline to their collarbone.

    The ecstatic sensations kept going down. When Bea’s tongue flicked over Melody’s nipple, they tried to reach for her. She pinned their arms to the bed, forcing a desperate moan out of Melody. Beatrix spent a long, hot time on Melody’s breasts, licking, sucking, and kissing. From out of nowhere, the bright sensation of Beatrix’s teeth would reset the whole rollercoaster. Soaked in sweat and moaning like a porno, Melody could hardly believe they had been pushed to the edge of ecstasy on their breasts alone.

    Impossibly, Bea’s mouth wandered lower. Melody had hardly touched her yet. It was all out of order, out of the bounds they’d expected. Drowning in a torrent of confusion and pleasure, Melody gave up on thinking and let themself enjoy the ride.

    When Beatrix reached their sex, any remaining higher functions went offline. Bea had her tongue curled around Melody’s clit – when had she learned how to do that? She had fingers inside Melody, front and back. Everything was tingling and on fire. All those tingling nerves were being stroked, sucked, licked, or massaged.

    Beatrix was unphased by Melody’s first orgasm. Nor did she hold back after the third, or the fifth. She put her unbelievably dexterous tongue and fingers to work on Melody until they were wrung out, gasping, sore-throated from their cries.

    Only then did Beatrix give them respite. Melody fought to catch their breath between bouts of tasting themself on Bea’s lips. The break was over before it had properly begun, with Beatrix guiding Melody’s hands and mouth across her body.

    They would have done anything for her, even before she’d blown their mind out with pleasure. They worshipped her body, first chest and belly, then deep between her legs. Beatrix was insatiable, thrusting her hips up against Melody’s mouth, then riding their face as she screamed again and again.

    Time lost its meaning. There was only their bodies and the mind-bending pleasure they gave each other. They could have been on stage, in a stadium, and Melody wouldn’t have cared. Nothing existed except Beatrix.

    At some point, they must have stopped. Melody found themself waking up. Everything was sore. Especially between their legs. But the miracle still held. There was a warm, lithe, unspeakably defiled body cuddled up against them. Melody smiled, nuzzled their girlfriend to wake her.

    “Melody.” Beatrix said, lifting her head immediately. She hadn’t been asleep. “You kept up with me, on the first time.”

    “I – did?” Melody wasn’t sure about that. Didn’t remember enough details to be sure about anything that had happened.

    “You didn’t collapse until I did.” Beatrix’s eyes were wide, dilated, manic. “You’re the one I was looking for. You’re perfect. And now you belong to me.”

    Deliberately, Beatrix lowered her mouth to Melody’s shoulder and bit, hard. Melody cried out, all their nerves jangling again. When Bea raised her head again, Melody was surprised there wasn’t blood on her lips.

    They stared into those intoxicating, crazy eyes and felt themself drowning again. Melody belonged to Beatrix. Completely. The sheer intensity of the experience, of Beatrix’s gaze, and of her charisma took Melody to a place that felt religious.

    “I’m yours.” Melody said, and meant it.

    Beatrix shivered along her full body at those words. Melody had seen plenty of people in religious ecstasy at her bio-mom’s crazy churches. They were seeing it again in bed now. Feeling it for themself, as they’d never felt it under a cross.

    “We are going to be unstoppable.” Beatrix said. “Do you feel it, Melody? Can you feel what we have?”

    Melody felt Beatrix grab her hands, hard. Their fingers laced together. It felt like unlimited potential. Glorious excitement rose in Melody’s chest.

    “The world better watch the fuck out.” Melody said.

    Beatrix’s face lit up. “Amazing. You do everything right, the first time. I can’t believe I ever called you a fuckup. What a waste of five years.”

    Before Melody could answer, Beatrix kissed them again. This one was quick, a punctuation mark. She rose from the bed and stretched. Melody watched her, every neuron they had activating from the power of their disrespectful gaze.

    “I’m going to shower.” Beatrix said. “Then you will. We’ll order in something. Then we can figure out what your submission to me is going to be like.”

    “My – what?” Melody asked. More brain functions were coming online. There wasn’t regret, exactly, but a lot of the last – however much time felt like it needed evaluating.

    “We’re done with the diaper thing, remember?” Beatrix said, hand on her hip. “I offered you slave, pet, or pony. We’ll talk about it over dinner.”

    “Uh-buh.” Melody’s brain, so newly booted up, went right back to BSOD.

    Bea blew them a kiss and walked naked to the bathroom. That probably meant that roommates weren’t home, Melody hoped. Especially after what they’d just done together. How LOUD it had been. With the door open, even.

    Submitting to Beatrix would be hot, as long as it was negotiated and agreed on properly. It sounded like Bea actually wanted to negotiate. All this because they had pushed Bea away a little and set some boundaries with her? Melody wished they’d had the guts to do that ages ago. Wished they’d had a Veronica to force them to set boundaries five years ago when they’d confessed their love to Beatrix.

    Veronica! Melody had no idea what time it was. It seemed a little absurd that the sex had gone on for two hours, but they’d napped after. Stumbling to their feet, Melody threw the soggy sheet around their shoulders and made for the door.

    They found their phone flung onto one of the couches, with a lot of notifications. They were all from Veronica. It was almost fifteen minutes past the check in time. Melody craned their head down the hall. The shower was roaring away and Beatrix was singing. Badly. She loved her long showers, there would be plenty of time for a call.

    Melody pressed the call button and was almost instantly connected to Veronica. “Hi…”

    “Melody! Are you alright?”

    “Yeah, everything’s good. I’m sorry I missed the call-back time.”

    “What happened? Are you sure things are okay?”

    “Um – I just lost track of time because uh – we were – you know.”

    “Melody. Are you telling me you had sex for over two hours?”

    “No – it was probably just an hour, but I fell asleep – anyway everything is good here.”

    “Is it? Have you talked to her at all? Or has it been purely physical?”

    “It’s been physical, but we’re going to talk during dinner. Her words.”

    Melody very deliberately left out the exact topic of the conversation. That was a little too weird to share with Veronica. Even if they were close enough for Melody to call her mom, that just brought talking about sex back into a weird zone. ‘Mom, she wants me to be her pony-girl’ was not a conversation that was going to happen.

    “Mel, please listen to me. Talking should have been the first thing that happened. I’m worried that she’s trying to string you along with intense experiences until you do something that puts you in her power again.”

    “Can’t you just be happy for me?” Melody said, more bitterly than they’d wanted to. “She told me that I’m the thing she’s been missing. That I’m perfect. That we can take on the world together. She said that to ME.”

    “You are amazing and anyone would be lucky to be in a relationship with you, not just Beatrix. I can be happy for you. I even will be, if I stop seeing red flags. I’m still seeing them. That sounds very sweet, but it could be more manipulation.”

    “It’s not!” Melody said, their voice cracking. “It’s not manipulation! She means it! She loves me!”

    “Melody, please. Oh goddess, please, Mel, my child, listen to me. I’m so afraid for you right now. You are not thinking clearly at all. Beatrix is not helping you look at your relationship clearly. She’s doing the opposite. There’s a chance it’s just new-relationship excitement, but there’s so much danger based on her past behavior, and how she’s treated people the whole time she’s been at ABDU.”

    “How do you know how she’s treated people?” Melody asked. The phone rattled against their head with the shaking of their hands. “You’ve never met her.”

    “I have had a lot of conversations over the last few weeks with people about Beatrix. Starting after she tricked Briana into letting her into the house. One of my colleagues helped me build a psych profile on her. It’s got a lot of concerning things in it.”

    “You – profiled her? Like a criminal? You’re not giving her a chance!” Melody lashed out with a hand, smashing their knuckles into a wall. “It’s not her fault! She didn’t know she was gay! She’s neuro-atypical! Just like me!”

    “Melody, please stop shouting. I’m sorry if I upset you. I wanted to know more about the person who forced her way into my home, frightened my daughter, and hurt my child. She is NOT like you. You are so loving, you care about people so much. I don’t see those qualities when people talk about Beatrix.”

    “You don’t know anything about her.” Melody was shaking all over now. “I thought – I thought you’d be happy for me. She makes me feel so wanted. It’s finally – she’s finally mine. She can love people. SHE LOVES ME.”


    Veronica’s voice was gone with a quick swipe of Melody’s thumb over the end call button. The phone rang again, immediately. Melody declined the call, and the phone rang again. Opening the phone’s quick-settings, Melody put the phone in airplane mode. It didn’t ring again.

    “You say something, lover?” Beatrix called from down the hall.

    “No, just checking my phone.” Melody said. “My turn for a shower?”

    “All yours. You care what we get for dinner?”

    Melody tossed her phone back on the couch and walked down the hall. “Are your roommates gone all night?”

    “All night and a couple more days. Some of them won’t be back until the end of the break.” Beatrix said, tracing the bite-mark on Melody’s shoulder. “The house is all ours.”

    Melody felt the stress of the conversation with Veronica melt away. It really was going to be perfect. A romantic getaway, just the two of them.

    “Order whatever you want. I’ll put myself in your hands.”

    “That’s my Melody. My obedient love.”

    Melody sighed happily, letting the sheet drop. There was another tingle of joy when Beatrix visibly checked them out. She wanted them. It was real. Finally, completely, gloriously real.

    It had to be real.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 10

    Watching Melody go back to that monster broke Briana’s heart. Especially because Mom had let her go. Her pain made her too Little to let her understand why Veronica had done it. There was a part of her that knew she shouldn’t take feelings out on her mom. Listening to that part of her meant going even more Little. Little enough that she was perfectly happy for Veronica to put her in her playpen, in the living room, for the rest of the evening.

    It was time to assemble the forces of Cloudland. There was an invasion of monsters that were all called Beatrix. Briana, Alanna, and the rest of the knights killed a lot of those monsters. They all turned into gross stuff as they died, like poop and snot. The main Beatrix was a big nasty barf monster. Briana felt a better after that horrible thing was banished from the clouds.

    Feeling better wasn’t the same thing as feeling good. Sleep that night wasn’t restful, there were too many dreams. Most of them were just on the edge of being nightmares. Even when morning came, the uneasy feelings stayed. Mom was worried all through their morning routine. Briana found herself comforting Veronica, as much as the other way around.

    They were both waiting for ten AM to come. Briana sat on the floor at Veronica’s feet where they could watch the door. Ten came and went. Mom was on her phone, frantic. Briana didn’t have the heart to ask for details, but it didn’t look like anything good was happening.

    Finally, Veronica tossed her phone into her purse and stood up. “Briana, are you alright taking a trip in the car dressed like you are now, or do you need a change of clothes?”

    Briana looked down at her onesie and tights. Her diaper was pretty obvious, especially since it was a little wet. That didn’t really bother her, but she didn’t want to be around a bunch of people dressed that way. In case some of them were jerks. On the other hand, Mom looked like she was in a big hurry.

    “If I don’t have to get out of the car it’s fine.” Briana said. “Where are we going, mommy?”

    “To get your sibling.” Veronica said. “Put your shoes on. I’m going to get your father.”

    Nervous but hopeful, Briana waddled over to the door and got her shoes on. Mom and Dad joined her, in the middle of a discussion.

    “We both know that she is going to be extremely nasty.” Jane said. “But more than that, I’m sure she will blow you off and tell you to leave. What will you do then?”

    “Argue with her.” Veronica said. “This situation has escalated in part because Beatrix doesn’t have enough people pushing back against her unacceptable behavior.”

    “A shouting match on her doorstep is your plan? You expect to get results from that?” Jane shook her head. “Love, this isn’t like you.”

    “It wasn’t like me until I became a mother.” Veronica said. “I don’t care how small the chance is, I’m taking it. I’m going to do everything I possibly can to help Melody, even if it makes me look stupid or foolish.”

    Jane took Veronica in her arms. They held each other tightly. Briana joined in on the hug, wrapping her arms around both of them as best she could.

    “I love you and I understand. Let’s tilt at this windmill.” Jane said.

    “Thank you. Can you get our daughter into the car?” Veronica asked.

    “You’re driving? While you’re this upset?”

    “I need something to do that isn’t stewing in my emotions.” Veronica said.

    Jane nodded. “Alright. Come on Bri.” She took Briana’s hand and got her well buckled up.

    Mom’s worry was palpable on the drive over. It lay over everyone in the car like a lead blanket. Briana began to wish she had transformed big before they’d come, just to be able to better handle the emotions. There hadn’t been time, though. Little Briana understood enough to know that Big Briana was not going to be okay sitting in the car in a onesie and a wet diaper.

    When they arrived at the house, Briana shivered. The sight of it briefly brought back the numbing cold she’d felt on her ill-advised adventure. It was a horrible place. A horrible place her sibling was stuck in.

    “Do you want me to come with you?” Dad asked.

    “Only if you feel you need to be there.” Mom said. “This is going to escalate enough without starting it out two against one.”

    “I will wait in the car. I love you.” Jane said.

    “I love you mama!” Briana said, projecting every bit of love she could manage toward Veronica.

    “I love you both. I’ll be back in a moment, hopefully with Melody in tow.” Veronica checked her war-paint, lightly adjusting one of her eyeliner wings with a black lacquered fingernail, and stepped out of the car.

    Briana stared out the window. It was like watching a scary scene in a movie. The raven-clad heroine going to retrieve her child from the den of monsters. Briana clutched Alanna and prayed. She didn’t have any gods to pray to, so she prayed to the powers of Cloudland. Protect my mommy, she begged them, save my sibling.

    It took a while for the door to open after Veronica knocked. Even from the car, Briana could see that Beatrix looked like hell. She wasn’t the put-together, controlling beauty she’d been when Briana had invited her over. She was wearing a camisole top and some shorts. Her hair was wild.

    Then the shouting started. Try as she might, Briana couldn’t make out the words. She was afraid to roll her window down, afraid to attract Beatrix’s attention. Mom was so brave, but Beatrix was making that angry face again. The one that turned her from a model-beautiful women into mask-faced monster. Whatever venomous words she was spewing, Alanna thought Briana was better off not hearing them.

    Alanna was probably right, as usual.

    The shouting was going on for a really long time. Finally, Mom threw her hands up in the air, yelling loud enough to match Beatrix’s volume. All that got her was the door slammed in her face. It hit the frame so hard it could have been a firecracker going off.

    Shaking, Veronica made her way back to the car. She paused outside the door for a few moments to take some deep breaths, then climbed back into the driver’s seat.

    “Are you alright?” Jane asked.

    “That woman is a monster.” Veronica said. “I have never been so angry in my entire life.”

    “Please be careful my love. I am worried about Melody too, but don’t let Beatrix get too much power over you as well.”

    “Ja, man muss seinen Feinden erziehen, aber nicht eher, als bis sie gehängt worden.“ Veronica said, in what sounded to Briana like excellent German. The accent matched Dad’s really well, at least.

    “Passen Sie auf, dass Sie Dantes und nicht Monte Cristo bleiben.” Jane replied. “Do you want me to drive home?”

    “I need the distraction again.” Veronica said.

    Briana realized she was biting her lip so much that she’d nearly made herself bleed. She wished she could say something, anything to make the situation better. She wished she could ask about what happened, but it had obviously been horrible. There had to be something she could do.

    Finally, she fell back on her old standby, leaning forward and putting her head on Veronica’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I love you, Mommy.”

    Veronica sighed, shuddering. She cupped Briana’s head gently, kissed her hair. Dad leaned in as well, pulling them all into a firm hug. They held that for a while. It helped, a bit.

    Then, what could they do? Briana got buckled up again and they left that accursed place. Mom’s hurt might have been blunted, but her anger wasn’t. Briana was pretty sure she saw Veronica use The Force or witchcraft on several traffic lights, changing them to green by the sheer power of her glare.

    Back at home, the house was empty and quiet. No roommates, no sibling. Briana stuck close to her parents (her real parents!), not wanting either of them out of touching range. The feeling seemed to be mutual. They got Briana changed into a new diaper together, had a quiet lunch together, and sat in Mom and Dad’s sitting room together.

    Dad was pretending to read. Mom was looking out the window. Briana was cuddling Alanna at their feet. It was so quiet that Briana could hear the snow falling gently on the roof.

    The sound of Veronica’s phone shattered the quiet. They all jumped! Dad dropped her book. Veronica’s mad scramble to grab her phone knocked her favorite lamp onto the floor, shattering it. Dad and Briana stared at Veronica, hoping against hope.

    “It’s not Melody.” Veronica said. “It’s my mother. Sorry for scaring everyone.”

    Dad murmured that it was okay. Briana leaned her head against Mom’s leg. So it was Mom’s Mom on the phone. Michelle. Grandma. (Maybe) After taking another big breath, Veronica answered the phone.

    “Hello Mom, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Veronica asked, keeping her tone light.

    “News? What kind of – oh, alright, please tell me.”

    “They found what?” Veronica’s voice cracked.

    Briana looked up at her mom in terror. It looked like the whole rest of Mom was going to crack. She had tears in her eyes already, her hand was white-knuckled on the phone.

    “Of course, I’m coming now. The next plane, whenever that is.” Veronica said. “Oh goddess, are you alright? Where’s my sister?”

    “Geneva? Of course. Mom, I wish I’d known that was now, I’m sorry for letting it slip. I should have been up there, or brought you here.”

    “That’s nice of you to say, but I’ll feel better when I see you. Can I call someone for you? Do you need anything now?”

    “That was nice of her. I’ll make sure to thank her when I get…” Veronica looked over at Dad, who was making a ‘us together’ gesture. “when possibly the two of us get there. Yes, Jane. I think so too, it’s just – never mind, I will make it work. I love you, Mom. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

    Veronica hung up the phone. A sob burst out of her, all her big mommy control was gone. Briana clung to Veronica’s leg. Dad was out of her chair, hugging Veronica tightly.

    “Do you want to talk about it?” Jane asked.

    “I think you probably heard enough for now. I just – I don’t know what to do. I have to go help her. I want you to be there, but we can’t leave Briana.”

    Briana felt like a bug. They couldn’t bring her along, of course. She was too weird to show off to Michelle when she was little. Being big wouldn’t last long enough. At least she had her Mom and Dad. That would be enough. She was clutching Alanna tightly enough that the lioness’ stitches were straining, but she couldn’t make herself stop.

    “Can’t Gary…” Jane asked.

    “No, he’s out of town. Everyone is out of town.” Veronica said.

    “So we hire a sitter.” Jane said.

    “We – what?” Veronica looked at Jane in shock. “We hire some callow high schooler to come take care of our daughter?”

    “There’s a service. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it, though I guess it’s not normally for adult babies.” Jane said. “It’s an app where you can hire someone for – whatever. One of the people on that app specializes in adult babysitting.”

    “That is insane.” Veronica said. “You want to hire an adult escort to take care of Briana?”

    “You are going to be taking your mother to the hospital.” Jane said. “Who’s going to take care of her dogs? Who’s going to take care of you? What happens when you need food? You’d rather leave her and go to the cafeteria than have me get it for you?”

    “But, there has to be a way…”

    “I’ll do it, mommy.” Briana said. “I’ll be good, and brave. I’m s-sorry I can’t come and see – Michelle. But I’ll be super good for the sitter, it’ll be okay. I promise. I swear on my honor as a knight.”

    “Oh darling.” Veronica sobbed again.

    She pulled Briana into her lap, squeezing her until Briana thought her ribs would crack. It was just about a tight enough hug for the situation.

    “I’m not ashamed of you.” Veronica said. “I need you to know that.”

    “I believe you.” Briana said. “I understand about Michelle. It’s okay.”

    “It’s NOT okay.” Veronica said. “But this isn’t the time to surprise her with something that will take a lot of thinking. Mom is – there’s something very scary wrong with her. Stress, confusion, worry, all of those things are big no-nos for her right now.”

    “But she’s going to be okay?” Briana asked, in a tiny voice.

    “She will. She’s going to get excellent medical care, and it’s a fixable thing.” Veronica said. “When she recovers, I will explain to her about you. After all, she can’t have Christmas by herself.”

    “She’s coming here?” Briana asked, clutching nervously at Veronica’s dress.

    “She is. When she does, you’ll be calling her Grandma, understand?” Veronica sniffled, recovering some of her composure. “It’s a little impertinent for a little girl to call her Grandmother by her first name.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “As sure as I’ve been of anything.” Veronica said. “You’re going to meet your grandmother as soon as you can.”

    “Both of your grandmothers.” Jane said. “And your grandfather, though my parents won’t be able to make it from Germany this Christmas, on such short notice.”

    “Mommy, Daddy.” Briana said, sniffling back tears. “I’m sorry for making this about me. You’re both really worried and…”

    “And we are your parents, so part of our job at this time is to take care of you, my baby bee.” Jane said.

    There was yet another group hug. It was too bad that a day with so many big hugs had to be so rough. It had to end quickly too, because Mom and Dad were both in their busy mode.

    “Will you set up an interview with that person?” Veronica asked. “I am NOT trusting Briana to them without an interview. If they can’t make it today, then they don’t get the job.”

    “I’ll let her know. She’s a ABDU student. Named Monserrat.” Jane said.

    “Thank you love. I’m going to buy the tickets. Does that app have identity information like a driver’s license or something, to validate the person you’re hiring?”

    “I believe so, but you only have access once you book the job and put down a non-refundable deposit.”

    “Please do that, and send the information to Simon’s email. I’ll call him after, so he can get a rush background check done.”

    “I think I’m going to do something too.” Briana said. Both her parents looked at her curiously. “I’m going to switch to big, and get registered for classes.”

    “It’s working well enough for you that you feel confident about that?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes Mama.” Briana smiled. “I was planning to do it sometime this week anyway. If I do it now, you can concentrate on what you’re doing, without having to take care of me.”

    “Honey, we don’t mind…”

    “I know, but this is a way I can help Grandma.” Briana said. It still felt weird to call Michelle that. Like she didn’t have the right yet. Not that she didn’t believe what Mom had said, but she didn’t know what Michelle’s reaction would be. Plus, Briana might be little, but she wasn’t dumb. Michelle was in some kind of scary medical situation. There might be bad news instead of a grandma for Christmas. Really, really bad news.

    “You are a darling. In that case I can do the interview in my office on campus. That’ll be easier for everyone probably. I’ll drive you over to campus, okay?”

    “Thanks Mommy.” Briana said. She gave Mom and Dad both a big hug, and left them to their planning.

    In her room, Briana set Alanna carefully in the crib and stepped away. It was time to be big. Not as a cute thing to flirt with Gary, not to be walked through a court date with her parents. On her own, for a few hours at least.

    “Shazam!” Briana said. It was ridiculous, but it was a nice way to cap off being little for a bit. In her mind’s eye she imagined putting on her big self like armor. One by one she counted off her Big-Self abilities. Microbiology knowledge! Determination! Courage!

    Most of all, she had a mom and dad, even when she was big now. It was on paper, big people paper, recorded in government buildings. Despite everything that had happened that day, Briana had to smile. It was still so new and wonderful.

    Now that her mental armor was set, nestling her little-self safely in her heart, she needed outer armor. Briana opened her drawers. Her dusty panties were tempting, but too risky for a first try. The diaper had to go, though. Briana stripped down, starting off her outfit with a pair of pullups.

    With a rush of excitement, Briana realized she could wear pants! Long underwear went on first, but after that, a pair of jeans felt great. She put on a cute blouse and responsibly covered it with an equally cute sweater. Gloves, hat, scarf, coat, and sensible shoes were all going to be needed. Big Briana could do it, without making Mom and Dad do it for her.

    Unlike her panties, Briana’s desk was dusty in more than a metaphorical sense. Good thing Mom hadn’t seen that! With the dust whisked away, Briana gathered up her purse and ID card, her banking info that Veronica had given her, and all her financial aid stuff. Most of the aid was probably void at this point, but whatever money she could save her family was a good thing.

    With glee, Briana did her makeup in cute pinks and reds, with just a hint of gold. It was unfortunate that she didn’t have time to do her nails. That was okay, it left something extra for next time.

    She was ready at the door with all her stuff before her parents were. It was a new, exciting kind of joy to see them so proud of her. Yes, Big Briana would need to be around to stay. Little Briana could see the advantages.

    The rest of her big-time was not nearly as satisfying. There was a lot of waiting and filling out of forms. Partway through, Mom texted her to let her know that the babysitter checked out. Briana sighed in relief. That was one less thing for her parents to worry about.

    She met Monserrat outside the admin building and was immediately struck by how big the woman was. Monchi was Casey-sized! The comparison was especially apt when Briana found out that Monserrat and Casey had been sexy-friends at some point.

    Being babysat by a stranger was strange at first, but Briana was honestly too distracted worry about that. Even after she was little, all her worries were reserved for Melody and Michelle. It was a tribute to how nice Monserrat was that Briana had a good time at all. The chocolate-dipped churros helped a little too.

     The highlight of the evening was a video call to Mom. Briana was desperate to hear that at least one of her people was okay.

    “Hi Mama!” Briana said, waving frantically at the tablet, from Monserrat’s lap.

    “Hello Baby Bee.” Veronica said, with a tired smile.

    “Where’s Daddy?”

    “Taking care of the dogs.” Veronica said. “She wishes she could call you, but the house internet is down. It looks like Mom needs a little more help than she was letting on.”

    “But you and the doctors fixed everything, right?” Briana asked.

    “The surgery was successful.” Veronica said. “She isn’t completely out of the woods yet, but it is very good news.”

    “Mama, I’m so glad! I was super big worried about you all day! Grand- uh, Michelle too!”

    “You can call her Grandma if you want, sweetie. Thank you. It helps a lot, knowing that you’re safe and supporting me. Have you heard anything from Melody?”

    “No, nothing.” Briana sighed. “I was hoping they’d be here when we got back.”

    “Me too. Don’t give up hope. I’m not giving up on them.”

    “I know you won’t. I’ll let you know if I find out anything.”

    “That’s my good girl.” Veronica said. Briana beamed, bouncing on Monserrat’s lap to make sure that her babysitter saw her get the compliment.

    “I miss you Mommy. We’re having fun here. We made cookies!”

    “I miss you too and I’m glad to hear you’re having fun.” Veronica said with a soft laugh. It was the first laugh she’d had since Melody hadn’t come home. Briana’s heart soared to hear it.

    “I have to go to bed soon, but I love you Mommy! Please tell Daddy that I love her.”

    “I will. She’s coming by the hospital in a couple of hours. I’m spending the night here tonight. If everything goes well, we’ll be home tomorrow by late morning.”

    “Grandma will be all better by then?”

    “No, she has to stay in the hospital for a few days. We’ll come get her when she’s out. The doctors say it should be before Christmas.”

    “I hope so. I’ll wish extra hard for her. If you get to talk to her about me, tell her I’m thinking about her. You don’t have to though, if I don’t come up. Just if I do, okay?”

    “I will, baby bee. I’m looking forward to introducing you.”

    A nurse-type person was suddenly hovering behind Veronica. She looked back and nodded to them. When she turned back to the camera, she didn’t seem upset. Briana breathed another sigh of relief.

    “I have to go, little one. Be good for your babysitter. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    “I will! Love you mama!”

    “Love you, Briana.”

    Briana leaned against Monserrat with a happy sigh. Grandma Michelle being okay made three people in Briana’s life that were doing a lot better. Melody was still a big worry, but things were big-better now.

    “I’m glad your Mom and Grandma are doing well.” Monserrat said. “Feel better?”

    “Yes, thanks for helping me call Mom.” Briana said.

    “It’s just about your bedtime. It feels like you need a change too.” Monserrat said.

    “Will you read me a story?” Briana asked. Maybe a story would keep her from worrying about Melody right as she fell asleep.

    “Sure, sounds fun.” Monserrat said with a grin.

    Briana looked up at her babysitter. It wasn’t really fair how little she’d paid attention to her before. It was a day for things not being fair, unfortunately. She was younger than Briana in big-people years. An undergraduate student for sure.

    Monchi seemed to be having fun babysitting Briana. At the very least, she wasn’t freaked out by Briana’s little-self, or changing diapers or any of it.

    Right at the beginning, Briana had considered telling Monserrat that she needed to use the bathroom for everything. That had been a mean thought, and she regretted it now. It’d serve her right if Krampus showed up just for thinking that. The world needed more people like Monchi, and less like Beatrix.

    Briana was on her very best behavior as Monchi got her ready for bed. Now that she was paying attention, she was impressed with how good Monserrat’s diaper-changes were. She had to make sure to give Mom a good report, so that Monchi could get more jobs. Some little out there would love having a mommy like Monchi!


    Briana could see Melody from across the airport. She ran as fast as she could, pushing her way against people who kept stepping into her path. Every third one would smash her with a heavy suitcase, sending Briana flying. Mom was nowhere to be found, her flight wasn’t in yet. This was the only chance to stop Melody from going away forever.

    No matter how fast she ran, Briana couldn’t seem to get closer. There were too many people, too many suitcases. Beatrix was next to Melody, putting her gross hand on their arm. Melody turned their pleading eyes away from Briana and stepped through airport security.

    Finally to the station herself, Briana threw herself at the security forces. They held her back, pinning her limbs so that she couldn’t move at all. Beatrix’s mocking laugh sounded from all the agents surrounding her. Far ahead, Beatrix pushed Melody onto a plane.

    The plane blasted it’s engines like rockets and shot into the sky. Words in red flashed over the gate. Departing: Gone Forever.

    “MELODY!!!” Briana screamed.

    She woke in her crib, her throat sore from being rattled by her scream. Alanna was there. So many stuffies were there, but no Melody. The house was quiet, dark, and cold. There wasn’t even a shred of big armor left. Briana sobbed, broken hearted, for her sibling that was lost.

    “Hey, Briana, what’s wrong hon?” Monserrat asked. Briana hadn’t even heard her come in the room.

    “I hada bad dream.” Briana sniffled. “Beatrix kidnapped Melody and took them away and I was never going to see them again.”

    “I’m sorry, baby girl. It’s okay, it was just a bad dream.”

    “But what if it wasn’t?” Briana said, sniffling. “What if I never see my sibling again?”

    “Oh sweetheart, I’m sure that won’t happen.” Monserrat said. “Your mom wouldn’t let it.”

    “I want my mommy.” Briana said, whimpering. “Please call mommy.”

    “Hon, it is – four am.” Monserrat said, checking the baby monitor and wincing. “It’s just a bad dream. It’s going to be okay. Let’s let your mom sleep.”

    No matter how much she begged, Briana couldn’t get Monserrat to call Mom. The most she could do was insist that Monchi not leave her. To her relief, Monserrat carried Briana downstairs and got a snack going. She even gave Briana a nighttime change. It was so gentle and caring, especially from a stranger. The fear-icicles in Briana’s tummy were slowly melting.

    “You’d be a good momma.” Briana said, nuzzling Monserrat’s hand.

    “You uh – think so?” Monserrat asked.

    “Yeah. I already have a momma. But I bet some other little girl would like having you for a mom.” Briana emphasized the point. It was important for Monserrat to know that she was a good caregiver. People needed to be told when they were good, or they would turn out like Melody, too scared to believe in themselves, easy prey for someone like Beatrix.

    “Heh, I think I’m a little young for that.” Monserrat said. “I’m younger than you, in regular years.”

    “Someday.” Briana nodded decisively. She wondered if there was a way to meet more littles in town. There had to be somebody out there that needed Monserrat. Somebody that Monserrat would find out she needed, too.

    “Maybe.” Monserrat said, picking Briana up.

    They went back to the kitchen, where Monchi had some of Mom’s milk warmed up. Best of all, they went up to Mom’s room and cuddled in bed together. Briana felt sleep rushing back in as she sucked on the bottle. A warm, comforting person next to her, the smell of Mom’s bed, the taste of her milk, it was exactly what she needed. There were no more bad dreams.

    The morning was all anticipation. Nothing really mattered except that Mom was going to be home soon. As soon as the door opened, Briana was on the move! She threw herself into Mom’s arms with a big squeal, hugging her tightly. Mom hugged back just as hard. Dad got a hug too, but she was standing right there, so Briana couldn’t really throw herself at Jane. That was okay. Dad understood.

    To Briana’s delight, Veronica was even happier with Monserrat than Briana had hoped. She even talked about doing some school stuff to help Monchi out. Briana was sure that would work out well, Mom was super important at school for some reason. When Monserrat left, wishing them a Merry Christmas, Briana waved for all she was worth.

    “How’s Grandma?” Briana asked, the moment the door closed.

    “She’s going to be okay.” Relief radiated out of Veronica. “She has to stay in the hospital for a few days, maybe a week, but she’ll be out by Christmas for sure.”

    “That’s a long time.” Briana said, wide eyed. “Is it okay if – if I ask…”

    “Let’s sit down and talk about what happened.” Veronica said. “If you’re feeling okay for this discussion.”

    “Do I have to be big?”

    “Not unless you feel you need to be.” Veronica said, leading Briana to the couch and sitting next to her. Dad took a seat at the other end of the couch. Briana pressed her feet against Jane so she could be connected to Dad too.

    “Tell Little me, please.” Briana said.

    “Grandma was very sick.” Veronica said. “She still is, but she’s getting better fast. She had some problems with her heart and her lungs. Her heart and lungs were making problems for her brain too. It was very scary.”

    Briana shivered. She hadn’t even seen a picture of Michelle, but she could imagine how scary it would be to have such big health problems. It hadn’t even been a year since she’d had potty problems; and she’d melted down about that.

    “But the doctors fixed it?” Briana asked. She needed to be sure. Grandma needed to be okay.

    “That’s right. They fixed Grandma’s heart, got the bad stuff out of her lungs, and now there’s no danger to her brain. She’s going to be okay, just a little physically weak for a while.”

    “It is good that you specified physically.” Jane said. “This is your mother’s mother, Briana. She had the whole hospital jumping to her commands.”

    Briana giggled. Double-giggled when she caught Mom looking proud at that.

    “Rasmussen women are not to be trifled with.” Veronica said. “That includes you, baby bee. Grandma is excited to meet you.”

    “Really?” Briana hid her face in mom’s comforting, pillowy chest. “Even though – everything?”

    “Yes. I told her all about you. She has a lot of questions, more than I could answer with the time I had and the energy that she had.” Veronica stroked Briana’s back. “But those don’t matter. Do you want to hear what she said after I told her that I adopted you?”

    “Yes please.” Briana whispered.

    “She said,” Veronica shifted her voice, imitating a regal-sounding woman that Briana had never met. “If that’s done, then nothing else matters. She’s family. We love her.”

    Briana was crying. That was okay. She was a baby. Babies cried. This time there was a super good reason.

    “That’s not all she said.” Jane said, chuckling. “She also told you that you were in trouble, for keeping from her someone so important to you.”

    “You didn’t have to repeat that part.” Veronica said, bashfully.

    Briana lifted her head and wiped her tears. “You got in trouble?”

    “If you think I’m strict – well you’ll meet her.” Veronica said.

    “Is she scary?” Briana asked.

    “You have nothing to worry about.” Jane said. “I asked Michelle to be kind to you. She told me that if you’re a bad girl, then it’s your mother’s fault. She said she wouldn’t bother disciplining you, she’d discipline her own daughter instead.”

    “Look at how much you’re sharing today.” Veronica said wryly to Jane. “Where’s the lovely, taciturn German woman I started dating?”

    Briana giggled. “It’s okay Mommy, I can show you how to earn Santa Points if you need them.”

    “Briana Rasmussen,” Veronica said, “Don’t you dare make a game of getting me in trouble with my mother. You will not like what happens if you do that, do you understand me?”

    “Eep!” Briana squirmed. “Yes Mommy. I’ll be good.”

    “I’m glad to hear it. Santa still has time to leave things out of the sack.”

    “Krampus will be sniffing around too.”

    Briana whimpered. “I’m trying to be a good girl, really!”

    Veronica smiled, kissing Briana on the forehead. “You are my best baby girl. I love you so much. My only real worry for Christmas is that you will be a spoiled little girl after all the presents Santa is going to bring.”

    “I’m sure I won’t get spoiled, tell him to bring all of them!” Briana said, giggling again.

    “I don’t know, you look a little spoiled around the edges.” Jane said, taking hold of Briana’s feet.

    “Nuh uh!” Briana protested.

    Before she could figure out what Dad was doing, Mom had one of her arms and was tickling her side! She squirmed and shrieked, but she couldn’t kick! Even worse, Dad was strong enough to hold her legs with one hand, freeing up a hand to tickle Briana behind her knees.

    Screaming, laughing, and shrieking, Briana felt her diaper grow warm. When her parents finally relented, she lay between them, pouting.

    “You made me pee myself.” Briana accused.

    “You noticed, even when you were little?” Veronica asked. “Good girl!”

    “I’m proud of you.” Jane said.

    “I’ve been trying to notice, since we talked about maybe potty-training.” Briana said.

    “And I still haven’t helped you as much as I should have.” Veronica said. “I’m sorry hon.”

    “It’s okay, I’m worried about Melody too. You didn’t hear from them?” Briana asked.

    “No.” Veronica said.

    “Nein.” Jane said.

    “Me either.” Briana sighed. “I checked my phone right before you got home, and I have the ringer on super loud.”

    “I wish there was more we could do.” Jane said.

    “There is.” Veronica said grimly.

    They both looked at her curiously, Jane with a lot more alarm than Briana.

    “I’m giving this one more day, two at the absolute most. After that, I’m going to hire a private investigator. To find out if Melody is still at that house, and to help us deal with Beatrix as well.”

    “They weren’t at the house when you went there yesterday?” Jane asked.

    “I don’t know.” Veronica said. “They didn’t come to the door or say anything, if they were. Beatrix wouldn’t tell me anything.”

    “But where would they be if they weren’t with Beatrix, or us?” Briana asked plaintively.

    “I don’t know. I hope they know they could come home, but we had a bad phone conversation the last time we talked. I’m worried that they may feel like running.”

    “They aren’t responding to my texts, at least.” Jane said sadly.

    “So what do we do?” Briana asked.

    “You be a good girl and be ready to give your sibling all the love they need when we get them back here.” Veronica said. “I’ve already put some things in motion. As soon as Melody is back, I’m ending this. Our family has been held hostage by Beatrix long enough.”

    “Momma?” Briana asked.

    “Yes sweetie?”

    “How come you can say stuff like that?” Briana asked. “I don’t mean that it’s bad, but most people can’t just – make stuff happen.”

    “I suppose we should have a longer conversation about the Rasmussens in this town.” Veronica said. “Are you up for that as well?”

    “Yes!” Briana said. “I’ve been realizing I don’t know all kinda stuff. Like if we’re religious, or why you’re an important lady, or the history of our family. Gary helped me pick Tess for my middle name. He said that she was the first Rasmussen in town; that she did something important. I didn’t want him to tell me what. I wanted to hear it from you.”

    “That’s why you picked Tess?” Veronica smiled. “Oh that is going to make Grandma so happy, that you wanted to honor our Magna-Grandma.”

    “Magna-Grandma?” Briana asked. Oh gosh, was Tess a superhero?

    “That’s what we call her, because there are a few too many ‘greats’ to say them all.” Veronica said. “I suppose I better start at the beginning. Jane, do you think you could grab a plate of Christmas cookies?”

    “I’ll make some tea too.” Jane said.

    “I want hot cocoa!” Briana said. “There’s some really good melted chocolate that Monchi made in the kitchen.”

    Jane laughed. “You’re lucky you’re so adorable.”

    As Dad headed to the kitchen to prepare things, Mom sat Briana up on the couch.

    “I want to start this discussion by telling you that we don’t flaunt our wealth or influence, at least not without a very good reason. Melody is a good reason for me to flex the influence our family has in town. I don’t want you lording your status over other people, especially at the University.”

    “I won’t.” Briana said, sincerely. “I don’t even know how I’d do that. I never had that stuff growing up.”

    “It is surprisingly easy to do once you start.” Veronica said. “I’m sure that Grandma is going to give me a talking to when she finds out everything I’ve done trying to help Melody. Even if it’s for a good reason, you have to be careful. We won’t be bullies. Understand? Our family uses our resources to help people, we do not tear people down.”

    Briana smiled. “We’re Knights!”

    Veronica laughed. “Well I know that Tess fought in at least one duel, so she would probably like that.”

    “She did!?” Briana’s stared, goggle-eyed, at her mom.

    “She did.” Veronica said, wryly. “With pistols. The so-called gentleman who went up against her didn’t survive.”

    “She KILLED someone?” Briana’s mouth fell open.

    “Well it wasn’t her first choice, but I’ve been told that Magna-Grandma felt she didn’t have another option. Duels were more accepted then, even if they were going out of fashion.” Veronica said. “That’s the second rule and it’s more important than the first one. We do not let our family come to harm. If they do anyway, we use all our power to fix it.”

    “Mama! You’re starting in the middle of everything!” Briana said. She didn’t know if even hot cocoa was going to be enough to handle more shocking tidbits about her ‘Magna-Grandma’.

    “I’m sorry!” Veronica laughed. “There’s a lot of history about Magna-Grandma. A fair amount of it is scandalous or heroic.”

    “Please start at the beginning, Mama.” Briana scolded.

    “Very well.” Veronica said. “Magna-Grandma came to America from Norway in 1794, when she was only eighteen. Her parents could see that the young country was going to be influential and wanted her to establish the family there.”

    “Do we have family in Norway!?” Briana asked.

    “Not anymore. I’ll get to that. Shush.” Veronica said.

    “Sorry Mommy.” Briana squirmed into a comfortable position on her squishy diaper, staring up at Mom in rapt attention as Tess’ tale unfolded.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 11

    It wasn’t Beatrix’s fault. Sure, they hadn’t had the talk during dinner, but that was because they were both so hungry. After dinner they’d had more amazing sex; you couldn’t expect a talk during that. Then they were exhausted. It was okay to not talk when Melody literally fell asleep in Beatrix’s arms.

    Mornings were always hard for everybody. It made sense that they wouldn’t talk then. Melody of all people didn’t want to have a relationship discussion before their coffee.

    The only problem was, they had coffee now. So did Beatrix. Melody was sitting on the floor at Beatrix’s feet, which was hot and cute. It was quiet though. Ten AM was coming. Melody didn’t know if they were going home at ten anymore, not after that call with Veronica. Just in case they did go home, they’d look pretty dumb if there had STILL been no relationship discussion.

    “Bea.” Melody began.

    “Shh, puppies don’t talk.” Beatrix said.

    Melody squirmed. Okay, hot. But hurtful too. They tried again. “We need to pause. To talk some stuff out.”

    “Do you need me to fuck you again?” Beatrix asked, slipping a foot into Melody’s lap and rubbing their thigh. “Is that what this is about?”

    “No!” Melody protested. “We haven’t talked about anything. You said we’d talk at dinner, but we didn’t.”

    “I changed my mind. You already know what to do. I sat you down at my feet and you just did it. You’re perfect, Melly. No need to ruin it with a bunch of stupid words.”

    “That’s not – this kind of stuff has to be negotiated. If we’re going to have a D/S relationship, we need boundaries. Safewords. All that stuff.”

    Beatrix put her coffee down on the side table. She reached down and plucked Melody’s mug out of their hand.

    “What are you…?”

    Beatrix slid out of her chair onto Melody, pressing them to the carpet. Melody gasped and moaned as Beatrix kiss-bit them. Their half-hearted struggles earned them a pair of pinned wrists. Beatrix secured Melody’s legs with hers and took a mouthful of breast through Melody’s shirt. Melody moaned again, arching their back.

    Things were getting hazy again when Beatrix pressed flat against them, her manic gaze boring into Melody’s eyes.

    “We don’t need that stupid shit.” Beatrix said with absolute conviction. “You worship me. I own you. You’d die for me.”

    Melody whimpered. “Bea, that’s not sexy. You’re scaring me.”

    “Don’t ruin it.” Beatrix said urgently. “Come on, you’re so perfect. Don’t ruin it Melly. Just be my toy. I’ll take good care of you, I promise. Surrender to me. Totally. It’s what you want.”

    “I want to be yours.” Melody said, trembling. “But we have to be able to talk. If you can’t talk about our relationship right now, okay. How about talking about you being gay? Are you still feeling bad about it?”

    “Oh my god.” Beatrix rolled her eyes so hard she rolled her whole body off Melody. “When did you get so fucking chatty? I don’t need to talk about my sexuality or my gender or any of that stuff.”

    “You were hurting, yesterday, on the phone.” Melody rolled over and nuzzled Beatrix. “That doesn’t go away in a day.”

    “I’m FINE.” Beatrix said. She poked Melody in the side. Hard. “Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.”

    “Ow!” Melody frowned. “But that’s – what was all that about needing my support? Was that bullshit?”

    “That was motivation.” Beatrix said. “It got you over here. Now you’re here, and we’re both happy. Or we will be if you don’t ruin it.”

    “You – lied to me – about needing my help? About needing support coming out?” Melody felt sick. “After – after everything that happened freshman year?”

    “Here come the fucking water works.” Beatrix sighed. “Yes Melly. I lied to you. But guess what? I’m being honest about that. After last night, I realized I can be myself around you. I don’t have to bullshit you around anymore like I do everyone else. I can just tell you how it is. You’ll accept it.”

    “So – this is supposed to be a good thing, because you’re honest NOW?”

    “Yeah!” Beatrix sat up, throwing her hands skyward. “I trust you, bitch! You can handle me at my worst, so you get me at my best. We both get everything we ever wanted. Do you know why all my other relationships failed? Because it’s fucking EXHAUSTING to lie to some dumb dick all the time.”

    “So this is – how it would be?”

    “Now you’re getting it!” Beatrix said, grinning wildly. “You want to belong to me. To be totally dominated. I want to do that. I’ll do that for you! Make me your world, Melly, and I’ll be your Heaven.”

    “No, that’s – that’s a game. That’s a fun, sexy game, but it’s just a game.” Melody sat up, scooting away from Beatrix. “You don’t really think about me like that. I’m not your slave. You – you love me.”

    “What does one of those have to do with the other?” Beatrix asked. “I love you AND you’re my slave. Come on Melly, let me blow that little dyke mind of yours again and you’ll forget all about this. Oh! Or is this a brat thing? Do you need a spanking?”

    “I’m not a dyke!” Melody shouted. Their heart was pounding. Not for sexy feelings. Anger was boiling inside them. The burning feeling flared at Beatrix. At Veronica for being right. At themself. So much at themself that it felt like heartburn.

    “Uh huh, say that while I’m sitting on your face again, it’ll be more convincing.” Beatrix smirked, crawling over to Melody. “I think you do need a spanking. Probably a collar too. I’ll fuck you senseless and leave you chained to the bed until afternoon…”

    “STOP!” Melody pushed, hard. Beatrix went over without resistance, caught totally off-guard.

    “Bitch, you fucked up.” Beatrix stood up, glaring ferociously.

    Melody hopped to their feet. “Beatrix, stop this right now. This isn’t how it can be.”

    “NO!” Beatrix screamed to rattle the walls. “Don’t fucking do this to me, Melly. You were perfect. Don’t break it. Don’t destroy what we have. It’s not too late. You can still save this.”

    If it feels wrong, LISTEN to that feeling. Promise me. Veronica’s words echoed in Melody’s mind.

    They stared at Beatrix, uncomprehending. How could the pure bliss of last night become this insanity so fast? It was too much. It just hurt. Being with Rosa had been awkward sometimes, frustrating on occasion. But it had never hurt. Not like what was happening now.

    They remembered Rosa saying she had to take a step back. That she couldn’t be in the situation. At the time it had been incomprehensible, but it made sense now. There was nothing Beatrix could say to make lying about needing Melody’s support okay. Maybe ever, but certainly not now.

    “I have to get space.” Melody said. They staggered unsteadily over to their phone and grabbed it. “I was supposed to go home this morning anyway. We can talk… online. Later.”

    “Goddamn you!” Beatrix shouted. She dove for Melody’s phone and struggled for it. Melody barely managed to keep hold of it, stumbling away and against a wall.

    Beatrix was panting. Her face had that same manic intensity from their afterglow last night. It wasn’t attractive anymore. It was terrifying. “Don’t you go anywhere! We are going to fix this. I’m going to fix you. You’ll be happy if you’re mine. YOU’LL. BE. HAPPY. WHEN. YOU’RE. MINE.”

    It was David all over again. The monster that Beatrix had saved them from, had just spoken in her voice. Melody needed out. They needed to flee. They ran for the door and scooped up their keys. Looking back at the living room, Beatrix had snatched up their bag. Their shoes were – somewhere.

    In just a t-shirt and shorts, Melody raced out the door. Beatrix didn’t even yell for them to come back. She screamed alright, but it was an animal howl of rage. Trembling all over, Melody jumped in their car and locked all the doors. They’d never started it up so fast, spinning tires for a moment before they were on the move.

    They just drove. No plan, no thoughts. They’d been driving an hour before they realized they’d forgotten to buckle up. Melody pulled into a parking lot and tried to think. There was no going back for their stuff. Beatrix might literally kill them. They shuddered at the thought.

    Going home felt bad too. They’d have to go back eventually but – they couldn’t face mom. Veronica. Jane. Briana. They really couldn’t face their sister. She’d probably cried a ton over them already. All because Melody was too stupid and thirsty to be smart.

    Melody sobbed. They cried, pressing their forehead into the steering wheel, until they felt empty and cold. Emotionally numb and shivering, Melody turned the car heater up as high as it would go. They watched the snow melt on their windshield listlessly. Eventually, hunger won out.

    For the first time ever, it was a good thing that women’s clothing didn’t have pockets. Melody laughed a little hysterically to themself. Tiny pockets had ensured they had their ID and debit card in their phone case. They pried the debit card out and went through a drive through.

    Fed and warm, Melody was feeling a hint of stability return. They drove through the empty, snow-lined streets while they tried to figure out what to say to their roommates. Their family. Mom. Dad. Sister. How were they supposed to face them after causing so much trouble?

    Out of nowhere, their phone alarm went off. Melody nearly collided with a parked car. After swerving to a stop, they picked up their phone. The alarm was from their calendar, entitled: Jaguar Star’s Star Performance!

    “Rosa.” Melody said the name like a prayer.

    She had a derby game today. Last one of the season. Melody had been planning to go, of course. Not that they could go now.

    Then again, why not? Melody stared at the phone. Rosa would be there. They could talk to her now. She hadn’t said never to talk to her again. Just not to until Melody was done with Beatrix. Well, they were done with her for certain now.

    Rosa. Melody sighed, a shaky smile across their lips. They could apologize to her. See her. Even if she didn’t want to be together, it was one tiny thing that Melody could make right.


    The skate arena was freezing. The only shoes Melody had been able to find in their trunk were some flip-flops leftover from summer. They sat, huddled on the bench, wrapped in a blanket from their car’s emergency kit. It was all worth it. They were watching Rosa kick some serious derby ass for her team, the Wrecking Belles.

    She was kicking too much ass, actually. Aggression sent Jaguar Star to the penalty box five times. It was almost enough to foul her out of the game entirely.

    See, Rosa? Melody thought. I know the derby rules!

    Not that it was likely to matter. Melody reminded themself that they were here to apologize and let Rosa know that things were done with Beatrix. That was it. No guilting, no begging, no making things weird. Rosa deserved better than that.

    When the crowd roared for the Wrecking Belle victory, Melody cheered along with them. It was the sportiest they’d ever felt. They were happy for Rosa, but Rosa didn’t look happy for herself. She was like a dark cloud in the midst of her excited, grinning teammates.

    As the crowd got moving, Melody fought their way through. After a whole day without a bathroom, they were desperate to pee. The line for the bathroom was brutal. Melody looked around frantically. Rosa was already leaving!

    “ROSA!” Melody screamed, stumbling across the arena floor in her flip-flops. “HOLD UP!”

    Rosa turned, frowning as she scanned the crowd. Her eyes landed on Melody – and narrowed. That hurt. Melody couldn’t let that stop them. They skidded to a shop in front of Rosa.

    “Hold the fuck up.” They panted.

    “Melody.” Rosa said with a sigh. “I don’t know what’s going on but…”

    “Hold me.” Melody said, “I’m the fuckup.”

    Horribly, Rosa didn’t laugh. They stared at each other as the stomach-twisting tension grew. Finally, Rosa shook her head and barked a laugh.

    “Goddamn it Melody.” Rosa sighed and smiled sadly.

    “I was wrong, about everything.” Melody said in a rush. “I screwed up. I’m really sorry. I’ll never see Beatrix again. You were right. I know this doesn’t fix everything. But, I had to apologize. I’m sorry.”

    “You’re shivering.” Rosa said. “What are you wearing? What is that crappy blanket?”

    “I had to run out of her house. I was there today and it was bad. I had to get away.” Melody said.

    “And you didn’t go home and get warm clothes?” Rosa said. “You came here and watched my whole game in a t-shirt and thin shorts?”

    “Yeah?” Melody said nervously.

    “You dumb baby.” Rosa said. She pulled Melody into her arms. Her big, strong, sweaty arms. Melody sighed in relief. A moment later they had to tense again. They still had to pee!

    “I needed to see you.” Melody said softly. “I know this isn’t fair. I wasn’t going to say this – but I need my mommy.”

    “Little One.” Rosa said, through a sob.

    “I love you.” Melody said, pressing themself against Rosa.

    “I love you too. Even if you’re a total gay disaster. Little One, I missed you so much.”

    Rosa squeezed Melody until they felt like they might break. They nuzzled in closer, whimpering. A little dampness in their shorts made them pull back nervously. It wasn’t really an accident. It’d only happened because Rosa was squeezing so hard.

    “I watched your game.” Melody said. “I didn’t miss it. You won!”

    Rosa laughed. “Jesus Maria y Jose. You are ridiculous. Thank you.”

    Melody shifted their legs close together. The pressure was actively painful now. They couldn’t bear to step away from Rosa. If they did, it felt like she might vanish.

    “Can we go somewhere? Or do you have a team thing?”

    “I had a team thing. Now I have a Little One.” Rosa said. “They weren’t expecting my grumpy butt to be there anyway.”

    “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Melody bit their lip. Another trickle escaped before they could clamp down again.

    “Hey, what have we talked about?” Rosa asked. “My emotions are not your responsibility. That’s not something you have to apologize for.”

    “Okay. Thanks, mommy.” Melody squirmed.

    “Are you okay?” Rosa blinked. “Do you need to pee?”

    “Yeah, um…” Melody blushed.

    Rosa pulled the blanket gently open. Melody’s blush redoubled at the reveal of their wet spot.

    “You’re having an accident. Hon, let’s get you to the bathroom.” Rosa took Melody’s hand and stepped in the direction of the locker room.

    It was too much. The thin thread of Melody’s control had been entirely reliant on their legs smashing together. The first step opened the floodgates. Melody came to a stop as hot pee flowed down their legs. With no panties even, the thin shorts were barely a barrier to anything. In mere moments, Melody was in a puddle.

    “Oh Little One, oh no. How come you weren’t wearing protection?”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered.

    “Hey Jaguar!” A pear-shaped girl with muscley shoulders skated over. “Is this your girlfriend? You two coming to the party?”

    “My joyfriend, Blockingjay.” Rosa corrected her. “I don’t think we can. They just had a bit of an accident.”

    “A what?” Blockingjay looked down and took a hopping step back.

    “It’s been a really rough day, hasn’t it Melody?” Rosa said, wrapping her arms around Melody.

    The embarrassment burned like frost. Melody hid in Rosa’s shoulder.

    “Okay – um yeah, sounds like a bad one. I guess I’ll let you go, but you can’t hide them from us forever, Jaguar!”

    “Next time. We gotta go, obviously. See you later, Bee-Jay.”

    “Damnit Jaguar, don’t call me that!”

    “You picked the name, you should have considered nicknames!” Rosa said, laughing.

    Melody shuffled along with Rosa, pulling the blanket as closely around themself as they could. In the cold of the arena, their legs and crotch were already chilly. Outside, the frozen air was like an ice-blast to Melody’s lower half. Uncontrollable shivers sent their teeth chattering.

    “Where’s your car?” Rosa asked, scanning the parking lot.

    “D-d-did you d-drive?” Melody asked. “I w-wanna go w-with you.”

    “Okay, we can come get your car later. Come on, I’m over here.”

    Rosa put an arm around Melody and hustled them around the side of the arena. Freezing, embarrassed, and still badly shaken up, Melody paid no attention to where they were going. The most they could focus on was putting one foot in front of the other. When they came up against Rosa’s car, they stood there uncomprehending, until Rosa helped them into the front seat.

    The car had been moving for a while before the heater warmed Melody up enough for them to be able to think a little. Rosa didn’t seem to be headed directly to her place. When she turned the car into a grocery store parking lot, Melody reached for the emergency blanket. They found it folded up under their rear. To protect the seat, obviously. Melody hung their head and hoped that Rosa would be quick with whatever she needed.

    “Okay, I don’t have spare pants or anything, but I do have a sweater in the back seat. Put this on for me, baby.”

    Gratefully, Melody squirmed into the sweater. It smelled like Rosa, like Mommy. The sweater was a big, comforting hug.

    “I don’t have any other shoes for you either, but we’ll be fast, okay?”

    “Huh?” Melody looked at Rosa nervously. “What do you mean?”

    “You had an accident, little one. I don’t have any diapers left at my place. We need to pick some up here, and I’m not leaving my baby in the car.”

    “But… my shorts.” Melody whimpered.

    “Yes, they’re wet.”

    “People will see!” Melody whined. “They’ll think I have accidents!”

    “Honey, I know you’ve had a traumatic day, but you also spent who knows how long driving around and at my game without taking care of the bathroom.” Rosa said, stroking Melody’s cheek. “You DID have an accident. I’m going to take care of you, but you need to face the consequences.”

    “P-please, Rosa…”

    “That’s why you came to me, right?” Rosa said, kindly, but with steel under the tone. “To face consequences?”

    Melody swallowed hard. They nodded reluctantly.

    “We will be fast and if someone is nasty, they’ll have to deal with me.” Rosa said. “But you’re coming with me right now, understand?”

    Melody scrunched down inside their borrowed sweater. “Yes Mommy.”

    “Good Niñe.” Rosa said.

    Melody shuffled behind Rosa as much as they could on the way into the store. Their hopes that it might be empty were futile. Holiday shoppers were swarming the place. At least at the entrance, there were so many people that nobody paid the two of them any mind. As they made it further in, Melody began to notice some looks. They tried pulling the sweater down, but it didn’t help.

    There weren’t a lot of people in the incontinence products aisle. An older woman and a middle aged woman were the only other ones. Both looked at Melody and both dropped their gazes before looking away.

    “Okay hon, we don’t have the cute ones here, but which ones would you like?” Rosa asked, pulling out a package of dull gray adult pullups and another of white medical diapers.

    “Just pick and let’s go.” Melody whispered.

    “No, you pick.” Rosa said. She hefted the gray pullups. “These are for adults that are incontinent, but can manage it themselves.”

    “These are for people who need someone else to help them.” Rosa said, hefting the medical diapers.

    Both the other shoppers were staring. Melody was sure they would have been staring too, overhearing this kind of conversation. With a trembling hand, they pointed at the medical diapers. “Those, please.”

    “I thought so, Niñe.” Rosa said, putting the package in Melody’s arms. “I still have the rest of the supplies, but we need to get dinner, since my original plan was to go to dinner with the Belles.”

    The only saving grace of carrying the package of diapers was that Melody could hold them over their wet crotch. With the sweater pulled as far down as possible in the back, the only embarrassing thing was the diapers themselves.

    Rosa selected some frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots, then mercifully lead them to the checkout. Melody had never been so happy that self-checkout existed. As they drove to Rosa’s apartment, Melody decided to venture a question.

    “Um, what about your roommates?”

    “I don’t know if they’re home or not.” Rosa said. “At least one is out of town, but the other two might be there. You can go straight to my room, but they might notice if they’re in the living room.”

    “O-okay.” Melody said. At least the package of diapers had fit in a bag. If Rosa’s roommates saw, they might think it was just a really bad night, like what Rosa had told her teammate. Hopefully, Blocking-Jay had believed Rosa.

    As luck would have it, there were two roomies in the living room when Melody and Rosa arrived. One of them was cooking something, the other didn’t look up from her video game. Melody let out a huge sigh of relief when the bedroom door closed behind them. They wanted to flop on the bed, but fresh wet in their shorts made them hesitate.

    Melody huddled in a corner of the room, concentrating only on not having any more accidents. They didn’t know why their control was so blown out, especially since it hadn’t been an issue with Bea. Thinking the name brought Beatrix’s last blood-curdling scream to mind. Melody shivered and tried to focus on their bladder exclusively.

    “Okay hon.” Rosa said, closing the door behind her. “Our dinner is in the oven, it’s about thirty minutes until we eat. Let’s get you taken care of.”

    She’d kept everything. Rosa laid the Target changing blanket on the bed, along with lotion and baby powder. There was a pair of pajamas too, with fluffy blue clouds on them. Melody lay down on the changing blanket and felt hot tears pour down the sides of their face.

    “It’s okay Niñe.” Rosa said. “I’ve got you.”

    Rosa stripped Melody naked and rubbed their arms and legs down with a towel. Warmth and comfort returned with some little tingles in their hands and feet. Wetness hit their thighs, making Melody yelp. Rosa was on it, pressing the towel in on the blanket and Melody’s crotch.

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered. “I don’t know why this is happening so much.”

    “I think it’s because you feel safe here.” Rosa said, sliding onto the bed next to Melody.

    She cradled Melody’s head on her bosom, stroking their hair as the two of them waited the accident out. The now-sopping towel went in a plastic bag. Rosa tenderly wiped Melody down from crotch to rear, and all the way down their legs with the wet wipes.

    With a diaper under their hips and powder sprinkling on them, Melody started crying again. They didn’t know why, but they couldn’t stop. Being taped up by Rosa helped, even if it wasn’t a poofy, childish diaper. The pajamas helped a lot more.

    With Melody changed and dressed, Rosa just held them. Melody knew that they should talk about things, but the respite felt so good they couldn’t bear to speak. It was simply soft and comforting until the food was done.

    Rosa insisted on feeding Melody their dinner, and they didn’t mind a bit. It was almost like those blissful days when they’d first started doing ABDL scenes in the apartment. The only thorn was the nagging guilt that they shouldn’t be enjoying being babied so much. Not when nothing had been resolved yet. Tears came again, only to be gently wiped away by Rosa without comment.

    Finally, when dinner was put away, Rosa sat Melody on the bed and took a seat across from them, cross legged.

    “Feel better, Melody?” Rosa asked softly.

    “So much better. I – I feel bad. You didn’t have to do all this…”

    “Shhh, it’s okay.” Rosa said. “I wanted to get you out of crisis mode and I knew this would help.”

    “Thank you.” Melody said. “I’m sorry Rosa, I’m really sorry.”

    “This is the part where we talk about things.” Rosa said, leaning forward to hold Melody’s hands. “It – hurt. It hurt a lot to break up with you like that. I had to though. I kept hoping you’d call me, and tell me you were done with Beatrix. I was really worried about you.”

    “I’m sorry.” Melody whimpered. “You were right. You were totally right. It was horrible with Beatrix. I don’t know why I didn’t see it. I couldn’t… I couldn’t stop her. It’s not just the pictures she has. We have a lot of history.”

    “Tell me.” Rosa said softly. “Please. I want to understand.”

    Haltingly, Melody spilled their guts. They started with freshman undergraduate, falling in love with Beatrix, coming out gay, and the nightmare with David. Everything they thought that Rosa should know, they told, from following Beatrix to ABDU, to meeting Briana, to getting mixed up with diapers.

    “So then, after we broke up…” Melody flinched to say it. “She told me she needed me. She said she was freaking out over coming out gay. I felt like I had to help her. She saved me when I was freaking out over that. She saved me from David. But when I went… she just wanted to play her weird games. She wasn’t even upset she – she lied to me about it. Just to get me to do what she wanted.”

    “I really hate that woman.” Rosa said. “Melody, I’m so sorry. That is awful. Um, can I ask something else, even if it’s not uh – totally fair?”

    “Hi, I’m Melody, AMA.” They said, trying a weak smile.

    Rosa laughed, then sighed. “Did – you sleep with her?”

    “I did.” Melody said, hanging their head. “If that’s a deal-breaker…”

    “It’s not. It – hurts. But I’m still willing to try with you.” Rosa squeezed Melody’s hands.

    “Why?” Melody asked. “I want it – but I know I hurt you.”

    “I don’t think you will again.” Rosa said. “Beatrix was a special case. I’m glad you explained your history with her. Mel I – I want to take care of you so badly. It’s a little scary sometimes. I want you to be my baby but – is that what you want?”

    “Yes please, Mommy – Rosa.” Melody said. “I mean, not every second, not – like Briana. But I want it more than we were doing it before.”

    Rosa nodded slowly. “You have a thing going on with Veronica too, right?”

    “I do.” Melody looked down at their lap. “I’m calling her mom. I’m calling Jane dad, too.”

    “So how would that – work?” Rosa asked.

    “It’s more of a family thing with them.” Melody said. “With you it’s – really sexy.”

    “So you’d still be my joyfriend and my Little One?”

    “If you want.”

    Rosa blinked, then wiped tears away with her forearm. “I do. Come here.”

    For the second time in two days, Melody found themself holding someone in desperation. This time it wasn’t passion, it was comfort and love. They both cried, several times during the interminable hug.

    They shifted to lying on the bed, just holding each other. No words, no make outs, just comfort.

    “Are we okay? Really?” Melody whispered.

    “Yes Niñe, we are.” Rosa said, gently kissing Melody’s lips.

    Melody relaxed bonelessly against Rosa. Their diaper felt wet and they didn’t care. It was a hefty enough diaper that they didn’t need to change anyway. With the stress of not knowing what Rosa was going to say finally gone, Melody’s brain caught at a thread that had been bothering them.

    “What’s niñe?” Melody asked. “My Spanish isn’t very good, but isn’t niño boy and niña is girl?”

    “Spanish doesn’t have a gender neutral and EVERYTHING is gendered.” Rosa said. “But some people have been talking about adding a gender neutral. So we’d use an e at the end for gender neutral, instead of an o or an a.”

    “Oh.” Melody wiggled closer to Rosa. “That’s really cool. Did you look that up for me?”

    “Yeah.” Rosa kissed Melody gently. “I love you.”

    “I love you too.” Melody said. “Are we – mommy and niñe right now?”

    “We can be.” Rosa said.

    “How um – how are we going to work out when we do it?”

    “I think that discussion is too much for right now.” Rosa said. “We’re both tired. You can be my baby tonight and we’ll wait on the other big heavy conversation for tomorrow.”

    “Okay, good.” Melody nodded. “But we will talk about it, right?”

    “I promise.” Rosa said. “Real promise, not Beatrix promise.”

    Melody nodded. “Then – mommy?”

    “Yes Niñe?”

    “I need to go. Um, number two.”

    “My roommates are still out there.” Rosa said. “It’s not like when we had the apartment to ourselves.”

    Melody whimpered. “Can you – tell them to get out of the living room?”

    “No, Little One. That wouldn’t be very nice.”

    “But I have to go!”

    “So either I take you to the bathroom and they will probably notice something.” Rosa said. “Or you go here and I change your mess.”

    “You – you don’t have to do that.” Melody said. “You don’t even want to – do you?”

    “I’m willing to try it at least once.” Rosa said. “I really love you. There’s a lot I’d do for you. Changing a messy diaper is actually kind of low on the list.”

    “I’ve never done that.” Melody whimpered. “I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I want that – ever.”

    “If you’re going to be my baby a lot of the time, we’ll probably have to tell my roommates about it at some point.” Rosa said. “I can take you to the bathroom now.”

    “Okay.” Melody whispered. “Please take me to the bathroom, Mommy.”

    Rosa took Melody’s hand. They stepped out into the living room. Dinner was long done, Rosa’s roommates were sitting on the couch and chatting. They looked up expectantly, already a little confused to see Melody in pajamas, being lead by the hand.

    “Hi Maria, Juana.” Rosa said. “This is Melody.”

    “Hey Melody!’ “Nice to meet you!” said Maria and Juana.

    “This has been a crazy emotional night.” Rosa said. “If it’s okay, we’re going to hold off on hanging out with you for tonight. Also, you might notice some weird stuff, Melody and I do some unusual things. I’d like to skip questions and fill you in on anything you need to know later.”

    Maria and Juana looked at each other in surprise at that speech. They shrugged. Juana nodded. Maria said, “You two do you. Nice to meet you for sure.”

    Melody smiled meekly and waved. “Thanks for understanding.”

    With that, Rosa whisked them off to the bathroom. From the back of a drawer, Rosa produced a pacifier. Melody opened their mouth for it obediently. They sucked on the pacifier, feeling content as Rosa stripped off their pajama pants.

    “Looks like you’re already wet.” Rosa said, squishing Melody’s crotch. “Even if we don’t play all the time, you might have to go back to wearing these full time.”

    Melody blushed and squirmed. Diaper off, they sat on the toilet. It took a while, but they managed to overcome their embarrassment and do their business. Still in full mommy-mode, Rosa flushed for them and wiped them clean. Melody had their teeth brushed and face washed before being taken back to the bedroom in their pajamas for a fresh diaper.

    “How’s my Niñe doing?” Rosa asked, when Melody was all padded up.

    “Good, thank you Mommy.”

    “You tired? Turned on? Something else?”

    “Oh – we can do stuff if you want.” Melody said hurriedly. “I’m tired but I’m sure I can…”

    “Little one, shh.” Rosa said. “I just wanted to know. Is it bedtime for my niñe?”

    “I think so.” Melody said with a yawn.

    “I’ll get you tucked in and sing you a lullaby.” Rosa said with a smile.

    Melody smiled radiantly up at Rosa. For a shining moment everything, even having to deal with Veronica, was forgotten. There was just Mommy and comfort and love.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 12

    Melody woke up with a diaper so soggy that at first they were worried they’d messed themself. Rosa was naked in bed next to them, breathing slowly and softly. The peace of it made Melody’s breath catch in their throat. It stripped away any remaining illusions about the adrenaline-fueled bacchanal they’d had with Beatrix. That bed, that whole relationship had been full of hidden thorns. Every wrong move had drawn blood.

    Rosa was safe. Cozy. Melody’s heart overflowed with love for their girlfriend, their mommy. Tears flowed without warning. It was too much. Too good. They didn’t deserve it.

    That last thought was the first really sharp one of the morning. Along with the clammy wet of Melody’s diaper, it was too much in a different way. With as much emotional control as they’d had over their bladder, Melody was crying in soft whimpers.

    Rosa stirred, blinking bleary eyes at Melody. They hadn’t wanted to wake her up. Rosa deserved to sleep in as long as she wanted after everything she’d done yesterday. Big, ugly sobs wracked Melody. There was no stopping the meltdown spiral.

    “Hey – baby.” Rosa said through a yawn. “It’s okay, whatever it is. Mommy’s here.”

    “I di-di-di-didn’t want to wake you up!” Melody wailed.

    Still struggling to wake, Rosa stared at Melody for a moment. Her mouth twisted in a sort of ‘oh well’ expression. Rosa propped herself up on one elbow and hefted a breast. The nipple landed right on Melody’s lips.

    Melody’s mind record-scratched in shock, but their body didn’t. They were sucking eagerly on Rosa’s breast before their brain could catch up to what had happened. By the time realization struck, even a blush seemed redundant. Melody closed their eyes and kept sucking. They’d never felt like such a helpless baby. It was torturously reassuring and comfortably sexy.

    “Wow, that really worked.” Rosa said, in a tone somewhere between amusement and delight. “I’ll have to keep that trick handy. Whenever you get fussy I can just pop a boob in your mouth.”

    Melody squirmed. Things were rapidly shifting toward the sexy end of the spectrum. Their sopping diaper made it impossible to tell if they were wet from something other than a nighttime accident. There was a lot more heat down there than there had been a moment ago for sure.

    “Ooh, baby likes that idea.” Rosa said, stroking Melody’s breasts. “Imagine all the places that would work. You get cranky because you’re tired, I put you on my breast. You have a hard time in class, I take you to a pumping room and give you a nipple. My baby gets fussy around our friends that know you’re a baby, and I pop a tit in your mouth so the adults can talk.”

    A hot moan briefly interrupted Melody’s work on Rosa’s nipple. Their skin was prickling and hot. Rosa’s teasing, tugging touches on their own nipples were driving them wild. They moaned again when Rosa mashed their heavy diaper against their crotch.

    Not that she was content with stopping there. Heedless of the wet, Rosa shoved a hand in Melody’s diaper and rubbed the nub of desperate heat between their legs. Electric pleasure flowed out from Melody’s crotch, setting their mind on fire. They thrashed and quivered in pleasure, moaning but never quite abandoning Rosa’s nipple.

    It wasn’t until the fire in their nerves had dimmed, until they were trembling and panting on the bed, that they finally released their girlfriend’s breast. They snuggled up to Rosa languidly, floating on happy chemicals.

    “Amazing.” Rosa said reverently. “What a good, sexy baby you are.”

    “Mmm, I love you.” Melody said.

    “I love you too.” Rosa said, squeezing Melody tightly. “You got mommy all wet between my legs though. You’re going to have to clean that up.”

    “Yes Mommy.” Melody said, smiling eagerly.

    They scooched down Rosa’s body, nuzzling and kissing as they went. She hadn’t been kidding about how wet she was. Rosa’s sex was shining, even leaking a little. Melody licked gently, then more and more firmly. Using Rosa’s moans as a guide, they worshipped their girlfriend’s sex with their tongue. The taste, the feel of Rosa’s legs quivering where Melody was gripping them, and the afterglow all combined into a soft feeling of bliss.

    They held on, lapping at Rosa until she had to grab a pillow to scream into, and longer. When Rosa collapsed, quivering, Melody fitted themself against her, a happy sticky mess from head to toe.

    “That was incredible.” Rosa said, when she regained her voice.

    “It was perfect.” Melody said with a beatific sigh.

    “We have just a little more mommy / niñe time, then we need to talk.” Rosa said.

    “Yes Mommy.” Melody said.

    “It sounds like my roommates are up.” Rosa said, cocking her head at the door. “You lie here. Mommy is going to take care of you right here, completely.”

    Melody nodded. That sounded amazing. They were even too happy to worry if they deserved it or not. If Mommy said that’s how things were going to be, that was enough for baby Melody.

    Rosa was gone for a while. She returned, showered and with a bottle of some white liquid in her hand. She also had a shower caddy stuffed with various towels and bathroom amenities.

    By now, Melody was over the soaked diaper thing. When Rosa started off with the bottle, they tried to protest. Rosa wasn’t having any of that. Melody didn’t get more than a whine out before they got a pinch on the thigh and the rubber nipple in their mouth. Surrendering to Rosa, Melody dutifully sucked on what tasted like a vanilla protein shake.

    The bottle was exchanged for a toothbrush, with minimal paste on it so that they didn’t need a sink afterwards. After the toothbrush, Rosa occupied Melody’s mouth with a pacifier. They would have preferred a breast if there had to be something in their mouth constantly, but decided that might be a little greedy.

    Finally, the sopping diaper came off. Using washcloths and wipes, Rosa started at Melody’s hairline and washed them all the way down, even getting tickly scrubs between their toes. A fresh diaper followed the sponge bath, with tender caresses delivering the lotion and powder. Melody’s clothes from the night before were a wreck, so Rosa dressed them in her own clothes. The fit was a little baggy in the chest and hips, though the diaper helped a bit with the hip area.

    Rosa held Melody gently, sitting up against her headboard with Melody leaning on her chest. It didn’t end up being a nap, exactly. There wasn’t a lot of thinking that went on though. Mostly Melody just let themself feel and bask in the comfort.

    All things did have to end, even amazing ones. Melody found themself coming back to conscious thought when Rosa sat them up and took the pacifier out of their mouth.

    “That was a lot of baby stuff.” Rosa said. “Are you okay to talk now, or do you need more time to come around?”

    “I think I can.” Melody said, smiling softly. “I feel more relaxed than Little right now.”

    Rosa beamed. “I’m so glad. This is amazing for me. I can see on your face how good it is for you. We still have to talk about it though. I need it to stay amazing. I don’t ever want to hurt you, or get us all tangled up in the game.”

    “Thank you.” Melody said. “I don’t want to lose myself. I want to be your niñe, but I want to be your Melody too. You liked me before you ever knew about this stuff. I still want to be that person.”

    Rosa nodded. “That’s good to hear. I don’t want to lose that Melody either.”

    “Um, where do we start?”

    “With dividing up time I guess?” Rosa said. “How often do you want to do baby stuff? Every time we spend the night together? A couple of times a week? Almost all the time, with picking a break day sometimes?”

    “I’ll do whatever you want.” Melody said quickly. They needed this to work. Desperation and anxiety raised twin hydra-heads in them, at the thought that Rosa might not like how their ABDL time went. “You pick how much you want to do it. You’re doing all the work.”

    “No.” Rosa said firmly, bapping Melody on the nose. “That’s not how this goes. I want to hear what YOU want.”

    Melody bit their lip, squirmed. Rosa’s gaze was relentless. Out of options, back against the wall, it was time for a radical strategy. Genuinely expressing their desires.

    “I want it a lot.” Melody said. “Right now I’d say whenever we’re together alone, or at my house. Maybe I’ll want it less later but right now I really want it.”

    Rosa smiled. “Me too. So that’s good, we’re aligned on that. I’d like to have fun with it and we can check in with each other to make sure it’s not getting to be too much. Does that sound okay?”

    Melody nodded. “I guess we should also decide if there’s stuff we won’t do. Boundaries.”

    “That’s a word you know?” Rosa teased. “Yes, my love, good idea. Last night you were really upset by the idea of – it’s called messing, right?”

    “Yeah, it is.” Melody blushed. “I don’t know about that.”

    “I’m not eager to try it either.” Rosa said. “So that’s one boundary. Anything else?”

    “I’m not sure. I like everything you’ve done so far.” Melody said. “What about you? What don’t you want to do?”

    “Well I’m in charge during our scenes, so what you don’t want is more relevant.” Rosa said. “There’s stuff we haven’t done. Like adding bondage gear to make you more helpless.”

    “You’ve been doing research!” Melody said, grinning.

    “Maybe. Shut up.” Rosa giggled, blushing. “Seriously though, this is kind of like BDSM in some ways, but not in others.”

    “I trust you.” Melody said. “But I don’t like being tied up for long periods of time. You um – could uh – spank me if you wanted.”

    Rosa’s eyes sparkled. Melody wondered if they were going to regret having offered that.

    “That brings up another thing. I’m taking care of you, we have a whole mommy / niñe dynamic.” Rosa hesitated, grabbing Melody’s hand. “Do you want it to extend to stuff outside of the bedroom? Do you want – caregiving in general?”

    “I don’t want to give up my job or my bank account or anything really extreme.” Melody said, squeezing Rosa’s hand. “But if you – had behavior stuff you wanted to make rules about – that’d be hot.”

    “Even if it’s bigger stuff than like, swearing or staying up late?” Rosa asked.

    “Like what?”

    “You have a problem with honesty. Especially to yourself. I want – I’m trying not to be too controlling here – but I want to help you with that. I want to correct you to help you be a better Melody. The one I get to see when you’re being your best self.” Rosa cringed. “That probably sounded too much like B…”

    “NO.” Melody said. “Don’t even say it. You aren’t – you don’t live in the same universe as her.”

    Rosa sighed and nodded. “But it’s too much, isn’t it?”

    “You’re not wrong about me.” Melody said. “It’s – weird to imagine giving that to you. I – I want to try it.”

    “You sure?”

    “Yes, please Mommy.” Melody said. “I – get that kind of stuff from Veronica too. You could um – coordinate.”

    Rosa smiled shakily. “I will not abuse this. I promise. Part of that is you have to tell me if something makes you uncomfortable or feels wrong. That’d be our number one, unbreakable rule. Is that okay?”

    “Okay.” Melody said, taking a deep breath.

    “Please really think about it. We don’t need any other silly rules about bedtimes or whatever. If I want to put you to bed early, I’ll just do it.” Rosa said. “But this is the rule I need. For the behavior coaching to be okay, you need to communicate with me so I can be a good mommy. Even more, I have to believe that you’re really telling me when something is wrong.”

    Melody looked down at their crossed legs. Their eyes wandered aimlessly across the bright stitching and loose folds of Rosa’s track pants. It wasn’t a bad ask. It wasn’t even something that Melody didn’t want to do. The problem was, they weren’t sure if they could do it. It’d be so easy to ignore the little twinges, like they always did. So hard to speak up and push back.

    Looking back up at Rosa, Melody felt a burst of love in their chest. She was waiting patiently, with an open and caring expression on her face. It didn’t seem like Melody had to agree. Melody saying no seemed like something Rosa was willing to accept. They’d have to re-negotiate the behavior stuff, but Rosa wasn’t dictating. She was asking.

    They had to trust her. She was worth the hard, uncomfortable thing.

    “I can do that.” Melody said. “I really can. But, I’m bad at it. Also, I think uncomfortable is the wrong word. Telling you when something feels wrong will be uncomfortable. Sitting in a wet diaper is uncomfortable. I think the rule has to be that I tell you if it feels wrong – or if it hurts my heart.”

    “I think that’s exactly right.” Rosa said, tears shining on her cheeks.

    “Is that it? Can we hug?” Melody asked.

    “That’s the important part.” Rosa said, making a slow-leap up into a big hug that crashed them both down on the bed. “We just committed to keep talking anyway. We can work out other boundaries and turn-ons as we go.”

    “Yeah, I want to talk about stuff we want to do instead of just negatives.” Melody said, nuzzling into Rosa’s neck.

    “I’d say we found one this morning.” Rosa laughed. “My nipple is a little sore. You didn’t get any milk there, but not because you didn’t try.”

    The morning they’d been cuddled up to Veronica’s full breasts flashed suddenly to mind. Melody squirmed and curled in on themself, blushing profusely.

    “Hmm? What’s going on?” Rosa asked, stroking Melody’s back. “You weren’t this shy about it even afterwards. Talk to me, remember?”

    “Veronica um – has that going on.” Melody said in a hushed voice. “She feeds Briana. Not in a sexy way. You just um, reminded me.”

    “Oh? You didn’t…”

    “No! I don’t want things to be sexy with her. Only with you.”

    “Oh, so it’s not sexy for Briana but it would be for you?” Rosa said, a teasing tone creeping into her voice.

    “Rosa don’t.” Melody whined.

    “It sounds intense. I’m not sure that’s something I could do.” Rosa said. “Maybe when I get my morning coffee, I can put some cream up on there and you can suck it off.”

    “Rosa!” Melody wiggled, wrapping their legs around one of Rosa’s. It took a lot of willpower to not grind against their girlfriend.

    “This really does something for you.” Rosa said, curiously. “It’s – kind of scary to think about.”

    “We don’t have to…”

    Rosa cut Melody off, rolling on top of them to pin them to the bed. “Scary because I might like it too much. It sounds like a super powerful experience.”

    Melody swallowed hard. They flexed their hips greedily against their girlfriend’s – their mommy’s leg.

    “No, not again. We have other things we have to take care of, Niñe.” Rosa said.

    To Melody’s massive disappointment, Rosa sat up and pulled Melody into her lap. Bereft of anything to rub against, all they could do is squirm against Rosa’s warm body as much as the arms around them would allow.

    “Your phone has been blowing up all morning. I’ve seen a lot of notifications pop up on the lock screen from Veronica. I’m sure she’s worried about you.”

    Melody sighed. “Yeah, I should…”

    “Wait hon, there’s more. She’s not the only one messaging you. You’re getting constant texts from Beatrix. Scary, unhinged ones. I – don’t think you should read them. The previews that popped up on the lock screen were nasty. Violent.”

    “Mommy.” Melody forced themself around to face Rosa, pressing their face into her shoulder.

    “I could call the police but they aren’t going to do anything over some texts. Especially between queer folk.” Rosa said. “I don’t know what kind of mojo Veronica has, but it’s more than what I have. We need her help.”

    Melody nodded. “You’re right. I – I’m sorry for all of this. If I’d just listened to Veronica, or you, or…”

    “Hush, Niñe.” Rosa said. “You call her Mom, right? Mom and Mommy will fix it.”

    “Is that okay? We didn’t really talk about that. I know saying Mommy was special for us. I could just call her Veronica or something.”

    “I think they’re different enough. You could also call me Mama.” Rosa said, pronouncing it Mah-mah.

    “Oh. Like in Spanish.”

    “That’s right.” Rosa said, stroking Melody’s hair. “Now, it’s time to go face your family.”

    “Our family.” Melody said suddenly, fiercely.

    “Our – are you…?”

    “No I – I’m not proposing. Sorry! I – you’re important to me. You’re special. I don’t want to talk like Briana and Veronica and Jane are permanent and you aren’t. You’re part of the family.” Melody looked up at Rosa determinedly. “If I have to say stuff that I don’t want, then I get to pick things that I want too. You’re family.”

    “How do you do this to me?” Rosa asked, smiling through the tears pouring down her cheeks. Before Melody could answer, Rosa leaned in for a kiss. It was a long, tender embrace full of happy giggles and overwhelmed sobs.

    “Okay.” Rosa sighed, holding Melody close. “Now that you’ve completely wrecked me emotionally, it’s your turn. Let’s go talk to your mom.”

    “Yes Mama.” Melody said, testing the word out on their tongue. The tight, needy hug they got from Rosa was a big point in the new name’s favor. Mommy would have to stay in the rotation too, though.


    Despite Melody having plenty of diapers at home, Rosa insisted on packing a diaper bag. Hopefully she wasn’t feeling intimidated by Veronica. Not that anybody ever felt anything but intimidated by Mom-Goth. Melody happily endured the fuss Rosa made.

    Pulling into the driveway was the first time the anxiety really hit. They’d been awful to Veronica the last time they’d talked. Even now they hadn’t communicated beyond a quick text letting Mom know that they were coming home. Melody braced themself for more emotional havoc, and opened the front door.

    What waited on the other side was so much scarier than they could have anticipated. Veronica was standing in the middle of the living room. The furniture had been re-arranged to make as big a clear space as possible. She was flanked by Jane and Briana. Behind Briana was Gary. Along one wall was Casey, Suzie, and even Erin. The other side had Tamira and Arthur holding hands.

    “Oh shit babe, this is an intervention if I’ve ever seen one.” Rosa said.

    Focusing on the odd part of that statement was way easier than facing the wall of concerned people.

    Melody asked, “Wait, when did you go to an intervention?”

    “I’ll tell you later.”

    “Was it for you or for someone else?”

    “I’ll tell you later.” Rosa said, smirking. Melody swore they’d just seen their girlfriend do the anime cat-smile.

    “Please come in and close the door, Melody.” Veronica said. “We need to talk to you.”

    “I know.” Melody said, shutting the door and shuffling into the middle of the room. They were trembling all the way up their body. Rosa’s firm grip on their hand was a lifeline.

    “This is serious, what happened yesterday…”

    “I mean I really know.” Melody said, cutting Veronica off. “I’m sorry Mom. I screwed up. You were right. Rosa was right. I – it was bad with Beatrix. Really bad. I need help. I need you to help me, please.”

    Veronica blinked. Her mouth twisted in something between a satisfied smile and a frown. Melody felt a little bad for lecture-blocking their mom, but wasn’t sure they could have endured the lecture. Especially when they’d already felt the lesson.

    “That’s – good. I’m glad to hear it. As long as you’re really being honest with us this time.” Veronica managed, after a long pause.

    “I am.” Melody said. “I want to apologize to everybody here. I’m sorry. I caused a lot of trouble. I’m glad you still care about me. Rosa and I – she’s my mommy – different from you, Veronica.”

    Melody twisted her legs on the balls of her feet. The babble was getting out of control. “She’s going to help me be more honest. I’m trying and, please tell me if I screw up.”

    “Wow!” Briana said. “Sib, that was amazing!”

    Melody looked up just in time to prepare for the Briana cannon-ball that smashed into them and held tight.

    “I’m so proud of you! That was super brave!” Briana said.

    “I agree.” Jane said. “You have done well, Melody.”

    “Congratulations Melody, you have managed to be more frustrating than Briana.” Veronica laughed and stepped up to join the hug. Rosa piled on, shortly joined by Jane. Melody held on to whoever they could touch, silent tears pouring into Veronica’s trademark black dress.

    “Mom, that’s wasn’t nice!” Briana protested.

    “We can revisit Thanksgiving if you want, little lady.” Veronica said. “Everyone you caused trouble for is here right now.”

    “This is about Melody today.” Briana said quickly.

    “That’s what I thought.” Veronica said, to a general chuckle around the room.

    “Well that was a pretty anticlimactic intervention.” Suzie said.

    Veronica broke the hug up gently, stroking Melody’s hair. “Those are the best kind, I assure you.”

    “Yes, the ones with the screaming and crying are much more frustrating.” Jane said sagely.

    “You’ve been to an intervention? When?” Veronica asked, furrowing her brows.

    “I’ll tell you another time.” Jane said placidly.

    “Was it for you or someone else?” Veronica persisted.

    “Another time, love.” Jane said, with finality.

    Melody did a quick “eye see you” gesture to her fingers to Veronica. Their mom laughed, shaking her head.

    “In that case, please have a seat, everyone. We have coffee, tea, Christmas cookies, and a cheese plate for the solutions phase.” Veronica said.

    “And hot chocolate!” Briana interjected. “You said there’d be hot chocolate, Mom!”

    “How could I forget?” Veronica smirked. “Gary, do you mind helping Briana with the chocolate?”

    “I’m on it.” Gary said.

    He took a quick step forward and squeezed Melody’s shoulder. “We’re with you.” He said, softly. Then he was gone, leading a bouncy Briana to the kitchen.

    Melody would have been happy to help, but instead they found themself on the biggest couch, tightly packed between Rosa and Veronica, with Jane on Veronica’s end. Erin brought food out of the kitchen, while Tamira had Arthur taking drink orders.

    “What do you need, Little One?” Veronica asked gently.

    “Mom I need help.” Melody said. They took their phone out of their pocket, unlocked it with shaking hands. “I can’t – there’s messages from Beatrix. Scary ones. I haven’t looked at them. Can you…?”

    “Of course, sweetie.” Veronica took the phone and began scrolling through texts.

    The tension in their mom was instant. Soft gasps or even snarls accompanied Veronica’s scrolling. In short order she’d handed the phone to Jane.

    “Jane – I hate to ask but – I can’t read any more of this while I’m comforting Melody.”

    “Of course.” Jane said, taking the phone. Her eyes were grim as she scanned the screen. “This is ugly. I will copy the criminally actionable messages to a file.”

    “Melody, my poor, brave baby. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” Veronica said, wrapping her arms around Melody.

    “It’s going to be okay, Niñe.” Rosa said. “We’ve got you. Veronica, thank you. I can’t fix this on my own.”

    “I can fix it.” Veronica said, her voice suddenly stern and terrible. “Not in one day. This warrants – a thorough response. I’m going to promise you both something right now. Beatrix will not hurt either of you, any more.”

    “Thank you Mom!” Melody said, trying to snuggle Veronica and Rosa both at once. They ended up settling for leaning their shoulders against Veronica, and pressing their hips against Rosa.

    “Thank you Veronica.” Rosa said. There was a worrying amount of relief in her voice. She’d really been scared by what she saw in those messages.

    “Uh – mom says I have to ask you about drinks even though it seems like I’m interrupting.” Arthur said, awkwardly.

    “You’re not interrupting at all dear.” Veronica said. “I’ll have coffee. No sugar, one drop of cream.”

    “I’ll take tea. Thanks Arthur.” Rosa said.

    “Cocoa please.” Melody said softly. Arthur grinned at them. Melody managed a small grin back.

    “I am – going to get something stronger.” Jane said, rising from the couch with Melody’s phone. “Melody, may I copy this entire text history from Beatrix and then erase it from your phone?”

    “Is it that bad?” Melody asked, shivering.

    “She threatens your life several times, Little One.” Jane said softly. “In graphic detail.”

    Melody whimpered and grabbed their mom and mommy tightly. “I don’t want to read that. Make it go away, please.”

    Jane nodded, and made her way to the liquor cabinet.

    “Rosa, would you like to stay in Melody’s room a few days?” Veronica asked. “I can send Gary and Casey with you to pick up some things from your apartment.”

    “That would be really good.” Rosa said. “Thank you.”

    “Of course, I…”

    “Mom.” Melody said, tugging insistently at Veronica’s dress. “Mom, listen. Rosa is part of the family, okay? I – I need it. Please.”

    “Oh my goodness.” Veronica said, planting a kiss on Melody’s head. “Rosa, did you teach them that?”

    “Kind of.” Rosa said. “It’s our foundational rule. They have to tell me when they need something, or when something is a problem.”

    “That is an excellent rule.” Veronica said. “In that case, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you need to, or would like.”

    “Oh, that’s not necessary. Once Beatrix is dealt with…”

    “I don’t take family lightly.” Veronica said firmly. “Melody is family. If they say you’re in, then you’re in. There’s no halfway.”

    “Thanks.” Rosa said, squeezing Melody again. “I’m still not deciding long term right now, but thanks.”

    “We have some time. As much as I’d like to spend every minute solving our Beatrix problem, the world doesn’t work that way.” Veronica said. “Would you like to compare notes on taking care of our little troublemaker over the next few days?”

    “That sounds pretty cool.” Rosa said, hesitantly. “I don’t want to mess up your dynamic though.”

    “Nor I yours.” Veronica said, releasing Melody to take a cup of coffee from Arthur. “It’ll be good to see how you are together.”

    “Okay, yeah.” Rosa grinned. “Melody is going to be so mommy’d-up that they won’t know what to do.”

    “Mom! Mama!” Melody protested.

    “The joke is that it doesn’t matter if you know what to do, because we’re going to make all your decisions.” Rosa said, letting Melody go so that they could get their hot chocolate.

    Obviously that was the joke! Being treated like a dumb baby left them without a way to respond. Melody took refuge in their hot chocolate. Light chatter spread around the room as people dug into the snacks and came down from their emotional tension.

    Melody found themself on the floor in front of their Mom and Mommy, cuddled up against Briana. Their sister had an absurd amount of whipped cream on their hot chocolate. Not content with that, she’d studded the whipped cream pile with mini-marshmallows.

    “You really hurt my feelings and scared me.” Briana said softly.

    “I’m sorry, sis.” Melody said, leaning against Briana.

    “I forgive you. I’m really glad you’re safe.” Briana tilted her head up to plant a creamy kiss on Melody’s cheek.

    “You are such a gremlin.” Melody said, wiping their cheek. “I love you.”

    “I love you too.” Briana said, happily. “I know how to be big now. I’m going to help take care of you too, while Mom is fixing this.”

    “I’d like that.” Melody said with a happy sigh.

    “We’re getting our Christmas tree tomorrow!” Briana gushed. “Oh, and do you have presents you still need to buy?”

    “Yeah uh, I haven’t really bought any.”

    “Sib!” Briana scolded. “You’re lucky this hot chocolate is so yummy. Otherwise I’d go Big and spank you.”

    “You can’t spank me even when you’re big.” Melody retorted.

    “That’s what you think. I’m a Rasmussen woman.” Briana said. “We’re fierce.”

    “You are a ridiculous dumbass, is what you are.” Melody giggled. “Can we play?”

    “Yeah! What do you want to play?” Briana asked. She took a big gulp of her cocoa, spreading whipped cream across the whole bridge of her nose.

    “Cloudland.” Melody said. “I wanna be strong – but safe.”

    “Okay! We won’t go questing, we can just say in the castle. Alanna can tell us about the big quest she just went on.”


    “Yeah, it was a crazy one, with scary monsters and a bunch of stuffies from other houses.”

    “Sounds wild.” Melody said, grinning.

    “Before you two wander off…” Rosa said, leaning down. Melody squeaked in embarrassment as Rosa pulled the waistband of their track pants and diaper open. The squeak only served to put all eyes on them. Melody hid behind their cocoa cup.

    “You need a change.” Rosa said.

    “You can use the changing table in the drawing room if you like.” Veronica said.

    Veronica took the opportunity to check Briana as well. Melody’s sister took it without complaint. Stupid super-baby sister.

    “Thanks. Does Briana need it too?” Rosa asked.

    “She does, I can take care of her.”

    “No worries, we’re family right?” Rosa said, with a question in her tone. “I’ll get them both.”

    “You’re absolutely right.” Veronica said. “Thank you Rosa. I have a feeling you and my mother will get along famously, when she gets here.”

    “Your mom?” Rosa smiled nervously. She hopped to her feet and took a hand each from Melody and Briana, pulling them up. “Right! Anyway I’ll take care of these two.”

    “Arthur, do you want to play with us after we get changed?” Briana asked.

    Melody cringed. Great, everybody was talking about it super loud. Suzie was giggling at Melody and their sister. Melody hid their face in Mommy’s shoulder.

    “Yeah – okay.” Arthur said bashfully.

    Thank goodness that at least one of the Littles was shy too. Melody followed Rosa to the drawing room. A huge weight that they hadn’t even realized they’d been carrying was gone. They had no idea what Veronica was planning, but they trusted her to keep her promises.

    It’s not over, but I’m safe. Melody thought. I’m safe with my family.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 13

    Briana had been watching the clock for over forty minutes. It was now precisely 7am, which is the time that Mom had said they could start getting ready to get the tree. Therefore, it was time for Melody to get up.

    She snuck past Mom while Veronica was getting some coffee (not that mom had said not to wake Melody!), and into Melody’s room. Her sibling was all cuddled up to their girlfriend. They were both so cute, Rosa protectively holding Melody, and Mel in a super soft looking blue onesie.

    Briana pounced! Melody groaned and flailed. Rosa gave a little shout. You had to expect a little chaos after a Tigger-pounce though.

    “Melody, wake up!” Briana said, her excitement bubbling out of her. “It’s time to get ready to get the tree!”

    “Dude, ow.” Melody whined. “I thought Mom told you not to jump on me anymore.”

    “Tiggers don’t jump, they bounce!” Briana giggled. “Though this was more of a pounce – ack!”

    Rosa had grabbed Briana’s pajamas, where the hood was sewn into the neck. Surprisingly powerful for someone not Casey or Gary-sized, she yanked Briana off them by the scruff of her neck! Who was Rosa anyway, to treat a Knight of Cloudland and a Rasmussen like an unruly kitten?

    “Hey, let go!” Briana tried to struggle, only to be very effectively pinned. Having her arms held above her head and Rosa’s leg pinning her own threw Rosa’s naked state into high relief. Maaaaybe she should have given them slightly more privacy. (Santa points -1)

    “What the hell Briana?” Rosa said.

    She didn’t sound amused at all. Briana began to worry that she’d really upset Rosa. (Santa points -1)

    “It’s a thing she does.” Melody said, yawning and snuggling up to Rosa. “Let her go. She’ll be good now.”

    “Will she?” Rosa asked, skeptically.

    “Yeah, or I’m telling Mom that she jumped on me again.”

    Briana squeaked in concern. Now that Melody mentioned it again, maybe there was something Mom had said about not leaping on people in bed. Rosa seemed to take the squeak as confirmation, because she released Briana and rolled over to hold Melody again. That was very selfish of Rosa. Didn’t she know she was warm? Briana burrowed into the covers and cuddled up against Rosa.

    “So this is what living here would be like, huh?” Rosa asked.

    “Oh my gosh, are you going to move in! That would be perfect, plus Gary and Casey are going to help you move your stuff today, so you could just move everything! Gary has a truck!” Briana felt herself vibrating with excitement. The family was getting even bigger!

    “I was asking Melody.” Rosa said, though she laughed. “No, kiddo. I’m not moving in. Melody hasn’t asked me to, even if I wanted to.”

    “Only because I didn’t want to seem clingy.” Melody said, their voice muffled a bit by Rosa’s chest.

    “Please Rosa?” Briana gave Rosa her snuggliest, most welcoming nuzzle. “Melody needs their mommy here, and I really like you, and there’d be even more family, and you’d have so much fun with us!”

    “Slow down Briana.” Rosa said with a yawn. “I’m going to need coffee for this. Can you give us some space? I need to change my baby and get them ready for the day.”

    “Okay, yeah! But hurry please! Gary will be here soon, and Melody and I need to get our tree!”

    Briana crawled over Rosa and Melody. She’d tried to minimize how much knee and elbow was involved in that process, but she got a few grumpy protests anyway. They’d be fine after breakfast. With a grin and a wave, she scurried to the door – and almost collided with Veronica.

    “I was wondering why I had such a noisy little girl this morning and why I was hearing that noise from Melody’s room.” Veronica said. “Did you jump on Melody and Rosa?”

    “Uh – no Mom. It was a Tigger-bounce.” Briana smiled as cutely as she could.

    “Briana, I like you, but I have a bruise on my butt.” Rosa said from the bed. (still grumpy?!)

    “Good news baby bee.” Veronica said. “You’re about to have something in common with Rosa.”

    “Wait, Mommy no! I was just getting them ready for getting the tree! You said we could start getting ready now!”

    “You’re very selective in what you hear me say.” Veronica said. “Hopefully a spanking will re-focus those ears to take in everything, not just the things you like.”

    Briana whined, but Mom had a grip on her upper arm. It was over. Her butt was toast.

    “I’m sorry you got woken up that way, you two.” Veronica said. “I’m certain it won’t happen again.”

    “Oh man Bri. You’re going to get your butt wailed on.” Melody said. They sounded sympathetic at least.

    “Thanks Veronica. It’s all part of the experience. We’re fine.” Rosa yawned. “We’ll be up in a few.”

    “Take your time.” Veronica said. “Breakfast will be ready when you are.”

    Briana was dragged to the living room. Not that she was resisting, but Mom was walking fast and her legs were way longer. She was afraid that Melody was right, this was going to be a big one.

    “This is an ongoing problem with you, Briana.” Veronica said, pulling Briana over to the living room couch. “When you get excited about something, you stop thinking about other people. It’s fine to be excited, but not to give people bruises or intrude on their private space.”

    “I’m sorry Mom.” Briana whimpered. She gazed up at Mom as contritely as she could. There was obviously no way out of a spanking, but she had to save the trip to get the tree at all costs. “Are you going to spank me right here?”

    “Yes.” Veronica said. “But first you’re going to go up to my room and get my hairbrush. The lacquered wood one.”

    Real fear trickled into Briana’s belly. “No, mommy please, not the hairbrush.” Pulling out all the stops, she got down on her knees to beg. “Please momma, I’ll be such a good girl. I’ll be the best girl ever, all day, I promise.”

    “I’m still waiting for my hairbrush.” Veronica said, her mouth set in a hard line.

    It was worse than she thought! Mom was actually upset with her. (Santa points -2) As fast as she could force herself to go, Briana stumped up the stairs. The hairbrush was in it’s usual spot on Mom’s dresser. She picked it up, making eye-contact with Dad.

    “Do you need your hair brushed – oh, I see from your expression that’s not to be used on your hair today.” Jane said.

    “Daddy.” Briana whimpered. “Mom is gonna give me a super big spanking.”

    “Hmm, she doesn’t usually do that without a reason. Does she have a reason?”

    “I sort of jumped on Rosa and Melody this morning.” Briana said. “But I was just really excited to go get our tree!”

    “Then you better go get your spanking. You know better than to do that.” Dad said. “But when we get the tree, I’ll get you some chocolate.”

    Briana smiled and gave Dad a quick hug. “Thanks Daddy!”

    “Don’t forget your chore.” Jane said. “I still need Melody’s ring size. We don’t have a lot of time left.”

    “Oh! Okay Daddy, I’ll get it today, promise!” Briana saluted and scampered out of the room.

    “You’re pretty eager to get your spanking.” Veronica said with a raised brow when Briana came rushing down the stairs.

    “I know I made a mistake.” Briana said, handing Veronica the hairbrush. “I’ll try to be a better girl when I’m excited. I’m really sorry, and I love you, I want to be a good girl, I promise. I’m trying really hard Mommy, and I told Daddy what I did wrong too.”

    Anticipatory fear of the spanking, plus remembering scary stuff from the last few days helped Briana squeeze out a couple of tears. She looked up at Veronica with her best contrite expression.

    “A virtuoso performance.” Veronica said, dashing Briana’s hopes. “You are very good at that, but it doesn’t work on me anymore. Bend over my knee right now, young lady.”

    “I’m sorry Mommy, I really am!” Briana whimpered as she laid herself over Veronica’s lap.

    “You’re often sorry about these things.” Veronica said, pulling open the butt flap on Briana’s pajamas and yanking her diaper down. “I don’t notice much behavior change until you get a spanking, though.”

    That was really unfair! Using her past behavior against her? Who even remembered stuff from a while ago? Briana braced herself as best she could.

    The sting from the hairbrush was breathtaking. Loss of control was instant, Briana screamed. She was crying on the second stroke, snotty on the third. Her butt was on fire, but every stroke still came through in all it’s bright agony. Ten whole smacks from the hairbrush reduced Briana to a blubbering mess that could only apologize over and over.

    Mommy was stroking her hair. Bit by bit, Briana managed to calm down. Her butt still stung enough that she couldn’t help but twitch her cheeks every minute or two. A creak followed by a gust of cold air heralded the front door opening.

    “Wow, that’s a view.” Gary said.

    Briana blushed and squirmed. Her red butt and whole business was pointed right at the door. Unfortunately, Mom’s response to her squirms was just to hold her down.

    “Good morning Gary.” Veronica said. “Just doing a little course correction on the baby.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana whined. “I’m potty-training. I have a big sibling.”

    “If you can’t remember things your mother said from just a few days ago, then you’re a very little baby.” Veronica said. “What do you think, Gary?”

    Gary had crouched down and was petting her head. Briana nuzzled her snotty nose against him desperately.

    “She seems pretty little. Maybe she needs an extra thick diaper and a day in her crib.” Gary said.


    “Gary!” Briana whined. “You’re not helping! I hafta go get a tree today!”

    “I’m sure you will, but I don’t think you’re going to do it as a big girl.” Gary said.

    “I tend to agree. Will you be alright going out as a Little Girl today, Briana?” Veronica asked.

    “If I’m not dressed too little it’ll be okay.” Briana said, with a couple of final sniffles for extra sympathy.

    “Do you want to get her dressed?” Veronica asked Gary. “She has a snowsuit she can wear over anything you put her in. Rosa won’t be ready for a half hour or so, she’s getting Melody ready.”

    “Yeah, I was hoping I’d get a chance.” Gary said.

    Mere seconds separated Briana being released by Mom and her being whirled into the air by Gary.

    “It’s really okay if I’m Little on the tree shopping trip?” Briana asked.

    “It’s a big Christmas thing. You should get to enjoy it Little-style.” Gary said.

    “I’m looking forward to it.” Veronica said.

    Up in her room, Briana insisted on lots of lotion on her stinging bum, as well as medicinal kisses. Gary put her in one of his favorite outfits, a rabbit-print onesie and fuzzy tights. With the snowsuit on, nobody would know she was a stealth baby!

    “I can’t wait to give you your Christmas present.” Briana said, giggling as Gary put her shoes on. “You might hafta open it in private though.”

    “Oh?” Gary asked, looking up curiously and hornily.

    Briana’s giggles redoubled. “You’ll see.”

    “Well you better not be wearing makeup when you open mine, because it’s going to make you cry.” Gary said with a  smirk.

    “Gary! Unfair. Penalty flag on the field.”

    “Flag on the play, baby girl.”

    “But they throw the flag on the ground.”

    “How are you less sporty than your programmer sibling?”

    “How are you even sporty! You’re a nerd!”

    “A nerd with guns.” Gary said, flexing.

    “That is a stupid reply.” Briana said, stroking Gary’s magnificent biceps. “I’m only allowing it because of how sexy you are.”

    “Don’t start.” Gary said, scooping Briana up. “I have to help Rosa and you have to go tree shopping.”

    “You can just bring all her stuff over if you want.” Briana said. “You brought your truck right? She can totally move in if she wants.”

    “I think maybe I’ll let Rosa make that decision.” Gary laughed and headed downstairs, carrying Briana against his chest with her head on his shoulder.

    “Melody and Rosa are dumb about this stuff, we have to help them.”

    “Uh huh. Didn’t your help just get you a big spanking?”

    “Yes and now I’m a very good girl who should get treats for how good she is.”

    “I don’t think it works that way.” Gary gave Briana a gentle squeeze and a long soft kiss before setting her on the couch.

    “I’ll miss you.” Briana said. “I wish you could come tree shopping. You will be here on Christmas, right?”

    “I promise, love.” Gary said. He turned to Rosa, who was similarly fussing over Melody. “You ready to go?”

    “Yeah, thanks for doing this.” Rosa said, taking a deep breath. “Listen, if Beatrix is there, you don’t have to do anything big. Just kind of – block. I’ll call the cops if I have to.”

    “If Beatrix is there, I hope you’ll tell the cops that I had a really good reason for laying her out.” Gary said grimly.

    “Do not get me started on that vigilante stuff.” Rosa said. “I’m a hair away from it right now.”

    “Yo, we ready?” Casey asked, bounding into the room.

    “Casey, you are like three times as much of a jock as you used to be since you started dating Maryam.” Briana accused.

    “That’s because she converted me to her religion.” Casey said. “I was always about the gym, but now it’s the Iron Church.”

    “Nice gains, for real.” Gary said.

    Casey fist bumped Gary. FIST BUMPED. This nonsense needed to stop immediately. Briana hopped up and started herding her ridiculous boyfriend and roommate out the door.

    “Out! This is a nerd house. We have a theatre kid in here for the goddess’s sake!”

    “Goddess?” Gary asked.

    “Look who else is picking stuff up from someone else.” Casey said. “You’re gonna be a wicca like your mom?”

    “Maybe!” Briana said, belatedly realizing she had no idea what Mom meant when she said that. “Go! Get! Help Rosa!”

    “Looking forward to staying a few days with you, you little loca.” Rosa said, chuckling. “Melody, you play nice with your sister while I’m gone.”

    “I will. Be safe.” Melody said nervously.

    “She’ll be fine. Look at the huge himbos she has with her.” Briana said, rushing to give her sibling a hug. “Melody you need to focus. We have to pick the bestest tree!”

    Melody managed a smile as they waved to Rosa and her bodyguards. “You’re really excited huh?”

    “I haven’t had a Christmas tree in ages!” Briana said.

    “Yeah, me either.” Melody rubbed their short hair. “After I was about six or so, my bio-Mom said no more trees. They were ‘satanic’.”

    “Oh Sib!” Briana squeezed Melody until they yelped. “Now we have to get a TRIPLE awesome tree!”

    “Just don’t get so wound up that no tree could possibly be the right one.” Melody said. “We have to find one that we like.”

    “You’re right.” Briana said, snuggling up to Melody. “That’s why you’re the big sibling.”

    It was the perfect amount of cuteness and it got Briana her own crushing hug from her sibling. She sighed, trembling with happiness.

    Briana bounced around so much on the ride to the tree farm that Jane threatened her with a car seat. She didn’t care. Everything was coming together for a magical day. She collected her scalding-hot cup of apple cider while Jane borrowed a saw and followed her family out into the mud-churned snow between the trees.

    The ones near the tree farm office were terrible, all the good ones had been picked out already. They ranged further ahead, even splitting up a bit to cover more ground. Jane and Melody were on their own, hand in hand. It was a good time for a talk with Mom.

    “Mom. Are you Wiccan?” Briana asked.

    Veronica came to a stop and faced Briana. Her face was very serious.

    “Why are you asking?”

    “I want to be like you. I said that thing you say about the goddess and Casey asked me if I was wiccan like you.”

    Veronica sighed. “Briana, please listen carefully. My beliefs are very personal. Spirituality is very personal to me. I don’t believe that children should take on their parents spirituality unless it’s something they really believe in.”

    “But how do I know if I believe in it if I don’t really know what it is?” Briana asked.

    “I could let you join me at an Esbat.” Veronica said. “You could see if it’s something that interests you. If so, we could move on from there.”

    “Wait, I know that word.” Briana said. “That’s a coven meeting. Mommy, are you a witch?!”

    Veronica chuckled and rubbed her nose. “This conversation is me paying for the religious conversation I had with Michelle.”

    “What do you mean? Doesn’t Grandma have the same religion?”

    “Your grandmother is a Satanist.” Veronica said. Briana’s jaw dropped. “Her beliefs are complicated and I won’t be trying to explain them.”

    “But isn’t that…”

    “Do not say evil.” Veronica said. “If you want to find out what your grandma believes, you need to ask her.”

    “Okay but, can you answer my question? Are you a witch? Mommy, I just want to get to know you. I didn’t get to grow up with you.”

    “Oh baby bee.” Veronica leaned down and gave Briana a gentle hug. “Yes, I consider myself to be a witch. It’s a proud tradition for Rasmussen women. Magna Grandma was a prominent witch.”

    “You didn’t tell me that when you told me her story!” Briana protested.

    “There is so much story about Magna Grandma, it can’t all be told at once.”

    “Are you going to put a spell on Beatrix? Is that how you’re going to get rid of her?”

    The swat on Briana’s rear came out of nowhere. She looked at Veronica, more surprised than shocked. It hadn’t really hurt, though it had made her already reddened butt tingle a bit.

    “That is NOT to joke about. I don’t practice fell magic.” Veronica said. “Not that I need to. Beatrix will get her behavior returned to her threefold, and it’ll destroy her. I’m just going to accelerate the process a little.”

    “Okay, I’m sorry! I don’t know this stuff.” Briana said.

    “I’m very private about it.” Veronica said. “I wish Casey hadn’t said anything, but I guess it’s good she did, if you were talking about the Goddess. There hasn’t been time to tell you everything about me yet, sweetie. I don’t know everything about you yet either.”

    “I just love you so much mama.” Briana said, snuggling close. “I want to be your baby girl totally and in every way.”

    “You are.” Veronica squeezed Briana tightly. “We’ll get there. Now, go find me a good tree. I trust you to pick a perfect one.”

    With a grin, Briana scampered forward. The first three trees she picked out were perfect! Well except for the part where they wouldn’t physically fit in the house. Adjusting her expectations down from massive twenty foot pines, Briana wove through the trees, scouting them carefully on all sides.

    “I found it! I found it Mom!” Briana said, bouncing on the frozen mud.

    When Veronica finally caught up to her, Briana could tell she was impressed. The tree was super round, without any holes in the branches or spots of disease. It was JUST tall enough to reach the ceiling without being too big.

    Veronica inspected the tree carefully, but she couldn’t find a single fault. When she texted Jane to come find them, Briana cheered in victory.

    “This is a good tree, Bumblebri.” Jane said, nodding.

    “I like the one I found.” Melody said, kicking at the mud.

    “It can’t be better than this one.” Briana said.

    “It is a little shorter.” Jane replied.

    “Fine, we’ll get this one.” Melody said. “But only because the little baby wants it.”

    “Nuh uh! I found the best tree!” Briana giggled, throwing a pinecone at Melody.

    Melody rushed her. The two of them wrestled back and forth, giggling, until Jane and Veronica pulled them apart.

    “That’s enough, you two.” Jane said. “I’ll get started cutting. Ronnie, do you want to go back and let them know it’s a twelve foot noble fir?”

    “I get to get out of the carrying?” Veronica smiled and kissed Jane on the cheek. “Happily, my love.”

    “Kinder, I want you on each side of the tree. Hold on to a big branch so it doesn’t fall before we want it to.” Heedless of the frozen, muddy ground, Jane lay down and slid under the tree with the saw.

    It was scary holding onto the big tree, but Briana managed it. She helped carry the top end alongside Melody, even though it was super far back to the car. (Santa points +1) There was a second cup of hot cider waiting for her, giving her a warm tummy to go with her warm diaper on the way home. Dad remembered her chocolate too, stopping at a coffee shop on the way home and getting both kids a cookie.

    Ignoring her soggy butt in favor of decorating, Briana was a frenzy of decoration. She couldn’t reach high to put on the lights, but she was a good helper keeping the string untangled for Jane. There were so many cool ornaments to put on the tree. She and Melody were sweeping up needles while Jane watered the tree when Veronica approached them with a pair of wrapped boxes.

    “Mom, what’s this?” Briana asked, taking the fist-sized (regular person fist, not Briana fist!) box in her hands.

    “Open them.” Veronica said, smiling. Jane came over to watch, putting her arm around Veronica’s waist.

    Carefully (just kidding) – with reckless abandon, Briana shredded the wrapping paper. Inside was a pretty white box with a red snowflake on it. Within the box was a globe ornament. The ornament was soft white and gold, with two inscriptions on it. One side read, ‘Baby’s First Christmas’. The other said, ‘Briana Tess Rasmussen’ with the current year following.

    Tears blurred the ornament out of Briana’s sight. She turned to her sibling, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. Melody was holding an almost identical ornament, in red and gold. They were crying too.

    “Mommy! Daddy!” Briana said, throwing herself against them.

    Melody bumped up on her side. “Mom, Dad.” They whispered huskily.

    “Happy Christmas.” Jane said. “Joyous Yule.” Veronica said.

    “I hafta find the perfect place to put it.” Briana said. She grabbed Melody’s arm. “Can we put ours together? Please?”

    “Yeah, I’d like that.” Melody said, shyly.

    Hand in hand, they approached the tree. There was a spot with a bit of a hole in its ornament coverage. Briana remembered chastising Mom about that. Clever mommy. The two of them put their ornaments on neighboring branches and fell into a tight hug.

    It wasn’t even Christmas yet, but the magic was already here.

    They’d been snuggled tight together on the couch for only a few minutes when Rosa and her himbo escort returned. Gary and Casey were apparently in a contest for who could carry more stuff, leaving Rosa’s hands free.

    “Welcome back.” Veronica said. “We thought you’d get back before we were done. Was everything alright?”

    “Beatrix made a visit to my apartment yesterday. I had to explain some stuff to my roommates. Nobody’s hurt, but they’re not happy about the drama that came down on them. I brought a few extra things. I promised my roommates that I’d stay here until the Beatrix thing is done, if that’s still okay.”

    “It is more than okay, you are welcome here.” Jane said. Veronica nodded.

    “Yay! For the part where you’re staying here!” Briana said, hopping up. “Rosa, I know you just got back, but can I borrow Melody? They need to go Christmas shopping!”

    “What, I don’t get to come with?” Rosa asked.

    “Not if they’re going to get you a present!”

    “Then how is Melody going to get you a present?”

    “Yours is more important.” Briana said. Rosa looked a little surprised at that. Briana was a bit surprised at herself too. Melody and Rosa had just gotten back together. They needed a super good Christmas present.

    “Isn’t somebody going to have to go with you two?” Gary asked.

    “You can come if you want, but I’m going to be big for this.” Briana said. “Tell him Mom, I was a super big girl the day you had to visit Grandma.”

    “It’s true, she managed very well.” Veronica said.

    “Does that mean school is a go?” Gary asked.

    “I registered for classes and everything!” Briana said, grinning.

    “That’s great news!” Gary picked her up and twirled her around. Briana grinned and showered his face with kisses.

    “Okay, I’m going to get big. Rosa, can you get Melody ready?” Briana asked, twirling to a stop when Gary put her down.

    “Isn’t anyone going to ask me?” Melody asked, frowning.

    “Nope!” Briana said. “You’re little right now. I asked your mommy instead.”

    Rosa chuckled and gave Melody a squeeze. “This is worth it just to see you get all flustered, Little One. Go ahead Briana, I’ll get them ready.”

    Upstairs, a quick Shazam!, and Briana was ready to be big. There wouldn’t be any goth-armor today. She was going to be one hundred percent Briana, but as a big girl. A pullup was still a wise decision and she put sparkly white tights over it. Over those went some ripped jeans. A super cute pink long-sleeve blouse peeked out from under a shorter-sleeved cream colored sweater. Makeup and hair done, Big Briana was a go!

    Melody’s car was still somewhere else, so they took the bus. Gary had some stuff of his own to do. Silly boy. It was good in a way, though. Briana was feeling the need for some quality sibling time.

    “This is weird.” Melody said, when Briana took their hand as they exited the bus.

    “Because I’m the big one?” Briana asked.

    “Shh.” Melody said, squirming nervously. They were adorable in their puffy coat and sweat pants, almost as bundled up as they’d been for the sledding day.

    “Nobody is going to pay attention to us, look how busy everyone is.” Briana said. “Come on Sib. You’ve got a ton of shopping to do if you don’t have any presents yet!”

    “What do you mean? I only have to buy a couple.”

    “You need nice presents for Mom, Dad and Rosa. You should get something small for the rest of the roommates. Tamira and Arthur are going to be over for Christmas, so it’d be nice to get them something too. Same with Gary.”

    “And something for you too.” Melody said. “That’s a lot.”

    “Only if we worry about it that way.” Briana said. “Come on, let’s do the little presents first. Maybe it’ll give you ideas for the other ones.”

    As they shopped, Melody relaxed. The knickknack shops had all kinds of ridiculous stuff that Briana and Melody had a great time with. At one of the shops, Briana got Melody to put costume rings on all their fingers, discreetly buying the pinkie ring when her sibling was distracted by some candy. Within two hours they’d knocked out all the casual presents and had a good idea for their parents.

    “You’re sure they’re going to like mugs with my picture on them?” Melody asked nervously.

    “They LOVE sappy stuff. I told you what I was getting them.” Briana said. “Plus it’s not your picture. It’s a carving on a handmade mug based on a picture of you. They drink coffee and tea constantly. They’ll love it.”

    “Okay but – what do you want for Christmas?” Melody asked.

    “I have everything I want.” Briana said, temporarily freed of her present lust by her big state. “I have a family. I have you. A real Christmas.”

    “Okay, but what do you want for a present?” Melody asked stubbornly. They were getting a little fussy. Briana steered them toward a café where they could get a snack.

    “I’ll love anything you get me. I just want to spend time with you.” Briana said.

    “That’s not – oh, wait, never mind. I figured it out.” Melody said.

    “Oh?” Briana asked, while she handed Melody a brownie and a bottle of apple juice.

    “I can’t tell you about your present, dummy.” Melody said. They chomped on the brownie with gusto.

    “Don’t call your babysitter a dummy.” Briana admonished. “I’ll spank you.”

    “I told you.” Melody said, talking through a mouthful of brownie. “You can’t spank me.”

    “Close your mouth when you’re eating or you’ll find out how wrong you are.” Briana said, in a very good imitation of Veronica’s mommy tone. “There’s a family restroom right there.”

    “I wasn’t…” Melody blushed, looked at the family restroom, and doubled down on the blush. They ate their snack quietly after that.

    After taking Melody to confirm that they wanted the mugs, Briana wandered the streets with Melody’s hand firmly clasped in hers.

    “Still no ideas for Rosa?” Briana asked.

    “No.” Melody sighed. “It has to be perfect.”

    “It just has to be from you, with love.” Briana said.

    “I want a perfect one!” Melody fussed.

    “You’re that cranky after a brownie?” Briana asked. “Do you need a change?”

    “No!” Melody said petulantly.

    Rolling her eyes, Briana put her arm around Melody. She guided them out of the flow of traffic, popped open the back of Melody’s waistband, and took a whiff.

    “Hey!’ Melody said in a strangled whisper.

    “You need a change.” Briana said. Patting Melody’s butt revealed that their diaper’s bulk was about to show through their baggy sweats. “You’re soaked. Why didn’t you say anything?”

    “Didn’t wanna.” Melody said. “You can’t change me out here, people will see.”

    “I know a place that will be private. Follow me.”

    Briana tugged Melody along by the arm until they reached the Black Veil. She parked Melody by the door and motioned the owner over.

    “Hi Wendy.” Briana said quietly. “I have a couple of favors to ask.”

    “Anything for you sweetie.” Wendy said. “What is it?”

    “I need you to check what size this ring is.” Briana said, handing Wendy the costume ring. “Also, that’s my sibling, Melody by the door there. They need a change. Can I use your back room?”

    “Of course hon. You know where it is. Is the ring a secret from Melody?”

    “You got it.”

    “I’ll slip you a note with the size on it on your way out.” Wendy said with a grin.

    “Thanks!” Briana grinned.

    It took a bit of effort to get Melody to agree to go into the back, but once they did, they were happy to be in a locked, private bathroom.

    “What’s this place anyway?”

    “This is where Mom gets most of her clothes.” Briana said, laying a changing blanket on the floor. “She’s super good friends with the owner now. I’m getting to be friends with her too.”

    “Did you tell her…”

    “I did.” Briana said. “She’s seen my diapers and Mom basically changed me in here. She won’t say anything and she’s super nice. Her name is Wendy.”

    “I still don’t like it.” Melody huffed, crossing their arms.

    “You’re just fussy because you’re wet.” Briana said, knowing the feeling well. “Get on the blanket.”

    Despite their protests, Melody was pretty docile. They lay down and let Briana strip their lower half. She regretted not having a stuffie for Melody to hold while they were being changed. She had a lot to learn about being a mommy still!

    “There’s still more than a week until Christmas.” Briana said. “Don’t stress. If you don’t find a present today, that’s okay. We got almost all your other shopping done.”

    “Thanks for taking me.” Melody said, squirming under the wet wipes. “You’re a really good sister.”

    “Aww.” Briana grinned, sliding a diaper under Melody and giving their butt a familiar pat. “You’re a great sibling. I’m so happy you moved in.”

    “Me too.” Melody said softly. “I couldn’t have gotten away from Beatrix without you, and Mom, and Mommy. I’d still be – Bea wanted me to not be me anymore. It was so scary.”

    “Oh sweetie.” Briana knelt by her sibling and stroked their hair. “That sounds terrible. You’re a brave kid for getting away from her.”

    “I’m dumb. I should have known what she was like.”

    “You’re my super smart sibling. Lots of people get trapped in relationships that hurt. You knew enough to get out.” Briana said, giving Melody’s shoulder a squeeze.

    Melody hissed in pain. Briana frowned.

    “You’re not cutting yourself again are you?”

    “No, Beatrix bit me.” Melody said. “To uh, mark me.”

    “Let me see.”

    Briana helped Melody gently out of their coat and one side of their top. There was a broken circle on Melody’s shoulder, blue, black, and shading yellow.

    “This is a nasty one!” Briana said. “Didn’t Rosa see this?”

    “She did, but it wasn’t as bad then and I was crying pretty hard.” Melody said.

    “Melody, I love you.” Briana said, holding Melody’s head in her lap. “That monster will never touch you again. Rasmussens protect their family. I won’t allow her to hurt you.”

    “Thank you.” Melody whimpered.

    They curled up around Briana, tears leaking down their nose and cheek. Watching her sibling cry, Briana felt her fear of Beatrix turn to rage. She’d never been a violent person, but in that moment she wanted Magna Grandma’s gun. Something old-timey with a huge bore size that would send Beatrix into another dimension.

    “I think we’re done for today.” Briana said, stroking Melody’s neck. “I’m going to take you home and we can both be little together. Maybe Little Briana has some better ideas for a present for your mommy.”

    “Yes please.” Melody said.

    Briana got her sibling bundled back up and helped them to the shop’s front room. Wendy gave Briana the promised note with Melody’s ring size, and was caught off guard by the fierce hug Briana gave her.

    “Wendy, you know your customers pretty well, right?”

    “I’ve got a great memory for faces, why?”

    “Has a girl named Beatrix ever come in here? Our age, blonde, pretty?”

    “Hmm, I think maybe a year ago.” Wendy said. “I can’t be sure, but the name rings a bell. Kind of a harsh person?”

    “That’s an understatement.” Briana said. “I know this doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but please don’t ever let her shop here again.”

    Wendy frowned, searching Briana’s face. Her gaze flicked over to Melody’s tear-streaked face and her frown deepened.

    “Everything matters. Your mother knows that. What we do comes back, three times three.” Wendy said. “She will never darken my store again.”

    “Thank you Wendy. I owe you.”

    “Then I charge you to come get a dress all on your own sometime.” Wendy said with a smile.

    “Done.” Briana said, grinning. “Come on Melody, we’re going home.”

    They sat cuddled together on the bus. It took an effort to stay big all the way home, which meant a sort of collapse to little when they did. That was okay though. There was a mom, a dad, AND a mommy waiting for them. Melody and Briana got all the care a Little could hope for.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 14

    It was so weird to be babysat by Briana. Weird that their ultra-Little sister was really good at babysitting. Melody would have said that Briana was just doing whatever she wanted her babysitters to do, but she’d been too responsible for it to be wish-fulfillment.

    Christmas shopping was fun, but coming home from it was awkward. Rosa wanted to baby them. Veronica wanted to baby them too. They’d just gotten back together with Rosa, but they’d been away from Veronica longer. Both caregivers were trying hard to not clash with each other.

    Melody didn’t want to disappoint either of them. They couldn’t pick. Not that their two caregivers were trying to make them pick. Veronica and Rosa, Mom and Mommy, were being super careful about that too.

    It was Jane – Dad, who broke the tension.

    “Rosa needs to arrange her things in Melody’s room. That’s where she will be staying, yes? Ronnie, you can help her with that and Melody can help you both. While you do that, you can discuss co-parenting.”

    That was that. All three of them were in Melody’s room less than a minute later. Melody resolved to be a little more careful around Dad. They hadn’t thought that Jane could just lay down the law for Rosa and Veronica at the same time.

    Briana tried to come along, but had been intercepted by Dad. Since their sister had been yeeted out of the situation, Melody was going to have to do the big emotional icebreaker all on their own. Thanks Obama.

    “Mom, Mommy…” Melody took a deep breath, building up their courage now that they were the center of attention. “I need a hug.”

    They grabbed both women and pulled gently. A little voice in Melody’s head was assuring them that they were both going to pull away. That it was going to be awful, and lonely.

    That little voice got squashed even more than Melody did. Mom and Mommy were hugging them with real, needy force. They were hugging each other too. Somebody was crying. Oh, that was themself.

    Melody turned out to be a trendsetter. Veronica and Rosa were both crying a bit when the hug came apart.

    “Thank you so much for rescuing Melody.” Veronica said. “Rosa, I think you’re just what they need. I’m so happy the two of you are back together.”

    “Thanks for saving them.” Rosa said softly, wiping her eyes again. “You did what I couldn’t do. I couldn’t fix things. Not with Beatrix in the picture.”

    Then they hugged! Veronica and Rosa hugged without Melody having to be in the middle, or initiate it. It felt so good, so Little, that Melody didn’t like that they were standing up anymore. They plopped down on their butt on the floor, beaming up at their Mom and Mommy.

    “I think our little one is feeling very small.” Veronica said, smiling down at Melody.

    “They did yesterday morning too.” Rosa said. “You know, Melody has something in common with their sister, as far as what calms them down. Though Melody gets riled up again in a different way.”

    “Mama! Don’t tell her about that.” Melody protested, blushing and curling up on the floor.

    “About what, exactly?” Veronica asked.

    Rosa hefted her breasts and grinned. Veronica laughed.

    “I think I’ll leave that for something special between the two of you then.” Veronica said. “Plus, Briana’s a little greedy. I’m not sure what it would be like to try to be feeding both of them.”

    “It’s not a food thing for you anyway, is it Melody?” Rosa asked, poking Melody with her toe.

    “Mama stop!” Melody whined. They were so wet in their diaper. It had nothing to do with having an accident either. Being turned on around Veronica was weird. Rosa was a super big meanie for making it so weird.

    “If you need a distraction, you can start putting my clothes in your closet.” Rosa said. She leaned down to give Melody something between a diaper-pat and a swat.

    Grumbling, but glad to for the change of topic, Melody got up and investigated the duffel bag that Rosa had brought over. It was stuffed with clothes. So many clothes. Nobody would need so many clothes unless they were staying a long time.

    With a happy little grin on their face, Melody started hanging Rosa’s shirts up. They couldn’t say why, but the best way seemed to be to take one shirt at a time to the closet and hang it. Putting a bunch on their arm would be faster, but confusing.

    “Is it alright if I open the discussion on Melody?” Veronica asked, taking a seat on the bed.

    “Go ahead.” Rosa said, sitting at the other end. “I’m not sure where to start.”

    “The first thing I want to ask is about their diapers. Do you have Melody wearing full time? The day before they left the house, Melody wet while they were sleeping.”

    “Oh, they did that with me too. I think full time diapers is the way to go right now. Even when Melody isn’t being little.”

    That was really unfair! Melody paused with one of Rosa’s tank tops in their hands. They’d made it a whole day almost without wearing any diapers at all. There hadn’t been even one accident. That’d been at Beatrix’s house though – maybe not the best place to bring up as an example to Mom and Mama. Grudgingly letting that one go, Melody hung up the tank top and retrieved another shirt.

    “That brings up another good point.” Veronica said. “How often is Melody little or not little?”

    “We’re still working on that. I think for the rest of today and tonight for sure.” Rosa said. “I think they’ll probably need a break some time tomorrow. It’s something I’m keeping an eye on.”

    That was a perfect answer. Melody smiled and happily hung up some pants. They weren’t sure what to do with the leggings. Those wouldn’t hang well in a closet.

    “That sounds wise to me.” Veronica said. “Is there anything else I should know?”

    “Melody has agreed that I’m in charge of keeping them honest, especially with themself. We negotiated general behavioral caregiving, even outside of scenes.” Rosa said. “I’m curious actually if you have anything like that going on with them.”

    “I do.” Veronica said. “Melody, put those leggings down for a minute and come here.”

    Obediently, Melody shuffled over, hands behind their back. Were they in trouble? They felt like they were in trouble.

    “What did I tell you that I was doing for you, Little One?” Veronica asked.

    “You said you wouldn’t let me fall.” Melody said softly.

    Rosa gasped, hand to her mouth. She leaned over to squeeze Veronica’s hand, eyes shining.

    Veronica smiled kindly at Rosa, squeezing back.

    “That’s right, Little One. That means I’m keeping you safe. I also keep track of your work and school tasks. Is that something you want me to keep doing, or would you like Rosa to do it? Alternately, you could take those back and handle them yourself.”

    “I want Rosa to do the school stuff, but you keep the work stuff.” Melody said. The words had left their mouth before they even considered them. Now that they were out there – they couldn’t say why – but they were glad those words had been said.

    “I’d be happy to do that for you, Niñe.” Rosa said.

    “I’ll send you my spreadsheet on Melody’s school responsibilities.” Veronica said, without any regret or worry in her voice.

    Melody relaxed happily. It felt like their Mom and Mommy had equal things to do now. Dad didn’t have anything, but she was in charge of stuff like fixing cuts and being super calm and authoritative. It would work out.

    “You’re doing a good job with my clothes.” Rosa said. “At least until you got to the leggings. Do you need help?”

    “I’m not sure where to put them.” Melody said. “They won’t hang up well.”

    “You can take your panties out of your dresser and put my leggings there.” Rosa said. “You won’t be needing those, at least for as long as I’m here on break.”

    Melody blushed, squirming.

    “You don’t have to wait on me, Little One.” Veronica said. “Your Mommy gave you a task. Go on now.”

    Now they were really blushing. They hadn’t been waiting for permission, had they? They’d just been – hanging out. With their hands behind their back. Listening obediently. It was so hot and so comforting at the same time.

    “Can we talk about Briana a bit?” Rosa asked.

    “Of course, what’s on your mind?”

    “I changed her after the intervention. I was happy to help out and she’s fun. Do you want me to talk to you before I do things for her, or be more proactive?”

    “Oh goodness, I would love it if you were proactive.” Veronica said, with a big smile. “I think you and I have a lot in common. It’d be nice if you talked to me before you punish Briana, at least the first couple of times. If you see caregiving that needs to be done for her, and you want to do it, please do.”

    “Okay, great. She’s kind of sneaky. I thought it would be a good idea to get some ground rule down in that area right away.”

    “That is a perfect assessment of Briana.” Veronica said, laughing.

    Hah! That would keep Briana from getting away with stuff when Rosa was around. Melody closed their former underwear drawer on the last of Rosa’s leggings. The stacks of panties on the dresser would not be neat enough for either of their caregivers, Melody knew. After a moment’s consideration, they put the panties in one of their cosplay boxes.

    “Rosa, I don’t want to come on too strong. I know Briana has already pestered you about this, but I would love for you to move in. I think you’d be a wonderful addition to the house. If that doesn’t work for you, I completely understand.”

    “I’ll think about it.” Rosa said. “I’d be staying in Melody’s room; and a very important person in this conversation hasn’t asked me if I’d like to move in.”

    Melody stopped in the middle of rolling up Rosa’s duffel and whined. It wasn’t fair! Everyone was rushing things. Asking big stuff like that took courage. Courage was a slow-refreshing resource.

    “Mama.” Melody said. “I don’t know. I love you. But it’s hard to think about stuff right now.”

    “Niñe, I know that’s why we haven’t talked about it. You’re okay. You’re a good kid.” Rosa said. “I’ll get back to you on that one, Veronica.”

    “Of course.” Veronica said. “I’m just stacking things in my favor by letting you know my opinion on the matter before you two discuss it.”

    “So that’s where Briana gets her sneakiness.” Rosa said with a smirk.

    “She’s a Rasmussen.” Veronica said proudly.

    “You’re both pretty formidable.” Rosa said. “You remind me of my abuela. She runs her house.”

    “I’d love to meet her sometime, and your parents.” Veronica said. “Jane is bringing her parents over from Germany after the holidays. It’d be great fun if we could get everyone here at the same time.”

    “I guess that depends on how serious my relationship with Melody is.” Rosa said. “Which is another conversation that needs to wait.”

    “Of course.” Veronica nodded.

    “What’re you doing, Niñe?” Rosa asked suddenly.

    Melody looked over, feeling guilty again. “Nothing. I’m all done with the clothes.”

    “Thank you for doing that. Come here and sit between us.” Rosa said, patting the bedcovers.

    Sitting down with a crinkle, Melody squirmed happily when both women moved in to sit against them.

    “They’re such a good Little One, most of the time.” Veronica said. “Better behaved than Briana, if I’m being honest.”

    “My Melody is a very good niñe.” Rosa said. “That was part of the problem. You were trying to be good for the wrong person, weren’t you, hon?”

    “Yes Mama.” Melody said softly.

    “You’re safe now with us.” Veronica said. “No one is going to hurt you while Rosa and I are here.”

    “And Dad.” Melody said. “I um, Jane.”

    “Oh? When did that start?” Veronica asked.

    “The snow day.” Melody kicked their feet. They’d ended up sitting further back on the bed than Mom and Mama, leaving their feet dangling in the air.

    “I think it’s really sweet.” Rosa said. “If we have to put names on it, I think you and Jane are parental with them. I’m still a girlfriend and glad that I am. But a girlfriend that’s also a caregiver.”

    “That’s lovely.” Veronica said. “Whatever ends up being decided in your relationship and living situation, I think you’re a great addition to the family, Rosa.”

    “In the meantime, what do you want to do with this little stinker?” Veronica asked, gently tickling Melody.

    Melody squirmed, giggling. Whatever the two of them came up with, it was going to be a lot of fun.

    “Actually there’s an errand we need to take care of.” Rosa said. “Melody left their car at the skate rink. Would you mind coming with me and driving my car back? I’m not sure that Melody is good to drive right now.”

    The grip that Rosa had around Melody’s waist suggested that she didn’t want to let Melody out of her sight either. Melody was fine with that, even if it wasn’t going to be a fun thing that they did next. Leave it to caregivers to come up with dumb chores stuff when they could be having fun. The car was fine. It was all locked up and stuff – probably.

    “I’d be happy to.” Veronica said, unsnapping Melody’s cargo pants to check their diaper. “Our little Muppet is still dry, so they’re ready to go. I’m good to go now if you want.”

    “Muppet?” Melody protested.

    “I’d like to get it take care of, so it’s not hanging over my head.” Rosa said, buttoning Melody’s pants back up. Neither she nor Veronica made the slightest sign that they noticed Melody questioning their new nickname.

    “I’m not a Muppet.” Melody insisted.

    “Be a good Little One or we’ll put you in Briana’s car-seat.” Veronica said, smiling.

    Melody’s mouth dropped open. Rosa closed it with a finger under their chin. Things were rapidly devolving into some extremely embarrassing territory. The easiest way out was to be a good Little, even if that came with some squirmy feelings of its own.

    Even if they weren’t in a car seat, Melody still had to sit in the back. Their Littleness had them spacing out and staring at the snow while Veronica and Rosa chatted. It made the trip feel a bit as if they’d teleported to the skate rink.

    “There’s Melody’s car.” Rosa said. “I have their keys. It’s probably easiest to just leave them in the seat they’re in. You can drive Melody back to… oh shit.”

    Rosa pulled to a stop, facing Melody’s car. The little two-door Civic had a light dusting of snow on it. Less snow than another nearby car. It was also a lot less white than it used to be. There were letters scrawled in bright red spray paint all over the vehicle. From the back seat, Melody couldn’t make out more than what was written on the facing side.

    In huge block letters, the paint spelled out, “DIAPER SLUT”.

    “Oh that is enough!” Veronica said sharply. “Rosa, do you mind taking care of Melody while I make a call?”

    “On it.” Rosa said. She left the engine and heater running, popping out of the driver’s seat to climb in the back.

    “Hey Niñe, look at me. That’s plenty of staring at the car for now.” Rosa said gently.

    Melody blinked, realized they’d been staring hard enough to dry out their eyes. They tried to reach for Rosa, but the seatbelt blocked them. Luckily, Rosa was on it. She had the belt off and pulled Melody into her arms right away.

    “She’s never going to stop.” Melody whimpered. “She doesn’t stop. She’s so scary.”

    “I’ve got you. We’re going to MAKE her stop.” Rosa said. “Mostly Veronica will. Mom is on it, okay? She’s already calling someone.”

    “Mommy I’m scared.” Melody said. Crawling into Mommy’s lap didn’t exactly work in the car, but Melody gave it their dammedest squirm.

    “You need a nipple?” Rosa said softly. It sounded like she was teasing. She had better have been teasing! They were in public. That wouldn’t be okay – even if it sounded really good.

    “Mommy not here.” Melody said, squirming.

    “Here’s the next best thing.” Rosa unzipped her jacket, exposing quite a bit of cleavage in her tank top. She pulled Melody’s head onto her chest, cheek to skin.

    A couple more squirms to get into a more comfortable position for leaning over, and Melody was able to relax.

    “Jason, hello.” Veronica said. “Yes, it’s Veronica. Oh goodness, how did you hear? Yes, she came out of the surgery just fine, thank you so much for asking. She’ll be in town soon, actually.”

    “See? She’s on it.” Rosa said softly. “What kind of evening do you want to have? Hanging out with everybody as a Little? Sleepover with your sister?”

    “I want my Mama.” Melody said. “No sleepover. But dinner and stuff with everybody would be fun.”

    “I need a pair of officers, or a detective if you can spare anyone.” Veronica said. “A family member’s car was vandalized.”

    “I think we can do that. You want me to make a special dinner for you and your sister? Just for the kids?” Rosa asked, stroking Melody’s cheek.

    “Can we have tendies?” Melody asked.

    “I’m sure I know who it was and I’m worried that the perpetrator may be violent. She isn’t here at the moment, but I’d feel much safer if you could – thank you Jason.”

    “I said a special dinner, not microwave food.” Rosa admonished.

    “But I like tendies.” Melody said, frustrated.

    “We’ll wait for them at the Skate Arena. We’re the only ones here with our lights on. Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you again.”

    Veronica hung up the phone with a sigh.

    “You’re going to like gorditas too.” Rosa said. “Trust your Mama.”

    “Okay Mama.” Melody closed their eyes and tucked themself a little closer to Rosa.

    “We have two officers and a detective on the way.” Veronica said.

    “That’s amazing, thank you.” Rosa said. “If I’d called – they would have told me to call back some other time.”

    “I wish that weren’t true, but I’m afraid you’re right. That’s a battle for another day. Right now, our family is going to get what it needs.”

    “I took over your dinner, by the way. At last for the kids. I can make something for everyone if you don’t already have plans.”

    “It’s Jane and my turn to cook. We would welcome a night off. What can I do to help?”

    “I might need some ingredients. Do you have masa?”

    “We’ll make a trip to the store.” Veronica said. “To pick that up and any other kitchen staples you need for while you’re here.”

    “That’d be really great. I was a little freaked out when I didn’t see tortillas in the house.”

    Veronica chuckled. “Our pantry is very European.”

    “I didn’t see any saffron in their either.” Rosa said. “You can just say White.”

    Veronica and Rosa laughed together. Melody sighed, relaxing totally. Mom and Mommy did have it under control. They didn’t have to worry. Well, they had one worry, but it was another thing that Mom and Mommy could fix. There was fresh wetness in their diaper.

    “I had a accident.” Melody said softly, snuggling up to Rosa. “I need a change please.”

    “You want a change in the car?” Veronica asked. “It’s a little public, sweetie.”

    “I don’t wanna be wet when the police are here and we’re outside and stuff.” Melody said.

    “I can put a blanket over them. Or – I could if I hadn’t left the house without the diaper bag.”

    “I have mine.” Veronica said, here you go.

    “I’m a bad mom.” Rosa said, ruefully accepting the diaper bag.

    “You are not. You’re just not as practiced as I am. I’ve had Briana in diapers for a lot longer than you’ve had Melody in them.”

    “Fair enough. Okay, scoot down, potty pants.” Rosa said. “I don’t know how much time we have before the cops get here.”

    It was awkward trying to find a position that would work. Melody ended up with their head and upper body under a blanket, but their butt exposed with their feet in the air. Rosa worked quickly, getting them changed and dressed again. Lying under the blanket had built up a lot of giggles in Melody. They all came out when Rosa pulled them close and relentlessly tickled them.

    It was a good thing Mama had done that, because nothing was funny when the police were there. They kept talking about Beatrix and all the horrible things she’d painted on the car. It was their job; but it kept the scariness in the forefront of Melody’s mind. The wind was cold, but not as cold as Melody’s insides when they read words like, WHORE, TRAITOR, and especially DEAD BITCH painted on their car.

    When it was done, Mom drove them back in Rosa’s car. Rosa drove the scary painted car. She was so brave, so good. Melody wondered what Christmas present could possibly be good enough for such a great girlfriend and mommy. Still no ideas, so far.

    At home people were upset. Upset at Beatrix, not Melody, but it was still a bad feeling. Dad’s face turned dark with anger when she saw the car. They were angry for Melody, because they cared. It didn’t comfort Melody though. There was so much anger and scary stuff going on. That was classic Beatrix. She was the queen of drama and chaos.

    “Little One.” Veronica said, taking Melody aside and stroking their cheek. “I have a job for you.”

    “O-okay, I’ll try.” Melody looked up at their mom nervously. The last thing they wanted to do was to disappoint her again. They didn’t feel like they anything left for doing stuff, though.

    “Your sister is really worn out from being Big a couple of days in a row. She’s very little right now and could use her big sibling. Would you mind spending some time with her and watching out for her a little? If there’s anything you can’t handle, call for me, or Jane, or Rosa.”

    “Oh, I can do that.” Melody nodded vigorously. They’d actually been wanting to ask if they could retreat into playing with Briana. This way they’d be helping too! Briana had just taken care of them today, it’d be good to return the favor.

    “You’re such a good kid.” Veronica said. “Do you know that? You’re a very good Little One. I love you.”

    Melody’s lower lip trembled. They stepped in for a Briana-style crash-hug, holding Veronica tightly. “I love you too, Mom.”

    Veronica planted a kiss Melody’s forehead. “Go on upstairs. You can take Briana anywhere in the house, but you need to talk to one of your caregivers if you two want to play in the snow, okay?”

    “Okay Mom.” Proudly, Melody hurried upstairs. There was nothing they could do about painted cars, or horrible threats, or the monster behind those things. They could take care of their sister, though. It was high time to start being a better big sibling.

    Mom hadn’t been kidding about Briana feeling little. She was in her playpen, wearing just a diaper, with a pacifier in her mouth. She had been wearing a onesie, but that was discarded in a corner of the playpen.

    “Hey Bri.” Melody said, leaning over the playpen. “How’s my little sis?”

    “Meh-low-dee!” Briana sang happily. “Can we play?”

    “That’s what I’m here for.” Melody said, grinning. “I’m not sure what games a naked baby can play though.”

    “I’m not naked!” Briana protested. “I have a diaper on.”

    “A diaper isn’t clothes.” Melody said. “I’m wearing a diaper, and clothes too.”

    “I don’t wanna wear clothes!” Briana fussed.

    “Oh, okay.” Melody shrugged in mock sadness. “I was going to play a game with you downstairs in the drawing room, but Mom won’t let us go down there if you’re not dressed.”

    “What game?” Briana asked, coming up on her knees to stare expectantly at Melody.

    “Eh, nothing big. Just some Cloudland.” Melody said. “I think I can figure it out on my own.”

    “You’re going to play Cloudland without me!” Briana’s jaw dropped in shock.

    “I need a bigger room than your bedroom.” Melody said. “Totoro-san found some weird magic trees and it looks like it’s going to be a whole thing.”

    “I wanna plaaaay!” Briana whined.

    “Then let’s get you back in your onesie.” Melody said. “Come on, the stuffies are waiting!”

    With Briana cooperating, Melody got her into her onesie in record time. It took a bit longer for Briana to collect her sword and all the stuffies she thought they’d need. They hustled past the serious discussion in the living room and ensconced themselves in the drawing room.

    As it turned out, it was a good thing that Briana had assembled so much of the Roundtable. The mystery of the weird magic trees turned into an adventure fraught with danger in the form of evil tree squirrels.

    Briana dropped the thread of the story several times, distracted by the bowl of Christmas candy, the snow outside, or simply spacing out. Each time she returned to their play with a big disruptive jump on the pile of stuffies.

    Melody didn’t mind. It wasn’t super serious stuff, just a fun way to keep their sister occupied. They did their best to keep Briana out of the candy, knowing Mom didn’t like her too hyper, and otherwise enjoyed their sister time.

    “Dude, you’ve had enough candies.” Melody said, snagging Briana around the waist before she could raid the bowl of chocolate coins.

    “But we have to get medals! We won the day!”

    “They should be pretend metals this time.”

    “That’s no fun!”

    “But its because – these medals aren’t made of gold. The tree people made them out of special purple wood.”

    “Oh!” Briana nodded. “Okay, we can’t use the coins for those.”

    “Good job keeping Briana from ruining her dinner.” Rosa said.

    “Mama!” Melody grinned happily.

    They weren’t so distracted that they let go of Briana. The little goblin was trying to get at the chocolate coins again. Melody pulled their sister into a squirmy hug.

    “Mom told me to play with her. I’m the big sibling.”

    “You’re a good niñe.” Rosa said. “Your caregivers are proud of you.”

    Melody blushed and squirmed. Sensing emotional weakness, Briana abandoned her attempts on the candy bowl and knocked Melody over with a big snuggly hug.

    “It’s time to wrap up your game though. I have dinner for you.”

    With Rosa’s help, Melody untangled themself from Briana and got them both sitting up with plates on their lap. There were some kind of little corn ball things, cut in half on their plates. The filling looked and smelled delicious.

    “Thanks Mama!” Melody said.

    Briana was notably silent.

    “Something the matter, Briana?” Rosa asked.

    “I don’t like these.” Briana said, pouting.

    “You don’t like gorditas?” Rosa asked skeptically. “It’s the best parts of a taco, inside the corn tortilla.

    Briana wrinkled her nose and poked at one of the gorditas. Melody already had two gordita halves in their belly. Rosa’s description was perfect. They had carnitas, melted cheese, and just enough spicy inside.

    With a smirk, they swiped a gordita from Briana’s plate and took a big bite. “Mm, Mama, that’s so good.”

    “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Niñe.”

    “Hey!” Briana stared at Melody in outrage.

    “I’ll take Briana’s gorditas.” Melody said. “They’re way too tasty for babies.”

    “They’re mine!” Briana protested, scooting away with her plate.

    “I thought you didn’t like them.” Melody said.

    “I never had them before…” Briana admitted, squirming.

    “Mama, you’re a really good cook.” Melody said, reaching for Briana’s plate again.

    “Stop!” Briana snatched away the gordita that Melody had been reaching for. She stuffed the whole thing in her mouth.

    Rosa and Melody giggled as Briana struggled with her mighty mouthful. When she finally got it down, she took a big drink of water.

    “How was it?” Rosa asked.

    “Yummy!” Briana giggled “Sorry I said I didn’t like them,”

    “You get a pass this time.” Rosa said, patting Briana’s head. “I’m going to be a mommy in this house, though. Your mom and I talked about me disciplining you. You know that wasn’t a good girl thing to do.”

    Briana hung her head. Melody felt bad immediately. Poor kid! Rosa was unmoved though. Her stern expression even survived Briana looking up with puppy dog eyes.

    “I need a response, Briana.” Rosa said.

    “I don’t know what to call you.” Briana said. “But I’m sorry, really. I’ll be good.”

    “It’s a whole unusual family situation, but why don’t you call me Tia, or Tia Rosa?” Rosa said. “Tia means aunt in Spanish.

    “Okay Tia Rosa.” Briana said, smiling.

    It was time for Melody to reclaim their mommy. Rosa had a lot less success resisting Melody’s puppy dog eyes and was soon on the floor, Melody in her lap, while Melody finished their dinner.

    “Do we get dessert?” Briana asked. Melody was glad her sister remembered to ask the important questions.

    “Not tonight. It’s been a long day for everyone. Bedtime will be a little early tonight.”

    “But I want to play more with Melody!”

    “If you’re a good girl and get ready for bed quickly, I’ll read you both a story, okay?”

    “Really Mama?” Melody asked.

    “Of course, Niñe. You and I will have a quiet evening after that in our room, okay?”

    “Thank you, mama.” Melody sighed happily and patted their full tummy.

    Rosa got Briana ready for bed while Melody cleared the dishes and helped wash up in the kitchen. They joined their sister in her room, sitting by the crib while Rosa read to them from a little kids’ book. It was kind of a baby book for Melody, but it was cute to hear Briana chiming in on the ends of the rhymes. Listening to Rosa read was soothing too, no matter the words.

    Afterward, when Briana was tucked in and already snoring, Rosa lead Melody downstairs by the hand. She stripped them in the bathroom and put them on the potty. They got a bath and their teeth brushed and everything. Melody blissfully let Rosa do it all, sinking deeper into their Little self.

    In the bedroom, Rosa took off Melody’s robe and laid them naked on the little changing blanket she’d bought on their first Little day. She put Totoro in Melody’s hands and a pacifier in their mouth. A diaper went under Melody’s hips, but there wasn’t any lotion or powder at first.

    Rosa took her time with slow, loving caresses all over Melody’s body. The more Rosa touched her, the less Melody felt the chill of the room. Their nipples crinkled up as a slow flush spread across their body. The lotion entered the picture, concentrated around Melody’s crotch. They gasped and quivered as Rosa gradually brought them to a gentle state of bliss.

    It was the most peaceful climax Melody had ever had. They lay like a wet noodle while Rosa wiped their crotch and powdered them. The padding went on thick and tight, holding Melody in an embrace just as vital as Rosa’s arms wrapped around them.

    Gratefully, Melody sucked on the nipple Rosa offered them. The happy tingles across their skin settled in their heart as a warm fuzzy feeling as they heard their girlfriend and mommy’s breath quicken. With one arm around Melody and the other between her legs, Rosa’s soft voice was whispering beautiful moans in Melody’s ear. She shuddered and sighed, pulling Melody’s mouth off her breast to rest their head on her bare bosom instead. Melody was out like a light.

    The next morning, Melody woke to a dry diaper. That was a surprise, leaving them with oddly mixed emotions. It was nice to not be a bedwetter for sure. Waking up wet had lead to some wonderful baby time though.

    “Rosa?” Melody asked, softly enough that they hoped Rosa wouldn’t wake if she was still asleep.

    “Yes love?” Rosa asked, yawning.

    “I want to wake up like this always.” Melody said, nuzzling into the crook of Rosa’s neck.

    “Are you asking me to move in? Or are you just happy and sleepy.”

    “Please move in.” Melody said. “I’ll call U-Haul today. I mean it.”

    “You sure?” Rosa asked, lifting Melody’s chin so she could meet their eyes.

    “Yes. I love you.” Melody said, going in for a kiss.

    Rosa and Melody sank into each other like they were becoming one person. It felt like correcting a wrong, putting something back together that the universe had broken.

    They shuddered with the intensity of it as the kiss ended. Feeling Rosa’s fingers at the waistband of their diaper did push Melody out of their blissful place a little, though.

    “You’re dry.” Rosa said, surprised. “Feeling big?”

    “Yeah. Yesterday was amazing, but you were right. I need a break.”

    “Whatever you need, my love.”

    “You’re still in charge of the stuff I gave you.” Melody said quickly. “School stuff and – behavior.”

    “Such a good Melody.” Rosa said, kissing them gently again. “I’m here. I’ll take care of you.”

    “I know.” Melody said. “Thank you. I trust you.”

    Rosa shivered, just like she had when Melody called her Mommy the first time. They kissed again, softly exploring each other’s shoulders and backs with light fingers. Reluctantly, Melody pulled away.

    “I have to go to the bathroom.”

    “I know you need a break.” Rosa said. “But it’s a little tempting to hold you down and make you use that diaper, so I can change you after.”

    “Maybe tomorrow?” Melody asked bashfully.

    “You don’t mind me pushing you around a little? It doesn’t remind you of – her?”

    Melody shook their head. “I really like that stuff. Beatrix did it wrong. It was bad and it hurt. When you do it, I know you love me. It feels blushy and sexy.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind. I wasn’t kidding when I said I liked topping embarrassed subs.”

    “I have to get to the bathroom.” Melody said, squirming. “If you keep talking like that I won’t be able to leave – and I’ll have an accident.”

    “No accidents today.” Rosa said, patting Melody’s diaper. “Up you go, Melody.”

    “Okay.” Melody grabbed their robe and walked to the bathroom in a happy daze.

    Morning cleanup was super fast. Everything with Rosa felt too new and private. They needed her to themself as much as possible. The two of them took their breakfast in Melody’s room, sitting under a blanket on the bed.

    “Was everything yesterday okay?” Rosa asked. “You were really little, longer than I’ve seen you do it before.”

    “It’s kind of crazy to remember it all.” Melody said. They hadn’t thought through the half of it yet. A few choice moments bubbled to the fore of Melody’s mind and made them cringe.

    “Did I really let you change me in the back of your car?”

    “You INSISTED on it.” Rosa said, chuckling.

    “I acted Little in front of all the roommates too, all day.” Melody said, squirming. “They must think I’m a dumb baby.”

    “Your roommates love Briana. You were cute and Little, but still not as extreme as she is. I’m sure it’s fine. It may change things a bit, but is that so bad?”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said, staring at their coffee.

    “You’re going to have a live-in mommy.” Rosa said. “It’s not like you were going to be able to be subtle.”

    “I wish we could just live like that right now. We still have to deal with Beatrix and you have a lease and everything.”

    “Veronica’s not planning to raise the rent when I move in. The price for the room will be the same, so I can keep paying on my place until the lease ends.”

    Rosa sighed, nuzzled Melody’s cheek. “Veronica is working on Beatrix. She needs you to come with her today to meet some people and talk about what Beatrix has done. Two different sets of people, at least. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

    “I don’t want to talk about it.” Melody whimpered. “If I have to say the details – it makes it real again.”

    “I know, love.” Rosa said. “It’s going to be hard, but you have to do it. We need to be done with her. Forever.”

    “You’ll be there?”

    “Every single minute, holding your hand.”

    “I’m so scared.” Melody whispered.

    “I’ve got you. Veronica’s got you. Jane has got you. Even your pain-in-the-butt baby sister has got you.”


    “Because we love you. Because you’re worth loving.”

    Tears dripped into Melody’s mug. Rosa took it away and held Melody in her lap.  Though Melody didn’t feel little, they had no control over the tears or their emotions. They sobbed like the world was ending, clinging to Rosa. Soft sobs became loud ones, which in turn lead to a full-on ugly cry. Rosa was crying too, rocking them back and forth. They didn’t know how long they cried for, but it felt like ages. Melody was wrung out and dried out by the end of it.

    Rosa took care of them after, with a wet washcloth for their face and a glass of water. Melody took it gratefully. They climbed into Rosa’s lap, straddling her, and kissed her with every ounce of love and passion they could muster. It must have worked, Rosa’s cheeks were very pink when Melody pulled away to take off their shirt.

    “What are you doing?” Rosa asked.

    “Taking care of you.” Melody said. “I know you like taking care of me, but I also know it’s work. I’m going to make love to you and do everything for you.”

    “You don’t have to…” Rosa said, until Melody interrupted her with another kiss. Her eyes were a little unfocused afterwards. “Wow. Okay.”

    Everything they’d done before had been wrapped up in baby play or Beatrix drama. The baby stuff was fun, really fun, but Melody hadn’t had a chance to show Rosa the benefits of having a subby lover.

    With an adoring heart, Melody worshipped Rosa’s body with kisses and touches. The buildup was beautiful and slow, setting the stage for heart-pounding intensity as they built Rosa to a climax. Several climaxes, taking Rosa a little further up each time, until she was a sweaty mess on the bed. Rosa was begging incoherently, and Melody doubted if even she knew if she was asking for Melody to stop or keep going.

    They coaxed Rosa into screaming into the pillow one more time and snuggled up to her, holding her tightly. She actually fell into a bit of a nap in Melody’s arms. Her soft breaths sounded perfectly content.

    “That was incredible. How…” Rosa shook her head, much later, when she’d come back to herself.

    “It’s easy when I love you so much.” Melody said.

    “Wow.” Rosa laughed. “How soon can we get that U-Haul rented?”

    “Today if you want.”

    “I do, but we have to take care of Veronica’s thing first.”

    “I know.” Melody sighed.

    “You’re not alone. We’re doing it together.”

    “Is it okay if I want to be Little afterwards?” Melody asked. “Or is that running away from stuff?”

    “I think it’s a great idea.” Rosa said. “Doesn’t have to be for the full evening if you just want a nice break from what you had to relieve. We’ll play it by ear, okay?”

    “Thank you.”

    “Thank you, love.”

    Still reluctant, but feeling Rosa’s support around them like a suit of armor, Melody got up and got ready to relieve her experience with Beatrix. They hoped it would be the last time. Every time they explained it, it felt worse. More of their blinders and justifications fell away with every telling, every shocked look from the people listening. That little voice that had protected them, that insisted that what Bea had done wasn’t so bad, was very quiet these days.

    Melody was stuck facing the reality that it really HAD been that bad. It was a terrifying thought. Being Little in the afternoon couldn’t come fast enough.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 15

    Briana sat on the floor and watched Mom put her war paint on. It was the serious stuff this time. Same black eyeliner as always, but the black eyeshadow was dusting with blue on top. Lipstick and nail polish were both dark blue, like an angry sea. Briana had only seen Mom with blue makeup on once before, before she was little, before Mom was Mom.

    Everybody in the house had walked on tiptoes that day!

    Watching carefully, Briana watched Veronica mouth words to herself in the mirror. Was it a prayer, a spell, or a motivational mantra? Mom didn’t say. Frustrated, Briana blew air at a lock of hair that had fallen over her eye.

    Why won’t Mom let me in on that part of her?

    “I’m almost done, baby bee.” Veronica said.

    “I’m not bored. I’m just watching you, Mom.”

    Mom didn’t rise to the bait. She turned her head to the sitting room. “Are you ready, Jane?”

    “Yes my love.” Jane stepped into the bedroom. She was wearing a suit! Dad looked amazing in a suit.

    Why hadn’t she unlocked this power before? Briana wondered. Maybe it was too much awesome. The city would have to issue a warning.

    “Are you sure you want me with you today?” Jane asked, stepping over to pat Briana on the head.

    “If you’re going to be Briana’s father, then you need to start participating in these sorts of meetings. I want them to see and recognize your face.”

    “Very good. Did Gary say if he was available to come watch the rug rat?”

    “I’m not a rug rat!” Briana said indignantly. “I’m a big girl!”

    “You are MY rug rat.” Mom said. “And baby bee, and baby girl, and the cutest girl ever. But you need to be an actual big girl this afternoon. Gary is coming over to discuss the open Microbiology assistant positions.”

    “Not for babysitting?” Briana whimpered.

    “This is part of going back to school. You’re still on less Big time than you will be when school starts.” Jane said.

    “But it’s almost Christmas.”

    “Those positions won’t wait until the next quarter starts. Big Briana knows that.” Jane said, crouching down next to Briana. “I know it’s difficult, but I know that you can do it.”

    Resigned to her fate, Briana sighed and nodded. “Yes Daddy, I can.”

    “That’s my daughter. I’m proud of you.”

    “We both are.”

    “You’re sure there’s no way for me to help Melody?”

    “Not today, baby bee.” Veronica said. “You’re not ready for that yet. Besides, you’re going to be needed to play with Melody when they get back. They’re not going to want to be big anymore.”

    “Oh, can we go sledding again?”

    “In a day or two I hope we can.” Jane said. “Mom and I will be out until the evening. We have a lot of errands we have to run. Rosa will be your caregiver when she gets home.”

    “That’s caregiver, not babysitter.” Veronica said. “Rosa is a mommy in this house, do you understand, Briana?”

    “She already told me about that, Mom!”

    “I’m not surprised she did, but I’m telling you now. Do you have an answer to my question?”

    “Yes Mom, I understand.” Briana huffed at her hair again.

    “I told her she’s welcome to spank you as hard as you need, if you misbehave.” Jane said. “She agreed that she would.”

    “Daddy!” Briana protectively grabbed her padded butt.

    “If you are a good girl, it won’t matter, will it?” Jane asked.

    “I’m always a good girl, Daddy!”

    “Don’t get yourself into lies this close to Christmas.” Veronica said. (Santa Points -1)

    “Okay, okay, I get it! Sorry Mom, sorry Dad.”

    Briana fluttered her eyes contritely at her parents. It worked! She was relieved. Her cuteness hadn’t been nearly as effective lately.

    Arm in arm, Mom and Dad marched down the stairs. Briana followed them, scooting on her butt, holding on to Little time as long as she could. She felt a little guilty. It was a great way to avoid thinking too much about what Melody was about to go through.

    Little Briana could only register Melody having to go give statements about Beatrix, as a scary thing. Upsetting, but devoid of all kinds of extra stuff that Briana knew was lurking around those words.

    Melody looked terrible. They were gripping Rosa’s hand hard enough to hurt her. She wasn’t complaining, just wincing. Melody was all in big clothes, with their own war paint on. Meme shirt, meme jacket, and a Totoro keychain clutched in their fist.

    Rosa was double-brave, she was the only one not wearing war paint. She had on her least-sporty, least muscly stuff. A soft blouse and comfortable pants that screamed mommy. She was so different from Veronica, but Briana had to admit that she seemed like a good mom. Briana re-affirmed her promise to be a good girl.

    When Gary arrived, everybody else left. Briana got a hug and a couple of good kisses from her boyfriend before she had leave being Little behind. She steeled herself for Big time. It seemed like an enormous hassle to change all the way out of her Little clothes, then back in. With Gary’s permission, Briana tried being big in her baby clothes.

    It worked, to a point. Big Briana was pretty uncomfortable in a big diaper, but still trusted Gary enough that she didn’t mind wearing it around him. There was a bit of fuzziness to her focus. It was hard to remember to not use the diaper, too. By the look on Gary’s face, he had a bit of mental whiplash too, when Briana got up on her own to use the bathroom.

    Overall, project hybrid Briana was a success. She didn’t need to retain much information, all the interview dates were in her phone, while the applications were already submitted. A bit more guilt surfaced when she signed the applications Briana Rasmussen.

    Will they accept me for Mom, and not for me? Briana wondered.

    Big Briana could see the wisdom in not overusing her influence. If she abused it, she’d be left wondering if her achievements were her own, forever.

    Gary had to leave before Rosa and Melody got back. That was sad, but in a way it was nice to be able to tell him she loved him as Big Briana. The dreamy look on his face was one to think about. She’d have to save at least a little bit of Big time for her boyfriend. Not just the sexy kind of time, either.

    At loose ends, and scared to go Little when she was alone, Briana occupied herself with some chores. Erin had been almost completely exempted from chores due to her forty hour shifts, but Casey and Suzie both had things that needed doing. Little Briana chose to count those good deeds on her own ledger. (Santa Points +1)

    When Rosa and Melody finally returned, Briana plopped down on her butt in relief. Big Briana vanished in a puff of baby powder. Back to baby, Little Briana assessed her sibling.

    Melody looked sad and tired, but not as bad as Briana had expected. There was a look of determination in their eyes that was really impressive. If Briana knew her sib, she’d guess that they felt like they’d just leveled up.

    “What have you been up to, Briana?” Rosa asked.

    “I had to be big until you got back. Gary left a while ago, so I was doing chores.”

    “Good girl!” Rosa said, with an unfair amount of surprise in her voice.

    It shouldn’t be so surprising that I could be a good girl, should it?

    Briana’s mouth fell open as she realized that she hadn’t done anything at all to win Rosa over as a caregiver. (Santa Points -1). In fact, if she was being TOTALLY honest, and she had to be because of Santa and Krampus, she’d been a bit of a brat. (Santa points -1) Maybe even a huge brat. (Santa points -1)

    All that meant is that Rosa had some more great surprises in store! Briana was going to show her the very best baby ever! She and Melody both needed some fun, that was super clear to see. If Baby Briana was anything, she was fun.

    “Are you ready to be Little? Like we talked about in the car?” Rosa asked Melody.

    “Yes Mama.” Melody smiled gently.

    “Can I come with you?” Briana asked. “It’s okay if you want privacy! And I’m sorry about jumping on you with my Tigger bounce. But if it’s okay – I don’t want to be alone.”

    “Yes sweetie, it’s okay. Thank you for the apology.” Rosa had Melody’s hand in hers and stopped to pat Briana on the head. “Melody and I really needed some time when we first got here, but you two are siblings. I’m sure you’ve been changed in front of each other.”

    “Uh, yeah.” Melody said, blushing.

    “Yep!” Briana confirmed. Rosa was headed to Melody’s bedroom. Was it both of their bedroom now? Regardless, Briana crawled after them. “Can we have a sleepover tonight? I won’t jump on anybody, I promise.”

    “I think we can do that.” Rosa said. “How does that sound to you, Niñe?”

    Melody nodded. “Okay, but in my room.”

    “Our room.” Rosa said, solving that particular question.

    “I wish my crib was big enough for both of us.” Briana said. “It would be so snuggly.”

    “I’m too big for a crib.” Melody said sourly.

    “Don’t be a jerk to your sister, or you’ll get an age-downgrade, Niñe.”

    “Sorry Mama.”

    Briana watched in fascination as Melody was stripped from the waist down only. Rosa put Melody in pullups! Down on the floor, in footie pajamas and a stuffed diaper, Briana was feeling tiny.

    “I’m going to be the only baby?”

    “That’s right.” Melody said smugly.

    “You’re both wearing protection and you’ll both need a change at some point, I’m sure.” Rosa said. “Don’t make me regret our conversation in the car, Melody.”

    “I just want to have fun being the big one.” Melody said contritely.

    Briana watched Rosa dress Melody in overalls and thick fuzzy socks. They got to keep their meme-shirt on! Briana was the little one for sure. But that was okay, she was always the little one. Rosa had taken charge as soon as she came in. It felt safe to be really little around her. The question was, did Rosa want a really little Briana?

    Huffing at her hair, which was apparently her new favorite thing, Briana rested her elbows on her knees, and her chin on her hands. She was all geared up for a really good sulk, when Rosa knelt next to her.

    “Let me see that diaper. Lie down for me Briana.”

    With a pout, Briana lay back. Rosa went confidently for the two fingers under the crotch of Briana’s diaper. It made Briana very squirmy to be so casually checked. Some hidden reservation still had her fighting a full descent into being little.

    “Still dry, good girl!” Rosa said encouragingly. “You crawled when you followed us. Are you feeling really little?”

    “Kinda.” Briana said, fidgeting over to her stomach and kicking her feet.

    “I think Melody wants to play video games. Do you want to play with your big sibling?”

    Briana popped her thumb in her mouth. Animal Crossing had gotten to where it felt like chores. Her brain was worn out from the applications that Gary had helped her with. Learning a new game sounded like bleh.

    “Nuh.” Briana said.

    “I see where you’re at. Can you crawl to the living room with us? Melody, you come with. You can play on the Switch this afternoon.”

    “I wanna play Elden Ring.” Melody said.

    “Not right now. Mommy wants to sit by the tree, and Briana needs some quiet time. You have lots of games you like on the Switch.”

    Briana dutifully followed Rosa to the living room and crawled up on the couch. Melody was booting up some weird game called Monster Hunter. It was probably going to be super scary. Her big sib liked scary games.

    Rosa brought a plate of cookies from the kitchen and a mug of cocoa for Melody. Briana found herself pulled into Rosa’s lap, with a bottle of chocolate milk at her lips. The first sip was a big surprise. It was Mom’s milk, with chocolate added!

    It was so tasty that she grabbed the bottle herself, sucking greedily at it. Rosa grinned and giggled at her, stroking Briana’s tummy. In short order, Briana had a full belly and a wet diaper. Happy relaxed feelings spread out from her tummy all the way down to her tippy toes.

    Briana dozed for a while on Rosa’s lap. From time to time, Melody would ask them to look at what they were doing. There was usually some big monster on the screen and lots of flashing lights. It wasn’t too scary, especially while Rosa was holding her. Between Melody’s demands for attention, Rosa stroked Briana’s hair or gently tickled her. She even sang in Spanish a little. Briana didn’t know the words, but the songs were nice.

    “Hey Bri, you have to see this.” Melody said, tugging on Briana’s onesie.

    “I can see it from here.” Briana yawned.

    “No you’re not really looking!” Melody said urgently. “Come where I’m sitting, I want to show you something.”

    A reluctant squirm poured Briana off Rosa’s lap and onto her belly on the carpet. Melody’s insistence didn’t stop, they tugged Briana’s arm until she was sitting next to her sib on her squishy padding.

    Melody pointed at the screen. Their character was there, in all kinds of weird feathered clothing. It was pretty but Briana didn’t see what was so special about it. At least, she didn’t until the little kitty people in the game started singing and throwing what looked like rice balls around. It was ridiculously cute.

    They made skewers of something called bunny dango. Brightly colored balls decorated with little faces sat on the skewers. As soon as they hit the plate, they were gulped down by Melody’s character! Even the doggy got a meal.

    Briana giggled and clapped her hands. “Oh my gosh, do it again!”

    Melody was happy to oblige. The sequence was basically the same, though with slightly different skewers. There was another restaurant in the game with a different song and dance for the food. Briana giggled and giggled, snuggling up against Melody.

    “You want to play?” Melody asked, offering Briana the controller.

    “No, you play. Is there more cute stuff?”

    “Yeah, let me show you the cats and dogs going off on a mission.”

    Briana leaned her head on Melody’s shoulder and watched the antics on screen. There were lots of fun pets in the game, but the combat seemed scary and stressful. Melody was really good at it though, her character almost never got hit by the monsters.

    The afternoon was turning out really nice. It was a magical Christmas break moment, of which there had been very few growing up. Now she was snuggled up to her big sib, cheering Melody on against whatever wacky monster they came across. She was soggy in the pants too, really soggy. Briana wasn’t sure when that had happened, but potty training was clearly not happening today.

    Melody got chicken nuggets for dinner. Rosa fed Briana some mac and cheese that had noodles shaped like little bunnies. Briana sang the bunny dango song between bites. After dinner, Rosa slid a changing blanket under Briana and popped her diaper open right next to Melody.

    It was nice to get out of the heavy diaper. Rosa had a gentle style and was still feeling playful. Briana got a lot of giggles in from being tickled around her waist or behind her knees. She curled up on the floor next to Melody, ready for a nap while Melody played.

    Rosa returned from cleaning up the used diaper looking at her phone. “Hey kids, we have a bit of a situation. Melody, I need you to find a spot to save and turn your game off, okay?”

    “What’s going on?” Melody asked, frowning.

    “Veronica’s mom just landed at the airport. She didn’t tell Veronica she was coming until the plane was already in the air. Veronica sounds stressed. She wants us to make sure the house is clean, so I need your help.”

    “Okay Mama!” Melody said, turning the game off.

    Briana sat up in shock. Grandma was on her way? Right now? She looked around in a panic. The house was pretty clean. She didn’t even know where to start.

    “Start in the kitchen, Melody.” Rosa said. She crouched down by Briana. “Are you up for being a helper, sweetie?”

    “I didn’t know Grandma was coming today.” Briana said, wringing her hands. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if she will like me.”

    “I’m sure she will love you. Can you go into Melody’s room and straighten the covers?”


    Briana crawled as fast as she could. It took her a while from her knees, but she managed to get the covers nice and even, with no wrinkles. When she’d done that, Rosa had her dust the coffee table and chairs in the living room. All the while, anxiety was building up in Briana until she felt like she was going to lose total control and mess herself.

    The final task, sweeping up pine needles with a little broom and dustpan, was impossible. The needles barely moved on the carpet. When Briana could get them in the dustpan, she’d forget and tip them back out. Her hands were shaking, she could feel a massive cry coming on.

    “Hey sis, need some help?” Melody asked, kneeling next to Briana.

    “I can’t pick them up and Grandma is gonna be mad and so is Mom!” Briana panted, just on the edge of sobs. “I’m supposed to do this one but I can’t. I’m too Little and Grandma isn’t going to like it!”

    “I finished my chores already, I’ll help you okay? You just hold the dustpan.”

    “O-okay.” Briana said, sniffling.

    She gripped the dustpan with both hands, holding it firm against the carpet. Melody had piles of needles into the pan in no time. They even took the pan from Briana when the needles were cleaned up so she wouldn’t worry about spilling.

    Briana sighed and struggled to her feet. She caught Melody when they were dumping the needles in the kitchen trash, and hugged them tightly.

    “I love you.”

    Melody hugged back in surprise. “I love you too, Bri.”

    “You’re so brave and smart and cool. I’m so glad you’re my sib.”

    “Oh, hey sis, you’re pretty cool too.” Melody said, giving Briana a big squeeze. “I’m really glad you’re my sister.”

    “I’m scared about Grandma.”

    “I know. Me too.”

    “You don’t look scared.”

    “That’s because if I look scared, the baby might cry.” Melody said with a wink.

    “The bab – I’m not a baby!”

    “Yes you are. You’re my baby sister.”

    Briana sighed and leaned her head on Melody’s shoulder. She felt safety and love envelop her. Safety and love were interrupted by a pat on her diaper.

    “That’s very sweet but it doesn’t look like taking the garbage out.” Rosa said. “Come on Melody, last chore.”

    “I had to wait for the pine needles.” Melody said. “I’ll get it now Mama.”

    “Briana, can you help me pick out a tea cup for your grandma?”

    Briana nodded vigorously. Tea cups were a big deal, Mom and Dad had a couple each. Briana had her own cup and her own mug for cocoa. Everybody had their own mugs, actually, but the rest of the roommates put coffee in theirs.

    She searched the fancy cups while Rosa made tea, finding a pretty blue one with an intricate pattern on it in the back of the cabinet. It looked old. Briana carried it reverently to the tray Rosa had set up with the rest of the tea.

    “That’s a pretty one. Good job. They’re almost here. Let me see you.”

    Rosa grabbed a washcloth and scrubbed a couple of spots around Briana’s lips, washed Briana’s hands too. Neither of them could remember when her hands had gotten sticky, but they giggled about it. There was enough time left to brush out Briana’s hair and secure the errant locks with some barrettes before the door burst open.

    “Rosa, can you help me with these suitcases?” Veronica said, sounding as stressed as Mom ever sounded.

    Rosa rushed over to help with a suitcase that looked like an old-timey steamer trunk. Briana hid behind the couch from the blast of cold air – and Grandma.

    Veronica dragged a second suitcase in. Just behind her, Jane stepped through the door with an older lady on her arm. Michelle, Grandma, looked like the kind of lady that would play a Duchess or a Queen on television. She was perfectly calm in all the fuss around her, taking careful steps over the threshold and leaning on a cane.

    Grandma was wearing a pretty sky blue dress with white winter trees printed on it. She had a fuzzy looking purple shawl and a blue hat to match her dress. Her hands were gloved in white. Only her cane wasn’t fancy, it looked like it had come straight from the hospital.

    “You’re such a dear, Jane, thank you. I can manage on my own now.”

    Grandma’s voice wasn’t like a super old lady. In fact, it sounded like a even firmer version of Veronica’s busy tone. Briana hadn’t known that was possible.

    “We’ll get you set up on Suzie’s room. She’s agreed to room with Erin through the holidays. Is there anything you need right now, Mom? How’s your cough?”

    “The cough is fine, Veronica, thank you. What I need is to meet my granddaughter.”

    Briana shivered. She felt a hand on her shoulder, looked over to see Melody giving her a smile. Buoyed by a warm squeeze on the shoulder from her sib, Briana stepped out from around the couch.

    “Mom, this is Briana.” Veronica said it with such love that Briana’s heart almost burst. “Briana, this is your grandma.”

    “Do you have a hug for your grandma?” Michelle asked. “I have one for you.”

    Hesitantly, Briana waddled over to Michele. They reached for each other awkwardly. The moment the hug was joined, Briana felt herself crushed against Michelle. It was such a big hug that Grandma got a little unsteady on her feet. Briana hugged back tightly, leaning into Grandma to steady her.

    “You’re a good hugger.” Grandma said, stroking Briana’s cheeks. Grandma had tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. “What a precious baby girl you are. I’m so glad I finally get to meet you.”

    There was no judgement. No confusion even. Grandma was just – grandma. Briana’s vision was getting as blurry as Grandma’s must have been. She crashed against Grandma, gently, to deliver a trademark Briana hug.

    “I’m so glad you’re here, Grandma. Are you okay? Mom said you were really sick. She was super worried about you.”

    “I’m fine sweetie, it’s lovely of you to ask. I know I worried Veronica, she’s a sweet girl, always has been. I’m sorry I worried you all. I’m much better now.”

    “Briana, why don’t you help Grandma take a seat on the couch?” Veronica asked.

    “Oh no you don’t.” Grandma said, sharply. “Don’t you treat me like an invalid. I have two more family members to meet, and I won’t be meeting them like an old lady in a rocking chair.”

    Briana watched in awe as Veronica’s spine stiffened. It felt like the sharp words had gone right over her head, probably because Grandma had given her an extra squeeze while she was talking.

    “Briana, instead of what your mother asked, why don’t you introduce me to your sibling and Rosa?” Grandma asked.

    Briana looked up briefly at Mom. It felt weird to have Mom’s order reversed. Veronica shrugged with a bemused look on her face. Nodding to Grandma, Briana waddled over to Melody and Rosa, who were holding hands by the fireplace.

    To everyone’s amusement, Briana insisted on pulling them over to Michelle. She didn’t know what was so funny about it. These kinds of things had to be done properly. Briana could see that Grandma approved, at least.

    “Grandma, this is Melody. They’re super smart and brave and I love them very much.”

    “Hello Melody.” Michelle said, stepping in for a hug. Melody hugged back, a bit more hesitantly than Briana had. Grandma had no hesitation, she gave Melody the same big hug she’d given Briana.

    “Hi um…”

    “Grandma dear. We can give me a silly nickname later.”

    “Okay – Grandma.” Melody squirmed and blushed. Briana’s heart was doing rainbow circles in her chest!

    “And this is Rosa. She’s really nice and a super good mommy and she’s moving in with us. Melody added her to the family.”

    “I’ve heard good things about you, Rosa.” Michele said. The hug was a little more sedate between the two of them, but still really warm looking.

    “Thank you, Ms. Rasmussen.”

    “Oh no. You call me Michelle, or Auntie if you want to.”

    “Oh, so you’re adopting Rosa now?” Veronica asked with a snort.

    “I will if I want to. That’s enough sass out of you, Vonnie.”

    “Yes Mom.”

    “Now that that’s settled, I think I will sit down for a bit.”

    Jane moved fast, taking Michelle’s arm and helping her into an armchair. Grandma fussed at her, saying something about not treating her like she was going to break, but Briana had seen Grandma lean hard on Jane.

    “Rosa.” Briana tugged on Rosa’s sleeve. “Can we get the tea?”

    “That’s a great idea. Melody, come help us.”

    Rosa brought the teapot, Melody had the tray of cups. Briana was in charge of the sugar and cream. She was also tasked with bringing people their cups once they were full. Rosa poured the special blue cup first.

    “How do you take your tea, Grandma?”

    “Is that my cup?” Grandma asked in surprise.

    “I picked it out for you, is that okay?”

    “You kept my teacup?” Grandma asked, looking up at Veronica.

    “Of course I did, Mom. You love that cup.”

    “You could have tossed it. The house is yours now.”

    “I never would have, you know that. It’s very cute that Briana found it out for you.”

    “Heck of a grandchild I have.” (Santa Points +5) Grandma said. “Cream and sugar, don’t skimp on either, Briana.”

    With a happy grin and a wiggle, Briana fixed her Grandma’s tea. Once everybody had their drinks, she sat at Grandma’s feet. As soon as she did, Grandma stroked her hair. Briana sighed happily and leaned into Grandma’s leg.

    “Jane and I were able to get everything done. We’re set up to deal with Beatrix tomorrow.” Veronica said.

    Briana bit her lip. She could feel tension spiking in the room. Melody squeezed Rosa’s leg and was pulled in for a one-armed hug.

    “I think we can leave that for tonight.” Grandma said. “Let’s enjoy the evening.”

    “Mother, this is important. I’m sure that Melody wants to know that this will all be over…”

    “Veronica Ashley Rasmussen.” Grandma said. Her voice was soft in volume, but hard in tone. Mom’s mouth closed like it was on springs.

    “That’s quite enough dear. We are having a lovely evening and there’s nothing we can do about that awful woman right now. I’m proud of you, that you’ve taken such good care of your family. But this is family time, not time for business.”

    “Thanks Mom – I’m sorry.” Veronica said.

    “I’m much more interested in if I’ll get a chance to spoil these kids before Christmas.” Grandma said. “How much time can I have with them? There are only a few Christmas events left, and I’d like to take the kids to all of them.”

    “I’m sorry, Jane, we need to go back to the hospital. They sent us the wrong mother. Did you just say you wanted to celebrate Christmas events? Michelle Rasmussen, renowned Satanist, is going to go to the Festival of Trees?”

    “That’s rich coming from my Wiccan daughter.” Grandma said with a laugh. “That’s not a yule tree you have up there. I see several Santa Claus decorations up, and reindeer too. What happened to your lecture about Catholic appropriation of pagan symbols and the historicity of Christ?”

    “It’s for…” Veronica began.

    “the kids.” Grandma finished with Mom.

    Mom and Grandma both laughed. Mom seemed to relax, snuggling up to Jane. Maybe she didn’t have to hold herself up so hard when her Mom was around. Briana loved Grandma just for that.

    “We have many traditions to observe this year.” Jane said. “Michelle, would you be wanting to help the kinder on Christmas Eve? They have to clean the house that night, or Krampus will snatch them.”

    Briana whined. Dad didn’t need to keep reminding her about that. It’s not like she created a mess – not much mess anyway. In a panic she remembered the juice box she’d stuffed under her dresser in her room.

    “Don’t worry sweetie, Grandma will make sure you get everything done so that you’ll be safe.” She patted Briana on the head.

    Happily Briana relaxed into her Grandma again. The conversation flowed between Mom, Rosa, Grandma, and Dad, planning out all kinds of cool stuff for Briana and Melody. The added layer of family wrapped Briana like a security blanket. She would have dozed off right there if pressure in her rear didn’t make her fidget.

    Grandma stroked Briana’s back and deftly squished her diaper. Briana blinked back to full wakefulness when she heard Grandma sniff her.

    “This one is going to need a change soon.” Grandma said.

    “Oh, we take Briana to the potty for that, almost all the time.” Veronica said.

    “Then it’s overdue to be Grandma’s turn.” Grandma said, standing up and holding out a hand to Briana.

    “I uh…” Briana looked at Mom and Dad in confusion. Uncertainty about being helped with the potty by Grandma was only a little of her worry. She’d felt how unsteady Michelle was.

    “Are you sure you’ve sat enough for that, Michelle?” Jane asked.

    “Are you sassing me, young lady?”

    “Not at all. It’s my job to worry about my family.” Jane said calmly.

    Grandma chuckled. “I appreciate the concern, but I feel steady and I’m ready to take this young lady to the restroom. Unless she keeps gaping on the floor like a fish, instead of taking my hand. In that case I’ll have to give her a swat first.”

    “Eep!” Briana hastily took Grandma’s hand.

    The pressure in her rear and the size of her diaper made Briana a little wobbly on her feet. Grandma had some wobble too, despite what she’d told Dad. Between the two of them they worked it out.

    Diaper down, sitting on the potty, Briana watched Grandma while she waited for her body to do its thing. Michelle was smiling warmly at her, leaning on the bathroom counter. Briana felt dizzy. The woman in front of her had gone from a worrying unknown, to an essential part of the family, in the space of an hour.

    “I love you, Grandma.” Briana said, as sincerely and seriously as she could.

    “Oh sweetie, thank you. I love you too.” Unbothered by Briana’s current state, Grandma stepped over to give her a warm hug.

    “You have to listen to Dad.” Briana said. “I’m gonna need a grandma for a long time, okay?”

    Grandma dabbed her eyes. “Briana – I’ll be careful, thank you. Will you help me sometimes? It’s hard to be strong and then rely on other people.”

    “I know that!” Briana said with a giggle.

    “I suppose you do.” Grandma laughed, kissed Briana on top of her head. “You done there, hon?”

    Briana nodded. Grandma got her cleaned up and her diaper back on. She also leaned more on Briana on the way back to her chair.

    “I’ve been informed,” Grandma said as she sat carefully down, “that I have to take better care of myself. That I need to listen to my daughter and her girlfriend. Apparently, I have to stick around for a while, at this one’s request.”

    “Laid low by your own granddaughter?” Veronica asked with a happy smile.

    “There’s no shame in it.” Grandma said with a shrug.

    “Melody can help too Grandma.” Briana said. “Melody, do you want to come here with Grandma and me? Please?”

    Shyly, Melody got up and approached. Grandma squeezed their hands and patted them on the back. After a moment’s hesitation, Melody took a seat at Grandma’s feet, across from Briana.

    “You’re looking pretty good there, Michelle.” Jane said.

    “I’m a fortunate woman.” Grandma said, patting both the kids gently. “About time too. I was beginning to think Veronica would never adopt.”

    “You wanted her to adopt?” Melody asked in confusion.

    “She didn’t tell you? Veronica is adopted. So am I. So was my mother. It’s a tradition Magna-Grandma started and it’s been good for the American Rasmussens.”

    “There hasn’t been time to tell them everything about the family.” Veronica said.

    “You’d think that one would have come up when you were signing adoption papers.”

    “Mom doesn’t tell me ANYTHING.” Briana complained.

    “Your mother is a very private woman. Has been since she was a little girl. You ask your grandma anything you need to know. Especially if it’s an embarrassing story about your mother.”


    Rosa laughed. “This feels a lot like home. I don’t mean the house. I mean the family in my house back home.”

    “It sneaks up on you.” Jane said. “Welcome to the family, Rosa.”

    Rosa beamed. Melody was smiling too. Briana was vibrating. Well, vibrating between yawns. Not that she was sleepy! She dumped a bunch of sugar in her cold tea and lifted the cup.

    “Briana, don’t you dare. It’s past your bedtime.” Veronica said.

    “But I want to stay up with Grandma. I’m supposed to have a sleepover with Melody.” Briana said, looking up at Grandma pleadingly.

    “Grandma’s not going to be up all that longer either. If you want me to read you a story, bedtime should be now. You can have your sleepover tomorrow.” Grandma said.

    Pouting, Briana hesitated. Mom’s eyes narrowed and she knew she was defeated. She put the cup down and climbed to her feet.

    “My room is upstairs and sometimes it’s hard to walk with a big diaper on. Can you help me go upstairs, Grandma?”

    Veronica and Jane beamed at Briana. (Santa Points +1) Grandma chuckled ruefully and nodded. Briana made a big show of having Grandma hold her around the waist as they climbed the stairs.

    “Your mom has you well set up. This is a beautiful room.” Grandma said, as she ‘helped’ Briana to her crib. Michelle sat down heavily in the chair next to the crib as soon as Briana was in bed.

    “Grandma, I don’t know what Mom said about me, but if you have questions and stuff…”

    “Shh.” Grandma plucked the pacifier off the crib and pressed it to Briana’s lips. “Not tonight.”

    “Someday soon, I’m going to take you on a day outing. You and I will have a long conversation about how you are, and how our family is. It’ll be at our own pace, with plenty of time. Right now it’s time for stories and for babies to sleep.”

    With a nod and a happy sigh, Briana took the pacifier in her mouth. Grandma picked a book at random and started reading. She was really good at doing the different character voices. Briana snuggled deep into her blankets, excited to get the Grandma version of every one of her books.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 16

    The wind was blustering against the house, driving needles of frozen snow and ice into the windows. Everyone in the house was busy getting cozy. Melody was glad that Rosa had agreed to snuggle up in their bedroom. Getting a surprise grandma the night before had been amazing but confusing. Briana was in full hyper-baby mode, playing with or being played with by grandma. Melody needed time to think about all that.

    Rosa had her arms around Melody. They were propped up in a corner between the headboard and the wall, surrounded by blankets and pillows. Neither of them had a book or a handheld game. Melody didn’t even have their phone out. The quiet comfiness was enough.

    “Are you okay to talk more about the ageplay? How did yesterday feel?” Rosa asked.

    “I liked it a lot. Being a baby feels good, but it’s really intense. If we do it often, for long periods of time, it feels better to be a kid instead of a baby.”

    “You picked six as an age guide, does that still feel right?”

    “I think so. Is it okay for you? Do you like it?”

    “I like it even better than you as a baby. I think baby-Melody is a fun treat, but I’m fascinated by little kid Melody.”

    Melody squirmed, seeking a position for maximum Rosa-contact.

    “Of course, there are a few differences from a regular six year old.” Rosa said.

    “I’m not an expert on kids that age. Plus it’s a game and stuff.”

    “I know that, I was talking more about how you’re not potty trained, Niñe.” Rosa slipped her hand down to pluck at Melody’s pullup.

    “Mama!” Melody protested.

    “You’re not as much of a potty pants as your sister. You did very well yesterday. Only one real accident, and a couple of little ones. You were soaked this morning though. It’s nighttime diapers for my Niñe for sure.”

    Melody whined and hid their face against Rosa’s neck. Technically they were only a bedwetter when they slept with Rosa, or Veronica. But since Rosa was moving in, they’d be sleeping with her every night. Unless something changed, they really were a bedwetter now.

    “Uh oh, my niñe’s feeling frisky.”

    “I didn’t even…”

    “I heard your breathing change.”

    Melody squirmed, this time to rub against their girlfriend. “No fair.”

    “Extra no fair, because we’re not done talking yet.”

    “Mama!” It was a whine worthy of Briana, if Melody did say so themself.

    “Niñes that wear pullups can still get a pacifier put in their mouth.” Rosa warned.

    “Nu uh. We couldn’t talk if I had one in.”

    “Yes we could. I’d get interrupted a lot less if I was controlling when you could talk.”

    Melody bit their lip. A much quieter whine of frustration escaped their teeth. They had no idea how Rosa expected to mommy them without Melody getting super horny.

    “We’re still working out how much we do it. This morning, we slipped right into it. That felt good for me. Was it okay for you?”

    “I really liked it.” Melody said, nuzzling Rosa’s collarbone.

    “What do you think – about trying full time?” Rosa asked. “Over the rest of the break, to see what it’s like?”

    “You mean, you’d be Mama all day, every day?”

    “That’s right. I’d start by getting you up and ready in the morning. Make sure you have your meals and do your chores. Correct your behavior if you’re naughty. Put you in your bedtime diaper and tuck you into bed.”

    Melody’s heart was racing. It sounded wonderful. They wanted it so much that it scared them. If they tried it and it didn’t work, it would be like making a viral post and being instantly forgotten when it was done. How were you supposed to go back to regular life after something so huge?

    “If – if it did work out, what would that be like with school?”

    “About the same.” Rosa said, wrapping her arms tightly around Melody. It was less of a hug and more of a restraining hold. Melody surrendered to the feeling of safety it sent washing through them.

    “I’d still get you up. Give you your lunch money. Take you to school and pick you up. I’m in charge of your homework and school projects already.”

    “I wouldn’t drive?”

    “Kids don’t drive themselves to school.”

    “What about – other people?”

    “You could have friends over of course. Or I’d take my niñe to see friends for playdates.”

    Melody shivered. “Our schedules won’t always match. There’d be times when you couldn’t be around.”

    “Those could be breaks.” Rosa said. “Or – if we were really lifestyle with it – I could arrange for babysitting or daycare.”

    Melody bit back a confused moan. “You wouldn’t get tired of it? Of taking care of me all the time?”

    “I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t. That’s why I think we should try it for the rest of the break, when there’s less complications.”

    Rosa kissed Melody’s neck. There was no holding back the moan that time.

    “I don’t think I’ll get tired of taking care of you. I’m hungry for it. I have to stop myself from restarting the game whenever we take a break.”

    “You won’t – stop liking me? I mean, stop being attracted? I don’t want to be only your kid.”

    Rosa whispered in Melody’s ear. “Remember when I put my nipple in your mouth, and we had sex with you sucking on my breast? You were in a soaking diaper, totally babied out. It was the hottest sex I’ve had in my life.”

    “Oh god, Mama.” Melody moaned. “But that was one big morning. If we do it every day…”

    “You can say no, my love. If what you’re scared of is that I’ll get bored, I’m not worried that that’ll happen. Talking about being your caregiver all the time has me craving it. Craving you.”

    “I am scared, Mama.”

    “Let me show you something.”

    Rosa took Melody’s hand, guiding it behind their back. Melody’s fingers pressed up against Rosa’s crotch and found dampness, all the way through her cotton shorts.

    “Mama, now you’re the one who’s wet!” Melody giggled.

    “It’s a different kind of wet, Niñe.”

    “No fair. If I was wet that way – augh!”

    Melody tumbled forward, pushed and turned by Rosa. They let it happen, squirming against their girlfriend when she pinned them.

    “That’s because you’re the Niñe. You’re my gorgeous, sexy, adorable little school kid. You have a family, but the romantic part of your heart belongs to me.”

    Melody gripped Rosa’s hips with desperate strength. “It does. I know there was – so much that happened. It does now. Totally. I’m all yours.”

    Rosa smiled. “I know sweetie…”

    “Please listen. Mama, it’s important. Please listen to me.”

    Rosa took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m listening, love.”

    Melody stared into Rosa’s eyes intensely. They brought every barrier down that they could think of. All the awkwardness, self doubt, self consciousness, all the things that normally made walls between their eyes and their heart. They wanted – needed Rosa to be able to look all the way in.

    “There’s no Beatrix anymore. There’s just you. It’s all you. I love you so much that I don’t know what to do sometimes.”

    Rosa’s face was filled with so many emotions. Love, excitement, she looked almost dizzy. Her head came down, kissing Melody and biting their neck.

    “Ah! What was that for?”

    “Too many feels. I got overwhelmed and bitey.”

    “Please make love to me.”

    “I’ve wanted you all morning.”

    Their lips met with desperate longing. Melody surrendered to the kiss. The clothing between them felt wrong, annoying. Melody worked their shorts down off their waist.

    There was a knock at the door.

    “Melody? Rosa? I’m really sorry to bother you, especially if you’re napping but…”

    Rosa sat up suddenly. Melody looked over in shock to see the door opening – and just as quickly closing.

    “Oh dear, I’m SO sorry! I got used to just opening Melody’s door. I will not do that again.”

    “It’s okay Veronica. You can come in, we’re decent.”

    Rosa gave a laughing sigh, sitting up and adjusting her shirt. Melody was only willing to roll over so they could lay their head in Rosa’s lap, still snuggled under the covers.

    Veronica peeked in, entering shamefacedly once she’d had time to verify Rosa’s statement.

    “I am really sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

    “It’s okay. I has to be pretty important for you to get that distracted. What’s going on?” Rosa idly petted Melody’s hair.

    Melody gritted their teeth. Mommy should have told Mom to get out of the room. Or not come in at all. They could smell Rosa’s desire, they were vibrating with their own. Whatever dumb thing about holiday plans or chores or dinner that Veronica wanted to talk about wasn’t worth…

    “I finally got in touch with Beatrix. She’s agreed to meet.”

    The bottom dropped out of Melody’s stomach. All the sexy feelings vanished in a shiver that left all their muscles tense.

    “She’ll give back Melody’s bag and computer today. I have everything from yesterday ready for her. I’m sorry to spring this on you, especially considering what I interrupted, but we can finally be done with this. It will be over, today.”

    “What time?” Rosa asked, with awe-inspiring calm.

    “Right before lunch. Less than two hours.”

    “I’ll get Melody ready.”

    “I need to have a talk with them before we leave too. It can be brief. Just five minutes.”

    “We’ll be ready in plenty of time before we have to go. Who’s coming with us?”


    A tiny bit of tension gave way as Melody imagined Gary Oldman screaming EVERYONE! From Veronica’s tone it sounded like that scene actually fit their situation.

    “Veronica. Thank you.”

    “You’re family.” Veronica said, simply. “What’s mine is yours.”

    “Woah, you don’t have to go that far.”

    “We can talk about it later. On my end, the decision is already made.” Veronica said.

    “You better believe we’ll talk about it.”

    “I’ll let you two get ready.” Veronica said, smiling slyly.

    When the door closed, Melody looked up at Rosa. She was still flushed. Hesitantly, Melody rubbed their girlfriend’s hip, trying to recapture some of the earlier feeling.

    “Rosa, I can still – do stuff.”

    “Niñe, don’t be silly, of course we aren’t going to.” Rosa hauled Melody up, hugging them tightly.

    Melody relaxed with a heavy sigh.

    “You better brace yourself for tonight, though.” Rosa said, teasingly.

    Melody giggled. The giggles trailed off too fast. Heavy feelings settled into their chest. “I have to be brave again, don’t I?”

    “You ARE brave.” Rosa said. “You did a hard thing yesterday. There’s one more to do today. I’ll be with you every second, just like yesterday.”

    “I’m so scared, Mama. I don’t want to see her again.”

    “This is the last time. We need to close that book forever, or it’ll haunt you.”

    Melody sighed. They nuzzled Rosa’s chest. “I trust you. I love you.”

    “I love you too.”

    They snuggled together for a while. Not long enough. Melody was surprised and a little worried to find out they needed a change. They hadn’t even noticed wetting. If it was out of fear, or stress, they didn’t know. Rosa cleaned them up and bundled them into warm clothes. Melody thought they’d get a diaper after wetting like that, but Rosa put them in a pullup when she dressed them.

    Melody only had one demand during the process. They made Rosa help them dig through their clothes until they found their “There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand Binary, and those who don’t.” shirt.

    “What’s special about that shirt?” Rosa asked, while she tied Melody’s shoes.

    “It’s the shirt I was wearing when I agreed to move in here. The day I met Briana.”

    Rosa grinned. “Good choice then. Both times.”

    The living room was filling up with people. It was almost the entire Thanksgiving crowd, minus Suzie’s friends. Suzie was there though, as was Erin. They were both talking to Grandma. Casey, Maryam, and Gary were a trio of giants, passing a very giggly Briana back and forth. Mom and Dad were standing together, looking tough.

    “Melody’s ready.” Rosa said.

    “Thank you Rosa. Melody, I need you for five minutes.”

    Melody followed Mom to the drawing room, leaving Mama and Dad to talk. Veronica sat them on the couch and took a seat next to them, stroking their hair.

    “I’m so proud of you, Little One. I want you to know that everyone in the living room loves you. We’re all here for you today.”

    “Thanks Mom.” Melody said, leaning into the touch. “I’m still scared.”

    “I know. No one will let Beatrix touch you. She will not get within five feet of you. That is a hard promise. We have some big people with us that are very upset with Beatrix. They will be watching her like hawks.”

    Melody nodded.

    “I’m going to do most of the talking. If there’s anything you want to say to Beatrix, you can, but you don’t have to do much.”

    “I don’t want to talk to her at all.”

    “I know. My Melody, I wish I could spare you this entirely.” Veronica kissed Melody’s forehead. “It’s important that you be there. I have one thing I need you to do today. The rest of it your family can handle.”

    “What do I have to do?”

    Cold fear gripped Melody’s gut as Veronica explained. For a moment, they felt like they couldn’t get air. Veronica had to explain it three times, increasingly gently, before the terror receded to the back of Melody’s mind.

    “What if I do it wrong?” Melody wrung their hands.

    “You can’t do it wrong. All you’re doing is making a choice. It’s your choice to make, so whichever on you make, that will be the right one.”

    “Mom, can’t you decide?”

    “No sweetie. Some things are for you to decide. This is one of them.”


    “Yes Melody?”

    Melody whispered, “Don’t let me fall.”

    “Never.” Veronica said, fiercely, pulling Melody into a tight hug. “I’ll never let that happen to you.”

    “Okay.” Melody said, gripping Mom just as tightly. “I think I can do it.”

    “I know you can. Come on. Let’s get this person out of our life.”

    Dad drove, with Mom in the front and Mama cuddled up against Melody in the back. Briana was on the other side, clinging to Melody with her signature total abandon. She hadn’t held anything back, from the moment she’d met Melody. They didn’t know how their sister did it, but they knew they’d be grateful to her for the rest of their life.

    The meeting was to be on campus, apparently. Melody hadn’t thought to ask. Maryam’s SUV pulled up on their left, Gary’s truck on the right. Grandma stayed in the truck, but everyone else gathered on the little plaza next to the parking lot. There was a statue of a bird dissolving into wind.

    Campus art. Melody shook their head. They reached out to Rosa and Veronica, taking their hands. Her Mom and Mommy gave their hands a reassuring squeeze. Dad was right behind them.

    They didn’t have to wait long for Beatrix. She’d parked at a different lot. Bea was wearing her armor for sure. She’d gone all out, looking like a damn supermodel in her unzipped coat with her hair and makeup perfectly done. Though she was alone, her confidence and beauty gave her an aura of importance, like a celebrity.

    Power-hot. That’s what I used to call it.

    Bea stopped a good twenty feet away, surveying the group. She even posed a little with a hand on her hip. Fearlessly, she walked up to the group, her face composed in an annoyed mask.

    “This is a lot of people for little-old me.” Beatrix said. “Am I about to get jumped?”

    “Not unless you try to touch Melody.” Veronica said. “Getting in arm’s length of them would be very unwise.”

    “Am I talking to you or Melody right now? Are you her mommy? Can I get a fucking permission slip to talk to my goddamn girlfriend?”

    “Hey, Beatrix.” Suzie said. “Hi, I’m Suzie. Stop misgendering Melody. You don’t know me. But, I will happily do a weekend in jail to pop you in the mouth.”

    Beatrix blinked, giving Suzie a skeptical glance. Suzie looked back at Beatrix with a sort of Harley Quinn smile on her face. She and Bea had the same kind of energy sometimes, Melody realized. Thankfully, there was way less of it in Suzie.

    “Fine. Break out the fucking drum circle. Let’s get this over with. Who am I talking to? Do we need to go round robin? Is there a number system?”

    “You’re talking to me.” Veronica said. “Do you know who I am, Beatrix?”

    “Yeah, you’re Veronica, mistress of the night. You’re Melody’s landlord and mommy, which is super fucked up, and you put girls in diapers. Is there like, something in the lease about that? Do you get to pick out your diapers when you choose a room?”

    “Did you ever think to wonder why I own a house, as a graduate student?”

    “I’m sure your parents hooked you up. Did you have to wear the diapers for a while to get it?”

    “It is a family house. There’s a reason that I’m the owner, rather than my mother, or my sister. You see, the first woman in my family to come to this country bought that house. Tess Rasmussen lived there when she first came to Ardenthill, while she was making her fortune in fishing and mining.”

    “Okay, I don’t know how much longer I can deal with the family history thing. Melly’s important to me, but there’s a limit, even for them.”

    “I promise it’s relevant. One of the things Tess did with her fortune was found the Design College of Ardenthill. It’s the Ardenthill Bioscience and Design University now, of course. Whoever owns Tess’s house has to serve as the family’s representative on the University’s board of trustees.”

    Beatrix frowned, something like fear or wariness showing on her face for the first time.

    Veronica pulled an envelope out of her purse and handed it to Suzie. Suzie delivered it to Beatrix.

    “You are expelled from the Ardenthill Bioscience and Design University.”

    “WHAT?” Beatrix ripped the letter out of Suzie’s hands. “Just because you’re a trustee doesn’t mean you have the authority to, to…”

    “I had a long conversation with the president of the college, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Vice President of Student Affairs, and Mark, the Dean of the Economics department. You know Mark, don’t you?”

    Beatrix had the letter open and was furiously skimming it.

    “You’ll find all their signatures at the bottom of that letter. Furthermore, Mark was kind enough to offer to ensure that you will be blacklisted at all Economics graduate program in the United States. Graduate positions are competitive and academia is a small world. No accredited University is going to take you.”

    “You fucking bitch. You want a lawsuit? You think I’m penniless?”

    “Oh yes, the lawsuit. I was going give you that one third, but we can do it now.” Veronica handed another letter to Suzie to relay.

    “If you release the media you have with Melody in it, you will be hit by a SLAPP suit and a separate DMCA claim for every image and video.”

    Beatrix made a strangled noise.

    “That letter is from my lawyer, Simon. He is at this moment sitting on a twenty thousand dollar retainer for the suit.” Veronica paused for a moment as Beatrix’s eyes bugged out.

    “Typically, you would expect to pay at least two thirds of what the suing party does, to successfully fight a suit. So it would likely cost you at least fourteen thousand dollars to fight it, even if I don’t put another penny in.”

    “You can’t just…”

    We’re not done.” Veronica said. The polite neutrality had dropped out of her voice. There was fury in her tone that made Melody flinch. Even Beatrix shied back a little.

    “You assaulted my child. You vandalized their car. You made threats against their life. Credible, detailed threats as part of the vandalism and on electronic communication.”

    “Oh let me guess, you’re going to report me to the police?”

    Veronica laughed. That really took the wind out of Beatrix’s sails. Bea was starting to look wild, like a trapped animal.

    “Oh goodness, Beatrix, no. People like me don’t make a report at the station. I spoke with Ardenthill’s district attorney, of course. He’s a good friend of the family. My mother throws him the nicest parties every election year.”

    “I have a letter from him here too. Think of it as sort of a pre-arrest-warrant.” Veronica said. Suzie delivered the letter with a very satisfied smile.

    There was real panic on Beatrix’s face now. Melody was surprised to discover that they didn’t feel badly for her at all. They thought back to their conversation with Veronica and braced themself. Their part was coming up soon.

    “So that’s it? You’re going to bully me with your money and privilege? Not very fucking woke, is it?”

    “That is exactly what I’m going to do. What did you think would be the price of attacking my family? If Melody had been willing to cooperate earlier, I would have acted sooner.”

    “That could be your one saving grace. None of these letters have been officially sent yet. There’s one person here who can make all this go away.”

    Beatrix’s eyes flashed across the group like a hunted animal.

    “It’s Melody, Beatrix. If they forgive you, if they ask me to withhold one or all of these letters, I will.”

    “That’s what I came here to do! To make things right with Melody!” Beatrix shouted in panic.

    “Melly, baby, you don’t want her to do all this to me, do you? You’ve known me way longer than these people. Please – I fucked up, I know that. I got crazy. When you left me, I freaked out, I lost control. I know what I did was wrong.”

    Melody licked their lips. Mom and Mommy were holding her hands super tightly. Melody shook their head at Beatrix.

    “You showed me who you really are.”

    “No, that’s just me hurting. We were going to take over the world together, remember? It was so good! Don’t you remember our night together? It was perfect. Melly, please. I need you. You can’t destroy me. You love me. We’re in love. You said you’d love me forever, back in the day. You meant it, didn’t you?”

    Melody took a deep breath. They were astoundingly calm. Veronica was at their left, standing like a judge or a queen. Rosa was at her right, solid like a rock and full of love. Dad had her hands on their shoulders.

    Beatrix was smiling, beautiful, enticing. She was everything she’d always been, dialed up to eleven. Melody could finally see through the masks. The tightness at the corner of Bea’s eyes showed that the fury was still there. She didn’t love anyone, couldn’t love anyone. She just wanted a way out.

    “Beatrix.” Melody said. “Don’t talk to me or my family ever again.”

    “No I – fine, okay, if that’s what you want. But you’re not going to let Veronica do all that to me, right? Please, Melly, I saved you. You can save me. I’m Beatrix. I’m your Bea.”

    “Now you’re just somebody that I used to know.” Melody said. “Mom, go ahead with the letters.”

    “NO!” Beatrix’s scream was bloodcurdling. She lurched forward.

    Gary, Casey, Maryam, and Suzie puffed up their chests and stepped in. Suzie was comically small by comparison to the other three, but she was out in front to throw hands. Beatrix skidded to a stop and took several hopping steps back.

    “I didn’t bring the laptop, if you want that back you’ll have to…”

    “The police are already at your vehicle.” Veronica said, calmly.

    “What? BULLSHIT!”

    “I asked them to come today and keep an eye on you. They’ve been watching you since you drove to campus. They staked your vehicle out after you left it. You’ll be riding back with them, today.”

    “Fuck you!” Beatrix turned to run.

    “Gary.” Veronica said.

    Gary and Casey both grabbed Beatrix. She screamed again, thrashing. She had no chance of freeing either arm from the holds on them.

    “This is assault!”

    “This is a citizens arrest, while I let the police know that the perpetrator they’re looking for is here.” Veronica said, putting her phone back in her purse. “You can complain directly to the officers in a few minutes.”

    “I’ll kill you.” Beatrix said, with pure venom. “I’ll get all of you. You think I’ll be in jail forever? When I get out…”

    “If I have anything to do with it, you’ll be in prison, not jail.” Veronica said. “There are the officers now. Thank you gentlemen, you can take her, please.”

    Beatrix fought the officers too, screaming incoherently. They were a lot less gentle with her than Gary and Casey had been. As soon as Beatrix was out of line of sight, the dam of Melody’s calm broke. They shuddered, clinging to their caregivers.

    “That was crazy. Thank you for doing that for me. Everybody… thank you.”

    “We love you.” Rosa said.

    The general murmur of agreement that followed made Melody want to laugh and cry at the same time. There were people all around them, hugging them, ruffling their hair, congratulating them.

    Melody heard someone exhale with a big ‘oof’ next to her. Briana wormed her way into the middle, working her elbows like she was in a mosh pit. She threw herself on Melody and hugged them so intensely that she was practically climbing them.

    “Sib! You did it! You were so awesome and calm and brave!”

    “Thanks Bri.” Melody said, through a haze of tears.

    “I saw what you did! You memed Beatrix twice! The somebody I used to know one was obvious, but the don’t talk to me was one too. I got the reference!”

    Melody laughed all the way from their belly. “Good job sis. You’re right.”

    “I knew it!” Briana giggled.

    Briana nuzzled Melody fiercely, not letting go even when the huddle around Melody broke up. It took Gary grabbing her and putting her up on his shoulders for Briana to relent.

    “That was some amazing drama.” Suzie said. “What now?”

    “We go home and have a wonderful Christmas, as a family.” Veronica said.

    “Well said, Vonnie.” Michelle said.

    “Thanks Mom.”

    “I’m so proud of you.” Michelle hurried over with her cane and put her arms around Veronica. “You did it exactly right. You protected our family and the family’s honor at the same time. Magna Grandma would be proud of you too.”

    For once, Veronica didn’t have any words. She hugged Grandma happily with a huge sigh of relief.

    “Heh, Beatrix is lucky that Magna Grandma wasn’t the one to deal with her!” Briana said.

    “We don’t have to go that far back.” Grandma said. “She’s lucky it wasn’t my grandmother taking care of it.”

    “That’s right.” Veronica said. “Great Grandma Ashley was a bootlegger.”

    “She was?” Melody asked.

    “My Grandmother?” Michelle said. “You’d better believe she was. She had some rough associates.”

    “That’s your great-great Grandmother, Melody.” Veronica said.

    “Oh uh, I’m really glad you let me call you Mom but it doesn’t have to go that far.”

    “You already call me Grandma.” Michelle said. “In for a penny, in for a pound of powder, as Magna Grandma used to say.”

    “Okay.” Melody blushed. Rosa hugged them from behind and they leaned into her.

    “I know we’re off to celebrate, but I’d like some time with my other grandchild if I can get it. I haven’t gotten to know this brave kid yet.”

    “Do you want to take Rosa and Melody out for lunch?” Veronica asked.

    “I’m glad you suggested it!” Grandma said. “The car will be here for us in five minutes.”

    “You already ordered a car?”

    “You’re not the only one with a fancy cell phone, Vonnie.”

    “Really? Because I thought that if you had a cell phone, you would have used it when you started having health problems, not after you’d been hospitalized.”

    Grandma cackled! “Please pay attention, everyone. This is what it looks like when you raise your daughter right. You’re right, Vonnie. I’ll do better. I’m not used to relying on my daughter. It wasn’t that long ago I was wiping your snotty nose.”

    “It looks like your car is here, Michelle.” Jane said. “Rosa, you’re in charge of Michelle until you get back to the house.”

    “Gotcha, Jane.” Rosa said.

    “Excuse me, Ms. Müller?” Michelle said archly.

    “I’m helping you keep the promise you just made to your daughter.” Jane said mildly.

    “Hmm, you’ve got hidden depths. You might just be a match for my Vonnie. Keep an eye on this one, Vonnie. She’s sneaky.”

    “Believe me, I know it all too well.” Veronica said with a soft smile.

    The three of them got in the back seat of the car, with Melody in the middle. They were still a little uncomfortable around Grandma. It was awkward to be right up against her. Though she seemed nice, she was a stranger. Melody wished they had Briana’s ability to instantly accept people.

    “We might as well start getting to know each other.” Grandma said. “Melody, how old are you?”

    “Twenty three.”

    “I’m sorry, I knew that. I’m asking how old you – present. Is that the right word?”

    “I think it’s a good way to say it.” Rosa said. “Melody and I are still narrowing that down, but right now we’ve settled on six.”

    “Thank you. I needed to know for the Christmas presents I’m going to get.”

    “You don’t have to get me anything, Grandma.”

    “Melody, you’ve got a lot to learn about being a kid still. Never tell your Grandma she doesn’t have to give you a present. I won’t listen and you don’t really mean it.”

    Melody squirmed and smiled.

    “What about clothes? I see you’re a very handsome kindergartener. Would you wear a suit, if you had one?”

    “Um, maybe? If it wasn’t totally a boy’s suit?”

    “I can work with that.”

    “Why do I need a suit, Grandma?”

    “So you can go out nice places with me. Have you ever been to the opera?”

    “No. It’s not really my thing.”

    “How would you know if it’s your thing, if you haven’t tried it?”

    Rosa giggled. “Listen to your Grandma, Niñe.”

    “Is it alright if I call you Michelle?” Rosa asked.

    “For now that will work.” Grandma said.

    “Thanks. Michelle, I’m sure that Melody would love to go to the opera with their grandmother. Wouldn’t you, Niñe?”

    Melody kicked the seat console in front of them grumpily. “Yes Mama.”

    “You’ve got this one’s number. Well done, Rosa. It’s not easy taking on a kid you didn’t start out with from the beginning.”

    “I’m really curious about that.” Rosa said.

    “Ever since Tess, Rasmussen women don’t get married. That doesn’t mean we don’t want to pass down our legacy, or that we don’t want someone to take care of. There are always wonderful girls that need adopting.”

    “That’s amazing.”

    The car had come to a stop. Rosa climbed out and hurried around to the other side, opening Michelle’s door for her. Grandma gave a single eyeroll before allowing herself to be helped out of the car.

    “Melody, be careful, don’t cross the street by yourself.” Rosa said.

    “I wasn’t going to.” Melody said, blushing and stepping back from the street.

    Rosa made them walk over to the crosswalk to get to the restaurant. She had Grandma leaning on one arm and was holding Melody’s hand with the other.

    The restaurant was really cool, with model train tracks winding around every wall and even crossing bridges to reach all the tables. The trains were carrying plates of food. Melody watched in fascination as one of the trains went by, wondering if destinations were programmed or more manually managed.

    Melody ordered chicken nuggets with a side of garlic bread off the kids’ menu and nobody teased them about it. They were sitting next to Grandma, but other than answering her questions, they didn’t participate much in the conversation. Between the food and the passing trains, Melody was too distracted.

    By the time they’d ordered dessert, Melody was feeling a lot more comfortable. They tried leaning against Grandma and were rewarded with an arm around their waist.

    They kicked their feet, wishing that Rosa had let them order the giant cookie as well as the ice cream for dessert. Forced to make a choice, the ice cream had won Melody over despite the cold. They’d seen how much whipped cream they put on the ice cream when it passed by on a train.

    Grandma only ate one bite of the cookie she ordered for dessert. The rest ended up in Melody’s ice cream. It was fun seeing Rosa exasperated but unable to do anything. Melody was more excited about the idea of having a grandma all the time.

    When the dessert was gone, they leaned their head on Grandma’s shoulder and tuned out the conversation. Grandma had to nudge them a bit to get their attention.

    “Melody, do you need to potty?”

    “I don’t think so, Grandma.”

    “Why don’t you go check? The bathroom is over there. Do you think you can go on your own?”

    “Of course I can.” Melody said, confused. “But I don’t have to go.”

    “Try anyway, okay? Humor your old grandma.”

    Rolling their eyes, Melody made their way to the restroom. It was a private one, at least. They took a seat on the toilet and waited. Grandma was being dumb, or just teasing them. They didn’t have to go…

    Splashing in the toilet made Melody cringe. How had Grandma known when they hadn’t? Why hadn’t they known?

    Because I wasn’t paying attention. I was letting Mama and Grandma handle everything.

    Melody sighed and shrugged. Mama and Grandma had handled it. It had been so well handled that they hadn’t even had an accident.

    Back at the table, Rosa had an odd look on her face. Grandma looked satisfied. The two of them were acting really weirdly.

    “What’s going on?”

    “Nothing Niñe, ready to go home?”

    “Tell me!” Melody insisted.

    “Did you get all your potty out?” Grandma asked.

    Melody blushed and ducked their head. “Yes Grandma.”

    “I thought so.” Grandma chuckled. “Come on, let’s get home so the nice gentleman driving our car can get back to his home.”

    Back home, everyone had stuck around for lunch. Melody endured another round of congratulations and hugs bashfully. They were happy to curl up at Rosa’s side when that was over. Even so, Melody was in high demand. Their family didn’t let them retreat and be quiet that afternoon. When tea was served, Melody had to help Veronica, and ended up sitting on her lap. After tea, Melody was next to Grandma again.

    They were feeling pretty sleepy from the huge meal they’d had, plus the extra cookies at tea time. Getting their head petted by Grandma was too much to resist. Melody dozed off with their head on Grandma’s shoulder.

    Melody was at the center of things after dinner too. They were on the floor with Briana, surrounded by the adults. Occasionally someone would send Melody or their sister to fetch something from the kitchen.

    By bedtime, Melody was socially exhausted and filled to the brim with happiness. They thought they were ready to fall straight into bed. Rosa had other ideas. Between undressing Melody and getting them into pajamas and a diaper, Melody got pounced.

    A long sweaty hour past their bedtime, Melody was finally getting their nightclothes. Feeling better than they’d ever thought possible, Melody fell asleep in the middle of being diapered.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 17

    The days leading up to Christmas were magical. Melody had once scoffed at their sister for using that word to describe something as dumb as a holiday, but Briana was right. Waking up every morning next to Rosa and being tenderly cared for by her was magical. Snowball fights in the morning with Briana were enchanting. Veronica’s gentle reassurance and care during the day was a marvel. Michelle’s doting was miraculous.

    They didn’t worry about being a kid in front of their roommates anymore. When all the alpha ladies in the house were treating Melody that way, no one else’s opinion seemed to matter. Suzie could call Melody kiddo all she wanted, it didn’t sting anymore. On the contrary, they were learning tricks from their sister to exploit it.

    When Rosa put the potty calendar in their room, Melody didn’t cringe. They were genuinely proud of the stars that went on the calendar. Especially so, when Briana got jealous about those stars.

    School was still an uncertain thing on the horizon. It was hard to tell how being a Rosa’s kid would work once classes and labs started. Happiness seemed possible though; that was the real magic.

    It was Christmas-eve-eve-eve, according to Briana, who had taken over the house’s understanding of measurements. Everything was now understood only in its relationship to Christmas day. Dinner tonight was three dinners to Christmas, the temperature was projected-Christmas-Temperature +4, the number of people in the house was counted relative to how many people would be home on Christmas day.

     Melody watched Rosa put a check mark on the calendar, three pullup-checks of six passed for the day. Three more and there’d be a star covering the checkmarks.

    “Good job Niñe, you’re almost to four stars in a row!”

    Melody beamed proudly and squirmed in for a hug. That was another technique their sister had taught them. Melody had gotten more hugs in the last week than they had in their entire life before.

    Looking at the woman they called Mama, Melody was blown away by how much they loved her. Rosa had gone from a crush to a pillar of Melody’s life. They felt safe around her without reservation.

    I think this is that unconditional love thing. It’s pretty amazing.

    Melody didn’t have any memes to make fun of themself with for that corny thought. It stood on its own, powerful and tall. Cold winds of doubt or fear were buffeted away by it, never making it in to touch Melody.

    “You know, if you keep this up, we can work on your nighttime wetting too.” Rosa said.

    “No more diapers at night?” Melody asked. There was an odd twinge there along with the expected pride.

    “Not if you don’t need them. We might keep you in pullups at night anyway, to be safe. Even if you graduate to big-kid underwear during the day.”

    “I trust you, Mama.” Melody said, leaning their head on Rosa’s shoulder. It felt amazing to set their worries on Rosa and Veronica. They knew that it was possible for those worries to be too much for their Mom and Mama, but that wasn’t a worry. By now, Melody trusted their caregivers to tell them if something needed to change.

    “You are SO sweet lately. Is this the Christmas spirit?”

    “This is how I feel around you all the time.”

    “Oh Niñe.” Rosa said, crushing Melody with her sporty arms until they squeaked.

    “Melody!” Veronica called from the living room. “I need your help with these packages. I hope you’re ready to go shopping with me too!”

    “Coming Mom!” Melody called.

    “Are you coming with us, Mama?”

    “I have my own chores. Did you know there wasn’t going to be any Ensalada Rusa for Christmas?”

    “Ensa what?”

    “Potato salad. I understand not having pavo navideño, Michelle wants a white people turkey, but they weren’t going to have any tamales either. It’s not Navidad without volteado de piña o ponche Navideño either.”

    “Mama, I don’t know what any of that stuff is.”

    “Which is a great tragedy, Niñe. Your mama is going to fix it.”

    “Melody!” Veronica called again.

    “Go help Mom. We can talk about the Christmas food later.” Rosa said, patting Melody’s butt.

    Melody hurried out to the living room. There were half a dozen packages on the porch, and as many already inside. They were coming by the truckload lately. It made sense with how many people they had. Especially with Michelle re-routing all her presents to Veronica’s house.

    Briana had been banned from helping with packages, so Melody was Veronica’s go-to. The first time Bri had seen a literal pile of presents on the stoop, the little gremlin had almost vibrated herself into another dimension. They grabbed the rest of the packages from outside, carefully sorting them into named bins.

    “Sorry Mom, Mama was talking to me about Christmas stuff.”

    “We need some kind of signal that the other one has you in tow.” Veronica said. “I’m not as connected to her as I am to Jane. Maybe Rosa could make some kind of Melody management app.”

    Melody blushed. Rosa certainly could, in an afternoon. Like so many recent additions to their life, the prospect of having a caregiver state-machine app was at once embarrassing and comforting.

    “Okay Little One, I need you to get your outside clothes on. Do you need to potty first?”

    “Mama just checked me. I have three checkmarks so far today!”

    “I’m proud of you.” Veronica said warmly.

    The warmth of Mom’s voice and smile ignited a happy inferno that erupted in Melody’s chest. They scurried to get ready. Snow clothes were always at the door and ready go. It’d become a necessity to have them there with the daily snowball fights between Melody and Briana.

    Geared in a hat, jacket, snow pants, and boots, Melody presented themself to Mom and was hustled off to the car. They sat in the back, since Mom and Mama both agreed that kids shouldn’t sit in the front seat. At least they didn’t have to use a car seat, which was Briana’s new rule.

    “Are we going grocery shopping?”

    “I wish that was all. Groceries are our last trip. We have to talk to the people delivering the firewood, send out some letters, and pick up some medical equipment for your Grandmother too.”

    “Is Grandma okay?”

    “She will be, if she uses the equipment her doctors prescribed for her.”

    “I can help her set it up.” Melody said, sitting up eagerly. “She can’t say no if I help her with it and ask her how it’s going.”

    “That is amazingly sweet. Do you really want to do that? You’ll be checking on a crotchety old lady.”

    “She’s not like that with me.”

    Veronica laughed. “I suppose she’s not. Melody, I want you to know I’m not worried about your Grandmother, or anyone else in particular. However, if anyone in the family ever makes you feel uncomfortable or hurts you, please tell me, or Jane, or Rosa right away.”

    “Okay Mom.”

    “I mean it, Melody. You’re not so good with those kinds of boundaries. I want you to know that you’re always safe, even if someone makes a mistake or turns out to not be the person we thought they were. Please promise me that you’ll tell us if something happens.”

    Melody pawed awkwardly at their hat with their mittens. Mom let them have their squirmy moment. Finally, they felt the cringe fade away.

    “Okay Mom. I promise.”

    “Thank you, Little One.”

    Melody hugged themself as another wave of warm fuzzies washed over them. “I love you so much, Mom.”

    “I love you too.” Veronica said, dabbing at her eyes.

    Melody stuck close enough to Veronica on their errands that they got a few odd looks. They didn’t care. They needed to be as close to Mom as possible. Veronica didn’t seem to mind either, even putting her arm around Melody while she talked to the firewood people, and while she listened to the long list of instructions for Grandma’s medical equipment.

    “Mom,” Melody asked as the pile of groceries in their cart grew ever larger. “What happens after Christmas? Is Grandma going to be okay to go home on her own?”

    “My sister, Kiara, will be back from Geneva on the twenty seventh. She’d be back faster but there are no open flights this close to the holiday. She can take care of Grandma for a few weeks.”

    “But what about after?” Melody asked, frowning. “Grandma mentioned that she lives alone a lot of the time.”

    “We’ll have to hire a caregiver, I suppose.”

    “Mom, that sucks.”

    “Melody, that’s not nice language to use with your mother.”

    “Sorry Mom, but I don’t like it. She should come live with us.”

    “Your grandmother has six enormous Irish wolfhounds. I don’t think they would fit in the house.”

    “There should still be a way.” Melody said. “I don’t want Grandma to leave. Briana doesn’t either.”

    “That’s sweet, but she’s put a lot of work and love into her home. We can go visit her, often.”

    Melody was not convinced. Clearly, this called for bigger guns. They were so distracted thinking about the problem that they forgot to ask Veronica to take them to the restroom before they checked out of the grocery store. Luckily, Melody managed to hold it until they got home, but it was a close one.

    They collected their checkmark from Rosa as quickly as possible and hunted down their sister. Briana was in a baby coma on the drawing room floor, next to an empty bowl. The bowl had looked like one of the candy dishes.

    “Bri, snap out of it. I need your help.”

    “Muh?” Briana asked.

    “Come on, sis! I’m calling an emergency sibling meeting.”

    “Like for Cloudland?”

    “No, for real life. Come on, we have to do it in your room.”

    Briana sat and stretched. “Ugh, but I’m wet.”

    “Dude!” Melody rolled their eyes. “Bri, this is about Grandma, you can get changed later. You’ve been sitting in that thing for a while anyway.”

    “Okay, okay!” Briana crawled to her feet maddeningly slowly.

    Melody pulled their sister through the living room as quickly as they could, desperate to dodge any more chores requests. Melody closed the door to Briana’s room and sat their sister’s soggy butt on the floor.

    “Okay, Bri, here’s the deal. Mom and I went to pick up all kinds of medical equipment for Grandma today. She needs help, and I don’t want her to go back home.”

    “She’s leaving?” Briana asked, suddenly worried.

    “Yeah, a couple of days after Christmas.”

    “I don’t want her to leave either!”

    “Right, but she has a bunch of huge dogs.” Melody said. “So she can’t stay in the house.”

    “I like dogs though.”

    “Each of these dogs weighs more than you do, and there are six of them.”

    “Woah, big doggies.”

    “Yeah, focus Bri. I think Grandma should buy the house next door.”

    “Is it for sale?” Briana asked.

    That was a good sign. Their sister’s brain was waking up a little.

    “I think it’s a rental, but it’s empty right now. Grandma might already own it. The point is, Mom doesn’t think Grandma going home is a big deal. It’s up to you and me to convince her.”

    “We can do it! When’s she supposed to go home?”

    “I told you, two days after Christmas. But you know how Mom and everybody is. They won’t change their minds on the day of about something that’s been planned. I think we lose if we don’t convince them by Christmas.”

    “Got it. You can count on me, sib.”

    Melody leaned in and hugged Briana tightly. They got back one of Briana’s impressively strong hugs in return.

    “Okay, operation Grandma Next Door is on. I’ll find Grandma and drop some hints to get things going. You should find Dad and get changed. That diaper’s been wet for a while, potty pants.”

    “You’re a potty pants too!”

    “Nuh uh! Three stars in a row, and four check marks already today.” Melody said smugly.

    “No fair, I was supposed to be potty training.”

    “Babies don’t potty train.” Melody said, sticking out their tongue.

    “I’m not a baby!”

    “You’re such a baby.” Melody said, laughing. “Way more than you were when I moved in. It’s really good on you.”

    “Really? You like it?”

    “Doesn’t it feel good? You look happier, like I was when I changed my pronouns.”

    “I do but – you don’t think people want me to be a big girl?”

    “Who? Mom and Dad love you. Rosa thinks you’re adorable. Grandma is nuts about you. I mean, MAYBE Suzie or Gary would have an objection to you as a big baby but…”

    “Oh uh, not Gary.” Briana said, blushing and clearing her throat. “He’s um, pro baby.”

    “Oh yeah?”

    Briana squirmed and rolled over on her belly, hiding her head under a stuffie.

    “He wants me to be super babied out for a whole couple of days with him. Even um… not using the potty at all. For anything.”

    “Woah. Is that okay with you?” Melody sat down hard, wincing at the lack of padding in their pullup. They stroked Briana’s back gently.

    “Well I um – I got him a Christmas present. It’s a pretty pink straightjacket – designed for girls in diapers.”

    Melody giggled. “You’re really going to do it? You know what? Good for you. I look forward to seeing if there are any changes when you come back.”

    “Huh, like what?”

    “Like if you’re a poopy pants instead of a potty pants!”

    “Nu uh! I don’t do that except for – the thing with Gary.” Briana said, throwing her stuffie at Melody. “I’m not a poopy baby.”

    “Not yet you aren’t.” Melody said, smirking and bouncing the stuffie off Briana. “Anyway, go get changed. Operation Grandma Next Door, remember?”

    “I remember, even if you’re a jerk.”

    “No fighting with your sibling, it’s almost Christmas!”

    “No fair!”

    Melody giggled wickedly and hopped up, fleeing the room ahead of a hail of stuffies.

    At first, Grandma blew the idea of moving in next door off as quickly as Mom had. Melody resorted to underhanded tactics, like bringing Grandma tea without being asked, and pointing out how nice the house next door was whenever they were by a window together. It earned Melody a pinch and being sent off to ‘find something productive to do’ on more than one occasion.

    When Melody caught Grandma eyeing the house and making comments about the size of its yard to Jane, Melody knew their tactics were working. They weren’t sure what Briana was doing for the cause specifically, but they knew she wouldn’t forget something so important.

    Christmas Eve was a nightmare of activity. It was the big night for Mexico, so Rosa had taken over the dinner, leaving Christmas day for Veronica. She wanted her Niñe helping her all day. The house had to be cleaned for Krampus too, which meant that whenever Rosa was waiting on something to cool, or bake, or rise, Melody was helping their increasingly frantic sister.

    By the time they were setting the dinner table, Melody’s fingers ached from tying tamales and scrubbing floors. They’d been so busy that they’d missed two potty checks. Rosa peeked in the back of Melody’s pullup before dinner and they slumped their shoulders in defeat.

    “Sorry Mama, I got distracted and I didn’t make it in time.”

    “Mmm, I think today is a day we don’t count checkmarks or Xs.” Rosa said.


    “Everybody’s a little more Little on Christmas Eve, don’t you think? How about I put you in your pajamas and nighttime diaper for dinner?”

    Melody squirmed. “Is it okay? I mean, I’ll be busy during school and we were working on it and I don’t want to cheat…”

    “It’s fine, Niñe. Mama says so.” Rosa said, kissing Melody gently. “Your sister already has her Christmas pajamas on. You should match her at dinner. Come on.”

    In their bedroom, Melody lay on the small changing blanket from Target. Rosa had suggested tossing it, now that they had all the fancy changing tables in the house. Melody hadn’t been ready for that yet. Maybe someday they’d be willing to let it go, but for now it was a reminder of when everything had changed.

    With tender touches, Rosa stripped Melody and tore the sides on their pullup. It was going to be a real diaper change from start to finish. Melody peered around their legs, watching Rosa’s face as she wiped their butt. There was such a strong look of contentment on her face that it seemed unreal.

    “Mama, do you really like doing this? You don’t get tired of cleaning me?”

    “Niñe, I love doing this. I love it more every time I do it. It makes me feel so close to you. I’m taking care of you.”

    “You take such good care of me.” Melody said with a relieved sigh. “I didn’t know how much I needed you.”

    “Sweetie.” Rosa said, smiling. She set a fluffy diaper under Melody’s hips and gently applied the lotion. “You like it too? Not the being taken care of, but the actual diapers?”

    Melody grabbed Totoro and buried their face in his fat belly.

    “I like them a lot. It’s hot and lovey all at the same time.”

    Rosa laughed. Melody peeked around Totoro to pout at her. That was supposed to be sweet, not funny. Moments later they were laughing too, with Rosa tickling their feet.

    “This has been a wild ride. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m excited to see what age you are tomorrow. I bet it won’t be six.”

    “Are we counting potties tomorrow too?” Melody asked, retreating behind Totoro again.

    “Not on Christmas, Niñe.”

    “Maybe I could have diapers the whole day.” Melody said quietly.

    “Do you like the diapers better than the pullups?”

    “No, I like being your little kid most of the time but – on special days…”

    “I understand.” Rosa said, applying a light swirl of powder.

    She brought the diaper around Melody’s crotch in stages, wiggling it perfectly into place. Each wiggle was followed by a tight hold from Rosa’s strong hands. Melody held Totoro so closely that his stitches strained a bit. It was okay. He understood. Longtime stuffies, or ‘Stuffies Primary’ like Briana liked to say, were used to it.

    “You know your Grandma is going to want to change you if you’re wearing diapers, right?” Rosa teased softly.

    “That’s okay. I li – I um – I love Grandma.”

    “Oh sweetie, when did that happen?”

    “I don’t know.” Melody said.

    Rosa cuddled up to them on the bed as soon as the diaper tapes were secure. It was a good thing too. Totoro wasn’t going to last much longer under the squeezes he’d been getting. Melody transferred those desperate snuggles to Rosa.

    “You should tell her.”

    “I know but what if…”

    “She loves you.” Rosa said, with complete confidence.

    “Okay Mama.”

    Melody’s Christmas pajamas were lurid green with the Grinch and trees and presents all over them. They were perfect. Stylish too, Melody got a lot of compliments on their outfit as they helped serve the Nochebuena meal.

    It was an unusual Christmas dinner, by the standards of lots of people at the table. Melody had all the inside info from helping cook and proudly pointed out the dishes as they were served. Everybody knew what the tamales were, but the Russian potato salad needed some context. Fruit salad was a welcomed by everyone, as was the pineapple upside down cake.

    “What’s this drink?” Grandma asked, looking at the glass Melody had handed her as the plates were being cleared.

    “Ponche Navideño, Grandma.” Melody said, hoping they’d pronounced it correctly. “Christmas punch.”

    “What’s in it?” Grandma asked, sniffing it and taking a sip. She nodded approvingly.

    “Sugar cane, apples, prunes, and um teho – uh, teh-ho-co…”

    “Tejocotes.” Rosa said. “Hawthorn fruit.”

    “It’s delicious. I approve of this addition. Does mine have rum in it?”

    “Tequila.” Rosa said with a grin. “Don’t worry, the kids’ don’t have alcohol.”

    “Speaking of kids, it’s not long before they turn into pumpkins.” Veronica said. “Did you hear that, Briana? Bedtime in half an hour.”

    “Mom!” Briana whined.

    “The faster you fall asleep, the faster Santa will come.”

    “Um – Mom, can I sleep in Briana’s room tonight?” Melody asked. Briana cheered at them from across the room.

    “Yes you may, Little One, as long as you go to bed at the same time she does.”

    “Yeah, okay.” Melody said, smiling bashfully.

    “If you two are going to bed so soon, then why don’t you help your Grandma over to her chair?” Grandma asked.

    Melody wasn’t sure if it was Jane’s eagle-eye making sure Michelle accepted help, or that she was having more troubles than she had on her first day, but Grandma wasn’t walking on her own much anymore.

    Melody had tried suggesting that Grandma use the oxygen Mom had picked up, but Grandma was less open to that than she had been to moving in next door. She’d grumbled a lot about not being nearly old enough to need canes and oxygen. Melody didn’t see what the big deal was, it wasn’t supposed to be permanent, they didn’t think.

    Since Grandma wasn’t listening about the medical stuff, Melody was glad they could at least help with her walking. They slipped under Grandma’s arm. As usual, Grandma wanted to steady herself before she got moving.

    “I love you, Grandma.” Melody said quietly, while they waited.

    Grandma swayed on her feet, pulling Melody into a hug.

    “Where did that come from?”

    “I don’t know, but I do.” Melody said. “Mama said I should tell you, so I did. It was kind of scary.”

    “I know Melody. It was hard when my mom adopted me, and it was hard when I adopted my girls. You’re a brave and darling kid for opening up to me so fast.”

    “It’s because you’re a good grandma.” Melody said.

    “You trying to make your grandma cry?”

    “I want you to move into the house next door.” Melody said, looking at Grandma with their best rendition of Briana’s puppy dog eyes. “My sister does too. We want you here, not only so Mom and Dad can take care of you, but so we can see you every day.”

    Grandma was crying now. She pulled Melody in for another hug and clung to them with trembling hands.

    Mom and Dad were staring curiously when Melody finally escorted Grandma to her chair. They didn’t feel like saying anything, and Grandma didn’t either. She squeezed Melody’s arm extra tight after she sat.

    Dad took Melody and Briana upstairs. There was a double air mattress set on the floor, with sheets and blankets on it already. While Briana got a diaper change, Melody brushed their teeth in the upstairs bathroom. Wearing a diaper or no, they were still the bigger kid! They managed to use the potty, though it looked like they might have had a small accident during dinner. It was hard to tell with the big diapers.

    “Ready for bed?” Jane asked, as she helped Melody get their diaper back into a snug fit.

    “I love you, Dad.” Melody said, staring at Jane sincerely.

    “I – I love you too, Didi.” Jane said.

    Melody was pulled into another crushing hug. If that was going to be the result of telling people that they loved them, they were going to have to do it a lot more. They clung to Jane happily, reveling in the solidness of her frame.

    “Is there a reason in particular for that comment?”

    “I told Grandma today I love her, and I realized I hadn’t told you.” Melody said. “And I do, so I needed to tell you.”

    “I love you very much. You are an amazing Kinder, Didi. I’m overjoyed to be your father.”

    Melody floated back to the bedroom on happy feelings and crawled into bed with their sister. Before Dad had a chance to tuck them in, they pulled Briana into the little-spoon position. The little munchkin squealed happily. She had her arms wrapped around Alanna. Belatedly, Melody freed an arm to snag Totoro.

    “Sleep well Kinder.” Dad said, giving them both a kiss on the head. “Tomorrow is the big day.”

    “Daddy, I can’t sleep! I’m too excited!” Briana said, squirming in Melody’s grasp.

    “You’d better sleep. For Krampus, a child awake is as bad as a dirty house.”

    “Okay goodnight daddy see you tomorrow.” Briana snapped her eyes shut and fake-snored.

    Melody giggled. “I’m sure she’ll be asleep in a sec. Goodnight Dad.”

    “Goodnight Didi, BumbleBri.”

    The bedroom door closed, leaving the room in competing soft colors. Briana’s pale orange night-light competing with the cold white of streetlights on snow reflected into the window. The wind was quiet and the snow was falling so softly that it was only an occasional whisper.

    “Sib, what if I can’t sleep and Krampus gets me?”

    “That’s never going to happen. I’d offer myself as tribute.”

    “But you’re a kid too. Krampus will get you.”

    “Nope. I’d power up like a DBZ fighter if I’m defending my baby sister.”

    “Do you like having a baby sister?”

    “I do, and I love you.” Melody kissed the back of Briana’s head. They deliberately slowed their breathing, taking long, deep breaths.

    “I love you too.” Briana yawned.

    “Go to sleep Bri.”

    “Okay.” Briana snuggled in a bit more, working an arm around Melody’s and fitting herself flush to the curve of Melody’s body.

    As Melody predicted, Briana was out like a light less than five minutes after she’d relaxed. They yawned again. It was really early to go to bed. They were going to have a hard time getting to sleep, no matter how snuggly Briana was…


    The mattress rocked alarmingly. Melody’s eyes snapped open to see a manic Briana bouncing on her knees, staring intently at them. Some time must have passed, because Briana’s pajamas were taut around her diaper. Come to think of it, the padding around Melody’s hips was heavy too.

    On the other hand, the cold blue light from the window had gone away, leaving half the room in deep shadow. The house was silent as a stone.

    “Bri, go back to sleep, it’s still night.”

    “Sib look at the clock, it’s CHRISTMAS!!”

    Blearily, Melody rolled over to look at their phone. It was six am. They groaned, doubling down on their groans when Briana climbed on their back.

    “Please sib we have to see if Santa came! Please, please!”

    “Don’t we need Mom and Dad for that?” And Mama.

    “That’s why I need your help. You have to help me wake them!”

    “You’ve woken them tons of times.”

    “But I don’t want them to be grumpy at me. It’s Christmas!”

    “Oh, but it’s okay if they’re grumpy at me?” Melody said, laughing.

    “Please Sib? Please?”

    Melody shook her head and rolled over, wrestling Briana into a tight hug. “Only if you admit you need my help because you’re my cowardly little baby sister.”

    “Nuh uh! I’m a big girl!”

    “Then go wake Mom.”


    “Who’s a scaredy baby?”

    Briana thrashed a bit before switching tactics to a double-whammy of puppy dog eyes and pout. Melody was having way too much fun to relent.

    “Oh well, I guess we’ll go back to sleep like this.” Melody exaggerated a yawn.

    “I’m a scaredy baby!” Briana whined. “Please sib, can you wake Mom and Dad?”

    “I didn’t hear that well. Did you say you’re my scaredy baby sister?”

    “Yes!” Briana giggled and blew a raspberry on Melody’s neck.

    Melody laughed and released Briana, rolling out of bed. “Okay, let’s go get Mom and Dad.”

    “And your Mama.”

    “Yeah, but she’s downstairs. Plus she might be grumpy.”

    “Who’s the scaredy cat now?”

    “Shush, baby sis.”

    Melody waddled to Mom and Dad’s suite, quietly opening the outer door. They knocked gently on the door frame by the bedroom door.

    “Mom? Dad?”

    Briana whispered, “You’re never going to wake them if you’re quiet!”

    Melody rolled their eyes. They knocked on the door this time. “Mom, Dad? It’s morning – kinda.”

    “Didi?” Jane’s sleepy voice was soft through the door. “Scheiße, it’s six am.”

    “I told you they were going to do this.” Veronica said, giggling. “I’ll make coffee, love.”

    “We’ll be up in a moment. You can go downstairs and wake Rosa, but please don’t go to the tree or wake your Grandmother.” Jane grumbled.

    “I’m going to let Rosa know you told them to wake her.” Veronica teased.

    “You still haven’t made me coffee.” Jane grumped.

    Giggling at their silly parents, Melody and Briana snuck downstairs. It was hard not to approach the tree. The living room was hypnotically attractive. Overnight the tree had been covered with candy canes. There were piles of presents by the fireplace, and the stockings bulged!

    Reluctantly, Melody grabbed the scruff of Briana’s pajama neck and dragged their sister away from the tree. They hesitated for a moment at Rosa’s door – but it was their room too! Inside, Rosa was sleeping peacefully in some pretty pink pajamas. She was so beautiful in the soft light that Melody felt a sharp ache in their chest.

    They whispered a command to Briana to stay and crept over to the bed. Ignoring their sisters hissing whispered protest at being giving dog-commands, Melody snuck into bed with Rosa.

    “Mama, it’s Christmas.” Melody whispered in barely more than a breath.

    Rosa stirred, reaching out. As soon as her hands touched Melody, she pulled them into a tight snuggle and nuzzled their neck.

    “Good morning love.” Rosa said sleepily.

    “Good morning love.” Melody sighed and relaxed into the hug.

    “You can’t go back to bed!” Briana squeaked indignantly. “Mom and Dad are already up!”

    Rosa giggled. “I don’t think we can open presents until everybody is up. I know I could sleep for another couple of hours. What about you, Melody?”

    “HOURS!?” Briana sounded devastated. Melody laughed, but didn’t have the heart to continue the teasing.

    “I think we should get up. There’s some new stuff out there.”

    “I GUESS so. If my niñe wants me to.” Rosa sighed and stretched. “You kids need a change, right?”

    “That can wait, there’s PRESENTS!” Briana said, she sounded at her wits end.

    “Uh huh, but Grandma has to get up, and so does everyone else. Sounds like your Mom and Dad are making coffee. I’ll change you two while they’re doing that.”

    “Rosa!” Briana whined.

    “Come on sis, you know nobody is going to let us open presents until everybody’s up. Wouldn’t you rather wait in a dry diaper, if you have to wait anyway?”

    Briana had a number of grumbles under her breath in response. She was still grumbling all the way to the changing table. At one point, Melody thought she heard the S word. Rosa heard it too, she had her slipper off and bouncing off Briana’s diapered butt with a resounding POW noise.

    After that, Briana confined her protests to impatient bouncing. Ironically, she slowed down her diaper change. When they finally returned to the living room, it was bright and cheery. Hot chocolate and coffee were available in bulk. Melody joined their sister in a hot chocolate – with a little bit of coffee in it.

    The Santa presents and stockings were fun, but became a blur quickly. Briana was in her element, tearing through wrapping paper and having an amazing time. Melody was feeling a bit overwhelmed. That didn’t mean they didn’t want to keep the cool Gundam set Santa had brought, though. Mostly, they wanted to snuggle next to Rosa and leave the shrieking to Briana.

    As they moved on to personal presents, Jane gathered four small packages and stood expectantly in front of the fireplace. Melody looked at Briana, who was even more excited than she had been for the Santa stuff. Confused, they looked at Dad.

    “I have four gifts here that should be opened together.” Jane said. “Briana, here’s yours, and please give this one to your sibling.”

    Melody took the small wrapped box and gave Briana a questioning look. Briana giggled back maniacally, but didn’t offer any info.

    Jane stripped the paper from her box efficiently without looking. Her eyes were fixed on Veronica, as she delicately took the paper off without tearing it.

    It wasn’t a surprise that there were boxes under the paper. It was a surprise to see jewelry boxes inside the cardboard ones. It was a BIG surprise to see a gold ring inside the jewelry box.

    Melody looked and gasped. Veronica was staring at her ring, her hands trembling. Jane was down on one knee!

    “I have to confess, I switched our boxes, Love, because I wanted to put your ring on you, and hoped you’d put mine on me.”

    “Jane is this – what are you doing?”

    “Würdest du mir die Ehre erweisen und meine Frau werden?” Jane asked, holding a ring up to Veronica. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

    Veronica burst into tears. “Yes, yes my love. Please be mine forever.”

    When Mom and Dad had put rings on each other’s fingers, Jane turned to Melody and Briana.

    “In Germany, we put the ring on the left hand, like so, when we are engaged. We will move it to the right when we are married.”

    “For you Kinder, I would like you to put your rings on your small finger on the left. If you are willing, you will move it to the small finger on your right at the wedding. I want to recognize that the family includes two wonderful kinder.”

    The room was suddenly blurry. Rosa was dabbing their eyes with her pajama sleeve. Sniffling, smiling, sobbing and shaking, Melody put the ring on their left pinkie. It fit perfectly.

    “Mom, I know Rasmussen women don’t get married but…”

    “Tess didn’t get married, or anyone after her, but she didn’t say we couldn’t get married.” Grandma said. “I didn’t see much use in getting married, but I didn’t have the option to marry a woman. I think Tess might have changed her stance if she lived today. I wish you all the best happiness Vonnie.”

    Grandma was dabbing at her eyes too. Everybody was crying. Melody clung to their sister and cried. They pulled Rosa into the hug and cried. Everybody laughed at how much they were crying, and cried some more.

    It was nice to get into more sugar and regular presents after so many feels. Briana had been right, Mom and Dad loved the mugs with Melody’s face carved on them. They had to abandon their position next to Rosa as the present unwrapping spiraled out of control. Both kids were tasked with handing people their presents, as well as stuffing the wrapping paper into bags.

    Melody spotted a familiar present and grabbed it, presenting it to their sister. “Merry Christmas, Bri.”

    “I’m glad you didn’t pay attention when I said you didn’t have to get me anything!” Briana said, grinning hugely.

    “Open it already, Bratana.” Melody laughed.

    Briana didn’t need to be told twice. She shredded the paper like a velociraptor. As soon as the box was revealed in its bright reds and blues, Briana hesitated.

    “This isn’t really – you packed something else in this box, right?”

    “Nope, that’s your own Nintendo Switch.” Melody said.

    “But that’s a huge present!”

    “Yep, for my hugely awesome sister. Here’s the other part.” Melody handed Briana a smaller present to unwrap.

    “Stardew Valley?” Briana cocked her head at the game in front of her.

    “It’s a game about leaving the city and starting a farm. There are all kinds of cute creatures, friends to make, pets, you can even build a family. And – it’s multiplayer. We can build our farm together.”

    “You’re going to play with me?” Briana looked at Melody with shining eyes.

    “It can take like a hundred hours to complete the game and build a really good farm. We’ve got a lot of play time to get to.”

    “Sib!” Briana wailed happily, grabbing Melody in a tight hug. “I have one for you. It’s not as fancy but…”

    “Let me be the judge.” Melody said, taking the package from Briana.

    Under the wrapping, inside the box, two figurines were nestled in some soft cotton. The trio from Spy x Family caught their eye first. Kind of weird, since that was more of a Mom, Dad, and Briana thing. There was another figurine, Ray from the Promised Neverland – which had been joined to the others by a thin red ribbon.

    Briana had gotten them. She’d made an anime-figurine family for her sibling’s collection. Melody was crying again, hugging their sister. “These aren’t going on the shelf. They’re going on the computer. I’m booting Revolutionary Girl Utena for this.”

    “I’m really glad you like it.”

    “I love it, and you, dummy.”

    As the presents thinned out, it was time to hand Rosa her present. Melody was suddenly nervous. They should have handed it to her when everyone was opening stuff. Now, as they brought the triple-box stack to Rosa, they had an audience.

    “All this for me?”

    “You have to open the big one first, then the medium one, then little.” Melody said, plopping on the floor in front of Rosa.

    “Got it, Niñe.”

    Melody watched nervously as Rosa opened the first package, revealing a “World’s Best Mommy” hoodie. They grinned in relief when Rosa smiled.

    “Cute! Thank you darling.”

    “Now the next one.”

    Melody shifted impatiently while Rosa opened the next box. She pulled out a grey wolf stuffie with a pleased smile.

    “Who’s this fierce looking pup?”

    “You get to name her, or him, or them.” Melody said. “But you needed one. It’s – it looks strong and protective. It’s how I feel about you. It’s you.”

    “Oh Niñe.” Rosa said, pulling Melody on the couch for a kiss.

    “There’s one more!”

    “Keep your diaper on.” Rosa said, smirking.

    Melody wiggled in said diaper as Rosa opened the last present, a black envelope.

    “What’s this – a cabin reservation?”

    “Three days for you and me.” Melody said. “The dates are kinda flexible if we need it. I thought you could wear the hoodie there. It has a kitchen and everything, we wouldn’t have to go out. It’d be the two of us and um, I could be your Niñe the whole time. You’d be Mama.”

    “Melody, I love you so much.” Rosa pulled Melody in for another kiss, a long one this time. The chorus of “aww” from the room made Melody squirm a little, but it wasn’t worth breaking the kiss.

    “I have something for you too.” Rosa said, staring happily into Melody’s eyes.

    “Well I guess if you went to all the trouble I could get one more present.” Melody said, giggling.

    Rosa beamed. She didn’t go for the now-ransacked present pile. She pulled a box out of her pocket. A jewelry box. She was opening it.

    All stations to Red Alert!

    Melody’s breath stopped when they saw the gold ring in the box. It had beautiful circuit board patterning in silver or platinum on it. Embedded where a diamond would be was a resin-covered computer chip.

    “Melody, this ring is a promise. A promise that I won’t ever go away. I’ll never abandon you. What we are to each other might change with time, I’m hoping we’ll get closer all the time. But there will always be an us. After what you and I have shared together, I can’t go back to not having a Melody.”

    It took a while to get the ring on, what with some dumb nerd crying their eyes out on their girlfriend and mommy’s shoulder. People were clapping too, congratulating them. Eventually, Melody got so they could look around and feel like they were inside their body again. The ring fit perfectly on their ring finger. Rosa had one too, but hers was reversed, platinum with gold circuit board patterning.

    “It’s a real, working chip.” Rosa said, when Melody had calmed. “It will try to connect to any unsecured Wi-Fi network in range.”

    “You made rings that wardrive?” Melody asked. “That’s brutally cool.”

    Rosa grinned. “Yup. They’ll always try to tell each other where they are. You can access the ring from your phone or any Wi-Fi network, if you have the encryption key. The battery in them should last a decade or so, considering how low the power requirement is.”

    “How’d you know my ring size? Wait, how did Dad know my ring size?”

    “I put rings on you when you were sleeping. You sleep like a little rock, especially after you’ve wet.”

    Melody blushed furiously.

    “I bought one of the costume rings you put on when we were shopping!” Briana said triumphantly.

    “Everyone in this family is so sneaky!”

    “That’s my queue.” Grandma said.

    “What?” Melody asked.

    “Mother, what are you doing?”

    “Fixing something, Vonnie. Hush now.” Grandma rose to her feet, leaning on her cane. She had a small bottle of oxygen on the floor next to her and a tube going to her nose. Melody frowned. Now Grandma finally used the oxygen? She must have woken up feeling really badly.

    “Don’t you start, Melody.” Grandma said, reading Melody’s frown with every bit as much witchy-intuition as Mom had.

    “Now, this is a lovely, odd family, and it’s been a wonderful Christmas so far, but we do have one problem.”

    Grandma knows how to set the stage. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on her.

    “Rosa, you’re entangled in this family in a number of ways now. My grandchild has asked for you to be a member of the family. You’ve made a lifelong promise to Melody too. My daughter has accepted you as a member of the family, but I haven’t had my say yet.”

    Melody’s heart was pounding. Was the whole mommy-niñe but dating dynamic too weird for Grandma? They gripped Rosa’s hand and glanced at her. She squeezed their hand back, but was watching Grandma calmly. Expectantly, even.

    “As the Rasmussen Matriarch, it’s my responsibility to deal with this particular issue. Rosa Herrera, whether or not you’d like to be a Rasmussen, I would very much like it if you were my daughter.”

    “I still have to talk to my mother and father, of course.” Rosa said. Grandma nodded.

    “I think they will be happy for me. For my part, I think having another Mom would be wonderful. Thank you, Michelle. As soon as my mom and dad say yes, I want you to come meet them.”

    “Mom!” Veronica said. “When in the world did you two arrange this?”

    “Merry Christmas Vonnie, I got you a sister.”

    “Merry Christmas Mom, I got you a new daughter.” Veronica said, laughing and hugging Jane.

    Veronica got up to hug Michelle, and Rosa, and Melody, and Briana, and so on until she’d hugged everyone in the house. At the end of her lap, Jane pulled Veronica into her lap for a happy Christmas snuggle.

    This is my family. Melody realized, looking around the room. Even Suzie, Erin, and Casey felt like family, if a bit like distant cousins. Gary, Tamira, and Arthur were due in the evening, and Melody was surprised to find that they were excited for them to arrive. Melody was sitting on their Mama’s lap, with their sister at their feet. Mom and Dad were snuggling in a chair and Grandma was getting back into hers.

    The family tree was going to need some PHD level topology to properly represent, but none of the little connection lines really mattered. What mattered is they all loved each other. They were together for the holidays going on forever.

    Merry Christmas to my family. I rented a room, but I found a place I belong.

  • A Family For Briana: Chapter 18

    The pile of presents grew until even the huge tree couldn’t contain them. Stockings appeared above the fireplace. Packages were arriving every day as the post office struggled to keep up with the holiday volume. The house had transformed into the movie version of Christmas, decorated from top to bottom.

    Briana was certain that she was going to die of anticipation before Christmas day. Everything was wonderful, now that the she-who-would-never-again-be-named was gone. Wonderful seemed great at first, but it was wonderful with anticipation built into it. Briana struggled mightily to stay good and had given up on earning any more Santa points at all. It was enough to not lose the ones she’d already gained.

    The morning of Christmas Eve, Briana couldn’t believe that the day had come at last. She lay in her crib, doubting herself and unable to check the date. Mom had a very strict ‘no phones in the crib’ rule, which neither Dad nor Grandma would let Briana break. When Grandma was the one to get her up, Briana let herself believe that Christmas was really happening.

    “Good morning little lady.” Grandma said, moving with a much better gait than her usual. She had her cane in hand, but wasn’t putting any weight on it.

    “Good morning Grandma. Is it really Christmas Eve?” Briana hopped up to her knees and grabbed the bars of her crib eagerly.

    “That’s right, pumpkin.” Grandma smiled broadly. “You don’t mind if I get you ready this morning, do you?”

    “Not if you don’t, Grandma. I’d love it.”

    Grandma had the crib-side slid down in no time. Briana hopped out and waddled over to her changing table. The table had always been a little tall. It was something Mom had bought from an Adult Baby store and at five foot nothing, Briana had a bit of a climb to get on it. She threw a leg up on the table and was surprised to get a boost on her soggy butt.

    “Grandma, is that okay? I know I’m little, but I still weigh a hundred pounds.”

    “I didn’t lift all hundred of them, I was just helping.” Grandma firmly rolled Briana onto her back and popped the crotch snaps on her onesie.

    “But Dad said…”

    “Briana, enough.”

    It was the first time Grandma had directed her sharp tone at Briana. The force of it pierced Briana all the way into her tummy. No wonder Mom always obeyed when Grandma used that voice.

    “I feel much better in the mornings than I do in the evening and I’m recovered from my flight now. Plus, your sibling has been on me to use that horrible oxygen canister the doctor prescribed. I tried it overnight last night and I have to admit it helped my energy a lot,”

    Briana could hear Dad chiding Grandma for just now starting the oxygen. Despite how scary Grandma’s mom-voice was, love for Michelle overcame the fear.

    “Grandma, did the doctor say you’re supposed to use it during the day too?”

    “What did I say, young lady?”

    “This is important! I don’t get to back down about this, it’s about protecting family. That’s the number one Rasmussen rule, right?”

    Grandma peeled Briana’s diaper open and rested her hands on the changing table rail, sighing.

    “That’s a point in your mom’s favor. She obviously taught you how important that rule is. Briana, I’m not going to discuss exactly what the doctor told me to do. Yes, I could be using oxygen more than I am. I have some leeway on the treatment too, though. You’re a very sweet girl for worrying about me so much.”

    “You’re going to get in grandma-trouble for making your granddaughter worry.” Briana softened her statement with a silly grin.

    “Is that so? Well I’ll watch out for the grandma council.” Grandma smirked. “Now, do you want to argue with your grandma, or do you want your diaper changed and to get breakfast?”

    “The second one, please.” Briana said.

    Grandma was a little rusty, fumbling at first. Once she got into the groove, she was even more deft at cleaning and changing a diaper than Mom was. The change was one of the fastest Briana had ever had, without feeling rushed at all. If anything, Briana felt cleaner than usual after Grandma’s wipe job.

    The upgrades didn’t stop there. Grandma eschewed the stack of folded onesies and pajamas, delving into Briana’s dresser for tights, hair ribbons, and a cream colored blouse. They sat next to Briana on the changing table while Grandma placed a red and green dress atop them. The dress was professionally folded and bound with a gold ribbon.

    “Grandma, this is so fancy!”

    “It’s a holiday, Briana. It should be fancy. Veronica can dress you however she likes, but I don’t like that you wear pajamas most days. You’re such a pretty girl, I think you should wear something cute to show you off.”

    Briana blushed and hugged the dress to her chest. “Thanks Grandma. You don’t have to go to a big fuss. I don’t mind wearing pajamas.”

    “Weren’t you listening? I’m the one that minds.” Grandma said, smiling. “Go on, take a look at the dress and I’ll help you get into it.”

    Briana gasped when she got the dress unfolded. It had lace and ribbon sewn in to the skirt, as well as a beautiful brocaded top. It looked like it’d fit perfectly, but was an extremely Little dress in its design.

    I’m going to look like a Christmas tree ornament! Briana thought in glee.

    Grandma helped Briana into the dress and the accessories she’d picked out. She even insisted on putting dress shoes on Briana’s feet. As soon as her feet were released, Briana spun like a ballerina in the middle of her room. Giggles bubbled out of her like she was a happy champagne.

    “You look precious.” Grandma joined Briana in her happy laughter. “Breakfast time now. It’s going to be a busy day.”

    “Grandma, thank you for the dress, and helping me get all pretty for today. I really liked you coming to get me up. You can do it lots lots more if you want.” Briana stepped in for a hug, laying her head on Grandma’s chest.

    “I loved doing it. It won’t be the last time, I promise.”

    Grandma’s burst of energy extended to making breakfast. She made Briana waffles, from scratch! That wasn’t the whole breakfast either, there were eggs, bacon, and a weird vegetable hash. Briana stuffed herself on a huge waffle with hand-whipped cream, plus an egg and a piece of bacon. She left the hash alone, honestly a bit offended that Grandma thought she would eat vegetables at breakfast.

     Briana realized that once Grandma was back to full health, she was going to be just as capable as Mom, maybe even more so. Except that Grandma didn’t have research and University trustee duties like Mom did. She could focus her full Rasmussen power on any project she wanted. It was a little scary.

    Melody arrived at the end of breakfast, looking distracted. Briana posed cutely in her new dress, which she hadn’t gotten a drop of syrup on, but Melody barely looked at her.

    “Hi Sib! Merry Christmas Eve!”

    “Hi Sis, Merry Christmas Eve. Oh, there’s bacon!”

    “Melody!” Rosa called from the living room. “Grab something and let’s go! I want to get started on those tamales as soon as we can.”

    Melody grabbed a fistful of bacon and stuffed a piece in their mouth. “Later sis, Mama has a whole boatload of chores for me today. We have to pick up her cooking stuff from her apartment.”

    “But what do you think of my….” Briana sighed. Her words fell unheard on Melody’s retreating back. “dress?

    “What dress?” Veronica ask, bearing a box of holiday dishes into the kitchen. “Oh! Baby bee! You look like a princess.”

    Briana giggled happily and twirled for Veronica. “Grandma bought me a dress.”

    “She looks like a little Christmas ornament in it Mom, thank you.”

    Grandma beamed from the sink where she was washing up the dishes. “Thank you Vonnie. Where does baby bee come from, out of curiosity?”

    “I think Jane started calling her BumbleBri and I followed suit.” Veronica checked each of the pretty green and red plates as she unpacked them, wiping them with a damp cloth. “Baby bee slipped out one day and we both liked it.”

    “I love it.” Briana giggled. “How come you call Mom Vonnie, Grandma?”

    “There was a point in your mother’s life where she couldn’t say her own name properly.” Grandma laughed.


    “Your mother was almost as serious a little girl as she is a woman. People would ask Vonnie her name and she’d draw herself up properly to shout, Von-i-ca!”

    Brianna giggled, as much at Mom’s blush as at how cute Grandma’s explanation was.

    “I wish you wouldn’t keep telling that story.”

    “It’s one of my favorites. You were adorable. You still are, but you were such a proper and intense little girl.”

    “Kiara had already filled my head with tales of Magna Grandma. I wanted to live up to the family name.”

    Briana blinked as Mom’s statement sank in. “Wait! Mom, are you the LITTLE sister?”

    Veronica laughed. “Yes baby bee, you and I have that in common.”

    “But you’re so – so – what’s Aunt Kiara like?”

    “My sister is a force of nature.” Mom said it without any exaggeration or joking in her tone.

    Briana looked to Grandma to get the real scoop. Of course Mom is impressed by her older sister.

    “Don’t look at me, Briana. Kiara is a formidable woman. I can’t take credit for half of who my eldest daughter is. We used to joke that she was Magna Grandma’s reincarnation.”

    “We only stopped joking about it because it seemed too true.”

    Briana sat down, dizzy and overwhelmed. How was she supposed to measure up to the incredible women in her family? Anyone would have trouble matching the Rasmussen women, but a Little girl had no chance at all.

    “Use your words, baby bee.”

    Mom was at Briana’s side, touching her cheek with heart-squeezing tenderness.

    “It’s kind of intimidating, mommy. All the women in the family are so amazing and I’m – a baby.”

    “You are an incredible woman, Briana. I didn’t lightly adopt you. I’m proud to be your mother, proud of my daughter. So proud, that I was a little obnoxious when I told your Grandmother about you.”

    “It’s true, she was obnoxious.” Grandma laughed, coming over to hug Briana. “At least, it was obnoxious until I met you and realized how true everything she’d said was.”

    “But I don’t do anything. What was there to tell?”

    “You have to discover your strength, baby bee, and you will soon, I can see it.” Veronica kissed Briana on the forehead. “Please don’t think you don’t fit in. Magna Grandma herself will be impressed with what you do.”

    Briana sniffled and hugged Mom and Grandma as tightly as she could. Grandma was on point with a handkerchief, catching the tears before they could turn Briana’s fresh morning face into a wreck.

    “I love you Mom, Grandma.”

    “I love you too.” They said in unison.

    Briana sighed in pure contentment, feeling quiet happy love suffuse her body from head to toe.

    “This has been a lovely morning, but you need to report to your father.” Veronica said. “She has a lot of chores for you.”

    Krampus! Briana hopped out of the chair with a squeak. “I remember. Thanks Mommy! Thanks for breakfast Grandma!”

    Dad had a whole list of chores. They were intense ones too. Briana hadn’t known that pulling a clothes dryer out to clean underneath it was a thing people did. She was terrified to wreck her new dress, but Dad gave her a sturdy apron and helped her work on the chores so that she wouldn’t get down in the dirt.

    Melody kept their promise to help, though only barely. Briana couldn’t fault their sibling, they were on roller skates the whole day between helping her and Rosa. Dad never abandoned her either. They were work-buddies the whole day. By afternoon the house was so clean it was gleaming.

    Briana and Dad were in the basement, taking a break from dusting the jars of canned vegetables, when Briana felt a question bubble up in her chest. It was a scary question, but once it rose to her throat, she couldn’t swallow it back.

    “Daddy, are you still going to propose to Mom tomorrow?” Briana kept her voice quiet. There was laughter and horde of people moving upstairs, but she didn’t want to risk the surprise even a little.

    “During presents, yes.” Dad said with a happy smile on her face. “Why do you ask?”

    Briana took a deep breath. She tried swallowing the scary question again, but it wouldn’t go down.

    “Are you two going to – have kids? Like, actual little kids? Adopting or whatever.”

    “It’s something we’ve talked about, but only to touch on the topic. I can’t answer that yet. How do you feel about it?”

    “I don’t know.” Briana wrung her hands. “It’s scary, but I don’t want you to not be able to do it, but I want to be your baby girl forever and ever.”

    “I don’t think that having other Kinder means you can’t be my baby.”

    “Isn’t it weird and – bad to have kids grow up with somebody like me? It’ll confuse them.”

    “I think adults confuse themselves when they learn what is and isn’t allowed or proper.” Dad wrapped her arms around Briana holding Bri’s head tightly to her chest. “A child learns the way of things by seeing what’s around them as they’re growing up. They’ll only be confused if we tell them something contradictory about you.”

    “I don’t know if I could share you.” Briana gripped Dad’s blouse tightly, making fists in the cotton.

    “You already share me with Melody. It didn’t hurt you to do that, it only increased the love and the joy. This is a lesson you’ve learned already, BumblBri. There isn’t a finite amount of love in a family. More family means more love for everyone.”

    Briana shuddered and nodded, nuzzling Dad’s side. “I’m sorry. It was something new to think about and I got scared.”

    “These are hard questions, it’s not unusual to worry. I have worries too.”

    “Like what, Daddy?”

    “What happens if Gary proposes to you? I don’t think he this Christmas, but he loves you a great deal. Would he move in, or would you move out?”

    “Daddy! You’re going to make me cry.”

    Dad picked Briana up in a surprising display of strength, and carried her to sit on the chest freezer. She took Briana’s hands in hers, smiling gently.

    “That’s another question we don’t have to answer today. If it comes up, we will find an answer that fits our family, with love.”

    “You think so, daddy?”

    “I know so. You feel how much your mother and I love you. I know you do. Believe in that. Believe in our family.”

    The angry rumbles in Briana’s belly vanished in the face of a warm glow that beamed out of her heart.

    “I do Dad. Thank you.”

    “Good. I told your German grandparents about you last night, by the way. They have many questions, but most of all they are excited to meet you.”


    “Yes. They are eager to see the wonderful thing I have made here in America.”

    “Daddy, Mom and I are so lucky to have you.”

    “I think we would always have found each other. We fit together too well not to.”

    Dad gave Briana a huge hug. Briana hugged back with her arms and legs together, squeezing with all the power of her Little heart.

    “Feeling better?”

    “Yes Daddy.”

    “Let’s get these jars finished. We’ll be ready for Krampus as soon as that’s done. After that, we’ll get you in a new diaper and some pajamas for dinner.”

    “But my pretty dress! Grandma gave it to me.”

    “These are brand new pajamas. Christmas pajamas, to be worn for the first time on this night.”

    Briana giggled. “I’m already getting presents!”

    “I would give you presents every day, if it wouldn’t make them dull.” Dad stroked Briana’s hair. “Come on, let’s finish our task.”

    “I’m on it, Dad!”

    Christmas Eve dinner was full of strange new foods. Foods that might have scared a lesser baby. Luckily for Briana, she was no ordinary baby girl, she was a mighty Rasmussen! She made sure to compliment Rosa and Melody on each dish as it was introduced. They’d been working super hard all day.

    Not that it was hard to find compliments. The food was really good! Briana declared to the table that a new tradition was being set for Christmas Eve dinner. She got laughed at, which was fine, because she knew she was cute. Rosa looked really pleased, which was the important part. Mom and Grandma seemed to agree too, which meant the tradition was likely to stick.

    Dinner turned into dessert, which was more cookies. Some had been freshly made, some were part of the never-ending supply of holiday cookies in the freezer. Briana had never eaten so many cookies in her life. There had been a real danger of getting tired of cookies. Luckily, that didn’t seem to be happening. The perpetual cookie high was sustainable!

    Dessert became a general post-dinner munching and hanging out. There was a hole in the evening that Briana was trying hard to ignore. Gary’s parents had drawn some hard lines on Christmas, he wouldn’t be around at all on Christmas Eve. He was going to drive up as fast as he could, so she’d have him tomorrow, at least. The longer the evening went on, the harder it was to put him out of her mind.

    When Mom told Briana it was almost bedtime, she was antsy enough to feel a tantrum coming on. If she couldn’t have Gary, why couldn’t she at least stay up with everyone else? Out of nowhere, big sibling came to the rescue. Melody asked if they could sleep with Briana that night, even when it meant an extra early bedtime for them.

    I love Melody so much. They’re the best big sibling ever.

    Briana managed to squeeze out a few extra minutes by hugging everyone in an elaborate round of saying goodnight. With Dad leading both kids upstairs, Briana was content. Dad even picked her up again to put her on the changing table, while Melody was off brushing their teeth.

    “Daddy, have I been a good girl? Is Santa coming?”

    “He’s on his way right now. Your place on the good list is secure.”

    Dad popped open the snaps that ran all the way down Briana’s pajama legs and crotch, bunching up the fabric around Briana’s waist. It was a very soggy diaper that evening, there hadn’t been a lot of time for smaller changes during the day.

    “He’s coming for Melody too, right? You didn’t forget to tell him?”

    “Didi has been a very good Kinder. Santa has presents for them too, for certain.”

    “Daddy, this has been such an amazing Christmas. I know it’s not Christmas day yet but it’s already more than I ever dreamed for.”

    “I’m glad, BumblBri. That’s what your mother and I wanted for you.”

    Dad wiped her down slowly and gently, taking her time. The pace felt like the first time Dad had changed her, when Dad was still Jane. She had been so careful, wanting to get every detail right. Now her hands were rock steady, applying precisely the correct amount of powder and lotion, so that Dad hardly had to wipe her hands between products.

    A thick booster pad went over Briana’s crotch first, wrapped in the thickest nighttime diapers she had. Briana looked at herself in amusement, her diaper was bulging like a big fluffy bulb on her waist.

    When the pajamas pulled taut over the diaper, Briana realized it was yet another present. She felt like a little baby when Dad lifted her down from the changing table, her diaper so thick she couldn’t stand. Dad set her on an air mattress, which wiggled delightfully under her.

    A brief intermission while Dad brought Melody to bed built the hype for Briana. She squealed in delight when Melody spooned her from behind. She had Alanna and her sibling, Melody had her and Totoro. It was perfect.

    “Sleep well Kinder.” Dad said, giving them both a kiss on the head. “Tomorrow is the big day.”

    “Daddy, I can’t sleep! I’m too excited!” Briana said, squirming in Melody’s grasp.

    “You’d better sleep. For Krampus, a child awake is as bad as a dirty house.”

    “Okay goodnight daddy see you tomorrow.”

    Briana snapped her eyes shut and fake-snored. It got the laugh she was hoping for from Melody. There had been so much good laughing in the past few days, especially from Melody.

    With the light off and Dad gone, there was one more detail to cover. Briana had been so excited about Santa, that she’d momentarily forgotten about Krampus.

    “Sib, what if I can’t sleep and Krampus gets me?”

    “That’s never going to happen. I’d offer myself as tribute.”

    “But you’re a kid too. Krampus will get you.”

    “Nope. I’d power up like a DBZ fighter if I’m defending my baby sister.”

    “Do you like having a baby sister?”

    “I do, and I love you.” Melody kissed the back of Briana’s head.

    “I love you too.” Briana yawned, feeling Melody’s breathing slow.

    “Go to sleep Bri.”


    Good little sisters did what their older siblings said to do, especially after that sibling promised to protect them from scary goat-men. Briana had all the proof in the world that she was a good little sister, and a good baby girl. She had a house full of love from top to bottom, with family laughing downstairs and her sibling holding her in bed.

    As safe and content as she’d ever been, Briana stepped confidently into her dreams.


    A powerful Little instinct snapped Briana’s eyes open in the dark. She could feel it in her bones, she could hear it humming in the house.


    Briana was up in a flash, bouncing on the mattress until Melody woke up. Her sibling mumbled some nonsense about going back to sleep. It was hard not to laugh at them. Christmas was here and there was no stopping it!

    Relentless badgering got Melody out of bed and into Mom and Dad’s bedroom. Once they were awake, the rest of the adults were doomed. If Mom and especially Dad were up, they weren’t going to let the rest of the house sleep.

    When they went downstairs to wake Melody’s Mommy, Briana was transfixed by the living room. Her chest wouldn’t make room for breath. In the darkness of the early morning, the tree glowed like a multicolored star. It was covered in candy canes! Every branch that wasn’t already bowed under the weight of an ornament sported delicious sugar.

    The stockings over the fireplace were bulging! One of those stockings had Briana’s name on it! Therefore, everything in that stocking belonged to her and she intended to take immediate possession of the contents.

    It took Melody physically dragging Briana away from the tree to keep her from getting into the presents earlier. She was grateful to her sib for keeping her on the straight and narrow – sort of.

    It was hard to stay calm at Briana’s current level of frustration. She needed those presents like she needed food. There were a lot of frustrations cropping up all the time. Melody and Rosa wanted to snuggle, which wasted entire minutes! Even worse, Rosa insisted on changing both kids before presents could be opened. Briana was sure it would serve her caregivers right if she died on the spot from the sheer stress of the anticipation.

    Finally, the adults had coffee and were stumbling about on their way to the living room. Mom promised that there was only one thing standing between them and presents. Briana needed to check on Grandma.

    That was the first halfway acceptable delay of the morning. Briana was happy to repay Grandma for an awesome morning the day before. She trundled to Grandma’s room in her fluffy, clean diaper and knocked before entering.

    Grandma was sitting on her bed, with an oxygen hose held to her nose. She looked pained to see Briana. It was a scary moment, until Briana realized that it was Grandma who was scared. She hadn’t wanted Briana to see her with her medical stuff.

    “Grandma, it’s Christmas.” Briana said, cranking the cheer up. She’d already had the Christmas spirit at eleven, but for Grandma she could go to twelve!

    “So I hear.” Grandma said, helplessly laughing before Briana’s cuteness.

    “Grandma, there’s something I want from you for Christmas. Is it okay if I ask you?” She knelt in front of Grandma and looked up with all the earnestness she could muster.

    “That was very polite, especially for such an excited little girl. I’ve already wrapped your present, but there’s no harm in asking.”

    “Will you please take your oxygen out with you to unwrap presents?”

    Grandma frowned, but it was a nervous frown. “Briana, I don’t want my daughter to see me like this. I didn’t want you to see me like this.”

    “I know Grandma. It’s hard. It hurts and it’s scary to be weak. But everyone here is family. We all love you. We want you to be safe. This is the only present I want. I’d give back all of my presents to have a healthy grandma.”

    I mean it too. Briana thought in surprise. Grandma is the most important thing right now.

    “Briana.” Grandma’s lip trembled. She dropped the oxygen tube and covered her face, her shoulders shaking.

    Wasting no time, Briana climbed up on the bed and wrapped herself around Grandma.

    “It’s not supposed to be this way.” Grandma’s voice trembled with tears. “I’m too young to look like an old woman, with a cane and oxygen. It’s not fair.”

    “It’s not fair.” Briana agreed. “It wasn’t fair when I started having my potty issues either. I did everything right, I paid for college and grad school all on my own, without any help or family. Then my advisor lost her grant and everything fell apart.”

    Grandma sniffled. She wasn’t agreeing, but she wasn’t disagreeing either.

    “I had to wear diapers. It was really scary and embarrassing. It helped that Mom made me do it. I didn’t have to decide to do it.”

    Briana hugged Grandma gently. “Grandma, if I bought you an ugly hat, you’d wear it for me, right?”

    “Of course, dear. I’d love anything you gave me.”

    “Please wear the oxygen, for me? Not because you want to, or because the doctor says, but because your granddaughter wants you to.”

    Grandma laughed through a sob. She grabbed Briana and hugged her until Bri thought her ribs would crack Briana didn’t dare squeak in discomfort, she didn’t want to discourage Grandma even a little bit. Briana hung on for dear life, for Grandma’s life.

    “You’re like my favorite rose, the sweet briar. My darling Briar Rose.” Grandma’s voice shook. It was quavering with happiness instead of tears now.

    “Will you help me put this tube on, Briana Rose?”

    “Yes Grandma. I can do it!” Briana wiped her eyes and carefully hooked the tube over Grandma’s ears, helping her tape it down under her nose. “Thank you Grandma. I really appreciate you wearing this for me.”

    “Thank you, Little Rose.”

    Grandma gave Briana one more huge hug. They both wiped their cheeks and composed themselves. Briana helped Grandma put the oxygen canister on its little rolling stand and crawled out to the living room, leading the way.

    The look Mom gave Briana when she saw the oxygen on Grandma lifted Briana straight into the clouds. Wisely, Mom didn’t say anything to Grandma. She and Dad wished her a Merry Christmas and helped her sit in her chair without comment.

    “Why don’t you kids start us off with opening your stockings?” Veronica asked.

    Finally, Briana was free of the horrible present constraints! She grabbed her stocking and gleefully dumped it all over the floor. Candy showered her lap while she giggled maniacally. The heavy chocolate orange hitting her knee could not dull her triumph.

    It wasn’t just candy in the stocking. There were bottles of nail polish, little plastic ponies, fancy markers, and sparkly pieces of costume jewelry. In a decadent haze, Briana yanked a candy cane off the tree and shoved it in her mouth without bothering to unwrap it. She put her hair up in silly plastic barrettes and made her ponies chase each other over Melody’s legs.

    Her sibling was giggling in spite of themself. Melody’s stocking had the same candy haul, but the little toys were far different. For one thing, the ponies had been replaced by weird monsters. It was perfect for her sib.

    As glorious as the stocking was, it could only hold Briana back from the pile of presents on the hearth for so long. They were in a totally different wrapping paper than the other presents in the house, proof positive that Santa had delivered them.

    Briana went for the biggest one and shredded the paper into confetti that drifted around her like a halo. Inside was a huge Lego castle set, worthy of Cloudland! Mom directed Briana to two other Santa presents. One of them was a group of Lego animals for Cloudland’s court, the other was a cloudscape Lego set. Happy tears were pouring down Briana’s face and she didn’t care. There were two many presents to worry about wiping her cheeks.

    Melody’s big Santa present was a kit to build a robot that was almost two feet high! Briana thought she’d seen a much smaller, similar robot in Melody’s room. Santa had come through for everybody!

    Though Santa presents were amazing, (The Santa Points were enough!) the personal present were a whole other level. Briana and Melody had the task of handing out presents, which she relished. It gave her a chance to personally hand her presents to every person she’d bought one for.

    Briana started slow, delivering her gifts of fudge to Erin and Suzie. It wasn’t emotional, but they were both really happy. It’d come from the best fudge shop in town, and Briana had not skimped on the portions. Getting to give nice presents filled an ache in Briana’s heart that she’d long-forgotten existed.

    Chasing that high, Briana grabbed Rosa’s present next. She wished she’d known how much Rosa was going to mean to her when she’d bought it. It seemed like a small present now, unworthy of her new family member.

    “For me huh?” Rosa grinned and tore the paper off in big strips. Briana approved of the technique.

    “Nice, a Women’s World Cup Jersey – oh wow, it’s number fifteen!”

    “It sure is!” Briana had no idea why that mattered but she was glad Rosa was excited.

    “Megan Rapinoe is my favorite player!” Rosa said with a big grin. “Thanks Briana!”

    “You’re welcome!” Briana giggled to herself. That was pure luck, or some of her karma coming back for helping Melody. Either way, she’d take it.

    “I have one for you too.” Rosa pointed it out to Melody, who relayed it to Briana.

    “Thank you!” Briana shredded the paper and looked curiously at the box within. It was a little girl’s hair salon kit, with kid-safe hair curlers, dye, hair beads, and other fun looking stuff.

    “We’re going to be spending a lot of time together, since I’m moving in. Want to have a spa night together sometime and do your hair?”

    “Oh my gosh Rosa yes!” Briana grinned and gave Rosa a huge hug. Melody got a big hug too, on the basis of present proximity.

    A few more presents went around the group. They weren’t big emotional ones, but there were lots of happy smiles. The wrapping paper piles were getting out of control and there was a brief break while Mom put Briana and Melody to work stuffing the paper into bags.

    Before the present frenzy could begin anew, Dad retrieved four small boxes from the pile under the tree. Briana sat up in immediate excitement, taking her box and flashing Melody a knowing grin.

    All eyes were on Dad as she distributed the boxes, got down on one knee, and proposed to Mom. It was so Dad, stiff and formal, but warm and loving at the same time. Everyone cried when Mom and Dad put the rings on each other. Briana and Melody laughed through happy tears as they put their own rings on.

    Like everything else that Christmas, it was perfect.

    Melody surprised Briana with a present. She tore into it with just as much excitement as she had her stocking. Like the cookies, Briana was never going to be tired of opening presents.

    It took her a moment to realize what the present was. A game console seemed like too big of a present to get from someone who didn’t have Mom and Grandma money. When Melody handed Briana the game to go with it, and explained why they’d gotten it, Briana finally discovered the real present.

    Melody had gifted her hundreds of hours of playtime together. She threw herself at her sibling in the throes of overwhelming love. Best of all, Briana’s found-family figurines for Melody provoked just as much love in her sibling.

    Briana’s heart was so full that she knew she wasn’t getting the full impact of the sweet present exchange between Melody and Rosa. They were adorable though, giving each other presents to strengthen their new Mommy-Baby bond.

    With that emotion unprocessed, Briana was caught totally flat-footed when Grandma announced her attention to adopt Rosa. A new Auntie? Rosa would be Tia Rosa for real?

    Grandma’s announcement, on top of all the wonderful presents and an engagement besides, derailed presents in a serious way. Everyone had to take a break and get some food. It felt decedent, almost indecent to leave presents still wrapped. Briana blessed her fortune that that was her life now, instead of there being hardly any presents at all.

    Still, there were a couple of really important presents left. Briana didn’t need an audience for them, but she did need to give them out. Having eaten way too much candy to need or want breakfast, Briana gathered up three presents to ambush her Mom, Dad, and Grandma with when they returned to the living room.

    “Grandma, I have something for you. I’m sorry the wrapping isn’t very good, I had to do it in a hurry yesterday.”

    “It’s fine, Little Rose.” Grandma said, deftly spreading out the wrinkled paper package. She looked curiously at the tiny plastic picture frame inside. “Oh my, is it a picture of you?”

    Briana smiled, leaning against Mom and Dad’s legs. “It’s the only baby picture I have. We can make copies for Mom and Dad but… I want you to have the original.”

    All three of them reached for Briana as one. She was swarmed with hugs, while Grandma rained kisses down on her head. There wasn’t a dry eye on team parents.

    Perfect! Now for Mom and Dad.

    “Mom, Dad, here are your presents.”  Briana handed them the boxes, waiting with her lip trembling.

    They opened their presents at the same time, pulling out the lockets and smiling together. Briana breathed a sigh of relief. The only thing she’d been worried about was not knowing their taste in jewelry well enough.

    “Open them.” Briana urged.

    Veronica’s breath caught in her throat. Jane bit her lip and wiped at her eyes.

    “These are the pictures we took the day we adopted you.” Veronica said softly.

    “I wanted to remember that day forever.” Briana wiped furiously at her tears, to no avail.

    “My darling daughter, thank you.” Dad gathered Briana into her lap, sharing her with Mom. The three way snuggle lasted a while, even getting Briana out of wrapping paper duty. She nuzzled into the place where Mom and Dad’s shoulders met.

    From the moment she’d woken up, Briana had thought her happiness had peaked. Instead, it had grown all day, expanding her heart past any previous limit. Now she was all heart, there was no part of Briana that wasn’t completely suffused with love.

    Briana had a family, and not just any family. She had the best family in the world. It wasn’t the money that made it so, or the prestige. Those things were nice to have, but they weren’t the family.

    It was the best family ever, because it was hers. Because everyone loved everyone else and they all fit. Because she was the little one and everyone cherished her for it.

    This is my family. We belong together. No matter what happens, we have each other. My wish came true.

    It was an emotionally exhausted and sugar-crashing Little Girl who had to go down for a nap. Of course, she wasn’t just a Little Girl, but a baby who needed to be a happy baby when her friends arrived that evening. Nor was a Baby the whole story. She was a friend and a girlfriend, but that wasn’t it either. Briana was a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a niece twice over.

    Not a bad set of titles for someone who didn’t have any a year ago. Briana thought blissfully, drifting off to sleep.