• A Family For Briana: Chapter 07

    “Gary, do you know who Shazam! is?” Briana asked. She picked up her mug of cocoa for another sip.

    “Yeah, Billy Batson, he turns into an adult superhero.” Gary nodded. “Why?”

    Briana looked around the apartment, pondering her next words. Gary’s place was nice. It was just a studio, but he’d made it cozy. They were sitting on his futon next to a frosted window with the snow swirling against it. The hardwood floor had thick rugs covering it. A fake fireplace in front of one of the steam radiators made a pretty good imitation of a real fire.

    “Melody explained him to me.” Briana said. “I was thinking that I could do something similar. Not with magic but transform to being big for short periods of time. So that I can go back to school.”

    “I don’t know, you’re pretty magical to me.” Gary said with a grin.

    “Gary, this is serious!” Briana said, though she was smiling too.

    “Sorry. You seem adult right now. Are you working on your ‘transformation’ right now, or are you feeling more adult in general?”

    “It’s easier right now. What I’m worried about is that I won’t be able to sustain it. That I’ll go back to being little all the time in a few weeks.”

    “That’s kind of what happened this quarter.” Gary nodded. “So what’s different this time?”

    “Well, I know it can happen this time. I could look for warning signs and ask friends and family to watch too.” Briana smiled shyly. “I’d really like your support if I try it.”

    “Bri, you know I’d do anything for you, right?” Gary said, leaning way over for a kiss.

    Briana savored the kiss with a happy sigh and a wiggle. “Thank you. There’s another thing that made me feel like it would work.”

    Gary watched her, waiting for Briana to finish her thought. She chewed her lip nervously. There wasn’t any reason to be nervous around Gary, or there shouldn’t be, anyway. On the other hand, she was about to tell him something that might make him reconsider their relationship. The chance was small, but the bad outcome was really scary.

    “You okay?” Gary asked.

    “Gary, I love you.” Briana said, urgently.

    “I love you too hon. What’s going on?”

    Briana took a deep breath. “The thing that makes me think this might work is um, redefining myself a little. As um, not an adult. That the little me is the real me. The adult me would just be a costume I wear sometimes.”

    Gary was waiting again. Briana took a big drink of her cocoa, hoping he’d get the hint that there wasn’t any more coming.

    “That’s it?” Gary asked.

    “What do you mean, ‘that’s it’?” Briana asked. “That’s huge. We’re dating. I just told you that I’m not – that I can’t be a big girl ever. Not for real, not in my heart.”

    Gary got up from his seat and kneeled on the floor next to Briana. He was still taller on his knees than she was sitting. Gently, he took the mug out of her hands and pulled Briana into a hug.

    “Hey, Briana? I already knew that about you.” Gary said softly.

    Briana trembled. She clung to Gary like there was a cliff-edge underneath her.

    “H-how could you know? I didn’t know.”

    “I knew.” Gary said pulling back to make eye contact. “That was the only version of you that made sense. You’re my little girl, my girlfriend, and I love that about you.”

    “Gary!” Briana cried, her cheeks already wet. “Why?”

    “Because I can’t imagine loving anyone else the way I love you.” Gary said.

    There was no more holding back the water-works. Briana bawled, big-girl style. The end result wasn’t much different than if she’d been little. She finished crying as a snotty mess on Gary’s shoulder.

    Some more cuddles and four tissues later, Briana felt like she might be able to talk again. The first order of business was to get Gary out of his uncomfortable kneeling position and onto the couch, so she could claim his lap.

    “Thank you.” Briana said. “That was amazingly sweet.”

    “You’re welcome, love.” Gary said.

    “I love you so much.” Briana said, sighing out the last of the rattles in her chest.

    “Feel better?” Gary asked.

    “Yes.” Briana nuzzled his neck. “There’s something we have to talk about though – from when I was still going to school.”

    “What is it?”

    “The thing we did, playing during the school day?” Briana said hesitantly. “I think that contributed to me not being able to be big at school.”

    “Oh shit hon, I’m really sorry!” Gary said, sounding distressed.

    “It’s okay. It really is!” Briana said. “I loved doing it. It never occurred to me that playing that way might derail me.”

    “I should have thought about it.” Gary said. “You trusted me to take care of you.”

    “I still do.” Briana said. “You’re number three in the world, for the arms I feel the most safe in, right after Mom and Dad.”

    “I’d better up my game if I want to keep that high rank.” Gary said.

    “Gary, please believe me. It wasn’t your fault. I didn’t tell you about this so you could beat yourself up.”

    “Okay, I’ll stop.” Gary said, squeezing Briana gently.

    “I had so much fun on those days.” Briana said, grinning. “It’s fun to be your toy for a while, to see what sexy things you want to do to me.”

    Gary shifted on the couch with a slight cough. Briana couldn’t feel much through the diaper she had on, but she was guessing that Gary’s lap wasn’t as soft as it had been.

    “So this um – transformation. Is it only for school stuff, or can it be used sometimes to spice things up in the bedroom?” Gary asked.

    “Like the equivalent of putting cat ears or a maid outfit on?” Briana giggled. “You don’t have a bedroom though, what a shame…”

    “The whole apartment is a bedroom if this couch lays flat.” Gary said, sliding a hand under Briana’s shirt to caress the small of her back.

    “Gary.” Briana said breathily. “Would you like to play with your toy in big girl mode?”

    There was no more talking after that.

    There were kisses that burned across Briana’s lips, throat, and breasts. She was free of her clothes, even the diaper. Her hands were everywhere on Gary, from the softness of his sides to the hardness of his chest and between his legs. She was a plaything in his hands, so big and strong on her petite body. The warm, wholesome scent of his skin filled her senses.

    A blazing moment of euphoria became three as she rode his lap with her fingers digging into his belly. The fullness of that feeling was nothing compared to Gary taking her from behind. All the way behind, with a lot of lube and to Briana’s delighted surprise. Her heart sang to hear him call out in passion, that echoed off the room’s high ceiling.

    Thoroughly stretched, mussed, and used, Briana lay on Gary’s chest in a blissful daze. Their smells were mingled now, and the powerful thud of his heart was up against her ear. It was a perfect moment in time.

    “Gary?” Briana mumbled, feeling the moment fade in the face of mental discomfort. “I can’t keep this up much longer.”

    “Then don’t.” Gary said, patting Briana’s bare butt. “I want my baby girl back.”

    Mentally un-Shazam-ing herself, Briana relaxed again. The incoming stress was gone. In its place was a happy, bubbly feeling. She’d made her boyfriend feel good. He’d made her feel amazing. They’d gotten all dirty, and Gary had stretched out her butt.

    Briana giggled. What a gross, wonderful boy he was.

    “Is that baby Briana?” Gary asked.

    “Gary!” Briana said happily. “That was lotsa fun. We hafta do that again some time.”

    “I’m sure we will.” He said, chuckling. “How do you feel?”

    “You stretched my butt!” Briana said, guffawing.

    “Heh, you bet I did.” Gary smirked. “I’m glad you liked it. We should probably get you cleaned up, plugged, and diapered.”

    “Don’t wanna. Can’t make me.” Briana said, unconcerned. “I’m warm and snuggly.”

    “You really think I can’t make you?” Gary chuckled.

    “No way you’d spank me after that.” Briana said smugly.

    “Who said anything about a spanking?” Gary sat up, despite the girl on his chest.

    Briana had a moment to reflect on the fact that Gary’s arms had gotten even bigger. They were some very nice, sexy thick arms. Said arms picked her up effortlessly. Gary walked to the bathroom carrying Briana with no more effort than she used to carry a larger stuffie.

    “Nooo!” Briana whined. “My snuggles!”

    Gary turned the shower on and kissed Briana. “Don’t worry, it’ll be a snuggly shower.”

    It was the snuggliest shower she’d ever had. Gary had Briana on his hip, using his free hand to shampoo her hair and scrub her down. Every time Briana thought for sure he’d have to put her down, Gary managed to shift positions or just manhandle her in his arms to reach what he needed to wash. He managed to get most of himself clean as well, with some assistance from Briana for his back.

    After the shower Briana found herself swaddled in a huge towel. Gary put her on the floor while he finished cleaning up. It was so good a feeling that it was like cake. Briana suspected that last thought wouldn’t normally make sense, but right now it did.

    “Do you have any more big girl stuff to do today?” Gary asked, cradling Briana in his arms and carrying her back to the bed.

    “No, just tomorrow.” Briana said.

    As good as being in the towel was, it was just as good to give a happy wiggle when Gary put her down on the changing blanket. The plug went into her rear easily enough, a final fun reminder of the naughty stuff they’d done while she was big.

    “What’s tomorrow?” Gary asked.

    “Mom is going to formally adopt me.” Briana said, hugging herself to hold in the glow in her heart.

    “Wow.” Gary said, with a loving smile. “That’s incredible news! Are you changing your name and everything?”

    “Yeah! I’m going to be Briana Rasmussen.” Briana said. “I need to pick a new middle name before then.”

    “What’s your middle name now?”


    “Hmm, that’s not really you. Do you want help picking one?” Gary asked, sliding a diaper under Briana’s butt.

    “Yes please.” Briana held her feet while Gary spread lotion across her rear. “I don’t even know where to start. I could look at a list of names but there’s so many. It just gets to be a blah of words.”

    “Do you want to pick something because you like the sound, or because the name has meaning?” Gary asked. He took Briana’s feet out of her hands so he could spread lotion on her front. “Or do you want a family name?”

    “A family name?!” Briana’s eyes went wide. “Oh, oh, I don’t even know Mom’s family yet, but that sounds so cool.”

    “Her family is kind of a big deal in this town, I bet there’s information online about the Rasmussens.” Gary said.

    The soft smell of powder wafted up to Briana’s nose, replacing the sexy smells that lingered on the sheets. Briana thought about grabbing her phone, but hesitated. For one thing, she was little enough that it was going to be hard to do actual research on Veronica. Even more importantly, she didn’t want to read about her family on Wikipedia. She wanted to hear it from Mom.

    “Can you look? Just tell me the names if you can find them, no history stuff.” Briana said.

    “Sure, give me a minute.” Gary said, patting the powder down.

    Those pats turned into an impromptu massage. Gary’s strong hands worked gently across Briana’s calves and thighs. He rubbed her rear gently, moving up to stroke her sides. Even her arms and shoulders got the treatment. When Gary finished by rubbing her scalp, Briana was drooling.

    It was an extra happy baby in a nice snug diaper, that found herself on Gary’s lap. He’d put her in a fuzzy one-piece pajama. The bed was back to being a couch, with the sheets in the wash. It had stopped snowing outside, but the wind had picked up and was rattling the icicles on the window ledge.

    “Nice!” Gary suddenly exclaimed. “She said yes.”

    “Huh?” Briana asked in confusion.

    “Your mom.” Gary said. “I got permission to keep you here tonight.”

    Briana took that news without a care for how things would work out tomorrow. Gary and Mom would work that out for her. She was free to cuddle extra close to her boyfriend and grin gleefully.

    “A sleepover!” She said happily.

    “Babysitting!” Gary said, equally happy. “I’m going to take care of everything for my baby girl tonight. You’re even plugged, so don’t worry about asking to go to the potty. I’ll decide when that happens.”

    “Gary!” Briana said, sighing contentedly. “You’re the best.”

    “You bet I am.” Gary said, laughing. “I’ve got a list of the women’s names in your mom’s family too. Do you want them starting from the first one in town or starting from Veronica?”

    “From Veronica.” Briana said.

    “Okay, here goes.” Gary said. “We have: Michelle, Lesley, Ashley, Nicole, Giselle, Anette, Ashley, and Tess. Well, that last one was Teresa, but she always went by Tess.”

    Briana considered. “Did Tess do something important? Don’t tell me what it was, if she did.”

    “Heh, yeah, she did.” Gary said.

    “Okay! Then that’s the one I want.” Briana said. “Huh, so Mom’s Mom is Michelle.”

    “Wouldn’t that just be Grandma?” Gary asked.

    “I’m not sure if that would be okay.” Briana said.

    “Well Veronica is adopting you.” Gary said. “I think there’s a good chance it is. Just ask her tomorrow.”

    “Okay, good idea.” Briana smiled, hugging Gary’s neck. “Soooo… on a scale of PBJ and jello to pizza and ice-cream, how good a girl am I?”

    Gary laughed a big happy belly laugh. “You are my best girl. What kind of pizza do you want?”

    “Pepperoni and onions and olives and pineapple!” Briana said. “With the crust that’s all soaked in butter and fried.”

    “You want Detroit style?” Gary said. “You’re lucky we’re not in New York, we’d be arrested.”

    “New York pizza is floppy.” Briana said. “With the other one it’s crunchy and the cheese goes all the way to the sides!”

    “Alright, but just for my baby girl. Don’t tell anybody you saw me betraying my hometown.”

    “You grew up in New York?” Briana asked.

    “In Queens.” Gary said, nodding as he filled out an online order. “Ardenthill kind of reminds me of the borough. It’s just not attached to a huge city like Queens is. I’m the first one in the family to move out of the city since great grandpa came over from Ireland.”

    “I grew up all over New Hampshire.” Briana said. “But I don’t know where my family is from.”

    “Sure you do.” Gary said, counting off on his fingers. “Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandma settled here in 1821.”

    “Oh yeah.” Briana wiggled happily. “Can I have root beer?”

    “I already ordered it.” Gary chuckled.

    Root beer in a baby bottle turned out to be a fizzy disaster. Between that and dropping a pizza slice on the floor, toppings-down, Briana was banned from feeding herself. That suited her just fine. It was the sweetest thing ever when Gary cut her pizza into tiny bites and fed them to her one at a time.

    After getting fed ice cream as well (triple chocolate!), Briana had to be changed into a fresh pair of pajamas. Gary decided she didn’t need a diaper change yet. Briana didn’t worry about that, just as she paid no mind to if she was wetting or not.

    “Gary?” Briana asked, on his lap once again. “Is there stuff that you want to do with little me that we don’t do?”

    “Like what do you mean?” Gary asked.

    “You like me like this, you think it’s fun, and hot. It was fun to make you happy as a big girl, but I want to do that as a little girl too. Is there something you’ve been wanting to do?”

    “Hmm, I really like taking care of you when you’re all helpless and need everything done for you.” Gary said. “But I don’t see you like that a lot.”

    “I could be like that for you.” Briana said. “Not all the time, but it would be a fun game.”

    “Maybe we can do our weekend during the Christmas break.” Gary said. “I uh, have thought sometimes about what I’d do to treat you like a total baby.”

    “Oh yeah?” Briana asked, licking her lips. It was getting warm under her pjs. “Tell me.”

    “Extra thick diapers, like, crazy thick.” Gary said. “Enough that you wouldn’t be able to walk, if that’s possible. Baby food and protein shakes only. Yeah.”

    He was blushing. Really, super red blushing. Briana grinned and nuzzled Gary’s warm cheek. “Is that it? That’s not super different from stuff we’ve already done.”

    “Well uh, I’ve had some fantasies but they’re a little extreme.” Gary said shyly.

    “Like putting my hands in those locking mittens?” Briana asked. “They make some that keep your hand in a fist, so you can’t do anything at all.”

    “Where did see those?” Gary asked, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.

    “My big sibling has all kinds of porn websites bookmarked. Like SO many.” Briana giggled.

    “Heh. Well uh, yeah, those might have been in the fantasy. Though I only knew about the ones that are more like a regular mitten.” Gary said.

    “We might need both.” Briana said. “I’m not sure if it would get cramp-y to have my hands in a fist alla time.”

    “This is sounding a little expensive.” Gary said regretfully. “We can do a scaled down version though.”

    “Nuh uh!” Briana said brightly. “I’m a rich girl now!”

    “Is that so?” Gary laughed.

    “Yeah! I mean, I can’t buy you a house or anything but mom showed me one of the bank accounts and talked to me a little bit about an allowance. I can buy some mittens. Diapers too. You spend a lot on them for me.”

    “You don’t have to do that.” Gary said.

    “I want to though.” Briana smiled. “Gary, I was always the kid who didn’t have anything to share. Everybody shared with me. Let me share with you, please?”

    “Okay, fair enough. I have bought all the diapers we’ve used together so far.” Gary smiled.

    Briana searched her boyfriend’s eyes. He was still hiding something. (silly boy!) Something had him embarrassed and that was just dumb.

    “So what else?” Briana asked. “What’s the really extreme thing?”

    “Oh, I don’t know.” Gary said evasively.

    Briana pitched dramatically backwards, falling off Gary’s lap on to the couch. “Alas, poor Gary! I knew him, Melody! A fellow who was gonna do something super hot with his girlfriend, but he totally chickened out!”

    “You silly brat.” Gary laughed. “I’m not chickening out. I just don’t want to put pressure on…”

    “Bwok!” Briana shouted, flapping her elbows like chicken wings. “Bwok, bwok, bwok!”

    “I want you to mess yourself.” Gary said, in flustered exasperation. “And… no talking.”

    “Wow.” Briana said, contemplating that.

    “That’s why I didn’t want to…”

    “Shh!” Briana said. “Briana is thinking!”

    Gary shook his head and watched her, hands crossed over his chest.

    The times she’d messed in her diaper had been horrible, Briana remembered. They also had been accidents. The first time was a terrible surprise, in front of a cruel girl and a bunch of people. Every time after that, had put her right back at that icky day.

    That had been a while ago, though. The thought of messing in her diapers didn’t bring up the memory of that bad day, unless she consciously thought about it. It would be gross, and uncomfortable. Lots of things about wearing diapers and being really little were gross and uncomfortable. That didn’t mean she wanted to stop being little.

    The not talking thing – that was actually really hot. She wondered if Gary was thinking about a pacifier she couldn’t take off, or just having it be a rule of the game. Either way was hot, though having a paci in her mouth too long was bleh sometimes.

    It’d be intense to not be able to talk and just have to trust her caregiver to get her what she needed. It had happened before, when Mom had saved her. Briana smiled, remembering Veronica and Jane taking care of her so sweetly. She wanted to see what that looked like from Gary.

    “I like it.” Briana said. “I want you to turn me into a baby.”

    “You sure?” Gary said, still obviously uncomfortable.

    Briana held Gary’s gaze as she popped open the snaps on her pjs. It was fun to see him get all shocked when she tore open the tapes on her diaper.

    “What are you…”

    Briana reached down and grunted, popping the plug out of her butt. She giggled at the look of horror on Gary’s face when she tossed it carelessly out onto the floor.

    “Briana!” Gary said sternly. “You’re making a huge mess!”

    “Duh!” She said. “There’s going to be a mess if we do this. If what I just did isn’t okay, then we shouldn’t do that part of the game.”

    “I – yes that’s true.” Gary said, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t realize I was getting a preview.”

    “I need a new diaper.” Briana said, kicking her feet and sliding her damp diaper off her butt. “If you don’t plug me again, you’ll get a preview before bedtime.”

    Her heart was racing. She was pushing Gary pretty far. He was asking for something really big, though. If this was too frustrating, baby-mode Briana would be way too much. His face was hard to read, he had to be thinking hard, or just conflicted.

    “You’re not super far away from a spanking.” Gary said, like he was testing the waters. He’d threatened spanking a few times, but never actually done it. (big softie!)

    “Nuh uh, you’re the only babysitter that never spanks.” Briana grinned.

    “Maybe that’s about to change.” Gary said. He was smiling more now, it looked like he was getting comfortable with what Briana was doing. (yay!)

    “Even if you tried, I’d just be a full-baby.” Briana said in her brattiest tone. “Babies don’t get spanked, ‘cause they can’t help what they do.”

    “You can just turn it on like that?” Gary asked. He leaned over, propping himself up on his arms over Briana.

    “Uh – yes. Yup, sure can!” Briana said, suddenly nervous.

    “I think you need the brat spanked out of you.” Gary said. “I guess I’ll stop if you seem like too much of a baby.”

    “No, you can’t!” Briana said, squirming as she tried to make her thoughts float down to a more little state. “Cause I can just poof, be baby! So you can’t even try. Like the fill-a-butter in congress.”

    “The what?” Gary laughed.

    “Shut up!” Briana pouted. “I’m in-between. It’s hard.”

    Though a quiet corner of Briana’s mind knew Gary was being perfectly reasonable and playing along, the super-little thoughts were telling her he was being massively unfair. Quick thrashing got her arms out of her pjs. Before Gary could figure out what she was doing, Briana squirmed out from under him. He was left looming over an empty set of pajamas and a diaper.

    “Briana, are you okay?” Gary asked.

    He moved toward her and she squirmed backward, balling up her fists. It felt like a cascade of things were closing down in her mind, making explaining anything impossible.

    “You wanted this!” Briana cried fussily. “I’m trying!”

    “Baby girl.” Gary said softly, moving to scoop Briana up.

    She didn’t pull away this time. Even being cradled in Gary’s arms and pressed to his chest didn’t bring the thought-obliterating littleness that she’d felt after her gross accident at school.

    “Gawy.” Briana pouted. “I can’ do it.”

    “This is pretty cute.” Gary said, rocking Briana in his arms. “Too cute to spank at least.”

    Briana giggled. She sighed and relaxed against Gary. It didn’t last long though, he startled her by standing up with a quick jerk.

    “Gawy!” She admonished him.

    “You just peed on me.” Gary said wryly.

    “Oh, didn’t notice.” Briana said. It was true, though she could feel the wet on her legs now that she was paying attention. (it was just a little one)

    Gary was in a big hurry to get her on the changing blanket. Briana squeaked at being swung around abruptly. There was too much stuff happening, too fast. She popped a thumb in her mouth once she was settled on the blanket. (it helped)

    It was a strange diaper change. First it was all fast and super efficient, like Dad did them. Then Gary just, stopped, right after the powder. Briana looked up at him, but he was staring off at something on the floor. Following his gaze, Briana saw the plug. She rolled over and started crawling to it, only to have her legs grabbed and be pulled back onto the diaper.

    “Don’ you wan’ it?” Briana asked, pointing at the plug.

    “Not tonight.” Gary said, wrapping the diaper nice and snug around Briana’s waist.

    “Kay!” Briana said happily.

    Gary left her on the blanket to clean up the old diaper, plug, and himself. Briana crawled to the bookshelf and pulled out Gary’s old tablet. It took a few tries to get it unlocked. None of the apps had the name of the show she wanted to watch, so she tried opening them at random.

    “What are you doing?” Gary asked, advancing on Briana with her discarded pajamas.

    “Owl House!” Briana demanded, thrusting the tablet at Gary.

    “I don’t have Disney plus.” Gary said. “Lie down, I need to get you dressed.”

    “OWL HOUSE!” Briana fussed.

    Gary’s big hand came around and whopped Briana on her padded butt. It wasn’t hard at all, but it made a loud noise against the diaper. She stared at him with wide eyes. (he finally spanked!)

    “Sowwy.” Briana said, putting the tablet down.

    “I’m sure there’s something we can watch on Netflix.” Gary said. “Come on, into the pajamas. No snuggling unless you’re in pajamas.”

    (No Snuggles?!) Briana tried to thrash her way into the pajamas as fast as she could. It ended up taking almost five minutes to get her into them. She and Gary were both laughing so hard they were crying by the end.

    Finally, they were back on the couch. Well Gary was on the couch, Briana was on Gary’s lap. He’d put a pacifier in her mouth and mittens on her hands. They weren’t the locking kind, but they still helped her stay little.

    It took a few tries to get Gary to turn on Kipo, since Briana couldn’t talk, but he figured it out. For some reason he put on a totally random episode. It didn’t matter, there was Kipo, snuggles, and a full tummy.

    A couple episodes in, Briana was getting a little sleepy. She also was feeling some pressure. Opening her mouth to tell Gary she needed the potty almost ended with her dropping her pacifier. She closed her mouth around it, considering. The potty was off-limits tonight, she remembered.

    Shifting on Gary’s lap, Briana screwed up her face in concentration.

    “What’s up baby girl?” Gary asked.

    Too busy to answer, even if she’d been allowed to talk, Briana pushed. Wet and mess both filled her diaper. It was a relief at first. After wearing all the time for so long, Briana liked the feeling when she wet, as long as the diaper wasn’t too full. As soon as the muck spread across her bottom, that good feeling was gone.

    It was still so gross! The smell was on a short delay too. Gary looked shocked. (dummy!) Briana dimly remembered that she had set all this up. She wouldn’t be a poopy pants if she hadn’t pushed the evening that direction.

    The pacifier hit her lap as she cried. She knew she smelled gross, but she clung to Gary anyway. If he pushed her away in that moment it would be the worst thing.

    “Oh, baby Bri, I’ve got you.” Gary said, super gently.

    His soft tone and the gentle way he carried her to the changing blanket extinguished her sobs by the time they reached the blanket. Gary hadn’t pushed away from her even a little bit. Sure, he had to let her go to get her diaper off, but okay. She was glad to be out of it!

    One thing was for sure, he wasn’t prepared like Mom. There wasn’t a pail on hand to hide the yucky diaper in, so things were smelly for the whole change. Gary went fast rather than tender on the cleaning. (which was good!)

    The shock of it all had pushed her out of being extra-little, Briana realized. Wiggling herself into the perfect fit for her new diaper, she waited for Gary to be back from throwing away the mess.

    Gary went all the way out to the garbage in the hall with a plastic bag. (silly boy) He really hadn’t been prepared. She felt a little bad about that. Although if they did it again, he’d probably be better set up the next time.

    “How’s baby Bri?” Gary asked, returning to the blanket.

    “Not as baby anymore.” Briana said. He picked her up anyway, and she wasn’t about to complain.

    “You changed my messy diaper.” Briana said softly, resting her head on Gary’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

    “It was intense.” Gary said. “Not bad though. It was special. I feel closer to you now.”

    “That’s a big thing.” Briana agreed. “Sorry I couldn’t get all the way little.”

    “I liked you that way. I like you how you are now best I think, but that was fun. It’s okay if we can’t do the fully baby Briana.”

    “I think we can. I just need more playing. If we played a little with the super big diaper and the mittens and everything I’m sure it would work.”

    “Is it still something you want to do?” Gary asked.

    “You’re a good caregiver.” Briana said. “I love it when you take care of me. If you did all the things for me, that would be really fun.”

    “I’ll talk to your mom about a couple of days with you then.” Gary said.

    Briana nodded. She wiggled her butt and frowned. “You didn’t plug me again.”

    “Nope.” Gary said. “I want to keep using that for fun, but I don’t need it to keep you from being messy. I can handle that now.”

    “But, what if I hafta go?” Briana asked.

    “Then I guess you can tell me you need the potty.” Gary said.

    “What if I feel really little and forget?” Briana asked.

    “Then I change you.” Gary chuckled. “I’ll take care of you no matter what you need.”

    “I don’t have messy accidents.” Briana whined. “I’m a big girl.”

    “You’re the one who said you might forget.” Gary said.

    “Gary!” Briana whined again, and bit his shoulder.

    “I think that means it’s bedtime.” Gary said.

    “No, it’s a sleepover!” Briana protested.

    “You’re being babysat, and babysitter says it’s time for bed.”

    “But not alone, right?” Briana asked pitifully.

    “Of course not. I’m going to tuck my baby girl right in with me.” Gary said.

    “Okay! But I need some water first. And we hafta bush my teeth. And wash my face. And new pjs in case these got dirty. And uh…”

    “Are you trying to delay your bedtime, little girl?” Gary asked, hosting Briana up with him as he stood.

    “No, I just wanna make sure I do all my bedtime stuff.” Briana said, fluttering her lashes innocently. “Like a good girl.”

    “Uh huh.” Gary kissed Briana gently. “You are a good girl. My good girl.”

    Briana threw her arms around Gary’s neck and kissed him with all her might, while unicorns, rainbows, and shooting stars burst out of her heart.