• A Family For Briana: Chapter 02

    Briana sat in her fluffy unicorn pajamas, on the floor of Veronica and Jane’s front room, looking up at the two of them. They were (hopefully!) at the end of a big long super serious discussion, and Briana was getting pretty squirmy. She was doing her best to pay attention and also look like she was paying attention. A reprieve from being grounded to her room, hinged on being a good girl right now.

    “Do you understand now why everyone was so upset?” Jane asked.

    Briana nodded vigorously.

    “Humor us.” Veronica said. “Explain in your words why you were grounded.”

    “Because I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing or even that I was gone.” Briana said seriously. “And because I could have gotten in trouble with the police and ended up in jail.”

    “And because you weren’t big enough to dress appropriately and you got frostbite.” Veronica said.

    “I didn’t either!” Briana protested. “Erin said I didn’t get frostbite.”

    “Erin said you got frostnip,” Jane said in a stern tone, that made Briana duck her head. “Which meant you didn’t have permanent damage, but it’s the first stage of frostbite.”

    “Okay, and because I got frostbite because I was too little to deal with the cold.” It sucked to admit that last one. It made her sound like a total baby, but she wasn’t a baby-baby. She had a cool big sibling to hang out with and she always made it to the potty for number two!

    Also she was a microbiology graduate student but even Briana didn’t remember that very often. She bit her lip and sighed. Sometimes she missed the mental puzzles and talking with other students about something they were all passionate about.

    “Briana, we want to trust you.” Veronica said. “We love you very much. We don’t want you to have to be grounded all the time. However, we’re responsible for keeping you safe, and even when you’re mentally little, you’re physically big enough to get yourself into some very scary trouble.”

    “I’m sorry.” Briana said. She’d been saying that a lot, but it didn’t feel like it was enough yet.

    “Briana.” Jane said. “You are a good girl, but I think you get carried away when you’re doing something you believe is right. You think it justifies bad things you’re doing, because the right thing is very important.”

    “Even when I’m little I want to help the people I love.” Briana said sadly. “I want to help my family.”

    “The first thing you need to do to help your family is be safe yourself.” Veronica said. “It’s like saving someone who’s drowning. If you can’t swim well enough to help them, all you’ve done is make it so two people are drowning.”

    “I know. I’m sorry Mom.” Briana said.

    “I think we are ready to trust you and end your grounding.” Jane said.

    “Really Dad?!” Briana bounced excitedly, she hadn’t expected it to happen immediately. By the look on Veronica’s face, this was news to her too.

    “On one condition.” Jane produced Alanna from behind her chair and got up to kneel in front of Briana. She set the stuffed lioness (and head knight of the Cloudland Roundtable!) on the floor next to them.

    “Do you promise to treat being safe as an unbreakable rule?” Jane asked, holding her hand out.

    Briana’s eyes were as wide as they got, her gaze flickering from Jane to Alanna to Veronica and back. She got up to her knees and put her left hand over her heart, shaking Jane’s hand with her right.

    “I promise to treat being safe as an unbreakable rule.” Briana said solemnly.

    “I’m proud of you Briana.” Jane kissed Briana on the forehead. “You’re not grounded anymore.”

    “Yay!” Briana grinned and hugged Jane tightly.

    “Honey.” Veronica said in a strained voice. “Are you sure?”

    Jane stood up and looked at her girlfriend. “I believe Briana. This is a promise she won’t break.” Jane’s tone was stern and immutable, like she was pronouncing a law.

    Briana shivered and nodded seriously at Veronica.

    “Alright, well you’re not grounded to your room anymore, but what does your new rule mean when it comes to leaving the house?” Veronica asked.

    “I would have to tell somebody where I’m going and ask if it’s okay.” Briana said. “If it’s a long way away then I’d need someone to come with me.”

    “What if there’s no one available to ask, or if there’s nobody who’s able to take you to the place you want to go?”

    “Then I’d have to go a different time.” Briana said sincerely.

    Veronica seemed to relax at that. She even smiled a little. “That’s a good answer. You’re a good girl.”

    Briana beamed!

    “This is a good time to talk about Saint Nicholas.” Jane said.

    “Santa?” Briana perked up immediately.

    “That’s right.” Veronica said. “Santa is coming in not too long. Unfortunately, you’ve recently been very naughty.”

    Tears sprung into Briana’s eyes, but she bit her lip and managed to keep her composure. “Th-that’s okay. I understand.”

    “I don’t think you do.” Jane said. “Santa has his list but he consults a lot with parents. We are going to suggest to Santa that you start over with a clean slate.”

    “That means you haven’t been good or naughty yet, as far as Santa is concerned.” Veronica said. “You’ll need to be a very good girl for the next couple of weeks if you want Santa to bring you presents.”

    “Really?” Briana was crying now, there was no stopping it. She’d gotten presents from Santa once that she could remember, and they weren’t really from Santa. They came in a plastic bag from a charity place. It had still been super awesome to get them, but she’d known they weren’t really from Santa.

    Now Santa was going to come, actually come to the house and go down the chimney and have the reindeer and eat the cookies and leave presents and say ho ho ho and EVERYTHING.

    “Of course.” Veronica said, holding out her arms. Briana was up on her lap in a flash, burying her face in Veronica’s chest.

    “I’m sure you will be a good girl for Santa.” Jane said. “But of course we have presents for you too. All your friends do.”

    Jane hugged Briana and Veronica both. Briana thought she might burst at any moment. Everybody was so nice, there was going to be a real Christmas! She wasn’t going to ruin this one like Thanksgiving. It was going to be a perfect, wonderful Christmas.

    “M-mommy. D-daddy.” Briana sniffled though her happy tears. “Thank you.”

    “We love you so much, little girl.” Veronica held Briana tightly. Jane squeezed them both.

    “I love you too.” Briana sighed happily and let the hug go on as long as Mom and Dad would let it. That turned out to be surprisingly, delightfully long.

    As usual, Mom wiped her face and made her blow her nose. Briana kept her seat on Veronica’s lap and leaned against her.

    “Can you help me get presents for everybody?” Briana asked.

    “Yes we can. Thank you for being a good girl and thinking of that.” Jane said.

    “Don’t forget to tell Santa!” Briana giggled. A thought struck her, “Oh my gosh, does Santa know about Melody?!”

    “Know what about Melody?” Veronica asked.

    “Know that they’re little now.” Briana said. “If Santa doesn’t know then he won’t bring them presents.”

    “Um, I’m not sure.” Jane said, exchanging an awkward glance with Veronica. “We’re not necessarily the ones that should be talking to Santa for Melody.”

    “You have to!” Briana said in desperation. “Please, their girlfriend isn’t their Mommy yet. They can’t go without presents on Christmas. I’ll – you can tell Santa that Melody can have my presents if you have to.”

    It hurt, like physically hurt, to give up the presents she just found out about. Even so, it was the right thing to do. If Briana couldn’t fix what was hurting Melody, maybe Santa could.

    “You don’t have to do that, darling.” Veronica said. “Santa will have enough presents for everyone.”

    “You think so?”

    “I’ll make sure of it.” Veronica said in her mommy tone.

    Briana relaxed and nodded. “Thank you.”

    “You really love Melody, don’t you?” Veronica asked.

    “Yeah! They’re my big sibling! And they said they loved me, and that I’m their little sister, and they’re so cool and nice to me and it means we’re a family.” Briana had to take a deep breath after that rush of words.

    “That makes me happy.” Veronica said with a soft smile. “I guess we’ll have two little kids waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve. You’d better make sure Melody goes to bed on time. Santa won’t come if there are kids awake.”

    “I’ll make sure of it!” Briana said, in a spot-on imitation of Veronica’s mommy tone. (Santa Points +1)

                Jane and Veronica both laughed, Briana joining in with them a moment later. There were a few more cuddles, a diaper check (that Briana passed!), and Veronica scooted Briana off her lap.

    “I have to get in to school. You’re not grounded anymore, so you can have your phone back and you don’t have a babysitter. Are you a big enough girl to handle that?”

    Briana nodded. “Yes Mom! Can I invite a friend over, if there’s anybody available?”

    “As long as it’s someone we know well. No repeats of inviting over Beatrix.”

    “Never again.” Briana agreed. “Um, so it would be okay even if that friend was Tamira?”

    Veronica sighed and set her mouth in a hard line.

    Jane chuckled and squeezed Briana’s shoulder. “You’re on your own with that one BumbleBri. I’ve got to get to school too.” She gave Veronica a quick kiss and headed out of the suite.

    Briana figured her best, first tactic would be to just be as cute as possible. She fixed a hopeful gaze on Veronica, waiting for a reply.

    “Briana you know I’m upset that she helped you get information on Beatrix.”

    “But you told me it was my fault that went out in the snow. Not anybody else’s.” Briana said. “And you were right.”

    “Maybe you listened too well.” Veronica chuckled ruefully, then sighed. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t also make a bad choice.”

    “She didn’t understand about me.” Briana said. “You don’t hafta be friends, even if it would be cool if you were. You’re a lot alike.”

    “Maybe too much alike.” Briana added with a giggle.

    “Look who’s a sassy girl now that she’s not grounded.” Veronica said with a laugh. “Alright. I will message her. It’s possible I was – a little harsh.”

    “I know you feel guilty that I got hurt.” Briana said, “But Tamira didn’t understand the situation and she was just trying to do a good thing.”

    “Did you just paraphrase my lecture to you, from the time you invited Beatrix over?” Veronica asked incredulously.

    “It’s because I listened to you, and I look up to you, Mommy.” Briana said sweetly.

    “Don’t push your luck little girl.” Veronica said, smiling despite her words. “You are entirely too smart a baby sometimes.”

    “I’m not a baby.” Briana asserted. “I can be a little girl.”

    “You better work on your potty training then.” Veronica said.

    “Okay, I will.” Briana leaned in for another hug. “Thank you. About Tamira.”

    “You’re welcome. You’re right that it’s the right thing to do.” Veronica said, squeezing Briana in a quick hug. “Now scoot. I really do have to get to school.”

    Briana grabbed her phone and skipped downstairs, pouncing on the first roommate she found.

    “Suzie, I’m not grounded anymore! And I’m potty training again!”

    “Double good news!” Suzie grinned. “I guess that means the whole house is available while I’m babysitting you now.”

    “I don’t even have a babysitter anymore.” Briana said, bouncing. “But if you want to hang out that would be fun.”

    “I can’t right now, I have to head out in a bit to help make new costumes for the play.”

    “Sometime soon then.” Briana said, unconcerned. “Did you know it’s going to be CHRISTMAS soon?”

    Suzie giggled. “I did, as a matter of fact. You excited?”

    “So much!” Briana grinned. “You hafta help me decorate. You’re the best decorator in the house.”

    “Aww, thank you hon. This weekend you and me will be the decorating crew.”

    “Yay!” Briana hugged Suzie. “Have fun at the theatre. I’m gonna make my own breakfast.”

    “See you kiddo.” Suzie said with a laugh.

    Halfway through her third bowl (don’t tell mom!) of fruit loops, Briana got a new message on her phone. It took her a moment to notice, there were so many messages on there from having been grounded for a few days. When she opened it she was excited to see it was from Tamira.

    Tamira >> Either you or Melody must have really gone to bat for me with Veronica. Thanks! I hear you have your phone again. How’s it going?

    Briana >> Hi! It’s going great! Mom said I was a big girl who doesn’t even need a babysitter! OMG and we talked about Christmas.

    Tamira >> : D Glad to hear it. Too bad about you not needing a babysitter though. Arthur is really excited to see you again and I thought I could do a two for one.

    Briana >> Maybe I could have a babysitter just to show Arthur how it goes. : 3 When were you thinking?

    Tamira >> I actually have today off. I know it’s short notice, but I could come pick you up.

    Briana >> I can’t leave the house without permission and there’s nobody here. : (

    Briana >> Oh but I can invite people over!

    Tamira >> Arthur is up for it. He wanted to see your room after hearing about it.

    Briana >> OMG I’ll get the stuffies ready!

    Tamira >> Sounds good, we’ll be over soon. : D

    Leaving breakfast forgotten on the table, Briana scurried up to her room. It was really clean, even though she’d been spending so much time there. The playpen was still set up. Briana decided to leave that so that Arthur could see it. Some arranging of stuffies and retrieving lesser-used ones from the closet was all that was really needed.

    That left time to dress. Briana tossed her pjs in the laundry hamper (Santa points +1) and considered her wardrobe. The anxiety of so many outfit choices reminded her that she might need to pee. Outfits were put on hold while she raced naked to the potty. It was a good thing too, because she had to go.

    Barely remembering to flush, Briana hurried back to her room and grabbed a pretty red skirt with a green blouse. It was time for the Christmas colors! She arrived in the living room, breathless, and sat down to wait for Tamira.

    There was more waiting than Briana had expected. A lot more. She fidgeted on the couch. She did remember to text Veronica that Tamira and Arthur were coming over, but that only took a moment. It dimly occurred to Briana that it might take a while to pack up Arthur’s stuff and drive across town. She didn’t really care about that though. The important thing is that they weren’t at her house.

    All in all, Briana had to wait upwards of twenty five minutes, before there was finally a knock on the door. She was up in a flash, barking her shin on the coffee table and careening off a wall in her mad scramble to the door. With a bit of a rigid smile due to the pain in her shin, she threw the door open.

    “Tamira, Arthur!” Briana cried.

    Tamira had a small duffel bag in her hand, Arthur was looming behind her with a blushy look on his face. They hurried inside.

    “You okay Briana?” Tamira asked.

    “I hit my leg on the coffee table.” Briana whimpered, bouncing on her good leg and holding her injured shin.

    “You were that excited to see us huh?” Tamira smiled. “I’ll take a look at it in a second sweetie. My little boy was pretty excited too. He had an accident as soon as we got in the car.”

    “Nuh uh.” Arthur said defensively, covering his crotch.

    Briana looked at him curiously, but Arthur was wearing sweatpants and nothing was really showing. That meant he’d had protection at least.

    “That’s okay!” Briana assured Arthur. “I’m working on getting to the potty in time, so I can help you not have another accident while we’re playing.”

    “I don’t have accidents.” Arthur said in a frustrated tone.

    “So you meant to wet yourself in the car then?” Tamira asked.

    Arthur had nothing to say to that, but he looked really grumpy.

    “You be nice while we’re here or you’re in trouble little boy.” Tamira said, taking Arthur’s hand. “Is that changing table still set up in the next room?” She asked Briana.

    “Yeah, it’s always there.” Briana flounced over to the drawing room, and perching on one of the couch arms.

    “It’s really just us here?” Arthur asked. His steps were slow and hesitant as he approached the table.

    “Yeah! Everyone is out of the house. I’m super glad you guys could come over.” Briana said.

    “I told you honey. We’ll get you cleaned up and then we can go to Briana’s room if you’re worried about people coming home. Up now, be a good boy.” She guided Arthur up onto the changing table.

    The table had always made Briana look even more little, but Arthur’s legs actually dangled off the end a bit. It was really sturdy though, not creaking at all under the larger boy’s weight.

    When Tamira took Arthur’s sweatpants down his face went from grumpy back to blushy. The poor boy even covered his face and turned toward the wall. Briana hopped up and grabbed her big Orca stuffie. She touched Arthur lightly on the forearm and pressed the whale against his hands.

    “This is Olga. She’s a good friend.” Briana said.

    Arthur nodded a silent thanks and took the stuffie, hiding his face behind it. He was a lot more relaxed already.

    “That was very nice of you Briana. You’re such a good girl!” Tamira said.

    “Thank you!” Briana said, taking her seat on the couch arm again. (Santa points +1)

    Arthur’s diapers were so big and the one Tamira was taking off was really heavy. If she could handle those she could handle anything! Well not that Briana needed that kind of help right now, but just in case. She’d be great for Melody too.

    Kicking her feet while she waited for Arthur’s change to be done reminded her of the pain in her shin. Briana winced and stretched out her leg. She had a nice bump on there. Looked like a cut too. Quickly she lowered her leg. She didn’t want to cry when Arthur was feeling upset.

    Tamira left Arthur a moment to snuggle the stuffie when she had him changed and his sweats back on. Kneeling by Briana, she carefully inspected the injured shin.

    “Hmm, looks bad, it’s going to have to come off.” Tamira said grimly.

    “Tamira!” Briana whined.

    “Gotcha.” Tamira winked. “You’re going to be fine, but I’m going to put a little band aid on there okay?”

    Briana nodded. She yelped a little when Tamira wiped the cut with a baby wipe. The sticker was a cute Frozen one, it helped the pain a lot.

    “Let me check your diaper while I’m down here.” Tamira said.

    Briana obediently shifted her legs apart, while Tamira lifted her skirt and poked at the leg elastic of her diaper.

    “Nice and dry, good job.” Tamira said.

    “Thanks!” Briana said. (Santa points +1) “I’m going to be a big kid like Melody.”

    “Oh? Is Melody a bigger kid than you?”

    “Yeah! They’re super cool, they have so many awesome big kid toys! Plus they have a job and still go to school and stuff.”

    “I saw you withdrew.” Tamira said, standing up and gathering her duffel, Arthur, and finally Briana for the trip upstairs. “You’re feeling okay about that?”

    “I really needed to. I’m glad Mom helped me after I had an accident and went to your place.” Briana hopped up the last couple of stairs and held her bedroom door open. “I kind of miss it though.”

    “Yeah? You want to go back?” Tamira asked.

    “I think I do.” Briana said softly, looking down. “I dunno if I can though.”

    “I’m sure Veronica can help you figure something…” Tamira looked back at Arthur, who was standing in the doorway with his mouth open.

    “It’s really something, isn’t it sweetie?” Tamira looked around. “The playpen is new for me. Briana’s really got that baby drip.”

    Briana grinned and danced around the room. “Arthur come in! This is where I keep my stuffies, and this is my crib, and over here is my art stuff, and I think you can fit in the playpen. It’s super sturdy.”

    Arthur stepped into the room sheepishly. Tamira reached out to him but Briana got there first. She grabbed Arthur’s hand and pulled him over to the playpen.

    “Do you wanna try it with me? Melody played with me in it and it was so super fun!”

    “Yeah, okay.” Arthur said with a soft smile.

    “Not in big boy clothes you won’t.” Tamira said. “Strip down young man.”

    “Uh, right here?” Arthur asked.

    “Briana has seen you in just a diaper before and she just watched you get changed. If I have to tell you a third time, it’s a spanking.”

    Briana watched in fascination as Arthur hesitated. He liked being spanked, she realized. That was going to be fun for some mischief later. Apparently he decided against a punishment though, and shucked off his sweatshirt and sweatpants.

    While Tamira was getting the clothes out Briana took advantage of the situation and hugged Arthur. He was so big and super warm! It was cute how he awkwardly hugged her, trying to figure out where to put his arms on someone who didn’t quite reach his chest.

    “We’re gonna have a super good time.” Briana said. “Tell me if there’s anything you want to do, okay?”

    “I don’t know what stuff you have.” Arthur said.

    “In here, coloring books and my stuffies. Oh, and my sword! Plus lots of books. I bet Tamira would read us a story if we asked.”

    “I would.” Tamira said with a smile. “But right now I need this little boy back so I can get him dressed.”

    The outfit wasn’t sized-up kids clothes. It made sense, they’d have to be REALLY sized up to fit Arthur. A pair of swim trunks that somehow were a little oversized for Arthur went on. They looked good and had nice bold colors on them. The shirt was a little undersized and had Callum from Dragon Prince on it. Briana approved of the transformation, especially when the mesh ‘underwear’ of the swimsuit made Arthur’s diaper extra crinkly.

    “Now can we play in the playpen?” Briana asked. “Um – but if you don’t want to we don’t hafta.” She really wanted to see Arthur in the playpen, but knew she should be a good playmate. (Santa points +1)

    “We can try.” Arthur stepped carefully over the wall of the playpen, he didn’t even have to push it down. It squished and tilted a little under his weight, but that was it. With a surprised grin and a mighty crinkle, he settled down on his butt.

    Briana gleefully climbed in on the other side. Arthur took up about a third of the space on his own. As soon as she sat Briana discovered a definite slope in the Arthur direction. Giggling, she let herself roll against his legs.

    “So who are all of these?” Arthur motioned at the stuffies, picking up Arnold the Pangolin.

    “That’s Arnold the Pangolin.” Briana said. He always had to have his full name. (So annoying!)

    “Hi Arnold.” Arthur said.

    “Noo, you have to say Arnold the Pangolin every time.” Briana said in distress. “He’s going to be so grumpy now. Arnold the Pangolin, he didn’t know okay?”

    Arthur giggled. “That’s so silly.” He laughed again, then addressed Arnold the Pangolin. “Sorry, Arnold the Pangolin.”

    “Whew!” Briana said. “I think Arnold the Pangolin forgives you.” She took the stuffie and set him aside where he couldn’t cause more trouble.

    “This bat is Mimsey, and this giraffe is Chuck.” Briana said, putting both in Arthur’s lap.

    “Chuck?” Arthur asked.

    “He doesn’t like going by Charles.” Briana said.

    “You know them all really well.” Arthur said with a grin.

    “We’ve been together for a while. They’re all on the Round Table of Cloudland. Alanna is the head knight but – oh shit, I left her in Mom’s room.”

    “Briana! Did I just hear what I thought I did?” Tamira asked sharply.

    “Uh, oopsie?” Briana giggled.

    “Oopsie is all you have to say? What would your mom do if she heard you say that word? Be honest.”

    Briana whined and squirmed, but Tamira’s glare was relentless. She couldn’t lie with Christmas presents on the line, especially after being told to be honest.

    “I’d get a spanking.” Briana pouted.

    “Then get over here.” Tamira said, taking a seat in the armchair that Veronica sat in when it was story-time. She patted her lap.

    “Tamiiiiiiiira.” Briana whined.

    “Little girl, this spanking is getting longer and longer the more I wait.”

    With a squeak, Briana hopped out of the playpen and flopped over Tamira’s lap. She whimpered again when Tamira flipped her skirt up and pulled her diaper down. On consideration she threw a sniffle in for extra sympathy.

    Smack! If she’d garnered any extra sympathy from Tamira, Briana certainly couldn’t tell. She yelped involuntarily as the sting from the first spanking flared to life on her rear. A matching smack on the other cheek made her cry out again.

    “I’m soooorrrrry! It was an accident!” Briana whimpered.

    “Was it?” Tamira asked skeptically, “Or did you think you could get away with it because your mom isn’t here and I’m not as experienced?”

    Briana hung her head. “The second one.”

    “Wow, you’re being very honest.” Tamira said, delivering two more slaps, though a lot more lightly than the first pair.

    “Ow! I hafta. Santa is coming.”

    “I see. Well I know he won’t be happy that you said a bad word.” (Santa points -1)

    Briana whimpered, taking two more spanks gracefully enough. After the first two slaps, it wasn’t so bad, compared to Dad’s spankings.

    “On the other hand, I think being so honest makes up for it. Or it will as long as you learned that your behavior was wrong.” Tamira slapped Briana’s butt twice more.

    “I did!” She whimpered.

    “What did you learn?” Tamira asked, rubbing Briana’s rear.

    “That saying sh- that saying that word is bad.”

    “Good girl. Last spanking and then you’re done.” Two more slaps and Briana had her nice comfy diaper up on her rear again. (Santa points +1)

    “Hee hee.” Arthur chuckled. “You almost said shit again.”

    “Did you really just try to slip that by?” Tamira asked as she sent Briana back to the playpen. “Get over this knee, Arthur.”

    “What?” Arthur pouted. “No! I was just saying the thing that she said.”

    “If you think that you can be naughty just because someone else is, then you really do need a spanking.” Tamira said. “Get over here now.”

    “It’s not fair!” Arthur protested, scooting behind Briana.

    “Arthur.” Tamira said in a sharp tone that was giving Veronica’s mommy voice a run for it’s money. “One.”

    “Nooooo.” Arthur whined. “We’re here to have fun.”

    “If you make me say three you are NOT going to like what happens.” Tamira said. “Two…”

    Briana gave Arthur a sympathetic look as he climbed out of the playpen and draped himself over the chair. That look switched to horror when she saw what Tamira was pulling out of her duffel.

    “Oh no, the hairbrush!” Briana said, clapping her hands to her mouth.

    “What?!” Arthur shifted on the chair but relented when Tamira dug her fingers into his back. “Tam – Mom, please don’t use the brush.”

    “You have been such a naughty boy. It’s even worse because this is your first time at Briana’s and you’re misbehaving.” Tamira yanked Arthur’s trunks and diaper down.

    “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again!”

    “I know you won’t.” Tamira said.

    That made Briana wince. Tamira brought the brush down and peppered Arthur’s butt with rapid fire strokes from the brush. He was whimpering and squirming, but looked kind of used to it. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, Briana thought as she relaxed.

    “Alright, you’re warmed up, now it’s time for the real ones.” Tamira said. “You get six, and you have to count them off.”

    “Six?” Arthur whimpered.

    “That didn’t sound at all like Yes Mommy.” Tamira said.

    “Yes Mommy.” Arthur said quietly.

    Real ones? Briana wondered. She didn’t have to wonder long. Tamira’s arm went way up. She swung the brush down like a tennis player. The sound it made on Arthur’s butt was a resounding CRACK!

    Arthur cried out, then grunted, “One.”

    Briana’s sympathetic yelp had been lost in Arthur’s cry. She put her hands over Mimsey’s eyes. The girl-bat was too sensitive to see a big punishment like this.

    Five more times the hairbrush came down. Tamira was serious! She was putting her shoulder into every hit. Briana was glad she couldn’t see Arthur’s butt. He had to have marks for sure, maybe even bruises. By the time he counted three he was sniffling, by five he was full on crying. The sixth one left him blubbering across Tamira’s lap.

    “What did you learn?” Tamira said, gently stroking Arthur’s back.

    “Not to say b-bad words.” He sniffled.

    “And about being at a friend’s house?”

    “T-to behave.” Arthur said.

    “Good boy.” Tamira said, leaning over to kiss his shoulder. She got a tube of lotion out of her bag and gently spread it on his rear, before pulling his diaper and trunks back up.

    “You can go back and play with Briana now.”

    “Okay Mommy.” Arthur made his way gingerly back into the playpen, electing to lie down on his stomach this time.

    “Tamira, can we have a snack?” Briana asked, giving Tamira a woeful look and snuggling up to Arthur.

    “I guess so.” Tamira said, putting her spanking supplies away. “What kind of snack?”

    “There are some cookies left over downstairs that Mom said I could have. Can Arthur have some too? They’re really good and he didn’t get to have them at Thanksgiving.”

    Tamira chuckled. “Alright you beggar. Dial it down. I’ll go get some cookies.”

    As soon as Tamira was out of the room Briana nuzzled Arthur. “That was a rough spanking, but now we get cookies.”

    “I didn’t think she’d spank me so hard for that.” Arthur said.

    “I think she felt kind of guilty.” Briana said. “That’s why she gave in on the cookies.”

    “Does that work all the time?” Arthur asked.

    “Usually. My mom always looks a little guilty after she spanks me. It’s a good time to ask for something you’re not supposed to have.”

    “Wait, are you not supposed to have those cookies?”

    “Mom said I could have one.” Briana said. “But if Tamira brings me more than that, it’s not my fault. I’m not supposed to eat them in the playpen either.” She giggled.

    Arthur giggled and nuzzled up against Briana. “You know all the tricks.”

    “I’ve been a baby for a while.” Briana grinned. “But all by myself. I’m really glad I have you here. Can we be friends?”

    “Yeah. You’re a good friend.” Arthur said, hugging Briana. He gave the best big squooshy hugs.

    “It’s going to be hard to play until your butt feels better.” Briana said. “Want to get under the blanket and watch something on my phone when Tamira gets back?”

    “Yeah.” Arthur said. “I bet we can get her to give us juice boxes too.”

    Briana giggled. “You think so?”

    “Watch.” He grinned.

    Tamira arrived with the whole plate of cookies. Briana’s eyes grew huge at the sight. She started the two littles off with only a pair of cookies each, but Briana knew that was just an opening offer. If a babysitter brought a plate of cookies, they were fair game.

    “Mommy, can we have juice boxes?” Arthur said cutely. “You said I could share one of mine with Briana.”

    Tamira rolled her eyes. “You two are lucky you’re so cute.”

    Within minutes they had cookies AND juice boxes. Not only that but they had permission to watch more Kipo (Arthur hadn’t watched it without Briana!) and there were crumbs getting everywhere. It was super warm and snuggly under the blanket.

    In fact, it was so snuggly that – well Briana had only promised to work on her potty training, not be perfect at it. The original plan had been to ask for help with the potty every hour or so. Instead she just snuggled with Arthur. By the time Tamira insisted on a change of activities, Briana squished when she sat up.

    They were coloring happily away when the door opened and Veronica stepped in. She looked extra tired, and she was in her fancy clothes again.

    “Mom!” Briana said excitedly.

    “Hi darling. Hello Tamira. Hi Arthur.”

    “Hey Veronica.” Tamira said, getting up from the chair and stretching. “The littles have been playing well together.”

    “I can see that.” Veronica said. “Thank you for bringing Arthur over.”

    “He’s having a great time, it’s our pleasure.” Tamira said. Arthur gave a shy smile and a wave, immediately returning to his coloring book.

    “You’re welcome to stay longer.” Veronica said. “Even for dinner if you want. We’re having everyone’s favorite, Thanksgiving leftovers.”

    “Arthur and I didn’t get much in the way of leftovers so that would be great if it’s really no bother.”

    “Not at all. If you two join us I think we can finally finish them off.” Veronica said.

    “Great, thank you.” Tamira said. “Arthur, what do we say when someone invites us to dinner?”

    Arthur broke out of his bashful concentration and blushed. “Um, thank you Ms. Veronica.”

    “What a darling. You’re very welcome Arthur.” Veronica said. “I do need a quick word with Briana.”

    “What’s up mom?” Briana asked.

    “When I went into the kitchen there was an open bottle of milk sitting next to a box of fruit loops and a dirty bowl. The milk has spoiled from sitting out all day. Is that something you’d know about?”

    Briana squirmed a little further under the blanket. “Um, sorry Mom. Yeah, that was me.” (Santa points -2!)

    “If your friend wasn’t here young lady…”

    “Oh go ahead and spank her.” Tamira said.

    “Are you sure?” Veronica asked.

    “I already gave her a spanking for cussing.” Tamira said. “Arthur got one too. They’ve been good little lambs ever since.”

    Veronica smiled at Tamira. That was sorta great, because Briana wanted her mom smiling at Tamira. It’d just be better if the smile wasn’t related to spanking her.

    “That is actually perfect. Briana has recently had a naughty incident and while that is behind us, we did plan to be strict and immediate with punishments going into the holidays.”

    “Mom,” Briana pouted as cutely as she could. “Please don’t spank me in front of Arthur. I’m sorry I forgot the milk.”

    “Briana Hillary Cassingham!” Veronica said, in a tone that had Briana on her feet, before she realized she was moving. “You get your butt over here right now. You know better than to try to manipulate me when you’re in trouble.”

    Without a hint of further argument, Briana bent over Veronica’s lap. Veronica flipped her skirt up and patted the swollen diaper.

    “I thought you were working on potty training hon.”

    “I was!” Briana insisted. “I was doing really good for a while.”

    “That’s true.” Tamira said. (what a good friend!) “She’s been dry until now.”

    “In that case I’m proud of you. I’ll help you work on it more, especially once the break starts, okay?”

    Briana nodded. “Thanks Mom.” She winced when Veronica pulled her diaper down to her knees. So much for her brief reprieve.

    “Maybe it will help you remember to get spanked on a wet butt.” Veronica said.

    Briana whimpered and grabbed the side of the chair, bracing herself. Veronica slapped her butt at a steady pace. They weren’t hard smacks. Unfortunately, the previous spanking multiplied them a bit. Being wet on top of that, made each hit sting and spark across her rear.

    Arthur was staying mighty quiet in the playpen. He’d learned his lesson the first time. Briana wasn’t going to have a spankee-in-solidarity this time. Feeling little from her playtime with Arthur and embarrassed at being caught wet by Veronica, Briana started bawling.

    That didn’t stop the spanking, it never did. There were just a few smacks left though. When Veronica switched to gently rubbing her butt, Briana sniffled and cleared her throat.

    “I’m sorry for leaving the milk and my breakfast stuff out Mommy.”

    Veronica paused in surprise. Briana bonked her head against the chair as she realized that it was only Tamira that made her explain why she was bad.

    “Is that something that Tamira taught you to do, Bri?” Veronica asked.

    “Yes.” Briana said sourly.

    “I always make Arthur verbalize what he did wrong.” Tamira said. “I had Briana do it today too.”

    “I did as well this morning, though that was over something much bigger.” Veronica said. “I think it’s a very good idea to do it every time, don’t you Briana?”

    “Yes Mommy.” Briana grumped. Bent over Mom’s lap, with a bare butt, was not the place to pick an argument.

    “Good girl. Let’s get you changed.”

    Tamira and Veronica chatted about mommy stuff while Briana was getting changed. They were still at it when Veronica put Briana back in the playpen with Arthur.

    “Would you like to go downstairs and have a cup of tea?” Veronica asked Tamira. “I have to get dinner going.”

    “I’ll take the tea, but you have to put me to work.” Tamira said. “What about these two? They’re a little trouble-prone together.”

    “Oh that’s simple.” Veronica said. “We’ll just use the baby monitor.”

    Arthur looked at Briana in surprise, blushing profusely when Veronica turned the monitor on. For her part, Briana was still a little grumpy from her spanking. She shrugged in response.

    “You two play nice. You can let us know through the monitor if you need anything.” Veronica said.

    “Who all is going to be at dinner?” Tamira asked.

    “Just the household.” Veronica said. “Probably not all of us. Suzie is managing some theatre crisis, and we don’t even see Erin since her residency started. Probably us here, Jane, Melody, and Casey.”

    “Is that going to be okay Arthur?” Tamira asked gently. “Melody and Briana both wear diapers. Everyone in this house knows about it and they don’t make a big deal out of it.”

    “I promise that no one will make fun or be hurtful in any way.” Veronica said.

    “I don’t know.” Arthur said, curling up.

    Briana sighed. She could tell that Arthur was conflicted, but the bigs were probably going to err on the side of making him go home. She snuggled up to him and nuzzled his head.

    “You don’t hafta if you don’t want, but I think it’d be fun.” Briana said. “Everybody at the table has changed my diaper before. Even Melody.” Briana giggled.

    It was working! Arthur looked up at her hesitantly. Briana gave him a big smile and nodded.

    “Plus we can sit together and talk and not pay attention to the bigs.” Briana said, more loudly so that she was sure Tamira could hear. “It’d be a super brave thing for you to do. I bet your mom would let you eat only the stuff you want!”

    “Oh for…” Tamira shook her head and laughed. “You have to eat SOME turkey, but otherwise whatever you want, little one.”

    “Briana, what did I just say about manipulative behavior?” Veronica asked.

    “I’m not doing it while I’m in trouble this time!” Briana replied sweetly. “And it’s to help Arthur!”

    Veronica rolled her eyes. “You were right Tamira, they are trouble together.”

    “It’s cause we’re good friends!” Briana said, squirming into Arthur’s arms. He grinned and gave her a big hug.

    The cuteness worked! (Santa points +2) Both moms smiled and laughed. After another admonishment to be good while dinner was being made, Veronica and Tamira headed downstairs.

    “I’m so glad you’re staying.” Briana said. “I’ve never had a friend who was little like me before.”

    “It’s scary.” Arthur said. “But I believe you when you say people will be nice.”

    “They will.” Briana nodded. “Okay, I think we can watch at least one more Kipo episode before dinner.”

    “But Mom said that we had too much TV.” Arthur said.

    “Shh!” Briana whispered, pointing at the baby monitor. “As long as we don’t do anything too naughty, they won’t walk all the way up the stairs to get us in trouble.”

    Arthur giggles. “You are so bad.”

    “You are too, Mr. sneak a bad word past your mom.”

    Arthur grinned and draped his arm over Briana. She fired up the next video, her stinging butt totally forgotten. It smelled a little like Arthur had wet, but that was Tamira’s problem, not Briana’s.