Being diapered by her co-workers was the most humiliating thing Aurora had ever experienced. More than she could have imagined, really, the memory of moaning on the changing table kept resurfacing to burn her. For a long time she lay on the daycare mat, barely moving lest her diaper rustle or her frilly yellow shirt ride up.

The first diaper check caught Aurora totally off guard, she’d been lying still as she could when one of the daycare workers, a woman Aurora had been to coffee with, approached her and casually hooked her fingers under the crotch of Aurora’s diaper. Getting a pat on the head and being told she was a good girl made her want to vanish into the floor, yet there was heat in her belly as well.

The second time she got diaper checked Aurora squirmed a little and was rewarded by having her belly and chest stroked. Things had already gone so far that Aurora reached out for the next person to check on her and got a sexy massage that left her with damp in her diaper. The embarrassment never went away but it changed into something Aurora could appreciate, like becoming used to spicy food. Aurora was a squirmy, horny, diapered baby and she was okay with that. No matter who saw, it was hot. In fact, the more people who saw, the hotter it felt.

It was disappointment then, not relief that Aurora felt when the daycare faded away. One moment she was writhing on the floor of her work’s daycare, a baby-toy for the staff, and the next she was writhing on the floor of the cabin’s living room. The hardwood under her was a shock after the fuzzy blanket, the room was cool and the windows dark.

Aurora sat up abruptly, scanning the room. It seemed impossible that she’d been on the floor the whole time. She’d appeared right in the middle of the main walkway, if nothing else, someone would have tripped over her. A shiver ran through her, and Aurora groaned, rubbing the crotch of her diaper. Everything had been building up to a warm, wonderful conclusion and now that was gone. Desperately, she wanted to plunge her hand inside her diaper, wet if she could, and finish what the daycare had started.

“Damnit!” Aurora yelled as she climbed to her feet. There was no response, not that she really expected one. Her pussy still ached, but she couldn’t lie on the floor and masturbate while she didn’t know where Miguel was, or where their friends were.

A quick look outside and yelling for Miguel got her nothing except the sense that it was very late at night, maybe even near morning. A search of the lower level didn’t turn up any people, but she did find some interesting alterations to the cabin.

The downstairs bathroom was larger, somehow, sporting a changing table and a plastic kid’s potty. The high chair was still in the kitchen but the storage room now held a playpen, folded up, and a baby harness complete with roll-up leash. Both were adult sized. The fridge and pantry even had jars of baby food.

Aurora shook her head and said, “Somebody went all out.”

“I’m so glad you noticed,” said a musical voice.

“Who’s there?!” Aurora spun around to stare into the mesmerizing sapphire eyes of the dryad. She was a lot hotter than her statue, flowing purple hair, lush curvy figure, and still without a stitch of clothing on.

“I’m Nysa,” she said, “Lykon might have mentioned me. “I’m the one who brings you the games that you want.”

“That’s super nice of you,” Aurora said. “But what I really want is to get everyone back from wherever they’ve been taken.”

“No, I don’t end dreams,” Nysa said. “don’t worry, I don’t hurt anyone either.”

“What are you going to make me do?” Aurora asked, folding her arms over her chest.

“I’m going to give you a beautiful game that you will enjoy playing,” Nysa said, crossing the room. She brushed her fingertips through Aurora’s hair and stroked her cheek. “I know you’re upset because your friends are missing, so I’m going to reunite you with one of them.”

“Miguel?” Aurora asked, hopefully.

“No,” Nysa said. “But don’t worry, he is safe, and enjoying himself too. Rose is upstairs, and she needs you to take care of her.”

“What’s wrong? What did you do to her?” Aurora asked.

“She needs a good, responsible friend,” Nysa said, leaning in for a kiss. Aurora tried to pull away but found she couldn’t, it was like she was watching herself from the outside as Nysa’s lips found hers, her mouth opened to accept Nysa’s tongue. Even with the feeling of detachment she could feel a shiver of pleasure across her skin, her lips tingling from the kiss.

“Go help your friend, Aurora,” Nysa said. “She should be waking up now.”

Control regained; Aurora dodged away from Nysa. After one check to make sure that the dryad wasn’t chasing her, she charged up the stairs to Rose’s room.

Rose’s room was even more transformed than the rest of the cabin. Bed replaced by a crib, a changing table along the wall, stuffed animals and baby clothes everywhere but no sign of Rose and Ivan’s luggage. Aurora squared her shoulders and let all that go, there wasn’t anything she could do about that. Rose at least was here, curled up in the crib. The smaller girl looked adorable in her faerie decorated onesie. Rose’s diaper was swollen, bulging under the onesie, Aurora hoped the girl wasn’t too uncomfortable. After a couple of tries she figured out how to lower the side of the crib and brought it down quietly.

“Rose, wake up. Wake up hon.” Aurora reached out to Rose and caressed her head. Rose’s eyes fluttered open, straining to focus. Rose reached out and Aurora leaned in for a tight hug.

“Where’s Daddy? I mean uh, Ivan?” Rose asked.

“I don’t know hon, I’m sorry,” Aurora said. “None of the guys are here, I can’t find Tiffany either.”

“At least I’m not alone anymore,” Rose said plaintively. She looked down at the bulk between her legs. “Ugh.”

“I’ll let you get cleaned up okay?” Aurora said. “I’m going to check the rest of the rooms in case, and then we can get some breakfast and try to figure out what to do.”

“Okay, don’t leave without telling me, okay?” Rose asked.

“I promise I won’t,” Aurora said. Rose looked so pitiful that Aurora leaned down to give her a kiss on the head. Rose didn’t seem to mind, even smiling at the maternal gesture. Aurora resisted the impulse to ruffle Rose’s hair and left the room to give the girl some privacy with her wet diaper.

Aurora’s own bedroom was not as altered as Rose’s, but there were still some changes. Some extra bras hanging up, and a wooden box on the dresser with Nysa’s face carved on it. Aurora eyed the box, it looked to be about big enough to for a big mug or a bowl. Either way, it was probably best left alone.

There were no extra doors off into a magical realm, no sign of Miguel. It was hard to say if there were any changes to Charles and Tiffany’s room. There were diapers out and quite a lot of bondage gear, but for all Aurora knew they’d brought that much gear with them. The important thing was that neither one of them was around nor were there were any extra doors.

The bathroom had one glaring addition. The smaller statue of Lykon was now taking a wooden replica of Tiffany from behind. Feeling weird about it, Aurora tried investigating the statue of her friend, but there didn’t seem to be any connection to Tiffany other than the disturbingly accurate resemblance.

Aurora was about to peer through the high bathroom window to see if there was anything on the roof when she heard a wail from Rose’s room. Bursting through the door, Aurora saw Rose lying on the changing table, her soggy diaper half-undone. Tears streaked Rose’s cheeks, she was picking at the diaper tapes ineffectually.

“I can’t do it. Why can’t I do it?” Rose blubbered. “It doesn’t make any sense!”

“Hey, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay,” Aurora said, stepping over to hug Rose. “Can I help?”

“I can’t believe I can’t change a stupid diaper!” Rose wailed.

“There’s a lot of weird stuff going on right now,” Aurora said. “I’ll change it for you, okay?”

Rose nodded, and sniffled. At Aurora’s direction she lay back on the changing table and closed her eyes. Feeling a bit guilty, Aurora popped the last couple of tapes and slide the heavy diaper out from under Rose. She’d been wanting to do this ever since she saw how cute Rose was in a diaper, but not with the girl so upset.

Being changed should be fun, they’d all come to the cabin to have fun. Aurora decided that she wouldn’t let this change be miserable. Gently, she tickled her fingers across Rose’s waist and belly.

“Aurora!” Rose said through her giggles. “What are you–“

“Feeling a little better hon?” Aurora asked, tickling up Rose’s sides and then booping her on the nose. “I’m going to get you all cleaned up.”

Rose squirmed and blushed, but a genuine smile broke over her face as well. She licked her lips and shyly said, “Thank you.”

“And we should probably start by getting you in the shower,” Aurora said, tugging Rose’s onesie upward.

“Wait, what are you –“

“Rosie, I took your wet diaper off,” Aurora said. “I don’t think seeing you topless is that big a deal anymore.”

Despite squirming and pouting, Rose lifted her arms and let Aurora strip her. She gazed up at Aurora with a shy look, closing her eyes contentedly when Aurora stroked her cheek.

“I told you, I’ll take care of you for a bit,” Aurora said.

“Thank you,” Rose said, climbing down from the changing table. Her legs wobbled a little, and Aurora leaned in quickly to support her. Hushing the smaller girl quickly to quell the look of panic on Rose’s face, Aurora helped her into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet.

“Huh?” Rose looked up at Aurora, puzzled. “But I went in my diaper.”

“Well you wet your diaper,” Aurora said. “You sure there’s nothing else in there?”

“Oh, right,” Rose said, blushing. Aurora stepped out to let Rose do her business. When she came back in the bathroom Rose was sitting on the toilet expectantly. Without thinking, Aurora helped Rose up and wiped her rear as a matter of course. Rose didn’t protest or even seem to notice that anything was off, Aurora only realizing it herself when she was helping Rose into the tub. Shrugging it off as part of all the weirdness, Aurora decided to concentrate on getting Rose put together as quickly as she could.

With Rose newly clean, Aurora put her in a diaper and the most practical outfit she could find among the baby clothes, which turned out to be another onesie. Through it all Rose never protested or offered any suggestions of her own. She wasn’t acting like a baby, but she was completely passive. If that was the result of shock or magic, Aurora couldn’t tell.

Rose was still wobbly on her legs, so Aurora decided the highchair was probably the safest place for her to sit. Or at least, she tried to tell herself that. Truthfully, she was starting to wonder how far she could push things before Rose would realize she was being babied. That, and she was having a lot of fun taking care of a little girl. It was a nice distraction from their missing friends. The only thing keeping Aurora from thoroughly enjoying her morning was a growing soreness in her breasts.

Once she had bacon, eggs, and toast on Rose’s plate, Aurora left Rose to eat and hurried upstairs to put on some clothes. Her nipples were getting painfully sore, the material of the shirt from her daycare dream was the most likely culprit.

The new bras in her closet had padding, which she normally hated, but might give her some relief. It wasn’t until she was pulling her shirt off that she realized there were two large wet splotches over her nipples. Aurora stared at her breasts in disbelief. They weren’t just sore, they were swollen, and leaking slightly at the nipple. She had to laugh when she took a closer look at the new bra.

“A maternity bra, of course,” Aurora said, unclasping adn re-clasping the bra cup. For a wild moment she imagined feeding Rose. Her nipples had always been sensitive, between the baby play and the sucking it would be…

Shaking her head to clear it, Aurora pulled on the bra. It’d be designed to capture leaks, she might as well use it. A loose button up blouse and knee length skirt to go over her diaper were next. The look in the mirror was good, Aurora decided, she felt confident and in control.

“Nice mommy outfit,” Aurora thought, then laughed at herself. “Is it me wanting this, or is it Nysa making me want it?”  A memory of Rose at the lake in little-space resurfaced, and Aurora sighed. Nysa might be giving her a push, but this morning with Rose really was a dream come true. The problem was that it might not be a dream for Rose at all.

Back downstairs Aurora found Rose pushing the eggs around on her plate. Her glass of juice was drunk but she’d taken just a couple of bites out of the rest.

“Are you okay?” Aurora asked. “Is it not good?”

“No um, I don’t know,” Rose said, in the same helpless tone she’d used when she failed to change herself. “It tastes okay but for some reason I just can’t. Daddy made some cereal yesterday with some sweet milk in the fridge, I’m really sorry but could you get me some?”

“Of course hon,” Aurora said, snagging a piece of bacon off Rose’s plate. The cereal was easy to find but the fridge was not cooperating. “I hate to tell you this but there’s no milk. There’s some uh, blended food.”

“Baby food?” Rose asked, wrinkling her nose.

“Well you have to eat something,” Aurora said.

“I really wanted milk,” Rose said, then frowned. “I mean cereal. With that milk.”

Aurora cocked her head, looking at Rose curiously. “Sweet milk? Was there anything unusual about it?”

Rose blushed scarlet and hid her face. It took a couple of minutes of coaxing before she let Aurora pull her hands away, and more before Rose finally admitted, “It was uh… the dryad lady’s milk.”

“Well there isn’t any left in the fridge,” Aurora said, her heart beating fast. “But I might have a replacement. One of the two creatures put some maternity bras in my closet, and it turns out that I need them right now.”

“Maternity–“ Rose’s eyes went wide. She squirmed in the chair so much she nearly knocked over her plate. “I couldn’t um, it would be weird, and not fair to you…”

“Actually Rose,” Aurora said, stroking the smaller girl’s cheek. “my boobs are really sore right now. I’m going to have to get this milk out one way or another. I know it might be weird, maybe I can find a way to pump–“

“I want it,” Rose said, trembling. “Please, I want it.”

Without another word Aurora helped Rose out of the highchair and over to the couch. Laying Rose across her lap, she unbuttoned her blouse and unsnapped the cup of the bra. Aurora had to stifle a giggle at how eagerly Rose went for her breast. A tingle of pleasure ran through her when Rose began sucking, pleasure that built and built until Aurora was lightly flushed and could feel her heart beating. Rose let out a moan when Aurora switched her to the other breast, and began moaning softly through her feeding.

Aurora was panting, she slid a hand down Rose’s body to massage her breast through the onsie. Rose gasped, went back to feeding but began to lick at Aurora’s nipple. As heat built in her crotch Aurora slid her other hand between Rose’s legs, massaging the diaper into the babygirl’s crotch.

It was a long, slow, sweaty slide into ecstasy. Aurora was the first to quiver and cry out, tingling pleasure spreading out from her nipples and filling her until the sensation popped into fireworks. Rose came a few minutes later, riding Aurora’s thigh with her diaper, both breasts in Aurora’s hands. They collapsed together on the couch, snuggling in a happy daze.

When they woke from their nap Aurora felt refreshed. Despite all the weirdness happening, there was an equilibrium. She could see distress on Rose’s face, so she smiled and sat the baby girl up.

“What’s the matter hon?” Aurora asked.

“I can’t believe we did that,” Rose said, squirming nervously. “I can’t believe I asked you to feed – and then we were – and then I…”

“Nothing is normal right now. What happens in the weird magic cabin can stay in the weird magic cabin,” Aurora said.

“But what about–“

Aurora cut Rose off with a finger to her lips. “I have noticed a couple of things. First is, you need help with some basic things. The second is that you seem to need me in charge.”

Rose bit her lip, and just nodded slowly.

“So that’s what I’m going to do, be in charge,” Aurora said. “We can’t just flail around here wondering if we should do or shouldn’t do and get nothing done. I’m going to get us prepped to go look for the rest of our friends and take care of you, okay?”

“Okay,” Rose said, with a sigh. She seemed to relax a little, especially when Aurora stroked her cheek.

“You just wait here, I’m going to put together a bag and we’ll start looking.” Aurora waited until she got a nod from Rose and got up to pack.

The backpacks that she and Miguel had planned to use for a day hike were still there. She didn’t think Rose would be able to carry one, but one should be more than enough for a day. Upstairs first, to load up clothes for herself, and some more baby clothes for Rose. Too curious to leave it be, she opened the wooden box on her dresser. Behind Nysa’s smiling face was… a breast pump. Aurora groaned but packed it anyway.

When she went downstairs to pack food, Aurora was horrified to realize that Rose was gone. Could Nysa or Lykon really have taken her away so soon? The door of the cabin was hanging open, and it was with mixed feelings that Aurora found Rose outside, carefully crawling down the cabin steps.

“Rose, honey, I asked you to wait inside,” Aurora said.

“Huh?” Rose looked up at Aurora, totally mystified. After a moment her eyes widened in shock and she said, “I didn’t realize! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave. I don’t even remember coming out here.”

Helping Rose back up the stairs, Aurora said soothingly, “It’s alright hon. Don’t cry. You’re under some kind of influence, I’ll make sure you’re okay.”

Rose was obviously embarrassed when Aurora pulled the playpen out of the storage room but didn’t protest. As soon as Aurora had her in the pen, she was lying there happily, sucking her thumb.

Revising her plans a little, Aurora gathered a few more items from Rose’s room. A couple of pacifiers and some baby toys seemed like essentials now. Changing supplies too, of course, in a little larger quantity than she would have packed before. The baby leash and harness she put out next to the pack.

Finally, Aurora stood in the kitchen and looked around, checking to see if there was anything else. Real travel basics like food and flashlights were on top of the pack. She wondered if she should change out of her diaper but having it on felt comfortable. Besides, she’d gone on this trip to be wearing, and she wasn’t about to give it up!

Returning to Rose, Aurora palmed the crotch of the baby girl’s diaper and curled her fingers inside the elastic. “Hey, you’re still dry, what a good girl!”

Rose beamed, “Yeah, I managed to hold it.”

“Really?” Aurora asked. “Do you have to go now?”

Rose nodded. “I can go to the toilet if you want.”

“That’s okay,” Aurora said. “Go ahead and wet. I think a change might be good for your mood, before we go on our big trip.”

Rose nodded, and the eagerness with which she started wetting convinced Aurora she was right about Rose needing to be babied. Discarding the full diaper, Aurora gently wiped Rose down, getting into all the crevices of her friend’s crotch. Her new, but now very close friend she realized in amusement.

Carefully applying powder and smoothing it over Rose’s belly, rear, and crotch, Aurora taped the diaper up nice and snug. Rose was obviously loving the attention, she even welcomed a hug afterwards, and leaned in for a kiss on the lips. There were no protests when Aurora put the harness and leash on her. Rose just looked up eagerly from her hands and knees, ready to move that big poofy butt of hers.

“Does it feel better for you to crawl?” Aurora asked.

“Yeah,” Rose said, sounding oddly adult for the way she looked. “I don’t feel steady on my feet.”

“No problem,” Aurora said, hefting on the backpack. “Now one of these doors should lead back to the weird place where they’ve been taking people. Let’s go find it.”

They went from door to door, finding only what would normally be behind them. Aurora was undaunted, continuing to search even doors they’d already opened. Rose didn’t seem to mind crawling along, she had a happy smile on her face.

At last, Aurora opened the door to the pantry and found a grassy path between trees. It didn’t look like the grove Lyon had trapped her in, it was open and airy, with a breeze blowing through and plenty of sunlight.

“Okay Rose, here we go,” Aurora said. “Let me know if you get tired, or hungry, or need a change, okay?”

“Okay Aurora,” Rose said.

Through the door they went. Aurora didn’t bother looking back, she knew the door would be gone behind them. What mattered was what was ahead. Somewhere out there had to be Tiffany, with whatever was happening to her. The guys as well, she had no idea of what their ‘dream’ or ‘nightmare’ was like.

“I’m coming, Miguel.” She thought, strolling alongside Rose. “I’ll get us all out of this, I promise!”

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