Aurora sighed happily as she cuddled up to Miguel. It was hard to say what felt better, the fresh diaper or the sun on her skin. She wondered if anyone would object if she sunbathed topless. Rose probably would, she’d seemed a little skittish all morning. Maybe they could talk about it over dinner.

“I haven’t seen you this relaxed in a while Qerida,” Miguel said.

“It’s been so busy we haven’t had any time to play. I wish I could get away with wearing at work like Rose,” Aurora said.

“She’s only done it once,” Tiffany said, lying facedown on the blanket and showing off her freshly pink rear. “I’m not sure she’d do it again, she was pretty freaked out.”

“Is she pretty new to this stuff?” Miguel asked.

“Yeah,” Tiffany said, “she seems all hardcore because she does the full adult baby thing, but she’s still dipping her toes in slowly.”

“That makes sense,” Aurora said. “Well I think she’s super cute. I can understand being nervous though, Miguel and I have never really done the baby play thing.”

“As long as you’re happy doing what you’re doing, that’s fine,” Charles said. “But if you’re ever interested in it maybe Rose could tell you about it after you get to know her better.”

“I might do that,” Aurora said, putting that one far on the back burner. Mostly it was the sensation of wearing and wetting that was good, she wasn’t sure about adding a bunch of role-play on top of it. “How about you, Tiffany, do you ever do baby play?”

“We tried it a couple of times I think,” Tiffany said.

“Yeah, twice,” Charles said. “I don’t think it worked for either of us. I like to have more of a firm hand than that kind of play allows.”

“Yeah you do,” Tiffany said, rubbing her rear. “I like it better too. Diapers are more like, part of our BDSM kink than the main event.”

“I have a lot to learn!” Aurora said. “I’ve been wearing for a long time but I thought I was a weirdo.”

“Oh you were,” Charles said with a laugh. “we all are! But not in a bad way.”

“That’s what I kept telling her!” Miguel said, cracking open a beer and passing it to Aurora.

“It took a while to believe that you were okay with it,” Aurora said, sipping the beer. “I was mortified when Miguel found my stash.”

“Oh that’s a way more traumatic way to get into it than we had,” Charles said with a laugh.

Rose and Ivan emerged from the tent with Rose looking cute in a little girl’s tee shirt and shorts The pacifier in Rose’s mouth was oddly intriguing to Aurora and made her wish Rose fully babied up She’d overheard Ivan telling Charles that they had some actual baby clothes packed.

“Hey Rose, looking good!” Aurora said. Rose waved back but didn’t take her pacifier out to talk. “You two hungry yet?”

“We got up late but I think Rose worked up an appetite,” Ivan said, “And I’m always hungry.”

“Me too!” Aurora popped the cooler open and unpacked a variety of plastic containers. “We’ve got everything for sandwiches, roast beef, salami, ham, lettuce, tomato, onion, bacon, and a bunch of condiments.”

“Oh, and PBJ with the crust cut off, as requested,” Aurora said, handing the last container to Ivan.

“Perfect, thank you,” Ivan said, tucking Rose up next to him and popping the pacifier out of her mouth. She obediently opened her mouth for bites of the sandwich, lost in her own little world.

To her surprise Aurora found it difficult not to stare at Rose. There was something about the total change in the other woman that was fascinating. The Rose she’d met yesterday morning was a self-confidant, spunky bartender. At lunch it was, well it was like having a well behaved toddler around.

“Maybe there’s something to the baby play after all,” Aurora thought. The thing she most wanted to do was play with Rose, she still wasn’t sure she wanted to be in Rose’s situation. The mock swim lesson had been super fun and Aurora was astonished to find that she was even a little jealous of Ivan.

“What do you guys think of the art in this place?” Charles asked.

“You mean the goat guy statue with his dick out?” Ivan asked, smirking.

“It’s all over the place,” Miguel said, “there’s a mirror with the naked lady on it in our room.”

“I think she’s supposed to be a dryad, and the other one is a satyr,” Aurora said. “They’re Greek monsters.”

“Some of it is kinky stuff too,” Charles said. “There’s a tie-down table in the closet in our room, bare wood and leather ties, a pretty intense piece.”

“Was the high chair in there too?” Ivan asked.

“What high chair?” asked Charles.

“Maybe it was you and Miguel that put it out?” Ivan asked, nodding to Aurora.

“I never saw a high chair, did you, hon?” Aurora asked.

“No, not me,” Miguel said, gulping down the last bite of his sandwich.

“Well somebody put it out,” Ivan said. “There was an adult size high chair out in the kitchen this morning. It had the naked lady on there too.”

“Rose, did you eat breakfast in it?” Aurora asked, eagerly. Rose didn’t respond. She was done eating but had her pacifier in, and was staring dreamily off into space.

“She did,” Ivan said with a grin. “Don’t be upset if she doesn’t answer. She’s really getting into it right now, she’ll be alright in a bit.”

“That’s adorable,” Aurora said. “Do you think I’ll get a chance to play with her this weekend? I don’t know if she ever plays with anybody but you, Ivan. If not that’s okay, of course!”

“I think she probably will,” Ivan said. “She wants to, and she’ll probably be brave enough by tomorrow.” He patted Rose on her butt, sending her to crawl over to the changing bag. She took over a corner of the blanket with a coloring book and crayons.

“Do you and Miguel ever do that kind of play?” Ivan asked.

“We were talking about that,” Aurora said. “We haven’t, and I don’t know if we’re up for it, but it does sound really fun to play with Rose.”

“Then you’ll have to work for your kink,” Tiffany said. “We don’t all get to lounge around and wet.”

Aurora laughed. “I don’t know, Rose looks pretty pampered. Literally. Are those baby diapers?”

“The brand is Tykables,” Ivan said. “There’s a lot of different ones that look like they’re for kids, but are adult sized. Though Rose is so tiny she can almost wear the kid ones.”

“And she eats anything she wants, it’s so unfair!” Tiffany said.

“I’m so glad Charles invited me, it has been amazing to be around other people that do this,” Aurora said. “It’s a beautiful spot too.”

“As long as you can get over the weird statues and stuff,” Charles said with a laugh. “Seriously though Ivan, good call.”

“Working in construction you find out about a lot of out of the way places,” Ivan said. “Even weird cabins need roofs.”

Aurora could feel the beer doing its work, pressure building up in her bladder. It still felt so naughty to let people know she was wetting, especially anyone outside of Miguel. She bit her lip and hesitated, she’d been able to announce it last night but that had been a lot more beers in.

“I uh… have to go.” Aurora said with a nervous giggle.

“You’re announcing it now?” Miguel said, wrapping his arms around Aurora. “Are you going to give us a little show?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Charles said. “Let’s see you wet, Aurora.”

Years ago when she’d started wearing, Aurora had found it hard to let go when she wasn’t on the toilet. Now it was almost easier to go in a diaper. There was still a little thrill every time, magnified now with three sets of eyes on her. She took a deep breath and relaxed, taking her time with a nice, slow wet. 

The heat started concentrated around her sex and spread out across her thighs and rear. A chorus of grins greeted her as her diaper filled out and started to sag. A kiss on the back of her neck made her shiver, she leaned back against Miguel while the last of the pee left her.

“That was hot,” Ivan said, looking a bit awkward with a blush on his cheeks.

“Thanks for sharing that with us,” Charles said, with Tiffany nodding her agreement.

“You’re welcome,” Aurora said, reaching behind her to put an arm around Miguel.

“Is it too crude to drag my girlfriend away to the cabin right now?” Miguel asked.

“That’s what this weekend is for,” Ivan said. “You two have fun.”

Aurora reached for the lunch stuff but Charles waved her away. “You prepped it, we’ll clean up,” He said.

“Thank you, see you all later!” Aurora said, taking Miguel’s hands and letting him pull her to her feet. As she walked up the trail Aurora exaggerated the wiggle in her hips a bit, luxuriating in the crinkle and squish of her diaper.

The clearing by the cabin was filled with a gentle breeze that smelled of flowers. It was probably a good thing, as the only thing she and Miguel didn’t like too much was the smell. It might be a good idea to start wearing baby powder like Rose did.

Miguel pulled Aurora up against a tree and kissed her intensely. The squish of the diaper when he pinned her to the tree drew a long slow moan out of her. They made their way to the cabin by degrees, a kiss on the steps, a grope at the door, pressed tightly against each other at the stairs. They tumbled into bed together and Miguel was immediately on top of her, his heavy solid bulk pinning her down.

They tumbled on the bed together with the iron hardness of Miguel’s thigh pressing into the crotch of Aurora’s diaper. Waves of heat and electricity built up in her, flooding through her belly and sparking on her nipples. Miguel’s mouth found her aching nipples and the sparks became another wave that made its way up her neck and stormed through her brain.

Her fingernails drew lines down his back in an unconscious, animal gesture. She wanted to reach him, to kiss, to caress, and to grab his molded muscles. Every gesture fell apart when another wave spiraled out from his tongue, drilled deep into her nipple, and washed outward across her breasts and into her mind.

There was a brief respite where his tongue released her breasts, and his fingers gathered aside the soggy covering over her legs. Her legs wrapped tightly around him, trapping his hips against her crotch and diaper, his cock deep within her sex. Every thrust squished the diaper against her rear. Every slow withdrawal she could hear his lusty moans. Arching her back and squeezing her legs, she drove them both over the brink, shouting together until they collapsed in bed.

Sweaty cuddles and a slower warm trickle in her diaper made the afterglow bliss. Eventually though, the late summer heat pushed sweaty into unpleasantly sticky. Miguel rose to shower, Aurora declined for the moment. A little more diaper time, and then she’d have to go back to panties for a bit. No sense in getting a heat rash and spoiling the rest of the weekend.

The sound of water drummed from the bathroom and ended. Aurora waited for Miguel to roust her out of bed but was driven out of the sheets by the heat before he did. There was no sign of him in the bathroom, just that ugly leering statue. She didn’t remember it having its arms up, but she honestly hadn’t paid much attention to it. Smirking, she threw her diaper on it and climbed into the shower. A thumping noise from downstairs was probably Miguel getting a snack, he was always ravenous after sex.

It was good to be clean, and it was even good to be in some nice dry cotton panties. Denim shorts and a tank top completed her ultra-casual outfit. A bra had been considered, but Aurora decided to see Rose’s reaction to her girls swinging free, it’d be a good test for if topless sunbathing would be okay tomorrow.

There was no Miguel in the kitchen either. Unruffled, Aurora walked out to the sleeping porch out back. The smell of flowers was strong here, some lovely purple blossoms had popped up overnight. Aurora was about to seek Miguel elsewhere when she saw a door shrouded in vines at the end of the porch. Seeing the door slightly ajar made Aurora chuckle, Miguel couldn’t resist poking around in the maintenance bits of a building, even on their weekend off.

“Miguel?” She called as she opened the door. Old dry wood paneling along a hallway greeted her, along with a dusty floor covered in footprints. “Miguel honey, don’t get us in trouble okay?”

As soon as she was past the door the world… wobbled. There was no better way to describe it. It wasn’t an earthquake or explosion, and she didn’t feel dizzy. The passage in front of her had flexed.

Curiosity quickly gave way to fear, Aurora turned to find the door gone. She pushed the spot where it should be, but there was nothing at all. The dirty bulb on the ceiling flickered and the choice was clear, Aurora dashed down the hallway. Whatever was out there was better than finding it later by fumbling in the dark.

Around the corner was a scene that couldn’t be. A meadow, a pool, and a tight grove of trees surrounding it. Aurora should have been back in the kitchen from the turn she took, but instead she was wiggling her toes in a meadow less than twenty feet across. She looked up and saw light peeking through the canopy of the trees. The branches met in too neat a pattern, there were no real gaps.

“Hello?!” Aurora shouted, hearing her voice echo off the ‘grove’. “Miguel!? Charles!? Anybody?”

Nothing but echoes replied. Aurora shivered, and took a deep breath. Panicking was not going to help anything. A look back at the passage confirmed what she expected, the passage was gone now too. Whatever the weird rules of this place were, it seemed to actually have rules, and that was a start.

Scouting out the clearing made a few things clear. It wasn’t really a clearing, not that she thought it was, it was a room dressed up like a spot in the woods. The trees were too tight together to have grown that way, and even if there was a tiny gap, her hand slid away rather than going through. The grass was only skin deep, though it was rough stone below, not a wooden floor as Aurora had guessed.

Without much to do, she tried calling out a few more times, but that was as useless as before. Though she worried the pool might be a trap, the water smelled fine and was clear right down to the colored rocks at its bottom. She drank a lot, big gulps shoveled from the pool into her mouth. Sex and wetting and beer had her dry.

“Good, now we can start,” sad an unknown, deep voice.

Aurora jerked her head up and screamed.

The satyr from the statue was standing at the edge of the false clearing, terrifying in its half-human appearance. There was a level of verisimilitude in seeing a real monster that no level of computer graphics or special effects could capture. From the way his horns projected from his messy hair, to the thick wool on his legs, to the snout-like appearance of his mouth, everything was unmistakably real. The smell of goat was already permeating the room, but what really concerned Aurora was the powerful look of the satyr’s muscles, and the huge cock hanging loose between his legs.

“Go ahead and scream,” the satyr said, laughing. “You’re my toy for a while. Such unusual desires in you and your friends. It’s going to be interesting.”

“Please, let me go,” Aurora said. “We’ll leave right away, stop bothering you.”

“Why would I want that?” the satyr asked as he stalked toward Aurora, his hooves making a dull thud on the grass. “I love it when people come to this place. It gives me a chance to play.”

“No, please,” Aurora whimpered, “Don’t…” She trailed off, afraid if she verbalized her fear that it would happen.

“Don’t what?” the satyr asked. “Force myself on you? Oh no, I don’t do that. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lykon, and I am here to torment you, but only in ways you want. Filthy, perverse ways that you can’t admit even to yourself.”

“What are you talking about?” Aurora asked, shuffling away from Lykon.

“I’m here to make your nightmares come true, as much as my counterpart is here to make dreams come true. Whatever we do, however uncomfortable, has to come from your desires.” Lykon stretched, his muscles rippling.

Lykon took hold of a tree and pushed it, making it swing away to reveal a narrow opening bathed in bright cold light. There was only a moment of hesitation. Lykon obviously wanted her to go through the door, but it would get her away from his looming menace, and his invasive mind reading. She fled through the door and emerged blinking into fluorescent lights.

For the second time in an hour disorientation and shock made Aurora freeze. She recognized the place she was in very well. From the carefully beige walls, to the faux rich carpet, to the dated furniture it was the assisted living building she worked in. Even the all-pervasive smell of elderly person was there. An old couple were shuffling together, heads down, making their slow way to the dining room.

It had to be a dream, but Aurora couldn’t find a single flaw in what she was seeing. Unlike the grove there were hallways and doors everywhere. She was standing at her station in main reception and could even see cars driving by the glass doors at the front of the building.

“Aurora!” A sharp tone made her jump. Aurora turned to see Nigel, the executive director of the building standing by her in his trademark blue suit. Nigel said, “I’ve never seen you so out of uniform, this is unacceptable!”

“I’m sorry sir,” Aurora said. Nervousness and disorientation were making her stomach flip painfully. Below that she could feel the pressure mounting in her bladder. Miserable and uncomfortable, Aurora just wanted to escape. “I’ll go home and change right away!”

“Oh no, you’re not getting out of a write-up that easily.” Nigel said.

“I understand, I’m sorry,” Aurora said, a pleading tone in her voice. She crossed her legs to fight against the now-painful pressure. “Please, let me go home and I’ll be properly dressed.”

“Come to my office, we’re going to do the write-up first.” Nigel said.

Even the first step put Aurora’s control in danger. She whimpered. “I need to run to the restroom first.”

“You’ll say anything to try to get out of this won’t you?” Nigel shook his head. “Come to my office now.”

None of this could be happening, it had to be part of Lykon’s weird game. Even knowing that Aurora couldn’t shake the feeling that she was at work. That she was being chewed out by her boss’s boss. The fear of Nigel firing her was real, it’d be her fault that she and Miguel would lose their apartment. Aurora trembled and tried to follow Nigel. After five steps she felt a splash in her underwear. She bent over, desperately clamping down on her bladder.

 “Are you alright?” asked the building’s nurse. Vicki was dressed in her usual pantsuit, gray-blonde hair severely pulled back.

“I need to go to the bathroom–“ Aurora said. She let out a little wail as more pee escaped her and spread a damp patch across her panties and shorts both.

“Oh dear, you didn’t make it.” Vicki said. “Nigel, I don’t think we have an employee out of uniform problem.”

“No?” Nigel asked, coming back out of his office to stare at Aurora.

“I think she should be in the daycare center downstairs instead,” Vicki said.

“No I…” Aurora trailed off into a humiliated sob as the rest of her bladder gave way. Hot wet pee spread through the crotch of her shorts and soaked the inner thigh immediately. Little rivulets of it ran down her legs, some even burst from her crotch and dripped straight down onto the carpet.

Nigel and Vicki stared at her in pity and disgust. Aurora wanted to vanish, even being fired would be fine. The embarrassment was so acute she felt her legs wobble underneath her, and she fell to her knees on the spreading wet patch in the carpet.

“I think you’re right,” Nigel said.

“I’ll get her taken care of,” Vicki said. “She obviously isn’t ready for working yet, she needs remedial potty training.”

“Thanks for taking care of it,” Nigel said over his shoulder as he headed back to his office.

“No, no, I just need to go home and change,” Aurora said with soft little sobs.

“Not at all, we will get you cleaned up,” Vicki grabbed Aurora’s arm and pulled her up. “You can’t go out on the street covered in piss now can you?”

Aurora tried to answer but her mouth hung open as another wave of humiliation squeezed her chest.

“Of course not. You don’t want to show the whole world that you’re a little baby who can’t stop from peeing her pants,” Vicki said. She pulled Aurora along, her fake nails digging into Aurora’s arm. “We’ll get you trained up in no time. Soon you’ll be using the toilet like a big girl again.”

“No, please,” Aurora whispered. She couldn’t bring herself to struggle or pull away. Step after soggy uncomfortable step she followed Vicki into the basement where brightly painted walls greeted the employee’s children.

The place seemed out of kilter again, all the signs and murals were right, but the furniture seemed off. The kid’s chairs seemed too big, the toys enormous. Aurora’s heart thudded when she saw an adult size changing table set up in the middle of one of the play areas.

Daycare teachers, work-friends that Aurora and Miguel had gone drinking with, gathered around with concerned looks. Vicki introduced Aurora as an employee admitted for remedial training. Tears streamed down Aurora’s cheeks as her co-workers stripped her naked, chuckling about how much the baby had peed.

Several sets of hands pushed Aurora gently up onto the changing table. As she lay down, trembling with embarrassment, something inside Aurora snapped. She wailed like a baby until one of the daycare teachers put a stuffed elephant in her arms. Hiccupping and sniffling, she lay quietly on the table while one of the teachers stroked her hair. Everyone seemed to want to be involved, she was surrounded like she was on an operating table.

Being wiped down and cleaned lit a fire in Aurora’s belly. She moaned shamelessly when lotion was spread across her butt and crotch. One of the teachers was stroking Aurora’s chest gently, cooing at her. Aurora shivered and squirmed, only to be held down and a diaper firmly slid under her rear.

It wasn’t a Tena, or any other innocuous looking adult diaper. It was huge, and fluffy. The whole diaper was pink, decorated with purple kitties and hearts. Her cheeks colored as the teachers secured the diaper on her. They pulled her arms up and slipped a frilly yellow shirt over her top.

Aurora climbed down from the changing table, clutching the stuffed elephant. Everyone was staring. Humiliation warred with the heat that was building in her belly. It wasn’t a desire for sex, just a general warmth. A flush that filled her with confusing excitement. It was still horribly embarrassing; she hunched over and bowed her head to avoid the stares of her co-workers. At the same time she could feel excited, tingly, her limbs were jangling with energy.

When the teachers lead her over to the nap area she found other adult babies, boys and girls both, diapered and curled up on blankets. As they set her down for her nap she squeezed the elephant tightly, squirming on the blanket in muddled ecstasy.

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