“Wake up Keeley.”

Someone was shaking her. Rude. Keeley yawned and grumbled.

“Go away.”

“Come on baby girl, wake up.” That sounded like Vidette.

Keeley opened her eyes, frowning as her memories filtered in. Her friends had decided to play some insane game that had ended up with her in a playpen – and a diaper. At least she’d gotten to see her old stuffie Gordo. Sadly  playing with him wasn’t the same as it had been when she was a kid.

With nothing better to do, she’d fallen asleep in the playpen while her friends cooked Brunch – oh, there was probably food now. Keeley sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It smelled like bacon, eggs, ham, and other good stuff. Did that mean that one of her friends actually knew how to cook? They wouldn’t have let a caterer in the house while she was dressed like a baby, would they?

“Goodness, you were out like a light.” Vidette was still way too excited about this whole thing. She rubbed Keeley’s face with a damp washcloth that smelled faintly of butter.

“What was that for?”

“You were drooling, baby. Come on, we’ve got food all ready for you.”

The playpen had a trampoline-like floor suspended a couple of inches over the carpet. Keeley got to her feet unsteadily, leaning on Vidette. Still waking up, it took her a moment to spot the new piece of furniture in the kitchen.

“A high-chair, really?” Keeley said, though she didn’t stop Vidette from leading her over to it.

“Of course, can’t have you falling out of your chair during meals.” Dominika said.

Keeley shook her head and climbed into the chair. It was dumb, but a big step down from the diaper in terms of embarrassment. Vidette set the tray in position and reached under to close some kind of latch. While scoping out the brunch table in an effort to ignore Vidette’s shenanigans, Keeley was caught off guard by a pair of fingers slipping under the crotch of her diaper.

“Woah, hey!”

“Still dry!” Vidette announced. “Great job. I’ll check you again after brunch.”

Keeley rolled her eyes. She was not going to use her diapers. They’d tricked her with something in her mimosa earlier, but that didn’t mean she was going to keep wetting herself. It might be impossible to get them to give up on their stupid game completely, but there were limits.

Of course she wasn’t allowed to use anything but her hands to eat brunch. Not that it really mattered, a lot of it was finger food anyway. Keeley concentrated on enjoying the plate of fruit, bacon, and frittata that Vidette had made up for her. She ignored the baby-bottle full of water. Drinking a whole bottle before her nap had been plenty. The food was surprisingly good, especially since it seemed like her friends had actually cooked it. Keeley’s cooking skills stopped at popcorn, unless you counted choosing between food delivery and catering services.

Being a ‘baby’ had one advantage. After brunch Keeley was put back in her playpen rather than having to help clean up. She listened in amusement to her friends softly arguing about how to prep the plates for the dishwasher. Apparently they weren’t quite as practiced at dishwashing as they were at cooking.

Her friends bickering was the perfect cover to sneak over the stretchy wall of the playpen and head down the hall. The bottle of water she’d drunk before brunch was on its way out and Keeley wasn’t interested in wearing it. If she could quietly use the bathroom and get back in the playpen before her friends were done cleaning, she’d have hours to figure out how to convince them to dial back their game.

It was the perfect plan, worthy of Keeley’s genius. Unfortunately, even really good plans had problems with mice. Or something like that. Keeley hadn’t paid much attention in English class. School-stuff aside, Keeley’s plan had run afoul of the fact that the bathroom door was locked.

Frowning, Keeley rattled the doorknob. Since when did bathroom doors even lock from the outside? She was about to check further down the hall to see if the master bedroom had an attached bath when a voice behind her made her jump.

“What’cha doing?” Dominika asked.

“And here I argued that we wouldn’t have to do this because Keeley would keep her word once she agreed to something.” Vidette said with a sigh.

“I told you, it’s going to take some discipline to get her behaving.” Dominika said.

“I’m not going to pee in these!” Keeley said, stamping her foot. “It’s gross and it’s stupid. I’ll play your stupid baby game but I’m not doing that!”

“Keeley.” Dominika shook her head. “You know you’re in trouble, right? Vidette, help me grab her.”

Despite an attempt to dodge, Keeley was quickly pinned to the wall with one friend grabbing each arm. Her struggles were useless, the most she could do is keep herself from falling over as she was marched back to the changing room.

One more bout of thrashing kept her away from the dreaded table for a few moments. Her friends hung on with ease. Maybe she should have joined them when they started working out.

Already tired from struggling, Keeley found herself bent over the changing table with her arms stretched out to each end. Both wrists were secured, one by a wrist-cuff and the other by a leg cuff. The table apparently had leg cuffs attached in addition to the ones that came down on the pully.

It was a stupid-kinky piece of furniture, Keeley thought with a hysterical giggle. Where had they even had it made? How had they described it?

Dominika unsnapped Keeley’s onesie and pulled her diaper down to her thighs. Keeley whimpered, pleading with her best puppy-dog eyes at Vidette.

“Oh honey, I don’t want you to get spanked either.” Vidette said, stroking Keeley’s head. “But we were super clear on our rules and now we have to follow up.”

“No please don’t!” Keeley ended her sentence with a yelp as Dominika’s hand landed on her rear.

It wasn’t just a couple of smacks this time. Keeley got a half-dozen slaps on each cheek before she lost count. Dominika wasn’t hitting super hard, no individual slap was going to leave a mark at least, but they just kept coming. Stinging warmth was spreading across Keeley’s cheeks, while tears dripped onto the changing table.

A final pair of harder slaps on her rear signaled Dominika taking a break. Keeley rested her head on the changing table’s padding. Her whimpers had become soft sobs. As much as she should be just as mad at Vidette as she was at Dominika, it was hard to be upset with Vi when she gently wiped Keeley’s snotty nose and her tears with a soft cloth.

“Please don’t let her hit me any more.” Keeley whimpered at Vidette.

“Aww baby, it’s going to be okay.” Vidette said, patting Keeley’s head.

“Do you think she’s had enough?” Vidette asked Dominika.

“I doubt it.” Dominika said. “I should give her twenty more, at least.”

Keeley whimpered. “No please.”

“She seems really sorry.” Vidette said. “I think that’s enough for now. It was a mistake, wasn’t it Keeley?”

“Yes.” Keeley nodded vigorously.

“Can you tell Dominika that you’re sorry?” Vidette asked.

“I’m s-sorry Dominika.” Keeley said.

She was sorry too. Sorry that she’d gone for the bathroom instead of her phone. Her parents were out of town but she could get a hold of Zach. He could be here in an hour and put an end to this madness.

“Hmmm, I don’t know.” Dominika said, rubbing Keeley’s butt hard enough to make the girl flinch.

“I believe her. I think we should give her another chance.” Vidette said.

“Fine.” Dominika sighed. She pulled Keeley’s diaper back up and snapped the onesie up. “But you better behave.”

Vidette gently released the cuffs and helped Keely stand up. “I’m sure she will. Won’t you, baby?”

“Y-yeah.” Keeley nodded.

“Great!” Vidette smiled. “I think it’s naptime. I know you just had one, but I bet you could use another one, huh baby?”

Keeley nodded. She was a little emotionally exhausted and was sure she looked it. She let her friends take her back to the playpen and tuck her into the blankets. As tired as she was, even snuggled up to Gordo and pretending to breathe slowly, she refused to fall asleep.

Little sounds in the kitchen accompanied the end of brunch cleanup. Dominika and Vidette were talking softly, then more loudly as they bought Keeley’s ruse. It wasn’t about their plans for the game. They were just catching up on each other’s jobs and lives.

Keeley continued to breathe softly and shift under the blankets every few minutes. If she knew her friends, she had a chance soon. She’d counted at least four more mimosas for each of them at brunch. Any minute they’d be yawning.

“This game is a lot of work.” Dominika said, with a huge yawn.

“Way more fun than I expected though.” Vidette said through an answering yawn.

Keeley kept her jaw locked to avoid joining the yawns. She considered adding a soft snore but decided that would be too much. It wasn’t worth the risk when her moment had nearly arrived.

“You think it’s safe to nap?” Dominika said.

“She is out cold again.” Vidette said. “She didn’t really sleep last night, I’m sure we can take a power nap. Just set an alarm.”

“Yeah, okay.” Dominika yawned again.

Vidette yawned as well, then laughed. “Yeah, let’s get a cat nap in or we’ll be exhausted when she wakes up. Gotta sleep when the baby does, right?”

“Haha, exactly.”

It took a seeming eternity for the girls to finally get off the couches and wander off to their bedrooms. Even after they had, Keeley waited. She wouldn’t put it past those tricky b-words to be waiting at the hallway entrance to catch her faking.

Eventually her patience wore out. Keeley peeked out from under the blankets carefully. No sign of her friends. She ventured a little movement, rolling over to the playpen wall to peer through the mesh. Still nothing.

Standing up very carefully revealed an empty living room and a silent beach house. As carefully as sneaking into her mom’s room at night for a credit-card, Keeley stepped out of the playpen and rummaged through Vidette’s purse.

Past the makeup, Cliff Bars, and inside a hidden zipper pocket was her phone! Keeley showed it her face and it flashed open. There were notifications from Zach and the last one was even recent. She was saved!

Thumbing the text messages open, Keeley started typing a plea for help right away. She had finished ‘Zach you have to come get me at Dominika’s beach house’ and was trying to figure out how to explain what was happening. While she pondered, another message came in from Zach.

It was a picture of a plastic bag full of brown powder. Keeley shuddered. Why would he even send her that? She’d tried smack exactly once and it had been a literal nightmare. Sicker than she’d ever been, Keely had woken up with a day missing from her memory and a disturbing amount of clothes gone. Zach assured her that nothing bad had happened but even if he was telling the truth, the stuff she did remember was bad enough.

Scrolling up through the messages she found more pictures. A bag of white powder. Shots of a massive bar in somebody’s house. Memes about how wasted they were going to be. Interspersed between the pictures were boasts about how great the weekend was going to be, and pleas for her to text back so she could ‘get in on this’.

Keeley’s stomach churned. Her eyes teared up. She bit her lip to hold back the tears but it didn’t work. The cry she’d had after Dominika spanked her felt like nothing now. There was an icky ball of emotions in her stomach.

Five times she crafted a text to send to Zach. Just as many times she erased the message. Zach wasn’t going to care about anything but getting coked out of his mind right now. Keeley held her phone with trembling hands until she heard a pair of alarms faintly down the hall.

Wiping her eyes, she waited for her friends to come out to the living room. They were pretty quick about it, it wasn’t five minutes after the alarms that they appeared in the hallway. As messed up as their game was, it was kind of heartwarming how diligent they were at checking on her.

“What the hell is going on?!” Dominika said, hands on her hips.

“Just wait a minute!” Keeley shouted.

There was more emotion behind it than she expected, and enough volume to make her words echo off the sparsely decorated walls. Dominika and Vidette both paused in surprise.

“Just – just listen to me.” Keeley said. “I could fight you, this whole time. I’m mad at you for this stupid game and I could make it not fun for anybody.”

“But?” Vidette ventured.

“But… maybe if it wasn’t so intense… maybe I would play along.” Keeley said. “If I got to have some say in the rules.”

“Why should we trust you? You literally break the rules every time our back is turned.” Dominika said, folding her arms over her chest.

“Did you message Zach?” Vidette asked. She didn’t sound upset. There was tender concern in her voice that threatened to start Keeley crying again.

“No.” Keeley said. “He – sent me a bunch of messages. His weekend is um, getting wild.”

Dominika’s stern face relaxed. She sighed. “That guy is total trash. Come on Keeley, you’re way better than that.”

Focusing on the carpet so she wouldn’t have to meet Dominika’s gaze, Keeley pushed Zach out of her mind.

“So uh, what about we still um – play, but it’s not so hardcore?”

“What do you have in mind?” Vidette asked.

“I don’t want to use diapers.” Keeley said, pressing her legs together. If this conversation didn’t end soon she was going to do it at least once.

“That one isn’t negotiable.” Dominika said. “It’s one of our… shit, you never took business classes. Look, there are these things in negotiations called red lines. It’s stuff that one side can’t or won’t give up. That’s one of our red lines.”

“Well then… one of my red lines is that I’m not going to – you know, use them for the other thing.”

“We already told you that you didn’t have to, hon.” Vidette said.

“But you have to make sure that I don’t!” Keeley said. “I can’t do that, it’s too gross. So if you’re going to be taking care of me, you have to actually take care.”

“Heh.” Dominika shrugged, then nodded.

“Yeah, we can do that.” Vidette said. She stepped out of the hallway and sat down on the coffee table in front of Keeley. “That’s a big part of the point of this game. Taking care of you.”

“Okay and uh, I don’t want to be treated like a baby.” Keeley said.

“Hon, that’s the game.” Dominika said, standing next to Vidette.

“I mean, not like a baby-baby.” Keeley sighed. “Uh, two year olds still wear diapers. But they get to do more stuff than babies.”

Vidette raised her brows and looked up at Dominika. She got a shrug in response.

“Okay, I think we could work with that. So uh, what kind of stuff do you want to be able to do?”

“I want to be able to use a fork and stuff when I’m eating. Um – and I don’t want to drink from a baby bottle. I want to be able to have input in the stuff we do while we’re playing. Oh, and I want to pick what I wear.”

“That sounds okay, with some caveats.” Vidette said. “Like, helping pick your clothes is fine but it’ll be from choices we give you.”

“Okay I guess.” Keeley said, wincing and pressing her legs together more tightly.

“I think it’s fine for you to ask to do things, but if we give you kid-stuff to do, then you have to do it. Like if we need to go do something and we give you a coloring book, you color in it instead of wandering off.” Dominika said.

Keeley nodded. That was an easy one. She used adult coloring books for relaxation at home anyway.

“We need to add some stuff on too then, if you’re going to be a little more independent. You can wander around the house if we haven’t put you in your playpen or to bed, but you can’t go outside, okay?” Vidette said.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Keeley said. She wasn’t in a big rush to go outside in a diaper, even if the beach house was secluded.

“Also, you were faking being asleep, huh?” Vidette asked.

“Yes.” Keeley didn’t see any point in denying it.

“Okay, no more of that. Same as with the kiddie play-time, if we put you down for a nap you stay where we put you.” Vidette said.

“I can do that.” Keeley said. It sounded like she was going to get a lot of sleep in the next couple of days. Honestly, the idea was appealing. There had been way too much drama lately with friends way before this game started.

“When we tell you to do something, you have to do it, or get punished by a spanking.” Dominika said. When Keeley frowned, Dominika added, “If you don’t fight the spanking I won’t make them hard like the last one. Plus, if you’re a good girl you won’t get spanked at all.”

Keeley sighed deeply. “Fine. Are you going to spank me now?”

“I think this is kind of a reset on the game, what do you think Nika?” Vidette asked.

“I guess so.” Dominika rolled her eyes, though she smiled after. “Oh and I didn’t say earlier but you still have to use the high chair. I can budge on the bottle but you have to use a sippy-cup.”

“You have one of those too?” Keeley chuckled. “You girls went nuts buying stuff.”

“Wait until you see the rest of it.” Vidette said, bouncing excitedly.

“So uh, are we okay?” Keeley asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” Dominika said.

“Yes sweetie, I think we have it worked out.” Vidette said.

“Um, then maybe since this is a reset I could use the bathroom just once before we start again?” Keeley asked, squirming on the couch.

“No way.” Dominika said. “You might as well get used to it now anyway.”

“Don’t worry baby, we’ll take care of your little accidents.” Vidette said.

Despite her caring tone it was super embarrassing. Doubly so when she patted Keeley’s cheek. Keeley pressed a hand to the crotch of her diaper and whimpered.

“I can’t, I just can’t do it.”

“Sure you can, just relax hon.” Vidette stroked Keeley’s cheek and neck.

“You’ll be used to it in no time.” Dominika said, firmly pulling Keeley’s hand out from between her legs.

She was NEVER going to get used to it. Keeley was sure of that. There really wasn’t a way out though. Technically she had negotiated this with her weirdo friends. A massive shudder ran down Keeley’s body. A blush blossomed on her cheeks as wet bloomed in her diaper. It was hot just like last time but more contained.

Instead of the instant clammy feeling of wet panties and tights there was a spreading warmth around her crotch and rear. Tears sprung into Keeley’s eyes and were gently wiped away from Vidette.

“Good job baby, there’s our good girl.” Vidette cooed. It was dumb, but Keeley found herself enjoying the praise despite the situation.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Dominika said. It wasn’t really a question.

Keeley’s heart pounded while her diaper filled. As her body finished the diaper’s absorption caught up to her ‘accident’. The soaking feeling was replaced with a sort of wet squishiness.

It was oddly comfortable, Keeley thought. Immediately she shied away from that thought. Of course it wasn’t comfortable, she was sitting in her own pee.

“I think we better get our little girl changed.” Vidette said. “Are you going to be a good girl and let us change you?”

Keeley nodded. Not that she wanted to be in a diaper, but a clean one was a hell of a lot better than a wet one.

“In that case I’ve got this one unless you want to come along, Nika.” Vidette said.

“Knock yourself out.” Dominika said. “I’ll finish setting up her bedroom.”

“What’s going on with my bedroom?” Keeley asked while Vidette lead her by the hand to the changing room.

“Just some upgrades to match the game.” Vidette said.

“You bought more baby stuff?” Keeley laughed, obediently climbing up on the changing table.

“We spared no expense for our baby-Keeley!” Vidette said.

When Vidette popped the snaps of the onesie open, Keeley felt her diaper sag and shift. She didn’t have long to focus on that odd sensation before Vidette had the onesie pushed up and was stroking Keeley’s belly.

“You girls are so weird.”

“We are having the time of our life.” Vidette said. “I think you’ll have fun too now that you’re playing along.”

“Yeah right.” Keeley rejected the thought out of hand. Enjoying being a baby would be way too weird. She was just going to think of it as a really bizarre rehab retreat. At least she didn’t have to eat cockroaches like they did on that ‘spirit journey’ in Arizona that Vidette had booked.

Still, she sighed in relief when Vidette pulled her wet diaper away and wiped her down. This time she applied some kind of lotion before the powder went on. It was soothing, as was the vanilla scent of the powder. Keeley yawned.

“Sleepy? You should have taken your nap when you were supposed to.” Vidette teased.

“I can nap whenever I want to.” Keeley asserted cheekily.

“Not if you’re a toddler you can’t.” Vidette wrapped a new diaper snugly around Keeley and taped it up. Smiling at her handiwork, she patted Keeley’s crotch. “You have a defined naptime and you skipped it. If you get fussy later it’s your own fault.”

“I am not going to get fussy.” Keeley pouted.

“You’re a little fussy right now missy.” Vidette said. “Do you want to see the pretty outfits we got for our girl?”

New clothes, even kiddie-ones, were always a plus. It’d mean getting out of the embarrassing onesie too. Keeley nodded. “Yeah, let me see.”

Vidette chuckled. “I’m not going to bring them in here. You’re a big girl, you can walk with me.”

Blushing, Keeley let Vidette take her hand and followed her friend’s lead. To her surprise, their destination was her bedroom. If you could still call it her bedroom. The bed itself was gone. In its place was a massive, adult-sized crib. The front side of the crib was down, and looked like it could be locked when pulled upright.

Her nightstand was gone too, replaced with a primary-colored set of plastic drawers. On further investigation her suitcase was gone too. Not that they would have let her wear anything in it anyway. The closet was open and sported an assortment of pink, white, and purple little-girl’s dresses. Everything looked to be Keeley’s size. She was sure it was. Hopefully her name hadn’t been mentioned to whoever made the clothes, just her measurements.

“When did you – you changed the whole room!” Keeley stumbled in the last couple of steps, pulled out of her shocked stop by Vidette.

“Vi handled most of the brunch cooking, I was working on this.” Dominika said. “It was kind of loud but you were crashed out.”

“It’s handy you’re such a good sleeper.” Vidette said.

Keeley blushed. She tried to let go of Vidette’s hand but Vi didn’t let go. “I really have to sleep in that?”

“We just talked about this.” Vidette said. “You’re a big girl, remember? You can sleep in your own room, you don’t need your crib in my room or Nika’s.”

Keeley squirmed. Dominika was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. They were having way, way too much fun with this. If all her questions were going to end in teasing, maybe she should ask less of them.

“Anyway, we’re here to get Keeley dressed. You want to pick two outfits, Nika, I’ll pick two, and Keeley can choose one?”

Dominika nodded and put down the screwdriver she’d been using on the crib. Vidette sat Keeley on the floor and made for the closet. In short order Keeley had four outfits spread out in front of her.

Dominika had chosen two dresses, one of them was a pink Disney-princess-print smock made of soft cotton. It looked comfortable but short. The other was a white satin and lace thing with a poofy skirt. It looked like something kids would wear to church on Easter.

Vidette had chosen a dress too, a faux-designer black and white checked dress. Double faux, since it was a sized up kid’s dress. Faux-faux. Keeley managed to stifle her giggle but couldn’t quite conceal a smile. The last outfit was a pair of green shorts with a drawstring and a sleeveless white blouse with flowers printed on it. The arm holes were ruffly.

None of the outfits offered much in the way of dignity. Keeley decided to weigh them on comfort. Technically the pink dress would be the most comfortable, but it looked like it wouldn’t hide her diaper. Making her diaper less obvious was a big part of comfort.

“I want this one.” Keeley said, touching the shorts and blouse combo.

“Good choice!” Vidette said, flashing a grin at Dominika.

Dominika responded with a friendly glare. As if the game wasn’t enough, they were being competitive about it. Keeley rolled her eyes at her weird friends while they stripped her onesie off. It was weird to be dressed but at least they let her stand for it. Vidette kneeled to tie the drawstring on the shorts and pronounced her done.

“The outfit looks good on you.” Dominika conceded. “Okay Keeley, we have some play-time before our afternoon plans. What would you like to do?”

Despite being deeply, nervously curious about the afternoon plans, Keeley pushed her curiosity aside. They weren’t likely to answer her anyway.

“Can we watch a movie or something?”

“I think there’s time for a movie.” Dominika said. “Let’s see what Disney Kids has.”

Walking to the living room with her friends and not having to hold their hands felt like a victory. That was a sad commentary on the state of the vacation if she’d ever heard one. It wasn’t all bad, she supposed. There were a couple of Disney movies out that she hadn’t had a chance to see yet. Normally her friends wouldn’t go to those with her.

There was a fun make-believe aspect that was creeping in as well. Keeley wouldn’t admit it to her friends, but the outfit wasn’t bad if she thought of it as a costume. Sitting with one of her friends snuggled up to each side was comforting too. Even the sippy cup, embarrassing as it was, was full of sweet apple juice that hit the spot.

While Dominika browsed the movies with a bowl of popcorn in her lap, Keeley realized there was just one thing she needed to make the movie perfect. The only problem was she was wedged between her friends. She’d have to ask to get up or ask them to get it for her. Either way she’d have to admit that she was playing along with their dumb game.

Maybe that would be okay. Keeley considered. She could cooperate now, get something she wanted, and maybe get another embarrassing restriction off later for good behavior. It seemed like a good plan, but it still took some time for her to work up the courage to ask.

“Um, Vi?” Keeley asked hesitantely.

“Yes sweetie?”

“Can uh – can you get Gordo for me?”

“Of course I can.” Vidette beamed.

Dominika was grinning too. Keeley blushed and smiled a little. It was just as embarrassing as she’d expected, but it looked like it had the effect on her friends that she’d hoped for as well.

Holding Gordo tight to her chest, Keeley spotted one of the movies she wanted to see. “I want to see Turning Red!”

“I’d rather watch Encanto.” Dominika said. “It has way better reviews.”

Keeley pouted. She was about to protest, but realized that she’d just get teased for being a fussy kid. On the other hand, they had been teasing her about that all day anyway. She might as well get some milage out of it.

“I want to watch Turning Red. I’ve already seen Encanto.” Keeley whined.

Dominika looked over at Keeley and frowned.

“Nika, Keeley suggested watching a movie, why don’t we let her pick?” Vidette said.

Dominika shook her head and smiled wryly. “Alright, I guess we should let the kid choose.”

“I win!” Keeley crowed, giggling.

She got some laughs and her hair ruffled for that, but nothing more. As the opening credits rolled for Turning Red, gears were turning in Keeley’s mind. Maybe there was a way to power-bottom this whole baby game.

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