Over the course of the last year, I’ve been publishing around 50,000 words per month. While I’m glad I did that, the pace turned out to not be sustainable for more than a year. For those who don’t have good context for word counts, that was me doing the NANOWRIMO challenge every month, or publishing a short novel every month – and I was writing more on top of that as well.

Going forward, I’ll be publishing a story every week. Some of those stories will be free to read for anyone after a 2 week early access delay, others will stay in the vault as Patreon Exclusives, as my Wednesday stories used to do.

Thursday will become my publishing day, and while I might occasionally post more than once per week, one chapter each Thursday is the commitment I’m currently making.

I’m excited to tell more stories this coming year in a way that doesn’t burn me out, because I have lots of them to share with all my awesome readers. ❤️

  • Sol

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