Dramatis Personae

  • Fanny O’Flogger                    A Mommy
  • Dotty McGee                          A Heroine
  • Charles Chadwick                  A Hero
  • Hoi Polloi                               An Orderly
  • Violet                                      A Nurse
  • Lesbiab                                   A Middle
  • Dr. Vanessa Magnusson       A Rival Mommy
  • Tammy                                   A Test Subject
  • Elsie                                        An Ex-Delivery Girl
  • Betty Beige                             An Expert

Scene 1 – Introduction / Dotty Potty

Presenting a science fiction, ABDL story of danger, daring, and wet pants.

From the desk of Betty Beige, MSCCJ, ABDU Criminal Justice Department, Ardenthill:

What you read in this report may shock and titillate you. Contained within is the story of a hapless couple, Dotty McGee and Charles Chadwick, as they traveled from their home in Ardenthill to take a vacation in Maine.

Somewhere along the way, their vacation was derailed in an area with no cellular service or GPS coverage. Though they and other witnesses were able to give detailed descriptions of the area and building where they had their encounter, investigators found no trace of the place they described.

Due to the strange nature of this incident, it is best to follow the story as it was experienced by our principle witnesses. Without further ado, I invite you to join our Heroine and Hero, already lost on their journey. The road is rough, and their tiny Fiat is unequal to the task…

Dotty had crossed her legs for the past hour of driving. Now, she’d given up all pretense and was pressing her palm against her crotch to stave off an accident. Worst of all, the road around them was nothing but scrub fields and sparse woods. There hadn’t been a sign of human habitation for miles.

It was nice of Dr. Magnusson to lend them the use of her cabin, but Charles shouldn’t have listened to her about her “shortcut”. When she’d checked the map on her phone, there had been a perfectly good route up the coast.

“I don’t understand why we couldn’t have stopped at any of the last three gas stations!” Dotty said in distress.

“We have a ferry to catch in Rockland,” Charles said. “If we miss it, not only do we miss our first day at the cabin, but we don’t have the luggage we shipped ahead of us.”

“It doesn’t take long to pee!”

“It does if we stop at every gas station on the way. Come on, Dotty Potty, we agreed we’d make this trip fast when we woke up late this morning.”

“I told you not to call me that.” Dotty glared at Charles.

Surely, he had to go as well. They’d both drunk a full water bottle at least, thanks to the excessive salt in the trail mix her mom had made. His square jawed face showed no ruffle of distress, which only made Dotty’s frustration worse.

“Whenever time we take a trip you have to stop every five miles to use the restroom. You claim you can’t hold it, but you’ve been doing great today and we’re flying along!”

“I’m about to pee my pants! Promise me we’ll stop at the next gas station, or you’ll have to clean my seat.”

Charles rolled his eyes. The car rumbled over a bump, weakening Dotty’s wavering control and loosing a splash of urine into her panties. She managed to hold back the flood, but the pressure had officially become pain.

Her only consolation was that Charles had winced when the car had lurched. It’d serve him right if he ended up with wet pants because of his insane ban on all stops. The car began shaking in earnest, forcing Dotty to bite her lip to hold back an accident.

“Oh no, I think we have a flat.” Charles gripped his short, dark hair in distress.

Dotty hardly had time to be horrified by that information when the car hit what felt like a tremendous pothole. The resulting bounce obliterated Dotty’s fragile control. Hot pee gushed out of her, soaking her shorts and the car seat alike.

“Damn this road!” Charles said, grimacing.

“The road?! Damn this whole crazy ‘shortcut’ of yours, and your stupid no stops rule. You made me wet myself!”

“Most people can hold it for more than a couple of hours, Dotty Potty.” Charles climbed out of the car to inspect the driver’s side front wheel.

“I don’t know why I put up with you when you’re so mean to me!” Dotty scrambled out of her seat and rounded the car. If Charles thought he could escape being chewed out, he was badly mistaken.

At first blush, Charles looked like he was crouched down to take a close look at the wheel. There wasn’t a lot of question about what was wrong. The tire wasn’t just flat, it had partially detached from the rim. Gearing up to continue her tirade, Dotty realized Charles had a hand pressing against his crotch.

“You DO have to go! I knew it!”

“I’ll just go behind a bush.”

“Oh no you don’t!” Dotty caught Charles as he was rising, grabbing his hands.

They struggled playfully, stumbling across the pitted road. Charles missed a step at the edge of the road and fell back on the grass, pulling Dotty with him. In the silence following their impact, Dotty heard a faint splashing noise.

“Hah! You’re a potty pants too! Now you can’t be mean to me anymore.”

“I’m never mean.”

“I can’t wait to hear how you justify that.”

“It’s because – Dotty, Potty, I love you.”

“You idiot.” Dotty banged a fist on Charles’ shoulder. “Doesn’t it bother you that I’m always running to the potty?”

“Of course it doesn’t. We’ve been dating for how long? We’re engaged now too.”

Charles sighed. “Besides, you got me good this time. I’m sorry I didn’t stop. I didn’t want us to miss our ferry, and now we have.”

“You don’t think we can make it?”

“Well clearly we didn’t make it.” Charles pointed ruefully at the sopping crotch of his pants.

“I meant the ferry, you goober.”

Charles smirked. “I know. There’s no way we make it. The spare has no chance on this torn up road. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know how far we’ll have to walk to find a cell signal.”

“Maybe there’s a farm house or something nearby. If they have Wi-Fi, we can make a call that way.”

“Even if there is, by the time roadside assistance gets here, the ferry will be gone.” Charles stood up and brushed grass off his butt. He held a hand out for Dotty. She took it and stood.

They were quite a pair. Dotty in her drenched tan shorts, and her white blouse grass-stained. Charles’ jeans were wet down his legs. As big as the spot was, his red button-up was likely wet where it was tucked in, too.

“You’re a gross potty pants.” Dotty giggled.

“You’d be so mad at me if I called you that.” Charles grabbed Dotty, pinning her against the car.

“Everyone’s always making fun of me for my potty issues. It’s only fair I get this once chance.”

“I never make fun of you. Your definition of fair is as nutty as you are.”

Charles came in for a kiss. Dottie closed her eyes, thrilling at the feeling of being pinned against the car. Honestly, her wet shorts were equally thrilling. That was something she’d never told anyone, even Charles.

That he’d had an accident too gave her a bit of courage to bring up her weird turn-on. She could couch it as a joke, and see what his reaction was. Unfortunately, as soon as the kiss ended, Charles looked over her head in surprise.

“Dotty, there is a farmhouse! Well, not a farmhouse, it looks a too big for that, and there’s no outbuildings.”

“It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as they have Wi-Fi.”

“You’re right about that, let’s go check it out!”

“But – our pants.”

“We’ll just tell them that we fell in a puddle trying to fix the tire.”

“Nobody believes stories like that. It’s obvious it’s a potty accident.”

“Then we get briefly embarrassed and never see those people again.”

“I can’t believe you shipped our luggage. I could have a change of pants if my suitcase was in the car.”

“It was ship the luggage or ship our food, the Fiat can’t hold a week’s worth of both. We wanted our snacks on the trip.”

He was right, meaning that all Dotty could do was huff at him in irritation. It wasn’t as if she could be expected to be completely reasonable while standing in soaked shorts, with her accident drying sticky on her legs.

Charles took her hand, trudging down the road to the driveway entrance ahead. Dotty stumped along, wrinkling her nose at the way her shorts chafed. The building Charles had spotted was big, three stories tall and broad besides. It seemed oddly put together, the windows were unevenly placed and the wings of the building bent off at two different angles.

The driveway was long, easily a half mile or more. It was purely a dirt affair, riddled with potholes. Despite that, there were a dozen expensive cars parked on the lawn out front. The paint on those beauties was pristine, with no sign of dust from the dirt drive.

Feeling more nervous about the odd house or whatever it was all the time, Dotty hung back as they approached the front door. The antebellum style porch creaked alarmingly under their feet.

“We don’t even have to go inside. If they have Wi-Fi, we can get the password, make a call, and go back to the car.”

Dotty nodded. “That might be best. Something about this place is creepy.”

Confidently, as if he didn’t have a big wet patch on his crotch, Charles knocked on the door. There was no response. After some searching, he found a button and pressed it. There was no bell that Dotty could hear in response. Finally, Charles tried the door knocker. It was heavy brass, and was shaped like a pacifier, for some strange reason.

Shortly after Charles used the knocker, the door opened. A dour looking man wearing grey scrubs answered it. He had tufts of gray hair growing straight out of his head over his ears, but was otherwise bald. A name tag on his scrubs read, “Hoi Polloi”. Dotty hoped that was a joke.

Hoi Polloi stared at Charles and Dotty silently. They coughed in the awkward silence. With a shrug, Charles extended his hand.

“Hi! I’m Charles Chadwick, this is my Fiancé Dotty McGee. We had a bad flat tire over there on the road, and we just need to use your Wi-Fi to make a call.”

Hoi Polloi blinked slowly. His eyes traveled down to Charles’ and Dotty’s waists. In a scornful tone he said, “You’re wet.”

Dotty and Charles responded anxiously in unison, beginning with, “Well that’s because…”

“we fell in a puddle trying to change the tire,” Charles said.

“it’s a long way from the last gas station and the road was bumpy.” Dotty said.

They looked at each other, frowning.

“Be that as it may…” Hoi Polloi said, “I think you’d better both come inside.”

“Great! We won’t have to stay long.” Charles followed the orderly in, pulling Dotty behind him.

“You do have Wi-Fi, right?” Dotty asked, giving Charles a glare. He was way too blasé about waltzing into the weird man’s building.

Scene 2 – Little Space 

Betty Beige: Supplemental Narration

It was at this point that Charles and Dotty thought their luck had turned for the better. But as we shall see, Dotty’s reservations were not without merit. Like Cassandra of Greek Myth, she was doomed to have her concerns dismissed.

The interior of the building was saccharine to the point of disbelief. Nothing was white or natural wood color. Every surface had been painted in soft pastels. What little furniture was in the front hall, a lamp, a chair, and a grandfather clock, were painted in primary colors.

The sounds of music and laughter drifted down the building’s main hallway. Dotty stuck close to Charles. She couldn’t figure out what the building was for, but whatever it was, it was weird.

“Are you having a party?” Dotty asked Hoi Polloi.

“You’ve come on a very fun day. It’s one of Mommy’s big events.”

Mommy? Dotty couldn’t keep a look of concern off her face. If Hoi Polloi noticed, he didn’t react.

“We don’t want to interrupt. If you let us on your Wi-Fi really quick, we’ll make a call and be out of here.” Charles said.

“Yes indeed, you’re very lucky.” Hoi Polloi said, as if he hadn’t heard.

“Such lucky children!” A woman’s voice came from a stairway to the side of the door. Dotty and Charles looked up to see a woman in scrubs descending with a manic smile on her face. While Hoi Polloi’s scrubs were blue, hers were green. Her swept-up hair was dyed a vibrant purple, clashing with her clothes.

“You’re a lucky boy, she’s a lucky girl, we’re all lucky today!” The woman’s nametag read, Violet. Every word out of Violet’s mouth amped up the uncanny feeling she was giving off.

“Um, that’s great but we’re not here for…” Dotty trailed off as Hoi Polloi spun toward her with a bug-eyed stare.

“It’s amazing, age is fleeting, brattiness, takes it’s toll.” Hoi Polloi chanted, like he was under a spell. “Listen closely…”

“Not for much longer…” Violet cut in.

“I’ve got a Big mind.”

Charles and Dotty looked at each other in horror. Dotty wondered if they’d stumbled into some kind of asylum. Charles took a step toward the door, only to have Violet lunge toward him. He stumbled back, dragging Dotty with him.

“I REMEMBER! PLAYING IN LITTLESPACE!” Hoi Polloi shouted – but it was oddly in tune. Dotty felt dizzy as she realized he was following the melody of the song ahead. The weirdness was reality-bending.

“Drinking bottles, calling the child in me!” Hoi Polloi swung around to join Violet. They danced bizarrely together, chasing Charles and Dotty down the hall.

With nowhere to go, Charles burst through the double doors at the end of the hall. Dotty caught herself at the edge of a short set of stairs, almost yanking Charles with her. She looked up to see what had stopped him, and was confronted by a dozen people in costume.

The room was surprisingly large, with a dance floor and a stage. Unlike the hall it was bright and inviting, though any colored accents were still in primary colors. The party goers were all dressed in bright, clashy colors. Most of them had weird additions to their costumes like obvious wigs, pacifiers, or baby rattles. Nearly all had a stuffed animal tucked under their arm.

“We’re in Little-Space Again!” The crowd sang, with Hoi Polloi and Violet joining in as they closed the doors behind Dotty.

The lyrics of the song described the dance, which the witnesses described as “hypnotic”, a detail which will be important later. It starts with a squat…

Betty Beige MSCCJ

“And shake your ha-a-a-a-ands!” The crowd sang gleefully, as they waved their rattles and stuffed animals.

Violet and Hoi Polloi herded Dotty and Charles down the stairs.

“Cross your arms on your chest!” The crowd sang.

Dotty felt an odd compulsion to follow along. Before she could think about that, she had Violet looming creepily at her, sending her staggering away with Charles along for the ride.

“Fall on your butt! Now do the footie kicks! They’ll drive big-big-big thoughts away!” Hoi Polloi and Violet were singing along, but they were weaving around the prone party goers in their own dance.

“We’re in Little Space Again! We’re in Little Space Again!”

The music of the song pounded at Dotty’s head. Violet and Hoi Polloi spinning around her was making her sick to her stomach. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, the music cut out and a strange tone or whistle blared from the room’s speakers.

Every one of the costumed party goers fell limp where they were. Violet and Hoi Polloi were ignoring Dotty and Charles, smirking at the prone partiers. Dotty backpedaled, glad feel Charles moving with her. The two crazy orderlies were between them and the door they’d come in, but there was another ornate door in the room.

Dotty backed up as fast as she dared, hoping the orderlies wouldn’t notice. She and Charles stumbled up the few steps to the door and pressed their backs to it. Dotty fumbled for the handle, which mercifully turned.

As the door opened, Charles had to run his mouth, of course. “You guys ever do the Macarena?”

To Dotty’s horror, the party goers sat up, staring at them. The orderlies had focused on them as well. Unsure if she was more angry or scared, she hissed at Charles, “Let’s get out of here.”

“We can’t go anywhere until we make a call.”

“But this place is crazy! Literally diagnosable.”

“It’s just a party, they’re being wild is all.”

“Charles I’m wet, I’m scared, and I want to go!”

“Dotty, you know you’re safe with me.”

The sound of metal mechanisms behind her made Dotty spin around. There wasn’t a hallway behind them at all, the door they’d backed through lead to an old-style elevator with a scissor gate.

That gate was opening to reveal an enormous woman with an equally huge bust. She towered a good foot over Charles, the effect of which was heightened by her broad brimmed sun hat. The hat was cherry red, and her dress was pristine white.

As she stepped forward she revealed a slit in her skirt that ran all the way up to her waist. Dotty took a good enough look to identify that underwear was not part of the new arrival’s outfit. When she dragged her eyes away from the dark expanse of leg, that stuck defiantly out of the skirt slit, Dotty realized she’d been separated from Charles by the big woman.

Panic burst in Dotty’s head like fireworks. She let off a terrific scream. It was a scream that had been building since they’d entered the asylum. As her lungs ran out of air, Dotty’s vison went dark. She felt herself crumple to the floor.

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