After everything that had happened the day before, sleeping in would have been ideal. Unfortunately, Sarita’s roommate objected to that plan. After the fourth horrible yowl, Sarita threw a pillow at her bedroom door.

“Nero, have mercy!”

Nero, merciless as his namesake, managed a skull-piercing meow.

It was a grumpy girl and a contented cat that sat on the couch twenty minutes later. Nero was licking the last of his wet food off his whiskers; Sarita was starting her toast. While she ate, she checked her phone. There was a message from Nohemi, she was hoping Sarita had slept well.

Sarita smiled and texted back a thanks. Nero wormed his way under one of Sarita’s knees and poked his head between her legs. He gave a little chirpy meow, begging to be pet. Sarita put the phone away and attended to her cat. She was waking up whether she liked it or not.

Which I don’t, for the record.

Finishing breakfast freed a hand for her phone. Nero wasn’t done with her petting hand by a long shot. In the meantime, Nohemi had sent a couple of funny memes. Sarita giggled and sent a few back. They chatted idly while the sun climbed, until Nero’s cardboard box was bathed in its glow.

At that point Sarita was abandoned by her fickle kitty. She looked around the apartment in despair. Her mom would be horrified at the state of the place. It wasn’t dirty, mostly. There was a pile of dirty clothes and a few dishes scattered around. The rest was stuff that should be put away, but Sarita hadn’t bothered with.

She couldn’t bother now, either. It seemed nuts, to waste her free day before a hell weekend on chores. Settling into full bachelorette mode with a Mexican coke and a bowl of chips, Sarita put an old favorite on the TV. She half-watched, half focused on her conversation with Nohemi.

Sarita and Nohemi were at the point of telling each other embarrassing childhood stories when a text came in from Astra.

[Astra Green Fairy]    Hi! It’s Astra from last night. I’d like to see you again. I remember you said you’re free today, and so am I. Or we could do another day.

It wasn’t a casual message with memes at all. It came right to the point, in fact. Anxiety warred with happy butterflies in Sarita’s belly. Two texts in a row from Nohemi went unanswered as Sarita considered Astra’s text.

[Sarita]                                    Yeah, I’d like to. Where do you want to meet?

[Astra Green Fairy]    Wonderful! How about Ashley Park? Can you be there in an hour? There should still be a good amount of daylight left.

An hour?! Sarita stared at her phone in panic. Her phone informed her that it was already one in the afternoon. Normal people would have been put together for the day ages ago, even on a day off.

[Sarita]                                    No problem! See you then. <3

Sarita spent her super-fast shower second guessing the heart she’d sent. She was alternately sure it made her look thirsty, flippant, or dumb. After all that worrying, and conducting a sniff test on more than twenty pieces of clothing, Sarita had time for only minimal makeup.

Guiltily, she checked her conversation with Nohemi before heading out the door. Sarita managed a quick response to Nohemi’s story about a disastrous rope swing incident, and let her know she’d be away from her phone for a bit. The last stop on Sarita’s way out was kiss goodbye to Nero, to which he responded to with an ear-twitch.

Sparsely-peopled sidewalks made it easy to jog most of the way to the park. Sarita walked the last block to cool off, making it to the park’s iconic fountain with mere minutes to spare. Sarita preferred the fountain in its winter mode as a skate rink. The rest of the year, the ducks colored the fountain water a suspicious pale green.

Astra was already there. She looked amazing in a flowing summer dress. It was sleeveless and had a design that was sharp enough to look painted on. A winding vine with flowers spiraled from the hem of the dress to her shoulders.

It was hard not to feel shabby in a pair of leggings and a waist-tie blouse, so Sarita didn’t bother. She’d have to rely on charm instead of her outfit.

“Hi.” Sarita said, brushing back her sweaty hair.

“Hi cutie. It’s good to see you again.”

“Thanks. I had a really good time last night.”

“I thought you had a terrible night.” Astra said with a wink.

“The second half of it was good.” Sarita said, blushing. “I’m really glad you texted me, I wasn’t sure you would.”

“I was sure I would.” Astra said. “Want to walk with me to the rose garden?”

Sarita looked at Astra’s offered hand in a panic. Hand holding, already? What kind of girl does she think I am?

Like the brazen hussy she was, Sarita took Astra’s hand. They set off along the white gravel path with Sarita praying her hand wouldn’t get clammy with nerves.

“I’d ask you what you thought of the Green Fairy, but you didn’t get to see anything other than the bar. Which part were you and Nohemi going to visit?”

“No idea.” Sarita said. “She told me there’s BDSM and swinging there, the signs for those were pretty easy to figure out, but I don’t know which one she was going for.”

“Interesting.” Astra said.

What part is interesting about what I said? Sarita burned with curiosity. Which door was Astra hoping she’d been planning to step through?

Belatedly, she remembered that Astra had come out of the teddy bear door. Sarita had some idea of what the pony and mermaid doors might be, but none at all for the teddy bear. Her only idea for that door had been nixed when Astra had come out, instead of a burly hirsute gay guy.

“What about you? The sign for the section you were in has me stumped.”

“I really want to tell you, but I don’t want to scare you off.”

Sarita blinked. She came to a stop, or tried to, before Astra’s grip on her hand pulled her stumbling to pace.

“It’s weirder than – I’m guessing the door with the horse head is pony play?”

“Good guess, you’re right. Yes, it’s weirder than pony play.”

Sarita HAD to know. She did a little skipping step to impatiently pull ahead of Astra and block her path.

“Please tell me? I won’t judge you, I promise.”

“That’s easy to say before you hear what it is.”

“Do you think I’ll be freaked out because it’s something you want to do with me?”

The question put an actual blush on Astra’s cheeks. “Yes, it is something I’d like to do with you.”

“Please tell me!” Sarita stamped her foot. “It’ll drive me crazy if you don’t.”

“I don’t usually come right out of the gate with this on a first date.” Astra said, hesitantly.

It was Sarita’s turn to blush. It was obviously a date, of course, but saying it put her on the spot. It would be far too early to talk about crops and handcuffs, if Astra had stepped out of the BDSM room. Sarita was too curious about the teddy bear, though. It didn’t match anything she knew about fetish stuff.

“I’m sorry I’m being pushy. I’m really curious, but I can stop.”

“You can stop, but you haven’t yet?” Astra smirked. “Are you being a little bratty on purpose, or is this the regular you?”

Sarita felt her face go hot all over. She was falling into her sub-brat personality from her days with Felisa. There was something so dominant and confidant about Astra. Sarita’s new crush was the woman Felisa had only wished she could be.

“I’m making this totally weird. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“Sarita, it’s okay. I think you’re really cute. You’re getting a little carried away, maybe, but still cute. I’m trying not to get carried away myself.”

So I didn’t screw up the date, but I did screw up finding out what that room is. Cursing her slipup, Sarita squeezed Astra’s hand.

“Thanks for being understanding. I haven’t hung out with people much, or dated in a long while. It was me and my cat for the last year. I think I got a little weird.”

“You’re adorable. Can I kiss you?”

“Already?! I mean um – ye-yeah. Yes. Yes I’d like that.”

Sarita had only moments to cringe over her babbling reply, before Astra’s lips met hers. She closed her eyes and quivered. It was a gentle, lips-only kiss. The feeling was of exploration and excitement, and it made Sarita bounce on her toes.

“There. It’d be weird to talk about our kinks before we’d kissed.”


“Your question. I can give you an answer, if you still want one.”

“Oh I – I do but – am I doing this all the wrong way? I don’t want to mess up. That kiss was great and um – oh god I’m so cringe, I’m sorry.”

“Hey. Come here.”

Astra had not relinquished Sarita’s hand. She pulled Sarita in, wrapping Sarita in a gentle hug. Sarita held on, not caring how sweaty she was physically or socially. The affection felt amazing.

“Let’s start over. You’re a pretty girl. Can I kiss you?”

“Yes please.”

The second kiss was as tingly as the first, but the tingles stayed in Sarita’s belly instead of reaching her toes.

“That was lovely. I like kissing you. I’d like to do other things too, if you want to hear about them.”

Sarita nodded quickly.

“I’m not trying to keep you in suspense, I promise, but I do want to remind you that it’s a pretty strange kink. If you don’t like the idea at all, I’ll drop it and I won’t bring it up again.”

“I appreciate you trying to prep me. I spent the whole pandemic on the internet, though. I’ve seen some weird stuff.”

“Okay. In that case… the teddy bear room is for ABDL. Adult Baby Diaper Lovers. Ageplay, diapers, lots of acronyms like MDLG, that kind of thing.”

Okay. That WAS weird. Weirder than I expected. By a lot.

Sarita blinked as she tried to process Astra’s statement. The other woman’s mommy vibes made a lot more sense, suddenly. Astra had managed to name an area of kink that Sarita knew nothing about. She’d seen a cringe video about it, but didn’t remember much.


“Too much? I told you, I can drop it.”

“Oh, you can drop it, but you haven’t yet?” Sarita said, sticking her tongue out at Astra. It was playing into the whole brat thing from before, but she couldn’t help herself.

Astra smirked. “Now you’re a brat on purpose. It’s too bad we don’t have a relationship that lets me swat your butt for that.”

Oh! That was a sexy thing to say. Sarita fidgeted, trying to find a place to put her hands on Astra and pulling them back at the last moment.

“Is that part of the – ABDL stuff?”

“Often. If the people playing want it to be.”

“I like being spanked.” Sarita said, feeling her blush burn all the way to her neck.

“I’m sure you’re naughty enough to earn it a lot of the time.” Astra said, her cheeks coloring as well. “Maybe we should get walking, before I get too handsy.”

Maybe you should bend me over that park bench and slap my butt. Sarita took a step away from Astra. “Good idea.”

A few minutes of quiet walking brought them to the rose garden. The flowers were in full bloom, though only the white ones had much fragrance. Sarita caught herself with her hands clasped behind her back. It was another submissive mannerism, but she couldn’t make herself stop.

“I have so many questions.” Sarita said.

“I bet you do. I’ll answer anything you want now, or you could ask me over text if it’s more comfortable than face to face.”

“Is it uncomfortable for you?”

“No, I’ve been in the scene for a while.”

“I want to know now then, please.”

“Okay. Then ask me a question, silly girl.”

“Is it really sexy? The diapers?”

“Depends on the person. It is for me, seeing a girl in them.”

“I’m not trying to be offensive but it’s not like, about actual babies, right?”

“It is not. I’m only interested in adult women. If they want to pretend to be Little Girls, that’s a bonus.”

“And people – use the diapers?”

“They do. Most people only wet them.”


Sarita wandered the path, eyes blind to the gorgeous flower bushes surrounding her. She kicked a rock off the path and another.

“Are you trying to ask what I find sexy about it?”


“I like discipline play. Putting a girl in diapers is a fun punishment. I like all the cute accessories and the innocence of it. I like how it transforms a girl to put diapers on.”

“So if we were dating – and doing this stuff – and we were in a scene – and I got in big trouble…”

“You’d get a spanking, diapered, and put to bed early.”

It was July, but Sarita’s nipples were standing out like it was January. It sounded really embarrassing, a really big submission scene. There was something missing from the scenario that she knew from BDSM, though.

“But, is there sex? Or just – ageplay stuff? I’ve done BDSM stuff before and there was lots of stuff that wasn’t sex when we played, but we always did sexy stuff too.”

“Lots of people incorporate sex into their ABDL play. There are some that don’t, like there are some BDSM people who don’t have sex as part of their kink. I enjoy kissing and – other things with Little Girls.”

Sarita considered. It was true that there were some no-sex BDSMers, though they were rare. Spanked, diapered, and put to bed was hot but confusing. Spanked, screwed, diapered, and put to bed was much less confusing and more hot.

Or maybe the screwing is supposed to come after the diapers? How would that work?

“I see the gears turning in there.” Astra said, lightly brushing a stray lock of Sarita’s hair. “If you’re really interested, and not only curious, we could try a low-intensity bit of play so you could see it in person.”

“You want to get me in a diaper.” Sarita teased.

“You’re not wrong.” Astra said. “I’m trying to be good and show restraint. I’m surprised at how open you are to this. I thought for sure we’d be done with this topic after I told you what was behind that door.”

Sarita kicked some more rocks. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t shut it down either. It wasn’t that she thought Astra would dump her. She didn’t seem like the type to blow somebody off as soon as they weren’t fun.

Maybe it’s how new and weird it seems. I haven’t done anything like it, with anybody. It’d never remind me of Felisa, or anyone else.

“I want to try it.” Sarita said.


“Really. When can we try it?”

Astra blinked. “Um, technically we could right now, we’re not far from my apartment, but…”

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Are you sure? We’ve only spent a few hours together. You should at least make a safety call or something.”

I don’t have anyone to safety call in this city anyway. Sarita shrugged. “You wouldn’t say that if you were a creeper. I don’t think Nohemi would be friends with you if you were one either. If it’s too sudden and you’re not up for it, that’s okay.”

“No, that’s not the problem. Let’s get you to my apartment before you change your mind.” Astra said, grabbing Sarita’s hand with a laugh.

Sarita giggled and followed along. “I’m tired of being cooped up. I want to do something crazy with you.”

“You are a crazy girl for sure.”


Astra’s apartment was in one of the nice buildings, overlooking the park. Sarita could tell it was a nice one not only by the location, but because the names on the intercom were updated and the mailroom was clean.

The apartment itself was fancy, with tall ceilings and matching furniture. It was also really clean. Spotless, by Sarita’s standards. She was suddenly glad they had gone to Astra’s apartment instead of her own.

“Your place is really nice!” Sarita said.

“Thanks hon. Can I get you anything? Water, tea, juice, milk?”

“Do you have coke?”

“No, I don’t drink soda.”

Sarita stared at Astra for a moment in disbelief. With a shrug, she said, “Um, juice please.”

Astra brought Sarita a glass of apple juice, taking a kiss as her toll. The kiss left Sarita giggly as she sipped her juice. After disappearing down the hall for a few minutes, Astra was back with a square of folded plastic. She unfolded it, revealing the shape of an adult-sized pair of pullup panties. Unlike the dull incontinence pants in the grocery store, these had a bright giraffe design on them.

“This is what one of the options looks like.” Astra said.

Sarita reached for the pullup. It was oddly crinkly in her hands, light, but heavier than it looked. Realizing she might be wearing it in a moment, she blushed.

“I’d put this on and then…?”

“Normally I’d put it on you, but I don’t think we’re there yet, so you’re right, you’d put it on. Honestly that might be enough for your first time. If you wanted to play a little, I’d love to, but I thought I’d let you wear one first and see how you feel.”

“Right. Um, where’s your bathroom?”

With the bathroom door closed and locked behind her, Sarita was starting to feel like she was on a dare. It was weird to be in Astra’s bathroom, ready to put a diaper on. They hadn’t even touched each other’s boobs yet.

I wanted anything but usual. Something I’ve never had before. Here goes!

Sarita shucked her shoes, leggings, and after some hesitation, her panties. The pullup went on with a good fit. It was like the mother of all pads. She squirmed in it, trying to get used to all the padding and elastic. For an insane moment, she considered stepping out of the bathroom without putting her leggings back on.

That’s too far. I’d freak Astra out. I’d freak me out too, right?

Sarita pulled her leggings on over the pullup and eyed herself in the mirror. They fit fine, but it was clear she had something other than panties on underneath. There was more junk in her trunk and the leggings didn’t hug her butt like they had before.

Back in the living room, Sarita smiled nervously at Astra. Her hands floated awkwardly at her sides, it didn’t feel like she had a good place to put them.

“How does it feel?”

“Weird. Bulky. Kind of embarrassing.”

“Want me to take your mind off it by kissing you?”


Sarita stepped into Astra’s arms happily. Kisses by the couch became kisses on the couch. They went from sitting next to each other to Astra reclining against the arm of the couch, Sarita half-lying on her.

The pullup was forgotten by the time kisses moved on to proper make-outs. Astra’s breasts were more than a handful, even through her bra. On it’s own, that was enough to clear any other thoughts. Having her body stroked by Astra was a whole other level, especially when Astra’s hand dipped under Sarita’s blouse to stroke her back and waist.

Sarita made a little whining, happy noise in her throat when those hands slid to the waistband of her leggings. She gasped when Astra slipped her fingers under the leggings’ waistband.

“What’s this? You’re wearing a pullup?”

Sarita froze, lips on Astra’s collarbone, as the situation came flooding back to her.

“I mean, you seemed young, but you must be a pretty Little Girl if you’re still having accidents.”

“I – I’m not – I don’t have accidents.” Sarita sputtered.

“Then why are you wearing a pullup?”

“Somebody – gave me one. Told me to – put it on.”

“Oh, I see. You have somebody that puts you in pullups.”

Sarita quivered. There was no collar on her neck, no cuffs on her wrists, but she felt her power slip away to Astra all the same.

“It’s not like that, I don’t have to wear them.”

“Don’t you?” Astra rolled to the side, pulling Sarita close so she wouldn’t roll off the couch. Despite the narrow space, she managed to pin one of Sarita’s shoulders to the couch. “I think you do. If you were MY girl, I’d put you in pullups to make sure.”

“Make sure of what?” Sarita licked her lips, gazed deep into Astra’s eyes. They were honey-brown, shot with gold and blue.

“That you don’t have accidents on my nice furniture. That you don’t misbehave.”

Sarita blushed and squirmed. “Am I your girl – right now?”


Astra kissed Sarita possessively. Sarita surrendered to it, to the other woman. She let Astra put her hands above her head, obediently keeping them there when Astra let go.

“I have to check your pullup. You could already have had an accident, for all I know.”


Sarita gulped as Astra pulled on her leggings. Thankfully, she only pulled them down partway, leaving the pullup on.

“Still dry! Good girl. I’m proud of you.”

Being praised for keeping her pants dry drove a blush all the way into the center of Sarita’s body. She squirmed, only to be pinned by Astra again.

“Now we can get back to what we were doing.”

Sarita nodded, closing her eyes happily as Astra came in for a kiss. They spent a long, sweaty time on the couch. By the end of it, Sarita had some occasion to appreciate the pullup. She’d have had a wet spot on her leggings without it.

“We need to stop.” Astra said huskily. “I don’t think we should go any further – right now.”

“I think so too.” Sarita said, nuzzling Astra’s shoulder.

As soon as they pulled away, Sarita was glad for the break. She’d been losing herself in the other woman a little. If Astra had pressured her, she could easily imagine going all the way, right there on the couch. It would have made her feel a little disposable. They already had the nitrous in, going from the park to Astra’s apartment.

“Are you feeling okay? It wasn’t too much?”

“No, but I’m glad we took a break.” Sarita said.

“I meant the pullup.” Astra said, giggling.

“Oh. Yeah that was – intense.”

“Good intense?”

Sarita nodded. “I’d wear it for you again – if you want.”

“I was thinking of sending you home in it.”

Sarita blushed. “I don’t think I can…”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to.” Astra said. “But I could send it home with you. Text you later and tell you to put it back on.”

Sarita giggled. “I’d do it, if you told me to.”

“I’ll put it in a little bag for you so nobody will see.”

“We’re not going too fast are we? I know I accelerated things. I’m sorry if you wanted a more chill date.”

“I love what we did. I didn’t expect in a million years you’d jump into this so fast. I think you’re really brave, and I’m grateful.”

“Okay.” Sarita smiled. “I should get back so I can feed my cat.”

“Send me a pic of your cat!” Astra said gleefully. “I’ll send you back that order.”

“You’re terrible.” Sarita said, giggling as she fled to the bathroom.

It was strangely odd to be back in her panties, kissing Astra goodbye. She felt nearly naked, somehow. It was a weird naughty feeling, to go with the similar feeling of carrying a pullup in a paper bag.

The long walk back to her apartment cleared the horny clouds from her brain, leaving Sarita with the warm glow of a new relationship. She endured Nero’s accusations of abandonment gleefully, feeding him and sending the promised picture.

Sarita changed back into the pullup when Astra ordered her to, snapping a quick picture of her padded hips to send to her new – girlfriend? Fling? Whatever Astra was, Sarita was nice and warm in her pullup as they slung flirty texts back and forth.

As the evening wore on, Sarita managed to reconnect with Nohemi too. It felt so good to be texting friends that she didn’t feel like turning on the TV at all. Though Astra hadn’t demanded it, she kept the pullup on all evening and wore it to bed. It was a weird, silly, sexy secret, as brand new as all the kisses and stomach butterflies.

Having something to look forward to is going to make this weekend a lot easier to deal with.

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