Earlier that evening.

Melody paused with their hand hovering over the doorknob to their house. What would they say to Veronica if she was home? Nothing came to mind. A conversation seemed inevitable. Inevitably horrible.

Melody looked around to make sure no one was watching them stand outside their door awkwardly. There wasn’t anyone, but Veronica’s garden-statue of a naked dancer caught Melody’s eye.

Senpai of the garden, what is your wisdom? Melody mentally asked.

Get over yourself, the statue said in Melody’s imagination. This isn’t a meme and we aren’t anime girls.

“Fucking weeb.” Melody muttered at themself on the way inside.

The house was quiet, it didn’t sound like anybody was home. Melody almost missed Jane sitting in the living room reading a book. She hadn’t said anything, just looked up when Melody arrived.

“Oh uh, hey Jane.” Melody said.

“Welcome back.” Jane said with a little smile.

“Yeah – I was over at Rosa’s.” Melody replied, confused as to why they felt like they had to explain that to Jane.

“I thought so. I’m glad that’s going well.”

“Thanks.” Melody dithered in the foyer, finally pulling their toque off as the house’s heat soaked in. “Look uh, Veronica probably told you about um – the stuff Briana found.”

“She did.” Jane said. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No uh, I’m good.” Melody said, waiting for Jane to push back.

“Then it’s none of my business.” Jane chuckled at Melody’s surprised expression. “I told Ronnie not to send that text. After your reaction to it, I forbid her from bringing it up with you again.”

“You – forbid Veronica?” Melody blinked. Was Jane talking about the same Veronica? Queen of the goth scientists and über mommy?

“I have a very different relationship with her than you do. She listened to me because I convinced her I was right.”

Jane set her book down and came over to Melody. Slowly enough for Melody to pull away, she reached out for a hug. Melody leaned into it and found themself wrapped in a solid embrace.

“I care about you a lot. If you need my help, you have it.” Jane said. She pulled back, hands on Melody’s shoulders. “Have you had dinner?”

“Yeah, I have. Thanks. For uh, more than offering to feed me.”

“You’re welcome. It’s not entirely altruistic. We have a lot of leftovers.” Jane squeezed Melody’s shoulders and stepped back to sit on the back of the couch.

“Where’s Briana? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. Erin confirmed that she didn’t get frostbite – and that she was lucky she didn’t.” Jane shook her head in frustration. “She’s upstairs, grounded to her room. We haven’t decided how long for, yet.”

“Are you doing the around the clock babysitting thing again? I can help.”

“We have people rotating through, but no one is up there right now.” Jane pointed at the baby monitor. “She’s quiet at the moment.”

“I was really freaked out when she went missing.” Melody said, unsure why they were explaining that to Jane. Something in them wanted – or more accurately needed to talk about it.

“Ronnie and I were too. So was Gary. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen him angry with Briana.”

“She did it for me.” Melody said, shaking their head. “If she’d gotten hurt…”

“It still would have been her fault.” Jane said.

“I know but…”

“Melody, if you want to talk to me about what Briana found, or why she was trying to help you, go ahead. If you can’t, then don’t beat yourself up for it. We can’t always be perfect communicators.” Jane smiled fondly. “Ronnie is probably the most adept person I’ve met at managing emotions and communications and well, she’s not perfect.”

“I wish – there’s a lot I want to fix.”

“Okay. One step at a time. What do you want to do right now?”

“I’d like to see Briana. Can I babysit her for a bit?”

“Please do. I know she’d love to see you.”

“I uh – can I turn off the baby monitor while I’m up there?” Melody dug at the carpet with their toe. “I’ll take care of her, but I kind of want to hang out and talk too.”

“Go ahead. I could use a break from carting it around the house with me.”

“Hey Jane.” Melody took a deep breath, girding themself for their next statement. “Thanks for being cool about everything. I mean – that’s not what I wanted to say. Um – thanks for watching out for me.”

“Any time.” Jane said warmly.

The emotion between them was way too intense. Melody smiled bashfully and scooted to their room to stow their bag. Upstairs at Briana’s door, they heard her singing Castle in the Sky, of all things. She sounded happy, despite everything that had happened.

A warm glow spread through Melody’s chest at their sister’s resilience. Joining Briana on the next verse of the song, Melody opened the door. Bri was surprised and near tears to see Melody.

Me too, little sister. Melody thought. Me too.


Wearing the same diaper from yesterday was not going to be good for their rash, Melody knew. On the other hand, it was better than going to their morning session with Veronica. The third option, that they just change their own diaper, seemed as bad as dealing with Veronica.

It was dumb. Melody knew. They’d put diapers on plenty of times on their own. After being diapered by both Veronica and Rosa though, it felt different. Doing it on their own was a lonely feeling. Plus, Jane had done an excellent job on the one Melody was wearing now. Despite being pulled down several times for a shower and using the pot – toilet, the tapes were still holding it fairly snug.

Feeling at loose ends, Melody checked their phone. Rosa was still at work, because her supervisor was the kind of sadist that scheduled people for a morning shift following an evening shift. She’d be beat tonight and didn’t need to take care of a little one. Melody knew they might be too clingy what with inviting themself over after the Briana-pocalypse.

Out of other options, Melody was forced to face their roommates like a regular human in the kitchen over coffee. Veronica was up with Briana, making the downstairs safe for the moment.

It was the tail end of breakfast and people were drifting away from the table. Casey was already on a run and Jane couldn’t relax until her chores were done. Poor Erin was a legit zombie ever since her residency started. That left just Melody and Suzie relaxing among the leftover rolls turned-french-toast and what was left of the massive turkey omelette.

“You got Briana duty today?” Suzie asked.

“Not until tomorrow.” Melody said. “I’m on for tomorrow night, last time I checked the Google sheet.”

“I absolutely love that Veronica made a worksheet for it.”

Melody giggled. “It’s pure her.”

Suzie grinned. “You watched her yesterday, right? She’s not pooping in her diapers at the mo’, is she?”

“No, she’s Briana-normal.” Melody frowned. “If you don’t want to watch her, I can take your shift.”

“I don’t mind, sorry if that sounded bitchy.” Suzie said with a shrug. “I just don’t want to deal with the poop. It’s a lot, you know?”

“I get it.” Melody said. It was a fair thing to say. They still felt defensive over their sister. She couldn’t help where her brain was at.

“You back in classes starting Monday?”

“Yeah, full speed ahead. How about you?”

“Technically we’re off, but it’s all-hands-on-deck to finish the sets.”

“You have a performance coming up?”

“I always have a performance coming up, but yeah, I’m in a show for the school that comes out just before Christmas break.”

“Isn’t that in like…”

“Twenty days and fourteen hours.” Suzie said.

“What’s this, a non-STEM student is busy? I thought you all sat around drinking wine and quoting dead dudes.”

Suzie lightly kicked Melody’s ankle under the table. “That’s just the philosophy department. English too.”

“I’ll tell Jane you kicked me.” The joke was out before Melody could stop themself.

“Oh yeah? Well, she’s not my dad.” Suzie looked Melody over curiously. “Are you doing the whole Briana thing?”

“No! Not the whole thing. I mean, not really any of the thing.” Blushing furiously, Melody stared into their coffee. “I’m working with Veronica on some stuff. It’s not like – not like Bri.”

“Nobody is like Bri.” Suzie said fondly. “Oh hey, Gare-bear is here.”

“Gare – oh, Gary? Who let him in? Does he have his own key”

“Door’s not locked. He’s cool to come in on his own.” Suzie turned away from Melody and called across the house. “G-Man, there’s coffee in the kitchen!”

“Hey Suzie, Melody.” Gary said, joining them at the table with a cup. “How’s our little rug rat today?”

“Which one?” Suzie asked slyly, sipping her coffee.

It was Melody’s turn to kick Suzie under the table, a little harder than they’d meant to.

“Oh shiiiii!” Suzie teased. “I’m telling!”

“What’s going on?” Gary asked.

“Nothing!” Melody said, glaring at Suzie. “Gary, you here to babysit or just hang out?”

“Babysit. I was supposed to get the whole weekend.” He said wistfully.

Suzie took a moment from her torment of Melody to check her phone. “Fuck. The roof in the prop room leaked on the costumes. I have to go see if mine is still good.”

“You’re in the Christmas Carol show coming up?” Gary asked. “Who are you playing?”

“The Devil’s cat familiar.” Suzie said. At Gary and Melody’s confused looks, she shrugged. “It’s student theatre, don’t think too hard about it. Anyway, see ya!”

The two of them waved as Suzie headed away from the table. In the coffee-focused silence that followed, Melody’s diaper crinkled as they shifted in their chair. Gary’s ears perked up at the tell-tale sound, but he didn’t say anything.

Melody winced, then sighed. He couldn’t be a bad guy if Briana was so into him, not to mention the rest of the roommates. They cleared their throat softly.

“Yeah uh, I’m wearing.”

“Cool.” Gary said. “Like a thing with Veronica or…?”

“Ugh,” Melody said, in a perfect Mermista impression, if they did say so themself. “There’s a lot of backstory. It’s Veronica related and other stuff but uh, mostly it’s for me, I guess.”

Gary nodded. “I’d be the last one to judge. I’m dating Briana.”

“That’s kinda why I brought it up.” Melody said. “I uh, told my girlfriend about it. But it’s like, super new for both of us. Especially her. Do you have like – pro-strats?”

“I can share what works for me and Bri.” Gary said. “But she’s special in that regard. You might have more luck talking to Tamira. She has a thing going on with her boyfriend but it’s not a lifestyle thing as far as I know.”

“I should probably text her anyway.” Melody said. “I was kind of short with her when we were looking for Briana.”

“We were all freaked out.” Gary said softly. “Suzie ended up taking my car keys away from me.”

“You said you were sober that night.” Melody said worriedly.

“I was. I was also shaking so bad that my truck spun out in the snow.”

“She’s safe now.” Melody said, putting a hand on Gary’s forearm. “We’ll take care of her.”

“You’re damn right we will.” Gary said with a grateful smile. “Speaking of, I should get up there. I’m sure I’ll get scolded for getting coffee first as it is.”

“It was nice to get to know you a little.” Melody said.

“You too.” Gary washed his cup out in the sink. “You’re important to Briana.”

Melody sighed happily. “I love that stupid kid.”

“Me too.” Gary chuckled and made his exit.

Melody stared at their phone. The phone stared back also into them. Melody groaned at their own joke and opened a text message to Tamira.

Melody >> Hi, it’s Melody. I wanted to say sorry for being all snarly on Thanksgiving. I was freaking out.

The coffee was super good. Melody made a mental note to find out what brand it was. Something super high-end, no doubt. They finished the cup and were considering what video game to play when Tamira responded.

Tamira >> Hi! It’s okay, I could tell from your voice. I heard you guys found her, but is she doing okay? She’s not responding to texts.

Melody frowned, replying quickly.

Melody >> Nobody told you? She’s fine, she’s just grounded from her phone.

Tamira >> Grounded? I keep forgetting how lifestyle she is. I’m glad she’s okay. I tried texting Veronica, but she is FOR REAL mad at me.

Melody >> You didn’t do anything wrong. Nobody expected her to go all Deus Vult on us.

Tamira >> Explain that to Veronica. Like, please actually explain it to her.

Melody >> I will.

Melody >> Can I ask you something personal?

Tamira >> You can ask. I’ll answer if I’m cool with it.

Melody >> NP if you don’t. I just had some questions about you and your boyfriend. I heard that you and he do stuff like what my girlfriend and I do.

Melody >> But we’re super new to it and she keeps asking if she’s doing stuff right. I don’t know what to tell her.

Melody >> Sorry if this is too much.

Tamira >> It’s not too much, but it’s too much for text. Can we meet up to talk sometime?

Melody >> Totes. I’m free today.

Tamira >> Today is fine. We could go to a coffee shop, it’s neutral but public. You’d be welcome at my place too. 2pm work?

Melody >> Your place. 2 works. Address?

At quarter to two Melody was hanging out in the doorway of Tamira’s dorm. They couldn’t believe how sweaty they were acting. The chance for some advice, to smooth things out with Rosa, was a crazy motivator.

Melody managed to wait to press the buzzer until nine minutes before the hour. If Tamira thought they were weird for being early, she didn’t say anything. The dorm was as nice as a dorm could be, Melody thought. Full one-bedrooms were hard to get.

Taking a cup of tea and a seat on the couch, Melody smiled at Tamira. “Thanks for talking to me about this. I know it was kinda out of the blue that I asked.”

“I don’t mind.” Tamira said, taking the other end of the couch. “It’s good for me too, I don’t know a lot of people who do ABDL stuff locally. So are you the caregiver or the …”

“Little one.” Melody scrutinized their coffee. “I’m the little one.”

“Cute.” Tamira said with a smile. “I suspected. What’s going on with your girl?”

“She just recently found out that I wear – diapers.” Melody said with some effort. “She’s been super cool and understanding, but I can tell she feels like she doesn’t know what to do.”

“You wear them all the time?”

“Yeah uh, I’m wearing right now.” Melody blushed.

“Okay, that’s different than me and Arthur in a couple of ways. For one thing, I’m the one that wanted him to wear them, and he doesn’t wear them all the time. I feel you on the awkwardness thing though.”

Tamira set down her tea and scratched her head. “It took us a while to do anything more than talk about it. We started super slow, until Briana came over and accelerated things.”

“Yeah, she does that.” Melody said, chuckling.

Tamira grinned. “Doesn’t she now? Anyway, not to get all up in your business, but what have you and your girl done so far? Or should I say mommy?”

“That’s one of the things. She said she doesn’t want to be called that. I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t like the label, or if like, she’s uncomfortable with the whole thing.” Melody sighed.

“She might be uncomfortable, but you said she’s been great about it. What stuff has she seemed to like?”

“Um, she has uh – diapered me. Changed me. Touched me while I was wearing.” Melody stared at their tea, floundering. “I guess some other stuff. Made some rules. Washed my face and stuff at bedtime.”

“Melody, I know ya’ll don’t know me well, so feel free to say no. This seems hard for you. Would it be easier if you could be little while we’re talking?”

“Oh uh, wow.” Melody squirmed. “I kinda never have been. Like, a tiny bit with Veronica, and another tiny bit with Rosa. I’m not really sure uh, oh fuck.”

The teacup was shaking in Melody’s hand enough to splash tea on the carpet. Melody managed to get it on the coffee table without too much rattling, then jammed their hands between their knees.

“Hey, you’re okay.” Tamira said in a soft, maternal tone. “I think we should either take a break from this conversation, or you should put your head on my lap and close your eyes.”

Putting their head on Tamira’s lap was an over the top, dumb baby thing to do. Totally ridiculous. Which is why Melody curled up on the couch with their head in Tamira’s lap a few seconds after they’d been invited.

“Close your eyes little one.” Tamira said, stroking Melody’s hair. “Shhh, that’s a good kid.”

Melody took a deep shaky breath. It eased the pressure in their chest. Tamira didn’t resume the conversation right away. She hummed instead, petting Melody’s head. Bit by bit, Melody relaxed. Almost too much at the end they realized, clamping down on their bladder.

“That’s better.” Tamira said softly. “It seems like Rosa isn’t the only one who has some discomfort around this.”

“It’s hard to do, but I want it so bad.” Melody whispered. “I want her to like me and take care of me. What if I’m too much?”

“You aren’t too much.” Tamira said. “I didn’t get to talk to you much at Thanksgiving, but I have eyes. That girl is crazy about you.”

Melody smiled and snuggled in closer to Tamira.

“You jumped right in on being little with me. That could have been less scary with me since you have nothing to lose. I have to say though, if you’re like this for Rosa you are going to straight-burst her ovaries.”

“How did you convince Arthur?”

“At first he was just freaked, I thought I was going to have to drop it forever.” Tamira said. “We talked. Let it chill if we were feeling weird about it, brought it up later when it seemed okay. You’re wearing full time, so taking a break would be harder. The main thing is to just keep talking.”

“She says she doesn’t know what to do, and I know it bothers her.” Melody said.

“Well, it’s hard to help with that since I haven’t seen you together that way. What does she do easily and what’s harder for her?” Tamira brushed her knuckles across Melody’s cheek. “Tell me what Rosa’s like when she’s your caregiver, little one.”

“She’s really touchy.” Melody said happily. “She asks me a lot of stuff, because she wants to understand what it’s like for me. I don’t always know how to answer though. And uh, she thinks it’s hot when I get turned on.”

The last statement made Melody do a blushy wiggle.

“I think that’s a great start. You know, when Arthur and I started he had a lot of trouble asking me to do mommy stuff. I thought it was because he didn’t like me doing that, but then he jumped into it when Briana was here.”

Tamira moved her caresses to slow circles on Melody’s back. “When we talked after, it was because he didn’t want to ask me to do something he wasn’t sure I liked. He saw me acting like a mommy with Briana and piggybacked on to that.”

Melody nodded. “You think maybe Rosa likes to do it more than I think?”

“Maybe.” Tamira said. “But my point is that she might not feel comfortable asking you to be little. You need to offer stuff like that because it can feel weird to ask the other person at first.”

“Oh.” Melody considered that. Once they’d gotten going, Rosa had been pretty into the caregiver stuff. She hadn’t been upset at all when Melody had briefly slipped into little-talk either.

“Figuring some stuff out?” Tamira asked.

“I think so.” Melody said.

“If you work it out with Rosa, I’d love to do a double-date sometime. I think it really helps Arthur get into it when he’s not the only one. I’m not saying I’d like to get him to Briana’s level but…”

“You would?” Melody asked. “Would – would he be okay – would he like that?”

“I don’t know yet. He seems really happy when we do longer sessions though.”

“How do you ask him? What does he say when you ask him to do it – more?”

“Are you asking for communication tips in general or is it because you want to go lifestyle with Rosa?”

“I don’t know if I want that.” Melody said softly. They buried their face in Tamira’s lap.

“You’re already wearing twenty-four seven, right?”


Tamira seemed to correctly read Melody’s noise as a yes. “Then there’s got to be a conversation about what that looks like at some point. Maybe you wear all the time but you’re only little sometimes. Or maybe Rosa really wants to take care of you, full time.”

“It’s so much to ask though.” Melody said, coming up for air. “I haven’t even told her that I love her yet.”

“Oh, you should tell her that right away. Next time you see her.”

“What if she doesn’t say it back?”

“That’s okay. She obviously cares about you. She’ll say it when she’s ready. In the meantime, she’ll know that you love her.”

“You’re good at this.” Melody said. “The mommy thing.”

“Thank you.” Tamira said happily. “You know why? It’s because I love doing it. I really love Arthur, and I love taking care of him. It’s not a problem, or a chore. On tough days all I want is to hold my little boy and make sure he has everything he needs.”

“I want that.” Melody said in a shaky voice.

“I hope Rosa does too.” Tamira said. “It’s pretty magical when I can get it to work with Arthur.”

“Really? I wasn’t going to see Rosa tonight because she had to work shifts back-to-back. She’ll be super tired.”

“You should let her make that decision.” Tamira said. “One, because she’s your girlfriend and you should let her decide things that affect her. Second, because she’s your caregiver.”

“I hope she says yes.” Melody said.

“I’m sure she’ll want to see you at least, even if she isn’t up for caregiving.”

“I should text her right now – hey!” Melody protested as Tamira pulled open the back of her diaper. Worse, she sniffed. Sniffed!

“How long have you been in this thing?”

“Since yesterday afternoon.” Melody said. “But I haven’t used it.”

“Hon, it smells like BO. Let’s get you changed.”

“What? But we’re not – not…”

“I’m not your mommy or your girlfriend, but I did agree to take care of you for a bit. I am not sending you to your girlfriend in a smelly diaper.”

Melody squirmed, blushing furiously.

“You don’t have to be so bashful with me. I’ve changed Briana out of jeans she had an accident in.”

“I don’t have a spare with me.”

“I guess you’ll just have to wear one of Briana’s then. Come on.” Tamira got Melody off the couch with much prodding and lead them down the hall to the bathroom.

“Briana has diapers here?”

“She came over once when she needed a change. Before she met Arthur. I got a box of her size after that. You two are close enough.”

Melody stopped in surprise at the changing table in Tamira’s bathroom. It wasn’t all fancy and baby themed like the ones that Veronica had. It was just a massage bench with diapers and other supplies on the shelves for oil and towels. There was a nice blanket on it, with dinosaur print. It was super sweet.

“Arthur is lucky.” Melody said as Tamira helped her up on the table. “You’re working really hard to make this nice for him.”

“Aw well, that’s really nice of you to say.” It was Tamira’s turn to blush a little.

While Tamira was stripping off their jeans, Melody wondered why they were so okay with being changed. Part of it was how many times Veronica had changed them by now and Jane just yesterday. A big part was having been little with Tamira, even if it was just a few minutes.

Tamira tossed the diaper and produced one from her stack. It was a Briana diaper all right, bright pink and covered in ponies. Barf. Melody really hoped that Rosa would be up to change them at least so they could get into one of the less girly ones.

“I was going to see if you needed a bath, but it looks like most of the smell is in the diaper. Silly kid! It doesn’t do much good to shower if you put a sweaty diaper back on.”

“I have a whole thing going on with Veronica right now and she’s the one who usually changes me at home.” Melody said. “So, I just wore that one.”

“A personality conflict with Veronica? What a surprise.” Tamira slipped the diaper under Melody and began powdering her.

“I’m sorry she’s mad at you. I haven’t talked to her yet.”

“I can deal with it, but if you get a chance to put in a good word that’d be nice.” Tamira said. “I got plenty of respect for the woman. I get that she’s worried about her kid. She needs to take a heart pill though.”

“She’s nice though, really.”

“I’m not trying to badmouth her.” Tamira said, taping Melody up snugly. “I’ll chill. Now sit up, this is my favorite part.”

“Huh?” Melody sat up and was immediately enveloped in a hug. They sighed and rested their head on Tamira’s shoulders while she held them close.

“Okay, are you going straight to your girlfriend’s place?”

“Um, I guess I could. She gets home in like ten minutes and I uh, left some diapers there last time I stayed over. Why?”

“I need to get you ready, little one.” Tamira deftly put Melody back in their jeans and took them to the kitchen.

Attempting to protest whatever ‘getting them ready’ meant got Melody shushed. They waited while Tamira put a peeled orange and some trail mix in containers. Both went into a small bag along with a juice box.

“What’s all this?” Melody asked.

“You said she’d be tired. This way she doesn’t have to make you food right away if you get hungry.” Tamira put the bag’s handle in Melody’s hand and closed their fingers over it.

“But we might not do ABDL stuff at all today.” Melody said.

“I know that as much as you do, little one.” Tamira said. “But we’re going to set things up for the best case, alright?”

“Okay.” Melody fidgeted until Tamira put their phone in their hand.

“Go ahead and let her know you’re coming over. I’ll get your coat.”

“I’m going right now?”

“I’m not kicking you out, I’m sending you to your actual caregiver.” Tamira said. “Do you need me to drive you?”

“No, I can do it.” Melody blushed profusely, shooting off a quick text to Rosa.

The blush didn’t fade either, when Tamira insisted on dressing Melody in their coat.

“There you go, all set to see your girlfriend. Feel better?” Tamira zipped Melody’s coat all the way up.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“You’re a darling kid. Tell Rosa to set up a play date with Arthur for you, okay?”

“Okay.” Melody sank down into the collar of their coat.

“See you soon, cutie.”


It was a weird drive to Rosa’s apartment. Not so much because they’d been bundled up and sent out the door like a kid to school, but that was in there too. Rosa had replied excitedly, so it wasn’t that they were worried about her mood. It was the distraction of how little Tamira had helped them feel. Melody wanted to be curled up on their girlfriend’s lap, not driving some stupid car.

Without thinking about it, they took the bag that Tamira had packed for them inside. After getting a big hello-hug from Rosa, they stood by the door of the apartment, clutching the bag with their coat still zipped up.

“Earth to Melody, take off your coat and stay for a while.” Rosa said.

“Oh, sorry.” Melody said, taking off the coat. It was a bit of an awkward process since they kept the bag in one hand or the other the whole time.

“What’s up with the bag?”

“It’s uh…” Melody hesitated, stuck halfway in their coat. “I went to see Tamira for some advice. She um, packed this for me.”

“Let me see.” Rosa took the bag and grinned when she saw what was inside.

“Is she like us?” Rosa asked. Melody trembled a little to hear ‘like us’ instead of ‘like you’.

“I mean uh, she does a ABDL thing with her boyfriend.” Melody said. “I was asking how they worked it out. Because you have a lot of questions and stuff.”

“That is so sweet.” Rosa said. She took Melody’s coat too, hanging it up in the closet. “Are you feeling like you want to play right now?”

“I do but I don’t want to be a hassle for you.” Melody said. “Also, Tamira said I should tell you that – that I like the kid part of the game too. So um, when we play that’s something I want to do with you. If you can’t play now that’s okay.”

“Little one.” Rosa said. She said it with care but firm force too. A mommy-tone that sent tingles into Melody’s belly. “Listen to me.”

Melody bit their lip and watched Rosa attentively.

“You realize tonight is a school night, right?” Rosa put her arms around Melody. “You don’t have your backpack with you. You’re going to have a very early bedtime tonight so you can get up in time for me to get you to Veronica’s house and back to school.”

“I didn’t know I was coming here until Tamira and I talked.” Melody laid their head on Rosa’s shoulder.

“Then I’m very glad you talked to her. Veronica is still too busy with Briana to get you ready properly. My roommates will be home later tonight, but they won’t bother us in my room. You’re going to help me with dinner and then we’ll watch something on my tablet in bed, okay?”

“Okay Mom – uh, Rosa.”

Rosa was quiet for a moment, holding Melody. When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet but calm.

“Say it again. Please. What you were going to say.”

“Okay Mommy?” Melody ventured.

“Oh wow.” Rosa shivered. She whispered in Melody’s ear. “I liked that.”

A too-strong emotion pressed outward in Melody’s chest. They cuddled close to Rosa and whimpered.

“Shh little one. I understand. That was big.”

The two of them stayed in the embrace until holding their posture made Melody fidget. Rosa drew back and stroked Melody’s cheek.

“Let me take a look at you. I don’t know what kind of babysitting job Tamira does – what the hell is that?!” Rosa exclaimed. She had pulled out the front of Melody’s jeans, to see their diaper.

“Oh uh, Tamira changed me. Was that not okay? Because uh, Veronica does, and Jane has once and…”

“Shh baby, you’re fine. I don’t mind that she changed you, but what’s this diaper? This is horrible, it’s all pink and gross.”

Something clicked in Melody. It went past the big feeling of Rosa wanting to be called Mommy. The world settled into place and felt right. They stared at Rosa in adoration. Their mommy understood. She GOT them.

“It’s one of Briana’s. It’s all Tamira had.”

“What kind of babysitter is she if she doesn’t have gender-appropriate diapers? It’s irresponsible.” Rosa said, grinning. “Too bad you don’t have to go now. You could fill this girly thing with pee before we throw it away.”

“Actually, I kind of do.” Melody said. “I didn’t go at Tamira’s.”

“She changed you and didn’t check if you had to go? ¿Madre de Dios, what’s she even doing over there?”

Melody giggled. “She was nice, but I like how you do it better.”

“You bet you do. I might use her as a babysitter sometime, but only if I’m sure she’s shaped up a little. Give me your clothes.”


“Give mommy your clothes, little one. You had some in the washer, but they never got dried and now they’re musty. We can wash these ones at the same time, since you’re going to have to wear them tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay.” Melody started with their shirt and found Rosa assisting them. Every bit of clothing that came off was a joint effort, leaving Melody in their pink diaper in the living room.

“Your roommates aren’t going to be home soon, right?”

“Two of them aren’t home until tomorrow probably. Really late tonight if they make it. The other one has a plane coming in around ten.” Rosa gathered up the clothes in a bundle and opened the closet that held the washer-dryer stack.

“Have a seat on the couch sweetie. Mommy will change you if you need it after I get this laundry going.”

“I only kinda have to go.” Melody said, sitting obediently.

“Well, if you don’t that’s fine, but I’m leaving you in that pink diaper until you do.”

Melody pouted and tried to relax their bladder. It happened fast and more than they’d expected. Take that you stupid pink diaper, Melody thought.

“That’s a big accident for someone who didn’t have to go.” Rosa said, squishing the padding around Melody’s crotch. “Is my little one having trouble telling when they need to go?”

The fact that they’d had a legitimate accident, which is why their clothes had been in the wash, made Melody squirm in embarrassment. Rosa leaning over them and squishing their diaper made it ramp up to humiliation. Smoking hot humiliation.

“You look embarrassed but you’re moaning, baby.” Rosa said, rubbing Melody’s crotch through the diaper. “No wonder you wear these all the time if you like them so much. It’s a good thing Mommy likes it when you wear them.”

“You do?” Melody managed to ask between moans.

“I like it a lot.” Rosa said. “I like my horny little diaper baby. You’re sexy in those diapers. You’re sexy when you’re wet and embarrassed and need your mommy.”

“Oh god.” The words came out involuntarily and there were no thoughts behind them or for quite a while afterwards.

Later, Melody would remember the burst of pleasure that left a mark on their nerves like a sunburn. They’d have other vague memories too. Rosa straddling them topless, her generous bosom in Melody’s face. Kneeling between Rosa’s legs and hearing her muffled shouts through the thighs pressed to their ears. Snuggling their naked girlfriend while wearing nothing themself, except a wet diaper. Being changed in the middle of the living room on a smallish changing blanket with the Target tag still on.

Dinner prep was a blur too. Melody didn’t think they ended up helping much. They only started to feel more aware later, in Rosa’s bed, wearing some fuzzy blue pajamas that looked as new as the changing blanket had been.

Rosa was in a jogging top and fitted athletic shorts. She picked a bowl of lentils off the tray next to them and brought a spoon of it to Melody’s mouth. “Open wide.”

“Lentils?” Melody made a face and turned away from the spoon.

“Yes hon, that’s what we made. You were out of it, huh? Come on, open for mommy.”

“Can’t I have some taquitos or something?” Melody vaguely remembered a package of those in Rosa’s freezer.

“No, you can’t. You can eat your lentils or…” Rosa paused to think. “I don’t have any formula, but I do have some carrots I can puree in chicken broth.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Test me and find out.” Rosa said.

Reluctantly, Melody opened their mouth. Rosa carefully deposited the lentils in their mouth and prepped another spoon.

“What about your dinner?” Melody said through the mouthful of lentils, hoping to slow down the rate they were being fed. The lentils weren’t bad, they were good in fact. They were also earthy and not as fun as taquitos would be.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, little one.” Rosa said, holding the spoon to Melody’s lips.

Getting corrected instead of their question answered pushed Melody into the little feeling they’d been slowly losing. They opened their mouth, accepting another spoonful. Rosa was skilled, between the two of them they only spilled twice. By the time the bowl was done, Melody wished a bit more had spilled. It was more than they would have eaten on their own. Their tummy was too heavy!

Melody spaced out a bit while Rosa ate her own dinner and cleaned things up. They were feeling a bit more awake and alert by the time Rosa finished the dishes and moved on to laundry. Actually, the best word for the feeling was refreshed, Melody thought.

They picked up their phone and checked a few things for tomorrow. There was a message from Tamira asking how things went. Melody answered it with a gif of Jonah Hill doing his screaming happy dance. On reflection they decided to send Jane a text letting her know that they’d be staying at Rosa’s. Jane sent a thumbs up emoji back. Dork.

“Hey babe.” Melody beamed up at Rosa when she returned to the bedroom.

“Hey. You feeling a little more put together? You went away there for a bit.” Rosa said.

“Yeah, I feel great. You?”

“I’m really happy.” Rosa said with a soft smile. “Was – all of that okay? I just went for it and didn’t check in with you.”

“It was amazing.” Melody said, nuzzling Rosa as she scooted into the bed. “Was it okay for you? I know it’s easy to get carried away when you do something new.”

“I loved it. I was even a tiny bit disappointed when I saw you all adult again. But just a tiny bit.”

“I think I could get there again if we watch a kids show.” Melody said.


“Yeah, if you want. Though um, if I get really into it and the lentils kick in um…” Melody searched for the right words. How did Briana say it again?

“I uh, might need help with the potty.” Melody said with a squirm.

“Of course, sweetie, mommy’s happy to help.” She pulled Melody close and pushed their head down to rest on her cleavage while she fired up the tablet.

“Now, what does my little one want to watch? More Steven Universe?”

“I want to watch She-Ra.” Melody said.

“Ooh, can we start on the first episode? I’ve heard it’s good.”

“You haven’t seen it?” Melody’s adult reaction matched their little one perfectly. It gave them a big step back into their kid mentality.

“No, I haven’t.” Rosa said, amused. “Is it on Netflix? Oh, here it is. I like the character designs.”

“That’s Catra.” Melody said, pointing at the screen. “And that’s Mermista. She’s really cool.”

Rosa blinked and giggled. “Oh, is she your favorite?”

“No, Catra is.” Melody said. “Oh and this is Swiftwind, he’s dumb. This is Bow, he’s okay for a boy. This is Glimmer, she’s the best one after Catra, but only because Mermista doesn’t get enough screen time.”

“Let’s get started then.” Rosa said. “I have a lot of catching up to do.”

“I can’t believe you haven’t watched it.” Melody said, rolling their eyes.

After only two episodes, Rosa declared it to be bedtime. Melody protested heavily, right up to the point that Rosa smacked them on the butt with a sandal. The bedtime routine was the same as it had been the other night, a timer for tooth brushing, getting their face washed, and being put on the potty.

It wasn’t as embarrassing this time. Mostly it made Melody feel safe and sleepy. Rosa sleeping naked meant there were a lot of blankets. It got a little stuffy for Melody in their pajamas and diaper. The warmth, along with everything else, got Melody to sleep well before ten.

As they were falling asleep Melody’s thoughts wandered back through the day. It had been nearly perfect. They wished they could do this tomorrow and every other day too.

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