((Content Warning: Alcohol abuse.  A character throws up.))

Keeley considered her situation as Vidette brought her a plate of spaghetti. Sure, she was sitting in a high chair, in a diaper. On the other hand, she hadn’t had to make dinner at all. It was kind of like being waited on by her friends.

“Do you want apple juice, water, or milk for your drink sweetie?” Vidette asked.

Ah yes, that was the downside. Keely looked longingly at the bottle of delicious rose wine on the table.

“Could I have some wine?” Keeley asked as sweetly as possible. “I’ve been a good girl and you really liked my sandcastle people.”

“Aww baby, no, that’s for your nannies.” Vidette said with a smile.

“Please?” Keeley begged. “I’ve been playing along with the game.”

“This is part of the game.” Dominika said. “Don’t push it or you’ll lose your sippy cup privileges.”

“Fine, apple juice.” Keeley said with a big sigh.

“What do you say when you ask for something?” Dominika asked.

Keeley rolled her eyes. Vidette had been going to the fridge but she stopped halfway.

“Apple juice, please.” Keeley said.

“Good girl!” Vidette gushed. “Coming right up.”

At least she had a fork. Eating spaghetti the way she’d had to eat her breakfast would have been a nightmare. Keeley dug in. To her delight, it was good. Really good. Obviously it wasn’t Michelin star food or anything, but it was as good as any of the bistros in Ardenthill.

“Did you gi – uh, nannies make this from scratch?” Keeley asked.

“You were here the whole time.” Dominika chuckled. “Too busy coloring to notice?”

“You could have gotten the meatballs and sauce from a catering company and just added some stuff.” Keeley said.

“We didn’t.” Vidette said proudly. “Dominika did the meatballs and I put the sauce together.”

“When did you learn to cook?”

“Cooking is an essential nanny skill.” Vidette said.

“Haha, seriously.” Keeley said. “When did you even have time with work and stuff?”

“Honestly I get more done now that I have something to do during the day than I did when I wasn’t working.” Dominika said. “You learn to make the most of your time.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” Keeley said, slurping up some more noodles.

“I didn’t get it until I started working either.” Vidette said. “Don’t worry Keeley, little girls don’t have to work.”

“Very funny.” Keeley said around the meatball she was biting into. It broke in half and bounced down her chest, landing with a splat in a pool of sauce.

Dominika and Vidette giggled. Keeley looked down at her kiddie blouse. It had big blotches of red sauce down it, with drops sprayed across the bit that met the high-chair tray.

“I’m not sure we can save that one.” Vidette said, getting up from the table. “But just in case let’s get it in the wash right away.”

“Does it matter, it’s just a costume blouse – hey!” Keeley protested.

She hadn’t really processed the implications of Vidette’s statement, until the blouse had been pulled up to her armpits. There wasn’t much struggling she could do. She’d only end up knocking her plate on the floor. Since she wasn’t keen to get another spanking, Keeley raised her arms and let Vidette strip the blouse off.

Dominika was smirking, of course. Keeley covered her breasts for a few moments then gave up. Both her nannies had seen her naked before, plus plenty on this trip. The real embarrassment didn’t come until Vidette returned without a replacement blouse in her hands.

“Hey, what about me?” Keeley asked, when Vidette sat back down to eat.

“You’re fine.” Vidette said. “We’ll wipe you down when you’re done with dinner. You can be as messy as you want.”

“I’m not messy – that was an accident.” Keeley said.

“Little girls have lots of accidents it looks like.” Dominika said. “Be a good girl and finish your dinner.”

Glaring at her nannies, Keeley decided she’d prove it was just a fluke. She’d eat every bite on the plate and not have any more spills. The nannies were talking about some work stuff that Keeley didn’t have experience with anyway. She tuned them out and concentrated on her plate.

Things were going well until she abandoned her slow, country-club eating pace. It was just so good! Unfortunately, eating faster got her bare chest sprinkled with tiny droplets of sauce. Keeley hoped her nannies wouldn’t notice. She tried to slow down again but it was agonizing. There wasn’t a big spoon to help with wrapping the spaghetti on her fork, or bread to push it against.

There was bread on the table, just out of reach. Problem solved! Keeley tuned back in to her nannies. They were going on about some kind of sorority event coming up.

“Just because the ABDU chapter doesn’t party with the Tri Delts doesn’t mean the Delta-Gs at Princeton didn’t. I don’t see why we can’t invite…”

“Can I have some bread please?” Keeley asked.

“In a second.” Vidette said, annoyed at being interrupted mid-scentence.

“Don’t interrupt, Keeley.” Dominika said.

Keeley rolled her eyes. They were leaving her out of the conversation and it’s not like there had been a lot of gaps to jump into. Probably. Not that she’d been listening.

“Where was I?” Vidette said. “Oh right, I think there’s no reason we can’t invite Porcia. She has a Little Boy of her own, she’d fit right in.”

“You’d have to talk to the board.” Dominika said, raising her hand. “That’s not the general you either. You, personally, would have to talk to them. I’m sick of trying to argue reasonable exceptions with those ladies.”

Were they going to ignore her now? Keeley wondered in frustration. All she wanted was a slice of bread. The high-chair’s tray had her backed away from the table a little but she could probably still get it herself.

Sitting up as much as she could, Keeley leaned way over. Success! Her fingers closed around a piece of bread. Unfortunately, her right breast pressed into something warm and squishy at the same time.

Jerking herself upright, Keeley looked down in horror at the huge blotch of sauce on her breast. She looked around frantically for a napkin, but her nannies hadn’t given her one. She could possibly wipe it off – except that it was too late.

Vidette and Dominika burst out laughing, staring right at Keeley. She felt her face go scarlet.

“It’s a good thing you got that blouse off of her.” Dominika said.

“I was going to make sure we put a bib on her for the next meal, but I’m not sure even a bib would help that. I think no-shirt might end up the easiest cleanup.” Vidette said.

“It’s not my fault, it was…”

“An accident!” Vidette and Dominika said in unison.

“Next time be a little patient sweetie.” Vidette said.

“Can I have a napkin at least?” Keeley asked miserably.

“We’ll hose you off after dinner kiddo.” Dominika said. She shook her head when Keeley responded with a whine. “Just finish your dinner. We have a cherry pie for dessert but you can’t have any until your dinner is done.”

Still blushing, Keeley focused on her food. Her chest was speckled with drops of sauce by the time she finished, not that it mattered anymore. The pie was good, even if not fresh-made. The nannies had picked a good bakery at least.

As a personal victory, Keeley noted that she hadn’t spilled any of the pie or gotten any on her. It didn’t seem like something she could call attention to, however. It’d be hard to get praised for being a dainty eater with the pasta sauce drying on her boob.

While Dominika washed dishes, Vidette scrubbed Keeley down, from face to belly. It felt a little unfair. She hadn’t been messy in all the places that Vidette washed. There was another issue making its presence known though, something that had Keeley’s full attention. It was time for her nannies to either keep their word, or Keeley was going to go nuclear on them.

“Um, I have to go to the bathroom.” Keeley said, wishing she didn’t have to ask. She was still stuck in the high chair though. Plus, the bathroom was probably still locked.

“Why are you suddenly worried about – oh!” Vidette said. “Do you need to go poopy, little girl?”

“Gross!” Keeley said, wrinkling her nose. “But yes, I have to go. Number two.”

“I’ll take her.” Dominika said.

“Thanks Nika. I’ll get stuff for the evening out.”

Keeley had expected that being sat on the toilet by Dominika would be the worst thing about her new predicament. It wasn’t by a long shot. Nika was still standing there, arms folded, waiting.

“Um, some privacy please?” Keeley said.

“Don’t you remember?” Dominika asked. “We have to make sure you’re actually using it for number two.”

“You could just check when I’m done.” Keeley said.

“And when you flush by ‘accident’ I’ll be supposed to believe you were telling the truth.” Dominika said. “Come on little girl, let’s not draw this out. Just go and we can get back to our evening.”

“I can’t go with you watching!” Keeley whined.

“Why not? It didn’t bother you on the beach.” Dominika said.

“I was just lying on a blanket.” Keeley said. “No way you could tell.”

“I’m talking about when you squatted down by your sandcastle.” Dominika chuckled.

“I thought only Vidette saw.” Keeley said in horror. “Um, I mean, I was just digging…”

“Uh huh.” Dominika checked her phone. “Come on hon. I don’t want to stand in a bathroom all night. From how you’re sitting you look like you really need to go.”

“You’re being so mean to me!” Keeley whimpered.

“Are you upset because you don’t know how to use the potty?” Dominika asked. “If you are, don’t worry, Nanny Vidette and I know how to help little girls potty-train.”

“You…” Keeley blew a bunch of air out, instead of some words that would have gotten a spanking for sure. As quietly as she could manage, facing away from Dominika, she did her business.

No sooner was she done than Keeley felt Dominika lifting her by her waist. She was too shocked to resist. With surprising skill, Dominika had Keeley off the toilet and bent over. Cold wipes brushed across her, cleaning her off.

“Ah – what!?” Keeley yelped, still too shocked to resist.

“All clean.” Dominika said, helping Keeley upright. “I think we can probably get you in your nighttime diaper now.”

“I can wipe myself!” Keeley said in outrage.

Her sputters and squeaks were ignored by Dominika. She had Keeley’s arm and was on the move. There was no choice but to leave her pants and diaper behind, while she followed Dominika to the changing room.

“Don’t you think you’re going too far?” Keeley asked as she lay down on the changing table.

“Keeley, if you spin yourself up into a tantrum you’ll get a spanking and go straight to bed.” Dominika warned.

“I’m not having a tantrum!” Keeley said, her voice rising.

The next time she opened her mouth, Dominika shoved a pacifier into it. Keeley glowered at her nanny, huffing and hrming around the pacifier. Against just a spanking, she might have spit it out. Going to bed at six would be actual torture though.

After a while, Keeley looked down to see what Dominika was doing. This latest diaper seemed to be more of a production. Dominika had spent extra time on the lotion and powder. There was some kind of bulky pad in-between Keeley and the diaper too.

“Whah all thih?” Keeley asked around the pacifier.

“Your nighttime diaper has to be extra thick to make sure you’re okay through the night.” Dominika said. “The booster pad will help too.”

“Ah’m noh goh-eh weh uh beh.” Keeley protested.

“Shh honey.” Dominika said. “Don’t talk around your paci. You sound like a baby instead of a little girl.”

Keeley pouted and ground her teeth against the pacifier. Maybe it would break, and they wouldn’t have packed a replacement. There was no luck on that score, at least not before her diaper was done.

The nighttime diaper was huge! Keeley couldn’t completely close her legs and was reduced to waddling awkwardly behind Dominika. As a cherry on the embarrassment sundae, Vidette was waiting for them in the living room with a one-piece pajama with built in feet.

Out of energy to fight her nannies, Keeley laid down on it and let Vidette zip her in. It was bright pink and covered in pastel-colored ponies. At least it was extremely soft. The feel of the fabric was making Keeley a little sleepy already.

“You can take that out now.” Vidette said, popping the pacifier out of Keeley’s mouth. “Did our little girl get a bit fussy on the changing table?”

“I’m not fussy.” Keeley fussed.

“That’s good news.” Vidette said brightly. “We have a game to play and a movie to watch, if you’re a good girl.”

“What game?” Keeley asked.

“Hungry Hungry Hippos!” Dominika announced, opening the box.

Keeley stared. It had been a long time since she’d played such a childish game. Even so, she remembered that neither Dominika nor Vidette had ever beaten her at it. She had been the undisputed HHP master of the entire play-group.

“Oh you are not beating me at this.” Keeley said with a huge grin. “Not even if you’ve been practicing.”

Vidette and Dominika made eye contact and giggled. It didn’t matter what they were planning. Keeley was confidant in her skills.

For the next hour, the sound of banging plastic filled the air. Keeley grinned at an increasingly frustrated looking Dominika and slapped the lever on her hippo. The last marble vanished under it’s mouth.

“I win again!” Keeley threw her arms up in victory.

“No way, it’s close this time.” Dominika said.

“You think so?” Keeley smirked. “Count ‘em.”

Vidette was smirking at both of them now. Keeley was glad she was finding something to occupy herself in last place.

“Four, five, six, seven!” Dominika counted up her marbles.

“Eleven. Automatic victory, there are only twenty marbles.” Keeley said.

“No way.” Dominika said. “You didn’t even count. That would mean Vi only has…”

“Two.” Vidette said, holding up  a pair of marbles. “She’s right. Again.”

Keeley giggled and fell back on the carpet, luxuriating in the soft pajama fabric. She knocked over her sippy cup in the process, but it was empty anyway.

“Okay, I admit it. You are the best at Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Dominika said.

“I told you.” Keeley said, sitting up.

“Yeah, yeah.” Dominika said good-naturedly, as she packed up the game.

“Good job sweetie.” Vidette said. She picked up the sippy cup and shook it. “You need some more water?”

“Is it movie time now?” Keeley asked. “Can I have something besides water with the movie?”

“Apple juice or milk.” Vidette said.

“Aww, but I’m the champion.” Keeley said. She could see Vidette gearing up to say no to booze again and decided to surprise her. “How about a soda?”

“That – is fine actually. Just nothing with caffeine. We have root beer and orange soda.”

“Root beer please!” Keeley said happily.

Flush on her victory and determined to make Vidette live up to her earlier promise, Keeley arranged her nannies side by side on the couch for the movie. She laid herself across their laps for maximum snuggling. The sippy cup was actually pretty handy for that. Keeley could drink out of it at weird angles without spilling.

They settled down to watch Keeley’s choice of movie, from the limited kid selection, of course. This time Keeley went for a classic. Watching the opening to the Little Mermaid in footie pajamas and a diaper put a lot of magic back into the movie.

The only problem was that since she was laying across both nannies, any squirming distracted them both. In short order Keeley had both nannies’ arms draped over her, which was awesome from a snuggling standpoint. It was not so great for having Dominika’s forearm laying across her bladder.

She had to pee yet again. Keeley really had not appreciated how many times she peed in a day until she had to do it in her pants. In front of her friends, no less. Laying as still as she could, she tried relaxing. That didn’t work. Neither did trying to push it out. Finally a bump over her bladder from Dominika shifting position squeezed out enough that Keeley could let the rest go.

The booster pad and thicker diaper were a big upgrade from what she’d been wearing before. Keeley hardly felt wet before the padding wicked it away. When she was done, things were a little warmer down there but barely damp.

A quick peek up at her nannies gave Keeley hope that they hadn’t noticed. She couldn’t believe they both had watched her squat down at the beach. Pushing away that embarrassing memory, Keeley let herself get lost in Ariel’s world.

When the movie ended, Dominika declared it to be bedtime. Seizing on an earlier plan, Keeley didn’t protest. She even yawned. It wasn’t difficult, she actually was tired. The day had been an emotional roller coaster. She wasn’t exactly sleepy, but her nannies didn’t need to know that.

“Thanks for not fighting us on your bedtime.” Vidette said, putting toothpaste on a brush for Keeley. “I’m proud of you. You’re a super good girl.”

“Thanks nana.” Keeley said, yawning again.

Vidette seemed determined to brush her teeth for her, and Keeley decided she didn’t care. She was even a little curious as to how it would go. It was a weird, ticklish feeling. Her teeth probably got cleaner than they usually did. It also got toothpaste all over her mouth and chin. That was fine too, Keeley was getting used to having her face wiped down by now.

The only part of bedtime that was hard to just accept was the crib. It was – so much. Keeley stared at it while Vidette dropped the long side down and wondered what the hell had happened to her beach weekend.

Vidette was bring super cute about it though, and constantly telling Keeley what a good girl she was. That felt pretty nice, even as part of the weird game. Keeley crawled into the crib and wrapped her arms around Gordo.

She had to admit, being tucked in still felt pretty great. It made up a little for seeing the crib bars go back up and snap into place.

“You want me to read you a story or something?” Vidette asked.

“Huh?” Keeley shook her head. “No, that’s okay.”

“Maybe tomorrow then.” Vidette said. She actually sounded a little disappointed.

“Goodnight Keeley.”

“Goodnight Nanny Vi.”

Calling Vidette nanny got a big smile out of her. Keeley chuckled to herself. Who was the cute one in this game anyway?

Left alone in her bedroom, crib-room, whatever, Keeley stared through the bars of the crib. They’d left her a nightlight. Part of the game, of course, but it was going to make it easier to stay up until her nannies went to bed.

Keeley lay in the crib and listened to the soft roar of the waves outside. The sound mingled with the gentle rumble of voices from the living room. Every few minutes a gust of wind would howl past the house and drown both out.

It was a fantastic soundtrack for falling asleep. Normally Keeley was out the minute her head hit the pillow at the beach house. Her nannies were probably expecting tonight to be the same. They were so focused on the game, they failed to realize that Keeley had napped twice today, with no alcohol besides.

The wait was shaping up to be a long one. Without her phone Keeley was feeling a little disconnected from the time, but she was pretty sure they’d put her to bed at nine. Vi and Nika could stay up until two or three, easily. They always outlasted Keeley when the three of them partied together.

For some people, waiting in a crib would have been unbearably boring. Keeley had always prided herself on her ability to space out. As she got older she started calling it meditation and maybe that’s what it really was. Whatever you called it, Keeley’s brain didn’t need to be busy all the time. As long as she was comfortable she could just be.

An annoyingly familiar type of discomfort pulled her away from her empty-minded experience of the seaside sounds. She had to pee. Again.

Keeley sighed. The obvious thing to do was to just go and get it over with. She was wearing the super-diaper, it probably wouldn’t even be uncomfortable. The thing she worried about is that it’d be noticeable. Her nannies would jump at the chance to claim she was a bedwetter.

Little by little the pressure eroded her resolve and her reasons. It wasn’t long before she was supplying herself with rationalizations for wetting. When she realized that she’d probably be able to do her morning pee before anyone seriously investigated her diaper, she was convinced.

Convinced and wetting herself. Immediately. Keeley furrowed her brow in worry. What happened to it being so difficult to pee her pants? Was the embarrassment of doing it in front of Vi and Nika the only problem?

If that was the case, she was glad the game would be done when the weekend was over. She didn’t want to get so comfortable in diapers that peeing her pants was no big deal.

Voices in the hallway cut Keeley’s worry-spiral short. Expecting her nannies to be super thorough, Keeley closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Her breathing was already calm from emptying her thoughts.

“I’m just going to check on her really quick.” Dominika whispered as she opened the door.

“Just don’t wake her.” Vidette whispered back.

It sounded like both of them were coming in.

“I told you.” Vidette whispered from right next to the crib.

“Yeah, out like a light. It’s only eleven.” Dominika said under her breath.

“She’s adorable.” Vidette said.

Vi’s words came out really heartfelt. So much so that Keeley almost revealed that she wasn’t sleeping. Smacking her lips together gently and rolling over would cover her mouth dropping open, she hoped.

“Yeah, a perfect cutie when she’s sleeping like this.” Dominika said. “I wish there had been a baby like this at Delta Lambda Gamma.”

Dominika too? What were they talking about? Keeley relaxed as much as she could, letting her face go slack. She felt herself wetting a little more too. So far the nighttime diaper had taken everything perfectly. It didn’t feel any more damp than after she’d wet during the movie.

“We have one now.” Vidette said.

“Maybe. I hope this works.” Dominika said.

“Have faith, sister.”

“You’re the churchgoer.” Dominika said.

“How’s her diaper holding up?” Vidette asked.

Keeley steeled herself, or rather, un-steeled herself. She was limp as a noodle when Dominika patted her diaper.

“Great. I think she wet again, but it can hold two or three more of those, easy.”

“She was so sure she wouldn’t be a bedwetter.” Vidette said, amused. Their whispers were getting less whispery all the time.

“She might have gone before she fell asleep.” Dominika offered.

“Since when does Keeley last for more than five minutes in bed awake?” Vidette asked.

“Yeah. Heh, cute.”

“Yeah, what a delightful little girl.”

“We’re getting loud.” Dominika said, dropping back to a whisper.

“It’s bedtime anyway.” Vidette said, hushing as well and yawning softly.

Keeley could hear them moving again. The door closed with a soft click. She let out a long breath. Her hands gripped the sheets in her crib angrily. Now she was a bedwetter. They’d never believe she wasn’t, unless she told them she’d been awake.

Well she wasn’t going to tell them that. Not if she wanted to sneak a drink in the kitchen. Keeley sat up and listened carefully for the sounds of her nannies brushing their teeth and getting into bed. It took ages, but eventually they called goodnight to each other and went to bed.

It wasn’t even midnight yet, Keeley realized. Who were these old ladies? She hadn’t smelled booze on their breath either, she realized. The three of them used to party hard enough to scare people that lived in warehouse-loft apartments. Now they were all – domesticated.

The hardest part was waiting for her nannies to fall asleep. She wouldn’t know for sure when they did, of course. She had to give them enough time. The only problem was, she had no way to track the time. Going empty-minded was great for passing time but not so much for tracking it.

Eventually Keeley’s patience simply snapped. The house had been quiet for a long time. She stood up in the crib and investigated the latches for the sliding side. It took some careful fiddling to get them to unlatch silently, but not snap back while she worked on the opposite side. With that done, she carefully lowered the bars and was free!

Her first steps across the bedroom floor nearly ended in a fall. The diaper and pad were doing an amazing job at keeping her pee away from her skin, but they’d done it by swelling up. No wonder Dominika could tell she’d wet. Walking involved less of a waddle and more of a wide-legged squat.

It’d be easier if she crawled, she realized. Keeley rolled her eyes. It made too much sense. They put her in an expanding diaper so that they could laugh while she crawled around the next morning.

It was a very grumpy Keeley that crawled down the hallway to the kitchen. Luckily the kitchen had plenty of stuff to turn those grumps around. She made a beeline for the liquor cabinet. In a few minutes she had tequila, vodka, and peach schnapps on the counter.

Of course, she couldn’t drink on an empty stomach. It was time to investigate the snacks. The first cabinet she opened held the jackpot, supplies for smores. Leaving the graham crackers, Keeley carted the bottles, chocolate, and marshmallows to the living room. She crawled back for mixers, returning with the orange soda, apple juice, and coke.

Now it was a party! Keeley chose a tequila sunrise for her first cocktail. Orange soda plus apple juice was close enough to orange juice. There was enough tequila in it to kill the taste anyway.

With a happy sigh, Keeley sat back and stuffed marshmallows in her face between gulps of her cocktail. In no time at all she had a very happy heat in her belly. A vodka coke followed, interspersed with chocolate. She was a discerning drinker, pairing her cocktails. Keeley giggled at herself.

By now she realized what she was missing was music. The waves and especially the wind were loud enough that she could get away with something on really low volume. The stereo was full of old dance mixes from wild weekends. Keeley picked her favorite and put it on the minimum volume.

It was so quiet she could barely hear it next to the speakers. She could get away with a few more notches. Some experimentation got her a nice banger that the wind could still drown out from across the room.

Keeley cracked open the peach schnapps and waddled back to the stereo. The diaper might be forcing her legs apart, but she could still twerk! Letting go and just dancing felt amazing. Her whole body was warm and floaty from the booze. Every song was accompanied by a couple more swigs of delicious schnapps. Letting go meant letting go. Keeley gleefully wet herself, glad to not care about anything anymore.

When the dance mix hit its stride, Keeley just had to turn it up a bit more. Then the wind got really loud, so she turned it up again. She’d hit just the right level. Or so she thought until Something New came on.

You had to crank Something New. It was the law. Keeley wrenched the volume up and pounded down a triple-swallow of the schnapps. Her diaper was super heavy, sagging a bit between her legs. That was okay. The empty schnapps bottle flashed like a glowstick in the porch lights that streamed in through the windows. Dancing went less athletic and more for sparkly hand movements.


Keeley staggered back against the foyer column, blinking in the sudden bright light. Dominika and Vidette were standing across the room in their bathrobes. They looked pissed. Keeley laughed. She was pissed too! In two ways!

“Keeley, what the fuck are you doing?” Dominika asked. She stormed over to the stereo and slapped the power off.

“I’m having FUN.” Keeley declared. “Fuck your game and fuck your rules. You’re not the only ones that get to have fun at the beach house.”

“Keeley, this is not good for you. How much did you drink?” Vidette asked, looking at the bottles on the coffee table in concern.

“Not enough!” Keeley laughed. “I’m still consh – cunsh – conso – awake!”

“Spoken like a damn alcoholic.” Dominika said. “You’re in so much trouble little girl!”

“Oh yeah? Who says I care?” Keeley asked, narrowing her eyes. “You’re so worried about rules, but you held me down and hit me!”

“You’re so worried about booze!” Keeley yelled at Vidette. “You drugged me!”

“I gave you a little bit of spironolactone… and maybe it wasn’t the nicest thing in the world but it didn’t hurt you.” Vidette said.

“Well this isn’t hurting me either, it feels GREAT!”

“Keeley, you get your ass back to bed right now or I swear…”

“FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR RULES!” Keeley screamed at Dominika. In a moment of white-hot anger, she hurled the schnapps bottle at Dominika with all the strength she could muster.

Vidette screamed. Dominika looked terrified. Nika threw herself away from the stereo and bounced off the coffee table. The schnapps bottle connected with he entertainment cabinet and shattered. There was an ugly gouge across one of the shelves. The stereo receiver had a chunk of glass stuck in its display.

Keeley stood spread-legged, panting. She stared wide-eyed at the stereo. Her schnapps-soaked brain finally caught up to the enormity of what she’d done.

Keeley wailed and fell to the floor. Her diaper compressed, squishing a puddle of pee onto her butt. She wailed again, tears flowing freely down her face.

“I’ll give you something to cry about.” Dominika growled, gingerly holding her chest where she’d hit the coffee table.

“Nika, are you okay?” Vidette asked, hurrying to Dominika’s side.

“I’M SORRY!” Keeley sobbed. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!”

“I’m fine.” Dominika said. She knelt in front of Keeley. Nika’s face was terrifying. She was enraged. Keeley had hardly ever seen anyone that mad, never mind one of her best friends.

“I’m sorry! Nika!” Keeley could only force a word or two out at a time between sobs. “I’m sorry! I didn’t – mean it! I’m sorry!”

“Oh, you’re going to be sorry.” Dominika said.

“Please Nika, please!” Keeley wailed. “Don’t hate me please! Please be my friend. Nika PLEAAASE.”

Keeley fell on her face, wracked by sobs. She was feeling nauseous now too. The fact that she’d cried herself into a case of the hiccups on top of everything else didn’t help. All she could do was force out two words over and over.

“Nika, sorry. Nika, sorry!”

Dominika sighed and pounded her fists on her thighs. She took a deep breath. “I’m so fucking mad at you Keeley. You could have killed me.”

“Nika, HIC, sorry!”

“We’re still best friends. You’re in HUGE trouble. But we’re still best friends.”

“Nika!” Keeley wailed, reaching for her friend.

Dominika squeezed Keeley’s hand briefly.

“Keeley, you are a total mess. This is scary. Doesn’t it scare you?” Vidette asked, kneeling nearby.

Keeley managed to pause her crying and apologizing in the face of a much more urgent need. She stared wide-eyed at Vidette for a moment and managed to burp out the words, “Gonna puke.”

Vidette flinched, but not far enough to escape the splash-zone.

“Jesus Christ on a crooked crutch.” Vidette said.

“I can…” Dominika began.

“NO.” Vidette said. “It’s fine. I’ve already got it on me, I’m on Keeley duty. Just like old times.”

Dominika sighed. “Yeah, no sense in us both getting barfed on. I’ll clean up in here at least.”

“Thanks!” Vidette grunted. She had her hands under Keeley’s arms and was dragging her down the hall.

A dark and swirly time passed with Keeley’s head in the toilet. If Vidette’s grip on her hair was a little tight, Keeley couldn’t blame her. Especially when Vi gently wiped Keeley’s mouth with a wet washcloth between bouts.

Eventually Keeley’s stomach was empty and somewhat calm. She looked around the bathroom. Vidette was completely naked, with her bathrobe on a pile on the floor next to her.

“I’m sorry Vi.” Keeley said softly.

“It’s Nanny Vidette. Or nana. Or Nanny Vi is fine I guess.” Vidette said.

“S-sorry Nanny Vidette.” Keeley said. Playing along with the game was the least she could do right now.

“Let’s get you out of those dirty pajamas.” Vidette said.

Keeley nodded and helped Vidette strip her. She sat on the bathroom floor on her swollen diaper, feeling six kinds of miserable.

“I can take it from here.” Dominika said. “You can grab a shower, Vi.”

“Thanks Nika.” Vidette said tiredly.

Both nannies looked really tired. She’d woken them up when they’d wanted an early night, Keeley remembered. She looked up at Dominika with a hangdog expression.

“It’s punishment time.” Dominika said.

Keeley nodded. Punishment was the last thing she wanted – except for Dominika to hate her. Honestly she wasn’t sure what she would have done if Vi or Nika had thrown a bottle at her like that. She was far from sober, but she knew just how far out of line that was.

Dominika put Keeley on the changing table facedown and strapped her wrists and ankles to it. Her diaper came down off her butt with a squish that soaked her thighs.

“Vi is terrified for you.” Dominika said. “She has been for a while. We know you did heroin with Zach.”

“I’m sorry Nika.” Keeley blubbered.

“It’s Nanny Dominika.” Dominika said, not offering any softer options.

“I’m sorry, Nanny Dominika.” Keeley sniffled.

“Sorry doesn’t work anymore.” Dominika said. “We wanted to show you a game we like. Give you a weekend without booze-fueled partying. Take care of our best girl.”

“I’m sorry but it was so weird!” Keeley whimpered.

“Is it?” Dominika asked. “You almost killed me and yourself. Who’s the weird one here?”

Keeley whimpered, dripping snot on the changing table pad.

“I’m going to spank you with a hairbrush.” Dominika said in a calm voice. It was scarier than her yelling, somehow.

“It’s really going to hurt.” Dominika continued. “Then you’re going to go back in your diaper, and I’m going to lock you into your crib. There’s going to be a baby-monitor just outside your crib. Do you understand?”

“Please no.” Keeley whimpered. “Please, not the hairbrush. You c-can do all the other stuff, just please don’t spank me.”

“You don’t think you deserve a spanking?” Dominika asked.

Keeley sobbed softly. Of course she deserved a spanking. She deserved to be dumped in the drunk tank and have her friends leave her on the coast. She deserved to be in some gross warehouse with Zach.

“Well?” Dominika asked.

“I – do.” Keeley whimpered.

“Say, I deserve a spanking, nanny Dominika.”

Keeley whimpered. She tried whining. Sobs were useless too. Dominika waited her out.

“I d-deserve a sp-panking. N-nanny Dominika.” Keeley managed.

“You’re damn right you do.” Dominika said.

The hairbrush came down like a smoking brand. Keeley wailed. Every smack was a fresh touch of fire on her ass. She screamed her throat raw while Dominika thrashed her butt red. By the time it was over they were both panting. Keeley was past tears, she couldn’t feel anything but the burning of her rear.

Dominika spread some kind of cream on her that helped a little. The burn became an ache. As promised, her diaper went back up around her butt. It was still full, squishing unpleasantly on her raw butt.

The cuffs came off, but a plastic diaper cover came on, and locked with a padlock. There was no resistance left in Keeley. Not when Dominika put her back in the crib without pajamas. Not when she set up the humiliating baby monitor and pointed its camera at the crib. Even when Dominika put locking mittens over Keeley’s hands, she let it happen.

It wasn’t until Dominika folded a roof to the crib over from the back that Keeley protested. Her crib, which she didn’t like much anyway, was about to become a cage.

“Please, Nanny Dominika, wait.” Keeley begged.

“If you think I’m going to give you a chance to sneak out again…” Dominika said.

“No! Just uh…” Keeley sniffled. “I know you’re mad. With a good reason. But can… can I have a hug before you close that?”

Dominika sighed. “Damnit kiddo.” She reached into the crib and gave Keeley a surprisingly tight hug. Keeley clung back with all the strength her mittened hands could muster.

“Okay, bedtime. For real this time.” Dominika raised the crib-side and locked it to the top.

“I’m sorry, nana.” Keeley said softly, squirming under the blanket.

“Goodnight Keeley.”

“Goodnight Nana.”

The pain in her butt was still there when the door closed. So were the sounds of the wind and waves. Empty mind time was as good a way to escape the ache as any. That lasted for an uncounted while until it blended into sleep.

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