Rose crawled along the grass for a long time without really worrying about where they were going. The moment she had put her trust in Aurora she’d stopped worrying about a lot of things. It was probably the magic doing that, and Rose was fine with it. Anything was better than the panic she’d felt when she’d looked up and been alone by the lake.

The only thing what was bothering her is that she didn’t exactly feel little. Whatever the magic was doing to make her need to crawl and need diapers, it wasn’t the same as being in little space. In fact, she didn’t even need diapers at the moment, she could feel the need to pee and was holding it just fine. The diapers felt comforting and right, just like the onesie did. It was as if the magic was flipping her sense of normal to baby things. Crawling felt good, the idea of walking seemed weird. She even wished she had something in her mouth. In a way it was a lot more intense, there was no ‘hiding’ in a littled mental state. She had all her adult thoughts but was happily crawling next to Aurora, wishing for a pacifier.

Aurora had come to a stop at the edge of a big meadow. Rose sat back on her padded butt and looked up at her, brushing grass off the palms of her hands. Aurora looked worried and Rose felt a pang of guilt.

“Can I help?” Rose asked.

“Only if you’re feeling up to it,” Aurora said. “Just being a good girl is helping, you crawled a really long way with no complaints.”

“Really?” Rose asked, looking around. They were under some kind of big tree. There was a manicured lawn behind them, with small rolling hills. Rose couldn’t remember crawling across all of that. Ahead of them was a meadow with tall grass, scattered wildflowers peeking out from the golden mass.

“Miles I think, but the sun hasn’t moved at all,” Aurora said.

“It’s all kind of like a fairytale,” Rose said. “Maybe we need help from a fairy, or a talking animal or something.”

“I haven’t seen any of those,” Aurora said.

“Of course not, you’re the adult,” Rose said. “Untie me a minute and I’ll see if I can find one.”

“I don’t know about that,” Aurora said. “What if you get lost? Or taken away?”

“I’ll yell for you if I need to,” Rose said. “But that’s the only idea I have besides keep walking.”

Aurora chewed her lip and sighed. She kneeled down by Rose and unsnapped the harness. Caressing Rose’s cheek, she said, “I don’t want to lose you hon, but I don’t have any other ideas either. Don’t go far, and call out every couple of minutes even if nothing bad is happening so I know you’re still around.”

“Okay,” Rose said, squeezing Aurora’s arm. “If I can’t find one fast I’ll come back.”

Rose set off into the tall grass. The plan should feel ridiculous, but it felt right, just like crawling felt right. That must mean it fit in with the magic place they were in. Letting whimsy guide her, Rose crawled from pretty flower to pretty flower, until she came upon a desiccated tree stump hidden in the grass. The stump had a door set in it no bigger than Rose’s outstretched hand, with a tiny window alongside.

“Found something!” Rose called out. “Don’t come over yet.”

With a delighted giggle, Rose knocked gently on the door with a fingernail. The door popped open to reveal a mouse in pajamas with bags under her eyes.

“Oh my gosh you are so cute!” Rose said gleefully, feeling herself slip a bit into little thoughts.

“You are cute too, but big, and loud,” the mouse said, wincing. Her voice wasn’t as high pitched as Rose suspected, but it was pretty quiet.

“Sorry,” Rose whispered. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“I was out dancing with fairies all night,” the mouse complained. “it’s very early still.”

“I’m very sorry, but can I bother you just a little bit more?” Rose asked quietly. “I’m Rose, and my mommy and I are lost.”

The mouse looked up at Rose and sighed, rubbing her whiskers. Finally she nodded and said, “I’m Thistle.”

“You said you were dancing last night,” Rose said. “But we haven’t seen the sun move at all.”

“Well what have you been doing?” Thistle asked, leaning against her doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Looking for our friends,” Rose said. “We walked a long way.”

“You must be doing it wrong,” Thistle said.

“I know that,” Rose said with a pout. “Please help us Thistle, I really miss my Daddy, and I’m scared for our friends.”

Thistle sighed again and said, “I haven’t even had my tea yet. Alright, were you just looking around with your eyes?”

“Mommy was,” Rose said.

“Well that’s dumb,” Thistle said, “but she probably can’t help it because she’s an adult. You need to just go to them.”

“How?” Rose asked. “We don’t know where they are.”

“You found me,” Thistle said. “It should be way easier to find someone you know. Just go in the right direction and you’ll find them.”

Rose considered. It made a strange kind of sense, little sense. It was scary to think about letting herself be really little right now, what if Aurora needed help? What if the magic kept her that way? Then again, she’d been calling Aurora mommy to Thistle without thinking about it.

“Okay, thank you Thistle,” Rose said, relaxing into the feeling of her diaper and onesie. Already it was feeling more and more normal to be talking to a mouse. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Hmm, my chimney is blocked,” Thistle said. “It’s up on top of the stump, some bits of wood fell on it.”

Rose pulled herself up to peer at the jagged top of the stump.  There were lots of bits of dried wood, leaves, and grass that had collected in the hollow spots. Carefully she pulled them out, tossing them into the grass. Once she found the little river-pebble chimney, it was a snap to clear out all the debris around it.

“All done!” She said brightly to Thistle.

“You’re a good girl, Rose,” Thistle said. “Just don’t go knocking on doors so early okay?”

“Okay Thistle,” Rose said, nodding gravely. She waved goodbye to the mouse and crawled back through the grass. She could have looked for the path she’d made on the way in but it would be simpler to just go to Aurora. Faster too, she’d barely started crawling when she popped out of the grass next to a very stressed out looking Aurora.

“You’re back!” Aurora said, kneeling down and hugging Rose.

“Yup yup!” Rose said, returning the hug and sitting down on a diaper that had less poof and more squish that before. It didn’t feel bad, so Rose didn’t worry about the difference.

“You said you found something–“ Aurora said.

“I did! I found a mouse, and her name is Thistle, and she was kinda grouchy because she had been up all night with the fairies, but I helped her unblock her chimney and so we’re friends now.” Rose said breathlessly.

Aurora blinked. “Um, okay, did she know where our friends are?”

“Nope!” Rose said cheerily. “But I do.”

“Really?” Aurora asked, with a note of desperation in her voice. “How? Where?”

“I can’t tell you,” Rose said, “I hafta show you.”

Aurora looked at Rose for a bit, obviously struggling with that statement. Finally she shrugged and put the harness back on Rose.

“Ugh, do I hafta wear this?” Rose asked.

“Yes, because I say so,” Aurora said sternly. “Be a good girl, and show me where our friends are, okay?”

“Okay!” Rose hopped off her squishy butt and crawled back into the meadow, hardly giving Aurora time to grab the backpack. Tiffany would be first, she was sure, because she was all alone and that would be scary. Then they could find Daddy and the others, Rose was sure they would all be together.

On the way Rose amused herself by making up a story about how Tiffany had gotten away from the creatures at the cabin and fallen asleep by a pond with little fish in it. There was a pretty path of colored rocks down to the pond, with little fairy lampposts along it. When the meadow gave way to a hill covered in heather, Rose was delighted to see her path!

“Mommy! Mommy!” Rose tugged on the leash. “I found Tiffany!”

“Where?” Aurora sked, eagerly.

“At the end of this path, come on!” Rose said, redoubling her crawling. Around a patch of beautiful purple heather was the pond, just as Rose had imagined it, better actually, the rocks at the bottom of the pond sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow, and the fish had shimmering lights along their scales.

Tiffany was not as Rose had imagined her, she looked a wreck. Totally naked, sprawled out filthy on the side of the pond. Getting close was a mistake, Tiffany reeked of sex. Rose wrinkled her nose and scooted away, happy to set her heavy diaper down on the ground. It squished wetly under her, feeling a bit clammy.

Aurora wrinkled her nose too, but didn’t shy away from shaking Tiffany awake. The rainbow haired girl shuddered a bit and thrashed to a sitting position, looking around with wild eyes. After a moment recognition dawned on her face, and she threw herself into Aurora’s arms. Moments later Rose got her own very stinky hug from Tiffany.

“You smell like cum!” Rose declared, squirming out of the hug.

“I’m glad to see you too,” Tiffany laughed. “I’m really glad to see both of you, where the hell are we?”

“There isn’t a good answer to that,” Aurora said. “We’re together though, and I think Rose can help us find the boys.”

“Awesome, let’s go!” Tiffany said.

“Don’t you want to um, clean up a little first?” Aurora asked delicately.

“Oh uh, right, yeah,” Tiffany blushed, way more than Rose expected her to. Subdued, Tiffany took a hand cloth from Aurora and made her way to the far side of the pool to wash.

Rose’s butt was starting to feel gross, and itchy. She whimpered and tugged on Aurora’s sleeve.

“What’s the matter?” Aurora asked, turning away from the backpack she’d been digging around in. Rose couldn’t decide what to say, so she just looked up at Aurora with teary eyes.

“Oh, you need a change,” Aurora said, patting the bulk between Rose’s legs. “Lie down hon.”

Rose lay back, squirming as Aurora unsnapped her onesie. She let out a happy giggle when the diaper came off, squirming again at the cold wipes.

“I’m going to let you air out for a bit hon,” Aurora said. “It looks like the sun moved a little. Maybe time only passes when we make progress?” She shook her head, a confused look on her face.

Rose thought that sounded perfectly logical to her. Magic logical anyway. “I’m hungry.” She said, rolling over on her stomach.

“I am too, a bit,” Aurora said, digging in the backpack again.

“Naked Rose!” Tiffany said in an amused tone as she rejoined the group. Rose stuck her tongue out at Tiffany and got a playful smack on her bare butt. “So what’s going on?”

“Lunch, right now,” Aurora said. “Then we find the boys and hopefully get out of here.”

“Sounds good, thanks for the rescue,” Tiffany said, sitting down sideways to give herself a little modesty. “You don’t happen to have any of my clothes, do you?”

“Sorry, I don’t, the pack was already pretty heavy,” Aurora said. “I have a shirt of Rose’s that might fit you, and we have plenty of diapers.”

“Heh, yeah, give me both,” Tiffany said, blushing. “Not like you haven’t seen me in one anyway.”

“It’ll be a diapered camping trip!” Aurora said encouragingly, reaching in the pack again.

Tiffany pulled the shirt on herself, but Aurora diapered her. It was weird to see a big girl like Tiffany get a diaper put on her, but Tiffany didn’t seem to mind. She was very blushy by the end of it though.

“How come you’re so blushy?” Rose asked Tiffany, feeling hungry and irritable about it.

“I um uh…” Tiffany hid her face. “Look, we’ve all had some uh, experiences this weekend okay?”

“Yeah but why does that make you blushy about diapers now?” Rose pressed.

“Rose honey, leave Tiffany alone and eat some lunch,” Aurora said, passing Rose a plastic container of lunchmeat and sliced veggies.

“No!” Rose pouted, pushing away the unappetizing stuff. “I want milk!”

It was Aurora’s turn to blush. She and Tiffany exchanged awkward glances. “Rose I don’t think–“

“Please!” Rose whined, feeling her stomach rumble. There were tears in her eyes, she balled up her fists in frustration.

“Uh, Tiffany, Rose uh…” said Aurora, pausing to rub her head, “Rose seems to be better at finding people if she’s little, so I’m sort of encouraging her to uh…”

“What’s the big deal?” Tiffany asked. “Unless you didn’t have any milk packed.” Tiffany’s eyes went wide when Rose reached for Aurora’s chest. “No way.”

“You don’t have to watch, it’ll just take a bit,” Aurora mumbled as she unbuttoned her shirt.

Tiffany did watch, not that Rose cared. She was hungry, and didn’t know what all the fuss was about, but it was keeping her from her lunch and that was annoying. As soon as she fastened her lips on Aurora’s nipple she closed her eyes in bliss. The sweet, warm liquid was exactly what she needed. Even better, she had to be snuggled up to Mommy to get it.

Tiffany and Aurora ate while Rose did, eventually braving the awkward silence to chat. When she was done, Aurora set her down by the pond and let Rose rest, which she was happy to do. The sunshine was right overhead and nicely warm. She took the opportunity to squirm out of her onesie and sunbathe naked in a light doze.

It was Tiffany that roused Rose from her nap and ordered her to lift her butt so she could be diapered. Rose didn’t mind, Tiffany was her best friend! A change from Tiffany was full of lots of soft, slow touches. She didn’t just put the powder on, she caressed Rose’s belly and legs first. Having the powder smoothed into place by the same slow touches set Rose’s heart racing. Tiffany started gentle petting touches at the top of Rose’s head before pulling a fresh onesie onto her, and stroked her all the way down her shoulders, back, belly, thighs, and calves before snapping the last snaps. Feeling wiggly all over, Rose climbed into her friend’s lap and kissed her gently on the lips. Warm arms held Rose close while they tangled tongues.

A stern throat clearing from Aurora made Tiffany pull back guiltily. “She kissed me,” Tiffany said.

“That’s still enough of that,” Aurora said, shaking her head. “Rose, we’re all packed up, can you help us find the boys now?”

“Fast if you can,” Tiffany said, hopping up and adjusting the fit of her diaper.

Rose’s pout at the kiss ending vanished, she was going to see Daddy again! Tiffany was smart, they should go fast. She considered the fastest way to get… whatever Daddy was. He was with the other guys, she assumed. There had been no sign or sound of them, so they probably weren’t in the area with the fields.

Daddy was probably somewhere scary, he was really brave and could handle it. Rose imagined a dark room, lots of wood. It would have a door in, so all she had to do was look for a door! Rose set off crawling at her best speed around the pond, heading around the big hill that lead up to the meadow.

Just where she expected it, there was a door set into the hill. Dark polished wood gleamed around a tarnished brass handle shaped like Lykon’s head. “Right here! Daddy is on the other side!” Rose told Aurora excitedly.

Aurora and Tiffany looked at each other and shrugged. Tiffany threw the door open, gasped, laughed, and then wolf-whistled. Crowding in behind her, Aurora and Rose peeked through the door.

Daddy… Ivan, was gloriously naked, oiled from head to toe. His roofer’s muscles didn’t make him sculpted but with the oil he looked like a powerful lion standing there. He was watching Charles and Miguel, the former was bent over a bench, wearing a ruffled shirt and a diaper. That diaper was shredded to bits by the cane in Miguel’s hand. The cane came down across Charles’ red buttocks just as Tiffany whistled, the smack it made echoing into the dark wood room the men were in.

All three men turned, a mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and awkward amusement on their faces. Rose didn’t wait, she barreled through Tiffany’s legs, nearly knocking her over. Super speed crawling across the floor, she reached Ivan and was lifted lightly up into his arms.

“Daddy!” She half cheered, half cried.

“Rose, my Rose,” Ivan said in a husky voice, crushing Rose to his oily chest. Rose didn’t even complain, Daddy could crush her all he wanted.

When Daddy finally let her down, Rose saw Aurora in a spinning hug with Miguel, Tiffany and Charles on the floor holding each other and crying. It was happy and scary all at once. She concentrated on staying on her feet so she could be snuggled up against Daddy.

Before they could do or say any more, a wall creaked and a hidden door opened. Lykon strode through, glowering out of his black goat eyes. He was taller even than Ivan, powerful, and super scary.

“This is adorable,” Lykon said with a sneer. “But you are our toys and it is Nysa and myself that will say when the game is done.” Ivan tensed, but he didn’t seem ready to rush Lykon. Charles, Miguel, Tiffany, and even Aurora looked caught between fight and flight.

“Nuh uh!” Rose said, blowing a raspberry at Lykon. “You hafta let us go!”

“Is that so?” Lykon asked, braying with laughter. “Why is that, little baby?”

“Because Daddy and Tiffany have swords!” Rose declared triumphantly.

Lykon opened his mouth to laugh again, but closed it with a snap of his broad teeth when he realized he was staring at gleaming, razor sharp steel. Ivan had a massive longsword in his hands, which wobbled a bit before he adjusted his grip and pointed it at Lykon, grinning. Tiffany was wielding a rapier that was so sharp it made a little screaming noise when she slashed it through the air.

Lykon’s eyes widened and he took a couple of short, trotting steps back toward his door. “Let’s not be rash here…” He said nervously.

“Get him Daddy!” Rose said with a huge grin.

Lykon didn’t wait, he ducked back through the door, slamming the wall panel behind him.

“You did it!” Ivan said, standing the sword point down on the floor and picking Rose up to twirl her around.

“We’ve got to get out of here before he gets the other one,” Tiffany said.

“We need clothes though,” Aurora said. “Rose, honey, we need to take a trip, wouldn’t it be better if everybody was dressed for that?”

“Of course,” Rose said, nodding. “We’re all ready to go.”

Ivan was in a sexy shirt with the buttons done up only about half way, and the sleeves rolled up too. He had Rose’s favorite pants of his on too, some nice fitted khakis that fit his butt really well. Tiffany got a pair of pants, and both Miguel and Charles got some regular shirts and jeans.

“Amazing,” Ivan said with a grin. “Now, what’s the way out?”

“Right through the door the goat guy took!” Rose said, pointing. “He’s being tricky but we’re not fooled.”

Charles threw the door open with a skeptical look, but charged through it with a happy cry when he saw the cabin living room on the other side. Tiffany was right behind him, then Miguel and Aurora. Ivan sent Rose through and backed through last, guarding their rear with his sword.

“Get to the van!” Aurora yelled, pointing at the door. “Don’t pack anything, don’t give them a chance to change any doors or rooms, let’s go!”

Rose found herself picked up with one arm by Ivan, and hung on to his neck for dear life. Now that they were out of the magic world, she felt fear creeping back in. She was glad to see the van and jumped into the seat when Ivan opened the door. He had it up and moving before everyone in the back had even closed the sliding door.

The wheels whined and whirred on the dirt as the van spun itself around. Getting out downt he rickety road at speed was worse than getting in, way worse. Rose was thrown against her seatbelt like a ragdoll, whimpering. It was worth it though.

They heard a braying howl as the fled, and the trees rumbled, raking at the van. Paint was stripped off the poor rental van in huge chips, but it was too heavy for branches to stop. After five minutes of agonizing bouncing down a dirt road they hit the rural highway and Ivan kicked the van into high gear. A collective sigh or sob rose up from the group as the van hit freeway speeds and rocketed away from the woods.

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