Tiffany stared up at the monster in front of her. Over six feet of goat and man mixed together in a figure that exuded sex and menace. It, he? Whatever it identified as, it had finished giving her a bizarre lecture on how it was going to ‘unlock her deepest desires’. She tried to draw herself up and glare, but she doubted that she was very intimidating in a collar, bikini top, and thong panties.

“Well I don’t want any of that,” Tiffany said. “So piss off. Whatever you did with Charles, bring him back, get out of the cabin, and let us have our own fun.” There wasn’t even a tremble in her voice, she could take pride in that at least!

Lykon, that was what it called itself, laughed. Or at least it was trying to laugh. It came out as more of a hee-haw noise. The whole thing should feel like a scene from a horror movie, except for how enticingly musky the thing smelled. Tiffany looked around the weird grove the monster had trapped her in. Still no door, just a wall of fake trees and a pond.

“You want so many things,” Lykon said. “I am a creature of desires and passion and you are one of the brightest guests I’ve ever had at this cabin. Your desires scream out at me, begging to be fulfilled.”

“So what?” Tiffany asked. “I get everything I want from Charles, even extra play-partners if I want.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Lykon said. He leaned down, his hot breath on Tiffany’s shoulder “There’s so much you ache for that you can’t have. You like to pretend to be forced, but Charles is never rough enough. You want wild, relentless sex, more than any human lover has ever been able to give you.”

Tiffany shivered, her nipples perking up despite herself. She found herself looking down at Lykon’s cock and pulled her gaze away. All she needed to do was bore this thing, convince it she wouldn’t play, and she should be able to get back to Charles. Her gaze stayed fixed on the creature’s ugly face and horns, but she couldn’t stop fantasies from playing in the back of her mind.

“I have more than a thousand years of experience exquisitely tormenting your kind,” Lykon said. He circled around behind Tiffany, nuzzled her neck. She trembled to feel his powerful hands on her waist. The crotch of her thong was slick again, more than it had been when Charles had spanked her this morning.

“I don’t even need to hear your desires anymore, I can smell them,” Lykon said with a throaty chuckle. A hot, wet, powerful tongue licked down Tiffany’s neck and across her collarbone. Her mind went crazy at the possibilities of that huge tongue and against her will she rewarded him with a moan.

“But I’m not here to give you want you want,” Lykon said. “I’m here to give you what you can’t admit you want. Normally that means forcing my victim into their desires. Tying them, forcing myself in. Spanking, humiliating, pushing them into filth. But you, little toy, you are more interesting than any I’ve played with. What you LIKE is to be forced. So if I force you into anything, I’m giving you what you ask for.”

“Th-then I guess I won’t work for you,” Tiffany said, steeling herself. “Too bad, oh well. I’ll be going now.”

“Oh no, there is a way to get it, but it involves me having to do something I don’t normally do. In a way, you’re turning the game back on me. I’m fascinated by it.” Lykon pulled Tiffany back, she felt his unbelievably hairy balls pressing against her rear, his cock straining against her back like a staff.

“Oh god,” Tiffany said, grabbing her breasts. The ache to feel Lykon inside her was like a wound in her crotch.

“I will give you everything you ask for. I will tie you, force you, and impale you until you beg me to stop. All my immortal energy and experience will be directed at using you until you are finally, completely satisfied in every way.” Lykon grabbed Tiffany’s breast and hip, leaning down to bite her shoulder.

Tiffany wailed out a long moan and ground her ass against Lykon. Panting and sweating, she was past losing control She needed this thing inside her. Now. She cried out in anguish again as Lykon pushed her away, sending her stumbling and down on the grass. Shamelessly, she rolled over and spread her legs, looking up at Lykon with her chest heaving.

“But you only get it when you defile yourself,” Lykon said. “You only get your reward when you do something filthy without being forced. Not as a punishment, or as part of a bondage game. You’ll have to put on a diaper, wet yourself, and bring yourself to ecstasy in it. All of that in front of Charles, admitting that you want it.”

“Wha-what?” Tiffany blushed, still squirming involuntarily with desire. “No, that’s not how–“

“I know. You only do these things when you pretend to be forced. You only lie with women when Charles ‘forces’ you. You only wear diapers and take spankings as a ‘punishment’. You soil yourself when you can tell yourself you have no other choice,” Lykon said, smiling grotesquely wide. “This time you’re going to show your lover that you like this thing. That it’s enough to make you scream.”

“No way!” Tiffany said. “No, that’s not what Charles and I do. He’ll think I’m a freak, he’ll run out of ways to punish me, he’ll–“

“This isn’t about him, it’s about you,” Lykon said. “This is the one thing you want, that you don’t want to do. Real humiliation, without the ‘permission’ of having someone force you.”

“I can’t do it,” Tiffany said.

“That’s a problem,” Lykon said. “Because then you’ll never get your reward. You’ll never get your night as my exclusive toy. How many of my kind have you met? This isn’t a chance that will come again. Refuse me, and you lose the intensity of sex you’ve been craving since you knew what sex was.”

“No. Oh god, no,” Tiffany said. Tears sprung to her eyes and a whimper blubbered from her lips. Charles was a great lover, she should be able to ignore this creature, leave, go back to him and beg him to really work her over.

She should be able to, but her resolve wavered as she looked at Lykon’s devilish horns, massive muscles, and obscene cock. Nothing Charles did would equal what this thing could do. It would be dangerous, and raw, and considering it was making her skin tingle. Turning this down could be a regret for ever.

“Is that really you answer?” Lykon asked. He folded his arms over his chest and stood there, cock bobbing idly in Tiffany’s direction.

“What… exactly, would I have to do?” Tiffany asked.

Lykon’s face split into another hideous grin. He thought he had won and Tiffany couldn’t disagree any longer. She would do anything to be buried in his musk and his wild carnality.

“You will go through the door I open, and rejoin Charles,” Lykon said. “You will put yourself in a diaper, and soil yourself. You will play with yourself or let Charles do it, until you reach your ecstasy. You will not ask Charles to force you, he must understand that you enjoy soiling yourself, that you want to be dirty, not forced.”

Tiffany bit her lip and closed her eyes. The excitement she felt was not going down. How could this thing know that she actually liked wetting? She’d never told anyone, she simply nudged her partners into punishing her that way. Maybe one or two had suspected, but she’d always been careful to reserve it as the part of the game that was a real punishment.

“If you do this of your own free will, then I will make you my toy for an entire night,” Lykon said. “I will break my own rule, and give you want you want. I might even turn you over to my counterpart afterwards, so that you can continue in bliss.”

“I’ll do it,” Tiffany whispered, hanging her head in defeat. She heard Lykon’s hooves thudding on the grass, but didn’t look up.

“The door is open,” Lykon said. “You will not see me, but I will be watching. If you play your regular game with Charles, you will never see me again.”

Tiffany stood and walked to the hole full of light that Lykon had made in the wall of trees. “Are you sure we can’t … skip the test?” Tiffany asked. She reached out and took Lykon’s cock in both hands, trembling at how hot and hard it felt in her hands. With a step forward she nestled it between her breasts, rubbing her body along his shaft.

“That feels very good, toy,” Lykon said. “but it’s not what I want. You’ll do that kind of thing later, IF you can debase yourself for me. If you’re not capable of it, no matter. I’ll have fun with the rest of the guests.”

With a sigh, Tiffany pulled herself away from Lykon’s massive cock. She looked him over one more time, trying to decide… no, pretending to decide. There was no way she was going to pass up on a night with Lykon. He was right, it was an experience she’d never find again.

With a stumble Tiffany was through the door, blinking away spots from the curtain of light. She was back in the cabin, in her bedroom. The bedroom door had lead to Lykon’s grove last time, now it was the upstairs hall.

A stack of diapers by the bed caught her eye. With a trembling hand, she picked one up. It didn’t take long to exchange her sopping thong for the diaper, wrapping the cool soft padding tight around herself and pulling the tabs closed. It crinkled when she walked to the bathroom to gulp down two full glasses of water.

Nervous butterflies banged around in her too-full stomach. There wasn’t a punishment going on, they weren’t even technically playing at the moment. With dread hanging heavy in her chest, Tiffany unbuckled her collar as she’d planned to do before she ran into Lykon. She’d been on her way to shower, but there was no point in that now. Lykon demanded that she show Charles she wanted to be dirty. The thought thrilled her, even as she winced away from it. She stank of sweat, sex, and goat. This isn’t how a game should start, she should start clean, have her partner make her dirty.

But there wasn’t going to be a game.

Tiffany brought her hands to the diaper, almost tugged it off. Her heart was racing now, going downstairs would be the point of no return. She might even run into one of the others, maybe Rose would see her. All those jokes at work about Rose liking piss would come right back at her.

Step by laborious step she made her way down the stairs. Charles was down on the couch, freshly showered and relaxing in shorts and a tank top. He looked up at her, smiling fondly, then confused.

“You okay babe?” Charles asked. “I thought you were going to clean up? What’s with the diaper?”

“I, wanted to tell you something,” Tiffany said, hesitantly. There was already pressure in her bladder, it was either Lykon or the beer making that happen, either way she was glad to get things over with.

“Hon I said we were taking a break,” Charles said with a sigh. “I know this whole weekend is for this stuff but I need a couple of hours before we play punishment again, okay?”

“It’s not that, uh, I don’t want to play a game,” Tiffany forced herself to say. She could feel her cheeks burning. “I uh, wanted to show you something I like. I know I said I didn’t like it, but I guess with everything this weekend… I wanted you to know.”

Charles raised his eyebrows, set his book down. “Seems pretty serious, is it that you like the diapers?”

“N-not that,” Tiffany said, feeling the flush spread to her neck. “Is it okay if, if I, if I wet myself here, in front of you? You don’t have to do anything, or play along. Um, just watch.”

“I thought you hated that,” Charles said.

“I know,” Tiffany said. “I couldn’t tell you, it’s really embarrassing. A different kind of embarrassing for me to like it, than to be okay with doing it.”

“Wow,” Charles said. “I can see it took a lot of bravery to say. Go ahead and show me what you need to show me.”

Tiffany tried to release the pressure, but it wouldn’t go. She squirmed and wiggled, but there was too much reluctance for her to let loose. Squatting down seemed to help, but at most she got a few drops.

“Do you need to be ordered to do it?” Charles asked.

“No, we’re not playing,” Tiffany said, whimpering. “I want to… wet. I want… to be dirty.” Blushing down to her breasts, Tiffany let go in her diaper. Pee flooded out, more than she thought she had in her. Immediately the diaper sagged between her legs, darkened and swelled. As Charles watched she struggled to stand, and squished the diaper against her body. Still wetting, she worked the sopping diaper against her skin, feeling some of it leak down her legs. Her pussy was on fire, her nipples as hard as rocks. In a wild moment she wished she was ready shit as well. The fantasy of adding mess pushed her to reach inside her diaper and work her clit. The last few spurts of piss splattered through her fingers, lubricating her even more.

She lost track of Charles’ expression, she could only imagine him grossed out and pulling away while she writhed and moaned in her own piss on the floor. That fantasy and a couple of rough pawing gropes at her breasts sent her over the edge. Tiffany screamed her guts out, plopping to the floor in a puddle in front of Charles.

“Holy shit!” Charles exclaimed, “That was pretty intense. I didn’t realize you actually liked being gross.”

“Do you really…” Tiffany panted, “think I’m gross?”

“Yeah, you went for full gross on that one,” Charles said. He reached out gingerly with his foot, tilting Tiffany’s head up with his shoe. “Do you feel gross?”

An aftershock orgasm shuddered through Tiffany as she was laid bare as a disgusting, horny mess before Charles. “Yes.”

“Looks like you like it,” Charles said. He smirked. “I think your punishments and rewards need to switch around a bit.”

Tiffany could only whimper, and close her eyes. Without a game there was nothing Charles could do to stop her, so she pawed at herself again.

“We are going to have to clean up the floor though,” Charles said. “In case the others come in. Do you want to go back upstairs? You can clean up if you want. If you don’t clean up by the time I’m ready to play, I’ll take the hint and make a real mess out of you.”

Having Charles keep his distance was only reinforcing the feel of filth. Tiffany nodded, staggering to her feet. She was numb with embarrassment, there was nothing she could manage to say to Charles. She simply limped up the stairs with a hand still stuck in her diaper.


Rose burst into the cabin as the sun dipped below the tree line. There was no one in the living room. The only thing out of place was a towel on the floor in front of the couch and a book laying open on the floor.

“Ivan! Daddy!” Rose called out. The lack of answer was making panic bubble up inside her. She stormed up the stairs and barreled into the bedroom. Rose let out a yelp as she bounced off the enormous crib that had somehow replaced the bed. Staggering back, she tried to make sense of the room. The window was a riot of purple flowers, and the luggage was gone with the most babyish clothes of hers hung up.

Warm, smooth arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her into a soft bosom and belly. Rose tried to scream but her mouth fell open without any sound. She turned to face the dryad, naked as her statue, flowing purple hair cascading down over a voluminous chest.

“I need Daddy,” Rose whined.

“Your daddy is safe,” the dryad said. “Don’t worry about him. You and your friends came here to play, and I am here to make the game more fun than you ever could on your own. My name is Nysa, and I’m going to baby you like you’ve only dreamed.”

Rose trembled; it was hard to think. The perfume of the flowers, the enchanting lilt of Nysa’s voice were intoxicating.

“You are already such an adorable baby,” Nysa said, reaching down to pull on the waistband of Rose’s shorts. “And with a dry diaper, what a good girl!”

“But my friends, and Daddy, I want to see them,” Rose blubbered.

“Aw, but you are a bit fussy,” Nysa said. “Don’t worry dear, you will be all better after a snack and a nap. I promise I won’t hurt you, or any of your friends, or your daddy. I’m here to make a dream come true for you. A dream you could never have without my help.”

Rose struggled to think through the fog of perfume. Nysa wasn’t wrong, she’d fantasized about being taken care by a big, womanly mommy a lot of times. It seemed absurd to trust this strange person, woman, or creature, whatever she was. At the same time, Nysa was radiating kindness and motherly concern. The Little voice in her told Rose that she couldn’t do anything against a magical creature anyway. If Nysa could make everyone else vanish and change the furniture in the room, how could Rose stop her?

“Up a go!” Nysa said, scooping Rose up as easily as Ivan ever did. Rose tensed only for a second and then relaxed against the dryad’s soft body. Nysa opened one side of the crib and set Rose down on it, stroking her hair gently.

“Ready for your snack, Rose?” Nysa asked.

Rose’s eyes went wide as Nysa lowered one of her ample breasts onto her mouth. Reflexively she let the nipple past her lips, discovering the same sweet milk taste she’d had with her cereal in the morning.

“What?” Rose asked in confusion. “You… you put your milk in the fridge?”

“That’s right darling, I wanted you to have a good, nutritious breakfast,” Nysa said. “I told you I’d take care of you. Now, no more fussing, let’s get you fed.”

Rose licked the bit of milk off her lips and stared in fascination as Nysa sat next to the crib and lowered her chest again. When the nipple settled on her lips again she closed her eyes and gently sucked. It was disturbingly hot, sweet, and almost sticky. It also flooded Rose with a feeling of comfort and safety. She relaxed on the crib bed, getting more and more enthusiastic with her feeding. By the time Nysa switched to her other breast, Rose was holding on with both hands and vigorously sucking at Nysa’s teat.

There was no way to tell how long the feeding lasted, or how much milk Nysa had, but Rose found herself surprisingly full when Nysa finally pulled away. A sleepy weight settled on her, especially heavy on her eyelids.

“That was a good dinner, what a good eater,” Nysa said softly. “Let’s get you into your jamies and tucked in, okay?”

“Okay Mommy,” Rose said with a yawn.

Nysa’s laugh was like a sparkling brook. In no time she had gently stripped Rose of her t-shirt and shorts. In their place went a soft onsie, decorated with faeries and toadstools. A stuffed shark wearing its own pajamas was tucked under a flannel blanket along with Rose.

Everything felt like a dream, a wonderful, little dream. Rose drifted off without even questioning if she should go looking for Daddy. If Mommy said he was safe, then he must be.


Tiffany made her way around the house, trying one door after another. Charles had vanished, she assumed in the same way that Aurora and Miguel had. Likely Ivan too, for that matter. She’d cleaned herself up and despite how she might want to think about it, was feverishly looking for her reward. It had taken a while to decide on her outfit and what gear she was going to wear. Eventually she decided to simply go completely naked. If Lykon could make whole rooms appear where they shouldn’t be, he could put her in whatever gear he wanted.

Whatever he wanted, that phrase sent shivers down Tiffany’s spine. Shivers that ended in a very wet pussy. It was the pantry door, finally, that opened to the grove she’d met Lykon in. From the front of the cabin she could hear the door slam open, Rose crying out for help.

“I am helping,” Tiffany thought. “If I’m keeping Lykon busy then she gets the other one, the fun one.”

Not giving herself time to dwell on that justification, Tiffany stepped through the door. A yelp echoed across the grove as she felt herself ambushed from behind, Lykon’s powerful hand grabbing the back of her neck and one arm.

“Do I call you Master or something else?” Tiffany asked nervously.

“You can call me anything you want as long as you beg,” Lykon said, growling low in her ear. Tiffany moaned, squirming in his iron grasp.

“What about a safeword?” She asked.

“You won’t need one,” Lykon said. “I can read your desires, remember? I’m only going to do what you want me to do. Over, and over again.”

As she was being forced down on her knees, Tiffany let out another wanton moan. Lykon pushed her face into the grass and she spread her legs eagerly, wailing in ecstasy at the first powerful thrust. It was going to be a long, crazy night. Tiffany gave herself over to it completely.

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