The next morning, Rose was surprised to find herself awake before Ivan. He’d had a lot of vodka the night before and was snoring away with a heavy rumble. The usual morning pressure in her bladder made itself known when she snuggled up to her boyfriend. It was warm in the bed, especially pressed up against Ivan’s hairy arm. With a mischievous smirk, Rose made it warm in her diaper too. Excitement, arousal, and embarrassment all together filled Rose’s belly with butterflies. The game had never gone overnight before, though she’d slept in a diaper a couple of times. Pretending to be a bed wetter had Rose stifling a giggle. Gently, she nudged Ivan.

“Daddy. Daddy wake up,” Rose said softly.

“Hmmph?” Ivan blinked, briefly tensing before leaning against Rose. “Huh? What’s up?”

“Daddy…” Rose hesitated, her heart pounding. “Daddy, I had an accident.”

Ivan blinked a few times, still making the transition to waking. He focused on Rose’s downcast, blushing face and he broke into a huge smile. “Is that so little girl? Let me check.”

Obediently parting her legs, Rose gasped when Ivan squished the warm wet padding against her. She felt her nipples harden and reached out to grip Ivan’s arms. “I went a lot, I’m sorry.”

“At least you didn’t leak,” Ivan said, running his hands down Rose’s legs. “But you’re going to have to do something for me, you know it’s not nice to wake Daddy up.”

“Anything you want, Daddy,” Rose said breathlessly. She nuzzled his neck, kissing a trail down to his collarbone. Ivan gently palmed her head, pushing her further down. His hardness pressed delightfully against her thigh, squished against her diaper. A gentle heat spread across her skin as she wriggled her way down his body, sliding her breasts down his chest and belly until they cradled his cock with their softness.

Warm wet squished against Rose’s crotch when she wrapped her legs around Ivan’s calf. Soft teasing licks at the head of his cock quickly gave way to the warm length of him in her mouth. Ivan was all over eager, from the throbbing in Rose’s mouth to the pressure of his hand on her head. Answering with quick bobs of her head and a firm tongue along his shaft, Rose was glad to hear him groan right away. Her legs tightened, rubbing the warm wet padding on her crotch against Ivan’s shin. She was moaning around his cock when he flooded inside her, the first pulse dribbled down her chin. The rest she got down, sliding off his cock and falling back panting on the bed.

Ivan’s hand sliding into her diaper forced a gasp out of Rose. The wet back padding pulled tight against her rear as his fingers found her button. A wave of pleasure tingled across her skin. Rose’s cheeks burned red when she realized she was wetting again, right onto Ivan’s hand. The embarrassment and slick fingers on her clit drove her over the edge and wiped her mind clear. She lay panting next to Ivan, feeling his warmth, her wetness, smelling the sex in the air.

There didn’t seem to be any need for conversation, especially with Daddy handling everything. He carried her to the bathroom, washed her off, even brushed Rose’s teeth. The satyr statue was even creepier than it had been the day before. Rose was sure it was different somehow, had the expression on its face changed? Shaking off that thought, she put Daddy in-between her and the statue so she wouldn’t have to look at it.

Back in the bedroom he put her down on the bed, putting a thick purple diaper on Rose with tender care. For a while he considered her clothes, his hands hovering over the baby dress. Rose watched, willing to wear it if he brought it to her. Eventually he settled on shorts and her Owl House Grom shirt, which was fun too. The pacifier that Ivan pushed against Rose’s lips came as a welcome relief. She didn’t have to feel like she needed to say something with it occupying her mouth.

Downstairs there was finally something worth commenting on. An adult sized high chair, with a carving of the dryad from the door statue on the back of it. She was presenting her ample breasts but with a motherly, not wanton expression on her face. The surprise pulled Rose out of her haze, she spat her pacifier out and let hang from its cord.

“Daddy… what’s that?” Rose pointed at the chair.

“Not sure,” Ivan said. “Maybe someone found it in a closet and set it up for us. There’s a note here, they’re already down at the lake.”

“I think we would have noticed it last night,” Rose said. “somebody would have said something.”

Ivan shrugged. “We must have missed it. Anyway, we should use it, it must have been a bit of work to set it up.”

“But… what if they come in?” Rose squirmed, blushing.

“Then they’ll see a cute baby eating her breakfast.” Ivan chuckled, pulling the chair open. He advanced on Rose so confidently that all she could do was sputter as he lifted her into the chair. A cloth belt cinched around her waist Ivan held up one of the arm-straps on the tray, Rose shook her head. Relief washed over her when he nodded and patted her cheek, leaving the straps off.

Though she could easily free herself, having the waist strap on made her feel bound to the chair. Rose kicked her feet and glanced back at the door nervously. Her heart fluttered and she could feel a flush on her neck. Having a bowl of Trix cereal set in front of her made Rose giggle. The first bite was incredibly sweet, it tasted like the cereal had sweetened the entire bowl of milk. It wasn’t bad though, and the taste did help her feel little.

Daddy – Ivan – no, Daddy was the right name for him today, was eating a sensible breakfast of eggs and toast. With a proud smile she showed him her empty bowl. “All done Daddy!”

“Good girl,” Ivan said, grinning with more excitement than she’d expected. “Wait there until Daddy is done eating.”

Rose managed a very good pretend pout and kicked her legs idly against the highchair as she waited. Seeing Aurora and Tiffany openly wearing diapers last night had gotten a lot of her nervousness out. It would be fun to see what crazy thing they’d be wearing today! She squirmed in the chair, enjoying the feeling of the thick padding under her rear.

Without warning, Rose’s squirms turned warm and wet. She looked down in surprise, trying to clamp down on her bladder, but nothing responded. It was like the diaper was filling itself, but now that Rose was paying attention, she could feel herself letting go. A deep scarlet blush burned in her cheeks as Rose realized she was having a genuine accident. For a moment she was terrified that she’d poop herself as well, but luckily that end seemed to be holding.

Ivan’s strong hand tilting Rose’s chin up was the first she noticed that he’d come to investigate. With tears in her eyes, Rose looked up at her daddy. Though she was turned on, that feeling was taking a back burner to surprise, embarrassment, and even a little fear.

“What’s going on little girl?” Ivan said. “You got very quiet.”

“Daddy I – “

“Did you have a little accident?” Ivan chuckled, pulling the tray off the chair. His eyes went wide to see the diaper puffing out into the legs of Rose’s shorts. “Not a little one! I didn’t think you had that much left in you.”

“S-sorry daddy.” Rose couldn’t believe she’d had that much in her either, after using a diaper upstairs! The padding between her legs was heavy, soggy to the point of leaking a little. Worst of all, she still couldn’t figure out why she’d started wetting, or why she wasn’t able to stop. Even if they had plenty of diapers for the rest of the weekend, she didn’t want to think about that happening again.

Ivan picked her up easily, chuckling. “Let’s get you changed again. I guess you wanted to get it all out before we go swimming huh?”

“Yeah, um, that’s it.” Rose nodded, laying her head on Daddy’s chest.

“You’re really getting into this,” Ivan said when he laid Rose on the bed and changing blanket. He deftly tore the tapes open, exposing Rose’s sopping crotch. “I guess we should play a little more when we get home too.”

Rose bit her lip, it sounded hot, but this weekend was already spiraling out of control. She managed a nod in reply to Daddy.

“I didn’t realize you’d worn at work, let alone used it,” Ivan said, discarding the diaper and gently wiping Rose down. “Do you need me to send you to work with protection?”

The mere thought had her crotch tingling again, though the night she’d used the pullup she’d regretted it. Rose squirmed uncomfortably until Ivan had to hold her down a bit so that he could get the shorts off her.

“Can’t say?” Ivan chuckled. “It looks from your blush and your nipples that you really like the idea.” A firm push of Ivan’s hands opened Rose’s legs, he applied powder gently. The soothing coolness of the powder and the soft smell calmed Rose’s wiggles.

“I don’t know Daddy,” Rose said, turning her head to the side. “I’m not sure if that would be okay.”

“Hmm, maybe we will start slow,” Ivan said. “A couple of nights a week, when Daddy thinks you need it.”

Hesitating, Rose tried to decide if she should protest more now, or talk about it later. Distracting her from that line of thought were the pullups that Ivan slid on to her legs. The pullups themselves were normal enough but she’d never worn them with an extra pad inside before.

Before Rose’s thoughts had time to catch up to that latest development, Daddy was putting her swimsuit on her. The extra bulk made her pullups stand out under the powder blue one-piece, but not as much as a diaper would have. Making a fuss seemed over the top, so Rose stood quietly while Daddy covered her in sunscreen.

“You look great little girl. How do you feel?” Ivan asked, digging a pair of water wings out of the suitcase.

“Excited, and kinda nervous Daddy,” Rose said, shifting from foot to foot.

“Daddy will take care of you, let me know if you need anything or something is too much, okay?” Ivan folded Rose in his arms, kissing her tenderly.

For a moment the butterflies in her stomach went away. Rose relaxed against Daddy, deciding to trust him. Wetting at breakfast must have been a fluke. They were here to have fun, and she had to admit, she was having a lot of fun.

The lake was down a windy trail crowded close with trees and brambles. Rose was feeling little enough to take Ivan’s hand as they walked and was glad he didn’t mind. The lake itself was beautiful, sparkling and clear, with a wooden dock extending out from a nice grassy lawn. Hills rose up on the other side of the lake, as heavily forested as the area around the cabin.

Other than Aurora’s shrieks from Miguel splashing her, the lake was silent. Miguel was wearing swim trunks, showing off his broad bronze shoulders handsomely. Aurora was beaming in a tube-top swimsuit and some kind of rubber or plastic bottom. Rose wondered if Aurora was wearing under those things, the bright red shorts were too opaque to tell. They looked waterproof too, Rose was suddenly jealous that she hadn’t thought to wear something that would keep her diaper from filling up with lake water.

Charles and Tiffany had dialed it down from the night before, Rose couldn’t tell if Tiffany was wearing either. They were laying in the sun on a blanket, Tiffany in shorts and a bikini top. Charles was in swim trunks; all the boys were in boring swim trunks.

“Some-baby looks ready to swim,” Charles said, propping himself up on an elbow. Tiffany rolled over and grinned at Rose.

“Guys,” Rose protested shyly. Last night the other two had been diapers out, but now she was the most obvious one.

“You look great,” Tiffany said, hopping to her feet. “Want to jump in the water?”

“Yeah,” Rose said, already feeling sticky in the heat. “Daddy, are you going to swim?”

“Not right away, let me warm up a little first,” Ivan said, spreading another blanket out next to Charles. “Tiffany can make sure you’re safe out there.”

“I don’t need anybody to–“ Rose said, ending with a squeak when Tiffany grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the water. “Hey! What’s the rush?”

“You’re not the only one packing something embarrassing,” Tiffany said quietly. “Charles has me stuffed, both ends. I’ve had them in since my shower and I can’t get them out until my shorts are soaked.” The blush on Tiffany’s face didn’t seem to be entirely from embarrassment.

Rose smirked, digging her heels in at the end of the dock. “Why not pee then?”

“Because if I do that I lose,” Tiffany said.

“Lose what?” Rose asked.

“The game?” Tiffany shrugged. “It’s like, he told me I was going to have to do a thing, and now I’m going to try to get out of it.”

“Oh!” Rose nodded. “Dad… uh, Ivan and I play like that sometimes, with different rules.”

Tiffany grinned, “Call him Daddy. You did up on the grass.”

Rose squirmed, “Fine. Sometimes Daddy tells me to do something, and I don’t. Or I pretend I can’t do stuff.”

“Uh huh,” Tiffany said, “damn you’re cute. Are you sure you can swim okay on your own? Do you need a floatie?”

Rose bit her lip and looked down. She wasn’t sure if this meant that she and Tiffany were playing now, or if they were, if that was okay. It made her feel squirmy, but in the good way that Daddy did. It was scary to feel that way with someone other than Daddy. Scary, but exciting too, Rose said, “I’m not sure. I think Daddy brought my water wings.”

“Stay right here,” Tiffany said with surprising firmness. “I’ll go get them and put them on you. If you jump in before I get back, you’re in big trouble.”

“Okay Tiffany,” Rose said, digging her toes into the dock. She waited while Tiffany scampered away, staring up at the woods. The huge trees reinforced the little feeling. Again, she was torn between the fright and the fun. Being little felt great but made things weird too. Would things be weird with Tiffany at work now?

An especially big tree caught Rose’s attention. It was still flowering, though they were a lot closer to fall than spring. She’d never seen big purple blossoms on a tree before. As the wind rippled through the leaves and flowers, she thought she could hear a voice. A sweet, soft woman’s voice in the rustling leaves.

“Got them!” Tiffany’s exuberant shout broke Rose out of her daze. “Your daddy said I should check and make sure you’re still dry before we go in.”

“Of course I am,” Rose said indignantly. “He just changed me–“ She blushed and looked away at Tiffany’s amused grin.

“Did you lose your toilet privileges?” Tiffany asked, sliding the water wings up Rose’s arms. “Or did you have an accident? It’s a little early to already get changed.”

“I had an accident,” Rose said, the words slipping out before she could stop them. All she could do was stand there in horror that Tiffany would laugh at her or be grossed out.

“I get it,” Tiffany said. “you’re really getting into it. Don’t worry, I’ll be a good babysitter until I get you back to your daddy.”

Rose didn’t have long to try and process that, the next thing out of Tiffany’s mouth was a quick, “One Two Three” and then the shock of the cold lake drove all other thoughts away. The water wings bobbed her up to the surface, sputtering and shrieking. Her pullup and stuffer were instantly full of an embarrassing bulk. After the initial shock, the water felt good. Faced with the prospect of showing off her swollen padding, Rose thought she might stay in for a long while.

She and Tiffany splashed around happily for a while, eventually swimming over to Aurora whose splash war with Miguel was long over. At Tiffany’s suggestion she and Aurora decided to give Rose a swim lesson. Since she didn’t know how to back out of playing without admitting that she’d had a real accident, Rose let them ‘teach’ her, swimming from one girl to the other and back. The water wings made her feel like a clumsy kid again; made it easy to surrender to the game. The little bit of fear about how things would be after the weekend never went away, but it was still as much fun as she’d had in diapers without sex.

Daddy joined her when Tiffany hopped out to collect her reward for creatively getting her pants wet. Rose floated against him for a while, pressed against his warm side, on the bath-temperature surface of the water. With her pullup full of warm water, it was like constantly being in the first stage of wetting. Rose didn’t know if she’d wet herself for real or not and she didn’t care, this was bliss. Diapered baths were going to have to become a thing, she decided.

Finally, Daddy pried Rose out of the water. She shuffled up the bank, blushing all the way down her neck at the stares of her friends. Tiffany even cheered a little, though she was more subdued than Rose expected. She was out of her shorts and into a string bikini bottom that showed off her recently paddled cheeks. Apparently, she hadn’t won the game as much as she’d thought. Or maybe she had, if a spanking was what she wanted.

A little pup tent had been set up, and Aurora was crawling out of it with a fresh Tena diaper on. “The changing tent is all clean and ready for you,” she said, nodding to Rose and Ivan.

“The what?” Rose looked up at Daddy.

“In you go little one,” Ivan said. “We need to get you changed.”

“But you said not in front of them,” Rose protested.

“That’s why we have a tent for privacy,” Ivan said. “It’s not like they don’t know that you’re getting changed. No one will see or hear what’s going on unless you’re a fussy baby.”

Climbing into the tent with her butt squishing into the sodden pullup made Rose’s crotch tingle again. Getting stripped out of her swimsuit and pullup in the small tent made it worse. What made it worst of all is that Daddy wasn’t going to get her off this time. It was at once the most sensual and least sexy change she’d ever gotten.

Daddy toweled Rose off from head to toe and laid her down on a changing blanket. Manhandling her with his usual effortless strength, he carefully inspected Rose’s diaper area for rash. The tingling was getting worse, Rose was biting her lip to keep quiet while Daddy spread the lotion on her. A big fluffy Tykables diaper slid under her lifted butt before she was showered with way more powder than Daddy normally used. There’d be no way to keep people from smelling it, which only made her more twitchy and tingly. The snug feeling of the diaper closing around her, and the expert fixing of the tapes increased the frustration. If they hadn’t been alone Rose would have let loose with some very fussy behavior.

All this must have been evident on her face, because Daddy’s face was stern as he held a pacifier to Rose’s mouth. “You be a good girl once I get you dressed, okay? No complaining.”

Rose considered a range of responses, all of them would either get her spanked or put in time-out. None of them were likely to get her into bed with Daddy any faster. With the most adorable pout she could muster, she took the pacifier into her mouth and awaited whatever outfit Daddy had planned.

It was a pair of leggings-shorts and a too small rainbow kitty t-shirt. The shirt was from the kid’s section of a store, and Rose loved it even if it showed off her belly a little. Still, she was a little disappointed that Daddy hadn’t put her in anything more blatant. The thought surprised her, threw her into confusion again. It was probably best he didn’t, she still wasn’t sure how she felt about being little for Aurora and Tiffany.

There was a lot of chatter at lunch, but Rose tuned it out. She couldn’t participate anyway, Daddy only took the pacifier out to feed her lunch, then put it back in. If she was going to be little, Rose decided she might as well get some quality little time in. She crawled off Daddy’s lap and got the coloring book and crayons that Daddy kept in the changing bag. She didn’t even notice the looks she got when she laid down to color. There was a mermaid to color in, and maybe draw around too. For some reason it seemed proper to give Ariel purple hair, and to draw some lovely trees in her underwater garden.

It had been quiet for a while, perfect for drawing. Rose had the trees right, and Ariel’s hair beautifully colored in. She looked up to show Daddy her creation and froze in surprise. Daddy was gone! So were Tiffany, Aurora, Charles, and Miguel. Had they all gotten up and left her? Rose couldn’t believe it. Not only would Daddy never leave her, but she would have heard them get up and move even if she’d been concentrating! She’d never heard Tiffany go anywhere quietly, and yet, there wasn’t anyone around.

“Daddy?” Rose called out.  “Daddy!?” She tried again, louder. There was only the wind whispering through the trees.

The sense of voices in the trees was stringer, “Rose rose rose rose rose rose,” they said.

Really worried now, Rose struggled to her feet, awkwardly working around the bulk between her legs, “DADDY!  IVAN!  IVAN!” Her voice echoed off the trees, and a big blubbery whimper forced its way out of her.

“Where are they?” Rose asked, clutching her purple crayon like a security blanket.

“Rose.” This was no whisper of leaves, this was a real voice, behind her and up the trail.

Rose spun around, “Who’s there?”

“Rose,” the voice said softly, sweetly. There was no one there, no one close enough to be talking so quietly and still be heard. “Rose, come here, come here little girl.”

Rose’s heart pounded. The voice was coming from the path to the cabin but that was the only place she knew to look for Ivan. She tried shouting for him again, screaming until she was hoarse. Nothing but more whispers, creepy whispers calling her name.

Tears in her eyes, Rose ran up the path. She didn’t know anything but that she needed her Daddy. “Please, please be at the cabin Daddy. Please!”

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