The van heaved its way up the bumpy dirt road. With every wild lurch over a tree root or into a pothole, Rose clung to her seat’s armrests. Side mirrors clattered against tree branches, drowning out conversation for the last half hour. It felt more like driving into a cave than a forest, especially with the light filtering down green from the packed canopy above.

“Are you sure this is the road?” Rose asked plaintively.

“We are seriously almost there. They told us it would be rough,” Ivan said. “Don’t be such a baby.”

“Shut up!” Rose pouted. “We haven’t started playing yet.”

Chuckles from the back only worsened Rose’s mood. This trip was supposed to be a fun, kinky weekend for her and Ivan. Then he found the ‘perfect getaway’, but it was so expensive they had to bring two more couples along. The cabin was looking less perfect with every bump in the road, and Rose doubted it would actually be big enough for them to all have their own space.

“I hope we really are almost there,” Miguel said from the back. “Aurora needs a change.”

Rose turned around to start at Aurora. She hardly knew the taller girl, Aurora was a friend of a boyfriend, of a friend. All Rose knew was that Aurora was a receptionist, and she looked the part in a cute blue blouse and pencil skirt. It was hard to imagine Miss Perfect Makeup and Blonde Hair in a wet diaper.

Aurora shrugged at Rose. “It beats waiting for a bathroom. I’m sure Tiffany can back me up.”

Tiffany shook her head, rainbow-dyed undercut flashing behind dark brown locks. “Actually I only wear for kink. I’ve never worn at work,” Tiffany grinned viciously. “But Rose has.”

“Only once!” Rose exclaimed, blushing furiously. “I was trying it out, it doesn’t count!”

“It totally counts, because you used that pullup,” Tiffany continued relentlessly.

“You did? You never told me that.” Ivan laughed, reaching a powerful arm over to grab Rose’s waistband. “I should probably diaper check you right now then…”

“Keep your eyes on the road!” Rose batted Ivan’s hand away frantically.

“You trying to rile Rose up, slave?” Charles asked, affectionately rattling Tiffany’s collar. “You know I’m going to be taking suggestions for punishments.”

“Trying to make the most of the weekend, Master,” Tiffany said, batting her eyes.

“Guys, we’re not supposed to be playing until we get unpacked!” Rose said.

“No, that was your suggestion, and it’s fine if that’s what you want to do,” Miguel said. “Aurora is kind of always low-key playing.”

“I want to hear you call Ivan Daddy,” Tiffany said. “But like, when you’re standing up.”

“Oh my god Tiff, you are horrible,” Rose threw a packet of chips at Tiffany.

“You’re lucky we’re not playing yet,” Ivan said. “You’d already be in trouble.”

Rose was about to retort when the van bottomed out with a horrible scrape of metal on rock. It bounced free and rolled across mercifully flat grass. The sun poured down into a wide clearing, surrounded by berry bushes. Directly ahead was a huge cabin, with stairs leading up to a high front porch. The building looked to be in good condition, the cedar shingle walls were free of moss, and the windows were clean. Extensions to the original building rambled outwards, each stage of construction a little different from the others.

“We made it!” Miguel said, hopping out of the van. Aurora followed, moving gingerly for reasons that made Rose blush. They were always a funny couple, she stood a good head over him, but he was stocky as hell. He had both his and Aurora’s suitcases in his hands like they were nothing.

Tiffany waited at the van door with her hands behind her back for Charles to attach a leash to her collar. Unlike Aurora she didn’t have a skirt to even try to hide her diaper, it bulged out from under her black leggings.

Rose adjusted her loose shorts, happy she only had a pullup to hide at the moment. Now that she was actually here her heart pounded. What if being diapered stopped being fun after a while? She hoped Ivan wouldn’t be upset if that happened. They’d had a good time before, a hot time if Rose was being honest. But she wasn’t sure she could keep it up for a whole weekend.

Ivan loomed up to Rose while she was staring at the cabin. He wasn’t a small guy, but he always towered over Rose’s petite frame. That was a big part of the attraction, she had to admit. Happy warmth glowed in her shorts when Ivan put a big arm around her.

“The cabin’s in great shape,” Ivan said. “That roof is brand new.”

“Enough with roofs!” Rose giggled. “You’re not at work. We’ve got a long weekend!”

“That’s right,” Ivan rumbled, leaning over to pull Rose’s back against his flat belly. “We’re here to play. Are you ready to play?”

Rose whimpered. After a couple of tries she managed to softly say, “Yes Daddy.”

“That’s my good girl,” Ivan said, casually pulling the waistband of Rose’s shorts. “Looks like you’re still dry too.”

“Yes Daddy,” Rose said, squirming nervously. Ivan went down on one knee and turned her to face him. She met his eyes timidly, shivering in his grasp.

“Are you scared?” Ivan asked.

“Uh huh,” Rose said plaintively.

“You don’t have to be, I’m here, and I’ll take care of you,” Ivan gently brushed Rose’s cheek with his knuckles. “If it gets to be too much you can let me know, okay?”

“Really?” Rose asked quietly. “It won’t ruin the weekend?”

“You let Daddy worry about what might ruin the weekend,” Ivan said. “You worry about being a good girl, and about keeping your diapers dry, okay?”

“Okay,” Rose smiled, wrapping her arms around Ivan and clinging to him. He held her close, squishing her tight. It was the safest feeling in the world. Rose sighed, letting bliss wash over her.

Ivan stood and stroked Rose’s dark hair. “I’ll get the bags. You go check out the house, okay little girl?”

Rose nodded, taking the key from Ivan along with a pat on the rear. She scampered up the stairs and looked around the cabin’s massive porch. There was a good assortment of wooden outdoor-furniture, bare, but presumably the cushions were inside. There was even a loveseat swing on the end where the hill sloped down.

The door was big, and ornate, but Rose lost all interest in it when she took in the statues to either side of it. Meticulously carved out of wood, a nymph and a satyr stood there in enough detail to make Michelangelo nod in respect. The sculptor hadn’t bothered with clothes for either of them, and the detail extended everywhere. Rose wasn’t sure which was more distracting, the nymph’s taut nipples with hyper-accurate goosebumps on the areola; or the fact that the satyr was hung like – something much bigger than a goat, anyway.

Shaking herself out of her distraction, Rose unlocked the door and pushed it open, gasping delightedly at the room on the other side. All her fears of a dingy rustic cabin were dispelled by the spotless, even shining wood floor. Plus, ultra-comfortable couches, love-seats and armchairs were scattered around a huge open living room. A rustic stone fireplace dominated the right side of the room, with stairs nearby to carry heat up to the bedrooms. Past the living room there was a gorgeous kitchen with a proper stove, oven, and fridge.

Further exploration revealed a library with more cozy chairs, and an enclosed sleeping porch with carefully tended potted laurels. Racing upstairs, Rose found three huge bedrooms, one of them with a view that peeked through the trees to a glittering lake. She bounced on the king size bed, giddy with excitement. Even with the wood paneled walls, the room felt big. Rose staked her claim to the room by tossing her purse on the nightstand and walked back out into the hall.

There was a bathroom at the top of the stairs with a clawfoot tub. Rose smirked to herself, she wouldn’t have to worry much about that room, other than a bath or two. It was a good thing too, there was another statue of the satyr on the bathroom counter, a foot tall but ridiculously detailed. Hearing Ivan’s voice downstairs sent her scampering back down, on a collision course for a hug around his waist.

“Daddy!” She gushed, “It’s sooo nice! I picked us out a room. It has a view of the water and a super big bed!”

“I’m glad you like it. Feeling less nervous hon?” Ivan said, stroking Rose’s hair.

“Aww, she is super cute,” Aurora said from the kitchen.

Rose blushed, hiding her face in Ivan’s belly. She’d been looking forward to being little with Ivan, but she wasn’t sure how much she could do it around the others.

“Yes she is,” Ivan grinned. “Rose, go help Aurora in the kitchen.”

“But I want to show you the bedroom,” Rose pouted.

“Aurora is going to be like your big cousin this weekend, little girl,” Ivan said. “Go help her out. I’m sure you picked the best bedroom for us.”

Rose pouted her way over to the kitchen. From the looks of the bulge at the back of Aurora’s skirt, she hadn’t been changed yet. There wasn’t much smell though, so it was probably pee. It made Rose wonder if Aurora ever messed. She knew Tiffany did. Messing had come up in Rose’s conversations with Ivan, but she wasn’t sure it was something she wanted to do. Being a little embarrassed was fun, but even thinking about messing was too much embarrassment.

“Hey Aurora,” Rose said. “Do you need some help?”

“I sure do, kiddo,” Aurora said. Being littled by Aurora caught Rose off guard, she fidgeted, unable to look the other woman in the eye. Rose came up to about boob height on Aurora, and looking into her new friend’s ample bosom wasn’t any better. Casting her gaze down made Rose feel even more little, with a rush of excited embarrassment.

“Oh, I knew you were new to playing, but I didn’t realize you were this blushy about it,” Aurora said. “Is it okay if I play with you, little one?”

“Oh, okay.” Rose said, twisting a foot on the floor.

“Great!” Aurora pulled Rose in for a hug, crushing Rose’s face into her boobs quite deliberately, Rose thought. “Maybe your daddy will let me change you!”

Rose squirmed out from Aurora’s hug, feeling damp in the crotch of her pullup at the mere suggestion of being changed. With diapers on the brain, Rose couldn’t think of a change of subject, so she decided to switch the person being talked about at least.

“How come you didn’t get changed yet? Aren’t you uncomfortable?” Rose asked.

“I kind of like it as long as it isn’t too soggy,” Aurora said, sticking her hip out at Rose. “Want to feel?”

Tentatively, Rose squished Aurora’s rear. An excited cackle slipped out, she pulled her hand back guiltily.

“Don’t you ever wait a while to be changed?” Aurora asked.

“No, Daddy always changes me right away,” Rose said. “It’s uncomfortable to be wet.”

“You might find out that you like it,” Aurora winked. “You’re probably going to discover all kinds of stuff this weekend.”

Rose shrugged, blushing again. She wondered if she’d be blushing all weekend.

“Anyway, we should get things set up in here. I’ll put plates away, can you put away the silverware?” Aurora pulled one of the kitchen drawers open. “Forks here, knives here, spoons here. Bigger stuff in the next drawer down. Can you handle that, Rose?”

Humiliation burned Rose’s cheeks and neck. Her crotch was uncomfortably damp. Rose nodded contritely and set to putting the silverware away. The little feeling was so strong that she didn’t realize she was putting them away one by one, instead of in handfuls like she normally would. In fact, she was so focused on her task that she didn’t pay attention to who was in the kitchen until she felt someone grab the back of her shorts.

“Still dry, little one?” Ivan asked.

“Iv.. Daddy!” Rose protested, spinning around. “That’s embarrassing.”

“If you think that’s embarrassing, you’re going to be embarrassed a lot on this trip,” Ivan said, stepping up to pin Rose to the kitchen counter. “Diaper checks are the start.”

Rose whimpered and squirmed, fighting the twin sensations of heat in her crotch and pressure in her bladder. “Don’t change me in front of them.”

“I won’t, unless you change your mind about that,” Ivan said. “But you will be wearing all weekend, and they’re going to see.”

He caught Rose’s wrists and pulled them behind her back. She moaned softly as her hardening nipples pressed into her bra. “They’re going to see your diapers, and I’m sure they’ll see them wet at some point too.”

“Daddy please, stop,” Rose whispered, wobbling as she crossed her thighs. “I have to go.”

“If you’re a big girl you can hold it,” Ivan said, kissing Rose on the forehead. “We need to finish our conversation here and then I’ll take you to the potty.”

“Nuh, please let me go, Daddyyyyyyy,” Rose whined, pulled up to her tiptoes by Ivan. She glanced around in desperation, Tiffany and Charles were missing but Aurora and Miguel were in the living room. All her whining had them looking her way. As the damn broke and Rose felt wet splash against her pullup, Aurora giggled. Rose trembled in shame, panting and fighting her way out of Ivan’s grip so she could cling to him. Tears flowed without sobs from the sheer intensity of humiliation on top of intense arousal. The fact that she had an audience was only barely stopping Rose from humping Ivan’s leg.

“Oh, I guess you are a little girl!” Ivan said, his boisterous tone only compounding Rose’s embarrassment. “We’ll see you in a few minutes’ guys. Rose had a little accident.”

Biting her lip until it hurt, Rose followed Ivan up the stairs. Every step was a wet squish, she could feel it dribbling down her thighs. She should be crying from the embarrassment, or mad at Ivan for pushing things so far in public. Somehow the only thing she could think about was putting her hands in Ivan’s pants. Or being thrown down on a bed by him, or – she moaned when she saw the changing blanket and supplies laid out on the bed.

Now that they were alone she grabbed Ivan through the crotch of his jeans, shamelessly pressing her breasts against him. “Daddy, please. Please daddy.”

Ivan growled, setting off another burst of warmth in Rose’s rapidly cooling pullup. Rose was drowning in a kiss when she felt his palm cup her crotch. Ivan squeezed, wet spread across her thighs, soaking into her shorts. The pullup was so full that even her waistband felt damp.

A rough hand played across her breasts. The hand on her crotch was squeezing, again and again. She could feel Ivan through his pants, huge, and hard as steel. When the kiss ended with his teeth on her lip Rose threw back her head and cried out. There were a couple of flashes, two or three, she couldn’t be sure. More liquid squirted into the defeated pullup.

Startling cold on her crotch and butt cut through the fog before Rose even processed that Ivan had thrown her down on the bed. She felt pressure on her needy sex and balled her fists in the comforter. Pressure became a full, stretching feeling. Moans and cries squeezed out of Rose with every thrust. A flash went off again, leaving her dizzy, her throat sore from the yell.

Ivan was grunting, she squeezed herself around his thickness, smiling dreamily as she heard his pleasure, felt it spread warm and wet into her. A tiny flash went off, an aftershock really. She trembled, panting on the bed. She felt soaked around the waist and a good way down. Sweat, piss, cum… there would be time to worry about all that later. She reached for Ivan as his thickness slid out of her. Gratefully, she clung to him when he lay down next to her.

He smelled of Ivan, the sweaty version. Her nose was full of the smell of Ivan, sex, and diapers. Shivers and twitches rippled across Rose every few minutes while her breathing slowed, while Ivan held her.

When thought and time were available again, she opened her eyes and leaned up to kiss Ivan. He smiled at her, stroking her hair. She sighed happily, though the state of her lower half was starting to make itself a problem.

“That was crazy,” Rose said, softly.

“Yea, it was,” Ivan said, kissing her again. “Crazy hot.”

“Intense,” Rose nodded. “we’ve never done it like that before. With me um… not changed all the way.”

“Are you okay?” Ivan asked, stroking Rose’s cheek.

“Yeah, just surprised,” Rose nuzzled Ivan’s hand. “Can we stay here a little bit? Not go downstairs right away?”

“Of course,” Ivan pulled Rose close for a long moment before sitting up. “I’m going to get you cleaned up, and then we can snuggle some more.”

“Okay. Please,” Rose said, surprised at the plaintive tone in her voice.

“You left a puddle on the floor!” Ivan said, tossing the pullup in a lidded trash can. “I think that’s the most you’ve gone in one of those.”

“Ivan!” Rose protested, then corrected herself when Ivan gave her a questioning look. “I mean, Daddy, that’s embarrassing!”

“Well it’s also what happened.” He tossed a towel on the floor and carefully wiped Rose down, first casually with a soft cloth, then meticulously with a wet wipe.

The careful cleaning helped dispel the lonely feeling that had risen when Ivan had sat up. Rose was about to close her eyes when she felt her hips lifted, and crinkly padding slide underneath her.

“Diapers already?” She asked.

“You’re going to be in diapers the rest of the weekend, little girl,” Ivan said. “Except when we go swimming. You can wear a pullup under your suit.”

“Daddy!” Rose whined, squirming away from the diaper. Comfort washed over her again when Ivan’s strong hands grabbed her hips and set her back on it.

“Be a good girl,” Ivan said, sprinkling powder over Rose and lightly wiping it into place.

“Yes Daddy,” Rose said, reluctantly.

The diaper went on thick and snug, so much bigger than the pullups. It was the third one she’d ever been in, and probably the best job Ivan had done putting one on. She didn’t protest or wiggle when Ivan told her to put her arms up, happily trading her sweaty blouse and bra for a comfortable nightshirt.

After Rose settled into his lap, Ivan held up a pink pacifier. “Want to try this?”

Rose stared at it, then shook her head slightly. She was relieved to see Ivan smile and nod. With big arms wrapped around her, she snuggled her padded rear into his lap. It was pure bliss, Ivan always knew how tight to hold her. Rose thought she would drift off, but found herself alert, listening to Ivan’s breathing and heartbeat.

“A whole weekend,” she said, the words bringing the idea more into reality.

“Is it going to be okay?” Ivan asked, stroking Rose’s back.

“Yes Daddy!” Rose said, grinning. “Can I get dressed? I want to get a snack!”

Ivan laughed, squeezed Rose tight. “You can, but only clothes from the big suitcase. The little one is off limits while we’re playing.”

Rose squirmed off Ivan’s lap and opened the suitcase. Ivan’s clothes on one side, Rose’s on the other. Or rather, Rose’s baby clothes on the other. There were some surprises too. The cute overalls, printed shirts, and fun socks she’d packed were in there. Also packed was a onesie, and adult-sized footie pajamas. There was even a baby-doll dress that might fall to her waist if she was lucky. Rose ran her hands over the new clothes, excitement warring with fear.

“I… I don’t know about this new stuff Daddy,” Rose said. “Am I supposed to wear it around our friends?”

“Only if you want to.” Ivan said. “We’re all going to be playing this weekend, it’s not like you’ll be the only one.”

“But… I’m the only baby,” Rose said softly. “Aurora only wears, and it’s a bondage thing for Tiffany.”

“You’re a very cute baby,” Ivan said. “I’m sure that Aurora and Tiffany will be in even more embarrassing outfits.”

“Can I think about it a little?” Rose asked, pulling out one of her overalls and animal-shirt outfits.

“Of course little one,” Ivan said. He hopped off the bed and helped Rose dress, getting lots of squirming and delightful wiggles out of her. “I think we’re ready to go back downstairs, anything else you want to talk about?”

“Well um, it’s only you being my daddy, right?” Rose asked, happy to see Ivan nod. “Okay, and I guess I don’t mind wetting, especially after what happened. But uh, can I use the bathroom if I have to go number two?”

“Yes, but you have to ask, and I have to escort you there,” Ivan said.

Rose blushed, but nodded. “Okay Daddy. I think that’s it.”

“Do you want our friends to play with you at all, or totally hands off? Like, can they do a diaper check?” Ivan asked.

“Uh, I guess they can do that,” Rose said “Little stuff like that is okay but like, no changing me, or seeing me changed. No spankings or that kind of stuff.”

“That sounds fine little one.” Ivan nodded. “You can change your mind any time, either to allow more or to pull stuff back, okay?”

Rose nodded, grinning as her excitement conquered her fear completely. “Okay Daddy, I’m ready!”

Ivan smiled proudly, took Rose’s hand, and led her downstairs.

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