Reggie sighed, blowing at a tuft of bangs that had fallen in front of her eyes. It didn’t help. She peered through the hair at Adriana, who similarly was not helping. A report that should have taken a half hour had dragged out to two already, and they were just halfway done.

“So, how many kids engaged with the sociology study?” Reggie asked.

“Hmm, let me see.” Adriana said, checking the notes.

Adriana stared at the notes in front of her with a blank stare, barely pretending to read. She had the school bimbo look down pat dressed in a halter top and a miniskirt for a study session. The worst part was that Adriana was not stupid at all, she could bang out a test or a paper like nobody’s business. She might act the prep but she had all the smarts of a greasy-haired nerd like Reggie.

The real problem was that Adriana liked having other people do her work for her. A lot of people would have given up and just done the project by now. Reggie refused to break; she didn’t need to be anywhere soon. What she did need was a break from was staring at her sandbagging partner.

“While you figure that out, I need to use the restroom.” Reggie said.

Adriana looked up from the notes, nodded her head toward the stairs. “It’s upstairs, on the left.”

Getting out of that silent staring contest was a huge relief. Desperate for stimulation, Reggie checked out the family photos on her way up the stairs. As she climbed up, the pictures of Adriana got younger and younger. It’d be cute if she wasn’t so mad at her classmate.

 Adriana’s bedroom was across the hall from the bathroom. After the performance Adriana had put on downstairs, Reggie felt justified in a little snooping. It was a little messy with clothes scattered across the floor. Otherwise, the room didn’t have any obvious surprises. Band posters on the wall, stuffed animals on the bed, and a messy makeup desk were all that greeted Reggie. Your basic b setup.

The diary on the bedside table was a temptation Reggie couldn’t pass up. She popped it open and chuckled at herself. It was totally blank, probably just a present from some aunt or grandma. As Reggie looked around for more snooping targets, she heard the stairs creak.

The diary wasn’t just blank, it was a trap! Reggie thought in a panic.

Her hands trembling from trying to be both quiet and fast, Reggie put the diary back and scooted for the door. She was out of the bedroom and looking around with her best “I got lost” expression in a flash. The subterfuge was wasted. There was no one on the stairs, the house had simply creaked.

Still guilty, Reggie decided she might as well do what she said she was going to do, and head back downstairs. A few minutes later with her business done Reggie was feeling less guilty and more relieved. The good feelings lasted until she realized there was no toilet paper left.

Is this whole day going to be one annoying thing after another? Reggie asked herself.

Shuffling awkwardly around the bathroom, she hunted through the cabinets. There wasn’t any TP under the sink, just cleaning supplies. A large closet seemed promising but held only towels and washcloths. Crammed in a corner by the shower there was a small closet which did have toilet paper, but only on one shelf. The rest of the closet’s shelves were packed with stacks of diapers.

Reggie stared at the diapers for a moment. They were big, way too big for a kid. Most of them were plain white, or very pale pink, but a few had colorful, kiddy-ish patterns on the plastic.

These can’t be Adriana’s, can they? Reggie wondered.

First things first, she restocked the toilet paper and cleaned up. A few pictures from her phone saved evidence of the diaper cabinet. Back in the hall, Reggie peeked down the stairs. No sign of Adriana, no noises either. Maybe she’d gotten bored and was working on the project.

Reggie had nothing to link the diapers to Adriana. If there was going to be evidence, it had to be in Adriana’s room somewhere. This time her search was a lot more thorough. There was nothing special in the closet, but the dresser was a jackpot. Instead of panties, Adriana had diapers stacked next to her bras. They were the same cream and pink colored ones from the bathroom closet.

“I can’t believe she wears diapers.” Reggie said, excitedly taking more pictures. She could feel a crazy energy building up in her chest. It wasn’t clear yet what she wanted to do about this, but something about the situation fascinated her.

 Under Adriana’s bed was the true smoking gun. A diaper pail! Reggie giggled as she opened it, then winced at the smell. She took a few quick photos and let the lid drop. At least it had been just an ammonia smell and not other things. By now she had a half-formed plan. Reggie grabbed a diaper, a package of wipes, and a bottle of baby powder from the dresser drawer.

With a spring in her step, Reggie made her way downstairs and set the diaper supplies on the foyer table. Adriana was still on the couch, ignoring the assignment and watching a video on her phone. Reggie snuck up quietly and peeked down Adriana’s back. As she’d hoped, Adriana’s tight skirt had let a bit of her diaper’s waistband slip. One more picture, and Reggie hopped over to Adriana’s field of view.

“Oh, hey Reggie.” Adriana said. “I figured out that thing and wrote the answer down, was just waiting for you to get back.”

“Thanks!” Reggie said, grinning from ear to ear. “Hey, I wanna ask you something.”


“Can I see your diaper?”

“WHAT?!” Adriana stared at Reggie with panicked eyes.

“I just want to see it.”

“I’m not wearing one. I don’t wear diapers!” Adriana blustered.

“Are you sure?” Reggie asked holding up her phone with the closet picture on the screen. “Because I found a bunch of them in the bathroom…”

“Those are for someone else!” Adriana interrupted.

“and in your bedroom,” Reggie continued relentlessly, flipping through pictures. “And under your bed… oh, and peeking out of your skirt.”

“You can’t tell anyone!” Adriana said, a huge blush spreading across her cheeks.

“Like people at school?” Reggie asked casually.

“Nobody, but especially not them!” Adriana whimpered. “What do you want?”

“Can I call you Adie?” Reggie asked.

“Uh, sure.” Adie sputtered. “And uh, I’ll do the assignment, I’ll do all the assignments for the rest of the project, you won’t have to do anything.”

“Oh, I don’t mind doing the project as long as you do your share.” Reggie said.

“Yeah, I totally will! I’m sorry I’ve been going slow.”

“So anyway, show me.”

“No!” Adie protested, covering her knees with her hands when Reggie crouched down.

“I’ll give you whatever you want,” Adie said. “Just don’t tell anyone.”

“Okay, then I want to change you.” Reggie said with a wild grin to match her trembling excitement.

“What? Why? No! What the fuck.”

“Come on!” Reggie begged. “I’ve always wanted to change one, but I never had a little brother or sister.”

“Why do you want to change one?” Adie asked with a frown. “Anyway, this is weird.”

“Come on, just let me do this.” Reggie said.

Adie hesitated, then let her shoulders slump. “Okay, FINE. But you can’t tell anyone about this.”

“GREAT!” Reggie said, a lot louder than she’d meant to. “I’ve got the stuff right here.”

Adie watched Reggie scurry to the foyer and back with another blush. “For real, you can’t tell people.”

“I won’t, I won’t.” Reggie said, setting the supplies on the coffee table.

Adie was standing by with a skeptical expression on her face. Reggie put her hands firmly on the other girl’s skirt and pulled the zipper down. Surprisingly passive, considering her earlier protests, Adie lifted her arms and stood quietly while Reggie pulled down the skirt.

Down on her knees, Reggie took a second to stare at Adie. Her preppy study buddy was in one of her white diapers and it was soaked. The crotch hung down heavy between Adie’s legs. Blushing again, Adie crossed her arms over her chest.

“I have a problem, okay, I can’t help it.”

“You’re actually incontinent?” Reggie asked, curiously running a hand over the bulky rear of the diaper.

“Yeah, it’s a medical condition, so don’t be a jerk about it.”

“Well you really need to be changed right now. Lie down on the couch.” Reggie said.

“Ugh, this is NOT how the nurses do it at school.” Adie said, flopping back on the couch.

“You have the nurses change you at school?” Reggie said, confused, but getting even more excited.

“Well duh, I have a problem, I can’t control when I go.”

Reggie chuckled, sitting on the couch and tearing open the tapes on Adie’s diaper. “That’s not what I meant. You don’t do it yourself?”

“Sometimes.” Adie shrugged. “It’s hard to get the tapes right by yourself, and if they’re not just right, it shows through my clothes.”

Peeling the diaper off Adie, Reggie watched the other girl curiously. She wasn’t blushing now, not too surprising if she was getting changed daily by the school nurse. Adie even lifted her hips obediently so Reggie could pull the diaper out from under her.

“Damn Adie, this thing is heavy.” Reggie said, hefting the diaper by its waistband.

“I had like three lattes today.” Adie protested.

“Lift your hips.” Reggie said, sliding a fresh diaper under Adie when she complied. “Doesn’t it get uncomfortable to wait that long to change?”

“Ugh, yeah, but this project was taking forever and so I couldn’t change yet.”

“What about at school?” Reggie gently wiped Adie’s crotch and rear with the wipes, smirking when Adie squirmed. “I don’t see you going to the nurse’s office all the time.”

“Yeah, I can’t be like, obvious about it.” Adie said.

“Looks like you’re getting a rash.” Reggie said, squirting a generous amount of lotion into her hands and rubbing it across Adie’s waist.

“Woah, you don’t need to, hey!” Adie squeaked when Reggie swung her hand down to put lotion on her crotch.

Her hand trapped by Adie’s legs, Reggie peeked around the other girl’s knees to see she’d regained her blush.

“Adie, come on, you’re going to get all rash-y if I don’t do this right.”

“Dude, you’re making this so weird!”

“Do you want to get diaper rash?”

“Not like I’ve never had it before.”

“Doesn’t it suck?” Reggie pushed gently on Adie’s knees.

Adie resisted for a few moments. Her pout dissolved into a defeated sigh as she let her legs fall open. “Yeah, it’s not fun.”

Determined to be extra thorough, now, Reggie spread the lotion all over Adie’s crotch, waist, and backside. Adie squirmed throughout, but she stopped complaining at least.

“Careful with that stuff!” Adie said as Reggie grabbed the bottle of baby powder. “If you use too much I smell like a diaper.”

“Does it matter, you’re at home?”

“I thought you wanted to do it right.”

Reggie raised a brow and chuckled. “You’re right, I do.” Careful to lightly sprinkle Adie, she patted the powder into place.

“How am I doing so far?” Reggie asked, pulling the diaper up between Adie’s legs. She was careful to pull it snug, but not tight before she set the tapes.

“Really good actually.” Adie said. There was a weird softness in her voice that hadn’t been there before.

“All done! Did I do better than the nurses even?” Reggie asked, patting the front of Adie’s diaper.

Adie flexed her legs a bit, testing the fit. “Yeah, actually way better than they do.”

“Then why don’t I pack some of your stuff up and I can change you at school?” Reggie said, unsure why she was even suggesting it. That nervous, excited energy was building in her belly again.

“Dude, no way!”

“What, are you worried that they’re going to think we’re dating or something?”

“No, I’m not worried about that.” Adie said. “But somebody’s going to see the stuff in your bag eventually.”

“I’ll be super careful, it’ll be in its own bag, inside my backpack.” Reggie insisted. Something about what Adie had just said nagged at her. She shuffled forward on the floor until she could look down into Adie’s eyes.

“It’s way too big a risk! Plus, I said I’d do anything and all you said is you wanted to change me once.”

“But I do such a good job.” Reggie said.

“Shut up.” Adie said, though there was no malice behind it.

“So… how come you aren’t worried about people thinking we’re dating?” Reggie asked, trying and failing to keep her tone casual.

“Uh, well everyone knows I don’t date, first of all.” Adie grumped.

“Because of your problem?”

“They don’t know about my problem, and they better not find out!” Adie said, glaring up at Reggie. “But yeah, that’s the reason.”

“What’s the second thing?”

“What second thing?”

“You said the first reason is that people already know you don’t date.” Reggie said. Her heart pounded as she set an elbow down next to Adie and leaned in a little closer.

“There isn’t a second thing.” Adie said, in the least convincing tone she’d managed this whole afternoon.

“Yes, there is.” Reggie said. Her nerves and thudding heart were getting worse by the second. She was glad to be sitting.

“I like you, okay?” Adie said, turning her face away.

“You do huh? Is that why you picked me as your partner?” Reggie asked.

“Duh.” Adie said. “Well and you get good grades too.”

“You’re kind of a brat, aren’t you Adie?” Reggie said, gently turning Adie’s face back to her.

“Whatever.” Adie said defiantly. “It works for me.”

“It kinda does.” Reggie said ruefully. “You want to be taken care of.”

“Dude, you can stop making fun of me any time now.”

“I’m not making fun of you.” Reggie said. “Do you want me to take care of you, Adie?”

The question dropped a thick silence over the room. For more than a minute, Reggie and Adie stared at each other. Reggie could feel her hand trembling against Adie’s cheek. The other girl’s face shifted from sullen to surprise. A deep red spread out from her nose across her cheeks.

“If you don’t think I’m dumb.” Adie managed, finally.

“I don’t think you’re dumb.” Reggie said, cupping Adie’s cheek. “I think you’re smart. Smart enough to get away with being a brat a lot of the time.”

Adie giggled. “You should try it, it’s fun.”

“I’d rather push a brat around a little, for her own good.” Reggie said.

Adie squirmed. “You’re not going to tell anyone about my problem, right?”

“I promise I won’t.” Reggie said. “Are you going to let me take care of you?”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I won’t kiss you.” Reggie said, grinning wildly.

“Buh…” Was all that Adie could manage in response.

“Was that a yes?” Reggie asked, leaning in.

Adie grunted softly and nodded.

Their lips met with an electric thrill. Adie’s lips were eager but clumsy. Reggie put an arm around the other girl and drew the kiss out. They parted with a soft gasp.

“I guess that makes you mine to take care of.” Reggie said softly.

“Okay.” Adie said, looking up at Reggie through her lashes.

“We’ll have to find a good place to change you at school.” Reggie said.

“I’m still kinda worried that people will find out.” Adie said.

“If you tell people we’re dating, they’ll just think we’re sneaking off to make out.” Reggie said with a giggle.

“Wait, are we not going to do that?” Adie asked plaintively.

Reggie grinned. “If you’re a good girl, you can get make outs with your changes.”

“What about dates?”

“We can do those too.” Reggie patted Adie’s hip. “Now, let’s get this project done so we can do something more fun. You need a glass of water too.”

“Is that seriously a joke about me being thirsty?”

“No, based on your diaper, you’re dehydrated hon.”

Adie pouted. “If I drink too much water I just makes my problem worse.”

“Uh huh.” Reggie bapped Adie on the nose. “You didn’t mind drinking all those lattes. Besides, you have me to change you now.”

“Ugh, fine.” Adie said. She sat up and leaned her head against Reggie’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

“Good girl.” Reggie said, stroking Adie’s hair.

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