Penny grinned in victory as she downed her fourth shot of fireball. Her opponent was looking pale and clammy, she tried to bring her own shot to her lips, and dropped it, running to the bushes to loudly puke. The crowd cheered, a dozen witches, cats, axe murderers and pirates waving at her. Halloween in The Grove was always lit, but this year it was especially great.

“Not only did I win a drinking contest, but I’m actually warm this year!” Penny thought as she picked her way across the trampled grass. Her friend Trisha had suggested a baby costume as a joke, but after freezing last year as a harem girl Penny was all for it.

“I’m not really looking for a hookup this year anyway.” Penny thought. A baby costume was also an excuse to wear warm white tights, a pretty blue dress, and a poofy skirt with ruffles. That plus the padding swaddling her rear had her outsides as warm as the fireball had her insides. The baby blue of the dress really set off her tawny skin, or so Trisha had said.

“How’d you do?” Trisha asked, bounding up to Penny, her black hair dripping down her back. She was wearing a cat leotard and ears, and looked like she was freezing. She was taller than Penny but not when she was hunched over, pale arms wrapped around her gangly frame.

“I won it!” Penny grinned.

“Nice, what’d you get?” Trisha asked.

“Free booze.” Penny and Trisha laughed together. “How’d you do on the apple bobbing?”

“Got my ass grabbed twice.” Trisha chuckled.

“Anybody cute?”

“Sadly, no.”

“People are building campfires already.” Penny said. “We should grab our food and find a good one.”

“I’ll get it.” Trisha said. “I want to keep moving.”

“I told you that you’d freeze in that.” Penny said.

“Yeah, yeah.” Trisha shrugged. “Where are you going to be?”

“Bathroom.” Penny pointed at a long line to some porta-potties. “Between the beers and the liquor, I’ve got to go.”

“Just use the diaper.” Trisha teased.

“Gross.” Penny stuck her tongue out at Trisha. “Just because you brought a changing bag does not mean I’m using the thing.”

“Not until you’re way more drunk anyway.” Trisha laughed and scampered off to the car.

Penny laughed and made her way to the end of the line. Her bladder was already complaining, and the line was moving slowly. Ten minutes went by and just a single woman exited the porta-potty. The next ten minutes saw two more cycle through, but there were still way too many ahead of Penny.

“Why don’t they have more of these things?” She grumbled out loud.

“For real. It takes even longer with everyone having to deal with their costume.” The She-Ra in front of her agreed. Neither of them could do anything about it.

Ten more minutes and Penny was doing the potty dance, or trying to. The diaper seemed like less of a hot idea now that it was keeping her from pressing her legs together. She couldn’t press her hand to her crotch either without being really obvious about it.

“This is ridiculous. There has to be another one around here.” Penny broke out of the line and minced across the clearing. Sturdy oaks ringed a grassy lawn that the school gardeners bravely replanted every spring. As far as Penny knew it had never survived a Halloween. A lot of the college students milling around in costume were under twenty one, but The Grove was a tradition and the cops never hassled anyone there.

Penny made her way past the apple-bobbing, aka the wet t-shirt contests. A drunken conga line forced her to stop, she bit her lip against the painful pressure between her legs. When the conga cleared she hurried over the little hill to the music area. There were not one, not two, but three porta-potties by the stage. Unfortunately, the line was somehow even longer than it had been by the drinking contests.

“Augh!” Penny cry startled the Tinkerbell next to her and she was bumped into a dancing Kronk. The slippery flattened grass wouldn’t hold her shoes and she fell, landing hard on her butt. The drop knocked the wind out of her and wiped out her control. Penny sat stunned as she filled the diaper with pee. It was warm, almost hot, and spreading out across her crotch. There was too much for the padding at her crotch to absorb all at once, a wave of it flowed back to her butt and soaked into the padding there.

Sheepishly accepting a hand up from the Kronk that had knocked her over, she hoped her wide legged stance would be interpreted as trying to keep her balance. Luckily the music was good enough that Kronk and Tinkerbell lost interest in her as soon as it was obvious she wasn’t hurt.

Waddling away from the music, Penny poked at her crotch. A wet diaper was a weird feeling, but not as bad as she’d expected. She still had to go, and the line looked even more ridiculous than it had been before. The diaper was holding up well, she hardly felt wet after the initial spray.

“It’s already wet, why not?” Penny thought, letting go again with a naughty giggle. The light clamminess in her pants turned warm again, she could feel the diaper bulking up between her legs.  Her heart raced, she looked around, thrilled at doing something so taboo around so many people.

“Finally found you!” Trisha panted, jogging up to Penny with a bulky bag.

“Did you put our food in the changing bag?” Penny asked.

“It’s the only bag we brought, other than the crappy paper grocery bag.” Trisha retorted. “Besides, where were you?”

“Line was too long over there so I came over here.” Penny said.

“The line is even worse over here.” Trisha said. She narrowed her eyes at Penny, looking her up and down. “You seem pretty relaxed. Oh my god, you totally wet your diaper!”

“I… I…” Penny blushed. “Look I didn’t mean to do it, but I was already barely holding it and then I fell over. It just… happened.”

“I understand, it was an accident.” Trisha chuckled.

“Stop it bitch.” Penny hid her face. “Let’s just find a stupid bonfire.”

“You don’t want to change out?” Trisha asked incredulously.

“Where exactly?” Penny asked. “There’s people everywhere. It’s fine. It just looks like I made the diaper part of my costume really bulky.”

“It’s fine?” Trisha raised a brow. “Okay, you do you. I saw Ron and Mary setting up a fire on my way back, we can hang with them.”

“Great.” Penny headed off with Trisha, doing her best not to waddle. “It’s all part of the costume. That’s all anyone needs to know.”

Ron and Mary had the fire going well when Trisha and Penny arrived. Ron’s Tormund costume looked hilarious on his skinny frame. The bright orange beard clashed amazingly with his light brown hair. Mary had gone for the classic princess look in a long red dress embroidered in gold. The cheap plastic circlet on her head would probably look fine when the sun went down, Penny thought.

“I see you two went with warm costumes.” Penny said with a grin. “Smart!”

“Last year was so cold!” Mary said. “Cute baby costume, how much padding did you stuff in that diaper?”

“Would you believe…” Trisha began, smirking and rubbing her side when Penny elbowed her.

“It’s funnier big and bulky.” Penny chuckled nervously, taking a seat by the fire. “We brought wings, and cupcakes. Oh and we have a couple of hard ciders.”

“We’ve got some French bread and charcuterie.” Mary said. “Plus lemon bars.”

“All I’ve got is a handle of vodka and a gallon of cranberry juice, but I can prescribe it.” They all looked up to see a tall, dark haired guy in green scrubs standing at the edge of their group. It was Nate, Penny realized, the boy who always looked wonderfully sweaty on the basketball court under her dorm window. He looked good in scrubs too. He could wear anything he wanted with those beautiful forearms.

“Yeah, come on down!” Ron said, motioning to a spot next to him.

Nate circled around and sat, putting him between Ron and Penny. Penny felt her heart flutter, she was glad that dusk was creeping in to hide the flush on her neck.

“I think we all need your prescription, doctor.” Mary said. “I’m Mary, by the way.”

“Ron.” Said Ron.



“I’m Nate.” Nate smiled and grabbed a stack of cups, pouring a generous level of vodka in five of them before topping them off with the juice.

“Thank you Doctor Nate.” Penny said, taking a swig of hers.

Nate grinned back at her, and playfully took her arm. “Hmmm, your vitals are improving, pulse rate is strong. I’d say the medicine is working.”

Penny’s eyes fluttered, she couldn’t keep the blush off her face. The blush redoubled when she shifted closer to him, squishing out some liquid from the padding on her rear. “Why do I have to be in a diaper the first time I meet him?”

With the food spread out and a drink in everyone’s hand, conversation fell to a lull of asking people to pass things. Night fell in earnest across The Grove and the stage finally fell silent. There were no electric lights left in the clearing, just scattered winking fires spread out along the softly rolling lawn.

Even with the food Penny was feeling pretty lit. Her belly was warm and sounds had gone a bit fuzzy. Looking around at her friends, they looked to be feeling just as good. Nate and Ron both had goofy grins on their faces, Trisha and Mary were howling in laughter at the wing-sauce all over Mary’s face.

“We should play a game!” Penny said, a bit more enthusiastically than she’d planned. “Any suggestions?”

“Spin the bottle?” Mary grinned.

“We could tell ghost stories.” Ron said.

“Truth or dare!” Trisha shouted. Everyone laughed.

“I think that one wins just on volume.” Nate said. “I’m in.”

“Me too!” Penny said, scooting herself slightly closer to Nate.

“I think we have a winner.” Mary nodded. “I’ll go first. Ron, truth or dare?”

“Truth!” He said, stuffing a lemon bar in his mouth.

“Spoilsport.” Mary chuckled. “Okay, truth, how many people at this campfire have you kissed?”

Ron blushed, choking on the lemon bar. “Uh, three.”

“There’s only five of us!” Trisha laughed.

“Nate is really affectionate when he’s drunk, and he thinks my room is his girlfriend’s room.” Ron laughed.

“You’re the one that came back for seconds.” Nate chuckled. The rest of the group howled.

“Okay Ron, you pick someone.” Trisha said.

“Fine, you want some of this?” Ron asked. “Truth or Dare Trish!”

“I go hard!” Trisha declared. “Dare!”

“I dare you to strip down, do a lap around that next fire over there, and then come back here, and do a lap around ours.” Ron challenged.

“You think I won’t?” Trisha hopped up, hooking her wrists through the shoulder-straps of her leotard.

“Oh my god she’s going to do a strip show.” Penny laughed, leaning up against Nate. He grinned and looked down at her, resting a hand on her leg. Her heart pounded again, she smiled up at him, the diaper momentarily forgotten.

True to Penny’s guess, Trisha slunk in front of the fire and wriggled slowly out of her leotard. Mary whistled as Trisha let the leotard fall and turned to face the fire. She unhooked her bra and swung it above her head, tossing it to Mary. Un-cupping her hands from her ample breasts, she gyrated in front of the fire.

“Oh my god you are so drunk!” Penny giggled. Trisha winked back and stalked in front of Ron. With a sultry meow, she bent over double, peeling her black thong down her legs. She stepped out of it and tossed the thong in Ron’s lap.

“The ears stay on.” Trisha said, standing confidently naked, her dark bush about level with Ron’s face.

“You uh, still have to run.” Ron said, his face flaming.

“Be back in a minute!” Trisha scampered off into the darkness. Mary was laughing and wiping tears from her eyes.

“What a show.” Nate chuckled.

“You see anything you liked?” Penny asked. “Why did I say that?”

“I see a lot of things here that I like.” Nate said, turning to face Penny. She looked up at him like a deer in the headlights, closing her eyes when she realized he was going in for a kiss.

The kiss was hot, it warmed Penny like fire. Nate had a hand on her breast, she pressed into it and slid a hand up his thigh to cup his crotch.

“Get a room you two!” Mary laughed. Nate and Penny pulled apart, or they took their hands off each other anyway. Nate’s shoulder was still close enough to brush Penny’s.

A cheer went up from the other campfire, and a few moments later Trisha was back, running naked into the light. “Successful dare!” She crowed, climbing back into her leotard without bothering with the underwear.

“Who are you going to pick?” Mary asked. “Everyone’s going to pick Truth now, there’s no way to top that dare.”

“You want to bet?” Trisha grinned, fixing her eyes on Penny.

“Truth or Dare Nate!” Trisha smiled.

“I’ll take your bet.” Nate laughed. “Dare.”

“I dare you to change Penny’s diaper.” Trisha grinned.

Penny froze. “Oh my god, that bitch! No, she didn’t just do this to me!” She could hear Ron and Mary howling with laughter.

“How would that even work?” Nate said.

“Don’t try to get out of it, she’s got a spare one and all the stuff in that bag next to her.” Trisha said. “She’s really committed to the role.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?!” Penny asked. “Trisha you’re dead. You have no idea how much I’m going to kill you for this.”

“Nope, for the purposes of the dare you are just an object.” Trisha laughed, picking up her cup and downing it. “Come on Nate, get to it, unless you’re all talk!”

Nate turned to Penny with a bemused smile on his face. “I was kind of hoping to get you out of it tonight. After all those thirsty looks you were giving me from your window.”

Penny blushed. “You saw me?”

“Yeah, and then I saw you walking to class.” Nate said. “I liked what I saw then too.”

Penny watched in panic as Nate reached for her tights. “There has to be some way to stop this! I’m at the edge of the group, I could run. But then I’d never see Nate again.” Her panic froze her chest when he pulled the tights down. “Not that I’ll see him again after he sees my diaper!”

Unable to move, Penny sat up and watched as Nate tore open the tapes on her diaper. He paused for a moment, looking down at the soaked padding. Without saying anything, he folded it over and dropped it on Penny’s far side.

Barely able to breathe, Penny watched Nate’s face as he brought out the second diaper, lifting her hips so he could get it under her.

“I guess you didn’t bring extra padding for the second one.” He said with a wink. “That’s okay.”

Penny stared at Nate in wonder, coughing when she suddenly remembered to breathe. Accepting Nate’s gentle push on her shoulder she lay back on her back, squirming as the cold wipes caressed her skin.

“Holy shit, you’re getting in there with the wipes?” Mary laughed.

“Hey, if Trisha is going to do a strip-tease, I’m doing the whole thing too.” Nate held up the powder to laughs and cheers, sprinkling too much of it all over Penny’s crotch. Coughing, he wrapped the diaper around her and taped it up securely.

“You’re a pro at that.” Trisha said, a sly surprised tone in her voice. “I thought it would catch you off guard.”

“Hey, I’ve babysat.” Nate said, he offered Penny a hand, pulling her not just to a sitting position, but into his lap as well.

Her heart brimming with gratitude, Penny kissed Nate deeply, pressing up against him. He held her close while their friends cheered and hooted.

“Okay, you got me.” Trisha said. “That was unexpected.”

“You are such a bitch.” Penny said, settling herself on Nate’s lap. “I’m going to get you.”

“Yeah, you look real bummed out.” Trisha laughed.

“Who hasn’t gone yet?” Nate asked. “Mary right? Truth or dare?”

“That one I really can’t top.” Mary said. “Truth.”

“I’ll go easy on you.” Nate said. “How long has it been since you got laid?”

Mary’s face flamed to match her dress. “Uh… about an hour ago.”

Trisha burst out laughing. “Holy shit, here in The Grove?”

“You guys are horrible.” Mary said from behind her hands. “Yes, here in The Grove. I uh, have an off again, on again thing with one of the roadies from tonight’s band. It was on again in his van earlier.”

“Wow, no wonder you were so flushed when I got here. I thought you were just having fun dancing.” Ron grinned.

“Does anyone want to do a second round?” Mary asked. “I think it’d be sort of anticlimactic after all that.”

“I could go for a second round of drinks.” Trisha said.

“Got it.” Ron grabbed the vodka, and juice, pouring everyone another cup.

Trisha grabbed her drink and squirmed into the small space between Mary and Ron. “Purrfect.”

“Are you trying to hit on us?” Mary asked. “You know that I’m straight, and that Ron is mostly gay, right?”

“I’m freezing in this fucking leotard!” Trisha laughed. “I just want to get warm. Any make outs that happen are a bonus. I mean, we can’t let those two have all the fun.”

“Aw leave them alone.” Ron said. “They’re lost in their own little world.”

“I can hear you jerks just fine.” Penny thought. “I’m just not responding to your childish antics.” Her fingers curled through Nate’s hair, stroking down the back of his head and neck. “That was pretty hot… what we did.”

Nate slipped his hand under Penny’s skirt, teasing his fingers around the leg band of her diaper. “Yeah, it was. How are you doing with those drinks? You need to go again?”

Penny squirmed, crinkling on Nate’s lap. “Yeah, but, I can’t just… do it. Last time it was only because I couldn’t hold it anymore.”

“Sure you can.” Nate kissed Penny gently. “It’s bad to for you to hold it in, trust me, I’m a doctor.”

Penny looked over at the others. They were laughing together about something, Ron was telling a story. She turned back to Nate, bit her lip. “You sure you want me to?”

“Yeah.” Nate grinned, whispering. “Use your diaper. Wet yourself.”

Penny’s face flamed. She squirmed again, twitching at Nate’s little touches on her legs and diaper. There was pressure but she couldn’t make herself relax. With a gentle stroke along her thigh, Nate pushed Penny’s legs apart. A gasp escaped Penny’s lips, she felt a few drops escape. She clenched down involuntarily, but as soon as she relaxed again the floodgates opened. Nate cupped the crotch of her diaper to feel it fill under his hand.

Penny’s face was crimson, she buried her face in Nate’s neck. He tilted his head up and kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue. There was a fire in Penny’s belly and sex, “I wish we were alone so he could take me right now!”

In the morning Penny came back from the showers to find Trisha in her dorm, sitting on the bed. “Hey Trish, what’s up? Still hung over?”

“A little. You?” Trisha stood up, crinkling under her skirt.

“Are you… wearing one of the diapers?” Penny asked, grinning.

“I wanted to see what it felt like.” Trisha shrugged. “Kinda comfy. Besides, you had to buy a whole package for your costume.”

“Well don’t use them all up.” Penny said with a giggle. “Nate just texted me. He wants to see me again, and he has some… wardrobe requests.”

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